contents - Sapienza
contents - Sapienza
Our video English, French, German and Spanish version on: europrog/erasmus/video.php 1 2 Brief description Sapienza, founded in Rome in 1303, on 20th April by a Papal Bull issued by Pope Boniface VIII, boasts a rich historical past and personal background in the educational field, and is today the first-largest State Institution of Higher Education in Italy and Europe for numbers of students, academic professors, lectures and didactic areas. The Sapienza brand is an excellent business card for all its students, since the University plays a leading role in the field of Higher Education and in that of Research and Development at national and international level, and acts as a leader in the economic and social processes on territorial base. Sapienza has earned its international reputation and prestige in the field and this is also due to its academic professors and lectures, to the active participation of its national and international students, to its most famous students, among them we can mention Enrico Fermi and the “Panisperna boys” (a group of young Italian scientists), and also writers, thinkers, politicians, artists, showmen and actors. 3 Today Sapienza University, structured in five autonomous “Atenei federati”, includes Faculties, Departments, libraries and museums, 9 administrative sections of the Central Administration Division and 2 University hospitals. Sapienza provides degree courses and Masters (1st and 2nd level degree courses of scientific and professional specialization), offered throughout the Region and outside the Region, 113 specialization schools, PhD courses, international PhDs, several high-level training programmes and E-Learning Courses, and also the Industrial Liaison Office. Each year the University awards research grants, student stipends for overseas studies and scholarships for meritorious students ( Sapienza prides itself upon its international dimension and maintains cultural and scientific agreements and exchanges with many foreign University Institutions, both in European and nonEuropean countries. In 1987 Sapienza embraced the Erasmus mobility Programme which eight years later merged with the Socrates Programme and the present Lifelong Learning Programme. Now the University has been awarded the new Erasmus University Charter (Extended) for the period 2007-2013. In the frame of this European Programme Sapienza provides a wide range of opportunities for its students, between Host Institutions of Higher Education and didactic areas, as a matter of fact there are currently over 1000 interinstitutional Erasmus exchanges between the Faculties and numerous on foreign Institutions participating in the Erasmus Programme. The University has also adopted the European 4 Credit Transfer System (ECTS), making possible student exchange with the best European universities. The University and its Campus The following faculties are located inside the University Campus: Pharmacy, Law, Literature & Philosophy, Humanities, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Statistics. The faculties based outside the campus are: Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni”, Architecture “Valle Giulia”, Economics, Engineering, Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Information Engineering, Medicine & Surgery I, Medicine & Surgery II, Philosophy, Sociology, Oriental Studies, Psychology I, Psychology II, Communication Sciences, School of Aerospace Engineering, School for Library and Archive Studies. The University Campus’ main entrance is Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. Other entrances: Viale dell’Università, Viale Regina Elena, Via Cesare de Lollis. Getting to Campus: The University Campus is easy to reach by bus (lines: 310, 11, 71, 492, 163), by tram (lines: 3 and 19) and by underground - B line (Policlinico stop). In and around the University there are: cafeterias, museums, and other services, as well as the university Policlinicum. There are also a bank and post office on the campus. 5 Degree programmes and grading system Fac. Ingegneria Fac. Giurisprudenza Fac. Politiche Fac. Lingue Straniere The majority of the degree programmes are taught in Italian. However, several faculties offer lectures in foreign languages, mainly in English; 1 course of second level and some Master’s degree courses are entirely taught in English. All courses offered at Sapienza are listed in the Faculty syllabuses. The curriculum of studies is available on each faculty’s web pages ( Grades are given on a scale with a maximum score of 30 and a passmark of 18. One credit corresponds to 25 hours of study time and 60 credits to the workload of a full time student during one academic year. Fac. Economia Fac. Matematica Fac. Scienze Politiche Fac. Biologia 6 Academic calendar and lecture timetable The teaching calendar varies from faculty to faculty. For many the academic year is split into two semesters, the first begins in early September or October, while the second begins in March. In some Faculties, lecturing is on an annual basis and starts in November. Exams are held in Summer (June and July), Autumn (September and October) and Winter (January and February). Each specific lecture timetable is available on the Faculty/ Department’s web pages, on the department bulletin boards, and by contacting the Office “Servizio d’Orientamento e Tutorato di Facoltà”. The Erasmus students can also contact the Erasmus administrative officers of their receiving faculties (contact details on europrog/erasmus). University holidays 1st November, 8th December, from 22nd December to 8th January, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday, Thursday before Easter to the Tuesday after, 25th April, 1st May, 29th June, from 1st August to 30th August. 7 8 University Services 9 10 University services Besides its wide general overview of the degree programmes Sapienza provides many services for its enrolled students, among them we can mention: Service for disabled persons, psychological counselling, orientation and tutoring services to offer support, information and advice to students and first-year students (“Ciao” and “Sort”), services to assist students in searching for a stage (BLUS Project and Faculty stage offices) and service aimed at helping graduated students getting into work (BLUS Project), university canteens, a large number of libraries, online bibliographical data banks, informatics laboratories, wireless service, students can enjoy special discounts on sports facilities and cultural activities. For more information visit and see the fact sheet enclosed. Foreign Erasmus Students coming to Sapienza All the necessary and requested documents to apply to the University and to live in Rome, are available on europrog/erasmus/sminc.php and in 11 the Vademecum enclosed. The students, nominated by their university to study at Sapienza, will be able to attend courses in the Department/Faculty stated in their own study project approved by the receiving Faculty and the home Institution according to the subject area agreed at Institutional level. Detailed information on courses themselves can be obtained from Faculty syllabuses and downloaded from the Faculty websites ( A scientific and administrative Erasmus staff at Faculty level (Scientific Responsibles, Agreement Promoters, Administrative officers, Erasmus corners) assists the Erasmus students and provides them with advice and information related to academic and administrative issues. (contact details on raef-eng.php). For the Erasmus incoming students the University organizes Italian language courses free of charge ( Accommodation Students coming to Rome must look for a room in the private market. Erasmus students looking for an accommodation in Rome will find helpful advice by contacting the Erasmus Student Network in Rome (, and the Helpdesk “Going-Informagiovani” ( 12 default.php; opened from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at “Ciao”). Among other sources we can mention: “Room Swapping” with other students, flat-share notices on the boards around the Campus and at the receiving Faculties, local newspapers for adverts or Estate Agents or the Local Tourist Authorities, magazines as “Porta Portese” which is issued on Tuesday an Friday ( –click on “Immobiliare” and then “Affitto-Subaffitto”); “Wanted in Rome” an advertising guide to Rome and Italy published every two weeks and on sale at newsstands and international book shops (www.wantedinrome. com); “Più Case” (, etc. Prices for a private room in an apartment, shared with other students, range from a minimum of 350,00/400,00 to a maximum of 500,00/550,00 euros per month (these indications derive from a study of ads published on newspapers and web sites, and please note that you will be required to pay a deposit of one to three months’ rent when you start renting the room). During your first days in Rome while looking for a room, you can find an accommodation at youth hostels, Bed & Breakfast, Residences and Hotels (information on 13 Student organizations and free time At the University there are numerous Student Groups, Clubs and Organizations, aimed at helping international students in their everyday life and making their stay at the university as fruitful and pleasant as possible. Among these, we can mention: Erasmus Student Network (ESN-Roma,, Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L’Europe (AEGEE-Roma,, Board of European Studies of Technology (BESTRoma, 14 List of the services and Vademecum 15 List of services available to students, service type Sapienza Wireless Networking Service Wireless internet access is available in various campus areas (buildings and locations) covered by this service University canteens, (Laziodisu, Ufficio anagrafe studenti) A.D.I.S.U.- card to benefit of the University canteens Central Libraries and library service on Campus It is possible to access the library, and borrow books Cooperativa libraria “Nova cultura” Discounts on university book and personal book purchases Museums and University cultural laboratories and activities Sporting activities: (CUS – Centri Universitari Sportivi – Secretary offices) Gyms, swimming pools, and other sporting activities Music and concerts (IUC – Istituzione Universitaria Concerti) Concerts University Theatre Centro Teatro Ateneo and Performance, events, exhibitions, workshops and meetings Tkt.Uni.Office Chorus Franco Maria Saraceni 16 At this Box Office (Tkt.Uni.Office) students can purchase tickets at reduced prices for all forthcoming theatre performances and events scheduled in Rome. They can also have information on cultural events, laboratories, workshops and theatre performances. concerts also accessible to Erasmus students address cost of the service T 0649690113; F 0649910170 – Forum on-line Email: Web page: This service is free of charge Address: Via C. De Lollis 22 T 064970283 – 4 Web site: You can obtain a magnetic card, to have your own meals at reduced prices Address: Città Universitaria, P.le Aldo Moro 5, Nuovo Edificio di Fisica Web page:; Digital Library: Servizio di consulenza Chiedi @l bibliotecario (Assistance and help service): This service is free of charge Address: Città Universitaria, P.le Aldo Moro 5 This service sited near the General Services building and next to the Economato offers a University bookstore and also a printing and photocopy Centre Discounts on book purchase Information, details and addresses are available on the Student’s Guide and on the University web page:, php, Free entrance CUS Roma - Address: Piazzale del Verano, 27 CUS Roma – Secretary office (swimming-pool) - Via Tor di Quinto 64, 00191 Roma Web site: Access to these facilities, enjoying special offers or discounts Address: Lungotevere Flaminio, T 063610051-2; F 0636001511 Email: Web site: - Access to these facilities, enjoying special offers or discounts Centro Teatro Ateneo: The participation in the laboratories is free of charge. Tkt.Uni.Office: Viale Regina Elena 334, 00185 - Roma Web page: theatre ticket: special reduced price Web site: free of charge Viale delle Scienze, 1/3; T 0649914108 Web page: continue to page 18 17 University Chapel Multimedia services (CATTID - Centro per le applicazioni della televisione e delle tecniche di istruzione a distanza). Multimedia stations Multimedia services and stations and internet access Cinema To watch first-run movies at special reduced prices Service for Disabled Persons This office can provide advising, financial help and guidance for disabled students and information on the services offered. Assistance, help and psychological counselling A Support and Information Group in the field of Food Sciences, Nutrition and Gastronomy This service provides information concerning Food Studies, Nutrition, Gastronomy and help students in learning the better eating habits Test Center ECDL & EUCIP IT Certifications Bank and Postal service For more information on University services, please refer to CIAO (Centro Informazioni Accoglienza Orientamento). CIAO, an organisation offering general advice and information to students, is located on the ground floor of the Rectorate building (the entrance is under the portico of the Rectorate building, next to the room, where the Italian language courses usually take place). Opening hours: 18 Address: Città Universitaria, P.le Aldo Moro 5 T 0649914670; F 0649914283 Email: Web page: Address: Città Universitaria, P.le Aldo Moro 5 (entrance: Viale dell’Università 36) T 0649910915; F 064456696 Email: Web site: This service is free of charge The list of cinemas offering special reduced ticket prices is available on the University web page: http:// Entrance ticket: special reduced price Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 (the entrance is under the portico of the Rectorate building) Toll free phone number: 800410960 Web page: /handicap E-mail: Web page: counseling.php This service is free of charge Web page: educazionenutrizionalegastronomica.htm This service is free of charge University Test Center: Istituto G. Galilei Viale Manzoni 34A Roma T/F 067008473 Email: Web site: special course price reduction for students Unicredit Banca di Roma Agency n. 153 – Sapienza Università di Roma Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Web site: Post Office on Campus Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 T 06 490703 from Monday to Friday 9.30 - 5.00 - Contact details: e-mail tel. 0649910200 For details on special reductions for students and specific student fares, see the web page: default.php - References: Student Guide 2007-2008, web site 19 VADEMECUM FOR INCOMING ERASMUS STUDENTS WHEN WHAT BEFORE LEAVING HOME COUNTRY PREPARATION OF ADMISSION DOCUMENTS • STATEMENT from home University certifying arrival in Rome as Erasmus student. • THE APPLICATION FORM for INCOMING ERASMUS STUDENTS has to be filled in on-line. Please use the login code sent you by Sapienza to enter the on-line form. • HEALTH INSURANCE FORM: - The EUROPEAN HEALTH INSURANCE CARD that is replacing the E111 or E128. This card simplifies the procedure when receiving medical assistance and allows to receive health care in accordance with the legislation of state of stay, or - The E111 form which entitles E.U. students to a full range of health care treatments, or - Translation of PRIVATE INSURANCE SCHEME by Italian Consulate or Embassy, together with the official DECLARATION that this insurance will cover the student in Italy and is equivalent to the E128 or E111 form. • IDENTITY CARD or PASSPORT • Entry VISA is required for students from non-EU countries and from Turkey (PLEASE NOTE: for stays of less than 90 days the “C” VISA is not renewable while the “D” Visa is). BEFORE/ON ARRIVAL IN ROME • Collection of INFORMATION about: - Enrolment, syllabus, examination, courses, specific dates, timetables at the receiving Faculty. - Practical aspects concerning life in Rome. - To find an accommodation 20 HOW and WHERE The Home Institution has to send the list of nominated students to Settore Programmi Internazionali, while pertinent forms have to be sent to the ERASMUS ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBLE (“RAEF”) of the receiving Faculty. The Insurance Forms should be retained in case health care treatment is needed. The Home Institution and the Erasmus students must contact the pertinent “RAEF”. Erasmus Student Network Roma continue to page 22 21 ON ARRIVAL IN ROME • ENROLLMENT AT THE RECEIVING FACULTY/DEPARTMENT: - IDENTIFICATION FORM - ERASMUS STUDENT CARD AFTER ENROLLMENT AT THE RECEIVING FACULTY/ DEPARTMENT REQUIRED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES • “CODICE FISCALE” CARD: a personal number for tax purposes required to open a bank account and to get the A.D.I.S.U. card that allows the use of University canteens, etc.. • For EU Citizens: - no visa is required, - for a stay longer than 3 months, inform the City Hall of your residence district in Rome (“Iscrizione anagrafica”) • For non EU Citizens: - visa is required, - Students need a “Residence Permit”. Documents needed: A photocopy of Erasmus Student Card. Identity Card or passport (Entry Visa) plus photocopies. 4 passport photos. Official documents for Health insurance. Official stamp - “marca da bollo” (Needed only for the residence permit) • HEALTH INSURANCE • A.D.I.S.U. CARD to benefit of the University canteens and other services. ON DEPARTURE 22 • COLLECTION OF CERTIFICATES OF EXAMS TAKEN As soon as the students arrive in Rome they have to contact the pertinent “RAEF” to deliver a copy of the before mentioned documents and to obtain the Erasmus Student Card. The Erasmus students have to contact the pertinent “RAEF” and Erasmus Student Network Roma for information on how to obtain their “codice fiscale” RESIDENCE PERMIT (for non EU Citizens): for information refer to the police administration office, sited inside the University Campus. The Erasmus students must deliver their Health Insurance Form (cf. above) to the Azienda Sanitaria Locale (A.S.L.) of their residence district in Rome. The Erasmus students have to go to LAZIODISU (Via Cesare de Lollis, 24/b ground floor, next to the University Campus) with their Erasmus identification card, codice fiscale and the scheda studente delivered by their pertinent RAEF. Office hours: Mon - Thu: 9.00 / 13.30 Fri: 9.00 /12.00 The Erasmus students have to contact the pertinent “RAEF”. 23 24 General information on life in Rome 25 26 The city Rome is rich in tradition and history. There are countless historic sites, monuments, churches, museums, Renaissance Palaces, enchanting parks, gardens and villas, and many other places of interest. The historic centre of Rome, the properties of the Holy See in Rome enjoying extraterritorial rights, and the properties and monuments within the walls of Urban VIII, have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List (see the attached leaflet for more details on “Life in Rome”. Further specific new and updated information is available on the web-site:,, How to get in Rome Rome Fiumicino Airport “Leonardo da Vinci” (FCO) is well-connected to the city centre during day-time by a direct train and lower trains. The direct nonstop train service between Fiumicino Airport and Termini, the main train station, costs € 11,00 and the journey time is around 30 minutes. A cheaper train service to reach your destination in Rome is the train route Fr1 (Orte - Fara Sabina – Roma Tiburtina Station – Fiumicino Airport and return 27 with intermediate stops), which costs € 5,50 and the journey time is around 45 minutes. The bus line 40N connects during night-time the airport with the train stations of Roma Termini and Roma Tiburtina. For further information, see: By Taxi The price for a ride from Fiumicino Airport to the city centre (within the Aurelian Walls) is Euro 40,00. Ciampino Airport “G.B. Pastine” (CIA): there is a Cotral bus service connecting Ciampino Airport to metro “Line A” Anagnina station (from this underground station it takes about 30 min. by metro to reach Termini), the ticket costs € 1,20. Buses leave every 40 minutes. This bus service, connecting Ciampino Airport to the city centre, ends its run at 11pm, therefore the only way to get into town late at night is by taxi. For more details, see: Bus connections: and By taxi: the price for a ride from Ciampino Airport to the city centre (within the Aurelian Walls) is Euro 30,00 (further information is available on the web-site: 28 By Train Termini is Rome’s main station. Right outside the station, in Piazza dei Cinquecento, is the largest bus terminal in Rome and the access to the city’s two Underground lines (A and B). Tiburtina is the second biggest train station in Rome and is on the underground B line. It is also well connected to the city centre by buses. At Trastevere and Ostiense stations stops the train to and from Fiumicino Airport; at Ostiense also stops the underground B line (more information on and By Bus Tiburtina station is the main bus terminal in Rome (information on international lines: Travel in Rome Metrebus is the Rome public transport system, which incorporates different types of transport service: 29 underground (metro), urban trains (treno metropolitano) and busses and trams (autobus e tram). With Metrebus tickets you can travel on these three means of transport. There are different types of tickets: the cheaper option is BIT (Integrated Single Ticket), it costs 1,00 Euro, it can be used on all buses, subways and trams in Rome. This ticket allows up to 75 minutes travel after the initial validation on the buses and trams and it is valid only for 1 ride on the subway or 1 ride on an urban train. For more details: Taxis in Rome are white, they have an identification name and number on the front door and show a taximeter inside. They can be easily found in every part of the city at special taxi ranks, or you can call one of the numerous Radio Taxi companies and an operator will get in touch with the nearest taxi (06 3570 - 06 6645 06 8822 - 06 4157 - 06 4994 - 06 5551, information on Banks Banks are usually open Monday through Friday from 8.30 am until 1.30 pm. In the afternoons, the bank opening hours vary according to the bank, but they are usually open from 2.30 pm or 3.00 pm until 4.00 pm or 4.30 pm. Some banks are open non-stop from 8.30 am until 4.00 pm and/or on Saturday mornings. 30 Exchange The Euro, the common European currency, circulates in Italy and in the other European member states. There are 8 euro coins denominated in 2 and 1 euros, then 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents and 7 euro notes denominated in 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. Credit cards In Rome shops are almost always provided with credit card service. Anyhow we point out that some small shops, stalls in markets, rooms for rent or bed & breakfast are usually not provided with credit card service Phone service Telephones that take coins have become very rare in Italy. You can find them in Termini station, in some bars, hotels and metro stations. Otherwise you need to buy a phone-card available in any tobacconist’s, post office, most newsstands and some bars. International calls can 31 be made from any telephone box, either using an Italian card or your own calling/credit card. To call abroad you have to dial the following sequence: 00+ country code + area code + local number. Postal service In the centre of Rome several post offices are open Monday through Friday from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm, and on Saturday mornings from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm (information on Shops Opening hours vary but, generally go from around 9.30 am to 1.00 pm and then from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm or 8.00 pm. Many larger stores and supermarkets also open late-night and, occasionally, on Sundays. 32 Climate Temperatures in Rome vary considerably across the year though, save the hot summer months, its climate is generally mild. Winter and autumn are marked by fairly frequent rainfalls, during wintertime in Rome the temperatures could be around zero. Place of Worship The main religion in Italy is Catholicism. Nevertheless, Rome also offers churches and places of worship for multiple other faiths and credos ( Entertainments, Cultural and free time Activities, Food, Drink and Eating out Rome offers a variety of entertainments and events, for more details you can see the web-site: Other information sources: a publication called Roma c’è and the tourist authority stands located throughout the city. 33 Sapienza offers also many and different cultural activities (concerts, theatres, cinema, cultural events etc.). For more details, visit the web-page: Out of Town For more information to discover the Province of Rome with its territory and the region of Latium, see the web-site:, Partial References: (you can also visit this webpage for the most updated information concerning life in Rome) 34 Maps 35 The University Campus 35 45 N 44 47 EL C RE LAU E AT IN CR O IPP E V.L 38 36 P ATAC 30 29 37 35 19 3 71 163 NO P 34 LINEA B 33 27 ATAC 31 32 310 26 28 VIALE DELL’UNIVERSITÀ 15 6 2 5 12 39 3 7 1 4 40 41 10 8 11 13 14 9 22 16 25 18 48 LLIS VIA C. DE LO P A EL EG LE R VIA ENA RA M 49 VE 19 3 L DE ATAC LE LE D VIA RO AST ZA AZ PI 46 D PIA EL Z VE ZA RA LE NO NO ZIA 47 ATAC 11 71 492 24 19 43 17 42 21 20 ATAC 23 310 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 36 P Rectorate PIAZZALE ALDO Aula Magna Biblioteca Alessandrina Faculty of Law Faculty of Political Science Faculty of Statistics Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Humanities History of Medicine Geology Building Mineralogy Building Faculty of Mathematics Long Dinstance Learning Centre CATTID (Centro per le applicazioni della televisione e delle tecniche d’insegnamento a distanza) Dean’s Office of the Faculties of Political Science and Statistics, Police Station Zoology Building Geochemistry Building Biological Sciences Lecture halls U.R.P. Research and Doctorate Area University Chapel Physics old Building Chemistry old Building Hygiene Department Orthopaedic Clinic University Theatre, Tickets Office Private Law 24. Pharmaceutical Chemistry MORO 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Labs Housing Building Botany Dept. Genetics Dept. Legal Medicine Pharmacology General Physiology Human Physiology Botany Lecture Halls General Services Building Bank Post Office Bursar’s offices Bar Ex Chemistry Labs New Chemistry Buildings New Physics Buildings Carpentry Neurological Clinics Faculty of Economics Faculty of Economics (ESN Office) Engineering (1st and 2nd year) University Canteen LAZIODISU School for Library and Archive Studies (Viale Regina Elena 295) Central Rome and La Sapienza GR 29 OT 1 TA 3 VI DI VIA SSA RO 27 24 VI AS AL AR IA VILLA MIRAFIORI A FL VILLA BORGHESE AM IN FIUME TEVERE 14 11 IA 23 VILLA TORLONIA 21 TRINITÀ DEI MONTI SAN PIETRO 2 ICOL VI O 18 A N A A O ZI S XX 22 EM BR E 10 15 POLICLINICO 6 N A 7 LE PIAZZA VENEZIA 4 9 17 CIMITERO COMUNALE CAMPO VERANO 28 26 8 13 19 20 E N O I ZI IN TA M S ER T O GIAN RS EL CO VIA D VI T ET 16 12 25 COLOSSEO V IA PO N TI N A 5 LATINA POLO PONTINO I Faculty of Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni” 27. Via E. Gianturco, 2 2. P.zza Borghese, 9 3. Via Flaminia, 70 Architecture “Valle Giulia” 1. Via Gramsci, 53 Economics 4. Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9 5. Viale Le Corbusier, 393 - Latina Pharmacy 6. University Campus Law 7. University Campus Engineering 8. Via Eudossiana, 18 (San Pietro in Vincoli) 9. Via del Castro Laurenziano, 7 10. Via A. Scarpa, 10 11. Via Salaria, 113 12. Via M. Buonarroti, 12 5. Viale Le Corbusier, 393 - Latina Literature and Philosophy, Humanities, 13. University Campus Philosophy 14. Via Carlo Fea, 2 (Villa Mirafiori) I Faculty of Medicine & Surgery 15. Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico II Faculty of Medicine & Surgery 29. Ospedale S. Andrea, Via di Grottarossa Psycology I 16. Via dei Marsi, 78 Psycology II 16. Via dei Marsi, 78 Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences 17. University Campus 18. Botanical Garden, L.go Cristina di Svezia 5. Viale Le Corbusier, 393 - Latina Oriental Studies 28. Via Principe Amedeo, 182/b Political Science 19. University Campus Statistics 20. University Campus 21. Via Nomentana, 41 22. Via A. Cesalpino, 12 Sociology 23. Via Salaria, 113 Comunication Sciences 23. Via Salaria, 113 School of Aerospace Engineering 24. Via Salaria, 851 Faculty of Information Engineering 25. Via Ariosto, 25 Faculty of Aeronautical and Space Engineering 26. Via Eudossiana, 16 37 So S. V B iter V agn bo La itor aia F ch Lu orn ian a cc o La ria cia hi Se n o V a V alle lva C ign ran Co arda ane o Fa rch re llo l Fa bb ian li le ric o ri a di Ro m a Train and Metro LEGENDA: Ferrovia metropolitana Catalano Ferrovia regionale Roma - Viterbo na lla te as iso ac o io vit an ad in Ci nz Par e m o Po an est Fla an Pi Or ano rto om Po S. ign lo o R di ro an R i o o M agl upo uov M orl ln M aste o C ian R Ferrovia regionale Roma - Pantano Ferrovia regionale Roma - Lido Metro linea A Metro linea B FM3 FS non stop Termini - Fiumicino aeroporto Parcheggio di scambio Cesano Due Ponti Roma - Campoleone - Nettuno/Latina Euclide Le pa za F n de lam to l P in op io ol o Termini Cavour Colosseo Sa n Pi Pi et az ro Ba Ba tti sti Co ni rn el ia ld o Ub de al gli d Au V i re alle lia rv et er To rre i - L ad in i sp M Pi ol ac i ca etra re -P se - F alid or re ge o ne ta rso la co ra Ce o et oc C. Pretorio ol Pi Policlinico Aurelia .S MMon Ge ario te m el Ba li ld ui P n Ap rob a pi a an Pe AnVall as e A o tro ni Ci tas ur a pr e o io II lia -M Ot u ta via sei V at no ica -S ni an Pi et ro Sp Vi tto Ba agn r Re rbe a an io E ri pu . zo bb ni n an i Fo lic R n nt a P. -T an Lu oma i PaColl ea Tu a n rc i A Fur di go tro sc o lb io ol Ar Po La Ap a de Tre an C co rta v zia ll' pi ni - am a S. di Op i a l B F i i llo ol ur An Tr Nu Po Bib er og ba av i a a r t m ta ica na na er -Q Ca id tin M ua io Po pa ag o dr Tib Qu nn S. nte gi ar Lu E el u a G or Vi o dr rti cio le iu lli lena Cas e a A n lio n i t a lin o Qu Fi less i Ag Sest o Su io in To lare i ric ba Pr til ol ug en Be r Pi te ia a Ci ni us es r g M ne ta tin Ce ard natt An .T cit a nt i ar ib ag tà a ur o S ni ta ce tin na i To zion lle gl e B To a i C G rV ra atti en lza to ni er Al no ce ga es lle ta s To an To r d Co rS To re S rin lle ap r p o M ie W re M acca at nz . T a ta tia a ob ur Gi ag a a Co S. rd i La lo To An ine nn R us To rre ton tti a t n i r i Sa ca o To re o lo G rre An va ne Ga ge Fo rot Lu Bo nta te C ia la ng e rg n h he a C lon Bo Ba ezz sia an i a lo g ni Fin gne na dida Gu di T oc tta ivo id Gr chio on li an ia Pa iti nt an o FM7 Nomentana Acqua Acetosa FM2 M Circo Massimo P.t Ost a ie S. ns Pa e ol o S. Re Piramide Trastevere di Gi ov Roma - Frosinone ia FM6 Campi Sportivi m Roma - Cerveteri/Ladispoli - Civitavecchia bb Roma - Frascati/Albano/Velletri FM5 Nuovo Salario Monte Antenne bi FM4 San Filippo Neri M Roma - Cesano di Roma Tor di Quinto S. FM3 Ottavia am Roma - Tivoli M P. Orte - Fara Sabina - Tiburtina - Fiumicino aeroporto FM2 Re FM1 FM5 tti Fidene Grottarossa Ipogeo degli Ottavi Fiume Tevere - Fiume Aniene re Roma entro il G.R.A. - Grande Raccordo Anulare lib Saxa Rubra on Centro Rai La Giustiniana M La Storta Collegamento bus da FS Ciampino a Aeroporto Ciampino a Olgiata Stazione di prossima apertura an Limite di validità della tariffa urbana Metrebus Roma Pi Capolinea bus extraurbani FM1 te on M na bi di Sa a l o l ra Be nd Fa to ro i te gn ba tte Se Sacrofano Montebello La Giustiniana Prima Porta La Celsa Labaro Stazione di scambio (metro-ferrovia) Garbatella Basilica San Paolo Villa Bonelli Marconi Magliana or t rm i FM6 ti S. M. d. Mole Pavona Lido Nord Cecchina Pomezia - S. Palomba Ca S. Eurosia Co C. Lanuvio S. Gennaro ste Lid o St Ce el nt la ro Po la lF re us an lo o m bo Cancelliera FM7 Velletri FM4 ca Casabianca Ostia Antica 38 FM4 Ciampino as Fe en R ur EU Torricola Acqua Acetosa Fr Acilia EU Vitinia Casal Bernocchi R Pa la sp Fiumicino Aeroporto FM1 tin Tor di Valle La Ponte Galeria a EUR Magliana Muratella Sassone Pantanella Marino Laziale Castelgandolfo Villetta Albano Laziale FM4 19 M M M za p. e qu n Ci G NODO 39 STAZIONE FS STAZIONE METROFERRO FERMATA METRO B FERMATA METRO A Labicano P.ta Maggiore e at rn io Flaminia/Fracassini A 2 M Ministero Marina Belle Arti Ankara/Tiziano Apollodoro G ia l iu M a n er od he ria ni a rit C.NE GIANICOLENSE CASALETTO 3 8 ia n en ic ol ia n G ic ol ia n G 3 d In a rt Po o un te M ar io M m ar m ra Pi a rit a rit tà si r ve ni U N a P.z lo o Pa III II M i i n zo an M M o/ l ro i Ca o/ i en le ue an m . E g eni u tt Vi e E ug p eE ci ir n cip P rin P ne eo l po i in a r Fa M M Carlo Felice 19 V.LE PALMIRO TOGLIATTI 14 Togliatti/Abelie i e on i nt cc le r ic La Co Va a/ a/ na/ it it n it n es es es en en ren P Pr Pr P.ZA DEI GERANI 5 Frassini Castani/Faggi Parlatore Castani/Gelsi Castani/Gardenie Delpino Bresadola o an i m a av ac at hi Ro At le i te o el a o Sc e n n ill n e e in ia an en ssa ca am s a i c d t v v n l e i b r o ffi le at te io iu ul el O G I rp O Ca To es a/B a/T /G a/G tin a/ a/ a/ na/ a/ a/ es ina en t tin stin tin ti tin stin en tin tin tin Pr e es nes e es nes es es nes es o Pr n n n n n n n g r e e e e e e e e e e e Pr Pr Pr Pr La Pr Pr Pr P.l Pr Pr Pr S. Croce in Gerusalemme Labicano P.ta Maggiore lis ol i no L on ra De us Ve o/ n /A i ra zo ard n Ve re /S ti Lo zo Re S. ren o al . Lo Sc S S. o o . z al F n Sc ana ore L og n D Sa o al Sc za en ni an iov .G aS t r a i Po lan on nz eru Ma i/M on z n a Ma an bic La seo los o lio C Ce mo rco ssi a P Ma o c Cir o nia n ti lba en o/A Av tin en v A .ta /P e S. i in m so el id /G a at or m a at or v an /V li l ite 14 MM 5 se r po Em r Po a rit M pi Sa le V. La he a he he a/ ti à ra g tan ra g ra g ni n ci o e rs El M en M o M ag lin ve lic g. g. m g. len eg. org ni U Po Re Re No Re G a R M V. GIOVANNI AMENDOLA STAZ. TRASTEVERE 8 se en io ico ia /P le va se ni on /S c nn nse Co ole an te /R id lli ns Bi a C i vi D am an Po e/ z i o z co rt ill a ue o ns i G S. G G trastevere/Pascarella Ippolito Nievo Trastevere/Bernard da Feltre Trastevere/Ministero P. Istruzione Trastevere/Mastai Belli Arenula/Ministero G. Giustizia Arenula/Cairoli ARGENTINA P.ZA THORWALDSEN s e he ire di lla rt li A arg ng Vi el /A an s co ni /U /B ar eo eo ov no g. M za si gi gi e s us us ldr oi p e e z M M A B Ro Li Li Bu Re Ni Tiziano/XVII Olimpiade Pinturicchio P.LE FLAMINIO ni zu Flaminia/Belle Arti ENTRAMBE LE DIREZIONI DIREZIONE DI MARCIA DIREZIONE DI MARCIA M e ar t ili o nt M pa Le o tt re t is D P.ZA RISORGIMENTO S. PIETRO M Barletta/ Ottaviano e zi ili o lic e ng /A Flaminia/Reni Carracci M M P.ZA A. MANCINI 2 Tramway system 40 contents Brief description............................................... 3 The University and its Campus................... 5 Fac. Ingegneria Fac. Giurisprudenza Fac. Politiche Fac. Lingue Straniere Fac. Economia Fac. Matematica Fac. Scienze Politiche Fac. Biologia Degree programmes and grading system................................................. 6 Academic calendar and lecture timetable............................................................. 7 University holidays.......................................... 7 University Services ..................................9 University Services........................................ 11 Foreign Erasmus Students coming to Sapienza...................................... 11 Accommodation............................................12 41 Student organizations and free time............................................................14 List of the services and Vademecum............................................. 15 List of services available to students also accessible to Erasmus students...........................................16 Vademecum for incoming erasmus students...........................................20 General Information on life in Rome........................................ 25 The city..............................................................27 How to get in Rome......................................27 By Taxi.................................................................28 By Train...............................................................29 By Bus.................................................................29 Travel in Rome.................................................29 Banks..................................................................30 Exchange...........................................................31 Credit cards......................................................31 42 Phone service..................................................31 Postal service...................................................32 Shops..................................................................32 Climate...............................................................33 Place of Worship.............................................33 Entertainments, Cultural and free time Activities, Food, Drink and Eating out........................33 Out of Town.....................................................34 Maps............................................................ 35 The University Campus................................36 Central Rome and La Sapienza.................37 Train and Metro..............................................38 Tramway system.............................................39 43 This booklet is edited by Settore Programmi Internazionali with the collaboration of Libera Durante translated and revised by Alessia Penzavalli and Ilaria Pezzola co-ordinated by Matilde Capolei Photo Archive: Ufficio Stampa e Comunicazione Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time of printing. Unavoidably some information may already be obsolete after publication. For the most up-to-date information you can visit our webpage: there you can also download this guide. 44 Notes 45 46 47 Tipolitografia - Elettrongraf Finito di stampare nel mese di Febbraio 2010 48
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