Systemic Exophiala Infection in a Giant Frog Fish (Antennarius
Systemic Exophiala Infection in a Giant Frog Fish (Antennarius
Systemic Exophiala sp. infection in a giant frogfish (Antennarius commersoni ) Case: D09-431 Susan B. Fogelson, MS Scott P. Terrell DVM, DACVP Signalment and history ¾8 month old giant frogfish of unknown sex ¾ 2 month history of an abscess on dorsum ¾ Recurrence of abscess after medical treatment ¾ Patient died under anesthesia *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Gross findings ¾ Integument: A 3.5x3.5x0.5cm swelling caudal to the head where an “abscess” had been previously closed with sutures ¾ Gills: Lamellae had multiple 2-4mm diameter light tan foci. ¾ Coelomic Mesentery: Two light tan 3mm diameter plaques ¾ Heart: Multiple 2-4mm light tan raised foci on the ventricle *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Gross findings ¾ Liver: Diffusely pale tan to white ¾ Spleen: Enlarged and diffusely dark red on cut surface ¾ Kidney: The anterior right kidney was diffusely enlarged to 4.5x3x1.5 cm and the left was enlarged to 4.5x3.5x1.8 cm Both are multi-nodular and pale pink *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Head Kidney *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Renal Tubule and Vascular Lesions *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Fungal Hyphae *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Fungal Hyphae in Head Kidney (GMS) *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Gills *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Gills *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Heart *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Morphological diagnoses Head Kidney: ¾ Vasculitis and vascular necrosis, acute, diffuse, marked, with intravascular pigmented fungal hyphae ¾ Nephritis, necrotizing, acute, multifocal, severe with intralesional fungal hyphae *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Differential diagnoses for pigmented fungi in fish ¾ Scolecobasidium humicola ¾ Phoma herbarum ¾ Exophiala sp. *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Exophiala sp. diagnosis ¾ Culture ¾ Ultrastructural ¾ PCR z examination assays Multiple tissues tested positive for Exophiala *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Exophiala sp. ¾ Naturally occurring in plant materials, soil and decaying wood ¾ Exophiala is a dematiaceous fungus with septate hyphae ¾ Two important pathogenic species have been identified in fish z z E. salmonis E. pisciphila E. salmonis *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Exophiala sp. in fish ¾ ¾ Cultured fish - striped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex), atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Captive marine fish - weedy (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) and leafy seadragons (Phycodurus eques). *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Exophiala sp. in fish ¾ Cutaneous, subcutaneous or disseminated infections. ¾ Infiltration of skin, parenchyma, and connective tissue with fungal hyphae causing necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. ¾ Vascular infiltration causing inflammation and infarction. Courtesy of Dr. Lisa Farina ¾ Kidney enlargement *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Acknowledgements ¾ Lisa Farina DVM, DACVP ¾ Deb Mahapatra, DVM ¾ UF Histology Laboratory ¾ Aquarium team, The Living Seas *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website* Questions??? *Permission granted only for viewing on SEVPAC website*
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