the way of the corporate shamantm


the way of the corporate shamantm
A handbook to live deeply the Path of Self Mastery,
Sacred Service, and Higher Effectiveness
A New Leadership Perspective
Bill Jason O'Mara 760-809-4478
This book is Copyrighted (c) and Trademarked TM - Please do not copy without written consent from the author.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
Bill Jason O'Mara
TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
Copyright (c) 2003 (2nd edition) by Bill Jason O'Mara
All rights reserved.
TrademarkTM 2003, "The Way of the Corporate Shaman"
Title and services
Library of Congress Data
O'Mara, Bill Jason, 1962 -
A handbook to living deeply the Path of Self Mastery,
Sacred Service, and Higher Effectiveness
A New Perspective on Leadership
ISBN: 07656995600000
1. Leadership/Personal Growth. 2. Spiritual Life. 3. Business.
Manuscript editors
Carol Chiwah,
Mardi Devolites,
Printed in the United States
Published by Corporate Shaman Press
Bill Jason O'Mara, 2003
Address all inquiries to:
The O'Mara Institute for Leadership Studies
(760) 809-4478
TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
TM ©
Manuscript Editors:
Carol Chiwah,
Mardi Devolites,
Editing Assistance:
Catherine Ahria,; Donna Buchholtz
David Powell PhD, Gail Scott Michael, Gary Oelze, Julie Ann Huey, Michael Hubert, Steven George, Joan
Sotkin, Carol Boyce PhD, Simon Darcy, Michele Little, Anita Kress, Karen Holmes, Nancy Helgeson,
Cathy Bolger PhD.
Acknowledgments Thanks to: Great Spirit, Patrick Edward Quirk, and all my relations: my mother and father, friends,
and guides. Chiwah and Mardi for their fabulous editing, and to Ahria for her unending love, support, and
suggestions. All readers, especially Gail Scott, who gave countless hours offering feedback and love,
Jonathan Faust and Rasmani at Kripalu Center, Marlow Hotchkiss at the Ojai Foundation, and the staff at
Ananda, Findhorn, and Harbin for their research support, and to all past clients and companies for being my
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Now more than ever, we need exceptional world leadership. We're experiencing a time of great
change- some call the great acceleration. Global influences threaten our economic security. How we
conduct ourselves in the new markets will make the difference in whether we succeed or fail. In today's
keenly competitive markets, a company's track record is no longer any guarantee of business. In planning,
we face questions whose answers lie outside our sphere of experience. How do we survive in these chaotic
times? What do our businesses and communities need to facilitate growth? How do we maintain a strong,
often struggling workforce? How do we handle fear of change? How do we know what to do? It's mindboggling the realities we face in today's society. Moral grounding seems almost non-existent. Corruption,
anger and violence permeate the fabric of our lives. How?
Entertainment routinely displays corruption, anger and violence on television and in movie
theaters. Children die by guns in their schools, sometimes by other children. The sexual misconduct of
sports heroes and government leaders regularly makes headlines. Crime is rampant in our cities, as is
alcoholism and drug abuse. The cost of living continues to spiral upward while we cut public services and
school programs. The leadership of giant American companies waltz off to court, as billions of dollars in
innocent citizens' investments fill corporate golden parachutes. White collar crime drains away profits.
Poverty and AIDS continue to thrive in both rural and urban communities. The cost of medical care has
gone through the roof, at a time when obesity is an epidemic. War is still our way of solving our
relationship problems. Despite the trillions of dollars spent by government programs to solve our social
problems, they continue to grow along with our population.
We need to rethink what we're doing and why things aren't working the way we want them to. A
big part of the problem is the world is much larger than we commonly realize. We seem to forget how we're
connected to each other and to everything else in more ways than imaginable. This is not a new
perspective, but a time-honored eternal truth. To understand our place in all things is to find true success.
By understanding who we truly are, we overcome our problems and succeed beyond our dreams. How? We
heartily and soulfully respond to what is before us from a new place, with new tools - principles and
disciplines, love and respect, integrity and community.
By living the principles outlined in this book, you become a more fully-realized leader you were
born to be. You become a leader who is incorruptible. You stand firm when the distractions of life try to
blow you off course. You enhance your ability to focus and create a vision to something beautiful beyond
the apparent realities. You enjoy the strength to hold the vision until it is real.
Do you wish to achieve your highest potential and make a genuine contribution in your lifetime?
Then read this book – end-to-end. The lessons contained here help you to transform to greater
enlightenment. We present ancient and timely concepts, principles and disciplines you may use –
personally and professionally. They live at the heart of all belief systems and belong to all. They are eternal
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
universal truths. Use them to change your life and the lives of countless others. When you learn to live from
the heart, you change the world.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
first describes the inner journey we must take to find our
true selves. Once we empower ourselves with the wisdom of the ages, we see how a Corporate Shaman
solves the problems and challenges now facing business leaders. Chapter exercises help develop needed
skills to accomplish your transformation. Use this book as a handbook. Complete the exercises and make
notes. Try some of the suggested activities to heighten your consciousness. Although some activities might
be unusual, give them a try for the fun of it. The point is to open your mind to all of the possibilities. Once
you do, you'll notice how freedom of mind is a wonderful thing!
To live The Way of the Corporate Shaman
is to call forth the very best we have as human
beings. The most noble thing to be in this world is a beacon of light to others. Let your light shine on the
world. How? Listen to your heart to stay steadfast to the truths that reside there. In doing so, you ignite the
power of good within you. It is your highest cause, your most rewarding adventure, to be who you came
here to be. Fulfill your ultimate destiny. Be a Corporate Shaman.
Welcome to The Way of the Corporate Shaman
Bill Jason O'Mara
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... i
Words of Wisdom .................................................................................................................................... x
A Message From The Hopi Elders...................................................................................................... x
Gifts From The Ancestors................................................................................................................. xi
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter 1: ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Shamanism as a way of life. Value: introduces you to a person and a process of self discovery.
My story – the journey to the shaman life.
Why a shaman’s philosophy matters to business people.
What is a shaman?
How to succeed using Native wisdom.
The Story of “The Way” — The lessons of Speaking Wind
The Vision Of Now .................................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2: Stages Of Growth ............................................................................................................. 9
We begin our journey by knowing where we need to begin. Chapter 2 addresses the need for self-assessment
and how we use the Native American ‘Medicine Wheel’ and other aids as assessment tools. Value: shows
you why you need to learn about yourself and how to go about it.
The Cardinal Directions (East, South, West, North) and what they tell us.
Using the Directions as a guide to healing and to life.
The power of emotions as a path to self.
Integration of the Directions for wholeness.
The stage theory of growth and maturity.
The color assessment tool.
The Wheel .................................................................................................................................. 9
Medicine Wheel Background .................................................................................................... 10
The Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel .............................................................................. 11
Stage 1: The East ............................................................................................................... 12
Stage 2: The South ............................................................................................................. 13
Stage 3: The West .............................................................................................................. 15
Stage 4: The North ............................................................................................................. 17
Chapter Supplement - The Power of the Medicine Wheel and life Cycles ......................................... 22
Chapter Supplement - Shaman Color Assessment Wheel .................................................................. 23
The Sacred Path...................................................................................................................................... 26
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 (Part A) .................................................................................................................................. 28
We explore the The Seven Principles of Life passed down by the Anasazi people (an ancient tribe who once
inhabited current day New Mexico and surrounding areas) . These seven principles set the philosophical
foundation for this book. Each Principle of Life introduces an explanation of why it is important for you and
other business people to follow such principles. We provide you a set of practices and exercises to implement
the principle into work and life. Value: provides you ancient wisdom to help you manage your life, at work
and at home. Provides tools to address life challenges. Speaking Wind’s Seven Principles:
Find the part of you that lives in all things. We connect to all things –so we must work together.
Let self-doubt and self-pity fall away. How our pain stops us and how we release it.
Place yourself first before all things and others. The power to serve others comes from the power of
serving self.
Look at the negative emotions for what they have to teach you. Life’s adversities = life lessons; we must
deal with them or they intensify until we have no choice but "to deal" with them.
Allow all things to be. Acceptance is the first step to shifting anything.
Life—to live fully, to understand, not to control. Acceptance helps us to understand our lessons and let
go of controlling the outcome.
The child grows, the adult only grows old. The power of our life lies within our spirit.
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life - Principles 1-3 .............................................. 28
Principle #1: Find the Part of You that Lives in All Things. .............................................................. 29
Principle #2: Let Self-Doubt and Self-Pity Fall Away....................................................................... 32
Solving the Lower Self Dilemma............................................................................................... 37
The Ultimate Formula For Transforming................................................................................... 39
Principle #3: Place Yourself First, Before All Things and All Others ................................................ 45
Chapter 3 (Part B)................................................................................................................................... 49
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life - Principles 4-7 .............................................. 49
Principle #4: Look at the Negative Emotions for What they Have to Teach You................................ 49
Principle #5: Allow All Things to Be. ..................................................................................................... 56
Principle #6: Life -To Understand, To Learn, Not To Control.................................................................. 60
Principle #7: The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old ................................................................ 63
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Table of Contents
Magneticism And Mission ...................................................................................................................... 70
We explore ways to define your life mission and gain success through the Law of Attraction. Value: helps
you to find your mission in life and offers strategies to manifest it.
The definition of the Law of Attraction.
The five phases of Manifestation.
The five Sub-Laws – Energization, Focus, Giving, Releasing, Honor.
How the Laws have worked for me and against me in my life.
The seven questions to answer to create a mission.
The mission identified.
Chapter 4................................................................................................................................................ 71
Living In Buffalo Power: ................................................................................................................. 71
The Law of Attraction defined: ........................................................................................................ 71
Law of Attraction Phases: ................................................................................................................ 72
The Sub-Laws of the Law of Attraction............................................................................................ 73
Exercise: Create a Foundation to Realize A Dream........................................................................... 77
The Healing............................................................................................................................................ 82
Learning about the Native American tools of the Way: Journeying, Dreaming, Earth Wisdom, and Gathering.
Value: provides special resources to gain power for guidance, healing, service and change. The journeying
process to discover life’s answers:
Journeying, Dreaming, and Earth Wisdom for guidance.
Group work to accelerate our growth.
The path to heal Self: let go.
The native healing modalities for mind, body and spirit.
Chapter 5................................................................................................................................................ 84
The Healing Tools Of The Way................................................................................................. 84
Journeying................................................................................................................................ 84
Journeying Preparation....................................................................................................... 87
The Journey ....................................................................................................................... 88
Types of Journeys .............................................................................................................. 90
Intuition, Dreams, And Earth Medicine ..................................................................................... 94
Using Earth Medicine ............................................................................................................... 95
The Group Pathway .................................................................................................................. 96
The Business Map ................................................................................................................................ 104
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Table of Contents
Chapter 6.............................................................................................................................................. 106
We walk the Medicine Wheel map to Build Community within an organization. Value: Demonstrates how we
organize a business using the Way.
Set Organization Mission, build team to execute a system.
Define the Way of the Corporate Shaman.
The value of community – what is it, how it can help us.
Understand effective management levels.
Business context to community building phases
EAST: Stage 1: Visioning: Set the intent, Plan, Create the Core group.
SOUTH: Stage 2: Implementation /Chaos: Stepping forward to build a management team & staff.
Problems arise, solutions provided.
WEST: Stage 3: Execution / Healing the Chaos: Be real, master communication, and bring the
organization together.
NORTH: Stage 4: Maturity & Integration: Commitment to the process and to each other. Commitment
to stay focused. Commitment to constant, never-ending daily improvement.
The Foundation Of Business: Build Community...................................................................... 106
The Four Stages To Build Community (Map).......................................................................... 109
The Medicine Wheel Path To Build Community...................................................................... 110
The Map .......................................................................................................................... 110
An Overview of the Four Stages....................................................................................... 111
The Corporate Pathway Plan................................................................................................................. 126
Chapter 7: The Pathway Strategic Plan - the Path of Clarity of Action in Community ............................ 128
Learn the purpose and phases to design a Strategic Plan. Exercises walk you through each step. Value:
teaches you the importance of a plan and how to create one.
What is a Strategic Plan?
How do you create one?
Why is it important?
Design a Strategic Plan to guide your business.
Understand the process of mastery.
The Pathway Plan Components ............................................................................................... 129
Chapter Supplement:............................................................................................................... 135
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Table of Contents
THE PATHWAY PRINCIPLES........................................................................................................... 139
Follow the path of the seven principles of business effectiveness and the Law of Performance. Value: learn
the practical business application of the Seven Principles and how the principles contribute to performance
Our power to perform comes from grounding ourselves in the Plan and the Principles.
Apply the Principles to lead performance enhancements.
The P = A x M x E formula.
Chapter 8.............................................................................................................................................. 141
Speaking Winds’ Seven Principles: ......................................................................................... 141
The Seven Effectiveness Principles for Corporate Shamans ..................................................... 142
From Principles to Success – A Focus on Environment............................................................ 146
PLAN EXECUTION............................................................................................................................ 150
Self-Mastery Mini-Courses:
Heart, Wisdom, Skill
Drive and Motivation
Dealing with Change
Focus - Decision Making - Balance
Chapter 9.............................................................................................................................................. 152
The Corporate Shaman: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness.............................. 152
How To Bring Self-Mastery Into Your Leadership Life ........................................................... 154
A Mini-Course:
On Self At Work.............................................................................................................. 154
On Drive.......................................................................................................................... 156
To Deal With And Drive Change...................................................................................... 160
To Focus (On What Matters)............................................................................................ 165
To Make Decisions .......................................................................................................... 166
On Balance: ..................................................................................................................... 166
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Chapter 10............................................................................................................................................ 170
Empowerment Mini-Courses:
People Building, Drive and Motivation
Coaching to Empower
Communication and Feedback
Team Creation & Dealing with Conflict
Behavior Empowerment
The power of Work Agreements
The Corporate Shaman 'Empowerment' Pathway To Effectiveness: (Discipline 2).................... 170
A Mini-Course:
On People Building.......................................................................................................... 171
On Coaching.................................................................................................................... 172
On Communication And Feedback ................................................................................... 174
On Team And Meetings ................................................................................................... 176
On Guidelines For Effective Teamwork............................................................................ 177
To Dealing With Conflict:................................................................................................ 178
On Behavior Empowerment ............................................................................................. 178
On Work Agreements....................................................................................................... 181
Chapter 11............................................................................................................................................ 184
Systems Efficiency Mini-Courses:
The PDCA Constant Improvement Cycle
Time Management
The Goal Setting, Self Assessment and Survey System
The Path of Constant Improvement – Flow-charting, Dialog and Analyses
Systems of Quality
The Anatomy of a System ....................................................................................................... 185
The Ultimate Weekly Management System: ............................................................................ 186
Chapter Supplement:............................................................................................................... 195
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Chapter 12............................................................................................................................................ 197
Expand Leadership Consciousness: five short sections to continue to expand your thinking. Value: opens the
door to ever-increasing understanding.
Enjoy the Path
Build Community – Embrace the Whole!
Address Human Needs to Help Others Succeed
Understand Fabled Service
Embrace Refreshed Ethics for a New World
Play Your Part in Healing the American Soul
The Journey Continues............................................................................................................ 197
Appendix A.......................................................................................................................................... 204
A Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook (CS-MH)
Appendix B.......................................................................................................................................... 208
Defining Community: The 7 Cooperation Principles
Appendix C.......................................................................................................................................... 210
Resource Directory
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Words of Wisdom: A Message . . .
Words of Wisdom
A Message From The Hopi Elders
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now
you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there
are things to be considered. . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is
so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will
try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart
and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of
the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we
are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment
that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All
that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Words of Wisdom: Gifts From The Ancestors
Gifts From The Ancestors
Oh Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your Children.
Give us wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind. Let us learn to share all good things that you provide for us on this Earth.
"While living I want to live well.
I know I have to die sometime,
but even if the heavens were to fall on me
I want to do what is right. There is only one God looking down on us all. We are all children of the one
God. God is listening to me. The sun, the darkness, the winds, all are listening to what we now say. . ."
"We sang the songs that carried in their melodies all the sounds of nature -- the running waters, the sighing
of winds, and the calls of the animals. Teach these to your children that they may come to love nature as we
love it."
"Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls
the earth befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to
the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is
merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. One thing we know: our god is also
your god. The earth is precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator.”
What is man without the beast? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great
loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man.
All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Words of Wisdom: Gifts From The Ancestors
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they
realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at
the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each
of us."
We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, and winding streams with tangled
growth, as wild. Only to the white man was nature a wilderness, and only to him was the land infested with
wild animals and savage people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the
blessings of the great mystery. Not until the hairy man from the east came and with brutal frenzy heaped
injustices upon us and upon the families we loved was it wild for us. When the very animals of the forest
began fleeing from his approach, then it was that for us the wild west began.
CHIEF LUTHER STANDING BEAR, of the Oglala band of Sioux
You have stories to tell and that is what will keep the memory of a great people alive. Pass the stories to
your children. Teach them who, where and what their people were. Take time to search your ancestry.
Remember the past they took and have patience. Stay in tune with your feelings and be strong in your
search. Trace your walk, feel satisfaction in knowing the end of the rainbow you have looked for can be
found at the toe of your moccasin after realizing who we are and what we have.
JOHN "EAGLE SPIRIT" CAMPBELL. Chief, Cherokee Elders Council, Houston, Tx.
"And he said unto the spirits, let loose this world and travel the final journey. Only once this way are we
allowed to walk, and then again across the veil. Let loose this world, and walk the way of the ancestors."
What starts out to be an exaggeration, and even a great joke, can turn into a lie. The worst lie is to hurt
someone intentionally, but equally sad is the lie told for pure self-defense, or to spare someone the truth.
There are those who will believe a lie - which is more in their understanding than the truth.
So much drama and so much pretense makes lying acceptable to those living in false existence. To find the
right path, get rid of the habit of lying. It is a trap that looks innocent but the effects lead to wrongdoing.
Our fathers gave us many laws . . . that it was a disgrace to tell a lie: that we should speak only the truth.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Words of Wisdom: Gifts From The Ancestors
Just Looking For Some Peace
So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and of service to your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a stranger if in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
Touch not the poisonous firewater that makes wise ones turn to fools and robs them of their visions.
When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their
time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.
Your Wisdom:
(People, books, quotes, etc.)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
The Shaman Awakens
The Journey begins with your first step.
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
Chapter 1
The Shaman Awakens:
In all my decades as a business consultant, I never thought I would see this day with such a
profound shift in business consciousness. A door has opened, and a spiritual awakening is taking place. It's
happening across the country, on the highest corporate levels and in small businesses. People are becoming
more enlightened in their lives and in their choices.
I live a dual life as both business consultant and spiritual seeker, so I naturally incorporate spiritual
practices in my consulting work. Historically, in light of the traditional corporate over-reliance on bottomline control-oriented management, I kept my Shamanic or healer identity under wraps. I was afraid I would
not be taken seriously. Thus, I might lose the opportunity to make a positive difference for my clients if I
spoke in Shaman terms.
My life was full of contrasts. One week I might be dressed in a suit to speak before thousands of
executives. The next would find me in loose cotton clothing and sandals, leading community mastermind
groups, soul circles or performing individual healings. Both parts of my life rarely found united paths. And
I'm not alone! Many others forge dual lives to maintain their soul integrity and meet perceived business
standards. Such fear plants seeds of low self worth. Thus, it's not surprising how the leading cause of
frustration in the workplace today is often feelings of nonacceptance or undervalue for the whole of who
we are.
It wasn't until I enjoyed lunch with a couple of senior executives from well-known American
companies that it occurred to me I might live my life differently. All we talked about were issues of deep
inner growth, service to others for mutual profit, to take responsibility for the earth-spiritual issues. Since
then, I continue to notice an openness, a willingness to consider the bigger picture. This is a definite
consciousness advancement among my business associates. Whatever the economic, social and political
factors contribute to this change (for many have experienced extremely hard times), I currently see more
businesses concerned with higher principles than ever before. As a result of that lunch conversation, I
realized it was time for me to come out of the spiritual closet. It's time to tell the whole truth about effective
management and business success.
The value you'll receive from this spiritual awakening is both personally fulfilling and profitable
for everyone. Quite profitable actually! Business managers ask, "How do we maximize results, optimize
profits, and increase productivity?" Individuals ask, "How do I live a successful balanced life? How do I
contribute something meaningful and also be amply rewarded?" The answer to these (and many more)
questions appear in the basic truths guiding select communities and individuals for centuries. As we
embrace higher principles, we engage powers to enrich us internally and attract desired material results
more rapidly and with greater ease. This is not about becoming religious. Or asking you to adopt foreign
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
philosophies. It is about living and working in alignment with basic human values. And it costs nothing to
do so! The most effective way we improve our lives and our economy has little to do with price tags.
We need only transform our thinking for individuals and businesses to raise consciousness and
become more in tune with what is healthy for our planet and us. Once we see the benefit of living in
integrity, we become a living example for others-our families, our friends, and our business associates. It is
that simple. Now, what price tag do you place on integrity? Accordingly, NOW is the time to help a new
generation of leaders understand and live the laws of consciousness. We serve the whole of society by
doing so. We achieve both inner peace and profit.
The need for inner peace is what changed my life. Growing up with parents who were old-world
corporate managers, I made every attempt to flourish in the corporate mold. I became highly organized and
competitive-a golden boy of commerce, so to speak. In my twenties I excelled in sales and became a
motivational speaker for a number of Fortune 500 companies. I won awards. I made great money. I lived in
a beautiful home, drove an expensive car. I had all the "worldly" perks most beings use to measure and
demonstrate success. But instead of feeling on top of the world, I felt something inside gnawing at me. I
had the outer symbols of success, but inside - I found a vast wasteland. Oriented to the bottom line at the
expense of people, my work required too many personal tradeoffs.
By my 30th birthday, I grew disgusted with what I saw and did. I couldn't understand how some of
the corporate leaders I knew could live with themselves and their tradeoffs: ignore families and/or health;
eschew business ethics (to name a few). Unable to live with my habits along those same lines, I found I
couldn't work the same way anymore. Eventually the house and car dissolved into ever-dwindling cash. I
finally found myself sitting on the sidewalk curb with just a backpack to my name. Having nowhere else to
go, I figured it was time to look within for answers to the kind of basic questions philosophers and wise
men ask from the beginning of time: Who am I really? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is it necessary
for us to be competitively killing each other? Instead, what would happen if we were to work for the good
of all? Some might jest I had a "mid-life crisis." Given the gift of hindsight, I believe I experienced an early
wake-up call!
This wake-up call took me on a search for answers spanning two years and a cross-country
journey. I visited Zen Buddhist centers, Hindu ashrams, monks and mystics. I wanted to experience
wisdom I could integrate into my life and work well beyond my training in business school and researchbased realities. I looked for something to satisfy me over the long term. At each stop I would question and
listen. I sensed no single teaching provided the complete answer; however, each added pieces to the puzzle.
Well into my second year on the road, I met a shamanic teacher by the name of Speaking Wind. It
was through our association I began to see the workings of a bigger picture.
The term shaman, comes to us from Siberia, translates literally as "one who sees in the dark." Its
application has broadened to refer to any native medicine person. In truth, the term could easily refer to any
great mystic, priest, healer, or spiritual teacher who use their gifts to bring greater wholeness to society. A
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
shaman is one who is dedicated to self-mastery, to discovering truths beyond the reach of ordinary reality,
for the sake of healing. He or she starts out on this unique journey generally due to a deep inner calling to
gain knowledge to benefit all. It is a high-level path. I believe it is the ultimate in leadership.
Controversy abounds around the question of how one attains the title of shaman. Some say it is a
sacred name given to only the most skilled medicine people, known to possess other worldly powers and to
use those powers to serve. Others say no true shaman would ever use the term in reference to self. Only
others who observe the results of the work may bestow the title. But all agree the shamanic path is a calling
to embrace one's entire life, requiring an incredible mix of inner strength, skill, and love for all. Shamans
are the healers who see the bigger picture and discern what an individual needs to bring him or her back
into balance. In their communities, native shamans perform healing rituals, lead vision quests to find
solutions to life's most pressing problems, hold sacred circles to support the growth and healing of humans
and the earth. Michael Harner's classic book, The Way of the Shaman, describes the extraordinary
accomplishments of shamans around the world.
Recently, the term urban shaman finds the light of day in a book on Hawaiian Shamanic traditions
by Serge Kahili King. King states we find shamans in all areas; urban and remote places as well as native
tribes. These urban healers follow a similar path of personal refinement, and develop a unique urbanite skill
set to dissolve "modern" challenges. King's book opens the door for more and more people to walk the
shamanic path to success.
True, some traditionalists resist this trend to bring sacred teachings to the masses, and/or earn
money for doing so. This resistance creates a resource gap. For others, this gap is an "opportunity" to teach
and earn a living. For example, we find an ever-increasing number of 'workshops' offering overnight
certifications in shamanism. Such endeavors anger many native teachers. Native teachers believe such rapid
teachings undermine the true depth of the shaman way. To native teachers, to "buy" your Shaman title does
not "make" you a Shaman. Certainly no-one denies the need for healing in our families, our businesses, our
communities, our nations-indeed, everywhere on our planet. We simply must honor the sacred way and
drop the commercialization of shamanism as some kind of new-age fad. To honor this intent, please know
to simply read this book will not certify the reader as a shaman. It is well beyond any one book or one
course to adequately craft the skills found in a wise shaman. Rather, this book prepares a way to what it
means to live in a sacred way and to use sacred principles as a path to leadership and life mastery.
For many, the corporate workplace defines a large part of what we call 'life.' It represents a culture
beyond self and family, one where we spend as much as eighty percent of our time. So then, in essence, a
corporation (organization, non-profit, etc.) replaces the tribe as the place to interact and (hopefully) grow.
Hence the work environment offers the most fruitful place to infuse the shamanic principles.
My teacher, Speaking Wind, evolved shamanism for all worlds: native, urban, and corporate.
Raised by a white mother and Pueblo Indian father in northern New Mexico during the '40s and '50s, his
given white name was: Patrick Quirk. As a young man, his grandfather, a tribal medicine man, guided
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
Speaking Wind to teach him lessons of his tribal ancestors; lessons passed on in secret from the days before
white man's Indian conquests. During Speaking Winds' time, discriminatory laws forbade practice of
Native American ways, religious, spiritual or otherwise. Not only was it illegal to practice such ways,
teaching others about such beliefs were equally illegal. (Imagine how you would feel if you were arrested
for even reading this book!) Can you believe that playing a drum could get you arrested. At the hands of
our government, Native Americans of that time suffered all sorts of oppression, including soul-crushing
spiritual oppression.
Speaking Wind's life and legacy is extraordinary. Despite enduring racism, abuse, and heartache
from reservation whites and the priests, he never lost the honor of his heritage. He evolved anger into
scholastic achievement. He achieved two undergraduate and two graduate degrees. He taught in the School
of Business at the University of Phoenix. Speaking Wind's business consultant career then took him to
Asia, and on to Europe. He lived a successful path of a corporate shaman - touching many lives.
Everything changed for Speaking Wind in 1993, when he underwent what is commonly known as
a "near death experience." He got the message to quit his job and spend his days teaching (to those who
would listen) the lessons of the elders he learned from his grandfather. Our paths crossed shortly after he
returned to the reservation to prepare for the speaking circuit.
I spent many hours with Speaking Wind over a period of years. He treated me as a brother and
took great interest in teaching me wisdom to help evolve mankind. He shared his insights for those in
business, for clearly he had an intimate understanding of their plight. He welcomed all who would listen.
He helped in any way he could. He taught of the sacredness of life, and of the great opportunity we have to
expand who we are. He taught laughter is truly the greatest medicine; best not to take anything too
seriously. I fondly remember how he would tease me at lunch, saying I thought my lettuce (mind you, I was
a strict vegan vegetarian) was superior to his pork chop. (At the time, I couldn't believe he would eat meat.)
To him, life was life. He figured the lettuce wasn't much happier about a harvest than a pig. Everything was
equally sacred to Speaking Wind. He said we must bless each meal because something always surrenders
its life so we might continue.
Speaking Winds' lectures spent most of the time talking about freedom. He taught how even
though we live in a country with many perceived outward freedoms, individuals nonetheless imprison
themselves emotionally and spiritually by virtue of addictions to approval and control. He taught seven
sacred principles we might live by to release the knots that bind us. He said now more than ever our
evolution and our survival as a species requires us to begin to live in the sacred way of the heart. The
chapters ahead blend these principles into applications of personal mastery and corporate leadership.
In January 1999, Speaking Wind left the physical world. He left behind not only a number of
books, but also a vibrant memory in the hearts of those whose lives he directly touched. This book shares
his insights, along with personal stories of adventure to bring them into play in both the business world and
in general life. I present these truths to help you apply new thinking and methods; to bring greater balance,
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Shaman Awakens
Chapter One
peace, harmony, and effectiveness to your world. You too may walk the path of the corporate shaman to
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
unfolds via twelve chapters. The first five portray the inner
journey of the shaman. Chapters six through 12 explore an outer expression of a shaman in organizational
settings. You'll find an outline to a shamans management manual in Appendix A. My calling and purpose
of The Way of the Corporate Shaman is to more fully awaken life-enhancing skills necessary for us to
live the sacred way and to shine. This is a path of tenderness and open heart. It is also a path to solve
problems and get things done. Will you join me in this journey? If not now, when?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2
Vision of Now
The Vision Of Now
Our vision is built on both what we are now and what we might be.
To know this vision well awakens our wisdom to learn to embrace our past, present and future lessons.
This knowing focuses and grounds us on our inner journey of self-discovery.
Visioning creates "what can be." To know our truths, we assure our destiny flows perfectly.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2
Stages of Growth
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2
Stages of Growth
Chapter 2
Stages Of Growth
Waike Waikelo. These words from the language of Mexico's Huichol Indians mean I want to live.
The most important aspect of living the sacred way of the shaman is that deep-down desire to live
passionately, to consciously embrace the magnificence of life. This is always the beginning. Without it
there is no evolution. Truthfully, the desire to live engages every part of you. Every cell in your body, every
part of your being desires life. To live fully, you must be conscious of - who in essence - you are, and what
you are here to learn.
Much like the artichoke plant containing many outer leaves, each of us create "leaves" we must
release to get to the heart of who we are. Often unaware of these "leaves" we program ourselves to all sorts
of limitations. We must release this programming and related limitations if we desire to attain emotional
and spiritual maturity. Maturity means becoming aware of the leaves, dropping what doesn't serve you and
focus on what really matters! In essence, live daily in response to our inner truths. Mature living brings
inner peace and leads to discovery of our true-life purpose. Mature living effortlessly creates our unique
road to service and success. Take the time to know your true self and live this self fully - learn, heal, love,
serve. This is our vision for life on the path of the sacred way.
The Wheel
Speaking Wind shared with me his teachings of the four stages of life to take a person to this
maturity. In his tradition, I'll demonstrate through the metaphor of the medicine wheel. The medicine wheel
is a spiritual guidance system to help us understand what stage in life we live in. Before we move forward
on our pathway of transformation (in the chapters ahead), it is essential to first know where we are. Total
self-honesty is the key. If anyone continues to hide behind any façade of having it all together (as I did for
years), we severely limit personal mastery of mature living.
"The enemy is lies - we all so often lie to ourselves about who and what we are. We wear
masks to hide, instead of feel and be real. An honest assessment with compassion for
yourself is the starting point beyond the lie and back onto the journey of true self."
A New Warrior
Read this chapter carefully because the medicine wheel is one of the foundational understandings
of the Shamanic way. As you read about each direction, ask yourself, "Does this resemble me?" "What part
of my life does this reflect?" "What can I do to move through this?" You may notice your overall stage in
life may be very different than your stage in your primary relationship, work, etc. Or, you began another
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2
Stages of Growth
wheel cycle (lifetimes contain many wheel cycles). Be very honest with yourself. Each day watch yourself,
see yourself truly. Change what does not work. This is warrior work.
Note: The medicine wheel isn't the only valuable self-assessment tool. To truly know yourself,
explore psychological testing, competent astrological/numerological or Medicine Wheel Readings© (see
the shaman color exercise at the end of this chapter for a short and easy assessment instrument). Personal
feedback is remarkably valuable as well. Ask three best friends for feedback. "What are my greatest
qualities? Which parts of me need to be released or healed?" Those close to you (who've done similar
warrior work) will know. Overall, trust your intuition on this feedback. Sometimes even our best friends
transfer their "stuff" onto you without knowing it. Use all that is available to help you - be deeply honest.
Shamans always use a variety of tools to see what is happening with someone before addressing a problem.
"If it doesn't grow corn, I don't want to hear about it. Teach me something that will solve human
Sun Bear
Medicine Wheel Background
In physical reality, a medicine wheel is a circle of stones laid upon the ground to represent the
aspects of the natural world to offer us physical and spiritual sustenance. Archaeologists applied the term of
"medicine wheel" to Wyoming's Big Horn medicine wheel (the southernmost of the known ancient
wheels). We assume many thousand medicine wheels existed well before European contact.
While details of the use of the medicine wheel vary from region to region and from teacher to
teacher, all traditions share certain basic characteristics. First, all medicine wheels are circular, representing
the connectedness and equality of all life. Native intelligence affirms we are one with all nature,
interconnected with the air, the earth, and all animals. To disrespect any aspect of Creation creates
repercussions we all feel sooner or later. Second, the wheel in its simplest form is always seen as
embodying the four Cardinal directions: East, South, West and North. We extend this four-aspect
symbolism to include the four:
stages of life
positions of the sun’s daily course
phases of the moon
natural elements (air, earth, water,
and fire)
plants, animals, and minerals (or
sets thereof).
For example: The east-the source of the rising sun for the North American continent-is naturally
associated with new beginnings, while the west, the home of the setting sun, naturally represents a
deepening of perspective.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2
Stages of Growth
We can use the medicine wheel as a guide for our lives as a whole, or for any project we might
wish to accomplish. Speaking Wind’s tradition starts in the east and "walks" clockwise around the wheel,
passing through each point on the wheel as we go. Native Americans recognize different traditions and
teach "walking the wheel" beginning in the north, and still others in the west or south. In all reality, the
wheel has no beginning, and no end. While most Native traditions insist on traveling the wheel in a
clockwise ("sunwise") direction, some travel it counterclockwise. What's the lesson here? The lesson is the
notion there is no wrong way to live your life. You can live a full and balanced life by actualizing every
aspect represented in the wheel.
The following Speaking Wind description provides a fundamental overview of the medicine
wheel. I modified things just a bit to fit our needs.
The Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 1: The East
Stage 1: The East
Color: Yellow.
Animals: Eagle and deer.
Element: Water. Mind.
Season: Spring.
Celestial phases: Sunrise, new moon.
Symbology: The newborn, open to tribal conditioning. The child/lover.
Awakening, new beginnings, inspiration, anticipation, innocence.
Emotion: Grief. Path of healing: Self-nurturing.
The East represents the entry into the family, the tribe, the project. This is the seat of inspiration,
where new ideas are given life. An individual in this stage of the wheel is idealistic and enthusiastic. He or
she learns how to vision, to be alive with spirit. This is also a time to learn tribal expectations. Individuals
learn the rules, the "shoulds" and "should nots" of existence. Conforming to structure, the young eagle or
deer tries to please both family and tribe. This is a time of innocence, of seeking similarities in order to be
liked. In any endeavor, be it a new project, a first date, or a new group activity, start with the sense of
vision of the eagle and to seek ways to get along like the deer. This is the beginning of a four-stage cycle.
Reflective Questions (record thoughts in your journal):
Am I in the East?
Is there grief I have not yet felt?
Do I live in the clouds of vision without follow through? Or am I detail focused with no
Do I avoid conflict (living only in innocence)?
Am I too hard on myself? Not accepting myself?
If so, what do I do to begin my healing process? (Trust yourself - you know.)
A Tip: Embrace the power of the EAST element of WATER. Drink it often, shower more often (yes even
if you are clean, just for the water), go swimming, cry. Water is a powerful healer - and an amazing stress
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 2: The South
Stage 2: The South
Color: Red.
Animal: Coyote or mouse.
Element: Earth. Emotion.
Season: Summer.
Celestial phases: High noon, first-quarter moon.
Symbology: Adolescence, high energy, rebel/warrior or adventurer.
Emotion: Anger. Path of healing: Focus and Passion for what is right.
The South is a time of intense growth and creativity. The eagle spreads its wings; the fawn loses
its spots. It either begins to focus its attention on the details to adapt its vision to fit in with tribal traditions
(as the mouse), or (as the coyote) it begins to feel external controls conflict with what is going on within
(there must be something more to life). Coyote's yearning for new avenues of expression can lead to wild
forms of experimentation and rebellion against conventional wisdom. Lacking experience, coyote must
learn by trial and error.
Coyote and mouse both seek acknowledgment of self. This is a time of many lessons, for every
decision implies consequences. Mouse learns how to be good, tend the home, nurture the family, bring
accolades, yet conformity demands a high price: surrender of the spirit. For coyote, cynicism sets in; the
tribe is no longer to be trusted. Relationships become too risky. For both, life is a bad dream. The only
thing that seems to dull the pain is a refusal to acknowledge it (mouse) or the pursuit of external pleasures
Although fraught with difficulties and disappointments, this is a vital stage in any life, be it
individual or organizational. For both mouse and coyote, this is a critical process to discern what does and
does not work. Eventually, coyote finds the pursuit of adolescent desires (and the like) is chaotic. Such
desires lack soul satisfaction. The mouse realizes how it must learn to dissolve conformity to stand on its
own feet.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 2: The South
Reflective Questions (record thoughts in your journal):
Am I in the South?
Is anger running me?
Do I create unnecessary drama & chaos in my life?
Do I avoid growing up?
What is most important for me to focus on right now to make my life (relationships, career,
etc.) work?
What distracts me?
If I'm distracted, what do I do to start my healing process? (Trust yourself - you know.)
Do you sense a major wound from the first 10, 20, 30 years of your life? What does this wound
tell you about your mission in this life? (FYI: our greatest wound points the way to what we engage passion
to change.)
A Tip: Embrace the power of the SOUTH element of EARTH. Eat more organic vegetables, climb
a mountain, lie down on the earth (at the beach or a grassy park) and let the earth's abundant power
energize you to dissolve your pain.
Additional thoughts / questions:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 3: The West
Stage 3: The West
Color: Black.
Animal: Bear.
Element: Air. Body.
Season: Autumn.
Celestial phases: Sunset, full moon.
Symbology: Introspection, cleanse, heal, stabilize as one reaches maturity and becomes a leader, a
Emotion: Fear. Path of healing: Face fear. Learn to be the healer of self.
The West begins a deep awakening, as coyote and mouse arrive at a key decision point arising out
of great pain and disappointment. Life no longer makes sense, for neither following the rules nor rebelling
brings satisfaction.
The individual comes to a fork in the road. To one side stands a mountain reaching to great
heights; to the other lies the treadmill of the coyote life or, for mouse, the boredom of tunnel vision. Now to
choose between learned behaviors, eschewing all hope of achieving true freedom, or set out on a new
journey, to release old beliefs in external measures of success that lack fulfillment.
At this point, we enter into our inner spiritual journey. We often seek out counselors, teachers, and
books to help us understand who we are and why we are here. Some become deeply committed to spiritual
practices, incorporating regular meditation, prayer, yoga and other sacred practices into daily life.
Discovering the truth of the inner self requires a deep healing of the earlier stages. This stage often
requires years of hibernation. It is a time to slow down, get quiet, and rejuvenate. The chase ends and the
path opens to simple peace in the here and now. As you redefine needs, you find yourself releasing old
jobs, relationships, and environments to discover what brings fulfillment and joy.
The bear reminds us we must go within to heal our fear. When we face our fears, our fears lose
their power to control us. Only when we stop seeing life through others eyes’, do we find our true answers.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 3: The West
Reflective Questions (record thoughts in your journal):
Am I in the West?
Am I held back by a major fear not yet addressed?
Is there a major wound from my past not yet healed?
Do fears hold me back from living my life purpose?
What is my spiritual path to heal this fear?
Do I have a way to go within for my answers? Do I avoid going there?
If so, what do I do to begin my healing process? (Trust yourself - you know.)
A Tip: Embrace the power of the WEST element of AIR. Deep full breaths bring in the great
energizing power of oxygen to clean and heal. Ad movement - moving and breathing deeply is one of the
most available transforming and healing activities we know.
Additional thoughts / questions:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 4: The North
Stage 4: The North
Color: White/colorless.
Animal: White buffalo.
Element: Fire. Spirit.
Season: Winter.
Celestial phases: Midnight, last-quarter moon.
Symbology: Family elder, benevolent king or queen.
Emotion is joy. Pathway: Releasing control and embracing joyous expression and service.
The North represents entry into the garden of realized Self. Life purpose is now clear, and the
journey finally makes sense. The wisdom of the bear stage, the shaman's journey to wholeness, is now
available and ready to use. The bear becomes a great white buffalo, a wise elder, embraced and celebrated
as a tribe leader. The buffalo sees how all are one; separation is an illusion. They draw upon their
enlightenment to help heal community. Heal by simply service to whomever asks and not through
evangelism or control. They enjoy a life of quiet, joyful success. While life continues to present trials, the
buffalos roll with the flow, knowing they take them to a perfect place. He or she is now a humble master, a
peaceful warrior, an accomplished shaman.
The key to becoming the buffalo is an unwavering commitment to deep inner peace. They've
washed away the competitive urge to reveal a harmony with self and all things. Like the Zen masters of old,
the buffalo achieves great external success simply because of who they are and what they offer. Because
buffalo's recognize how they need not strain (strive or chase), abundance flows effortlessly. A fullyrealized being creates what it needs in a quiet peace of relaxed concentration. Fulfilled in the now, the
buffalo simply follows the course of Higher Self. They create, play, enjoy, share, bless the world, and help
evolution by virtue of their great enlightenment.
Inner Peace does not mean inactivity. Paradoxically, the most peaceful people are often the most
active people. Certainly active buffalos tap into inner planes (communing with the Source of All Being
through meditation and/or prayer). They also actively serve in the outer world; serving community in ways
not often seen. Lasting inner harmony and joy is the reward for doing the hard work required to attain
buffalo wisdom.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Stage 4: The North
Reflective Questions (record thoughts in your journal):
Am I in the North?
Do I release the need to control and love instead?
Do I enjoy life to the fullest?
Do I play each day?
Do I fully serve my fellow being with the gifts I have to offer?
If not, what do I do to begin to live this? (Trust yourself - you know.)
A Tip: Embrace the power of the NORTH element of FIRE. Enjoy more bonfires, spend time in a
warmer climate, sit in a sauna. Light a candle at night, burn sage. Allow sunlight to heal you. The power of
the fire & heat burns away any pain and opens us for the new.
Additional thoughts / questions:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Medicine Wheel
Not everyone travels all the way around the medicine wheel of life. Some, though they live to be
old in years, leave this earth still in the second or third stage. Similarly, not every project comes to
completion; many projects abort in earlier stages (or as mentioned above you can experience many wheel
cycles in your life time). The medicine wheel offers a way to know where we are in the circle of life. In our
projects, it guides us to attain maturity and balance.
Example stages in a relationship Medicine Wheel:
Stage 1: Meet someone new. The innocence. The vision of what can be. Want to be liked.
Stage 2: Get to know the other side. Disagreements and challenges.
Stage 3: Move through fear. Heal issues or leave.
Stage 4: Settle-in to commitment. Use maturity & wisdom to nurture love.
Example stages in organizations (communities, families, projects) Medicine Wheel:
Stage 1: Visioning (innocent dream state, no conflict, no detail)
Stage 2. Chaos (innocence lost, problems arise, conflict everywhere, solutions required)
Stage 3: Heal chaos (Be real, master communication & organization)
Stage 4: Maturity & Integration (Commitment to process, and to each other)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Organization Awareness
Organization Awareness:
We discuss the medicine wheel as it relates to organizations in depth in Chapter Six. For now,
review each of the medicine wheel directions and ask the questions with your organization in mind (‘We’
instead of ‘I’).
Lastly, another way to explore the medicine wheel takes the perspective that we enter into this life
with a wound. This wound (living in our Lower Self - explained in Chapter Three) is something we came to
see and heal. Yet, we often repress, deny, and avoid this wound. Some might say it wastes our lives away.
However, since the Higher Self (also explained in Chapter Three) knows everything is perfect as it is, we
need not worry about wasting anything. A sense of wasting happens when we get caught up in false
worldly success (mentioned above) and forget our vision to: "Take the time to fully know and live your true
self! Learn. Heal. Love. Serve." This path quickly, deeply heals any wound we encounter.
The emotional gateway of each of the directions offers us a way to address our avoidance
tendencies. Trust the emotions of grief, anger, fear to help you identify your wound and to keep it in front
of you. To keep your wound "front and center," you heal or a least release subconscious control to what
you do not want to feel. All emotions provide messengers to something we need. Joy tells us we live in our
Higher Self and give ourselves what we need. Hence, we must open up to feeling as we did as a child.
(Where something came up - we felt it cleanly - without avoidance or repression, and then it went.) We
simply allow it (all it takes is one sincere moment of saying, 'I feel scared' - then watch how fear loses its
control of you). You then act from a more balanced state; you dissolve the power of fear. This Way, we
understand ourselves better as well.
This Way allows our wound to begin to show us our mission (as noted above, our mission in life is
born from our wound). If you allow your wound to heal, you evolve unhealthy fear into a healthy,
passionate calling!
For without feeling grief there is no true love.
Without feeling anger there is no true passion to make things better.
Without feeling fear there is no true courage (for those new to this, feeling does not mean
acting or wallowing - it means to move through the feeling so it can point the way to its
In fact, don't resist what you feel. Rather observe and learn to allow your new levels of awareness
to create and inspire new choices. This new place of being is a place of integration and authenticity.
Ultimately, the lessons of the four directions help us integrate our internal divisions into a divine
wholeness. Over time, we balance and integrate the spiritual knowing of the child, the passion of the
warrior, the healing courage of the shaman, and the benevolence of the loving king/queen. We do this by
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Organization Awareness
addressing/healing the issue of that direction and maintaining balance in all things (work and play). This is
your path to your higher power.
The medicine wheel is one of many resources available to help you know yourself. This is your
life vision; the reason you are here - to know you. Release anything in the way of your highest expression.
Grow and share your gifts. There is no other vision. There is no other commitment. Use the rest of this
book to help you fulfill this intention.
What stage am I in now? In personal, work, relationship, overall, other?
What one thing must I do now to heal and mature?
Further Reading
Should you wish to explore the medicine wheel in greater depth, I recommend:
The Medicine Wheel or Dancing With The Wheel: The Medicine Wheel Workbook by Sun
Bear. Sun Bear details all 36 directions of the wheel of his vision.
Another beautiful resource is Seven Arrows by Hyemeyohsts Storm offering an enchanting
exposé of the plains Indians' use of the wheel.
Also check-out the numerous Internet sites depicting a wide variety of interpretations of the
medicine wheel metaphor.
Further Resources
See Mathew John Stenger ( for information on how to obtain a Medicine
Wheel Life Reading©. This reading helps you understand which stage of life you are in and what you need
next to move you forward on your journey.
For an animal in you test:
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Chapter Supplement - The Power of the Medicine Wheel and life Cycles
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter Supplement - The Power of the Medicine Wheel and life Cycles
The Medicine wheel describes most life cycles - and partners well with numerology. Numerology,
the study of numerical sequences and cycles, is a thousand-year-old science dedicated to see cosmic
number patterns. A shaman looks at everything to see how it can help. Our date of birth is a specific start of
a cycle to represent something important along the wheel.
For example, lets use a birthday 8-7-1962. To tap into numerology insights, add each numerical
digit of the birthday to get a master number (ie: 8+7+1+9+6+2 = 33). Then add 33 again to get a final
number (3 + 3 = 6). Both the numbers - the master number (3) and the final number (6) are part of the final
numerology. Thus, we have the numerology of 33-6. These numbers -represent a life path (3) and life
purpose (6). For more details, see explanations below. Do the same for your birthday and remember the
master number is your life path, while the final number is your life purpose. Review what your numbers
mean below.
These numbers (3 and 6) are most meaningful for someone who enjoys a combination of a
visionary and play time. The 3 represents playfulness and the 6 the visionary and community builder. The
final number (6) is the predominant life focus. With a Medicine Wheel Reading you take the knowledge of
numerological cycles and the medicine wheel to chart out numbers for the year, month, and even day. This
provides guidance within your overall focus to daily needs. For example, if I am in a '2' year, it is best for
me to work my mission with a partner as much as possible. If it is a '3' day, it is best for me to go to the
park and work with the cycle to play and enjoy myself. Dan Millman's book, The Life you were Born to
Live is an excellent numerology resource to assist in daily life.
Number Locations:
Master & Final Numbers:
1-3 live in the East-South.
1 – Pioneering Leadership (Creativity & Confidence)
4-6 in the South-West.
2 – Powerful Partnership (Cooperation & Balance)
7-9 West-North.
9-12 in the North-East.
3 – Fun and Playfulness, Energy-Creativity (Sensitivity & Expression)
4 – Bringing Heaven to Earth, Bring order to Chaos (Stability & Process)
5 – Exploring and Mastering change (Freedom & Discipline)
6 – Community Builder, Diplomat (Vision & Acceptance)
7 – Clarity-Precision in Life (Trust & Openness)
8 – Abundance – Having It All (Power & Ethics)
9 – New Model of World Server, Completion (Integrity &Wisdom)
0 - Special inner gift
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Organization Awareness
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Chapter Supplement - Shaman Color Assessment Wheel
Chapter Supplement - Shaman Color Assessment Wheel
• Organization Awareness: Discover your leadership style.
• Shaman Color Assessment Wheel
This color exercise is a projective assessment test. The test is not research supported, but
nonetheless very informative, and amazingly accurate from my experience. For research data driven
assessments, contact for an appropriate psychologist or licensed reader to
take empirical assessments.
The exercise: Look at the following four colors:
Then list all four colors in order of preference:
1. ________ 2. _________ 3. ________ 4. ________
Each color represents something about yourself. The preferred two colors represent strength areas. The
least preferred two colors represent challenge areas or elements to integrate into your life.
YELLOW - The Visionary (Founder) Shaman
Theme: Try it. Provide vision for it. Conceptualize it. Strategize it.
Leadership Preferences: Infers. Imagines. Speculates. Takes risks.
Communication style: A conceptual framework. Frequent & spontaneous tasks. Long-term
objectives. Metaphorical examples. Connections to other approaches.
Asks the question: Why?
RED: The Relationship (Team Builder) Shaman
Theme: Sense it. Become involved in it. Caringly facilitate it. Communicate it.
Leadership Preferences: Is sensitive to others. Is supportive. Is expressive. Likes to teach.
Communication style: A good attitude & personal relationship. Eye-to-eye contact.
Involvement with others. Team building focus. Equal consideration for all.
Asks the question: Who?
BLUE: The Rational (Chief Financial Officer) Shaman
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Organization Awareness
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Chapter Supplement - Shaman Color Assessment Wheel
Theme: Know it. Cost it. Analyze it. Problem-solve it.
Leadership Preferences: Quantifies. Is Logical. Is Realistic. Knows money.
Communication style: Brief, Clear, and Precise Information. Concise, direct materials. Wellarticulated ideas presented in a logical format. Data and fact-based charts.
Asks the question: What?
GREEN: The "Get it done' (Organizer) Shaman
Theme: Plan it. Organize for it. Implement it.
Leadership Preferences: Establishes procedures. Gets things done. Is reliable. Takes
preventive action.
Communication style: A written schedule & action plan. Unfolds topic step-by-step.
Thorough, timely & reliable follow-through. Consistency.
Asks the question: How?
The value of this color assessment is to learn about and celebrate the strengths of your preferred
colors. Then, work to integrate the qualities of the two least-preferred color areas. You do this by wearing
the colors in your clothing, associate with people who prefer these colors, take classes to develop
qualities/skills in these color areas.
The key? Become balanced. Otherwise, (for example) if you have such a strong yellow orientation, you
might possess great vision, but you never take action on it (green). In some instances, we're unable to
integrate the least-preferred colors, so we must seek trusted partners who support or take on the role of this
missing part. All parts must happen for any business, project, or endeavor to succeed. Note: Like the
medicine wheel, all the colors exist in us. . . we just may have one or two as our primary strengths. Use all
the resources available to you to find happiness and success.
The color assessment is fun to do in a group to see where predominant color(s) exist and to help members
realize how they might best contribute to the group based on their strength areas. It can also indicate where
the group may need an influx of new color! For more on the color wheel:
contact Bill Stierle 310.264.1624
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Organization Awareness
Chapter 2: Stages of Growth
Chapter Supplement - Shaman Color Assessment Wheel
Based on my color qualities listed above, what do I learn about me?
My Strengths (two preferred colors):
My Opportunities to improve (two least-preferred colors):
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Sacred Path
The Sacred Path
Once we know where we are on the wheel of life, we can embrace knowledge and practices to help us
transform and move on to the next stage in our journey. We pass no judgment about where we are on the
wheel - we are where we are, and it is as wonderful as anywhere else.
There is something in each of us that calls for change.
Some pathway stalks each of us.
Something you read in this book may be what you need to hear.
It's probably something you have already heard, but have yet to know.
Changing to a principled life is difficult - yet it brings you your greatest happiness.
Embrace these principles and life will change for the better.
It's guaranteed by Spirit!
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principles 1-3
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life - Principles 1-3
With our new understanding of the four stages of life illuminated by the Medicine Wheel, we now
approach the Seven Principles passed down to Speaking Wind through his tribal elders from the Anasazi,
the Ancient Ones. At first read, these principles seem simple. Do not misinterpret this simplicity for “easy,”
since together they form a core belief system.
Beliefs are agreements we make with ourselves about what life is, what people are, what we are.
Agreements are thoughts, and thoughts are the foundation of our world. As all enlightened individuals
realize, when you change the path of your mind, you change your world.
The Seven Sacred Principles unfold truths to help us ignite the power buried within us and live to
our fullest potential. In doing so, we actualize our mature shaman self. Their true value is expressed as
solutions to challenges we face as we move through the various stages of self-discovery represented by the
Medicine Wheel. These Principles provide a pathway to our highest expression of self, our path of
power, our guide to acting in the world.
The shaman's way requires discipline in heart, body, and mind. As you read through the
Principles, take notes on your thoughts about each one. Of the seven, is there one that stands out as most
import for you to live right now? Identify it, and integrate it in your life.
Reflect deeply on the questions following the discussion of each Principle.
"When you become conscious of the truths and principles that nourish the spirit, life becomes both
passionate and joyful. As you begin to focus on these things that bring inner peace, your worldly problems
solve themselves, and your relationships flourish."
Speaking Wind
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #1
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Organization Awareness:
Without some basic principles to collectively agree upon, we live in a constant state of chaos, anxiety, and
Principle #1: Find the Part of You that Lives in All Things.
From the Elder in the South: "What is your path?"
The most beautiful thing about the shamanic path is it treats spirituality as both masculine and
feminine, as sky and earth and all that is in and around us. A basic premise is life is a circle, sustained by
all who actively participate in it. In essence, all is one, and a mutual interdependence binds us all together,
including the four elements of nature (fire, air, water, earth). We (in particular) depend highly on nature, for
without air, water, warmth, and food from the earth, we would perish.
This is a marvelous realization, for it tells us we are part of something. We are not disconnected
and alone. Everything we put into the circle of life returns to us - multiplied. If we love, we receive love
abundantly; if we serve, we are served and our needs are met. If we cause pain, we receive pain; if we lie,
cheat, steal, or hurt others in any way, we can expect our actions will catch up with us in time. (This
viewpoint on how the universe is put together is confirmed by quantum physicists. Experiments show how
reversing the direction of spin of one member of a set of paired electrons automatically causes its paired
electron, no matter how far away, to reverse its spin as well.)
Joy abounds when you live life from a place of knowing how you are part of the spiritual whole.
Stay focused on your inner voice. Discover your connection with all things and your part in the circle.
Know the Spirit inside of you is also reflected all around you. This is your spiritual path, finding you and
your place in the whole experientially, finding your true self.
An example:
Once I realize you and I are one, I can no longer hide in my Shadow.
I realize how I behave, even in private, impacts the whole. There are no secrets.
What I do adds light or darkness to the world around me.
My life makes a difference.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #1
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Organization Awareness:
I can only master so much. I need others with complementary skills to help me get the job done. We are all
interrelated; without each of us none would succeed. We do indeed need each other.
Suggestions For Practice:
Find your path to Great Spirit. Pray humbly each moment for connection and guidance.
Remain close to Great Spirit always. This is your saving grace.
Meditate, get quiet, slow down. If you don't know how to do this, take a class. (Your
community bookstore, YMCA,YWCA, or yoga center will probably recommend a teacher.
You might also try an internet search to find a local meditation group as well.) Meditation or
meditation groups help(s) to quiet your mind to hear your inner voice and become aware of its
guidance. Release the need for constant frantic doing. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.
For one day, practice following your intuition. Leave the schedule behind, keep your eyes
open; go where you feel pulled. Stay alert, like a wild animal; to do this, practice focusing on
your solar plexus as you breathe in and out. Notice the signs that show up. Follow them. See
your connection to everything, and how everything is helping you. Watch, look, and listen to
the signs. Then, record what you've experienced for future “ah-ha” moments.
Spend time in nature, experiencing all it has to offer. Wrap your arms around a tree long
enough to tune into its reality and feel its energy flow. Relax and imagine you feel the wind
blow through your body, or that you feel a stream or ocean wave wash through you.
Participate in Native ceremonies, such as sweat lodges and vision quests, to explore your
mystical aspects. (Check with alternative, local bookstores or utilize online web searches to
find out about such opportunities.)
Attend workshops such as The New Warrior Program: go to
Contact for upcoming workshops and speaking
Watch a dramatic movie and notice how affected you are by the characters' emotions. Balance
male and female energies within you. Go to a good comedy and LAUGH.
Create a support team with partners that complement you (see SCMM in Chapter Four).
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #1
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Principle #2: Let Self-Doubt and Self-Pity Fall Away.
From the Elder in the West: "Why do you resist happiness and allow yourself to doubt?"
The concept of the Higher Self and Lower Self.
Higher Self
Everyone born on this earth has a choice between two distinct pathways: we either think or feel we
are good enough, or we think and feel we are not good enough. When we see ourselves as good enough, we
identify with our Higher Self (our wise elder self); when we see ourselves as less than good enough, we
identify with our Lower Self (our ego false self). The two always coexist within us.
Happiness is a simple choice to focus on Higher Self over Lower Self. When we connect to our
Higher Self, our "good enough" self, our energy soars. We feel healthy, confident, clear, and at peace with
ourselves (and others) -we feel part of the whole. When we connect to our Lower Self, our "not good
enough" self, we indulge in self-doubt and self-pity along with a wide range of maladaptive behaviors.
Addictions emerge to soothe our hurt of not being good enough.
The path to living in the Higher Self (for more information see box below) is one of deep honesty
and reflection. It requires slowing down, to take more walks in nature, to embrace spiritual practice (such
as meditation). It requires us to be strong enough to seek feedback about our behaviors from others. We
must be willing to shift when we react from our Lower Self. We must start to understand who we really are.
Live who we really are-to transform the "I'm not good enough" thought patterns by which the Lower Self
seeks to control us. Be willing to take care of yourself. For those living in the Higher Self most of the time,
you'll notice a deep sense of their inner worth, and enjoy peace, productivity, and happiness in life.
Self love (the Higher Self-perspective) is not the same thing as being egotistical. While living in
your Higher Self, you lack a desire to advertise how wonderful you are. While living in your Lower Self,
you boast, to make up for an underlying lack of self-worth. True self-love is not boastful. It is peaceful selfacceptance to lead to acceptance of others. It allows for gentle but powerful transformation and growth.
Self-love guides us to healthy choices.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
The Higher Self
"I'M GOOD ENOUGH!" Wisdom, truth, love, power, JOY
All of us experience our Higher Self from time to time. The experience is not esoteric. Think of any time
when you were in your power, joyfully absorbed in an activity, whether singing a song, sharing an
important idea, playing a sport, making love, reading, gardening, hiking a mountain, or otherwise being
"in the flow." It is an exhilarating feeling. It is a place of connection and clarity, where nothing seems to
bother us. It is the power of now, of the moment-the power to focus and trust in a perfect end result. This is
our place of best response to life.
Martial arts teaches how connection with the Higher Self comes from deep relaxation, not from tension or
force or trying. It comes as a whisper when we slow down and let something beautiful move through us. We
must simply learn how to hear this voice as a way of life, and follow it. The Higher Self is our deepest
presence, our connection to the Great Spirit. It exists in the silence.
Organization Awareness:
Higher Self living provides Peak Performance.
Lower Self
The Lower Self (for more see the box below) is what many teachers refer to as the ego mind. It is
the place where programming and emotions start to run us, instead of the true wisdom of the Higher Self.
When the Higher Self leads and the Lower Self quiets, we also find balance. When the Lower Self tries to
lead us (and we allow it), we live in with a dull hum of fear and anxiety most of the time, because the
energy of "not good enough" can only lead us into chaos. (Example: someone says something we judge as a
putdown, and we spend all day fantasizing about how we might get revenge.) The Lower Self, our ego
mind, is not to be confused with the brain. The brain is a complex tool guiding conscious and unconscious
mind, memory, and body function, used by either the Higher Self or the Lower Self to support each belief
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
The Lower Self
"I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Fear, worry, anxiety, anger, grief, wondering "what if"
The Lower Self is, unfortunately, what many live in most of the time. It is the part of us that carries forth the
programming and the pain of our past. Anger, fear and grief (different forms of tension) alert us to its
presence. Of course, many reasons authenticate feelings:
- anger (someone is truly attacking us and we mobilize to protect ourselves)
- sadness (a dear friend passes away and we grieve as a way to let go of the pain and open to something
- fear (we are stretching beyond our limits in some activity and a part of us warns us to be prepared).
The Lower Self, however, attempts to run us through a constant stream of emotion resulting from a false
belief, "I'm not good enough." It is always chattering, never satisfied. Be aware of this addictive ego mind
to refrain from acting from it. Instead, create a goal to live from the Higher Self more and more each day,
and yet still hear the Lower Self to help resolve its pain. Be gentle with yourself. Listen to (observe)
addictive emotions to explore their messages; we heal the past (by not letting it control us now) and move
more into a higher-self existence.
The Lower Self, then, is not something to kill or rid yourself of; it exists as a friend to remind us of our
lessons. It is also a reminder to another way to be- in the silence.
Organization Awareness:
When we come from Lower Self in business meetings, examples of Lower Self include: constant fighting
and massive inefficiency to defeat all the hard work of past, present and future actions.
How do I know when I act from my Lower Self?
Three fundamental addictions alert us to Lower Self living. An addiction is an unquenchable
craving, one we never seem to satisfy. These three include:
approval (the wounded child of the Lower Self in grief),
control (the rebellious youth of the Lower Self in anger),
security (the critical adult of the Lower Self in fear).
The one that predominates your life is the key to your wound, the lesson of this life for you to
heal. It keeps running (controlling) you until you confront it with compassion. Refer to the table below to
begin your healing process.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Table 1
The Three Components Of The Lower Self - worksheet to diffuse the grip of the Lower Self
- The Wounded Child: (addiction of the EAST direction)
o Does the need for approval and attention from others run too much of my life? Do I avoid situations
with hints of conflict or possible disapproval?
o What do I need in my life right now? (Self-love, time to rest, nurturance, someone to talk to
honestly, etc.)
Solution: Give yourself what you need (see list next page). Give yourself approval. Allow yourself to be sad
and grieve (if you need that) or just dust yourself off and get on with taking care of you. Find a new pet.
Make a new friend. Talk to whomever you need to talk to, etc. This will start to diffuse the Lower Self grip
on you.
Reframe the addictive Belief of the Wounded Child. Example: Old Belief: I'm not worthy (not good
enough). Reframe example: "I approve of me. I am capable. I give myself what I need. I take care of what
needs to be taken care of. Everything works out because Great Spirit supports me. I am curious about life."
Or create your own. . . . .
- The Rebellious Youth: (addiction of the SOUTH direction)
o Does the need to control, manipulate, or rebel run too much of my life?
o What am I sad about deep down inside? (Something seems unfair. I don't feel like I fit in. I lost a
friend, etc.)
Solution: Give yourself what you need. Grieve any inner pain. Identify if there is actually a problem in your
life, and make constructive changes to solve the problem.
Reframe the addictive Belief of the Rebellious Youth. Example: Old Belief: They're all jerks - it's not fair
(not good enough). Reframe example: "Everyone does the best they can with the resources they have. I can
relax-no need to attack anyone because the universe takes care of everything perfectly (the sun rises every
day, the world turns, etc.)."
Or create your own. . . . .
- The Critical Adult: (addiction of the WEST direction)
o Does the need for security lead me to judge, condemn, or criticize myself or others?
o Am I driven by "should," "must," and "have-to" to help me feel secure, or do I trust my own truth?
o Does this run too much of my life?
o What do I need to let go of? (judgment, false beliefs, pain, fearful thoughts, etc.).
Solution: Let go of it. Give yourself what you need.
Reframe the addictive false belief of the Critical Adult. Reframing dissolves the Lower Self grip on you.
(Note: fear may warn you of some real danger. Take a moment to see whether there is in fact a real danger;
do what is necessary to prepare or take care of yourself). Example: Old Belief: I must work twelve hours per
day or I am a bum (not good enough). Reframe example: "I am a divine part of the creator no matter what I
do. With focus, I accomplish twice as much in half the time and open up to more balance and fun in my life. I
am a beautiful being, and I deserve it! I am benevolent."
Or create your own. . . . .
Note: If you face deep pain or an emotional crisis, see a trained healing professional.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Reframing: A mental process to take a limiting belief, such as "I'm not worthy," and shifting it to its empowering opposite, stating a
reason why the opposite is true. "I am worthy because_____." (see Table 1 above for examples). Limiting beliefs arise from the
underlying agreements made by the three components of the Lower Self in order to create "not good enough." (Please review the
exercise on reframing after the discussion of Principle 4.)
Organization Awareness:
Each of these patterns define a manager's style relative to employees. The wounded child manager
backs down from moments of truth where they need to be courageous; the rebellious youth manager
brashly questions (not trusting) peoples’ intents to make them feel insecure; the critical adult manager
criticizes their people and demoralize them with negative judgments.
Human Needs
Some examples
Survival: Air, water, shelter, room and board, safety, rest, stability
Love: appreciation, affection, nurturing, bonding, caring, compassion, touch, sexual support,
friends, sharing, gathering, being heard, communicating.
Growth: Learning, healing, achievement, stimulation, reflection/thinking, self-expression
Fun/excitement: Play, humor, adventure, creativity, celebration, pleasure
Spirituality: Beauty, harmony, peace, inspiration, solitude, understanding, oneness.
Meaning in life: I am important, what I do makes a difference
Integrity: self worth, authenticity, purpose, goals, values, honesty, justice, freedom, passion
Authentic Human Feelings
Some examples
Glad (4 levels)
Self punishing
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Others: Pain. Tired: exhausted, fatigued, worn out. Uncomfortable/Confused: hesitant,
perplexed, torn.
Peaceful is the feeling of truth: It comes from the silence where all Lower Self stops and we
experience oneness.
Of course, it is perfectly human to enjoy kind words from others, to want some control over our
destiny and some money in the bank for security. Authentic feelings (sad, mad, fear, etc.) are perfect ways
to lead us to satisfying our important human needs (as listed in the charts above). In fact, those in Higher
Self feel quite a bit. Feelings drive them to clarity, balance, union. Feelings make us real - and
paradoxically more centered. The difference? Lower Self addictions keep you in "not good enough." We
call this the negative-emotion trance state. Despite success, access to everything you need, or other reasons
for feeling good, those in Lower Self remain miserable because the "not good enough" belief prevents us
from feeling good. Those in the grips of the Lower Self easily tip over the edge at the slightest hint of
criticism or restraint. Why? Because criticism or restraint implies disapproval, and disapproval reminds
them of what they fear the most: they are not good enough. They can fall prey to drugs, alcohol, and other
forms of self-abuse, or seek escape to try to ease the pain. They drive away those close to them and drown
themselves in doubt and self-pity. The Lower Self is ubiquitous for them, and this is why they try to escape
Conversely, a person who has identified their wound and remains vigilant to keep it from
controlling them releases the grip of the Lower Self and opens to live from Higher Self. Here we overcome
the firestorms of life with more grace. Such a person responds to criticism and setbacks by taking care of
him or herself. Overwhelming challenges could be painful and difficult for the Lower Self. The Higher Self
explores and then dissolves challenges. How? Simple nature walks, friendly feedback, or meditating. It's
not a big deal if someone disapproves, because the Higher Self recognizes its true value and knows if there
is a setback, the door is open for something better to happen.
Many have asked me, how did this Lower Self come to be? There are many theories. I believe its
presence is simply a constant reminder of our lessons to address to be the highest part of the Great Spirit we
are, in human form.
Solving the Lower Self Dilemma
From the shamanic perspective, the way out of the Lower Self and all its self-doubt and
unhappiness, is to:
meditate regularly to put yourself in your Higher Self most of the time.
work with the "Three Components of the Lower Self" worksheet.
be aware when the Lower Self acts up (you'll feel an intense 'grip' of emotional tension in
your body, followed by attack/defend/escape thoughts or behavior). Follow the "Empowering
Response" sequence of the "Ultimate Transformation Formula" below;
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
use every means to heal your wound. The Ultimate Transformation Formula helps us identify
and reframe the stories the Lower Self lives by. Our method: "I hear you, Lower Self, what do
you need?" "What is the belief here-can we reframe it?"
Always vigilant, watch your thoughts (meditation helps). You must stay awake to release all
obsessions involving pain, suffering, and "not good enough," scary thoughts that go around and around in
the mind. Instead we need to think in ways of abundance. Be positive, and self-affirming (more on this in
Chapter Four). Everyone may choose between "good enough" and "not good enough." As we mature, we
spend time going between the two. Reaching a point of crisis gives us the option to consciously choose to
stay in the Higher Self.
As human, we make unwise choices. No one is immune from a bout of Lower-Self addiction from
time to time, especially when it comes to personal and business relationships. The trick is to learn to accept
yourself. This is not about perfection. It is about feeling centered in your Higher Self.
In summary, if this Higher Self/Lower Self concept may challenge you. Think of it this way, “the
Higher Self is your powerful self, the Lower Self your scared self.” You possess the power to choose,
identify, embrace, and adhere to each self, each moment. Choosing to maintain a Higher Self standard
helps quickly dissolves the trials of life. Life has its ups and downs. Do not ignore legitimate needs of any
part that hurts. Just remember, you are not your weakness. Each step of life is a lesson in how to respond.
Love and acceptance of yourself is the way out of trouble and into joy. Choose your Higher Self.
Note: Sometimes in life, we see people whose behavior is bizarre-they can be angry, they may
want to hurt others. Some would call them evil. People in this kind of trance may challenge all levels of
society. The Lower Self in such a person is often in very deep pain. A poison takes them over, and they are
not in their right mind. If they are open to healing, take them to a trained healing professional or noted
shaman. Do your best to take care of yourself first, and alert law enforcement if you or others are in
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
The Ultimate Formula For Transforming
The Waves Of Lower-Self Activation
When something happens to trigger us, intense negative emotions prompt us to attack or run. If we
give in to this prompting, we sabotage our highest good.
Example: Someone calls you a name and you immediately want to lash out at them.
Unconscious Reaction
What happens when we don't know how to have a healthy response:
Incident occurs.
We have an automatic unconscious "I'm not good enough" thought.
We experience intense Lower-Self emotions in response to the thought (sadness, anger, fear).
Sensations build in the body (tension, nervousness, increased heart rate).
We resist the sensations and the incident, causing anxiety.
The body continues to tense as stress builds.
The cycle continues and deepens until. . .
We are in a trance of fear, acting out in anger or seeking some way to escape (medication, drugs,
When something happens to trigger you (activates the Lower Self or lots of emotion, or you
experience waves of anxiety in your thoughts, emotions, and body), use the following exercise to transform
these waves.
Empowering Response: A process of Acceptance and Creation
Conscious transformation of the unconscious reaction (Breathe, Relax, Feel, Watch, Allow)
Incident occurs. Breathe deeply.
Be aware of your triggers (intense emotion, tension in the body, desire to either attack or run).
Practice meditation & yoga to improve your awareness.
Enter the state of Higher Self. Ask your Higher Self (your older wiser true self who always
knows what to do) to come forth to guide you to what is the true reality before you.
Be present with the sensations, fully feel them without responding. Shift to an observer
perspective. Simply watch the Lower Self compassionately as if it were someone else throwing a
fit. Surrender to the feelings. Listen to any messages. Release any "doing" right now; let go of
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
obsessing about the past or worry about the future. Notice what you avoid, what you cling to, all
your addictions. Find an aspect of it all to laugh about. If you don't react, the wave of emotion will
subside. Say, "I choose peace instead of this" over and over until you feel a shift. (Read The
Power of Now by E. Tolle).
If you need to, go to a sacred place or out in nature. Be still your mind; count your breaths.
Repeat the mantra (affirmation): "Breathing in, I calm my mind and body; breathing out, I release
and trust." Imagine a divine flow of energy moving through you to soothe Higher Self activation.
Allow your Higher Self to take over. When your mind starts to chatter about the incident, shift
your focus again to the mantra.
If your body is tense, move your body. Change facial expressions or posture. Breathe deeply.
Swing your arms, run around the block, jump up and down, take a shower-anything to allow the
wave of energy to move through you. Movement and water dislodge the grip of the Lower Self.
Stay conscious of it the entire time. Do whatever it takes to stay centered to not do or say anything
you later regret.
Relax deeply and allow integration. Lie down, rest, and let it all go. Identify any remaining body
sensations and breathe deeply into any places that feel contracted. Let go, let go, let go. Feel the
contraction and ask yourself, "Can I let it go? Will I? When?" Allow yourself to move deeply into
peace. Let it go. Recognize that you are more powerful than your limits. Feel the freedom.
Invite in the "Highest" thought. Allow something new to enter-a new insight, belief or
awareness, a new thought. Find safety and balance wherever you are. Ask your Higher Self: "How
can I look at this situation differently?" "What is the true reality here?" "How can I respond to this
from wisdom?" "What is the highest thought here?" A new perspective is always available. Be
willing to step into your power and behave differently. Release your victim consciousness.
Embrace your shaman self. Speak your truth.
Allow inspiration to guide you to a creative expression to anchor your new learning. Dance,
paint, sing, express yourself. Call a supportive friend to share your excitement.
Mini Diffusion Approach: STOP, RELAX, REFRAME
Stay with the process. You may want to react. Hold yourself back. Complete the
transformation process fully. Release all action and distraction, and any other means of
avoiding completion. Stay where you are longer than you think you can.
Practice various forms to release every day. Know what you do transforms the entire
collective "emotional pain body" of humanity. Thank you.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Remember this often:" I am an integral part of the Great Spirit. With this power I step forward
and move through. I am the master. I am a perfect soul. I am good enough."
Words to Ponder:
I now know all conflict is one Lower Self interacting with another. The only way out is for me to stop and
get centered in the Great Spirit of my own Higher Self. When I release all resistance, the conflict no longer
exists. I release my need to think I'm "not good enough" and affirm the truth of who I am. I release the need
to resist my Higher Self, the need to keep me caught in the pain of the Lower Self."
Organization Awareness:
Workplace conflict is often caused when we allow the Lower Self to lead us. Before communicating, get
centered. Speak from the Higher Self; this diffuses the Lower Self of others. Remember, you solve issues
from a higher place of being than the lower energy that created it.
Suggestions For Practice (record your results in your journal):
Focus on gratitude - thank Great spirit each day for all you have. Focus on the Higher Self
(dedicate, commit and discipline yourself to overcome the Lower Self's urgings). Find
teachers who emulate this. If they can do it, so can you.
Review the "Three Components of the Lower Self" worksheet. Embrace your needs (listen to
your feelings) and give yourself what you need.
If you really want to heal, understand how feelings are messengers. When you struggle, talk
to yourself as if you talk to someone else, and ask, "What do you feel?" Respond: "I feel
____" (see "Authentic Human Feelings," Principle 2 for help).
As strange as this can sound, talk (and listen!) to your physical or emotional pain as if it were
another person and with a voice. It tells you what part of you hurts, and whether that part of
you needs something. Listen intently without judging or fixing. Just let it be. Give yourself
the gift of being heard. Then, when the time is right, when the sharing of feelings is complete,
lovingly ask, "What do you need?" and/or, "How can I help you get what you need?" (This
little process works wonders when you want to touch someone else's life, too; just ask them
these questions, and listen.)
Meditate daily to increase your awareness and to help you live more in the Higher Self. (See
Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman for more on the Higher Self.)
"Each time you enter into meditation more of what you fear and doubt is cleansed."-- Mafu (a
sage for all ages)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
When triggered (in the grip of Lower Self emotion), use the Ultimate Formula noted above.
Get energized through physical movement: walk, dance, energetic breathing, yoga, martial
arts, etc. Body movement helps release the energy of emotion and the grip of the Lower Self.
Practice Anahata Yoga. . . and experience the physical/spiritual opening heart.
Clean up your "I am" statements. "I am" is a powerful statement to the Universe; whatever
you say after the words "I am" will be manifest. For example, change, "I am confused," to, "I
am clear and focused." Change, "I am angry," to, "I fully love and accept myself."
Affirm: "I release the need for the Lower Self's pain to run my life."
"I affirm I am a beautiful spark of the Great Spirit. I trust my Higher Self to lead me. I am
11-Week Self-Love Practice: Three minutes a day.
Look at yourself in mirror (deep into your own eyes) first thing in the morning and ask, "How am
I today, ____ (state your name)?" Answer, listen, and embrace yourself.
Same as for weeks 1-4, PLUS: "What do I like about myself?" "What do I not like about
myself?" "What do I need today?
8 - 10
Same as for weeks 5-8, PLUS: "What do I love about myself today?" "Who may I serve today?"
Listen to everything you say out loud for one week. In doing this you hear all the answers you
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #2
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #3
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Principle #3: Place Yourself First, Before All Things and All Others
From the Elder in the North: "What comes first in life?"
Throughout history, this advice attracts the most aggressive opposition. Those who seek to take
care of themselves often experience labels such as: selfish, heretical, sinners, and so forth. Yet from the
standpoint of the Law of Attraction (by which we attract everything that comes to us on this earth), the only
way to succeed is to put yourself first. If you fail to care for yourself first, you are no use to others. This is
why airlines advise mothers traveling with children to place the oxygen mask on them first in emergencies,
and then on their children. Those who try to serve others first often find themselves drained, burned out,
and unable to rise to meet challenges.
The energy of all of life begins with you. As you rejuvenate and fill up with the "Great Spirit," you
find an abundance of inner joy. Only then can you be of great service to others. Take care of you. Look
after your well being of mind, body and spirit. Find healing. Allow yourself to blossom and have energy.
Allow your natural gifts to come forth. Express yourself in whatever ways you feel called to do. The heart
naturally wants to give. Fill it up and let your gifts flow.
James Redfield's classic, The Celestine Prophecy, is an excellent read to fill up energetically (also
addressed in the next chapter). He offers several ways to connect to natural energy (meditations on
receiving from the earth). He also offers us four dimensions of what he calls "energy dramas" (Lower Self
stuff) - ways people inadvertently 'steal' energy from others (if they haven't found a way to fill themselves
directly). These dramas cause a great deal of pain for many people. Dramas create a losing battle for energy
between people every time! The four battles include:
the "Poor Me" battle. Steals energy by playing the victim, subtly getting others to fix them to give
them energy.
the "Aloof" battle. Steals by acting mysterious and distant, - a ruse to get others to approach them
to energize themselves through "look at me, how special I am."
the "Interrogator" battle. Steals by constant probing, asking, inquiring about someone's behavior,
seeking to control others.
the "Intimidator" battle. Steals by bullying, using aggression as a way to take others' power and
I suggest you explore to see if any of these shown up in your life. Work to fill yourself up and be
authentic (direct when you need to be, and be compassionate with yourself). John Gray's book, What You
Can Feel, You Can Heal, also explores dramas and characters people create to avoid their authentic self,
and what to do about it.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #3
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Every time I do something wonderful and invigorating for myself, I go home to find a message that
someone wants to give me a gift. I always find a miracle awaiting me. This never ceases to amaze me- when
I give to myself, the universe joins in! The energy flows, the heart opens, and I can give more.
Organization Awareness:
Managers who take time to take care of themselves often have so much more to give. For decades, books on
personal power (and related leadership traits) alludes to always taking care of yourself first. Lead a
balanced lifestyle cultivates energy - daily. A surplus of energy helps us do twice as much in half the time.
People respond to those with energy.
Suggestions For Practice (record your results in your journal):
Ask yourself daily: What activities do I participate in today/this week solely for my
rejuvenation? Example: Weekly massages, hot tub, daily time in nature, yoga, walks, music,
celebration, creativity.
Self Energizing: Nurture yourself! Read a book, cook a meal for you, go to a movie, walk in
nature, acknowledge the love (energy) you seek is inside you.
Embrace Meditation. Embrace time in nature, fun, adventure.
Embrace the power of AIR. Move your body and breathe. Engage in yoga and/or other forms
of movement.
Embrace the power of WATER. Drink it, shower more often, hot tub, go swimming.
Embrace the power of EARTH. Eat more organic vegetables, climb a mountain, lie down on
the earth (at the beach or a grassy park) and energize.
Embrace the power of FIRE. Enjoy more bonfires, spend time in a warmer climate, sit in a
sauna. Light a candle at night, burn sage. Enjoy more sunlight.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #3
Chapter 3 (Part A)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
What is the most important thing I learned in this chapter?
What practice can I apply now?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life - Principles 4-7
Principle #4: Look at the Negative Emotions for What they Have to Teach You.
From the Elder in the East: "What is your lesson here?"
All negative trance states (perpetual anger, fear, etc.) result from the Lower Self's habit of
spending more of our inner time judging ourselves, often from the perspective of others' rules, than on the
basis of our Higher Self counsel. As we learn to trust live our sacred way-the life that is right for us-our
negative emotions dissipate. We become free to meet our true greatness.
Hold on to nothing-let it all go. If that sounds scary, do it anyway! As you begin to let go of
societal expectations (your parents, your boss, or your friends and coworkers), you find yourself centering
more on the present of the Higher Self. The whining Lower Self begins to relinquish its role as a negative
control mechanism. Even then, continue to listen to what your emotions tell you and keep moving forward.
Warning! Please do not use Lower Self teachings as a reason to not feel. Every hurting part inside
of you offers you a gift - if you'll only listen. Ask the parts of your body that hurt or feel tight what message
they attempt to convey, and then listen! This can sound unusual, but before running for the pain killers, take
one moment to FEEL. Ask the aching part of your body, as if it were a child with a soft voice, what is its
message. Pretend you hear its whisper, and listen to what it has to say. You might be amazed at the
revealed insights and solutions. On several occasions Speaking Wind told me how if you don't pay
attention to these negative emotions to grasp the lesson they ask you to embrace, the emotion intensifies
until you do listen. Don't believe me? Ponder this: "What you resist, persists!"
The shamanic way teaches how everything has a message. It is important to stay alert, listen,
FEEL, adapt, and declare, "I am powerful. I evolve. I embrace all aspects of life." Become the master of
self-love. Stay alert. Dissolve anger, fear and pain. Practice being your Higher Self and loving your Lower
An example:
Speaking Wind always told me to pay attention to the signs. Everything is a message about me. In one
instance, he told me how my dreaded winter cold was nothing more than my body asking for something I
wasn't giving. It needed time to fast, rest, slow down. It didn't need to go to more parties, drink more beer,
or overeat. The body and all of life talk to me, asking me to look at my choices. Pay attention - respond to
what your body asks of you.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Organization Awareness:
Release the need to see a problem. Instead, try to see a gift, the opportunity to exercise your Higher Self to
create amazing win-win solution to fulfill some previously ignored need.
Suggestions For Practice:
Pay attention and FEEL. Let your feelings teach you. Discover your wound and keep it in front of
you (and keep your mission in front of you too- next chapter). You'll know by listening to what
hurts, what you resist. Consult the medicine wheel for insight on how to heal.
Practice Reframing (noted above) and the Ultimate Formula (see Principle 2).
Thoughts are things, gifts given to you to help you learn. Whenever you feel some negative chatter
or negative thing happening to you, say three times slowly, "Thank you for coming to me, my
friend. What is it you have brought for me to learn from you today?" and it will diffuse. If you are
in the middle of something important, say, "Thanks for sharing, I hear you. I wish to focus on this
right now; I will get to you when I can. Thanks!"
Clear any negative reactions by listening to your body, feelings, and thoughts. Ask what they may
need from you. You may receive an immediate answer! If so, give yourself what you need, or you
may need to expand your conversation with your body by "reframing" or "shapeshifting" (next
section) your core aggravating thoughts. Shapeshifting thoughts offers forgiveness by honoring
the very thoughts you might judge. Ultimately, befriend the Lower Self and invite it to partner
with you as you let go to clear the underlying emotional issues.
Awareness is key! Provide equal rewards for being more awake/aware to moments of Lower and
Higher Self awareness. (Higher Self comes from inner love and strength). Lower Self governs
with past Lower Self (fear-based) conditioning. Many native traditions call this "stalking." Stalk
your self, not another!
Shapeshifting Beliefs (a very powerful process)
Ask this series of questions to help shift a belief:
What do I feel?
What is the thought or belief to trigger this feeling?
Is it true?
How can I be sure it is absolutely true?
How do I act when I believe it is true?
What could this say about me?
What do I need that I am not giving myself?
How do I give myself what I want to receive?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Example: Joey is upset in his relationship with Mary. He blames her for not loving him.
He asks:
1. What do I feel?
2. What is the thought or belief to trigger this feeling?
He thinks:
I'm pissed off!
She is an unloving so-and-so!
3. Is it true?
4. How can I be sure it is absolutely true?
5. How do I act when I believe it is true?
6. What could this say about me?
7. What do I need that I am not giving myself?
I think so. . . . .
I can't.
Insecure. . . petty. . . I run away. . . and then I attack.
It could say that I do not live the way I want to.
I do not take care of myself and then I blame Mary for how
I feel.
What I need- is to get out with my friends more, surf every
day, and be loving to Mary. This is how I get what I want . .
. I give more - knowing that I have more.
8. How do I give myself what I want to receive?
Your turn:
What is bothering me right now
1. What do I feel?
2. What is the thought or belief to trigger this feeling?
3. Is it true?
4. How can I be sure it is absolutely true?
5. How do I act when I believe it is true?
6. What could this say about me?
7. What do I need that I am not giving myself?
8. How do I give myself what I want to receive?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Classic Reframing Exercise (Take a belief to turn it around):
My Limiting Beliefs: Write any negative thoughts on your worth, life's fairness, people, or what you should
I am:
Life is:
People are:
My shoulds:
My Reframes: Take your beliefs turn them around to inspiring thoughts, and state why these new thoughts
are true (because. . .):
I am _________ because:____________________________________________
Life is __________ because:_____________________________________________
People are _________ because:_____________________________________________
Change "shoulds" to: Choices. . . . .
I choose ______ because:____________________________________
I no longer choose ______ because:______________________________
Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life is a classic on the power of changing beliefs.
See Loving What Is by Byron Katie.
Also, if you find yourself in the grips of the Lower Self, ask, "What core beliefs has led to
this?" See what it is, and then breathe it out and replace it with an empowering thought (see
Some Empowering Thoughts:
There is no such thing as failure, only results.
Infinite patience creates immediate results.
I am never upset for the reason I think I am.
Would I rather be right, or happy?
My world is based on the choices I make every day.
Your List:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Empower Yourself to Live the Thoughts of the Native American Commandments
Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with
Remain close to Great Spirit, in all that you do.
All life is sacred. Treat all beings with respect.
Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
Do what you know to be right.
Look after the well being of mind and body.
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater
Be truthful and honest at all times.
The Earth is our Mother. Care for her. Take from
the Earth what is needed, and nothing more.
Open your heart and soul to Great Spirit.
Honor all your relations. Especially, respect
Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
What we give, we give to ourselves, for we are all
But be careful not to fall into self-righteousness.
Follow the rhythm of nature; rise and retire with the
And give constant thanks to Great Spirit for each
new day.
Speak the truth, but only of the good in others.
Above all, be truthful and honest with yourself.
Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
Empower Yourself to Live the Thoughts of the Reiki Principles:
Just for today, I will . . .
a. give thanks for my blessings.
b. not worry.
c. not be angry.
d. do my work honestly.
e. be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #4
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #5
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Principle #5: Allow All Things to Be.
From the Elder in the South: "It's ok, isn't it?"
The path of the shaman asks us to release the need to be a guru, or to police the universe. Speaking
Wind reports how Great Spirit once said to him, "The two legs have forgotten how to allow all things to be.
And in its place, they have come to try to change them." The need to teach or control arises when we lack
trust in the inherent perfection of all things. Such lack of trust limits our capabilities and our greatness.
When we think others need our teaching, or when we fear they might not do something the "right" way, we
place ourselves above them and deprive them of the opportunity to seek their inner wisdom. This is our
own Lower Self "not good enough" projected outward onto others.
Let go of self-judgment to easily release the need to judge and control others. Once we do that, we
free up to serve our partners and provide useful assistance to those who ask. In place of judging and
controlling, we now love them more fully. We accept, support, and encourage them to trust their inner
guidance to bring forth their gifts without fear of judgment. Doing so, we create an automatic bonus! Lack
of judgment or control on our part often results in people joyously releasing their need to judge and control
us! Accordingly, as time goes on, we no longer feel compelled to defend or explain our actions.
Trust and allow all in life to unfold perfectly. Remember: "Great Spirit" constantly seeks to give
you even greater good than you can imagine. Our task: open up to receive.
And regardless what comes your way, embrace it and turn it into gold. Transform "Oh, drat, it's
raining!" into "Now its time to read that book I've saved!" Allow "Oh, no! The car was stolen!" to express
as "Thanks, Spirit, for the opportunity! I've wanted to buy a better car, now's my chance!”
On the other hand, be aware not to fall back into judging yourself if your first response is a
negative reaction, (even if it persists for awhile). You may take as much time as you need to transform your
thoughts. But the sooner you do, the sooner you move on to the next positive adventure life has to offer.
Remember, Higher Self life always starts with acceptance and allowing. As we accept all, our
natural creativity and passion emerge to guide us to where we can be of help. Trust. Let go of trying. Listen
and respond. Let your energy build, and let miracles emerge. Have faith, everything always gets better. Let
go of changing anything. Let yourself surrender to the wisdom of Great Spirit in you.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #5
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
An example:
Most of my life I wanted my partners to change. Speaking Wind shared with me how 'they' are my mirror,
that what I want them to change is not about them. He asked me to go inside and ask if what I was seeing in
them was something I avoid addressing in myself. Of course, the answer was always yes. He said, "Then
leave them alone and work on yourself. Allow all people and all things to be." From allowing, I learn about
me. I may discover, for example, that I need something. Then I can make a request to a friend for help and
be open to accept that if they won't, then I or someone else will. I allow that, too.
Organization Awareness:
Managers who accept life come across as self-assured and positive. They do not fight anything.
They simply let it be, learn from it (understanding Principle Six), and then act from strength when the
moment is right. Employees will follow this kind of manager because they see their positivity as something
to emulate. Trust is contagious.
Suggestions For Practice:
Open and follow your heart, the seat of the Higher Self. Trust and allow. Affirm: "It is all working
out for the best." Repeat this as often as you need to, until you actually believe it. Be willing to act
minimally. Do only what is necessary, at the highest possible standard, and watch what happens.
Drop overdoing, force, control, anxiety, and let it all just be. Send love and empowerment to all.
Enjoy life more.
Let people be. Don't change anyone. Share only when asked. We are all on the right path.
Don't change anyone. Share only when asked. We are all on the right path. Give others complete
freedom - and you gain your own.
Forgive: Clear all negative thoughts before bed. Pray: "Oh Great Spirit, I pray for strength. Help
me to release all of my 'attack' or 'defend' thoughts from this day. I let go and forgive. I hold no
grudges. No one has done anything wrong. I forgive anyone for anything I perceive they may have
done. I forgive and accept myself for judging or needing anything to be different. I release this
judgment, AND I know I can set boundaries as to how I choose to be treated and with whom I
spend my time. I allow a restful sleep. I trust I will wake up clear on whatever I need to do to take
care of myself, love, and serve. Help me learn to trust that everything is working out in my life."
Be compassionate, for life can be hard. Honor your feelings; cry when you need to. Seek a friend
or counselor to talk to when life gets difficult.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #5
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #6
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Principle #6: Life -To Understand, To Learn, Not To Control
From the Elder in the West: "Why?"
Flowing from Principle 5, once we dissolve our need to change everything, we begin to
understand something. We begin to understand the misuse of our power to change whatever lessons
come our way, or to deter others from their own unique destinations or lessons. We each enjoy a unique
destiny. Everything has a reason. Everything that happens to us plays a part in our growth to this destiny.
The same is true for everyone. Only when we understand the perfection of all that has gone before can we
truly allow what is to be.
You must come to understand your path. Do whatever it takes to find your true self, to follow
your heart. It is of the utmost importance to do what feels right to you. The time is now to stand up and
claim the perfection of all your experiences to date and let go of all the "shoulds" others attempt to impose
on you. Allow inspiration to emerge from within. Be fresh, be cool, be free. Your life is for you to
understand, for you to learn and to enjoy.
It is far better to observe to understand what happens than to control it. Let go of any restrictions
you place on yourself and others. As needed (of course ) we co-create mutual agreements, commitments,
and boundaries. Accordingly, speak up for ourselves when these agreements get lost, confused or ignored.
Let go the need to debate, to hold a fixed point of view; listen, understand, then speak. As you do this, you
find more people responding with respect and love. Enjoy the freedom you create (from dissolving the need
to control) to opens doors to immense creativity and abundance.
An example:
I see now my masks of pride or arrogance. As I begin to see myself as a humble learner (as well as a spark
of the divine) I begin to understand I no longer need any masks. The gift of my life is the deep inner journey
of discovering myself. I am cunning at times at resisting this. When I return to my truth, I know more of
why I came. . . to understand my divine place in the cosmos. . . that I am a part of the One in the circle of
life and that I have a unique gift to share. All else is distraction: what so-and-so is doing, what's in the
news, what my girlfriend is doing, what I think is right, what the government should be doing. Who cares!
When I forget this truth I am lost; when I remember it, I am found. This is the love teachers have spoken of
for centuries. Understanding is loving.
Organization Awareness:
Effectiveness comes from knowing your special gift to give, a natural genius. Understand your gift and the
critical need for this gift. Be passionate about your expression to share and let go of the meaningless.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #6
Chapter 3 (Part B)
Embracing The Seven Principles As A Guide To Life
Suggestions For Practice:
Ask, "What wants to happen in my life now?" Listen. Understand you.
Go to a place of power: Sedona, Mt. Shasta, Machu Pichu, Peru, whatever place calls to you. Feel
the power of the land, and listen. Call forth your vision and take notes on what you hear.
Find a healer/counselor who helps reflect to you what you need to heal in your life now. Use
journeying (Chapter Five). Allow life to show you what is up; address what is in front of you.
Everything is a gift, no matter what happens. Ask to see the gift in each moment.
Realize that everything happens for a reason.
Read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and integrate them in your life to release control.
(The Four Agreements: Always do your best, Be impeccable with your word, Don't make
assumptions, Don't take it personally.)
Be a warrior. Understand what is before you and then with passion do what is needed. Like the
great leaders of history, find a way.
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
Principle #7: The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
From the Elder in the North: "How?"
When you recall your childhood, what kinds of feelings does it bring up in you? Some of us
experienced a happy childhood, while others have painful memories. Nearly all of us can recall looking
forward to growing up. We wished for a time when no one would tell us who we could play with and
where, what we could and could not do, what time to go to bed, and what to eat. -- Remember? And what
happened when we grew up? As an adult, haven't you caught yourself longing for the freedom of lost
Looking back, we see how as children we lived, for the most part, in the truth of the moment.
When we played, we played full-out. When we cried, we cried as if our heart would break. And when we
loved, we loved with abandon. Life was filled with mystery, and nature and our imaginations brought us
limitless opportunities for fascination with the world within and without. We naturally listened to nature,
and took care of her.
Children allow the greater wisdom to guide them. They are eternally grateful, for they know how
everything is a repository of beauty. They are openly curious and interested in exploration, adventure,
knowledge, and self-improvement. Yet somewhere along the way to adulthood, as we took on the "shoulds"
and "should nots" of our elders, nearly all of us progressively lost the magic. We lost our freedom to be our
true self. And as that happened, we began to grow old.
We’re not required to grow old. Somewhere inside, somewhere hidden in the recesses of our
cellular memory, the child in us lives on. It is this child within who offers us the promise to truly live this
life we've been given and to restore our innocence.
Now is the time to return to treat our life as a mystery. In doing so we discover a magnificent
unfolding of possibilities beyond what we could ever understand. The question is, how did we lose the
mystery in the first place? One answer: we left the simplicity to live in the moment for the complexity of
creating a past and a future. Living in the past or the future binds you to your Lower Self. As children,
enveloped in the Now, we lived in our bodies, inhaling and exhaling freely the spirit of life. As adults, we
live primarily in our minds. As children, we gave every ounce of energy in us to whatever we did. As
adults, our Lower Self pulls us in so many directions (our “monkey mind") we lack the ability to focus
100% of our attention on the activity at hand. As children, we naturally balance life; we played until we
were tired, and we slept until we were rested. As adults, our lives are unbalanced. We push ourselves to the
edge and then wonder why we have no energy. As children, we were spontaneous; as adults, we allow our
'plans' to subvert the joy of spontaneous living. As children, we lived in reverence and awe for what all
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
things, people, and beings could teach us. As adults, we allow experience to pass for wisdom and limit truth
to only what we know.
When we move from the body into the mind, we lose touch with the magic of life. One solution is
remember to honor the body. We don't have to forfeit intellect to do so, we have only to reconnect with our
bodies in the way we were connected as children. The body, the heart, is where your Higher Self lives.
Deep breathing can help to connects us. Spend a few minutes several times a day to engage in deliberate
deep breathing. You can nourish your body by integrating more fresh vegetables into your diet. Follow the
example set by the Masters of the Orient and exercise and cleanse your body regularly (inside and out).
Focus on energizing movements taught in Yoga, Qi Gong and Tai Chi classes worldwide. Such
movements, (developed over thousands of years) increase energy, balance and strength. Most all U.S.
communities offer some type of healing arts classes. (Try an internet search on Yoga and your city name –
see what appears and follow through on checking things out.)
Balance your body and mind. How? Incorporate daily play as a counterweight to your work.
Incorporate play into your work! Forgotten how to play? Do what makes you feel young! Make a
commitment to live life with maximum energy and enthusiasm.
The child within is the key to spiritual wholeness. Practice childlike simplicity: clean up clutter in
all areas of your life. Excess clogs the channel connecting you to your child nature and your divine self.
Allow the inner child to appreciate the presence of the Great Spirit in all things-in nature, in your spouse, or
even in the ants invading the kitchen. Now is the time to return to treating life as a mystery. As we do so,
we discover a magnificent unfolding beyond anything we might have dreamed. At the same time we
naturally take care of all that is required as well. Nothing is lost, accept what needs to go and let it go freely.
The older you get, the younger you are; because the longer you live, more opportunities happen
for you learn how much more there is to know. When you live in reverence, sacredness, and openness, you
find windows to the bigger picture appear. Open yourself to the joy to be young again, to be absorbed in
discovery, and to have passion for life. Be amazed at the miracles to follow!
An example:
We think about what it means to be an adult and all the things we are "supposed" to do. "Where is the
fun?" you wonder. Speaking Wind looked me in the eye once and said, "Dear one, play each day or your
day has been wasted. Be the child in you who loves to adventure and discover. This is who you are: a child
of joy and a player of life. The great gift of our earth walk is that play is Love."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
Organization Awareness:
Let go of all the, "I have to" The truth is- there is nothing you have to do. You choose what you do. Choose
to make your work, play. There is no need to be so serious all the time! Remember, the sun rises each day,
and so may you. Smile and play through your day. See how miracles flow to you when you do. If there’s
some part of your job that needs to get done but pulls you down, get some help. You are too important to let
your joy go. You cannot help others if you don't help yourself first.
Suggestions For Practice:
If you can, return to the place of your upbringing. Walk the land and call forth the child in you
that once walked there. Talk to the child. What guidance does he or she have for you now?
What part of life was important then - that you have now forgotten? Is there something (like
riding a bike) you need to embrace in your life again?
Play each day. Play through the day. Make work play. Make chores play. Practice living in
the Now. Let your innocent, open, loving child guide you. Trust that from this place of being,
all the action you need will flow without having to worry or control.
Share your heart! Volunteer. Work with children or seniors every week. Learn from them;
share with them.
As you read the following, allow each one to sink in to become more integrated into the core of your being:
Now is the time to know that nothing has any meaning other than the meaning I give it.
Now is the time to realize it is not what happens, but what I do to make a difference.
Now is the time to be free of limitations, beliefs, and thoughts of anything; to expand my
awareness of the wonder of life.
Now is the time to Love.
Now is the time to live as if there were only six months left.
Now is the time to taste new foods, make new friends, savor familiar friends, and try new
Now is the time to fly. . . to be fascinated with this amazing journey called life!
Ask yourself:
How do I celebrate life?
What is my sacred way of having fun?
How can I play more? Make work more fun? Laugh more?
What great gifts do I have to share?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
How do these principles impact me?
How do these principles help me identify or address an issue I have?
How do I integrate issue resolutions into my life?
What resistance do I have to it, and where does it come from?
How do I dissolve my resistance to be free?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
Final Exercise:
Speaking Wind's core teachings (summarized in the above Seven Principles) also contain many
more truths to help us. Individually, we must identify our further truths to allow us to make sense of our
own list. To create our list, explore and record your thoughts to these questions:
What great principles have I discovered in my life?
What essential virtues do I further develop to live these principles on a daily basis to continue
my growth? Examples: Courage, Flexibility, Compassion, Justice, Temperance, Gratitude,
Who am I? Why am I here? What is my natural genius? What does it mean to live in love; to
be self-committed; to be committed to others?
Use your favorite books, favorite quotations and teachings from people you revere to aid
in exploring these issues.
Create six spiritual guidelines (based on what you learned from answering the above
questions) to embody your own personal philosophy and serve as a foundation to your life.
Write them down and share them.
Your List:
Sacred guidelines serve like the banks of a river, gently shepherding our energy in the direction of
Spirit. They remind us when we forget. Meditate deeply and ask Great Spirit for help. Write your principles
down, post them on the wall, and reflect on them. Weave them into your daily life. Use them to guide your
consciousness and help you make life decisions. Review and update them as your awareness grows.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Principle #7
Chapter 3 (Part B)
The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old
For Reflection:
What is the most important thing I have learned in this chapter?
What healing practices do I apply now?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Magneticism And Mission
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors
to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
- Thoreau
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power:
Along my journey through the medicine wheel to Buffalo (my elder true self), Speaking Wind
taught me how life takes me somewhere -it takes me to my destiny. The only thing I must do is live the
principles, pay attention, and get out of the way (stop trying, forcing, worrying, and not trusting).
Would you like something to help with living these principles; to foster better awareness (thus
end) to Lower Self feelings? Try the Law of Attraction. This law, is a fundamental truth of life of all
principles and virtues. As you’ll quickly discover, this is a very important life law to embrace.
The Law of Attraction defined:
Who we are deep inside determines what appears around us. There are no accidents. We
magnetize (draw to us) by virtue of our thoughts, deeds, and our heart’s energy. What we naturally draw to
us encompasses our presence, and our presence determines our power to attract more of the same. The Law
of Attraction helps any person, organization, or family to more fully awaken, become conscious and tap
into the universal good will energy. Those who become more fully awake become more aware to love and
will live in peaceful, joyous abundance. Living this Law helps move us more swiftly along our Earth Walk,
for it turns us into magnets for further good. To follow the Law of Attraction is a Higher Self pursuit, and
the best way to avoid the mayhem Lower Self seems to attract.
Attraction is also an inner game. It is from the place of a quiet, fulfilled heart that the spirit is
ignited to attract success in the outer world. This inner journey itself brings an ultimate reward: a peaceful
heart. From this place, external distractions (more money, larger home, faster car) lose much of their
appeal. So, Corporate Shamans live to learn, share, and be of service. As life richens, Corporate Shamans
hold the “safe space” to learn how what we earn or own is less important to learning our ultimate life
Destiny often has a different calling for you other than to own lots of stuff. When you follow the
Principles and integrate the Law of Attraction to help you pull forth what you need, you’ll have all you ever
need, joyfully, gracefully and (what it appears to be) effortlessly. After all, we have needs and it is
important we meet these needs. Why not do it with ease? Keep in mind however, such ease comes from the
hard work of following the Principles above to aid the Law of Attraction. It takes time. Be gentle and
patient with yourself.
Chapter Four explores the Law of Attraction to see how we use it to draw more of what we want
into our lives. The following phases illustrate how the Law of Attraction is a on-going process with clear
steps to take.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
Law of Attraction Phases:
Review the following steps to begin a process to integrate them into your life. An exercise at the
end of the chapter walks you through these steps once more to help create a life plan. A life plan is simply a
vehicle to energize this law.
Total Acceptance. Listen to life. Walk in gratitude, for all is perfect. Accept what is. Accept the
new. Accept your human weaknesses, and appreciate your mistakes. Open to new possibilities.
Honor all by accepting all that is.
Fill Up. Fill yourself with energy! Rejuvenate daily. Meditate. Move your body. Spend time in
nature. Live a joyous life. Embrace spiritual practice. Release energy drains. Play and create.
Identify. Know who you are. Learn what you don't want (count on life experience to show you)!
Pay attention, for you must know what you don't want before you begin to transform it. The
foundation of our wants is often based on identifying what we want to release. Notice what your
soul is nudging you to do; meditate and listen. Pay attention to your sleeping dreams (detailed in
the next chapter). Get a book on dreaming. Carlos Castenada's work often focused on this vital
component of Shamanic teaching. Night dreams connect you to a deeper truth at a time when the
conscious mind is asleep. Pay attention to them. Use your dreams as a resource to mold your
waking dream to truth.
Set clear intentions. The universe is here to help you, and will, once you declare what you want.
This is your time to get clear, affirm the Great Spirit's support, and open to receive this support in
the many forms it may appear. Keep it simple: develop three key, clear, specific intentions and
then give them your full love and support.
Cultivate. Ask yourself what you need to support your intentions. Come to know how the universe
is your partner; give your energy, assess your progress, and make needed adjustments. Use prayer,
affirmation, and visualization. Your greatest power? Thoughts! "Stalk" your thoughts. Cancel
(dissolve) any negativity to evolve it with a powerful affirmation or empowering thought.
Let Go. Do what is needed, and then stop. Release. Now is the time to trust and allow. Affirm the
outcome, and see it as already done. Go have fun! The universe does the rest. Just as with a real
garden, once you have planted and cultivated this garden you must leave it be and allow the sun,
water and the soil do the rest.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
Many truths reside within the Law of Attraction. These truths support six main sub-laws.
The Sub-Laws of the Law of Attraction
(more in Deepak Chopra's The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success)
The following six sub-laws of the Law of Attraction will give you a greater understanding of the
universal laws that are working to help you. Knowing and living in harmony with these laws will help you
become even more magnetic.
1 of 6: The Law of Energization
Your power to attract is based on your level of magnetism; this is as true for organizations as it is
for individuals. As you fill with spiritual power, love and energy you become more magnetic. Make it a
habit to fill up regularly through prayer, meditation, yoga, and other basic spiritual practices. To magnetize,
you need to energize. Take care of you! Rejuvenate. Live in a sacred, honorable way. Use Speaking Wind's
Seven Principles to create the life you want. (See James Redfield's book, The Celestine Prophecy, for
further treatment of this subject as well as Sanaya Roman’s books.)
Practice gratitude: Give thanks for what you have, even if you only have it in your mind.
Give thanks for success before it happens, for gratitude is a tremendous energizer. The Plains
Indians gave thanks for a successful hunt before they went out to gather their food, thus
assuring this law would work for them. Whatever we are grateful for will increase.
Be Passionate: Shout your goals using powerful affirmations (see example under 'Focused
Intent' below). Passion is a powerful magnetizer. Laugh, dance, get wild. . . bring forth the
passion in you.
Stay Positive: Clean up inner negativity. Know every word and thought is a prayer. Know all
prayers are answered. When you think negative thoughts, you - in essence - pray for negative
results. If you think or pray for something, you’re invoking the Law of Attraction. Make sure
your prayers affirm and attract rather than repel. When you find yourself acting negatively,
just say "cancel-cancel" and then restate your words in a positive way to reprogram the
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
2 of 6: The Law of Focused Intent
Create intentions, and focus on them daily. Intentions voice desires deep in your soul - they
express your natural genius. They help you attain what you want. Your intentions are like your children.
You must watch over, love, nourish, and believe in them to foster their growth. Look upon them as flowers
in a garden to be watered and cultivated. Nature gives us the seeds. Through our gift of choice and
dedication to persist, we reap a harvest. To help you develop your intentions, visualize, affirm, command,
write down, draw out, and proclaim what you see in your mind's eye as if it were already manifest. Claim
your dream and love it into existence. Be impeccable with each word spoken about your dream, for each
word energizes creation. Do everything in your life with a clear intent. Ask: "Why do I do this? What is my
motivation? Does this serve the whole? How does this support my dream?"
Sample affirmation: "Today is my day! Today I expect amazing opportunities to appear to bring
me joy and prosperity! Today everything is going my way! My energy touches everyone I meet! Today I
am irresistible to SUCCESS! Today I expect miracles. Today I am a magnet for good. Today is my day!
My goal for this day is________, and it is so!"
3 of 6: The Law of Least Effort:
Do only what you need to support your intentions with ease-no more, no less than an honest
relaxed effort. Once you plant the seed, water it with love, let go, and allow the universe to do the rest.
Trust. You do not make it grow; it will grow on its own. Recognize your partnership with the universe.
Explore the balance of doing and not-doing. If you do too much-if you over water a plant, you may kill it!
If you fail to give it enough water, it can still die. Instead, affirm trust and love, have patience with the
miracles of the universe. Do what feels right. Instead of stressing, have more fun. Do what is needed, and
focus on the inner work: meditate, affirm, and visualize. (For more on visualization, see Shakti Gawain's
book, Creative Visualization and for affirmations, Stuart Wilde's book, Affirmations.)
4 of 6: The Law of Giving and Receiving:
Become a master giver! Share what you have. Tithe (money, time, prayers) regularly to those who
feed your spirit. Offer love and good will at every turn. Let love and forgiveness clear the way for you.
Find a way to serve, to go above and beyond the norm to offer love and healing to others. Efforts in this
direction open you to receive boundless good. Begin by giving yourself love, acceptance, and opportunities
to have more fun. Then, create something from the heart to provide the same love, acceptance and fun for
others. The idea: give from the heart without any expectation of return from the person who receives your
gift. Natural law provides abundance in return if you truly give with “no strings attached.”
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
5 of 6: The Law of Release and Allow:
Once you do your best to accomplish your objectives, bless your work with prayers and gratitude.
It is then time to let your concern go completely. Detach from your desired outcome. Release any
expectations. Allow yourself to bathe in a pool of trust and belief. If you are true to your heart, your success
is assured. Remember, the power of the Great Spirit constantly seeks to give you even greater good than
you can imagine! Allow Spirit to do its work, something better than anything you might ask for awaits you.
Just let go to find out.
To release or let go means to give up worry and fear about the outcome. Louise Hay also suggests
to let go by "releasing the need for any limitation that might be in the way." These Lower Self 'needs' lead
us to believe we deserve what ever limited circumstances we face. Craft affirmations to dissolve such
beliefs: "I release my need for pain, hurt, anger, drama, resistance, poverty, and/or abuse in my life. I
release it all now and embrace ease and flow, abundance and joy, now."
6 of 6: The Law of Love and Honor:
Treat all life with acceptance, love and respect, and the same will come back to you. Honor your
vision and purpose. Remember to take the time to know your true self and live this self fully. Identify your
mission. Keep your word. Follow through on commitments. Learn. Heal. Honor. Love. Serve.
How the Law of Attraction Changed My Life:
The Law of Attraction changed my life. It taught me how to be. As a former type 'A' personality, a
revelation of incredible proportions happened when I learned how I create abundance by relaxing and
focusing on inner work (versus making massive external efforts). To understand such a concept I had to
realize there is some power beyond me, that is and always will be taking care of me. Every day the sun
rises, my heart beats without me even thinking about it, and all of nature does its work.
As a young man in my twenties, not knowing about the Law of Attraction, I unfortunately
engaged its opposite-the Law of Repulsion. I focused all my energy on material possessions. I wanted what
everyone else wanted -- money, a nice house, a fast car - all the symbols of material (socially deemed)
success. I did everything I could to achieve success. Yet my focus on success symbols created a startling
effect. The objects of my desire seem to move farther away when they should come closer! I became
extremely frustrated. I couldn't understand how others set similar objectives and achieved them. [Note: I
did discover how some achieve short-term success through their Lower Self – through greed, lack of
integrity, etc. – this was NOT the path I wanted to walk! I craved long-term – internal happiness.]
Nevertheless, I persevered. I read piles of books on how to achieve success. With each book's advice I
would try even harder, but still to no avail. With each failure, I sunk into bouts of depression. When I
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
recovered from the depression, I bought more books thinking I just missed one critical puzzle piece.
Nothing I tried worked.
I began to notice how many other people were miserable too, regardless of their new levels of
material success. Broke or wealthy, people were unhappy. This perplexing fact made me realize how even
if all my efforts had worked, I would still lack what I really wanted above all - happiness!
It was at this point I unknowingly began my journey to the Bear, the Medicine Wheel stage of
self-discovery. When all else fails, we’re finally motivated to look inwards and let go of control. Once I
turned to spiritual teachers, I quickly found out what I missed all along. The wise ones I came to know
lovingly explained the tragic disease I suffered from: the "more, better, faster, someday" disease. With
spiritual guidance, I began to understand how perhaps the outer manifestations were less important than
what lay inside me. I was still a long way from feeling the sense of peace “that can't be bought” known as
true happiness. As I continued my studies and practiced the ideas you find in this book, things started to
evolve into more and more peace and happiness.
I found to set high goals for success offered a starting target, but not a pathway to manifest them.
To create a scale from one to ten, it is easy enough to set level-ten goals. The challenge? Identify and
transform myself to attract level-ten people to accomplish level ten goals. This realization really threw me
for a loop! In order to succeed, I had to work on myself. To attract these people, I wondered:
What kind of person do I need to be to experience only joy?
What kind of person must I be to engage the Law of Attraction?
Inch-by-inch I confronted myself with the realization this is the only way for me to live (to
live in my Higher self – always). I was cornered. I could see that if I mastered this inner
game, I wouldn't have to push so hard for the rest of my life and may truly find happiness.
To be successful at the inner game, I need to be clear about what I truly want (to listen to my
Higher Self). I also dissolved a ton of stress when I dropped my perfectionism (critical judgment). I decided
to practice activities to help me evolve; help me become happier and magnetic enough to attract what I
wanted. I soon realized how many goals regarding material things were nothing more than the Lower Self's
meaningless insecurities. I quickly dissolved those goals! I began journeying and journaling to capture
answers to questions like those presented below (and throughout this book).
To create a life plan, I set guidelines I still follow today (to keep from falling off the wagon, so to
speak). A life plan is a vehicle to living the Law of Attraction. It is a way for us to create what is best. A
well-designed life plan reminds us how our life (choices) is in our hands (with great help from Great
Spirit). The following exercise highlights the way to create your life plan. Upon exercise completion, fill
out the Life Plan form found at the end of the exercise.
Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your calling. -Aristotle
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Exercise: Create & Realize Dreams
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
Exercise: Create a Foundation to Realize A Dream
Find a quiet spot, one to relax and meditate deeply without fear of interruption. Go within, and (in your
journal), record your answers to the following questions.
1. What don't I want in my life any more?
Example: I don't want pain, I don't want to hurt, I don't want to be less than I can be.
Do I accept my past as a gift? (I have learned something).
Do I let my pain teach me about my mission in life?
What does the pain tell me?
2. What is most important to me personally? What do I value most in life?
Example: I value love, health, adventure, family, giving my all, service to others, happiness,
What is My natural genius? (To paint? Organize? Create? Facilitate? Build? Visioning, and/or
What do I love to express my genius with? (Music, kids, business, and/or play).
3. What do I want deep in my soul?
What am I here to create?
What are my dreams, my level-ten goals, my natural genius to share?
If I could have, be, do, try, experience anything, what would I choose?
Now, take ten minutes and write as rapidly as you can on each of the following items. Don’t worry
about spelling, grammar, format. Allow your soul to speak. Think big! Alternate hands to tap into both
sides of your brain. Let the answers flow freely. Give yourself extra "points" for the most outrageous
My Dreams for Myself
My Dreams for My Family
My Dreams for Sharing
My Dreams for Experience, Adventure, & Fun
My Dreams to Leave My Mark on the Planet (Examples: write a book, record a CD, build a
home, raise a family, plant a tree, travel the world, open a center, or create something of
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Exercise: Create & Realize Dreams
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
Other Dreams -- What else do I want to do, be, share, create, receive, or otherwise
experience while here on this Earth Walk? (Anything goes!)
Now, review your responses to identify the three goals most important to you. Refine them to make
them more specific:
(Example: Be happy, Sell 5000 books per month, Lose 10 pounds in one month, etc.)
Turn your goals into Intentions. State them each morning as follows:
I) I intend, accept and allow ____________ in my life.
II) I intend, accept and allow ____________ in my life.
III) I intend, accept and allow ____________ in my life.
The intention that is most important to you is your current priority in life. Which one is it? (Hint: your
mission usually is to share your vision with others through your natural genius talents and gifts).
4. How do I fill myself with energy daily? What practices bring me energy? Which dissipate my
energy? (Sit quietly. Ask yourself how a new or existing practice(s) help(s) or limit(s) your growth.)
Examples: Workshops three times per year, counseling, yoga, meditation, and being alcohol-free?
5. What daily spiritual practices help me release past baggage that gets in my way?
Examples: Shamanic Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP, Reiki, or simply regular
prayers. (See next Chapter for more ideas.)
6. What kind of person do I wish to evolve into? (Identify truths, skills, practices, character traits, and
anything else to help you attract and support the creation of your intentions.)
Examples: High energy, happiness, relaxed concentration, focus, trust, communication skills, and
daily meditation. (Review your responses above to see – more clearly - the intrinsic value to
become this person regardless of possible consequences.)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Exercise: Create & Realize Dreams
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
7. What principles do I choose to base my life on?
Of the principles described in this book and the ones you find, which ones must you absolutely keep your
eye on and live deeply? (How do I stay focused, energize, give what is needed, give, let go, release, and
honor my way to my goals?)
Now, the really FUN part! Review your above responses to create a Life Plan (see the form below).
Trust and let the answers flow. . .
Fill in the blanks . . .
Life Plan
Personal Mission Statement (What is my key dream/soul mission? What do I stand for? How must I live?)
Examples: I am ___. I create__. My dream is to know myself, mature, and share my gifts. My greatest gift
is living my natural genius. As I share my genius I fulfill my mission. My foundation for living is
comprised of the following principles:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit
Chapter 4
Living In Buffalo Power
Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit
Practice the Seven Principles (ongoing)
Practice the Law of Attraction (mornings)
Live life with maximum energy (reverence, balance, gratitude)
Eat consciously, breath, move, energize (ongoing)
Exercise/Movement (walk, bike, swim, yoga) minimum 30 minutes per day.(evenings)
Take time for sacred silence and awe. Meditate. minimum 30 minutes per day.(lunch time)
Love someone today. Share joy (ongoing)
Master Focus. Focus on what you want: Your Intentions. Your support plan.
Use Affirmations, visualization, empowering questions (What am I most happy, excited,
passionate about today? What am I grateful for? What am I committed to? What does my
garden need and when? (mornings)
Journal on your success and key learning’s before bed.
Stay soul connected in weekly spiritual groups.(ongoing)
Top Four Intentions: (I Intend, Expect, and Allow) Write your intentions, a compelling reason why each
intention is important to you and then give an action plan for each one.
1. Intention (Reason / Action Plan / Timeline)
2. Intention (Reason / Action Plan / Timeline)
3. Intention (Reason / Action Plan / Timeline)
4. Intention (Reason / Action Plan / Timeline)
Organization Awareness:
Do you live your mission at work? Is your mission in harmony with your organization's mission? (We
create an organization Pathway Plan in Chapter Seven.)
For Reflection (record your thoughts in your journal):
What is the most important thing I learned in this chapter?
What issues need healing before I proceed?
What do I apply in this chapter to help me accomplish my mission?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
The Healing
Once we know our location on our wheel, we may embrace the knowledge to help us transcend and evolve.
Live our path.
We integrate healing tools as well as the principles to heal anything in our way that may slow us down or
stop us from continuing our journey.
To heal offers balance.
Balance to a way of health to release suffering and bring joy.
We find many lessons here.
The chief lesson?
We need not live in pain anymore.
As we find our balance, we feel good again.
In our balanced way, we truly enjoy the journey for all that it is.
Our rendezvous with destiny is assured.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Chapter 5
The Healing Tools Of The Way
Speaking Wind taught us to integrate the Seven Principles to live in peace and harmony with
ourselves and others. Harmonious living requires we make enlightened choices about how to direct our
focus and where to spend our time.
Individually, or collectively, aids abound for those who choose to live a sacred or quality life.
Personally, I find working with groups immensely helpful. Chapter Five explores tools for living the
Shaman's way: Journeying, dream work, intuition, earth medicine, and specific ways to work in groups.
These tools help us achieve healing and forgiveness – natural byproducts of living the Seven Principles. We
use these tools to invoke the Law of Attraction into action. In doing so, your path to fulfilling your destiny
becomes clear.
Speaking Wind used 'Journeying' as his primary method to access power to help himself and
others. At the end of his speaking engagements, he would ask his listeners to lie down and relax while he
beat a drum. He gave no other instructions, yet everyone somehow understood that they were about to
Journey. When he finished drumming, people shared their experiences. I would enjoy the most amazing
stories about what each individual saw and felt while lying on the floor. Many received answers to their
questions about life. I always left Speaking Wind's presentations feeling rejuvenated and clear.
As I learned more about Speaking Wind, I realized in addition to the 'free flow' Journey of his
public presentations, he also conducted other kinds of Journeys, Journeys with specific intentions. As
Michael Harner explains in The Way of the Shaman, Shamans use Journeying as an entry into other
"worlds"-other levels of reality to encounter spirit helpers who "show" them what is out of balance and
what can be done to heal it. These other levels of reality might already be familiar. We knew them as
children. We know them as / in our adult daydreams. The Shamanic perspective views these levels of
"imaginary" reality as real as "ordinary" reality. Why? Because it is in the non-ordinary levels of reality
(referred to by psychologists as subconscious and superconscious levels), that shapes our worldly external
As a Corporate Shaman, you Journey to attain clarity on any question. In the Power Animal
Journey, you identify your animal to bring forward to guide and protect you. This power animal provides a
source of strength and wisdom to draw upon as needed. Another type of Journey is to ask all four directions
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
of the Medicine Wheel what you need to know from each direction. You also Journey to learn which of the
Seven Principles you most need to pay attention to for clarity on your mission.
In some ways, a Journey is like a guided meditation. It's really nothing esoteric or unusual. If you
ever visualize or dream, you already Journey. You don't need special intuitive abilities or a lot of training.
It is a quite simple process, and most "get it" the first time. In my experience, it helps to work with a healer
who uses a drum. The drum acts as a gentle aid to deepen our awareness state. Its slow, monotonous beat
lulls the conscious mind to rest (become more quiet). As logical limitations melt away, the mind then frees
itself to visit realms rich in archetypal symbolism born of human earthly experience spanning many
For those new to the Shamanic way, the idea of an animal guide may seem unusual. If you feel
this way, consider how companies, sports teams, and nations around the world use animal totems to
represent their perceived or known qualities. Dodge cars use the 'Ram'; Ford cars use the 'Mustang'. The
Denver football team uses the 'Bronco'. Other teams use the eagle, the tiger, the dolphin, or the bear to
suggest soaring, cunning, joy, strength, or whatever deemed desirable qualities. In Journeying, you find
your own power animal. When you do, you find it to be a friend you can trust. Your power animal brings
many wonderful qualities to enhance your well-being in untold ways.
NOTE: To learn about the specific characteristics represented by your power animal, read AnimalSpeak by Ted Andrews. This comprehensive book provides an in depth characteristic description for each
power animal.
While the specific Journeying process can vary, certain steps are consistent with most Journeys. In
this chapter we review the steps to Journeying and the benefits you reap. Journeying taps into your innate
knowledge to resolve any of life's tough issues that come up. Once you get a feel for the experience, you
may even enjoy taking classes to learn more about Journeying and advanced practices such as Soul
Retrieval (contact a local shaman or do an Internet search for Shamanic studies).
Specific Journeying Benefits
For me the benefits of Journeying are five-fold. The principal benefit? Guidance to make
important life decisions.
Journeying offers guidance. Before doing anything important, I Journey. I ask for things like
how do I best serve a client. Where to go on vacation. How to handle a specific situation. By
Journeying, I find out what I need to know.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Journeying connects us with the Great Spirit and fills us with energy. Your power animal
(part of the Great Spirit) provides you with strength and protection. Anytime you call forth
and walk with this power, you connect to the power of the universe as embodied in the
animal. A sense of peace, calm, and invigoration are the key value to Journeying. This inner
upliftment is a wonderful gift we give ourselves in a too often stressful world.
Journeying offers healing. We’re susceptible to illness through negative energies, or what
shamans call "intrusions." What’s the main reason why we get sick? We allow our “Lower
Self” (described in Chapter Three) to drain our power. Embrace your power animal through
Journeying to gain a significant increase in vital energy. To practice Journeying, you break
the gripping trance of the Lower Self. You begin to more fully make your way to your true
self, or Higher Self. Advanced Shamanic healing techniques (such as "Soul Retrieval" and
"Extraction") offer solutions to complex health challenges. Many find Shamanic work a
valuable complement to traditional therapies combined with other alternative healing
practices (e.g., acupuncture and chiropractic services). Sometimes Shamanic work produces
results when nothing else does. If you experience any health challenges, consider seeing a
professional shaman.
Note: See Harner's Book, The Way of the Shaman for more on these techniques.
Journeying helps us embrace the first Principle: that we are all connected. Shamans
teach that everything lives in a net of interconnected energies. What impacts the energies at
one end of the net also impacts those at the other. When we Journey it becomes more clear
how the forces we access, forces beyond our reach in our ordinary reality, change our reality
in the everyday physical world. Once we realize that, we begin to accept that everything is
connected, nothing is irrelevant, and everything is a sign.
Journeying calms the mind and helps us enjoy life. One challenge we face is how to quiet
our mind. If you find it difficult to meditate, know you are not alone. As an alternative,
consider any activity that totally captures your attention - any moment where your mind stops
and you become fully present. This moment is Zen, is meditation. This happens when you
read, enjoy a movie, play a game, engage in a sport, or play a musical instrument. Similarly,
Journeying relaxes and immerses you. It places you "at one" with the Higher Self as the
Lower Self's mind chatter temporarily abates. Journeying and other Zen-type experiences
wonderfully complement daily meditation, and may on occasion serve as the primary daily
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Journeying Preparation
To Journey, prepare to accomplish several simple tasks:
Inner Preparation
Open your mind. If you’re hesitant about Journeying, ask yourself why. Some of us may hold
different training causing to assume how alternative activities go against our religion (or is "weird" in some
way). Shamanic practice is not a religion. This practice is a way of viewing our world. Journeying helps us
in the same way as positive thinking, visualization and good nutrition. Try it with an open mind.
Identify your intention.
Before each Journey, identify your intentions. At first, you may just want to meet your power
animal. In later Journeys, ask specific questions. For example, "What advice do you have for me about
_____?" Set a clear intention to help your animal 'know' how to help you. Ask your animal to be direct.
Sometimes power animals speak in metaphor or symbols. Until you become adept at interpretation, ask
your power animal to be very clear in a way you completely understand.
Create a sacred space within and without.
To prepare yourself for a sacred experience, you may wish to light candles or incense. Meditate
for a while, or get a massage beforehand. Slow down and prepare to receive. Light a bundle of sage to
cleanse yourself and the room with the smoke (this practice is known as “smudging). Pray to clear your
mind and open your heart.
Detach from expectations; allow the mysterious gift to come.
Expectations are highly insidious. When I first Journeyed, the animal that came to guide me was
completely different from what I expected. Born in August, under the sign of Leo, I always related to the
lion. But on my first Journey, the hawk came to me! You may be equally surprised by your power animal.
The best policy is to stay open and reject nothing. Everything you experience has a reason. (You can
discuss your Journey experience with your facilitator. He or she may receive insights during your Journey
as well.) The key is to trust all that happens is what needed to happen to help you accomplish your
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Process Preparation
Pick Someone to facilitate.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies at may be of service to help you
locate facilitators in your area. This organization provides an "Introduction to Shamanism" workshop to
include Journeying. You find this workshop in a number of locations as well. Another option - ask around
at holistic bookstores for the names of local shamans or write us for more info at We'll try to help. Most importantly, choose someone with your heart.
Look them in the eye and see whether you trust their medicine. If you cannot meet in person, listen with
your heart. You will know if you have found the right person.
Set a time and place to Journey.
Find a quiet, comfortable, private location. If necessary, tell people you wish not to be interrupted.
Darken the room; use a blindfold if needed. Turn off the phone, the computer, your beeper, and anything
else you find that may disturb you. Plan ahead to give yourself the gift of peace and quiet for your Journey.
Mentally picture an earth entrance.
To begin your Journey, visualize an entrance into the earth. Maybe a swimming hole? A well? A
cave, tunnel, a manhole- any place you remember from your life experience. I chose a huge hole dug down
the street from my childhood home when the city created an extensive underground water system. (The
hole - actually a tunnel – was big enough to ride my bike in!) It is vital to have a clear image of the place
you select as your entrance. Many people experience difficulty Journeying until they have a good entry
point. Do your best to come up with a place that is familiar and welcoming to you.
The Journey
The Steps of the Journey
Complete space preparation and engage a facilitator.
State your intention. Tell your spirit helpers what you want. Think of your intention as a
respectful request rather than a goal to pursue or achieve.
Lie down and relax. Place a blanket on the floor and lie on it. Take some deep breaths. Allow
your mind to go. Let the pattern of breathing become slow and deep. Breathe in and exhale on a
count of six each way.
Ask the facilitator to drum or start a recording of similar sound. Relax and enjoy the music as
it guides you.
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Chapter 5
The Healing
Visualize your entrance to the earth and restate your intention as you enter. Imagine yourself
sliding down into the earth, as if you were totally safe and securely gliding through a tunnel or
down an exhilarating slide into a pond. Use your imagination to fill in the details. Trust. At the end
of the passage, enjoy entering a new world filled with miracles and joy. Look around with awe and
curiosity. Your power animal will soon greet you and show you the next step. Be open, alert and
prepared to receive messages.
Everything in the Journey is a message. If you have trouble getting started, that is a message:
let go and allow the Journey to happen. If you stay on the slide for an extended time, it's okay;
keep going, for it’s a message as well. If you drift off, bring yourself back, and note the message
of the drifting. Take note as you move along, be patient with yourself and thank whatever is
showing itself. The Journey is right for you; just trust it and understanding will come.
Embrace the Journey. The Journey experience is often a multi-modal experience (meaning it
may include visual, auditory, and other sensations). You may feel what happens, or you might
actually smell or taste something. Whichever sensory channels open, whether one or more, know
they are divinely perfect for your experience. If you see something you don't like, take a moment
to observe it. Inquire why it may be there. Everything is a message; nothing will hurt you.
Uncomfortable with what you find? Simply go around it, or end your Journey by exiting the tunnel
and opening your eyes.
Return from your Journey. It is a good idea to set a specified amount of time for each Journey. I
usually Journey for eight to ten minutes at a time. Set a watch alarm or a timer if need be, but
make sure its sound is gentle enough not to startle you. With a facilitator, he or she will use a
"recall"-a change in the drumbeat to signal the end of the Journey. (Or, any drum change you
desire). My teacher uses a series of intense and rapid double beats, repeated eight times. When the
recall sounds, it is time to return. To achieve this, simply go back through your Journey in reverse.
The reason for retracing your steps is to anchor the Journey in your mind so on subsequent trips
you will travel with greater ease and efficiency. (This is also a form of mind-mapping.) With each
Journey, the path becomes more and more familiar.
Give Thanks. Thank the spirits for their support in this effort. Thank your power animal, and
thank your facilitator.
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Chapter 5
The Healing
Reflect on your Journey. Once you return, relax for a moment. Don't try to get up right away.
Notice how you feel. Reflect on what you experienced and record (journal) the results.
Types of Journeys
Animal Retrieval or Guidance Journey
If you Journey to find a power animal, set your intention accordingly before the Journey. Don’t
forget to share your intention with your facilitator. The animal will usually find you quickly and make itself
known to you in a very direct way. If there is any confusion, look for an animal showing itself to you a
number of times. If you are still unsure, ask, "Are you my power animal?" If it is your power animal, you
will see it nod its head, or smile, or it will say something like, "I am your power animal; I am ready to
return with you."
After the recall, it is important to merge the animal with yourself. Tell your facilitator what your
animal is. The facilitator typically visualizes the animal and breathes in its spirit, then exhales slowly and
powerfully into your head and heart to infuse the animal spirit into your spirit.
The Medicine Wheel Journey
The intention of the Medicine Wheel Journey invites the four Directions to share with you. After
you enter into the earth and go through the slide or tunnel into the new world, ask your power animal to
take you to each of the four Directions. Begin with the East. When it does, ask, "Oh Great Spirit of the
East, what gift do you have for me today?" Make a note of what you are shown. When you are finished,
write down what you learned, thank the Direction and move on to repeat the process with the South, the
West, and the North.
Another Medicine Wheel Journey option is to ask your power animal for guidance regarding a
particular area of your life (a primary relationship, your career, or a physical condition). Ask your power
animal to take you to the Direction on the Medicine Wheel which represents the stage of some concern or
priority. Once there, ask the Great Spirit of that Direction, "What is it that I need to remember to move
through this stage?" Ask your power animal to assist in interpreting the answers you receive.
The Seven Principles Journey
Ask your power animal to take you into a sacred text where the Seven Principles are written. Ask
your power animal to open the book to exactly the Principle you most need to follow in your life right now.
You can do the same with other natural laws or sub-laws, or anything you want to know more about.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
The Mission Journey
Ask your power animal to take you to your perfect world, the one of your inner child dreams. Note
what it looks like, in detail, and what you do in it. Ask your power animal to show you any wounds you
carry that could keep you from accomplishing your mission along with what you need to change in your
life to heal the wounds. After the Journey, note what you saw and write out the following:
I create a world of ____________________ (the vision you saw in a few words) by doing
____________, _____________, and _____________ (three specific actions in the world upon which you
can regularly act upon). To heal my wounds (if you have received guidance to do so) I agree to
The Vision Quest
The Vision Quest is a rite of passage, a Journey traditionally undertaken with the goal of receiving
a vision to clarify one's life mission. It differs from the Mission Journey outlined above chiefly in the
degree of commitment and personal courage required to accomplish it. Typically the 'quester' spends two to
three days alone, without food and with a scant supply of water. Questers "cry for a vision" in a secluded
wilderness spot, often on a mountain. They’re totally vulnerable to the elements, and any fears they have
surely make themselves known. Under these conditions, a true emptying-out of the ego-self occurs, to
create a space for the fullness of their mission to reveal itself.
If you decide to vision quest, arrange for an experienced shaman you know and trust to
accompany you. If you quest on a mountain, they will stay at or near its base. Regardless of where you
quest, your shaman always remains at some distance from you, praying for your vision and drumming to
aid you on your quest.
Ask your power animal to take you to the perfect spot for you to receive your vision. When you
identify the spot, lay out your blanket and arrange your sacred objects around you. Offer tobacco (or
another gift meaningful to you), as you pray for guidance to assist on your quest. Call on the Spirits of the
Four Directions, Grandfather Sky and Mother Earth, and the Spirit at the center of your Being. You stay in
this spot for a long time. This experience will undoubtedly severely test you. You may find it helpful to
chant, dance, yell, scream, laugh, cry, or otherwise express yourself during your quest. Do whatever you
need to do to stay awake. You may likely experience states of consciousness heretofore unknown to you,
including hallucinations. Some hallucinations you may find either uplifting or frightening. Know it is all
part of the emptying-out of the ego-self to make room for the vision.
The vision quest is an extreme commitment. Undertake this process when you are of sound health,
and always under the tutelage of a trusted experienced shaman. At the end of the quest, you will share the
vision you receive. The shaman will assist with interpretations as needed. If you do not receive a vision
(and it is possible you will not), then you had an opportunity to get to know yourself at a much deeper level
than ever before.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Journeying - Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a facilitator?
Yes. A skilled facilitator will safeguard you from mistakes that can cause you harm. Use a tape
only after you have become proficient at Journeying.
How does Journeying work? Is the Journey a dream ? Do I make it up?
The Journey is a simple inner visualization, and it is also something much greater: a magical,
mystical experience in a naturally-altered state of consciousness. It is not a dream in the conventional
sense. Release any tendency to dismiss the experience as something existing only in your imagination. Be
open to accept whatever comes as wisdom from deeper levels of consciousness. In doing so, you gain
important insights to make positive life changes. As said above, what we call "imaginary" may be even
more "real" than the world we know through our external senses. You discover what is real if you stay open
to listen and act on the guidance you receive.
What do I do with my power animal?
Nothing much out of the ordinary is required by your power animal. Simply honor your animal.
Read up on your animal in the Animal-Speak book. Buy pictures or symbols of the animal for home and
office. I keep hawk feathers around me all the time. The main thing is to befriend your animal, to take care
of them as you would any dear friend. Talk with them and invite them to participate in everything you do.
See them on your shoulder to guide you each moment of your day. Ask them for assistance and guidance
when you feel unsure. To assist you is why they showed up, and you honor them when you allow them to
help you. Shamans encourage us to dance or move like our animal. Try it. You might like it! You may
actually feel yourself becoming the animal. Don't worry, when you are ready you will return to who you
think you are.
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Chapter 5
The Healing
Can I have more than one animal guide?
Yes. Many who do this work have several guides (one to help them with each life aspect).
Sometimes animals change, depending on where you are in your evolution or what lessons you learn.
Should I share my power animal's identity with others?
This is an important question. Your power animal is sacred. Treat them with respect. Refrain from
indiscriminately sharing insights. While some shamans never share, some do. Speak only what is needed in
life and avoid trivial 'drapery' talk (e.g., in the way some ask "Hey, what sign are you?"). Ask your animal,
"How do you want me to treat you?" They will let you know.
Alternatives: Can I Journey (based on religious beliefs) with Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Buddha or
Mohammed instead of an animal?
Yes. Use the same process as with the animal. Ask your personal guide to assist you. In keeping
with Speaking Wind's teachings, I use "Great Spirit" to describe the mystery many call God.
Closing Thoughts: The Shamanic Journey as a Way of Life
Journeying is one of the greatest gifts of the Shamanic way. It helps us to navigate and heal life's
many challenges. To Journey, we must allow something mystical to occur. (This is similar to breaking free
of the Lower Self's grip on our life and trusting in the gentle, loving whisper of the Higher Self.) We
always know deep inside what is right for us. It is simply a matter of living what we know more and more.
To choose to believe, to listen, to love, to honor, to act, and to grow. Wouldn't our world enjoy much more
harmony if we all lived this way? An important part of Journeying: it helps maintain our commitment to
living in the Higher Self. Journeying enables me to be much more present; to become a more objective and
capable observer of my life. My prayer is that you will find it a positive influence in your life as well.
Organization Awareness:
Journeying is a powerful tool to guide you in your actions relative to your organization. Before you take
significant action - Journey for wisdom, clarity and related traits.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Intuition, Dreams, And Earth Medicine
The path of the Shaman engages native "medicine"-Journeying, energies (power animals, herbal
and crystal remedies), smudging, prayers, offerings, extractions, or sweat lodges - anything to bring clarity,
healing and happiness. Explore shaman lead ceremonies Sun Bear's book, Walk in Balance. Medicine ways
are a lifetime pursuit that we all can enjoy. In addition to Journeying, three other simple ways to start
include: honoring our intuition, paying attention to our dreams, and use Earth medicine.
Honor Your Intuition
Honor your intuition begins with learning to "feel" and sense what happens around you with your
body rather than your brain. Close your eyes and focus on a dilemma you face. Instead of rehashing the
situation in your mind, notice what your heart tries to communicate to you. Often we find our mind telling
us one thing, and our heart another. To honor both, you learn how they can work together to guide you to
the best path of action. I look at it this way: I follow my gut inspiration and use my intellect to follow
through. For example, my heart might suggest I go to the mountains for the weekend to vision quest. My
intellect then researches what I need to accomplish that objective.
The power of intuition is our connection to Higher Self and Great Spirit. It offers us direct nudges
to go one direction rather than another. To eat certain foods our body needs (as opposed to foods our
mental patterns – habits - might lead us to crave). To spend time with people whose energy and attitudes
will lift us up. To visit places with nurturing energies. Get in touch with your heart and listen. Intuition
helps you wisely use time.
Pay Attention to Your Dreams
Dreams come in a variety of consciousness levels. Some are merely the product of our need to
work through the stress of daily living; others bring up deep-seated, immensely helpful information.
Dreams of the latter sort are particularly powerful for us, because chatter is put aside and we commune
deeply with the spirit worlds.
To tap into the power of your dreamtime, begin by placing a sacred object by your bed. Ask it to
guide your dreams. Ask specifically for whatever you want your dreams to show you. Ask for what you
want-guidance, healing, or a good laugh, for example. Notice whether patterns appear in your dreams. For
example, Are you chased in your dreams? Ask "Why? What am I running from in my waking life? How
does this mirror the challenges before me in my life? What CHOICE is before me?" Your Higher Self may
use symbolism in dreams to communicate what you need to learn. (Symbols may represent: to let go, heal,
get help, or gain the courage to confront an issue.) Keep a journal by the bed and take notes first thing when
you wake up. Sun Bear said his best ideas he "dreamed up."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 5
The Healing
Dreamtime serves not only as a source of information, but also as an opportunity to make needed
shifts in consciousness. If you get chased in your dreams, for example, you ask Great Spirit to help you to
confront the chaser within the context of the dream itself. You then learn how to do this in your waking
life. (This is what psychologists refer to as "lucid dreaming.") If you find yourself unable to intervene to
make changes in your dreams while you have them, you develop this skill by asking Great Spirit (before
you go to sleep) to help you "stalk" your dreams during the night to make positive interventions for
Native shamans tune in to universal consciousness. They traditionally stalk their dreams to assure
a positive outcome for situations in the outer world, as well (for healing of others, or for example, a good
hunt). My friend Chiwah, who spent years studying the language and culture of the Quechan Indians of
Yuma, Arizona, informs me how lucid dreaming is their primary source of Shamanic power. Their word for
"dreaming" is translated as "deliberate (or lucid) sleeping." As you develop your ability to intervene in your
dreams, you may tap into the power of dreamtime to effect positive outcomes for others, or for your
Use Earth Medicine
The Earth is our mother. This is not just a metaphorical saying. The power of our Earth mother to
support us is astounding. Do you ever take a moment to ask, "Where does my food come from? The air I
breathe? The water I drink? The trees that my house is built from?" Pay attention to all the ways you
depend upon the Earth and give thanks and respect. To offer respect, you call forth more good.
Traditionally, to honor the Law of Giving and Receiving, shamans offer tobacco to give thanks for
whatever Earth provides. (Tobacco in the ancient ways was the most sacred plant.) Offering it constituted a
"sacred giveaway," an acknowledgement to take care of our mother. If there is another substance sacred to
you, offer some of that to the Earth when you pray. If you can't think of anything, offer some of your hair,
or a song, or-my favorite-chocolate!
Earth and all of nature always talks to us. Communicate back by rolling in the grass. Talk to a bird
or a flower with your heart wide open. (If you think these are silly ideas, I suggest you try them. Allow
your heart to open and be amazed at the exchange that occurs.)
You don't have to Journey to receive the messages nature offers you. Walk out your door with
awareness. Keep your eyes and ears open. Notice the license plates appearing in front of you as you drive,
the animals that cross your path, the birds that fly over your head, the messages that come on the wind, or
the way others speak to you. (If you think license plates aren't exactly Earth medicine, consider where did
its metal come from? Where did the atoms making up the bodies of the humans who stamped the numbers
and letters into the license plates come from?)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
The Group Pathway
I have yet to meet an evolved soul who hasn't engaged in intense inner work with the support of
others to complement periods of intense "alone time." In the community where I live, I call (lead) a series
of groups to open the way for many to find their mission to bring harmony into their lives. We call these
groups Sacred Circle Master Minds (SCMM). Our main focus: bring together like-minded souls to help
each other understand and live the Seven Principles and the Law of Attraction.
The Iroquois had a similar group process they call a Council. Leaders meet to share thoughts to
make decisions and govern. (Read the last few sections in a marvelous book called Dreaming the Council
Ways by Ohky Forest. You’ll learn more about council as it relates to governance.) In SCMM, we adopt the
Iroquois practice to use a "talking stick" (a designated object each person holds as they speak). The talking
stick signifies we direct all our attention to the speaker until he or she is finished. No one is to interrupt or
try to help the speaker express him or herself. In this way, each person's process is honored, and each may
feel safe to speak from his or her heart.
An SCMM is an illuminating Journey for all participants. I believe it’s one of the great healing
aids of our lives. For me, the group offers a deep reflection of my inner self.
COUNCIL (from:
Council uses four simple intentions that provide the basis for interaction in the council circle. An
“intention” is a direction in which we want to move to the best of our ability, despite any
difficulties we might encounter. The first intention is to "speak from the heart" when you have the
talking piece. This means to speak not only about your thoughts and your ideas, but your feelings
as well. It means to tell your own story as honestly as you can in the moment. You have had
countless important and meaningful experiences. When you speak about them truthfully, you are
speaking from the heart. The second intention is to "listen from the heart" when another person
has the talking piece. This means to listen without judgment, to listen with an open mind, even if
you disagree with what the person is saying. Listen not just with your mind, but with your heart as
well. The third intention is to "speak spontaneously." This means that we try to wait until the
talking piece comes to us before we decide what we want to say. There are good reasons for this.
First, if you are not thinking about what you are going to say, then you don't preplan what you are
going to say, and you will often be surprised what comes to you when it is your turn. Keeping your
mind free while others are speaking also allows you to focus entirely on what they are saying,
rather than distracting yourself with your own thoughts. The last intention is to "speak leanly."
Something that is "lean" doesn't have anything extra on it. When you speak, keep in mind that
others would like a chance to speak as well, and that there is only so much time. Use only those
words necessary to get your point or story across. These four intentions provide the foundation for
all council practice. Please remember that no one is required to speak.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
Each person is unique and different, and each experiences his or her unique challenges. Some may
work to Accept. Some to Identify. Others to Cultivate. Still others to Allow. Each is a gift to remind me to
stay in tune with all the steps and from each I acquire a deeper sense of who I am. Each SCMM gathering
progresses through four phases.
We always start with a prayer and then pick a "shaman card" for group and individual guidance.
(We use Lynn Andrews Power Deck and the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carlson
We spend about fifteen minutes to share our major insights from our weekly personal experiences.
Next, we invoke the presence of Great Spirit to guide us in a short silent meditation. After our
meditation, we take a couple of minutes to journal on the six questions outlined below.
After journaling we pass the "talking stick." Each participant shares for six minutes whatever
insights the questions have brought up. (See Appendix A: CS Management Handbook for an
SCMM outline.)
The six questions we journal on are:
What am I grateful for?
What fills me with the most energy and joy?
How do I love myself more?
What are my key life intentions over the next few weeks?
What are my daily commitments to support my intentions?
Progress Report: What's going on in my life? What's working? What's not? What challenge or
hurdle do I face? Do I need help to release or overcome anything?
After sharing, each person asks to receive help or feedback from the others. (This is the only appropriate
time for others to speak during a person's share.) Following this feedback exchange, the person sharing
I now release the need for ________________ in my life.
I now accept, allow, and give thanks for ______________ in my life.
Organization Awareness:
Use SCMM (or a variation of it) as a meeting format for your core management team.
After each share, the person who has just shared chooses a "shaman card" for guidance, and then
is encircled for a group prayer to bless and energize their stated intentions. The SCMM creates a closing
circle - joining hands to give thanks, and extend a blessing to all life.
The reason this process is so powerful is the six questions follow the five steps of the Law of
Attraction. Expressing gratitude implies the first step, Total Acceptance. Stating intentions works with the
third step, Identification. Voicing what fills you to make your daily commitments is a reflection of step
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
five. Filling Up; act on commitments, assess and adjustments put step four, Cultivation, into action. Letting
Go is the final step. Where else do people go to interact in such a way? This is important work for urban
shamans everywhere.
Many kinds of groups and community gatherings exist to help you. Engage them, and actively
participate. In particular, I suggest drumming circles, meditation or prayer groups, and talking circles. It
really doesn't matter the stated purpose of the group. What matters is how people gather and share love and
support. We all need a place to feel safe, learn to dissolve the stuff in the way, and move forward. Growth
is the ultimate group purpose. Trust yourself, keep an eye out, and try to participate in more groups.
Keep in mind a teacher, coach or counselor you meet with periodically is also a great help. You’ll
find skilled and caring counselors, coaches, or shamans most anywhere. Find one you like and set up a
weekly session.
Love to Let Fear Go.
Outside of group practices, we need to identify individual core rituals to keep us connected to
Great Spirit to help us live in joy – individually and collectively. The following healing plan provides a
map for living your sacred way. The daily healing techniques offered here offer major assistance to return
to a state of love.
Love helps to let fear go or anything else interfering with living the sacred way. Some call this
forgiveness; I call it letting go. Love expresses itself in peace of mind, in an open heart and service to
others. Love yourself. Love your brothers and sisters -all of them, even those in your biological family who
it’s easy to blame for all your pain! Love is the pathway to healing the self.
The Healing Plan. Self-awareness is the first step to healing.
First, follow the pathway of the Seven Principles. Next engage the Law of Attraction. Then, fully
integrate self-healing techniques. Lastly, let go of resistance. As I recommend in chapters above, speak the
words, "I now release the need for this pattern, resistance, pain, scarcity consciousness, or abuse in my
world. I now release ____________ from my life, and I allow in the new, beautiful, joyful abundance I
deserve as a divine being."
Ultimately, to heal is to bring our self back into sacred balance to then maintain balance through
daily healthy choices.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
My Prayer to Let Go:
"I love you __________, and release you to the Great Spirit. I forgive you for the wrong I
perceived you did. I let go of this now. I am now free. . . of past karma, of attracting negativity. I make
amends wherever I wronged anyone. We are healed. I am healed. It is done."
A Shaman's Life Plan to Heal Others
The Shaman's Vision: Discover your true self and to live this self fully. To: learn, heal, love,
The Shaman's Purpose: Live the Sacred Way. This means we:
live the Seven Principles
allow and embrace
accept & create
live in harmony with the Law of Attraction
let go
follow your inner guidance
Use healing techniques outlined here to serve yourself so that you can better serve the Whole.
Core Healing Practices for Life:
A) Inner Peace.
Set aside daily sacred time alone to center in spirit, in quiet, in nature. Practice prayer, to listen
and accept how all is perfect – just as it is. Meditate, sit in total silence, quiet the mind, and
embrace your Higher Self. Explore the multiple ways to meditate: count breaths, watch a candle,
listen to a recorded guided meditation tape, repeat a phrase or mantra. (Enroll in a class or engage
a teacher to learn some of these invaluable practices.)
Celebrate the sacred: Participate in sacred ceremonies, alone and in groups. Find a drumming
circle, take part in a Peace Pipe ritual. Create sacred spaces in your home; use precious objects,
pictures, stones, plants, or shells. Buy a musical instrument and play it. Buy or create a sage
bundle and light it to bless your space with its sacred smoke. (This ancient native practice of
"smudging" is amazingly effective for cleaning negative energy and to bless people, places, and
Love someone each day, even if it means something as simple as smiling at them from your heart.
Tell the truth with compassion for others’ feelings, or offer to walk their dog. Share love, share of
Watch for signs, for guidance is all around you. It may come on the wind. . . in a hawk flying
overhead. . . in the serendipitous coincidences of your life. Pay attention to your dreams and to
bursts of intuition.
Arrange for a Vision Quest: Take an extended Journey for guidance with the support of a trusted
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
B) Purify and Energize
Purify Body:
Engage in daily movement or exercise: walk, bike, or practice yoga, tai chi, or martial arts.
Sweat to release toxins. Take part in a sacred native Sweat Lodge. No Sweat Lodges around?
Then enjoy a hot salt or mineral bath, or sauna. BREATHE deeply!
Nutrition: Eat mostly green, organic live foods, and appropriate proteins. Drink lots of water. Find
a nutritional consultant to advise you regarding personal helpful herbs. (A good book: Dr. Phil
Maffetone's, In Fitness and In Health.) Listen to the body’s needs. Eat in a sacred way. Bless your
food, "Thank you for surrendering your life, my friend, so I may continue mine." Take your time.
Chew each bite 30 times. Much of our stomach and digestive problems occur from 'scarfing' food
down and not eating in a sacred way. Cleanse for a week (under supervision).
Purify Mind and Emotions:
Be still in your mind. Take time to meditate throughout the day, and take part in support groups to
help you drop the need to control and to assist you to clear and release the past. Smudge with sage
daily to clear your energy field. Be quiet inside. Develop awareness.
Reframe your unconscious habits and reactions. Find a new perspective to replace hurtful
thoughts. Affirm what you want, transform blame and reaction into acceptance and selfempowerment. Don't assume you know what others mean by what they say. Dissolve the need to
take anything personally. Evolve from sloppy, disorganized living to a state of impeccable actions
and words. (See The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz for complete details.)
Always Accept and Create. Accept what is, and from the peace of acceptance let your Higher Self
guide you to creativity. Use the Ultimate Transformation Formula (Chapter Three) for emotional
triggers. Let go of pain. Forgive and release each day. Create life the way you see it.
Purify Spirit:
Go on a Shamanic Journey (as outlined earlier in Chapter Five) to find your "power animal" and
receive guidance. Allow your power animal to bring a message to heal and make next steps clear.
Receive Energy Work. Energy is what we are made of. Interview and select a Reiki healer, or a
healer who uses other Light or Sound Energy healing methods. Focus on and nurture your life
Take part in sacred circle groups and celebrations. Dance, sing, celebrate, share, listen, enjoy
drumming & music with others. Gentle healing Sound heals wonderfully. Chant 'Om' and 'Ah'
slowly, repeatedly to feel what happens in your body.
Experience a Soul Retrieval, a process where a healer guides you into an altered state of
awareness to find your power animal, release past trauma, and to take power back.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
As needed, engage a Shamanic Healing or Extraction, a guided healing process to release
negative energies and disease.
See the many wonderful Shamanic books by Michael Harner, Serge Kahili King, Sun Bear and others
for more ways to purify body, mind and spirit.
Some worthy psycho-emotional techniques:
Emotional Freedom Technique EFT ( )
Be Set Free Fast (
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (
Remember: Time to seek professional help if you experience a crisis or pain. We all need help. Don't be a
hero; get help when you need it. It may save your life.
A Sacred Way Summary
Know your true self to keep your unresolved issues or wounds in front of you (to heal
Live in the heart (love /courage)
Develop strength and flexibility of mind, body and spirit
Live the Seven Principles (Chapter Three)
Live the Law of Attraction (Chapter Four)
Master Inner Peace and Purification. Follow your life plan. Live in Balance.
Physical Discipline: Toxin release, right nutrition, daily movement.
Mental/Emotional Discipline: Feel and release, dissolve Lower Self’s need to rule;
focus on empowering thoughts. Let go. Forgive.
Spiritual Discipline: Stay true to the Seven Principles; create personal principles to
live and pass along. Practice Shamanic practices to build inner strength and love.
Enjoy Journeying, visioning, meditation, and ceremony. Master service and healing.
Experience the Great Spirit.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Group Pathway
Chapter 5
The Healing
For Reflection:
What is the most important concept I learned in this chapter?
Do I need to heal anything?
How do I apply this chapter to further my growth and help others?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
The Business Map
Every adventure begins with a map to
guide us where we need to go from here.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
Chapter 6
The Foundation Of Business: Build Community
I spent most of my time with Speaking Wind discussing shamanism and the inner world. He also
spoke of the outer world of work. Speaking Wind spent several years as a savvy international business
consultant. His teachings provide a real grounding to understand how to help business executives and
managers. He inspired me to go on to graduate school and learn what really works. "Business is the modern
day tribe," he would say. "Work is where people live most of their lives. We must ground business people
in ways to Spiritually solve problems. Otherwise, what good is it?"
Many of Speaking Wind's teachings emphasized the importance to serve. "Serving others by
helping them solve their problems is the natural extension of mastering the inner earth walk," he would say.
"The inner walk is the spiritual walk. The outer walk is the walk of service to community, business, the
ecosystem, and our walk of harmony with the earth and all things upon her." Speaking Wind taught how a
leader's highest purpose is service, and how the intention behind the service makes all the difference.
"There are those," he would say, "who read a book on service and use service to manipulate." (In other
words, they allow the insincere Lower Self to use “giving” as a tool to receive some self-motivated end
result.) "There are those," he would continue, "who give true (sacred) service from the Higher Self, sharing
a natural love and genius to make things truly better in our communities." As Speaking Wind would then
point out, both types of service leads to a profit and profit is good. The difference? A Higher Self path leads
to greater mutual profit AND a bettered world.
To hold the intent to live in the sacred way, the Corporate Shaman develops and shares his genius
(his expertise in the world), masters leadership maturity, and begins true service by building a successful
workplace community. This vibrant community (corporation, a nonprofit organization, a government
agency, a small business, a volunteer organization, or other cooperative venture) fosters living in the sacred
way. We learn to share individual gifts for mutual prosperity (See Table 1). This community replaces the
tribe in times past wherein people lived together to support each other. Support to live according to their
values, to create a legacy, and to develop their gifts with an eye to serve the whole. It reflects a group of
people brought together to share life, heart and a real purpose.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
Such a community requires leadership, efficiency, and focus. The Corporate Shaman intent: to
help each community member live in Higher Self thus able to extend the genius of each to serve the
whole, the ecosystem, the larger community made up of our little communities, our earth, and,
potentially, all living things.
See M. Scott Peck's book A Different Drum for an excellent description of the community process in
general; also check out The Findhorn Foundation for training in community building:
"A community is a place where people go to receive support, to live and express their natural
genius and through this expression serve a greater good in the world. Profits happen with no stealing or
related manipulation. Living the Sacred Way allows us a beacon of light and transform all around us."
Whenever two or more gather in Great Spirit's name to serve, miracles happen!
The Path of Community is warrior work.
An increasing number of American companies have moved offshore and many face forced
downsizing. Overworked, burned out employees and executives alike search for ways to produce with
rapidly reduced resources. The need to fundamentally re-ground is paramount.
We need to rethink our roles and responsibilities to this planet.
What is most important in life?
If it is not to find peace of mind and experience joy in living, then what is it?
The chapters ahead form a blueprint to map the individual principles and ideals outlined thus far to
achieve outer world of community enhancements. Thus, individual success is also community success as
well. (See Appendix B for more on Community)
"A Corporate Shaman is a master of mind, body and spirit," Speaking Wind would say. "Such
a person develops needed, effective skills to support the community and its members on a path of true
service to a better world." The true warrior keeps the big picture in mind.
Mature leadership comes through the Higher Self. Human beings instinctively tell the difference
between Lower and Higher Self leadership. You might charm them for a while, but once you show your
Lower Self, your credibility crashes. While a powerful position may keep employees working despite your
Lower Self behavior, you lose their hearts. Once you lose their hearts, your enterprise becomes deeply
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
The following four management types illustrate how corporate shamans differ from typical managers. Four
Different Management Types (a maturity continuum) include:
Control (uses the Body): The only way to get things done is through force (dictator).
Management (uses the Mind and Body): Manages (organize, direct, guide) tasks (nuts and
bolts thinking) to get things done.
Leadership (uses Mind, Body, and Spirit): Manages tasks and inspires people to get things
Corporate Shaman Leader (uses Mind, Body, Spirit, Earth, Community and Ecosystem):
Accomplishes things by building community/systems based on above noted principles to
create an inspired team who serves the world community who truly focuses on the higher
Chapter Six offers an overview of the process to build an organization (corporate or other). The
first step is to develop a community building map based on the Medicine Wheel. If your organization is
already intact, use this map as a guide for improvements within departments or divisions or to rethink
things from the top. After we develop this map, we review its steps in more detail. The last part of the
chapter delves into the role Corporate Shamans play within the organization to bring forth (inspire) the gifts
latent in each member of the organization's community.
Ensuing chapters cover the creation of the Pathway Plan (our business strategic plan). We also
explore ways to embrace the Seven Principles for work effectiveness, and introduce the three Disciplines of
Speaking Wind's guidance and twenty years of management consulting work convince me how
true service is the highest path. It is a most challenging path as well. I encourage you to choose the higher
path and to persevere through the challenges. In doing so, I know you’ll find you’ve made quite a
difference when you allow “life juices” to flow from the internal wellspring known as your gifts! It is
wonderful to be all you can be. It is even better for us all to be the best we can be. The world needs your
leadership. The world needs beautiful examples of communities in harmony with themselves and their
ecosystems. Your efforts will ripple outward to make this a better world, a sustainable world we will
proudly leave behind for our children and grandchildren. Those living close to the truth live with the
"seventh generation" in mind. Native Americans show us a way through their example(s). To accept their
universal wisdom, we bring peace for all and harmony with the earth into our reality. We also have fun
doing it!
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 6
Business Map
Get the Big Picture: Use the Medicine Wheel to Build Community
To start, what’s the big picture? This is an A-to-Z organizational development map to build
community. Once we understand the whole and how the pieces fit together, the specifics of how the
Corporate Shaman serves (as a manager) becomes more clear, meaningful, and more easy to practice. This
proactive holistic approach to running an organization is also ultimately preventive. It avoids countless
potential problems when leaders overlook the stages of the map. It is much easier, cost effective and more
efficient to follow the Way of the Corporate Shaman community map than to go back and rectify avoidable
The Four Stages To Build Community (Map)
Stage 1: Vision: Set the intent, plan, create a core group of stakeholders.
Stage 2: Implementation / Chaos: Step forward to build a management team and staff. As
problems arise, solutions emerge.
Stage 3: Execution / Healing the Chaos: Be real, master communication to bring the
organization together to get the job done.
Stage 4: Maturity & Integration: Commitment to the process and to each other. Commitment to
stay focused, learn; constant and never-ending daily improvement.
"The only way to get what you want is to help a lot of other people get what they want." -Z. Ziglar
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Medicine Wheel Stages
Chapter 6
Build Community
The Medicine Wheel Path to Build Community
The Map
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Medicine Wheel Stages
Chapter 6
Build Community
The Path of the Medicine Wheel for Building Community
An Overview of the Four Stages
Identify the desired end state: Service, Financial Gain, Fun, Contribution
Create a compelling vision of the desired end state (the SOUL INTENT), with clarity on key
objectives and outcomes based on metrics (measurements).
Set up the initial Board of Directors, develop the organizational chart, identify a General
Manager (GM), and allocate other roles. Build a team inspired to fulfill the vision. Use the
Sacred Circle Master Mind (SCMM) techniques outlined in Chapter Five. Set initial working
Write the Pathway Plan (see Chapter Seven). Start with the SOUL INTENT, then define your
corporate values, standards of excellence, key strategies and appropriate behaviors. Set action
plans. (Remember to see everything in accordance with spiritual law and the ethics of love
and service.)
Use appropriate software and expert guidance to write a complete business plan. A complete
business plan includes these sub-plans: marketing, sales, production, financial, concept
development and implementation. Keep all plans based on sound principles.
Entrepreneurs: focus on business development. Ask "Why will consumers choose me?"
Design an operational system to identify business operations. Research and document best
practices and processes to implement. Design the Process Cycle; set up a system to allow
continuous learning. Set the stage to identify what works, (don’t forget to document it) and
make adjustments accordingly. Set up specific metrics to measure progress.
Create the Operations Manual (OM). (Or review and make necessary OM adjustments.)
Define product, models, service, desired environment, cost containment procedures, profit
enhancement considerations, and employment policies and procedures.
Exemplify the three Disciplines of Leadership (outlined in Chapters 9-11) and Speaking
Wind's Seven Principles at each and every stage.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Medicine Wheel Stages
Chapter 6
Build Community
Important Considerations:
Most important: identify standards and processes for the following three key areas and integrate
them into team consciousness. All staff must know and be clear on individual as well as group
The Foundation: A pleasant Environment lays the foundation for effective teamwork. Design
systems to keep the environment inspiring. Keep it clean, beautiful, uplifting, and Spirit-filled to
enable ongoing team harmony.
The Substance: Your Product drives the business. Business essentials: quality product and Spiritled delivery of product. (Design "up-sells" and promotional add-ons to expand impact and
The Support: Provide the highest quality Customer Service (Customer Care). Understand the
keys to customer satisfaction to excel at them. Execute impeccably. Study needs, and design your
systems to provide people with what they need. Track all customer data for future follow-up, new
products or services and related up-selling.
(II) The Chaos Stage: Implementation
Team Building
GM hires the Chief Operating Officer (COO).
COO and General Manager (GM) write a Managers' Manual (CS-MH) to create a
Performance Management System (PMS). (See Appendix A for a sample manual.)
COO hires the next level of management and staff.
COO leads training to execute the Operations System (OS). Develop an integrated culture
focused passionate execution of the OS. Overcome barriers to communication, organization
and teamwork.
In your work, remember the three Disciplines of Leadership (outlined in Chapters 9-11)
and Speaking Wind's Seven Principles.
(III) The Healing Stage: Impeccable Execution
Deliver quality customer care to fulfill your vision.
The COO guides the healing process.
Clarify the "Top Ten" standards for quality and delivery of Product, Service, and
Environment (PSE) needed to assure growth to meet overall vision and objectives.
Review and revise short and long-term performance metrics: can you achieve them in
alignment with your objectives? Track and measure daily progress.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Medicine Wheel Stages
Chapter 6
Build Community
Execute! Use daily coaching: be passionate about the delivery of PSE. Meet your PSE
standards through your passion for excellent product, service, and environment. Follow your
designed process.
Review the three disciplines of leadership and Speaking Wind's Seven Principles to see
where you may more closely align your process(es).
(IV) The Maturity Phase: Assess Performance, Review, And Adjust
Live in constant, never-ending improvement
Use Self-Assessment (SA) system: Watch, Look, Listen, Document, Learn, Adjust (See
PDCA process cycle in Chapter 11).
Continuous improvement is the way. Use constant feedback via the Self-Assessment (SA)
system (see Chapter 11) to track and update Operations Systems on an ongoing basis. Review,
assess and adjust as needed.
Build in rewards for intuitive, innovative, creative ideas as well as “best effort award” for
something that “went wrong” in spite of a well crafted plan (meaning – recognize failures and
learn from them).
Go Deeper: Master living the three Disciplines of Leadership and Speaking Wind's
Seven Principles. Live a wholesome, healthy lifestyle to maintain high energy to continue
to be of service.
This map sequence may seem complex. As you come to know it well, you’ll quickly find how
simple it is to vision, focus, learn and integrate each sequence. The results? Successful communities,
businesses and organizations (to name a few).
In essence, someone comes up with an idea. They create a process and gather a team of people to
accomplish it. These people form the core community. Success is measured in terms of:
personal growth
effectiveness to create the desired outcome (true service and profit)
mutual benefit and harmony created within the community and the entire ecosystem
While we learn the way of inner mastery, we achieve impeccable results personally, professionally and
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Medicine Wheel Stages
Chapter 6
Build Community
One way to view a community is to see it as a subset of the ecosystem it serves. Over time, as the
community enlarges and fulfills its mission to serve self, community, and environment, we come to realize
how we are all part of one great whole. This reality blurs the line between community and ecosystem. When
this happens, Spirit is served. (See M. Scott Peck's book A Different Drum for more on community
A Closer Look at the Map Process in Accordance with the Stages of the Medicine Wheel:
The process begins with a vision of an organizational end state to align with the personal life
purpose you previously identified and claimed in Chapter Four. Remember, your passion for this purpose
drives you to inspire others to work with you to achieve your vision. In working together, you evolve all
involved to more advanced stages as you live in a state of Higher Self awareness. (For the vision process
you need not have a corporation or formal structure; it might be a group of friends, volunteers, or
colleagues.) Tap into the soul of your vision. Do you see it as a living, breathing organism, a community
that supports an ecosystem? With the heart of a shaman, hold the vision of an organization to serve all in
harmony: customers, workers, its owner, the community, and the environment. Define a SOUL INTENT,
your organizational mission stated in win-win-win (you, me, us) terms.
See the next page for a worksheet on the four stages.
Reflections / Notes:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Path Worksheet
Chapter 6
Build Community
The Four Stages: Filling in the Details for your community. As you’ll discover, the first stage is critical.
Your first stage sets the very foundations to create a lively, engaged, centered foundation to launch the rest
of your planning / community building.
Stage 1. VISION (The Mission):
Meditate or go on a Vision Quest Journey. Then identify:
What is the SOUL INTENT, the end state you intend to bring about with this organization? Ask:
"What is our vision, our gift to give? To whom? How? Mutual gain? Time frame?"
Ask: "How do we measure our progress?
Ask: How do we improve?"
Looking back from the end state, the point where you accomplish your SOUL INTENT, write a clear
Pathway Plan for the organization.
(See Chapter Seven) Ask: "What does it look like in its blossomed state? What objectives did we
meet? What values did we live?" See and make notes on the way all systems act to support the
vision. Visualize: "How does the environment look? The product? Service? How do people act?
What behavioral standards exist?"
Vision with others: Create a board of directors (your core group). Start meeting to discuss intentions,
strategy, and operational system.
Use the Sacred Circle Master Mind process. Ask: "What is the pathway to accomplish the vision?
Who needs to be involved? How do we finance the venture? Do we have a clear business plan?
How do we get started?" (Keep an eye on Soul Intent.) Confirm the Map/Pathway and intentions,
standards, and tasks. Create and implement an initial set of working agreements.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Stage One Action Steps:
Write the Soul Intent and the Pathway Plan (next Chapter).
Create your core group. Write your working agreements (group ethics statement).
(See Appendix B:'7 Principles of Cooperation' for more details.)
An Example of Master Agreements (MA) for a Community:
MA1. Agree to Show Up This means several things. First, agree to show up every time on time. Resistance is a distraction,
so bless it and move through it. Showing up also means being engaged while you are physically
present. Often when we get distracted by other things in our lives, we slip into the past or the
future. It is important to stay present. Why? Because when we engage everyone, we create group
synergy. Commit to abide by the agreements, intentions, and values of the community.
I agree to:
commit to show up and stay with it.
MA2. Agree to Honor What happens in the 'community' stays in the 'community' and remains confidential. Some sharing
might be very personal, and some people may feel very vulnerable. Tender issues may come up. It
is imperative we agree to hold all discussions sacred and confidential to feel safe enough to open
I agree to:
honor confidentiality;
honor the sanctity of community members' lives and their living and working spaces;
honor, respect, and support my community in our work, and ask for help when I need it;
be aware of the effect I have on the community and create no harm;
honor our community to live in a way to maintain a positive private and public image;
honor our ethics policy with regard to drug use, sexual harassment and personal conduct.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
MA3. Agree to be Responsible Agree to step courageously into areas beyond your normal comfort level. Be brave. When you
stretch, you expand your concept of who you are. And when you stretch in one area, you find
yourself naturally expanding in other areas.
I agree:
I am responsible to assure my life works. When it doesn't, I am responsible to get help;
I am responsible for what I create;
My life impacts the world.
MA4. Agree to support each other in the spirit of TEAM / COMMUNITY
Listen to each other with love, send energy to the person sharing. Provide loving, positive
feedback (this is the mindset to transform fear and criticism).
Listen to yourself with love. If feelings come up for you, stop and listen. Give the feelings a voice:
"I'm scared, vulnerable, hurt." Always acknowledge the need: "I need to feel safe, to be heard, to
be valued," . If it feels OK, share with the group to receive support. If it does not feel OK, make a
note in your journal to explore these feelings later. Do not shut them out. Address and dissolve all
issues as soon as possible.
I agree:
to keep positive relations with my team;
to bring trust issues and grievances first to the individual involved and then to the circle if the
issues remains unresolved;
to leave the story of "us and them" behind, and join the world of "we;”
to take the opportunity to change patterns and "my" way of doing things;
to focus on my personal work instead of on what others have or have not done.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
MA5. Agree to Communicate in I-Language (speak from "I")
We agree that sound communication is our greatest tool. We agree to live the Seven Principles, to
listen, and to speak with understanding. We agree not to attack or defend. We agree to use
brainstorming and consensus to make decisions. We will engage wisdom to facilitate and resolve
conflict. We agree to use the "reality bridge" (See Chapter 10) as our communication model. We
agree to use council parameters.
I agree to:
speak from the heart;
listen from the heart;
speak according to the process;
speak leanly.
MA6. Agree to Trust the Process There are no accidents. Every one is here because your soul guided you to this place and time to
engage with these exact people. Look around you. These are the souls who have chosen to come
together to experience this journey with you. Your inner guidance knows exactly what you need.
Trust this. Trust the process here, even if you don't understand why certain things are asked of
you. There is a loving reason for all of it.
I agree to trust. I know the reason is always about growth.
Medicine Note:
Mitakuye Oyasin-"All My Relations"-this Lakota expression honors the notion we are all One in
the eyes of the Creator. Within the context of your organization (tribe), honor the spirit of the Talking Stick
(even when no physical object is passed) by listening with an open mind and heart. In this way, each
member of the tribe (organization) knows their point of view is valued.
Now! Write a compelling Business Plan to include a focus on Marketing, Finance, etc. with
appropriate software and expert guidance. Expert guidance comes in the form of your people,
organized into clear, well conceived roles.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Organize people by required roles.
Create the Organizational Chart & define all the roles you need to fill, for example:
• Shareholders
VP Marketing
• Board of Directors
VP Operations
• Partners
VP Sales
VP Finance
• GM
VP Support (for HR, Legal, and Administrative)
VP Business units
• Department Heads
Executive Corporate Shaman ombudsperson: a consultant shaman responsible to facilitate
everything necessary to keep the team on track. Their role: to maintain the spirit of the
Create a Personnel Contract with accountability (what for and to whom) for each role.
Set intentions for each role.
Set tasks (with standards and time sequences) necessary to accomplish the intentions.
Begin the perform-check-assess-learn-adjust cycle.
Learn all the roles, and document the best strategies for each.
Write the Operations Manual.
This manual defines how you do everything. The operations manual details policies and
procedures, ethics and all vital systems. Review any past manuals. Questions to consider include:
What do you do, how do you do it, in what order, to what standard?
Do we have a step-by-step description of everything each role needs to know in order to perform
to standards?
How will we implement an operational system?
What administrative, information systems, finance (etc.) support do we need?
Do we have up-to-date, well defined job descriptions, systems, and standards for people, products
and environment? Examples:
GM (Role intention: product delivery, R&D, creation, team management).
Department Heads (Role intention: Environmental look and feel, delivery, facilities
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Write Training Programs.
Every product, service or combination of the two requires training of some type. For this, think in
terms of workflow. Where do things “begin” and “end.” Do you have a “front office” and a “back office?”
(Example: car rental companies have “Customer Service Representatives” at the “Counter” who would be
unable to do their jobs without the support of an entire host of people in the “back office” such as
reservations systems, cars, etc.) Solid training programs take into account a cycle as well. Once again,
think, “where do things begin and end.” If an “ending” is really a “handoff” to another person to “begin”
another process, document this as well.
Another critical component of training involves cross –perspectives from other departments,
organizations, and clients. For example, if you’re about to launch a new software program, you’ll need the
expertise of many “subject matter experts” (SME’s) to help write your training materials. You may even
coach your “SME’s” to help conduct the training. You may also wish to include people from the “sales
department” to be involved in training material development. Without the support of sales people – who
else brings clients to your door?
And last, but certainly NOT least – it’s critical to always include a “Customer Service”
perspective in your training process. Regardless of product, service or department – every single person in
your community is a “customer” to some one else – in some form or fashion. Think about how you would
like to be treated as a “customer” in your team – and write your training materials to reflect these needs.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Stage 2. IMPLEMENTATION (Getting through the Chaos): Build the team
Action Steps:
GM hires and trains COO, who in turn hires and trains the staff.
COO reads and masters the Operations Manual; sets standards and systems accordingly for all
aspects of the organization; COO writes Management Manual.
COO follows the Hiring Sequence to create and train the team.
All keep an eye on accomplishing Soul Intent.
Be mindful of the three Disciplines of Leadership and Speaking Wind's Seven Principles.
Stage 3. EXECUTE IMPECCABLY (Heal customer wounds):
Deliver Quality Customer Interface
Action Steps:
COO and management team lead the community to superior service.
Live the three Disciplines of Leadership.
Clarify the "Top Ten" standards for quality and delivery of Product, Service, and
Environment (PSE); important to continue growth and meet overall vision and objectives.
(This was started in Stage 1; review and finalize it.)
Review long-term performance metrics. Can you achieve them in alignment with your
objectives? How do you measure these? How do you track progress?
Execute! Use daily coaching and training. Focus on passionate delivery of PSE, metrics
achieved through PSE excellence. Follow the designated process.
Stage 4. ASSESS & ADJUST (Maturity & Integration): Improve your ability to achieve the Soul
Action Steps:
Follow constant improvement sequence.
Review operational assessments. Measure, assess, review and revise as needed.
Adjust systems whenever you identify improvements.
Go deeper in Living the three Disciplines of Leadership and Speaking Wind's Seven
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Complete these steps and your plan is ready to execute with a ready and willing team. Now, keep
in mind one final item. You are now a Corporate Shaman. You must walk in the sacred way. You
serve this community and all those in it. Your goal: to create an environment wherein people blossom as
a community, to discover and express their inherent greatness, to make a difference in the world by
achieving the goals of the organization in harmony with the ecosystem.
This being the case, you must be careful not to get too caught up in the activity of building,
managing or doing. It is not your job to be obsessively task-focused. Do not work to excess, or get caught
constantly putting out fires. Dissolve those old paradigm features. You may perform some of the outlined
steps, but your overarching goal is to build the community and support an environment where people
blossom. You do this by staying true to your focus. Do all you can to support the organization's Soul Intent.
Remember, the Soul Intent is always written in terms of true win-win-win (you, me, we) service, to bring
internal and external organizational harmony.
The community lives in an environment maintained by physical structures (peer groups, and your
relationship with other community members). Study and nurture this environment as outlined in our next
chapter. No matter what other momentarily assumed role, you are a healer first, last and always. Remember
also you are here to lead, love, nurture and to assist anyone in the organization who may get derailed
emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually. You are the subtle Light to bring breath to those who
forget. A Corporate Shaman is what I call a leader-healer, living the sacred way, sharing genius, to
help others do the same (healing the collective heart).
As you model true Corporate Shaman behaviors, others in the organization will emulate your
behavior. Anyone who maintains a spirit full of light to serve as a beacon (to show others the way)
contributes immensely to the health of an organization and is, in fact, a Corporate Shaman. You may find
Corporate Shamans in the mailroom! For example-unsuspected leaders may assist you to model the
behavior of the Corporate Shaman. When you follow, you create a path for others to emulate. Such
individuals play an invaluable part in the circle, spearheading the creation and fulfillment of the
community's Soul Intent. The Corporate Shaman's function is to be compassionate and helpful to all while
keeping on track an endeavor that offers a true service.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Action Steps
Chapter 6
Build Community
Medicine Note:
Don't let the contributions of unsuspected leaders go unheralded. For anyone found doing good
for the organization (by modeling the Corporate Shaman role) offer a feather for their headband in a form
they truly enjoy and appreciate! Be creative and have fun honoring the Sacred Way.
Chapter Reflections (record your thoughts in your journal):
Which of the four Management Types do I use?
Force __
Management __
Leadership __
Corporate Shaman __
Where is my firm (company, organization, etc.) on the Medicine Wheel?
East: Visioning __
South: Chaos __
West: Healing __
North: Integration __
What is the most important thing for me to learn in this chapter?
How do I use what I’ve learned to help me and my organization?
Use the Wheel Checklist on the next page to guide you.
Other notes:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Map Checklist
Chapter 6
Build Community
The Map Checklist
V = Visioning
H = Healing
IM = Implementation
IN = Integration
Key tasks
I)Vision Quest: Write SOUL INTENT Objectives
Gather Core Group / Advisory Board & Meet / Set Agreements
Create Pathway Plan
Write Business Plan
Define Op and process system and Write Op. Manual /Training prog.
Designate Roles
II) Hire COO
COO hires and trains staff
III) Master the 3 Ds
Review Standards
Review Metrics/ Track Progress
Execute! Use Daily Coaching to support impeccable execution
IV) Follow constant improvement sequence
Review Assessments
Improve and adjust systems wherever possible.
Live the three disciplines of leadership (detailed in Chapters 9-11. and
Speaking Wind's Seven Principles.
(Suggestion: create a large – wall-size – version of this –or a similar checklist to inspire and motivate your
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Living the Path in community requires a direction.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Chapter 7
The Pathway Strategic Plan - the Path of Clarity of Action in Community
Build successful strategic plans with committed, quality leadership, such as Corporate Shaman
leadership. A Corporate Shaman leader is one who has discovered their purpose, lives in Higher Self
awareness, and is ready to serve the community (organization) with all their heart and soul. To best serve,
they must focus on the MISSION (Achieve Soul Intent) of the organization and live the Overall Leadership
Intention: “to create an environment wherein people blossom as a community, to discover and express
their inherent greatness, to make a difference in the world by achieving the goals of the organization
in harmony with the ecosystem.” To succeed, the Corporate Shaman leader creates an effective strategic
plan to detail specifically what must be done to successfully achieve their vision. Such a plan aids the
leader to avoid unnecessary chaos and to bring people together to accomplish the MISSION of the
organization. As you will see, the Pathway Strategic Plan guides the leader to serve well.
The Corporate Shaman Way (Illustrated)
Achieve Mission (Soul Intent)
(Follow the pathway plan - Measure Progress)
Environment where all
blossom (OLI)
(Overall Leadership Intention)
Self Mastery
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 1
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Chapter Seven explores the creation of the Pathway Plan. Whereas the Corporate Map in Chapter
Six provides an overview to build an organization, the Pathway Plan answers the “How” question. It
forecasts the important daily activities needed to accomplish the mission. Such a plan is an essential aid to
guide your strategy and behavior on a day-to-day basis. The Pathway Plan provides you the basics to set
your direction and activities.
Medicine Note:
The Mission comes mostly from intuition ("feel"), while the strategic plan mixes intuition and
intellectual (thought) support.
The Pathway Plan Components
The Pathway Plan makes it possible for managers at all levels to accomplish their tasks while
supporting organizational Mission standards. It unfolds in two phases.
PHASE I) Start with an Assessment 1.
Clarify the Intent: Why are we planning? Do we need to create our mission and goals or
revise what we have? What is our reason for this assessment phase?
Make an Initial Estimate: What is our Key Overall Goal (KOG)
Over the next 3 years?
By what measurements? (Sales, Service Benchmarks, Revenue Growth, Profit, ROI)
Is each goal specific, measurable and acceptable to those people tasked with each goal?
Is the goal realistic and timely?
Does it extend the capabilities of those working to achieve the goals?
Is it rewarding to them? (Rewarding = SMARTER criteria)
What 'Drivers' meet this objective? (Examples)
Product Driver: Product Leadership. (Ford Motor Co.)
Service Driver: Maximize Customer Intimacy/Service. (Nordstrom)
Environmental Driver: Operational Excellence. (Solar Turbines)
Financial Driver: Be a Leader in the field? Increase market share? Profit? Franchise?
Competitive Edge Driver: Product, Service, Technology, Special Capabilities.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 1
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Gather the appropriate metrics/data: Customer, Market, Financial, Other. We need this
information to answer and prepare for the following analyses:
Operations/Financial: Do our systems, facilities and finances support the Initial GOAL
Estimate? (Consider trends affecting the organization, e.g., trends in sales, expertise of
employees, sufficiency of facilities, strength of finances, etc). Do we have quality access
to (or possession of) necessary resources?
Leadership/Performance: Is our Environment (culture, training, management style,
communication, decision making) appropriate to meet the Initial GOAL Estimate? Do we
possess solid leadership and execution skills?
Customer/Market: What do we need to do with in marketplace to meet the Initial GOAL
What does the market expect?
What are the emerging market standards?
How do we best organize to meet this need?
What capabilities must we develop?
How can we learn more about our customer on an ongoing basis to respond quickly to
customer needs?
What is the competitive threat? (Consider marketing trends, social-political climate,
political trends, economic trends, societal trends, technological trends, recent or
pending legislation, federal funds, demographic trends, rate of access to trained labor,
competition, and stakeholders' impressions of the organization).
Do we have the market responsiveness needed?
While all these questions sound daunting, you’ll find you’ll be “glad you answered them” when it comes
time to craft a solid, cohesive plan. Failure to explore these and other questions (offered throughout this
book) provides an opportunity to overlook a critical gap or missing piece. To aid the timely resolve to all
these questions, create a reasonable timeline to research, explore, answer and consolidate your findings.
Thus, once you have the answers to the questions above (collecting data), you’re ready to conduct a
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analyses.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 1
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
SWOT analysis: Explore Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats?
Gap Analysis: Where are we? Where do we want to be? What is needed to get there from
here? What are the roadblocks to success? What is the best way to overcome them?
Force Field Analyses: To accomplish our goal, what forces work for us; what forces work
against us? How do we attract and grow the forces for us, and reduce and dissolve the forces
against us?
Reflection Analyses: Reflect: Look back from the perceived end state of your organization,
as if you accomplished your MISSION.
Identify how you did it.
What does it look like in its blossomed state?
What objectives were met?
What values were lived?
Make notes on the way all systems act to support the vision.
How does the environment look? The product? The service?
How do people act?
What are the behavioral standards?
Medicine Note:
Throughout this process (as well as the planning process that follows) it is imperative - you - as
Corporate Shaman - set the example. This means you walk your Higher Self path at all times. Set the
objective to guide team members to avoid petty self-interest(s). Focus on a final outcome to benefit the
whole "tribe."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 2
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
PHASE II) Conduct the Planning Session Program
During the Planning Session, you review results of the assessment in a facilitated group. The
group then processes the data to create a Pathway Plan to identify the following:
Identify the Mission and Key Overall Goal (KOG). - and how to track progress.
Example: Our Mission is to serve our customer market to provide our breakthrough widget (or
service) to simplify their lives. By doing so we expect to earn $300 million in annual sales. Our
KOG: 20% growth rate, 5% profit margin, 35% debt to capital cap. We project 20% growth over
the next 3 years. Metrics tracked via weekly sales, customer, and financial reports.
Key Strategies, as per our analyses, to accomplish this goal, our steps include:
Strategic Goal
1. (Goal #1)
1.1 (first strategy to
reach Goal #1)
Objective /
Tactics or Tasks
(By When)
1.1.1 (first objective
action to reach while
Strategy #1.1)
(who will accomplish
(when the person
implementing must
accomplish objective)
Identify Compelling Why: Why is it a Must that we accomplish this goal? What do we gain
when we accomplish this goal? What do we lose?
Identify Overall Leadership Intention (OLI) Determine your organization's overall leadership
intention. Example: Achieve the Mission to create an environment wherein people blossom as
a community, to discover and express their inherent greatness, to make a difference in the
world by achieving the goals of the organization in harmony with the ecosystem.
Identify Corporate Values: What do we value as a community? What do we want our guidelines
and agreements to be? (Impeccable service, outstanding quality, rapid follow-through, constant
improvement – to name a few.)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 2
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Identify Behavior Standards:
Product (substance): How will it look in its best end state? What behaviors will get us there?
Service (support): What behaviors must we do to be of maximum service?
Environment (foundation): What behaviors do we maintain to work together effectively?
How do we keep an inspiring environment? (Create top 10 behavior list.)
Role - Goals - Tasks - Disciplines: (Strategies, Objectives, Tactics)
My Role / Department: (Example. My role is CFO. My role is to lead a team to achieve our
department's goals in support of the overall objective).
Department Goal: Our department objective within the overall plan is to ______
Task Time Sequence: Define each month, week, day, what action to do, in what sequence,
by whom. (Action plans revolve around products, service, and the environment.)
Leadership Disciplines:
Self Mastery: Be the best leader I can be (detailed in Chapter Nine).
Empowerment: Develop others to be their best (detailed in Chapter 10).
Effective Systems: Find what works, execute impeccably & keep improving (Chapter
The Planning Process:
The process to come to a complete and thorough plan generally requires a facilitated program of
one to three days. The entire top leadership (core) team co-creates this plan. The best plan facilitates /
models solid teamwork. All core players must actively offer genuine input. The best process I know (there
are many) begins with dividing the key executives into team segments, based on some cross-section of
inter-department staff. This team is responsible for:
compiling data from a series of questions and research topics (as per Phase I above)
analyze the collected data to brainstorm the best answers.(Phase II above)
Each team presents their conclusions to the group as a whole via some type of concise, clear,
BRIEF presentation. A group discussion follows to develop consensus on the best overall answer to the
question at hand (our Mission, Intentions, Strategy, etc.). We repeat this process until we complete the
entire plan.
Accommodating everyone might challenge you at times. Things are not always perfect. You
simply do your best (with expert help), to create synergy (people's best ideas working together). Ask each
player to fully commit to support the final plan. The US Declaration of Independence and Constitution
went through a planning process as well (in spite of the challenges their framers faced), both surfaced as
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Phase 2
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
remarkable examples of team synergy. We do our best and trust what we create will serve us deeply. A plan
fully supported is truly superior to no plan- or a partially supported plan.
Feel overwhelmed? Email us ( for further information on Strategic
Planning and related consulting services.
Medicine Note:
Your team will live with the decisions they make for a long time. To assure we meet all needs,
encourage each member to journey on their own prior to meetings to uncover any unconscious needs or
agendas. If they become aware of same, the group needs to address and come to a time resolution to
maintain a solid, healthy plan. Another possibility? Hire a shamanic teacher from the larger community to
lead a group journey prior to your decision-making meetings.
What important ideas do I take away from this chapter?
What important ideas do I implement from this chapter?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter Supplement
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Chapter Supplement:
A few words about plan follow through. Follow through takes discipline. Discipline includes
habits and practices to increase operation effectiveness. Do you (or your team) feel “penned in” when you
(they) think in terms of discipline? You might think (or encourage them to think) in terms of practice
instead. As we all know, practice is the key to achieve excellence. Don’t forget to “build in” plan rewards
and related incentives for those who clearly demonstrate they’ve “been practicing!”
The Mastery Sequence:
Mastering disciplines might present a challenge. The four phases outlined below may help you
understand a) the levels we move through, b) the steps and commitments needed to nurture the creation of
healthy habits.
Unconscious Incompetence: In this phase, we don't even know what we don't know. The only
way out is to be gentle with self and others, allow / create the space to be vulnerable, and be open.
Many leaders hurt others with arrogance or failure to open to the Higher Self awareness that – they
too – “don’t know everything.”
Conscious Incompetence: In this phase, we start to see how we may learn and grow. We embrace
this higher awareness, we see how things may need to change. This is a gut-check time. Many will
resist or deny what they see. Just compassionately accept. Remember, it's no big deal! (We're just
learning.) This is an exciting time. Assess what is needed. Say yes to the change. You may wish to
reframe “change” with the word “growth.”
Conscious Competence: This phase is best described as practice in action. For example, if we
assess our golf game is not what it used to be, we decide it's time for a lesson to help us get back
on track. We find and hire the pro. They tell us to stick our hand here, our elbow there, to turn our
leg here, until we're wrapped up like a pretzel. When we try to swing, we miss the ball (because
our brain attempts to focus on all these parts of the swing at once). There is too much to integrate,
it takes intense focus. Just keep practicing! It's like learning to ride a bike, or to drive a car. It is
tough, and it is fun.
Unconscious Competence: This is the mastery phase. We’re opened, assessed, practiced, and now
(performance time), we are ready. It's automatic now. The golf swing, the presentation, the
communicating with others (you name it) - now you are a pro. For help, use the Mastery
Commitments below. This is the place to be!
The great Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, "Excellence is an art won by training and habitation. We
are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter Supplement
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Commit to practice to be your greatest self! The Mastery Commitments:
I Commit to Stretch myself: It's up to me to be open and grow.
I Commit to Team/Support. Get support. Together we achieve more.
I Commit to the joy of Mastery. Enjoy being really good at something - it is what brings us the
greatest sense of accomplishment in life.
A few words about Visioning, Planning & Performance for the Entrepreneur
Find your passion. Have fun sharing your genius and touching lives.
Be Ready to work hard. Being an entrepreneur is complex and challenging.
Be prepared to do all the roles for a while: CEO, sales person, accountant, secretary.
Write the operational system and prepare to expand and hire others to fill the roles.
Raise the money to fund yourself (small business loan, investors, etc.).
Know how to manage that money - and how to manage a business.
MASTER - Client Fulfillment / Product Quality
MASTER Basic Marketing: Lead Generation - Lead Conversion - Lead Satisfaction
Innovate, create, understand your edge and be smarter, better, faster in the market.
Read "Up Against the Wal-Marts" by Taylor and Archer for ideas on small business management.
Also read, "The E-Myth" trilogy of books by Michael Gerber.
Based on the above - What have I learned about me?
My Strengths:
My Opportunities to improve:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Example Strategic Plan
Chapter 7
The Corporate Pathway Plan
Table 1:
Executive Summary, Board Authorization, Organizational Description. Analyses, Mission, Vision and
Values, Goals and Strategies, etc. Appropriate Appendixes
Strategic Data Analysis -- External & Internal Analysis
An external analysis researches societal, technological, political, and economic trends effecting the
organization. Examples: recent or pending legislation, demographic trends, rate of access to trained labor, and
competition. Identify and record major organizational strengths and weaknesses. Identify and record major
organizational threats and opportunities. Consider trends affecting the organization, e.g., trends in sales, expertise of
employees, sufficiency of facilities, strength of finances, etc.
Mission Statement and Key Overall Goal
The mission statement is a concise description of the purpose of the organization. It answers the question:
Why does our organization exist? When answering this question, include the nature of your products and services,
along with the various groups of customers who buy the products and services. The mission statement should provide
continued direction and focus to your plans and operations. Post your mission statement throughout your organization,
on all stationery, in your plan documents, etc. Also include your key overall goal – KOG - (stated in financial terms)
for the organization.
Mission Statement:
Values and Standards
Values and standards state (in behavioral terms) what we stand for and at what levels to maintain our
Overall Leadership Intent:
Roles, Goals and Strategies - By role, your Goals, Strategies, Tactics to achieve your Mission and KOG
Role #1
Goal # __ (Write "SMARTER" goals) to include: Strategy, Tactic, Leadership and Timeline
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Pathway Principles
Follow these principles to watch yourself grow into all you can be!
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Pathway Principles
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Pathway Principles
Chapter 8
The Power Of Principle In Business - the Path of Community Power
Speaking Winds’ Seven Principles revisited for effective business communities
All true service requires mastery: mastery of the sacred pathway and leadership in the community.
In Chapters Six and Seven, we reviewed how to build a map and a plan. We also defined plan roles and
tasks. The map and plan guide our activity. The Principles guide our minds. In doing so, they assure all
community participants enjoy a common mindset. We also reviewed how to create clear plan descriptions
of all roles, including leadership roles to include the Seven Principles in each role.
Upcoming chapters expand on the Seven Principles to explore the three core Disciplines of the
Corporate Shaman in the workplace. Remember, if the word discipline sounds more like punishment to
you, think in terms of habits. We develop habits to support our Highest Self and our highest effectiveness.
Successful habits provide the key to unlock and bring the Principles to life.
The Seven Principles outlined in Chapter Three provide the basis for the Three Disciplines. The
Principles provide vision and a reliable belief system to live the Sacred Way. This philosophical
understanding is the foundation of everything else.
Chapter Eight revisits the Seven Principles and their related business applications. Our purpose: to
offer a foundation for the discussion of the three Disciplines in the next chapter. After that, we discuss the
Principles as they relate to leadership.
Speaking Winds’ Seven Principles:
Principle #1: Find the Part of You that Lives in All Things. (See page 29)
Principle #2: Let Self-Doubt and Self-Pity Fall Away. (See page 32)
Principle #3: Place Yourself First, Before All Things and All Others. (See page 46)
Principle #4: Look at the Negative Emotions for What they Have to Teach You. (See page 50)
Principle #5: Allow All Things to Be. (See page 57)
Principle #6: Life -To Understand, To Learn, Not To Control. (See page 61)
Principle #7: The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old. (See page 64)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
The Seven Effectiveness Principles for Corporate Shamans
(The Seven Principles are slightly reordered to illustrate the Three Disciplines)
Principle #2: Let Self-Doubt and Self-Pity Fall Away. (See page 32)
From the shaman's perspective, an effective world leader must respond from their Higher Self, rather than
react from Lower Self. This is key. We generally react when the Lower Self grabs us. Corporate Shamans
(and all those living a more aware life) embrace the Higher Self to let the power of vision and intuition
guide us. Even if only for a brief moment before an important meeting, tap into our Higher Self to then act
in the world.
The power of vision and intuition helps us remain focused on true service, rather than the
distractions from our Lower Self and its perceived needs. Lower Self typically seeks excessive control,
security, or approval. True Service requires compassion and humility. We need to be free of judgment to
understand what others need deeply to truly serve them (and help them to serve in their turn). To serve
from a place of non-judgment is a most noble path. People living from their Higher Selves walk this noble
path with more ease and grace through constant practice.
Question: “What is the most important (and difficult) task on this path?” Answer: “To accept and
appreciate people just as they are.” Why? Before you may effectively help others change, they must
experience unconditional love and support – the very seeds you experienced before you changed - yourself.
When you live in truth, self doubt does fall away.
Key: Embrace Spiritual Power through Meditation. Fill up with inspiration. Release anxiety. Respond to
life. Take the initiative to empower yourself and you’ll naturally empower others.
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Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
Principle #6: Life -To Understand, To Learn, Not To Control. (See page 61)(Also a foundation for
To know the essence of this principle is to know where you want to be (and to maintain a balanced
focus as well). Nurture personal understanding through daily reflection and journal writing. Use various
psychological assessment instruments and 360 degree (multi-rater) feedback to help you know yourself.
"Who am I?" and "What am I here to do?" are your study questions. As you answer these questions, a state
of calm envelops you, and your purpose unfolds before your mind's eye. Reflect on your answers to realize
your dream (Chapter Four). Once you know what you want, write a deeply meaningful mission statement
to inspire you and help you achieve it.
At work, weave this mission into your work. Your work is service, to help those you employ
fulfill the organization's Soul Intent and associated plans.
Key: Embrace mental and spiritual power: review daily intentions as you begin your day. Focus. Say
"no" to distractions and intrusions from low-payoff areas. Use visualization and affirmation to focus
your walk on a most sacred path.
Principle #3: Place Yourself First, Before All Things and All Others. (See page 46)
This principle (as I live via my shaman’s journey), invites us to understand how to be of maximum
service to others based on priority alignment. The first priority is service to yourself. Service to others is
an outgrowth of service to self. As Wayne Dyer says in 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, “you
can't give away what you don't have.” If you lack inner health, you can't help others.
SELF: There must be time for you to rest, rejuvenate, and fill up as needed. In doing so, you’ll
enjoy more than enough to give when called, without resentment or feeling drained. When filled with
energy, you share your abundance of energy with others. Abundant energy allows you to be of service. The
only way to serve well is to master your ability to fill up on life-through spiritual practice. How? Spend
time in nature. Commune with Great Spirit. Do whatever your body enjoys providing it’s wholesome and
supportive to the mind and spirit as well.
SERVICE: As you take care of yourself, you position your intentions to guide your light at work.
Focus on the three key payoff areas necessary to nourish your mission.
Key: Exercising daily to embrace physical power. Develop some means to achieve relaxed concentration
before you perform tasks. Use a time system; put your time where it counts: into your three key payoff
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Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
Principle #1: Find the Part of You that Lives in All Things. (See page 29) A Foundation for
Empowerment Mastery
This principle is vital to our connection with others. From the shaman's perspective,
“independence” is an illusion (creates a we/they or win/lose environment), whereas “interdependence”
provides for a rich and robust life. We NEED each other. With this notion in mind, the only way to enjoy
life is to enjoy it - together. Help each other succeed. If something or someone fails, we all fail. For
example, a business decision to pollute the air, water, land, or food supply (even though it may be
financially profitable to the company), pollutes everything. A competitive business negotiation often takes
a win-lose stance to create a lose-lose situation. If anyone loses, you lose, because we are all one. Think
bigger! Find the path to win-win-win (you, me, we) solutions to fully engage the law of attraction.
Key: Ask questions, to learn more and NOT assume anything. Align with people, make requests to create
working agreements for all concerned. Have the courage to walk away when others insist on a position
to serve a self- interest without serving all. Find the place to help each other.
Principle #5: Allow All Things to Be. (See page 57) (A Foundation for Empowerment Mastery):
To “allow” is a fundamental principle for any leader. The only way to understand anything or
anyone is to allow it to be as it is without a Lower Self need to change it. Accept what is. As we open to the
perfection of things just as they are, a fascination emerges. A fascination to understand who and what we
deal with. Each person is a miracle, filled with experiences and wisdom from these experiences on the one
hand, and pains and challenges (healing issues) on the other. When we allow, we open up to inquiry: "Who
is this being? What do I understand about her? What do I learn? What does she need? How do I serve her?"
When you accept, you open the door to transform.
This is true of nature, as well as of people. Shamans listen to all of nature-to the ocean, the birds,
the trees; everything. They ask, "What is it really showing me? What do I learn about myself when I really
listen to myself? What is it really, when I drop all my past definitions and see it fresh for the first time?"
Key: Stand in awe of the perfection of the world. Before you follow a path of service, allow your
appreciation for the cycles of life and the nuances of each person to teach you how to understand whom
you serve and what they need. Ask each person you meet what he or she believes, and listen. Ask, and
listen actively-nod, make eye contact, take notes. LEARN who they are. This is the way to empower
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
Principle #4: Look at the Negative Emotions for What they Have to Teach You. (See page 50) (A
Foundation for Empowerment Mastery)
Our negative emotions (emotional trance state) indicate attachments to the Lower Self and teach
us where we still need to free ourselves. The power of mankind comes from masterful leaders who bring
forth their Higher Selves, and consequently draw out the higher selves of a collective (family, team,
community). The power of a community is far greater than what we might accomplish on our own. So feel,
watch, allow, pay attention, learn, transform. Everything is your teacher.
The ultimate power of the Law of Attraction: one who masters it changes not only self, but
also possibly hundreds (thousands, millions) of people with the presence it thus creates. Synergy
comes about as a result of any person who inspires the Higher Self in others. The higher the general
consciousness in a group, the higher the level of performance and creativity.
Key: Engage your spiritual power to release inner blocks. Care deeply, compassionate - equally for
yourself and for others. Develop the inner maturity to influence and lead others by virtue of your
presence, rather than by rule or force. Build a team of people who do the same. Affirm everything as a
Principle #7: The Child Grows. . . The Adult Only Grows Old. (See page 64) (A Foundation for
Systems Mastery):
This vital seventh principle simply means you must take the time to view things with wonder and
awe for what they teach us (as would a curious child), no matter how familiar they seem. Always maintain
room for discovery. To remain curious about life and dedicate self to excellence is the Corporate Shaman
practice of discovery. They strive for excellence. Perfection becomes part of every moment – knowing how
everything happens for a reason. (There are NO accidents!) Excellence really pays off in today's fast-paced
intense work environments. An intense focus enhances your performance and keeps you on track. What
daily rituals do you successfully maintain to keep you on track?
To aid our journey of constant improvement, please review our Corporate Shaman Management
Handbook (CS-MH) found in Appendix A. This example of a personal management manual provides a
template for you to delineate and capture the best practices in all leadership/management areas (hiring,
training, coaching, feedback, and so on).
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
Key: Develop emotional power to reduce attention to the Lower Self. Follow the Higher Self to focus on
what has impact. Love, understand, give and heal. Use rituals: spend fifteen minutes each day to review
key objectives for yourself and your community, as well as the Three Disciplines. Ask, "How do I serve
today?" Spend fifteen minutes at the end of the day journaling on what worked and what lessons you
From Principles to Success – A Focus on Environment
Achieve Mission (Soul Intent)
(Follow the pathway plan - Measure Progress)
Environment where
all blossom (OLI)
(Overall Leadership Intention)
Self Mastery
Classic behavioral research conducted decades ago by management professor Victor Vroom
suggests how work performance reflects the relationship between ability (cognitive intelligence) and
motivation (the formula is A x M = P, where A = ability, M = motivation, and P = performance). Today,
this theory is still important. A corporate leader must be able and capable to genuinely motivate others, to
inspire (ignite) such traits in others. Out of Vroom's work (and earlier leadership studies), emerged the now
popular terms "able" (task-oriented) and "motivational" (relationship-oriented) leadership. Libraries and
lectures continue to extol the virtues of “ability” and motivational styles along with the situations to which
each is useful.
Management is the ability piece. The ability to get a task done. Leadership is the
relationship/motivation piece. To create an environment where others want to work together to get things
done. The effective executive blends both styles. They adjust it to fit the situation and the people involved,
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
responding to variations in personality, environment, or other factors. Balance is key, along with the
sensitivity to know under what circumstances to adjust your style to better serve others. (See the HerseyBlanchard model of situational leadership for some help here - found in most Organizational Behavior text
Research also shows how successful leaders contain a certain degree of emotional intelligence (EI)
(particularly the EI competencies of personal/emotional and relationship management) and the Big 5
personality traits of conscientiousness (Pc). The Big 5 Personality Traits include:
and emotional stability.
Emotional intelligence and conscientiousness are hence vital personal components of ability, and
play a role in a new emerging picture of leadership success. Wherever possible, hire people with these
abilities (as per the job) and help all team members develop these abilities to whatever extent they’re
capable (within their personality type).
The mastered habits (disciplines) of a spiritual Corporate Shaman make it possible to create an
environment wherein people blossom as a community, to discover and express their inherent
greatness, to make a difference in the world by achieving the goals of the organization in harmony
with the ecosystem. These habits do not come out of nowhere, nor does mastery come over night. They
develop out of a commitment to principled leadership. Such habits allow you to more effectively tap into
team members ability and motivation.
One of the best working habits of some leaders is to review key questions each morning before
How do I continue to improve this environment?
How do I make our community even more fun fulfilling, challenging?
How may I advance self mastery?
Whom do I empower today?
What system fundamentals do I help our team improve on today?
Where is the big play?"
Those leaders who learn to walk on balanced, solid ground from walking the path of the philosophical
principles noted above, ask these questions - often. These principles provide the basis for understanding
why the habit of asking such questions is so important.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 8
The Seven Corporate Shaman Effectiveness Principles
In summary, principled leaders and Corporate Shamans mold their environments into powerfully
supportive places. Environment includes:
Physical Structure (office lighting, wall color, sunlight, air quality, energy, feel, plants, impact of
technology - equipment, computer screens, quality of paint, carpets, toxicity and pollution levels.)
People (how does the team get along?) Is there someone who disrupts and needs to go? Do
people feel at ease?
Leaders (how does the team get along with the head coach?)
Other: (Corporate culture, maturity/experience of team, organizational structure, the job itself, the
socio-political environment, policies & procedures, the market, etc.)
To recognize the importance of Environment leads us to extend (or reconceptualize) our formula for
success as follows: A' x M x E' = PF; where
A' = the enlarged sense of ability that includes A (ability in the more cognitive sense) plus EI
(emotional intelligence) plus Pc (personality - specifically conscientiousness),
M = the drive of the individual,
E' = principled leadership (creating an empowered environment), and
PF = performance.
In upcoming chapters, our discussion of the three Disciplines helps you create the ideal organization
Medicine Note:
A truly empowered leader is one who walks all the way around the Medicine Wheel and integrates
the wisdom gained from each of the Four Directions.
What is important for me to note in this chapter?
What is important for me to use in this chapter?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 9
Plan Execution
What must I do every day to succeed?
Focus on no more than three fundamental activities to fulfill the plan
to bring the vision to life. Simplicity is the way to consistency.
Consistency brings success.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Chapter 9
Plan Execution
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Chapter 9
The Corporate Shaman: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness (Discipline
The three Discipline Principles include:
Let self-doubt fall away - Respond from Higher Self;
Understand Life -Focus;
Place yourself first, before all things and others - Priorities first.
Achieve Mission (Soul Intent)
(Follow the pathway plan - Measure Progress)
Environment where
all blossom (OLI)
(Overall Leadership Intention)
Self Mastery
Introduction To The Three Disciplines
With the philosophical understanding (and the plan) under our belt, the next step to success is to
understand the importance to embrace the Three Disciplines. The Three Disciplines support the leadership
focus (to create an environment wherein people blossom as a community, to discover and express
their inherent greatness, to make a difference in the world by achieving the goals of the organization
in harmony with the ecosystem) and help to achieve the mission.
The Three Disciplines all work together, and each are required. It seems Three Disciplines could
not possibly cover an infinite range of work activities. Yet every successful leader I ever met hinges their
success on exercising these Three Disciplines.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Each of the Three Disciplines requires integration of certain skills and habits, to include specific
morning, daytime, and evening foundational rituals. Specifically, this means you plan your day around the
Three Disciplines.
Devote the first fifteen minutes of each day to planning your activities for the day (this is part
of self mastery). Ask yourself the important questions mentioned in the last chapter, such as:
"How do I practice self mastery? Whom do I empower today? What system fundamentals do I
help our team improve on today? Where is the big play? How do I make our
environment/community even more fun, fulfilling, challenging?"
During your day, spend your time on the key payoff areas.
At the end of the day take 15 minutes to relax and journal your progress.
The most important thing to remember is to stay focused. Interruptions always want our attention. People
with questions, e-mails, and a variety of other urgencies pull at you. Take care of what you must (especially
you), to stay focused on the Three Disciplines as your way to the Soul Intent. If you don't, you find your
days consumed by chaos. It takes maturity to stay the course. To become a master, it requires you to go
beyond the daily distractions and step out of old patterns.
We include several mini-courses on topics vital to embrace Self-Mastery in this chapter. Keep
these understandings close to you, and work on them daily. View this exploration as an extension of the
sacred way (Chapters1-5), with additional wisdom pertinent to your business life. In summary, it is vital
continue our inner work,
balance the four directions of our medicine wheel,
master leadership disciplines, to
embrace the spiritual knowing of the child, the passion of the warrior, the healing courage of
the shaman, and the benevolence of the loving king or queen.
It starts with commitment to Self Mastery.
Be sure to use all the tools at your disposal to create an honest self-assessment as to where you are
now, and make notes on what you need to master. (You may contact us – for assistance with a personal assessment.)
Self-Mastery is built from the personal competencies of Emotional Intelligence described in the
box below: Self-Awareness and Self-Management. Assessments, weekly feedback and coaching improves
Emotional Intelligence. (For a good review on this topic, read Primal Leadership by Goleman, Boyatkis,
and McKee). The key is to 'know thyself'. Seek feedback and adjust accordingly.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Personal Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
Self-Awareness: Read feelings to recognize your impact on others; knowing your true strengths and
Self-Management: Emotional self-control, integrity, values, vulnerability, admitting mistakes, selfconfidence, optimism, initiative, adaptability, drive to achieve.
How To Bring Self-Mastery Into Your Leadership Life
The following mini-courses offer my best tips on how to bring Self-Mastery into your leadership and life!
A Mini-Course On Self At Work
Heart is everything. It is our courage to be. Living the sacred way helps you to have heart. People
often know what to do, but they may not have the heart to do it. Why? You, as a leader, need to find out
why people stop feeling and how to lead them back into the heart again. It begins with you, as you live the
sacred way. Live in the Higher Self more each day. That is where the heart is. The Heart thrives on ethics
and goodness. Responsibility is in the heart. Conscience is in the heart. Courage is in the heart. The heart
keeps promises. The heart makes you trustworthy. The heart is compassionate. The heart can laugh at life.
The heart takes risks. People respond to people with heart. A group who puts heart into their work creates
organizational breakthroughs. It starts with the leader. The heart is what leadership by example is all about.
Heart Habit for Success: Get used to the idea (that, as smart as your mind is), your heart provides a clear,
deep, fast truth if you just ask and listen. Each day put your hand over your heart and ask: "Where would
you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?" Ask any
question on your mind to the heart. Also, daily practice of meditation and Anahata yoga helps you live
more in your heart. Be bold, be courageous, be someone of the heart.
Wisdom comes from learning and living the sacred way. Wisdom gives you power. Wisdom is
maturity. People intuitively know if a leader has wisdom or not. Wisdom is about a sense of knowing. . .
balanced with doing. Wisdom means you understand - at the deepest level - the best way to get what
you want out of life is to help a lot of other people get what they want. So help your community: a)
know where they want to go (the direction/plan/vision), b) help align/engage them on how to get there, c)
and reward them with achieved results. This is wisdom.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
To do so, everything in your being must direct you toward your inner growth, beyond the selfserving ego phase of life and on to selflessness. Make personal development your key focus; it will
ultimately bring great rewards for all concerned. Get feedback on your impact. A mature leader:
takes in feedback and lives honorably,
consistently practices the principles and rituals of success,
constantly steps outside of his or her comfort zone to be all he or she can be in service to the
greater good.
Serve via team guidance, structure and direction. Share wisdom. Master the art of remaining true to the
Higher Self by taming the Lower Self wishing to run you. By doing so, you manage your attitude at the
deepest level, and profound optimism becomes your normal state. You become a person who touches
people - you make it happen.
Wisdom Habit for Success: Learn something new each day-about you, about life, about others, about how
to serve. Read pertinent books. Listen to CDs. Talk with people you encounter. Learn from your mistakes.
Teach what you learn. Be a driver of progress in the world.
To serve well, you must be a master of your craft. You must enter the game of life and execute the
plays necessary to lead with impeccable excellence. All successful teams and communities enjoy leaders
who master the fundamentals. Without skill and proficiency, we misuse our heart and wisdom. Practice to
be the best. In sales? Practice your presentation until you can do it in your sleep. Things change constantly.
Practice the fundamentals necessary to flow with change - effortlessly. Nothing else feels as good to your
soul as mastering the fundamentals.
For example, if everyday our work is to 'chop wood and carry water' it means we experience
highly routine work. To master the fundamentals, we must make our work fascinating by our dedication to
mastery. Master the skills, do the little yet vital things well, ask great questions, and the big plays will
Note: The Personnel Decisions International (PDI) Successful Managers Handbook details some
39 skills and competencies (administrative skills, developing employees, innovation, etc.) we could master.
Start with an assessment. The Corporate Shaman Way’s 'Benchmarks' instrument is also an excellent way
to find out what to work on. Keep it simple: review one step at a time. For more on skills and tasks of
successful leaders, see the following books: For Your Improvement: A Development and Coaching Guideorder from Lominger at, or The Successful Managers Handbook-order from PDI at
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Skill Habit for Success: Perform daily success rituals. Each morning, review your goals (Pathway Plan)
and key questions, your execution plan and practice; every evening, review what you've done with an eye
to what you can improve the next day.
Leaders with Heart, Wisdom, and Skill set the tone for their teams. . . they create great people.
A Mini-Course On Drive (What drives you to work through the tough stuff and achieve the vision?)
What really moves people? Why do some take the initiative when others don't? This is a complex
question. People differ for a whole variety of reasons. Some seem fiery with extraverted personalities, and
others seem more laid-back with introverted personalities. On top of that, what about the issue of readiness:
are we ready to step forward to be our successful Higher Self, or do we allow the Lower Self to hold us
Most textbooks on human behavior address motivation from the position of meeting human needs:
Freud (sex and aggression), Jung (the need for meaning), Maslow (the hierarchy of needs), Herzberg
(needs: maximize satisfiers, reduce dissatisfies), McClelland (need for power, achievement, affiliation).
Identify what needs drive you. Identify what motivates you.
The famed Expectancy Theory of Motivation (originated by Vroom and then expanded by Porter
and Lawler) states that:
Motivation = Expectation of work effort will lead to performance (a)
x Expectation that Performance leads to rewards (b)
x The Perceived value of the reward (c)
This is a useful equation, for each component explains some aspect of motivation. If productivity
motivation of one of your key managers is down, it might be because:
they believe their effort makes little difference to accomplish the result (time to look at how to
bolster confidence to address market realities),
they might be a little apathetic because organizational norms lack credible rewards for
superior performance (time to implement a powerful reward system),
they may seek work elsewhere because they expect a “pat on the back” reward (versus the
bonus checks your competitor currently offers). Time to find out what rewards they value and
offer them accordingly.
People and organizations have strengths and weaknesses. This is why assessment is so vital.
Celebrate your organization's strengths, and put systems in place to make your weak spots obvious. Look at
them, and then act to improve those areas. Many never look. Many have no concept of needs, neither their
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
own people nor the customer's. The sad part to all of this? People work all day to ultimately serve no one.
What a lesson to learn the hard way!
When we identify something we know must change, the anticipated change usually lies outside
our comfort zone. The Lower Self generally resists. For example, a traditionally introverted manager might
feel ill at ease when faced with the need to connect more intimately with his or her staff. Growth demands
significant inner will. Accordingly, I believe each of us has two different needs to satisfy to create
First, we need a compelling daily reason to "get our juices going,” especially when the going gets
tough! We need something to give us a reason to go forward now, as opposed to later, or never. In
other words: "Why is it really worthwhile for me to challenge my old beliefs, make this change
and accomplish my/our mission? What will I gain . . . and what would I lose if I blow it off?"
These questions begins a process to put us in touch with our needs and show us the payoffs for the
effort required to serve others. This is the power of vision - it compels us. We know the vision, we
feel it and it connects to us. It’s also a path to living in our Higher Self.
Second, we need strategies to deal with the discomfort and the wailing of the Lower Self. The
Lower Self fills our minds with reasons to avoid making this wonderful change. The Lower Self
tries to convince us how we will get hurt, how we might even die. This batch of lies is designed to
keep us where we have always been. As you might guess, FEAR (based on lies) is the Lower
Self's most powerful weapon.
Medicine Note:
What to do with the Lower Self? In the simplest terms, the only solution is to love the Lower Self
as if it were a panicky four-year-old because that is exactly what it is! We must say, "Thanks for sharing,
and let's do it anyway. For fun!" Of course, it is important to use discretion with our courage. We need not
do anything truly dangerous or potentially harmful.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Exercise: Identifying Compelling Reasons for Taking Action
In your business, identify:
My Key Values: What is most important to me in life?
My Top Three Developmental Goals:
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
My KEY Intention. What is my key Developmental Goal?
Operationally define the intention to answer the question, "How would I know if I achieve it?” Create a
specific Action Plan to accomplish this intention.
Define what needs to happen to get you started.
Create a few simple habits to practice every day for 90 days, no matter what. Yes, no matter what!
Why is this a "must" for me? Why am I compelled to follow through? (These are my
compelling reasons.)
Write a paragraph on the Gains you expect for yourself. For others. For the world- as a result of
accomplishing this intention. More importantly - what do you (and your team) lose if you don't do
what you need to do? (Remember: if you slide, there is no such thing as failure; you can begin
again. Each day is a new day.)
What resources and supports can help me stay on track?
Anthony Robbins book Unlimited Power, outlines the seven champion character traits. Passion,
belief, energy, values, strategy, bonding power/mastery of communication, and flipping fear into
power. Note that passion is #1 on his list. Passion is the driver!
Ask: "How do I create more passion in my life? How do I get over my lethargy and get turned on?
What makes my heart sing?"
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
What are my seven Corporate Shaman Champion Character Traits?
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________
Robbins also frequently writes or speaks about the concept of 'state management.' To master any endeavor,
we must understand what creates the peak emotional states to generate peak behavior. Only from peak
emotional states do we achieve consistent optimal performance in the external world. Furthermore, a peak
state arises from a combination of factors:
first, how we run our bodies: (nutrition, breathing, physical posture), and
second, the consistent internal mental representations we hold prior to and during
In other words, what we affirm and visualize creates itself in form. If we unconsciously say "I can't" or
visualize a disaster, then disaster finds us irresistible, even though we may have the ability and training to
be successful. Books on affirmations and creative visualization are most helpful.
See Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain).
See Robbins’ book, Unlimited Power has an excellent chapter on state management.
Drive Habit for Success: Before you do something of importance, ask: "What is my compelling reason
here? What drives me? How do I step through my fears to be great? How do I get myself into a peak
performance state so I do my best? What character trait of a champion Corporate Shaman is vital for me to
practice today? (Ask all these questions from "we, our, us" as well.)
Medicine Note:
Before any important act of power, always do a sage clearing and get centered. Ask Great Spirit
for help to make this important decision - wisely. Check to see if you’re in Higher or Lower Self. Always
make decisions from your Higher Self.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
A Mini-Course To Deal With And Drive Change
This is one of my favorite topics. Leaders question me all the time on how to deal with change.
My answer is easy to accomplish. It really seems to help most every situation. My response is, "Throw the
word, 'change,' out!" The word is charged with disrespect and it frightens people. Now, what we’re really
interested in is growth! Talk with your co-workers in terms of progress, constant improvement, or to make
life better (things everyone wants). The truth is, if you offer people better service, faster computers, bigger,
more clear TV screens, tastier food, or a better work environment, everyone says, "Yes!" to change. So
what is the true issue about change? The answer reveals a great deal about human nature and what naturally
motivates us.
Consider two primary reasons people resist "change." Reason number one: people love progress,
as long as they become involved (have their say); but they hate anything inflicted upon them. For example,
when executives declare a new initiative:
"The company will now switch to such-and-such a program, so everyone must
do thus-and-so above and beyond what they do now to accomplish this new
Without asking anyone for feedback on whether or not this would be a wise (progressive) move, you can
bet the farm people will resist. This old management model is a model everyone hates. Let’s talk more
about thinking in 'progress' terms after we review the second reason people resist change.
Reason number two: people resist "change" because they believe they are not (at least at the
moment) psychologically hardy enough to face life's unpredictable challenges. We'll first look at the
healing process to enable people to think 'progress' when you speak of change - then we explore the
concept of 'psychological hardiness.'
To get people to think in terms of progress, ask them what they believe would be “real progress”
in the work environment. Then, based on their suggestions, see what you might implement. Keep an eye on
progress. Give credit when one of the suggestions pays off. Get them passionate about progress!
To make progress work for you, start with your culture. You may say, "Bill, our company is 100
years old; we don't do progress, and we can't shift culture." My response is, “It's time to refresh the heart,
tap into some maturity, and find the skill to do it.” (Either that, or you'll find yourself in great pain very
soon.) Why? Global change has picked up speed. Hey, if the government focuses on progress, so can you!
Think about it.
The U.S. government (all politics aside), is one of the most conservative organizations on earth. It
runs based on a Constitution full of rules made 200-plus years ago. AND, we have a wing of the
government called Congress meeting continuously, forever. Why? What purpose does it serve? Congress
has one purpose: to write new legislation and revise old legislation to protect the interests of the U.S.
people now and for the future.
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Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
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Discipline 1
Now we can argue until the cows come home about how well they do this. In spite of all the
obvious system flaws, this system represents one of the definitive organizational models in the world today.
Not many would argue how U.S. success (via legislation on civil rights, labor law, and the environment
over the past 30 years to improve our lives) is not the envy of many countries. Much of the Constitution’s
success is Congress. As you’re aware, our governing body is formed from elected officials (by the people
of their home states) to represent all U.S. citizens. Look at the numbers of citizens involved in the political
process to elect our representatives. Adding to this “change” process, we have the change lobby / industry
pressing their agendas on our elected representatives. Does your organization do as well to create
involvement and focus on constant improvement?
So let us get down to 'brass tacks.' If you don't shift and learn to think in terms to make the world a
better place, to improve your process to serve, you will be defunct before long. Life always evolves, and
quickens in evolution. You either join in or get run over. With ever-increasing demands made on today's
workforce, you can bet your employees watch the Internet for a better deal. In today's world, a better deal
always involves respect, involvement, and progress. Do you deliver the best deal?
The good news is co-creating progress for your company is fun! People want to feel involved in
making progress. Just set up an environment where people abandon their protective shells to blossom and
grow. Dissolve your Lower Self locking you in the past. Expose and heal your weakness or be left behind
for good.
Life always evolves - and so must we. We must drop our resistance to evolution, and create ways
for all to enjoy it. Think differently! Create systems to take advantage of progress. Start groups, like
Congress, to meet and discuss ways to improve. Overcome resistance and progress no matter what the
obstacles. Don't let up. Keep in mind Chaos Theory: You’ll always experience a bit of shaking and
unsettlement before a major breakthrough. It's nature's way! Work with it.
Now, let's take a more in depth look at the second reason people resist "change." Some people do
not cope with change in their lives because they’re already on overload. Overload creates an inability to
focus on anything new. The solution? Provide services (ways) to help them through (heal) their current
state. In spite of all I say about everyone loving progress, thousands of people wake up across our country
every day knowing their spouse wants a divorce, or they have cancer, or some other personal catastrophe.
Life happens. Our leaders must develop ways with heart to help people get through the tough times. (See
Table 1 below for the stages of change.) If we don't tap into this heart, we lose with them. Learn how to
help people transform their pain into creative service. Capture their hearts to help them through their
difficulties and their minds will follow. You can't beat the loyalty and cooperation you create by
recognizing and serving their needs - first.
Morale makes all the difference in whether or not people progress. Scientist Robert Prector
outlined a principle called, "The Elliot Wave Theory." This theory speaks of waves and trends in markets.
Specifically, we always see ups and downs in the long-term trend toward progress. However, there are
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Discipline 1
often more opportunities in "bad" economic times because so many despairing people lose their
confidence. Citing the Great Depression as an example, he points out how more millionaires were made
during that time than at any other time in prior US history. Why? The general gloom and doom of the
Depression created a collective fear consciousness causing people to panic and make (Lower Self)
reactionary (fear-based) decisions (they would sell when they should buy, etc.). Those who understood the
nature of economic waves (and the resulting psychological waves) made sure they were in a position to
benefit from the general malaise to make more informed choices. During the Depression, the folks who
kept an open mind for progressive ideas (and who were willing to work together) were able to succeed far
beyond those who stayed mired in the muck of resistance and self-pity. Morale pays!
Summary of Successful Habits to Deal with Change:
Drop the word "change." Instead, use the word "progress."
Actively seek out others to involve them in determining progress.
Develop empathy and toughness by doing the tough things first, not last.
Accept your fear and move forward so you can help yourself and others.
Medicine Note:
Ask Great Spirit for guidance in your dream time on what changes show you and how to respond.
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
Table 1
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
Stages Of Change
Change can be hard on people. Many resist and end up suffering. The path to acceptance knows how 'grief'
is a normal process of physical, emotional, social and cognitive reactions to loss. The grieving process is
hard to work through! We need to be patient with ourselves and others experiencing loss. Studies find
people often go through identifiable phases of grief. Although responses to loss are as diverse as those who
experience it, patterns emerge from commonly experienced stages.
The Five Stages
Swiss-born psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross counseled hundreds of patients and their
families through her research on death and dying. She described the classic coping pattern and the
strategies of terminally diagnosed patients. These same patterns apply to an end of a relationship, or
any major life (entity) change. Honor these stages.
Stage 1: Denial (Shock)
Upon learning their diagnosis, patient often reacts with a shocked, "No, not me." According to Dr.
Kubler-Ross, this is a healthy stage. It permits the patient and the family to develop other
Stage 2: Anger or Resentment (Searching)
"Why me?" is the question asked now. "Why my child?" Blame, directed against the doctor,
nurses, and God, often is a part of this stage. This outcry should be accepted, without negative
Stage 3: Bargaining (Yearning)
"Yes, me, but-" "If you'll just give me five years, God, I'll . . ." Dr. Kubler-Ross calls this a period
of temporary truce.
Stage 4: Depression (Disorganization)
Now the person says, "Yes, me," with courage to admit it is happening; this acknowledgment
brings depression. (Note: The family often goes through all the stages, along with the patient.)
Stage 5: Acceptance (Reorganization)
This is a time to face 'death' calmly. It is often a difficult time for the family, since the patient
tends to withdraw, to be silent. It is the time to prepare for rebirth, to leave behind the old with a
blessing and to commit to what can be seen as new and exciting.
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Discipline 1
The Invitation
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your
dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center
of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from
fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or
fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy
fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember
the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to
be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be
faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own
life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout
to the silver of the full moon, "Yes!"
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get
up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to
feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the
center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you,
from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
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Discipline 1
A Mini-Course To Focus (On What Matters)
Master your attention. Master what goes on in your mind. Choose your thoughts and keep focused
on your intentions and your plan. Manage your actions to focus on three key payoff areas. Each day a wave
of distractions comes to take you out of your focus and pull you into weakness. Don't succumb. This is a
moment of truth - choose wisely. You must choose to stay focused with a clear mind. This kind of
determined focus offers many benefits. Proper focus creates what is called the "flow" experience, where we
become deeply absorbed in the joy of doing right here, right now. We get lost in the moment. It is filled
with energy to fulfillment to things get done fast! Read: Flow (and Flow at Work) by M. Csikszentmihalyi,
for more information. Organize, focus, commit and then dive into the flow.
Schedule for Core Corporate Shaman Practices
(For more, see the Systems Time Sequence in Chapter 11.
Ask Yourself Daily: What activities are absolutely mandatory for me today?
1. Core: Three hours
Time with Spirit (Mediation), Exercise, Time with self and family, Fun.
2. Work: Eight hours or less
• Focus on your three payoff areas: Self-Mastery, Empowerment, Systems Enhancement.
• Make a list of your "Top Ten Behaviors" and stick to them (see Chapter 10).
• Daily Rituals: Ask key planning questions, such as: How can I/we enhance our environment?
• Execute plan all day with focus on intentions, role, disciplines.
• Take Notes. Reflect on your progress. Get feedback to learn what to improve.
3. Relax /Free Flow: Three hours
Time to buy and prepare food, run errands, engage in other support activities.
AND. . .
4. Sleep: Seven hours
Medicine Note:
Remember the Law of Least Effort? Do more by doing less. Work smarter, not harder.
Chapter 9
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Discipline 1
Schedule time daily in your free flow or core areas for some of the following:
Mind/ Emotions:
Goal setting- focus
on Priorities
Conscious Eating,
Cleansing, Fasting
Connect with
Great spirit and
Prayer, Positive
Connect with
Others, Groups
Hobby, Personal
Project, or Charity
Connect to Friends
Errands to Support
Family: Shopping,
etc. . .
Fun, Travel
Fill with Energy
Creativity- Music,
Arts, Fun, Play
Focus Habit for success: Be wise with your time. Spend it on your most valued and important activities.
A Mini-Course To Make Decisions
When you need to make an important decision, do a journey process (Chapter Five) and ask for
guidance. You know what is right inside you. Just learn to listen to that inner voice. For group decisions, do
a group journey on the following questions: Ask: "What's trying to happen here? What does Great Spirit
want?" rather than, "What's in it for me?" or even "What is best for the community?" Compare the group
ideas to seek consensus.
Habit for Successful Decision Making: Journey when you need guidance. Then use logic-based strategies
to carry out the decision.
A Mini-Course On Balance: (Living a more relaxed and balanced work life)
Enjoy balance in your life to bring peace of mind. Consider these tips and ideas to enjoy more
peace of mind:
Get Centered. Pray, meditate and bring in Great Spirit every morning and throughout your day to
keep you in your Higher Self and assist your Lower Self to let go. Tension is only felt when you
act from your Lower Self. Observe your tensions and use them as messages (lessons) to learn
more about yourself on how best to heal.
Love yourself no matter what. Let the tasks of your day serve as a vehicle to make you more
conscious and nurturing of yourself. This is our ultimate path in life. Paradoxically, it is a selfloving person who is a success magnet!
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Discipline 1
SERVE all who ask. Be creatively alive in doing so, and release all else. In the highest sense, the
most successful people love themselves and serve others. "The only way to get what you want out
of life is to help a lot of others get what they want." Practice living the Law of Attraction:
Focus, give your best, master your craft, open your heart, touch a life, smile, love, be the best.
Begin to really see how your work helps others. See how what you do touches people. Imagine it
and release any doubt how people benefit from what you do. If you fold laundry, really feel how
much pleasure someone is going to find in fresh, clean, folded, loved sheets. If you write a memo
or manual, imagine how well informed and supported the recipient feels, even if you never hear
from them.
It is never the act, but the consciousness of the act - all things done with love – blesses us all.
Concentrate to draw upon Spirit. Very Important! Draw on your sense of identity as a shaman
or as part of Great Spirit, as a unique loving being on this earth, rather than on what you do or
your job title. See what you do as simply the perfect expression of spirit moving through you
beautifully this day. You are here to bless others.
Remain Physically active. Stop to stretch and do yoga. BREATH deeply through the day. Get
plenty of fresh air. The body needs air and sunlight. Take lots of short breaks. Make every part of
your day simple, flowing, and harmonious. Conserve and build your energy rather than dissipating
it. Slow down.
Become Conscious of your EXPECTATIONS. If you see them clearly, you release the demand
for one result or another and truly enjoy what is here and now in your divine creative process.
Focus more on the moment-to-moment process of what you do and less on the end result (it takes
care of itself perfectly if you allow yourself to be fully efficient in the moment). Detach and focus
to give with relaxed concentration.
Befriend time (versus make an enemy). Get lost in the moment. See how joyous you can make
it. Drop the pressures and affirm how all unfolds perfectly and is done on time – whenever that
time is. Drop the anxiety and remember you are safe -- you are perfect, no matter what. With a
heart that serves, what more can you do than your best? If someone thinks otherwise, that is their
problem, not yours! It’s a BIG difference between true service and people pleasing (trying to get
approval). Serve and release!
See all tasks as equal value in terms of growing as a whole person. How well you do
something, and with what care, love and attention, is of more importance and value to your soul
than the task completion itself. (Remember the old saying, it’s not the destination that counts, but
the journey.)
Develop other parts of your life outside of work. Follow your passions to create hobbies and
interests ("gardens") that nourish you and touch others. These 'gardens' may become income
streams or your full-time career later on. Inch by inch, anything is a cinch! Keep it simple, and
enjoy your time on Vacationland Planet Earth!
Balance Habit for Success: Set up a class, hobby or date night to leave work at a reasonable hour at least
two nights per week. Find and engage something stimulating and fun. When emotionally triggered, use the
wave theory to diffuse it. . . don't act out!
Chapter 9
Plan Execution: Focus on 'Self Mastery' Pathway To Effectiveness
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 1
What is the most important Self-Mastery Area for me to work on now?
What daily habits do I exercise to excel in self mastering?
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The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 2
Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Chapter 10
The Corporate Shaman 'Empowerment' Pathway To Effectiveness: (Discipline 2)
The three principles behind this discipline are:
Find the part of you that lives in all things - Mutual Dependence;
Allow all things to be - Attune and Suggest;
Observe negative emotions for what they have to teach you - Synergize.
Achieve Mission (Soul Intent)
(Follow the pathway plan - Measure Progress)
Environment where
all blossom (OLI)
(Overall Leadership Intention)
Self Mastery
The second Discipline, Empowerment, works hand-in-hand with the first Self-Mastery.
Empowerment is the key to build community; empower a team to do what needs to be done. More than just
"believing" in the importance of an empowering environment within a community, the Corporate Shaman
leader actively seeks to empower people to assure fulfillment and effectiveness. A truly effective leader has
a champion’s heart, a sage’s wisdom, and a master’s skill. But, if you don't share your talents; if you don’t
encourage heart, wisdom and skill in your followers, it’s going to be pretty lonely. You must share your
power or you won't have any! When you share your power, you increase it. Teach. Inspire. Motivate. It
really pays off!
To empower your people, engage in the Japanese practice called "MBWA" (management by
walking around). Get out, move around, shake hands, and connect with people. Know who they are and
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 2
Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
what moves them. As a leader, you have an opportunity to mold the consciousness of each person. Pull
them forth in heart, wisdom, and skill. You teach them and they teach you. Together you learn how to get
along, how to create an environment to serve all, and how to build up people to collectively engage the Law
of Attraction. As a leader, you live in higher energy and fulfillment. You joyfully execute necessary
effective tasks. Your role demands maturity; you evolve from focusing on individual success to focusing on
the success for all.
Build Empowerment Mastery from the Social Competencies of Emotional Intelligence: social
awareness and relationship management. (For a good review on this topic, read Goleman, Boyatkis, and
McKee’s Primal Leadership.)
The Social Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
Social Awareness: Empathy, Organizational Awareness, Service.
Relationship Management: Inspire / Influence, Promote Change, Resolve conflict, Build, Bond,
Below, you’ll find my best tips on how to implement Empowerment Mastery in your daily leadership life:
A Mini-Course On People Building
(MBWA -Management By Walking Around)
Question, “What’s the bottom line for a Corporate Shaman?”
Answer: “Find people doing things right (according to stated intentions, roles, disciplines, and
agreed-upon behaviors) and reward them with some kind of acknowledgment.”
Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, calls this making deposits into their Emotional
Bank Account. This might be a one-sentence e-mail, a one-minute phone call, a pat on the back, or a kind
word. Each acknowledgement is a deposit, and each criticism is a withdrawal. How people respond to you
is based on your overall Emotional Bank Account balance. So be courteous (say lots of "Thanks" and "I
appreciates" to everyone), support your teammates, build people up. For extra power, have the team
members do this for each other as well. No matter education levels or wealth, people need
acknowledgment, respect, and the recognition how they make a difference. Be the one offering it and you
are a positive influence in their worlds (and be wildly successful in yours). Sincere appreciation is the
greatest reward. It compels people to reach deep and serve. (See Nelson's book 1001 Ways to Reward
Employees for some fresh ideas.)
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
People Building Habit For Success: Every day, make it a high priority to find people doing things right
and acknowledge them right away, actively and powerfully, whether by a phone call, an e-mail, or inperson compliments. Every day, check in with anyone who needs help, a kind word, or other support. Write
personal notes on occasion for extra impact.
Key words: Thanks, I appreciate, Well done, How did you do it?, You're the best!
Medicine Note:
Many native tribes function by consensus, meaning everyone must agree before reaching any
decision. This can be a bit cumbersome in a business environment, yet the spirit of consensus lives when
you tell each team member (on a regular basis) that his or her opinion and feelings count.
A Mini-Course On Coaching
Coaching is a thriving industry. It is the mainstay of my work for some time now and I never
cease to be fascinated by the process. It is all about a systematic and consistent conversation to offer
feedback (on career direction, work, life) process, behavior, resources, encouragement, and support. It’s the
lifeblood of every great Corporate Shaman leader's process. I suggest you meet with each of your key
players once every two weeks (more often if you can) for twenty minutes. Have the person give you a short
report on their week, based on their Self-Assessment form (See Chapter 11).
Then offer feedback, suggestions, and support, and ask for feedback in return. Feedback is the way
to progress. Ask for it, learn from it, adjust, and reap a grand harvest. In some firms, such as retail stores or
restaurants, you’ll find daily coaching (pre-shift, on-shift, and post-shift) via a daily shift memo with
written GOALS for the day. (Sometimes, team members sign a daily goal sheet!) See CS-MH manual in
Appendix A. Leaders develop other leaders. This is your legacy. Coaching is the way.
Coaching Habit for Success: Coach people daily, or at least once every two weeks. Learn how to accept
others as they are to encourage them through the difficulties of life. Make sure you hire a personal coach as
well. (Hiring a personal Shaman is the best way to “take care of the caretaker.”)
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Things to Consider for Effective Coaching:
Be Prepared.
Have a Map and Model: Assessment-Challenge-Support (this model works fine). See model
Be at peak energy, ready to go.
Be consistent; schedule a coaching session twice each month for twenty minutes with each of
your key people.
First moments: connect and build rapport.
Communicate a clear purpose for meeting.
Ask questions; seek to understand and help.
Have the employee give his or her self-assessment report.
Listen empathetically.
Align and redirect where needed.
Offer feedback via the sandwich method: build up, give feedback, build up.
DIALOG, don't dictate. Be a friend, a helper, and a supporter.
Release the need to be a boss or dictator. You only shoot yourself in the foot.
Leave with a clear action plan.
Coaching Session Steps
Before a coaching session: Prepare (Do your homework. Assess the situation, rehearse with an outline, be
ready - have energy).
INTRO - Connect and State purpose
I) Create positive and safe environment: Warm hello, see the ‘coach’ as a person, build
rapport, acknowledge them.
II) State Purpose: Let them know why they are there. "Today we are here to share feedback on
your developmental progress."
BODY - Assess & Challenge
III) Dialog to Evaluate/Assess: Offer the person receiving coaching to share a Self
Assessment, ask questions, listen, take notes. Seek to understand. Offer feedback where
needed. Have pertinent data prepared.
IV) Identify Options: discuss options, confirm and solidify a pathway to address any
CONCLUSION - Clarify Goal and offer Support
V) Recap & summarize: "We’ve talked about x. We’ve agreed to x, right?"
VI) Set next step (Action plan) and Motivate: "Ok so as we head out. . . we have decided to
have you practice and I will offer feedback and resources along the way. So practice the
model 15 minutes per day this week and deliver it to me on Monday at 8am. Great, I believe
in you. Lets do it. . . and please let me know if need any other support along the way. . . have
a great day!" (Set Development Contract)
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
A Mini-Course On Communication And Feedback
The foundation of communication: to find agreement:
Align: I like you and believe in you.
Share Feedback: Speak what you are to say using SBI: Situation, Behavior, Impact
Agree: Can we agree to X and leave on a positive: I believe in you. This is great.
The Reality Bridge
This model of effective communication from Higher Self to Higher Self is a wonderful way to
communicate to get what you need:
Align with the Person
(Example) "Greg, how are you? Good to see you. Hey, may I have a moment to talk with you? Is this a
good time? The other day something happened between you and Mary that I didn't understand, and I
need your help. You’re always very conscious of our mission, and I respect your ability to see the best
path, so do you have a moment to help me look at this situation?
Thank him for agreeing to help you out. Then:
"Tell me, what is happening with Mary?"
Listen intently.
Use the agreement frame often: I appreciate, I agree, I understand. . . . .
Keep asking questions. Do not respond. Diagnose; you must understand the issue as well as
both people's needs before responding.
Offer Feedback (Speak your truth without attack or criticism)
Situation: "Yesterday at the staff meeting,
Behavior: "I noticed how you seemed aggravated with Mary. I heard you make statements like 'you
never' and 'you always',
Impact: ". . .the impact was how Mary looked totally demoralized. Seeing her like that made me feel
awful, for we have been trying so hard to build her confidence up since her head injury in that car
accident last year. She's a valuable part of our team and just needs some more time to get back on her
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Make Request & Come to Agreement (Discuss options and alternatives; come to an agreement.)
"I don't believe you intended to put her down, nor did you seem to realize you had, so I wanted to bring it
to your attention. I am sure you would want to know so you could make amends."
In the following discussion, questions to ask could be: "What can we do to create greater awareness
around our treatment of Mary? How best can we keep a handle on any resentments and upsets we may have
with her? How should we make amends? What do we need to keep in mind to stay positive in the future?"
Then you can say something like, "Great! My request is that we put these constructive recommendations
into play. I'm sure they will make all the difference."
You then come to an agreement, and verify that you both have the same understanding:
"Great, thanks for talking with me. It sounds like we have agreed you will talk with Mary and apologize.
I'm glad you've decided to talk with Bill about how best to handle what aggravates you about Mary. Let me
know of any good ideas you two come up with to provide her with more positive reinforcement. Is this our
agreement? Yes? Great! Let's meet again on Thursday to discuss our progress. And thanks again for your
willingness to help me come up with a positive resolution! See you later, Greg."
(For all behavioral buffs, the encapsulated formula is: Align, give Feedback on the situation, the behavior,
and the impact, and come to Agreement. Schematically, we find: A
F (s, b, i)
Ag (proceeded by
building rapport and followed by an appreciation statement and a recap).
When you receive feedback, it is important you not take it personally or as a put-down. Breathe, relax, and
receive the gift of information. It is certainly better to let people voice their opinions than to block
communication. Remember they share their perceptions. Listen to learn what they think. Say "Thank you.
What do you think would be a remedy for this?" Be open, hear the feedback, and discuss some remedies.
Tips To Influence a Client, Boss, or Your Mother.
Align - Align - Align.
Find their needs and deeply understand them; ask questions, listen, empathize.
Present your ideas to fulfill a desired outcome. Appeal to logic and emotion via FFB - Facts,
Features, Benefits.
FACT - "This idea increases our efficiency by 20%."
FEATURE - "Because of this extra fast microchip that just came out"
BENEFIT: "We exceed customer expectations, and reduce our current stress by half."
Tie down. "Is this idea something that works for you?"
Make request. "Can we get you started today? Or when?"
Agreement. "Let's sign the agreement and start to put this into action."
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Discipline 2
Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Communication and Feedback Habit for Success: Develop the habit to listen, align, understand, and then
communicate in terms of needs, requests, and agreements. Spend time with a Coach, have frequent
meetings to share. Communication is vital to leadership effectiveness.
Also, research Non-Violent Compassionate Communication for more on effective
communication. Founded by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. (
A Mini-Course On Team And Meetings
I have a few words to say about teams. Teams always wants to happen; all we need to do is let it!
Arrange some retreats, give teams some resources and support, and then dissolve all the things that get in
the way. People love to work well together when given the opportunity. There is nothing more satisfying to
the human spirit. Don’t believe me? Observe what happens after an earthquake hits! How many people
“just show up” to be of service?
All over the world, the concept of community is gaining strength. We learn how we all have value.
The natural genius of one complements the natural genius of another. None of us are masters of everything,
nor would we want to be. There wouldn't be any time for fun if we had to run the whole show by ourselves.
It's too easy to let your ego (your Lower Self) convince you how you are the only one who can do things
right. Unfortunately, the only one your Lower Self fools is you. For excellence, we depend on each other as
much as we depend on air (and we might as well admit it).
My work as a Corporate Shaman engages an instrument known as the "Change Style Indicator."
This instrument assesses styles to deal with change with the following distinctions: Originator, Pragmatist,
and Conserver, each of whom has a distinctly different view of the world and the way to operate in it.
When we use these three distinctions, it offers an understanding on how we may collaborate, not
compete. An originator (a visionary) needs a pragmatist (a person who helps the visionary move from
concept to specifications), who in turn needs a conserver (a person who patiently executes a specific plan).
For excellence, you need all three equally.
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Chapter 10
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Guidelines For Effective Teamwork
Communication Blocks: for example, work functions (production, sales and service) that
never meet and always conflict.
Reward Systems that create internal competition.
Lack of Forgiveness & Letting Go over past conflict.
Education: show everyone as a natural genius, and how to work together (with our
differences seen as complimentary genius) everyone achieves more (use psychological data
and relevant examples to support your point and foster team acceptance). Read everything
you find on team facilitation process. Implement the best ideas, and evaluate what happens.
Involve people in meetings with an agenda to designate self-assessment report time for each
participant at each meeting (more on this in the next Chapter) and time for systems analyses.
Create periodic teambuilding initiatives. Have some fun and share some laughs. Teach the
keys to great teams (next page).
The Checklist for Greatness for High Performance Teams:
Planning: Do we all know where we are going, our roles, goals and assignments to execute and
Innovation: Ask often: What haven't we thought of? What one thing could transform our results
now (and make life easier)?
Communication: What information/feedback do we need to perform, learn, adjust and constantly
improve? How? What else? How do we make decisions. Problem Solve?
Empowerment: What do we need from our leader / teammates to feel connected and motivated?
How do we keep things fun, inspiring, and celebrate each other?
Teamwork Habit for Success: Host meetings to involve people; give each person a minimum of three
minutes to talk. (See CS-MH, pg. 49.)
Medicine Note:
Read up on the ways of the Iroquois Council to integrate them into your team process.
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Dealing With Conflict:
Conflict happens, but we can do a lot to prevent it. When we create an environment where people
feel comfortable to be involved and valued, it eliminates a lot of problems. Focus everyone's energies on
success-building activities. Of course, even with the best of systems, personalities will clash, life happens,
and frustrations appear. The answer? Work with each situation as it comes up from a healing perspective.
Teach people how to adhere to agreements, communicate (use a model) and the importance to assume
goodness in each other (instead of assuming the worst). Create a system to deal with conflict (BEFORE a
conflict) to lead to a resolution.
Also set boundaries. . . meaning sometimes people will throw you "hot potatoes." Don't take them!
For example: Never talk to anyone who has an issue with a third party without all present parties! Make
this a policy. It saves hours of time, and could even save lives. Agree to a communication process-for
example, the Reality Bridge presented above. Be honest and clear, and ask for what you need. Work
thorough the challenges and agree on how to work together in the future. Make amends if you hurt
someone. (See "Employee Discipline" in the CS-Management Handbook page 55 for discipline issues.)
Dealing With Conflict Habit of Success: Step into the conflict and decide what the needs are, and then
serve those needs. Don't stop from fear of how hard it will be. There is a gift, a way of grace, even when we
have to terminate someone. There is always a way to create a win-win-win (you, me, we) resolution.
Medicine Note:
Conflict is always a sign to release some part of the Lower Self. Since every conflict involves at
least two parties, explore each person's Lower Self. Get help and release your issue to help the other
person release theirs.
A Mini-Course On Behavior Empowerment
No doubt you’ve heard, seen or personally experienced the power to use mission and vision
statements to empower people. To my way of thinking, equally important (if not more) are the behaviors
we engage. The mission statement is a statement, like the Declaration of Independence. It is a nice start; it
inspires. But without behavior, what good is it? I am big to create a corresponding "Top Ten" list of
behavioral standards for excellence. These standards apply equally across all roles in a particular
department of a company (or the whole company) to achieve the mission. Make sure to clearly create and
explore (with everyone) the importance of these standards (the compelling reason). This is your
organization's Constitution. It identifies HOW behaviorally we achieve the mission. This brings the mission
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Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
down to a manageable size. This is how we must act to succeed as a team. It's a commitment we make to
each other.
Medicine Note:
To bring this to life, tell positive empowering stories to your team. Noel Tichy (author of the
Leadership Engine) calls this a teachable point of view. Have stories about: who am I? Who are we?
Where are we going? About leadership, life, overcoming, mistakes. Set meetings where you and others
share stories that relate to the top 10 behaviors. This is real, human, and very moving. This is what makes
people - human - to bring in aspects of our life beyond business.
Example: I once knew a salesperson, who - during rush hour - would go out on the interstate and
give out business card, gifts, and invites to a free seminar on insurance. He loved going the extra yard. He
related to people and passed along lots of positive energy. And coincidently, he was number one in sales at
his firm. He lived the spirit of above and beyond. Our native ancestors met frequently to share stories about
life, a good hunt, about overcoming, about the purpose of life. This is how they learned, inspired each other
and passed along history.
See next page for an example of Behavioral Standards Chart for a Sales-Based Business.
Behavior Empowerment Habit for Success: Use your "Top Ten" list as an important organization
feedback tool. Make it the foundation of all work agreements. You pay people for their behavior! Create
this list ASAP.
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
Behavior Standards
Compelling Reason
Be on time and prepared. Five minutes early for all
appointments and meetings, prepared and ready to
go. Positive and smiling.
Helps us meet our commitment to serve.
Poor performance always results from poor
Two appointments per day.
High activity level, skills sharp.
Exposure of products to customers.
Drive other revenues for Account Team.
SERVICE! Help make a better world.
100% Quota Attainment. Go above & beyond to
make it happen!
To meet intention targets and achieve the
Two coaching sessions per month with Manager.
Helps you learn and evolve.
Keeps Manager closer to marketplace.
Helps build relations and success.
Expands contacts, leads, and sales.
Gives you a market update.
Expands your network.
Respond to Customers (internal / external) within
24 hours. Go above & Beyond!
Professional courtesy / credibility.
Our value on promptness and SERVICE.
Know and live the SOUL INTENT and Pathway
Plan of the Organization.
Touch lives.
Our values are a major selling point.
Positions products better.
Education / networking.
Communicate issues / advice.
Communicate trends.
Function as "Specialist".
Required to be Subject Matter Expert.
Hand in weekly support paperwork.
Mandatory: Self-assessment
Ensure proper coverage of resources.
Management assists in keeping business.
Inclusive, Harassment Free, Supportive Behavior
Ensure we all feel respected and part of the
Outside networking events once per month.
Participate in core team meetings once a month.
Stay current on product knowledge.
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
A Mini-Course On Work Agreements
A work agreement evolves from a meeting in where you sit down with someone (a new hire or an
existing employee) and (using the Reality Bridge) discuss what duties you pay him or her to perform and
what you mutually expect. Clearly, you pay team players for behaviors to accomplish objectives within the
Mission. Their job: to perform the behaviors and work the system. Your job: to guide and inspire them.
You maintain the ethics and standards of the organization (no matter how easy or how hard such
maintenance might be). Ask them how you best serve them, and then proceed to:
The Agreement Phase:
Clarify objectives; enter employee into the Weekly Development System (next Chapter) and
Performance Management System (PMS) cycle (see CS-Management Handbook).
Communicate behavior standards (provide the "Top Ten" list mentioned above) - along with
any relevant systems, models (ie: sales script), processes available for achieving objectives.
(Allow the employee to decide to use any additional approved guides they might find.)
Agree on quality/quantity standards and due dates.
Agree on how you shall support them.
Agree on weekly reporting (ie: self-assessments); on a due date for any final product to be
delivered and to what standard.
Agree on rewards - when employee has met agreement, or what counseling/training is
implemented to remedy missed agreements.
Work Agreement Habit for Success: Make sure the team understands the agreement phases and that each
member reports on his or her agreement each week.
Medicine Note:
Keep your word or change the agreement. Your whole life depends on maintaining the Law of
Honor. Without honor, you cannot lead.
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Chapter 10
Empowerment Pathway To Effectiveness
What is the most important Empowerment Area for me to work on now?
What habits do I daily exercise to excel at empowering others?
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The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 3
Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Chapter 11
The Corporate Shaman "Systems" Pathway To Effectiveness (Discipline 3).
This principle discipline is: The child grows - constant and never ending.
Achieve Mission (Soul Intent)
(Follow the pathway plan - Measure Progress)
Environment where
all blossom (OLI)
(Overall Leadership Intention)
Self Mastery
The key to effectiveness? Our Third Discipline: directing an evolving community’s power to
harness (focus) it toward a worthy end result. The Corporate Shaman uses a system to guide the group's
collective heart, wisdom, and skill to peak performance to achieve the Soul Intent. A system is a dynamic
process of things interacting with their environment; an organized process to take input and transform it
into output (see Table 5 p. 196). You’ll find systems to accomplish tasks and systems to manage people.
This chapter explores how to do both! Our goal: to create and utilize a weekly system to:
assist team members in mastering their craft
to improve Higher Self abilities to serve all - especially the customer
achieve the mission
all from the heart.
We focus on the internal, not the external. Ultimately, this means we define an operational system
(a specific community process to generate a result) we commit to (to successfully deliver a product, service
or event - regardless of external conditions). We communicate this passionately adhered to and constantly
improved process via checklists, methods, procedures, etc., all based on real-life feedback. We seek clarity
to what we do (to execute impeccably) and to learn how to be better each day.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
The Anatomy of a System
Input (people, materials, info. etc.)
Throughput (process)
Output (result) <-> Learn, Repeat.
This system provides a basic model to assure a successful result. How? We provide our
community a clear, Higher-Self process on how to achieve a given result. As in sports, we execute plays in
order to win. Players equal the system executors. In football, for example:
the INPUT consists of players, their training (equipment, etc.) and their playbook.
the plays (the specific written process on how to do something excellent), and how we
execute them, constitute the THROUGHPUT (the way we achieve the output).
the touchdown is the OUTPUT.
With perfect plays, the only thing to cause a loss is poor execution. Obviously, faulty plays require
revisions. So we need both a clear effective process (a 'game plan' of winning plays) and the will to execute
them effectively (self mastery and empowerment, Disciplines 1 and 2). Got it? Do you now have a sense of
how all three disciplines work together?
Finally, don’t forget a feedback loop - learn, repeat. This football example further demonstrates
our upcoming “system.” The coaching staff (and players) work diligently all week (and throughout the
actual game) to assess both the plays (the process) and the execution of those plays. Their total focus: to
learn what works and what doesn’t to enable the team to make rapid, split-second adjustments. We need
this system at the highest competitive levels to improve our game: a passion to improve and to get just
enough of an edge to outperform your opponent in the heat of the battle. (Or, in business - to win client
favor when five other firms seek the same client.)
Use this simple model to effectively guide your community. Create systems, study them, and
make them better each week. Many amazing breakthroughs occur because someone gets passionate about
process and asks, "how do we do it better." Not only better, but demonstratively better. How about twice as
much in half the time? Remember, the cotton gin, the assembly line, and the personal computer? They
changed the world by streamlining previously tedious processes into something quick and efficient. Look at
the competition in the software market - everyone seeks to create the next faster, more functional operating
system. It's needed! Opportunities await those who study and create systems to create better ways to serve
people. As a Corporate Shaman, you create systems to better serve people AND planet!
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
The Ultimate Weekly Management System:
We often think of systems as technological enhancements. Yet on the people end of things,
systems exist to organize time and effort more efficiently; to be optimally effective. Here is the O'Mara
version of the PDCA (PLAN, DO, CHECK, AND ADJUST) cycle to constant improvement, (outlined
over the next few pages). This process is one way to systematize your management, based on a weekly
work sequence.
1. (PLAN) Identify targets, document, and post. Review the Pathway Plan on Monday morning.
What is the specific target we must create for service to surpass customers’ expectations this
What standards of behavior do we require to achieve this target?
What tasks do we perform, and to what standard?
What methods, processes, and checklists lead us to success?
Set individual roles and goals; set weekly goals with a self- assessment survey focus to
constantly improve.
Review the system each morning; make journal notes each night on your progress.
Make sure all your players have and understand the plays! Use Flow Charting or mapping to
visualize your process.
2. (DO) Create and execute a weekly work flow system. (Tables 1 & 2)
Monday Quick Start Meeting: 20 minutes
As a team, review the vision, KOG, and set standards. Review roles, goals, assigned tasks, the
time sequence, and daily and quarterly benchmarks. Fill out part A of your weekly selfassessment (Table 3).
Each Day:
Allocate time wisely. Use a time system (Table 2). Use it to help organize all activities. Time
systems enables individuals and teams to form key tasks with the best methods at the right time. Make time
to exercise the Three Disciplines.
Make time for Self Mastery.
Make time for Empowerment. (MBWA; be ubiquitous and appreciative!)
Make time for Systems learning: assess, adjust, grow, achieve and celebrate.
The manager who shows up at the right moment often inspires the team; they motivate members to
continually upgrade their contribution. Remember, every moment is the right moment, as long as you
remember your role to laud the positive intent behind whatever is going on (even if it looks like chaos), and
to provide useful, heart-centered feedback.
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Chapter 11
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Friday Closing Assessment Meeting: 20 minutes
Complete parts B & C of your weekly self-assessment (Table 3); complete and present any
weekly reports.
Review prominent themes and explore what the team learned this week. Assess and adjust.
Discuss an action plan for constant improvement: what will the team do better next week
based on team-approved adjustments?
Use coaching to support this weekly process.
3. (CHECK) Use data to CHECK on Progress
Table 3
Use the Self-Assessment Survey as a guide to clarify expectations, assess
performance and gather feedback for improvement. After each person
presents their report, facilitate a group discussion regarding the data and
look for themes. Collect all relevant data and financial statistics.
Table 4
Analyze the week via the Three Ways
Use periodic company surveys (example: see Denison Organizational
Culture Survey -
Table 5
Use Flow Charts or maps to review your process. Ask - is there an
opportunity somewhere? Check everything!
4. (ADJUST) Take the feedback, learn, and shift - track progress
Review your learning’s, organize them, make adjustments and execute the adjustments the
following week. Pay attention. . . did this shift improve us? Sometimes it doesn't. Don't be afraid to change
back. Keep learning, adjusting, executing until it feels just right and most of all - it gets the job done while
everyone learns, grows and enjoys the process! And even when you think you’ve no room for
improvement, keep getting better! Ask your customers – they’ll show you the way.
See Tables 1-5 below.
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Table 1 - Corporate Shaman Daily Time Sequence - Work-Specific
Necessary elements of an 8-hour day to support long-term success
[ ] Self-Mastery (15 minutes in morning, 15 minutes at end of day, and integrated throughout)
Create and follow morning, daytime, and evening success rituals using the self-assessment system.
Set a positive example to make the effort to remain a master of your craft. Work to develop a more aware /
compassionate personality; manage (observe) emotional states to assure an ability to respond rather than
react. Examine behaviors to become a more congruent model of responsible living, impeccable integrity,
and commitment to high standards in your personal life as well as with respect to the company. Implement
the Seven Principles to integrate the habits associated with each into your behavior. Do the inner work
required to remain filled with spiritual power. Organize for ever-increasing effectiveness.
Detail: Balance your life and fill up with energy. Come to work at your peak, ready to serve.
Medicine Note:
Meditate and ask Great Spirit how to best spend your day to be of true service.
[ ] Empowerment (2 hours / day) Implement the Seven Principles and the Three Disciplines
Master the coaching art: run productive meetings, communication (especially to give and accept
feedback), and MBWA. Create an environment where others grow. Delegate, challenge, develop, motivate,
and inspire team members to perform above and beyond their wildest expectations (and yours!).
Detail: Seek to find people who do things right, and reward them.
[ ] Systems. (2 hours per day)
A key Corporate Shaman leadership duty: take time to regularly review the work flow process.
Review the plan map and all systems, including management systems to hire, train and measure
performance. Periodically review manuals, checklists and systems designed to support optimum work
quality. Refine and maintain company policies and procedures to support optimum standards and a positive
environment. Devote ample time to assure and model relationship success systems (meetings, coaching,
performance assessment, and providing feedback).
Detail: Identify your targets, how you get there, your aids, your performance metrics, and when to
measure. Be ready to adjust. Acknowledge and reward positive performance.
[ ] Focal Tasks: (3 hours per day)
Zero in on your "Top Ten" behavior list. Make a point to help or be part of a team when they
actually create or deliver a project or service. Focus to fulfill the long-range task time sequence plan.
Detail: Stay involved in some task of service to an external customer (the public or the company at
large), all the while keeping your primary focus on the internal customer (the team you supervise
or support).
Medicine Note:
KEEP IT SIMPLE! Keep your canoe afloat. Load it lightly-just a few key activities in each
category, each day.
Allocate your activities according to an optimized weekly time flow (see Table 2).
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Table 2 - Corporate Shaman Weekly Time System- - An Optimized Model
Key Intentions For the week: (based on KOG, role, 3 disciplines, and agreed-upon behaviors. Fill in the
blanks for you…)
Daily SA Review = Goal Review -3 D Focus = the 3 Disciplines -TTB = Top Ten Behaviors / Focal Tasks
Chunk 1
6 am –
8:55 am
Chunk 2
Daily SA
Kick Off
Meeting w/
Daily SA
Daily SA
Daily SA
Daily SA
3 D focus –
TTB Execute
3 D focus –
TTB - Execute
3 D focus –
TTB - Execute
3 D focus –
TTB - Execute
3 D focus –
TTB Execute
Office hours
Office hours
Office hours
Office hours
Office hours
& House
9 am 1:15 pm
Chunk 3
1:30 pm
6:55 pm
Meeting w/
from day
from day
from day
from day
from day
Chunk 4
7 pm Bed
Don’t forget:
• Vision
• Calls
• Errands
• Notes
• E-Mails
• Good Diet
I am a Master. A master of myself, I empower others, I am systematic. I enjoy each day. I make it happen!
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Table 3 - The Weekly Goal Setting Self-Assessment Survey Program
Week of:
Part 1: Goals
(Fill out THOROUGHLY at the beginning of the week and email a copy to ___________________).
Please list a brief synopsis of your key goals, action plan, and the compelling reasons to do what you do
this week. Use Map & Strategic Plan to guide you.
Our Key Overall Goal (KOG) is :
PG #1.
Action Plan:
PG = Personal Goal
PG #3.
Action Plan:
PG #2.
Action Plan:
Part 2: Self-Assessment
Fill out THOROUGHLY at the END of the week and e-mail to ______________________).
My Overall Reflection on my week's progress. . .
1. What did I do well this week? (Did I exercise my action plan and accomplish my goals?)
What do I need to improve upon? (What did I learn? What can I do better next week?)
What assistance is needed/helpful? (What kind of assistance –type / area would be helpful?)
Part 3: Survey
(Fill out THOROUGHLY at the END of the week and e-mail to ______________________).
Overall / week reflects . . .
1. Do I have any suggestions to improve our overall system, action plans, etc.?
2. What do we do to better serve our customers and/or make more sales? (How might we improve
fundamentals? Is there a "Big Play" to take?)
3. Is there any way the team (or a manager) could better serve me to create a more supportive
4. Who did an outstanding job helping me this week? What did they do? How do I / we recognize
Other Comments, Learning’s, Insights, Suggestions:
Weekly Analyses - list Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats for our team:
Possible Goals (adjustments) for next week:
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
TABLE 4 - The Three Ways to learn and adjust
1. Talk about it!
Get everyone involved. Identify what a process is (a sequence of steps to achieve successful results).
Integrate Systems theory; every change (internal, external) impacts a variety of other elements in the
system (read the section on Systems in Peter Senge’s The 5th Discipline). For example:
increased management training impacts
management style,
organizational culture, impacts
customer service.
According to Peters and Waterman in In Search of Excellence, seven elements (known as the 7-S model) of
an organization are relevant to systems analyses:
1. Strategy (company plans to respond to external environment),
2. Structure (organizational form to respond to plan),
3. Systems (procedures that support strategy and structure),
4. Style (our culture and how we 'management' treat people),
5. Staff (HR career and people development),
6. Skill (competency-ability level), and
7. Shared values (our guiding concepts).
All these internal factors interact with the external environment in a way to favor a positive relationship
with the Customer or not.
2. Picture your process with flow charts to see how to improve a process (see Table 5).
3. Weekly analyze data, reports, and process.
Additional Recommendations:
SWOT analysis: What are our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats?
Gap Analysis: Where are we? Where do we want to be? What do we need to get there from here? What
roadblocks exist to success? How do we overcome roadblocks?
Force Field Analyses: To accomplish our goal: What forces work for us? What forces work against us?
How do we attract and assist favorable forces? How do we dissolve and reduce unfavorable forces?
Reflection Analyses: Reflect: Looking back from the End State, as if your MISSION is complete, identify
how you did it. What does it look like in a blossomed state? What objectives did we meet? What values did
we live? See and make notes on the way all systems act to support the vision. How does the environment
look? The product? Service? How do people act? What are your behavioral standards?
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Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Table 5 - Flow Charts - Macro View (Example: Restaurant Quality Customer Interface)
Note: 'To Standard" means the PSE standards of the company identified in the PP.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 3
Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
The System Bottom Line
You’ll find many an author’s text to create or use systems – most helpful (I know I did!):
Edward Deming's works on Total Quality Management (TQM)
Juran & Crosby on Statistical Process Control
Slater and Welch on Six Sigma in The GE Way Fieldbook,
Peter Senge on The Learning Organization in, The 5th Discipline
For more on TQM today go to:
Systems often become quite complex so make an effort to keep it simple. The bottom line is
organize and execute. Find a model representing the best way to do something and then follow it
consistently, with passion. Find out what works, write it out and use it, noting your progress each day, and
adjusting each week to make it better (not once a year, but at least every month). Implement the relevant
processes or appropriate checklist to guide your success. (Imagine what would happen to an airline pilot
without a checklist the next time you fly!)
An Example. In The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber highlights the value of systems to
tell the story of his visit to the Venetia Hotel in Redwood Grove, California. He was very
impressed and documented his experience for all to read. The hotel exhibited all the
consistent high-quality behaviors and processes one would expect from a fine
establishment: warm greetings, a clean, inspiring environment, scripted presentations,
and checklists to guarantee the quality of everything. Their core system was summarized
as "a match, a mint, a cup of coffee, and a newspaper." A fire was lit in each room for the
arriving guest; each night the bed was turned down and a mint and a beautiful thank-you
note were placed on every pillow. Each morning, coffee (or the guest's favorite drink,
inquired about and noted at check-in) and a newspaper were delivered to the room,
along with another thank-you note. Presto! Highly -impressed customers! System, system,
system! Every item was on a checklist, and the staff followed it.
If you happen to be in the hotel business, the Venetia Hotel provides a wonderful model. If not hotels, find
a great model in your industry. Study the best to use them as benchmarks. Explore every tool at your
disposal to help you find out what really works: read everything you can, listen to people (inside and out),
document and script your system (i.e., make a checklist), empower your team to execute impeccably, assess
the checklist daily to decipher its impact, and change it as needed to make it better. Use the flow chart as
your initial indicator to needed checklists.
As Zig Ziglar once said, "The best time to tell your wife you love her is before somebody else
does." If you want to be at the top in your industry, you'd better love your customer before somebody else
does. And love them better!
Effectiveness Habit for Success: Study systems daily. 90% of what we think of as people problems are
really systems problems. If an issue comes up more than once, it’s pretty clear there’s a glitch in the
system. Create a system to address it, or revise the existing system. Create systems to help people work
together and to prevent and solve issues. A weekly survey, as exemplified in Table Three above, is key.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 3
Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Systems Summary
Start with You: Work on yourself. Be a master in heart, wisdom, and skill. Have daily success
rituals. Be all you can be. People respond to who you are more than anything else.
Lead: Daily ask, "How do I feed the environment today to help it better serve the community?
Come up with an answer and do it. Empower/Inspire: Communicate appreciation to your team
daily - reward people who do what is right; build people up. Help each person develop his or her
heart, wisdom, and skill. The path of the shaman is to serve people - to help them to be all they
can be.
Use the PDCA cycle and The Ultimate Weekly Management System to assure your
effectiveness - as a means to clarify, simplify, improve, and fuel success. Create your system to
deliver true quality as you want to see it.
What is the most important Systems Area for me to work on now?
What daily habits do I exercise to excel in mastering systems?
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Discipline 3
Chapter 11
Systems Pathway To Effectiveness
Chapter Supplement:
The System Of Spirit Led Marketing For Entrepreneurs
(a) Pray each day to let your Higher Self guide you to others to contact about sharing your business.
Seek ways to serve. Ask for what you need. Create alliances. Collect email addresses.
(b) Construct a powerful and targeted professional web site with e-commerce. Collect email
(c) Build community by offering some weekly free (or by donation) event like a mastermind, sharing
group or seminar at your center to bring joy and service to others. Begin to be seen as a leader in
your field. Collect email addresses.
(d) Get 'out' and meet people! Get a booth at an expo, speak to groups, post your flyers everywhere,
and attend networking events. Be bold! Let the world know you are ready to serve and prosper and
magic will happen. Collect email addresses.
(e) Create a short E-Newsletter (to send to all those collected email addresses) to offer some kind of
short written gift of inspiration / motivation targeted to serve your community and send it out weekly - with no requests or advertisements (just a sincere gift). Every fourth week add a few
sentences to the bottom of the E-newsletter with any 'specials' you have: e.g., your key products
and services (and your web site link).
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
The Corporate Shaman Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Although we covered a lot of material, we always have more to learn about life and leadership.
Use what you can from this book. Take courses. Read other books until you create what works for you.
Remember to keep it simple. Enjoy one step at a time. Feel free to call or email me at
( with any questions (all contact information on the last page of this book).
I would truly appreciate your feedback. By now, I hope you sense my passion to help - you. Let me know
how I might further serve you. Be sure to let me know what worked well, and what I need to improve. I
pass on the insights I've gained in life, now I invite you to teach me. If you've stayed with me this far, then I
know I said some things that make sense to you. Allow yourself to explore those areas more deeply. You
may find your passion, your true path and your heart's desire by giving the sacred way a try. (See the
reading list at the end of the book for more relevant literature.)
A few final thoughts I encourage you to keep in mind:
Enjoy the Path
As you know, life is a journey, not a destination. We all know this expression, but how many of us
truly believe it or live it? The truth is we travel from one day to the next, but the only real part is the
moment we live. Enjoy being here! Live as if you already achieved everything you want. In other words,
live from a satisfied with what is place. Release the need to strive, prove, force, build tension - they don't
work! Master your craft! Serve, do more than you're asked, be passionate and alive. Find something to love
about each person you encounter (reach for the Higher Self in everyone). Make work your play. Gauge
your success on how often you break into laughter. Find time to relax and create. Practice these life skills
and the rewards will be great. You're always successful when you live through the heart.
A challenge: live knowing, "the greatest gift we can give the world is our own happiness."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
Build Community
The Corporate Shaman's path: to focus on the Soul Intent, the truest desire. We accomplish our
soul intent by building community. The ideal: to create an environment where we enable people to be the
best they can be, and thus we become optimally effective to achieve community / organization goals in
harmony with everything else of importance. We can say the same thing many ways, as long as we
understand how the concept of Community is the basis of all our plans: marketing, people, and business (in
short, all of our relationships). If you want to catapult your business to success, build a community of
people who love themselves, you, product and/or service, and want to be involved. Doing so, you
create magic. Go ahead, Create it! Create it using any and all Higher-Self means to show the world how
you and your team are here for each other and for all others. Give what you have - together - build
community and touch lives. Your customers will love you for it.
Find the Purpose of Life
Everything in relationships comes down to needs. If you want to prosper, take care of yourself
first, and then find out what others need and give it to them. When someone is sad, angry or afraid, find out
what they need. In the marketplace, live the Three Disciplines in service to your clients' needs.
When you truly meet people's needs, you win their hearts.
When you win their hearts, you win their business.
When you win their business, they win your hearts.
Everybody wins.
To meet others' needs, it helps to understand the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to reach
your highest potential and discover your Divine self. This is really what this book is about: living the
sacred way, the Way of the Corporate Shaman. When we see people in need, explore an opportunity to
experience our Higher Self. How? Provide answers for them and show them the Way.
The concept of life purpose is profoundly and humorously illustrated by the ancient Indian story of
Brahma and Maya.
A bored and lonely Brahma (the 'Great Spirit' of Hindu tradition) decided to create a
goddess, Maya. Upon meeting Maya, he asked her what she thought they could do to
keep him entertained. Perhaps devise a game?
She responded, "I have an idea! You create a physical planet filled with adventures. We
will break you into a million pieces and send you there as millions of humans, each
having no idea who they are or why they are here. The game will be for you to remember
who you are, while I distract you to make you forget."
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
So there it is! The purpose of life is a cosmic game! I don't know about you, but I've found the game very
painful when you allow Maya to distract you with material goods and selfish motives. We teach others to
seek happiness through earning a living to amass material pleasures. It takes courage to look within for
happiness, to wrestle with our ego desires, and to find our true selves.
I learn and teach how all real happiness comes from recognizing our true selves. When we do, we
confront and “opt-out” of the game. Our vices send us on a wild pursuit of happiness through things. Such a
chaos of tinseled illusions (conjured up by our Lower Self), are Maya’s tricks! These illusions / tricks
control us until we see the meaninglessness of it all. Only when we commit to living in our Higher Self is
the spell of Maya broken. The purpose of life is to find and share the Higher Self dwelling within you.
When you share love, you help all to know who we truly are. We are a part of the Great Spirit. We are not
here to suffer, be lost, or have a meaningless life experience. We are here to learn the truth of ourselves.
Your Higher Self is the part of you that never forgets its Divinity. Once you learn to listen, it will
guide you to live the most beautiful life you could imagine until the day you return home to Spirit. Make
the best of this life! Enjoy the game. Enjoy your true self by enjoying all life. Even as Brahma does.
The path of the Corporate Shaman, then, is the path of Truth.
Understand True Service, a noble concept
When we think of true service, we think of a mature person, someone who places others before
self. True service does require we focus on the needs of others. However, as we've discussed many times
above, we can't give away what we don't have. If we don't serve our needs first, we will not be able to serve
others. That is why the Seven Principles tell us how we must always put ourselves first! We must take care
of ourselves and from our abundance share who we are. We must find our natural genius and express it in
the world. People really get lost when they try to understand this concept. Often people think when they
help others it means either a trade or self sacrifice (thus burn out). Those who burn out burn from their own
good intentions ("I'll do this for you, so I'll gain this." Or, "Yes, I'll give up my day since you are more
important.") To keep disappointment at bay or to prevent self-sacrifice, we often close down our hearts.
The problem? We can't be our true selves with closed hearts. So, a closed heart makes us
miserable. Love heals us. We feel love through our hearts. If we have a closed heart, we lack the ability to
give or receive LOVE! If this happens, things go downhill fast. Our relationships fall apart. Only our
Lower Self rejoices at our messy lives, because it is in control. The question is, “How do we keep our
hearts open without having them trampled?”
The key to keeping an open heart is to live the sacred way. It means to first take care of yourself. It
is therefore of paramount importance to take time every day for self-renewal and rejuvenation: eat and
sleep well, exercise, and take time for spiritual practice, such as those discussed in chapters 1-5 (implement
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
sacred clearing processes too). Unless you make this gift to yourself, your heart may shut down and you
end up, ironically, looking very selfish to the world.
The ultimate paradox is how those who take the time to put themselves first are the ones who
share the most! We need to understand to, "love thy neighbor as thyself," we need to love ourselves first.
People who feel bad about themselves feel unworthy of love, so needs get neglected. They shut down and
no longer have anything to express or give. Think deeply about this. Such individuals drain the emotional
and financial resources of their families, communities, organizations and countries. Eventually unable to
care for themselves, they fall by the wayside and become society wards, lost souls. These souls might be
saved with as little as a word or deed of kindness from you. Learn the lesson to love and support yourself,
so you may give love to others. In doing so, you help them see their light and their genius, who in turn may spread it around. This is the path to true service.
We now see how self-love, self-nourishment, self-development and self-expression become
prerequisites to be a fully-realized person. One who lives with an open heart and makes a conscious
contribution to society. Know this, do what it takes to become healthier! Focus on enjoying your life. Find
your natural genius and express it. When you do, you contribute to world peace and harmony in ways
beyond imagination.
Furthermore, it is the calling of enlightened leaders to empower people to work with each other to
embrace true service. Part of this calling is to help people make the commitment to take care of themselves
first, so that they might offer true service. Some employees need to focus on themselves for a period of
time before they turn their attention outward. We need to honor such individuals and assist them to make
their periods of self-focus truly nourishing. Support your people in taking time to rejuvenate. Create
systems to pull people toward greater teamwork and true service to each other. It takes some people a
lifetime to learn how the greatest gift they give themselves comes through sharing their gifts and touching
the lives of others. Do you wish to learn that now? Or do you wish to spend more years living in Lower
Self illusions?
To be a Corporate Shaman, take care of yourself first, love and serve all life, create community,
give your gifts, and inspire others to do the same. Life is then all it can be.
Embrace New World Ethics
Considering all the above, the importance to become conscious leaders cannot be overstated, for
the leaders set the tone for all others. Extensive research on the impact of justice as it relates to organization
performance suggests a golden rule relationship: fairly treated employees tend to treat customers and others
fairly. Hence, the integrity of our organizations is a reflection of the integrity of our leaders.
We find many wounds inflicted on our communities by Lower Self leadership. There is so much
pain (and fear) all around. When we allow shadows of the Lower Self to rule, we end up stealing from
ourselves, we steal from each other, and we steal from Spirit. We cheat, lie, abuse, hate, and we feel guilty
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
only when caught. Corruption is as rampant at the top of our society as it is anywhere. Our Lower Selves
run the country. It is no wonder we’re a feared nation by much of the Third World. If we lack honesty, how
do we treat them honestly?
Each time a major corporation scandal arises due to greed or poor ethics, in addition to
participants’ pain and misery, a wounding shock wave of fear goes out to send vulnerable people
everywhere into distrust. In fear, they close their hearts, The negative energy compounds itself. It is time
for leaders to realize our worldly responsibilities. We must step up to the challenge to live honest lives. We
must choose to be incorruptible, for we may encounter ever-greater temptations as we gain outward
success. Without a strong moral focus, the power and greed of the Lower Self consumes us to eventually
control us. We lose everything when we sacrifice honor.
To meet our responsibilities and achieve real, long-term success, we must claim our integrity and
summon the power to set firm boundaries in relation to: 1. what we stand for, and 2. what we will and will
not do. To do this, we need the self-discipline. Such discipline comes from living in consciousness and
integrity, the sacred way.
To live in integrity, we must create organizational cultures (environments) true communities,
absolutely grounded in the highest ethics. These newly created environments offer everyone a chance to
grow. They give people a voice to participate and be heard; to be able to step forward and speak their
hearts. Such environments allow for important shared information, and for each to be recognized for what
they contribute. When this happens, our corporate cultures become havens of justice and truth. We see a
better world!
Justice is about spirit. The Way of the Corporate Shaman
unleashes this spirit. With an
unleashed workplace spirit, the Law of Attraction engages to take care of the rest. When we release old
belief systems of control and domination to get results, results cease to be a concern. Then, we joyfully
practice the higher principles of justice, integrity, and love. When we live like this from the heart, the result
is abundance. Success is always assured when we combine smart management with true wisdom.
To live the shaman's way (to be a beacon of light to a new world order based on love, respect and
trust), requires a deep commitment to the ethics of community. Let us release greed, lust, and weakness.
Let us corral our Lower Selves and live our truth. Walking the highest path is not easy, but with conviction
I tell you, walking the lower path is much more painful.
Together, we become the souls of light we came here to be. This is our highest possible
achievement, our most rewarding adventure. Be who you came here to be. Fulfill your destiny. Drop the
ego-induced chase and ask your spirit to guide you, protect you, and lead you to your true self. Give up all
the fear, and find your way to happiness!
This is a time of great acceleration. We all know the truth. Now we need to live it. To live in truth,
you motivate others to do the same. Then, love and integrity reign. I know that together many of us will
create a new world. I pray my words inspire you to join us.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Expanding Leadership Consciousness
Chapter 12
The Journey Continues
Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin.
Bill Jason O'Mara
Summary: The Way of the Corporate Shaman
Live the Sacred Way (the Seven Principles, the Law of Attraction, etc., from Chapters 1-5).
Follow the Corporate Shaman Community Map and Pathway Plan with passion.
Live the Three Disciplines with courage and compassion.
Create rituals to identify keys to focus on each day.
Meditate each morning, even if just a few minutes. Then:
• Make a daily list (or review your task list) of what you need to do, make sure to include
spiritual practices and service.
• EVERY morning, state out loud with passion your Life Plan (your mission, goals and
dreams) and your community's SOUL INTENT as if you’ve achieved it.
• Execute - do what needs to get done!
• EVERY single night, give thanks for everything you have NOW and for all the many
blessings you receive. Make notes on what you learn.
Enjoy. Make work play.
Take Care of you.
Eat good, healthy food and drink LOTS of water.
Exercise regularly.
This is your day to serve. Make the most of it. Touch someone's life.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix A
A Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook
Appendix A
A Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook (CS-MH)
I encourage all leaders to create: a Management Handbook (CS-MH). What follows is a model
and is not a comprehensive manual. Hence, use this as a template. And, in the spirit of continuous
improvement, please know all templates always evolve to better guide us. As we learn and grow, our
templates need to reflect that we’ve learned to grow our successes as well! Please create a new 'Word'
document to create your own templates (use the template topic areas) - add to it, offer your suggestions on
improvements. The plan (where were go - goals, strategies, actions), the operations manual (details how we
do everything specific to our firm), and this management manual (how we manage it all) are the support
team you need to succeed. Good luck and enjoy. You are the master.
If you want a copy of the complete 60 page CS-MH - it is available for purchase from
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix A
A Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook
Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook (CS-MH)
A Performance Management System (PMS)
Bill Jason O'Mara
We Offer The Following Template Outline. . .
If You Want A Copy Of The Complete MH It Is Available For Purchase From The O’Mara Institute
Streamlined Strategic Planning
Manpower Planning
Selection - Hiring - Interview Qs (Job Analysis - Specifications - Job Descriptions)
Training Cycle - PMS Cycle With SA
Management & Coaching Process
Employee Development
Goal Setting - Standards Of Behavior
Employee Inspiration / Discipline
Organizational Development
Total Quality
Small Business Entrepreneur Success Tips
The SCMM System For Small Group Facilitation
Performance Appraisal
Communication Skills
How To Run Meetings / Public Speaking
Teaching - Lesson Plans
Service Systems
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix A
A Corporate Shaman's Management Handbook
An Example Of A CS-MH Page
The fundamental key to maintain peak performance from the Performance Management System (PMS) is
to create an appropriate compensation and rewards system. It is beyond the scope of this report to provide a
detailed explanation of current reward and compensation theory. This report offers some basic concepts to
Measure performance. Use PMS system as a foundation. Ask, What are our standards?
What are our goals? What does the customer demand? Post important company measures
on Employee Board. What you measure becomes important to the employee; they
respond with increased energy and focus in those areas.
b) Reward & reinforce. If you want people to continue to do what you ask (and do so at a
high standard) long term, it makes good sense to reinforce high performance.
NOTE: It is just human nature to see people make mistakes and then want to correct it. However, all
reinforcement theory suggests we reduce crisis management and instead focus on what people do right and
reward them for their efforts. Explore several reward systems. Be creative. Create a few ways that work for
all involved and implement daily. The more you reward the more performance, the more fun everyone
Verbal acknowledgment. Communicate! The Key.
Notes, letters, etc. . . Terrific when sincere and specific
Employee of week/month - FUN
Coupons for services at other businesses (SWAP)
Formal awards, plaques, gifts given at meetings
Improve benefits - give extra day off (paid)- improve shifts
Periodic intermittent gift bonuses (cash or other)
Formal Raise
Specific “pay for performance program” based on sales volume and performance appraisal.
(Also known as a “Performance Based Contract.) Identify standard and required performance
level. Monitor progress. ( ie: GM PFP at $4,000 / day and grade 15. Any time GM's store hits
$4,000 per day and maintains at least a 15 grade on PA - they receive a 1% cash bonus of
gross sales.)
TEAM incentives (gainsharing, scanlon plans, or create one)
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix B
Defining Community
Appendix B
Community Definition
A group of people who live, love, and work together (or in proximity) for the collective good of
each other's soul growth, protection, mutual prosperity, fun, and ease of life. People who desire to be
together. Together everyone achieves more and no one person is burdened, everyone is enriched, and all is
efficiently distributed. The community is like a tribe, we need everyone and everyone plays a role. Each
person’s role represents a vital part of the cooperative community to create a sustainable unit to serve and
benefit all. The community supports by mutually agreed upon honor codes (The 7 principles of
Cooperation) . . .to assure an environment of safety, love, and fairness so all can thrive. The community is
only as strong as those who fulfill their roles and honor the codes lovingly.
Bill O'Mara
The 7 Cooperation Principles:
Voluntary and Open Community Participation. . . Dues, maybe. Dogmas, no. Discrimination, no
(we lovingly invite all those who want to participate). A focus does exist. It is vital for some
weekly and/or monthly function to serve as the community rallying point . . . where all gather to
connect. MasterMind, Council Fire, and Retreats serve this purpose. . . . .
The Community is organized as a Cooperative. . . It thrives by all beings actively participating,
sharing. Cooperatives live by certain honor codes or commitments to keep it together (in the same
way a traffic light helps prevent traffic chaos). Serve, love, be on time, contribute, help, educate.
Deal with conflict through defined channels, etc. . . . is the way.
Capital Support… All communities and activities costs someone money. A vital cooperative
structure overcomes all scarcity thinking. Everyone chips in to maintain fairness, goodwill, love,
and so no one person takes on a disproportionate role. Contributing engages prosperity principles
and rewards all.
Self Supporting … Autonomous, organized Communities require members to define and honor a
leadership system. Each person plays a role and each role supports the whole. A clean-up person is
as important as a workshop leader, etc. People make the community, not a leader or figure person.
Education… Communities share with each other how to live and love (by action, word, and
deed). Come to know how we are all evolved beings. Simply encourage others to live in service
and honor integrity . . . that the community is a tender entity --- it thrives only when all show up
fully and support each other. There is no need to yell, put down, or reprimand. Simply love and
encourage. Reach out and touch a life this day!
Cooperation with other Communities… Communities grow, learn, become more strong by
working together, sharing, mixing, and gathering with other communities. Organize mixers or
collaborative events. Meeting new people. . . grow, expand - is a wonderful path to evolve
community spirit. Integration is key.
Concerns for the good of all… Balance individual and community needs. The community needs
to create an outreach to serve those less fortunate in the world. Visit hospitals, perform service,
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Appendix C
Resource Directory
Reading List
Web Sites
Contact Information
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Professional Biography
Bill Jason O'Mara
Acclaimed author, consultant, and award-winning speaker/facilitator, Bill Jason O'Mara is a
pioneer in the organizational development field. For the past number of years, O’Mara is considered one of
America's most gifted leadership teachers. He is president of Corporate Shaman Way International Inc.,
director of the Alpha Group (a consortium of organizational consultants in Southern California) and a past
adjunct (consultant and feedback specialist) with the Center for Creative Leadership, an international
leadership training organization). Over the past 15 years, he worked with managers from organizations
such as IBM, AT&T, Met Life, Merck, and Nissan, and delivered keynote addresses to many of the most
prestigious organizations in the country. His training and consulting work expertise centers on: Leadership,
Team Effectiveness, Communication/Sales, Strategic Planning, Peak Performance, and Emotional
Intelligence. His background also includes many years as the Director of Training for the Anthony
Robbins’ Power to Influence sales courses in New York.
O'Mara achieved an advanced degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Spiritual
Studies (MS, Ph.D.) educated at Tulane University, Cornell University, The California School of
Professional Psychology and The Infinite Wind Institute. He is also certified as a Feedback Specialist and
Executive Coach from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), and holds certifications in NeuroLinguistic Programming and Holistic Health and Wellness. His CCL work involved evaluation and
interpretation of psychological testing and delivery of feedback to upper level management for leadership
development. Through CCL he is certified to use BENCHMARKS, SKILLSCOPE and other 360 multirater feedback/psychological instruments (such as CPI, Myers-Briggs, Firo-B, and others) for managerial
and career development. CCL offers training and facilitation of leadership development programs, business
simulations and consulting, executive coaching and team building.
Combining his academic background and professional expertise with his personal experience as a
martial artist, coach and athlete, O'Mara developed a unique approach as an organizational development
consultant and life educator. Contact O’Mara for select speaking/consulting engagements or for additional
copies of this most recent work, The Way of the Corporate Shaman
for peak workplace performance.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
O'Mara Institute Services
(I) Keynote Speaking
Bill presents powerful, thought-provoking speeches for corporate retreats, conferences and meetings. Set
the tone, inspire, motivate with one of America's most dynamic presenters. Who should attend: leaders
committed to their own growth.
Speaking/Training Topics:
One-Day Retreats and Speaking Topics:
Leadership and Productivity in Changing times - A one-day program on Understanding
yourself, Self Mastery, Empowerment of Others, Systems of Effectiveness, Team, Coaching,
and Change.
Life Balance, Spirituality, and High Efficiency in the workplace - The Way of the Corporate
Shaman TM©
Sales, Communication, Persuasion, Negotiation - coming to yes. The power of Agreements
Team and beyond - using cooperation to unleash your organization's peak performance
Customer service: Going above and beyond to exceed customers’ expectations
Strategic Planning Power Retreats
Unleashing the power of Creativity to reach the next level of success in your organization
Other: Coaching, Communication & Persuasion; Advanced Leadership; Peak Performance
(II) Training
Periodic powerful trainings ignite people. Training with Organizational Development background, or
coaching creates sustainable results. We present powerful trainings for corporations on:
Sales and Persuasion
Team Explosion
(See our web site for more)
Who should attend: Organizations committed to their own growth.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
(III) Executive Coaching
A Personal 1 -1 Program of Guided Growth w/ Bill or staff
Organizational realities often make it difficult for executives to receive the feedback, support, and direction
they need to truly excel. One-to-One coaching, off-site or in-house, provides executives with individual,
outcome-based programs for self-renewal and growth.
Who should attend: Leaders committed to their own growth.
(IV) Organizational Development (OD)
OD is a long-term relationship (generally 1 year) with Bill or staff, 5-10 hours per week. In this
relationship, Bill works as an operational level person reporting to the CEO. He works on retainer, with key
managers to coach them on leadership basics, help run meetings, diagnose challenge areas, create
interventions, and to be an important resource and trainer to all staff to create service harmony and
effectiveness. Bill's role as an OD consultant is VP of Operations, an HR manager, and an external
consultant. Bill creates a unique and powerful combination of internal and external expertise for less
investment than a full-time middle manager.
Who should attend: organizations committed to harmony and efficiency.
Service Costs:
Coaching: Starts at $200/hour
Training: Starts at $6,000 per event day based on number of participants
Key Note: Starts at $6,000 per event day based on number of participants
Partial Client List
U.S. Department of Navy
SBC Communications
Hollywood Entertainment
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
A Sample of What Clients Say about O'Mara:
"One of the top trainers in the US!" - Kenneth Poyd, Sales Director, Fortune 500
"Spectacular!" - Jason Campbell, Sales Manager, Stevens and Company Securities
"O'Mara was very pertinent and captivating. The team breakout was definitely a highlight -- Great
interactive sessions with many valuable ideas that we will cultivate and profit from." - Executives from
"Bill you are an inspiration - I am a better boss and mother because of my experience!" - J. Jones, District
Manager, Hollywood Entertainment
"Your presentation was motivating and enjoyed by all. Many thanks!" - Dona Menton, President, NYAMB
"Bill O'Mara is an exciting person to be around. I have noticed an increase in energy level, a more positive
attitude, and increased sales as a result of my experience." - John Phelan, Account Representative, Xerox
"Through our coaching relationship, Bill definitely made an impact on how I feel about myself and how
effective I am at work. . . thank you so much!" - Tracy McNeil, Corporate Executive, Nestle
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Andrews, Ted (1993). Animals Speak. Llewellyn. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Bear, Sun & Wabun. (1992). The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology. Fireside Books. New York.
Bear, Sun, Mulligan, C. Nurfer, P, and Wabun (1989). Walk in Balance. Prentice Hall. New York.
Chopra, Deepak (1994). The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. New World Library. San Rafael, California.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow. Harper Perennial. New York.
Covey, Stephen (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Fireside. New York.
Dyer, Wayne W. (2003). The Power of Intention. Hay House. Carlsbad, California.
Dyer, Wayne W. (2002). 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. Hay House. Carlsbad, California.
Forest, Ohky Simine (2000). Dreaming the Council Ways. Weiser. York Beach, Maine
For Your Improvement: A Development and Coaching Guide. Lominger. 612.542.1466
Frankl, V. (1984). Man's Search for Meaning. Pocket Books. New York:
Gawain, Shakti (1995). Creative Visualization. New World Library. Novato, California.
Gerber, Michael (1998). The E-Myth Manager. Harper Collins. New York.
Gray, John (1980). What You Can Feel, You Can Heal. Heart books. San Francisco.
Harner, M. (1990). The Way of the Shaman. Harper and Rowe. San Francisco.
Hay, Louise (1987). You Can Heal your Life. Hay House. Carlsbad, California.
Katie, Byron. (2002). Loving What Is : Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. Harmony Books. New
King, S. K. (1990). Urban Shaman. Fireside. New York.
Luthans, F. (1995). Organizational Behavior. McGraw Hill. New York.
Maffetone, Phil. (1989). In Fitness and In Health. Barmore Productions. Stamford, New York.
Millman, D. (1993). The Life you were Born to Live. HJ Kramer. Tiburon, California.
O'Mara, Bill (2000). The Godspell Solution. Granite Publishing. North Carolina.
Peale, N. V. (1952). The Power of Positive Thinking. Fawcett Publications. Greenwich, Connecticut.
Peck, Scott (1987). A Different Drum. Simon and Schuster. New York.
Peters T. J. and Waterman, R.H. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's best-run companies.
Harper & Row. New York
Quirk, P. E. (1993). When Spirits meet the Red Path. Northwest. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Quirk, P. E. (1994). The Vision. Woodlands Press. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Redfield, James (1993). The Celestine Prophecy. Satori Press. Hoover, Alabama.
Robbins, Anthony. (1986). Unlimited Power. Ballantine Books, New York.
Roman, Sanaya (1989). Spiritual Growth. H.J.Kramer. California.
Roman, Sanaya (1986). Living With Joy. H.J.Kramer. California.
Roman, Sanaya (1986). Power Through Awareness. H.J.Kramer. California.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Ruiz, D. M. (1997. The Four Agreements. Amber Allen. San Rafael, California.
Senge, P.M., (1990). The 5th Discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation.
Doubleday/Currency. New York.
Slater, Robert (1999). The GE Way Fieldbook : Jack Welch's Battle Plan for Corporate Revolution.
McGraw-Hill. New York.
Successful Managers Handbook. Personnel Decisions International. 1-800.633.4410.
Storm, Hyemeyohsts (1972). Seven Arrows. Ballantine. New York.
Tolle, Eckert (1999). The Power of Now. New World Library. Novato, California.
Vigil, Bernadette (2001). Mastery of Awareness. Bear and Company. Rochester, Vermont.
Wilde, Stuart (1998). The Little Money Bible. Hay House. Carlsbad, California.
Wilde, Stuart (1987). Affirmations. Hay House. Carlsbad, California.
Williamson, Marianne (1993). A Return to Love. Harper Perennial. New York.
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Suggested Reading List
In addition to The Way of the Corporate Shaman, we recommend the following books:
Progressive Business books
1001 Ways to Reward Employees by Nelson
The 10-Day MBA by S. Silbiger
Corporate Mystic by . G. Hendricks
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by
Stephen Covey
Flow (and Flow at Work) by M. Cisentmikahly
The Art of Happiness at Work by H.H. The Dalai
In Search of Excellence by Peters
Management of the Absurd by Richard Fardson
The E-Myth Manager by Michael Gerber
Mastery by George Leonard
The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
Primal Leadership by D. Goleman, Boyatzis &
The One-Minute Manager by Blanchard &
Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen
The Power of Purpose: Creating Meaning in
Your Life and Work by Richard Leider
Stewardship by Peter Block
Up Against the Wal-Marts by Taylor and Archer
Tao of Leadership by John Heider
Zen at Work by Les Kaye
Classics in Spiritual reading
A Course in Miracles - Foundation for Peace
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
All books of J. Krishnamurti.
The Godspell Solution by B. O'Mara
All books of Marianne Williamson
The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer
All books of Stuart Wilde
The Power of Now by E. Tolle
Creative Visualization by S. Gawain
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman
Vincent Peale
Living in Joy by Sanaya Roman
The Secret to Happiness is . . . . . by B. O'Mara
Personal Power through Awareness by Sanaya
The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan
Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman
Yoga and The Quest for the True Self by Stephen
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by D. Chopra
You Can Heal your Life by L. Hay
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Animals Speak by T. Andrews
Black Elk Speaks by Black Elk
Black Elks Speaks by Black Elk
Dreaming the Council Ways by Ohky Simine Forest
Mastery of Awareness by Dona Bernadette Vigil
Medicine Woman by Lynn Andrews
The Four Agreements by D. M. Ruiz
The Way of the Shaman by M. Harner
The Wind is My Mother, The Life & Teachings of a Native American Shaman by Bear Heart
Urban Shaman by S. K. King
Walk in Balance, The Medicine Wheel, and others by Sun Bear
For more, go to:
Your Additions:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Appendix C
Noted Shamans/ Healers /Practioners
Don Miguel Ruiz (San Diego)
Michael Harner (N. Cal.) and his many students
Serge K. King (Hawaii) and his many students
Brant Secunda (Santa Cruz)
Wallace Black Elk
Noted Medicine women:
Brook Medicine Eagle
Lynn Andrews
Maria Yraceburu (San Diego)
Irene Skau (Los Angeles)
Cherry Divine (Oregon)
Heather Cummings (Connecticut)
Music for the Soul:
Holistic Centers:
Kripalu Center
The Center for Shamanic Studies
The Dance of the Deer Foundation
The Ojai Foundation
The Findhorn Foundation
Leadership Centers:
Corporate Shaman Way
The Center for Creative Leadership
The Man-Kind Project
Ken Blanchard Co.
Personnel Decisions International
Peter Senge
Spirit at work is an association dedicated to those professionals involved with spirituality in the workplace.
The association offers retreats, workshops, conferences, local chapter meetings and a newsletter.
Additionally, you will find chat rooms and discussion forums available along with a list of Spirit in
Business practitioners.
Corporate Shamans:
Bill O'Mara
The Way of the Corporate Shaman TM ©
Contact Information
Appendix C
Author Bio
The Author - Bill O'Mara
Bill Jason O'Mara PhD is a pioneer in the personal growth movement. For many years he’s considered one
of America's most gifted spiritual teachers. O’Mara is the president of Corporate Shaman Way International
Inc. His achievements include: advanced degrees in Psychology with certifications in NLP, Holistic Health,
and Reiki Master. His book, The Godspell Solution is considered a modern day philosophical classic. This
latest book, The Way of the Corporate Shaman
tm ©
is a breakthrough in the genre of spirit in business. He
lead workshops, Mastermind groups, community retreats and gatherings in San Diego and all over the
USA. For over two decades, O’Mara has shared his wisdom of business and native American truth taught
during his time with renowned 'spirit caller' Speaking Wind along with his ancestral heritage as a native
American. He is an award winning corporate speaker and consultant. Contact for information, to schedule speaking engagements and consultations.
Contact Information:
Bill Jason O'Mara
Author, The Way of the Corporate Shaman
tm ©
Founder, Corporate Shaman Way International Inc
Professional Speaker, Trainer, Coach
P. 760-809-4478
O'Mara books:
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
tm ©
The Way of the Corporate Shaman live audio talk on CD
The Godspell Solution
The Secret to Happiness is
Shamanic Kirtan - music album on CD