to Volume XVI - Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society
to Volume XVI - Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society
Full Name and Place Index MTGS Journal Volume XVI, zooz-2003 Indexed by Juanita Patton Introduction to the Index We believe that every genealogical work should provide an every-name index in the fourth issue of each volume of the Journal.This index includes names, places and subjects. Pagination of Volume XVI began with page 1 in the Summer 2002 issue and continued through this issue. The following notes prepared during the indexing process will be helpful to the reader. Individuals identified in the text as "slaves" are indexed under that heading. Names beginning with M y ,Mc, and Mac appear as if all started with Mac. If the maiden name of a female is known, she is listed under both her married and maiden names. Military units are indexed under that heading. Rivers, creeks, and springs are indexed under Waterways. Cemeteries are indexed under Cemetery. (n) indicates an entry in the notes on the page cited. (auth) indicates that the person is the author of an article or a book reviewed. (cont'r) indicates that the person contributed the article to the Journal. Abel, James Abernatha, David . Laban . Laban Jr. . Laban Sr. Abernathy,. Charles C. . Sterling Academy, Bradley . Campbell . Geneva . Harpeth . Harpeth(n) . Liberty . Livingston . Robertson . Rural . Tracey . Trans Montania Adair, Thomas Adams, Catharine . Elizabeth . Isaac W. . John Quincy . John W. . Knox & Nixon . Martin . Nathaniel M. (box) . Robert . Wm. Adcock, Henry African-American Newspapers 116 164 119 164 164 151 108 70 70 70 69 70 70 58,99-100 69 70 70 70 116 142 142 142 30 9 7 163 133 113,163 28 164 71 African-American Research Ahead, Jonas Akin. E.F. Alabama, Greensboro . Lauderdale Co. . Lawrence Co. . Limestone Co. . Madison Co. . Marion . Mobile . Montgomery . Stephenson Aldrich, Joseph Alexander, Andrew A. . David . J.F. . James R. . John G. . Mathew . Robert M. . Sarah . Sarah Amzi . Sarah Arnzi S. . Thomas B. (n) . Zenas C. . Zenos C. Alford, John Nelson Allcorn, John Allen, Benjamin . Carter . Drury M. 138 117 56 122 14 12 78.134 12.79 120,122,125 6 39 150 67 77.1 53 76 148 77,153 56 76 77,153 17 153 77 44 153 77 163 114 70 163 165 . Florence (n) . Geo. S. . George S. . Grant Henry S. James . Jesse . John . John A. . John Jr. . Mathew . Robert . Samuel . Thomas . William . Wm. . Zach. Alley, Ann (n) Allison, Hugh . J.I. . James Anderson, B.F. . Fannie . Frances . H.C. . Harriet . Joel . John . Katie . Samuel . Thomas , . r' Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Volume XVI, Number 31167 Index for Volume XVI, continued . V.W. . William . William E. . William P. . Wm. P. Andrews, M.H. . Sarah E. . William J. Anthony, Nicholas Appleton, James Arkansas Territory Armstrong, H.C. . John B. . Robert . Sarah . Thomas F. . William Ash, Stephen V. (n) Asley, Nathaniel Atkins, . John DeWitt C.(n) Atkinson, Elizabeth William L. Austell, Littleberry Sophia Austin, James . Joseph . Martha Aydellotte, Jasper Ayers, Lemuel . Margaret Reaves . Margarett A. Ayres. Henry . Henry (n) . Lemuel . Susana (n) . Susanna . T.J. (n) . Thomas Jefferson . W.W. (n) Baber, W.T. Bailey, Jonathan Baird, A.J. John Baits, Moses Baker, F.A. . James . John . John Sr. . John T. . W.W. . William Baldridge, Andrew . Daniel . Frances Balentine, David Ball, S.L. Ballew, William Ballow, L.D. Esq. Leonard Bamman, Gale . Gale Williams Banks, Richard Bargaze, Christian Barham, . Elizabeth Perry Volume XVI, Number 31168 . . Thomas Thomas N. Barker, John Jr. . John Sr. . Laban . Labon . Lemon . Wilson Barnes, Barlenda . Benjamin . Cullen . Henry . James Jr. . James Sr. . Jesse . Joel . Jordon . Mattline . R.A. Barnett, Rev. W.C. Barnhart, John Barr, John Barrow, Mathew Barton, Alfred . Catharine . Emily . Frances . Harriet . Maria . Maria 'rhomson . Thomas Basey. Lewis Bashaw, Benjamin . Jos. E. Sr . Peter Bates, Robert . S.B. . W. . William Batte, Gardiner Battle's Company Battle, lsaac Joel A. Battles, Seven Days Seven Pines Batts Family Bible Batts, Alla Home . Arthur Lafayette . Beulah Featherston . Euphasid . Frances Jane . Georgie May . James Monroe . Jeremiah . Jeremiah Ritey . Louisa Draughan . Lourana . Martha Elizabeth . Mary Willmurth . Oscar L. . Oscar Llewelyn . Oscar Loveless . Rebecca Louise . Robert William . Thomas Jefferson . W.J. . William Oscar . William Rily . William W. 105 105 105 Bauldwin, Thomas T. 135 33.87 Bauman, J.B. & Co. Bay, William 118 Bayn[?], John W 108 Bearnhart, Capt. 116 Beasey, Isaac 162 James T. 162 Beasley, Charles 114 . Ellis 130 . Geo. H. 34,87 . Nancy (n) 133 Beaty. David 163 William 163 Beauregard,Gen.Pierre 40 Beck, John 113 Beckett, Rev. George 57 Beckman, John H. 10 Beden, George 13 Polly R. Bledsoe 13 Bedford, Elizabeth 160 . John H. 82,160 . John H.(n) 85 . John R. 70.1 17 . William H. 117 Beeder, M. 67 Beeton, Asa 116 George 116 Begley, Patrick 117 130 Belcher, J.E. & Co. . S.E. 128,130,158-159 . Wiley 74 Belknap,William Worth 126 Bell, (Capt.) 163 . Adjutant R.C. 54 . David 114 . Edney D. 15 . George 117,163 . Harriette L. 15 . Hugh F. 119 . James 114,163 . John 15,39-40,114,163 . John H. 142 . John J. 9 . John T. 117 . Nathaniel 114 . R.D. 149 . Robert 114,163 . Sam W. 5 . Samuel 163 . Samuel, Esq. 114 . Sarah A. 15 . Shederick 163 . Thomas 114,163 . William 119,163 . William R. 119 Beloat, Henry 76 Belsher, Allen 74 . Ferrel 74 . Louisa Francis 74 . Mary Ann Sarah 74 . Mary E. 74 Ben Loman Mountain 62 Benefield, James 114 Bennett, George W. 108 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History - Index for Volume XVI, continued . . . J.B. John M. p- Nathan . Richard S. . Thomas S. Benning, James Benningfield, James . John . Robert Benoit, Earnest Benson, C.D. Beringer, Rich'd E.(n) Berkley, Wm. Bernard, George Thomas Berry, Annie John G. Bertrand, ? Betts. John . Jonathan . William . Zacheriah Bezer, Peter Bibb, H.A. William Bibby, William Bigelow, Luther Biggs, Rubin Billingslea, Emily (n) Billiod, P & F . P.& F. . Peter Binkley. Adam . Adam Sr. . Frederick . Peter Birdwell, Alice . Belle . Capt. . George . Hugh . Isaac Birthwright, Williamson Black, David Robert Blackfore, Will Blackman, Bennet Blackmore, Catherine . Evelina . James A. . James S. Blackwood, Wm. Blades, B. Blair, Arthur . Eliza . Elizabeth . H.M. . J.J. . James . John . Samuel Blake, John Blakely, James Wm. p Blakemore, William Blan, Arthur Blane, John Blankenship, Asa . Gad . Lela McDowell (n) Blanks, John Bledsoe. Abram . Anthony T. . Col. Anthony . David S. . George W. . Henry R. . Isaac . Isaac A. . James . James W. . Malvina . Polly Anne . Polly R. . Rachael 0. . Robert W. . Ruth G. . Thomas J. Blirton, Henry Bloomington College Blount, Isaac . Mary S. . Willie Blythe, John G. S.M. Bobo, A.C. Boils. Barnabas John Bondurant, Edward Bone, James Boner, Henry Bonner, William Book Reviews Booker, Mrs. E.M. Richard Boon, Bryant William Booth, Andrew . Dallas . Henry Jr. . Henry Sr. Bosley, Beal . Chas. . James R. . John Boston Belting Co. Boswell, Hosea Miles Bosworth, Collin W. Bow?, Bartlett Bowen, John H. Bowers, Lemuel William P. Bowles, John Bowman, James A. (n) Boyd, Adeline . Andrew . Capt. . Carter A. . Eligh . Frances A. . James . John Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History 78 142 165 44 135 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 114 22,23 118 75 70 164 130 5 162 162 162 154 164 135 47,93,144 56 162 118 119 164 54 164 164 119 33,86 162 162 33,86 163 163 117 163 93 164 164 116 133 75 118 114 75 75 94 75 116,164 . John Jr. . John Sr. . Mary . Matilda . Miles H. . R.H. . Richard . Robert . . Susan Wiley . William . William L. Boyles, Barnabas . John . Jonathan Boyt, Thomas William Brackin, John Bradberry, James Bradford. . Benjamin J. . Henry . James . John . Martha . Thomas . Thomas G. Bradley, John Lucy Bradshaw. John C. Thomas Bragg, Gen. Braxton Braley, Leroy Branch, Benjamin Brannon, Wm. Brashear, lsaac W. Breckinridge, John C. Breman, John Brewer, Calvin C. . Elisha . Sterling . Wm. M. Briant, John . Shederick . William Bridgeman. Nancy Bridgewater, Betty A.(n) Bridgwater, . Ann M. (n) . Ann M. Seay . Ann Seay . R.A. (n) . Richard A. . Richard Allen Briggs, W.T. Bright, Thomas Briley, John Brixey, Calvin . Jonathan . William Broaddus, T.M. Brockway, R.H. Brodenax, Thomas Brodrick, J.D. Brooks, Moses T. William Volume XVI,Number 3/169 Index for Volume XVI, continued Brouson. Thomas Brown, Avis . B.C. . F. . George . Henry . John . Malinda P. . Malinda P. Reaves . Manson . Martha . Nathaniel . Robert . Samuel . Thomas . Winfield . John Browne, J. Browns, Wadkins Brumfield, Elisha Brumley, Cornelius Brumson, Joseph Brunson, Asahel Bryan. Samuel . W.J. . William . William Jennings . William Jennings (n) Bryant. G.L. J.R. Bryner, Daniel Buchanan, David Jno. Buchanon, James . John . Linear . Robert . Thomas Buckner, W.L. William H. Buddeke, J.H. Buena Vista Turnpike Bumpass, William Burchard, W.J. Burdine. Samuel (n) Burger, Samuel N. Burnett, Henry Joseph Burney, Gary D. Burns, Aneylin . Joseph . Solomon Burow, B.M. Burroughs, Wm. H. Burt, Robt. T. MD Burton, David Hutchins Bush, James Butler, Capt. . Dennis S. . Isaac . J.T. . James T. . John S. . Nancy Walker . Robert Butterworth. Alfonzo 117 34,88 23 23 116 77.118.154 3,162,164 29 27.28 67-68 4 116,163 114 162 163 27-28 125 34,88 163 113 114 117 70 118 121.123 118 120 126 24 148 117 116 116 116 116 162 163 163 10 10 33,86 89 116,163 55 132 9 163 163 5 116 54 117 26 10 139 113 113 117 113 113 113 148 149 116 59-60 162 10 Volume XVI, Number 3/170 Byars, D.A. Byers, F.M. . Fernando . Ida . Lonzo . M. . William Bylaws, MTGS Byrn, Charles . James Jr. . James Sr. . William Byrns, John Caffrey, Peter Cage, William Cagle, Charles . George . Jacob . John Cain & Cornelius Cain, Mastain Caldwell, D.H. Callyhan, David Caltharp, Clayton Norrel Cameron, Andrew Camp, James . John . John H. . Thomas Campbell, Alexander . Capt. . Capt. Philip . Frances . George . James . John . Marsha . Mary Emily R. (n) . Mary R.(n) . Michael . Philip . William Canney. John William Cannon. Gov. Newton William Cantrell, Stephen Capps. Robt. Carmack, Aquilla Carney, Elisha Vincent Carow, Dr. Henry Carpenter, M.C. Carper, Adam . Alexander . Thomas . Thos. Carr, Andrew B. Charity W. Carrell, Samuel Carrick(n), Florence Carrington, J.J. Carrol, Jesse William Carroll. John M. Carslile, William Carsline. William Carter. A.C. . Cullan . Dewey . Edward . George . James . James Sr. . John . John Sr. . June . Legrand . Lewis . Mary . Mary E. . Nancy . Rachel . Rev. J.M. . Robert . William L. Carthage Casket (box) Cartmell, lsbella Nathaniel Cartright, David . Jacob . John . Robert . 'Thomas . Vincent Cartwright Bro. Cartwright, Bros. Caruthers, R.L.(n) Carver, W.H. Cary, Thomas Casady, Charles Case & Gee Case & Gee, Mesrs Case, H. Cason, Seth Casper, Edmond Casselman, Abraham . Andrew . John Jr. . John Sr. . Joseph . Sylvenus Cassleman, Abraham . Benjamin . Benjamin Sr. . David . Henry . Joseph Castlar, George H. Cato. Job . Julia . Robert Caughson. Louisa P. Cavender, Stephen Cayce, Shederick Cemetery, Bethlehem . Cedar Grove . Cookeville . Evergreen . Holt . Mi. Olivet . Mt. Pleasant - Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Index for Volume XVI, continued Meth. Ch. 20 Pack Family 94 r Perry Cemetery 91 Riverside 62 Seay Family 84 . Seay Family (n) 85 . Lynnwood 17 142 Center, Mahala Chaffin, J.H. 24 Chairs, J.W. 55 Chalton, George W. 116 Cham, Goldsberry 116 Chambers, . Elizabeth J. 15 . James S. 15 Champ, J.W. 57 . Richard 116 . William 116 Chancellor, Prof. 122 William E. (n) 126 Chandler, Isaac 119 . Richard 54 . William 119 Chapman, John 165 -r.B. 5 Charter, John 114 William 114 Charton. Washington 163 Cheatham, A.& Bro. 89 . F.R. 35.89 . R.B. 34,88 Cherry, Eli 162 . Johnathan 54 /- . William 114 Chesser, Hosea 119 Chicago Horse Review 120 Chickamauga, Battle of 157 137 Childress, Joel G. . Nathaniel G. 113 . Stephen 69 . Thomas 117 116 Childs, John Chitty, Nancy Mary M. 91 9 Choatman, John Christian, Christopher 117 Chumbley, Joseph 164 Chumbly, Joseph 162 Church, Abner Springs Methodist 127 125 . Siloam Baptist 9 Cinwhoth, David 35,89 Ciser & Bernuata Claiborne, Thomas 117 Thomas A. 69 Clampett, A. 67 114 Clanton, Drury 63 Clark. Carmen (n) Carmen E.(n) 44,46,64 . Charles R.(cont'r) 54 . Daniel 59 . Frances A. Boyd 94 . J.N. 136 . James Michael 94 . Judge 57 /-. Leven 114,116 . Lucian Thomas 94 . . . . . Lucian Thomas Jr. . Mark Alan . Mark L. . Mary Gardenhire . Mrs. Mark L.(n) . . . Peggy Jane Jackson Roger Lennox Sadie Louise H. . Solomon . Susan Delia . Waman (n) . William L. Clarksville Chronicle Clay, Elizabeth B. . Henry . John . Larkin . Wm. Claybrook. Levy Clayton, Frederick Cleaver, William Cleaves, John Clements, Jane Clemons, Curtis . lsaac . James Clinton, David Richard Clopton, Anthony Mathew Cloyd, Capt. . David . Philip Cluskey, Michael Walsh(n) Coats, John Cobb, Barsheba . Frederick B. . Paroah B. Cobler, Christopher . Francis . Harris . Harvey . Hensley Jr. . Hensley Sr. . John . Nicholas Cocke, John W. Coe, Adam Coggin, Daniel Coldwell, David . Joseph . Robert . William . William Jr. . Wm. Sr. Cole, C. Clara . John . Mrs. C. Clara . Pilmore . Rev. . William Coleman, John . John & Co. . Joseph Coley, Wm.D. Colfax, Schulyer (n) Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History College Hill 90 Collier, James 134 . James Y. 134 . Joseph 134 . Mark M. 134 . William 134 Collins. T.H. 54 Thomas 113 Collinsworth, Edmond 163 Colored Tennessean, The 71 Columbia Athenaeum, The 57 Columbia Daily Herald 55,57 Columbia Daily Herald (n) 55 Colyar, Arthur St.Clair (n) 64 Combs, James W. 134,151 Compton, Henry 116 . Richard 116 . William 116 . William Sr. 116 Conant, N.B. 147 . W.J. 149 . Will J. 147 Condon James 117 Condon, James 67 Congo, James 164 John 164 Conley. . Georgie May Batts 105 . William R. 105 Conn, Elizabeth 52 Maj. Josephus H. 52 Connelly, Andrew 116 . James 117 . John 119 . Peter 116 . William 117 Conner, Archibald 76 . James 118 . John 35,89 . William 151 Cook, C.H. 5 . Joel 164 . Joseph 162 . Ruben 164 . Willie 164 Cooke, . Martha C. (cont'r) 94 . William W. 117 Coolidge, . Calvin (photo) 124 . Pres. Calvin 120 Cooper, Benjamin 113 . Charles 164 . Henry 117 . James 163 Copeland, James 12 Corbett, John 116 Cording, Jerome 149 Corlew,Robert Ewing(n)l47 Corley, W.A. (n) 133 Cornelia, John 116 Cornelius, Edmond 113 James 113 Volume XVI, Number 3/171 Index for Volume XVI, continued Cotton, Allen B.R. Cottrell, Pryor Thomas Council, Rodrick Counselman, John Cowan, Dr. . J.R. . James B. (n) . Jane Clements . Katheryne . Samuel M. Cowden, Henry Cowgill, Abner . Henry . John Cox, Jesse . L.L. . Ruben . Samuel . Thomas . W.G. . William R. Coxs, Samuel M. Craddock, William Craig, Alexander Craighead, David . John B. . Thomas B. Crain, Thomas Crane, Wm. Crantz, Thomas Crawford, Martha Creasy, John F.(n) Creek Country Creek Indians Creel, Capt. William . Micajah . William Crenshaw, Freeman R.L. Criddle, John . Smith Criel, Capt. . Capt. William . Wm. Capt. Crocker, Elijah E. Crockett, B.F. Croker, Matilda F. Cromer, Henry Cropper, William Crosby, Mahala J. Cross, James Samuel Crosslow, James Crossway, Nicholas Croswell, Thos. A.H. Crowder, Thomas Crowell, Rev. H.B. Crupper, William Crusman, Capt. J.J. Crutcher. James . James A.(n) . John B. . Thomas Crutchfield, Charles James A. (n) Volume XVI,Number Crutchloe, James Crutchlow, Henry Cullom, Alvin . Cornelius . Judge Alvin . Mrs. Cornelius(n) . Richard Northcraft . Sarah Ann . Susan J. . Susan Jones . Verlinda . Vulina Gardenhire . William Cullum, J.H. Cumberland Plateau Cumberland University Cummings, D.L. . G.F. . W.H. Cummins. David Cuningham, Mathew Cunningham, Enoch . Eva Murray(n) . I.S. . James . James (n) . Josiah . Robert . William Cutfman, James Curren, Robert P. Currey, Robert B. Wm. Currin, David Maney(n) Curry, Isaac . Isaiah . Jane , Richard 0. . Robert B. Curtis, Joshua . Nathaniel . T.S. . Washington . William Cutler, Jesse 41,58 D.C., Washington Dale, Robert S. 107 William 107 50,98,146 Daley, Patricia G. 163 Daniel, Basdel 163 . Benton 164 . Edward 10 . Elizabeth 163 . Jeremiah 120,125 . Mary 126 . Mary Brown (n) 113 Darrickson, Joseph 113 Josiah 164 Darris, Robert 164 Thomas Daughtery, Henry M.(n) 126 Daughty, Henry 117 Davey, Richard 118 David, Alabama V. 27 . Alabama V. Reaves 28 1 . Black . C.H. . James 116 27-28 119 . John H. 118 . Margaret 46 . William 164 Davidson, Joseph 4 . Mac 149 . Margaret 141 . Maria 141 . T.F. 24 . Thomas 149 . William 113 . Willie 141 Davis, Absalom 114 . Alabama V. 29 . Andrew 164 . Blackemore 164 . Clara C.A. 29 . Elisha 137 . F.H. 27-28 . Isaac 117,164 . James 116 . James M. 29 . Jefferson 61-62 . Jno. D. 29 . John 114 . Joseph 148 . Mariah 148 . MaryM. 27,29 . Mary M. Reaves 28 . Paul F. 29 . Seth 118 . Solomon 153 . Sterling 114 . Turner 163 . Virginia 50.98.146 . Wiley 4 . William 116 . Young 117 Davy, John 118 Joseph 118 Dawson, Willis 119 Day, Aron 117 DeBarbieris, LaJuan 108 DeLozier, Mary Jean(n) 22,23,44 Deaderick, David 117 . George M. 116 . Thomas 117 Deatherage, John 117 Thomas 117 Deaton. Rev. B.F. 23 Debbree. Watson 11 Dellahunty. John 116 Demond. John 116 Demoss, James 118 . James Sr. 114 . Lewis 114,118 . Thomas 114 Demumbrun, Felix 163 . Timothy 117 . Timothy Jr. 117 Den, John 15,113 Denby, Edwin (n) 126 Denison, Martial 68 Denkson, David 67 Denney. Helen Lovell 110 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Index for Volume XVI. continued . , r. /' Jno. L. Jr Dennis, Daniel . Henry . James . John . Samuel Denton, Mary Samuel Derryberry, J. H. de-Stael-Holstein. Mme(n) de-Stael[-Holstein], Mme. Dew, William Dewell, Archibald Dews, William Dickell, George A. Dickens, Katheryn F. (n) Dickerson, . Achilles A. . Elisha . Nancy M. . Phoebe (n) . Thomas Dickey, John Peter Dickinson, Charles (n) . David . Dr. Calvin . Jacob . Jacob Sr. . John Dickson Co. Press Dickson, Michael William Dillahunty, Silas . Thos. . William Dillard, John B. Dillon, James A. Jr.(n) Dismukes, Daniel . John . Paul Ditter, Mary Dixon, David . Don C. . James . Joseph Dockins. John Dodson, Allen . Elijah . J.A. . Rev. T.R. . Timothy . W.H. . William Polk Doe, John Donaldson, Elizabeth . Feraby . John . Lemuel . William Donelson, Alexander . Alexander Sr. . John Jr. . John Sr. 12 113 116 113 113 116 152 151-152 148 126 121 117 117 36,90 34,36,88,90 161 78 117 78 126 113 151 117 32 77,154 72-73 116 113 117 147 70 116.163 118 118 118 164 46 165 164 164 76 70 77 114 70 5 162 162 149 23 162 56 20 77 152 152 152 152 152 162 162 162 162 . Lemuel . Leven . Mrs. . Severn . William . Wm. (J.P.) Donnelly, James John Donoho, Leroy Dorlon, Robert Dorris, Levi . Shaven . William Doss, Sarah Dotson, John William S. Doudge, Enoch Peter Douglas & Co. Douglas, Byrd (n) . H&B . J. & Co. . Stephen A. Douglass, Alexander . Edward . Henry . Hugh . Thomas . William Dowell, Major Ben Dowlin, Harris John Downs, James P. . Maj. W.P. . W.P. Dozier, Peter Drake, Benjamin Jr. . Benjamin [Sr.] . lsaac . Jesse . John . John Jr. . John Sr. . Jonathan . Joshua . William Drane, A. Draper, James Wm. Draughan, Louisa Draughn, Robert Drennan, David Drennen, David Drury, John Ducker, M.J. Duffield, . Amanda Ross . John Duke, R.D. Dull, Nicholas Duncan. John . Susan . Susan Perkins . Tandy P. . Thomas Dunham, Daniel John Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Dunlap, J.T. Dunn, Benjamin . Lewis . Michael C. Dupree, James Dural, Joseph Duran, James Manning Duren, Daniel Durham, . Walter T.(auth.) . Walter T.(n) Dury, George Dycus, Joshua Eadens. William 116 Eakin, David 114 Moses 117 Eams, Joseph C. 9 Earheart. David 162 . Elijah 162 . Jacob 162 . Moses 162 . Philip 162 Earthman, Isaac 164 Lewis 164 East, Edward A. 116 Tarlton 116 Easten, Thomas 117 Eastes, Laban 116 Eastin, William 117 Eastman Cooper & Co. 36 Easton, Evelyn Elizabeth 61 Edgar, Samuel 165 Edgefield 52 Edgefield Suburb 87,89,90 Edmondson, Andrew 116 . John Sr. 116 . Robert 114.116 Edmundson, John 67 Edney, Leven 118 Newton 118 Edwards, Sampson 116 Ekles, Abraham 165 Elam, Samuel 117 Elder, James 70 67 Ellis, Azariah . Jerry 119 . Louisa J. 142 . Wm. 118 Elliston, Joseph T. 117 Ellsberry, Elizabeth (n) 5 Elmore, Christopher 162.164 . George 116 Elsbock, David 36 Embry, W.B. 56 Emelton. William 116 Emerson. Francis W. 10 Hiram S. 9 Emerton, Thomas 116 England, Liverpool 100 Engleman, Joseph 117 Ensley. Enoch 36,113 Epperson, Anderson 114 Epps and Tisdale 56 Volume XVI, Number 3/173 Index for Volume XVI, continued Erwin, Andrew . David . James . John . John P. . Joseph . Mrs. James . William B. . Wm. Esdale, David Essix, W.R. Etheldridge, David S. Eubank, R.D. Eudailey, James Evans, Elisabeth . J.G. & J. . Richard . Robert . William Evens. Bird Everett, James . Jesse . John . Simeon . Simon . Thomas Evin, David C. Ewell. Dabney R.S. Ewin, Henry Ewing, Alexander . Andrew . David S. . Edley , Edwin H. . James . John L. . Nathan Exum, James Ezell, Bobby A. . Jeremiah Fagg, William Fain. Eliza R. Susan S. Faine, George S. . Samuel . Susan S. Fall. Albert B. (n) Falton, Wm. Falwell, John Fanata, Jeheu Fancher, Frank Trigg(n) Farley, Mary Farmbrough, Stuart Farrill, R.R. Fatman & Co. Fatman, Joseph Featherston, Beulah F. Feland, James William Felts, Cary (J.P.) . George . Roland Volume XVI, Number 3/174 . Thomas 163 163 William 165 Fenning, Lemuel 149 Ferebee, R. Ferguson, Alexander 165 63 . Champ(n) . Herman W. (auth.) 48 164 . Olly 165 . William 135 Ferrell, Leighton 116 Feuqua, Joshua 116 . Peter 116 . Thomas 164 Fewqua. William 162 Fields. John 5 Fife, J.H. 70 Figures, Matthew 37 Finn, W.W. 163 Finney, Andrew 163 . James 163 . William 142 Fishburn, Rachel 117,164 Fisher, Frederick 107 Fite, Jacob 107 Moses 136 Fitzgerald, John 136 . Patrick 136 . Phebe 114 Fitzhugh, Ezekiel 114 John Fitzpatrick. . Mrs. A.B. 23 . Rev. S.N. 23 Fletcher, John 135 Thomas H. 117 Flippin, Archibald O.(n) 85 Florida, Tallahassee 52 Flournoy, Silas 116 Flowers, Joshua 36-37 Fly, Jesse 113,163 113 . John . John D. 113 Foerderer, John 37 Folkes, Thomas 113 Fontaine, William 137 Foote, Henry Stuart (n) 63-64 Forbes, Charles R (n) 126 Ford, Capt. James 94 Forehand, Allen 118 John 114 Forrest, . Nathan Bedford 131 . Nathan Bedford (n) 157 . Willie 157 Fort, Josiah 70 . Mary E. Belsher 74 . Tomlinson 74 Foshee, J.H. 150 Foster, Anthony 117 . Anthony Jr. 117 . Ephraim 52 . Robert C. 69,116 . William 165 Fountaine, Thomas B. 137 Fowler, Daniel 164 . Mason 114 . Moses 116 . Fox. James France, Bellicourt . St. Pol . St. Quentin Canal Francis, William Francisco, A. A.J. Franklin, Aron Frazier, D.R. (n) . Daniel . David . James . John . Moses . Mrs. David . Samuel Freeman, Cato . Daniel . Margaret C. . Patsy . Patsy Parker . Samuel C. . Sarah J. French, Hugh L. Mary Frierson, F.C. . J.B. . S.W. Fryer, Martin Fulks, Martha E. Fuller. Thomas (n) Gabriel, Israel 114 Gadsey, John E. 152 Galloway, T.J. 149 Gamble, Edmond 165 . Edmond (J.P.) 165 . James H. 165 Gambol, Jos. 54 Gambrel, Milton 113 Gant, Wanda Muncy(n) 46 Gantt, Wm. P. 56 Gardenhire, Ada (n) 64 . Adam 60 . Adam(n) 63 . Alice C. 59 . Alice Catherine 41,59 . Alice Catherine(n) 64 . Alice Tippett 60 . Billy G. (n) 46,63-64 . Billy Lee(n) 63-64 . Dora (n) 63 . E. George(n) 63 . Elizabeth S.(n) 64 . Ellen(n) 64 . Erasmus L. 38-41,61-62 . Erasmus L.(n) 63 . Erasmus Lee 58 . Florence Carrick (n) 63 . James A. 40 . James Alexander 59 . James Alexander(n) 64 . James B. 58 . James B.(n) 63 John Halsell(n) 64 . Kittie Williams(n) 63 . Lawrence W.(n) 63 . Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Index for Volume XVI, continued . Lt. "Alexis" . r' Lucy E. . Lucy Ellen . Mary Mary (n) . Mary A. M. (n) . May Gwin (n) . Sara Major(n) . Vulina . Vulina Rosalee(n) Gardner & Co. Gardner, Isaac Garison, Benjamin Garland, Elisha . Elisha Jr. . Jesse Garnett, Avarilla Robin Garret, John S. Garrett, George . John . Martin . Morris . Professor . Thomas Garrison. Elijah Henry Garton, John Gatton, Wm. D. Gazeteer, The Geary, Archa Archi bald Gee, W.W. W.W. Heirs of Gelston, E.H. & Co. Genealogy Seminar Gennett & Brother Gennett, Mrs. M.A. Gentry, Alvin . Claiborne . F.S. . J. . John . Meredith . Poindexter(n) . Robert . Teely George Peabody - College George, L--drick? Robert Georgia, Savannah Twiggs Co. Gerdeman, Martha Geyer, Martha Stewa~ Gibbs, Miles Gibson, John William Giers, C.C. Gifford, Darlene Gilbert, John . Thomas . William Gilbreath, John Gill, James Gilliam, Nathl. William Gillum. James 116 Thomas 118 Gimmons, Jerry 92 Gingrich, Henry 164 Glasgow, James 163 Jesse 165 Glaves, Absalom 162 Gleaves, James 78 . John E. 78 . Mary Ann 78 . Michael 78,162 . Sally 78 . Sophia 78 . Thomas 162 . William 78 . William D. 78 Glenn, James 164 Glover, Geo. L. 143 Goghill, Smallwood 113 Golden, Thomas 163 Goldsberry, Henry 164 Goodbar, . Alice C. G. 59-60 . Andrew J. 39 . Andrew J. Jr. 42 . Andrew Jackson 40-41,60-61 . Capt. James Monroe 42 . James M. 39-40 . James Madison 40-41,60-62 . James Monroe 62 . Jane McKinney 42 . Jesse Franklin 41,59,60,62 . Joseph 41,60 . Joseph H. 39 . Joseph Lafayette 41.62 . Joseph P. 40 . Juliann F. 41-42,60 . Laura 59 . Louisa B. 42 . Maj. Joseph H. 42,62 . Mary 41-42,59-60,62 . Mrs.John Franklin(n) 64 . Nancy Masters 60 . Pvt. Andrew J. Jr. 62 . Sarah Ann Cullom 60,62 . Susan J. Cullom 60 . Thomas Porter 41,60,62 . Verlinda Cullom 60 . W.P. 62 . William 42 . William P. 39 . William Pearman 42,62 . Hillary Masters 42 . Jane 42 Goode. Saml. 117 Goodman, Davis 149 . John 116,163 . Michael 113 Goodner, Capt. T.C. 131 . James 107 . T.C. 9 Goodpasture & Goodpasture (n) 45 Goodpasture, A.V. (n) 44 . Jefferson Dillard (n) 64 . W.H. (n) 44 Goodrich, Caleb 113 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History . Edmond 113 68 . H.L. 68 . John 113,116 . William 113 Goodrick, Hays I 67 Goodwin, Henry 10 . James 113 . John 114,118 . S.W. 56 Goolsbey, L.W. 24 Gordon, F.H. 130 . J.H. (n) 133 . James 69 . John 130 . W.O. 55 Goslin, W.H. 139 Gowen. John 163 William 163 36 Gower & Crunk Gower, Alexander 163 . Elisha 163 . Robert 163 . Russell 163 . William 114 . William E. 119 Gracey, John 118 Gracy, Newell 118 37 Graham & Olwill Graham. Alexander 76 . George W. 46 . John 136 Granshaw, J[osiah] 114 Grant, Mrs. 156 William 114 Graves, Henry 116 John 116 Gray P.C. 55 Gray, Benajah 113 . Bernard 113 . James 117 . Joseph 164 . Michael 37 . Thos. 4 Green, Charles 163 . Eldridge 117 . F.M. 5 . J.P. 5 . Joseph 116 . Littleton 164 . Mrs. 78 . Thomas I64 Greenfield & Patterson 37 Greenlaw, W.E. 57 Greer, Alexander 77.1 53 . Andrew 77,153 . B.K. 149 . Benjamin 116 . Berry 118 . George 118 114.1 18 . Isaac . James 11,77,153 . L.C. 27-29 . Martin 116 . Mary A. 27,29 . Mary A. Reaves 28 . Susan 77,153 . H.J. Volume XVI, Number 3/175 Index for Volume XVI, continued . Susannah Thomas J. William William M. William W. . Zenas . Zenas A. Gregory, Nancy G. Grice, Lieut. Griffin, James . Mathew GriffinJcont) . William Griffith, David . Elias . John . Lewis . William Griffity, Lewis Griggs, R. Grigsby, T.K. W.L. Grimes, Philip . William Jr. . William Sr. Grinder, John Grindstaff,James D. Griner, J.W. Grissom, James Wm. Griuard, Jeremiah Grooms Cavert & Co. Grooms, B.J. Gross, Henry Grundy, Felix Guerin. W.M. Guild, Bettie . Catherine 8. . Elizabeth Conn . Florence . George B. . James . Jo. C. . Jo. Conn . Joan Brown . Josephus . Josephus C. . Josephus Conn . Katherine "Kittie" . Maj. Walter . Victoria . Walter Jo. . William Guill, A.B. Gulliford, James Gully, Enoch Gunn, J.W. Guthrie, Henry Gwathmey, John B. Gwin, David . Dora (n) . lsam . John . May (n) . . . . Haas, Henry Jr. Hackney. Jesse Volume XVI, Number 3/176 William Hadley, Amelia . C.B. . Capt. Joshua . Denny . H. . Hannah . James H. . John L. Jr . John L. Sr . Joshua . William . Wm. Hagan, David . George . Jonathan Haggerty, George Hague, W. Hail, Capt. . George . John . Meshack . Nicholas . Sherrod . Thomas . William Hails, Linton Haines, Benjamin M. Hale, Richard Hall, Adam . Archibald . Charles M. . Claiborne . Clement . E.S. . Elihu S. . Elizabeth . John B. . John C. . Jona. Richard . Nathan . Nicholas . Richard . Sally , Tandy . Thomas . William . Wilson Halsell, Katherine Ham, Samuel . William . Yancy B. Hamilton, A.H. . George . James . Wm. Hammond. Eli Hampton, Anthony . J.T. . Wade Hancock, John Hand, Catharine T. Hankins, Thomas Hanks, Richard Hanna, James Hannum, Washington L. Harberson, John 163 Harcourt. Edward 120 Hardeman, Capt. 56 Harden, Presly 14 Hardgrave. Francis 114.1 16 Hardin, Clara 5 . Henry 3,5 . Rosana 5 . Rosanna 3 Harding, . George Tryon (n) 126 . John 116,118 . Phoebe Dickerson (n) 126 . Warren 126 . Warren G. 122 Hardison, Asa 56 . H.L. 56 . James G. 56 . Joshua 55-56 Hardy, Hensley 116 . Mayor 123 . Mrs. 123 . Thomas 117 Hargis. Shadrack B. 143 Harley, James 113 Harlin, Thomas 116 Harmon, John 164 Richard 165 Harney, Thomas 113 Harper, Britain 162 John 113 Harrington. Peter 119,164 Harris, Archibald H. 165 . Cuddy 164 . Eli R. 128 . Erastus 85.130 . Erastus C. 128 . lsham G. 39 . James(n) 65 . Jo 5 . Lelia 85,130 . Lelia V. 83 . Lelia Virginia 128 . Moody 165 . Newsom 116 . William 113.163 . Zeno T. 134 . Zeus T. 78 Harrison. A.M. 56 . Richard 165 . Zachariah 116 Harsh & [?]ith 89 Harsh, P & W 87 P.& W. 33 Harshaw, H. 53 . Hugh 53 . Jane Curry 53 Hart, D.P. (n) 133 . F.O. 34,88 . Philip 114 . Richard 118 . Robert W. 163 . William 151 . Willm. 15 Hartford Convention 125 Hartman, George 164 Harwell, Jackson 119 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History y -., Index for Volume XVI, continued Sara J. Harwood, John William Haskell, Joshua Haskins, Thomas Hassell, Alabama C. . Anderson Hatchett, Banister Hatton. Gen. R.J. J.M. Hault, Jacob Hawkins, Joshua Hayes, Hugh Haynie, Thomas B. Hays, Andrew . Balam . Campbell . Charles . David . Henry . James . Oliver B. . Robert . Samuel . William . Zacheriah Haywood, John Head. Thomas A. (n) Heam, Elizabeth(n) Nancy(n) Heard & Russell Heard, George M. Hearn, Elizabeth . Elizabeth Seay . John . Mary . Nancy . Polly . Purnell . Purnell Jr. Hearne, Mary Glenn Heaton, Robert Thomas Heiskell, Joseph Brown(n) Helbourn, William Henderson, John Sarah Henry, A. Jr. & Co. . Capt. . John H. . Wm. Henslee, J.T. Herald and Mail Herbert, Nathaniel Herd, Stephen Herod, James . Peter . Valentine . William Herren, Lemuel Herrin, Abemilech . Beverly . Elisha Hewitt, Caleb r ' Robert Hewlett, George - Hickerson, Abner . Charles . Little Hickman, . Col. John (n) . Col. John . Thos. . William Hicks, James G. Hickson, Abner Hide, Edmund Higgins, Banay High, . Elizabeth B. Clay . Robert A. Highbanks, William Hill, Hugh . John . Polly . Thomas . William Hindenburg line Hinson, . Eliza Vaughan Seay . Thomas Goodrich Hinton, Charles (n) Jeremiah Hiter, John Hix. Joshua M. Hobbs, Cantrell . Collin S. . Edward D. . Stephen . W.A. . William Hobson & Wheless Hobson, John William Hodge, Francis . George . James Hogan, John Hogg, J.W. . Lauden . Samuel Hoggatt, John Hogle, L.D. Holder, Solomon Hollenworth, James Hollingsworth, Henry Joseph Holloway, T.N. Holmes, Abijah John Holstian, Westley Holt, Joseph Robert Home, Alla Homes, Thomas William Hoodenpyle, George Leslie(n) Hooge, Newton Hooper, Absalom Jr. . Absalom Sr. . Jesse . Joseph Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History . Nimrod . Thomas . W.M. Hooser, Jacob Hope. Adam . John . Samuel . Thomas Hopkins, George W. . Thomas . William Hopper, . Frederick Sr. . James . James H. . James Harvey . Joseph . Moses . Thomas Hopson, Mary (n) Horace, William Horn, Jabez Jacob Horsely, Ann Robert Horsley, A.S. Horton, Josiah Houston, Sam How, Samuel Howard College Howard, James Howel. James Howell, J.O. Howlet, William Howlett, William Hubbard & Seay Hubbard & Seay(n) Hubbard. Swan . Thomas J. . Thomas J.(n) Hubbert, Richard Hudgins, Edward . James . William Hudnell, William Hudson, lrby Jr. . Isaac . Lucy . Nancy B. . Nancy Jr. . Rebecca B. . Robert B. . Sallie . Sally C. . Thomas Jr. . William . William J. Hufman, George John Huggins, William Wm. S. Hughes and Akin Hughes, Samuel M. Hughs, John . Martin . William Hulvey, Conrad Volume XVI, Number 3/177 Index for Volume XVI, continued Lorinda Humphreys, Parry W. West H. Humphries, James Hunt, Philip Hunter, C.O. . David . Manuel Huppen. John Hurst, Sallie (n) Hurt, Floyd Hust, Elijah William Hutchinson, Rev. Hutson, Thomas Sr. Huttison, Mr. & Mrs. Hutton, Charles B. . Charles Jr. . Charles Sr. . Joseph N. . Samuel . W.A. Hyde, Benjamin . Edmond . Edmund Hynes, Andrew Illinois, Fairfield . Johnson Co. . Union Co. . West Marion . Williamson Co. Indiana, Indianapolis Ingram, Ralph Inman, Ezekiel . Lazerus . Samuel Iredale, William Iredell, John Sr. Irwin, Robert Isaac, Brother (n) Mary Ann (n) Isbell, Phineas Phineas C. Ivey, Frederick , J.H. . John Jackson Society Jackson. Andrew . Andy . Frances Jane . G.W. . Gen. Andrew . Henry . lrne . James . John . Peggy Jane . Ronald Vern (n) . Thomas . W.O. . William James, D.D. William Jameson, James John Volume XVI, Number 3/178 Jamison, I.M. R.H. Jarad. F.H. Jarrad, Alice . B.B. . Harvey . J.H. . Jessie Jefferson, Robert F. Thomas Jeffreys, Mifrey (n) Jenkins, Baley P. . Dixon A. . Martha . Ransom Jennings, J.D. W.C. Jinkins, David Johns, Jesse John Johnson, A.M. . A.N. . Absolom . Andrew . Andrew(n) . B.H. . B.M. . Benjamin , John(n) . L.E. . Lucy . Martha . R.M. . Sarah . William J.(n) Johnston, Armstead . Benjamin . Charles . George . Isaac . Jeffrey . John . John D. . John Jr. . John Sr. . Littleton . Meredith , Oliver . Robert . Robt. . Stephen . Thomas Joiner, Caroline . Charton . Levi . William Jones, Alexander S. . Alice . Aquilla . Baily . Christine Spivey (n) . Daniel . Elizabeth . George . George . Washington(n) . Isaac 56 56 24 24 23 24 24 24 141 30 18 143 143 143 108 5 5 108 113 116 5 139 136 52,61,63 64 149 56 108 85 136 56 143 5 15 85 163 108 113 163 113 116,164 116,119 164 113 113 117 113 165 163 163 162 70,113 76 164 164 76 79 24 116 76 44 118 143 77,153 63 108,118 . J.A. J.D. J.M. J.W. Jane . Jane R. . Jarvis Jr. . John . John R.B. . Lemuel . Louisa E. . Martha . Mary A. . Moses . Nancy M . Richard H. . Shaderick . Susan . Timothy . W.J. . William Jordan. Stephen Jordon, Benjamin . Drury . Meredith . River . Williamson V. Joyce, Thomas Judd, Chas. J.W. Julian, Columbus . Della . George . Mary J. . R.F. . W.R.M. Jurnigan. Agnes . . . . K.L.O.C., Lodge of Kayton, Jane Kearby, Montavilla A. Kebble, Walter Keeble, Edwin Augustus(n) Keeling, George Leonard Keesee, Col. T.W. Keith, Jeanette (auth.) Kellem, Custus Kellum. Jesse Kelly, Mordica Kennedy, Enoch . Isaac . John . Robert Kenry, James Kent, William Kentucky, Franklin . Lincoln Co. . Perryville . Simpson Co. Kerney, Augustin Kerr. Adeline Boyd . Anderson B. . Hugh Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Index for Volume XVI, continued I ' . Soloman Kestenbaum, Lawrenc Key, William W. Killebrew, J.B.(n) Kincaid, Capt. James King, George . James W. . Robinson Sr. . Wm. Kingsley, Alpha Kingston, Paul Richard Kinnard, Michael Michl. Kinzer, George Kirby, Edmond T. . Elizabeth . Henry W. . James G. . Jesse B. . Pleasant G. . William H. Kirkman, T.J. . Thomas Jr. . Thomas Sr. Kirkpatrick, Henry Kirtland, Dorrance Knight, C.H. (n) Emily J. Koger, James Koonce, George James Krantz. John Krawczynski, Keith Kroeger. Pat KurFf, Joseph Kuykendof, Etta Lacy, A.S. Lady, Henry Lamb, lsham Lambrson, Leonard Land, Jesse Lande, M.A. Landers, R.L. Lane, Daniel M. Maryan Lanier, L.G. Largin, W.E. Larkins, H.J. Lasater, James S. Laseter, Robert E. Lasey, A.L. A.S. Lasiter, Frederick Lass, Benjamin Laster, Elias E. Silas E. Lastley, Peter William Latham, William Latimer, George L. Laughlin. James Laurence, James Lem Law, American Colonial . Common . English Common Lawrence, William P. Lay, John Lea, Luke (n) T.J. Leak, James Lebanon-TrousdaleTurnpike Lebanon-TrousdaleTurnpike(n) Ledbetter, W. Lee, Braxton . Henry . James . John Jr. . John Sr. . Julia (cont'r) . Julia Otey . Julia Otey (cont'r) . Lewis H. . Robert E. Leech, David . James H. . Jane . John S. . Nancy . Thomas . William Leeman, W.H. Legget, Hampton Lennox, Samuel Leonard, Elizabeth Leonax, Samuel Lester, Alexander Levi, Thomas Levy, Henry William Lewis, Blanche . Joel . M. . William T. Lezenby, Alexander Robert Lientz, William Lightfoot, Thomas Ligon, W.B. Jr. Lile, Henry Liles. Capt. Linch, Hugh . James . John Lincoln, Abraham President Lincoyer (n) Lindsey, J.I. Linear, Benjamin Buchanan Link. Jesse Linn, John Thomas Linnison, Absolom Linton, Alson . George . John . Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Linum, Eleanor James Linvill, John (box) Lipscomb, Benion P. Little, lsaac . T. Vance . T. Vance (auth.) . T. Vance (cont'r) Lock, Joseph Lockard. Samuel Lockhart, Hugh John Lockridge, R.D. Lofton, Thomas Logue. Carnes . David . Ezekiah . Manassa Lollar, Ginnie Loller, lsaac Long, Barbara (n) E.B. (n) Losier, J. Herman . Mrs. V.M. . Rev. Jos. J. . Rev. Joseph H. Louisiana, . New Orleans . New Orleans(n) Love, James . Jos. . Joseph . Samuel Lovell, Capt. Jim . James . John M. . Robert . Thomas Lovett. Dr. Bobby L. Lowe, Mark (auth.) Mark (cont'r) Lowrey, Nelson Lowry, William Loyd, Lewis Lucas, Andrew John Lusk, James Lutgert. John Lynch, A.J. Lyons, Guthridge . Maria . Willie Lytle, William Macintosh, Daniel Maclin, Robert Willis Madden, Elisha Maddox. Ellis . Oscar . Snode Madison, Levi Magness, David Jonathan Mahan, Amantha Sonora Volume XVI, Number 3/179 Index for Volume XVI, continued Major(n), Sara Maley, James Jas. Mallard, Richard Malone, James . Thomas . Thos. Manifee, Jonas Jr. . Jonas Sr. . Thomas Manly, Cornelius Mann. Robert William Manness. Lewis Thomas Manning, Ephriam . Samuel . William (n) Marchbanks, Andrew . Andrew Jeffries . Burton . Frank . Jane Young . Judge Andrew J. . Juliann F. Goodbar . William C. Marine Hospital Marks. William Marlin, James John Marsh, Martha J. Marshall, Elihu . James . John Marston, Charles Martin, Alfred . Berry . Brice . Capt. C.L. . Elizabeth . George . George M. . H. . James . John . Mrs. M.N. . Robert . W.J. . William Maryland, Fort Delaware Massachusetts, Greenfield Masters, Nancy Nancy Goodman Masterson, Thomas Mathes, Rob Mathews, N.H. Richard Mathis, Allen Philip Matlock, Gabriel . James . William Maupin, James Maury, Abraham . Abraham Sr. Volume XVI, Number 3/180 . James . William Maxey. Bennet . George . James . John . Susan . William Maxfield, Ada Maxwell, George . James . Jesse . Minnie B. May, Francis Mayberry, Henry Michael Mayfield, Isaac Mays, Samuel Mazy, Soloman McAdams, Wm. R. Wm. R. (Capt.) McAdoo, . Eleanor Wilson(n) . William Gibbs (n) McBean, Daniel McBride, James . Joseph . Pleasant H. . Robert (n) . Robert M. (n) McCaffrey, John McCain, John McCalister, Charles M. McCall, Alexander Maryann E. McCallister, James McCallum, James (n) James(n) McCandless, William McCarrehan, Charles McCarty. Sally McCarver, John McCaslin, John Jr. John Sr. McClelland, George McClenden, William B. McClendon, Dennis McCollum, Levy William McCombs, Alexander McConel, Mathew McConnel, . Debbie (cont'r) . Deborah (auth.) McConnell, W.M. McConnico, Ann . Christopher W. . Garner . Garner T. . Garner Y. . Jared Sr. . Lemuel B. . Samuel 9. McCormack, Andrew . Capt. . Capt. Jno. L. . George . John . John L. . . 163.165 165 163 164 108 163 78 117 163 150 113 Lawrence Mary . William McCoy, Ezekial B. William McCrary, Hugh McCreary, Rev. McCrory. John McCullough, Martha J. 143 McCutchen, James 114 John 163 McCutton, Duncan 114 McDaniel, . Alexander W. 116 . Clement 162 . J.J. 55 . Rinchy 118 . Roger 164 McDonald. Frank 5 McDowel, Alexander 165 McDowell, Amanda (n) 44 McDuffy, Martha J. 143 McElroy, John 119 McEwing, James 163 John 163 McFaddin, Candour 113 GUY 113 McFarlan, John 113 McFarland, J.H. 5 Robert 117 McFerrin, James 116 John 116 McGahah, Abner 114 McGaugh. John 114 Robert 114 McGaughey, Abner 119 McGavock, David 117 . Jacob 117 . James 117 . John 117 . Randal 117 McGinnis, Robert 67-68 McGreger, Ezekiel 135 McGregor, Flowers 162 McHenry, Col. James 40 Mclver, Augustus 164 McKay, Francis 165 . R.A. 56 , William 165 . William Jr. 165 McKean, Eliza 7 . Elizabeth 7 . J.C. 7 . James 114 . John 114 . John C. 7 . Robert 7 McKeen, Alexander 7 McKennan, Bernard 117 McKinney, C.W. 150 Samuel 113 McKinnis, George 143 McLane, Daniel 10 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History - Index for Volume XVI, continued McLauglin, William H. McLean, Laughlin McLemore. John C. McLin, James S. . John A. . William E. McMannis, Aaron McMaury, John McMillen, . Mrs. John H.(n) . W.G. McMillian, William McMillin, Benton (n) . Gov. . James . Katherine Halsell . Mary A. McMurry, Samuel William McNairy, Boyd McNamara, Billie R. McNeel, John McNees, Allen . Hull . John . Samuel C. McQuerry, Micajah McQuillin, Robert McRady, Mrs. W.W. McRae, Bennie J. McRea, D. McRead, James P. r McRory, Harvey McWhirter. Mary Meador, Martha . Susan . Tyre J. Meanly, Beverly H. Medley, Maria May Melville, Thomas A. Melvin, Edmond . Edmund . Thomas . William Menees, John Thomas(n) Menus, James Mercer, W.E. Meredith, S . Merryman, William Metcalf, . Col. William . llai Michigan, Ann Arbor Fort Mackinac Miles, Samuel Thomas Military Historians Military Records Military Units. . Army of TN . CSA 25thTN lnf. . CSA TN ~ 4 ' ~ CSA TN 1 6 ' ~lnf.. CSA TN lSt lnf.. . CSA TN 22nd Inf. . CSA TN 24th Inf. - 112 116 20 52 116 165h Div. 141 140 99 61 131 . CSA TN 38th Inf. 61 . TN 2nd Mtd Inf. 67 . USA 119th Inf. 99-100 . USA 30th Div. 100 . 2nd TN Nat'l Grd 99 . USA 30th Div. 99 CSA TN 4th Cav. 62 Millen, Frederick 163 Miller, E.S. 9 . Frederik 164 . John 164 . John A. 56 . Simpson 114 . W.W. 56 . William 114 Mills. Gary 139 Milton, James 117 Mississippi, Corinth 61,131 . Long Beach 61 Missouri, Archie 53 . Austin Township 53 . Bates Co. 53 . Cass Co. 53 . Gasconade Co. 46 . St. Louis 150 . Cooper Co. 5 Mitchel, Andrew 117 . Benjamin 162 . Daniel 113 . Hardy 118 . James 113 . William 119 Mitchell, Celina 99 . Ethel Barnes 101 . John 100 . John A. 99,101 . John Adrian 99 . John Alexander 101 . John L.(n) 8 . Lucinda ldera T. 99 . Mattline Barnes 101 . Richard Laken 99 . Robert L. 99 Mitchener,James N.(n) 133 Mize, Henry 164 Moke, Sarah 91-92 Montgomery, . Lemuel P. 117 . Lula 24 . Samuel 114 . William 70,116 Moody, Phillip 114 Moore. A. (box) 133 . Adam Tooley 122 . Arckly 24 . Benjamin 11 . David 117 . Edwin 165 . Emily . Billingslea (n) 126 . Florence Allen (n) 126 . G.W. 55 . Isaac 24 . J.A. 10 . J.W. 56 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History . James B. . John 165 116,122,126 164-165 . John (n) 126 . John Trotwood 120,155 . JohnTrotwood(n) 126 . Joseph 113 . Lucy 125 . Mary Daniel 120 . Mathew 117 . Merrill 125 . Merrill (n) 126 . Richard 164 . Sydney 57 . Terri (n) 45-46,64 . Wooten 122,125 . Wooten Alfred 122 Mordecai, Ann W. 74 . George W. 75 . Moses 75 Morford, Joseph 42 Morgan, George 117 . Harwood 10 . J.M.(n) 64 . Job Weekley (n) 44 . Levy 164 . Nancy 50,98,146 . Nancy Adgent (auth) 19,140 . William 117 Morris, C.L. 123 . Capt. 119 . Dempsey 119 . Eastin (n) 108 . Graydon L. 105 . Lemuel 116 . Lester 117 . Micajah 119 . Rebecca Louise 105 . Samuel 116 . Thomas 117 Morse, C.T. 150 Morton, . Dr. Abraham B. 136 . Jacob 113 . Jesse 113 . John 113 Moses, James 117 Mosier, John 164 Mosley. Jeptha 117 Thomas 117 Moss, Benjamin 163 D.H. 56 Motherall. James 117 John 117 Mount, R.L. 5 58-59,63 Mountain District Mounted Blues 67 112-113.116 Mulherin, James . Jas. 116 Mulherrin, Charles 116 Mullen, Joshua 119 William 116 Mullin, William 112 Mullins, C.H.P. 55 . Capt. 116 . Capt. Wm. 116 Murdock, John 163 Volume XVI,Number 3/181 Index for Volume XVI. continued Murfreesboro Turnpike Murphey, William Murray, . Col. Joseph P. . J.P. Jr . John P. . John P.(n) . John Perry . Mary Goodbar . Nancy Walker Butler . Nitta . Sarah . Sumner Co. . T.J. . Thomas . Thomas B. . Thomas B.(n) . Thomas Butler . Upper Cumberland . W.T.(n) . William Murrell, William Murry, Sam'l T.B. Myatt, A. Allston Myers, Eliza Ross . Jacob . John . Peter Nance, James M.(box) Wm. H. Nanny, Amos Napier. John Richard Nash. Martha William Nashville Patriot Printing National Negro Business League Neal. H. . Hannah G. . Margaret . Thomas . William . William H. Neely, Joseph . Samuel . William . William Sr. Negro Chas. Liuie Neil, Margaret William Neilson, Charles B. Neinen, Mrs. John Nelson, Jarret William Nemo, Ulsey G. New Orleans, . Battle of . Battle of(n) New York, Catskill . Green Co. . New York 87 116,164 41 24 38-40,42 64 59,61,63 59-60.62 59,60 24 13 42 24 59-60 38-40-42 64 59-60,62 42 64 13 164 67 61 148 149 135 135 114 117 111 113 113 116,162 70 24 165 89 139 5 153 153 164 116 153 116 113 113 113 124 124 153 135 117 149 163 119 117 112 32 152 151-152 152 Volume XVI,Number 3/182 Newell, John . Mark . Samuel Newnan, John Newsom, Francis . James . William Newton, Robert William Nichol, Josiah Nichols, Elvira A. John Nicholson, A.O.P.(n) . Elisha . H. . John J. . William Niel, Hannah G. . Margaret . William H. Night, Moses . W. . William Nixon, George H. Noblet, Abraham Noe, Aquilla Noel, Zacheriah Nolebay, Richard Norfleet. John Thomas Norflet, James Norman, Francis C. Norris, Gary Denton (n) North Carolina. . Caswell Co. . Chatham Co. . Granville Co. . Mecklenburg Co. . Milton . Morganton . Wake Co. Norville, Joshua Nowlin, Abraham Nucomb. Joseph William Nusam, Eldrjdge William O'Briant, William O'Callaghan. W.J. Oakes, Frank . John . Paul Oden. Thomas Ogelvie. Wm. Ogilvie, Harris Ogles, Abner Ohio, Camp Chase . Cincinnati . Morrow Oliver, Enoch John Olker, Genella (cont'r) Orr, John Rober[t] Orton, John 119 119 119 117 114 114 114 114 114 117 143 116-117,165 65 114,116 56 119 163 77 77 77 114 67 114 149 119 113 116 116 93 93 70 143 45 83 126 144 48 83 62 75 117 164 162 162 114 118 113 29 157 157 157 116 113 114 9 132 150 149 113 114 29 165 164 118 Samuel Osborn, James Osgood, Sewel Osmore, William Ostein, George Ostrander, G.M. Overton, Archibald W. . E.C. . John . Samuel . Thomas Owen, Ed . Edmond Jr. . Edmund Sr. . Frederick Jr. . Henry . Joshua . Peter . Robert . William Owens. Arthur . Elijah . Frederick . Henry . Purnell . William Ozbourn, Albert Thomas 118 149 136 116 114 148 77 56 163 136,163 162 5 116 116 114 116 114 114 114 117,165 162 113 114 114 162 113 117 162 Pace. Also 119,164 Pack. Benjamin D. 116 . Benjamin Sr. 116 . Lucian Vandorn 94 . Mary Ann E.Sweeney 94 . R. Montgomery 94 . R.M. 94 . Susan Green 94 Page, Absalom 162 . George 129 . John 127,137,162 . Robert 116 . Vincent 163 Painters Studio & Office 89 Pakenham, Sir Edward (n) 32 Pannell, John 162 Parham, Ephriam 113,165 William 163-164 Park, Andrew 12 . James 12 . Joseph 117 . Rev. 150 . Wm. 12 Parker's Cross Road 132 Parker. Clara M. (n) 17 . Daniel 154 . Daniel A.D. 77 . Daniel D. 154 . David 163.1 65 . Edward (n) 133 . lsham A. 165 . James M. 77,154 . Jesse 163 . John C. 165 . Julia 77,154 . Katherine 46 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History - Index for Volume XVI, continued . Leonard . Louisa B. - . Moses . Patsy . Thomas Parkman, William Parks, A.G. Parradice, William Pass, Electr Pate, Jesse Patterson, Benjamin . John . Mathew . Thomas Patton, Alexander . Ben . Juanita . Juanita (auth.) . Mathew . Thomas . W.G. . William Paxton, Isaac Payne, A.B. . Anne . Anne B. (n) . Avarilla G. . Frances . George . Green . Greenwood . James Madison . Joseph . Lucy . Maria . Oliver G. . Robert G. . Ruben . Sarah . Squire . William . William G. Pearce, Elizabeth Pearson. John C. Peay, Austin . Austin (n) . Elias . Gov. . Gov. Austin . Gov. Austin(n) . Mrs. . Sallie Hurst (n) Peebles, Cordy C. Peland, Elisha Pellett, Helene Pence, John Pendleton, Ewin & Co. Pennington, Graves Henry Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pensioners, War Perkins, Abraham . Benjamin . Daniel David Dorothy N. , . Dorothy . Neblett(auth.) . Elizabeth . John . Letitia . Martin . Matilda . Milly . Nicholas T. . Polly . Richard . Sally . Susan . Thomas . Washington . William Perry, Anna . Catherine . Elenor . Elizabeth . Esther S. . George . Henry W. . Jacob M. . James . John L. . Joseph . Littleton . Lucretia Sanders . Mary . Matilda Shaver . Nancy Mary M. Chitty . Ralls . Rebecca . Sarah . Sarah Moke . Susanna . Thomas . Thos. . Tilman . William Perryville, Battle of Pershal, Jeremiah Person, Benjamin P. Petty, J.A. Petway, Hencey Pew, John Phelps, Josiah Phenix, Henry Philips, Benjamin . John . Joseph . Samuel . William . James W. Phillips, Joseph Phipps, Richardson Pick, Nathaniel Pickett, Andrew . J.T. . Joshua W. Pierce. Benton . Franklin . Jerre . Jesse . John Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History . Thomas 119 Pigg, James 114 Pike, Richard 54 Pilcher, Joshua 118 Pinkley, Frederick 162 Pinkston, James 114 Meshack 114 Pipkin(s), Mary 157 Nancy 157 Pipkin, NancylMary 46 Philip 163 Pippin, J.M. 24 . McFarlin 24 . Stewart 4 Pirkins, George 118 Pirtle, George 165 John 165 Pistol. Joel 108 Pistole, William 108 Pittman. J.E. 10 Plantation, Red House 135 Plummer, Henry 114 Pogue, Bro. Geo. 123 Polk Home 156 16,20,56 Polk, James K. . Marshall Tate 20 . William Hawkins 20 111 Pope, Alexander (n) Porch, Thomas 114 Porter, Alexander 118 . James 118 . Joseph 118 . Thomas 118 Porterfield, James 116 Potter, . Thomas K.Jr 50,98,146 . Thomas K. Jr (auth) 38,58 . Thomas K. Jr.(n) 63,64 . Thomas K.(book rev) 47,144 Powel, Dempsey 165 , Nathan 113 . Thomas 165 . William 119 Powell, Ambrose 157 . Frances 157 . James 54 . Titus 54 Power, S.D. 150 Powers. Wm.A. 10 Poyzen, George 118 Prentiss, Joseph 152 Presley, Charles 46 Preuett, Alexander D. 92 . Elisha V. 92 . George W. 92 . James R. 92 . John W. 92 . Joseph H. 92 . Mary E. 92 . Paul R. 92 . Perry Moke 92 . Reuben A. 92 . Sarah F. Harris 92 . Sarah Perry 92 . Silas 92 . Silas Barnabus 92 . William T. 92 Volume XVI,Number 3/183 Index for Volume XVI. continued Price. John Robert Pride, John Priest, John Priestly, James Prince, Ceaser Pritchett, Benjamin Ephriam Privery, Wm. Probart, William Y. Prock, Mathias Propes, Martha J. Pruett, Joan(auth.) . Sarah Perry . Silas Pryor, Nicholas B. Norton Puckett. Douglass . Etheldred B. . John Pullen, Archibald Pullin, Archibald Pully, David William Purkins, Jacob Pursley. Harriette J. Quarles, J.M. . James T. . James Tompkins . Lucy E. Gardenhire . Lucy Ellen Gardenhire Mrs. James . Tompkins(n) . William Query Quintard. Rev. C.T. . Ragan, Benjamin Thomas Ragland, Reuben William Raglin, Reuben Ragsdale, Betsy Rainey, W.S. Rains, John Jr. . John Sr. . William Ralph, lngram Ralston, David . George . John Ramsey, David . Thomas . William . William Sr. Randal, Aquilla Greenberry Randall, G. Randolph. Beverly Peter Ranie, John Rapier, Richard Ray, John Rayburn, Hodge . Rosana Hardin Volume XVI, Number . Rosanna Raymond, Nicholas Razer, Christian Razier, Christian Read, Alexander . Jones . Thomas J. Ready, Charles Reagan, W.H. Reaves, A.M. . Alabama C. . Alabama V. . Burwell . Clara C. . Daniel . Edmond . Elijah . Elisha . Ella J. . Eller J. . F.J. . Fannie C. . Fanny C. . James . James M. . James V. . John . John D. . Joseph A. . Joseph L. . L.J. . Malinda P. . Mary A. . Mary M. . Paul F. . R.A. . Thomas B. . Thos. J. . Timothy . William . William J. . William R. . Wm. J. . Wm. R. Reddin, Augustus Augustus, Jr. Redding, Alford . Augustus . Robert Reed, Frankie Reeder, Isaac Reeves, Robert C. Reid, Sarah Ren, Martin Renfro, Mark R. Robert Ressummer, Philip A. Rhodes, Benjamin F. . Charles B. . Greenberry . Henry . James H. . John H. . Thomas J. Rice, Jeptha . M.H. . Theodrick B. Rich, R.L. Richard, Samuel William Richardson. . Alexander . Allen . Bernard . Elizabeth . John . Kennedy . Lucy . Mason . Samuel . Thomas . W.R.M. Richardson[?], . Frances . Huldah . Jenny . Lucy[?] Richey, William Richmond, Adolphus Richy, William Rickert. A.G. Ridge, William Ridley, George Rigt, H. Riley, Benjamin Rives, Charlotte . Harriet Victoria (n) Victoria H. Roach, Stephen William Roads, Elisha Roan, James Roark, Cyrene Robb, Elizabeth Robenson. Mattie W.S. Roberts, Jeremiah . John . William . Wm. Robertson Elijah Robertson, . Charlotte Rives . Duncan . Felix . James . Jonathan F. . McNairy . Wm. 6. Robinson, Dan M. (n) . John . John W. . L.M. . S.T. . William P. Rodes, James E. Rogers, (Capt.) Roland, Balam . Jordon . William Roller Diary (n) Roller. Bert Roosevelt. Theodore Roper, William Middle Tennessee Journal of (Zenealogy & History Index for Volume XVI, continued -- - Rose Mont Rose Mont Foundation Roseberry, Robert William Rosecrans, Gen. Ross, Amanda . Daniel . David . David Jr. . Eliza . Frederick A. . Henry . William B. . William T. Rothchilds, W.H. Rowan, Stokely Donelson Roworth, Edward Rucker, Ambrose . Edmund . Henry T. . Rubin Rucks, Howell T.(n) Rudisill, . Abigail M.C. . William Rules. Jonn (box) Rush, Joseph Russel. James Sr. Russell. James Jr. . Levi A. . Thomas . William Russworm, John S. Rutherford, William Ryman, Capt. Tom 51 51 116 116 139 135 119 135 135 135 13,135 70 3 79 150 42 118 114 114 162 114 85 77,153 77.153 133 119 116 116 143 116 116 74 118 110 Sample, James 116 . Robert 116 . Robert Jr. 116 Sanders, Frances 162,164 . Franklin 162 . Harris 162 James 116 . John 162 . Joshua 116 . Lucretia 91 . William 162 Sanderson. Thomas 165 Sandifer. Abraham 116 34,87 Sanfley, Benj. & Co. Sappington, John 69 Roger B. 163 Saunders. Edward 114 . James 113 . John 114 Savage, John Houston 42 Mary Catherine 42 Sawyers, Dempsey 118 Samuel 118 Sayers, Foster 118 Scales, Joseph 163 Schack, Elizabeth T. (auth) . -144 Schroeder, Albert W. Jr.(n) 44 Sconce, Green H. 75 . Matilda Boyd Scott. Andrew D. . Archibald . Isaac . Robert . S. Walter . Samuel . William Scovey, John Scritch, Ann Scruggs, Drury . Gross . Langhorn . Theophilus . Thomas . Walfield Seabourn, Benjamin Seale. Anthony . Jawis . William Seals, Monroe (n) Searcy, Bennet Robert Searl, Janice L. Gower(n) Seat, Hartwell . Henry . Joseph . William P. Seate, Green Joseph Seats, Littleton Seawell, Benjamin . John B. . Thomas Seay Bedford & Co.(n) Seay Plantation Seay, Ann . Ann M. . Ann M. Stanfield . Ann Stanfield . Bedford & Co. . Caroline . Caroline (n) . Caroline 0. . Charles . Charles H. . Charles Hinton(n) . Charles I. . Charles lrenius . Cindariller . Cinderilla E. . Cinderiller E. . Daniel . Daniel (n) . Daniel Valerius . Dr. Daniel . Eliza . Eliza V. (n) . Eliza Vaughan . Elizabeth . J.P (n) . Jane Vaughan . John . John Jr. . John P. Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History 75 118 118 113 118 57 116,162 135,165 119 11 117 114 117 117 114 114 116 119 119 119 44 118 118 91 113 164 164 164 164 164 113 113 118 113 85 84 159-160 83 80.83 130 82 131,160-161 133 83 15,80,160 81-82,84 85 132 83,131 132 83 160 15.80,84.158,160 161 83 131 84,159-160 161 83 80-81.1 28 161 83 15,80,81,83, 158,160 81 131 . John Philemon . John Sr. 83 127 . Julia Cato 83 . Kirby (n) 133,161 . Kirby C.(n) 85 . Lelia V. Harris 83 . Mary 80-81 . Nick 158 . Sally 81 . Sally McCarty 80,83 . Samuel 118 . T.J.(n) 161 . Thomas 160 . Thomas J. 131.159 . Thomas J.(n) 133 . Thomas Jefferson 83,158 . Victoria H. Rives 83 . W.W. (n) 133 . William 118 . William Aurelius 83.131 . William Aurelius (n) 133 . William W. 15,82 . William Washington 80,81.83,84, 81,83-84,127,129-130 127,129,130,131, 132,158,161 . William Washington(n)85 . William Wesley (n) 161 Sedberry, J.L. 56 W.J. 56 Seminole Indians 67 Seminole War, Second 67 Seminoles 52 Sensing, Thurman (n) 44 Sewell, Porter 150 Shackleford, . Harrison S. 10 . Thomas 118 . William 10 Shane, John 162 Shanks, Craven 24 . Frank 24 . Sarah 24 Shannon. Robert 118 . RobertT.(n) 66 . Saml. 117 Sharp. James 67 James G. 68 Shaver, J.M. 129 Matilda 91 Shaw, John 162 . Terrence 118 . Thomas L.D.W. 136 . William 117 Shelburne, Jeremiah A. 14 Shelby, David 70 Shell. John 67 Shelly, William 164 Shelton, Godfrey 113,164 . William 116 . William H. 118 Sheppard, James(box) 111 John 116 Sherrill. Charles 72-73 . Charles (n) 17 . Charles A. 50,98,146 Volume XVI, Number 3/185 Index for Volume XVI, continued . Charles A.(auth.) Sherwood, Gen. lsaac Ruth (n) Shever, Thomas Shield, John Shields, James . Mary . William Shiller, lsaac Shiloh, Battle of Shipley. Raleigh Shivers, Jonas Thomas Sholders, Alfred . Mary(n) . Polly Anne Bledsoe Short, William Shouse, Joseph Showhill, Regen Shute, John Philip Sides, Peggie (auth.) Sights. Albert P.(n) . Jane R. (cont'r) . Mrs. Albert P.(n) Simmon, William Simmons, . Catherine Perry . Jerry Simpkins, Joseph . Thomas Jr. . Thomas Sr. Simpson, Robeit Thomas Sims, William G. Wythe Singletary, David John Sistler, Byron (n) Samuel (n) Sittler, lsaac James W. Sizemore, William Skinner, Bill . John . Trudy . William . Thomas(auth.) Slaniell, Nathan Slater, Red Slaughter, J.H. Slaves. Adam . Aggy . Anthony . Black Judy . Caroline . Celia . Chancy Chesley Clarissa . Coleman . Creesy . Crissee . Cynthia . Eve . Fanny . Fereby Volume XVI, Number 3/186 . Fleming . Frank George George Huskabee Harriet Henderson Jackson Jacob . James . Jim . John . Johnson . Julia Lafayette (box) . Lavina . Lecan . Letty . Lewis . Little Sam . Mack . Malinda . Manuel . Maria . Mark . Martha Anne . Mary . Mary Ann Minerva . Osborn . Patience . Pedro . Peggy Perline . Philip . Phillis . Pluck . Priscilla . Rachel . Rosa . Sallie . Sally . Sam . Sarah Anne . Scott . Simon . Sophia . Squire . Suckey . Thomas . Tom ThompseI?] . Wilis . Robert Williams Slaves. Lafayette(box) Sloan, W. Slobough, John William Sluder, John Smiley, Robert Smith, Alfred E. (n) . B.F. . Benjamin . Billy . Dr. Kevin . Edmond . Eli . . . . . . . . . . . . Eliza Jane Ezekiel George Guy Jackson James Jesse . John . John H. . John M. . John P. . Jonathan K.T. . Joseph . Lucy E. . Mary . Mary Sue . Mary Sue (cont'r) . Missouri . Morgan & Co. . Mrs. George D. . Nicholas . Peyton . Polly M. . Richard . Richard F. . Robert . S.D. . Samuel . Sion . Sippie . Steven D. . Sue . Sydney . Thomas . W.C. . William . Wm. A. Smoot, Fred (cont'r) Smothers, B.J. Martha F. Sneed, William Snider, Margaret(n) Snodgrass, Elizabeth (n) Snow, A.C. David C. Snyder, Michael Sobber, Mary D. Solus, Henry Somme Offensive Sommerville, John South Carolina, . Berkley Co. . Bull Swamp . Camp Sevier . Charleston . Ft. Sumter . Greenville . Laurens District . Richland Co. Spain, George George W. Sparkman, Thomas Spears, Charles . Mary Seay . Sally . William Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Index for Volume XVI, continued Speer, William S. (n) Speller, Elijah '-'Spence, Elisha ipencer, Harriet . John B. . Mark . Sally Spero, Debbie Spick, Michae! Spillman. Lucy Robert Springer, P.E. Squier, David Squire, Ezekiel Stainback, Robert Standfield, . Josiah (n) . Mary Stanfield, Abram . Ann M. Elizabeth . Josiah . Mary . Mary Farley Stanton, S.S.(n) Stark, Joseph C. Starkey. Abraham Steele, David . Isaac . James . John . Joseph . Robert . Thomas . Wm. Stephens, . Alexander H. . Ann . Bartholomew . Jeptha . William . William B. Stobaugh, Adam . Henry . John Stone, A.G. . C.C. . Daisy . R.B. . Ridley Stothart, Robert Stout. Samuel Stoven, Thomas Strain, Moses Stratton, H.F. Street, Dollie Strickler, Mr. Stringfellow, Willis Stroan. John Strong, John Stroud. Louisa Stuart, Charles . Duncan . Peter B. William tubblefield, G.J. Stull, Zacheriah - - Stump. Christopher . Christopher (JP) . Frederick . John Sturdivan, Benjamin Sturdivant, Lewis Sublett, Valentine Sugg, Josiah Sullivan, B.F. . Margaret . W.B. Summers, Abel H. Sumner Co. Archives Sumner. Jacob Thomas E. Susan Frances Jones Todd (n) Swan, . William Graham(n) Swaney, John L. Sweaney, . Eliza Jane L. . Henry Clay . John G. . John Wesley . Mary Ann E. . Mary Jane . William Green Swindle, Mary S. Sykes, Joshua Terrell Sylvis, Leah Tait. David William Talbott, Clayton Eli Talley, J.M. Tallushatchee. Battle of Talman. Jesse L. Tandsherd, John Tannehill, Wilkins Tarver, William Tate, John . John E. . Richard . William . Zedekiah . Zenes Tatum, Howel Nathaniel Taylor, Abraham . Daniel W. . Frances . George . J.J. . John . Joseph . Robert . Samuel . Thomas Jr. . Thomas Sr. Tennessee, . Alexandria . Algood . Anderson Co. Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History . Ashland City . Ashwood . Athens . Bedford Co. 150 56,155 67,71 7,15,19 26,71,136 . Beech Grove 8 . Benton Co. 27 . Big Bigby 56 . Bloomington 22 . Blount Co. 70 . Cairo 52,92,129 Campbell Co. 70 . Carter Co. 70 Carthage 12.62.81 -82.136 . Carthage (box) 131,133 . Castalian Springs 129 , Cedar Hill 27,105 , Centerville 27 . Chapel Hill 156 . Chapel Hill (n) 157 Charlotte 147 . Chattanooga 61-62,123.157 , Cheatham Co. 94 Claiborne Co. 70 . Clarksville 71,82 , Clarksville(n) 54 . Clarktown 59 . Clay Co. 22 Clinton 62 . Cocke Co. 70 Coffee Co. 7-8,139 Columbia 7,16,27,56,57, 71,120.156 . Columbia(n) 55 . Cookeville 38.40,58. 59,61,101 . Covington 156 . Culleoka 56-57 . Cumberland Furnace 149 . Danville 27 . Davidson Co. 12,13,17,19,20,67 68,69,76-78,86 87,112.134.152 Dayton (n) 126 . DeKalb Co. 106-107 144 . Dickson 147.149 . Dickson Co. 148-149 . Dixon Co. 70 . Dixon Springs 83 Donelson 112 . Dover 130 . Dowelltown 106 . Echo 142-143 . Erin 149 . Eulia 142-143 Fayetteville 67,71,156 . Fentress Co. 13,22,58 . Flynn's Lick 59 . Franklin 69 . Franklin Co. 12,135 . Gainesboro 22,38,58, 59,61,63 , Gallatin 51-53 Gibbs Crossroads 142,143 . Giles Co. 16-17,75,78, 79,108,110, . . . . . . . . . . Volume XVI, Number 3/187 Index for Volume XVI. continued . Giles Co. (n) . Grainger Co. . Grant (n) . Greene Co. . . . . . . . . Hampshire Hawkins Co. Haywood Co. Hermitage Hickman Co. Hillsboro Hurricane Hurricane Mills Jackson Jackson Co. . Jackson Co.(box) . Jarnestown . Jasper . Jefferson Co. Jennings Fork Knox Co. Knoxville LaFayette . Lawrence Co. . Lebanon . . . . . Lewisburg . Liberty . Liepers Fork . Lincoln Co. . Livingston . Long Creek . Macon Co. . Manchester . Manningville . Marion Co. . Marshall Co. Maury Co. . . McMinn Co. McMinnville . Memphis . Midway . Monroe . . . . . . Montgomery Co. Montgomery Co.(n) Morristown Mt. Pleasant Murry Co. Nashville . Nolensville . Obion Co. . Overton Co. . Palmyra (n) . Pelham . . Pickett Co. Pulaski Volume XVI, Number 3/188 . Putnam Co. 22.42 58-59 . Red Boiling Springs 142,143 . Richland 18 .. Roane Co. 70 . Robertson Co. 27-28,65 70,91 . Robertson Co. (n) 27,54,105 . Rome 82,127,159-160 . Rome(n) 85 . Rutherford Co. 7,12.19,70,77, 78,137,153,154 . Salt Lick 142 . Sevier Co. 70 . Shelby Co. 13 . Shelbyville 136 . Smith Co. 15,22,70,76 80,84,127,129, 136,158-160 . Smith Co. (n) 132 . Smith Co.(box) 111 . Smith Co.(n) 85 . Smithville 106-107.1 44 . Sparta 22,38,42,58,62 . Spring Hill 56-57 . Springfield 28 . Springfield (n) 27 . Stewart Co. 51-52 . Stewart Co.(n) 54 . Stuart Co. 70 . Sullivan Co. 70 . Sumner Co 12,13,52.53, 70,76,80,83, 91,92,129,159 . Sumner Co. (n) 133 . Tipton Co. 160 . Tullahoma 8,22,156 . Unionville 71 . Upper Cumberland 38,41,47,58, 59,61,63 . Van Buren Co. 42,58 . Warren Co. 12,42,61.62, 74,77,135 . Washington Co. 59,70 . Waverly 150 . Wayne Co. 20 . Westover 125 . White Co. 13,42,58-59,62 76-77,99,151-152 . White Plains 59 56 . White Springs . Williamson Co. 12-15,27,69,, 74,75,78,134 135,137,152 . Williamsport 56-57 . Wilson Co. 5,12,70.78, 80,83,85,127, 128,158,159 . Wilson Co. (n) 132 Tennison, Edmund 153 Mathew 118 Terrell, Hezikiah 56 . James 114 . W.J. 56 Terry, Lucinda ldera 99 Texas, Bellaire 108 Republic of 29 Thomas, Capt. . Capt. Jesse W. . James W.(n) . Job H. . John . Maranda . Philip . Robert . William Thompson. Eaphraim . Frederick . Harriet . Jacob . James . Jason . John A. . John Sr. . Laurence . M.S. . Ozbourn . Robert . S.P. . Saml . Samuel . Susan S. Faine . Thomas . Thomas Sr. . William . William D. Thomson, Antoinette . Catharine . Charlotte . Emma Bridgwater . Emma Bridgwater(n) . James H. . John A. . Julia . Katharine T. . Maria Robert Polk (auth) . Thomas T. Thornburgh, Thomas Tibbs, William Henry(n) Tidwell, Edmund Jr. . Edmund Sr. . James Tilley, A.W. . C.C. . W.F. Timmins, Charles W.F. Timmons, A.J. . J.K.P. . S.H. . T.J. . W.H. Tindal, John Tinkisy[?], Aaron Tippett, Alice Tippey, Abraham Tipton, Edward Todd, Samuel Tomlinson, W.H. Tompkins, G.A. Tooly, Henry Topp, John Torian,R.T. & Son(n) 116 116 53 137 116 143 118 116 163 113 113 152 116 67-68 116 152 70 116 56 116 113,116 149 15 113 79 116 116 116 79 152 152 152 132 761 152 151 152 151 152 80,127.158 151-152 116 63 3-4 3-4 4 24 54 23 10 56 56 56 56 56 116 108 60 163 116 164 150 54 70 116 85 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History --. Index for Volume XVI, continued Vaulx, Daniel . James . Wm. Vertrees, J.J. John J. (n) Vestal, A.T. Manson Vetter. Albert Vick, Joseph Vincent, Michael Vinson, A.F. Virginia. Amherst Co. . Army of . Halifax Co. . King & Queen Co. . Lunenburgh Co. . Nansemond Co. . Rockbridge Co. Totty, William Tradewell, Daniel - ,Transylvania University rravis, Jackson Trice, S.A. Trott, Henry Trotter, John William Trotwood's Monthly Trousdale Place Trousdale, . Annie Berry . Colonel . William Truit, Alfred Levi Cintha Trust, C.M. Tucker, Mrs Tull, Nicholas Tulloss, Maria Turbeville, Benjamin . James . Willis Turley, Sampson Turner, Baily . Betty . Cindariller S. . Cinderilla E. Seay . Cinderiller E. . Edmund . Edward A. . John E. . Lemuel T. Rev. T.F. . William . Wm.G. Turnpike, Lebanon & Sparta Tyree, Richard , Underwood, . Burton (n) . . John Joseph Van Whye, John(n) Vanata, Samuel Vanbuskirk. Cornelius Vanhook, B.J. Vannata, William Vantrease, John Jr. Vaughan, Elizabeth Jr. . Elizabeth Sr. . Florinta . George . James . Jane . Jefferson . John Jr. . John Sr. . Thomas . William Vaughn, David . James ,r- Paul Ruthie 132 165 108 56 108 118 5 108 108 76 76 76 76 5 83 76 76 76 76 76 165 137 165 24 Wade, Austin M. Waggoner, . Christopher . Cornelius . Jacob . John . John Jr. . Michael Waits, Ellias Wakefield, Gilbert H. Walden, Caroline Walder, Eustace Eustace W. Waldron, William Walker, A.W. . Alexander . Archibald . Charlotte C. . David . Edward . Elmore . Ennis . John . John A. . John Jr. . Mary . Mathew P. . Philip . William . William C. Wall, Richard D. Wallace, . Caroline 0. Seay . Caroline Seay . Caroline Seay (n) . David L. . David L. (n) . Joseph . Moses . Nancey J. . Rhoda G. . William . William Jr. Waller, Thomas Walls, Thomas Walnut Grove Plantation Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Walthour, J.B. Walton, Timothy Jr. Ward & Randolph Ward, Edward . Fleming . James B. (n) . John . Joseph . Nannie . William C. Warden, John Warford, F. Warren, Arthur Nathaniel Warwick. Anthony Washburn. W.F. Washington. G.A. George A. Water Vally Waters, George . W.T. . William . Zacheriah Waterways, . Bledsoe Creek . Browns Creek . Buffalo Creek . Calfkiller River . Caney Fork River . C a r t e h Creek . Castalian Springs . Cumberland River . Eagle Creek . Edisto River . Fiery Gizzard Creek . Indian Creek . Jennings Fork . Johnson Creek . Lick Branch . Lick Creek . Nail's Creek . Obed River . Red River . Roaring River . Round Lick Creek 148 77 37 162 118 161 162 118 128 162 164 54 135 116 114 23 28 27 27 119 107 119 119 52 33,87 79 151 106,160 56-57 80 80,82,129 106 91 46 17 80 148 90 27 149 62 31 41 80,84, 128,159 . Round Lick Crk (box) 131 Watkins, Isaac 116 . Joseph 113 . Noel 164 . Philip 118 . William 116.118 Watson, David 116 . James 119 . John 116 . Lanier 153 . Robert 151 . Thomas 162 . William 165 Watters, George Wayne (n) 44 Watts, William 165 Waugh, John 116 Way, Nathaniel 164 Weakley, Robert 69,165 Samuel 165 Weakly, Robert Locke 154 Volume XVI, Number 3/189 Index for Volume XVI, continued Weatherall James Weaver. Adam . Craven . Herbert (n) . Peter Webb, Daniel . Elisha . John Byars . Levi . Thomas . Thomas (n) . Thomas Gray (auth) Webber, Seth Welles?, Amos William Wells, David Wessyngton Estate West, George . Gibson R. . Hamilton . Thomas W. . William P. Westbrook, Thomas Westbrooks, Thomas Wharton, George . George R. . Jesse . John . Saml. L. . William Wheeler, James W. White, Arthur . Asa . Benjamin . Benton R. . Chapman . Daniel . Edward Jackson (n) . Eli . Elizabeth . Gen. Wm. . Henry . Henry Sr. . James . Jane . Jane R. . Jas. N. . Joseph . Lewis . Mary . Robert . Robert H.(n) . Stephen . Thomas . Thomas L. . Virgil D.(n) . W. . Wm. Whitefield, Ephraim Whites Creek Pike Whites, Nelson Whitescarver, R.M. Whiteside, Jenkins Whitfield, Esq. G. . Harrison . John . Wilkins 118 4 165 17 114 114 144 144 144 106 108 144 164 165 165 164 27 116 108 143 108 108 118 116 117 79 163 163 117 116 78 114 164 118 78 69 4,118 17 11 11 31 116 164 11 11 78 5 11 114 11 136,164 68 163-164 164 113 68 5 11,32 57 87 113 5 118 149 114 114 114 Volume XVI,Number 3/190 Whitiker, Mark Whitley, . Jefferson C. . Marcus Whitney, Edythe Rucker (I Whitsitt, James Whitson, George Whorton, Eliza A. . Fedilia F. . Francis A.R. . Jesse . Thomas J. Wiefering, Edna (n Wjlcox, Thomas Wiley, Hugh William Wilkerson, Angues James Wilkes, Moody (n) Wilkinson, Mary F. Sarah Wilks, Benjamin . John . Mary Standfield (n) Willard. John Willet, Thomas William, Nathan Williams, Bennet . Cais . Charles . Clinton . Daniel . David . Edmond . Elisha . Ephraim . Ethelred . Fran . Henry . Hugh . J.H. . James . Jno. . John . Jonathan . Joseph . Josiah . Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kittie(n) Leoderick Lewis Littleberry Lucy Nathan Nelly Nimrod Peggy Robert Robert J. Sally Sampson Samuel Simon Solomon . Susan . Thomas 14 14,118 . Timothy H. 128 . William 14,144,165 . Wilson 114 Williamson &Cheatham35.89 Williamson. Capt. 114 . Capt.Jos. 116 . James 165 . John 119 . John S. 118 . Joseph N. 116 . Richard 116 . Thomas 118 , Thos. 116 Willis?, Amos 165 William 165 Willliarns, Nona (auth) 83 Wills. John K. 135 Wilson, Andrew 163 . Eleanor (n) 126 . John 108.1 18,163 . John (box) 133 . John G. 135 . Jonathan B. 143 . Joseph E. 113 . Philip 162 . Sally 14 . Shirley (book rev) -47,93,144 . Susan (auth) 55,147 . William 162 . Woodrow 99,121 . Woodrow (n) 126 . Zachaus 76 . Shirley 72 Wiltshire, Joseph S. 56 Winchester, James 70 Lucilus 76 Winfrey, (Capt.) 165 . Capt. 165 . Valentine 165 Winstead, Samuel 118 William 118 Wisdom. Francis 3-4 Wisnor, William 114 Witcher, Daniel K. 75 . James 11 . Martha 75 Wolf, George W. 113 Philip 113 Wood, Joseph 118 . Robert 116 . William 118 Woodard, Daniel 117 . Edward 117 . Jesse 116 . Pitt 117 Woods, Duncan 67 Minerva F. 143 Woodson, Joseph 119 Woodward, Jesse 114 Wooster College (n) 126 Work, Alexander 114,116 Andrew 114 World War I Research 109 Worley, Wiley B. 56 Worth, Ray S.(n) 63 Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History - 7 Index for Volume XVI, continued Wray, Harriet . Samuel -. . W.W. William Wren, David William Wright, Charles . David S. . George . Hollis . James . John M. . John Vines (n) . Joseph . Lucy Caroline . Marcus J. . Peter . William . Hannah R. Wyand, Henry Wyche, Nathaniel Wynne. Elizabeth John K. Yarbrough, James Yateman, Mr. Yates, Henry F.D. Yeargin, Robert Yeatman, Thomas Yorgason, Joan(n) York, Uriah Young, Caroline . Daniel . Felix . Henry A. . Isaac . Jane . Jno. . John . John L. . . . . . Margaret Nancy Nathaniel Nicholas Robert . Sophia Gleaves . Thomas . William Zachery, Caleb J. Zachry, Barker Zellner, Arnold . Glenn Sr. . Sarah Alexander . William James Zigler, John State Library and Archives to Close on Saturdays beginning July I, zoo3 Unofficial word from the Tennessee State Library and Archives is that state budget cuts will necessitate a 30% reduction in the hours the facility is open for research. Staff members have informed library patrons that this decision was reached during legislative budget hearings and will take effect July 1"'. In a move which will make the budget cut very difficult for genealogists and other taxpayers, the Library and Archives will be closed on Saturdays, the busiest day of their week. In addition, weekday hours will be trimmed back to 4:30 from the present 6:00 closing. Some members of the staff theorize that by cutting the only hours when members of the public can gain easy access to the building (due to inadequate parking during office hours), the administration hopes to create a climate where citizens will demand that funds be restored to the library. Closing on a weekday, when fewer users normally visit, would be far less noticeable. Although no library employees will lose theirj obs, some will be reassigned to other vacant positions under the Secretary of State's office. In addition, the Library and Archives will suffer another year with little-to-no hnding for purchases of books and materials. Genealogists who wish to contact the person responsible for the decision to close on Saturdays should call or write Secretary of State Riley Darnell, Tennessee State Capitol Building, Nashville, TN 37243-03 12. Telephone (6 15) 741-28 19, or e-mail Riley.Darnell@tate. Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History Volume XVI, Number 31191 r‘ / TheJournal Policy and Information Members of the Society are encouraged to submit unpublished primary source material of Middle Tennessee genealogical and historical importance to be considered for inclusion in the Journal. Data can be in the form of transcribed records, "how-to" articles of broad interest, or historical facts. Family histories that are well documented and pertain to the region will also be considered. Photographs and other illustrations can accompany the article and are encouraged. Sources used should be cited in the submitted material. References or footnotes should be in the form of end notes and placed at the end of the article. Material should be limited to a published length of approximately$ve typeset pages. Please make sure the document is typed. Original documents should be transcribed by the submitter. Include your name, address, and phone number or email address on the manuscript. Materials submitted electronically or on diskette are preferred, and most file formats can be accommodated. Materials submitted on disk should be accompanied by a printed copy of the article. The right to edit material p from presentation, grammar, length and form is reserved by the Editor, and all material submitted becomes the property of the society. Journal articles are to be sent directly to the Journal editor at the address given under Journal Submissions on this page. errors of fact or infringement of copyrights by contributors. The opinions expressed in the Journal are of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Society or the editorial staff. JOURNALSUBMISSIONS Send to MTGS Journal, c/o Charles Sherrill, Editor. 914 Sunny Hill Rd., Brentwood, TN 37027. E-mail to I t is important that the instructions contained on this page are read prior to submitting an article. QUERIES Submit queries to: MTGS Queries, P.O. Box 330948, Nashville, TN 37203-7507. Be short and concise. Capitalize, underline or highlight each surname used. Make sure your name and complete address are shown on the query sheet. Queries will be included in order of receipt as space permits. BOOKREVIEWS Books should be sent directly to Mrs. Shirley Wilson, Book Review Editor, 106 Leeward Point, Hendersonville, TN 37075. All materials become property of the review editor to be distributed as appropriate. DUES PAYMENT, BACKISSUEORDERS, of ADDRESS CHANGE or QUESTIONS - It is the submitter's responsibility to secure permission from any person or company who may own the original record or publication rights. The Society or Editor cannot assume responsibility for Address all to Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 330948, Nashville, TN 37203-7507. Do not send Journal submissions to the post office box. MIDDLE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. P. 0.BOX 3 3 0 9 4 8 , NASHVILLE, TN 37203-7507 Membership Application or Renewal Form [may be photocopied] Name Address City Phone State Zip plus 4 mX e-mail address Use computer for genealogical purposes? yes D no D Software used New Membership D Renewal D All current yearly memberships include four issues of the Middle Tknnessee Journal of Genealogy & History. Dues are $20.00 per membership year if paid prior to the beginning of fiscal year on June 1.If joining or renewing aRer this date, dues are $20.00 plus $3.00 for mailing of back issues of the Journal for the current membership year. Applications or renewals received after March 15 of the current fiscal year will be accepted for the next fiscal year beginning on June 1.Make check or money order payable to Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society (WGS). Non-%fit MIDDLE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. I? 0.Box 330948 Nashville, TN 37203-7507 Change Service Requested U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 3229 Nashvlllc, TN
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64; Robert W. (contributor), 64;