This 2006 annual report is for you, our valued donors.


This 2006 annual report is for you, our valued donors.
Practice philanthropy. Respond to requests. Inspire others to contribute.
Help build the new age of medicine. Leave a legacy for improved health care.
A sense of pride, accomplishment, recognition and, above all, our most sincere thanks.
This 2006 annual report is for you, our valued donors.
Celebra†e wı†h us.
Thank you
Dear Friends and Associates,
Table of Contents
St. John Health Foundation.....................2
Providence Health Foundation..............8
St. John Hospital Foundation................14
Donor Recognition:
St. John Health Foundation.............20
As you review this annual report, it should be evident that the St. John Health
Foundation serves a very dynamic and philanthropic community. Moreover, our
many supporters are dedicated to advancing the mission of a vibrant, faith-based,
not-for-profit health care system. The names of our donors, the faces of our
volunteers and the stories of medical excellence featured here all form a
compelling mosaic of what we do and how we feel about our collective efforts
to serve our patients and friends in southeast Michigan.
The Foundation Board of Trustees and the St. John Health leadership team
are proud to recognize the support of our many donors and volunteers celebrated
here. The breadth of this support from individuals, businesses, corporations and
foundations reflects how our hospitals, programs and health care professionals
are woven into the fabric of our communities. The Board is deeply appreciative
of the gifts of time and financial resources from our donors, volunteers, dedicated
physicians and associates. Each is an important element which permits St. John
Health to serve its various constituencies.
This annual report provides a close-up view of our commitment to caring, along
with our sincere effort to honor all our supporters as partners in a vitally important
cause. Thousands of patients have benefited from gifts for new equipment, advanced
technologies and enhanced programs.
Challenging times only accentuate the role of our healing ministry, and we
appreciate you and our many friends and neighbors and welcome your ongoing
support of our health care mission.
Providence Health Foundation......30
St. John Hospital Foundation........35
David C. Stone
Chair, St. John Health Foundation
Great Strides St. John Health
Donors go the extra mile to make the difference
St. John Health has a passion for healing that is demonstrated through the
care and compassion provided to patients and their families. While high-tech
treatment and state-of-the-art care are vital, it’s often a comforting touch or
a shared moment that makes a difference. This publication recognizes the
difference made by hundreds of individuals – our donors – who support
those delivering the care that heals our patients in body, mind and spirit.
The habit of giving
only enhances the
desire to give.
Compassionate health care encompasses a passion for helping others
in our communities – through gifts, volunteer efforts, leadership,
events or endowments.
St. John Health includes nine hospitals, more than
100 medical centers, numerous ambulatory surgery
Walt Whitman
(1819 - 1892)
centers, urgent care facilities, mental health clinics and
many other health care and community services. The
generosity of those who donate their time and resources
to these facilities and programs and support the work of
our health care team is quite remarkable – donors make
the difference. Maybe you’ll see yourself or a neighbor or
friend in the stories and photos featured here. We are
a community of supporters, and together, we can do
tremendous things.
Top: Angela Collinson, RN, Nurse Practitioner, provides hands-on care
with a smile to one of St. John’s young patients. Bottom: An advanced
64-slice CT scanner is used to diagnose heart problems while there’s
still time to prevent a potentially life-threatening event.
St. John Health Foundation
Fundraiser supports new
bone density software at
St. John Oakland Hospital
Digital mammography enhances care
at River District Hospital
St. John River District Hospital (SJRDH) is the first hospital in
St. Clair County to offer advanced digital mammography.
SJRDH supporters donated more than $80,000 in proceeds
from the hospital’s annual “An Evening to Share” dinner dance
held Feb. 11, 2006, and $32,500 in proceeds from the golf outing,
held June 13, 2006. In addition, the hospital has received
matching funds from Citizens First Bank, the Henry & Harriet
Whiting Foundation and the DSLT Foundation. The Community
Foundation for St. Clair County and the St. Clair Foundation also
awarded grants toward the $500,000 purchase of the mammography equipment. Many physicians, associates and local community
members also donated to the fundraising campaign.
“We are a community hospital and this equipment has been
purchased in partnership with the community we serve. We are
grateful for these efforts to help us save lives,” said Frank Poma,
SJRDH President.
■ The new unit was dedicated in May; attendees included
(from left): Bernard and Margaret Kuhn, longtime
supporters; Marshall Campbell, CEO, Citizens First Bank;
Frank Poma, SJRDH President; Christine Newberry,
Vice President & Trust Officer, Citizens First Bank;
Dr. Herminio Calderon, Radiologist at SJRDH; and
Vicki Nedeljkovic, Director of Medical Imaging at SJRDH.
Imaging enhancements improve detection
of breast cancer
New high-resolution digital mammography is aiding in the fight against
breast cancer through its capability for early detection. The new technology
also helps identify any recurrence of the disease during follow-up care for
breast cancer patients.
Digital mammography provides 3-D images so physicians can analyze
suspicious growths from multiple angles and magnified views. The National
Cancer Institute has found that digital mammography significantly improves
early breast cancer detection among women who are difficult to diagnose
and detect: those under age 50, women with high-density breast tissue and
pre-menopausal woman.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects women and the
second leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Early detection impacts
treatment and saves thousands of lives yearly.
■ Digital mammography offers many
St. John Oakland
Hospital will soon offer
bone density testing
through the use of its
new CT scanner software purchased in part
with proceeds from
the first “Wines Around
the World” fundraiser,
held Nov. 3, 2006. The
event raised approximately $18,000 toward
this effort and included a strolling supper
covering five “countries” featuring wine
from each region, a champagne raffle and
fine art sale.
Bone density testing is an important
tool in the detection and treatment of
osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disorder that
leads to 1.3 million fractures annually in the
United States, especially among women
in their later years. Osteoporosis can be
hereditary; if a parent has the disorder,
middle-aged women in the family are
advised to have a bone density test.
Physicians may recommend bone density
testing for patients 35 years and older,
based on an individual’s condition and
risk factors.
The new bone density software uses
low dose radiation to measure bone
mineral mass of the lumbar region. The
procedure helps identify individuals at
risk for osteoporosis and is also used to
monitor treatment. It is the newest feature
of the hospital’s Women’s Health Initiative,
designed to better meet the needs of
St. John Health Foundation 2006 gift summary
Type of
Number of
Number of
gifts given
$ 4,974,531
$ 1,849,868
$ 14,684,565
$ 4,691,369
St. John Health
Board of Trustees
St. John Health Foundation
Board of Trustees
Alphonse S. Lucarelli
David C. Stone
Family & Other Foundations
Vice Chairs
Vice Chair
Hon. Freddie G. Burton Jr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
James W. Duff
Kurt O. Tech
Richard Webb
Elliot T. Joseph
Elliot T. Joseph
President & CEO,
St. John Health
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Forest J. Farmer Sr.
Maureen A. Fay, OP, PhD
Anthony P. Frabotta, CPA
Kevin J. Grady, MD
Kathleen McCann
Dr. Oscar W. King III
Shirley R. Stancato
David C. Stone
St. John Home Care
Board of Trustees
Sharon K. Burke
Vice Chair
Debra Spicer, Esq.
Karen D. Bisdorf
Joyce Baldrica
I. J. Campbell
Mario De Meireles, MD
Rabbi Joseph Krakoff
Patrick McGuire
Vicki Suder
Cheryl Weiss
Virginia J. Sanders
Zacharias, MD
President & CEO,
St. John Health
R. Glen Smiley, FAHP
President, Foundation
Jean Azar
John A. Boll Sr.
Albert Callewaert
Joan S. Gehrke
Mona Gualtieri
Thomas F. Russell
Sidney K. Simonian, DO
Art Van Elslander
Joseph Walker
St. John Health
Community Health
Investment Corporation
Community Relations Committee
Board of Trustees
Auxiliary donates $209,000 to St. John Macomb Hospital
St. John Macomb Hospital’s (SJMH) Auxiliary donated $209,000 to the hospital from revenues
generated through the SJMH gift shop, coffee shop, popcorn sales and outside vendor sales.
The funds were used to support the Emergency department, completing the group’s $300,000
commitment to the project. Remaining funds were used for a new computer and software for the
gift shop, a gurney for patient transport, an ultrasound machine and bladder scanner, six security
cameras, and a “Resuscitating Annie” CPR mannequin.
“The money the Auxiliary has raised means a great deal to us,” said John Bauer, MD, past
Medical Director of the SJMH Emergency department. “We have been able to experience double-digit
growth, expand our services and see patients more rapidly.”
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Cheryl Carrington Coleman
Steven C. Gold
Betty Granger, CSJ
Betty L. Maple
Deborah Reinheimer
Margene Ann Scott
Owsley G. Spiller
William Zweng
Ex officio
Cynthia Taueg
■ From left, Chery Allen, Volunteer Director; Joseph
Tasse, President of SJMH; Mike Chapman, Chaplain;
Sr. Diane Rondeau, Manager of Spiritual Care; Irene
Stempnik, past President of SJMH Auxiliary; Dr. John
Bauer; Maria Strom, Chief Nursing Officer; Randy
Kummler, Chief Financial Officer; and William
Hodgman, SJMH Chairman of the Board.
St. John Health Foundation
Taste Fest serves up food, fun to benefit Oakland Hospital
and local youth
The fifth annual St. John Oakland Hospital “Hands Around the Table” Taste Fest raised $61,777
to support the hospital and the community.
The event drew 800 participants to the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy on May 24, 2006.
Guests sampled culinary delights from 30 select restaurants and food companies and were entertained
by the Lamphere High School Jazz Ensemble and Bamboo Shoes. A silent auction, door prize drawing
and free health screenings rounded out the activities.
Proceeds were designated for enhancing surgical services instrumentation and for portable
computers on nursing units supporting the eCare (electronic medical record and master patient index)
initiative. These additions will enhance patient safety and efficiency. A portion of the proceeds was used
to support two area youth programs – Friends of Madison Heights Youth and Madison Heights Youth
Detroit Red Wings Hall of Fame member Ted Lindsay served as celebrity host at the event,
signing autographs and taking photos with his fans. Madison Heights Mayor Edward Swanson and
his wife Elaine were Honorary Chairs. The platinum sponsor for Taste Fest was Specialty Health
Services Management.
Ted Lindsay autographs his photo for a family.
New Pediatric Hospice program supports families on difficult journey
St. John Hospice has developed a new program for
children with life-limiting illnesses. The program, known
as Walk with ME, provides both palliative and hospice
care for children, from infants through early adulthood.
It also supports parents during this great time of need as
they face the death of a child, including the unborn.
Recently, a newborn at St. John Hospital and
Medical Center was diagnosed with a fatal condition
known as trisomy18. Her parents,
who learned of the illness soon
after their daughter’s birth, were
afraid and anxious about bringing
her home.
The Walk with ME team,
Jeanne Lewandowski, MD, and
Kim Stewart, RN, met with the
young parents at the hospital and reassured them that they
would be able to take their daughter home and provide the
needed care.
Upon discharge at three days old, the baby went home to
be with her parents. The family received daily visits from the
Walk with ME team, who provided support for the parents and
comfort care for the infant. This time turned out to be very
short but precious. Sadly, the baby died at only 11 days old.
The Walk with ME program helped the parents celebrate
their infant daughter’s life as a family. While grief-stricken,
the mother told the Hospice team, “I am so glad that we
brought her home and she didn’t have to die in the hospital.”
For more information about St. John Hospice programs
– including referrals, giving opportunities or volunteering –
call St. John Home Care at 1-800-248-2298.
Proceeds from the fourth annual St. John Hospice Oktoberfest,
held Oct. 27, 2006, at the Grosse Pointe Club, benefited the
Pediatric Palliative Care Program. Susan Kirchner, Oktoberfest
Chair, presented a check to Hospice for $80,033.84. From left,
Sharon K. Burke, Chair, St. John Home Care Board of Trustees;
Susan Kirchner; Adonis Lorenzana, MD, Co-Medical Director,
St. John Hospice and Pediatric Palliative Care Program; Eva
Sylvester, Director of St. John Hospice; and Joyce Baldrica,
President of St. John Home Care.
St. John Detroit Riverview
Hospital is closing in 2007.
We thank our Board Members
for their commitment and
support of this facility.
North Shores HOPE Fund helps patients in need
More than $34,200 was donated to the St. John North Shores
HOPE (Helping Our Patients in Need) Fund in 2006, enabling the
hospital to provide prescriptions, medical equipment and profes-
St. John
River District Hospital
Board of Trustees
St. John
Detroit Riverview Hospital
Board of Trustees
sional services to more than 130 patients with little or no insurance.
William H. Zweng
Lawrence Jones
Memorial Golf Outing, held at the Gowanie Golf Club in
Vice Chair
Charles Cronenworth
Vice Chair
Reuben Munday, Esq.
Kenneth Bollin, MD
Owsley G. Spiller
Bernard Kuhn
Frank Poma
President, SJRDH
Christopher P. Kittides
Karen Cole
John W. Foster
William J. Haener
Mark Hamilton, MD
Roy Klecha
Thomas Lock
Fred Nowland, MD
Sharon M. Smith
James M. Taylor
Connie Turner
Frank M. Clark, DO
Cheryl Gibson Fountain, MD
Betty Granger, CSJ
Steven P. Hadesman, MD
Deborah Jo LeVan, DO
Roberta Sanders
Chaunci L. Wyche Cline
Joseph M. Tasse
President, SJDRH
St. John North Shores Hospital Advisory Board
Raymond Bauer, MD
Vice Chair
Victor Battani
Chris LaBelle
David Sessions
Claudia Cartwright
Matthew Casey
Anthony Forlini
James Franey
David Gagnon
Members, cont.
Phil Greco
Jack Hart
Paul Irwin
Joseph Jeannette
Mike Kleinert
Dale Miller
Donald Miller
Dean Olgiati
Roger Petri
Craig Sherman
Maria Silamianos Sherman
Howard Studaker
Stephen Ternullo
Robert Vickrey
Patrick Villani, MD
The North Shores 11th Annual Honorable Frank E. Jeannette
Harrison Twp., raised $27,500. North Shores associates also
generously contributed to the fund, which is near and dear to
their hearts, since they often see the direct impact it has on
patients and their families.
One recent beneficiary of the HOPE Fund was a 38-year-old man admitted to North Shores
after a severe stroke. Upon discharge, he had to use a wheelchair and was concerned about how he
would enter and exit his home, which has several steps. Since the financial resources of the patient’s
family had been exhausted, the HOPE fund provided a portable ramp to assist the patient and his
grateful family.
Webbers honored as the Max M. Fisher “Outstanding Philanthropists”
Joan and Wayne Webber were honored with the
Max M. Fisher Award for Outstanding Philanthropists
at the National Philanthropy Day Recognition Dinner
on Nov. 16, 2006. The event was sponsored by the
Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater
Detroit Chapter.
For the Webbers, the family spirit of philanthropy
dates to their childhood, when each set of parents
instilled the belief that successful people are obligated
to help others. Married for more than 50 years,
Wayne and Joan direct their philanthropy to worthy
organizations through the Wayne and Joan Webber
Foundation. Their philosophy of giving is a central
focus in their lives.
“We congratulate Wayne and Joan on this award,”
said Joseph M. Tasse, President, St. John Macomb
Hospital (SJMH). “We are fortunate that the Webbers
are committed to the Macomb
County area and thankful they
have partnered with us to provide
excellent care in our community.”
The New Baltimore couple
has made significant gifts to
St. John Health over the years.
They helped fund the Webber
Cancer Center at SJMH and also
support the Holley Ear Institute
at St. John Hospital and Medical
■ Joan and Wayne Webber
The Webbers’ philanthropy
draws upon decades of success
as owners of a concrete contracting company, heavy
construction firm and their involvement in real estate
St. John Health Foundation
Parish Nurse program personifies Community Health
The 100 nurses who participate in the Parish Nurse program
sponsored by St. John Health Community Health typically
St. John Macomb Hospital and St. John Oakland
Hospital recently began a merger process in
an effort to optimize use of both campuses and
better serve area patients. The hospitals have
now combined their Boards of Trustees.
provide routine services, but sometimes a really tough
situation arises. That was the case for one parish nurse, who
was on the receiving end of information that detailed a
life-threatening situation.
One day, while attending to health care needs at an area
middle school, the parish nurse was in the school office when
two young girls asked if they could talk to her in confidence.
She told the students she would protect their identities but
advised them that she would have to take appropriate action
if the information revealed a serious risk or danger for someone.
The girls agreed and proceeded to tell how a fellow
■ Parish Nurse Brenda McCain, RN, talks with a
student about a health issue.
student had been cutting herself with a razor blade and talked about wanting to kill herself.
After hearing this, the parish nurse arranged to speak with the “at-risk” student and learned that
she had a history of “cutting” and was contemplating suicide. The parish nurse contacted the girl’s
parents, who enlisted the support of a psychotherapist and hospital-run crisis intervention program
to improve their daughter’s emotional health.
Thanks to the courage of two young girls and the swift action and compassion of a parish nurse,
a middle school student discovered that life was worth living when she got the support she needed.
“It’s an honor that the students trust me enough to keep coming back,” said the parish nurse.
“I want to be here for them.”
While such stories don’t make the evening news, this example demonstrates the value of
St. John Macomb
Board of Trustees
St. John Oakland
Board of Trustees
William Hodgman, Esq.
James S. McCann
Vice Chair
Richard Kitch, Esq.
Vice Chair
Edward C. Swanson
Laydell Wood Harper
Sheldon Kaftan, DO
Joseph M. Tasse
President, St. John
Macomb Hospital
Joseph M. Tasse
President, St. John
Oakland Hospital
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Roberto Barretto, MD
Roger Bigelow, MD
Bharat Desai
Jennifer Dupree Mooney
Paul Falcone
Bal Gupta, MD
Armando Madrazo, MD
Dhafer Salama, MD
Alvin Walker
James R. Daoust, Esq.
Albert DePolo Jr., DO
Charles Feinman, DO
Katherine M. Lee
Christine Parks, CSJ
Mark Samano
Adam A. Shakoor, Esq.
Charles M. Ebner, MD
Wayne Webber
John S. Wells
a well-designed program and shows the difference that concerned and courageous individuals
can make in the lives of those around them.
Healing Health Providence
New hospital ascends in Novi
True originality
consists not in a
new manner but
in a new vision.
Edith Wharton
(1862 - 1937)
Providence Hospital has been a presence in Southfield for more than 40 years.
In July 2008, there will be a shining new hospital to the west in Novi – now
known as St. John Providence Park Hospital. Together, these hospitals will
broaden the patient care reach to suburban communities and outlying areas.
There’s been tremendous growth in the urban and rural areas within
a 10-mile radius of Novi, which is the traditional service area of a hospital.
Many young families are moving into new neighborhoods, and a growing
number of middle-aged and older residents are retiring to “the country.”
Coming from a diverse region – Oakland, Washtenaw, Livingston and
Wayne counties – patients will be attracted not only by the quality care
and outstanding reputation of St. John Health but also by
the unique features of the hospital and campus.
The vision is to build the best hospital for the
community and integrate “best practices” (aspects of care
that relate to prevention, patient safety, treatment and
diagnosis) with advanced technology (imaging, treatment
and an electronic medical records system) to improve
the health and well-being of patients.
Designed by NBBJ, Inc., of Columbus, Ohio, and
built by Barton-Malow of Southfield, Mich., the 200-bed
Top: The interior of the hospital will be light and airy, with plenty
hospital will have a stunning profile of glass and wood
of natural lighting. Clustered seating will provide guests with views
with a sweeping entrance and five-story atrium. The
of the spacious grounds. Bottom: The new hospital features a wood
glass exterior set in a low profile to mirror the natural setting.
entrance will be easily accessible to patients and visitors
The main entrance is on the east side with a canopy that protects
and within a short walk from convenient, secure parking.
against the elements, while the Emergency department entrance is
on the south side, along with a separate ambulance entrance.
Providence Health Foundation
On the inside, the “look of healing” will be depicted through natural materials,
indirect lighting and soothing furnishings. On the outside, it will be brought
to life with a lush park setting, tranquil views and a nature/fitness trail. The
200-acre site will feature vast green space with towering trees, natural plants
and wetlands and will be further enhanced with ponds and gardens.
An integrated Emergency department will provide urgent and
emergency care. It will also deliver seamless care for patients who come in
for emergency care and later are admitted to the hospital. This portion of
the building will feature 49 treatment rooms, a private ambulance entrance,
a walk-in entrance and a helicopter pad. Together, the hospital and new
Emergency department will provide a complete spectrum of care for patients
of all ages, according to Rob Casalou, President of the new hospital at
Providence Park.
Additionally, the new hospital will include:
acuity adaptable, private patient rooms
27-bed Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum (LDRP) unit
8-bed Special Care Nursery, next to LDRP
17-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
6-bed Pediatric unit and a 4-bed Pediatric Short Stay unit
state-of-the-art imaging technology: MRI (2 units), CT, PET
Capital campaign under way
To provide exceptional health care
delivered in this naturally beautiful setting,
Providence Health Foundation is seeking
to raise $25 million in a capital campaign
to support the new hospital. To date,
and ultrasound
nearly $8 million in gifts and pledges
dedicated Women’s Services area
has been raised, representing nearly
surgical suites outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment
1,920 gifts and approximately 631 donors.
Building support in the community was
The health care team will provide high quality care with
greater efficiencies built right into the physical layout. One
example is the Surgical Intervention Center. Each of the eight
surgical rooms and four interventional procedure rooms will be
the same size to allow for greater flexibility in meeting patient
needs. Adjacent shell space provides for future expansion and
reconfiguration of these rooms, as newer medical procedures
replace existing technology and techniques.
Top: An aerial rendering shows the new hospital (top
right). It’s close to the existing buildings on campus
and is situated to the right of the new medical office
building. Bottom: Patients and visitors will be greeted
at the entrance in a spacious atrium that spans five
stories. The reception desk is handicap-accessible
and will be a pivotal point for providing directions
and information.
a key goal last year and continues to
be a high priority in 2007. To meet this
challenge, hospital leaders, Foundation
professionals and a community-led
philanthropy team are getting to know
the individuals, families, groups and
corporations that have a special interest
in funding health care initiatives to benefit
this community.
Acuity-adaptable rooms bring care to patients in one setting
The hospital at Providence Park will deliver high quality, compassionate care in its acuity-adaptable patient
rooms designed to handle patient needs that can vary from moderate to acute and complex.
These medical/surgical patient rooms will be larger than average, allowing for X-ray and other
OLPL paves the way for better health
A 1-1/2 mile circular, all-weather paved path will entice
people to exercise on campus – making it both a place
for healing and a means of staying healthy. The trail will
also aid in the rehabilitation and recovery of patients.
This “health trail” is supported by a $1.5 million
donation from the Our Lady of Providence League
equipment to be brought in for diagnostic testing and treatment.
In addition, all the electrical, medical gas lines and utility outlets
for high-tech and life-support equipment required for ICU rooms
will be in place in all patient rooms. This allows ready access to
ventilators, infusion pumps for intravenous treatment, oxygen
and suction devices for all patients. Nurse work stations will be
spaced along the corridor outside these patient rooms for quicker
access and better observation of patients.
(OLPL) volunteer auxiliary.
The trail will be used for walking, jogging, bicycling
Each patient will have one core group of health care
specialists/caregivers attend to their needs. The nursing staff will
and other activities. Workout stations geared to cardiac
be trained to handle a broad range of diagnoses and severity levels.
and conditioning activities will be set up along the trail.
While some patient transfers for tests and treatment will be
Benches will provide a place for people to take a
necessary, the goal is to provide total care in the room for greater
break and enjoy
patient satisfaction and improved safety.
The acuity-adaptable room is completely private
and larger than most hospital rooms. It will be
equipped for a full range of care, so patients can
recover comfortably in their own room. A sleeper
chair and sofa will provide ample seating for family
and visitors.
the natural setting.
The trail and entire
campus will serve
The healing campus
as an oasis for
The Providence Park campus is designed to be a “destination for health” with a serene, healing environment.
patients and
While the centerpiece of the campus is the new hospital, other buildings and features will also provide
visitors as well
as area residents
and individuals
working nearby.
health care and related services. These include:
70,000 square-foot ambulatory surgery center, specializing in orthopedics
200,000 square-foot medical office building, which will house the Neurosciences Center of Excellence
and the Surgical Learning Laboratory and Education Center
StayBridge extended stay hotel that will cater to family members of patients
health-oriented, independently owned retail businesses, which will provide an expanded complement
of services on campus
an outdoor “health trail” for walking and other exercise
Providence Health Foundation
Physicians make leadership gifts to new hospital
Physicians who practice at Providence Hospital have taken
Pediatric patients benefit from
Christmas fundraiser
a leadership role in the fundraising campaign for the new
Pediatric services at the future hospital at
Novi hospital through their involvement and significant
the Providence Park campus will benefit
charitable support. This support demonstrates their
from $30,000 in proceeds from the Michigan
commitment to building a medical facility that incorporates
Christmas Show’s “Evening Extravaganza”
top-quality care in a healing environment to better serve
at the Rock Financial Showplace held
Nov. 30, 2006.
More than 200 guests purchased tickets
Since the physician campaign began in January 2006,
to the event, which featured a special
Providence physicians have made gifts and pledges totalling
Christmas Show, live entertainment, a silent
$4.65 million toward their $5 million goal – a significant
auction, carolers and the chance to have
portion of the overall campaign goal of $25 million.
photos taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
“The amount of money raised is a testimonial to the
Vendors displayed and sold unique holiday
loyalty and dedication of these physicians and their
commitment to support the new hospital,” said Shukri
David, MD, Providence Chief of Cardiology.
Dr. David and Dr. Gary Assarian are Chair and
Vice Chair, respectively, of the physician segment of
gifts in a festive market area. Guests met
From left: Drs. Gary Assarian and Shukri David review the
site plans for the new Providence Park campus. They led a
drive among physicians to support the new hospital and key
buildings on campus both financially and by being involved
in planning.
the fundraising campaign. Gifts made by nearly 200
and mingled, enjoying beverages and hors
d’oeuvres, while getting into the spirit of
the season. The event was presented by
The Detroit News and sponsored by Fox 2
and Rock Financial.
physicians and physician groups ranged from $1,000
to $1.5 million.
“Providence physicians have a tradition of giving generously of their time and financial support,
and they have helped create a ‘culture of philanthropy’ at the new hospital at Providence Park,”
Dr. David noted.
The physicians have been instrumental in the development of the new hospital at Providence
Park and the ambulatory centers of excellence to include the Medical Office Building/Neuroscience
Center and the Ambulatory Surgery Center/Orthopedics.
Drs. David and Assarian and their colleagues are working with the Providence Health Foundation
to identify other major donors and enlist the support of grateful patients.
“This is the community we serve, and we have given freely to ensure that the new hospital at
Providence Park provides the best possible care for the Novi community,” said Dr. David.
Santa and Mrs. Claus delight party-goers, including
Emily and John Casalou, children of Novi hospital
President Rob Casalou and his wife Kristin.
Fundraising efforts provide high-tech equipment and meditation room
While the new hospital goes up at Providence Park in Novi, there’s much activity going on at
Providence Hospital in Southfield, which is one of the Top 100 Heart Hospitals in the nation for the
sixth year in a row. Donors, volunteers and civic leaders worked together in 2006 to provide essential
Providence Hospital Board of Trustees
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Vice Chair
Dale Tucker
Ronald M. Horwitz
Sr. JoAnn Cuscurida, DC
Diane Radloff
President, Providence Hospital
Linda Thompson Adams
Richard Elsea
Haifa Fakhouri, PhD
Peter McCann, MD
Catherine O’Malley
Delano Small, MD
Lucius Theus
James Tucci, MD
John Wise, Esq.
Providence Health Foundation Board of Trustees
Joseph Walker
Vice Chair
Gregg Watkins
Arthur Rodecker
Diane Radloff
President, Providence Hospital
Gary Assarian, DO
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Dorisel Boggs
Dennis Bojrab, MD
Victor R. Cassis
Ann Conrad
Shukri David, MD
Rabbi E.B. (Bunny) Freedman
Joan Garrett
Members, cont.
Edgar Hagopian
Judith Johnson
Gary Steven Jonna
John Kruse
Amyre Makupson
Carl H. Schmidt Jr.
Jeffrey Thewes, MD
Jeffrey M. Zaks, MD
James E. Conlan
Barbara S. Day
Richard Elsea
Frank McGann
Catherine O’Malley
Sr. Theresa Sullivan, DC
funding for excellent care and technology.
Aneurysm Coil Study – Providence Hospital was the first in the nation to treat patients with a new
type of coil designed to guard against the recurrence of brain aneurysms. Providence is one of only
15 centers nationwide taking part in this study.
An aneurysm is caused by a weakness in an artery wall or blood vessel carrying blood to the brain.
As it weakens, the artery wall may bulge, stretch or become thinner, which increases the risk of
rupture and uncontrolled bleeding, creating a life-threatening event.
While intact aneurysms often have no symptoms, patients with ruptured or bleeding aneurysms
may complain of severe headaches. Patients often have said, “This is the worst headache of my life.”
Other symptoms associated with bleeding include sleepiness, disorientation, nausea and
unconsciousness, according to Vickie Gordon, RN, Nurse Practitioner, Neurosurgery.
Fourteen patients have received the new coil as part of the study; in total, about 100 patients a
year are treated with coils of various types at Providence – more than at any other center in the United
States. The new coil is coated with microfilaments,
which promote clotting and scar formation in the
aneurysm sac for faster healing. It has many benefits
over the standard platinum aneurysm coil, which
has been used for about a decade.
The Our Lady of Providence League (OLPL)
volunteer auxiliary donated $750,000 to obtain
the neuro-endovascular equipment used for the
“Initial results are promising,” said Richard Fessler,
MD, Providence neurosurgeon. “We hope this coil
will be the breakthrough we’ve been looking for to
■ Dr. Fessler performs surgery to repair an aneurysm using
lessen the number of patients needing additional
the new coil.
Providence Health Foundation
Dr. Carroll’s Sanctuary – When Dr. Alison
Carroll, a Neuropsychologist and Program
Manager of Inpatient Rehabilitation at
Providence, died of a brain tumor in 2005 –
her supporters kept her memory alive by
dedicating a meditation room in her honor.
Now, patients on 7-West can go to “Dr. Carroll’s
Sanctuary” to relax and meditate in a room that
reflects the late doctor’s favorite way to unwind:
being at the beach.
It was Dr. Carroll’s dream to have a peaceful,
■ The Providence associates who coordinated the room renovation
(from left) Gloria Esse, Claudia Marchildon, Delise Gibbons and
calming space where patients on the Inpatient
(far right) Karen Zylman. (Also pictured second from right): Gail Kihn,
Rehab Unit could heal in mind and spirit as well
Dr. Carroll’s sister, who attended a dedication event to honor her memory.
as body. Her interest in yoga, relaxation techniques
and spiritual practices influenced the design of
the room. Generous donations from friends and co-workers provided funds for the renovated area,
which features a seaside mural, comfortable seating and a TV/video system for playing relaxation
tapes of tranquil scenes and sounds. A plaque honoring Dr. Carroll further graces the room.
Providence Board honors dedicated volunteer
Dave Imesch, of Farmington Hills, was honored by the Providence Health Foundation
Board of Trustees for his leadership in organizing the annual Providence Golf Classic.
Dave has been an active member of the Golf Classic committee since 2002 and
has chaired the event for the past four years. He has also helped raise funds for the
new St. John hospital at Providence Park in Novi.
A Vice President at Barton Malow Co., Dave has been involved in the planning,
design and construction of health care facilities across the country.
Dave Imesch
Providence Hospital puts
some “fun” into fundraising
Two major fundraising events held each year
at Providence Hospital are the Providence
Health Foundation Friends’ Ball and the
Annual Golf Classic, now in its 28th year.
These events bring together hundreds of
supporters in classic venues where they can
meet new friends, connect with old friends,
and have a good time while raising money
for worthy causes.
More than 300 guests reveled in the
“Caribbean Nights” theme of the Friends’
Ball held May 6, 2006, at the Ritz-Carlton in
Dearborn. The
event featured
a cocktail reception, silent auction,
dinner and dancing
with music by Mel
Ball & Colours.
Proceeds of
$30,000 from the
event benefitted
Diane Radloff and
the technology
Dr. Roger L. Gonda Jr.
fund at Providence
Hospital for the purchase of digital
mammography equipment. The new
technology provides a faster, quieter and
more detailed imaging process to detect
breast cancer.
Providence Hospital’s Annual Golf Classic
was held June 5, 2006, at Indianwood Golf
and Country Club in Lake Orion. The golf
outing netted $145,953, with proceeds
designated for the Providence Mission Fund
for hospital programs and services that help
those in need.
Reaching Higher
St. John Hospital
One person with
a belief is equal to
a force of 99 who
have only interests.
John Stuart Mill
(1806 - 1873)
St. John Hospital and Medical Center gifts
will benefit the community for years to come
In 2006, $18 million was raised for the building and expansion campaign at
St. John Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC). It was a tremendous year
for fundraising, reflecting loyal support and a shared commitment to this
historic project from physicians, associates, trustees and the greater
community. More than 300 people donated to the campaign.
“The gift from Marlene and John Boll jump-started the campaign and
set a high standard for giving,” said James B. Nicholson, Campaign Chair.
“People took notice of their example and many have made generous gifts
based on their lead.”
The Shelden Family maintained campaign momentum with a very
generous gift. As a result of their generosity, St. John Hospital will name
the new Heart and Circulatory Center after W. Warren Shelden.
The Van Elslander family, loyal supporters of SJH&MC, capped off the
year with a gift for the new patient tower, to be named the Van Elslander
Other major contributors are Richard and Jane Manoogian and Gretchen
Valade. Each made $1 million gifts to the campaign. The Kresge Foundation,
a champion of projects to improve communities, has made a $1 million
challenge grant. In addition, the campaign received unprecedented
support from the St. John Guild and the Fontbonne Auxiliary.
Generous support also came from the following donors in 2006: Gabe
and Pat Anton, Peter J. and Constance M. Cracchiolo Foundation, Eastlake
Cardiovascular Associates, G.I. Medicine Associates, Great Lakes Cancer,
Top: An aerial view of the campus shows how the
new Van Elslander Pavilion is positioned behind the
original hospital. Bottom: Lori Koerber, RN, is one of
thousands of associates who exemplify the personal
touch and compassionate care that is a hallmark of
St. John Health.
St. John Hospital Foundation
Health Plan of Michigan, Leland F. Blatt Family Foundation, Jeffrey
and Cynthia Littmann, Jane and Robert Nugent, Matilda R. Wilson Fund,
James and Ann Nicholson, Pathology Specialists of Michigan, Thomas
and Ruth Russell, Kurt and Carole Tech, and Robert and Virginia Vallee.
Their support will help sustain St. John’s mission to improve the health
of individuals, with special attention to the poor and vulnerable.
The new construction will include an Emergency Center that will
nearly double in size to meet a wider range of emergency needs. Among
the changes will be 71 patient care rooms, which will provide greater
privacy than the existing curtained areas, and two entrances: one for
■ Tammy Beaulieu, RN, (center) and Eliza Ahearn,
ambulances and another for walk-in patients.
RN, attend to the needs of a patient in the
The Van Elslander Pavilion (described below) will attach directly to
Emergency Center.
the main hospital. Because of the history and beauty of the existing
hospital chapel, construction plans were crafted to preserve this special place of spiritual prayer and
healing. (This publication contains photos of the stained glass windows that grace the chapel.) In addition,
many of the existing hospital rooms will be converted from semi-private to private rooms.
A new Diagnostic Imaging Center, located on the first level of the pavilion, will combine all imaging
services in one central area, providing greater efficiencies for patients and staff. The W. Warren Shelden
Heart and Circulatory Center will be another addition, providing a full spectrum of services for the
diagnosis and treatment of heart and vascular disease. The entire addition and expansion will feature
a beautiful atrium entrance with nearby parking and easy access to all services.
Hospital receives $1 million
Kresge challenge grant
Van Elslander Family Foundation makes
historic pledge to name patient pavilion
confidence from the Kresge Foundation,”
The Van Elslander Family Foundation has generously
contributed the lead gift in the $30 million campaign
to support the St. John Hospital and Medical Center
(SJH&MC) expansion. This pledge will be recognized by
naming the new patient tower the Van Elslander Pavilion.
The $163 million, 288,000-square-foot facility,
expected to open in 2007, will feature 144 private patient
rooms arranged in 36-bed units on each of four floors.
A soaring, light-filled atrium will welcome patients and
visitors to the Van Elslander Pavilion.
Foundation acknowledges that this project
St. John Hospital and Medical Center
(SJH&MC) received a $1 million challenge
grant from the Kresge Foundation. This
first-time grant to the hospital supports
the expansion and renovation of the
Emergency Center.
Since its launch, the capital campaign
has raised $26 million of the $30 million
goal. The Kresge Foundation challenges
St. John Hospital to raise an additional
$3 million by June 1, 2008, to receive the
$1 million grant.
“We are very, very pleased,” said
James B. Nicholson, President and CEO
of PVS Chemicals and Chair of the
St. John Hospital Expansion Campaign.
“This challenge grant will be pivotal in
the final phase of the campaign. We are
confident that it will motivate the
community to help us meet our goal.”
“This challenge grant is a vote of
Continued on page 16
said David Stephens, President, SJH&MC.
“Through this grant, the Kresge
will enable St. John Hospital and Medical
Center to improve care for thousands of
patients on Detroit’s east side.”
The Kresge Foundation is a $3 billion
national foundation that helps nonprofit
organizations advance the well-being of
humanity by catalyzing their growth,
helping them connect with stakeholders
and challenging them with grants that
leverage greater support.
The Van Elslander Family
Continued from page 15
Sister Verenice McQuade retires
Known for her compassion
toward patients and keen
insight into the operations
of St. John Hospital and
Medical Center (SJH&MC),
Sister Verenice McQuade
retired on Dec. 31, 2006,
after 35 years of service.
A Sister of St. Joseph for
nearly 70 years, Sr. Verenice
dedicated her life to helping others at the hospital
Sr. Verenice McQuade
and in the community.
Sr. Verenice was a member of the SJH&MC
Board of Directors from 1958 to 1970, serving as
Chair from 1965 to 1970. She also served as Vice
President of the hospital, Associate Administrator
of Community Services, and Director of both the
Fontbonne Auxiliary and St. John Guild.
As Director of Community/Patient Services,
her final role at SJH&MC, Sr. Verenice provided
comfort and support to many patients and their
families. Her visits and prayers endeared her to
everyone she met. Patients, families and donors
continue to cherish her personal notes.
In 2005, the Foundation established the
McQuade Society, a recognition program for
St. John benefactors. It was natural to name the
society after Sr. Verenice, who is a quintessential
ambassador for SJH&MC in the community that
she holds so dear. The Fontbonne Auxiliary also
honored her by raising funds for the Sr. Verenice
Corridor in the new Van Elslander Pavilion.
“We are truly humbled by this generous
pledge from the Van Elslander family,” said David
Stephens, President, SJH&MC. “St. John Hospital
values the strong relationship we have developed
with the Van Elslanders and we look forward to
our continued partnership. The legacy of this
family will be one of tremendous generosity
and compassion.”
“We are so fortunate to be able to contribute
to this magnificent medical center,” said Art Van
Elslander, speaking on behalf of his family.
■ The Van Elslander Pavilion is now under construction. Upon
“We hope that our gift will help the community
completion, it will feature a glass-enclosed atrium, private patient
rooms, and expanded imaging and cardiac services. Nearby
continue to access top quality health care and
parking will make the building easily accessible. The campus will
bring St. John Hospital closer to its goal of
be beautiful and functional – providing amenities and greater
opening the expanded facility.”
convenience to patients, visitors and staff.
Five years ago, the Van Elslander family
contributed the lead gift to name the Van Elslander Cancer Center
at SJH&MC. The Van Elslanders have a long history of philanthropy
and have been honored by several local organizations over the years
for their charitable contributions and staunch community support.
Art Van Elslander was a 1992 winner of the Max M. Fisher
Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the Association of
Fundraising Professionals.
Art is chairman and CEO of Art Van Furniture, Michigan’s
largest furniture retailer and America’s largest independent
furniture retailer, operating 29 stores in 28 communities throughout
Michigan. Mary Ann Van Elslander is a devoted community leader
and volunteer who spends several hours a week volunteering with
infants in St. John Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The new atrium is a work in progress.
St. John Hospital Foundation
The Bolls are inspired to support St. John’s ministry
Marlene and John Boll have a deep commitment to making philanthropic
gifts to Christian ministries, health institutions, and educational and
enrichment programs that have a far-reaching impact. Their philosophy
of supporting programs with strong moral and spiritual values aligns with
that of St. John Hospital; chiefly, to enhance the quality of care in the
community and throughout the region for decades to come.
In 2006, the couple pledged $5 million to the St. John Hospital and
Medical Center (SJH&MC) Expansion Campaign through the John A.
and Marlene L. Boll Foundation. Their gift will help support a modern,
state-of-the-art health care facility.
■ Marlene and John Boll
“My parents’ decision came after much prayer and thought,” said
Kristine Mestdagh, Executive Director of the Boll Foundation. “They contribute to organizations that value good stewardship as much as they do. This means spending funds
wisely to benefit the people that the organization serves.”
As residents of Grosse Pointe Shores, the Bolls know firsthand of the hospital’s exceptional ability
to provide outstanding care to patients from all walks of life. Their first gift of $25,000 was made years
ago in memory of John’s mother. The gift, which was considerable for the Bolls at that time, allowed
them to fold their sorrow over her death into a positive contribution to the community.
The Bolls’ long-term association with SJH&MC has spanned more than 30 years. John and
Marlene have been avid volunteers: serving on the SJH&MC Board, the St. John Hospital Foundation
Board, the Fontbonne Auxiliary Board, and as Honorary Chairs of the SJH&MC Expansion Campaign.
Their extraordinary contribution to St. John Hospital in 2006 and their steadfast support throughout
the years serve as an inspiring example.
“St. John Hospital and Medical Center has greatly benefited from the generosity of the Boll
family,” said David Stephens, President, SJH&MC. “Their service and dedication, not just through
philanthropy but through their personal gifts of time and leadership, have helped make this hospital
the world-class medical center it is today.”
The Bolls view philanthropy as a natural extension of their values and a way to make a positive
impact on the community. Giving brings them immense satisfaction, knowing their decisions are
guided by Christ. They incorporated philanthropy into their lifestyle well before they achieved
the wealth that now enables them to give to many organizations through their family foundation.
Their financial success is derived from a real estate development business established more than
40 years ago. Chateau Communities grew into a company holding 268 manufactured home
communities in 32 states and later became a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Manoogians provide vital
support to campaign
A generous $1 million gift for the St. John
Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC)
Expansion Campaign was made by Richard
Manoogian and his wife Jane, through the
Richard and Jane Manoogian Foundation.
The Manoogians have a history of
giving at St. John. In 1999, they made a
$1 million gift through another family
foundation to establish The Alex and
Marie Manoogian Research Fellowship.
This endowment funds research and
education in renal disease and transplant
Richard Manoogian is the son of the
late Alex Manoogian, who was under the
care of Joseph Beals, MD, at St. John, for
his kidney failure.
“Richard carries on his father’s passion for community service,” said Robert
Provenzano, MD, Chief of Nephrology at
SJH&MC. “His gifts allow St. John Hospital
and Medical Center to better serve
patients and simultaneously educate
physicians who can then offer specialty
care to communities around the world.”
Alex Manoogian founded Masco
Screw Products Co. in 1929. Today, Masco
is a Fortune 500 company with worldwide
operations in the home products industry
and revenue of nearly $13 billion in 2006.
Richard Manoogian has headed the
company since 1968. He announced plans
to leave his position as CEO of Masco
Corp. in July 2007 but will continue as
full-time Executive Chairman.
Gift honors friendship and advances health care
St. John Hospital
& Medical Center
Board of Trustees
St. John Hospital
Board of Trustees
L. Douglas Blatt
Joan S. Gehrke
Betty Maple
Vice Chair
Peter T. Cracchiolo
Ronald Hall
Jane K. Nugent
David B. Stephens
President, SJH&MC
Jeffrey Littmann
Eugene J. Agnone, MD
Edward K. Christian
Joyce A. DeShano, CSJ
James Fox, MD
James Giftos
Abdelkader Hawasli, MD
Charlene B. Irvin, MD
Thomas A. LaLonde, MD
Linda Lloyd
Jane K. Nugent
Anthony Southall, MD
David B. Stephens
President, SJH&MC
Sr. Verenice McQuade, SSJ
L. Douglas Blatt
Matthew P. Cullen
James Fox, MD
Patricia Giftos
Kevin Grady, MD
Betty Granger, CSJ
Ronald Hall
Thomas A. LaLonde, MD
Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Linda Lloyd
James B. Nicholson
Peter Ronan
Debra Van Elslander
Gretchen C. Valade pledged $1 million to the expansion campaign
at St. John Hospital and Medical Center, naming a floor of the new
Van Elslander Pavilion in honor of her close friends Sharon and
Michael Burke, of Grosse Pointe Farms.
“We have been privileged to call Gretchen a friend for more
than 35 years,” said Sharon Burke. “My husband and I are
overwhelmed by this latest act of kindness and feel humbled by
her tremendous gesture of friendship.”
This is a repeat performance for Mrs. Valade, who also made
a generous gift to the Van Elslander Cancer Center Campaign in
2000, establishing the Valade Healing Arts Center in recognition
■ Gretchen Valade (left) and Sharon Burke
are long-time friends; in recognition of
of the Burkes.
the friendship, Mrs. Valade contributed a
Mrs. Valade, also of Grosse Pointe Farms, is Chairman of the
major gift in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Burke.
Board of Carhartt Inc., a clothing company founded by her
grandfather in 1889. It grew into a multi-million-dollar international clothing manufacturer
under the direction of her late husband, Robert Valade. The company now employs 4,000
workers worldwide.
A jazz aficionado, Mrs. Valade established the Gretchen C. Valade Endowment for the Arts
and is CEO of Mack Avenue Records, a record company she founded in 1999 to produce the
music of jazz performers. A songwriter herself, Mrs. Valade established an endowment that ensures
the continuation of the Detroit International Jazz Festival.
While her passion is music, Mrs. Valade also values the importance of quality health care in her
community. An accomplished businesswoman in her own right, she has found many ways to give
back to the community that she strongly supports in both word and deed as well as through song.
Dr. Heung Oh, Director of Transplant
Surgery, and members of his surgical
team provide world-class care to the
community served by St. John Hospital
and Medical Center.
St. John Hospital Foundation
Holley Family Village helps hearing-impaired
and deaf children make the most of life
For five-year-old Mason Frost, being able to hear is a luxury that he may
never experience.
Born prematurely, Mason had a hearing sensitivity that became
worse following a serious blood infection. Hearing tests revealed that
he had severe sensory-neural hearing loss in both ears.
At age one, Mason was fitted with hearing aids, which allowed him to
hear some normal conversation. But, due to viral infections, he couldn’t
wear hearing aids long enough to master needed language skills. The
need to communicate led the family to learn American Sign Language
■ Mason Frost
(ASL). The school that taught ASL opened a world of understanding for
Mason and led to the services of the Holley Family Village.
“We attended their Family Week program when Mason was just two years old,” said Mason’s
mother Janel. “What we learned was priceless. We learned many new signs and spoke with other
parents who were facing some of the same issues. As for Mason, he would just sit and watch
everyone sign. There was a look in his eyes that he was taking everything in.”
The Family Village gives deaf and hard-of-hearing children a place where they can feel like it’s
their own ASL world. For one week every summer, ASL is dominant and those who can hear must
adapt to their world. Families find strength, hope and encouragement there. Support of regular
fundraisers helps ensure that the Family Village’s quality programming and events continue to help
the hard-of-hearing and deaf community.
Zoe Bergen Childhood Cancer Foundation helps families
When 14-month-old Zoe Bergen was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma in November 2005,
her parents Dave and Danielle were distraught. Yet, as their young daughter underwent a multitude
of treatments for this serious cancer, the Bergens found the energy and
determination to raise funds to help others in similar situations.
The couple established the Zoe Bergen Childhood Cancer Foundation
in 2005. For the past two years, the foundation has given generously to
the Meade Pediatric Hematology Oncology Center at the Van Elslander
Cancer Center on the St. John Hospital campus. Funds go toward helping
families cope and provide for their children who have cancer.
In 2006, the foundation held its second annual Charity Golf Outing
along with a Detroit Red Wings Alumni Hockey Charity Game. Proceeds
from these events were presented to the Meade Center.
Legacy Society members plan ahead
Our Legacy Society exists to recognize the
generosity and commitment of individuals
who include a gift to a St. John Health facility
or program in their estate plan. Qualifying gifts
include a charitable bequest, a beneficiary
designation in a life insurance policy, retirement
plan, bank or brokerage accounts and other gift
Members are enrolled in the Legacy Society
once they make their gift plans known; all
requests for confidentiality are honored. Legacy
gifts are often in honor or memory of a loved one
and reflect the donor’s values and commitments.
Many society members are motivated by a deep
sense of duty to the community we serve or by
our faith-based mission. Legacy gifts may also
express gratitude for a physician, nurse or
department that had a significant impact on
the lives of donors or their loved ones.
Those who pledge to make a combined gift of
one or more lifetime payments plus a deferred
gift from their estate – a “Lifetime Bequest” – have
the option of a naming opportunity. This provides
a method for donors to receive meaningful
recognition now and in the future.
For more information about estate planning
gifts, please call T. Joseph McKay, Vice President
for Planned Giving, at 586-582-7506.
Dave and Danielle Bergen, along with Zoe, present
an oversized check to Dr. Hadi Sawaf on behalf of
their foundation’s contribution. St. John Hospital
Foundation appreciates the efforts of the Bergens
and all who contributed to this worthy cause.
Thank you for
responding to our
request for support.
Your gift to St. John
Health in 2006 is
greatly appreciated.
Combined, major
philanthropic support
and contributions
from loyal supporters,
grateful patients,
new donors and many
others are making
a vital difference.
Your commitment is
helping us reach new
heights in health care.
We strive to provide
the best for you,
your family and the
communities we serve
now and in the future.
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Health initiatives with gifts
of $100 or more between
Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2006.
Ms. Terese Ackerman
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Mrs. Claudia Allen
Ms. Lisa M. Allen
Mr. Patrick J. Anderson
Mr. Jeff Arce
Ms. Laura Ashburn
Mrs. Judith A. Avie
Mr. William L. Bailey
Ms. Stacey E. Bean
Mr. Michael C. Beaubien
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beaulac
Mrs. Karen L. Beger
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitris E. Bitzarakis
Ms. Denise M. Braga
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. A. Broderick
Mr. David R. Buckley
Mr. Thomas H. Cairo
Ms. Carole F. Cameron
Mr. Steven C. Candela
Ms. Gail Caudill
Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Ceravolo
Cerner Corporation
Mr. Richard Chapman
Charity Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Chimienti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
D. Ciaramella
Mrs. Eileen Clark
The Cold Heading Foundation
Complete Communication, Inc.
Complete Corporate
Solutions, Inc.
Computer Consultants of America
Compuware Corporation
Continental Interiors, Inc.
Ms. Nadine Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crafton
Custom Business Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich C. Dalman
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Danaher
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Daniel
Mr. William Darroch
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Degnan
Ms. Nancy E. Degroote
Mr. Antonio Delvillano
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Ms. Kelley Dillon
DM Consulting
Kelley Doherty
Mr. Mark Dressel
Mr. Michael H. Dymczyk
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ermanni
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Foreman
Mr. Anthony P. Frabotta
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Freundl
Ms. Jane L. Gale
Mr. Frank J. Gazella
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Gehle
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Ms. Abigail C. Golfin
Mrs. Barbara Gonzales
Gradepoint, Inc.
Ms. Princella E. Graham
Ms. Lisa M. Ham
Mrs. Jonnie P. Hamilton
Ms. Renee M. Heileman
Ms. Marie G. Herbon
Mr. Bobby L. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoban
Ms. Linda Hollern
Hospital Consolidated
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hrynik
Dr. Christopher W. Hughes
Mr. Phillip K. Hunsberger
International Brotherhood
of Teamsters
J. L. Geisler Corp.
Mrs. Melony Johnson
Ms. Charmagne M. Johnson
Ms. Paulette Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Kathleen Kaminski
Ms. Sylvia A. Kaminski
Dr. Thomas P. Kane
Ms. Marilynn J. Kendall
KForce, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Killoran
Dr. Costas Kleanthous
Mrs. Debra A. Knoll
Mr. Stanley P. Krajewski
L. A. Business Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaChance
Ms. Gloria Lambert
Ms. Kim Lebetz
Ms. Marilyn Leiman
Mr. Warren C. Levin
Liberty Solutions
Ms. Karen L. Liner
Mrs. Kathryn R. Loren
Mr. Robert R. Lubera
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mac Alpine Inspections
Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malone
Mr. Thomas L. Marentette
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Marx
Ms. Susan M. Matthew
Ms. Lynn M. McDonald
McGregor Fund
Mr. Patrick McGuire
Mr. Daryld McQueen
Mr. Rodger Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mesler
Dr. Frederick P. Michael
Micro Wise, Inc.
Ms. Marcia L. Minard
Mr. Michael J. Moore
Ms. Leona M. Morisette
Motor City Mechanics, LLC
Mr. Charles M. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mrs. Leslie A. Murphy
Ms. Cynthia Muszynski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Mr. James B. Nicholson
Mr. Robert M. Niedermaier
Ms. Judith Odiorne
Ms. Rebecca E. Oetjens
Ms. Brenda Oliver
Mrs. Eunice E. O’Loughlin
Mr. Mitchell T. Pace
Mr. and Mrs. James Palazzolo
Mrs. Beverly J. Palazzolo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Parkin
Ms. Rosemarie Patrick
Ms. Glenda Pavia
PC Paul, LLC
Mrs. Tamara Petraszczuk
Ms. Maureen S. Petrella
Ms. Donna Petty
The Philanthropic Collaborative
Pinon Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Polenychko
Potter-Claiborn-Geelhood, Inc.
Ms. Ambra Redrick
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Relich
Respiratory Foundation of
Southeastern Michigan
Ms. Kathleen M. Reszel
Mr. Melvin R. Reynolds
Mr. Douglas A. Rich
Ms. Dorothy A. Ritter
Ms. Karen L. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Ms. Louise Rydzewski
Mr. Douglas A. Samojedny
Elizabeth, Allan & Warren
Shelden Fund
Mr. William H. Shier
Signature Medical Equipment, Ltd.
Ms. Patricia Simko
Ms. Deborah A. Sloss
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smiley
Ms. Tina M. Smith
Smith Brothers Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. G. John Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stoehr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Mr. and Ms. Younger Taueg
Mr. Ralph Tenney
The Segal Company
Mrs. Kathryn Torick
Mr. James S. Totoraitis
Triford Foundation
Ms. Natalie A. Trombley
Dr. James M. Tucci and
Ms. Judith Lamoreaux
Mr. David Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
Ms. Amy Walega
Ms. Janice M. Warmuskerken
Ms. Debra A. Wayne
Mrs. Linda Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Wells
Mr. Martin and Dr. Patricia West
Ms. Danielle D. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt G. Wilfinger
Ms. Noreen Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zalben
Norma and David Stone
St. John Health
Community Health
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Health Community Health
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
Mr. Charlie Anderson
Ms. Vernice Davis Anthony
Mr. William Barnette
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breen
Ms. Annie J. Butler
Ms. Linda Clark
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Mr. Larry D’Ascenzo
Ms. Meg Delor
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Mr. Pete Douglas
Ms. Denise W. Glover
Ms. Healther Green
Mr. Martyn O. Hotvedt
Ms. Stacia Little
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malone
Mr. T. Joseph McKay
Ms. Ava Mullen
Marn Myers
Ms. Kathleen Newmann
Mr. Steven Roach
Ms. Lavonne M. Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Thomas
Mrs. Kathryn Torick
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
St. John Hospice
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Hospice initiatives with gifts
of $100 or more between
Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2006.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Akarakcian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Alber
Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Aldrich
Mrs. Marion Allemon
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Allen
Mrs. Marieke Allen
Allied Services Division TCU
Ms. Eleanor Alper
Mrs. Adel B. Amerman
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Anderson
Mrs. Florine Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Angulim
Mr. Norman Anselment
Mr. and Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Applie Handling, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Aquilina
Architectural Group
International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arickx
Dr. and Mrs. Blaise U. Audet
Ms. Mary Jane Avers
Ms. Barbara Bachmann
Ms. Joyce R. Baetens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bahr
Ms. Sharon E. Baisden
Mrs. Angie Bajorek
Ms. Sandra Bakaric
Ms. Joyce Baldrica
Ms. Donna Bale
Mr. Peter Banko
Robert J. and Jennifer J. Banks
Charitable Trust
Ms. Elizabeth Baril
Ms. Katherine L. Barnhart
Mr. Andrew Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Barr
Mrs. Linda M. Bartlette
Mrs. Alice G. Battel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Beecherl
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Berlin
Ms. Gail Beskange
Mrs. Loretta Beveridge
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell E. Birch
Mr. Lawrence Blair
Ms. Katy Bobb
Ms. Barbara J. Boehmer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Bond
Mr. Edward Bonior
Ms. Joann Bonomo
Mrs. Mamie A. Boomer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Bourque
Mr. Edward Boutrous
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bracci
Mrs. Eileen B. Brenneman
Mrs. Patricia R. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brodzik
Mrs. Margaret Brom
Mr. Roy R. Broman
Mr. Joseph C. Bromley
Ms. Pauline Broughton
Ms. Wilma R. Brown
Ms. Sandra L. Brys
Ms. Suzanne Bunge
Ms. Carol A. Burcicki
Ms. Rosanne Burek
Ms. Diane Burke
Mr. Robert Bush
Mrs. Anna Butala
Ms. Karen Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Carbone
Cardiology Associates of
Port Huron, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Caron
Ms. Erika Carr
Ms. Elizabeth A. Carter
Mrs. Joyce Carter and Family
Ms. Dorothy Cavalier
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Chandler
Ms. Ann L. Chattinger
Mr. Louis Chelootz
Mrs. Lucille Chirco
Mr. Dennis Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Cisar
Mrs. Sharon L. Clark
Ms. Nanette Clark
Mr. William Clay and
Ms. Linda R. Kimball
Mrs. Ruth D. Closs
Ms. Brenda Cogswell
Ms. Eunice Coleman
Ms. Kathy L. Colley
Mr. and Mrs. John Collins
Ms. Diana Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Colone
Compuware Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
G. Conners
Mr. Timothy J. Eckels and
Ms. Julie A. Connoyer
Carnell Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Costandi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Counts
Ms. Renee Cowie
Mrs. Irene R. Cowsill
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Croydon
Mr. Michael A. Curis
Mr. Albert Currier
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Currin
Mr. Beryl Curry
Joni Daley
Ms. Mary E. David
Ms. Mary M. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeFauw
Ms. Roberta Dempsey
Mr. Fred Deny
Mr. Gary Depue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Mr. Fred Dery
Detroit Oxygen and Medical
Equipment Co.
Mrs. Georgina Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Doerr
Estate of Frederick R. Domaleski
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Domaleski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dombrowski
Ms. Doris Donehoo
Ms. Joanne Donohue
Ms. Shirley Dorman
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Dreisig
Ms. Karen Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dunmire
Mickey Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Ehret
Ms. Alice H. Ellis
Ms. Charlotte T. Ellis
Mr. Etienne Elskens
EPAC Sales and Services
Company, Inc.
Ms. Evelyn Erickson
Ervin Industries, Inc.
Ms. Nancy R. Fagan
Ms. Jackie Faulkner
Mrs. Sherry Fedolak
Ms. Eugenie Ferszt
Ms. Lynn Fetters
Ms. Eda Fields
Mr. George S. Filimon
Mrs. Joann Filipek
Fischer Body Refinishing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fisher
Ms. Andrea B. Fisher
Ms. Barbara C. Fisher
Mr. Michael Flora
Ms. Gladys Floyd
Fraternal Order of Police
Ms. Dawn M. Fraylick
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman J. Freund
Mr. and Mrs. Cary J. Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fromius
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fromius
Mr. Nick Frontczak
Mr. James R. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Galat
Ms. Jane L. Gale
Mrs. Justine Gapczynski
Ms. Margaret Garant
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gatward
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Gause
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Gehle
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Ms. Laura Geitzen
General Dynamics Land Systems
General Dynamics-Shelby
Ms. Anna Marie Gerhardt
Ms. Carol Ann Gilhuly
Ms. Roslyn Gilliam
Ms. Mariette Goemaere
Mrs. Florence Goldman
Ms. Karen Gonko
Ms. Beverly Goode
Ms. Laura J. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. James Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. William Grasso
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Grasza
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Ms. Stepahine Green
Greenfield Collision, Inc.
Mr. Ken Greenwood and
Ms. Ellen Gifford
Mrs. Patricia A. Greenwood
Ms. Allena Greer
Mr. Robert Groff
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Grosfield
Mr. Steven Grossmueller
GTJ Consulting, LLC
Mrs. Dorothy G. Guider
Mrs. Marie Gulian
Ms. Betty H. Gulish
Jim and Helen Gutowski
Ms. Linda Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hallman
Verdis Hallum
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hammer
Mr. John S. Hanson
Ms. Shirley A. Hardy
Mrs. Betty Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hennigan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Henry
Ms. Bonni Herrick
Mrs. Bonnie Hewitt
Ms. Christine Heymans
Mrs. Irene Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hilker
Mr. John Hite
Ms. Debra Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hofweber
Ms. Elizabeth Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Horodko
Ms. Dianna Hubbard
Mrs. Candace Huetteman
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy J. Huizenga
Mr. John Hunter
Mr. James Hurley
Ms. Jean Huskey
Mrs. Frances R. Hylko
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Jackson
Ms. Barbara J. Jackson
Ms. Mary L. Jackson
Mr. Clyde Jenkins
Mr. Greg Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johns
Ms. Gabrielle G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred T. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Diane A. Jouppi
Ms. Ilene M. Joyce
Mrs. Helen Kalinowski
Mr. John Kaltz
Mr. Robert Kalwarczyk
Ms. Kathleen Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Karaszewski
Mr. Harold Karpinski
Kasco, Inc.
Kaul Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. James Kaurich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kendrick
Ms. Sue Kennedy
Mr. Gerald Kikos
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kincaid
Mrs. Joanne Kliemann
Ms. Wilma Klosinski
Ms. Nancy J. Klug
Mr. Eugene Kmiecik
Mr. Stephan Kobylarz
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Kogut
Ms. Victoria R. Kolasa
Donald M. Konen, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowalski
Ms. Jeanette A. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Krause
Kroger Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kuchta
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Kuester
Mr. Bob Kutscher
Mr. A. Kenneth Kuyk
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kuzniar
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. La Course
Tom Russell and Dan Grady
No person was ever
honored for what he
received. Honor has
been the reward for
what he gave.
Calvin Coolidge
(1872 - 1933)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Laarman
Ms. Pauletta Lagarde
Ms. Gloria Lambert
Ms. Michelle M. Lange
Ms. Gilda Larry
Ms. Deborah LaTour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lavens
Mr. Frederich W. LaVoie
Mr. Charles Leachman
Ms. Kim Lebetz
Mrs. Irene Lee
Letica Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Levitt
Ms. Roberta Lico
Mr. Carl Liebscher
Ms. Beverley Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lister
Ms. Rose M. Liwak
Mr. John Lloyd
Ms. Peggy Lloyd
Ms. Joyce Lobb
Jessie Lopinski
Ms. Emma Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lunau
Mr. and Mrs. Denis A. Lynch
Ms. Janel Lyons
Ms. Peggie Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Mabley
Ms. Madelyn MacAloon
Ms. Robyn Macko
Ms. Antoinette Madosky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maes
Mr. James Maglinger
Main Street Presbyterian Church
Mr. William F. Maischein
Ms. Sarah E. Majcher
Mr. John P. Malicke
Senator Nancy and Mr. Victor Cassis
Mr. and Mrs. George Malley
Ms. Lavera Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malone
Deacon Joseph Marquis
Virlene Marshall
Lucida A. Marshall and
Kathleen Lindsay
Ms. Margaret Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Martinelli
Masco Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mast Jr.
Ms. Christine Mathies
Mr. and Mrs. Danny T. Matthews
Ms. Sylvia E. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Maurino
Ms. Cassandra Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McBean
Ms. Anne M. McCabe
Mrs. Betty McGlone
Mrs. Anna M. McGovern
Mr. Ralph A. McGreevy
Mr. Patrick McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuiston
Ms. Debra J. Meadows
Ms. Carrie Meier
Ms. JoAnn Melnykowycz
Mr. Joseph D. Mengden
Ms. Mary Louise Mengden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Meredith
Mrs. Lorraine A. Merglewski
& Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Merte
Michigan Multi-King Corporation
Micro Auto Paint & Supplies, Inc.
Ms. Marcia Miekstyn
Mr. David Mikwee
Mr. Joseph Mikwee
Ms. Joyce Milas
Estate of Arline C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell
Mr. Yasuo Ishii and
Mrs. Judy Mitchell Ishii
Mr. Richard Montroy
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Moore
Mr. David Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Mozal
Mr. Patrick Mulcahey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C.
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Murphy
Ms. Nora Murray
Ms. Monica Myers
Ms. Sandra Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Navarre
Ms. Vernia Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Nolta
Mr. John Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Nultall
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Ms. Rebecca E. Oetjens
The Estate of Helen Olbrot
Mrs. Eunice E. O’Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ong
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Oravec
Ms. Barbara Oresky
Mr. Umberto G. Orlando
Mr. Richard C. Osten
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Osterland
Ms. Ruth C. Otrompke
Ms. Bernice Ottenbacher
Miss Diane Pacos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Palazzola
Ms. Betty L. Palmieri
Ms. Daisy Paluch
Ms. Susan J. Pare
Mrs. Virginia Parisi
Ms. Vivian Parker
Ms. Beverly Pate
Mrs. Cathrine Pawlicki
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Peracchio
Estate of Stella J. Perez
Periodontal Specialties, P.C.
Ms. Patricia Perron
Perry’s Pizza
Ms. Jennie Perye
Ms. Camille M. Pete
Ms. Brenda Peters
Ms. Sandra Peterson
Ms. Maureen S. Petrella
Ms. Karen L. Petrylka
Ms. Susan Phalen
Pierson-Gibbs Homes, Inc.
Mr. Sam Pizzo
Mr. Robert Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pondo
Ms. Jackie Pontseele
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pope
Ms. Carol S. Porzondek
Mr. Frederick Potts
Ms. Beverly Preston
Ms. Joyce Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pyszora
Mr. William Quinn
Ms. Evaline V. Radziszewski
Ms. Lillian Raimondi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rams
Ms. Tanica Rayford
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Rayrat
Mrs. Bernadine Redlin
Medard L. Rice
Rickel & Baun, PC
Ms. Ann Marie Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Ridley
Mr. Philip Roberts
Ms. Debby Roberts
Ms. Denise A. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robotka
Estate of Marie Rogalski
Mr. Willard J. Rohrbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ronan
Mrs. Therese Ronan
Mrs. Jane Root
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Ross
Mr. Jerard Salame
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Samluk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Samples
Mrs. Carol A. Sanders
Ms. Marilyn Sanders
Ms. Veronica Sandor
Ms. Anita Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rastelli
Mrs. Mildred P. Sarut
Mr. Craig A. Sass
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Schein
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Schelosky
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Schmidt
Ms. Elizabeth Schmidt
Ms. Maria Schmidt
Mr. Patrick Schneider
Schultz’s Party Store
Mr. Matthew Schwartz & Family
Ms. Beulah Scott
Ms. Cristine M. Scott
Ms. Shirley Scott
Ms. Terry Seaver
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Segesta
Mr. Robert J. Semrau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Senko
Jay & Susan Shayevitz
Family Foundation
Mrs. Lori Shea
Elizabeth, Allan & Warren
Shelden Fund
Ms. Yolanda Shepard
Ms. Donna Sherwood
Ms. Theresa Sidlick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sivits
Ms. Ilene B. Sklover
Ms. Nancy Sly
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Smith
Mr. Laurence H. Smith, PC
Mr. William Smith
Ms. Barbara Smith
Ms. Lori A. Smolinski
Ms. Laura A. Spear
Mr. Peter Sprecher
St. John Health
Corporate Communications
St. John Macomb Hospital
Security Department
St. John Oakland Hospital
Intensive Care Unit
St. Mary’s Church
Ms. Murice “Ricki” M. Stahl
Ms. Nancy L. Stapleton & Family
Ms. Leslie Steffes
Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Steiger
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Stephens
Ms. Alexandra Stephens
Ms. Joanne Stephenson
Ms. Barbara Stevens
Ms. Patricia Stockman
The Stoner Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stradley
Mrs. Monica A. Strauch
Mrs. Helen A. Strek
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert A. Strzelecki
Stuart, Franey, Matthews &
Chantres, PC
Ms. Elwyn Stubblefield
Mrs. Joan F. Sucaet
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sullivan
Ms. Teresa Sullivan
Ms. Doris Suluk
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Swetich
Ms. Angel Swing
Ms. Charlotle Swope
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sworek
Ms. Eva Sylvester
Mr. Raymond Szambelan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Taormina
Tech Team
Mrs. Cynthia Tegel
Ms. Lisa A. Teolis
Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Terman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Thill
Ms. Kathy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thurber
Mr. Ty Tipton
Mr. Kevin Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Torakis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Trahan
Ms. Pamela R. Travis
Ms. Kimberly Treasvant
Mr. Antony Trost
Mr. James F. Trupiano
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios C. Tsitsis
Ms. Barbara J. Tutka
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tyner
Ms. Barbara J. Umlauf
Ms. Judy Unis
Ms. Marilyn D. Vala
Mrs. Barbara Van Gorder
Mrs. Lorainne M. Van Overbeke
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wadhams
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker
Ms. Fay Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward
Mr. and Mrs. William Waters
Mrs. Deborah C. Waters & Family
Ms. Sandra Watters
Ms. Sally Webb
Mr. Leonard Weems Sr.
Ms. Sally Welch
Weldaloy Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Werner
Mr. James A. West
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Westrick
Mr. Paul Wheeler
Ms. Rita White
Mrs. Shirley White
Mr. Christopher J. Whitesell
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wickett
Ms. Deborah Williams
Mr. Doug Williams
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Williams
Ms. Katherine Williams
Mrs. Kathleen Willmer
Ms. Shirley J. Wimley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Woitas
Women’s Economic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Wyderko
Ms. Margaret Yearego
Mrs. Jeanette A. Yonka
Ms. Cassandra Young
Ms. Patricia Young
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Youra
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zambon
Estate of Sophie Zdanio
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Zelenock
Ms. Suzanne M. Zielinski
Mr. Chuck Zienert
Ms. Cynthia C. Zuber
Mr. James H. Zweng
Mai Xiong greets guests at an event.
St. John Hospice
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship,
ticket purchase, auction
item donation or purchase.
4 Season Dry Cleaners
Ah Wok Restaurant
Mrs. Bettejean J. Ahee
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt
Allemon’s Landscaping Center
Anchor Bay Central Leasing
Annie Corporation
Antonio’s Restaurant
Arbonne International
Art Studio
Assaggi Mediterranean Bistro
At Last
Atlas Global Bistro
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Babin
Ms. Joyce Baldrica
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Battani
Mrs. Kimberly Baubie
Bavarian Inn Lodge
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Beals
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Bellovich
Mr. W. V. Benjamin
Ms. Doris R. Bennett
Ms. Ann Bente
Dr. Gary L. Berg
Mr. Timothy Berkery and
Ms. Karen E. Bartik
Ms. Concetta Bianchi
Big Boy International
Mr. Charles Bigelow
Bike Tech
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blatt
Blue Pointe Restaurant
Bob Thibodeau, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Bodnar
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. A. Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Burke
Ms. Jane P. Burton
Butzel Long
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Callewaert
Cameron Mitchell Restaurants
Ms. Erika Carr
Centurion Services Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Eudoro Coello
Mr. Seth Parker and
Ms. Monica Coello
Coloseum International Ltd.
The Common Grill
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Ms. Deborah A. Condino
Mrs. Patricia A. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. John Conway
Ms. Deborah Cornell
Country Club of Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Crane
Crowther Carpet & Rugs
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cutino
Da Edoardo Foxtown Grille
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dakmak
Darakjian Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Davis Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
Dr. and Mrs. Mario De Meireles
Mr. and Mrs. Dan DeCapua
Miss Camille DeMario
Detroit Lions
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Detwiler
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiMauro
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Dirksen
Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty
Mr. Francis A. Dombrowski
Donna Smiley and Associates
Mr. Joseph G. DuMouchelle
Eastside Tennis Club
Errand Solutions, LLC
Ms. Diane Evola
Father Murray Nursing Center
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fenster
Mrs. Roseanne Fenster
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fisher
Fisher Dynamics
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Fitzgerald
Forever Green Landscape
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Ms. Christine F. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. French Jr.
Fresh Farms Market
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Freundl
Friends of St. John Hospice
Mr. Chris Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Garberding
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gardella
Mr. and Mrs. David Gaskell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Mr. John F. Gehrke
Gem & Century Theatres
Genzyme Oncology
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Getz
Grand Hotel
Ms. Margaret Grashik
Greenhouse Growers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Griffin
Grosse Pointe Allergy &
Asthma Center
Grosse Pointe Farms Department
of Public Safety
Grosse Pointe Florists, Inc.
Hall, Render, Killian,
Heath & Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Handley
Mrs. Georgiann Henritzy
Hickey’s Walton Pierce
The Hill Seafood & Chop House
Mr. Joel L. Hoffman and
Ms. Shelley K. Miller
Mrs. Nina Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
D. Hollerbach
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Houin
Mrs. Phyllis I. Howard
Mrs. Suzanne H. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Huebner
Dr. Christopher W. Hughes
Mr. Daniel R. Hughes
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
Interstate Security, Inc.
Jack’s Waterfront Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jagger
Jane Shook Painted Interiors
Kelly and Nori Jarvis
Johnny B’s Cookies
Mr. George Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Thad H. Joos
Jumps Restaurant
K & S Services
Ms. Sharon L. Karageorgos
Mr. and Mrs. William Ketelhut
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kirchner
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Kirsch
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Ms. Elizabeth H. Klos
Koueiter Jewelers
Kramer’s Bed, Bath &
Window Fashions
Krausman Service
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kross
Ms. Laura E. Krueger
L.V.L. Enterprises
Lamia & Lamia
LaSalle Bank
Dr. Robert J. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Levine
Ms. Roberta Lico
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Little Foxes Fine Gifts
Lochmoor Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Loren
Dr. Adonis N. Lorenzana
Mr. Eugene F. LoVasco
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Lucido
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
Marie Howard Showroom
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Mattes
Ms. Margaret Mc Avoy Meads
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. McBrien
Mrs. Maureen C. McCabe
Dr. and Mrs. James M. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Mead
Microscoptics, Inc.
Mr. Bruce Milnes
Ms. Mona L. Minnie
Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell
Ms. Laurie Moked
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mooney
Mr. C’s Car Wash & Mr. C’s Pizza
Ms. Angela M. Mueller
Ms. Kimberley Murphy
Mr. Richard E. Muszynski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Ms. Laura Napiewocki
National Coney Island
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Natschke
Mrs. Eulinia Navarra
Neiman Marcus-Michigan
Ms. Margaret A. Nickel
Dr. Marie Nowosielski
Oakwood Healthcare System
Dr. Clark J. Okulski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oliver
Mrs. Eunice E. O’Loughlin
Opus One
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Oravec
Otsego Club & Resort
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Ms. Susan J. Pare
Park West Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parke
Mr. Seth Parker and
Ms. Monica Coello
Ms. Victoria Parr
Pat Scott Jeweler, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Penman
Ms. Ann Petero
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Pilibosian
Rabauts Interiors
The Rachael Ray Show
Rainbow Child Development
Centers Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rashid
Mrs. Joann M. Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ray
Mrs. Harriet A. Redlin
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Relich
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Rentschler
Mr. Michael Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Rinke
Ms. Myra Rodgers
Mr. Daniel N. Ross and
Ms. Sally K. Sutley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Russell III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Salon Rielle
Ms. Lisa Samerdyke
Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenherr
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seleno
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Selvaggio
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Shea
Sheer Shop, Inc.
Mrs. Karen M. Shields
Ms. Jane Shook
Ms. Roberta Simone-Popovic
Skipper Bud’s
Small Plates Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smiley
Ms. Sharon Sobczak
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Somes
Southern Hospitality Restaurant
Group/Seldom Blues
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Spigner
Mr. Timothy Spina
St. Clair Specialty Physicians, PC
St. John Hospice Supervisors &
Clinical Associates
St. John Hospital and Medical
Center-Food & Nutrition Dept
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Stahl
Stark Carpet
Ms. Patricia Stefani
Ms. Leslie Steffes
Dr. Susan Steigerwalt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stire
Swearingen Visions
Sweet Lorraine’s Cafe
Sycamore Hills Golf Club
Ms. Eva Sylvester
Tassels on the Hill
Ms. Mary K. Tavoularis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Taylor
Ms. Lisa A. Teolis
The Theatre Ensemble at
Meadowbrook Theatre
Thermal, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Thibodeau
Ms. Anne K. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Totin
The Townsend Hotel
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valade
Mrs. Gretchen C. Valade
Valade Healing Arts Center
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Elslander
Mrs. Mary Ann Van Elslander
Ms. Janice Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
Mr. and Mrs. George Venettis
Mr. Thomas Vigliotti
Village Toy Company
Vintage Wine Company
Mr. Theodore W. Voikos
Ms. Linda A. Voikos
Mrs. Carolyn Wagner
Wall Colmonoy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Weingarden
The Wellness Plan
Mr. Martin and Dr. Patricia West
Ms. Katherine White
Wild Birds Unlimited
Ms. Saundra J. Willoughby
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Winfield
Ms. Jane Woodbury
Woods Wholesale Wine
The Wool & The Floss
Mr. John E. Young Jr.
Ms. Joan S. Zabor
Dr. Virginia J. Zacharias
Dr. and Mrs. David Zalenski
Dr. and Mrs. Pierre A. Zayat
St. John Macomb
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Macomb Hospital initiatives
with gifts of $100 or more
between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
Mr. Richard Aguiar
Mr. Joseph S. Alessi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alfes
Mrs. Cheryl D. Allen
Mrs. Nancy M. Alton
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Ankers
Mr. George Aubrey
Mr. Gordon E. Aupperle
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Balicki
Ms. Tamara Ballatore
Ms. Cheryl Barber
Ms. Wanda A. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Barc
Dr. Roberto M. Barretto
Dr. John W. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beaulac
Ms. Soundra F. Beaulieu
Dr. Anthony V. Benenati
Benenati Foot & Ankle
Care Centers
Ms. Emmi M. Bessel
Dr. Frank N. Bever
Mr. Dennis Bielecki
Mr. Andrew Bieszczak
Dr. Suresh G. Bilolikar
Mr. Lawrence Blair
Dr. William S. Bloom
Mr. Anthony Bobak
Mr. Gregory Bobrowski
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Bonnefil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth
Mr. Gerald Borovsky
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brooks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Brown
Ms. Kathleen Butt
Cardiovascular Associates
Cardiovascular Consultants, PC
Ms. Lena M. Carissimi
Mrs. Joyce Carter and Family
Center for Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Pyara S. Chauhan
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Chen
Dr. Adrian Christie
Dr. and Mrs. Glen T. Clark
Mr. Tommy E. Coffman Jr.
Ms. Cheryl A. Cooper
Ms. Sherine G. Coury
Mr. Ricky J. Craig
Mr. Douglas H. Cremeans
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cronk
Ms. Meg Delor
Ms. Lynn Demske
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dery
Dr. Lingareddy Devireddy
Ms. Nunziata Di Bella
Diagnostic Radiology
Consultants, PC
Mr. Patrick Dickes
Ms. Kelley Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T.
Dominion Technologies Group, Inc.
Ms. Trace M. Dotson-Frisch
Dr. and Mrs. Lillman Dwarka
Eastside Cardiovascular
Medicine, PC
Mr. Jerry M. Eckhout
Mr. Tony Elezaj
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Ellar
Ms. Karen K. Eltringham
Mr. Paul E. Falcone
Falcone, Listwan & O’Neil, PC
Ms. Joan Flynn
Ms. Wanda E. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farkas
Mr. Cody A. Fox
Mrs. Lena A. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Franklin
Mrs. Vivian Fraser
David G. Fry, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gannon Jr.
Ms. Linda Golbin
Dr. Scot F. Goldberg
Mr. Cory Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Gregory
Ms. Jennifer Gregson
Mr. John B. Grimes
Ms. Susan A. Gronbach
Mr. Robert J. Gudenau
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath
& Lyman
Ms. Barbara A. Hallman
Dr. and Mrs. Sachinder S. Hans
Mr. Malcolm P. Hanson
Ms. Kay Harris
Ms. Tanya Hawrylko
Mr. Joseph Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hemme
M. A. Herz
HHA Services
Mr. Frederick J. Higham
Ms. Sharon L. Hinson
Mr. Thomas Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgman
Ms. Katie Hubbell
Ms. Beverly A. Hutchins
Mr. Paul R. Idzikowski
Ms. Rosa Ingram
Ms. Paulius J. Jankus
Drs. Stanley and Teresa Jaszczak
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jelonek
Ms. Tomeka L. Jhons
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jurek
Ms. Sue T. Kaminski
Kasco, Inc.
Ms. Nancy L. Kassab
Ms. Karen S. Kaylor
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kelly
Kelly Services, Inc. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kitch
Mrs. Candace Kolassa
Ms. Vickie Koller
Ms. Barbara Kortas
Ms. Judith A. Kowich
Ms. Deborah P. Krefman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kunnath
Ms. Sharon Lafferty
Ms. Joann Lagman
Ms. Huy Lam
Mr. David LaPorte
Ms. Joanne E. Laskowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lemaux
Ms. Savannah Lewis
Mr. David Luczak
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Lutomski
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang F. Maennle
Mr. Dennis P. Marth
Mr. Frank Martin
Ms. Sharon A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Masinick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason
Mr. Kenneth McGlaun
Mr. Mark T. McKee
Ms. Colleen M. McLaughlin
Ms. Elvera J. McQuade
Dr. Jeffrey D. Mendelson
Ms. Dalia Meram
Ms. Kimberly Mercer
Metro Vending and Food
Services, Inc.
Metropolitan Nephrologists, PC
Ms. Janis R. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Miroslaw Mirowski
Mr. Andrew A. Moir
Ms. Maryann Monlson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Mr. William J. Moore
Mr. Jerry W. Mott
Ms. Cynthia P. Mrak
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Myrick
Dr. Bhadresh Nayak
Ms. Kimberly A. Newhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Newman
Ms. Catherine Norander
Mr. John Norander
Ogawa Macomb Eye Center, PC
Ms. Rebecca A. O’Grady
Dr. Philip M. O’Halloran
Ms. Janet Oleszczuk
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Malley
Ms. Hala H. Orlowski
Ms. Carol J. Ostrowski
Moon K. Paik, MD
Mr. Andrew Pang
Dr. and Mrs. Anoop A. Patel
Ms. Cynthia Petrack
Ms. Wendy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Picklo
Ms. Pamela J. Piechowski
Ms. Kimberly A. Pieprzyk
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pikora
Mr. Mikel Pilkey
Dr. Katherine Pitus
Ms. Miroslawa Pustelnik
Dr. Mary G. Que
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quintal
Radar Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Jennifer A. Randazzo
Mr. Walter Rapske
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Rathnaw
Mr. Gregory Rausch
Mr. Paul Reaume
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Roberts
Ms. Connie Robinson
Ms. Elizabeth Rollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Romatz
Mr. and Mrs. Gustaaf Rottman
Ms. Diane L. Royer
Mr. Harold Ryda
Ms. Mary Rydel
S. P. Nighoon, MD, PC
Ms. Patricia Sage
Dr. Dhafer S. Salama
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sandulla
Dr. and Mrs. A.G. Santiviago
Mr. and Mrs. Parwinder S. Sarau
Ms. Terri L. Schaal
Mr. Paul Schooler
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schuit
Dr. Gary L. Shapira
Ms. Donna Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sikorski
Ms. Gertrude J. Simon
Drs. Scott I. Sircus and
Linda N. Sircus
Ms. Deborah Skupny
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Smith
St. John Macomb Hospital
St. John Macomb Hospital
Medical Staff
St. John Macomb Security
Ms. Elizabeth Stankiewicz
Ms. Mildred Stay
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stefanski
Ms. Irene Stempnik
Ms. Maria Strom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sylvester
Dr. and Mrs. Efstathios Tapazoglou
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Ms. Lynn M. Thompson
Ms. Nancy M. Tremberth
Tschiggfrey Family Members
Ms. Cathy Turner
Mr. David J. Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Van Sumer
Ms. Marianne R. Vargo
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Ventimiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Viazanko
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vsetula
Ms. Janice M. Warmuskerken
Ms. Darlene S. Watkins
Wayne and Joan Webber
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Wendland
Mr. Robert White
Ms. Diane Whyte
Mr. Raymond E. Wilking
Mr. Melvin C. Wilton
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zagacki
Ms. Cathryn Zemke
Ms. Mary Zimmer
Mr. Lawrence J. Zuzga
From left, Joseph Tasse, John O’Malley, Mike Beaubien and Bill Crowe
St. John Macomb
Hospital Golf Outing
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Macomb Hospital by
participating in this golf
outing through a sponsorship, ticket purchase, auction
item donation or purchase.
Absolute Shreds
Accretive Health
Aflac-Trudeau & Associates
Anazao Health Corporation
Art Center
Aspect Medical Systems
Automated Benefits Services, Inc.
Backer Services, Inc.
Bally Total Fitness International
Dr. Roberto M. Barretto
Barton Malow Company
Best Western Sterling Inn
Mrs. Antoine Caltoun
Dr. Renato S. Casabar
Cataract & Eye Consultants
of Michigan
Czarnowski Display Service, Inc.
Dr. Hisham Dado
DeCarlo’s Banquet Center
Diversified Investment Advisors
Kelley Doherty
Mr. Ronald E. Dooley
Mr. John Dunn
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Executive Language Services, Inc.
Extended Stay Hotels
Great Lakes Cancer Management
Ms. Jennifer Gregson
Guardian Plumbing &
Heating, Inc.
Mr. Robert Hegler
HHA Services
Dr. Nasir Husain
IPC - The Hospitalist Company
Ms. Earline Z. Jacques
John B. Ryan, MD, PC
Kasco, Inc.
Kluczynski, Girtz, Zamler
& McCubbrey
Mr. Stephen Krstevich
Lakeshore Ear, Nose & Throat
Center, PC
Mark S. Smith, DDS, PLLC
Master Craft Carpet Service, Inc.
Materials Management
Services, Inc.
Mead Johnson Nutritionals
Medimmune, Inc.
Medline Foundation
Metro Vending and Food
Services, Inc.
Michigan Orthopedic
Services, LLC
Otis Elevator Company
Mr. Derek Palm
Dr. and Mrs. Deepak G. Patel
Phoenix Press, Inc.
Dr. Ali M. Rabbani
Randall Data Systems, Inc.
RBF Inc.
Reference Company
Resource One
Ricoh Business Systems
Ricoh Corporation
Rinke Pontiac - GMC Corporation
Ross Products, Inc.
Royalty House of Warren
Saint Clair Shores OB/GYN
Mr. Pete Seilo
Siemens Medical Solutions
USA, Inc.
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Sodexho, Inc. and Affiliates
South Oakland Services, Inc.
SSOE, Inc.
Stericycle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Mr. Brian Trewella
United States Surgical
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
Warren Symphony Orchestra
Wayne and Joan Webber
Windmere Park Senior
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
St. John Oakland
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Oakland Hospital initiatives
with gifts of $100 or more
between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Mr. and Ms. Waqar Ahmad
All Pointes General Agency
Alliance Of Home Care Physicians
Dr. David S. Alnajjar
Ms. Julia Antwine
Mr. Michael Aubrey
Dr. Ronald Y. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Begerowski
Dr. Gary L. Berg
Ms. Carla M. Biniecki
Bloomfield Hills Optimist Club
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Boos
Ms. Evonnda U. Brown
Ms. Sonja Brown
Mr. Piotr Bubala
Ms. Darcel Burge
Ms. Virgilio Calahong
Ms. Juliana Calugar
Mr. Johnnie Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. William Cartwright
Ms. Elaine M. Chambers
Ms. Wei-Whei Chang
Charity Motors, Inc.
Christian Financial Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Q. Clague
Dr. Duane Corsi
Ms. Charla K. Costa
Mr. Michael J. and
Dr. Joan S. Crawford
Crawl, Walk, Jump, Run
Therapy Clinic, LLC
Ms. Barbara Crews
Ms. Evelyn M. Cronan
Mrs. Marcia Cummings
Mr. William Darroch
Ms. Sheila Sandubrae Davis
Ms. Suzanne Defour
Dr. and Mrs. Albert P. DePolo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Dodge
Mr. William Donnellon
Ms. Barbara Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Rob J. Dumont
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dupuie
Ms. Dorothy Edwards
Ms. Ruby Espina
Mr. Edward E. Evans
Ms. Janice Falleti
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Feinman
Mrs. Jennifer O. Fennell
Ms. Flora E. Ferries
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferrini
Mr. Robert Filipiak
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn M. Friedman
Ms. Kathleen A. Gaffney
Mr. Michael R. Gemmell
Mr. and Mrs. John W. George Jr.
Mr. Avery Goldstein
Ms. Heather Gooding
Mr. Cornelius Gray
Ms. Juaria Gray
Mr. Michael Greenberg
Grosse Pointe Chapter SPEBSQSA
Grosse Pointe Lions Club
HHA Services
Mrs. Maureen R. Hickson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hollatz
Mr. Howard Jackson
Dr. Augusto M. Jamora
Mr. Cornelius Jones
Mr. Glen Jones
Ms. Mary Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kairis
Ms. Georgeann Kelm
Mr. Charles Keys
Ms. Lina Khoshi
Mr. Leroy Killion
Mr. Stephen S. Kim
Kiwanis Club of Eastpointe
Kiwanis Club of Sterling Heights
Kiwanis Club of Utica/Shelby
Knights of Columbus Council
# 8695
Knights of Columbus Michigan
State Council
Ms. Natalia Kovalchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krmel
Mr. John Kuhns
Mr. Frederick Lemke
Dr. Arthur Lieberman
Ms. Geraldine London
Lucido-Morris & Associates, LLC
Mr. Ivan Ludington
Macomb Medical Clinic, PC
Mr. Charles E. Mayes
Ms. Catherine McCarthy
Mr. Richard McGowan
Ms. LaVerne F. McGraw
Dr. Barry S. Meyer
Ms. Gwendolyn Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Montrose
Ms. Angie L. Moore
Ms. Rosalie E. Moritz
Mr. William J. Mott Jr.
Mt. Clemens Lodge #6 F & AM
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Muir
Mr. John Murphy
Dr. Shoib Myint
The NCI Foundation
Ms. Najla Noocha
Nottingham Sportsmans Club
Mr. Mathew M. Oommen
Ms. Kathleen M. Parrish
Ms. Patricia L. Patterson
Ms. Karen L. Piana
Mr. Gary L. Pineau
Dr. Terry A. Podolsky
Mr. Thomas A. Prange
The Robert & Susan Rahaim
Family Fund
Ms. Valerie A. Ratcliff
Ms. Gloria Ray
Mr. Samuel Richardson
Ms. Marie Roberts
Ms. Denise A. Robertson
Ms. Sandra Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Rondini
Dr. J. Barry Rubin
Mr. Anthony G. Schena
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Schena
Schena Roofing and Sheet
Metal Co., Inc.
Dr. Ernest A. Schillinger
Ms. Shirley Schima
The Schwab Fund for
Charitable Giving
Ms. Sandra Simon
Dr. and Mrs. Emil S. Sitto
Ms. Deborah T. Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith
Specialty Health Services
Management, LLC
St. Blase Catholic Church
St. John Oakland Emergency
Physicians, PC
St. John Oakland
Rehabilitation Services
Ms. Ethel M. Szabo
Mr. and Mrs. Zbigniew Szygowski
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Takla
Mr. Forrest A. Teays
Ms. Judy Temple
Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Thompson
Ms. Deborah Thorpe
Ms. Judith Trachsel
Tri-County Urologists, PC
Ms. Denise Truman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Van Hollebeke
Ms. Rachelle A. Van Hollebeke
Mr. Sriram Vedamurthy
Mrs. and Mr. Pamela J. Versical
Vitale, Crosby & Associates, PC
Mrs. Virginia R. Viviano
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Wadle
Walmart Foundation
Mr. Norbert Westfield
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
Mrs. Mary J. Wolfe
Ms. Deborah Wood
Ms. Sharon Wysocky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Zaguroli
St. John Oakland
Hospital Taste Fest
Top: Corrine
Kruse, RN
Bottom: from
left, Lauren
Vitale, Kathie
Murray and
Carol Sweetwine
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
AAA Environmental, Inc.
Absolute Shreds
Aim Construction, Inc.
American Medical Response
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Anderson
Anesthesia Services Associates, PC
Ms. Annette Angeli
Anita’s Kitchen
Ms. Jolly Antony
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Avery
David J. Bartolovic, DDS
Dr. Paul Benson
Big Boy
Dr. Robert A. Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Bostick
Botsford General Hospital
Mr. Daniel Bowen
Ms. Michelle Bradford
B A. Calvin
Mr. Thomas Cavataio
Cerner Corporation
Po-Hong Chang
Christopher B. Najarian, DO, PC
Coffee Connection
Ms. Debbie Coombs
Ms. Charla K. Costa
Country Smoke House
Mr. and Mrs. Greg J. Cyr
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Darroch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Doctors Clinic, PC
Dolora Pain Management
Associates, PC
Ms. Leeann Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dupuie
Eastlake Cardiovascular
Associates, PC
Eckler Electric, LLC
Dr. Hilal D. Elia
Ms. Sanaa Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Robb A. Elwert
Emergency Medicine Specialists, PC
Ms. Antonina A. Enriquez
Mrs. Jennifer O. Fennell
Ms. Flora E. Ferries
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Ms. Kathleen A. Gaffney
Gateway Travel Service
Ms. Colette S. Gilewicz
Ms. Catherine Gofrank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gold
Golf Facilities, Inc.
Grand Traverse Pie Company
Great Lakes Recycling
Ms. Dolores Grieser
Ms. Lynsey Guzik
Ms. Delphine Harris
Dr. Joel Harris
Ms. Gail Hawkins
HHA Services
Mrs. Maureen R. Hickson
Mr. Russ Hoover
Ms. Ann Hrose
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jozefczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kairis
Mr. Bill Keeve
Dr. Dennis Kelly
Mrs. Jamie Kelly
Ms. Georgeann Kelm
Ms. Lisa M. Koehler
Ms. Barbara Kortas
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kozlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krmel
Ms. Kathleen M. Laraia
Ms. Madelyn Lepage
Mr. Tom Loftus
Ms. Theresa L. Lundell
Madison Clinic, PC
Mario’s of Troy
Melting Pot, Troy
Michael Agnello Jewelers
Mr. Stan Michelcavage
Michigan Institute of Urology, PC
Mr. William J. Mott Jr.
MSU College of Osteopathic
Mr. Stephen G. Nadrowski
New York Bagel Baking Company
New York Deli Family Restaurant
Oakland Macomb Surgical Group
Oakland Medical Group, PC
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Ms. Bonnie Oberg
Ms. Rebecca A. O’Grady
Olan Jareunpoon, MD, PC
Ms. Carol Oliverio
Pace Custom Printing
Paragon Steak House
Restaurants, Inc.
Personal Health Care, PC
Philips Medical Systems
North America Co.
Plumbrook Medical Center, PC
Mr. Gary Pollack
Mr. Rex Pringle
Progressive Plumbing Supply
Mr. Matthew Rees
Ms. Denise A. Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Rondini
Drs. Michael Rubin and
Sidney K. Simonian
Ms. Susan Rutkowski
Salvatore Scallopini
Ms. Patricia A. Sanchez
Ms. Toni Shad
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shuart
Dr. David M. Siegel
Ms. Sandra Simon
Southeast Michigan Neurosurgery
Specialty Health Services
Management, LLC
St. Clair Cardiovascular
Surgeons, PLC
St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic
Ms. Kathrine Story
Mr. Gary L. Stoykovich
Stryker Medical
Texas Road House
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas
Mr. Arthur Townsend
Ms. Mary A. Trela
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
Ms. Christine Valitotti
Ms. Mary Ellen Van Dyke
Ms. Pamela Ventura
Ms. Rosita Veronesi
Ms. Lauren Vitale
Mr. Daniel S. Wallas
Ms. Jenny Wang
Ms. Nancy Warrick
Wide Open West
Father Robert H. Williams
Mrs. Mary J. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Wood
Ms. Billie Wood
Ms. Brigette Woodward
Dr. Frances Zalewski
Ms. Mary Zalewski
St. John Oakland
Hospital Wines
Around the World
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase or donation.
Advanced Aquatics Diving, Inc.
Affiliated Eye Surgeons
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Agosta
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Aim Construction, Inc.
American Polish Cultural Center
Anesthesia Services Associates, PC
Mr. Donald L. App
Ms. Joyce Baldrica
Dr. Gary L. Berg
Big Rock Chop House
Binson’s Hospital Supplies, Inc.
Dr. Robert A. Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breen
Ms. Pamela Brenizer
Chinn Jewelry, Inc.
Dr. Richard J. Colman
Mr. Michael J. and
Dr. Joan S. Crawford
Mrs. Donna J. Cyr
Darakjian Jewelers
Ms. Meg Delor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Ms. Kathleen A. Dicenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dupuie
ENT Surgical Associates
Esonet Medical Equipment
& Supplies, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Feinman
Mrs. Jennifer O. Fennell
Ms. Lisa Marie Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Ms. Kathleen A. Gaffney
Ms. Susan Glassford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gold
Dr. Vincent J. Granowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hagopian
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath
& Lyman, PSC
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hickson
IPC - The Hospitalist Company
Mr. Bobby J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kairis
Ms. Lori J. Kieleszewski
Mrs. Janice A. Kilbourn
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Klein
Ms. Kristin Knowland
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kruse
Kruse & Muer on Wilshire
Ms. Theresa L. Lundell
Masters Restaurant
Metropolitan Nephrologists, PC
Ms. Kathy D. Mihm
Dr. and Mrs. Saroj Misra
MSU College of Osteopathic
Dr. Shoib Myint
Oakland Macomb Surgical Group
Oakland Medical Group, PC
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Mr. Richard Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Pilibosian
Dr. Terry A. Podolsky
Professional Practice Resources
Rattle Run Golf Course
Rizzo Jewelers
Ms. Denise A. Robertson
Roger’s Roost
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Rondini
Dr. Ernest A. Schillinger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Smith
Sodexho Health Care
Somerset Inn
Sterling Art & Accessories
Sweet Lorraine’s Cafe
Ms. Sharmaine Tanario-Battaghello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Tri-County Urologists, PC
Dr. John Trupiano
Twin Peaks Ent PLLC
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
US Builders Group
Chris Warburton
Ms. Deborah Wood
Wright & Filippis
St. John North Shores
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
North Shores Hospital
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bergeron
Ms. Jane Capek-Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cartwright
Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom,
Makowski and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin M. Duensing
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Foster
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gusho
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Ms. Arlene R. Hendrie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jeannette
Ms. Paulette Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Mukhtar A. Khan
Mrs. Jean Kinney
LaBelle Electric Services, Inc.
Lakepointe Senior Care &
Rehab Center
Ms. Cynthia Muszynski
Ms. Patricia Newman-Bain
Ms. Susan E. Olmstead
Mr. Michael Owiesny
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Pankratz
Faith is, at one
and the same
time, absolutely
necessary and
Stanislaw Lem
(1921 - 2006)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Regener
Mrs. Surekha Samel
Schena Roofing and Sheet
Metal Co., Inc.
Mr. David J. Smith and Mrs. Susan
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Southall
Mr. Ralph H. Stapleton
Ms. Tami J. Stapleton
Mr. Howard Studaker
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Verb
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Waelchli
St. John North Shores
Hospital Golf Outing
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
North Shores Hospital by
participating in this golf
outing through a sponsorship, ticket purchase, auction
item donation or purchase.
4th Street Grill
America’s Finest Carwash
Anonymous Donor
Baker College
Beacon Hill Golf Club
Belle Maer Harbor
Mr. Thomas Bielman
The Brewery
Carlo’s Pizza
Cherry Creek Golf Club
Ms. Dina Ciaffone
CJ Barrymore’s
Community Central Bank
Ms. Meg Delor
Eastpointe Radiologists, PC
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Emergency Medicine Specialists, PC
Fern Hill Country Club, Inc.
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Bank/Southfield
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Forlini
Gallagher Benefit Services
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Grant
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Greystone Golf Club
Harbor Restaurant Corporation
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hart
Mr. Bobby L. Hill
Mrs. Phyllis I. Howard
Huron Acoustic Tile
Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jeannette
Jimenez Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jokinen
Mr. Larry Krass
LaBelle Electric Services, Inc.
Lanse Creuse Foundation
Mr. Ronald F. LaPensee
Lover’s Lane
Luigi’s Enterprises, Inc.
Mac and Ray’s
Macomb Center for the
Performing Arts
Macomb Fire Door Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McHugh
McKesson Informational
Solutions, Inc.
Medstar Ambulance Corporation
Messina Trucking, Inc.
Metro Health & Fitness, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Miller
Honorables Donald G. and
Candace S. Miller
Mr. Dale A. Miller
MJR Theatres
MK Advertising, Inc.
Morley Candy Makers
Mount Clemens Ice Arena
& Fitness Center
Mr. Paul’s Chophouse
Omega Solutions
O’Reilly, Rancilio, Nitz, Andrews,
Turnbull & Scott, PC
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Pathology Specialists of
Southeast Michigan, PC
Philip F. Greco Title Co.
Ms. Christine L. Pierseson
Ms. Anne Pintar
Redwood Dental Group
Ringler & Co., PC
Schena Roofing and Sheet
Metal Co., Inc.
Selfridge Plating, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sessions
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sharrow
Signature Medical Equipment, Ltd.
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Smith Brothers Electric, Inc.
Mr. David J. Smith and Mrs. Susan
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Squire
St. John Macomb Hospital
Medical Staff
St. John Medical Group, PC
St. John North Shores
Emergency Physicians, PC
St. John North Shores Hospital
Gift Shop
St. John North Shores Pharmacy
Sycamore Hills Golf Club
Tamer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Taylor
Mr. James G. Timpa
Mr. Joseph Tuttle
Universal-Macomb Ambulance
Service, Inc.
W.K. Industries, Inc.
Warren Bank
Dr. James G. Westbury
World of Floors
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
WVMV 98.7 FM
St. John North Shores
Hospital Dinner Dance
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
21st Century Newspapers
A.H. Peters Funeral Services
Absolute Shreds
Aim Construction, Inc.
Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.
Baker College
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Battani
Dr. Anthony V. Benenati
Benenati Foot & Ankle
Care Centers
Mr. Jeff Berger
C & G Publishing, Inc.
Community Central Bank
Conner Park Florist, Inc.
Cox, Hodgman and Giarmarco, PC
From left, Drs. Anthony Femminineo, John Pollina, Joseph Femminineo
and Frank Pollina
Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom,
Makowski and Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Denny
Don Gooley Cadillac, Inc.
Eastpointe Radiologists, PC
Eastside Eye Physicians, PC
Eastside Internal Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ewald
Ferndale Electric
Fifth Third Bank/Southfield
FJF Door Sales Co.
Mr. Dennis Franks
Gallagher Benefit Services
Gowanie Golf Club
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gusho
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hart
Ms. Arlene R. Hendrie
IPC - The Hospitalist Company
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson
Ms. Linda Jaye Arogundade
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jeannette
Ms. Paulette Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jokinen
Ms. Priscilla J. Khoury
Mr. and Mrs. William Kinney
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Mrs. Lucille M. Knop
LaBelle Electric Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken LaDuke
Mr. and Mrs. Kent B. Lagerquist
Lanse Creuse Foundation
Mr. Ronald F. LaPensee
Dr. JoAnne Levitan
Luigi’s Enterprises, Inc.
Macomb Daily
Madison Podiatry Associates, PC
Medstar Ambulance Corporation
Michigan Glaucoma Specialtist, PC
Michigan Institute of Urology, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Miller
Honorables Donald G. and
Candace S. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Natale
National Coney Island, Inc.
Nino Salvaggio Fruit &
Vegetable Market
Mrs. Sharlene B. Nova
Mr. Dean A. Olgiati
Omega Solutions
Dr. Ghanshyam N. Patel
Pathology Specialists of
Southeast Michigan, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pavlick
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Peterfeso
Philip F. Greco Title Company
Ms. Carol S. Porzondek
Redwood Dental Group
Mrs. Surekha Samel
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Sayles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schaefer
Schena Roofing and Sheet
Metal Co., Inc.
Mrs. Kathy C. Schroll
Secom Group, Inc.
Selfridge Plating, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sessions
Shock Brothers Floor
Covering, Inc.
Mr. Tim Capo and
Mrs. Paula M. Sieli-Capo
Ms. Maria Silamianos Sherman
Skanska L.S. Brinker
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Dr. Charles G. Skardarasy
Mr. Douglas I. Skrzyniarz
Mr. David J. Smith and
Mrs. Susan Mooney-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sorg
St. Clair Vascular Associates, PC
St. John Hospital Medical
Affairs Department
St. John North Shores Hospital
Medical Staff
St. John North Shores Hospital
Emergency Physicians, PC
Mr. Allen Stortz
Mr. James G. Timpa
Ambulance Service, Inc.
Mr. Mark T. Vanneste
Mr. Robert S. Vickrey
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Villani
Viviano Flower Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wasilewski
Mr. Duane S. Weed
World of Floors
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
St. John River District
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
River District Hospital
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1
and Dec. 31, 2006.
Ms. Harriet E. Albert
Ms. Geraldine Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Babcock
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Bacheldor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beals
Mr. Donald B. Beaton
Mr. Ralph Beattie
Ms. Diane R. Bedore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Belanger
Mr. and Ms. James J. Bier
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bollin
Ms. Ann L. Bonior
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brandt
From left, Ron and Pam DiCicco, Will Oldford, Christine Newberry,
Marsh Campbell, Debbie Shafranski, Steve Armstrong, Donna Sears,
Randy Cutler, Connie Johnson and Janice Kaatz
Mrs. Pamela Bubeck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Burmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Cherluck
Mr. Christopher J. Chopp
Dr. and Mrs. Tae Hong Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chute
Citizens First Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Dale V. Dare
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Deview
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Di Clemente
DSLT Foundation
DTE Energy Foundation
Mr. Donald R. Edgette
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fett
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Forster
Mr. Steven L. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fulton
Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Gasowski
Mr. John R. Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Gulan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Haas
Ms. Dorothy E. Hall
Ms. Lynn Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hamilton
Mr. Gerald Hanna
Ms. Neta Haske
Ms. Gilda J. Hayes
Ms. Mary J. Hayes
Henry and Harriet Whiting
Memorial Foundation
Mrs. Jane Hill
Mr. Albert Holm
Dr. Gary Hosey
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky E. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jehle
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Justa
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Kaatz
Kane Clemons Joachim
Professional Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Klecha
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Kloka
Ms. Rachelle E. Kniffen
Mr. Thomas Koelzer and
Mrs. Shannon Terry
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kolthoff
Ms. Lynn M. Koury
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Krispin
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kuhn
Mr. Ponon D. Kumar
Ms. Kimberly Liebetreu
Ms. Ruth Lizee
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Lockhart
Mrs. Gertrude Lozon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lundquist
Mr. Thomas W. MacPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McElroy
Ms. Brenda M. McNally
Ms. Connie Miano
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy A. Mikolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moore
Mr. William Moskal
Mr. Douglas D. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
M. Muszynski
Nowland Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin
Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Osterland
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Payne
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Peralta-Digalo
Mrs. Barbara Persyn
Mr. Frank W. Poma
Mr. John A. Randolph
Ms. Helen Rehmann
S. J. Campbell/Independent
Sales Director
Ms. Kyehwa Schneider
Ms. Lucy L. Schreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mrs. Lisa A. Sharrow
Mrs. Kimberly S. Shelton
Mr. William H. Shier
Ms. Catherine Shinske
Ms. Patricia Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Smith
Mr. Gaylord B. Smith
Ms. Betty J. Soulliere
St. Clair County Health
St. Clair Foundation
St. Clair Women’s League
St. John River District
Hospital Auxiliary
St. John River District
Hospital Medical Staff
Ms. Yong Strittmatter
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Roger W. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Thorpe
Tony & Mary’s Catering
Ms. Barbara J. Tutka
Ms. Virginia A. Uppleger
Mr. Clair D. Van Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Ver Hoven
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vito
Mr. Terrel B. Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin C. Westrick
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wheeler
Ms. Sherry Wheeler
Mrs. Mary J. Wight
Ms. Amiesha Williams
Mr. William L. Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Woods
Ms. Beverly A. Worley
X-Ray Associates of
Port Huron, PC
Ms. Jennifer Ypma
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Zweng
St. John River District
Hospital Events
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
River District Hospital events
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
ABN AMRO Services Company
Mr. and Mrs. Milus A. Allison
American Diamond Importers
Austin, Niester, Beauchamp
& Finnegan, PC
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Bacheldor
Backer Landscaping Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Badovinac
Dr. David A. Bailey
Baker College Port Huron Campus
Baldwin Lambert Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Battani
Mr. Timothy M. Binder
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bollin
Bone & Joint Institute, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Campbell
Cardiology Associates of
Port Huron, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. Cataline
Dr. and Mrs. Tae Hong Chung
Citizens First Foundation, Inc.
Citizens First Savings Bank
City of St. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cole Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Czarnecki
Ms. Georgiana Daly
Mr. John V. Deaver
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Defever
Delude Construction, Inc.
Deputy Sheriff’s Association
of Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. DeVaux
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Di Clemente
Di Clemente Investments, Ltd.
Mr. Daniel Dooley
Downriver Community
Services, Inc.
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Fifth Third Bank
Foster Blue Water Oil, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Frye
Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Gasowski
Mrs. Michele Gauthier
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gellein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Germain
Gerry Mason and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gijsbers
The Grape & Cheddar
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gregorich
Mr. and Mrs. William Haener
Harbor Health Private Care, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hay
Mrs. Gilda J. Hayes
Law Offices of Heyboer &
Floyd, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heythaler
Dr. and Mrs. David T. Hindy
Dr. Gary Hosey
Huntsman Corporation
Huntsman, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jehle
Joachim Realty
Johnson Controls
Mr. Logan T. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Blakely Jordan
Jowett Funeral Home
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kuhn
Ms. Lori J. LaMontagne
Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Lane
Lapeer Sleep Diagnostic
Center, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Horacio Lardo
LaSalle Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ligon
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Lockhart
Lock’s Cleaners
LogoVision, LLC
Lubaway, Masten &
Company, Ltd.
Dr. James MacDonald
Mallard’s Landing
May Wilbert Vault Corp.
McBride, Manley & Miller, PC
Drs. Homeira and Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McElroy
Medilodge of St. Clair
Memac Associates, PC
Mercy Hospital
Michigan CAT
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Miller
Franklin H. Moore & Nancy
S. Moore Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moore
Mr. William Moskal
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Murtagh
Dr. and Mrs. Bassam Nasr
New Attitudes By Arlene, Inc.
D. Newberry Construction, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Newberry
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Pavlov
The Dean & Diane Petitpren
Family Foundation
Photography by Day
Physician Healthcare Network, PC
Dr. Mary Pietrangelo
Pointes Plastic Surgery Assoc., PC
Mr. Frank W. Poma
Port Huron Hospital
Power Investments, LLP
Precision Care
Promotion Services Inc.
Mr. John A. Randolph
Dr. B. R. Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reed
Mr. and Mrs. James Reimer
Reverend Edward Ritter
River District Emergency
River District Orthopedic Surgery
& Sports Medicine, PC
River’s Bend Marina, Inc.
Riverside Eye Center, PC
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rourke
Russell Electric
Drs. Michael Sabbagh and
Sharon Mitchell
Ms. Patricia J. Samar
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sanford
The Schudlichs
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Schwark
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
L. Schweihofer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Schweihofer
Seaway Community Bank
Seaway Mobile Home Ranch, Inc.
Semco Energy
Senior Home Health Care, Inc.
Ms. Mary Sihler
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Smith
Sodexho, Inc. and Affiliates
South Oakland Services, Inc.
Speedy Q Markets, Inc.
St. Clair Chevrolet Oldsmobile
St. Clair Inn, LLC
St. Clair Pharmacy, Inc.
St. Clair Pulmonary &
Critical Care, PC
St. Clair Rotary Club
St. John River District
Hospital Auxiliary
St. John River District
Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. St. Pierre
Sterling Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Strzelecki
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Hernani S. Tansuche
Mr. and Mrs. Romaine L. Tarzwell
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Thompson
Thompson-Phelan, Inc.
Tri Hospital MRI Center
J. Thomas Truske, DDS, PC
Two Waters, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Warchol
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wayne
Thomas G. Wayne, MD, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. William Westrick
Ms. Constance L. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wilson
Dr. Ralph F. Woodbury
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
The Write Company
X-Ray Associates of
Port Huron, PC
Ms. Kari Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Zweng
St. John Detroit
Riverview Hospital
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Detroit Riverview Hospital
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1
and Dec. 31, 2006.
Ms. Donna J. Billups
Mrs. Connie G. Bohlinger
Mr. Morris Cotton
Darwish O. Darwish, MD
Ms. Suzana Dimic
Ms. Susan Ethier
Mrs. Jennifer O. Fennell
Dr. Cheryl Gibson Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Sylvia A. Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kozlowski
Ms. Wanda Leshore
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathew
Mr. Anthony E. Munroe
Ms. Sharon Paul
Ms. Glenda Pavia
Ms. Ilona L. Pouget
Ms. Renee Rainey
Ms. Bridgette D. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
From left, Reggie McKenzie,
Dr. Cheryl Gibson Fountain,
Leslie McGurdy and
Larry Jones
St. John Detroit
Riverview Hospital
Golf Outing
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Detroit Riverview Hospital
by participating in this golf
outing through a sponsorship, ticket purchase, auction
item donation or purchase.
ABN AMRO Services Company
Aegis Group Search
Consultants, LLC
Aim Construction, Inc.
Alliance-HNI, LLC
Dr. William G. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Aarti Banker
Barton Medical Corporation
Besam Entrance Solutions
Comfort Prosthetics, Inc.
Community E.M.S.
Conditioned Aire Services, Inc.
Consultants in Ophthalmology, PC
Datascope Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Duff
Eckler Electric, LLC
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Dr. Thomas M. Flake and Mrs.
Heidi R. Simonato-Flake
Ms. Anne Marie Garbinski
Dr. Cheryl Gibson Fountain
Mr. John Green
Guidant, A Boston Scientific Co.
Mr. John F. Hannah
HHA Services
Dr Keith A. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Johnson
Keller Thoma, A Professional
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Dr. Scott Kleiman
L & S Associates, Inc.
Ms. Gloria Lambert
Landmark Healthcare
Facilities, LLC
Dr. Sang H. Lee
Lubaway, Masten & Co., Ltd.
Master Craft Carpet Service, Inc.
Materials Management
Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McNerney
Metro Security Solutions
MORE Computer
Mr. Joseph Moton
Otis Elevator Company
RBF, Inc.
Dr. Michael W. Roberts
SCCI Health Services Corporation
Dr. Michael Schohknecht
SHC Services, Inc.
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Sodexho Marriott Services, Inc.
Mr. Earle W. Spohn
Stryker Medical
T.H. Marsh Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Mr. Douglas Thaxton
Total Health Care, Inc.
Mr. John Twomey
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
Mr. Marc Zimmerman
St. John Detroit
Riverview Hospital A Night to Care
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
A & C Builders Hardware Corp.
Agar Lawn Sprinkler Systems, Inc.
Dr. Jean Alce
Dr. William G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Ankers
Asphalt Control Corporation
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. Daniel R. Babb
Backer Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Aarti Banker
Dr. Renita Barge
Mr. Michael C. Beaubien
Behavioral Health Services
Bernard Hodes Group, Inc.
Dr. Frank N. Bever
Mr. Steve Blazoff
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Michigan
Ms. Geraldine Brock-Johnson
Dr. Muda Bulari
Ms. Virginia V. Cabanting
Ms. Zenaida Caliboso
Cavalier Painting Company
Center for Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation, PC
Dr. Adrian Christie
Ms. Dina Ciaffone
Mr. L. S. Clark and
Dr. Renita B. Clark
Dr. Frank M. Clark
Dr. Stanley B. Cohen
Community E.M.S.
Compuware Corporation
Conditioned Aire Services, Inc.
Ms. E. Colleen Conklin
Consultants in Ophthalmology, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Corey
Critical Resource, Inc.
Ms. Patricia A. Darnell
Dealer Aid Enterprises
Detroit Office Interiors
Mr. Daniel Dooley
E & G Medical Associates, PC
E.N.T. Surgical Associates
Eckler Electric, LLC
Ms. Quantressa Edwards
Dr. Prince J. Eubanks
Family Care Medical Center
Dr. Thomas M. Flake and
Mrs. Heidi R. Simonato-Flake
Dr. Tosan A. Fregene
Mr. Jeffrey Garavaglia
Dr. Cheryl Gibson Fountain
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gillum
Mr. Ivan Gipson
Ms. Linda Glowaz
Dr. Nathan Gordon
Dr. Narsimha R. Gottam
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Grasl
Mr. John E. Green Jr.
Dr. W. Anthony Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S.
Ms. Vivian Hackman
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Hadesman
Hartford Memorial Baptist Church
Henry Ford Health System
Mr. Eric Herrera
HHA Services
Mr. Gregory A. Hodgins
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hodgins
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Holtrop
International Union - UAW
Jefferson Medical Industrial
Clinic, PC
Jim’s Collision Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Johnson
Ms. Patricia S. Johnson-Walker
Mr. Daniel J. Kefler
Keller Thoma, A Professional
Ms. Kathleen A. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kerby
King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dr. Scott Kleiman
Dr. Kerry Kole
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kozlowski
Lakeside Neurology, PC
Landmark Healthcare
Facilities, LLC
LaSalle Bank
Dr. Deborah J. Levan
Lewis & Munday, PC
Mr. Charles Mady
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang F. Maennle
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
Market Strategies, Inc.
Mr. David Martin and
Dr. Crystal R. Martin
Master Craft Carpet Service, Inc.
Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc.
Mr. Herman May and
Mrs. Toria B. Bradley-May
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mayers
Medic One Ambulance Service, Inc.
Ms. Karen Medler
Dr. Veronica M. Miks
and Mr. Daniel Feiner
Miller Parking Company
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Mizzi
Dr. Joram O. Mogaka
Mr. Arturo Mojares
Molina Healthcare of Michigan
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Mosby
Motor City Internists, PLLC
Mr. Joseph Moton
MSU College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben A. Munday
Dr. C. A. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Ms. Anna Najm
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Norwood
Oncology Clinics, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Palad
Dr. Harivallabh Pandya
Dr. Michael A. Parish
Park Family Health Care, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Anoop A. Patel
Patrick G. Murray Eye Center
Pfizer, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Pitzen
Ms. Diane Pressley-Capers
Pro Image Facility Services, Inc.
Dr. Robert Provenzano
Reliable Nursing Agency, LLC
Ms. Opal Ritchie
Dr. Michael W. Roberts
Roche Diagnostics
Ms. Marcia Rogers
Mr. David A. Runk and
Dr. Christy Petroff
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Ryan
S. E. Radiology Assoc., PC
Dr. Jagneswar Saha
Ms. Roberta V. Sanders
Sani-Vac Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scalici
SCCI Health Services Corporation
Mr. Kenneth W. Schell
Dr. Michael P. Schuhknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Setsuda
Dr. Gary L. Shapira
Mona T. Siddiqui
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
Simplex Grinnell
Sodexho Marriott Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sparby
SSOE, Inc.
St. Clair Specialty Physicians, PC
St. John Detroit Riverview
Hospital Medical Staff
St. John Detroit Riverview
Department of Anesthesiology
St. John Detroit Riverview
Hospital OB/GYN
Sterling Cleaning Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert Strom
Stryker Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Mr. Douglas Thaxton
Therapy Staff, Inc.
Ms. Michelle N. Tobin
Dr. Nancy A. Treece
Mr. Dave Turnbull
Universal Health Management, LLC
Dr. Muthuvasuki Veerappan
W.H. Canon, Inc.
Wayne County Osteopathic
Mr. Joseph Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. John Witherell
Kevin Woody
Wright & Filippis, Inc.
Ms. Monique A. Young
From left, Ron and Carol Horwitz, Diane Wolfe and Jerry Pedlaw
St. John Providence
Park Hospital
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported the St. John
Providence Park Hospital
Campaign with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
Advanced Aquatics Diving, Inc.
Dr. Sami Akkary
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Alexander
Mrs. Claudia Allen
American University of the
Caribbean School of Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Anderson
Ms. Doris Aquin
Arlene & Forrest Winston
Page Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Armenio
Dr. and Mrs. M.A. Arsiwala
Associates in Neurology
Dr. Elliott S. Attisha
Mr. Daniel R. Babb
Mr. David J. Barr
Dr. Roberto M. Barretto
Barton Malow Company
Ms. Janine Y. Bennett
Ms. Mary Bensmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bialo
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Blessed
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Boley
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bologna
Ms. J. Nan Bostic
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Boutt
Mr. and Mrs. Blair M. Bowman
Dr. Robert K. Brateman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breen
Mr. Timothy Narva and
Mrs. Donna J. Broderick-Narva
Dr. and Mrs. Kastytis L. Buitkus
Ms. Karen Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Casalou
Ms. Elizabeth J. Cezat
Ms. Qixin Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cislo
Ms. Muriel Cleary
Consultants in Cardiology, PC
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Cotton
Ms. Susan Craig
Ms. Janet Craver
Mrs. Heidi L. Crisman
Ms. Julie A. DeConinck
Ms. Roberta Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Digestive Health Associates, PLC
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dommer
Ms. Joann Dropiewski
Dr. Linda M. Dubay
Ms. Brenda K. Dunham
Dr. and Mrs. Scott W. Eathorne
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Elsea
Dr. Nahid Elyas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fink
Ms. Sally L. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Florence
Ms. Maryann Follmer
Foot Healthcare Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Ms. Nancy Fraser
Dr. Gobind Garg
Drs. Vinaya and Lakshmi Gavini
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Gehle
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Gilman
Drs. Robert and Betty Go
Dr. Lanny Green
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hagenian
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haldane
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Haney
Mr. Donald D. Haney
Health Plan of Michigan
Mrs. Paula J. Hebert
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hepner
Dr. Sherryl D. Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Hoffman
Mr. Martyn O. Hotvedt
Dr. F. S. Iftikhar
Mrs. Rochelle M. Igrisan
Independent Emergency
Infectious Disease Center, PC
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Isenstein
Dr. and Mrs. Ian T. Jackson
Dr. David M. Jacobs
Dr. Michael J. Jacobs
Dr. Jean A. Jaffke
Ms. Anne-Marie James
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jamrock
Mr. and Mrs. G. Philip Jerome
Ms. Judith J. Johnson
Ms. Shenita Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Jonna
Jonna Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Nancy A. Joynt
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Kaplan
Mrs. Susanne C. Keatts
Ms. Denise E. Kerr
Ms. Kathy A. Klann
Ms. Margaret M. Klobucar
Dr. Todd A. Koffler
Dr. Ramachandra B. Kolachalam
Mrs. Kathleen F. Kozbial
Dr. Michael J. Kraut
Mrs. Christine Krieger
Ms. Linda Krueger
Mr. Eric J. Krupp
Mr. and Mrs. Deryl C. Lacey
Ms. Lisa A. Lafave
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewandowski
Ms. Lynne M. Lewandowski
Dr. Andrea C. Lightbourn
Ms. Tammy S. Lile
Ms. Kim Lukacs
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lyons
Mrs. Kimberly C. Lyons
Mrs. Joan M. MacKay
Dr. Vinay K. Malviya
Mrs. Pamela Manela
Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Masciulli
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. James McBride
Mr. and Mrs. George McCann
Dr. and Mrs. David M. McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGraw
Mr. T. Joseph McKay
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick W.
Ms. Sue I. McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Meehan
Ms. Catherine Memmer
Michigan Kidney Consultants, PC
Michigan Spine and Brain
Surgeons, PLLC
Michigan Urgent & Primary
Care Physicians, PC
Dr. Colleen L. Miele
Ms. Heather Mills
Dr. Richard A. Minkin
Ms. Elise Mitoraj
Dr. and Mrs. Leon H. Morris
Ms. Kristi F. Newer
Newland Medical Associates, PC
Mr. Michael Noorily and
Dr. Marcia J. Newcombe
Northland Anesthesia
Associates, PC
Ms. Diane Novack
Ms. Grace Oliveri
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Omstead
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oppat
Marion Ottaviani
Mr. and Mrs. Adriano Paciocco
Dr. Manisha R. Parikh
Park Internal Medicine
Philanthropy Solutions, LLC
Ms. Cheryl L. Pistolesi
Ms. Mary Beth Polgar-Freda
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porretta
Porretta Center for
Orthopaedic Surgery
Ms. Joanne Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Radloff
Mrs. Patricia Resetar
Mr. Douglas A. Rich
Mrs. Edna Risher
Dr. Robert R. Roman
Mr. Paul and Dr. Anne-Marie
Dr. and Mrs. Allan J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Royle
Ms. Kathleen M. Ryan
Ms. Kathleen M. Sagona
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Scodeller
Dr. Tara L. Scott
Dr. David S. Segaloff
Ms. Michealeen M. Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Sellers
Mrs. Loretta Shaeffer
Dr. Kamran F. Sheikh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Siepierski
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Silwester
Ms. Suzanne Singel
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smiley
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Smith
Southfield Radiology Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stober
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Stoffer
Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Taddei
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Thorne
Drs. Kirit K. and Vasundhara
R. Tolia
Dr. Cherolee R. Trembath
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tromans
Dr. James M. Tucci and
Ms. Judith Lamoreaux
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Tucker
United Jewish Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vehoski
Ms. Wanda J. Walker
Ms. Margaret A. Warnock
Welch Family Limited Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wesley
Whitehall Real Estate Interests
Mrs. Patricia M. Wong
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Yashinsky
Dr. Jeffrey Zaks
Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Zonder
Park Christmas
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Alee
Ms. Marjorie A. Anderson
Angelo Iafrate Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Armenio
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed Arsiwala
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Asmussen
Associated Podiatrists
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Auty
Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Barrons
Barton Malow Company
Ms. Cathy Bathurst
Mr. Louis C. Bischoff
Boco Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bologna
Ms. Debra Bonamy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Boron
Mr. John Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Blair M. Bowman
Mr. William Bowman
Ms. Barbara J. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bozimowski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brunner
Mr. Michael P. Burke
Mrs. Sharon D. Burnett
Ms. Laura Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Brent G. Canup
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Casalou
Mrs. Julia Casalou
Mr. Tom Cate
Central Park Estates
Mr. Greg Chapman
Dr. Paula A. Chorazy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Churella
Mrs. Margaret C. Cisneros
Community E.M.S.
Mr. Tom Considine
Contract Glaziers, Inc.
Ms. Janet Craver
Ms. Millie Cummings
Ms. Meg Delor
Mr. Craig Deroche
Ms. Stacey Deroche
Mr. Peter J. Dion
Mr. Mark Dolin
Ms. Rennia Dombrowski
Mr. K. Scott Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drolshagen
Dundee Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Lynn Elgie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Elsea
Ms. Darlene S. Ephraim
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Epp
Mr. Tim Fishking
Ms. Amber J. Flynn
Foot Healthcare Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fouratt
Mr. Jeff and Dr. Germaine Fritz
Mrs. Joan R. Garrett
Drs. Vinaya and Lakshmi Gavini
Mrs. Carole M. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Glick
Drs. Robert and Betty Go
From left,
Dorisel Boggs,
Betty McLaughlin
and Mary Roberts
Dr. Mune Gowda
Ms. Patricia Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Grieshaber
Dr. Jean-Paul Guiboux
Ms. Kathryn E. Hautamaki
Health Plan of Michigan
Mrs. Paula J. Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Husted
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Igrisan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Jenkins
John Carlo, Inc.
Mr. Arthur Johnson
Ms. Judith J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Jonna
Jonna Companies
JPS Marketing Communication
JW Hotels-Novi, LLC
Jaswinder Karna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karschnia
Keller Thoma, A Professional
Mr. and Mrs. Sharafat Khan
Mr. Amira Kizi
Ms. Margaret M. Klobucar
Ms. Elizabeth H. Klos
Barbara Kortas
Dr. Michael J. Kraut
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lagerbohm
Ms. Angelina Larson
Larson Jewelry Design
LaSalle Bank
Limbach Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Marcus
Mr. Jim Mather
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Maurer
Ms. Valerie L. McDonald
Mr. Francis T. McGann
Midwest Steel, Inc.
Mr. Mike Miekulski
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moschetta
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Mr. Timothy Narva and
Mrs. Donna J. Broderick-Narva
NBBJ Design
Network Source One, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. North
Novi Chamber of Commerce
Novi Pediatric Associates, PC
Oakland University
Office Furniture Solutions
Ms. Kathy O’Haggan
Ms. Karyn Osinski
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Ms. Erin Patrick
Dr. Ralph D. Pearlman
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Pearson
Dr. Bohdan M. Pichurko
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Prezekop
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Prieskorn
Ms. Susan Prokop
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Quinn
R.L. Polk & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Riska
Mr. Dwayne and Dr. Vesna Roi
Ms. Kathleen M. Ryan
Ms. Melissa Samluk
Ms. Jean Schoettley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schram
Ms. Carol Schrauber
Mr. Donald G. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz
Ms. Christy Seaberg
Mrs. Loretta Shaeffer
Ms. Carolyn A. Shalhoub
Ms. Ruth Slasor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Smith
Sodexho Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. David Staudt
Mrs. Patricia Stevenson
Ms. Carolynn W. Strugala
Mr. Mark A. Sturing
Suzuki, Myers & Associates, Ltd.
Mr. Frank Svechola
Dr. Karen M. Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. John Swienckowski
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Thrushman
Dr. Cherolee R. Trembath
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Trestler
Twelve Oaks Mall
U.S. Industrial Technologies, Inc.
Varsity Auto Group
Ms. Elena M. Weissman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wheeler
White Construction
Ms. Christina A. Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wilson
Dr. Brian Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ziemba
Miss Leocadia Zremski
Providence Hospital &
Medical Centers
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported Providence
Hospital & Medical Centers
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Aben
Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams
Ms. Rose Adams
Ms. Kelly J. Adomeit-Evans
Advanced Family Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Akerlind
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Alge
Ms. Gladys Allen
Mr. Marvin Allen
Mr. Kevin Allison
American Express Foundation
American Processing Company, LLC
Dr. Thomas and Dr. Ruth Anan
Mr. Abdul Anderson
Ms. Ann Annisemeott
Anonymous donor
Antone & Casagrande, PC
Mr. John Ardelian
Ms. Lisa Ayer
Ms. Jennifer L. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barbone
Mr. Derek Barnes
Ms. Diana Beatty
Ms. Mary Berndt
Better Women’s Care, PLLC
Dr. and Mrs. Anant B. Bhogaonker
Mrs. Susan T. Birli
Ms. Angelique Blake
Ms. Lara A. Blakemore
Ms. Lorene Bleau
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bologna
Mr. Gerald A. Bonkowski
Mr. and Mrs. William Booker
Boston Scientific Corporation
Mr. Ernest Boyce
Ms. Wanda Boyd
Ms. Denise J. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley
Ms. Annie Braxton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Breen
Ms. Sheila Bridget
Ms. Donyell Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Budde
Ms. Sally Buick
From left, William and Betsy Thompson, Steve and Patty Gronow
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Burbo Jr.
Ms. Mary L. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bush
Mr. Leon Byrd
Ms. Cecelia H. Cabay
Ms. Virgilio Calahong
Ms. Beverly Cameron
Ms. Sharon Cameron
Ms. Cassandra Campbell
Ms. Marissa Canseco
Mr. and Mrs. Ladner G. Carleton
Ms. Judith Carmichael
Ms. Jennifer Carpenter
Mrs. Jamie Carrick
Mr. Robert Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Casalou
Ms. M. E. Casey
Mr. Gordon Cassel
Mr. William Champion
Ms. Sylvia Chenault
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Chetcuti
Mr. Anil Chintagunta
Mrs. Margaret C. Cisneros
Mrs. Sharon L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Clark
Mr. Thomas A. Cocking
Mr. and Mrs. Orson E. Coe
Ms. Alice Coleman
Dr. Vicki L. Collins
Mrs. Charlotte R. Conklin
Ms. Nadine Cook
Cooper, Shifman, Gabe, Quinn
& Seymour
Mr. Walter Cory
Ms. Dorothea Courtney
Ms. Shannon Coward
Ms. Triandis Crim
Mr. Errick Cross
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cumming
Ms. Ruth Cummings
Ms. Martha Curlton
Ms. Teresa Curry
Ms. Karin A. Cusimano
Mr. Theodore Czubik
Mr. Robert E. Dacey
Ms. Laura L. Dailey-Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Davenport
Ms. Mary M. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Davis
Ms. Ellen Davis
Ms. Sharon Davis
Ms. Anita D. Dawkins
Mr. Blanton Day
Ms. Naomi Dean
Ms. Joan Delikta
Mrs. Lindsay Dembs
Ms. Roberta Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Dennison
Ms. Pamela Dipascale
Ms. Mary J. Domzalski
Ms. Mary Donald
Ms. Velma Dortch
Ms. Jane A. S. Dougherty
Ms. Sheila Drake
Mr. Thomas Dreffs
Mrs. Marylou Dudley
Ms. Katherine L. Dufault
Ms. Suzanne Dukes
Ms. Yolanda Durfield
Dr. and Mrs. Scott W. Eathorne
Eaton Corporate Quality
Eaton Corporation
Ms. Marie Edwards
Mr. Valerian Eisenschenk
Mr. Terry Tipton and
Dr. Mary J. Elnick
Ms. Brenda Evans
Ms. Sandra Farr
Ms. Alicia Farris
Mr. David J. Fawcett
Mr. Charles Felder
Mr. Steven Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Barry W. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ferris
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Mrs. Marjorie Field
Ms. Rose M. Filipkowski
The Fillippis Foundation
Mr. Edward Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Flynt
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Foley
Ms. Pamela Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Fox
Honorable and Mrs. Donald
F. Fracassi
Ms. Marjorie Frank
Mrs. Katherine Franklin
Ms. Joyce Frazee
Mrs. Eileen M. Fritsch
Ms. Nadine B. Frost
Ms. Mary E. Fuelling
Mr. William E. Fuller
Mr. Jerome A. Galante
Mr. George Galvan
Ms. Crystal Garrett-Evans
Ms. Linnea Garvey
Mr. Daniel Geisha
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Geraghty
Mr. and Mrs. Debasish Ghosh
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Giannola
Mr. Fernandes Gift
Mrs. Carole M. Gilbert
Ms. Dorothy Gillum
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Gilman
Ms. Harvey Gist
Ms. Winifred Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glassner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman
Dr. Peter M. Goodman
Mr. Glenn Grace
Ms. Carol Graves
Great Lakes Diabetic Supply, Inc.
Ms. Paula Green
Ms. Carol L. Greene
Ms. Henricha Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Gresens
Ms. Victoria Griffin
Mr. George Groenveid
Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Gruszka
Ms. Mary M. Guidobono
Mr. Julian R. Gutierrez and
Ms. Sandra L. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guzanek
Mr. Gerry Haliburda
Ms. Demetria Hall
Ms. Rosemarie Hallman
Ms. Anna Jane Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harden
Mr. Cyrus Haririan
Ms. Ruth Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Martin D. Harris
Ms. Darcella Harrison
Ms. Annette Hartsock
Cordell Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hasyn
Ms. Brenda Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hathaway
Ms. Rose L. Heiler
Ms. Betty L. Henderson
Ms. Donnita E. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Higgins
Ms. Valeria Hill
Ms. Lucille Hoedl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hofer
& Family
Ms. Deborah Holloway
Dr. Patricia L. Holsey-Stevenson
Ms. Marlo Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon M. Horne
Ms. Veronica Hoskins
Hospital Consolidated
Mr. Martyn O. Hotvedt
Mr. Kalvin Houston
Ms. Earline Howell
Ms. Emma Huggins
Mr. Bradford Hughley
Ms. Loretta Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Hupert
Hurley Miller Family Fund
J. Max Robertson Company
Ms. Janette Jablonski
Ms. Shirley Jackson
Mr. Gus Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Jeffery
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson
Ms. Janet Johnson
Mr. Donald Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Jolly
Ms. Joann Jones
Ms. Bernice Jones
Ms. Sandra Jones
Mrs. Christine O. Kartush
Mr. William K. Keller
Mr. Gary Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kelsch
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kendrick
Ms. Patricia Kennedy
Ms. Denise E. Kerr
Dr. Shahid N. Khan
Mr. and Mrs. John H. King
Ms. Helen E. Kinwan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Klein
Ms. Margaret M. Klobucar
Ms. Deanna Klotz
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Klun
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Knoll
Ms. Dorcas Knox
Mr. Michael Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Koelle
Mr. and Mrs. James Kohut
Ms. Esther Kolovsky
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Komasara
Ms. Manya Korkigian
Ms. Sarah Korytkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell M. Korzym
Ms. Paula Koskey
Mr. David Kowalski
Mr. John A. Kruse
Ms. Marlene Kukuzke
Ms. Janet Lajza
Ms. Reese Lakits
Ms. Deloris Lampkin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lane
Mr. Keith Larson
Ms. Henrietta H. Latimer
Estate of Carol Lauri
Ms. Brenda Lawrence
Ms. Annie Lawson
Mr. Norvelle S. Lee and
Mrs. Barbara Sutton Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Leppanen
Ms. JoAnne Leslie
Mrs. Sherry Licata
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lightfoot
Ms. Michelle Livous
Ms. Gloria Lomax
Ms. Andrea LoVasco
Mr. Wilbert Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lykins
Ms. Queen Lyttle
Ms. Nicole Mack
Mr. and Mrs. John Mallie
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Maney
Mr. and Mrs. David Manheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Marler
Mr. Salvatore J. Marsalese and
Dr. Tina Koester-Marsalese
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marshall
Ms. Mary Martin
Ms. Lillie Martin-Reid
Mary Bartush Jones Foundation
Ms. Sharon L. Mason
Ms. Pamela May
Ms. Carolyn Mays
Mr. and Mrs. George McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McClish
Ms. Judy McCrackins
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McDonnell
Dr. and Mrs. David M. McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGilvrey
Dr. and Mrs. Steven McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mckee
Ms. Dietta McKinney
Mr. Eric McKnight
Ms. Mary McLean
Meadow Management
Ms. Annette Meeks
Ms. Donna Mehock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Melvin
Ms. Nancy C. Mendez
Mr. Jose Mendoza
Mr. Rae Menzie
Ms. Carmelita Mercado
Mr. Mario Merucci
Ms. Jeannine Mesler
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Michaels
Mr. Joseph Michalik
Michigan Urological Institute, PC
Estate of Arline C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milroy
The Minkin Family Foundation
Ms. Julie A. Mohan
Mr. Vernon Monkman
Edward O. Moody, PA
Ms. Tarsus Moore
Mrs. Beverly Moore
Mr. Charles Morehead
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mosteller
Mr. William J. Mott Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Mumaw
Ms. Catherine A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Musick
Ms. Michele Najera
Ms. Tuniesia G. Nelson
New Hope Missionary Baptist
Mr. Sherwin S. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nordhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. North
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Mr. John K. Nwadinobi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connell
Unless commitment is made, there are
only promises and hopes...but no plans.
Peter Drucker
(1909 - 2005)
The Old Club
Ms. Helena Oleszko
Ms. Rosemary O’Malley
Ms. Catherine M. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Opdycke
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Associates of Michigan, PC
Ms. Rosanne O’Sullivan
Our Lady of Providence League
Ms. Latress Pacely
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pacholek
Ms. Louise L. Paradise
Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Parrinello
Ms. Carolyn Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pearce
Dr. Ralph D. Pearlman
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Scholarship Fund
Perfect Serve, Inc.
Ms. Ollua Pettway
Ms. Cora Pittmanharris
Mr. Henry J. Plumer
Pontiac Fire Fighters Union
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Porretta
The Porretta Center for
Orthopaedic Surgery
Mr. Marlon Powe
Ms. Carol Powell
Ms. Gouri Prasad
Ms. Lynn M. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Prieskorn
Mrs. Mary Proffitt
Providence Hospital Department
of Family Practice
Providence Hospital Department
of Medicine
Providence Hospital Medical Staff
Providence Hospital Retiree Club
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Purcell
Ms. Nancy Quarles
Mrs. Diane M. Radloff
Ms. Trina Rainescurry
Ms. Shirley Ransom
Ms. Sharon Rayburn
Ms. Joyce Redmond
Ms. Patrice Reed
Respiratory Foundation of
Southeast Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Rettmann
Mr. and Mrs. John Richard
Ms. Lillie Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Riddle
Ms. Vanessa Riley
Mr. Robert Riparip
Drs. Steven and Michelle Rivera
Ms. Carla Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Robb
Mr. David Roberson
Rocwall Company
Ms. Margaret Roden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rohde
Dr. Robert R. Roman
Mr. James C. Rose
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Rosenberg
Mr. Bradley S. Rosenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Roth
Ms. Maureen Rusk
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Ruskin
Ms. Kathleen M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rzepka
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Sabbota
Ms. Dana Saley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Samuel
Ms. Ann Sanders
Dr. Eric W. Sargent
Mr. Garo Sarian
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Sayles
Ms. M. Isabel Schultz
Ms. Vernita Y. Scott
Murray Sedley
Ms. Carolyn A. Shalhoub
Mr. Brian Shannon
Dr. Joan H. Shapiro
Ms. Batul Sharrak
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Shefferly
Mr. Yaser Sherif
Siemens Medical Solutions
USA, Inc.
Dr. Jan V. Silverman
Mrs. Johnnie Simmons
Mr. Gerald C. Simon
Ms. Mary L. D. Sinnott
Ms. Martha Sipes
Mr. Joseph Skrobowski
Mr. Christopher Smith
Ms. Doris Smith
Mr. James Smith
Ms. Jamila Smith
Ms. Marthia Smith
Ms. Rebecca A. Smith
Ms. Tedra Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Smyth
Southeastern Michigan
Cardiac Surgeons
Southfield Community
Southfield Public Schools
Southfield Radiology
Associates Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Myzell Sowell
Speak Easy Alcoholics Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Speer
Mr. Ronald Spencer
Mr. Oscar Spraggins
Ms. Patricia Springs
St. Linus Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Stadnik
Ms. Barbara Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Stahl
Ms. Kim Tillery
Dr. Manhal W. Tobia
Dr. Cherolee R. Trembath
Ms. Lynn Trent
Mr. Arthur J. Trombly
Dr. Nestor J. Truccone
Ms. Rosetta Turk
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner Jr.
Mr. James Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Tushman
Mr. Rollin J. Tuttle
Ms. Lora Tyler
From left, Rob and Kristin Casalou, and Karen and Ronald North
Ms. Kathy R. Steelman
Ms. Judith Stefani
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Steinberger
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Stone
Mrs. Kathleen Strettar
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Swancutt
Dr. Margaret A. Szymanski
Ms. Linda Tate
Ms. Doris Taylor
Ms. Marchelle Taylor
Ms. Bridgette Taylor
Ms. Mayumi Teevens
Ms. Lorrain Thomas
Ms. Elaine Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Thomson
Mr. George Thorington
Ms. Patrice Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Tyrrell
United Jewish Foundation
Mr. Paul Valentine
Mr. Richard Vandyne
The Village Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Viola
Visions Spa Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Gleo T. Wade
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Wadowski
Ms. Ethel Walker
Ms. Sheri Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Walker
Lingo Wang
Father John Joseph Ward, CSB
Mr. Sarome Ward
Mrs. Deborah S. Ward
Ms. Kathy Warren
Ms. Betty Washington
Ms. Annie L. Watson
Ms. Janice Wells
Dr. Colleen Weston
Mr. Ernest L. White
Mr. Willie White
Ms. Sandra Wilber
Ms. Brenda Wilborn
Ms. Farrell Williams
Ms. Ola Williams
Ms. Richia Williams
Ms. Clarice Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Willson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilshaw
Mr. Everol Wilson
Mrs. Cathy L. Wilson-Oweis
Ms. Dorothy Wingo
Winifred E. Polk Charitable
Lead Unitrust
Mr. Thomas C. Winkeljohn
Ms. Julia Winston
Women’s Health Consultants
Mr. Marty Woodford
Mr. Reginald Woolery
Ms. Constance Wright
Mr. William S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Manal L. Yaldoo
Ms. Busola Y. Zannu
Miss Leocadia Zremski
Dr. Marc H. Zuckman
Dr. and Mrs. Marcel E. Zughaib
Providence Golf
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported Providence
Hospital by participating in
this golf outing through a
sponsorship, ticket purchase,
auction item donation or
A-1 International Courier
Service, Inc.
ADT Security Services, Inc.
Aegis Group Search
Consultants, LLC
Aetna Foundation
Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Assarian
Automated Benefits Services, Inc.
Bally Total Fitness Corporation
Besam Entrance Solutions
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Michigan
Cardinal Health
Carl H. Schmidt Company
Carl’s Golfland
Casino Windsor
Center Line Electric, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Colombo Sales & Engineering, Inc.
Comprehensive Construction
Services, Inc.
Compuware Corporation
The quality of a person’s life is in
direct proportion to their commitment to
excellence, regardless of their chosen
field of endeavor.
Vincent T. Lombardi
Coordinated Services, Inc.
Mr. William T. Crowe
Crown Studio & Gallery
Denline Uniforms, Inc.
Detroit Red Wings
Doubletree Hotel Detroit
Metropolitan Airport
Fairlane Towne Center
Family Footcare, PC
Ferndale Electric
Great Lakes Health Plan
Greektown Casino LLC
Mr. John Green
Guardian Alarm Company
Guidant, A Boston Scientific
Hagopian World of Rugs
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath
& Lyman, PSC
Harley Ellis Devereaux
HDS Services
Health Alliance Plan
Heart-Cardiology Consultants
Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc.
Huntington Construction II, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Isenstein
Island Grille
Dr. Michael J. Jacobs
John Carlo, Incorporated
Joint Venture Hospital
Jonna Companies
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Dr. Ramachandra B. Kolachalam
Kurt’s Kustom Graphics
Mr. Bernard M. Licata
Dr. William Lindahl
Marriott Hotels & Resorts
Marshall Medical Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Mason
Mrs. Justine McKnight
Medline Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer
MGM Grand Detroit Casino
Michigan Ear Institute, PC
Michigan Head and Spine
Institute, PLLC
Michigan Orthopedic Services, LLC
Michigan Urological Institute, PC
Midwest Pro Painting, Inc.
Midwest Steel, Inc.
Motion Resources, Inc.
Mr. Andy K. Moundros
Munder Capital Management
Mystic Medical Equipment, Inc.
NBBJ Design
Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Sullivan
Otis Elevator Company
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Panush
Dr. Ralph D. Pearlman
Phase Four
Porretta Center for
Orthopaedic Surgery
Providence Hospital
Department of Medicine
Providence Medical Group
Dr. Mohammad Qureshi
Mrs. Diane M. Radloff
Mr. John P. Redding
Redford Lock Company, Inc.
Mr. Andrew T. Rener
Ricoh Business Systems
Rochester Telemessaing Center
Shaw Electric Co.
Shock Brothers Floor Covering, Inc.
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
Siemens Medical Solutions
USA, Inc.
Site Development, Inc.
Smith Barney
South Oakland Services, Inc.
Southfield Radiology
Associates, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Steffen
Stryker Orthopaedics
Sullivan, Cotter and
Associates, Inc.
Temperature Services, Inc.
Total Health Care, Inc.
Twelve Oaks Mall
University of Michigan
University of Michigan Department
of Radiation Oncology
Urban’s Partition &
Remodeling Company
Vassels Catering & Banquet Hall
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Western Mechanical Contractors
Westin Southfield
White Construction
Worksquared, LLC
Dr. Jeffrey Zaks
Dr. Gary
and Linda
Providence Friends’ Ball
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported this event
through a sponsorship, ticket
purchase, auction item
donation or purchase.
Absolute Shreds
Acs Consultant Company, Inc.
Aegis Group Search
Consultants, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Asghar Afsari
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
American Laser Centers
Angela Carson Photography
Arab American and
Chaldean Council
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Armenio
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Assarian
Associates in Obstetrics &
Gynecology, PC
Automotive Hall of Fame
Barton Malow Company
Mr. and Ms. Lawson Bass Jr.
Bay Harbor Properties
Ms. Janine Y. Bennett
Black Forest @ Wilderness
Valley Golf Resort
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Boco Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Bodinus
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bologna
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bush
Mr. Mark S. Bush
Capital Grille
Caribou Coffee Company
Carl H. Schmidt Company
Dr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Carter
Casino Windsor
Senator Nancy Cassis
Ceresnie & Offen Furs
Chuck E. Cheese
Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Claybrooks
Comprehensive Construction
Services, Inc.
Concord Emergency Medical
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Conrad
Consultants in Cardiology, PC
Mr. Donald P. Corr
Ms. Sheri L. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford J. Cowdery
Mr. William T. Crowe
CYTYC Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Shukri W. David
Dean Sellers Ford, Inc.
Dearborn Inn
DEK Landscapes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Deputat
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Detroit Lions
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Dorchen & Martin
Doubletree Hotel Detroit
Metropolitan Airport
Ms. Mary Elliott
Emagine Novi
English Gardens
Epoch Restaurant Group
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Eriksen
Ms. Evelyn Eusebio
Fairlane Towne Center
Fantasy Tea Party
Foot Healthcare Associates, PC
Mrs. Joan R. Garrett
Drs. Vinaya and Lakshmi Gavini
Gem & Century Theatres
Gerych’s-Graziella, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Gilman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Goldberg
Dr. Roger L. Gonda
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gordon
Grace Scalia’s Headline Hair
Color and Care
Grand X-Ray Supplies
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gronow
Sister Sharon Hagen
Hagopian World of Rugs
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hall
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath &
Lyman, PSC
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Mrs. Barbara B. Harlow
HDS Services
Mr. Robert and Dr. Debra
Home Accessory Warehouse
Home Appliance Mart, Inc.
Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel
Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc.
Mr. David Imesch
Independent Emergency
Dr. Ian T. Jackson
Ms. Norma E. Jacobs
Ms. Judith J. Johnson
Jonna Companies
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kaminski
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Kaplan
Kenmar Corporation
Ms. Priscilla J. Khoury
Dr. Rami Khoury
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Ms. Margaret M. Klobucar
Dr. Ramachandra B. Kolachalam
Dr. Michael J. Kraut
Mrs. Alla J. Kuhn
Dr. John C. Kulish
Larson Jewelry Design
Ms. Jennifer K. Lawter
Ms. JoAnne Leslie
Lieberman Photography, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Christian E. Machado
Ms. Patricia Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Mason
Mr. Francis T. McGann
McKesson Informational
Solutions, Inc.
Meadowbrook Theatre
Dr. and Mrs. Kiros M. Mekonnen
Melting Pot
Dr. Jeffery S. Meyers
Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Renaissance Festival
Michkon, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Miller
Mr. James N. Miller
Miller Valet Parking Company
Motor City Casino
Munder Capital Management
Mr. Larry Myles
NBBJ Design
Neiman Marcus-Michigan
The New Detroit Science Center
New Seoul Garden
Newland Medical Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. North
Novi Cardiology Real Estate, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Malley
The Original Pancake House
Our Lady of Providence League
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Park West Gallery
Pastry Palace
Mr. Gerald Pedlaw
Dr. Bohdan M. Pichurko
Pizza Papalis
Ms. Georgia Plagany
Plantain Plantscaping Inc.
Plastic Surgery Affiliates, PC
Mrs. Bhagyalakihmi Policherla
President Tuxedo
Produce Palace International, Inc.
Professional Laboratory
Management, Inc.
Providence Medical Group
R.L. Polk & Company
Mrs. Diane M. Radloff
Rehabilitation Physicians, PC
Drs. Steven and Michelle Rivera
Ms. Kathleen M. Ryan
Dr. Mehran Salari
Drs. Chad Savage and Roberta
A. Bobal-Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmidt
Mr. Carl H. Schmidt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Schultz
Sea the World Scuba Center
Select Specialty HospitalPontiac, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. Suhail Shaya
Siemion, Huckabay, Bodary,
Padilla, Morganti & Bowerman
Dr. and Mrs. Sumet Silapaswan
Doris and
Gary Jonna
Site Development, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Sosa
Dr. and Mrs. Freddy R. Sosa
South Oakland Services, Inc.
Southfield Radiology
Associates, PLLC
Swarovski North America, Ltd.
Ten Luxury Living Loft and
Penthouse Development
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Thomas
Ms. Betsy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
The Townsend Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Trestler
Twelve Oaks Mall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Varsity Auto Group
Westin Southfield
White Construction
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Yoder
Dr. Jeffrey Zaks
Miss Leocadia Zremski
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Zwiren
St. John Hospital
and Medical Center
Expansion Campaign
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported the
expansion campaign with
gifts of $100 or more between
Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2006.
Ms. Susan Abbott-Moynihan
Ms. Judy L. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Agnone
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Alee
Dr. Ayad Al-Katib
Mrs. Claudia Allen
Ms. Denise R. Allen
Mr. Roger C. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad A. Ariani
Mr. Gregory Arutunian
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Audia
Mr. Daniel R. Babb
Ms. Maryann Barnes
Ms. Linda A. Barr
From left, Christine Roney, Robert and Jane Nugent and
Sr. Verenice McQuade
Dr. Roberto M. Barretto
Ms. Darlene Beaudet
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Belback
Ms. Brenda Belbot
Mr. William Beluzo
Ms. Dorine Berriel-Cass
Mr. Dondario Bester
Dr. Laura A. Biernat
Ms. Lisa Bisschop
Leland F. Blatt Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia S. Blount
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Bloy
Dr. and Mrs. John Boccaccio
John A. & Marlene L. Boll
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bollin
Ms. Emily N. Bona
Ms. Katherine Bowron
Mrs. Nicole Brach
Ms. Denise M. Braga
Mrs. Donna L. Bramlage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brown
Ms. Dawn L. Brzozowski
Dr. Susanna R. Burkhead
Honorable Freddie G. Burton
and Dr. Muriel J. Espy-Burton
Ms. Angela M. Burton
Ms. Joi Butler
Ms. Wendy Carmichael
Dr. Renato S. Casabar
Mr. William Chene
Mr. Edward K. Christian
Mr. Salvatore Ciaramitaro
Sr. Rose Clement
Mr. Daniel M. Colaluca
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cole
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Ms. Deborah A. Condino
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Connolly
Ms. Betty J. Connor
Ms. Marsha H. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Corte
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Cotton
Mr. Richard Court
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cowlbeck Jr.
Peter J. and Constance M.
Cracchiolo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Cracchiolo
Ms. Kimberly A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crawford
Ms. Margaret Cremers
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cullis
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dakmak
Ms. Meg Delor
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Denny
Ms. Nancy M. Derita
Dr. Annette G. Desantis
Sr. Joyce DeShano
Mr. Michael DeWolf
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Ms. Heidi A. Dipilla
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell P.
Peter J. Cracchiolo and
Phyllis Demars
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin M. Duensing
Dr. Carrie L. Dul
Mr. Dana Dunholter
Eastlake Cardiovascular
Associates, PC
Ms. Marian Eatherly
Ms. Clyde S. Ebo
Ms. Sadi Edge
Ms. Kathryn Esmacher
Dr. Mohamad G. Fakih
Ms. Amy Farr
Ms. Marcia Felczak
Mrs. Jennifer O. Fennell
Ms. Margaret Fluture
Ms. Christine Foley
Fontbonne Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fornal
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fox
Ms. Beverly Francek
Mr. Dennis Franks
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
G.I. Medicine Associates
Ms. Gail Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert G. Galicia
Ms. Heidee D. Gatti
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Mrs. Annamay Gehrke
Mr. Gary Gervin
Dr. Cheryl Gibson Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Giftos
Ms. Laura E. Gilliam
Ms. Teri L. Gnam
Dr. Deirdre Golden
Ms. Linda M. Golm
Ms. Judith A. Gombar
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Grady
Betty Granger, CSJ
Great Lakes Cancer Management
Ms. Deanna M. Griebe
Mr. Albert L. Grimaldi
Grosse Pointe Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gusho
Ms. Carol Hackenberger
Ms. Raegan Haglund
Ms. Deborah J. Haigh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Handley
Ms. Jodi Harrison
Ms. Lillian Harvey
Health Plan of Michigan
Ms. Nayan Heath
Mr. John F. Heiss
Mr. Christopher Hilliard
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Hilu
Ms. Denise R. Hohn
Mrs. Nina Holden
Ms. Linda Hollern
Ms. Mary A. Holly
Ms. Healther Hooton
Mr. Martyn O. Hotvedt
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Houin
Mrs. Joanne S. Humphrey
Mr. Daniel and Dr. Charlene Irvin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ivory
Mr. Gregory Jakub and
Ms. Kathleen M. Kelly
Ms. Chita D. Jesalva
Ms. Julie Johannsen-Wilk
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Johnson
Mr. Harold Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Ann M. Joseph
Ms. Jenifer A. Kadlitz
Ms. Diana Kengel
Ms. Colleen Kent
Mr. Frederic I. Keywell
Dr. Wajahat Khan
Drs. Riad and Ghada Khatib
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kilcher
Mr. Michael Kiluk
Ms. Pamela S. Kiluk
Ms. Elizabeth H. Klos
Ms. Joann Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kosal
Ms. Lisa Krajnovic
Mrs. Jackie A. Kramp
Ms. Deborah LaBuda
Ms. Paula LaFleur
Mr. and Mrs. Kent B. Lagerquist
Ms. Mary Anne LaHood
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. LaLonde
Mr. James Lamoureaux and
Dr. Kathleen M. Fulgenzi
Mr. Ronald F. LaPensee
Ms. Kathleen M. Laraia
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lehman
Dr. Sharon Levandowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Littmann
Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Loren
Mrs. Marlene J. Lorenz
Ms. Sharon Lualdi
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Ms. Christine R. Luzadas
Lymphoma Clinic of Michigan, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
Richard and Jane Manoogian
Mrs. Betty Maple
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Marx
Ms. Maria Matheney
Ms. Donna R. Matthews
Ms. Ethel D. Matthews
Mrs. Patricia A. Mayne
Mrs. Josephine Mazur
Ms. Sharon McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. George McCann
Ms. Reva M. McCaskill
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McHugh
Dr. Sigmund O. McIntyre
Ms. Beth A. McKeown
Mr. Guillermo Z. Mendoza
Ms. Eliza J. Mendoza
Ms. Rebecca Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mestdagh
Dr. Frederick P. Michael
Ms. Nicole L. Mitchell
Mrs. Sylvia M. Mowett
Ms. Patricia Muellenhagen
Mr. Peter Muoio
Mr. M. Mueller and Dr. Mary
E. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Dr. Vijayalakshmi Nagappan
Ms. Amy Nault
Ms. Norie P. Navarra
Mr. Jason Nesler
Mr. James B. Nicholson
Ms. Roseann Nicosia
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Norton
Mrs. Sharlene B. Nova
Mrs. Gayle F. Novack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Mr. Mitsuko O’Brien
Ms. Ellen O’Donnell
Ms. Audrey Overpeck
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Mr. Lawrence M. Panther
Dr. Helen A. Papaioanou
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Parkin
Dr. Shilpa Patel
Pathology Specialists of
Southeast Michigan, PC
Ms. Alice L. Plettl
Ms. Linda Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Poma
Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Quilter
Mrs. Mary Radomski
Ms. Margaret Reese
Mrs. Mary A. Resslar
Ms. Jessica E. Ritz
Mrs. Mary J. Roehl
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Ronan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth
Ms. Judy C. Rourke
Dr. Donald Rozzell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Drs. Mohammad S. Saberi and
Zahra Moattari
Ms. Nancy Sanchez
Ms. Roberta Sanchez
Ms. Eileen M. Sandlin
Dr. and Mrs. Louis D. Saravolatz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Sattler
Ms. Sandra Scerri
Dr. and Mrs. Donn Schroder
Mr. Matthew Schwartz & Family
Dr. Jerome E. Seid
Dr. Mamta Sharma
Elizabeth, Allan & Warren
Shelden Fund
Ms. Cheryl L. Shivak
Dr. Muhammad S. Shurafa
Ms. Sandra J. Sienkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Silwester
Sisters of St. Joseph
Mrs. Julie A. Skotzke
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smiley
Mr. David J. Smith and
Mrs. Susan Mooney-Smith
Mrs. Jeanne L. Soncrant
Ms. Karen Sowislo
Ms. Mary Spade
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Spooner
St. John Hospital and Medical
Center Volunteer Services
St. John Hospital Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Stedem Jr.
Ms. Patti L. Stehlin
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Stephens
Ms. Norma Stockel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Studer
Ms. Carolyn J. Sucaet
Ms. Francine Sumrell
Ms. Diane Swaney
Mrs. Roberta L. Szalach
Ms. Marianne Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil T. Tawile
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt O. Tech
Mr. Stephen J. Tertel
Ms. Beth C. Theisen
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Thirumoorthi
Mr. Raymond Thompson
Ms. Jody Thompson
Ms. Joanne Tuscany
Mrs. Gretchen C. Valade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vallee
Ms. Debra Van Elslander
Van Elslander Family Foundation
Ms. Alissa Vandelinder
Ms. Jane A. Vawter
Mrs. Guillerma F. Villanueva
Ms. Jennifer M. Vincent
Ms. Rachel C. Wade
Ms. Renee Walker-Tillman
Ms. Tracy A. Wanamaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Webster
Ms. Emilia Webster
Mrs. Rhonda Welsh
Mr. Martin and Dr. Patricia West
Ms. Wendy West
Ms. April Whitaker
Generosity is giving more than you can,
and pride is taking less than you need.
Kahlil Gibran
(1883 - 1931)
Mr. James W. Wild
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Ms. Danuta Wisniewski
Ms. Cheryl A. Woloszyk
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Wood
Ms. Peggy Worth
Musa Yacoub
Mr. Joseph R. Yaklic
From left, Joan S. Gehrke,
Jean Azar and Eva Romain
St. John Hospital and
Medical Center
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported St. John
Hospital and Medical Center
initiatives with gifts of $100 or
more between Jan. 1
and Dec. 31, 2006.
925 Designs
Ms. Dametia Aaron
Ms. Norma Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Abrash
Ms. Nicole L. Adams
Mr. Leroy C. Adkins
Mr. Malek Ahmad
Ms. Wynette Alberty
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Aleo
Ms. Sharon Alexander
Mr. Mel Allen
Ms. Marquettas Allen-Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Todd B. Allmond
Mr. Richard Amberg
Andary, Davis & Andary, PC
Mrs. Christine Anderson
Ms. Camille Anderson
Ms. Irene Anderson
Gebran S. & Suzanne
P. Anton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Antzack
Mr. Anthony Aquino
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Arcari
Ms. Lory Armstrong
Ms. Marsha Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Arnold
Mr. Gregory Arutunian
Ascension of Christ
Lutheran Church
AstraZeneca LP
Ms. Angela Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Atkinson
Atlas Tool, Inc.
Ms. Merrilee Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Aubrey
Dr. and Mrs. Ahmad N. Azar
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Badalucco
Mr. Raymond Bailey
Mrs. Loretta Baker
Ms. Linda Banks
Ms. Rosalind Banks
Ms. Michelle Bann
Ms. Katrina Barksdale
Ms. Mary Barnhart
Ms. Terina Bassett
Ms. Mildred Bates
Ms. Orwilder Bates
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bayer
Ms. Stacey E. Bean
Ms. Wardeen Bell
Mr. Bruce Bellard
Ms. Tanya Bellperry
Ms. Shelley Benjamin
Zoe Bergen Childhood
Cancer Foundation
Mrs. Patricia Bieber
Mr. Timothy M. Binder
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
H. Birnbryer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Blake
Mrs. Eunice Bland
Mr. Ozeil Blanks
Ms. Annette Blanks
Ms. Lynn Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Blum
Mr. Norman P. Bojalad
Ms. Sheryl Bolden
Mr. Joyce Bonner
Ms. Gwendolyn Booker
Ms. Carole Boone
Ms. Rosalyn Boyce
Mrs. Catherine Boyle
Ms. Pamela J. Bozeman
Ms. Jonisha Braceful
Mrs. Mary A. Brack
Mr. Alvin Bradford
Mr. Beauford Bradley
Ms. Charlene Bradley
Ms. Glenda Bradley
Ms. Denise M. Braga
Ms. Hope Brantley
Ms. Esther L. Brewer-Jones
Ms. Stacey L. Brezniak
Mr. William Bridges
Ms. Pamela Brock
Mr. William Broden
Mr. Clarence Brooks
Ms. Karen Brooks
Ms. Mary Brooks
Ms. Mary L. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks
Ms. Diane Broom
Mr. Charles Brown
Ms. Demetria Brown
Mr. George Brown
Mr. Norris Brown
Mr. Richard H. Brown
Ms. Sierra Brown
Ms. Stacy Brown
Ms. Verily M. Brown
Mr. David R. Buckley
Buff Whelan Chevrolet, Inc.
Mrs. Debora A. Bunnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Burke
Dr. Susanna R. Burkhead
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Burns
Mr. Kenneth O. Burns
Ms. Linda Burns-Webb
Ms. Lisa Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Butryn
Ms. Grace Butts-Jackson
Mr. Clay Byrd
Dr. and Mrs. Roger R. Calam
Ms. Shavon Caldwell
Ms. Dorothy M. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Camden
Ms. Debra Camilleri
Mrs. Shirley Campau
Mr. Walter Campbell
Candlelighters Childhood
Cancer Foundation
Sr. Margaret Canuelle
Mr. Cresenciano Carandang
Mrs. Helen A. Carey
From left, Waltraud
Prechter, Alphonse
Lucarelli, and Kurt
and Carole Tech
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Carlen
Ms. Diane Carlisle-Walker
Mr. William J. Carr
Mr. William E. Carroll
Ms. Patricia M. Carsley
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Carter
Mr. Charles J. Carter
Ms. Sharonna Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cartwright
Dr. Renato S. Casabar
Ms. Glenis H. Catalina
Caymas Systems, Inc.
Mr. Prentiss Chambers
Ms. Voreece Chapman
Ms. Lakicha Charleston
Mr. Gregory W. Chase
Mr. Corey Chatman
Ms. Loretta Chatman
Mr. ans Mrs. Paul J. Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Chenault Jr.
Ms. Gloria Chesternut
Mr. Anthony Chevalier
Childrens Charities at Adios
Mr. Rafael Chirolla
Mr. Edward K. Christian
Mrs. Shirley M. Chuhran
Mrs. Diane Clark
Mrs. Gale L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mrs. Sarah Clarkson
Ms. Sharon Claxton
Ms. Cheryl Clay
Mr. Glenn Clippard
Ms. Janet M. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Colborn
Mr. Charles Coleman
Ms. Samantha Collings
Colony Town Club - Cancer Loan
Closet of Greater Detroit
Ms. Tamekia Combs
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Ms. Lillie Connors
Ms. Joan A. Convertini
Ms. Mary Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cornell
Ms. Pamela Cox-Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cprek
Peter J. & Constance M.
Cracchiolo Foundation
Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo
Mr. Michael J. and
Dr. Joan S. Crawford
Ms. Tanischia Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cross
Ms. Kimberly D. Crowell
Dr. Ralph and Dr. Barbara Cushing
Mrs. Birdia K. Dailey
Mr. Frank J. Dale
Ms. Margaret Daniels
Ms. Sheryl Daniloff
Ms. Denise Danko
Daughters of Penelope Thamyris,
Chapter 272
Ms. Denise Davenport
Ms. Cynthia Davis
Mr. Eddie Davis
Mr. Jerome Davis
Ms. Leslie Davis
Ms. Mable Davis
Ms. Rugenia Davis
Ms. Yvonne Davis
Ms. Carrie L. Dawkins
Mr. Bruce Day
Ms. Carla J. Decrease
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. DeMars
Mrs. Marianne S. Denkewalter
Ms. Lori Denton
Denton Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Ian Desonza
Detroit Auto Dealers Association
Detroit East Suburban Chapter
of Alpha Phi
Detroit Metro Ford & Lincoln
Mercury Service Mgrs. Assoc.
Ms. Jeanette E. Devon
Mr. Walter Dillaway
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. DiPaola
Mrs. Eugenia A. DiSante
Ms. Paula Dockey
Ms. Elizabeth B. Doheny
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell P.
Ms. Ellen G. Donaldson
Ms. Patricia Donley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Doran
Mr. David G. Doubley
Ms. Laketa Dowl-Harris
Ms. Irene Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Drettmann
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dubay
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Duff
Ms. Jeanette Duncan
Ms. Augustine Duncan-Hicks
Mr. Frank Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Durr
Mrs. Rita Durr
Eastside Cardiovascular
Medicine, PC
Eastside Eye Physicians, PC
Eastside Gynecology/
Obstetrics, PC
Ms. Paula Eckhout
Mr. Farouk Elgarade
Ms. Sandra Elijah
Ms. Darris Enoex
Mr. Fred Erndt
Ms. Angela Evans
Ms. Jacqueline Evans
Ms. Katherine Evans
Dr. and Mrs. George P. Fadool
Mr. Jonathan E. Faison
Ms. Tina Faison
Mr. Andre L. Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Feely
Ms. Elizabeth A. Feen
Ms. Judith Fegan
Ms. Gloria Fells
Mrs. Cedic Fields
Mr. Frank Fila
Ms. Constance Firestine
Ms. Tamara Fischer Kellogg
Fitzpatrick/Seibert Family
Ms. Cheryl J. Flynn
Mrs. Marlene Foerster
Ms. Laquita Folks
Mr. Thomas Fontana
Fontbonne Auxiliary
Mrs. Jean Forbes
Ms. Demetria Ford
Ms. Vernessa Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Foster
Ms. Michele D. Foster
Ms. Deborah A. Foutner
Mrs. Eva L. France
Ms. Gina Franklyn
Ms. MaryBeth Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Freundl
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Freytag
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
Ms. Deborah Fullen
Ms. Mattie L. Fulton
Ms. Yatarra Fulton
From left, Gabe Anton, Dr. James
Fox and Gerard Miserendino
GTA, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gagnon
Mr. Andrew T. Gale
Ms. Catherine Galia
Mr. John T. Gallaher
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallucci
Mr. Keith Gamble
Mr. Frank Garcia
Ms. Tracie Garner
Ms. Hawanya Garrett
Ms. Carolyn Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gassenfeit
Ms. Carolyn M. Gast
Ms. Gloria Gates
Mrs. M Geraldine O. Gazdecki
Mrs. Effie C. Gehlert
General Motors Men’s Club
Ms. Pamela Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geraci
Ms. Christine L. Gerjekian
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Giftos
Ms. Therese J. Gilgallon
Ms. Ketema Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Gillis
Girl Scouts of Macomb County
Troop 626
Ms. Bessie Givens
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Glusac
Mrs. Betty J. Godbolt
Mr. and Mrs. D. Gene Goins
Gold & Silver Trefoil Association
Ms. Linda Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goltz
Mr. David Goodman
Ms. Stacey O. Goodman
Mr. Abraham Gordon
Ms. Mary J. Gorrien
Ms. Doris Goudy
Ms. Betty Grader
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Grady
Ms. Alice Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Graves
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Mr. Theodore M. Green
Mr. Alvilla Greene
Ms. Robin Greene
Ms. Antinette Griffin
Ms. Yvette Griffin
Mr. Jerome S. Griffith
Dr. and Mrs. Branko Grinfeld
Grosse Pointe Rotary Foundation
Grosse Pointe Theatre
Mrs. Petra R. Gutierrez
Dr. and Mrs. John M.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hackenberger
Ms. Laura E. Haggarty
Haggarty Foundation
Ms. Linda Hahn
Mr. John Hall
Ms. Lena Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Hansen
Ms. Jacqueline Y. Hansen
Ms. Sandra Lee Haroutunian
Ms. Karla Harper
Ms. Ethel Harrington
Mr. Mark A. Harris
Ms. Lynell Harris
Ms. Sheryl Harris
Ms. Sondra Harris
Ms. Tonya Harris
Ms. Beverly Harrison
Ms. Cynthia Harvey
Ms. Wanda Hatten
Mr. Cedric Hayden
Mr. Jerry D. Hayes
Mrs. Mary E. Hayes
Ms. Sonja Hayes
Mr. Charles E. Hays
Ms. Cheryl A. Haywood
Ms. Julia A. Hearns
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Heberling
Ms. Marilyn Held
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. Joe Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Hernandez
Mr. Ricardo Hester
Ms. Darlene Hicks
Ms. Gloria Hill
Ms. Pamela Hill
Ms. Latica Hilliard
Ms. Adrienne Hinds
Ms. Vanessa Hines
Ms. Debra Hoban
The Hoffen Foundation
Mr. Kirk Hogan
Mr. Stanley Holifield
Ms. Dolores Holliday
Ms. Gwendolyn Hollis
Mr. Earsel M. Holmes
Ms. Michelle Hood
Mr. Earl Horn
Mr. Keith Horn
Ms. Myrtle Houston
Mrs. Phyllis I. Howard
Ms. Marcelle Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Davorin Hrovat
Dr. Christopher W. Hughes
Mr. Charles E. Hughes
Ms. Loretta Hughes
Ms. Tessie Hughes
Ms. Toi Humphrey
Mr. Roland Humphries
Mr. John Huntzinger
Ms. Catherine Hurkes
Atanas Ilitch Osteosarcoma
Ms. Mary-Beth Infante
Mr. Michael Ivey
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Ms. Diane I. Jackson
Ms. Dolores Jackson
Mr. Raymond Jackson
Ms. Sumora Jackson
Ms. Annie Jackson-Gause
Ms. Starrice James
Ms. Tracy James
Ms. Aniela Jendro
Ms. Heathie Jenkins
Ms. Itanya Jewell-Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Miles L. Johnson
Mrs. Sharice Johnson
Ms. Alma Johnson
Ms. Carol A. Johnson
Ms. Dianna S. Johnson
Ms. Doris M. Johnson
Ms. Joycelyn Johnson
Ms. Mary C. Johnson
Ms. Monique Johnson
Ms. Nannette Johnson
Ms. Sandra Johnson
Ms. Tina M. Johnson
Ms. Joyce Johnson-Dean
Dr. Bruce A. Jones and
Dr. Michelle M. Pierron
Mr. William M. Jones
Ms. Diane Jones
Ms. Ericka Jones
Ms. Gabrielle Jones
Ms. Jacqueline Jones
Ms. Jean Jones
Ms. Lisa C. Jones
Ms. Lurenzia Jones
Ms. Xetavious Jones
Ms. Zelda Jones
Ms. April Jordan
Ms. Doris A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Ms. Constance Journey
Ms. Jacqueline L. Juran
Karmanos Cancer Center
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
C. Karwowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kaspzyk
Mr. Frank M. Kaufman
Ms. Anne M. Kauzlarich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Keener Jr.
Ms. Robin Kegley
Ms. Margarett Y. Kelley
Mr. John Kelly
Ms. Renee Kelly
Ms. Walletta Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Key Jr.
Mr. Gregory L. Kiesgen
Mr. Ernest L. Kilgo
Mr. and Mrs. David Killoran
Ms. Latoya Kimbrough
Mr. Calvin King
Ms. Frances King
Ms. Patricia Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Kitka
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Knight
Mr. Andy Konwiak
Ms. Geraldine Kornegay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kosinski
Ms. Marilyn Kowal
Mr. Jon P. Krempel
Jason, Jennifer, Willem
& Katherine Krick
Ms. Lynne B. Krieg
Mr. Harry J. Kurtz
Ms. Janine Kuzel
Ms. Shaleena Kyser
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
E. LaBrecque
Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaChance
Mr. and Mrs. Ken LaDuke
Ms. Victoria Lage
Mr. Alger P. LaHood
Mr. James P. LaHood
Ms. Belvelon Landry
Mr. Leonard Langston
Ms. Cheryl Laperriere
Ms. Sean Lawhorn
Dr. and Mrs. Noel S. Lawson
Ms. Catherine Lawson
Mr. Edwin Leake
Ms. Marowther Leflore
Mrs. Annette Lemanski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lesage
Ms. Lindiwe Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Letscher
Ms. Lisa C. Lewis
Ms. Moniecia Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Mr. Bruno Lijoi
Ms. Margaret Lilly
Ms. Lisa Liner
Mr. and Mrs. Aloisius Lipowski
Mr. Douglas Little
Ms. Ebony Little
Ms. Loretta Lombard
Mr. Robert Looney
Mr. and Mrs. Ross B. Lorenger
Mr. Todd Lorenger
Lorraine Kendall Trust
Ms. Dale Loyd
Ms. Lillie Lucas
Mr. Carey Lytle
M & C Corporation
Mr. Willie Mack
Mr. Michael MacMahon
Mrs. Laura Rinke Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Madison
Mr. Joe Madison
Ms. Anne Marie Madison
Ms. Jacqueline Malewicz
Mr. Thomas R. Mallard
Ms. Earlene Mallett
Ms. Cynthia Maloy
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Mancini
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Mandy
Ms. Mary Mandziara
Mr. Daryl Manley
Mr. John Mansour
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Maple
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Mark
Mrs. Janice M. Marl
Mr. Theron Marlin
Ms. Vanessa Marshall
Ms. Juanita Martin
Ms. Katie Martin
Ms. Lorraine Martin
Ms. Camille Maryland
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Mason
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mason
Ms. Rowana Massey
Ms. Mary A. Mateja
Ms. Neko M. Mathis
Ms. Linda Mathis-Peacock
Mr. James Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Clausel L. Maxwell
Ms. Debbie Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward May
Mr. John Mayberry
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mayer
Ms. Hattie B. May-Reed
Ms. Betty L. Mazzoline
Ms. Sandra McBroon
Ms. Georgia McCee
Mr. William McClellan
Ms. Francine McCormick
Mr. Lou McCormick
From left, Kathleen and Thomas Keating and M.A. and David Stephens
Mrs. Shirley A. McCoy
Ms. Bridgette McCrary
Ms. Kimberly McCurrie
Ms. Algeria McCutchen
Mr. Thomas McGee
Ms. Sharon K. McGhee
Ms. Tiffany McGoy
Ms. Donna S. McGrady
Mr. Patrick McGuire
Ms. Rachiel McGuire-Lloyd
Mr. John McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. McIntyre
Mrs. Nancy McLain
Ms. Mary E. McLain
Ms. Mary McMillan
Mr. Marshall McNeil
Mr. Daryld McQueen
Mr. Troy McVay
Ms. Mildred McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Traver Meathe
Medical Evaluation Specialists
Ms. Linda M. Merriweather
Ms. Josephine L. Meyers
Ms. Joanna E. Miller
Ms. Rachelle Miller
Miller Cohen, PLC
Ms. Felicia Miller-Allen
Ms. Gretchen Miller-Winston
Ms. Antonia Milonas
Ms. Ingrid Mitchell
Ms. Khara Mitchell
Ms. Rhonda Mitchell
Ms. Brana D. Mitrovic
Mr. Rodney Mobley
Ms. Lasheka A. Moffett
Ms. Marini Monroe
Ms. Sandra Monroe
Ms. Deeangela L. Montgomery
Ms. Wilma J. Montle
Ms. Eliza S. Moon
Mr. Jermaine Moore
Mr. Willie D. Moore
Ms. Geneva Moore
Mr. Isidro More
Ms. April Moreland
Ms. Marita Morgan
Ms. Joanne Morrison
Ms. Maria C. Morrison
Ms. Cheryl Moskal
Ms. Denise Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mueller
Mrs. Irmgard Mueller
Dr. Matthew P. Mullan
Ms. Kelly Murray
Ms. Shahenda J. Mustapha
Ms. Sharon Myers-Coger
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
Ms. Joyce Nailer
Ms. Jimmie Nathan
National Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Mary E. Natschke
Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Nault
Mr. Demond Nelson
Mr. Robert Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Nesi
Ms. Margot H. Ness
Mr. Lewis Newman
Ms. Elizabeth Nieckasz
Ms. Beverly S. Norman
Ms. Alana North
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Nothdurft
Nothdurft Land Company
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Mrs. and Mr. May Noyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ochalek
Ms. Dorothy O’Dunsi
Mrs. Claudia M. Ogilvy
Mr. Ronald C. Ollila
Ms. Genevieve M. Onorati-Logan
The Original Vette Shoppe, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Osborn
Ms. Linda D. Osborn
Ms. Regina Otis
Ottenwess, Malis & Moran
Mrs. Lorraine Owczarek
Ms. Demereal A. Owens
Mr. James Paige
Ms. Wanda Paige
Ms. Helen Pantalone
Ms. Janet Papiez
Ms. Leanna Parker
Ms. Charlotte Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Parmenter
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Parol
Mr. Joe Payne
Ms. Linda Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Pellerito
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pellerito
Ms. Judy Pendergrass
Ms. Enid Penn
Estate of Stella J. Perez
Performance Racing Industry
Ms. Judith Perry
Mr. Simon Perry
Ms. Theresa Perry
Mr. Alphonso Person
Ms. Mira Peters
Ms. Cheryl Peterson
Ms. Ora L. Peterson
Ms. Donna Petty
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Dr. Jacqueline Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Piccirilli
Ms. Eunice Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A. Pickrahn
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pidgeon
Ms. Cheryl M. Pietraszewski
Mr. Joseph J. Pissott
Mr. Clarence Pittman
Ms. Elvia Planck
Miss Frances Plawinski
Ms. Alice L. Plettl
Ms. Margherita Poma
Mr. Bernard Porter
Ms. Clara Porter
Mr. Gary Posluszny
Ms. Alice Powell
Ms. Nichole Powells
Ms. Tina Pratt
Mr. Roderick Price
Ms. Edna Price
Ms. Mary Price
Pro Gram Engineering Corp.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Prysak
Ms. Annie Pullins
Pulmonary and Critical Care
Associates, PC
Ms. Maria Putman
Mr. and Mrs. John Putt
Ms. Lois Ragland
Dr. Curtis S. Ralstrom
Ms. Emma Rambus
Mr. and Mrs. George Rastelli
Stark Reagan
Ms. Cassaundra Redic
Ms. Gloria Reed
Ms. Laura Reed
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Renick
Ms. Nancieanne S. Rennie
Mrs. Pamela J. Rennpage
Respiratory Foundation of
Southeast Michigan
Ms. Janice Rey
Ms. Robin Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Horace
D. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ridder
Ms. Tomeka Rider
Ms. Kathleen Riederer
Ms. Carol J. Riess
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Rinke
Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Rinke
Ms. Susan M. Rinke
Ms. Valerie Rippie
Ms. Jennifer Rivard
Shaun Rizzuto
Ms. Dequata Roberson
Mr. Jimmie Robinson
Ms. Sheri Robinson
Ms. Mary Roddie
The Estate of Mary Louise Roehm
Mrs. Mary S. Roehm
Ms. Darcel Rogan
Ms. Rebecca Rogers
Ms. Tamika L. Rogers
Ms. Tamika Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth
Ms. Judy C. Rourke
Mrs. Mary L. Ruhana
Mr. Robert Rushin
Mr. Willie Rushing
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Russell
Ms. Olga N. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Ms. Mary E. Ryan
Ms. Willette Saffold
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Saigh
Mr. Jose and Dr. Reina Salazar
Ms. Ellen Sanders
Ms. Lisia Sanders
Ms. Telesha Sanders
Sanofi Aventis
Ms. Jessonya R. Sansom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Sattler
Ms. Latrice Saunders
Ms. Trenette Savage
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schapman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Schervish
Ms. Gloria Schly
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Scott
Mr. Andre Scott
Ms. Joyce L. Scott
Ms. Loritha Scott
Ms. Marcia Scott
Mr. Dannie Searcy
Ms. Cynthia Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Seashore
Ms. Deborah Seay
Serra Automotive, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sessions
Ms. Michelle Shadowens
Ms. Nikki Shakespeare
Ms. Audrey Shareef
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sharrow
Ms. Kimberly Shaw
Ms. Virginia Shaw
Mrs. Celia Shears
Ms. Constance Sheehy
Ms. Althea Shelton
Ms. Dannie R. Shepard
Mr. Dennis Sherell
Ms. Donna L. Shinall
Mr. John Shook
Mr. Billy J. Short
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shryock
Ms. Nora Shuler
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Silwester
Ms. Juanita D. Simmons
Ms. Mary F. Simmons
Ms. Jacqueline Simpson
Ms. Vivian Simpson
Ms. Paulette Sims
Ms. Nina Sisco
Ms. Agnes Skocken
Mr. Douglas I. Skrzyniarz
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smiley
Ms. Arnetha Smith
Ms. Barbara Smith
Ms. Celoria Smith
Mr. David Smith
Mr. David J. Smith and
Mrs. Susan Mooney-Smith
Mr. Gary Smith
Ms. Gloria A. Smith
Mr. Horace Smith
Ms. Jessica Smith
Ms. Latricia Smith
Ms. Sonja Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Somes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Remo Spalvieri
Ms. Tiffany Spencer
Ms. Laura Spicer
Ms. Hazel Spight
Ms. Antoinette Spivey
Ms. Deborah Spoutz
The thing always
happens that you
really believe in; and
the belief in a thing
makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright
(1869 - 1959)
Ms. Carolyn Spraggins
St. Clair Shores OB/Gyn, PLC
St. Clair Specialty Physicians, PC
St. John Hospital Guild
Ms. Gail B. Stafford
Ms. Denise Stallworth
The Mary G. Stange
Charitable Trust
Ms. Katie Staples
Mr. Larry Star
Ms. Josephine A. Stefani
Dr. Gerald A. Stein
Ms. Sarah Stephens
Ms. Tracy A. Stephenson
Mr. Derrick Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stieler
Ms. Mary C. Stine Deason
Ms. Gladys Stoner
Ms. Margaret Story
Ms. Linda Stott
Ms. Angela Strong
Ms. Betsy Stucker
Ms. Elnora Sturdivant
Ms. Mary S. Sullivan
Ms. Latasha Summers
Ms. Karen P. Szepytowski
Ms. Janina Sztandera
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Szymanski
Ms. Brenda Tait
Ms. Pamela Taite
Ms. Sandra Taubitz
Ms. Joann Tavolieri
Mr. Johnny Taylor
Ms. Callie B. Taylor
Ms. Carol Taylor
Ms. Rita Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt O. Tech
Terry Rosebush Motorsports, Inc.
Mr. Andrew J. Thomas Jr.
Ms. Cheryl Thomas
Ms. Emma Thomas
Mr. James Thomas
Mr. Shaun Thomas
Ms. Shirley A. Thomas
Ms. Thelma Thomas
Ms. Tracey Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
W. Thompson
Ms. Shonte Thompson
Ms. Marie Thornton-Daniels
Ms. Athena Thorton
Ms. Pamela A. Thrall
Mr. & Mrs. James Thrower
Ms. Donna M. Tocarchick
Mr. R. Wesley Tomb
Ms. Florence E. Trullard
Ms. Cassandra Tucker
Ms. Freddie B. Turner
Ms. Jimmy Turner
Ms. Sonja D. Turner
Ms. Donethel Tutt
Mrs. Anna Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ulmer
Ms. Sandra E. Ulsh
Unique Catering, Inc.
United Way
University of Michigan
Dr. and Mrs. Ilija Urosev
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory O. Utter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vallee
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Van Drie
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Van Elslander
Van Elslander Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Veenstra
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Velasco
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Vesco
Viacell, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Vitale
Ms. Patricia Vonk
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Walker
Mr. Johnnie Walker
Mr. Lee Waller
Ms. Carol Walters
Mrs. Lura Walton
Ms. Barbara Ward
Ms. Lynn Marie Wardlaw
Mr. Willie Washington
Ms. Katessa Washington
Ms. Claudette Watson
Mr. Nicholas Watson
Drs. A. Craig and
A. Christine Watt
Ms. Bessie Watts
Ms. Debra A. Wayne
Ms. Joniece Weathers
Ms. Bernice Webb
Ms. Sue A. Webb
Ms. Dynita Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weller
Ms. Anntonette Wells
Ms. Doris Wells
Ms. Denise M. Werner
Ms. Linda West
Ms. Marianne Westlake
WG Sweis Investments, LLC
Ms. Sherri Whitcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jame R. White
Mrs. Cynthia White-Doelin
Mr. Theodore Whitely
Mr. John Whitesell
Mr. Sean Whitesell
The Whitesell Family
Dr. and Mrs. Craig E. Whitmore
Ms. Wilma Wilbourn
Mr. James W. Wild
Mr. Caleb Wilder
Ms. Elizabeth Wiley
Mr. Nathaniel Wilkerson
Ms. Anita J. Williams
Mrs. Clara Williams
Mr. Dennis Williams
Ms. Earnestine Williams
Ms. Ellenda J. Williams
Ms. Eloise Williams
Ms. Kathy Williams
Ms. Latasha Williams
Ms. Mary Williams
Ms. Melita Williams
Ms. Peranica C. Williams
Ms. Sharon Williams
Ms. Theresa Williams
Mr. Wilbert Williams
Ms. Katherine Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wilson
Mr. Charles Wilson
Mrs. Susan L. Wilson
Ms. Tracey Wilson
Ms. Kynette Windham
Ms. Deborah L. Winn
Mr. Brian Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Woodruff
Mr. Michael Wrobel
Mr. Joseph Wrona
Musa Yacoub
Mr. Richard Yancy
Ms. Annie Young
Ms. Joan Young
Mr. Robert Zainea
Dr. and Mrs. David Zalenski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Zenoni
The Zoe Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Zube
Mr. and Mrs. James Zyrowski
Holley Ear Institute
We gratefully acknowledge
the following donors who
have supported Holley Ear
initiatives with gifts of $100
or more between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2006.
Mrs. Eoanna Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ahee
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Alliance for Vision Research, Inc.
Gebran S. & Suzanne P. Anton
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Athens
Terry L. Atkinson
Mrs. Mareda W. Babcock
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Baun
Mrs. D. Bitondo
Mr. and Mrs. John Blatt
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blatt
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bogle
John A. & Marlene L. Boll
Dr. Henry G. Bone
Ms. Helen Booker
Mrs. Mary A. Brack
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Calaman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campanale
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Cardellio
Mr. James P. Caverly
Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Ceravolo
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Cipriano
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark
Mr. Joseph V. Clemente
Drs. John and Julie Corbett
Peter J. & Constance M.
Cracchiolo Foundation
Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Crawford
Mr. James Cross
Mrs. Harriet K. Cytacki
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Cytacki
Ms. Alicia Cytacki
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dahling
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dakmak
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Damon
Miss Camille DeMario
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Derderian
Diocese of Lansing
Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty
Dolgencorp, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Dow
Mr. George J. Elwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ermanni
Helen and Paul Farago
Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fedio
Mr. and Mrs. John X. Flanagan
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Free Press Charities, Inc.
Ms. Mary A. Fuller
Ms. Joanne Galbo
Mr. and Mrs. Glen
M. Gannon Gardcon
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gardella Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gardella
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Main
Ms. Delores F. Gariepy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Giftos
Ms. Darlene Graham
Grosse Pointe Surgical
Association, PC
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Groustra
Mrs. Mona E. Gualtieri
Haddad International
Transport, Inc.
Mrs. Alice W. Haggarty
Ms. Mary Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Harness
Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.
Ms. Arlene R. Hendrie
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Huebner
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jagger
Johnson County Community
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jorissen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Kirkpatrick
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Klein
Ms. Diane H. Knight
Knights of Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. James Kosakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kuplicki
Ms. Lila M. Lakosky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lamparter
Mr. Allan P. LeChard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lessway
Liggett Family Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Loehr
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
May Department Stores Company
Mrs. Maureen C. McCabe
Mr. Kenneth G. Meade
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Meldrum
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mercier
Mr. and Mrs. John Mills
Mills Family Foundation
Mr. Ronald D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel J. Moroun
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Murray
William F. Navarre, PC
Ms. Marilyn Newa
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Noto
Oblate Fathers of
St. Francis de Sales
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ottaway
PIP Printing
Drs. William and Virginia Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Roby
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Scherer
Mr. Jon Schnellbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Selvaggio
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sessions
Mr. Robert R. Sfire
Ms. Judith Sieber
Sisters of St. Joseph
Mr. Brian Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Smith
St. John Deaf Center
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stark
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Strader
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Taylor
Mrs. Cynthia Tegel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Tenkel
Ms. Bernadette Thibodeau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thoreson
Mr. and Mrs. Loren J. Tibbitts
Mrs. Mary Ann Van Elslander
Wayne and Joan Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan M. Whitney
Whitney Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wilt
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Yurek
Dr. and Mrs. David Zalenski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ziolkowski
Honoring your commı†men†
St. John Health Foundation
1471 E. 12 Mile Road • Madison Heights, MI 48071 • (586) 582-7500
T. Joseph McKay, JD, CPA, CLU
Mary Stahl, RN, BSN, MSHA
Candace Huetteman
Linda Hahn
Laticia Nelson
Lorraine Owczarek
Diane Spezia
Kathy Torick
Interim President/VP, Planned Giving
VP, Stewardship & Donor Relations
Director of Operations
Director of Research Services
Corporate and Foundation Relations Manager
Special Events Manager
Accounting Manager
(586) 582-7506
(586) 582-7505
(586) 582-7504
(586) 582-7492
(586) 582-7508
(586) 582-7509
(586) 753-0179
(586) 582-7495
(313) 343-4065
(313) 343-7482
(313) 343-7479
(313) 343-7481
(313) 343-4658
(313) 343-4602
(248) 465-4502
(248) 849-5439
(248) 849-3529
(248) 849-3386
(248) 849-3387
St. John Hospital Foundation
22101 Moross • Mack Office Bldg., Suite 102 • Detroit, MI 48236 • (313) 343-7480
Nina Holden, CFRE
Ralph Alee, CFRE
Timothy B. Hudson
Elizabeth Klos
Jennifer Richard
Elizabeth Carter
Corporate Director
Director of Capital Campaigns
Major Gifts Officer
Senior Development Officer
Major Gifts Officer
Manager, Donor Relations
Providence Health Foundation
22255 Greenfield Road, Suite 228 • Southfield, MI 48075 • (248) 849-5744
John Lewandowski, CFRE
Karen Williams
Donna Broderick-Narva
Ida Warshay
Lisa Burry, RN
Director of Development, Providence Park
Chief Development Officer
Major Gifts Officer
Senior Development Officer
Manager, Donor Relations
The Foundation staff has made every effort to list donor names correctly.
If a listing is incorrect or needs to be updated, please inform us. Thank you.
A Passion for Healing
St. John Health Foundation
1471 E. 12 Mile Road
Madison Heights, MI 48071