Mar 31st, 2014
Mar 31st, 2014
Newsletter Issue 2 2013-2014 Meadowfield School April 2014 From The Principal … Dear Parents and Carers – Welcome to the Spring 2014 edition of our newsletter. I hope that you enjoy reading about what our pupils are learning across the school. You will also read about Mark Pearmain our new Family Liaison Officer, therapy programmes, pupil premium, safeguarding, how we support mainstream schools in Swale and much more! You will be pleased to read Mr Richards’ contribution to this newsletter. As the leader for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning across the school, Mr Richards has written about some of the ways in which we promote SMSC development, including: school council, assemblies, our school newspaper and clubs. In addition to the Meadowfield School newsletter, Governors will soon be publishing a newsletter which will detail the role of Governors, the contributions they make to school, the role they play in establishing the school’s vision and priorities and how Governors monitor and evaluate the work of the school. Look out for the first edition of the Governor Newsletter next term. Do you know about Parent View? Parent View gives you the chance to express your views about school and the Office for Standards in Education (OfSTED) will consider your views when inspecting school. Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour and by sharing your views, you can help school to improve. Please visit: When you are next in school, please take a minute to view our new ‘Meadowfield Art Gallery’ which is located along the main hallway. Thank you to Miss Van‘t Riet who created the gallery for the school as an opportunity to showcase the impressive artwork created by our inspiring pupils. Sincerely - Jill Palmer Safeguarding Deputy Principal’s Report Safeguarding is a wide ranging area including child protection, behaviour management, Health and Safety and safer recruitment. We have adopted the KCC policy on Safeguarding and a copy of this can be found on our website or a copy may be requested from the school office. I am the lead designated child protection coordinator (DCPC) in school. In addition, Heads of Department and Mr Pearmain, the Family Liaison Officer, are also trained DCPC’s. The Governor for safeguarding is Brenda Hammond. All staff receive safeguarding training every three years in addition to regular updates, including information on e-safety. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own safety. The PSHCE curriculum addresses a range of safety issues including: personal safety, safety in the home and sexual safety. Pupils are made aware of e-safety and special, whole school safety days have been organised where a range of community workers put on demonstrations and talks for pupils. Information on Childline is displayed in school and pupils are aware that they can go to a member to staff if they have a worry. Our Behaviour Management Policy emphasises a positive response to behaviour. All Key Stages have systems in place to reward pupils for good behaviour, these include: reward charts, first this/then that cards, visual timetables Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and, if appropriate, are involved in developing class rules. Where poor behaviour does occur, this is dealt with at the time by the staff involved. Where behaviour is challenging, this is recorded on behaviour analysis charts and the observations assist in developing appropriate interventions and support for pupils behaviour. Pupil behaviour towards each other is good and pupils work together across Key Stages in some joint projects. Where incidents of bullying are reported this is dealt with through discussion with the pupils involved and with parents if necessary. In Term 5 an External Consultant will be conducting a safeguarding review. This review will include observation of the pupils, discussion with senior leaders, governors and pupils and a check on our policies and procedures. This review will enable us to identify areas we need to develop in regard to safeguarding. Deputy Principal Ms G Hurstfield 2 Hello… name is Lisa Candy and I am delighted to be the new Deputy Principal at Meadowfield School and am getting to know all the pupils and staff. Some of my key areas of responsibility include monitoring pupil progress including how we are using our Pupil Premium funding and working with staff to develop the curriculum in line with the changes being implemented in September 2014. Deputy Principal’s Report How well are pupils achieving? Our core purpose as a school is to ensure that every pupil reaches his or her full potential and is supported to develop into a confident, resilient and as independent a young adult as possible. To achieve this we are setting challenging and aspirational but realistic targets. Progress toward targets is monitored each term through close analysis of the progress data and detailed discussions in pupil progress meetings. This close monitoring enables extra support to be put in place quickly. Over the course of this academic year pupil progress, particularly in reading and maths, has increased with the majority of pupils on track to achieve their end of year and end of Key Stage targets. Information on Achievement and Progress can be found on the website under Key Information. If you have any concerns regarding the progress your child please speak to the class teacher or subject teacher in the first instance but if you have further concerns please do contact me. Pupil Premium funding – what is it? Pupil premium is Government Funding paid to schools to reduce the attainment gap between specific vulnerable groups and their peers. These groups are pupils entitled to free school meals at any time during the last 6 years, pupils who have been in Local authority care for 6 months or more and pupils of parents serving in the Armed Forces. At Meadowfield School our data is showing that pupils entitled to pupil premium funding are achieving as well as or better than their peers. How are we using our Pupil Premium funding? In line with the guidance from the Department for Education Pupil Premium Champion we are using the pupil premium funding to support whole school interventions and specific strategies to improve progress for identified groups of pupils. continued ….. Deputy Principal Mrs L Candy 3 Deputy Principal’s Report How are we using our Pupil Premium funding? (continued) Whole school strategies include the implementation of Numicom, Sounds write and Letters and Sounds as strategies to improve progress in number and reading; the mid-year data is showing a significant improvement in pupil progress across the school. Some of the group strategies include Dynamo Maths, an ICT based Maths programme, Spellwise - an additional phonics and writing programme, Challenger Troop - a uniformed youth leadership, team building and engagement programme. Some of the individual strategies include specific sensory equipment, iPads, reading resources and further specific resources to support literacy. The details of the interventions are available to see on the website. Does my child qualify for pupil premium? If you receive any of the following support payments your child may be entitled to free school meals: Income Support Income based Jobseekers Allowance. Income related Employment and Support Allowance The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit. Child Tax Credit ( providing you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,900) Working Tax Credit run-on – paid 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit. Universal credit. Application forms are available from the school office. Registering your child for free school meals does not mean your child has to take a school meal, but does enable them to access a range of additional resources and support. If you have any questions regarding eligibility for free school meals, or support with applying, please contact our Family Liaison Officer, Mark Pearmain, who will be happy to help. Mark can be contacted by phone via the school office, email, or directly through the website. I am looking forward to continuing to get to know all the pupils and to meeting with you all over the coming weeks. Deputy Principal Mrs L Candy 4 Secondary Department News Learning Walk In January the Secondary Department arranged a Learning Walk. This was a chance for the team to look at current practice, celebrate what we do well and look at what we can improve. During the two day event pupils, Governors and staff had the chance to observe our learning environments, lessons and break and lunch times. I am pleased to say that the Governors and the Leadership Team were impressed with what they observed and could see that the majority of pupils are making good progress in their learning. Pupils come into school quickly and are ready to work immediately. The pupils and staff are respectful to each other and, when out at break and lunch times, pupils interact well together. The pupils asked for more break time activities; we are looking into this. The pupils said they liked coming to school and they feel safe at school. Some areas for development were highlighted and these include: more areas to display pupils’ work, improved signage around the school, changes to the layout of the KS3 and KS4 areas, development of a new library area, the creation of a new reward system, and development of the curriculum to bring it in line with the new National Curriculum. Challenger Troop Ten pupils have been working with the Challenger Troop for one day each week and they have just completed phase one of the training. They are all very enthusiastic about the programme and are keen to share what they have learnt when they return to school. As part of the programme the Troop had an overnight stay at a Ministry of Defence site in Folkestone. Pupils and staff all took part in various activities which included map reading, first aid, cooking and laser battles and everyone learnt some new skills. New Timetables The structure of the school day is changing so that timetables will allow for 6 lessons across the day instead of the current 5. Secondary lunch will now start at 12.10pm until 1.00pm; there will be more lunch time clubs for pupils. Department News Three members of staff are leaving Meadowfield this term - Heidi Alexander, Teacher, Tom Holden, Teaching Assistant, and Kelly White, Teaching Assistant. We say a fond farewell to these friends and colleagues and I am sure you will join me in wishing all of them all the very best for their new ventures. Assistant Principal Head of Secondary Department Mr A Clements 5 ASDAN 6th Form News Earlier this term we were notified that we were to have a full ASDAN Audit. ASDAN is the 6th Form’s main life skills awarding body; most of our life skills achievements are accredited through them. In a full audit an examiner comes to school for a day to scrutinise all our policies and procedures, to check student work and to ensure that, as a school, we consistently reach the quality standard required. The good news is - we passed with flying colours, receiving a very positive report with no action points! “Well done” to Mrs Butcher and all the staff who contributed to this achievement. School Song/ Teddington Visit Students in the 6th Form are currently leading a project involving pupils from both the Primary and Secondary phases of the school; the students and pupils are coming together on a Tuesday afternoon to rehearse for a performance, singing and signing the school song together, ready for a trip to the Normansfield Theatre in Teddington at the end of April. The big performance will take place there, on stage, in the beautiful Victorian theatre attached to the Langdon Down Centre and Museum of Learning Disability. Those attending will be filmed in order for them to share their adventures with everyone at a whole school assembly following the visit. The 6th formers are showing their leadership skills through a buddy system of support and have been excellent at helping the younger pupils learn their signs and feel secure. Work Experience 6th Form students have been out to work experience this term. Every Wednesday they have been working at various local businesses and organisations who generously offer these opportunities to our young people to enable them to have an experience of “real” work. Some of our young people have had outstanding reports, including one which said “Martin is the best work experience student we have had from any school”. This is an important part of the work we do and we would also thank all the local businesses and organisations who support us. Head of 6th Form Mr D Dalton 6 Early Years Foundation Stage Department News Since our last newsletter children in Rabbits and Squirrels have been busy working on their topic of Favourite Rhymes and Stories. They had a visit from Ann Pilcher of the Libraries Service who led a lovely story time session. She engaged the children with sensory stories which allowed them to explore the sounds and textures associated with the stories. In class activities the children were immersed in storytelling and rhymes to help them experience and develop the language of story. Parents were invited to share in a story telling session which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We have now started our topic of ‘Spring’ and thankfully have had some beautiful weather to support it. Children have been busy exploring the garden for buds and flowers, learning about flower parts and life cycles and planting seeds. On the theme of learning outdoors we now have new storage for our outdoor resources; this will enable children to further develop exploration and enquiry skills alongside their physical development. Head of Early Years Foundation Stage Department Mrs C Cardosi 7 The Year of the Horse Honey Bees have been learning about Chinese New Year ……. Honey Bees News Children helped to make a dragon head and wear the head. We practiced moving up and down like a dragon and danced to Chinese music. Teacher in Charge Mrs A Howe Teacher in Charge Mrs A Howe 8 Do you have a child with additional learning needs? Do you need help and advice on play activities and learning? Honey Bees nursery are running free stay and play sessions for parents and their children. Days of sessions vary according to your child’s needs. Sessions will be held at Honey Bees Nursery, Swanstree Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4NL Cold refreshments will be available at a minimal cost. For more information or to book a place Please contact ANGELA HOWE 01795 477788 9 Curriculum news When we returned from the Christmas break our topic was European Countries. The children had a great time making passports and ‘visiting’ different countries. We learnt about the language, food, culture and traditional clothing of a variety of European countries. Primary Department News In Term 4 we have been focusing on the European country that we live in Britain. We have been learning all about famous British landmarks, artists, authors, the diversity of cultures in Britain, our changing landscape, indigenous wildlife the Royal Family and British celebrities. Changes, updates and improvements ….. At the beginning of Term 4 the Leadership Team, together with our External Advisor and School Governors, undertook a Learning Walk of the Department. This took the form of lesson observations, a scrutiny of pupils work, a review of our thematic curriculum, teaching & learning, progress, behaviour, the learning environment and listening to pupils’ views. Here are some quotes from the report: “Standards in the Primary Department are good and now ready to move to outstanding because, as a result of better teaching and learning, pupils are making better and more rapid progress in their learning.” The work of Mrs Alderdice, our Reading and Phonics Manager, was also positively acknowledged in the statement: “The impact of literacy interventions is outstanding and there is a clear link to the rapid progress that pupils receiving these interventions make in literacy and numeracy.” In the coming months we will be striving to achieve ‘outstanding standards ’ in all areas. Special acknowledgements ….. ….to all the parents and carers who came to share an afternoon with their child in class. The open afternoons were, again, a huge success and I would like to thank all the staff for facilitating this opportunity. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank all the department staff & pupils for their tireless work and efforts which resulted in a very positive Learning Walk outcome. We say a sad ’good bye’ to Natasha Mitchell who is moving on after Easter and wish her every success in her new post. Finally, I hope you have a wonderful Easter break and I look forward to seeing all the children again when we return on Tuesday 22 April. Head of Primary Department Mrs D Driscoll 10 As the Family Liaison Officer, I am here to offer support and advice to Parents/ Carers, children and their families. I work closely with Housing, Benefits and voluntary services to ensure that you get the best possible support for your family. I deal with attendance and attendance issues too, so if you have any questions about your child’s attendance contact me directly and I will be happy to help. Family Liaison Officer I am available most mornings at the front of the school to meet and greet Parents/Carers and offer guidance with any queries or issues that may have arisen. Where possible, I will try to deal with any queries directly, but if more appropriate I will signpost to other local services. I will help you and your family in any way I can, so call me for a chat or pop along to the school; my door is always open. You can contact me by calling the school on 01795 477788, or come in to reception and ask to see me. If I’m available I will see you straight away, if I’m busy dealing with something else, then our Receptionist will be happy to make an appointment for you to see me. Our recent survey: Some of you were a little confused about how the school makes sure that your child is well prepared for the future. This is something that we take very seriously here at Meadowfield. Apart from ensuring that every child makes progress in learning, we help children prepare for all kinds of change, for example: Changing year group and class Having a new teacher Changing key stage School trips and outings Leaving school Going to college or work. We do this in a number of ways and by tailoring to each child’s needs; we use signs and symbols, social stories and taster sessions. We work very hard, using the knowledge we have about each individual pupil to ensure that each transition or change goes as smoothly and worry free as possible. Our staff will go along with pupils to introduce them to new situations, places or people. We support them every step of the way, so that they are well prepared for the future. Family Liaison Officer Mr M Pearmain 11 Hello …. I am Yve Cherry, the M.O.V.E. and Mobility Coordinator for school. I work closely with the Physio Therapists and Occupational Therapists to support class teams to carry out therapy programmes. I also work with small groups of pupils on sensory integration programmes. I am a trainer for manual handling and I write the risk assessments and give advice for all manual handling and use of hoists in the school. I also train new staff. Along with other colleagues I am trained in Rebound Therapy; a form of exercise therapy which uses trampolines to provide therapeutic exercise and recreation for pupils. M.O.V.E. and Mobility M.O.V.E. - Movement Opportunities Via Education M.O.V.E. teaches functional skills for sitting, standing and walking. I am a trainer for M.O.V.E. and we now have a group of staff in school who will be taking forward the M.O.V.E ethos. We are introducing M.O.V.E. groups in addition to integrating movement opportunities into the daily curriculum. At present we have one M.O.V.E. graduate; Dean has completed the M.O.V.E. programme and now is independently mobile. I am looking forward to graduating more pupils when they meet their individual targets. I am also involved in maintaining hydro programmes including working with the Speech and Language Therapist in delivering therapy in the pool. M.O.V.E. and Mobility Coordinator Mrs Y Cherry 12 In September 2013 I joined the staff of Meadowfield School in the role of Inclusion and Outreach Manager for the Swale Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS). Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) The STLS from Meadowfield School work in partnership with schools by supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools across the Swale District. We provide high quality advice, support and training on all aspects of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and aim to support inclusion and improve learning outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability. Schools and settings can access the service via the weekly Local Inclusion Forum Team (LIFT) meetings. At the meeting, access to other schools’ experiences and expertise, educational psychology and specialist teacher advice and support is available. Where appropriate, direct support is given to schools enabling staff to successfully include children and young people with SEND in accessing the curriculum at an appropriate level. During LIFT meetings discussions around whole school issues and training needs can lead to additional support. We have worked closely with MIDAS (Meadowfield Inclusion Development and Support centre) to deliver a wide variety of training for parents and school staff, for example: Early Bird Training; this has been successful in supporting families and allowing parents and school staff to train alongside each other in supporting the needs of children. SENCO Conferences; we invited Swale School SENCOs to join together to access Local Services, workshops and listen to messages from outside speakers on new Government legislation. We are currently in the process of organising a similar conference for Early Years practitioners in Swale. Initial Teacher Training in SEN; we recently completed training in ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Behaviour Management for students from Canterbury Christchurch University College which was well received. Several Specialist Teachers are involved in the “Think Right Feel Good” project involving multi-sensory impaired students from Meadowfield School and other District Schools across Kent. Recent evaluations show a marked improvement in confidence and well-being of these young people as the year progresses. Finally, we are now well established at our nearby base - Orchards - where we are able to meet colleagues from Speech and Language Therapy, Portage, Educational Psychology and the Disabled Children’s Team and Paediatricians on a daily basis. This aspect of multi agency working is really helping to provide a seamless service for the children and young people we support. Inclusion and Outreach Manager Mrs C Charnock 13 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Learning Since November we have been changing the way that the school provides opportunities for pupils to engage with each other. There are often questions asked by parents about what happens to children when they leave school. It is our responsibility as parents and educators to ensure our pupils have the opportunities to develop independence, self-help and social skills for becoming responsible citizens. At Meadowfield, I believe we all have a responsibility to improve the pupil and students attitude to life and shape them in dealing with moral dilemmas, develop a sense of self pride, spiritual fulfilment and have open minds to other people we encounter in the community. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Learning School Council To develop this in school we have been working on developing the pupils’ voice by starting a new School Council. Each class had a representative elected in to the Early Years and Primary, Secondary or Sixth Form councils. These councils meet once a term and discuss ideas on how to improve their school and what else they’d like us to try and develop. From these three councils we then asked the members to elect ten pupils onto the whole School Council which takes every child’s needs into consideration. A selection of the whole School Council recently met the Governors and explained what they had been working on. Assemblies We have changed the way that assemblies are run, now having whole school assemblies and separate departments to create a stronger sense of school community. During these assemblies we have been learning the signs for a school song (voted by pupils); it is Katy Perry’s “Roar”, although we may end up developing a range of songs to sign and sing along to! Newspaper Pupils have stated in their council meetings that they wanted the opportunity to share news with each other rather than just in the newsletter. Secondary and sixth form pupils and students have been creating articles for this and hopefully they will finish it just in time for Easter! Lunch time and after-school Clubs To aid pupils to improve confidence and make friends, we are beginning to expand our lunchtime club provision in the Secondary Department. This will be trialled in Term 5 and then we will explore opportunities to develop this further. Secondary pupils have expressed an interest in clubs for Makaton signing, trading cards, X-Box, Sensory, cooking and choir, amongst others. We are also looking at creating clubs for after school; more details will follow about these in due course and we will be asking for parents and carers views. SMSC Lead Teacher Mr G Richards 14 Rowing Competition Meadowfield School entered a Rowing Competition at the Medway Park. The boys and girls all worked very hard; the boys were highly commended, Margaret won Gold and Abbi won Silver. Well done to all of them!! Sports Relief Everyone took turns cycling around the playground on Sports Relief Day. Joshua raised £48.20 in a Sponsored silence; he didn’t speak all day!! Janine and Alisha raised £46.20; they “stepped” all day - they were very tired by the end of the day!! The total amount raised for Sports Relief was an amazing £327.42. Thank you to everyone who supported the day’s events. 15 ASDAN Some of the students in the 6th Form have been handling exotic animals as part of their ASDAN course. As you can see from the photos, they have all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 16 Pets As Therapy We are working with Pets As Therapy, a national charity which was founded in 1983, and we are pleased to share with you that Meadowfield’s Pets As Therapy programme is now established. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings pupils are supported by either Tessa (Bearded Collie) or Freddie (Bearded Collie) with Mrs Feast or Dylan (Springer Spaniel) with Miss Van‘t Riet. There are many benefits to our Pets As Therapy programme and these include: increasing pupil confidence, increasing the willingness to communicate and interact with others, developing a greater sense of well-being and developing the ability to trust. Class Teachers nominate pupils to take part in the programme depending upon their individual needs and, of course, we seek parents’ permission. All Pets As Therapy dogs have passed a special assessment to determine that they have a suitable temperament to support children in school. Music sign2sing Once again the Primary Department took part in the sign2sing event in February. They learnt to sing and sign a new song; Get Up and Sign. The event took place in the school hall and the pupils really enjoyed singing and signing together. We are proud to be part of this record breaking event. Sing Up Assembly Friday 14th March was National Sing Up day. The Primary and Secondary Departments all attended a special assembly where they sang a number of songs and a song especially written for the day, the Big Song. There were performances from Jam Club, and S4 gave us their version of Eye of the Tiger. 17 World Book Day On World Book Day, pupils from primary and secondary departments met with each other to read and share books. Older and younger pupils interacted beautifully together; the enjoyment they had is clearly evidenced in the photos below. Pupils and adults alike loved the morning, so much so that it has been decided that this should be repeated on a termly basis. 18 Useful Information and Contacts School to Home Contact We use the “Home Connect” system to contact parents/carers in cases of emergency - for example, if the school is closed. Important or urgent information can be shared with you via a text message or an e-mail. In order to receive text message updates, please ensure that we have the correct, and current, mobile number for the first priority contact held on our records. Please let us know if the mobile number we hold for you has changed. It would also be very useful to have an e-mail address for sharing nonemergency information, such as Newsletters, trip letters etc. Up to date information is always posted on our website: 19 Term Dates 2013/2014 Term 4 2014 Term begins............ Mon 24 February Term ends ............... Fri 4 April Term 5 2014 Term begins............ Tue 22 April Bank Holiday ........ Mon 5 May Term ends ............... Fri 23 May Term 6 2014 School Closed ........ Mon 2 June Term begins............ Tue 3 June Term ends ............... Wed 23 July 2014/2015 Staff Development Days still to be advised Term 1 2014 Term begins............ Wed 3 September Term ends ............... Fri 24 October Term 2 2014 Term begins............ Mon 3 November Term ends ............... Fri 19 December Term 3 2015 Term begins............ Mon 5 January Term ends ............... Fri 13 February Term 4 2015 Term begins............ Mon 23 February Term ends ............... Wed 1 April Term 5 2015 Term begins............ Mon 20 April Bank Holiday ........ Mon 4 May Term ends ............... Fri 22 May Term 6 2015 Term begins............ Mon 1 June Term ends ............... Fri 24 July Things you need to know .... How You Contact Us … Contact details for Meadowfield School are as follows: Telephone: 01795 477788 and choose one of the following options - Option 1 ......... Report child absence Option 2 ......... Finance Option 3 ......... Personnel/Payroll Option 4 ......... Main School Office Option 5 ......... MIDAS Centre Option 6 ......... Clerk to the Governors Fax:................. 01795 477771 E Mail: Transport Please remember it is the responsibility of parents/carers to inform transport providers when your child is absent, or returning to school after absence. Failure to do so may mean your child is not picked up for school. Any problems or concerns you have regarding your child’s transport arrangements should be directed to the KCC Transport Integration office on 01622 605761. MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS If you need to collect your child from school early for a medical appointment please contact the School Office so that we can arrange for him/her to be ready for you. Please note that any such requests must be made by a parent or carer. Website: For non-urgent messages, please use your child’s Homework or Home/School contact book and a member of staff will respond as soon as possible. The Chair of Governors, or any other Meadowfield School Governor, may be contacted via the Clerk in the School Office. How We Contact You … Please ensure that you advise us immediately of any changes to your address or telephone number(s) – including mobile phone numbers as these are very often the easiest way for us to contact you. Please also ensure that the contact details we have for friends and family are kept up to date, and that these contacts are happy for us to call them if we need to when we are unable to contact you. ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL If your child is absent from school, we ask that you contact the school office on the first day of absence and inform us of the reason. We are required, by law, to keep accurate attendance records for all students and notification of absence must be given by a parent or carer. Bus drivers and escorts may pass on written absence notes on your behalf, however, please do not ask them to pass on verbal messages as this is not sufficient to authorise the absence. We are very grateful for your co-operation in this matter. 20 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE All schools are required, under Section 29 of the Education Act 2002, to have in place a procedure to deal with complaints relating to the school and any community facilities or services that the school provides. The law also requires the procedure to be publicised. If you have any reason to make a complaint, please, in the first instance, contact us to discuss the matter. Should you require a copy of the Meadowfield School Complaints Procedure, this is available from the School Office. Please consider the environment and think about reading future Meadowfield Newsletters electronically. The Newsletter is always published on our website: If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, please complete the form below and return it to the school office. To: School Office Please send me my newsletter by email in future Name …………………………………………………………….. Child’s Name ……………………………………………………. Class ……………………………………………………………… Email address …………………………………………………….. 21 Meadowfield School Charity Boot Fair Charity Number 285436 Swanstree Avenue, Sittingbourne. ME10 4NL Saturday 5th April 2014 Sellers from 9.00a.m NO CATERERS Open to the public from 10.00am –12.00 Refreshments available – Tea/Coffee & Bacon Rolls Pre Booked Pitch £5.00 per car/£10.00 per van Pitches available on the day - £7.00 per car/£12.00 per van 22