nhs principal`s newsletter
nhs principal`s newsletter
February 2013 Issue 2 NHS PRINCIPAL’S NEWSLETTER Monthly Message Mid-Year Checkpoint - The Second Semester commenced on January 22nd. February brings with it the planning process for next year’s schedule. Students have been meeting with their counselors to decide on courses for next year. Our student clubs and organizations continue to be active within the High School and the greater Nutley Community. Our winter sports teams are all experiencing successful seasons with the Bowling Team winning the County Championships, the Wrestling Team winning their County Championships, and our Hockey and Basketball programs are having stellar seasons. To be consistently informed, please check our website weekly for important updates on all academic and extracurricular activities that NHS. Mock Trials - This past month the Nutley Mock Trial team participated in the annual Vincent J. Apruzzese Mock Trial competition at the Essex County Courthouse. The team, which started this year, did a wonderful job, earning high praises from the judges and attorneys who scored the individual rounds. The team won one trial and lost one trial. The team consisted of a plaintiff team: Audrey Biondi, Cara Joy Skelley, Brigitte Vuong, and Matt Font and a defendant team: Phelan Yu, Julianna Boniello, Fares Sukkar and Bruna Rivero. These students put in many hours of preparation with the assistance of NHS alumni, attorneys Mauro Tucci Jr. and Peter DeFrank. Kudos all on representing NHS well and for a job well done! Inclement Weather - In the event of school closure, delayed opening, or early dismissal, School Messenger, our automated notification system, will call the phone number you have provided to us, as well as send a message by email and text. The School Messenger system will leave a voicemail if no one picks up the phone. Parents and students may also check the school’s website or call the school’s main number, 973-661-8832 (press “2” for the high school and press “0” for the Main Office) You can also listen to local radio stations 1010 Wins or check TV Channels 5 or 7. Do we have your current address and phone number? If you have changed your phone number or email address since September 2012, you must make an appointment to update your information with our registrar, Mr. Natty Ferrara at 973-320-8494. Denis Williams Principal dwilliams@nutleyschools.org 973-661-8824 NHS Students of the Month Ashley Gonzalez Ashley, a senior, plans on attending Ithaca College to study communications and public relations. She is very passionate about helping others and makes every effort to be productive in this effort. A key volunteering role for Ashley is her work with Relay for Life. For the past four years she has help to sponsor a Relay team- driven by the fact that her best friend’s Mom survived a struggle with cancer. As a Key Club member she has had the opportunity to branch out in the volunteering world including providing assistance to the annual Parks and Recreation Department clothing drives and as a volunteer runner in the Spartan Run which helps raise money for Home for our Troops – a charity that helps provide housing for injured and disabled veterans. Ashley is also a member of the Cyber bullying Club which promotes anti-bullying awareness and is a member of the NHS Track team. She is currently enjoying the challenge of Mr. Christadore’s Business Law class and is looking forward to taking her volunteerism to the college setting. She states that her passion for helping others provides her opportunities to meet new friends and makes her feel good in the process- a sentiment that speaks volumes to her character. Congratulations Ashley on your selection as student of the month and for your positive contributions to NHS school community! Isaak Lindenbaum Isaak started his sophomore year off with an outreach program that underscored his commitment to helping others who are less fortunate than him. His program, SEEK (Sports Equipment Encourages Kids) aimed to provide used or slightly used sports gear to those who may not be able to afford it. The program had an overwhelming response from the community with tons of gear being collected and passed out on a needs basis. Isaak, an Honor Roll student, is a member of the JV Basketball and Baseball teams. His favorite subject is History and loves the daily challenge that Mr. DiGregorio provides in class. He is interested in journalism and may wish to pursue it in college. When not in school, he likes to hang out with his friends. Isaak joined Key Club this year because he likes the volunteering opportunities it provides to help the community. He stated that his family values positive contributions to society and volunteering allows him to honor that commitment. Congratulations Isaak on your selection as student of the month and for your positive contributions to the NHS school community! Staff Member of the Month Mr. Jim Kelly has been a faculty member at NHS for the past 15 years. As a member of the Business and Creative Art Department, he runs the NHS TV studio where he actively pursues a production agenda that could rival CBS News. His professional commitment to providing experiential learning opportunities for his students is unwavering. As a testament to this dedication his students have responded over the years by winning numerous Public Service Awards with their video productions. He is also building a legacy within the field of mass media as many of his former students have graduated college and are climbing the ranks in the areas of production and talent at different media outlets. An alumnus of Montclair State College, Mr. Kelly entered the teaching profession after seven years of working at NBC News Productions. He felt driven by the need to give back what he learned to students and became a teacher. He loved English classes when he was an NHS student, which is where he discovered his love of writing. He thanks Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Hungler for helping him develop as a student writer. He also thanks Mr. Affinito for being an inspiration for Mr. Kelly’s approach to teaching and coaching kids. His favorite aspect of teaching is feeding off the creativity of his students and the product they produce. He stated, “Every day is unique in the excitement it brings”. He has noticed that as technology has evolved, so has the creativity level of his students that continues to amaze him. He respects his peers in the profession and feels that “each day our learning community is filled with little success stories that no one ever sees.” Aside from classroom teaching, Mr. Kelly was the Head Football Coach at NHS for seven years and continues to coach Girls Softball at the Freshman and JV levels. He finds that coaching is an extension of the classroom and allows him to have a unique interaction with his students. He takes his passion for sports seriously and is a big Seton Hall Basketball fan. With the rise of social media Mr. Kelly sees a whole new horizon of opportunities for his students and he loves the challenge that it presents to him in his classrooms. We appreciate that sentiment and his dedication to our students – KUDOS! Departmental Students of the Month The following students have been nominated by each department for displaying good citizenship, responsibility, respect, and trustworthiness in the classroom, in addition to being positive contributors. Business/Creative Arts Katelyn McCann Joseph Stickles English Virali Dave Joelle Filippi Math Alana Meo Joseph Iannini Music Allison Gumeny Patrick Dudasik Physical Education & Health Jessica Sainz Gavin Carroll Science Jessica Nuzzo Mathew Kabat Social Studies Sherein Abdelhady Phelan Yu World Languages Ashley Murphy Melissa Rodas Athletes of the Month Dave Fierro Senior Captain Dave Fierro was just recently chosen as player of the week for the Star Ledger newspaper. As Dave's senior year heads toward playoff time, the ice hockey team captain has led Nutley to the best record in over a decade currently sitting at 14-1-3. He has broken the school record for points, it was 96. Dave currently has 119. Nutley hockey has never been ranked in the star ledger top 20. With Dave's help, Nutley sits #19. Off the ice Dave Fierro currently holds a 3.5 GPA. Dave has been a true leader for this program and should be commended for what he has done for it. Laura Lambroschino Sophomore Laura Lambroschino is the girls bowling team’s anchor with a current average of 146.88, she is currently 3rd in SEC. Her high game was 236 and her high series was 534. Laura qualified 7th for individual championships with a 400 series and she qualified 3rd for the step ladder finals. Laura finished 4th overall in Essex County. Laura comes from a bowling family, and this is her second year with our program. DEPARTMENTAL HIGHLIGHTS Business/Arts Digital Photography Digital I & II students will be working with the chamber of commerce to design their t-shirts for their upcoming 5K Fun Run. S.O.D.A. (Students of Digital Arts) is a group of Digital Photography students who enhance their photographic skills by working on periodic fundraising projects for the Digital Photography program. They have designed holiday gift tags, Valentines Day picture grams, and a secret surprise for April Fool’s Day. Look for their unique projects around Mother’s day and the annual NHS Art Show. International Business Practice Firm IBPF created the ipod/iphone skins with NHS Logo/Design and entering the FDU Business Idea Competition. Financial Literacy Students in Financial Literacy are entering a contest sponsored by entrepreneur, Warren Buffet (Grow Your Own Business Competition) where they will invent a new product. Students are working in groups to research & design a new product and write a business plan. Cisco Students participated in the NYU - Poly Digital forensic competition and the NYU Poly Security Video Competition. Civil Architecture Students continue to measure and design floor plan for Nutley High School Security Team. English Mrs. Hungler’s English I Honors class, while reading Alice in Wonderland, had a Mad Hatter's Tea Party complete with riddles, doublets, and logic puzzles. Sophomore Speech Research and Presentations Junior Theme Research on American Literature Senior Theme Research and Projects on British and World Literature Science The NHS science department is sponsoring an engineering club. This year we are building SeaPerch robots and competing this spring at NY City College and Drexel University. What is SeaPerch? MIT Sea Grant's new SeaPerch program introduces pre-college students to the wonders of underwater robotics. Part of the Office of Naval Research's initiative, "Recruiting the Next Generation of Naval Architects," this program teaches students how to build an underwater robot (called a SeaPerch), how to build a propulsion system, how to develop a controller, and how to investigate weight and buoyancy. This endeavor is one of many exciting new projects funded by the Office of Naval Research as part of its National Naval Responsibility Initiative. The initiative focuses on bringing academia, government and industry to work together to ensure that the talent needed to design the Navy's next generation of ships and submarines will be there when needed. See our webpage: http://www.nutleyschools.org/olc/class.aspx?id=8543&s=168 Social Studies World History using iPads and Stratalogica to complete their Virtual Trip project. Archaeology using the iPads to conduct virtual archaeology with the Theban Mapping Project. Sociology is tracking recent news accounts of criminal activity and performing a statistical analysis to discover patterns of deviance according to social status, urban vs. suburban locales, age, race, gender and type of crime. This is the propaganda poster that scored the most votes in Mr. Dwyer’s US History class recent project. The project asked students to analyze WWI propaganda posters and then recreate their own based on time-period appropriate imagery and concepts. The students in this group were Ciara Nazaruk, Janica Limpin, Kathryn Balitsos, and Jennifer Tapia. Votes were cast by Mrs. Marcantonio's US II Honors classes. Library News Through the generosity of the Nutley High School PTO, the Nutley High School Library Media Center has acquired six Nook eReaders. The Nooks are loaded with popular young adult fiction titles and classic novels. They are available to loan for a two-week period. The Nutley High School Library Media Center endeavors to help students develop skills that will enable them to be independent and lifelong learners, able to adapt to changing modes of information access. NHS Library Media Center already subscribes to dozens of subscription databases and has access over 6,000 non-fiction Reference eBooks that students use for research. But another key purpose of the Library Media Center is to fulfill the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Standard 4.1.1: Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth. Currently, over 35% of the books circulated in the NHS Library Media Center are fiction. We would like to continue to promote reading for personal growth while embracing technology. We are hope students will enjoy using the Nook eReaders and that this pilot project can be expanded in the future! More information about the Nooks including lists of books loaded on the eReaders and permission slips can be found of the High School Library Webpage: http://www.nutleyschools.org/olc/class.aspx?id=8390&s=96 If you have any questions please contact Susan Bresnan, Library Media Specialist for Nutley High School sbresnan@nutleyschools.org Media AV News LIGHTS – CAMERA – ACTION! Students in TV Production III continued to get the message out with our 4th edition of “Know Your Schools”. NHS Principal Denis Williams introduced the inaugural “student of the month”. Students from each department, who were also honored, shared highlights of the NHS learning experience as we approach mid-year. Students in TV Production II introduced a new state of the art opening for the 2013 edition of Raider Nation. Science Supervisor, Mr. Kent Bania, gave an overview of the first administering of mid-term exams at Nutley High School. Our enthusiastic production staff at Raider Nation also interviewed teacher of the month, Mrs. Marilyn Testa. NHS-TV was on the scene with Mrs. Testa, as she shared the trials and tribulations within her professional and personal journey here in our learning community. (See the highlights @ nutleyschools.org.) ON REMOTE: A production crew from NHS-TV captured all the live SEC Championship Wrestling at Codey Arena in South Orange. Senior, Eric Davis, Junior, Nick Sullivan and sophomore, John Zietler spent a full day shooting pins and takedowns as the Nutley Raiders captured the County Championship! Students in the NHS-TV program produced the annual closed circuit production of the Senior Fashion Show. Technical support provided by TV II students enables the Class of 2013 to see other performances as they prepare off the runway in a terrific night of fun at the Mayfair Farms. Students developed remote shooting skills in a live production. UPCOMING: NHS TV II Students will take their expertise on location at John H. Walker Middle School. A miniproduction crew will be producing “A Day in the life of a 7th Grader” informational video for the upcoming March 26th sixth grade parent orientation. Students will be meeting with Principal, Mr. Cortright to assemble a storyboard that is sure to win an Emmy! REACHING OUT TO THE COMMUNITY: The NHS-TV Program is proud to announce their Champion School Program venture they will collaborate with the Department of Public Safety in a joint campaign. The campaign, which will be judged state wide for initiative and innovativeness on keeping our roads safe from “distracted drivers”, enables our broadcast students to produce a 10-minute documentary. The documentary process engages the production crew in a real life application while meeting deadlines and standards in the artistic framework. ATHLETIC HIGHLIGHTS BOYS BASKETBALL Autin Kunz was selected to the All-Tournament team at the Hilltopper Holiday Tournament at Summit High School GIRLS BASKETBALL Varsity record 11-3, tied for first place in SEC Liberty Div at 5-2. Currently ranked in top ten for Essex County Seeded 8th in Essex County Tournament Currently in 6th place in our state section BOYS BOWLING Placed first and are Essex County Champions Vincent Amato, Christopher Monda, Virali Dave qualified to move on to the Individual Champion round 1st Annual RLS Media.com Bowling Classic Bowling Tournament. Nutley was ceded 1st in a step ladder baker format. NHS defeated Montclair 2 games to 0 to win the first ever RLS Bowling Classic. This was broadcasted on RLSMedia.com. GIRLS BOWLING Currently in first place in SEC American Division Placed 3rd in Essex County Athletic Directors Bowling Championship Laura Lamboschino, Sarah Valvano qualified to move on to the Individual Championship round CHEERLEADING First place at Ramapo College Cheer and Dance invitational on Jan. 5 First and Grand Champion at Lyndhurst High School Competition on Jan. 12 First place at Meadowlands Challenge Competition at Secaucus High School on Jan. 26 defeating Paramus Catholic for the first time ICE HOCKEY David Fierro was selected the Star Ledger Athlete of the Week in the Jan. 31 issue of the newspaper. David is currently Nutley’s all time leading scorer and has since broke the 100 point mark for his career. Team won the Essex County Winter Classic at Codey Arena. Knocked off unbeaten #10 in the state M.K.A. Hockey record is currently 14-1-3 INDOOR TRACK Jon Braun won the 600m run at the Back Invitational at Drew University on Jan. 5 Fourth place medals won by Elias Sabeil in high jump, Gianna Duncan in shot put SEC Championships---medalists were Jon Braun placing 3rd in the 800, Elias Sabeil placing 4th in high jump and Gianna Duncan placing 4th in shot put WRESTLING Won the Essex County Wrestling Championships Individual winners---Vincent Mainiero, Robert Trombetta, Brandon Keena earning his 100th career victory, Anthony DeLorenzo Robert Trombetta broke school win record Athletic Eligibility Students and parents should be aware of the rules for athletic eligibility entering into the second semester. Click here for more information: http://www.nutleyschools.org.schools.bz/userfiles/185/Classes/6466/NHS%20Athletic%20and%20CoCurricular%20Eligibility-1.pdf STUCO News The Student Council meets every Tuesday morning in the gymnasium to discuss upcoming events, fundraisers and any other important activities occurring at Nutley High School. Currently the Student Council is sponsoring the Penny War competition between the classes. Point values are given for each penny collected with each class keeping 25% of what is collected with the rest being donated to local charities—Break the piggy bank! Planning for April Spirit Week is in the works as is preparation for the Annual Decathlon. National Honor Society After a busy fall planning and implementing the senior induction, the National Honor Society is currently focusing on coordinating the spring induction for eligible juniors. The Society is also working toward planning it's involvement in this year's Relay for Life. The National Honor Society is excited about the busy schedule ahead for the remainder of the year. Community Service Corner Teens for Jeans – Jean Collection Drive for underprivileged teens in the U.S. Troops—Outreach For Vets Vincent Church Food Drive Eye glass collection for the Lions Club Senior Zach Calluori is coordinating an iPod Donation Program to support Music & Memory Shovel out Seniors – Coordinated with the Mayor’s Office Club News KEY Club Key Club celebrated Key Club Awareness Week the last week of January by posting informative flyers about Key Club around school. We are also had a bake sale on Thursday, January 31st. In February a group of students will be participating in the "Read to Lead" program where we read to children in the extended day program at Radcliffe School from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for three Wednesdays. In addition to reading, the students draw and get their faces painted. It is a great opportunity for our Key Clubbers to relate to the younger students and improve their leadership skills. March brings the annual St Patrick's Day Parade on March 2nd. A group of our Key Clubbers will be wearing the green and marching to the beat of those awesome bagpipers. Key Club will be organizing the annual Blood Drive on Tuesday, March 19th in the small gym. Students and faculty alike are asked to "Save 3 Lives" by donating blood. We hope to exceed last years' total of 100 units of blood. Last but not least, Key Club is celebrating our 50th year as a club by having a dinner with our sponsoring Kiwanis Club on Wednesday, March 13th. All former Key Clubbers, officers and advisors are welcome. Contact Mrs. Trainor for more information at ptrainor@nutleyschools.org. FEA Will be having a February bake sale. Plans are under way to host an FEA Alumni breakfast in March, where former NHS FEA members who are in the teaching profession share their experiences. March will also see the annual “Shadow Day” where members are assigned to shadow the schedule of teachers throughout the district. Interact Club Interact is currently conducting an animal food and supplies drive for the Montclair Animal Shelter (which services Nutley) through February 15th. Collection bags are in all the homerooms. We collected 16 large bags of winter clothing, benefiting Xavier Men's Shelter in NYC and the Nutley Family Service Bureau, in December. Academic Team Prepping continues this month for March Competitions! gay Gay/Straight Alliance Plans are under way to host “Pink Out” Day to promote Anti-Bullying initiatives and awareness throughout the building. Promotional T-shirts are being sold for 8 dollars with proceeds going to local charities. If you are interested in purchasing a shirt please contact Mrs. Paul at kferrara@nutleyschools.org. Health to Careers Club The Health Careers Club will be sending the proceeds from the recent bake sale to St. Jude's Children's Research Center. Eleven students are scheduled to return to UMDNJ on February 27th for the second session of the Dental Assisting Training. We will also be hosting Children's Dental Health Month Activities at both Lincoln and Radcliffe Schools on February 13th. This is a full day field trip. Human Relations Club The Human Relations Club will be making Valentine's Day cards for the residents of Nutley Parkside Apartments. From the Nurse’s Office FRIGID, COLD WEATHER ADVISORY Dress in layers while outdoors and remember to wear a hat to help retain body heat. If you get wet, either from heavy sweating while working or from rain or snow, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Eat well and drink adequate fluids during periods of cold stress. Avoid drinking alcohol since it can accelerate the loss of body heat. Many cold-weather injuries result from falls on ice-covered sidewalks and other surfaces around the home. Use rock salt or other chemical de-icing compound to keep walkways, steps, driveways and porches as ice-free as possible. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, follow your doctor's advice about shoveling snow or performing other hard work in the cold. When using a snow blower, read the owners' manual and follow all safety guidelines. If you will be outdoors in the sun for an extended period, remember to use sunscreen and sunglasses, particularly if you are at higher altitudes. Stock your car with emergency gear, such as cell phone, jumper cables, flashlight, sand or kitty litter for extra traction, ice scraper and small shovel, and flares and other warning devices. For long car trips, carry food, water, extra blankets and required medications.