Truth in Journalism


Truth in Journalism
Truth in Journalism
District 7 Workshop
October 19, 2013
Deerfield Beach High School
FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014 • 2:00PM
SPEAKERS + TOUR: 2:50PM – 5:00PM
# 400 Level Premium Sideline Balcony _____ $20 each
# 300 Club Level End Zone
_____ $34 each
# 100 Level End Zone
_____ $38 each
TOTAL PRICE________________
Session 1 | 9:35 - 10:20
The Power of Radio as Told by Power 96 | Will Calder | Room 503
A discussion of music radio today by the assistant program director and mid-day on-air talent of Miami’s number one radio station
WPOW Power 96.
Stories From Scratch | Gary Davis | Room 502
This session is about creating an idea or story… where does is come from? How do you find it? We will walk through the process of
finding great true stories and scripts.
Capturing Sports Through Journalism | David Brousseau | Room 504
Learn from the Sun-Sentinels David Brousseau on how you can capture sports through journalism.
Photo Shots | Sports | Prestuge Portraits Photographers | Room 251
How to photograph sports candids and choose photographs based on good sense of photojournalism
Don’t let Yourself get Nuked | Peter Robbins | Room 156
Peter Robbins from Florida Power & Light sheds some light on how not to get nuked within your story.
Yearbook – There’s an app for that! | Veronika Levine | Room 507
This session is for yearbook advisers and editors-in-chiefs only! Learn about the yearbook apps for web and cell phone use that will
organize your staff and boost creativity. Make your yearbook relevant to the 21st century including mobile technology. A QR Code
is so yesterday, take your yearbook to the next level with these new apps for publishing.
Chicken Salad 1 | Michael Koretzky | Room 526
A pro designer brutally guts actual student newspapers and rebuilds them in minutes. Warning this presentation contains educational nudity. But you can win money, so there’s always that!
When a Hamburger is reported as a Juicy Steak in Journalism | Linda Hamburger | Room 537
Why puff speak, spin, propaganda and exaggeration are associated with a great career that offers parties, fun and celebrities. Publicist are a vital source of news and do tremendous good, but some may cross the lines between truthfulness and deceit. Learn why
honesty really is the best policy no matter how much glamour and money is possible.
Selling Advertisements in School Papers | Roger Clark | Room 501
Learn from Rodger Clark how to increase your papers revenue stream. Clark will take you through the ins and outs of generating ad
sales for your paper.
How to be a Kinder, Gentler & More Effective Editor | Megan Fitzgerald | Room 238A
This session will help editors develop stronger relationships with their writers, discuss effective communications strategies, and
teach techniques for providing feedback that brings out the best in both writers and editors.
Homicide – Forensic Artist | Detective John McMahon | Room 505
This session is being brought to you by Detective John McMahon from the Broward County Sheriff ’s Office. McMahon is known for
his outstanding skills as a forensic artist. You have seen his work all over town on those “Most Wanted” posters.
Interviewing Session | WPTV Lynn Walsh | Room 513
Learn how to conduct the perfect interview. Ask the right questions and know what follow-up questions to ask. Hot to talk about
tough subjects and how to properly set up video interviews. This session is being brought to you by Lynn Walsh WPTV News
Channel 5.
How to Get People to Tell You Stuff | Strategies in Interviewing | Carol Brzozowski | Room 512
This session will teach students how to approach sources for interviews, ask pertinent questions and how to work through challenges faced in the interview process. A Q&A will enable students to tap into my years of experience interviewing everyone from
ports-potty rental people to celebrities. Students also will role-play the interview process.
Truth and Consequences | Craig Barnes| Room 515
Are your Tweets and Facebook the truth? How much do you want the world to know about you? It better be the truth when you say,
write or tell something. This is what social media is all about.
Session 2 | 10:25 - 11:10
The Power of Radio as Told by Power 96 | Will Calder | Room 503
A discussion of music radio today by the assistant program director and mid-day on-air talent of Miami’s number one radio station
WPOW Power 96.
Movie Making From Scratch | Gary Davis | Room 502
This session is about producing an idea or story and turning it into a movie with what you have.
Capturing Sports Through Journalism | David Brousseau | Room 504
Learn from the Sun-Sentinels David Brousseau on how you can capture sports through journalism.
Everything you wanted to know about UF’s College of Journalism and Communications | Room 152
A PowerPoint presentation that includes scholarship information, summer programs, majors offered and much more!
I Hate Unicorns | Shannon Kaestle | Room 230
A college journalist who now interns at The Miami Herald will show you how to become that mythical jour no-hybrid animal –
writer, editor, and photographer – and soar from high school grad to a good college to a great internship.
Photo Shots | Sports | Prestuge Portraits Photographers | Room 251
How to photograph sports candids and choose photographs based on good sense of photojournalism for your newspaper or yearbook.
Don’t let Yourself get Nuked | Peter Robbins | Room 156
Peter Robbins from Florida Power & Light sheds some light on how not to get nuked within your story.
Yearbook Design Double Session | Advanced Sign-Up Required | Room 507
Learn the basics of yearbook column design and designing with a grid. We’ll look at some amazing examples from yearbooks and
magazines and then spend the next hour designing spreads for a competition. All students will take layouts home to share with their
The Art and Business of Producing Content | Debbie Margolis Horwitz | Room 501
Intro to creatively financing and producing content for all platforms.
Broward Teen News| Kurt Doster | Room 527
Broward Teen News is getting an extreme makeover! Find out how you can be apart of this amazing
internship that can open countless doors.
When a Hamburger is reported as a Juicy Steak in Journalism | Linda Hamburger | Room 537
Meet the best PR person you’ll ever not know. Why puff speak, spin, propaganda and exaggeration are associated with a great career
that offers parties, fun and celebrities. Publicist are a vital source of news and do tremendous good, but some may cross the lines
between truthfulness and deceit. Learn why honesty really is the best policy no matter how much glamour and money is possible.
Homicide – Forensic Artist | Detective John McMahon | Room 505
This session is being brought to you by Detective John McMahon from the Broward County Sheriff ’s Office. McMahon is known for
his outstanding skills as a forensic artist. You have seen his work all over town on those “Most Wanted” posters. Chat with McMahon as he details the theory of artist renderings for crime scenes.
Social Media as a Reporting Tool | WPTV Lynn Walsh | Room 513
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be used for more than just keeping in touch with friends and posting photos. Learn how to
use them as a reporter would. How to follow the people who matter – -how to communicate with them and get answers. This session is being brought to you by Lynn Walsh WPTV News Channel 5.
Get the Real Story - Interacive Workshop Double Session | Jennifer Jhon| Room 506
Interactive workshop to show you how to handle breaking news events with press conference and witness interviews Get the Real
Photoshop 101 | Scott Toner| Room 514
Learn Photoshop 101 from one of the best guys in the industy Scott Toner a graphic artist
Session 2 Continued| 10:25 - 11:10
Truth and Consequences | Craig Barnes| Room 515
Are your Tweets and Facebook the truth? How much do you want the world to know about you? It better be the truth when you say,
write or tell something. This is what social media is all about.
Session 3 | 11:15 - 12:00
The Power of Radio as Told by Power 96 | Will Calder | Room 503
A discussion of music radio today by the assistant program director and mid-day on-air talent of Miami’s number one radio station
WPOW Power 96.
Stories From Scratch | Gary Davis | Room 502
This session is about creating an idea or story… where does is come from? How do you find it? We will walk through the process of
finding great true stories and scripts.
Capturing Sports Through Journalism | David Brousseau | Room 504
Learn from the Sun-Sentinels David Brousseau on how you can capture sports through journalism.
Everything you wanted to know about UF’s College of Journalism and Communications | Room 152
A PowerPoint presentation that includes scholarship information, summer programs, majors offered and much more!
Public Relations that Ain’t Pretty | Rachael Joyner | Room 537
Rachael Joyner has slept on the floor of an Ethiopian clinic, photographed families in the earthquake-torn streets of Haiti and interviewed hungry children scavenging in a Nicaraguan landfill. But she is not a reporter. She works in public relations for an international charity. Learn if the grittier side of the presentation is for you.
I Hate Unicorns | Shannon Kaestle | Room 230
A college journalist who now interns at The Miami Herald will show you how to become that mythical jour no-hybrid animal –
writer, editor, and photographer – and soar from high school grad to a good college to a great internship.
Photo Shots | Sports | Prestuge Portraits Photographers | Room 251
How to photograph sports candids and choose photographs based on good sense of photojournalism for your newspaper or yearbook.
Don’t let Yourself get Nuked | Peter Robbins | Room 156
Peter Robbins from Florida Power & Light sheds some light on how not to get nuked within your story.
Producing a Successful Documentary | Robert Adanto – Keynote Speaker | Room 238A
If the challenge and reward of documentary filmmaking excites you, but you don’t know where to start, this workshop will give you
a guide to the whole process! We’ll go through all the stages of documentary planning, from pre-production to filming.
Yearbook Design Double Session | Advanced Sign-Up Required | Room 507
Learn the basics of yearbook column design and designing with a grid. We’ll look at some amazing examples from yearbooks and
magazines and then spend the next hour designing spreads for a competition. All students will take layouts home to share with their
Chicken Salad 2 | Michael Koretzky | Room 526
The second part of this newspaper-destryoying presentation shows you quick tricks for impressive design. Warning contains educational nudity and profanity
What is News Design | Rachel Schallom | Room 501
What is a news designer? A journalist with an artistic eye. A copy editor. A planner. A photo editor. An enforcer of deadlines. A
superstar under pressure. Let’s chat about all the ways you can do journalism with design.
Broward Teen News| Kurt Doster | Room 527
Broward Teen News is getting an extreme makeover! Find out how you can be apart of this amazing
internship that can open countless doors.
Session 3 Continued | 11:15 - 12:00
Interviewing 101 | Marisa Gottesman | Room 239
All the basics on how to conduct an interview. What you need, what to say, what to wear, what to write down. Go over tips, have group
pair off to interview one another and write up a quick profile, the critique . This session is brought to you by Marisa Gottesam from the
Speed Dating | Getting to the Point-Captions & Cutlines | Herff Jones Yearbooks | Room 146
Interviewing skills are important when meeting that dream date and, the same skills are needed when writing that perfect caption.
Come learn the keys to getting the needed information to write the best captions for your yearbook or newspaper.
First Amendment Rights | WPTV Lynn Walsh | Room 513
We have a right to publish stories and get information in this country. Learn what you can do and what you can not do. Where you can
shoot video and where you have to ask permission. This session is being brought to you by Lynn Walsh WPTV News Channel 5.
How to Get People to Tell You Stuff | Strategies in Interviewing | Carol Brzozowski | Room 512
This session will teach students how to approach sources for interviews, ask pertinent questions and how to work through challenges
faced in the interview process. A Q&A will enable students to tap into my years of experience interviewing everyone from ports-potty
rental people to celebrities. Students also will role-play the interview process.
Whatelse Can I do With a Degree in Journalism| Kevina Lee | Room 514
Don’t see yourself writing stories for the rest of your life? Jourlnalism gives you the tools to succeed beyond the world of just reporting.
Discover what you love about journalism and how that can help you in any field.
Write the Real Story - Interacive Workshop Double Session | Jennifer Jhon| Room 506
Part two from session two students will write a story for an online publication, and explore angles for followup news stories. You have
the chance to win some fablous prizes here. You MUST ATTEND THE FIRST SESSION.
Truth and Consequences | Craig Barnes| Room 515
Are your Tweets and Facebook the truth? How much do you want the world to know about you? It better be the truth when you say,
write or tell something. This is what social media is all about.
Creating A Weekly Award Winning Show | Alfredo Pichardo| Room 515
Learn the in and outs of “CTV” and their award winning show.
APRIL 24-26, 2014
Session 4 | 1:15 - 2:00
The Power of Radio as Told by Power 96 | Will Calder | Room 503
A discussion of music radio today by the assistant program director and mid-day on-air talent of Miami’s number one radio station
WPOW Power 96.
Capturing Sports Through Journalism | David Brousseau | Room 504
Learn from the Sun-Sentinels David Brousseau on how you can capture sports through journalism.
I Hate Unicorns | Shannon Kaestle | Room 230
A college journalist who now interns at The Miami Herald will show you how to become that mythical jour no-hybrid animal –
writer, editor, and photographer – and soar from high school grad to a good college to a great internship.
Don’t let Yourself get Nuked | Peter Robbins | Room 156
Peter Robbins from Florida Power & Light sheds some light on how not to get nuked within your story.
Chicken Salad 3 | Michael Koretzky | Room 526
The third part of this bloody critique features radical redesign of student newspapers but hardly any nudity and profanity
Why Everyone Should Code | Rachel Schallom | Room 501
Knowing how to code is the must-have skill these days. We’ll talk about why that’s the case, how coding can help you no matte what
your job and how to get started learning.
Documentary Filmmaking | Mark Moormann | Room 238A
Mark Moormann walks you through the process to get started in the non-fiction filmmaking business.
Interviewing 101 | Marisa Gottesman | Room 239
All the basics on how to conduct an interview. What you need, what to say, what to wear, what to write down. Go over tips, have
group pair off to interview one another and write up a quick profile, the critique . This session is brought to you by Marisa Gottesam
from the Sun-Sentinel.
Yearbookanomics | Herff Jones Yearbooks | Room 146
Creating successful yearbooks today takes a concerted focus on both content and business planning. In this course, attendees will
learn how to market their books both inside and outside their schools, what fresh approaches to content today’s teenagers want, and
how to package that content efficiently and effectively.
Whatelse Can I do With a Degree in Journalism| Kevina Lee | Room 514
Don’t see yourself writing stories for the rest of your life? Jourlnalism gives you the tools to succeed beyond the world of just reporting. Discover what you love about journalism and how that can help you in any field.
Special Thanks
We would like to give a special thank you to the following people for their countless hours of work to help make this workshop come
together for their support of scholastic journalism.
Rory Cooksey | FSPA District 7 Director
Melissa Falkowski | Print Journalism Coordinator
Kurt Doster | Broadcast Coordinator & Show Production
Steven Jay Thor | Lecturer Coordinator
Melissa Bosem | 2012-2013 Student Representative
Maria Molina | Broadcast Assistant
Alfredo Pichardo | Broadcast Assistant
Jon Marlow | Principal, Deerfield Beach High School
Emily Cunningham | Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch
Veronika Levine | Walsworth Yearbooks
Will Calder | WPOW - Power 96
The Florida Scholastic Press Association District 7 Workshop would not be
possible without the support of many sponsors. This portion of our
program is dedicated to the companies that have stepped up to help
support scholastic journalism.