City of Quinte West Economic Development


City of Quinte West Economic Development
City of Quinte West
Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Agenda –
Thursday, April 28, 2016- 5:45 p.m.
City Hall – Council Chambers
1) Closed Session of Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
a) Confidential Staff Report 16-031PD from Brian Jardine, Director of Planning &
Development Services and Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development &
Tourism Services, regarding proposed or potential acquisition of land by the
municipality (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act.
2) 6:00 p.m. - Return to Open Session
3) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
4) Approval of Agenda-April 28th, 2016
5) Approval of Minutes
Meeting Minutes of Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
held on February 25th 2016 ED-16-01
Meeting Notes of the BR&E Task Group held on March 29, 2016.
Meeting Notes of the Roundabout Beautification Task Group held on April
01, 2016 and April 12, 2016
Minutes of the Trenton Scottish Irish Festival Committee Meeting held
March 08, 2016.
Minutes of the Canada Day Committee Meeting held March 09, 2016.
Minutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meeting held March 08, 2016.
Meeting Notes of the Big Band Festival Committee Meeting held March 09,
Meeting Notes of Barks by The Bay Committee Meeting held on February
8th 2016.
6) Delegations
Aaron Bell Creative Communications Agency will make a presentation in
regards to The Bay of Quinte Immigration Portal.
7) Public Input
8) Committee Staff Reports
Staff Report 16-009ECD from Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism &
Special Events regarding Trent Port Marina-Joint Marketing Partnerships.
(To be provided at the meeting)
9) Reports from Task Group Chairs
Business Retention & Expansion Project Task Group
Roundabout Beautification Task Group
Front Street Farmers Market Task Group
Tourism Strategic Planning Task Group
Heritage & Culture Task Group
10) Printed Information
Staff Report 16-008ECD from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic
Development and Tourism Services and Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of
Tourism & Special events regarding March/April Updates
Quinte & District Real Estate Board Inc. March 2016 Statistics
Task Group Contact List (To be provided at the meeting)
11) Non-Printed Information - None
12) Committee Requests for Information
13) Adjournment
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday May 26, 2016
Quinte West Municipal Office - Council Chambers
7 Creswell Drive, Trenton
City of Quinte West
Economic Development &Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 25, 2016
City Hall-Council Chambers
1) Call to Order
Chair Kotsovos called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
2) Members Present:
Councillor Mike Kotsovos - Chair
Councillor Rob MacIntosh - Vice Chair
Councillor Duncan Armstrong
Councillor Al DeWitt
Councillor Bob Wannamaker
David Shoniker
Ian Smylie
Jamie Fellows
John Harris
Stacey Dunning
Wendy Ouellette
Rick Davies, Chamber Rep
Dianne Campbell, Chamber Rep
3) Staff Present:
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism and Special Events
Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic Development Coordinator
Jennifer Rushlow, Tourism Coordinator
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator
4) Others:
Chris King, Quinte Economic Development Commission
Janie Harrison, Executive Director, Trenton DBIA
Dug Stevenson, Bay of Quinte Tourism
5) Media:
John Spitters, Quinte Broadcasting
6) Public:
Councillor Dave McCue
Councillor Keith Reid
7) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.
Councillor Kotsovos welcomed everyone and asked them to introduce themselves and
identify their goals in being on this committee. He welcomed the Community Resources
and asked them to keep their comments to the public input section of the agenda.
8) Approval of Agenda
Moved by Rick Davies
Seconded by Al DeWitt
That the Agenda for the Thursday, February 25, 2016 Regular Economic Development
&Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting be approved. Carried
9) Approval of Minutes
Moved by Duncan Armstrong
Seconded by Stacey Dunning
Minutes of the Trenton Scottish Irish Festival Committee Meetings held
January 5, 2016 and February 2, 2016.
Minutes of the Canada Day Committee Meeting held January 13, 2016
and February 10, 2016.
Minutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meetings held January 12, 2016
and February 9, 2016.
Meeting Notes of the Big Band Festival Committee Meeting held January
7, 2016.
Meeting Notes of the Barks By The Bay Festival Committee Meeting held
January 18, 2016 and February 8, 2016.
Resolution: That the Minutes of the Trenton Scottish Irish Festival
Committee Meetings held January 5, 2016 and February 2, 2016, Minutes of
the Canada Day Committee Meeting held January 13, 2016 and February
10, 2016, Minutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meetings held January
12, 2016 and February 9, 2016, Meeting Notes of the Big Band Festival
Committee Meeting held January 7, 2016, and the Meeting Notes of the
Barks By The Bay Festival Committee Meeting held January 18, 2016 and
February 8, 2016, be approved. Carried
10) Delegations
There were no Delegations
11) Presentations
There were no Presentations
12) Public Input
There was no Public Input at this meeting
13) Committee Staff Reports
The following staff report was presented:
Staff Report 16-004 ECD from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic
Development & Tourism Services regarding 2016 Terms of Reference.
Motion No. 16-01 – That the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory
Committee recommends that Council adopt the proposed Terms of Reference for
the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee.
Moved by Bob Wannamaker
Seconded by Duncan Armstrong
That the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee recommends
that Council adopt the proposed Terms of Reference for the Economic
Development & Tourism Advisory Committee. Carried
Staff Report 16-005 from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic
Development & Tourism Services and Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of
Tourism & Special Events regarding Establishing Task Groups and
assigning members to the Task Groups.
Motion No. 16-02 – That Staff Report 16-005ECD be received as information.
Moved by Duncan Armstrong
Seconded by John Harris
That the proposed task groups be approved and the subsequent Staff Report
16-005ECD be received as information. Carried
Staff Report 15-033 ECD from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic
Development & Tourism Services regarding CIP Application Submitted By:
Welch LLP.
Motion No. 16-03 – That Application made by Welch LLP for Community Improvement
Plan (CIP) Incentive Program funding for property known as 67 Ontario Street West,
Trenton, in the recommended amount of $1886.75 be approved.
Moved by Bob Wannamaker
Seconded by Wendy Ouellette
That Application made by Welch LLP for Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Incentive
Program funding for property known as 67 Ontario Street West, Trenton, in the
recommended amount of $1886.75 be approved. Carried
Staff Report 15-036 ECD from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic
Development & Tourism Services regarding CIP Application Submitted By:
Sox It To Me.
Motion No. 16-04 – That Application made by Sox It To Me for Community
Improvement Plan (CIP) Incentive Program funding for property known as 103 Dundas
Street West, Trenton, in the recommended amount of $1031.75 be approved.
Moved by Al DeWitt
Seconded by Rick Davies
That Application made by Sox It To Me for Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
Incentive Program funding for property known as 103 Dundas Street West, Trenton, in
the recommended amount of $1031.75 be approved. Carried
Staff Report 16-001 ECD from Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic
Development Coordinator regarding Farmers’ Market Vendors’ Rules and
Motion No. 16-05 –That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory
Committee recommend Council approve the Front Street Farmers’ Market
Vendors’ Handbook of Rules and Regulations amendments, as proposed by
participating vendors of the 2015 Farmers’ Market, and supported by the former
Front Street Farmers’ Market Task Group.
And further that a by-law be forwarded to Council to adopt the proposed Quinte
West Front Street Farmers’ Market Vendors’ Handbook of Rules and
Regulations, as attached.
Discussion: Christina Edwards-Scott identified the recommended changes within
the by-law including the day (change to Wed & Sat) and time changes (from 8 am –
1 pm) and the concept of increasing hand held food items from 10% to 20%. She
also identified that there would be no reserved stalls this coming season.
Councillor Rob McIntosh inquired whether not being able to reserve stalls would
cause problems with the vendors.
Christina assured Councillor McIntosh and others that there is a new process in
place to better manage the market. There will be a new market clerk and the onus
will be on vendors to provide 24 hours’ notice of their intention to participate. She
also informed the committee that through a mandatory orientation session all of
these details would be discussed with the market vendors.
Chair Kotsovos inquired whether a Refreshment VQA Wine Truck would be
permitted in the market. Christina spoke to this question and reported that the
committee decided against participating in the VQA Pilot and that a
refreshment vehicle contravenes the city by-law that states that they must be
45m away from the boundaries of another food establishment.
Moved by Duncan Armstrong
Seconded by Dave Shoniker
That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee recommend
Council approve the Front Street Farmers’ Market Vendors’ Handbook of Rules
and Regulations amendments, as proposed by participating vendors of the 2015
Farmers’ Market, and supported by the former Front Street Farmers’ Market Task
And further that a by-law be forwarded to Council to adopt the proposed Quinte
West Front Street Farmers’ Market Vendors’ Handbook of Rules and
Regulations, as attached. Carried
Staff Report 16-002 ECD from Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic
Development Coordinator regarding Farmers’ Market Portable Sign
Motion No. 16-06– That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory
Committee recommend the approval of the placement of a portable sign to be
erected in Bain Park for a period of six months, May through October, with its
sole purpose to promote the 2016 Front Street Farmers’ Market season.
Moved by Dave Shoniker
Seconded by John Harris
That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee recommend
the approval of the placement of a portable sign to be erected in Bain Park for a
period of six months, May through October, with its sole purpose to promote
the 2016 Front Street Farmers’ Market season. Carried
14) Discussion Items
15) Printed Information
Monthly Statistics Press Release for the Quinte & District Association of
2016 Economic Development & Tourism Services Meeting Schedule
2016 Community Profile (to be provided at the meeting)
2016 Discovery Guide (to be provided at the meeting) – committee was
informed that it would be provided at the next regular meeting.
2016 Marina Brochure (to be provided at the meeting)
QEDC 2015 Year In Review (to be provided at the meeting)
Motion No. 16-07Printed Information be received and filed.
Moved by Dave Shoniker
Seconded by Ian Smylie
That the correspondence printed items for Committee information be received
and filed. Carried
Non-Printed Information
Verbal updates from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development &
Tourism Services and Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special
Events regarding the Economic Development & Tourism 2016 Workplan.
Motion No. 16-08 Non- Printed Information be received and filed.
Moved by Rob McIntosh
Seconded by Rick Davies
That the Non-Printed information items for Committee be received and filed.
Committee Comments/Requests for Information
Councillor Al DeWitt requested that a staff report be prepared for the next
meeting regarding the possibilities of creating a tourism promotional partnership
with the Marina at the Georgian Bay end of the Trent-Severn Waterway.
Chris King, CEO, Quinte Economic Development Commission provided an update
regarding the activities of the QEDC. The QEDC’s Annual General Meeting was held
recently and both the Budget and Plan were approved. In partnership with Ontario East,
QEDC staff will be attending a Food Processing Show. A familiarization tour will be held
on February 29th showing investment staff from the Province of Ontario sites within the
Cities of Belleville and Quinte West. These representatives are located all over the
world and consult foreign investors on the opportunities within Ontario. Chris also
updated the committee on the Elevate Program and the Skills Development Fund.
Dug Stevenson of the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council inquired whether the photos taken
within a photo project in the workplan would be available for their use as well to aid in
promoting the region. He also stated that he loved the idea of the trolley project, another
workplan item, and stated that the Tourist Council would definitely help to market that
Councillor Dave McCue inquired as to whether staff could look into TODS signage
(Tourism-Oriented Directional Signage) on the 401 Hwy for our Marina. Staff will look
into this opportunity as well as for some of our other attractions.
Councillor McCue also identified that it had been brought to his attention that
businesses located on the east side of the river are not feeling inclusive of our
downtown area. Janie Harrison, Executive Director of the Downtown Businesses
Improvement Area also identified this and will follow up with her committee. Linda Lisle
also reported that the City does include this area in the Community Improvement
Program (CIP).
Moved by Rob McIntosh
That the Economic Development &Tourism Advisory Committee meeting now
adjourn at 7:20 pm and that the next regular Economic Development & Tourism
Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Mike Kotsovos
Jennifer Rushlow
Recording Secretary
Tuesday March 29, 2016
11:30 A.M.
Room 239 - City Hall
Committee Members:
Ian Smylie, Chair
Councillor Al Dewitt
Rick Davies (Regrets)
Stacey Dunning (Regrets)
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services
Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic Development Coordinator
Suzanne Andrews, Manager of Quinte West Chamber of Commerce
Call to Order
Ian Smylie called the meeting to order at 11:31 a.m.
Disclosure of Pecuniary
Interests and General
Nature thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.
Approval of Agenda
The Committee recommended that the Agenda for the Tuesday March 29, 2016
meeting of the BR+E Task Group, including all supplemental items, be approved.
Approval of Meeting
There were no previous meeting notes to be approved.
There were no presentation at this meeting
Items For Discussion:
Linda Lisle, Manager,
Economic Development
& Tourism Services to
provide a review of the
BR+E Project.
Linda Lisle, Manager, Economic Development & Tourism Services provided the
committee with a review of the 2016 Retail/Commercial BR+E Project.
Introduce Libby Smith,
Terra Consulting,
successful candidate
awarded with the 2016
BR+E Project.
Linda Lisle, introduced Libby Smith to the working group as the successful
candidate who has been awarded the Retail/Commercial BR+E Project for 2016.
Review and Discuss
BR+E Survey
Libby thanked the committee and shared that she is thrilled to be working with
the City again and on this project.
The Committee reviewed a draft copy of the BR+E Survey and determined that it
would be beneficial to have City staff review the BR+E Survey previously used in
the 2014 Downtown Retail/Commercial BR+E Project and possible include some
of the same questions used then. City staff to follow up.
BR+E Task Group Meeting
Review and Discuss
BR+E Survey
Questions Con’d
March 29, 2016
A few additional questions were discussed, including:
Where is the business located?
How satisfied are you with your internet access?
Are you aware of the City’s Capital Plan Projects, including infrastructure
Libby requested that 2 survey templates be created; one condensed and
earmarked “Do Not Complete” that would be mailed with the Mayor’s letter and
the second survey to be used during the interview process itself.
Review and Discuss the
Business List for
Surveying Purposes
The Committee reviewed a draft list of potential businesses to be surveyed. A
few additions were suggested during the meeting which including:
Oak Hills Golf Course
Eden’s Orchid
Greer Galloway
Further that it was requested that Committee members review the list and e-mail
Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic Development Coordinator, any other
businesses that they thought should be considered by Tuesday April 5, 2016.
In addition, it was suggested that another column be added to the spreadsheet
that would allow for documenting which geographical area, within the City, the
businesses were located in. (i.e. West – Trenton, East- Trenton, Frankford,
Trenton CIP area). City staff to follow up
Review a draft copy of
the 2016 Quick Facts
Promotional Piece
The Committee reviewed a draft copy of the 2016 Quick Facts promotional
pieces. Through discussions the following suggestions were made:
• Include photos of Frankford Riverfest, the 2015 Frankford Downtown
Revitalization initiative.
• Create a sub-heading for Tourism and Events.
• Revise the wording of the Tourism events information to reflect more from
the perspective of a Resident/Community lens.
• Include a point on Arts Quinte West Community Showcase.
• Include a point regarding the partnerships with 8 Wing/CFB Trenton
Mayor’s Letter
A discussion took place regarding the development of the Mayor’s letter to be
sent out with a copy of the 2016 Quick Facts and the condensed version of the
Public Input
There was no public input at this meeting
Printed Information
There was no printed information
Committee Comments
and Requests for
The Chair requested that the Committee review and e-mail comments back to
Christina by Tuesday April 5, 2016 regarding the BR+E Business Listing, the
2016 Quick Facts, along with the Survey questions.
City staff were requested to follow up with IT staff to discuss the e-solutions data
entry platform, along with time-lines pertaining to the project.
BR+E Task Group Meeting
March 29, 2016
Next Scheduled
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 1:45 pm
Christina Edwards-Scott
Recording Secretary
Ian Smylie
Committee Chair
Friday April 1, 2016
9:30 A.M.
Room 239 - City Hall
Committee Members:
Councillor Duncan Armstrong, Chair
Councillor Mike Kotsovos
Rick Davies (Regrets)
Major Gilles Bourgoin
Tim Colasante, Manager Engineering
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services
Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic Development Coordinator
Call to Order
Chair Armstrong called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.
Disclosure of Pecuniary
Interests and General
Nature thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.
Approval of Agenda
The Committee recommended that the Agenda for the Friday April 1, 2016
meeting of the Roundabout Beautification Task Group, including all supplemental
items, be approved.
Approval of Meeting
There were no previous meeting notes to be approved.
There were no presentation at this meeting
Items For Discussion:
a) Tim Colasante,
Engineering, will
review the draft
RFP for the
Hamilton Road
Tim Colasante, Manager Engineering, reviewed with the committee the draft RFP
for the Hamilton Road Roundabout Beautification Project.
Tim indicated that the RFP is very similar to that used for the Stockdale
Road/Telephone Road roundabout completed previously.
Tim shared with the committee that there is no concern with the base regarding
future structural purposes, but needed to be aware of the following:
 There is no water able to be included in the island
 There is a single conduit that is currently empty
 The area is currently set up for 20 amp service, but depending on the
future design plan this can be upgraded to a 30 amp service
 No permits are required.
Linda Lisle shared that the budget approved by Council as identified through
Capital Projects is $30,000.00.
Roundabout Beautification Project Task Group Meeting
b) Discuss
elements to
include in the
overall design.
April 1, 2016
The Committee discussed several elements to be included in the roundabout
design, but overall agreed that the RFP should identify that the candidates submit
a design that incorporates City signage, the City’s slogan – “A Natural Attraction”
along with displaying a Military theme.
The Committee discussed in detail a number of design ideas included below.
However, Tim reminded the Committee that the submissions would also allow for
ideas to be presented.
c) Discuss
timelines for the
Highway of Heroes
Aircraft Wings
Artifact(s) from the National Air Force Museum of Canada
Items that had a symbolism component (i.e. poppy, squadron crests, etc.)
The Committee discussed whether or not the project could be complete by the
date of the Air Show- June 25, 26, 2016. Through discussion it was determined
that the project would be too rushed and it was not advisable.
Tim shared with the Committee that he would make the necessary revisions to
the RFP and determine some potential dates, including RFP issue date,
submission dates, and construction start and completion dates that the
Committee could then review at the next meeting.
Public Input
There was no public input at this meeting
Printed Information
There was no printed information
Committee Comments
and Requests for
Tim asked Major Bourgoin to please follow up with the National Air Force
Museum of Canada and other Senior Military personnel from 8 Wing/CFB
Trenton regarding whether or not there are any artifacts that they may wish to
incorporate into the design. Further that, Tim asked if he could please confirm via
e-mail by the middle of next week as so he can document this information into
the revised RFP.
Tim also asked that if any Committee members have any follow up ideas to
please email them to him.
Next Scheduled
The Committee agreed to meet again on Tuesday April 12, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Christina Edwards-Scott
Recording Secretary
Councillor Duncan Armstrong
Committee Chair
Tuesday April 12, 2016
1:00 P.M.
Room 239 - City Hall
Committee Members:
Councillor Duncan Armstrong, Chair
Councillor Mike Kotsovos
Rick Davies
Major Gilles Bourgoin
Tim Colasante, Manager Engineering
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services
Christina Edwards-Scott, Economic Development Coordinator
Call to Order
Chair Armstrong called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Disclosure of Pecuniary
Interests and General
Nature thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.
Approval of Agenda
Moved by Rick Davies
Seconded by Major Gilles Bourgoin
That the Committee recommend that the Agenda for the Tuesday, April 12, 2016
meeting of the Roundabout Beautification Task Group, including all supplemental
items, be approved.
Approval of Meeting
Moved by Rick Davies
Seconded by Councillor Mike Kotsovos
That the Committee recommend that the Meeting Notes for the Friday April 1,
2016 meeting of the Roundabout Beautification Task Group, including all
supplemental items, be approved.
There were no presentations at this meeting
Items For Discussion:
a) Tim Colasante,
Engineering, will
review the
revised RFP for
the Hamilton
Tim Colasante, Manager Engineering, presented and reviewed with the
committee a revised copy of the Request For Proposal for the Hamilton Road
Roundabout Beautification Project.
The Committee discussed some additional revisions. The amendments agreed
upon are as follow:
• Within the section titled Evaluation Criteria & Scoring - item #2- change
the sentence to read: “Success in incorporating Quinte West “A Natural
Attraction” with a Military component.”
• Within the section titled Evaluation Criteria & Scoring - item #2 - point #3change the sentence to read: Use of Military elements such as Air
Transport, Highway of Hero’s, Statues or Silhouettes of Civilian or triservice personal (Army, Navy, Air Force). National Air Force Museum of
Canada and RCAF symbols (Roundels) that can be authenticated.
Roundabout Beautification Project Task Group Meeting
b) Discuss further
design options
and finalize
Request For
Proposal Project
April 12, 2016
Chair Armstrong asked Committee members if they had any further design ideas
that they wish to be discussed.
The majority of the Committee agreed that with the said amendments discussed
and noted above that it would be best to leave the creativity in the hands of the
professionals and that the Committee looked forward to seeing what design
concepts are submitted via the Request For Proposal.
The Committee discussed a tentative schedule, including construction dates
which are as follow:
c) Discuss
timelines for the
Request For
submissions to
be received,
approved by
Committee and
Council, and
further that,
Release of Tender Document: April 26, 2016
Site Meeting – non scheduled
Closing Date: May 17, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. local time
Award of Contract: On or before June 7, 2016 (providing within budget)
Date of Project Completion: September 30, 2016
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services provided the
Committee with a tentative schedule as it relates to the Roundabout
Beautification Task Group’s recommendation flowing through to the Economic
Development & Tourism Advisory Committee and further that, to Council. The
tentative schedule is as follow:
Submissions Closing Date: May 17, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. local time
Committee to review and score Request For Proposal Submissions: May
19, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
Staff Report to Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee:
May 26, 2016
Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Recommendation
to Council: June 6, 2016
Award of Contract: On or before June 7, 2016 (providing within budget)
Public Input
There was no public input at this meeting
Printed Information
There was no printed information
Committee Comments
and Requests for
Next Scheduled
There was no Committee Comments or Requests for Information
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
The Committee agreed to a tentative date of Thursday May 19, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
However, City staff will follow up with an e-mail meeting request.
Christina Edwards-Scott
Recording Secretary
Councillor Duncan Armstrong
Committee Chair
March 8th , 2016
6:30 p.m.
City Hall
Caucus Room
Beth Cleaton, Chair
Councillor Allan DeWitt
Art Darnbrough (Regrets)
Mike Whiteside, Parking/Gates
Tommy Thomas, Protocol & Parade Marshall
Iain Cleaton, Tattoo Co-Chair
Vanessa Hayes
Joshua McFarland (Regrets)
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator City Liaison
Cheryl Paul, Recording Secretary
Beth called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Moved by Tommy Thomas
Seconded by Mike Whiteside
March 8th, 2016 meeting be approved.
Moved by Mike Whiteside
Seconded by Tommy Thomas
February 2nd, 2016 meeting be approved.
Laurie has still have not heard from Fergus regarding advertising.
Market High won the bid to do the Souvenir Program, Rack Cards,
and posters.
Latest and greatest news – Council has approved $30,000.00 to
cover the cost of the guest entertainer.
Press Conference will be held in the Council Chambers on Monday,
March 14th, 2016 at 9:30 am to announce the Special Guest.
Hoping to have Allan Doyle do a video announcing his appearance.
Will be used at the press conference and online.
Still no news on the Celebrate Ontario Grant.
Positive feedback from the Kiwanis with respect to sponsoring the
children’s area. Beth and Laurie will meet with them on Thursday
night to accept a cheque.
Beth received an email from Heather Boundy. She will be running
the Heavy Events this year as Brad Read is stepping down.
Heather advised she has 41 participants lined up already. She has
already provided Beth with a copy of the budget for the event.
Heather wants to set another world record in Trenton at the closing
ceremonies. This will also entice people to stay longer.
She will need 2 representatives to verify the world record and is
asking for the Wing Commander and the Mayor.
She will be bringing in 2 judges and is recommending a first, second,
and third place trophy for each of the men and woman who
They will need Gatorade and water at the tent. Maybe we can try for
donations. They will also require a food voucher.
Beth advised that she is very excited about this part of the festival.
Heather advised she can have up to 60 people participating in the
Heavy Event Challenge.
Friday evening concert (update)
Allan Doyle is coming and performing on the Friday night.
Empire came back with suggestions changing the beer tent.
Amphitheatre will be the venue for the concert as it contains
everything needed (i.e. power, space).
The Pavillion can be used for 1st aid and a place for parents to get
their children out of the sun. Possible Heritage Centre?
Staging – needed for both days
Empire’s thoughts are to not use the bleachers
Note that on any PR material we can note to bring your own chairs.
Also may not need as many lights from Battlefield this year. Had 7
last year and can possibly get away with only 3.
Laurie needs to find out the size of the stage.
Laurie will set up a site visit for 4:30 in the next couple of weeks.
Entertainment recommendations
Donegal Fiddlers are interested in performing and have emailed
Beth advised that she has Alanna Klein already booked.
A discussion took place with respect to the bands for the Saturday
Beth will get a band list and try to get a YouTube video of each.
Some of the bands include Salty Dog, Steel City Rovers, Poor
Angus, Mudmen and Wrought Iron Roots.
Beth noted that the Wrought Iron Roots will be playing at the Greek
Hall in Belleville on March 19th if anyone wanted to check them out.
Mike advised we are starting to get a younger crowd so we need to
cater to that age.
Councillor DeWitt noted the bands could be a little old, a little new
and the one that opens for Allan Doyle could be the headliner for the
Saturday night.
It was noted that sound systems would need to be set up in various
areas of the park being we had talked about a wandering mistral.
The dancers will need staging, with the exception of the Highland
Dancers they can dance on grass if need be.
Sponsorship – Proposals from Molson & Moosehead
They have both offered to supply the same items (cups, t-shirts, bar
supplies) with the exception of Molson’s will do a deal per case sold
and provide a POS.
The Committee agreed that Moosehead has been extremely
dedicated and have gone out of their way for the Festival. The
majority of the committee would like to keep them on.
Councillor DeWitt mentioned to go to Moosehead with the same
proposal that Molson’s has offered and see if they are willing to
match it.
We also need to look at what Empire wants.
Look at Wild Card Brewery maybe sponsoring the VIP Tent.
Beth will talk to Moosehead and see if they will work with the local
Sponsorship packages are being worked on and changes are being
Need to look at event sponsorships – a business like Williams Hotels
need to be approached as an event sponsor.
The VIP area could be utilized by locally owned businesses such as
the Grind with coffee; the Port with entré food, and Wild Card
Brewery with beer.
Press Conference – March 14th @ 9:30 am, Council Chambers
Moved by Tommy Thomas
THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT the meeting adjourns at
8:30 pm.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 6:30 pm, City
Beth Cleaton
Cheryl Paul
Recording Secretary
Wednesday, March 9th , 2016
City Hall
3:00 p.m.
Caucus Room
Harm Zylstra, Chairperson (Regrets)
Councillor Duncan Armstrong, Vice Chair
Maureen Sills, Lioness Club (Regrets)
Mary Cooper, Lioness Club
Doreen Dath, St Andrew’s Church (Regrets)
Susan Down, Bethel Church (Regrets)
Sharon Astle-Manual, RCL Ladies Auxiliary & Lions Club
Councillor Bob Wannamaker
Captain John Lemon, CFB Trenton
Don McGlashing (Regrets)
Mike Barnes, Vendors
Melissa Barnes, Vendors (Regrets)
Sean Doyle, Sound and Entertainment (Regrets)
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events (Regrets)
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator
Cheryl Paul, Administrative Assistant
Councillor Duncan Armstrong called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm
Moved by Sharon Astle-Manual
Seconded by Mary Cooper
9th, 2016 meeting be approved.
Moved by Councillor Wannamaker
Seconded by Mike Barnes
THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THAT the Minutes for the Meeting
held February 10th 2016 be approved.
Ben Ruckstuhl and Joe DeWitt provided a presentation to the Canada
Day Committee with respect to requesting assistance with funding.
The Ontario Strongman Competition will pick the top 4 to move on to
Canadas’s Strongman Competition. This is the biggest Provincial
Strongman Competition.
Goal is to have 24 strongmen competing. They are trying to stay
involved with the community and would like to make this an annual
event. They are looking for support.
Some of the sponsors they have at present are Vanderlaan Building
Supplies in Brighton, Dibbits Excavation, Need a Car Trenton and they
are waiting to hear from Cooney’s Excavating.
They have a budget of $6,500.00 and within that they use $4,100.00 as
payout fees for 12 placings. They also need approximately 30 event tshirts
They charge $100.00 for each entry to compete. The goal is to have at
least 20 competitors.
This is a rain or shine event and a full day competition.
They are looking at $2,500.00 in total from the City which was sent to
the Corporate Finance Department and they will decide but it was noted
that it should come out of the Canada Day budget.
Mary Cooper advised the Committee that the Lioness Club has a Quinte
Idol Judge. It will be Ellie Barker and if she is unable to attend then
Mary Cooper will sit in for her.
It was discussed that maybe the winner could perform at the Festival on
the Bay.
Two Volunteers are still needed to help with set-up and tear down for the
Vendor Village and to assist if issues arise. They will be the runners.
Councillor Armstrong has asked Councillor Wannamaker to approach
Council to see if they could assist at the Head Quarters for
approximately ½ hour intervals.
Laurie advised that 4 fireworks quotes have come in from the following:
Northstar Fireworks, Dave Whysall Fireworks, Royal Pyro Fireworks,
and Air Artisan Fireworks.
Laurie advised that she has ordered the 24 cans to distribute to banks
and local businesses to solicit for donations.
The labels will need to be printed for the cans and ready to go before the
long weekend in May.
No Correspondence.
Councillor Wannamaker advised that he has booked the band and they
will be on the portable stage until noon. The Vocalist will be doing O
Mike Barnes advised that the Vendors have already been contacted
and there has been good response. The charge for vendors is $30.00.
The cheque should be made out to Quinte West.
A vendor list will be provided to Laurie.
He noted that he has offered a space to a Python Group to do
demonstrations. Laurie to enquire whether there are any bylaws that
would prohibit the demo.
Captain John Lemon will use the paperwork from last year to book for
this year. There will be a static vehicle display and will find out if the
chopper display and the fly past can be done.
Councillor Wannamaker no report.
Dana Valentyne advised that the City has ordered moduloc fencing for
all Special Events and hopefully we won’t need to order any more.
Mary Cooper mentioned being at the same location as usual and that
all the games have been organized.
Sharon Astle-Manual handed in all financial records with respect to the
fireworks and also has provided Laurie with the fireworks letter that
usually gets sent out.
Laurie Caouette advised that she has received a request from the
Frankford Lions Club noting that they would like to do a small event. –
Wife Carrying. Competition. She will get more information to bring back
to the Committee.
Laurie mentioned that at Frostfest one of the entertainers was Blades of
Glory. They did storytelling and a medieval play which had the children
in the audience participating on stage with them. She has ask for a
quote to have them for Canada Day.
Laurie advised she had checked into a photo booth where they offered
strip pictures and the cost was very high.
Councillor Armstrong discussed the entertainment that was on board
and noted that Wrought Iron Roots was on board, Roy Borden Duo, Dr.
Delicious and the Joyful Noise Singing Group. It was noted that he
Joyful Noise Singing Group would receive an Honorarium of $250.
He is still working on an EMCEE. Laurie mentioned asking Leo Phillips.
It was noted that when sending out letters for donations that instead of
stating for fireworks they could read looking for donations for Canada
Day Festivities.
Moved by Mary Cooper
That the meeting adjourn at 4:10 pm
Next meeting will be a site meeting and it will be held on April 13th , 2016
weather permitting.
Councillor Duncan Armstrong
Acting Chairman
Cheryl Paul
Recording Secretary
City of Quinte West
Caucus Room
8:30 a.m.
March 8th, 2016
In Attendance:
Brian Coxwell, Chair (Regrets)
Councillor Karen Sharpe
Don Cole (Regrets)
Doug Walsh
Bill Huffman
Wendy Ouellette
Steve Tripp
Cheryl Paul, Administrative Assistant
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events (Regrets)
Call to Order:
Bill Huffman called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.
Approval of
Moved by Wendy Ouellette
Seconded by Steve Tripp
IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the March 8th, 2016 Wall of Fame
Committee Agenda be approved.
Approval of
Moved by Wendy Ouellette
Seconded by Steve Tripp
IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the February 9th, 2016 Wall of
Fame Committee Minutes be approved.
Business from
The new boards have been installed at the YMCA just waiting on a
few screws to be installed.
The lettering from HAI has not arrived as of yet.
The contractor used a wall plaque for measuring the boards and
has made several marks that cannot be repaired so the plaque will
need to be re-ordered.
Cheryl to contact Bob Forder with respect to the lighting being
upgraded over the new boards.
Laurie has posted the criteria to Facebook.
Cheryl advised that the nominee deadline is March 15th, 2016.
Around the
Doug Walsh:
 Thanked Bill Huffman for all of the hard work he has done on
the Committee.
Wendy Ouellette:
 No Report
Steve Tripp:
 No Report
Bill Huffman:
 Contacted the Community Press and they did a write-up and
a picture at the YMCA with respect to looking for nominees
and this publishing has already produced results.
 Added a few more names to the Nominee listing.
Karen Sharpe:
 Thanked the Committee for the card.
New Business:
No New Business
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on April 12th, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at
City Hall.
Moved by Doug Walsh
IT WAS RECOMMENDED THAT the Wall of Fame Committee
Meeting adjourn at 9:15 a.m.
-------------------------------------Cheryl Paul,
Recording Secretary
-------------------------------------Bill Huffman,
Acting Chair
Thursday, March 9th, 2016
City Hall
10:00 a.m.
In Attendance:
Andy Sparling
Brian Barlow
Councillor Bob Wannamaker
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator
Cheryl Paul, Administrative Assistant
Call to Order:
Councillor Wannamaker called the meeting to order at 10:30 am
Approval of Minutes:
Moved by Andy Sparling
Seconded by Brian Barlow
Meeting held January 7th, 2015 be approved.
Marina is booked and there is room for a couple tents if needed.
Contracts needed from Commodores and Dan Bone.
Huff Estates and Wild Card Brewery want to partner again this
Councillor Wannamaker mentioned talking to the Port and to
Tomasso’s to let them know what we are doing.
Laurie will look into licensing the area.
Pat Clark is available for sound and he has been booked.
Brian will check with Mike Francis to see if he needs more sound or
if his own system will work.
Glen Woodcock is available for Saturday night and the per diem will
be the same as last year.
Porta Potties should be in the parking lot area not bridge area. We
should look at doing the set up on Friday morning.
Laurie will order paper wristbands for the event.
comfortably sell 300.
We can
Once the ticket is purchased and brought to the show then a
wristband will be provided.
Talk to Quinte Access regarding a shuttle bus before the show and
just after the show.
Laurie will talk to the Parks Staff regarding blocking off areas
around the access areas at TD Bank and under the bridge.
Next meeting will be a site meeting and all will attend as well as
invite Pat Clark.
A discussion took place with respect to getting the message out
about the Big Band Festival and it was noted that at Seasons
Dufferin Centre it wasn’t beneficial to get the work out. It was
mentioned the Festival on the Bay and Canada Day but in the end
it was noted that the Grand Opening for the Marina on June 4th
would be a much better fit.
Laurie will talk to Jane in the Mayor’s office to see if this could be
arranged into the mix of things.
It was noted the rack cards should get started on and that we need
to revise them with a younger feel, change “In the Mood” to “Swing
is the Thing’. Also change the logo colour.
Brian will send band photos to Laurie.
Check out the website.
What is happening with the bus tours?
Laurie will meet with Jennifer to see what is happening with the
Advertising will not be with Zoomer it will stay with Jazz FM,
Loyalist stations as well as Quinte Broadcasting.
Laurie to send Brian the Quinte Broadcasting logo.
Andy has contacts to deliver packages to and he will provide these
to Laurie, and he will do a 30 second audio for MYFM and will also
do up a package.
Andy will send the script to Brian for Jazz FM.
Andy will reconnect with Pat Clark.
It was noted that Rack Cards will be done but not posters.
Next Meeting:
Will be a site meeting at the call of the Chair.
Moved by Andy Sparling, seconded by Brian Barlow that the
meeting adjourns at 11:00 am.
Councillor Bob Wannamaker, Chair
Cheryl Paul , Recording Secretary
Monday, February 8th , 2016
6:00 p.m.
City Hall
Room 239
Karen Jones
Brenda Thompson
Leanne Pierce
Silke Le Messurier
Toni Jenkins
Laurie Caouette, Special Events Coordinator
Rob McIntosh, Michelle O’Neil
Karen Jones called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Moved by Toni Jenkins
Seconded by Silke Le Messurier
February 8th, 2016 meeting be approved.
Laurie reported that she had received an email from Karen Larocque
of Canine Watersports Canada stating they would not be able to
fulfill their contract and attend Barks by the Bay.
Ms. Larocque indicated that she had made a verbal agreement with
Woofstock last year to do a show at their 2016 event. Woofstock just
recently announced their dates – which are the same weekend as
Barks by the Bay. Ms. Larocque also indicated that her decision was
based on the fact that Barks did not book them for 2015.
Laurie has asked that the City’s deposit be returned as soon as
The committee expressed their opinion that Canine Watersports
Canada should not be invited back in the future.
Brenda has reached out to Mark Gross to see if he has any
recommendations for alternative canine related entertainment.
Silke asked if Barks has ever featured fly ball at the event. The
answer was yes, although it has been a few years. Hot Diggity Dogs
is a local company that offers fly ball demonstrations.
Laurie advised that Yvonne Ferguson of Quinte Canine is willing to
offer testing for the Canine Good Neighbour Program during the
festival. She would complete the application to the CKC, look after
registration, provide volunteers and perform the testing. The
committee would cover the $50 cost to apply. A 75x75 ft area is
needed to perform the testing. The committee was unanimously in
favour of moving forward with this.
Laurie has contacted Carol Guy to see if she would be interested in
doing a herding demo again this year. Carol will confirm whether she
can borrow ducks to use in the demo.
Karen noted that if vendor applications are down this year, we may
have to consider other revenue options, such as a silent auction.
Laurie will find out whether it is permitted by the City.
Antler Guys will not be attending Barks this year. They will be going
to Woofstock instead. The committee agreed they should focus on
getting more vendors from the Kingston area if possible.
Silke will contact Jeanne’s Dog Training Applied Canine Therapy and
Training to see if she would be interested in attending our event.
Karen provided Laurie with more contacts of companies who may be
interested in donating product for giveaway at Barks. Karen to follow
up with Denise Pennell at Nestle. Laurie has put in request to Hartz.
The committee discussed giving out swag bags at the festival. They
were originally going to prepare 1000 bags, however Laurie has
received feedback from potential sponsors that it may be too much.
Smaller businesses are finding it difficult to offer that many samples.
Laurie suggested that maybe limit it to the first 100 people and see if
they can have bags donated (i.e. Pet Valu or Global Pet Food).
Silke asked what the booth fee is for non-profits this year. She will
provide info to Laurie regarding a rescue organization interested in
Orlena Cain, an announcer with Mix 97, is interested in being the
Master of Ceremonies at this year’s festival. She would take part in
the opening ceremonies and the contests. Laurie will find out how
much time she is willing to donate. The committee would like her to
make announcements throughout the day, if possible. Laurie will see
if Mix 97 would like to have a booth at this year’s Barks. They are
now a main sponsor of the event.
Committee discussed putting a booth in Riverfest to promote their
10th anniversary.
Laurie has been building Master Vendor List and will work with Karen
to update it.
(Mark Gross joined the Committee via telephone)
Mark agreed to assist the committee find alternative entertainment to
replace Canine Watersports Canada. He asked for a week in order
to reach out to his contacts in the industry. Laurie requested an email
outlining his ideas and the costs involved.
Mark will be looking for new acts (i.e. Dogs Got Talent). Something
that is different from Woofstock. He agreed to attend the April
meeting in order to provide an report to the committee,
Karen will contact Quinte West Fire Department to see if they would
attend the festival. She suggested the public could have their pet’s
pictures taken with a firefighter. Perhaps the committee could make
up a calendar to sell as a fundraiser for next year?
Brenda will look into finding a dog to assist with the resuscitation
Toni has begun updating our marketing materials and will come up
with some ideas to reflect our 10th anniversary. The committee would
like posters to be printed this year – both legal size and 11x17.
The committee expressed interested in having a cake at this year’s
event. Laurie will contact the manager of Metro to see if they would
donate one. Brenda to possibly bake a cake for dogs. A list of
ingredients will be displayed to inform owners.
Laurie to send out reminder emails to past vendors to stimulate
March 14, 2016
Adjournment at 7:20 pm
Chair Person
City Liaison
APRIL 2016
April 19, 2016
Chair Michael Kotsovos
Members of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events
Tourism Planning Task Group Update
Tourism Planning Session
Tourism staff are working on follow up activities from the Tourism Planning Session held on March 30th
that was facilitated by Richard Innes of Brain Trust Marketing. An excellent cross section of tourism
committee members, tourism organizations and businesses attended the event, which provided a broad
perspective and great input. The purpose of the session was to identify potential next steps and
priorities in regards to tourism planning in Quinte West. Richard Innes highlighted a new approach to
tourism development that involves transitioning from an asset management/development approach to
a destination management approach that focuses on creating unique experiences from existing assets.
Richard Innes completed a Premier Ranked Tourism Destination (PRTD) project that was a partnership of
Quinte West, Belleville and Hastings County in 2011. Department staff consulted Richard regarding
ongoing tourism planning and development initiatives. Richard described the destination management
approach and staff decided to proceed with organizing a preliminary planning session to gather tourism
industry stakeholders to introduce the destination management concept and gather input regarding
potential priorities for future development.
Proceeding with the development of a Destination Management Plan is recommended as the next phase
in the project. A follow up session with consultant Richard Innes and the Tourism Strategic Planning
Task Group is being scheduled for early May to review the session and discuss potential next steps.
Session Highlights
Richard provided a review of the PRTD project recommendations, most of which have been
implemented successfully. The PRTD recommendations are as follows:
o Recommendation #1 Identify an organization to lead destination development
APRIL 2016
Recommendation #2 Take steps to fully engage the tourism industry in destination
Recommendation #3 Prepare a Belleville/Quinte West Tourism Destination Development
Action Plan
Recommendation #4 Deliver industry-wide tourism training for owner operators, front line
Recommendation #5 Build future tourism growth around these attractors – National Air
Force Museum of Canada, Empire Theatre & Centre for Performing Arts
Recommendation #6 Focus long-term tourism destination development of the Belleville
multi-plex (sports tourism), Quinte West Marina, Quinte Exhibition and Raceway expansion
Recommendation #7 Develop an annual Marketing Plan
Priority session outcomes were discussed amongst participants.
Key tourism assumptions and their relevance to Quinte West were analyzed.
Richard reviewed Brain Trusts definition of tourism and sought the input of participants.
o Definition: “Tourism is the activities of persons travelling to and ideally staying in places
outside their usual environment, more than 80km from home, for leisure and sport
purposes or to attend a convention, conference or trade show.”
The roles/responsibilities of the hierarchy of tourism service delivery organizations were reviewed.
Entities include:
o Destination Canada
o Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation
o Regional Tourism Organization 9 (The Great Waterway)
o Destination Marketing (Bay of Quinte Tourism) and sector organizations, Municipality, BIA’s,
Chamber of Commerce
o Tourism Stakeholders: Public/Private Sector
A review of the current tourism landscape was provided that highlighted key geographic markets,
expenditure and overnight stay trends, importance and economic impacts of tourism sector
Emerging tourism trends surrounding destination management planning were highlighted:
APRIL 2016
Shift in thinking required from Supply Side thinking (asset development focus) to Demand
Side thinking (developing experiences from existing assets that are interesting and relevant
to visitors)
o A customer centric focus is at the heart of the shift. Identifying core assets and developing
experiences around those core assets is the new focus.
o Priority is to identify “Unique Differentiators” that set Quinte West apart from other
communities and developing themes, stories and narratives around those unique
An overview of destination management planning was provided and discussed.
o Definition: “A continuous process of coordinating, investing, developing and marketing the
tourism potential of a destination in ways that provide value to visitors, businesses,
The hierarchy of tourism development needs was presented.
o Workforce Development/Industry Equipping
o Product/Experience Development
o Marketing
The importance of online presence/engagement was highlighted as an emerging tourism trend,
specifically the Trip Advisor website as being a critical marketing and visitor engagement tool. Social
media pages were also identified to be a powerful tool. The lack of adequate online presence of
tourism businesses/entities was identified as an ongoing concern.
o A review of Quinte West businesses and their online presence/engagement was conducted.
The results indicated several key findings including:
- only 36% of Quinte West businesses have a Trip Advisor listing, and the majority of
those with a listing are not engaging with their listing/reviewers effectively
Participants engaged in some brainstorming activities to identify some preliminary priorities for
tourism development in Quinte West. Five key questions were discussed by participants:
1) Does Quinte West need a tourism plan? If no, why not? If so why?
- The group consensus was yes
2) Based on what we’ve learned what should it include?
Collective responses:
- Have defined key sectors & opportunities
APRIL 2016
- Complete SWOT analysis and overall vision
- Create experiences from existing assets
- Identify target market and associated demographics, travel motivators
- Build on sports tourism
- Engage key partners
- Identify specific actions/experiences required including short & long term wins
- Define our unique differentiators
- Obtain stakeholder perspective on Quinte West tourism readiness
- Engage in place making in partnership with key stakeholders
- Engage in data collection/analysis, identify key data capturing tools & strategies
3) What are the barriers to prevent this from happening?
- Liability insurance for many tourism operators/attractions
- Who takes ownership?
- Financial implications
- Time to adequately plan an effective strategy
- Private enterprise working in silo, not engaged with Municipality
- Politics (red tape)
- Lack of effective partnerships
- Identifying key players
4) Roles & responsibilities – who does what?
- Consensus was City lead tourism development portfolio with marketing/promotional
support from DMO (Bay of Quinte Tourism) and other hierarchy partners
5) Next steps – what can we agree on?
- We must work together
- Plan before we build
- Development plan, products & experiences
An overview of experiential tourism imperatives was then provided:
o Meet a Local: Learn something by doing something with someone who lives here.
o Authentic: The experience is memorable because it’s real and makes a personal connection.
o Touching the Senses: An experience should engage the senses of sight, smell, hearing, feel
and taste.
APRIL 2016
Unique: Look at what you offer and ensure it stands out and is different.
Exclusive Access: Experiential travel is all about getting access to places most people hardly
ever get to see.
Take-Away: Ensure that at the end of the experience the visitor takes something away with
them. It’s either something they made or something you give them.
Strategies for maximizing revenue were reviewed:
o Build experiences that are authentic and distinctive
o Build experiences that have limited quantity
o Build experiences that are available for a limited time
The session outcomes were then discussed by participants. The general consensus was that the
development of a destination management plan would be the best approach to for ongoing tourism
development in Quinte West.
APRIL 2016
April 19, 2016
Chair Michael Kotsovos
Members of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events
Heritage & Culture Task Group Update
History Moments Series Video Vignettes
Council has commissioned Peter Lockyer of History Lives Here Inc. to produce two video vignettes as
part of a “History Moments Series” he is producing in 2016. This project was identified to be an ideal
project for the Heritage & Culture task group to oversee. A task group meeting is being scheduled for
early May to review and confirm two of several potential themes that were presented during initial
project meetings. Potential themes include: the history of the apple industry that was once a dominant
industry in the area, the movie years, the shipbuilding industry of the war years, French explorer Samuel
de Champlain’s epic journeys through the area in 1615, and the story of how CFB came to be in Trenton.
Peter Lockyer was requested to attend to present the potential themes for consideration. The potential
themes are:
Trenton Town Hall/Trent Port Historical Society Business Plan Development
A committee comprised of members of City Council and staff has been formed to develop a plan for the
Trenton Town Hall property that serves as home to the Trent Port Historical Society. A business plan is
being developed by Tourism staff in consultation with the committee. Several directions for the future
development of the property have been discussed. Tourism staff plan to consult the Heritage & Culture
Task Group at the next task group meeting regarding potential development strategies for the property,
theatre and historical society.
April 12, 2016
Chair Michael Kotsovos
Members of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee
Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services
Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events
Economic Development and Tourism Updates – April 2016
That Staff Report 16-008ECD be received by the Economic Development & Tourism
Services Advisory Committee as information.
Quinte Region Career & Training Fair – The Cities of Quinte West and Belleville
partnered in the organizing and hosting the Quinte Region Career & Training Fair which
was held on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre in
Belleville. Hundreds of job seekers attended this event. There were 46 employers and
employment service providers that participated.
Some local employers included:
Canadian Blast Freezers, Trenton Cold Storage, Kruger Products, S&P Data along with
many others. This event is always well received by both employers and job seekers, with
many employers conducting interviews and hiring on site.
KPMG – The City of Quinte West in partnership with the QEDC and the City of Belleville
participated in the KPMG Competitive Alternatives business location cost analysis. The
Bay of Quinte Region business costs in multiple sectors are compared to other Cities
across Canada and 9 other countries. The model is used to validate the region’s
competitive business model. ‘Since 1996, Competitive Alternatives has been providing
insight into business location costs in cities and countries around the world, with special
focus on North America and leading mature market economies in Europe and AsiaPacific. Business costs represent one important factor considered in virtually all
corporate location decisions, thus making Competitive Alternatives a valuable reference
for corporations evaluating their national or international location options. Competitive
Alternatives 2016, the latest edition of this biennial KPMG series compares business
costs in more than 100 cities in 10 countries, including Australia, Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United
Business Retention & Expansion Project (BR+E) – The process for the BR+E for
Commercial/Retail sector throughout the City has begun. The Task Group has met to
work on the project. The business surveys will be mailed out the week of April 25 th with
interviews commencing the following week. Terra Consulting has been contracted by
the City to assist with the project. The interviews are to be completed by the end of June
with the unveiling of the results in September.
Front Street Farmers’ Market - A Farmers’ Market Orientation session was held on
Tuesday April 5, 2015 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at City Hall with approximately 34
individuals attending. This session was organized as follow up to the 2015 Farmers’
Market Wrap-Up Celebration held on October 13, 2015, where vendors’ were given an
opportunity to provide their feedback with respect to many aspects of the Market. This
feedback was then reviewed and recommendations were put forward to Council (March
2016) through a resolution from the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory
Committee. As a result, amendments made to the Front Street Farmers’ Market Bylaw include a change in hours of operation from Thursdays and Saturdays, 7:00 am 2:00 pm to Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 am -1:00 pm.
The orientation also allowed for the introduction of our new 2016 Market Clerk,
Catherine Linn; a presentation by Hastings Prince Edward Counties Health Unit –
Edward Alexander Findikoglou, Environmental Health Officer, to review new legislation;
a review of the City’s Health & Safety Policies by Richard Anderson, City of Quinte
West, Health & Safety/ Employee Services Officer; and lastly a review of the 2016 Front
Street Farmers’ Market Marketing Plan. The strategic marketing plan will aid in creating
public awareness with regards to the new Market hours of operation, and drawing larger
crowds to this destination.
Eastern Ontario Local Foods Conference – The planning for the 2016 Eastern Ontario
Local Food Conference being hosted by the Cities of Quinte West and Belleville, in
partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is well
underway. The conference will be held on November 22nd & 23rd. The program includes
a Local Food Tour on November 22nd, with various stops in the area to illustrate and
celebrate our success in the agriculture and culinary sectors. The day will be capped off
by a local food reception held at the Townplace Suites Marriott featuring Bay of Quinte
Food and Drink. November 23rd will involve a full day of information sharing and
networking. There will also be a trade show highlighting local products, services and
resources. Further updates will be provided as details are confirmed.
Leads – Economic Development staff are working on a number of leads with businesses
considering expanding along with potential new developments in Quinte West.
Trent Port Marina Grand Opening – Tourism and marina staff are busy planning an
event to commemorate the Official Opening of the Trent Port Marina scheduled for June
4, 2016 from 1:00 – 4:00pm. The event will feature a ribbon cutting ceremony and
speeches at 2:00pm as well as live entertainment, guided facility tours, refreshments
and low-level military plane flyby courtesy of 8 Wing/CFB Trenton.
Quinte International Air Show (QIAS) – The Quinte International Air Show is
anticipated to attract over 60,000 visitors to the City which will result in significant
economic benefit to the community and surrounding region. The City is supporting the
Air Show in a number of ways including financial sponsorship in the amount of $20,000,
the provision of an RV campground in Centennial Park, transient marina slips and
hosting an evening concert on June 25th. The City has partnered with Empire Theatre
Productions on the concert portion of the event. Empire is booking a feature performer
for the event and providing all show production services including the ticketing,
stage/sound/lighting and licensed bar. Ticket packages will be sold for those wishing to
purchase air show tickets and accommodations consisting of RV camping or marina
Staff is working on concert planning and related marketing aspects including ticket
package preparation, as well as activities related to the City’s sponsorship of the event
including preparing materials for event advertising opportunities, static event static in
partnership with Bay of Quinte Tourism and surrounding communities to promote
tourism and development opportunities.
GOLIATH Film Production - Economic Development & Tourism staff are excited to
announce a film production that will be taking place in Quinte West throughout the month
of July 2016. The production has successfully cast several feature film and television
actors including Shannon Kook who has played in major films and TV shows including
Degrassi, The Conjuring and Dark Places. It’s headed by Ryerson University students
Maddy Pilon, Luke Villemaire and fellow students and has received significant financial
support from Ryerson University and IndieGoGo crowd funding campaign.
This production will not only generate many short term economic benefits during filming
throughout July 2016; it will produce significant long term benefits by strengthening
Quinte West’s position as a leading location for the film production industry. Short term
benefits are broad ranging; from accommodations, meals and other amenities that will
be required from local businesses for dozens of cast and crew members, to the many
production/event services and equipment that will be procured from local firms.
Marina Marketing – Tourism staff are engaging in a number of marina marketing
activities as the 2016 season approaches with the season opening scheduled for May
1st. Staff have received a very positive response from attendance at the Toronto Boat
Show in January and other shows attended to-date. Staff are working on designing new
signage featuring a visitor map/community events to be installed at the marina for
boaters & other visitors as well as replacement banner signage to identify the Trent Port
Fueling Station at Fraser Park. Print, radio and online advertising activities are currently
taking place. Boating association memberships and related advertising activities are
being developed e.g. America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association.
Joint marketing
partnerships are being explored with a number of marinas along the Trent Severn, GTA,
Thousand Island/Gananoque and US marinas. A preliminary staff report has been
prepared for the consideration of members as part of the meeting package.
Marketing Imagery Project – A request for quotation is being issued to potential
photographers for the completion of the marketing imagery project as identified in the
2016 work plan. The project will involve taking a new series of Quinte West photographs
for marketing purposes. Key focuses for new imagery will include: downtown images
shopping/dining/enjoying activities; community events; attractions, outdoor and water
based recreation; and images of visitors/residents featuring testimonials. The project will
take place over the period of several months beginning in mid-May.
Summer Tourism Ambassador & Day Camp Students – The Economic Development
& Tourism department has completed the hiring 4 tourism ambassador students as well
as 4 day camp councilors for the day camp program in partnership with Hastings County
Social Housing for the summer of 2016. The tourism ambassador students work on a
seasonal basis each year at the two tourism kiosks located at the Ramada Inn and
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce as well as manning visitor information booths that
will are set up at various events throughout the summer.
TODS (Tourism Oriented Directional Signage) – Tourism staff are working on
securing Provincial Highway tourism signage to promote the marina and other Quinte
West tourism attractions. These are the blue directional signs located at 401 exits that
promote various attractions.
Quinte West currently has three (National Air Force
Museum, Batawa Ski Hill and Batawa Dino Dig). Tourism staff plan to consult the
Tourism Task Group for input on signage to promote attractions in addition to the
Upcoming Events:
Bay of Quinte Home Show – Apr 29 to May 1 – The Tourism & Marina department’s
will be participating in this year’s Bay of Quinte Home Show with a joint display to
promote the marina and tourism opportunities in Quinte West. Committee members are
to visit the booth at this year’s show as well as the many other participating Quinte West
and region businesses. Booth location details will be provided once available.
Kiwanis Walleye Fishing Derby – May 7 & 8 – Hundreds of anglers will soon arrive to
the City and surrounding communities during the days leading up to and following this
exciting annual event. The economic impact that results from this event and for several
weeks following is significant, and tourism and other City staff are working closely with
organizers to minimize any potential concerns and ensure the event is a positive
experience for the City, its residents and businesses.
Frankford Riverfest & Fireworks – May 21 & 22 – Join us for a weekend of family fun
at the Frankford Riverfest. Saturday features a midway fair, cardboard boat races,
petting zoo, live entertainment, vendors and spectacular fireworks display! On Sunday,
don't miss the antique car show and midway. There are several volunteer opportunities
available including: set up, tear down, and providing information to vendors/visitors. The
assistance of members with volunteering and/or promoting volunteer opportunities is
Barks by the Bay – May 28th - This year marks the 10th anniversary of Barks by the
Bay. This annual canine festival is held the last Saturday in May and showcases many
unique vendors, breeds & breeders, canine accessories, training aids & techniques, pet
hospitals, pet food stores and groomers. Test your family dog's dock diving skills or
challenge their agility at the Dog Lovers Days Lure Obstacle Course. Connect with your
pet through with the help of Animal Communicator LAUREN BODE. Bring the whole
pack. There are several volunteer opportunities available including: set up, tear down,
and providing information to vendors/visitors.
The assistance of members with
volunteering and/or promoting volunteer opportunities is appreciated.
KPMG Competitive Alternatives 2016
• Since 1996, Competitive Alternatives has been
providing insight into business location costs in
cities and countries around the world
• Competitive Alternatives is a valuable reference
for corporations evaluating their national or
international location options.
• The 2016 edition of this biennial KPMG series,
compares business costs in more than 100 cities
in 10 countries
KPMG Competitive
Alternatives 2016
KPMG Competitive Alternatives 2016
Industry: Overall Result; Operation: Average Services & Manufacturing
10-Year Average Annual Total Location-Sensitive Costs
KPMG Competitive Alternatives 2016
Industry: Overall result; Operation: Average of Services & Manufacturing
10-Year Average Annual Total Location-Sensitive Costs
Quinte & District Real Estate Board Inc.
P. O Box 128, 51 Cannifton Rd. N.
Cannifton, Ontario
K0K 1K0
Telephone: 613-969-7873
Fax: 613-962-1851
Statistics: March, 2016
Dollar Sales - All Property Types - to March 31, 2016
Dollar Sales - All Property Types - for March, 2016
Dollar Sales - Residential - to March 31, 2016
Dollar Sales - Residential - for March, 2016
Listings - All Property Types - to March 31, 2016
Listings - All Property Types - for March, 2016
Listings - Residential - to March 31, 2016
Listings - Residential - for March, 2016
Sales - All Property Types - to March 31, 2016
Sales - All Property Types - for March, 2016
Sales - Residential - to March 31, 2016
Sales - Residential - for March, 2016
Average Res. Sold to March 31, 2016
Average Res. Sold for March, 2016
Average Sold to March 31, 2016
Average Sold for March, 2016
Total Active Residential
Total Active Non-Residential
Total Active Listings
% Change
Above figures reflect all transactions, including outside QDAR jurisdiction
Firm Members
Branch Offices
Salesperson Members
Non-REBBA Licensed Access Subscribers
Total Membership
% Change