Bulletin - Chinese Historical Society of America
Bulletin - Chinese Historical Society of America
Bulletin CHINESE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | MARCH APRIL 2007 | VOL. 43, NO. 1 March/April 2007 CALENDAR OF CHSA EVENTS & EXHIBITS Glamour, Glitz, and Glitter Reign in Miss Chinatown USA CHSA co-presents the following films at the annual Asian American International Film Festival at the Castro Theatre: Hollywood Chinese (3/18, 6 pm), Flower Drum Song (3/17, 9 pm), Pavement Butterfly (3/18, 12:30 pm), and Big Trouble in Little China (3/16, 10 pm). April 26 Author and Chinatown native William Poy Lee, will read from his new memoir The Eighth Promise. CHSA, 7 pm. April 28 The world premiere of composer Jon Jang’s Chinese American Symphony, a tribute to the Chinese builders of the transcontinental railroad, will take place at the Sacramento Philharmonic (www.sacphil.org), 8 pm May 2 CHSA is proud to partner with KQED on their Documenting China exhibition and programs. Opening reception at Koret Auditorium, 5-7:30 pm. May 9 Remembering 1882 will honor the events and history of the 125th anniversary of the 1882 Exclusion Act. Philip Burton Federal Building (450 Golden Gate, SF), 4-6 pm May 18 Tribute to UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Ling-chi Wang, recognized in Amerasia Journal’s newly published L. Ling-chi Wang: The Quintessential Scholar-Activist. Co-sponsored by the UCLA Asian American Studies Center. CHSA, 6-8 pm Exhibit Miss Chinatown USA now through June 30, Philip P. Choy Gallery. Alice Fong: A Retrospective, now though summer, Frank H. Yick Gallery. All CHSA events are free to the public For more info, call (415) 391-1188 or visit www.chsa.org T Miss Chinatown USA he reception in celebration of our 2007 court and new exhibit Miss Chinatown USA contestants present Sue was a glamorous and grand affair. On the Lee, CHSA Executive Director, with a special evening of Friday, Febraury 23, past & commemorative plaque. present contestants gathered at CHSA including: Penny Lee Wong, Miss Chinatown 1948; Ruby Kwong Chee, Miss Chinatown 1957; June Gong Chin, Miss Chinatown USA 1958; Leona Lee, Miss Chinatown USA 1959; Linda Shen Lei, Miss Chinatown USA 1971; Sandra Wong Dietrich, Miss Chinatown USA 1973; Rose Chung, Miss Chinatown USA 1981; Sandra Young Chew, Miss Chinatown USA 1983; Ivy Hsu, Miss Chinatown USA 1994; Lori Young Timmons, Miss Chinatown USA 1997; and Carol Chen, Miss Chinatown USA 2005. Many pageant organizers, contestants, escorts, and volunteers were also present. The event was co-sponsored by the SF Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii Chamber of Commerce of Northern California, and United Chinese Society of Hawaii. Thanks to Hukilau, Poleng Lounge, See more photos from Butterfly, and Takara Sake USA the Miss Chinatown for their food and beverage USA reception and donations. e exhibit on pages 4 & 5. Annual Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon CH INE SE HI STORI CAL S OCIE T Y OF AM ERI CA BOARD OFFICERS Calvin Fung, President Robert Fung, 1st Vice President Willard Chin, Secretary Paul Fong, Treasurer BOARD DIRECTORS Donald Chan Joyce M. Chan Linda A. Cheu Colleen Fong, Ph.D. Frank Jang Agnes Lam Alexander Lock Kenneth Louie Galin Luk William G. Roop Connie Young Yu Jeffery P. Woo, Esq., Legal Counsel BOARD EMERITI Him Mark Lai Philip P. Choy Annie Soo Spirit Award he 20th anniversary of the seminal journal winners Judy Yung, Chinese America: History and Perspectives was at Ruthanne Lum McCunn, the center of CHSA’s Annual Meeting & Volunteer and Him Mark Lai with CHSA Executive Director Appreciation Luncheon on Saturday, January 20 at Sue Lee and Board the Empress of China. The newly renamed Annie President Calvin Fung. Soo Spirit Award, given to CHSA’s unsung volunPhoto by Donald Chu. teers, was bestowed upon Ruthanne Lum McCunn, Judy Yung, and Him Mark Lai for their years of work on the publication. Charlie Chin performed tongue-in-cheek poetry written to honor the three awardees. This year’s Chinese America: History and Perspectives features the proceedings from the October 2005 Chinese American Studies conference. If you have not yet received yours, please contact the CHSA office at (415) 391-1188. e T FOUNDERS Thomas W. Chinn C.H. Kwock Chingwah Lee H.K. Wong Thomas W.S. Wu, D.D.S. STAFF Sue Lee, Executive Director Judy Hu, Communications Manager Lianna Koehler, Weekend Supervisor Marisa Louie, Exhibitions Coordinator Anna Naruta, Ph.D., Director of Collections Russell Ow, Bookkeeper Candace Tom, Operations Administrator Charlie Chin, Artist-in-Residence Honoring Alice Fong F riends, family, and supporters feted acclaimed artist Alice Fong during a reception celebrating her solo exhibit, Alice Fong: A Retrospective, at CHSA on February 3. Presented luminously in varying media—from prints, paintings, sculpture, watercolors, oils, and acrylics—Alice's collection celebrates nature, family, and Chinese American cultural traditions. It is on display in the Frank H. Yick gallery now through summer 2007. e CHSA BULLETIN n PAGE 2 Alice Fong’s grandsons, Alex and Derek, the artist Alice Fong, and daughter and CHSA board member Colleen Fong. Photo by Frank Jang. Honoring Ling-chi Wang, Quintessential Scholar-Activist Reading with William Poy Lee: The Eighth Promise May 18, 6-8 pm, CHSA Museum L. Ling-chi Wang: The Quintessential Scholar-Activist, is a commemorative edition from UCLA’s Amerasia Journal and the first collection of essays from the former Chair of UC Berkeley’s Department of Ethnic Studies and Director of Asian American Studies. Professor Wang’s groundbreaking writings on bilingual and higher education, Chinatown politics, and U.S./China relations have actively shaped the domestic and global frameworks in the field of Asian American Studies. For the future, they will continue to have great relevance to the relationship of Asian Americans to American society and to Asia while serving as essential readings for educational research, transnational studies, and historiography. e Chinatown in Miniature C HSA is proud to present historical renderings by renowned Hollywood set designer and Chinatown native Frank Wong. Through the design and furnishing of detailed miniature rooms, Wong offers meaningful, first-hand interpretations of San Francisco Chinatown’s past and the lives of its people. Works on display include: scenes from a Chinese laundry, a single occupancy room in the International Hotel, and an herb store on Clay Street. Six miniatures are now permanently installed in the CHSA Wells Fargo Foundation Learning Center. Please inquire at the front desk to see them. e April 26, 7-8 pm CHSA Learning Center I n The Eighth Promise, author William Poy Lee provides a rare glimpse of the Chinese-American immigrant experience from a mother-son perspective. This affecting tale crisscrosses both time and place from his mother’s war torn childhood in China during the 1930s to the housing projects of San Francisco’s Chinatown to the counterculture of North Beach in the 1960s. Exuberant and sprawling, The Eighth Promise is told in two voices: the author’s own and that of his mother. The mother’s perspective provides a sense of tradition and culture as the author becomes completely American—only to realize that his simple Toisan farmer mother has been his greatest wisdom teacher. It is a stunning tale of injustice, fortitude, survival, and ultimately redemption. e Red Envelopes: Lai Si and Hong Bao Reception A rtist-in-Resident Charlie Chin rung in Lunar New Year at CHSA for several dozen young children and their parents on February 10. The attendees were treated to storytelling, Chinese folktales, and a glimpse of Charlie's Charlie Chin shows personal collection of vintage red vintage red envelopes envelopes. Every child also received an to young attendees. Photo by Frank Jang authentic red envelope for good luck! e MARCH APRIL 2007 n PAGE 3 Miss Chinatown USA Reception & Exhibit PHOTOS BY FRANK JANG Miss Chinatown Then & Now: Rose Chung, Miss Chinatown 1981, poses next to a shot of her crowning glory. Photo by Calvin Jeng. Miss Chinatown USA 1958 June Gong Chin, Miss Chinatown USA 2005 (and the currently reigning Miss San Francisco) Carol Chen, and Miss Chinatown 1948 Penny Lee Wong. Miss Chinatown USA escort Benji Wong and 1969 contestant Melanie Feng Kolda. Jean Moon Liu, daughter of 1915 Chinatown Queen Rose Lew, and Rose Lew’s granddaughter, Roxine Chow. Felicia Lowe, Miss Congeniality 1965, with the beaded cheong saam she wore on parade night. Cindy Hu and guest, Darryl Higashi, and Daniel and Vyolet Chu dance to the music of Da Castillo Boys at the end of a festive evening. CHSA BULLETIN n PAGE 4 Miss Chinatown USA 1971 Linda Shen Lei, Miss Chinatown USA 1958 June Gong Chin, CHSA member Sarah Choy, Amy Tan, 1959 contestant Patricia Hew Lee, 1969 contestant Linda Lew Woo, and Rosalind Jeong. 1969 contestant Stephanie Lum Castor points to herself in the exhibit. Exhibit volunteer Carolyn Shek (2nd from left) and Miss Chinatown USA 1994 Ivy Hsu, with friends. A Very Piggy New Year! appy Year of the Boar! The Lunar New Year event sponsored by PG&E at CHSA on February 26, 2007 was a smashing success! Despite the rain and hail, more than 300 people filled the museum, enjoying wine & hors d’eurves while mingling the night away. Attendees included San Francisco Supervisors Aaron Peskin and Ed Jew, District Attorney Kamala Harris, as well as friends of PG&E, CHSA members, and community folks. e H MARCH APRIL 2007 n PAGE 5 (left) Bill Lee, his wife Carolyn, Mary Ellen O’Brien, Doug Chan, and Ditka Reiner ring in the year. (below) Greg Chew of Dae Advertising with CHSA’s Sue Lee. Accessioned Donations October 12 to December 4, 2006 SUBMITTED BY ANNA NARUTA, DIRECTOR OF COLLECTIONS Dong Kingman fills San Francisco’s Chinatown with dragons in this watercolor for a Pan Am Airlines menu. Gift of Alex Lock, 2006.59 Karen Jue Iovino, Calvin Jue & Gail Garcia (via Frank Jang): More than 600 photos by Harry Jew, depicting the Miss Chinatown Pageant, San Francisco Chinatown, Angel Island, Locke, and other historically significant scenes. Jon Jang appears on The Ballad or the Bullet? (1987, AsianImprov Records). Gift of Julian Low and Elaine Joe, 2006.60.3 Alex Lock: Pan Am Airlines menu featuring Dong Kingman watercolor of San Francisco Chinatown New Year’s parade, Grant and California. Julian Low & Elaine Joe: Four albums—Chris Iijima and Charlie Chin, Back to Back (1982, East/West WORLD Record); Jon Jang, Are You Chinese or Charlie Chan? (1984, RPM Francis Wong: Copy of Oct 23, 2006 Chicago Tribune Records); Jon Jang, The Ballad or the Bullet? (1987, AsianImprov review of 11th annual Asian American Jazz Festival Finale. Records), inscribed to the donor; Fred Houn, A Song for Manong—The Anonymous: State of soundtrack to Part 3 of Bamboo that California certificate of Snaps Back Featuring The Asian incorporation for “Sai Gar American Art Ensemble and Kulintang Jeong Yee” Benevolent AssoArts (1988, AsianImprov Records) ciation [Chung Yee Him Mark Lai: Donor’s summary of Association], dated August interviews with members of and 22, 1907, headquartered at research on the Jeong Yee 37 Spofford Alley, San Association (Chung Yee Francisco, in original frame. Association), 37 Spofford Alley, Connie Young Yu: Digital video San Francisco, and the Garment cassette copy of Jung Sai—Chinese Workers Guild, Jinyihang (Gam Yee Americans, Sanders & Mock Hong), of San Francisco. Productions, American Film Foundation, 1977; DVD copy of Connie Young Yu: San Francisco Women Warriors, composed of Examiner, May 10, 1969, page 15, Making Up, Chonk Moonhunter “The Golden Spike’s unsung Productions, 1974, and The Year of Heroes” by Connie Young Yu; Fall the Ox: The 1973 Chinatown Livestock 1972 Bulletin of Concerned Asian Show, 1985. Scholars, Special Issue: Asian America; CHSA BULLETIN n PAGE 6 Scan of Kem Lee photo of Cathay Post American Veterans of the Foreign Legion parade in San Francisco Chinatown; Four postcards of the paintings at Kan’s Restaurant painted by Jake Lee in 1963 to educate about and celebrate Chinese American history and culture; Postcard of rubbing of poem carved into wall of detention barracks at Angel Island Immigration Station; Copy of 1948 Chinese Press article, “Chinese Mourn Death of Historian William J. Hoy;” Copy of East West July 11, 1967, pages 1-2; Bound volume of Harper’s, December 1882–May 1883; Exhibit catalog and brochure from 2005 and 2006 New York and German gallery shows by Marlene Tseng Yu; four black and white photos, late 1910s–early 1920s Chicago: Tuen Hip Wey Association on first (1919) and third anniversary; 1921 group portrait outside Mon Sang & Co. Paul Louie: Seattle Times article of Nov 5, 2006, on Wing Luke Asian Museum’s salvageattentive renovation of the East Kong Yick building, where donor grew up, in Seattle’s Chinatown; Northwest Asian Weekly article, “[Seattle] Chinatown gate project delayed.” Anonymous: Hip Wo Chinese School yearbook and commemorative album, 1924-1960. Charlie Chin: Souvenir Program for “Pear Garden in the West,” June 14-17, 1984, The First San Francisco Chinese American Performing Arts Festival. DONATION TO THE TEACHING COLLECTION With a photographic career spanning four decades, Harry Jew captured images of historic events, family and individual portraits, and scenes of everyday community life. Harry Jew Collection, Gift of Karen Jue Iovino, Calvin Jue, and Gail Garcia, 2006.54.450 Judith Wilkes: Sheet music Ching Pioneering aviator In Memory of Ruby Tom Joe: Copy Chong (Chicago, Tom Gunn’s 1912 of collection of newspaper 1917), music by Aero Club License clippings about Tom Gunn that Lee S. Roberts, list his residence, includes both primary source and 358 Fifth Street, words by J. Will subsequent historical features, a Oakland. Callahan. Anonymous Gift, copy of Willie L. Nye’s biographical 2006.63 resume of Tom Gunn for a KRONTV project, 1971, a copy of the Smithsonian Institution material on Tom Gunn, 1989, and photo and paperwork relating to 1973-1974 HSA is currently reorganizing its collections and is looking for exhibit CHSA and CCF exhibit for the following equipment: which Tom Gunn items were r Map drawers borrowed from the family. r Metal storage cabinets Anonymous: Digital images of Tom r High resolution flatbed scanner Gunn collection items held by r Fireproof filing cabinet family members; including r Camera tripod with swivel head newspaper articles, photos, badges r Photocopy machine with pdf scanning capability and identification, and personal Please contact Anna Naruta at (415) 391-1188, x103 or remembrances of pioneering anaruta@chsa.org with inquiries about potential equipment aviator and native San Franciscan donations. Thank you! e Tom Gunn, 1890-1925; authorized for donation to CHSA. Request for Donations C MARCH APRIL 2007 n PAGE 7 Transitions C HSA welcomes Judy Hu on board as their new Communications Manager. Her responsibilities include media and public relations, community outreach, marketing, and programming. Judy has worked the past few years in public relations at a local, alternative publishing house. She has also been actively involved in the community with many local groups and political campaigns. Beginning with this issue, she is also the new editor of CHSA’s Bulletin newsletter. Judy can be reached at (415) 391-1188, x107 or judy@chsa.org. e In Memorium C HSA notes the passing of Alice Lee, a longtime member, volunteer, and supporter on January 6, 2007. We also honor the memory of Chaney N. Wong, the former Executive Vice President of Trader Vic’s Restaurants, who died on January 4, 2007. e Visiting the Museum? C HSA can provide pre-arranged exhibit tours to groups of 10 or more. Make reservations by calling (415) 391-1188, x101 or by emailing info@chsa.org. e The CHSA Bulletin is published bi-monthly. To contribute articles about Chinese American community and historical news and events, please submit articles to judy@chsa.org. Editor: Judy Hu || Design: Elaine Joe Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID CHINESE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 965 CLAY STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 415 391-1188 TEL 415 391-1150 FAX INFO@CHSA.ORG EMAIL WWW.CHSA.ORG WEBSITE TIME DATED MATERIAL Permit No. 9103 San Francisco, CA
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