Senior Adult Spring Rally
Senior Adult Spring Rally
Volume 64 Issue 2 February 2016 NAS H VI L L E B AP T I ST AS SO CI AT I O N 42 0 MAI N ST . NASH VI L L E , T N 3 72 06 Assisting, Networking & Resourcing Churches and Missions of the NBA Senior Adult Spring Rally April 7, 2016 9:30am Cost: $12.00 Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 4930 Nolensville Rd, Nashville TN 37211 9:30am-9:40am Welcome 9:40am-10:20am First Baptist Church Donelson Senior Adult Choir. Performing “How About Some Good News!” 10:20am-10:25am Break Missionary Speakers: 10:25am-11:00am Mark & Judy Harvey Missionaries Mark and Judy Harvey 11:00am-11:15am Break Missionaries working in Singapore since 2009. Currently in 11:15am-Noon The Burchfield Family in concert the USA on final furlough. A Love offering will be taken for the Burchfield Family Noon Lunch The Burchfield Family - Bluegrass Gospel Music Victoria Burchfield along with her parents Mark and Wanda Burchfield are very talented singers and musicians. Registration: Online at or contact JoAnn Howard at 615-259-3034 or Deadline for registration will be April 4, 2016 420 Main Street , Nashville, Tennessee 37206 Website: Phone: 615.259.3034 Fax: 615.259.3722 Nashville Baptist Association Day at the Predators! Saturday, February 27th 2:00pm Associational Children & Youth Bible Drills 2016 Sunday April 17, 2016 Forest Hills Baptist Church 2101 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville TN 37215 Here is a glimpse at our Bible Drill “Time Table” to help you plan your calendars: vs #6 Shea Weber Team Captain Lower Bowl ($114 + Value) NBA Price $60.00 Upper Level ($57 Value) NBA Price $30.00 Come enjoy a day in Smashville with Fellow members of the Nashville Baptist Association! Get close to 50% off tickets with a portion of each ticket going back to the NBA! February—call 615-259-3034 to let the association know the approximate number of children and youth you have participating in your program so we can enlist teams of judges, timekeepers, and callers for the Drill March—we will request from you a more definite number of children/youth for the Associational Drill April—we will finalize all registration prior to the Associational Drill. The deadline for registering any children/youth for the Associational Drill is April 11, 2016 Contact JoAnn Howard at 615-259-3034 or Order tickets with offer code ‘NBA’ at Ticketmaster account needed to view and purchase discounted tickets. $1.25 service fee per ticket Offer subject to availability. No refunds or exchanges. Interested in a block of 8 or more? Contact Bill Steele at 615-770-2436 or Volunteers needed for Truck Stop Ministry in Franklin and downtown Nashville! If you would like to receive information on how to become a volunteer chaplain with TruckStops Ministries, please contact the Nashville Baptist Association at 615-259-3034. “NBA Recreation” Look what is coming this spring! Softball Registration for NBA Co-ed Softball is coming the first of March. VBS Clinic 2016 April 19, 2016 Haywood Hills Baptist Church 255 Haywood Lane Nashville TN 37211 6:00pm-8:30pm We will provide classes for every rotation, plus Backyard Kids Club, Directors, and Pastors / Evangelism/Adults. We are available to assist you in VBS as needed and calendar will permit. Looking forward to a great year in VBS in the Nashville Baptist Association. Lana Rose Nashville Baptist Association VBS Director 615-714-0142, JoAnn Howard NBA Church Program Strategist 615-259-3034, Golf Scrambles NBA Golf Scrambles will begin in April and continue till October. For more information call 615-259-3034 Page 2 Nashville Baptist Association Secretaries/Ministry Assistants! The Nashville Baptist Association wants to show our NBA Secretaries/Ministry Assistants how much we appreciate you. We are giving away 2 scholarships to the TBCSA (Tennessee Baptist Convention Secretaries’ Association) Conference this coming April. We know how important you are to your churches and to the association. We will pay for the conference fee and your hotel fee. “Fill My Cup” April 4-6, 2016 Ridgedale Baptist Church Chattanooga, TN The Conference Begins Monday, April 4th at 1:00pm (EST) and continues through Wednesday, April 6th at 11:30am (EST) Breakout Session Topics: Legal Issues, Balancing Church & Family, Surviving the Sandwich Generation, New Technology in the Church, Publisher 2010, Help! The Secretary is Missing, Excel 2010, Safety & Security in the Church, How to Witness When All you Know Are Christians, Relating to the Next Generation, Financial Updates. If you are interested in a scholarship all you have to do is register. You can r egister online at or contact JoAnn Howard at 615-259-3034, You can check out the conference on The winners will be picked on March 11, 2016! So get your registration in. Worship Speaker Rita Sweatt Rita uses her sense of humor, passion for the Lord and His Word, and her musical gifts to encourage women in their walk with Christ. RA Wilderness Challenge Camping & Outdoor Skills Competition April 15-17, 2016 Boxwell Reservation Camping, Campcraft Rodeo, Worship, Wilderness Skills School and Royal Racers Only $15.00 per person Pre-register by April 13th and adults get $5.00 off Registration online at “How to Reach and Keep Millennials” February 18, 2016 10:00am-1:00pm Led by David Evans, Evangelism Specialist TBC NBA Offices 420 Main Street Nashville TN 37206 No Cost: Lunch Provided This is a workshop providing ideas to reach and keep Millennials coming to your church. Millennials are the ages 18-35. We will spend time discussing how to reach and keep Millennials. If you plan to come please register by February 16th. RSVP to the Nashville Baptist Association at 615-259-3034 or email Volume 64, Issue 2 Openings & Opportunities Pastor Openings To have your resume forwarded to churches seeking a pastor, please submit one to general@nashvillebaptists Worship/Music Leader Covenant (PT) 646-1919 Valley View (PT) 953-6638 or 262-3950 Lakewood (PT) 883-3294 Haywood Hills 832-6909 Antioch FBC (PT) 832-7486 Associate Pastor Children/Youth Harvest Fields Adam Pace Youth Lakewood (PT) FBC Ashland City 883-3294 792-4724 Worship Leader/ Paid Nursery Worker Community Pastor 883-8754 Revive John Lund Donelson View Nashville Baptist Association has a policy of publishing job openings for ministerial and support positions when a church requests us to do so. In our desire to assist churches to fill vacancies, NBA will continue to offer this service at no charge. For more information, call 259-3034 NBA Job Opening! The Nashville Baptist Association is currently accepting resumes for a full-time position. It is a Ministry Assistant to the Executive Director position, but has additional ministry responsibilities. For more information you may call 615-259-3034 or submit questions and resumes to Rusty Sumrall at Intercity Hunger Program New Creations Baptist Church and First Street Missionary Baptist Church each work to feed the hungry in Nashville. Each of these churches provide ministry to children and families. They both provide a meal weekly for children who attend the church ministry events Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers to help feed groups the last Saturday of each month from 2-6 Volunteer to help with outreach and tent revivals Items to Collect: Boxed Macaroni and cheese Spaghetti sauce Pasta Peanut Butter Jelly Canned vegetables Prayer Concerns: BAPTIST BEACON (USPS 041-880) is published monthly by Nashville Baptist Association PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT NASHVILLE TENNESSEE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BAPTIST BEACON, Nashville Baptist Association, 420 Main Street, Nashville, TN 37206-4293 Canned Chili Canned Beans Rice Canned meat Soup Boxed crackers Chips For people to be willing to participate For the hearts of those receiving food For more information contact Adric Kimbrough, First Street Missionary Baptist Church, at 615-473-1678, Ken Berry, New Creations Baptist Church at 615-578-2236, February Calendar 1 Ministers Conference NBA 11:30am Jack Carver, Church Strengthener Strategist NBA 3 Missions Team Meeting FBC Donelson 9:00am 8 Ministers Conference NBA 11:30am Mike Shelton, Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church 10 Senior Adult Team Meeting Tusculum Hills 10:00am 15 Ministers Conference NBA 11:30am Ron Phillips, Music Concert 17 Executive Committee Meeting Sunset Hills 10:30am-12:00pm 17 Quarterly Board Meeting 12:00pm Sunset Hills 18 Millennial Conference NBA 10:00am-1:00pm 22 Ministers Conference NBA 11:30am Ben Adkison, Church Planter Strategist NBA 27 NBA Day at the Predators 2:00pm 29 Ministers Conference NBA 11:30am Steve Durham, Pastor of Sunset Hills Baptist Your NBA Staff Rusty Sumrall Executive Director/Lead Coach 615-419-1944 Jack Carver Church Strengthening Strategist 615-766-0661 Ben Adkison Church Planter Strategist 615-775-6143 Ray Fairchild Ministry Specialist 615-636-5855 John Wright Bookkeeper 615-259-3034 JoAnn Howard Ministry Assistant/Church Program Specialist 615-259-3034 ext. 101
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