Corporate Responisibility Report 2013


Corporate Responisibility Report 2013
ArcelorMittal Galati,
Corporate Responsibiliy Report 2013
transforming tomorrow
2 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Since 2010 we have been
providing information about our
activities and developments in
corporate responsibility year by
year, based on our Stakeholder
Engagement Plan. This year, we
have decided that it is time that
we should issue our first
Corporate Responsibility Report.
Introductory word
ArcelorMittal Galati
Investing in our
Making Steel More
Enriching our
4 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Introductory Word
Bruno Ribo, CEO of ArcelorMittal Galati: “We will win the battle
for survival. We will remain the main pillar of the local
economy and an active member of the community”
The Steel Plant is not just a steel producer.
It is the place where thousands of people
earn their living as employees, contractors
or workers for the providing companies.
We are responsible for each and every of
these people and every action and decision
that we take is meant to be in favour of the
people and the community where we live
and work.
It is quite simple to pretend to be a member
of the community and, perhaps, by putting
up an appearance, to try to convince others
of your good intentions. This is, however, not
our case.
We have assessed and changed completely
the approach in relation to the representatives of our community. In terms of environmental issues, once one of the major
concerns of Galati city, we have opened our
doors and, with transparency and honesty,
we have invited authorities, nongovernmental organizations and the media to get a
sense of realities, such as they are.
Likewise, we have changed completely our
philosophy on investing in our community.
We have understood that the most important
issues are related to health, education and
community development. We have focused
only on these aspects, in order to raise the
efficiency of our investments.
Our purpose is not only to help, but to
ensure that our support adds value to the
health, education and development of our
But our main contribution to the community
is related to our fight to save the plant, the
jobs and to continue to produce steel in
Galati. It was and still is a tough battle where
we can already see early results.
We have been affected by the high cost of
energy. During the last two years, we have
explained how much these things affect
us. But we did not only complain, we have
taken action mainly by investing significant
resources in improving our energy efficiency.
However, due to the deterioration of our
market and business environment in Romania, we were unable to return to breakeven
point. ArcelorMittal Group “injected” in the
recent years, ¤ 700 million to save the plant
in Galati. Out of this amount, ¤ 200 million represented investments. It was our
response to the hardships we went through.
But our battle is not over yet. Our commitment to Galati is to win this battle, to remain
the main pillar of the economy in the area
and an active member of the community
that we operate in.
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ArcelorMittal Galati
About ArcelorMittal
ArcelorMittal is the world‘s leading integrated steel and mining company, with a
presence in more than 60 countries.
ArcelorMittal is the leader in all major
global steel markets, including automotive,
construction, household appliances and
packaging, with leading Research &
Development (R&D) and technology, as well
as sizeable captive supplies of raw materials and outstanding distribution networks.
ArcelorMittal Galati
Located in the South-East of Romania,
ArcelorMittal Galati employs 6,980 people
and is the largest integrated steel plant in
the country and leader in manufacturing
metallurgical products, with a production
capacity of 3 million tonnes of steel. Galati,
known as the ‘steelmakers’ city’ is situated
on the banks of the River Danube. The Company has 6 operating facilities in Romania,
which include Galati, Tulcea – a lime quarry,
Iasi, Roman, Hunedoara and Romportmet –
a captive port on the Danube.
Scope of the report
The data used for the purposes of the Report
primarily cover ArcelorMittal Galati corporate
responsibility approach and KPIs, to encourage a regular and constructive dialogue
between the company and its stakeholders.
We are committed to a responsible
management of our assets integrating
Health & Safety and environmental protection into current and future business.
We expect that this approach will lead us to
increase our overall performance and support a sustainable future for all interested
parties: our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, communities, organizations, authorities.
Our Company is aware that it has a duty to
its stakeholders: to operate in a responsible
and transparent manner, structured around
four focus areas, which reflect the key priorities of our business and our stakeholders.
8 | ArcelorMittal Galati
ArcelorMittal is transforming tomorrow by…
Investing in our people
Making steel more
Enriching our communities
…this is all underpinned by Transparent governance
We focus on four areas: investing in our
people; making steel more sustainable;
enriching our communities; and transparent
governance, a principle that underpins the
first three areas.
Investing in our people
Our people are at the heart of our business. Their success is our success. We need
their ideas and rely on their hard work and
commitment. We treat them with dignity
and respect, investing in their development,
and providing them with a safe and healthy
working environment.
Making steel more
We are using our expertise in steel to find
ways to operate more efficiently, to develop
new processes and more sustainable
practices, and to work in partnership with
our customers and suppliers to help them
achieve their environmental goals.
Enriching our communities
We play an important role in the communities where we operate. We want to
contribute to the development of strong and
sustainable local communities, wherever we
are in the world. We do this by being sensitive to local cultures, issues and priorities,
by engaging with our communities in an
open and transparent way, and by working
in active partnership with local and national
Transparent governance
We believe in open and visible governance,
grounded in business reality. We will take
steps to understand our true impacts, predict future consequences, and manage risks
consistently across our operations. We will
engage meaningfully with key stakeholders,
and respond in a transparent manner.
Our people are
at the heart of our
business. Their
success is our
Our corporate responsibility
Map of our stakeholders
Our position in our industry brings unique
responsibilities and opportunities. We have
a responsibility to operate profitably, while
adding value to our stakeholders in a
responsible and transparent manner. We
look to identify opportunities to instill pride
in our workforce, gain admiration from our
peers and build the trust we need in the
communities where we have a
presence. This is what our strategy for
corporate responsibility is designed to
achieve. Simply put, corporate responsibility
is about how we do what we do.
Understanding our stakeholders’ needs and
expectations is very important for our
company in order to enjoy sustainable
success and strengthen our reputation.
10 | ArcelorMittal Galati
the most Comprehensive
Transformation Programme
ARC ( Accelerate, Succeed, Consolidate)
The economic crisis that broke out in 2008
brought about deep changes for us. Our
natural market, the Black Sea, is now the
toughest market in Europe. In the recent
years, new competitors have emerged and
Turkey became now from an importer an exporter of steel. “We are now like a red island
in a blue sea of competitors”, stated Bruno
Ribo, the C.E.O. of ArcelorMittal Galati.
In addition, the Romanian market has
greatly shrunk as compared to 2008, due
to the slowdown and stoppage of infrastructure projects. The times when we could
produce and sell large volumes of rolled
products are gone and the prospects for
recovery are limited. All these problems led
to the need of transformation, of adapting to
new conditions. Had we remained immobile, we would have had the fate of other
steel producers, who have shut down their
operations. Launched in 2009, the transformation program ARC 2012 was, in fact, the
key to our survival.
Successful Results of ARC 2012
But what has been managed so far? The
decreasing curve of accidents is the proof
that Zero Accidents is a feasible target.
Now, we have a clear set of rules, good
nonconformities identification system and
incentives for the staff observing the rules.
The product quality is now the best in our
history. Nonconformities are cut to a third
as compared to the previous years. We delivered to our customers in due time and in
full. The variable costs with the raw materials and the energy have been reduced by
90 Euros per ton. We have quickly adapted
the “industrial footprint” of the plant, which
means that we use the necessary
equipment for the market demand. We have
also adapted the maintenance by adopting
a system to avoid accidental shutdowns
proactively and the spare parts management is much improved now.
Our Vision
We are all wondering: do we have a clear
vision, what is the direction we need to
follow? Do we know where we will be in
2015? We intend to transform ArcelorMittal
Galati into a smart, agile, flexible and
profitable integrated steel plant,
acknowledged to be a landmark in the
region for its achievements in terms of
safety, the quality level of the products and
the service to the customers. Our current vision is to continue the deep transformation
process started four years ago, focused on
our organization and the way we conduct
our business with view to achieving
economic stability.
139 communication meetings
have been organized between
the management and the employees of the Steel Plant within
ARC 2015+ Program
Transformation, a way of life
The present and the future challenges show
that our only viable option is to transform
permanently. “In ARC 2012, we delivered
most of our results. Our way of adapting
is our Transformation Program. We must
continue, we must speed up and this will
help us win in this post-crisis world. Transformation should be our way of life. We are
not going from A to B; there is no end to this
travel”, said Bruno Ribo, C.E.O. of General
ArcelorMittal Galati.
Our Mission
How is the change of our unit possible? By
way of our rapid transformation and adaptation to ever-changing conditions, “ARC
2015+” is a further step, meant to ensure
the development of our integrated plant in
a post-crisis world, the only alternative to
disappearing from the market.
Maintaining ourselves in the current position, whereas the economic realities are
changing fast and dramatically is not a sustainable option for us. We must transform
and adapt ourselves or we will disappear as
a steel producer.
Our Values
Our Objectives
What are the main values to be looked up
to in our approach? First and foremost,
we need to be committed, which means
engagement and hard work. Then, we have
to cooperate with one another to reach our
common goal, including transversal work
and trust. Transparency is not an aspect to
be neglected, considering that issues can be
solved better and faster when known by all
parties involved. Not of a lesser importance
are the respect for customers, suppliers,
employees, superiors, stakeholders, assets,
and responsibility - meaning ownership for
the actions taken. Only by involving these
features in our activity we can achieve
Health and Safety has always come first for
all our employees, as well as contractors.
Only a safe company can be successful!
The good results achieved so far need to be
confirmed as well. Then, it is vital that we
ensure our customer loyalty. How? By way
of a new quality-service approach. The third
important target for us would be obtaining
the best cost efficiency in order to become
Relying on the largest transformation
program in Romania, we could be able to
Accelerate progress, to Reach our targets
and Consolidate results involving every of us
from worker to CEO.
12 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Investing in our people
Health and Safety
We operate in an industry where workplace
safety is vitally important, and this continues
to be our number one priority. We want
ArcelorMittal Galati to be a place where
people can fulfill their potential, feel that their
views are taken into account, and they are
supported by a committed leadership team.
In 2013, ArcelorMittal Galati has achieved,
for the first time in its history, the third
consecutive year without recording any fatal
work related accidents. In 2014, the
company will continue and increase its
efforts to improve the health and safety of its
employees by way of various projects and
an investment effort in Health and Safety
measures. We work vigorously towards the
goal of zero accidents and injuries.
The “Journey to Zero” programme is about
preventing accidents by creating a culture
of shared vigilance across the Company
about every aspect of workplace safety. We
do this by raising awareness of safety issues
among our employees and contractors,
sharing best practice, monitoring potential
risks and ensuring that appropriate action is
always taken whenever risks are identified.
Fatalities: evolution 2005 – 2013
To succeed in our journey, we need the
involvement and commitment of everyone
working for and with us. “Safety is everybody’s business”. From now on we want
to push our Health & Safety improvement
further, from a compliance attitude to
a culture of belief. Health and Safety is
an integral component to each of our 3
existing values - Quality, Sustainability and
Leadership. In the past three years, the
Company has developed special SMART
trainings for its employees and contractors to identify the risks of injuries and
also a centralized system of observation,
monitoring and reporting dangerous
14 | ArcelorMittal Galati
A safety culture
We know that we will only achieve our
Journey to Zero if we have a culture where
the employees, wherever they work in the
organization, take responsibility for their
own safety and that of those around them:
colleagues, superiors, collaborators, contractors and visitors. With that end in mind,
we have launched a number of leadership
and awareness programmes across all of
our sites. For example, we have set out what
every employee can do to contribute to a
safer workplace in our 10 Golden Rules of
Journey to Zero - Five Steps Back
In 2013, 3 years have been completed with
no fatality in the Steel Plant, following a
work accident. At the same time, we had
a number of 16 lost time injuries. In order
to raise awareness among our colleagues
as regards the importance of their own
safety we produced a movie depicting the
circumstances that those terrible accidents
came about.
“Unfortunately, this film shows that in our
Journey to Zero accidents, we made five
steps back in the first half of 2013 in Galati.
Looking into the cause these events, I found
many common points. The first is that
behind every such tragedy, there is a human
life at stake, a family, a lot of pain, which is
often shared by the victim’s colleagues. We
do not want this to go on. Another common
feature is that all these accidents could have
been avoided. Let’s be vigilant! Let’s think
that every time we come to the work place,
our work can become dangerous!” stated
Bruno Ribo, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Galati.
Health and Safety thematic
session for students – The first event
of the Internship 2013 Program was focused
on our main priority, Health and Safety. The
Thematic Session gathered over 80 students
who participated both in theoretical
presentations and practical activities,
but also professors from the educational
environment of Galati. The students had the
chance to put their knowledge into practice
during a competition which lasted all day.
”We are Still Fragile in the Field of Health
and Safety”
This is the main message that Bruno Ribo,
the C.E.O. of ArcelorMittal Galati, conveyed to
all of us on the Health and Safety Day 2013. „I
have mixed feelings today. On the one hand,
I am proud and happy that there are more
than 2 years now since we had a fatality and
on the other, that we registered four lost Time
Injuries only in the last month, the most recent occurring the other day, when a young
electrician was about to lose his life at the
Continuous Casting”, pointed out Bruno Ribo,
on the fact that we still have a lot of work to
do in our Journey to Zero.
The Global Health and Safety Day was
celebrated in our unit in the presence of high
officials from the management of Flat Carbon Europe, the heads of the Labor
Inspectorate, the Emergency Situations
Inspectorate and our social partners. Every
one of them raised a warning flag as
regards the crucial importance of working in
safe conditions and of taking care of our colleagues in the spirit of shared vigilance.
”Avoiding all risks that might lead to losing
lives is a moral obligation for all of us. Therefore, it is highly important that we experience
a mental switch once we enter the gates of
the plant”, addressed the audience
Robrecht Himpe, the C.E.O. of Flat Carbon
About 96% of our own employees and contractors were
involved in the Health and
Safety Day in 2013, which was
transformed into the Health and
Safety Month during April 15th –
May 15th.
Everybody attending the event held a
moment of silence in the memory of the 29
colleagues who lost their lives during their
daily activities in the sites of ArcelorMittal
all over the world in 2012. At the end of the
ceremony, our colleagues in the Health and
Safety Department organized a festivity of
awards for the departments and the contracting companies with the best results in
the field in the last year.
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Health Week:
Medical Checks,
Vaccination and
Health Week
With view to supporting its employees
improve their health, ArcelorMittal Galati
organized, in early October, along with all
Group’s units, the Health Week with specific
actions ranging from routine investigations
up to sporting events or trainings on first aid
in different situations.
Thus, at the beginning of the sequence of
events, our colleagues in the Health and
Safety Department launched a vaccination
campaign against the seasonal influenza,
according to a regulation communicated
in due time internally. At the same time,
each of us was given the possibility to check
our stress level, by way of a questionnaire,
available on the Company’s intranet starting
from the last week of September.
During September 30th – October 4th, in all
the access points on the Plant, an informative campaign regarding the harmful effects
of smoking and the alcohol consumption
was rolled out. The action had a powerful visual character. Moreover, another
campaign was carried out for the prevention
of cardiovascular and nutrition diseases,
including a caravan with medical staff from
Medlife clinic, where the ArcelorMittal employees were able to have several specific
medical investigations done.
At the end of the week, we took part in an
hour`s walk in the city, the so-called Global
Race, to work out a little bit and also for sight
seeing downtown in Galati city. A health
cross, where participants of all ages were
expected, took place on Saturday, October
Emergency Situations: Trainings,
Raising Awareness
The training and development programme for a team within the Fire Extinction
and Intervention Company continues for rescuing from heights and extrication exercises.
140 drills were performed on Emergency
Situations within various departments in the
ArcelorMittal Galati Steel Plant.
Monthly training of 140 rescuers.
Annual recertification of 78 rescuers
MedLife, the New Health Services
Supplier for ArcelorMittal Galati
Starting July 1st 2013, the medical services
for the employees of ArcelorMittal Galati
will be provided by MedLife. MedLife is the
biggest Romanian supplier for medical
services, with 2,500 employees (1,700 with
medicine specialization).
“We express our confidence that the new
supplier will improve the quality of the
medical services for the employees”, said
Mihaela Craciun, Head of Human Resources
ArcelorMittal Galati.
18 | ArcelorMittal Galati
With a 0.81 % target established in terms of NCOs to the
Golden Rules, we have managed throughout 2013
to be better than that; we have reached 0.66% on average.
H&S NCOs ( nonconformities)
Percentage on Golden Rules
2012 vs. 2013 employees
SMART* trainings are especially
designed and organized for the
development of the skills in identifying the dangers and
raising awareness on the risks at
the workplace during the activities carried out on the
ArcelorMittal platform, for the
management and for the rest of
the workers, both our own and
the contractors.
* SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Approachable, Realistic and in Time)
Total number of employees – 6,980
Trained employees – 5,284
To be trained - 1,696
Human Resources
20 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Human Resources are developed at
ArcelorMittal Galati on the following
key- principles:
• Transparency
• Unconditional respect
• Fair and non discriminatory
• Communication and fair
information in due time
• Attention paid to social
problems and to the families of
our employees.
All these principles lead to the respect of
ArcelorMittal: quality, sustainability and
leadership, correlated with the commitment
shown for People and within the spirit of our
“In Galati, people represent
the most valuable resource of
the Company. By way of performance, education, attitude
and experience accumulated in
time, our people build sustainable business value. The key to
success lies in the value of our
people and all actions in this
regard are shaped so they can
be proud to support this business and be part of our TEAM.
We need to become more than
competitive, on the one hand
at the international level and on
the local markets that we provide for. We need to become an
“employer of choice”. This means
rebranding ourselves, namely to
change the company image in
Romania, so as to have
employees that want to work in
Galati”, Mihaela Craciun, Head of
Human Resources.
ArcelorMittal `s Values Wordwide
Quality – depends on People on
all aspects, customer orientation, care for
occupational safety and environment;
Sustainability - sustainable business
development for the generations to come
which supports the feeling of belonging to
the company, group and community;
Leadership - developing people who
can lead the business, people who have
resources, initiative, who can apply the
knowledge and experienced gained in
building and managing teams, people who
can achieve results.
Training sessions
In 2013 ArcelorMittal Galati
21, 061 participants at our
training programs
Training programs
Internal training programs
External training programs
Learning Week
200 people were involved in this event,
organized for the first time in our unit.
They participated at face-to-face
trainings, coaching sessions, workshops,
on-line simulations: the first time when
we did these actions – all events were
premiered;Celebrated at Corporate level,
Learning Week in Galati was also an
opportunity for all our employees to reflect
on learning, discover different ways of
learning and how these can influence
career development. On this ocassion,
Romania’s Training Center launched a new
way of studying: implementing an
e-learning module, translated in Romanian
and facilitated in the classroom.
Promoting this new way of learning came
as a necessity due to the fact that the rich
online resources provided by the
ArcelorMittal University are difficult to
explore in individual study.
193, 000 hours spent by our employees “in the classroom”
22 | ArcelorMittal Galati
National Recognition for ACT 2
Ideas of Progress
ACT2 programme was the winner of “The
most valuable training and professional
development project” at the “HR Excellence
Awards” gala, held in Bucharest.
The event brought together over 250 participants, human resource professionals,
business leaders, C.E.O.s and representatives of the leading 150 companies in
Romania. It was the fifth edition organized
by HR Club Romania, Human Resources
Professionals Association in our country,
with the mission to encourage the development of human resources by supporting
and promoting best practices.
Although it is the first year when we participate in over 70 projects submitted,
ArcelorMittal Galati was noted by the jury
(consisting of the heads of prestigious
companies) as the company with the most
nominations, with projects such as Internship 2012, ArcelorMittal Galati ACT2 and
Transformation through People.
“The award for ACT2 means a national
recognition for the ArcelorMittal Galati
team’s efforts to sustain, strengthen and
actively participate in the strategic transformation program ARC 2015+”, pointed out
Mihaela Craciun, Head of Human Resources
at ArcelorMittal Galati.
Since 2012, ArcelorMittal Galati engaged
its employees using different channels and
activities. One of the main ways of doing
it was the “Ideas of progress” initiative.
Employees who proposed and implemented
the best “Ideas of progress” were rewarded
with medals and prizes in money amounting to 310,000 euro, at the second annual
ceremony organized at ArcelorMittal Galati
Rewarded ideas
Number of ideas
Rewarded employees
Our unit started the collaboration
with ArcelorMittal Finance
In 2013, ArcelorMittal Galati organized the
first training sessions for our employees
in the field of Finance in collaboration with
ArcelorMittal University – Finance Academy.
For three days, 52 of our colleagues from
ArcelorMittal Galati, Iasi Roman,
Hunedoara and Skopje, benefited from
training in: Finance for Non-finance, the
Management and Accountancy of Cost and
Working Capital Management during a
session held at the ArcelorMittal Club.
The initiator and main host of the event was
Arun Annachhatre, Chief Financial Officer,
who highlighted the importance of finance
management in our unit during these
difficult times, joined by Shrinivas Tapadia,
trainer on behalf of the University, who has
a Master in Business Administration, as well
as a PhD inFinance. In order to increase
the applicability of the information shared
during the training session, managers of the
Finance Department - were also present at
the event.
Our goal is to continue the collaboration with
the ArcelorMittal University and to have in
the near future the opportunity to develop
new subjects of interest in order to increase
our level of understanding and our
performance in the field of finance.
Human Resources Thematic
One of the events included in the Internship
program rolled out by ArcelorMittal Galati
in 2013 gathered about 70 students from
various fields of specialization and their
professors at our club in the city, where they
enjoyed a day in the company of our
Human Resources specialists.
The thematic session, whose theme was
“Transforming your tomorrow”, aimed at
offering the students
several tips on how to build their future
career, gave the participants the opportunity
to learn more about
topics of high interest to them, such as: the
needs of current employers, preparing for
an interview, personal and professional
At the beginning of the event, Bruno Ribo,
C.E.O. of the plant, talked to the students
about the need for adaptability and
continuous improvement in an
ever-changing economic environment, while
sharing his own personal experience. His
final advice to the students was put into a
few simple, but powerful words: “Be yourself! Set a goal and then put all your efforts
into achieving that goal and last, but not
least, don’t compare yourself to others; instead, try to be the best version of yourself!”
Throughout the day, the students participated at various workshops and games,
having the chance to test a few of their soft
skills, such as ability to work in a team, spirit
of innovation and communication skills.
Our Human Resources team offered their
guidance and encouraged them to discuss
freely about their dreams and their expectations as future employees.
24 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Open Doors Day
Gender Diversity
1,300 participants (employees,
their families and local
Following the ArcelorMittal Group’s initiative
regarding the gender diversity within the
organization, the Human Resources Department started up a project addressed to all
women in our unit.
A first stage in this program was about
providing our women colleagues the opportunity to point out the major key-issues they
are confronting with in their careers and
also possible areas of improvement in their
activity. These issues were debated during
a workshop that gathered more than 60
of our colleagues from the entire platform.
This one day session was focused on finding solutions for the four major obstacles
encountered by women in their professional
life, identified with the help of a questionnaire carried among ArcelorMittal female
A second event gathered more than 130
women in the Steel Plant in a face to face
meeting with the C.E.O. as the year turned
to a close. The women had the opportunity
to find out the annual action plan of the
company on the support they are given by
the senior management in order to achieve
a balance between their professional and
the private lives and promote as much as
possible the presence of women in our unit.
2013 was for the first time in the history of
the Steel Plant when the members of our
families had the opportunity to visit our
working places. The event provided us with
the possibility to present to our relatives
the steel making process, its industrial and
household applications, the equipment we
are operating with, the product range, our
efforts in protecting the environment and
also our commitment in terms of Health
and Safety. Never has the atmosphere
been livelier in front of the Tower building in
our Steel Plant! Nor the production facilities - unknown for our families so far - have
received more curious guests! Our children
had the opportunity to visit some production
sectors, ranging from the Sinter Plant, the
Blast Furnace, and the Steel Melting Shop
and up to the rolling mills. Although it was
a first time experience in Galati, this event is
actually natural for the ArcelorMittal culture,
many Western Units having this practice,
which we are willing to adopt, as any other
good practice. More than 1,300 employees,
their families and a number of local authorities spent the day of June 8th, taking part in
the first edition of The Open Doors Day. All
of them received gifts at the checkout point.
A large team of staff and volunteers
contributed to the success of this first event
about to become a tradition in the Plant.
In June,
Celebrating Tomorrow
The early June is the equivalent of ripe
cherries and lots of surprises for the children
of Galati, Romania. On the first day of
summer, more than 4,500 children, whose
parents work for ArcelorMittal Galati, were
offered gifts on the part of our Company,
consisting of large packs of books, carefully
selected for everyone’s age.
During the same week, dozens of other tots
and teenagers were invited at ArcelorMittal
club in town. Our Company honored both
the artistic talent of our children and the
excellence in various subjects of study of the
best students of Galati County.
More than 70 tiny artists, from among our
colleagues’ kids, competed in the art of
drawing in a competition organized for four
age groups, each of them rendering their
original vision on their own family. All participants were rewarded, but four of them,
namely Vlad Toma, Ionut Slabu, Valentin
Cocâi and Cosmin Dumitrescu, ranked first,
and two others, Ana-Maria Iliescu and Alin
Danila, distinguished themselves for the
special prize.
Various competitions organized on the
occasion of Children’s Day themes have
become a tradition in the recent years when
the organizers from the Human Resources
Department have tried to attract more and
more contestants and come with ever
unexpected surprises for our little ones.
E-card Contest for
our Children
In order to emphasize our corporate citizenship and promote cultural diversity and trust
among our communities, the Company
launched a traditional drawing contest for
the employees’ children and also for the
children who belong to a project fostered by
the ArcelorMittal Foundation.
The participants were 6 – 14 years old, the
theme in 2013 being “Giving Makes the
World a Better Place”. There were winners in
30 countries where ArcelorMittal is present,
were available on the intranet and submitted to an on-line voting by all ArcelorMittal
employees all over the world, starting on
November 19th. The first 3 drawings to
gather most of our votes were rewarded
1000, 750 and respectively 500 dollars and
were available on internet/intranet, to be
used as greeting cards for the New Year’s.
The three E-Cards global winners were
printed and used as ArcelorMittal Corporate
New Year Cards by the Senior Management.
26 | ArcelorMittal Galati
steel more sustainable
Our Product Mix
Heavy Plates
- Thermo mechanically rolled, grades: from
S355MC, M, ML (S 420, S460, S500) to S500
MC, M, ML;
- X46 and X60, annealed, i.e. an old rolling
method, required currently again by our
- for pipes: GOST, a Russian standard quality
grade: K42, K50, K52 and K55;
- shipbuilding steel grades tested with Z35
feature, i.e. traction tests on the plate thickness.
- Thermo mechanically rolled sheets: S315,
S355 MC, S420 MC for special purpose and
industrial pipes
- S235JOV steel with high corrosion resistance (bridges, industrial profiles, etc.)
- DC03 EK, a non-standard grade for enameling.
our products are
Relationships with customers are reinforced
through different engagement activities,
including shop floor visits. In 2013, we
welcomed customers from:
Cimtas Turkey
Borçelik Turkey
Koyo Romania
Astra, the wagons producer
Siemens Wind Power
Petrochemical Worldwide Company
Corinth Pipeworks
Maschio Gaspardo
Titan Heavy Machinery Company
Shipbuilding Classification Companies
Our customer appreciated our teams’ efforts
and skills with view to achieving high performance in quality.
All our guests noted the visible improvement
in our maintenance and the efforts made in
reducing quality defects. Together with our
guests, we agreed that such meetings are
useful and must become a habitual practice.
28 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Industries We Deliver to
Nowadays, when the heavy plate market is
volatile and the forecast of the medium and
long term evolution of sales is difficult, when
the largest part of our customers are placing
orders for tailored products, our specialists
find innovative solutions so as to increase
the volume of sales and the customers
We deliver heavy plates for the
renewable energy industry, namely towers
for the wind mills and also beveled plates.
Among our customers in this area there
are: Reuther Germany, Gestamp Spain,
Siemens Germany, Cimtas Turkey. The heavy
plates produced in Galati Plant goes also
to civil and industrial construction field, for
instance: railway and road bridges. Our
Turkish customers are working currently for
an important project in cooperation with
the Turkish Government, namely the Izmit
Bay bridge, in the Eastern edge of Marmara
Sea. Boilers and pressure vessels are other
destinations for our heavy plates.
We have achieved TUV certification on
grades: P275, P355N, NH, GH,NL, NL2 and,
for the Americam market, AAR certification (Association of American Railroads) for
TC128 Grade B .
Aggregates Producer
Better productivity, lower costs, guaranteed
quality and environmental protection. These
are as many reasons why Blast Furnace
slag has become an essential construction
material. In the context of sustainable
development and waste recovery under
controlled environmental conditions, the
use of blast furnace slag is now extremely
ArcelorMittal Galati has a clear procedure for the production control of the blast
furnace slag aggregate and a quality plan
to meet the needs of its customers and to
comply with the standards.
With our own testing laboratory, certified by
RENAR, all the characteristics of the
aggregates are tested in accordance with
the current standards. The concrete storage
areas ensure the conditions so that the
slag does not lose its qualities and it is not
The characteristics of the blast furnace slag
aggregates lead to their successful use in
construction materials, the main consumer
of large quantities being the road sector.
Using these aggregates leads to a reduction
of the environmental impact by way of: decreasing the need of gritty classic materials,
extracted from the lithosphere, which brings
about limiting the environmental degradation, a decreased volume of the slag dump,
which in turn leads to a reduction of the
impact on the natural balance and on the
Our production
capacity: 3,000 tons
of slag per day,
in Romania.
30 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Seminar on Maintenance
Important Breakthrough on Metal Yield
Identified as a crucial aspect in our
activity, maintenance is now part of our top
priorities. This is why our unit organized a
Maintenance Seminar. This event’s
purpose was to raise awareness among our
colleagues with view to impact of maintenance on the profitability and
sustainability of our operations. During
this one day seminar, participants had the
opportunity to share their experience in
the maintenance field, to tackle problems
identified on the shop floors and discuss the
recent improvements in their areas.
A record achievement has been reached
by an extensive transversal team in terms
of cost efficiency and quality. As a consequence, the metal yield obtained currently at
the Heavy Plate Mill is the best ever.
The Metal Yield Improvement Project has
been a constant preoccupation of the
H.P.M. team since the commissioning of this
production capacity in 1979.The start up of
the project has been determined also by the
economic downturn occurred at the end of
2008, when the share of the added value
products decreased dramatically, requiring
that “savings” oriented solutions should be
Along with the Heavy Plates Mill team, the
Programming, I.T., Quality, Spare Parts Departments and the Steel Melting Shop contributed to the success of this huge project.
The improvement
trend started at
85.7% in May 2012
and reached
87.43% in
February 2013.
Contractor’s day – getting closer
to our partners
Meeting with our Maintenance
2013 was the first year when Central
Maintenance and Purchasing Departments
organized a meeting with the contractors
providing maintenance works. Our partners
were encouraged to talk about the difficulties they face in the Plant, ideas of improving
their work and the quality of their collaboration with the unit.
The Head of the Central Maintenance
Department spoke to our contractors about:
• the need for a strong commitment
concerning both our employees and our
Fady Azzi – Head of Central Maintenance
Already reaching its third edition, the annual
event that reunites representatives of the
companies rolling our activities on the Steel
Plant, was largely attended at our club in
ArcelorMittal Galati CEO presented the
current economic status of our unit and
asked the contractors to join our efforts to
regain profitability: “Our goal is to continue
making steel at Galati, in an integrated,
agile, flexible, bench-mark company. You
are part of our transformation”.
The downtime and the inefficiency in exploitation of resources were the most debated
issues in the relationship with contractors,
which is why they have been challenged to
raise responsibility among their employees
on the correct use of the equipment, to extend the tool time, associated with a concern
for continuous improvement of performance
and the reduction of the total cost of ownership.
Health and Safety, the respect for the
environment, the constant performance
as well as the quality of the performed
works were the criteria for assessing the
performance of our contractors, the most
outstanding of these being awarded by our
Head of Purchasing.
• the problems that can occur from using
the wrong tools and presented a series of
standard and performing tools,
making the maintenance activities safer
and of better quality,
our future plans in what regards the development of best practices in maintenance,
• productivity, the management presented
figures regarding the Tool Time.
One of the main actions to be taken in this
direction is using the “cause-effect” diagram
designed to identify the root cause for any
poor execution.
Anca Toader – Head of Purchasing
32 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Electric Club
A new transversal project, started in 2013,
refers to the establishment of specialized
clubs in the maintenance field within
ArcelorMittal Galati. The purpose of these
clubs has to do with the crystallization of
cores of specialists at the unit level, with a
potential in the analysis of major events, in
identifying solutions to transversal issues, to
provide support in analyzing the causes of
major defects occurred inside the
departments and to train the execution staff,
as an entry point for new methods and
methodologies.The initial objective of this
club consists in transversal work
development, defining and sharing best
practices among various departments and
filling the lack of specialists from certain sectors.The group has already identified 40
improvement ideas, prioritizing them and
the club members work on a weekly basis in
dedicated teams and monthly as a whole.
The ultimate goal of the club is implementing the maintenance good practices and
developing the staff skills with view to
improving the equipment reliability and
reducing the maintenance costs.
Reliability Club
The “Reliability Engineers Network” came to
life at the beginning of March 2013. The
purpose of setting up this network is to
develop the staff occupying the position of
Reliability Engineers in the departments, as
well as to implement the concept of
reliability in ArcelorMittal Galati.
The objectives of this group have been
defined taking into account the
necessities for development and support
of the maintenance activities in all departments, such as: implementing good practices, developing the skills of the specialists
with view to improving the equipments reliability, carrying out “Standard State” projects,
promoting root-cause analysis methodology
and specific training in the departments.
ACT3 ( Act Constantly for Transformation)
In accordance with the current context
and the business priorities of ArcelorMittal
Galati, the Human Resources Department
and Quality Mindset Change Department
together with the Management Committee
members developed the concept of training
for ACT3 program.
As all the other waves of ACT program,
ACT3 is complementary to the transformation program ARC2015+, focusing on quality
tools, statistics and prevention. It combines
the theoretical concepts regarding the
analysis tools with practical applications
and examples from the Plant, leading to a
deeper understanding of applicability and
tools utility.
340 employees
trained during
7,500 hours, with
60 projects
Emil Rau – Chief Operations Officer Rolling Mills
ArcelorMittal Galati
“You are part of a transformation process,
perhaps the most ambitious one in
Romania. We live in a competitive world
where we cannot manage without appropriate tools and methodology. The projects
are really significant and I could see a mass
phenomenon in the Rolling Mills. You have
enough challenges ahead and all you need
to do is to apply what you have learned”,
Emil Rau, COO of the Rolling Mills area, said
to the employees attending the follow-up
34 | ArcelorMittal Galati
CO2 Emissions per Ton of Steel Produced
Since 2007, when Romania joined the European Union, ArcelorMittal Galati has been
participating as operator in the European
Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS).
This scheme is a tool aiming to promote the
reduction of greenhouse gases emissions
at the European Union level, being based
on “cap and trade” principle used under the
frame of the EU policy on climate change,
not being a mechanism provided by the
Kyoto Protocol. A cap is set on the total
amount of greenhouse gases that can be
emitted by all operators.
Evolution of CO2 emissions factor in 2008 - 2013
Vespasian Popescu – Head of Environmental Protection
2012 – 2,178 tonnes
CO2 per ton of liquid steel
2013 – 1,997 tonnes
CO2 per ton of liquid steel
The above diagram presents the evolution
of ArcelorMittal Galati CO2 emission factor
reported to the liquid steel production during
2008-2013. The decreasing trend of the CO2
emission factor is revealed during 2010-2013
Implementation of Blast Furnace 5
modernization starting from 2012 and
“Energy Saving” projects allowed the
obtaining of ambitious carbon footprint
reduction goals. In 2013, the emission factor
fell below the baseline of 2 tCO2/t OL,
reaching an annual 2013 average of 1,997 t
CO2/t OL. These results are due to
ArcelorMittal Galati reduction of its consumption intensity of materials with high
carbon content, such as coke and coal.
This project moved ArcelorMittal Galati
forward to reach ambitious goals into
reducing its carbon footprint by 15%.
In 2013, due to improvements of BF 5,
the CO2 emissions saving was 244
kilograms per ton of liquid steel, meaning
465,000 tons of CO2 in 2013.
This is equivalent with replacing almost
180,000 cars using fossil fuels - and observing the E.U. norms - with electrical cars.
This equals the fleet of the cars from Galati
County and the nearby counties! Moreover,
the achievements were reached under market constrains, having, last year, a production of 1.6 million tons of hot metal.
The project improved the overall CO2 emissions due to reduction of consumptions
rates of the high carbon content materials:
coals, imported coke, and natural gas. The
CO2 emission factor of the site decreased
below 2 tons of CO2 per ton of liquid steel
(1.997 in 2013 and 2.178 in 2012).
36 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Dust Emissions
According to Romanian and European legislation, the limit allowed for the daily average
for PM10 emissions is 50 μ/Nm3 and the
allowed limit for annual average is 40 μ/
Nm3. Analyzing the above results, it is found
that for 2013, the monthly averages of PM10
were kept under daily limit, but the annual
average is still above the ELV, although there
has been a systematic decrease from year
to year. The level of PM10 particles in
ArcelorMittal is influenced mainly by the
industrial activity, being favored by
meteorological conditions (wind direction
and speed, air humidity). Also, other factor
which influences the level of emissions is
auto transport.
* The PM-10 standard includes particles
with a diameter of 10 micro or less that are
likely responsible for adverse health effects
¤ 8,651,598
Euro were spent in 2013 on environmental protection projects.
because of their ability to reach the lower
regions of the respiratory tract.
Water Consumption
Water consumption
of ArcelorMittal
Galati was reduced
two times in 2013,
as compared to
In 2013, we continued the project started in
2010 to reduce the water consumption (m3
of water in take).
The steps that have been covered in order to
reach our target consisted of:
Identifying the sources of water losses;
Reducing the water losses in the system;
Identifying the monitoring points;
Improving the technical condition of
equipment and installations;
Optimizing the water consumption;
The quality of waste water was improved as
a result of “Malina North” project implementation, by which the concentration
of suspended solids introduced into the
calculation is significantly lower than prior to
this project.
Malina Pond project, approved by the National Company of Romanian Waters, comprising 4 stages, was started in 2011 and is
due to be completed by the end of 2014.
The scope of the project was operating in
safe conditions Malina Pond: improvement
of the dikes, protecting the pond against
the flooding, compliance with the water law
and improvement of waste water quality
discharged into Siret River.
The stage rolled out in 2013 is aimed at improving the quality of the discharged waters
in terms of solid suspensions reduction to 60
mg/litre and other indicators such as: COD
(chemichal oxygen demand) and pH. The
technological pond Malina gathers 80% of
the waste waters in the Plant, namely the
collecting channels coming from the Steel
Melting Shop and Rolling Mills.
38 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Slag dump
Non-hazardous temporary waste
storage “Valea Lupului”.
The deposit has been established in 1968
and over the years has developed and
reached an area of approx. 111 ha and a
quantity of stored waste (blast furnace slag,
ironworks slag, refractory materials, various
technological waste, etc.) of about 60 million tonnes. Since 2009, the storage activity
on the slag dump has been stopped.After
suspension of storage activity, our company
began operating the landfill by capitalizing
the slag dump waste as per a project prepared by a specialized company. ArcelorMittal Galati has also been developing ways
to create value for slag by investigating
opportunities to use slag in road construction. This contributes to the efforts of limiting
the company’s CO2 footprint and improving
the waste recovery. Exploitation of the slag
dump has double benefit: for ArcelorMittal
Galati - scrap recovery, and for community large volume of material for infrastructure.
The closure of the industrial non-hazardous
waste storage - slag dump in July 2009, imposed arranging a temporary storage area
for non-hazardous waste in accordance
with legal requirements. This new approach
to waste management in ArcelorMittal
Galati, managed by an external company,
led to recovery through recycling of a total
quantity of ≈ 929 000 tones of non-hazardous waste.In the temporary storage of
non-hazardous waste named „Valea Lupului”, activities such as: collecting, selecting,
processing,recovering, recycling, temporary storage and selling of non-hazardous
waste generated in ArcelorMittal Galati are
performed. “Valea Lupului” is the first good
practice of recycling implemented in Galati.
External recovery of ArcelorMittal Galati waste in 2013 was
increased by 37.6% compared to 2012
The AGORA project is aimed at increasing
the recycling of certain categories of waste
/ by-products with high iron content in order
to reintroduce them into the technological
process, replacing some of the raw materials used in sintering.
Total waste received
Total waste recycled
/ recovered
Waste in stock for recycling
/ recovery
Waste for elimination
Overall ArcelorMittal Galati
savings – 281,822.410 tonnes
– 268,818.085 tonnes
– 13,004.325 tonnes
– 0 tonnes
0,4 M Euro
Launched in October 2012 in Galati, Energize
project had significant progress. .
The objective of the project - which will be
rolled out in all Flat Carbon Europe units - is
to identify the potential for energy optimization and get substantial savings over the
next four years. In ArcelorMittal Galati, the
present methodology was implemented at
the Finishing Line and Heavy Plate Mill 2,
while another transversal team approached
the drinking water consumption and overheated water issues and in Steel Plant and
Hot Strip Mill the performance management
with energy indicators was tackled.
Some of the energy efficiency identified
ideas have already been implemented, such
as steam distribution network reconfiguration at Finishing, reducing false air at Sinter
Machine no. 5. Other ideas are in progress
and will be implemented in 2014-2016, all
helping to achieve the target of 15% reduction in energy costs.
An awareness campaign was also
launched. Its purpose is to make known the
impact of all forms of energy, not only on
consumption but also on the environment.
Stakeholders Meeting
In 2013, such meetings were held in July and
December on the following topics:
• Sustainability in environmental performance - water management, demolition
In order to promote proactive and transparent engagement on topics that are important to our stakeholders, ArcelorMittal Galati
holds twice a year, stakeholder engagement
meetings, inviting a wide range of internal
and external stakeholders. The way the
company manages environmental matters
was among the priority issues raised by
• Representative environmental projects,
ArcelorMittal Galati and community.
„Let’s do it, Romania!” - Cleaning the Country in One Day!
Following the example of other European
countries, we showed that we care about
the environment we live in and - since 2010
– we have made people accountable and
did something to change the face of our
surroundings. The Environmental Protection Department continued to be in 2013 the
promoter of this action within the big team of
ArcelorMittal Galati.
Volunteers from our company, along with
their families, took part in “Let’s Do It,
Romania!” project and collected garbage
and wastes from around the town. Our
company supported the initiative with various materials and along with the initiator of
this project in Galati County, the NGO “S.O.S.
Pro-Nature” offered transportation for all
Galati volunteers and “Let’s Do It, Romania!”
“ArcelorMittal Galati Green Line”
was also initiated to provide employees and
contractors with a dedicated line for
reporting environmental emergencies.
0733 180 988
72 10 48
40 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Enriching our
Bridge Towards Our Community
Besides the social and economic impacts
of our business, we aim to make a positive
contribution to the social development of our
We believe that education is the key tool for
individual and community development: a
good education equips people to carve out
a better life for themselves and to contribute
to collective social change.
Access to healthcare is a fundamental
entitlement of every individual. One of our
priorities is to safeguard the health of the
community where we work.
Apart from our contribution to the communities we are part of, ArcelorMittal and its flagship unit in Romania, ArcelorMittal Galati,
remains an economic pillar for the national
industry and economy.
With 4 production units: Galati (flat),
Hunedoara (long), Iasi and Roman (tubes
and pipes), and its functional services units,
ArcelorMittal employs 15,000 people,
including contractors.
The total indirect related jobs linked with our
operations are 60,000.
¤ 47,189.300
were paid to the state budget,
social insurances and the local
budget in 2013
We are also contributing to Romania’s
export shipping abroad more than 70% of
our output. Our Romanian Units remains
one of the biggest contributors for the both
local and national public budgets, fuelling
important projects for the communities and
for Romania.
ArcelorMittal Galati remains one of the
biggest industrial producers in Romania: the
10th company by turn-over, an active member of CONPIROM and ABIEC associations.
This is an important element as, in Romania,
the intensive energy industries contribute
32.5% of the GDP.
All the Romanian Units of ArcelorMittal have
faced since 2008 a severe and unprecedent
drop in production. In response to this, the
company applied the Transformation
Programme, implementing measures to
adapt the processes and industrial footprint
for the current economic paradigm, much
different from the one before the crisis.
All the steps taken (including hard decisions,
with social impact) envisaged a single goal:
to keep Romania on the map of the steel
producing countries.
42 | ArcelorMittal Galati
ArcelorMittal Galati donates
medical equipment to Galati
Emergency County Hospital
ArcelorMittal Galati supports
SMURD Galati with complete
working equipment
ArcelorMittal Galati continues to support
the “St. Andrew” Galati Emergency County
Hospital by donating state-of-the-art medical equipment for three medical wards –
anesthetics and intensive care, burns and
neurosurgery, following specific requests
from the hospital.
As part of the donation, the hospital received
four vital signs monitors, for the anesthetics
and intensive care ward. The burns ward received a skin graft mesh for skin transplants,
a Braun motor with chargeable cells for specialized surgical interventions and air conditioning for half of the unit, while the other
half will receive air conditioning equipments
next year. The neurosurgery ward received
special medical gear for surgery and 10
medical wheelchairs. For some equipment,
specialized training sessions for staff will
be organized.“The equipment donated by
ArcelorMittal Galati is closing critical gaps
in the smooth running of the hospital”, said
Dr. Mihaela Debita, manager of St. Andrew
Galati Emergency County Hospital.
“We want to salute the decision of the company to buy this equipment and to donate
it to us and we hope this good cooperation
will continue in 2014.”
In 2014, as part of our long-term commitment to the local community, we will continue and develop this type of partnership
as part of our social responsibility program,
focused on health and education.
ArcelorMittal Galati supports the Mobile
Emergency Service & Reanimation (SMURD)
Galati with all necessary best quality working wear equipment that is necessary in
their day-to-day activity for its 40 paramedics, medical assistants, ambulance workers
and drivers.
“We have a deep appreciation for the professionalism, hard work and determination
of all the people working for SMURD Galati.
Our action represents only a small token
of our gratitude”, says Bruno Ribo, C.E.O.
ArcelorMittal Galati.
Dr. Angel Trifan, the Head of SMURD Galati
said: “We welcome ArcelorMittal Galati
initiative and we hope we will have a longterm partnership with the Company, in the
best interest of our community”.
ArcelorMittal Galati Internship Programme
Launched in 2012, the Internship program is
designed for last year students and recently
graduated specialists and was developed
on four major directions: thematic sessions,
short practical stages, tours of the plant and
a Summer School. Internship represents a
bridge between the university and the future
career of the students, and not only helps
the students in their career, but also in planning their studies. This is why our Company
decided to implement the Internship
Programme. The experience they gain
during this internship stage indicates how
they should structure their future studies,
particularly when it comes to deciding what
aspects they should focus on. It will introduce them to potential future work environments and they will be able to decide
whether these meet their career wishes and
interests. They can also acquire important
supplementary skills during the internship
and make contact with potential future
The most complex part of the Internship
Program is the Summer School, which
gathered last year 28 students. They spent
two months in the Plant working side by
side with their mentors and were involved in
various projects meant to add value to our
daily activity. During their experience in our
company, the interns also had the chance
to interact with our managers and specialists. Besides getting familiar with the fields
of activity, with the specific rules and the
company policies, facilitated by their mentors, the 28 students had the opportunity
to participate in training on various topics,
such as time management, communication
skills, presentation techniques or recruitment, which they found useful for their future
career. At the end of the Summer School the
interns presented the projects they worked
on, summing up the results of their cooperation with our specialists from different
areas of the Plant and in the end they all
were awarded during the closing ceremony,
attended by members of the Management
Committee and teachers. They were the
second batch to graduate ArcelorMittal
Galati Summer School.
44 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Junior Achievement and
ArcelorMittal Foundation help
high school pupils identifying
feasible solutions for the community in Galati
The European educational programme
“Social Enterprise”, focused on developing
entrepreneurial abilities and carried out by
Junior Achievement Romania, in partnership
with ArcelorMittal Foundation, was launched
on October 18th, at the National College
Vasile Alecsandri in Galati. The event
brought together more than 150 students,
their teachers, officials of ArcelorMittal, the
County School Inspectorate, the high school
management board and representatives
of Junior Achievement Romania to discuss
about what social entrepreneurship means.
The meeting ended up in a workshop during
which teams of students submitted social
business related ideas that can solve the
community problems of Galati County and
the best 10 ideas were awarded.
Enhancing the quality of
Supporting students in the field of
Also, in 2013, two kindergartens where
many of ArcelorMittal Galati employees children go to, received at the end of 2013, donations consisting of computers, projectors,
printers and educational software, meant to
add value to the quality of teaching. Children
from “Cristal” and “Puss in Boots” kindergartens welcomed the visit of our representatives. The donations for the two kindergartens were circumscribed to the program
on Gender Diversity as a sign of support for
mothers with preschool-aged children. The
program was designed as a multiannual
action, this initiative being a pilot.
ArcelorMittal Galati supported the participation of three high-school students
in the World Robot Olympiad, in Jakarta,
Indonesia, in November 2013. The robot
they designed underwent gradual changes
and improvements by the addition of new
features and optimization of the driving time,
the whole concept being revamped every
time, the tie-break in the competition being
achieved by the speed.
The World Robot Olympiad brings together
young people from all over the world to
develop their creativity, design & problem
solving skills through challenging & educational robot competitions and activities.
Rewarding excellence
More than 60 students from across the
county, with remarkable results in national
competitions in all disciplines, received a
recognition for their performance. It is for
the seventh year that our company has
rewarded the Olympic winners in national
and international contests to stimulate excellence. “We always make a promise: that of
transforming tomorrow. Our presence here,
recognizing your worth is a guarantee that
we like to invest in our future: that means
you!”, addressed Mihaela Craciun, our Head
of Human Resources, the students attending
the awards, accompanied by their teachers
and parents.
¤ 78,103 were
invested in Foundation projects in 2013
Corporate Volunteering
Emergency aid for flood affected
Due to heavy rain many parts of South Eastern Romania area were flooded in early
September. The villages around our plant
received some of the worst hit. 39,000 tones
of slag from our steel plant were donated to
18 near-by villages to restore the roads and
bridges after the severe flooding caused
more than ¤1.6m damages to the
More than 1,735 households were affected
by the flooding and 6,901 people were
Volunteering Day in figures
Number of beneficiaries:
Number of participants:
Number of volunteer hours
during working time:
A Busy Year for ArcelorMittal Galati Volunteers
2013 has been a year full of humanitarian actions, organised by ArcelorMittal
Galati group of volunteers for their fellows
in need. Starting from initiatives of supporting poor families, baptizing orphans and
up to collective approaches with numerous
target-groups, solidarity was the ”drive” that
animated the volunteers core working in the
Steel Plant.
The year 2013 ended just as dynamically for
the group of volunteers. They gathered more
than 100 institutionalized children, disabled
people and orphans in two events held
by ArcelorMittal club in town around the
holidays to provide them, with the help of
our colleagues and the management unit,
moments full of emotion, but also fulfilling
wishes expressed in letters to Santa Claus.
46 | ArcelorMittal Galati
State authorities
and local government engagement
Mr. Lakshmi Mittal meets Mr.
Traian Basescu, President of
Romania and Mr. Victor Ponta,
Prime – Minister of Romania
Mr. Lakshmi Mittal, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal and
ArcelorMittal Romanian management team
met, in Bucharest, Mr. Victor Ponta, the
Prime Minister of Romania and Mr. Traian
Basescu, the President of Romania. The
Romanian authorities were informed about
the steel industry’s current situation and the
challenges it faces, as well as the efforts
being made by ArcelorMittal in Europe and
in Romania particularly, to ensure the steel
industry has a sustainable future.
ArcelorMittal expressed its hope that Romania will remain attractive for foreign investments and that the Romanian government
will take the appropriate measures, such as
ensuring competitive energy costs for the
sustainability of Romania’s steel industry.
Prime Minister Victor Ponta expressed the
support of the Romanian Government for an
efficient and long term activity of
ArcelorMittal in Romania, as well as the
interest of Romania to consolidate its
competitive attributes regarding the foreign
investments, particularly in the steel industry,
states the Press Release of the Government.
A similar position of support was received
from the Presidency of Romania.
Governmental representatives
Visit the Steel Plant
We engage regularly with public authorities.
Last year, Mr. Constantin Nita, Delegated
Minister for Energy and Mr. Dan Nica,
Minister of the Informational Society, visited
ArcelorMittal Galati Plant and met our Chief
Executive Officer and Country Manager.
The management of ArcelorMittal Galati
informed that, as a large consumer of
energy, the Company is concerned by
the landed price of energy as its real final
invoice includes, on top of the price, all
additional costs for: transportation and distribution regulated tariffs, green certificates,
cogeneration incentives, balancing costs
and excises.
48 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Group Policies
Our governance framework underpins how
our company is led, managed and struc­
tured, from the composition of our board
of directors, to the way we expect each
employee to behave.
We believe in open and visible governance,
underpinned by a commitment to operating
ethically and transparently. We have robust
processes in place to ensure we identify
and manage our risks, and understand the
true impacts of both our operations and our
supply chain. We also invest considerable
time and resources in engaging with our
Our commitments are to have group poli­
cies and a code of business conduct that
all employees understand and live by and
to continuously improve and enhance our
compliance program.
5,385 employees
were trained during
the year in the code
of business
conduct, anticorruption guidelines
and compliance
with human rights
Grievance mechanism
Grievance/complaint procedure
The purpose of a grievance mechanism is to
demonstrate responsiveness to stake­holder
Direct channels of grievance are now designed for stakeholders such as: employees
(for law and internal regulations violations),
environment NGOs and public (for environmental topics), unions and employees
representatives (for human resources and
safety topics) and for mass media.
All stakeholders are encouraged to sub­mit
written grievances and are reassured that
written submissions will not be used in
any way to intimidate those submitting the
A complaint/grievance should include the
following: Surname, name, patronymic
name of the complainant; Place of resi­
dence; Concern of the complaint or griev­
ance, proposal of solutions if any.
Complaints in written form should be signed
by the complainant (complainants) with
statement of the date.
Complaints executed with faults will be
sent back to the complainant with relevant
explanations within maximum 10 days from
the date of receipt.
ArcelorMittal Whistleblower
The claims to the Whistleblower line are
analyzed and solved by the Internal Audit,
a team of 12 internal auditors. This structure performs audit engagements on all
business processes (Procurement, Operations, Human Resources, Financial, Payroll,
Environment, Sales, Projects etc.).
7 complaints were received via Whistleblower during 2013. One of the cases were
conclusive and founded and the irregularities were corrected. For the rest, opportunities for improvement were identified.
In compliance with the country law and
ArcelorMittal Data protection Policy, the
private data derived from the complaints
shall not be disclosed without his/her
consent as well as information on state
secrets or other protected by law and other
information derived from the complaints will
not be disclosed if it infringes the rights and
legitimates interests of the complaints.
E-mail hotline
Web link
Landline from inside the company 3248
Landline from outside the company
¤ 82.4 Million
Investment in
Revamping Blast
Furnace no. 5
The project revamping of Blast Furnace no.5
was developed by an international Group
team with specialists from Galati, Gent,
Asturias, Fos-sur-Mer and other units. The
objective of the investment was to contribute
to the site variable costs reduction and to
improve the environmental performance.
The new Galati BF5 has now a 15 years life
50 | ArcelorMittal Galati
Editorial Team
Bruno Ribo – Country Head
Ionel Bors - Country Manager
Dorian Dumitrescu – Country Communicator
Oana Lupu – Corporate Responsibility Coordinator
Oana Vasile -Corporate Responsibility Coordinator
Raluca Lefter – Public Relations Specialist
Theodora Maria Gatin – Public Relations Specialist
Laurentiu Iordache – Photo and Layout