Key Stage 1 Multi Skills Festival
Key Stage 1 Multi Skills Festival
KS1 Multiskill Competition The new National Curriculum for PE places a renewed emphasis on competitive sport. The KS1 Multiskill Festival has been designed to align with the new national curriculum, and places a focus on personal best during competition. The KS1 Multiskill Festival has been based on a model designed by Create Development and adopts some of the REAL PE principles. The competition spectrum promotes healthy competition through a progressive delivery and participation approach. We believe that if we develop a competition culture focusing on personal best rather than competing against others, pupils will achieve success at an earlier age. Using their early social and emotional experiences of success as a foundation, we will be better placed to progressively develop their ability to engage in a variety of competition scenarios and learn to socially and emotionally cope with success and failure. Competition Format & Delivery Year Groups: Year 1 and Year 2 Team Size: 10 pupils per team—teams can be made up of a combination of Year 1 and Year 2 pupils Gender Ratio: 5 Boys & 5 Girls Competition Stations 5) The Never Ending Relay Race 1) River Crossing 6) Monkey Munch 2) Grand Prix Qualifying 7) Clowning Around 3) On the Mat 8) Popping Pirates 4) Super Hero Challenge Rest Stations can be added into your rotation of Competition Stations if they are required. At these stations you could give the pupils literacy or numeracy challenges linked to PE and sport to generate a crosscurricular approach to the Festival. Competition Delivery Level 1 Competition (Intra School Competition): Schools deliver the KS1 Multiskill Competition on their own school site in their own time. It is possible to deliver the Multiskill Festival over a series of PE lessons or as a one off competition. Activities are suited in an indoor or outdoor environment. Level 2 Competition (Inter School Competition): This element of the competition is virtual. Schools will submit their results to their School Sport Manager who will identify the two highest placed teams. These two teams will go on to represent their School Sports Partnership at the Level 3 Sainsbury’s School Games event. Level 3 Competition (County Finals): 10 teams from the 5 School Sports Partnerships will compete as per the Level 1 and Level 2 competition at the county event, again the results will reflect personal best and personal progression. Scoring Each Team will do each activity twice All rotations should be centrally timed; 2 Minutes—Demonstration and activity explanation (you may not have to include this if pupils have practiced activities prior to competition) 2 Minutes—Competition 1 Minute—Record results on the KS1 Multiskill Competition Scorecard Submitting your Results 1) 2) Complete the KS1 Multiskill Competition Scorecard; publish and promote the results of the Competition within your own school (Level 1 Competition). Send completed KS1 Multiskill Competition Scorecard to your School Sport Manager by their specified deadline (Level 2 Competition). Equipment River Crossing 4 Cones (or Flexi cones) 5 Hoops 10 Thrown Down Spots Grand Prix Qualifying Flexi cones Quoits/Flexi cones 5 size 3 Balls On the Mat Lines (these can be floor lines) 2 Dice 4 Gym Mats Quoits Beanbags Super Hero Challenge 40 Flexi cones The Never Ending Relay Race 4 Gym Mats Monkey Munch 4 Hoops Size 3 balls Quoits Beanbag Clowning Around 10 Throw Down Spots 2 size 3 Balls Popping Pirates 4 Cones (or Flexi-cones) 20 Beanbags 20 Quoits 20 Skipping Ropes 4 Hoops Generic 8 Clipboards 8 Pencils 1 Stopwatch Young Leaders Young Leaders or your School Sport Organising Crew can play an important role in the delivery of this competition. The nature of the competition lends itself well to Young Leaders who have undertaken some structured or formal leadership training, and who are ready for a challenge! The activity cards and descriptions make it easy for the activity to be demonstrated, whilst scoring the competition is quick and simple. Ideally there would be 2 Young Leaders per activity station. The competition can easily be delivered on a school site either in its entirety or over a series of days or weeks. Further support There is a video of all the activity stations available for you to view on Northants KS1 School Games . Search; Coaching KS1 Multiskill Competition Scorecard School Name Team Name Team Members Boy 1 Girl 1 Boy 2 Girl 2 Boy 3 Girl 3 Boy 4 Girl 4 Boy 5 Girl 5 River Crossing Rotation 1 Grand Prix Qualifying Rotation 2 Rotation 1 Pair 1 Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 5 On the Mat Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Tunnels Rotation 2 Rotation 1 Team 1 (5 pupils) Pair 1 Team 2 (5 pupils) Pair 2 Rotation 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Never Ending Relay Race Rotation 1 Monkey Munch Rotation 2 Rotation 1 Pair 1 Team 1 (5 pupils) Pair 2 Team 2 (5 pupils) Rotation 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Clowning Around Rotation 1 Popping Pirates Rotation 2 Rotation 1 Team 1 (5 pupils) Pair 1 Team 2 (5 pupils) Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Rotation 2 The Never Ending Relay Tunnels On the Mat Monkey Munch Rest Station Grand Prix Qualifying Rest Station Clowning Around Popping Pirates River Crossing Competition Layout Equipment 4 Cones (or Flexi-cones) 5 Hoops 10 Throw Down Spots Rules In pairs pupils stand behind the start line. Each pair has 1 Hoop and 2 Throw Down Spots to use to ‘Cross the River’ - they do not have to use all the equipment Both pupils in the pair must ‘Cross the River’. All the equipment must ‘Cross the River’ (over the end line before returning across the river). Equipment can only be picked up if no one is standing in or on it. If any body part touches the river the team will incur a 3 second time penalty...1 little second...2 little seconds...3 little seconds...— all team members have to freeze on the spot. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring Every time a pair ‘Cross the River’ (taking all their equipment and team members) they score 1 point 5m XX XX XX XX XX 10m Grand Prix Qualifying Equipment Flexi-cones Quoits 5 Size 3 Balls Rules Pupils to get into pairs and position themselves between a set of coloured cones. Pupils must push or strike the ball with their hands to their partner going round the track/circuit returning to set of coloured cones they started on = 1 lap. Pairs must rotate the track/circuit in a clockwise direction. Once a pair complete the circuit they put a quoit/cone onto the inside of the track/circuit, and start their next lap. When in contact with the ball pupils must remain static/stand on the spot, to pass the ball. The pupil receiving the ball must run forward to receive the ball. Every time a pair’s ball goes out of the designated track/circuit area, the pair incur a 3 second penalty—they must stand on the spot (where the ball left the track/circuit) for 3 seconds....1 little second....2 little seconds...3 little seconds... Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point scored for each lap a pair complete / each quoit added to the pile on the inside of the track/circuit. Grand Prix Qualifying 10m Pair 1 5m On the Mat Equipment Lines 2 Dice 2 Gym Mats Quoits Beanbags Rules Two teams of 5 pupils standing one behind each other, behind the throwing line. Each team has a dice—the first pupil in each team rolls the dice. The number the dice lands on equals the number of pieces of equipment the pupil can attempt to throw onto the mat e.g. Pupil A throws a 6, they can throw six pieces of equipment. Once the pupil has thrown the correct number of objects they pass the dice to the person behind them. This sequence continues until the 2 minute competition period is over. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point is scored for every piece of equipment that lands on the mat On the Mat 6m XXXXX 6m XXXXX Super Hero Challenge Equipment Flexi Cones; 5 x Red, 5 x Blue, 5 x Green, 5 x White, 5 x Yellow 6 Cones Rules Pupils work in pairs to reach and place a cone in the furthest possible zone. The first pupil in each pair tries to place a cone into the furthest possible zone— only the pupil’s hands are allowed to make contact with the floor in any of the scoring zones. Their partner must stay behind the start line at all times but are allowed to hold, lift, support, counter balance their partner. A cone must be placed into a zone; any cones being thrown into a zone will be removed and not counted. Once a cone has been placed into a zone, the person placing the cone must return to their starting position behind the start line—again without any part of their body (except hands) touching any of the zones. The pair then swap over. This sequence continues until the 2 minute competition period is over. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point scored for each cone placed in Zone 1 2 points scored for each cone placed in Zone 2 3 points scored for each cone placed in Zone 3 Super Hero Challenge Zone 3 = 3 points Zone 2 = 2 points 1.5m Zone 1 = 1 point 1.0m 0.5m X X X X X X X X X X Equipment 4 mats Rules Two teams of 5 pupils. 3 pupils start on one mat whilst the other 2 pupils in the team start on the other mat—the two groups face each other. The first pupil in the line of 3 runs across to the other mat where the first pupil in the line is sitting on their bottom with their toes touching the mat in a tucked position with their arms reaching out in front of them. The pupil running across has to link hands with the pupil sitting in the tucked position and pull that pupil up into a standing counter balance. Once in an upright position the pupil who was lifted into the counter-balance lowers the other pupil to the floor, and continues to run across to the opposite mat (mat where other half of their team are sitting) to repeat the sequence. The other pupil joins the back of the line. The lowering of a pupil to the floor is known as a ‘Splash’ - this must take place on the mat. The sequence continues until the 2 minute competition period is over. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point scored for each successful ‘Splash’. 10m XXX XX 2m XXX XX Monkey Munch Equipment 4 Hoops Size 3 Balls Quoits Beanbags 2 Cones (Or Flexi-cones) Rules Pupils sit down in groups of 5 around a cone in the middle. One Monkey (pupil) gets up and runs to the hoop with the equipment in it, and picks up one piece of equipment (Monkey Munch) before retuning to their group. They then pass the Monkey Munch (equipment) all the way around the circle until it gets back to where it started. Monkeys must have their feet off the ground to avoid them being eaten by the crocodiles. All pupils must lift their feet off the ground as soon as the Monkey Munch is returned to the group— if any of the pupils feet touch the floor whilst the Monkey Munch is circling the group it must return to the start and go back round the circle. When the Monkey Munch gets successfully round the circle, the Monkey who picked up the Monkey Munch gets up and runs and puts the Monkey Munch in the other hoop. When the pupil returns the next person in the circle repeats the process. This sequence continues until the 2 minute competition period is over. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point scored each time Monkey Munch is placed in the hoop Monkey Munch 8m X X X X X 8m X X X X X Clowning Around Equipment 10 Throw Down Spots 2 Size 3 Balls Rules Pupils stand in two groups of 5—each pupil on a Throw Down Spot The first pupil in each line takes the ball around their waist. They then take the ball around the waist of the pupil behind them in a figure of 8, they then give them the ball, and remain on their Throw Down Spot (they do not move). Each person in the group takes their turn. Once the ball reaches the 5th pupil, they take the ball around their waist and then take the ball around the waist of the pupil in front of them (4th pupil) in a figure of 8; the sequence is continued until the ball reaches the 1 st pupils again. Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point scored each time the ball reaches the 5 th and 1st pupil Clowning Around X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 2m X1 X1 X2 30cm X2 X3 X4 X5 Popping Pirates Equipment 4 Cones 20 Beanbags 20 Quoits 20 Assorted Balls 20 Flexi-cones Rules In pairs pupils stand in a space. One of the pair remains static (The Captain) in the ready position, whilst the other pupil (The Pirate) collects the treasure by hopping. Pirates can only collect one piece of treasure at a time and they must collect treasure from a different hoop each time— they must return to The Captain each time after they have collected a piece of treasure. The Captain must hold/balance the treasure, whilst the Pirate goes and collects more. Equipment can not be stacked on top of each other. This sequence continues until the 2 minute competition period is over. At the end of the 2 minute competition period, the Leader/Teacher shouts “Popping Pirates”. 5 bonus points will be awarded to Captains who successfully balance three pieces of treasure for a period of 30 seconds (must complete the 30 seconds in one go). Time Allowance 5 minutes per station; 2 minutes: Activity demonstration and explanation 2 minutes: Competition time 1 minute: Recording scores Scoring 1 point is scored for each piece of equipment that is balanced on the Captain at the end of the 2 min. competition period. If the Captain held a one legged balance for 30 seconds they receive 5 bonus points. Popping Pirates 8m X X X X 8m X X X X X X