now - Hartlepool Borough Council


now - Hartlepool Borough Council
Produced by Hartlepool Council and wholly funded from advertising
Summer 2015
Positive times lie ahead
Ther ys for ever ummer!
to hav igsummer s
Visit w a full list of and how
to d
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day out at anwain a family
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WITH the start of a new municipal year under
way following the recent local elections,
Hartlepool Council’s Leader, Councillor
Christopher Akers-Belcher, is confident that good
times lie ahead for the town.
He said: “Over the last 12
months I think the Council
has made good progress
against a background of
extremely tight financial
“We’ve managed to protect
Coun. Christopher the vast majority of frontline
services and jobs, and despite
severe cuts in Government
funding, we’ve managed to channel resources into a
number of key areas to ensure Hartlepool continues
to improve.
“We have received significant support from the
business community for the Hartlepool Vision (the
Council’s radical new blueprint to regenerate key
areas of the town) and we are delighted that the
National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) has
committed to creating a museum for the North
in Hartlepool. This is a massive boost with the
potential to pull visitors in from far and wide.
“It’s also pleasing that we’ve been able to
repeat the free swims scheme and free parking
leading up to Christmas. The summer free swims
scheme (and free transport to and from Mill
House) is now permanent following the savings
achieved from merging the Coroner’s service. We
fully understand that many families are struggling
financially which is why we have allocated
money to the Foodbank and helped families hit
by the cut in council tax support.”
Councillor Akers-Belcher said he is optimistic
about the town’s future.
“Work recently commenced to transform the
newly-named Vision Retail Park in the Marina
and over the coming months we will see the start
of the rejuvenation of the Church Street area.
Work is soon to begin on the new Cleveland
College of Art & Design and the £5.4m recently
awarded to the Council will help significantly to
bring empty buildings back into use and promote
a culture for young entrepreneurs. We will also
be looking to change the infrastructure so that
the Church Street area is better connected to the
town centre and Marina.
“Job creation and support for local businesses
will continue to be a high priority in the ongoing
efforts to create wealth and investment. Queens
Meadow is the most successful Enterprise Zone in
the Tees Valley and work is under way to create a
Work has started to transform the newly
Vision Retail Park
new £3m workspace development for businesses.”
He added: “We will continue our campaign
with vigour to do everything possible to see the
return of hospital services to Hartlepool. We’ve
already started the process with the Clinical
Commissioning Group to develop a Health Plan
for Hartlepool which aims to give local people a
choice over where they access hospital services
and expect the first piece of work to be completed
by the autumn.
“People simply do not want to travel out of
town for hospital services that could be provided
locally and we’ll continue to fight on behalf of
residents and hold the hospital trust to account
at every opportunity.
“We are also working hard to bring health and
social care services closer together to improve
levels of support and get the best use of evershrinking resources.
“I’ve said on many occasions, young people are
our future, and we’ll continue to support schools
in every way we can to drive up standards and
ensure children get the best start in life.
“It’s our aim to ensure that by 2016 every school
in Hartlepool is providing a good or excellent standard
of education.
Despite a 40% reduction in Government grant
funding over the last four years, the council has still
managed to freeze council tax for that period and
Councillor Akers-Belcher said he would be mindful
to continue the freeze in 2016 but accepts that it’s
a decision that has to be taken by all councillors.
He concluded: “Following the local elections,
Hartlepool people have given me and my
colleagues a clear mandate to govern and we will
continue to serve them to the very best of our
“I’ll continue to work together with all councillors
and with support from the rich mix of talented and
dedicated officers, I am really looking forward to
the next 12 months.”
n rules
GILL Alexander
Gill Alexander
has replaced Dave
Stubbs as the
Council’s Chief Executive.
Previously the Council’s Director of
Child and Adult Services, Gill took up
the top post at the beginning of June
following the retirement of Dave who
had served the Council for 44 years.
Gill said: “I am taking over as Chief
Executive of a vibrant council with
ambition which performs very well
overall. It is a council that punches well
above its weight; it has a reputation
as a can-do council and works well in
partnership with other organisations.”
“One of the main inspirations
in applying for the post was the
tremendous team of council officers
and the many committed councillors
who work very hard for the benefit of
the town.”
Sally Robinson has
taken over from Gill as
Director of Child and
Adult Services.
Sally, who was born
in Redcar, had been
the Council’s Assistant
Sally Robinson
Director (Children’s
Services) since 2008.
Her new role will see her take overall
responsibility for the Council’s schools,
children’s services and adult social
Election round-up
HARTLEPOOL Council welcomes four
new councillors following the recent
local elections.
They are Sandra Belcher, Labour
(Jesmond); Tricia Lawton, Labour
(Victoria); Jim Lindridge, Labour (Fens
& Rossmere) and Sylvia Tempest,
Labour (Headland & Harbour).
The local elections saw Labour gain
three seats whilst Putting Hartlepool
First lost two and Independents one.
The make-up of the Council is now:
Labour 22; Local Conservatives 3,
Independents 3, Putting Hartlepool First
3 and UKIP 2.
In the Parliamentary Election Iain
Wright (Labour) was re-elected as the
town’s MP.
See page 27 for details of all
Hartlepool councillors.
Cover Picture: A Feel Good in Hartlepool sailing taster session. See page 6 for more information.
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Figures show Hartlepool
is a tourism hot-spot
TOURIST trips to Hartlepool are
boosting employment in the town.
Nearly 140 new jobs in tourism
were created in the town between
2009 and 2013, according to the
latest figures.
In the same period Hartlepool also
enjoyed a £24m boost in tourism
revenue. Figures from the Scarborough
Tourism Economic Activity Monitor
(STEAM) – which assesses the impact
of tourism around the country - show
that tourism generated £142.9m in
Hartlepool in 2013 – 21% more than
in 2009.
The increase in revenue generated
the equivalent of 138 full-time jobs
in tourism related sectors - including
hotels, restaurants and recreation.
According to the STEAM figures,
Hartlepool received 3.2 million visitors
in 2013 and the tourism industry
accounted for 2,021 jobs for local
Hartlepool Council Leader Councillor
Christopher Akers-Belcher said: “I
am delighted people are viewing
Hartlepool as the culturally rich town
that it is.
“The town has many great assets,
including Hartlepool’s Maritime
Experience and the marina, and I
believe the Hartlepool Vision is already
helping to regenerate the wider area.”
Cafe is a welcome new
attraction at art gallery
A NEW cafe has
opened in Hartlepool
Art Gallery – and it’s
going down a treat.
Called The
Vestry to reflect the
gallery’s former use
as a church, the Fair
Trade cafe provides
teas and a selection
of coffees plus a
delicious range of
food, freshly-made
on the premises.
This includes
Hartlepool Council Leader Councillor Christopher
scones, cakes
Akers-Belcher (left) and Catcote Academy Head
and cookies plus
Alan Chapman sample cuisine from Catcote studen
Taylor, James Clarke, Christopher Scott and Rober
light lunches and
Kitching at the cafe’s official opening.
afternoon teas
featuring salads,
a selection of
sandwich fillings served in a variety
“It enables our older students to
of breads, homemade soups, jacket
demonstrate their excellent culinary
potatoes with a range of fillings, plus
skills and build their experience in a
vegetarian and vegan options. A takereal working environment, which is
away service is also available.
one of the Academy’s key aims.”
The cafe is run and staffed by the
Hartlepool Council Leader
talented students of the town’s Catcote
Councillor Christopher Akers-Belcher
Academy and in its first month gallery
added: “This is an opportunity for
visitor numbers rose to over 3,000 – up
gallery visitors to enjoy great food
more than 600 on the month before.
and great art in a lovely setting
Alan Chapman, Catcote Academy
and to support an excellent social
Head Teacher, said: “We were very
pleased to be given this opportunity
The cafe is open 10am to 4pm
by Hartlepool Council to provide a
Tuesdays to Saturdays. Hartlepool Art
quality catering service for visitors to
Gallery is open Tuesdays to Saturdays
the gallery and we’re delighted by the
10am to 5pm and entry is free.
response so far.
Museum is top in
the Tees Valley
THE Museum of Hartlepool welcomed 132,720 visitors
in the year 2014/15, making it the most popular free
admission local authority museum in the Tees Valley.
It now regularly receives over 130,000 visitors a year
compared with an average of about 105,000 five years ago.
The boost in numbers is due to the popularity of the
changing exhibition programme with people looking for an
enjoyable and cost-effective day out.
Mark Simmons, Hartlepool Council’s Museum Manager,
said: “Visitor figures started to rise in summer 2012
with our exhibition of teddy bears from the Victoria and
Albert Museum of Childhood and a strong programme of
interactive temporary exhibitions since then has helped to
keep the museum fresh for both regular and new visitors.”
The museum’s recent exhibition, Voices of the
Bombardment, received an amazing 50,500 visitors during
its run, making it the most popular wintertime temporary
exhibition since the museum opened in 1996.
Mark added: “Visitor numbers in December and January
were up 20% as local people and schools came to find
out more about the bombardment of the Hartlepools and
especially to see the ceramic poppies from the Tower of
London display that we used in the dedication ceremony for
the new Bombardment memorial.”
The Museum of Hartlepool is open every day from 10am
to 5pm and entry is free.
Top quality award
for Seaton Carew
Our Special Menus!
12pm to 2pm Tuesday to Saturday,
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THAT doesn't cost the earth
5:30pm to 6:30pm Tuesday to Friday,
• 2 courses for £12 •
And our newly introduced midweek special menu, from
6:30pm onwards on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays,
• 2 courses for just £15! •
(a la carte also available)
fully fitted o r s u p p ly o n ly
Open 10am till 4pm Tuesday to Sunday, serving a wide variety
of hot drinks, as well as a selection of home made scones,
soups, quiches and cakes, in addition to a light lunch menu
elcome to Peter Jackson
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For professional advice, great choice
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design centre
SEASIDE resort Seaton Carew has scooped a top quality
award from environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy.
Seaton’s main beach area has once again been granted
a Seaside Award – which is only given to English beaches
which meet the very highest standards of cleanliness and
Seaton’s beach is cleaned every day and is patrolled by
lifeguards on weekends, bank holidays and school holidays
during the spring and summer months.
Councillor Marjorie James, Chair of Hartlepool Council’s
Neighbourhood Services Committee, said: “This is an
excellent vote of confidence and comes at a time when
we are developing exciting proposals to regenerate the
resort and further enhance its assets of sea, beach and
Amtico Partner of Choice
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continue to design.
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Debbie Kershaw, Hartlepool Council’s Quality and Safety Officer,
raises the Seaside Award flag at Seaton Carew.
June/July 2015
Feeling good about ourselves!
A PROJECT that aims to get more Hartlepool people active is
underway and is already proving hugely popular with local residents.
Feel Good in Hartlepool, which is being led by Hartlepool Council’s
Sport and Recreation Service, is receiving £192,727 of National Lottery
funding via Sport England over three years.
Four new Sports Activators - Emily Hunter, Micky Early, Kay Stokes
and Ryan Houghton – are at the heart of the project, working tirelessly
in the community to engage with people and get them involved
Feel Good in Hartlepool aims to increase participation in triathlon
(swimming, cycling and running), sailing, multi-sports and dance.
Sailing taster days held in partnership with Tees and Hartlepool Yacht
Club have already been a big success whilst a range of other activities
and events, including dance sessions and coaching courses have also
taken place or are planned.
The project also aims to recruit and train volunteers and offer them
placements to support and sustain the delivery of the Feel Good in
Hartlepool programme, wider Sport and Recreation services and
community events.
Volunteer Activator Emily and Dance/Multi-Sports Activator Ryan
have taken on full-time roles, while Sailing Activator Micky and Triathlon
Activator Kay are working on a part-time basis.
Louise Wallace, Hartlepool Council’s Director of Public Health, said:
“I’m delighted to welcome Emily, Micky, Kay and Ryan to the Feel Good
in Hartlepool team and I’m sure that their knowledge and experience
will prove invaluable.
“As a town, Hartlepool faces some big health challenges but we are
New life for old kitchens!
Just replace the doors & worktops.
(back row,left-right), Kay Stokes and Micky Early and (front
row, left-right), Ryan Houghton and Emily Hunter.
confident that the project can have a big impact on people’s lifestyles by
encouraging them to become active on a regular basis.”
As well as the National Lottery grant from Sport England, other
financial support – including Public Health funding of £60,000 from
Hartlepool Council – and in-kind backing from partner organisations has
brought the total value of the project to more than £330,000.
As part of the project, the Council is forging close links with the
governing bodies of the targeted sports as well as a range of local
organisations and clubs, including Belle Vue Sports and Community
Centre, Hartlepool Triathletes and Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club.
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Can you spare some time?
VOLUNTEERS working within the Council’s Sport and Recreation
Service have been honoured at an awards ceremony - and more are
being urged to come forward.
The Feel Good in Hartlepool Volunteer Awards – presented at at
Brierton Sports Centre - highlighted the vital roles played by volunteers.
Dave Scott was named Volunteer of the Year and David Wells won
the Most Improved Volunteer award, while Scott Mallabar scooped the
Volunteer Mentor of the Year award.
Whilst studying at Hartlepool Sixth Form College, David volunteered
his time at a range of sessions. These included football sessions at
Mill House Leisure Centre where has recently gained employment as a
casual coach. He also gained a level 1 FA coaching qualification whilst
volunteering. Dave Scott is a volunteer walk leader and recently notched
up 1,000 hours of volunteering. Scott runs disability sessions for the
Council on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday despite having a full-time
job. He has also dedicated a lot of time to supporting the development
of other coaches and volunteers
Volunteers with the Feel Good in Hartlepool project don’t need
previous experience, and they are mentored by qualified coaches
throughout their placements. They are also supported by Volunteer
Activator Emily Hunter.
Emily said: “.Our volunteers are the backbone of our service. They
can give as much or as little time as they want and there is a wide
range of opportunities.”
Volunteers are placed onto the Volunteer Pathway, a visual aid
built around the quality and quantity of hours completed that helps
volunteers chart their progression.
More information about volunteering is available on the Volunteer
Hartlepool website at
For more information about the Feel Good in Hartlepool project contact our
team of Sports Activators at or follow us on
Facebook and Twitter
supporting independence with care at home
supporting independence with care at home
Supporting independent living with local community care services
Supporting independent living with local community care services
Welcome to Carewatch, we are a multi discipline community care provider, with
are a multi
a passiontofor
helping ourwe
within the
comfort of
own homes,
a supporting
passion forindependent
helping our customers
stay within
of their
own homes,
living and often
to avoid
to avoid
pride ourselves
on seeing
to Carewatch,
we are
a multi
pride ourselves
them the
a passion
for helpingonour
comfort of their
own homes,
supporting independentrespect
living and
to avoid residential care. We
Every day, we are helping families, adults, and older people who have long or
ourselves on seeing our customers as individuals, affording them the respect
day, wehealth
are helping
older people
have long or
and dignity
health conditions,
or learning
get more
out of life.
out of
will always
Every disabilities
are or
the the
the wider
need forof
in the
our we
consider the need for social inclusion in the delivery of our support.
or learning disabilities to get more out of life. Carewatch understands
We understand that when you are looking for a home care service, it’s not only
the importance of the wider needs of individuals and we will always consider the
are looking
not only
it’sa also
inclusion in
of our
about performing
and providingand
it’s also about
friendly and
familiar face,
for a
whole family.
face, that
whole it’s
when you are and
for a homefor
not only
Supporting independent living with local
community care services
about performing tasks and providing care, it’s also about a reliable, friendly and
(Front row, left-right): Dave Scott, Scott Mallabar and David
Wells with (back row, left-right) Volunteer Activator Emily
Hunter and Gemma Ptak, Hartlepool Council’s Sport and
Physical Activity Manager.
Get in touch
to discuss your
indivdual needs
and reassurance
for the or
Get in touch with usfind
to discuss
or requirements and
out how your
help you
how Carewatch
Get in touch withfind
us toout
your indivdualcan
or you
requirements and find
out how Carewatch can help you
If you or a loved one would like help, or, for more information on our
youorora aloved
for to
us.on ouron
to contact
to contact
us. us.
Phone : (01429) 857206
Email :
Phone: :(01429)
Email ::
Summer 2015 Events
in aid of Hartlepool & District Hospice
Have a
A FREE bus service will be running
in Hartlepool over the school summer
holidays to help locals and visitors alike
get to and from the town’s attractions.
The Hartlepool Explorer Bus was first
trialled by Hartlepool Council over Easter
and now councillors have decided to
The Hartlepool Explorer Bus.
extend the pilot scheme over the summer.
The service will run four times every day between Tuesday 21st July and
Sunday 30th August.
Following a route from Seaton Carew to the Headland and back, the bright
yellow single-decker will stop at five key locations: Seaton Carew Bus Station, for
the beach, amusements and shops; the Transport Interchange in Church Street,
for Hartlepool Art Gallery; Victoria Terrace, for Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience;
Harbour Walk (near the Sea Cadets base), for Hartlepool Marina and the shops,
restaurants and bars of Navigation Point; and Friar Terrace, for the Heugh Gun
The bus will stop at designated bus stops, which will be clearly marked with a
Hartlepool Explorer Bus sign. The full timetable is:
and join
the Hospice for a sponsored
5km run for all the family.
To register go to
or contact Fundraising
on 01429 855555
Hartlepool Hospice Ltd is known
locally as Hartlepool & District
Registered Company Number:
Registered Charity Number:
For more information on these events
call 01429 855555
grow and learn with us...
Our school offers so much
more than academic success.
We create a nurturing environment
where children are encouraged to
achieve their full potential across a wide
range of activities.
At Red House, children find confidence
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Explorer Bus hits the
road again
Seaton Carew Bus Station 10.30am
Transport Interchange, Church Street 10.37am
Victoria Terrace 10.40am
Harbour Walk (near Sea Cadets base) 10.45am
Friar Terrace
Harbour Walk (near Sea Cadets base) 11.05am
Victoria Terrace
Transport Interchange, Church Street 11.12am
Seaton Carew Bus Station
Councillor Kevin Cranney, Chair of the Council’s Regeneration Services
Committee, said: “This free service links up many of Hartlepool’s key attractions
and is just the ticket for enjoying some great days out around the town this
summer – and that’s good for the town’s tourist venues and businesses too.
“I hope people will really make the most of it. We will assess the effectiveness
of the service at the end of the summer to help us decide whether it would be
worthwhile running it again during future holiday periods.”
For more information about the Hartlepool Explorer Bus service, call 01429
Building work at library
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WORK is underway to completely re-roof Hartlepool’s Central
The project – which it’s anticipated will be completed in
September - is essential to tackle leaks which have been a
growing problem in the 25-year-old building in recent years.
The original cement slate roof has come to the end of its
lifespan and will be replaced by slate-effect metal tiles which are
much more durable.
It’s not anticipated that the building will have to close but
library users are warned that the work will cause a significant
amount of noise between the hours of 10am and 5pm and
potentially some dust. Some disruption to services will
unfortunately be unavoidable.
Kay Tranter, Library Services Manager, said: “The existing
roof needs to be replaced before the onset of another winter. We
apologise in advance for the disruption and inconvenience which
this will cause – particularly in terms of noise – and we ask people
to please bear with us while the work is being carried out.”
Council seeks
help from
HARTLEPOOL Council has requested a meeting
with Local Government Minister Greg Clark after
the authority learned that it is set to lose £3m
every year due to a reduction in rates paid by
Hartlepool Power Station.
An appeal by the Power Station to the Valuation
Office Agency, which sets business rates, resulted
in the amount it has to pay to the Council being
almost halved.
The scale of the reduction has shocked
councillors who are already facing Government cuts
of over £14m over the next three years.
Councillor Christopher Akers-Belcher, the Leader
of Hartlepool Council, said: “This is a real hammer
blow at a time when we are already facing further
major cuts in Government grant over the next three
“We are the only unitary council that relies on
business rates from a power station and the income
we receive contributes significantly to the provision
of local services.
“It is grossly unfair that the Council and the
people of Hartlepool should be financially penalised
to such a huge degree. The Valuation Office set the
rateable value in April 2010 and only determined
to reduce it in May 2015; if this decision had been
made before April 2013 when the new funding
system for Local Authorities was introduced the
Council would not be facing this income loss.
“Consequently, councillors have agreed to seek a
meeting with the Minister to see if he will consider
a fairer arrangement for Hartlepool that recognises
the Power Station issue should be dealt with by tax
payers nationally and not just by local taxpayers in
Honouring our Armed
A PARADE and service will be held in Hartlepool on
Saturday 27th June to mark Armed Forces Day.
Organised by the Combined Ex-Servicemen’s Association,
it’s an opportunity to come together to pay tribute to our
Armed Forces past, present and future.
Anyone wishing to march in the parade should meet at
the car park near the Jackson’s Wharf public house at the
Marina by 10.40am. The parade will then march to the
nearby Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience car park where the
short service will be held at 11am, after which the parade
will march back to the Jackson’s Wharf car park where it
will fall out.
People who only wish to attend the service should
assemble at the Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience car park
at 10.50am. For more information call (01429) 523702 or
Retired Police
Handyman Service
A network of trusted and reliable retired police
officers who provide high quality handyman services
to families, individuals and businesses in Hartlepool
Working together to tackle domestic violence
TACKLING domestic violence and abuse continues to be a high priority
for the Safer Hartlepool Partnership.
However, it’s not just women and men who suffer from domestic
violence as children are often the ‘silent’ victims.
A new scheme, called Operation Encompass, to provide better support
to children has recently been launched in Hartlepool which involves the
Police, the Council, schools and other key organisations all working closely
Under the scheme, if a child has experienced or witnessed domestic
violence or abuse in the home and the Police are involved, arrangements
will be put in place to ensure that the child’s school is made aware before
9am the following day.
Jacqui Cheer, Chief Constable of Cleveland Police, said: “We can
and already do record if children are present, witness or are involved in
domestic abuse situations but we have never asked the question of which
school they attend.
“I’m convinced this will greatly help youngsters who can suffer in
many ways – either in the immediate aftermath of seeing or experiencing
domestic abuse, or days, weeks or even months down the line.”
Gill Alexander, Chief Executive of Hartlepool Council, said: “Domestic
abuse can have a devastating effect on children and young people and it’s
so important to have the best possible support mechanisms in place.
“We already have excellent systems in place to share information among
the relevant agencies but this initiative will improve things further by
ensuring that schools are informed immediately of any issues that could
impact on a child’s life.”
The Safer Hartlepool Partnership commissions Harbour to deliver
specialist domestic violence and abuse support within the town.
This includes a variety of services including providing safe
accommodation and associated advocacy to those at risk, empowering
victims to maintain their own and their childrens’s safety and live free
from violence and working with the perpetrators to change their behaviour.
Following a recent review of the service provided by Harbour, a
report from Denise Ogden, the Council’s Director of Regeneration and
Neighbourhoods, stated: “The review of the service found that it is
performing well against a background of continuing need, and as such an
option to extend the contract for a further two years has been confirmed
with the provider.
“Other positive findings coming out of the review were that there
was evidence to suggest that individuals have increased confidence in
disclosing domestic violence and abuse, and are doing so at an earlier
Harbour can be contacted round the clock on 03000 202525. If
anyone feels they are in immediate danger, they should call 999.
1213-BMad-Calssified 50x64 TJ_Layout 1 22/05/2014 1
Free design service | High quality | Consistent prices
thief can be in your house in
the house look as if you are home
seconds and steal handbags,
is also beneficial. Also, avoid
wallets and car keys.
publicising your holiday dates on
“Also, if you are going on
social network sites – you never
Lorna Hilton
holiday, don’t leave valuable
know who’s watching!”
items such as computers on
As part of her preventative work,
view and hide your car keys if you are not
Lorna is available to visit residents in their
taking the car.
own homes to offer a free home safety check.
“If you have a friend checking on your
To book an appointment simply call (01429)
house, ask them to collect the post and move
it away from the front door as buildup of letters
Residents can also receive regular
is a sure sign to an opportunist burglar that
community safety alerts via email, voice,
you’re not at home. You could also ask them
text or social media by the Police’s Cleveland
to open your curtains in the morning and draw
Connected website. To sign up free, simply visit
them at night so that your home looks lived in.
“A timer device to turn on lights and make
Phone Tracy Johnston on
01429 860846 or email
01429 231 500 | fl
Sit & Soak are proudly
introducing affordable
bathing solutions.
• Wheelchairs, bath lifts
and stair lifts
• No obligation free home
• Distance no object
Useful contacts
Anti-Social Behaviour
For advice and to report anti-social behaviour,
call (01429) 523100
Victim Support/Crime Prevention
If you’ve been a victim of crime or require
advice about protecting your home and staying
safe, call (01429) 523100.
Neighbourhood Development
Neighbourhood Development officers are on
hand to promote strong communities and
give advice and support to residents’ groups
and community organisations. Call (01429
Drug & Alcohol Treatment
If you need help in dealing with drug and
alcohol addiction, call (01429) 285000.
Trading Standards
To report suspected rogue traders, the selling
of fraudulent goods or for general advice, call
(01429) 523362.
In an emergency, ring 999. If it’s not urgent,
call 101. You can also report crime and remain
anonymous by calling Crimestoppers on 0800
555 111.
Dog lovers wanted to care
for friendly dogs whilst
their owners are away.
Top tips to deter burglars
THE Safer Hartlepool Partnership is urging
local residents to follow some simple tips
over the summer months to help protect their
properties from would-be burglars.
Being burgled affects people in many
different ways even if nothing of major value
has been stolen. The thought of a stranger
being in your own home can be extremely
upsetting and result in family members feeling
less secure, including children.
Lorna Hilton, Victim Services Officer, says
that there are lots of ways in which people can
protect their homes.
Lorna said: “During the summer, people
spend lots of time in the garden so don’t
forget to lock the front door as an opportunist
0800 255 0 255
Part exchange welcome. Written details on request.
All major credit cards accepted.
Call Michael on 01642 915236 • 0191 4846330
get fit
for the summer
@ Hartlepool Leisure Facilities:
Mill House Leisure Centre
Headland Sports Hall
Brierton Community
Sports Centre
Hartbeat | P13
Connecting you to your Council
The Customer Service Centre is located
within the Civic Centre reception. Residents
can get in touch by telephone, personal visit
or through the Council’s website at
Opening times are Monday to Thursday –
8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
A month*
Unlimited use of:
• The Swimming Pool
• 3 Fitness Suites
• Over 40 Exercise
Classes per we k!**
Online, by phone,
in person
Useful Contact Numbers
Online, by phone, in person
• Alley Gate Keys
• Blue Badges
• Bus Passes
• Disclosure and Barring Service
• Good Tenant Scheme
• Grave Deeds
• Job Applications
• Planning and Building Control
– One Stop Shop
• Parking Permits
(01429) 523331
• Bulky Household Waste
• Community Centre Bookings
(01429) 523332
• Council Invoices
• Council Tax Payment / Balance
Enquiries / Arrangements
• Business Rate Payments
• Fixed Penalty Notices
• Housing Benefit Overpayments
• Parking Control Notices
(01429) 523334
• Housing
(01429) 523336
For more info
Contact the sport and leisure centres direct:
Mill House Leisure Centre: 01429 223791
Headland Sports Hall: 01429 236564
Brierton Community Sports Centre: 01429 284864
Fleet (right),
Hartlepool’s new Ceremonial Mayor Councillor Mary
pictured with her Mayoress Councillor Sheila Griffin.
New Mayor looks
forward to year ahead
HARTLEPOOL’S new Ceremonial Mayor is looking forward to her
civic year ahead and has pledged to do her best representing the
town as its first citizen.
Councillor Mary Fleet, who represents the Jesmond Ward, has
succeeded Councillor Stephen Akers-Belcher who has stood down
from the role after two years in office.
Councillor Fleet – who was born in Hartlepool and has been
a councillor since 1995 – said: “I am looking forward very
much to the next twelve months, particularly visiting the various
communities throughout Hartlepool.
“There are lots of positive things happening in the town at the
moment and people can be assured that I will do my very best for
the town.”
Over the year, the Mayor’s charity fundraising will be in aid of
Hartlepool Special Needs Support Group and to help the work
being done in the town to support people with diabetes.
Councillor Sheila Griffin is Mayoress for 2015/16 and Councillor
Kevin Cranney is Deputy Mayor.
COUNCILLOR Stephen Akers-Belcher has come to the end
of his term as Hartlepool’s Ceremonial Mayor and thanks
everyone who has helped him raise over £118,000 for local
good causes.
The massive amount – which beats all the town’s previous
records for civic fundraising – was brought in over his past
two years as Mayor plus the year
before that when he was Chairman
of Hartlepool Council.
His chosen charities were:
• For 2012/13: The Belle Vue
Youth Project; Central Correctors;
Hartlepool Young Carers; NYPD
(Nurturing Young People’s
Development); The Phoenix
Funsters; The Rifty Youth Project
and The Wharton Annexe.
• For 2013/14: Macmillan
Councillor Stephen
Cancer Support; the Pansies
Breast Cancer Support Group and
the Denise Taylor Cancer Trust.
• For 2014/15: The RNLI; Hartlepool Hospice; the Great
North Air Ambulance and the Miles For Men cancer charity.
To raise the money, Councillor Akers-Belcher organised
an extensive programme of events including community fun
days, ghost hunts, Burns Night celebrations, golf days, raffles,
a boxing match and even a contest to find Hartlepool’s best
cake. He also reinstated formal events such as the annual Civic
Individuals, businesses and community groups added
their weight to the campaign by helping to run the events or
donating cash.
Councillor Akers-Belcher said: “The fundraising has been
a wonderful experience and I am so very grateful to everyone
who gave their time, effort and money to help achieve such a
fantastic total.”
• Registrars
(01429) 523337
• Main Switchboard Number
• Abandoned Vehicles
• Allotments
• Change of Address
• Dog Warden Service
• Email:
• Fly Tipping & Posting
• Graffiti
• Highways
• Horticulture
• Household Waste Recycling
Centre Permits
• Parks and Playground
• Pest Control
• Refuse and Recycling
• Street Cleansing
• Street Lighting
• Trade Waste
(01429) 266522
*Customers can only access all facilities for £30 if a direct debit is taken out for at least 3 months.
**Restrictions apply to HBC led classes only. Terms and Conditions apply.
Mayor smashed
fundraising record
Service Centre
(01429) 523333
Dance sessions continue
It’s show time
A WEEKLY dance event for the over 50s in Hartlepool has proved
such a success in its six-week pilot that it’s being continued.
The Social Dance is every Wednesday in the Borough Hall on the
Headland from 1pm to 3pm.
Organised by Hartlepool Council’s Feel Good in Hartlepool Team,
the sessions give people a chance to try old favourites including
ballroom, Latin and rumba as well as more modern dance steps.
Ryan Houghton, the Council’s Multi Sport and Dance Activator, said:
“The pilot has been very popular indeed, so we are delighted to confirm
that the sessions will be continuing for the foreseeable future.
“It is a great opportunity to enjoy a dance, make some new friends
and get a bit fitter into the bargain, no matter what your ability.
Judging by the number of people coming along to sessions, this is
certainly proving to be a winning combination.”
Each session costs just £2 per person and places can be booked
at the Headland Sports Centre in Union Street in advance and on the
day. For more details contact Ryan Houghton on 01429 284048 or
THERE are plenty of opportunities for people of all ages and
abilities to win a prize at this year’s Hartlepool Horticultural
One of the finest shows of its kind in the north of England,
the annual event – which is supported by Hartlepool Council
– takes place this year in the Borough Hall on Hartlepool’s
Headland on Saturday 22nd August from 12.30pm to 5pm
and Sunday 23rd August from 11am to 4pm.
There are over 100 categories, ranging from dahlias, roses
and carnations to carrots, tomatoes and shallots plus baking,
flower arranging and children’s sections.
It’s a great chance for people of all ages to ‘have a go’. Even
if you’re not competing it’s a fun day out for all the family and
entry to view the show is free.
The show schedule and entry form are available from
Hartlepool Art Gallery in Church Square on (01429) 890000
or email or contact Show
Secretary Tom Hammond on 01429 870411.
Hartbeat | P14
health bosses celebrate walk success
HEALTH bosses from two North East local authorities say they are
delighted with the way a joint walking event went.
It comes after Hartlepool Borough Council and Durham County Council
teamed up to organise Walk4Life through Coast and Country to promote
the health benefits of walking and the local stretch of England’s new
national coastal path, which in our region follows the Durham Heritage
The event saw walkers from Hartlepool setting off from the Headland
Promenade and Durham’s walkers starting from Blackhall Rocks, before
both groups met up at Crimdon Dene for a picnic.
Northumbrian Water supported the event by donating bottles of water
and fruit was also available thanks to Asda.
Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health at Hartlepool Borough
Council, said: “It was a beautiful walk along the coast and we hope we
can make this an annual event.
“Walking burns calories, is good for bones and muscles and can also
make people feel good.”
For information on Hartlepool’s weekly walks programme please ring
(01429) 284414.
Walkers approach the finish
of the first
through Coast and Countryever Walk4Life
New home for Hartlepool’s Health Trainers
HARTLEPOOL’S Health Trainer Service recently became part of the
Council’s Public Health department.
The team, which was formerly part of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS
Foundation Trust, helps people to improve their health and take steps to
leading a healthier lifestyle.
The Hartlepool Health Trainer Service consists of five Senior Health
Trainers, as well as a Team Leader. They provide free one-to-one and groupbased advice and support around weight management, healthy lifestyles and
behaviour change to anyone over 18 who lives or works in the Hartlepool
Anyone wishing to access the service, refer a client, or requiring further
information should contact (01429) 284030. Any confidential referrals or
queries can be sent to
Shared ownership - the affordable
way to own your dream home.
Foggy Furze
Raby Gardens
We are excited to release for sale an extremely limited number
of 3 bedroom homes on this Persimmon Homes development in
Hartlepool. These new homes are available through shared ownership
meaning you can buy a share in your new home that’s affordable.*
We will shortly be releasing a limited number of 2 bedroom homes
for sale through shared ownership – ideal for first time buyers or
small families. These homes will benefit from the usual Thirteen high
standard of fittings and generous room sizes.
Hartlepool’s Health Trainer Service team
Prices starting from only
£31,250 to £93,750
for a 25% share*
for a 75% share*
With viewing possible from June 2015 onwards, these 3 bed homes
will benefit from a generously sized lounge, dining kitchen with some
built in appliances, master bedroom with en suite shower room, gas
central heating, ground floor cloakroom, double glazing, rear garden
and off street parking.
Images are from show homes of other Thirteen developments and are for illustration purposes only.
Illegal tobacco trade comes under spotlight
FROM hidden holes above light fittings to secret drawers and
hollow doors – these are some of the concealed compartments
that have been used to store illegal tobacco across the North East.
Concerted action against illegal tobacco dealers by enforcement
teams during 2014 led to the seizure of over 65,000 cigarettes in
the North East.
Out of 45 shops visited in the North East between April and
September 2014, 12 were found to have tobacco hidden in store.
Lisa Surtees, Acting Director of Fresh Smoke Free North East,
said: “All smoking kills but illegal tobacco helps make it easier
for children to buy tobacco and keeps people hooked on a habit
addiction that kills over 5,000 people in our region every year.”
Carole Johnson, Head of Health Improvement at Hartlepool
Borough Council, added: “It is important to remember that all
tobacco – whether it was bought from an illegal or legal source – is
harmful and one in two long-term tobacco users will die early as a
result of smoking.”
Anyone with information about illegal tobacco can contact
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
For more information, get in touch.
call 0300 111 1000
Prices starting from only
£23,750 to £71,250
for a 25% share*
for a 75% share*
You can register your interest for these brand new homes now
and receive more information from us when these exciting
developments are released for sale. So why not give our Home
Sales Advisors a call on 0300 111 1000 to find out more!
*Terms and conditions apply.
Holiday fun at Summerhill
A WHOLE host of family fun will be on offer at a country park in
Hartlepool over the school summer holidays.
Summerhill, a 100-acre site run by Hartlepool Council, will be
the venue for a range of activities and events, including archery, arts
and crafts, den building and climbing.
The full list of activities is:
Saturday 18th 1-3pm
Family Archery
No experience required,
learn to go for gold or just
hit the target for fun.
£5.50 per person
Saturday 25th
Car Boot Sale
If you want to be a seller
it’s £8 per car (booking
If you want to be a buyer
we open at 10am
Tuesday 28th
Indoor Climbing
Aimed at 6-9-year-olds.
Summer Art & Craft
An indoor ‘drop in’
session to try a number of
art and craft activities.
£1 per craft activity
Wednesday 29th
10- 2pm
Drop in event for all
the family, find hidden
markers using a map and
have a nice stroll in the
fresh air.
£1 per person
Thursday 30th
Junior Archery
Age 8-12
Could you be the next
‘Robin Hood’?
Junior Archery
Age 8-12
Go for gold, or just hit the
target for fun.
Tuesday 4th 1-3pm
Summer Drop in Craft
All welcome
£1 per craft
Wednesday 5th
Exotic Animal Encounters
Close Encounters of the
animal kind. Many exotic
animals, large python, water
dragons, meerkats and more
Suitable for ages 3+
Free adult entry if
accompanied by a child,
£5.75 per child
Or for group bookings please
call Summerhill .
Slots are approximately 50
Drop in event for all the
family, find hidden markers
using a map and have a
nice stroll in the fresh air.
£1 per person
Unless otherwise stated, activities cost £5.25 for Active Card
members, £4.50 for concessions and £5.75 for casual participants.
Advance booking is essential – with the exception of some “drop
in” activities – and this can be done by calling the Summerhill
Visitor Centre on (01429) 284584
National Play Day
Drop in for some great
fun events and activities
around the centre.
Thursday 6th 10am-12pm
Den Building
Age 8+
Learn how to build your
own shelter in the woods.
Could you shelter from a
Tuesday 11th 1-3pm
Forest Adventure 1
Ages 4 - 7
Come and visit
Summerhill’s woodland
folk....and watch out for
Sneezy the Dragon!
Wednesday 12th 10am2pm
Drop in event for all the
family, find hidden markers
using a map and have a
nice stroll in the fresh air.
£1 per person
Bear Hunt
Min age 3
Bring a picnic to our bear
hunt, fun for all the family!
(Unsuitable for buggies)
Thursday 13th
Junior Archery
Age 8-12
Go for gold or just hit the
target for fun
Junior Archery
Age 12+
Could you be the next
‘Robin Hood’?
Flutterbys and Caterpillars
Age Min. 4+
Summerhill Caterpillar
Safari & Butterfly hunt.
(unsuitable for buggies)
Saturday 15th 1-3pm
Family Archery
No experience required,
learn to shoot go for gold or
hit the target for fun!
£5.50 per person
Tuesday 18th 10-11.30am
Indoor Climbing
Age 6-9 years
Start your climbing here
before you venture on to
the boulders. (Taught by
qualified coaches).
High Ropes
Age 10+
Exciting, exhilarating and
Thrilling opportunity not to
be missed!
Prices: Casual £15,
Member £14 Concession
Summer sports fun
A RANGE of sports activities will also be on offer in
Hartlepool during the summer holidays.
The Council’s Sport and Recreation Service has put
together a packed programme of events and activities
for children and young people from Monday July
27 and they are being urged to book their places by
More information about the programme, including
activity venues and prices, can be found at
Care complex plan
Dog beach ban returns
A MULTI-MILLION pound care complex is set to create
hundreds of new jobs in Hartlepool.
Mariner Care Group is developing three sites off Seaton Lane
on land formerly owned by Hartlepool Council.
When complete, the phased development will support 67
residents in a mixture of residential and independent supported
living (ISL) accommodation. There are also plans for a day
care centre that will be open to both residents and the local
Overall investment is expected to total some £16 million
by the time the complex opens next year. Some 200 jobs are
expected to be created once the complex is operational, with a
large number of other jobs being created during construction.
Councillor Kevin Cranney, Chair of Hartlepool Council’s
Regeneration Services Committee, said: “This is a significant
investment in the town and one that stands to create muchneeded jobs for local people.”
Chris Pooley, Chief Executive of the Mariner Care Group,
said: “We are delighted to be creating this important new
facility in Hartlepool.”
A SEASONAL ban that excludes dogs from some Hartlepool beaches
is now in force.
The ban which covers a stretch of Seaton Carew beach between
the Norton Hotel and the coach park, and the Fish Sands and the
Block Sands on the Headland (including the lower promenade and the
paddling pool), will run until September 30.
It aims to ensure that the town’s most popular beaches remain clean
and tidy during the main holiday season.
Dog owners caught breaching the ban will receive a Fixed Penalty
Notice (FPN) fine of £80.
However, council officials stress that there are still plenty of other
areas of beach within the borough where dogs can be exercised freely.
Project Officer Kate Ainger said: “We want as many people as
possible, including dog owners, to be able to enjoy the town’s beaches.
“However, we feel that the seasonal ban on dogs is necessary to
ensure our most popular stretches of beach are clean and tidy and
attractive to visitors who, in turn, spend money that provides a vital
boost to the local economy.”
For more information about where dogs can be exercised go to www. and click on “Dog Control Orders”.
national award
A COMMUNITY allotment in Hartlepool has scooped
a prestigious national award after receiving the most
public votes in an on-line poll.
A judging panel also acknowledged Waverley
Terrace Community Allotment as the winner of the
Gardening Against the Odds awards run by the
Conservation Foundation in association with The
Sunday Telegraph and Telegraph Gardening.
Previously described as “a community garden in
the true sense of the words” when shortlisted for the
awards, the community allotment was also hailed at
a ceremony in Syon House, London, as a “shining
beacon of success”.
The community allotment, which is run by
Hartlepool Council, provides opportunities to children
and adults with physical and learning disabilities and
mental health problems. It grows a great quantity of
fruit and vegetables which is distributed and sold in
the community, with profits being ploughed back into
the project.
It also helps to prepare people for employment and
works with Hartlepool College of Further Education
whose vocational students provide free labour while
gaining vital work experience.
Darran Hutchinson from the Council’s Child
and Adult Services Department who oversees the
allotment, said: “We knew we were in with a chance
as one of 16 shortlisted entries but we didn’t dare to
think we would win. We would like to thank everyone
who voted for us.
Gill Alexander, Hartlepool Council’s Chief Executive,
said: “This is a fantastic achievement. A lot of hard
work by many people has gone into developing this
project and this award is well-deserved recognition
for their efforts.”
Council staff, volunteers and service users are pictured with the
national award at the Waverley Terrace Community Allotment
Barbecue safety
| P17
| P17
TRADING standards officers in Hartlepool
are warning people of the dangers posed by
disposable barbecues.
The throwaway products provide a popular
and easy means of al fresco cooking but
contain a deadly hidden danger.
As the evening temperature drops the heat
from a left over disposable barbecue can
Ian Harrison with a
barbecue purchased locally
be a tempting source of warmth to huddle
which doesn’t carry relevant
round as a chill descends.
safety information.
All well and good in the open air but
when disposable barbecues are taken into
enclosed spaces such as tents, caravans or even conservatories, an invisible
killer gas is produced.
Ian Harrison, Trading Standards & Licensing Manager with Hartlepool
Council, said: “Even when apparently cold, disposable barbecues continue to
produce carbon monoxide.
“Exposure to carbon monoxide in enclosed spaces causes drowsiness, with
victims unaware that the poison gas that is surrounding them is producing an
effect which eases them into a sleep that they may never wake up from.
“Our advice is simple - never take a used disposable barbecue into an
enclosed space, even if it feels cold to the touch. A disposable barbecue should
be left outside until the following day and then disposed of appropriately.”
By law, retailers do not have to include key safety messages on product
packaging and literature, a matter that concerns Mr Harrison.
“We will continue to press for clearer warnings as it is essential that people
do not inadvertently put themselves, or their loved ones, at risk,” he said.
Noise call-out
service resumes
A LATE-NIGHT call-out service run by Hartlepool Council to clampdown
on noise nuisance has resumed.
It is operating from 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays until 3am the next
day throughout the summer. It will cease at 3am on Sunday August 30.
Residents can call a dedicated mobile telephone number – 07789
921338 – to report loud music, rowdy parties and other noise-related
The service received 103 calls in 2014, and most of the complaints
involved one-off incidents that environmental health staff resolved
Head of Public Protection Sylvia Pinkney said: “Our message is that you
can have a good time without making your neighbours’ lives a misery.
“Remember that if you are having a barbecue in your garden noise can
carry some distance, particularly at night.
“Some people also tend to return home from a night out and decide to
continue the party, putting on loud music until the early hours. We would
appeal to them to show some consideration and turn down the volume.”
When a complaint is received, council officers initially assess the extent
of a problem before deciding whether further action is needed. Where a
complaint is felt to be justified, people are asked to reduce the amount of
noise they are making and failure to do so can result in them being served
with an abatement notice. The Council also has the power to seize music
equipment, while the ultimate sanction is prosecution at a magistrates’
court under the 1990 Environmental Protection Act. Conviction can result
in a fine of up to £5,000.
Hartbeat | P19
The Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene
We have moved
Our Advice Centre is now at The
Arches, 79 Park Road, Hartlepool.
Proposed plans for
Community Consultations
Hart Village Church is the oldest Church in Hartlepool
with its roots dating back to the Saxon era. Although
this has been a place of worship and prayer for
hundreds of years, Hart Parochial Church Council would
like to develop the existing site by providing a building
that can host recreational, social and educational
activities for the benefit of the local community.
The proposed development would also include modern
facilities, an outside picnic area and improved parking
which will highlight the archaeological heritage of
the site. If you are interested in finding out about
the proposed plans for Hart Village Church then
please come along to one of the following community
Monday 13 July 2015 11am- 2pm Hart Village Church
Monday 13 July 2015 4pm – 6:30pm
Hart Village Church
Tuesday 14 July 2015 3pm- 5pm
St Marks Centre, Clavering Road, Hartlepool
We are pleased
to announce
the opening of
our 3rd Charity
New affordable homes in Hartlepool
A MULTI-MILLION pound investment programme is underway in
Hartlepool to provide more than 50 new homes.
Housing Hartlepool, part of the Thirteen Group, has received support
for its scheme on the site of the former Claremont sheltered housing
scheme in Elwick Road, which will be a mixture of bungalows and
apartments for older people.
Work has started on the new homes after Housing Hartlepool was
awarded almost £300,000 from the Homes and Communities Agency.
The scheme will produce four two bedroom bungalows and 24 two
bedroom apartments, which will be available for affordable rent and
shared ownership in spring 2016.
The £3.5m scheme forms part of a wider regeneration programme
Please keep your
donations coming in
For free advice and information
call 01429 297007
Reg. Charity no. 701140
or call into our centre at
79 Park Road, The Arches, HARTLEPOOL, TS24 7PW
How the Elwick Road development will look.
Derelict chapel converted into
modern apartments
A DERELICT chapel on Hartlepool’s
Headland is set to be transformed into
affordable housing as part of a £1m
regeneration programme.
Housing Hartlepool is working in partnership
with Hartlepool New Deal for Communities
(NDC) Trust on the project to rescue Morison
Hall, with support from Hartlepool Council.
The landlord is leading on the project to
convert the former 19th century Methodist
chapel into eight apartments, after Hartlepool
Borough Council transferred ownership of the
building to the NDC Trust in winter 2014.
The homes, which are due to be completed
this summer, will provide an affordable
option for local people looking for rented
Mark Dutton, Head of Partnerships and
Resources for Thirteen, the parent company
of Housing Hartlepool, said: “Bringing derelict
buildings back into use means that we can
provide more quality affordable homes within
Hartlepool and contribute to the overall
regeneration of the town as part of our aim to
create attractive and safe neighbourhoods and
Titan House is open
for business
If you are unable to attend the consultations but would like
further information and would like to complete a resident
survey then please visit
If you have any queries regarding the community
consultations please call: Hart Parochial Church Council :
01429 269699
delivered in partnership with Hartlepool Borough Council and local
residents, which has already led to the development of 33 new homes
on the site of the former Raby Gardens houses, which were demolished
in 2014.
The Raby Gardens development, which includes bungalows, two
bedroom houses and three bedroom townhouses, is also expected to be
completed in spring 2016. The properties will be available for rent and
shared ownership.
Housing Hartlepool is investing a total of £6m, after being awarded
£1.2m from the Homes and Communities Agency.
To find out about any of our properties, contact us on 0300 111
TITAN House on York Road, Hartlepool’s one-stop shop for the
customers of all the landlords in Thirteen Group, offers easy access to
front line services in the heart of the town centre.
More than 3,500 customers and visitors have accessed the variety
of services on offer at Titan House since the building opened in October
2014. Services range from renting a property and reporting repairs, to
face-to-face support and advice on rents and neighbourhood queries.
Customers can also access a range of online self-service options,
which includes choice based lettings.
Alternatively, contact a customer adviser on 0300 111 1000 or
Morison Hall.
Homes for rent
HOUSING Hartlepool and its landlord partners in the Thirteen Group;
Erimus Housing, Tees Valley Housing and Tristar Homes, all have
available properties to rent.
Tenants benefit from a 24-hour contact number, repairs service, no
bond or admin fees, low rental costs and experienced, professional staff.
In Hartlepool, one, two or three bedroom houses and apartments are
available for affordable rent in Owton Manor, King Oswy, the Headland,
West View and a range of other estates in Hartlepool.
Please contact us on 0300 111 1000 and ask for the Lettings
team. We can tell you about the properties we have available and talk
you through applying for a property. We also advertise a selection of
properties that are available immediately on Rightmove. Visit
This summer, a host of music’s biggest names will gather in
Sedgefield for one of the biggest events of the year – and you could be
Hardwick Live 2015, in the grounds of Hardwick Hall Hotel on
Saturday August 22, will feature three stages of live music, headlined
by legendary British band James.
The group, who have sold more than 12 million albums worldwide,
will be joined on the Main Stage, by very special guests Razorlight, who
stormed the charts with hits including America, Somewhere Else and In
The Morning, as well as 10cc, Embrace and many more.
For the first time in its history, Hardwick Live 2015 will also feature a
Discovery Stage, headlined by Britpop icons Cast, with performances by
a host of upcoming acts from across the UK, including North East duo
Smoove & Turrell.
There will also be a Dome, offering comedy performances during the
day and DJ sets into the night, as well as a host of fairground rides and
activities for younger visitors, including magic, face painting and Punch
and Judy shows.
Tickets for Hardwick Live 2015, priced from £8 children and £49
adults, are on sale now from various retailers, including Hardwick Hall
Hotel, or online at
Hartlepool Council has teamed up with organisers Ramside Estates
to give you the chance to win tickets for two adults and two children by
answering the following question:
What is the name of the band headlining Hardwick Live, whose
hits include Sit Down and She’s A Star?
Email your answer, along with your name and contact details to by July 10 to be entered. The first correct
entry drawn at random after the closing date will win.
For more information about Hardwick Live 2015 visit www. or search Hardwick Live on Facebook or Twitter.
Terms and conditions: Prize includes two adult tickets and two children or young person tickets to
Hardwick Live 2015. No alternatives will be offered.
Are you up for
triathlon challenge?
HARTLEPOOL’S third Big Lime Triathlon
is fast approaching and this year’s event
is set to be bigger and better!
The sprint triathlon which is made
up of a 750m open water swim, a 20k
cycle ride and a 5k run, will take place on Sunday September 20 and
people are being encouraged to have a go. Why not take part as an
individual or as a team? All abilities are welcome, you just have to be
over 16-years-old
The event is being organised by Hartlepool Council’s Sport and
Physical Activity Team with support from British Triathlon.
You can register for the race and obtain further information by going
And this year, for the first time, the town is also hosting a Big Lime
Aquathlon on August 23 for people who haven’t got around to getting
on their bikes yet. This is a continuous swim-to-run event, comprising
a 750m open water swim in the Marina and a 5k run along the
promenade towards Seaton Carew. For more information or to register
go to
Triathlon is one of the sports being promoted as part of the Feel
Good in Hartlepool initiative, which has been awarded Sport England
Community Sports Activation Funding with the aim of getting more
local people active.
Triathlon Activator Kay Stokes said: “The sport of Triathlon is open to
anyone. It is a very welcoming sport, from Elite level to novice, and you
just need to have the determination to give it a go.”
A Try a Tri day is taking place on August 15 for beginners to increase
their knowledge to compete in a triathlon, costing only £15. For more
information about the above events contact Kay Stokes on (01429)
284045 or
A series of mini Go Tri events suitable for all abilities is also being
held over the summer. Please see below for more information.
Sign up for GO TRI
THREE GO TRI events, which give people the opportunity to
sample the fun of a triathlon in a low-key and friendly atmosphere,
are to be held over coming months.
The events, open to anyone aged 14 and over, are part of the
Feel Good in Hartlepool project which aims to get more local people
active. They are perfect for beginners or those training for events such
as the Big Lime Triathlon. They will take place on:
July 11 2015 – Ladies only Super Sprint Triathlon
A 150m pool swim, 15 minutes cycling on spin bikes and 10
minute run at Mill House Leisure Centre.
August 8 2015 – Super Sprint Triathlon
A 200m pool swim, 5k cycle and 2k run in the traffic-free
environment of English Martyrs School.
September 2 2015 – Super Sprint Triathlon
A 375m open water swim, 6k cycle and 2k run around Hartlepool
Marina and The Highlight.
Entry fee is £5 per event or £10 for all three. For more details or to
enter online go to Further information is
also available from Kay Stokes at or on
(01429) 284045.
Green travel
boost for town
A NEW green travel scheme aims to
Paul Watson, Hartlepool Council’s Road Safety
improve the health of Hartlepool residents,
Officer, said: “Instead of the car being king, this
make the town’s roads safer and boost the
project is all about promoting viable alternative
local economy.
forms of travel and making them as accessible
Funded through the Government’s
and attractive as possible.”
Local Sustainable Travel Fund (LSTF), the
People can find out more about active travel
Hartlepool Council-led scheme intends to
options by going to the Connect Tees Valley
work closely with local companies and their
website at The Tees
employees to promote alternatives to the
Valley’s one-stop-shop for travel information covers
car, including cycling, walking and public
buses, trains, walking, and cycling as well as road
and air travel.
And where car use is necessary, the
Tony is also looking to forge close links with
scheme will encourage employees to share
the town’s Summerhill Country Park where
vehicles wherever possible.
he previously spent 12 years as manager. The
Sustainable Travel Officer Tony Davison
100-acre site is being developed by Hartlepool
has been appointed to head up the LSTF
Council as a cycling hub and is currently home to
scheme and is keen to establish contact
a cycle clinic that offers bike repairs and servicing,
with businesses and organisations across
Sustainable Travel Officer Tony Davison.
maintenance classes and training opportunities.
the town.
He said: “We aim to use the facilities at
He said: “The benefits of sustainable
Summerhill and expand on the services offered by
and active modes of travel such as
running cycle clinic events in workplaces, targeting people returning to
cycling, walking and public transport are considerable.
work from unemployment by offering free servicing of their old bikes
“In particular, the greater use of these forms of travel is crucial
and repairs where necessary and offering subsidised cycle clinic service
to us achieving our economic regeneration priorities for the town in
sessions and cycle maintenance classes to businesses.”
a sustainable way by helping to ensure that developments do not
He said that companies, which encourage more of their employees
adversely affect local roads in terms of congestion and safety.
to adopt active forms of travel such as cycling, stand to benefit from
“In addition, they can play a significant role when it comes to
improving the health of local people by increasing their levels of physical a fitter and healthier workforce that takes fewer sick days and is more
productive, while employees themselves benefit from feeling fitter and
more energised at the start of a working day.
Public Health England statistics show that Hartlepool is above the
In the longer-term, it is hoped to complement the work of the project
English average in terms of physical inactivity (only 49.7% of adults
by developing new and improved cycle and walking routes which
are physically active, compared to 56% across England) and they also
provide convenient access to key employment sites in the town –
reveal that 27.5% of adults and 24.3% of Year 6 children are obese,
making it easier for people to reach work
compared to 24.2% and 19.2% nationally respectively. Cardiovascular
without relying on a car.
disease is also a major contributor to low life expectancy in Hartlepool
and has impacted on many families for generations.
Tony is well qualified to understand the benefits of cycling as he
completes a daily 28-mile round trip to work and back from his
home in Coxhoe.
He is currently focussing his attention on companies based in the
town’s three Enterprise Zones at Queens Meadow, Oakesway and
the Port.
“As well as focussing intensively on the town’s largest employers and
our key employment areas, we will also be working regularly with a
second tier of medium-sized business. We also intend to make contact
and provide opportunities to smaller employers or those with limited
“We aim to invite employees to take part in events and activities that
demonstrate and promote the well-being benefits of active travel, and
then encourage them to make this part of their daily routine.
“We are also offering personalised journey planning as part of the
scheme, and we intend to link in with local, regional and national
campaigns to promote sustainable and active travel wherever possible,”
he said.
Companies wishing to contact Sustainable Travel Officer Tony Davison can
email or telephone (01429) 523259.
Hartbeat | P22
Service Centre
At your service
Connecting you to your Council
A WIDE range of information, advice and practical help is provided to residents by Hartlepool Council’s Customer Service Centre within
the Civic Centre reception area.
Here, we highlight a number of services that people may benefit from at this time of the year.
Pest control
Refuse and recycling
The Council’s Pest Control Service offers an efficient
and professional service for the treatment of a wide
range of rodents, insects and other vermin.
In respect of domestic premises, problems with rats are dealt with
free of charge, but other treatments, including the removal of wasps’
nests and the eradication of flea and other insect infestations, incur a
charge. A range of charges also applies to treatments undertaken at
commercial premises,
The service does not deal with bee enquiries and information can
be accessed at
In addition, we offer a free advice and identification service to all
customers and all we ask is that, if possible, they place a sample of
the insects they have encountered in a container with a lid and bring
it to main reception at the Civic Centre.
For advice about pest control or to request a visit by a Pest Control
Officer call (01429) 523333 or access our online form by going to
For a wide range of information about
refuse and recycling collections or to report
problems with collections of bins/blue boxes
call (01429) 523333.
We are particularly keen to prevent the contamination of recycling
collections with non-recyclable materials and have launched a new
on-line system that enables people to check how to dispose of their
waste properly. By going to
residents are able to select a waste item from a drop down list, and
are then advised whether the item can be put in a grey bin. If it can’t,
the system says whether the item can be recycled at the Council’s
Household Waste Recycling Centre in Burn Road or whether it should
be placed in a green bin. A particular problem is takeaway pizza boxes
which are often contaminated with grease and leftover food. These
should always be put in a green bin.
A range of other information is available by going to www. and putting “recycling” in the search box.
Weddings –
COUPLES planning to tie the knot are
reminded that a newly-refurbished ceremony
room is available for use at the Borough Hall.
The Middlegate Room, which is
characterised by several large windows and
a high ceiling, has undergone complete
redecoration, with new carpets, curtains and
The fully-accessible room, which has seats
for 35 guests, is located on the first-floor of the
Borough Hall, offering views across Hartlepool
Bay. The room is also available for naming
ceremonies and renewal of vows.
All other registration activities (registering
births and deaths and giving notice of
marriage) take place at the Register Office at
Hartlepool Civic Centre. Same sex marriage
conversions from Civil Partnerships are
available free of charge until the end of the
year. For more information call (01429)
523337 (Monday-Thursday 8.30am-5pm and
Fridays 8.30am-4.30pm), email registrar@ or go to
First Contact
and Support Hub
Housing services
THE Council is responsible for
maintaining and managing over
1,000 allotment plots across
16 sites in the town.
We maintain tenancy details,
undertake regular inspections,
take enforcement action, deal
with complaints, organise
repairs and issue invoices.
All sites have a waiting list
and you can put your name
on the list online or through
Customer Services. Allotment
rents vary, depending on the
size of a plot.
To find out more about
becoming an allotment tenant
call (01429) 523333 or email
Alternatively, for a wide range
of information and allotmentrelated services, including
paying your rent online, go
A RANGE of services is available to tenants of
the Council’s own housing stock on (01429)
523336. By calling this number, they can,
for example, pay their rent, report a repair,
or report nuisance and anti-social behaviour.
People interested in renting a Council property
should also call this number.
The Council currently has 183 properties
that are either let or due to be let. Many
of the properties are located across three
developments – Golden Meadows, off Seaton
Lane, Gladys Worthy Close at Rift House and
Empire Square, off Huckelhoven Way. The
Council also owns a number of other properties
in various parts of the town and is working
towards increasing the number of properties it
has available to rent.
The First Contact and Support Hub provides free impartial information, advice
and guidance for children, young people, parents/carers, families and the
professionals who work with them.
• Concerns about the safety and well being of a child
• Advice on family issues and concerns
• Access to specialist child services and support
• Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
• Signposting to relevant service providers
• Training, volunteering and employment services
For more information contact:
Civic Centre, Victoria Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8AY
Tel: 01429 284284 E-mail: Secure Email:
At City Dental we’re different.
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Let City Dental,
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Whether you require a full smile re-design or simply to maintain excellent
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Online, by phone, in person
• Family finance and budgeting
• Benefit and entitlement checks
• Becoming a childminder / childcare provider
• Help with finding and paying for childcare
• 2, 3, 4 year old Free Nursery Entitlement
• Sure Start Children’s Centres
• Activities for children and young people
Smile Design
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 Crowns & Bridges  Implants  Teeth Whitening  Bespoke Dentures
Information, Advice
and Support Services
Between September 2014 and March 2016 the Government is making funding available
to provide specialist individual support to parents, carers, children and young people
who are involved in an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment
Trained Independent Supporters will work with you throughout the assessment period.
They can explain each stage, help you to get your views across and ensure you take an
active lead role in this process. Support will be available for new EHC requests and for
those going through a transfer of an existing Statement of Educational Need or Learning
Disability Assessment for Children and Young People aged 0 – 25 years.
Independent Support in Hartlepool will be jointly provided by Hartlepool Information,
Advice and Support Services (formerly Parent Partnership Services) and in partnership
with Core Assets Children’s Service.
To find out more contact Hartlepool Information, Advice and Support Services on
01429 284876 or email
or Core Assets Children’s Service on 0800 028 8455 or email
Alternatively visit
Children and
Young People
Parent /
Practitioner /
Why not take a look? Visit The Directory to find out about things to do, places to go
and people to talk to in Hartlepool. Information, advice and guidance for children, young people,
parents/ carers, families and professionals.
Search for a wide range of information from activities and things to do, to who you can talk to
and get advice.
First Contact
and Support Hub
call 01429 284284
Future Hartlepool Council meetings
MEMBERS of the public are encouraged
to attend Council meetings to hear the
discussions and see how decisions are made.
The dates and times of the meetings
are publicised on the Council’s website at
as well as on the notice boards outside
Civic Centre and in Central Library. The
meeting agendas are published in the
Meetings and Minutes section of the
website five clear working days before the
The dates and times of the meetings
over the next couple of months until the
next edition of Hartbeat are below. Unless
otherwise indicated, they will all take place
at Civic Centre in Victoria Road.
Please note that Council meetings may
be subject to change. If you plan to attend,
please check on the Council’s website or
call the number below.
Finance and Policy Committee
Monday 29th June at 9:30am
Monday 27th July at 9:30am
Friday 28th August at 9:30am
Planning Committee
Wednesday 8th July at 10am
Wednesday 5th August at 10am
Wednesday 2nd September at 10am
Adult Services Committee
Monday 6th July at 10am
Monday 3rd August at 10am
Monday 17th August at 10am
Monday 14th September at 10am
Licensing Committee
Wednesday 12th August at 2pm
Full Council
Thursday 25th June at 7pm
Thursday 6th August at 7pm
Thursday 17th September at 7pm
Regeneration Services Committee
Friday 17th July at 9:30am
Friday 31st July at 9:30am
Friday 28th August at 2pm
Children’s Services Committee
Tuesday 14th July at 4pm
Tuesday 4th August at 4pm
Tuesday 18th August at 4pm
Tuesday 15th September at 4pm
Neighbourhood Services Committee
Monday 13th July at 10am
Monday 10th August at 10am
Monday 24th August at 10am
Audit and Governance Committee
Thursday 25th June at 10am
Thursday 16th July at 2pm
Thursday 6th August at 10am
Thursday 20th August at 10am
Thursday 3rd September at 10am
North & Coastal Neighbourhood Forum
Wednesday 15th July at 10am
Hartbeat | P27
Meet your councillors
If you want to contact any
councillor call (01429) 523704
or see the Councillors section at
Burn Valley Ward
Jonathan Brash
De Bruce Ward
South & Central Neighbourhood Forum
Wednesday 15th July at 2pm
Ged Hall
John Lauderdale
Fens & Rossmere Ward
Health & Wellbeing Board
Monday 3rd August at 2pm
Friday 11th September at 10am
Safer Hartlepool Partnership
Friday 10th July at 10am
Friday 4th September at 10am
Sheila Griffin
Stephen Thomas
Rob Cook
Steve Gibbon
Putting Hartlepool First
Foggy Furze Ward
Alan Clark
Jim Lindridge
Hart Ward
Councillors’ ward surgeries
11 July
10am – 11am West View Community Centre, Miers Avenue
8 August
10am – 11am West View Community Centre, Miers Avenue
12 September
10am – 11am West View Community Centre, Miers Avenue
Councillors: Sheila Griffin (Labour) l Steve Thomas (Labour) l Rob Cook (Labour)
4 July
10am – 12noon
Belle Vue Community Sports & Youth Centre,
Kendal Road
3 August
5pm – 6pm Orb Centre, Caledonian Road
12 September
10am – 12noon Browning Avenue Baptist Church
Councillors: Christopher Akers-Belcher (Labour) l Kaylee Sirs (Labour) l Kevin Cranney (Labour)
4 July
10am – 11am Gillen Arms, Clavering Road
1 August
10am – 11am Hartfields Retirement Village,
Healthy Living Suite Consultation Room
5 September
10am – 11am Gillen Arms, Clavering Road
Councillors: Jean Robinson (Labour) l David Riddle (Putting Hartlepool First) l Paul Beck (Labour)
29 July
6.45pm – 7.45pm Cricket Club, Park Drive
30 Sept
6.45pm – 7.45pm Cricket Club, Park Drive
Councillors: Ray Martin-Wells (Conservative) l Brenda Loynes (Conservative) l George Morris (Conservative)
Christopher Akers-Belcher
Kaylee Sirs
Kevin Cranney
Jean Robinson
Headland & Harbour Ward
council leader’s SURGERIES
Jim Ainslie
Peter Jackson
Sylvia Tempest
Paul Beck
Jesmond Ward
4 July
11am – 12noon Seaton Carew Branch Library, Station Lane
1 August
11am – 12noon Seaton Carew Branch Library, Station Lane
5 September
11am – 12noon Seaton Carew Branch Library, Station Lane
Councillors: Kelly Atkinson (Putting Hartlepool First) l Tom Hind (UKIP) l Paul Thompson
For details of your local of your local councillor(s) contact Hartlepool Council on (01429) 523702
or 523704. Anyone intending to attend a meeting is advised to check that the date, time and venue
have not changed.
David Riddle
Putting Hartlepool First
Mary Fleet
Manor House Ward
George Springer
Sandra Belcher
Rural West Ward
Councillor Christopher Akers-Belcher holds surgeries every Tuesday from 4pm at the Civic Centre.
Bookings must be made in advance by phoning 01429 284142.
3 July
5.30pm – 6.30pm Parish Council Office, Middlegate
7 August
5.30pm – 6.30pm CEMO Office, Phoenix Centre, Hindpool Close
4 September
5.30pm – 6.30pm Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club, West Harbour
Councillors: Jim Ainslie (Labour) l Peter Jackson (Labour) l Sylvia Tempest (Labour)
26 June
3pm – 4pm
Throston Grange Library, Glamorgan Grove
24 July
3pm – 4pm Chatham Children’s Centre, Chatham Road
29 August
10.30am – 11.30am Lynton Court, Exmoor Grove
Councillors: Mary Fleet (Labour) l George Springer (UKIP) l Sandra Belcher (Labour)
Iain Wright MP holds regular surgeries in the town. To arrange an appointment please ring 01429
224403. Alternatively, write to Iain Wright MP, The Labour Office, 23 South Road, Hartlepool, TS26 9HD
Stephen Akers-Belcher
Jude Kirton-Darling – (Labour)
Tel: 0191 2465276
Jonathan Arnott – (UKIP)
Paul Brennan – (Labour)
Tel: 0191 2465276
Marjorie James
Allan Barclay
Ray Martin-Wells
Local Conservative
Seaton Ward
Brenda Loynes
Local Conservative
George Morris
Local Conservative
Victoria Ward
6 July
5.30pm – 7pm
Owton Manor Baptist Church, Owton Manor Lane
3 August
5.30pm – 7pm St Columba’s Church, Dryden Road
7 September
5.30pm – 6.30pm Owton Manor Community Centre, Wynyard Road
Councillors: Stephen Akers-Belcher (Labour) l Marjorie James (Labour) l Allan Barclay (Labour)
Kelly Atkinson
Putting Hartlepool First
Tom Hind
Paul Thompson
Chris Simmons
Carl Richardson
Trisha Lawton
A watery world of
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Could you
treat me as
part of your
Hartlepool Borough Council Child and Adult Services
Information for Families of Children and Young People with
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) 0–25 Years
The Council is required to produce a ‘Local Offer’ of services
and advice as part of the SEND Reforms under the Children
and families Act 2014. The Local Offer will provide information
about services that are available for children and young people
with special educational needs and disabilities between the
ages of 0 – 25 years to inform parents, children and young
people of the types of services available.
The Local Offer will:
• Give information about education, health and care services
• Give you information about leisure activities and support groups
• Hold all information in one place
• Be clear, comprehensive and accessible
• Make service provision more responsive to local needs and
• Be developed and reviewed with the service providers and
service users
Where to Find the Local Offer?
The Local Offer can be found by using the following direct link:
Once on the site the home page will provide you with two
buttons, one to access the local offer of services and the second
to enable access to Complaints, Single Coordinated assessment,
Personal Budgets and Information & Guidance.
Please take time to have a look at the local offer site. Your
feedback and comments on what we have produced so far and
in the future are valuable to us to ensure that
the information and services we are publishing
is meeting the needs of parents, children and
young people.
If you would like to speak with someone directly about the local offer, you can contact the First Contact
Support Hub (FCSH) on: 01429 284284 or Tracy Liveras - Local Offer Lead on: 01429 284876
Switch on for
technology grant
More jobs joy for
Enterprise Zone
HARTLEPOOL voluntary and
community organisations are
being given a chance to apply
for a technology grant.
£30,000 is being made
available through the
Northgate Public Services
(NPS) Community Fund
to help improve people’s
Donna Easby (left) of NPS
with Hartlepool Council’s
information technology (IT)
Kirsty Swanson.
and computer skills.
The initiative is a
partnership between Hartlepool Council and NPS, which
has a 7-year contract to provide IT services to the local
Organisations can apply to use the money for a range
of purposes such as the cost of training courses to
enhance people’s ICT skills.
One of the organisations to benefit last year from the
scheme was the Hartlepool Deaf Centre. Co-ordinator
Wendy Harrison said: “The funding we received from the
NPS Community Fund was used to pay for an IT tutor to
deliver classes in basic IT skills to deaf members.
“We had eight deaf people whose ages ranged from
65 to 85 years and I feel that the funding made a huge
difference to their lives. By the end of the course they
were all able to use the internet, email, access Council
and GP online services, Facebook and online visual
messaging services such as FaceTime and Skype.”
Joe Bradley, Executive Director with NPS added:
“Now that we have our Regional Business Centre in
Hartlepool, improving local people’s digital skills is a
top priority for NPS and we look forward to receiving
applications once again from local organisations.”
Application forms can be obtained by contacting Kirsty
Swanson at Hartlepool Council on 01429 523003.
Alternatively, visit or email The closing date for
applications is Friday 3 July.
ADVANCED engineering company Applus RTD UK Ltd recently announced plans
to double its workforce.
The company - which specialises in inspection and testing solutions for the oil, gas
and power sectors – recently moved in to new 4,500 sq ft premises at the town’s
Queens Meadow Business Park – a designated Enterprise Zone.
The move will enable the company to expand as it aims to increase its workforce
at its Hartlepool site from 11 to 24. It brings the total number of jobs created at
Queens Meadow to almost 200 since it was granted Enterprise Zone status in 2013.
Applus employs over 300 people in total throughout the UK, with operations also
in Falkirk, Aberdeen and Great Yarmouth.
Stuart Gilfillan, Manager of the Hartlepool operation, said: “When we were looking
for bigger premises to expand the business in the North-East, Queens Meadow ticked
all the boxes for us.
“The Rivergreen units at Queens Meadow are modern, there is plenty of car
parking, there is easy access to the A19 and of course we are entitled to the
Enterprise Zone incentives which will help us to grow the business during challenging
economic times.”
Queens Meadow Business Park is one of eight key sites identified in the Hartlepool
Vision – Hartlepool Council’s radical
new blueprint to spark regeneration,
create jobs and ensure the future
prosperity of the town.
Councillor Christopher AkersBelcher, the Leader of Hartlepool
Council, commented: “The
Enterprise Zones offer tremendous
incentives to companies and I’m
delighted that Applus has chosen
Hartlepool to expand its NorthEast presence and create vital new
A £3m Government project
to provide 2,000 sq m of new
business space also recently got
under way at Queens Meadow.
For further information about
The official opening of Applus RTD UK Ltd.
Enterprise Zones, contact
Hartlepool Council on 01429
Family fun
Have say on hospital services
RIFT House East Residents’ Association has teamed
up with the Rifty Youth Club to stage a fun weekend
at Rift House Recreation Ground on Saturday/Sunday
15/16 August.
A range of attractions will be on offer to suit all the
family including funfair rides (big and small), stalls
and music.
Canine lovers are urged to bring along their pets
for Peter Crawford’s Dog Show on the Saturday with
registration on the day.
There will also be a visit from meerkats as well as
reptiles on the Saturday. A car boot sale will be held
over both days. Cost is £5 if pre-booked or £7 on the
Admission is free although there will be a small
charge for some of the attractions. The fun starts at
10am on both days and for more information call
Stephen Akers-Belcher on 07904 402864.
England’s Chief Inspector of Hospitals is inviting members of the public to
tell his inspection panel what they think of the services provided by North Tees
and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust.
Their views and experiences will help inspectors decide what to look at when
they inspect the University Hospital of North Tees and University Hospital of
Hartlepool in July.
The Trust will be inspected and given an overall rating under a new method of
inspection introduced by the Care Quality Commission. The formal inspection of
the Trust will start on 7 July.
Inspectors are holding a listening event on Monday 6 July at the Grand Hotel
starting at 6pm when local people can find out more about the inspection, tell
the team about their experiences of care over the past year and say where they
would like to see improvements made in the future. Those who cannot attend are
being asked to share their experience by:
• Visiting:
• Email:
• By letter: CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
• By phone: 03000 61 61 61
Hartbeat | P29
Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience, Jackson Dock
Hartlepool’s award-winning attraction includes the Historic Quay, the Museum of Hartlepool
and HMS Trincomalee | T: 860077 | Residents rate applies, free entry to the museum |
Hartlepool Art Gallery, Church Square
In addition to the permanent displays, the gallery also hosts a wide variety of
temporary exhibitions | T: 869706 | |
HartlepoolArtGallery | Free entry |
Simply bring this advert with you or quote ‘Hartbeat Ad’ when making your appointment
for a Will, Family Trust or LPA to enjoy your 10% discount off our usual rates.
Offer runs 22 June – 31 July 2015
Summerhill, off Catcote Road
Enjoy the great outdoors with everything from country walks and rock climbing to BMX cycling |
T: 284584 | |
Town Hall Theatre, Raby Road
Popular venue for local and national performers | Box office bookings T: 890000 | Book
online: | | Twitter @
hpooltownhall |
Tourist Information Centre, Hartlepool Art Gallery, Church Square
Everything you need to know about Hartlepool | T: 869706 | |
Hartlepool Central Library, York Road,
Books, information, activities and events| T: 272905 | |
Hartlepool Farmers’
Opportunity to make purchases
from local producers. | 2nd
Sat of each month | 9am |
Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience
car park | T: 860077 | Free |
Car Boot Sale
Booking is essential as spaces
are limited. | Last Sat of each
month (until September) | 10am
| Summerhill | T: 284584 | £8
per sellers in cars, £12 for vans
| Admission for buyers is 20p |
will be hosting an exhibition
which will showcase the work of
several internationally acclaimed
illustrators, including Ralph
Steadman, Steve Bell (The
Guardian), John McCrea (Marvel),
and Will Simpson (Game of
Thrones). This exhibition is
only one part of the Festival
of Illustration, as there will be
numerous events taking place in
Hartlepool as part of the festival.
| Until Sat 4th July | Art Gallery
| T: 869706 | Free |
Hot Potato Comedy Club
The monthly comedy club
returns for another night of
great comedians. Featuring Rob
Deering, Chris Martin and Jason
Cook (MC). Take advantage of
the early bird discount by getting
your tickets early (line up subject
to change) | Sat 27th | 8pm |
Town Hall Theatre | T: 890000 | |
£9/ £8 concs. Early bird £6 (up to
week of show) |
Adult archery at
Beginners welcome | Every Thur
| 6:00pm – 7:30pm and 7:30pm
– 9:00pm | Summerhill | T:
284584 | £5.75 casual, £5.25
members, £3.45 concs. |
Race For Life 2015
Including a 5k race and a 10k
race. Ladies, its time to fulfil
your destiny. Help beat cancer
sooner.| Sun 5th | 9.30am |
Seaton Carew | |
Hartlepool Festival of
Illustration: Exhibition
As part of Cleveland College
of Art and Design’s Festival of
Illustration, Hartlepool Art Gallery
Exhibition: Helen Snell
‘Burnt Out’
Burnt Out is an ambitious
new exhibition of sculptural
installations, lighting and two
dimensional works by award
winning artist, Helen Snell.
Helen uses digital laser and
water jet cutting techniques on a
variety of materials to create her
exquisitely detailed and poignant
work. Where rarity, exclusivity
and uniqueness in the art world
are the celebrated norm, Helen
delights in the unlimited multiple.
She revels in her ability to make
many copies, experimenting with
scale and materials, in order to
create composite structures and
installations. Funded by a grant
from Arts Council England, this
exhibition has been inspired by
access to iconic artefacts held
within the collections of the
National Museum of the Royal
Navy, Portsmouth, and its other
sister museums, including the
Royal Navy Submarine Museum.
A 20-21 Visual Arts Centre
touring exhibition. Hartlepool Art
Gallery Exhibition programme is
sponsored by Hartlepool-based
Niramax Total Waste Solutions. |
Sat 11th July - Sat 29th August l
Art Gallery | T: 869706 | Free |
Summerhill Summer
Holiday Activities
A series of fun activities
including archery, indoor
climbing, den building and arts
and crafts | Sat 18th July – Fri
21st August | Summerhill |
T: 284584 |
summerhillcountrypark |
Contact Summerhill for price
information |
Hugless Douglas
Hugless Douglas is a huggable,
lovable young brown bear who
wakes up one morning in need of
a hug. He tries to find the perfect
one, but none of them seem
quite right. After all, there are so
many different hugs to choose
from. With an irresistible blend of
music, puppetry and high-energy
storytelling, join Douglas in
this happy new show! For ages
3 - 7.| Sat 18th | 2pm | Town
Hall Theatre | T: 890000 | |
£4 / £3 concs. Family ticket £12
(up to 5 people) |
Pilates at Summerhill
Six week course | Starts Mon
20th | 11:00 – 12:00 Pilates
and 12:00 – 13:00 Beginners
Pilates | Summerhill | T: 284584
| £18 |
Hot Potato Comedy Club
The monthly comedy club
returns for another night of great
comedians. Featuring Gavin
Webster and Matt Reed (MC).
Take advantage of the early
bird discount by getting your
tickets early (line up subject to
change) | Sat 25th | 8pm |
Town Hall Theatre | T: 890000 | |
£9/ £8 concs. Early bird £6 (up to
week of show) |
Hartlepool Special Needs
Support Group presents
Toy Story 3
Join us for an afternoon of
fun, including a screening of
the hit movie Toy Story 3. |
Sat 25th | 12.30pm | Town
Hall Theatre | T: 890000 |
| £5 |
Hartlepool Carnival
Come along and enjoy the fun
with organised activities for all
of the family | Fri 24th – Sat
8th August | Headland | | Free
entry (some charges apply) |
Family fun weekend
Rift House East Residents’
Association has teamed up
with the Rifty Youth Club to
stage a fun weekend. A range of
attractions will be on offer to suit
all the family including funfair
rides (big and small), stalls
and music | Sat 15th and Sun
16th | The fun starts at 10am
| Rift House Recreation Ground
| 07904 402864 | Free entry
(some charges apply for the
attractions) |
Hartlepool Horticultural
Show 2015
An annual exhibition of plants,
flowers and vegetables. Includes
family crafts and competitions|
Sat 22nd 12.30pm | Sun 23rd
11am (presentations at 3.30pm)
| Borough Hall | T: 870411 | |
Free entry |
Hartlepool Carnival Raft
Including live outdoor music
from 5 great bands. | Sun 30th
| 2pm | Fish Sands, Headland
| | Free
entry |
Hartlepool Music Society
present a Guitar Recital
with Ian Watt
Watt has performed across
Europe and the world, and as
a concerto soloist with the Los
Angeles Chamber Orchestra, BBC
Scottish Symphony Orchestra,
City of London Sinfonia and
Scottish Philharmonic Orchestra
| Wed 2nd | 7.30pm | Town
Hall Theatre | T: 890000 | |
£13, £6.50 students & those in
receipt of benefit, Under 14 and
carers free |
Exhibition: My Generation:
The Glory Years of British
Rock by Harry Goodwin
Top of The Pops was launched
by the BBC on New Year’s Day
in 1964 and went on to become
the longest-running TV show in
British history. On that night The
Rolling Stones were the opening
band; the photographer was
Harry Goodwin. Throughout the
‘60s and ‘70s the show featured
a host of singers and stars, and
set many previously-unknown
bands on the road to fame.
Everyone from Bob Dylan and
The Beatles to David Bowie,
Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Jimi
Hendrix, The Jackson Five and
The Supremes performed on
TOTP. As the show’s resident
photographer from 1964 to 1973,
Harry Goodwin’s unique collection
of photographs remembers them
all. In many cases, where the
original footage has been lost,
his photographs are the only
surviving records of these classic
performances. Hartlepool Art
Gallery Exhibition programme is
sponsored by Hartlepool-based
Niramax Total Waste Solutions. |
Sat 5th Sept - Sat 7th Nov l Art
Gallery | T: 869706 | Free |
Matinee Monday Cinema Rugby Special
Join us for an afternoon of movies
on the big screen. 2.00pm – John
Brown’s Schooldays (2005) rated
12. 4.00pm - Invictus (2009)
rated 12A. | Mon 7th | 2.00pm
| Town Hall Theatre | T: 890000
| £3 per movie/ £5 both |
Preston Simpson and
Sterndale Young Musicians
Trust- A Celebration of
The Preston Simpson and
Sterndale Young Musicians Trust
offers annual awards to young
people and takes this opportunity
to hold a showcase event which
will include performances by
some of the award winners.
The event will also feature
performances by some school
and college choirs from across
the town. | Sat 19th | 7pm |
Town Hall Theatre | T: 890000
| hartlepooltownhalltheatre.
com | £4, under 16s free if
accompanied by an adult |
Hi, I'm Carolyn Tilly, the partner
who runs our Wills, Probate,
Estate and Tax Planning
Department at Tilly Bailey & Irvine.
On W
& FA
When is the
best time to set
up a Lasting Power
of Attorney?
It is never
put inwith
you a
quote ‘Hartbeat
your appointment for
relating to property
or health
a will,and
trust or LPA
to enjoy
your 10%
usual rates.
If accident or illness means you cannot make decisions yourself and
you do not have an LPA in place then someone will need to apply to the
Court of Protection. Whilst you would pay most Solicitors around £470
(including VAT and registration fee) for an LPA, the fees for an application
to the Court of Protection are around £1,500 together with additional
annual requirements such as the submission to the Court of annual
accounts and a yearly insurance fee, neither of which apply to an LPA.
People are living longer but capacity often becomes an issue so the
sooner an LPA is put in place the better. By delaying you risk not
having sufficient capacity to make the LPA or making what is usually a
straightforward process more complicated and expensive by needing to
involve medical professionals to provide reports on capacity.
Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors have a team of legal experts and offer free
initial advice regarding LPAs and other estate planning matters.
Please telephone Carolyn Tilly or Carmel Buckell on 01429 405091
or free phone 0800 052 6824 to arrange an appointment. You can
also contact us by e-mail:
We also hold a Legal Surgery at our offices on York Road every
Thursday between 9.00 am and 7.00 pm where advice can be
obtained without charge or obligation.
Ring for an appointment or just call in • No obligation • Home visits can be arranged
Open until 7pm every Thursday • Evening and weekend Legal Bereavement Advice Helpline
We Are Family
Hartlepool Marina aims to host
its first major music event
at the Jacksons Landing site
to celebrate and showcase
some of the finest talent in the
North East. The We Are Family
Festival - which is subject
to the necessary planning
and licensing permissions
being granted by Hartlepool
Council - is the brainchild of
The Jar Family, a collective of
five singer-songwriters hailing
from Hartlepool. Sat 19th |
Jacksons Landing | www. |
£6 |
Tilly Bailey & Irvine LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and is authorised and regulated by the Financial
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