Highland School of Technology Cheerleading Tryouts 2015 2016


Highland School of Technology Cheerleading Tryouts 2015 2016
Highland School of Technology ­ Cheerleading Tryouts 2015 ­ 2016 Students who wish to tryout for the cheerleading squad must have and maintain good grades, attendance, behavior, and ​
be accepted at Highland by the tryout dates​
. Rising Freshman need to be accepted through the lottery to be considered for the squad and NOT​
on the waiting list as the waiting list is not a guaranteed spot into Highland. Keep in mind that rising freshman are not technically accepted into Highland until EOG scores are released and students have met all requirements for acceptance into the school. Letters will be mailed to students at the end of June. Wear comfortable clothing, socks, and gym shoes to practice. Hair should be up and out of the face. No gum or jewelry, and nails must be at safety regulation length. Practice days and times for tryouts are ​
Tuesday, May 26 to Friday, May 29, 2015 from 3:45 ­ 5:15 pm​
in the gymnasium. ➔ On ​
Friday, May 29, 2014​
make sure you wear a ​
white t­shirt as well as dark (black or blue) shorts. There will be a ​
parent meeting June 1 @ 4pm in Coach Shaw’s room (C­126) for those that make the squad. If you or your parent cannot attend I need to know ASAP so I can make arrangements to get you the information from the meeting. Each candidate for cheerleading must have all of the following items returned to ​
Coach Shaw at Highland​
by ​
Tuesday, May 26, 2015​
. ​
(these items have a star in the corner) 1. Valid copy of a physical (turned in with paperwork): a. You will NOT be allowed to tryout without a current physical 2. Application form 3. Signed Cheer Rules sheet a. This must be signed by the cheerleader and Parent/Guardian 4. Teacher Recommendations (3) a. must be in a sealed envelope Being a part of the cheerleading squad requires teamwork, dedication, and a serious time (year long) commitment. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS CAREFULLY!!! Good luck! ­ Coach Shaw Cheer Rules 2014­2015 Each cheerleader is expected to know and abide by the following rules of conduct. Cheerleaders and Parents/Guardians please read ​
rules carefully before signing the attached form. All team members will be held responsible for their actions. Rules are subject to change at any time by the Coach, Athletic Director, or Principal. Note: All costs must be paid by due date, by cash or check (made out to Highland). General Rules and Expectations: ● No other person will be allowed to sit or cheer with the squad during a game or practice. ● ALL​
girls must cheer as a team at every game/event. ● No gum or jewelry is allowed at anytime! ● Any cheerleader that is playing another sport must state this information on the application form and is required to be at 50% of the cheerleading practices, must attend all games (unless it conflicts with games from other sport), and must be at practice the day before a game. ○ It is the cheerleader’s responsibility to work with the coaches for both teams and the demerit system still applies. However, due to Highland’s small size there is flexibility within this rule. ● A quick explanation concerning money – we do not receive athletic money and must be self­sustaining. We cannot purchase anything without having the money in hand. This is why our rules concerning money are so strict. ● Coaches will have the final say in all decisions. ● When in uniform (this includes cheer shirts), you shall behave as a young lady. Your uniform represents your school, your squad, and most importantly yourself. Do not be an embarrassment. If you are questioning whether or not your behavior is appropriate chances are it is not and you should change your actions. ● We are a team…we practice as a team…cheer as a team…win as a team…lose as a team…and work as a team!!! Demerit System​
– To ensure the rules are followed, a demerit system will be maintained by the coach. A total of ten (10) demerits accumulated during one cheerleading year will result in dismissal from the cheerleading squad. If you are dismissed from the squad you will be asked to return your uniform and you may get it back at the end of the cheer season. Absences​
– Attendance is important because it affects the entire squad. Please make every effort to be at each activity and give advance notice if you know you are going to be absent. Excused Absences (to Coach Shaw) include: ● Illness – doctor’s note is required ● Death in family – parent’s note is required ● Hospitalization – doctor’s note is required ● If taking a test after school a note from a Teacher or Administrator is required Note: A cheerleader ​
be excused from any cheerleading function because she has to work. Our schedules are made long in advance, it is YOUR responsibility to make arrangements at work to get days off when we have cheer. It is part of your committment to the squad you have agreed to by trying out for the team. Immediate Removal from Squad​
– If any cheerleader does the following they will be removed from the squad immediately and asked to turn in all cheer related items that will be returned to them at the end of the cheer season. ● Suspension from school for disciplinary action. ● Use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, or tobacco at school or a school­sponsored activity. ● Starting a fight at school or school sponsored activities. Note: Every cheerleader serves at the discretion of the coach and administration. If, in the judgment of the coach and/or administration, the best interest of the squad is not being served, an individual may be removed from the squad because of discord within the squad, although no rules have been violated. The cheerleader will be warned and counseled within a reasonable time before being removed from the squad. Practices​
– Practice is a vital part of any successful sports program. Each cheerleader should take practice seriously and be ready to practice to her full potential everyday. ● Unexcused absence from practice – one (1) demerit ○ If a cheerleader has an unexcused absence from a practice the day before an event, she cannot participate on the following day. ● Each team member will receive a practice schedule for the football and basketball season. ○ All practice schedules are subject to change. If a change is made an announcement will be made before hand unless an emergency has occurred. ● Practice is ​
mandatory the day before each game​
or the cheerleader may not cheer in that game. ○ The only exception is an interference with another sport or school­related function ● Each cheerleader is expected to be at all practice ON TIME! ○ Unexcused tardy to practice will result in losing one (1) demerit. ● All rides must be at the school ​
within fifteen minutes​
of practice ending. If cheerleaders repeatedly are not picked up on time, one (1) demerit will be given for each occurrence. Coaches cannot and will not leave until all cheerleaders have left safely with their ride, please be courteous of their time. ● Practice attire: ○ Running shoes, t­shirt, sweatshirt, running pants/shorts, hair tie, sports bra ○ Hair needs to be out of your face as it can distract you when performing stunts. ○ No jewelry!!! ○ Be ready to sweat and to work. We will be running, stretching, stunting, and cheering at each practice. ● Summer practice – We will have several summer practices. Each cheerleader is expected to be at these practices unless an absence has been approved by the coach. A schedule will be decided once everyone has submitted their summer vacation plans. Games ​
– A cheerleader’s job is to cheer on the athletic team and it is important that every member of the squad attend all games. ● Before the football and basketball season starts, cheerleaders will be tested on the material for games. Should the material not be known, cheerleaders will not be allowed to cheer at the first game. ● All games are ​
for each cheerleader. ○ A schedule will be available to each team member. ○ Unexcused absence from a game will result in losing two (2) demerits. ● Cheerleaders should be dressed in their full uniforms at the designated time before ALL games. ● As stated previously, practice is ​
the day before each game or the cheerleader may not cheer in that game. ○ The only exception is an interference with another sport or school­related function ● Cheerleaders should always smile, show spirit, say the words to all cheers and chants, and be in formation together. If you are caught not doing these things you will be warned the first time, each time after that you will lose one (1) demerit. ● No cell phones or personal electronic devices are allowed during the games or practices, unless approved by a coach. You may use them at halftime during games and breaks at practices. Failure to follow this rule will result in losing one (1) demerit. ● No cheerleaders should run off the field/court during a cheer, chant, or dance unless there is an emergency. ● For away games, each team member is responsible for their own food (bringing a snack or money) and must have transportation within 15 minutes of the bus arriving back at the school. ● Failing to complete assigned responsibility without just cause will result in losing one (1) demerit. ○ An example of this is bringing in candy for treat bags or turning in required information by deadline. ● Showing unsportsmanlike conduct at any time will result in losing three (3) demerits. Grades Academics are the most important aspect of school. It is each cheerleader’s responsibility to keep her grades up. Each cheerleader must maintain an overall passing average of 85. Failure to do so will result in a 3­week period of probation and the cheerleader is expected to participate in all cheer activities except for games where they will sit with the coach. Grades will be checked every 3 weeks by turning in a copy of your interim or report card to the coach. If grades are not satisfactory at the end of the 3­week probation period this will result in immediate removal from the squad. Uniforms ● Uniforms will not be ordered for any cheerleaders without full payment. Uniforms must be paid in full with cash or a certified bank check (made out to Highland). No personal checks. ● All cheerleaders are required to wear the proper attire at practices and games. ○ This includes shorts, tops, uniforms, shoes, socks, hair attire, pompoms, warm­ups, short nails, and no jewelry. ○ Fingernails shall be kept to an appropriate length for safety. This means the nails are not visible beyond the end of the fingers when viewed from the palm side of the hand. ○ Make up should not be excessive or dramatic. Examples would be black lipstick or heavy eyeliner. ● Failure to wear proper attire at practice and games will result in two (2) demerits. ○ Bra straps and undergarments should not show while in uniform! It is not cute!!! ● The uniform is placed in the care of each cheerleader. It is each cheerleader’s responsibility to keep the uniform neat, clean, and orderly at all times. Squad Leadership ● Squad members will take part in selecting their captain and co­captain. ● Once the squad has been determined, cheerleaders will vote on whom they wish to serve as their captain and co­captain. Duties of the Captains ● Any captain who obtains five (5) demerits during the cheerleading season will relinquish their captain title. ● Help keep attendance for practices and games. This includes tardies as well as absences. ● Begin practice together and in a timely manner. ● Meet with coach to discuss plans for practice, games, and pep rallies. ● Reports problems to the coach(es) as needed. ● Lead and call all cheers. ● Encourage teamwork within the squad. ● Be fair­minded in dealing with all cheerleaders. ● Encourage experience cheerleaders to work with new cheerleaders. ● Delegate banner making duties each game. All senior cheerleaders will help conduct tryouts for the next year. They will be responsible for working with the coaches to help create and teach all basic motions, jumps, chants, cheers, and a dance. They will help organize tryouts, but will not be responsible for selecting the judges or tallying the score sheets. Demerit System To ensure the rules are followed, a demerit system will be maintained by the coach. A total of ten (10) demerits accumulated during one cheerleading year will result in dismissal from the cheerleading squad. If you are dismissed from the squad you will be asked to return your uniform and you may get it back at the end of the season. Demerits will be given for the following: ● absence from practice (1) ● tardy to practice (1) ● absence to game (2) ● tardy to game (1) ● inappropriate game behavior (1 for each count) ­ this includes not saying the words to cheers, not knowing the correct cheer, laughing when messing up, etc. ● using cell phone during game WITHOUT permission (1) ● having anything other than water or gatorade beside you at a game (1) ● not wearing proper game day attire to school (2) ● not having proper game day items in cheer bag (2) Every 3 weeks grades will be checked. Academics are the most important aspect of school. If you do not have an overall average of 85 in your classes you will receive (1) demerit. Failure to show grades to Coach will also result in (1) demerit. Cheerleading Cost Below is a breakdown of everything we will be ordering off­hand for the cheerleading season. This covers uniforms (two, last year’s squad voted on having a home uniform and away uniform), warm­up, clothes for practice, t­shirts for school, pom­poms, shoes (if needed), and a bag. It is slightly cheaper than last year and the girls will be getting more items. I did lots of research in finding a company that provided great customer service as well as a great price. All of these items will be ordered as soon as money has been raised or turned in. I know that this is a substantial amount of money which is why I want to try to have as much of it come from fundraisers as possible. It is my goal to raise the majority if not all of the money so as nothing or very little has to come out of pocket. Fundraisers ● June 4th, 2015 ­ We will be selling discounts cards through a program called the 59 Minute Fundraiser. We will meet at Highland after school and begin at 4. Girls will call a list of people to sell these discount cards to for $20 each. They receive $10 for each card they sell. These funds will go toward the cost of all of their cheer items. More information and details will be provided at the parent meeting should you make the squad. As a precaution this date needs to be kept available so you will be able to participate. ● Raffle ­ Last year we had a very successful raffle for a $50 gas card. We should be doing this again in June to cover costs remaining of cheer items. ● Car Washes ­ Throughout the summer we will have car washes to build up a “cheer wish fund” for items that we would like to purchase as a squad later on in the school year. Several items that may be purchased are hoodies for winter, long­sleeve shirt, and possibly another practice mat. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at ​
aashaw@gaston.k12.nc.us and I will answer them as best as I can. Highland School of Technology Cheerleading Application Form 2015 ­ 2016 Please print clearly. Name______________________________________________________________________
___ Address____________________________________________________________________
___ City and Zip____________________________________________________________________ Your current school______________________________________________________________ Home phone number____________________________________________________________ Cell phone number______________________________________________________________ Email address__________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact name_________________________________________________________ Emergency contact number_______________________________________________________ Do you plan to tryout for any other sports during the year and if so which one(s): __________________________________________________________________________
________________ Plans for the summer (work, vacation dates, etc…) Please be as precise as possible. __________________________________________________________________________
________________ Any health concerns: __________________________________________________________________________
________________ Teacher Recommendation for HST Cheerleading Squad 2015­2016 Student Name: ____________________________________Grade: _____Teacher:________________ Students should have the top filled out for you. Please take a minute to rank the characters and abilities of the above student.​
Rank “0” as the lowest and “5” as the highest. Thank you for taking the time to complete this. ​
Please return to the student in a sealed envelope. Is this student respectful?
_______ Is this student attentive in class?
_______ How well does this student interact with others? _______
Is the student capable of balancing cheer & academics? _______ Do you recommend this student for cheerleading?
_______ Does this student finish class work / homework?
_______ Does this student come prepared for class? _______ Is this student tardy and/or absent from class often?
_______ TOTAL
Comments: _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________ Teacher’s Signature________________________________ Teacher Recommendation for HST Cheerleading Squad 2015­2016 Student Name: ____________________________________Grade: _____Teacher:________________ Students should have the top filled out for you. Please take a minute to rank the characters and abilities of the above student.​
Rank “0” as the lowest and “5” as the highest. Thank you for taking the time to complete this. ​
Please return to the student in a sealed envelope. Is this student respectful?
_______ Is this student attentive in class?
_______ How well does this student interact with others? _______
Is the student capable of balancing cheer & academics? _______ Do you recommend this student for cheerleading?
_______ Does this student finish class work / homework?
_______ Does this student come prepared for class? _______ Is this student tardy and/or absent from class often?
_______ TOTAL
Comments: _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________ Teacher’s Signature________________________________ Teacher Recommendation for HST Cheerleading Squad 2015­2016 Student Name: ____________________________________Grade: _____Teacher:________________ Students should have the top filled out for you. Please take a minute to rank the characters and abilities of the above student.​
Rank “0” as the lowest and “5” as the highest. Thank you for taking the time to complete this. ​
Please return to the student in a sealed envelope. Is this student respectful?
_______ Is this student attentive in class?
_______ How well does this student interact with others? _______
Is the student capable of balancing cheer & academics? _______ Do you recommend this student for cheerleading?
_______ Does this student finish class work / homework?
_______ Does this student come prepared for class? _______ Is this student tardy and/or absent from class often?
_______ TOTAL
Comments: _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________ Teacher’s Signature________________________________ Sign and Return the Form Below I have read and understand the Highland School of Technology Cheerleading Rules of Conduct for the 2014 – 2015 cheer season and agree to abide by them. Each cheerleader and their parent/guardian must read and sign the rules of conduct form! ________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date ________________________________________________________ Coach Signature Date Tryout Score Sheet 2015­2016