Terre Haute neighborhood Community Revitalization Plan
Terre Haute neighborhood Community Revitalization Plan
Downtown Revitalization Plan Rushville, Indiana 2014-2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Process ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Purpose of the Plan............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Community Input Process .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Neighborhood Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Social and Economic Demographics ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Neighborhood Conditions ................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Infrastructure Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Community Input ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Neighborhood Vision ............................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Five-Year Revitalization Plan ................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Potential Redevelopment Sites ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48 For More Information .............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Appendix A: Census Maps ................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 2 PLANNING PROCESS PURPOSE OF THE PLAN The City of Rushville faces a similar challenge as many other Indiana communities. Sprawl and disinvestments have left the downtown struggling with a loss of tax base, loss of density, and deterioration of the center for community activities. Rushville believes that its revitalization is a comprehensive effort combined with solid long-range planning. Rushville’s recognition of and desire to build on its unique qualities and circumstances is combined with local will and local efforts to move toward a well-defined outcome. Since 2012, the City of Rushville has been taking steps toward comprehensive revitalization. With this end goal in mind, a number of initiatives have been put into place, such as: • • Infrastructure Improvements (Locally Funded) - North Industrial Park, $2.8 million - 16th Street Extension Project, $2.4 million - Highway 52 from the city limits to SR 3, $4 million - $5.3 Rushville City Utility Upgrade Economic Development and Job Training - Small Business Loans for new local business ventures. - “Work Ready” community certification. - Continuing education efforts through Rush County High School and Ivy Tech. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 3 • • Community Park Improvements - Extending Harrison Street into Riverside Park Amphitheater. - Extending the fitness trail to the nature center. - Summer camp program (attended by nearly 100 area youth). - Upgrades to the shelter house in Laughlin Park. - Canoe/boat launch on the bank of Flatrock River. Residential Improvements - Homeowner repair program to help senior citizens with accessibility modifications, energy efficiency improvements, and other needed home repairs. In order to build upon these successes and lay out a roadmap for future revitalization efforts, the City is undertaking separate planning processes to focus on distinct needs: A Comprehensive Plan update is being prepared to take a holistic view of Rushville and identify a course of action for the community. It will determine community goals, aspirations, and public policy in terms of transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing. Comprehensive Plans encompass a broad range of topics and cover a long-term time horizon. An American Disabilities Act Plan is being prepared to address all ADA noncompliant public facilities and locations. The ADA Plan will develop a prioritized list of improvements that reflects input from the public, disabled community, and other stakeholders. The Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan is intended to provide a springboard of development initiatives, physical improvements, and market directions for the Downtown area. This Plan provides a neighborhood assessment and a strategy to achieve the goal of restoring vitality to Downtown Rushville. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 4 COMMUNITY INPUT PROCESS This plan has been developed through a community planning process. It began with a “Dream Walk” visioning process in July 2013 hosted by Partners in Progress, a group of Rush County residents who are making an effort to maximize all of the positives of the county and to address areas of concern. It is a joint effort of Rushville and Rush County civic leaders working alongside educators, the faith community, environmentalists, foundations, businesses, homemakers, and more. Citizens were invited to participate in the Dream Walk to help assess the needs of downtown Rushville. More than 50 people joined together to help create a new vision for what Downtown Rushville could become. The walk focused empty buildings in the Downtown area, and citizens were asked to write their ideas and dreams of what the building could become onto note cards attached to the buildings. Another component of the planning process was to hold a public forum to engage the community by providing an opportunity for input regarding Rushville’s Downtown neighborhood and its development needs and to complete a community input survey. Citizens were asked to provide input on existing assets and their views on the neighborhood’s infrastructure, residential development, commercial development, and key services. The valuable feedback provided by the community is included in the section on Neighborhood Assessment and is also reflected in the Five-Year Revitalization Strategy. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 5 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSESSMENT The City of Rushville is located in Rushville Township, Rush County, Indiana. Rushville is the county seat for Rush County, which is about one hour southeast of Indianapolis, IN; one hour northwest of Cincinnati, OH, and two hours north of Louisville, KY. Downtown Rushville is a 9 block area bounded by N Perkins Street to the East, S Harrison Street to the west, W 4th Street to the north, and E 1st Street to the south. Downtown Rushville, Indiana The neighborhood is divided between two census tracts. Subsequently, data is analyzed in this report for the predominant area of the neighborhood (6 blocks of the 9 block area), which is located in census tract 18139974400 (CT 9744), block group 181399744003 (BG 3). Hierarchy of the geographical areas is depicted in the chart in Appendix A. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 6 Census Tract 9744 Block Group 3, Within Census Tract 9744 The following sections highlight significant characteristics of the Rushville neighborhood and City of Rushville that were considered in the development of the five-year revitalization plan. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 7 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEMOGRAPHICS This section discusses social and economic characteristics of Downtown Rushville, including recent trends in population, income and poverty status of residents, household types and sizes, education and employment. Data, when available, on the City of Rushville, Rush County, Indiana, and the United States is included for comparative purposes. POPULATION This section of the analysis is based on data extracted from 2010 U.S. Census Summary File 1 (SF1). SF1 tables give counts and information of the population on age, sex, race, Hispanic/Latino origin, household relationship, and rented or owned residences, from 100 percent of the population in different units of geography (U.S. Census Bureau). Since block level data is not available in all the categories outlined in this report, the first table in this section is the only place that reports block level data. The following tables report data from CT 9744 and/or BG 3. The population of the Rushville Downtown neighborhood, nestled in City of Rushville, was 107 as of Census 2010. From 2000 to 2010, the neighborhood blocks experienced a high decline (-26.20%) in population. Rushville was the only geography within Rush County that experienced population growth (5.77%). The racial composition of the census tract (CT 9744) is predominantly white (95.73%), which is similar to the racial demographics in Rushville (95.79%) and Rush County (97.43%), but less diverse than the State of Indiana (84.33%) and the country (72.41%). The composition of males to female is pretty evenly split mirroring local, state, and national trends. The median age for CT 9744 is lower (37.9) than that of Rush County (40.6) and Rushville (39.3), but similar to the state (37) and country (37.2). Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 8 Population Data Neighborhood Blocks Census Tract 9744 Rushville Neighborhood Blocks Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana U.S. ) Total Population 2010 Census 107 2,975 6,341 17,392 6,483,802 308,745,538 2000 Census 145 3,185 5,995 18,261 6,080,485 281,421,906 Sources: Selected Social Characteristics; U.S. Census Bureau. (2000 and 2010). Data Set: Census 2000 and 2010 Summary File 1 (SF 1). Rush County Indiana U.S. Population Trends % Change: -26.20% -6.59% 5.77% -4.75% 6.63% 9.71% 2000 to 2010 Sources: Selected Social Characteristics; U.S. Census Bureau. (2000 and 2010). Data Set: Census 2000 and 2010 Summary File 1 (SF 1). Neighborhood Block Group 3 Racial Demographics White Black Other race alone Two or more races 713 3 8 5 97.27% 0.41% 1.09% 0.68% Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 2,848 65 20 17 95.73% 2.18% 0.67% 0.57% Rushville 6,074 93 49 77 95.79% 1.47% 0.77% 1.21% Rush County 16,945 132 86 136 97.43% 0.76% 0.49% 0.78% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Data Set: Census 2010 Summary File 1 (SF 1). Indiana 5,467,906 591,397 173,314 127,901 84.33% 9.12% 2.67% 1.97% U.S. 223,553,265 38,929,319 19,107,368 9,009,073 72.41% 12.61% 6.19% 2.92% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 9 Neighborhood Block Group 3 Gender Demographics Female Population Male Population 363 370 49.52% 50.48% Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 1,583 1,392 53.21% 46.79% Rushville 3,329 3,012 52.50% 47.50% Rush County 8,815 8,577 50.68% 49.32% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Data Set: Census 2010 Summary File 1 (SF 1). Age Demographics Median Age Age Cohorts 0-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-54 years 55-64 years 65 + years Indiana 3,294,065 3,189,737 50.80% 49.20% U.S. 156,964,212 151,781,326 Neighborhood Block Group 3 Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana U.S. 37.9 42.6 39.3 40.6 37 37.2 201 46 94 202 82 108 27.42% 6.28% 12.82% 27.56% 11.19% 14.73% 733 156 337 769 390 590 24.64% 5.24% 11.33% 25.85% 13.11% 19.83% 1,706 376 734 1,681 735 1,109 26.90% 5.93% 11.58% 26.51% 11.59% 17.49% 4,765 904 1,796 4,998 2,188 2,741 27.40% 5.20% 10.33% 28.74% 12.58% 15.76% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Data Set: Census 2010 Summary File 1 (SF 1). 1,806,582 452,026 827,345 1,787,598 769,143 841,108 27.86% 6.97% 12.76% 27.57% 11.86% 12.97% 83,267,556 21,585,999 41,063,948 86,077,322 36,482,729 40,267,984 50.84% 49.16% 26.97% 6.99% 13.30% 27.88% 11.82% 13.04% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 10 INCOME AND POVERTY DEMOGRAPHICS Since 2010 U.S. Census Summary File 3 (SF3) tables are not available, for consistency of analysis in this section, data from 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (2010 ACS) was used. 2010 ACS provides detailed population, demographic and housing unit estimates for 2010. This data is based on a sample set and is thus subject to variability. However, there is a 90% probability that the estimates reported here plus/minus the margin of error reports the true value of the sample (Census Bureau). Additionally, the American Community Survey 5-Year estimates have a larger sample size than the American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates or the American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, making studying a small geographic area more precise than the data from other data sets (U.S. Census Bureau). From this point forward the Rushville Downtown neighborhood is reported as Census Tract 9744. Census Tract is the smallest unit of geography represented in this data set. The neighborhood’s median household income ($40,847) is higher than Rushville ($36,746), but lower than Rush County ($46,685), the state of Indiana ($47,697) and the nation ($51,914). Further breaking down median earnings, it is discovered that women living in the neighborhood have median earnings that trail their male counterparts by almost $16,000 annually. 100% of the neighborhood’s female-headed householders live alone, which is 10% more than their counterparts in the county (90%). With no other income-earners present in these households, the impact of gender wage differential is noteworthy. The neighborhood has a lower total population percentage living below poverty (17.0%) compared to Rushville (19.9%) but higher than Rush County (14.8%), Indiana (14.7%), and the US (14.9%). It is noteworthy that the neighborhood (20.9%) and city (20.4%) have a much higher percentage of the demographic group 18 to 64 living below poverty than the county (14.4%), state (13.8%), and country (13.7%). The neighborhood (8.0%) and city (10.8%) also have a higher percentage of the demographic group 65 and older living below poverty than the county (7.1%) and state (7.4%). Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 11 Income and Poverty Data Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Median Household Income in 2010 Inflation Adjusted Dollars $40,847 $36,746 $46,685 $47,697 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana U.S. $51,914 U.S. Median Earnings in 2006-2010; Female and Male, over 25, Comparison who worked full time , year-round in the past 12 months Female $20,333 $21,008 $23,042 $25,785 $28,514 Male $36,753 $33,036 $38,658 $40,346 $41,354 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 12 Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Female Householders in nonfamily household, Living alone Total female 181 439 730 426,596 householders Female householders 181 413 654 370,281 living alone % Female householders 100% 94% 90% 86.80% living alone Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Poverty Status 2008 – 2012 American Community Survey Total incomes below poverty 491 1,215 2,528 927,123 level % of incomes 17.0% 19.9% 14.8% 14.7% below poverty % of ages under 18 living below 12.1% 24.6% 20.6% 20.9% poverty % of ages 18 to 64 living below 20.9% 20.4% 14.4% 13.8% poverty % of ages 65 and older living below 8.0% 10.8% 7.1% 7.4% poverty Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2008-2012). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5 U.S. 20,409,042 17,420,616 85.36% U.S. 44,852,527 14.9% 20.8% 13.7% 9.4% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 13 HOUSING DEMOGRAPHICS Housing demographics and affordability was analyzed using data from 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (2010 ACS). According to the 2010 ACS, there were 1,247 household in the neighborhood with its average household size (2.24), slightly smaller than the rest of the geographies it is nestled in. This neighborhood represents more families with female householders, no husband present (12.2%) than Rush County (10.9%) and less than Rushville (15.7%). The neighborhood has a greater concentration of households with individuals over 65 (30.2%) than the city (29.3%), county (28.1%), state (23.93%), or nation (24.92%). Total housing units in the neighborhood were 1,312. Data illustrates that the neighborhood’s vacancy rate is lower (5.9%) than the city (12.5%) and county rates (11.4%). Additionally, the neighborhood’s homeownership rate (54.3%) is well below the city (58.4%), the county (74.0%), state (71.5%) and country (66.6%) rates. Housing affordability was analyzed using the same data set. Rental and homeowners are considered to be “cost burdened” if they pay more than 30% of a household’s gross income on housing costs. The median gross rent in the neighborhood ($471) is more affordable than the city ($558), county ($566), state ($683), and nation ($841). A lower percentage of renters overall are cost burdened in the neighborhood (23.58%) when compared to Rushville (38.22%), Indiana (34.01%), and U.S. (44.60%). Alternately, a higher percentage of renters age 65 and older are cost burdened in the neighborhood (9.22%) than the state (7.95%) and country (6.57%). The neighborhood has a lower proportion of all homeowners (11.34%) who are cost burdened when compared the city (21.05%), the county (22.49%) or the state (22.78%). Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 14 Housing Data Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana U.S. 2,616 2.36 15.7% 31.1% 29.3% 6,767 2.54 10.9% 32.8% 28.1% 2,502,154 2.52 12.4% 33.3% 23.93% 116,716,292 2.58 13.1% 33.4% 24.92% Households, Household Size, Type, Average Family Size Total Households 1,247 Avg. Household Size 2.24 Female Householder, no husband present 12.2% Households w/ children under 18 27.5% Households w/ individuals over 65 30.2% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Summary File 1 (SF 1). Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Occupancy Status, Tenure, and Median Year Structure Built Total Housing 1,312 2,959 Units Rush County Indiana U.S. 7,544 2,778,459 130,038,080 Vacancy Rate 5.9% 12.5% 11.4% 11.3% 12.2% Owner Occupied 54.3% 58.4% 74.0% 71.5% 66.6% Renter Occupied 45.7% 41.6% 26.0% 28.5% 33.4% Median Year Built 1952 1947 1951 1971 1975 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 15 Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana U.S. $558 $566 $683 $841 Housing Value and Expense Median Gross Rent $471 Median Value of Owner $98,800 $88,300 $106,800 $123,000 Occupied Housing Unit Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County % of 65 and older renters paying more than 30% of income on 9.22% 11.78% 7.95% housing costs % of all renters paying more than 23.58% 38.22% 34.01% 30% of income on housing costs Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). $188,400 Indiana 6.57% 44.60% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 16 Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County % of 65 and older homeowners paying more than 30% of income 1.64% 5.03% 5.54% on housing costs % of all homeowners paying more than 30% of income on housing 11.34% 21.05% 22.49% costs Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Indiana 5.71% 22.78% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 17 EMPLOYMENT DEMOGRAPHICS A majority (60.2%) of neighborhood residents works in Rush County and drives alone (83.79%) to get to work. It takes a majority of the neighborhood population (52%) between 0 to 14 minutes to reach their place of employment, which is lower than the City population (54%), but higher than the County (34%), State (33%), and the nation (29%). The top sectors of employment the county are: 1) Private (76.7%), 2) Manufacturing (20.3%), 3) Retail trade (10.8%), 4) Public administration (7.5%), and 5) Transportation, warehousing (7.1%). According to Stats Indiana, Rush County’s unemployment rate dropped from 7.9% to 5.5%, which was the same trend, but a little steeper than the state which dropped from 8.4% to 6.3% in December 2013. Comparing the educational attainment of neighborhood residents to the skills sets required of the area’s top employment sectors indicates a relatively good match. The highest educational level attained by 19.33% of residents aged 18 years or older is some college, which is comparable to the City (19.63%), but higher than the County (17.84%). These rates are however lower than the State (22.66%) and the nation (22.89%). Individuals at this educational level should be competitive in finding employment in the top sectors listed above. Employment and Education Data Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Place of in-state work Worked in county of 60.2% 59.5% 46.8% 68.50% residence Worked outside county of 39.8% 40.5% 52.8% 25.70% residence Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). U.S. 72.60% 23.60% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 18 Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Means of Transportation 83.79% 83.71% 82.02% Drove alone 82.73% 9.76% 9.80% 10.91% Carpooled 9.50% 0.00% 0.59% 0.55% Public Transit 1.06% 3.63% 4.00% 1.82% Walked 2.22% 0.00% 0.29% 0.13% Other Means 1.27% 2.82% 1.61% 4.58% Worked at Home 3.23% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Rush County Indiana Travel Time to Work Less than 10 min. 38% 39% 21% 17% 10 to 14 min. 14% 15% 13% 16% 15 to 29 min. 13% 15% 27% 39% 30 to 44 min. 14% 15% 17% 18% 45 to 59 min. 10% 7% 10% 6% 60 or more min. 11% 10% 12% 6% Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). U.S. 76.00% 10.35% 4.94% 2.85% 1.72% 4.14% U.S. 14% 15% 36% 20% 8% 8% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 19 Rush County, Indiana Annual Industry Distribution of Jobs and Average Wage in 2012(NAICS) Total Covered Employment and Wages Private Agri., forestry, hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation, warehousing Utilities Information Finance and Insurance Real Estate, rental, leasing Professional, technical services Mgmt. of companies, enterprises Administrative, waste services Educational services Health care, social assistance Arts, entertainment, recreation Accommodation and food services Other services, exc. public admin. Public administration Annual Average Wage per Job Rank in U.S Establishments Jobs Pct Dist. In County 380 4,577 100.0% $33,871 1,642 335 11 1 32 30 23 48 29 3 5 21 10 30 2 12 12 27 3 24 33 25 3,511 D D 174 928 D 497 327 D 45 120 18 D D 150 D 278 17 321 133 341 76.7% D D 3.8% 20.3% D 10.8% 7.1% D 1.0% 2.6% 0.4% D D 3.3% D 6.1% 0.4% 7.0% 2.9% 7.5% $34,127 D D $32,225 $48,508 D $23,403 $43,644 D $33,978 $43,454 $24,822 D D $22,907 D $27,731 $18,457 $12,079 $19,616 $29,503 1,442 N/A N/A 2,221 890 N/A 1,242 1,208 N/A 1,632 1,213 1,651 N/A N/A 1,619 N/A 1,727 897 1,629 2,193 2,368 Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) D = Not shown to avoid disclosure of confidential information. N/A = This item is not available. Note: Average wage may not match published numbers due to rounding. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 20 Top 10 Largest Employers in Rush County Employer UAW Copeland Corp Rush Memorial Hospital Intact Precision Inc Trane Commercial Systems Fraley & Schilling Inc Miller’s Merry Manor Inc Walmart Kroger Flatrock River Lodge Source: Indiana Department of Workforce Development Neighborhood Census Tract 9744 Rushville Location Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rushville Rush County Industry Labor Organization Manufacturing Healthcare Manufacturing Manufacturing Transportation Healthcare Retail Grocery Heathcare Indiana Educational Attainment for Population 18 years and over Population 18+ High school 1,153 42.86% 2,407 47.83% 6,304 48.26% 1,706,554 35.48% diploma Some college, 520 19.33% 988 19.63% 2,330 17.84% 1,090,223 22.66% no degree Associate 181 6.73% 281 5.58% 698 5.34% 327,550 6.81% degree Bachelor 197 7.32% 261 5.19% 975 7.46% 645,909 13.43% degree Graduate or professional 65 2.42% 176 3.50% 625 4.78% 339,915 7.07% degree Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2006-2010). American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS 5). U.S. 67,324,696 29.28% 52,632,650 22.89% 16,416,884 7.14% 37,724,690 16.41% 20,771,355 9.03% Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 21 NEIGHBORHOOD CONDITIONS Downtown Rushville is a densely developed portion of the City It is primarily comprised of commercial land uses, as typically found in a Central Business District, as well as some residential and governmental land uses. The condition of structures also varies greatly within the neighborhood from excellent, moderate, and fair condition, to those that have some deferred maintenance concerns, and finally to those that are found to be in poor condition. COMMUNITY SERVICES A number of community services are available to meet essential needs within an easily accessible distance of the neighborhood. A wide variety of retail and commercial businesses are located within or near the neighborhood. A number of these services are highlighted in the tables below. Ride Rush, an affiliate of the Rush County Senior Center, provides public transportation bus service. The service is available to all persons, regardless of age or physical abilities. Basic Services Name Farthing Grocery Hoeing Supply Rushville Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Tweedy Lumber Do It Center Kroger M & I Bank Wells Fargo Bank Source: Walk Score. (2014). Find a walkable place to live. Distance (from W 3rd Street, Rushville, Indiana) 0.2 mi 0.4 mi 0.5 mi 0.5 mi 0.6 mi 0.6 mi 1.1 mi 1.1 mi Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 22 Public Services Name Rushville Township Fire House Laughing Park Rushville Public Library US Post Office Memorial Park Rush County Sheriff Source: Walk Score. (2014). Find a walkable place to live. Distance (from W 3rd Street, Rushville, Indiana) 0.2 mi 0.3 mi 0.4 mi 0.4 mi 0.5 mi 0.5 mi Restaurants Name Jo's Place El Reparo Mexican Restaurant Corner Restaurant Bernie Lee's Pizza Pizza King China Buffet Hardee's/Red Burrito Historical Park Restaurant Source: Walk Score. (2014). Find a walkable place to live. Distance (from W 3rd Street, Rushville, Indiana) 0.2 mi 0.3 mi 0.5 mi 0.5 mi 0.6 mi 0.6 mi 0.6 mi 1.0 mi Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 23 INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS TRANSPORTATION COMPONENTS Rushville connects to the rest of Indiana via three highways, which all run through the Downtown neighborhood. U.S. Highway 52 (locally, 2nd and Main Streets) connects Rushville with Indianapolis to the northwest and Cincinnati to the southeast; State Road 3 (locally, Main Street) runs north/south; and State Road 44 (locally 2nd Street) runs east/west through the City. One the most integral parts of providing a quality neighborhood environment is the condition of its infrastructure: streets, curbs, gutters, street trees, etc. U.S. Highway 52 is currently being rebuilt through the Downtown area. Otherwise, the transportation infrastructure is found to be in fair to good condition. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS The neighborhood is within the City of Rushville’s water and sewer system networks. The City has the facilities in place to serve not only the existing land uses within the neighborhood but also has capacity to meet the needs of new growth as infill development occurs within this targeted revitalization area. OPEN SPACE COMPONENTS Wilkie Park is a pocket park located on Main Street between Second and Third Streets. It has a gazebo, benches, and flowerbeds for downtown visitors to enjoy a natural setting in the midst of the Downtown corridor. Residents of Downtown Rushville also have access to nearby Riverside Park, which is located just south of Downtown at Morgan and Water Streets and adjacent to the Flatrock River. Riverside Park Amphitheater is a stage and entertainment venue that hosts a free summer concert series. This facility can also be rented out for weddings, receptions, graduation parties, and family reunions, and there are two open shelter houses for picnics. Riverside Park also has walking trails through it. UTILITY COMPONENTS Utility providers are: Water/Sewer-City of Rushville; Electric-Duke Energy; Gas-Vectren Energy Services Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 24 COMMUNITY INPUT One component of the planning process was to engage the community by providing an opportunity for input regarding the neighborhood and its development needs. Residents who attended the public forum were asked to provide feedback on a number of important community characteristics: 1) general neighborhood assets, 2) infrastructure, 3) residential development, 4) commercial development, and 5) key services. A series of questions helped to guide this discussion. In addition, the residents were given an opportunity to share any thoughts or feedback on the neighborhood that they felt were not addressed. The questions for each neighborhood characteristic is provided below followed by the thoughtful responses shared by the neighborhood residents engaged in the planning process. Also, residents were also asked to complete a short input survey, and a summary of those responses is provided. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 25 ASSETS Public Forum Questions: What are the assets that you consider to be part of the neighborhood area? Why do you like living in the community? Neighborhood Resident Responses: Residents commented on assets in the neighborhood area and the immediate vicinity of the neighborhood area: Courthouse Wilkie Park Library Princess Theater Post Office Pharmacy – both CVS and locally owned pharmacy Fitness Center Kroger Riverside Park The area is flat and very walkable Retail Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 26 INFRASTRUCTURE Public Forum Question: What are your views about the infrastructure of the neighborhood? In thinking about your response, please give consideration to the following: Transportation: roads, parking, bike paths, sidewalks, public transportation Water, wastewater, & storm water systems Open space: parks, playgrounds, benches, waste receptacles, fountains Community lighting: street lighting, lighting in parks, playgrounds, other open spaces Electrical, gas, telephone, and internet infrastructure Neighborhood Resident Responses: 52 is being totally rebuilt. Sidewalks on Main Street are excellent; however, sidewalks off of Main Street are not in as good of shape and are not handicapped accessible. Lighting is excellent on Main Street but poor once you move off of Main Street. Parking is a challenge in the downtown area. Storm sewer is excellent on Main Street but poor on surrounding streets. Utilities are readily available in the target area. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 27 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Public Forum Question: What are your views about residential, or housing, development in the neighborhood? In thinking about your response, please give consideration to the following: Availability and affordability of homeownership Availability and affordability of rental housing Access to credit, mortgage loans Attracting residents to live in the area Neighborhood Resident Responses: Downtown housing is needed. Housing development is desired as long as it does not involve demolition of existing properties. 2nd Floor residential in downtown buildings is desired. More housing could attract more downtown business development. Code issues and concerns with some existing buildings. Affordable housing for persons at income ranges up to 100% of AMI are needed. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 28 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Public Forum Question: What are your views about commercial development in the neighborhood? In thinking about your response, please give consideration to the following: Access to and availability of local businesses: How close are you to the basic goods and services you need? For example, grocery stores, banks, doctors, dentists, etc. Are there any significant gaps in the type of businesses that are located near the neighborhood? Neighborhood Resident Responses: Need more retail development. Desire to fill empty buildings. Only one bank in downtown. Need more medical facilities in the downtown area. Too many law offices. Downtown has a number of government offices and services. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 29 KEY SERVICES Public Forum Question: What are your views about key services in the neighborhood? In thinking about your response, please give consideration to the following: Neighborhood schools, neighborhood safety, relationships with law enforcement, neighborhood facilities including parks, recreational, community centers, and libraries, social service programming for people with disabilities, people who are elderly, youth, or any other group that may be in need of services. Neighborhood Resident Responses: Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department located downtown. Everyone feels safe in the target area. No schools located in the service area. Social services located in the target area, food pantry, local foundation, etc. Need more restaurants for people to eat at downtown. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 30 COMMUNITY INPUT SURVEY RESPONSES 1. What are your top 5 reasons for living in this community? Close to family Small city lifestyle Low crime rate Schools Near jobs Close to highways Housing prices Historical character Local entertainment and recreation opportunities Close to retail, businesses, and services Close to park Public transportation Housing quality 2. Average Score 3.73 3.45 3.09 3.00 2.00 0.64 0.64 0.55 0.27 0.27 0.09 0.00 0.00 When you think about the appearance of the neighborhood over the past 10 years, do you feel it has…? Improved Stayed the same Deteriorated 0 3 8 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 31 3. If there was ONE thing you could change about the neighborhood, what would it be? Availability of jobs Sense of community / community pride Condition/quality of housing Availability of parks / recreational activities Availability of homeownership opportunities Quality of utility services Availability of sidewalks Quality of roads Availability of rental housing opportunities Affordability of housing Availability of retail or services 4. 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 What do you like most about the neighborhood? Distance to stores / schools / park / work Low crime rate Housing appearance Lack of traffic Condition / availability of streets, sidewalks, street lights Sense of neighborhood pride High property values Schools 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 32 5. What do you like least about the neighborhood? High vacancy rate Housing appearance Lack of neighborhood pride Distance to stores / schools / park / work High crime rate High volume of traffic Condition / availability of streets, sidewalks, street lights Low property values 6. 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Are any of the following types of housing needed in the neighborhood? Affordable apartment new construction Single-family home rehabilitation Market-rate apartment new construction Market-rate apartment rehabilitation Condos / townhomes new construction Condos / townhomes rehabilitation Affordable apartment rehabilitation Single-family home new construction 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 33 7. Would you like to see more of the following development in the neighborhood? Shopping Restaurants Improvements to existing sidewalks Housing for homeownership Cultural amenities Industry / jobs Housing for rent Parks / recreation Professional offices Medical facilities Improvements to existing streets Schools 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 0 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 34 NEIGHBORHOOD VISION The vision for revitalization of Downtown Rushville includes: • A physical appearance that maintains the historic resources in the community. • A vibrant destination providing for daily needs as well as special events. • A location for clean, safe, and affordable housing resources. • A respect for and adherence to environmental quality. • A well-balanced mix of land uses through redevelopment. This vision will be achieved through the following revitalization strategies: • Redevelopment Activities: Encourage a variety of land-uses for a vibrant community through a balance of preservation, rehabilitation, and infill development. Foster development of a strong residential, retail, services, and entertainment core. • Downtown Destination: Support activities that reinforce Downtown as a destination. • Historic Preservation: Preserve and restore historical structures that reflect the city’s heritage. • Housing Resources: Preserve existing single- and multi-family properties and support new developments. • Streetscapes: Create visually appealing and pedestrian friendly streetscapes. • Environment: Support sustainable, environmentally responsible development. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 35 FIVE-YEAR REVITALIZATION PLAN 1. REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Goal: Encourage a variety of land-uses for a vibrant community through a balance of preservation, rehabilitation, and infill development. Foster development of a strong residential, retail, services, and entertainment core. Action Steps Encourage redevelopment activities. Promote Heart of Rushville’s Smile Fund grants for façade improvements. Seek Federal or State grant funds for façade improvements. Support redevelopment or adaptive reuse of vacant or abandoned buildings. Encourage infill development. Improve, demolish, and/or secure any unsafe or blighted buildings. Support the re-use of underutilized properties. Encourage a mixed land use pattern that allows the integration of compatible land uses such as single- and multi-family homes, churches, schools, and commercial businesses. 1 2 Year 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 5 • • • • • • 2. DOWNTOWN DESTINATION Goal: Support activities that reinforce Downtown as a destination. Action Steps Support Heart of Rushville (Main Street Organization) activities. Support Partners in Progress activities. Promote events to be held in the Riverside Park Amphitheatre. Encourage new festivals and activities that bring people Downtown. 1 2 Year 3 • • • • • • • • • Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 36 3. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Goal: Restore and preserve historical structures that reflect the city’s heritage. Action Steps Promote preservation of the Durbin Hotel, national headquarters of the Wendell Willkie presidential campaign. (Specifically, support proposal to preserve the building through conversion into Campaign Quarters, affordable rental housing.) Promote preservation of the Knights of Pythias Lodge (aka Boys Club). (Specifically, support proposal to preserve the building through conversion into Campaign Flats, affordable rental housing.) Promote preservation of the Princess Theatre / Masonic Lodge. (Specifically, support proposal to preserve the building through conversion into new City Hall.) Promote preservation and expansion of the Rushville Public Library. Promote preservation of other endangered historic resources. 1 2 Year 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 4 5 • • • • 2 Year 3 4 5 • • • • • • • • • • • 4. HOUSING RESOURCES Goal: Preserve existing single- and multi-family properties and support new developments. Action Steps Promote repair and maintenance of existing single-family and multi-family residences. Increase the availability of affordable and quality rental housing. (Specifically, begin by supporting the proposed Campaign Quarters and Campaign Flats developments.) Support housing for both senior citizens and families. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 37 5. STREETSCAPES Goal: Create visually appealing and pedestrian friendly streetscapes. Action Steps Support the reconstruction of U.S. Highway 52 through Downtown and identify streetscape improvements to coincide with its reconstruction. Create an inviting pedestrian entrance to the public parking and Farmer’s Market area west of Willkie Park. Create a well-defined gateway into Riverside Park south of Downtown. 1 2 • • • Year 3 4 5 • • • 2 Year 3 4 5 • • • • • 6. ENVIRONMENT Goal: Support sustainable, environmentally responsible development. Action Steps Support environmentally sensitive development. Promote sustainability through Energy Star and LEED certified developments. 1 • Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 38 POTENTIAL REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES There are no large tracts of buildable land in Downtown Rushville. Opportunities for revitalization activities are, therefore, limited to rehabilitation, demolition and infill developments, or adaptive reuse of existing structures. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 39 Through a multi-faceted approach to the comprehensive revitalization of Downtown Rushville, several potential redevelopment sites have been identified. The redevelopment of these properties meets multiple action steps identified in the Five Year Revitalization Plan. If redeveloped as proposed, these projects would have a transformative impact on Downtown Rushville and would serve as a springboard for additional investment and revitalization. Additionally, it is important to note that other sites may be strong candidates for initial redevelopment as well. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 40 In 1940, Rushville, Indiana became the central focus of a major presidential campaign when Wendell Willkie ran against Franklin D. Roosevelt. He based his campaign headquarters out of the former Durbin Hotel, which still stands today and is located just one block west of the Courthouse Square. The campaign turned the nation’s attention to Rushville. The gala and fanfare that followed in the weeks of Willkie’s presence mark the time as one of Rushville’s truly golden days of history, so much so that the Durbin Hotel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places not for its architectural design like so many other buildings in Indiana but for the significant role it has played as a social and political center of community life. In recent years, the building has been used as apartments. It has fallen into disrepair as occupancy has dwindled. The building’s historical significance, size, and blighted condition make it a strong candidate for redevelopment. Durbin Hotel (today) Durbin Hotel (restored) Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 41 The Army-Navy building is a large structure located directly west of the striking Rush County Courthouse on North Main Street. The building is vacant, blighted, and detracts from the appeal of the downtown area. It was purchased out of foreclosure in 2013 by Southern Indiana Housing and Community Development Corporation (SIHCDC), a not-for-profit community housing development organization that serves Rush County. It had been listed for sale for over a year before SIHCDC made the purchase in order to secure its future. SIHCDC has proposed both renovating the Durbin Hotel and converting the Army-Navy building into an affordable senior apartment community to be called Campaign Quarters. SIHCDC is also exploring the viability of retaining some of the Army-Navy building’s frontage for retail use, creating a mixed-use property on the Courthouse Square. Army-Navy (today) Army-Navy (redeveloped) Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 42 A third building, the former Knights of Pythias lodge (aka Boys Club), located to the west of the Durbin Hotel on South Morgan Street, also sits vacant and blighted. Knights of Pythias This historic building is also proposed by SIHCDC for renovation into an affordable family apartment development to be called Campaign Flats. Princess Theatre The Princess Theatre and Masonic Temple, located on North Main Street, opened in 1918. Originally, the Princess was used for live performances. In 1936, it became a movie house. The Princess remained in operation into the late 1980s until the Freemasons could no longer afford its maintenance. It has sat vacant since then. The City has proposed an estimated $1.6 million project to acquire the Princess Theatre and renovate it for use as City Hall. A business plan is in place for other uses to be co-housed along with the City offices. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 43 Another catalyst to re-inventing the downtown is a proposed major expansion of the Rushville Public Library, located on the northeast corner of West Third and North Morgan Streets. An feasibility study for the $7.1 million renovation and expansion project was completed in 2013. Rushville Public Library The Library’s new addition is proposed to house a Learning Center to be anchored by Ivy Tech. A capital campaign for this project is underway, and the City is in the process of securing grant funding for its implementation. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 44 The City of Rushville is investigating three different design concepts for the site across Main Street to the west from Willkie Park. Use of the site will be for public parking and a Farmer’s Market. The conceptual designs all focus on the linkage between Willkie Park and the Farmer’s Market area, creating a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere, while at the same time minimizing the disruption to the existing building line to the north and south. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 45 Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 46 Also under review are design ideas for a new Riverside Park entrance, just south of the Downtown area. With new tree plantings and signage, the gateway will welcome residents and visitors to the park. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 47 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Residents of Rushville, Indiana involved with this process have made a valuable contribution and merit special recognition. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 48 FOR MORE INFORMATION City of Rushville Mayor Michael P. Pavey 133 W. First Street Rushville, IN 46173 mayor@cityofrushville.in.gov 765-932-3735 Consultant Milestone Ventures, Inc. Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 49 APPENDIX A: CENSUS GRAPH Rushville Downtown Revitalization Plan 50