certification rules nf mark sanitary appliances
certification rules nf mark sanitary appliances
CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BÂTIMENT Certifying Body Mandated by AFNOR Certification 84, avenue Jean Jaurès Champs sur Marne F - 77447 MARNE LA VALLEE Cedex 2 CERTIFICATION RULES NF MARK SANITARY APPLIANCES AFNOR Certification Identification No.: NF 017 Certification Rules Revision No.: 26 Effective date: 21/11/2013 _____________________________________ Date first brought into application: 23/03/1988 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 3 / 194 CONTENTS _______________________________________ PART 1: OVERVIEW AND SCOPE ..................................................................... 7 1.1 Your expectations................................................................................... 7 1.2 What we are providing ............................................................................ 8 PART 2: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 PART 3: REFERENCE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 10 The general rules of the NF mark ............................................................ 10 Regulations .......................................................................................... 10 Additional standards and technical specifications ....................................... 12 Quality management provisions .............................................................. 18 Marking ............................................................................................... 38 OBTAINING CERTIFICATION........................................................... 44 3.1 Process ................................................................................................ 45 3.2 Case of an initial admission application .................................................... 47 3.3 Case of an additional admission application for a new product family or a new product type in a previously certified family ................................................... 49 3.4 Case of an additional admission application for a new product (or product range) for a previously certified product type ........................................................... 50 3.5 Case of an extension application ............................................................. 51 3.6 Case of an application for continued right of use ....................................... 51 PART 4: MAINTAINING CERTIFICATION: monitoring terms and conditions . 52 4.1 Process ................................................................................................ 53 4.2 Monitoring control arrangements ............................................................. 54 4.3 Assessment and decision-making ............................................................ 55 4.4 Declaration of modifications.................................................................... 55 4.5 Conditions for withdrawing the mark in the event of penalties, abandonment or non-conformities ........................................................................................ 57 PART 5: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 PART 6: ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED ........................................................... 58 Mandated body ..................................................................................... 58 Audit bodies ......................................................................................... 58 Test bodies........................................................................................... 59 Subcontracting ..................................................................................... 59 Specific Committee................................................................................ 59 FEES................................................................................................ 61 6.1 Services related to NF certification .......................................................... 61 6.2 Collection of payments for services .......................................................... 64 6.3 Service rates ........................................................................................ 64 PART 7: CERTIFICATION FILES .................................................................... 65 7.1 The applicant’s commitments.................................................................. 65 7.2 Creating the application file and form models ........................................... 66 7.3 Application for continued right of use ....................................................... 66 PART 8: GLOSSARY ...................................................................................... 96 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 4 / 194 APPENDICES: Sampling rules and methods used by NF mark laboratory(ies) for performing tests: .............................................................................................. 98 APPENDIX I: FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF ENAMELLED SANITARY CERAMIC ............. 99 APPENDIX II: FOR ENAMELLED STEEL OR ENAMELLED CAST IRON APPLIANCES ..... 110 APPENDIX III: FOR STAINLESS STEEL SINKS ...................................................... 115 APPENDIX IV: FOR SINKS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ................................ 119 APPENDIX V: FOR FLUSHING CISTERNS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ........... 125 APPENDIX VI: FOR BATHS, SHOWER TRAYS, BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ............................................................... 131 APPENDIX VII: FOR WHIRLPOOL BATHS .............................................................. 140 APPENDIX VIII: FOR SUPPORT FRAMES ................................................................ 145 APPENDIX IX: FOR SHOWER ENCLOSURES ......................................................... 148 Additional documents: .......................................................................................... Document Document Document Document Document Document 01: 02: 03: 04: 05: 06: Document 08: Document 10: Document Document Document Document Document Document Document Document 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: Technical specifications additional to standards ............................. 150 Additional general specifications ................................................. 154 Connection dimension check gauges ............................................ 155 Preferred ranges for use of enamelled sanitary appliances ............. 161 Complementary specifications applicable to stainless steel sinks ..... 162 Complementary specifications applicable to sinks made of synthetic materials................................................................................. 166 Complementary specifications applicable to baths ......................... 168 Complementary specifications applicable to baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials ....................................................... 169 Complementary specifications applicable to whirlpool baths ........... 175 Complementary specifications applicable to WC pans..................... 178 Operation of WC pans for children and babies ............................... 181 Complementary specifications applicable to equipped flushing cisterns185 WC pack definition .................................................................... 187 Resistance of urinals to static loads ............................................. 188 Complementary specifications applicable to support frames ............ 189 Complementary specifications applicable to shower enclosures ....... 190 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 5 / 194 The certification reference system, composed of the present rules, the NF Mark General Rules, any additional standards and documents referenced therein, were approved by the AFNOR Certification General Director on 21/11/2013. The present certification rules void and replace all previous versions. CSTB undertakes with the representatives of manufacturers, users and technical experts to ensure the relevance of these certification rules in terms of the certification process and requirement definitions relative to market developments. The certification rules may therefore be revised, in whole or in part, by CSTB, which must under all circumstances consult with the Specific Committee. Any revised version must be approved by the General Manager of AFNOR Certification. MODIFICATION HISTORY Part modified The whole document Revision No. 26 Date Main modifications made 21/11/2013 Part 3: Additional admission application procedure modified § 4.2.2: Sampling conditions added § 7.2: File constitution modified Certification files: Standard letter 4 – Withdrawal request added Glossary: Definitions modified and added Document 1: The whole document 25 The whole document 24 NF D12-203 standard waiver added 22/02/2013 Revision to the certification rules: To take into consideration the mandate given to CSTB for this application To bring it into conformity with the new structure 21/03/2012 Standard update (NF EN 249, NF EN 14055…) Revision to tables 1, 5, 6 and 8 in part 2 describing checks to be made by the applicant/holder Marking methods (new NF logo) Modification to the following documents in part 2: Document 01 Document 06 Document 10 Document 12 Document 14 SRIPS becomes “Eau de Paris” (§ 5.5) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 6 / 194 Clarifications on the role of the specific committee (§ 5.5) Modifications to appendices I, III, IV, V, VI and IX describing sampling rules Part modified The whole document Revision No. 23 Date Main modifications made 15/07/2010 Standard and regulatory update Introduction of a calibration frequency for measurement instruments (§ 2.4.1) Modification to tables 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9 in part 2 concerning checks to be made by the applicant/holder Take account of changes to the Consumption Code (§ 2.5) Modification to the following documents in part 2: Document 01 Document 05 Document 10 Document 12 (with elimination of the minimum functional volume of water for WC pans) Document 14 Document 15 Document 17 Delay of 15 days to propose corrective actions for deviations recorded during audits Clarification on sampling rules (§ 3.3.2) Update to participants (part 5) Modifications to appendices I, II, V, VI, IX describing sampling rules. The whole document 22 18/06/2008 Integration of European standards for the (total or partial) replacement of French standards Introduction of references to regulations related to CE marking (for communal washing troughs and bidets, washbasins and urinals) Modifications to tables 1 to 9 in part 2 concerning checks to be made by the applicant/holder New definition of the NF WC pack, with obligation to use an NF stop valve when it is included in the pack. Modifications to documents 01, 03, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18 in part 2. Modification of documents to request continued right of use Revision to the definition of the agent and integration of the mandate The whole document 0 23/03/1988 Creation of this application Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 7 / 194 Part 1 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE ____________________________________________ 1.1 Your expectations These certification rules now apply to the following sanitary appliances: baths (made of cast iron, steel, synthetic materials); shower trays (made of ceramic, steel, cast iron, synthetic materials); washbasins and hand-rinse basins (made of ceramic); bowls and vanity tops (made of ceramic, synthetic materials); bidets (made of ceramic); WC pans and equipped flushing cisterns equipped flushing cisterns for WC pans or WC suites; WC packs; independent WC pans; support frames; shower enclosures; sanitary appliances for public use; whirlpool baths sinks (made of ceramic, stainless steel, synthetic materials). These products are broken down into 10 families depending on tests defined in standards and complementary specifications: 1 the enamelled sanitary appliances family: baths; shower trays; washbasins and hand-rinse basins; bowls and vanity tops; bidets; WC pans and equipped flushing cisterns; equipped flushing cisterns for WC pans or WC suites; WC packs; independent WC pans; sinks; sanitary appliances for public use; the family of sanitary appliances made of cast acrylic materials: baths; shower trays; bowls and vanity tops; the family of baths equipped with a whirlpool system; the family of equipped flushing cisterns made of synthetic materials; the family of baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials other than acrylic materials; stainless steel sinks; sinks made of synthetic materials; bowls and vanity tops made of synthetic materials; support frames1 ; shower enclosures. Support frames designed to suspend WC pans are certified with their equipped cisterns; in this case, the assembly forms a family. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 8 / 194 Any legal entity: - manufacturing products within the scope defined above and that can comply with the technical requirements described in Part 2 of these certification rules, - distributing products within the scope defined above, for which the manufacturer complies with the technical requirements described in Part 2 of these certification rules and as part of a procedure to maintain usage rights, may request the right to use the NF -Sanitary appliances mark. Such a request is referred to as an “application”, while the entity which makes it is known as the “applicant”. Requirements applicable to a distributor benefiting from a maintained usage right are defined in part 3 in this document. 1.2 What we are providing The NF mark in general The NF mark is a voluntary mark designed to highlight the worth of safe products with proven quality levels and usage value. To meet the demands of the NF mark is to meet the demands of the market and its customers, who are directly or indirectly involved in drawing up the reference documents. The NF mark is the sign of compliance with French, European and international standards, and, if applicable, any additional specifications. The NF mark is the property of AFNOR that has granted its AFNOR Certification subsidiary a full licence to use the NF mark. It is a collective certification mark, the use of which is authorised under the conditions set out in the General Rules and in these certification rules. The NF mark is the first product certification mark in France and one of the main European certification marks. It has a 90% consumer awareness rating. Created more than 70 years ago, the NF mark was developed and is managed within a network of around 50 technical bodies, analysis and testing laboratories and inspection bodies recognised at European level and in some cases, internationally. The NF mark draws on the expertise and technical competencies of these bodies, in order to define and develop certification reference documents and monitor their application. To apply for the NF mark is to look to the future. With the advent of Europe and the globalisation of trade, the NF network, in conjunction with the mark’s clients, seeks at every available opportunity and in the clients’ interests, recognition agreements with other European or international certifications or marks which convey the same values and are recognised by the markets. The commitments of the certifying body: impartiality, competence, reliability AFNOR Certification and the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), a body mandated by AFNOR Certification are impartial organisations. They bring you their technical skills in the field of certification, in other words assessment and inspection of your products, verification of your organisation and management of quality. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 9 / 194 What the NF mark means for your products The NF mark for your products is the attestation that those products: - respecting regulations is a prerequisite for certification; - comply with the relevant standards and, where appropriate, with complementary specifications set out in part 2 of these certification rules; - come from a production whose quality system is verified according to the provisions laid down in part 2 of these certification rules. The NF mark for Sanitary appliances is substantiated by the logo, in conformity with the model below: The provisions relating to the use of the NF mark are described in part 2 of these certification rules. Who is to be contacted? CSTB Direction Hydraulique et Équipements Sanitaires (Hydraulic and Sanitary appliances Department) Division Robinetterie et Appareils Sanitaires (Valve fittings & Sanitary appliances Division) 84 avenue Jean Jaurès CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE 77447 MARNE-LA-VALLE CEDEX 02 (France) Your contact: Mrs. Martine TRUFFERT Tel: 33(0)1 64 68 82 84 Fax: 33(0)1 64 68 84 44 E-mail: martine.truffert@cstb.fr Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 10 / 194 Part 2 REFERENCE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________ The reference system of this NF mark application is made up of the General Rules of the NF Mark, these Certification Rules and any additional standards and documents that are referenced in it. This is the Certification Reference System in the sense of the Consumer Code. 2.1 The general rules of the NF mark The NF Mark is a registered collective certification mark with general rules which establish the overall organisational structure and the conditions for using the mark. These certification rules form part of the certification framework for non-food products and services as provided for under Articles R 115-1 to R 115-3 and L 11527 to L 115-33 of the French Consumer Code. These certification rules stipulate the conditions for applying the General Rules of the NF Mark to the products defined in Part 1. The right to use the NF mark is granted on the basis of compliance with a standard or standards and, in general, with all the reference systems stipulated in this section, for a product from a designated manufacturer and fabrication unit. 2.2 Regulations Products to which these certification rules are applicable must respect French regulations in force. On the date of publication of these certification rules, there are different texts concerning products to which these rules are applicable: Decree No. 2006-1278 October 18 2006 dealing with electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic appliances; Decree No. 95-1081 October 3 1995 dealing with safety of persons, animals and property during the use of electrical equipment that will be used within certain voltage limits, modified by the September 25 2003 Decree No. 2003-935; the LCIE verifies measures specified in the two decrees mentioned above for whirlpool baths.2. 2 Official bulletin No. 87-14 bis “PUBLIC HEALTH – Sanitary protection of distribution networks for water intended for human consumption – Technical guide No. 1”. Directive of the Council of European Communities 89/106/CEE December 21 1988 dealing with reconciliation of legislative, regulatory and administrative measures taken by Member States concerning construction products, modified by Directive 93/68/CEE July 22 1993; Decree No. 92-647 July 8 1992 concerning the usability of construction products, modified by decrees No. 95-1051 September 20 1995 and No. 2003-947 October 3 2003; The LCIE issues electrical conformity certificates. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 11 / 194 August 8 2005 order dealing with application of modified decree No. 92-647 July 8 1992 to WC pans published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 199 August 27 2005 (text No. 44); Notice related to the application of modified Decree No. 92-647 July 8 1992 and the August 8 2005 order applying this decree to WC pans. published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 199 August 27 2005 (text No. 132); July 2 2004 order making the modified July 8 1992 decree applicable to sinks, as published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 174 July 29 2004 (text No. 55); Notice about application of modified decree No. 92-647 July 8 1992 and the July 2 2004 order applying this decree to sinks published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 174 July 29 2004 (text No. 142); August 22 2005 order about application of modified July 8 1992 decree to whirlpool baths and shower enclosures published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 223 September 24 2005 (text No. 29); Notice about application of the modified decree No. 92-647 July 8 1992 and the August 22 2005 order applying this decree to baths equipped with a whirlpool system and shower enclosures published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 223 September 24 2005 (text No. 128); April 24 2006 order dealing with application of the modified July 8 1992 decree No. 92647 concerning the usability of construction products to communal washing troughs published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 113 May 16 2006; Notice about application of the modified July 8 1192 decree No. 92-647 and the April 24 2006 order applying this decree to communal washing troughs published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 113 May 16 2006 (text No. 95); March 6 2008 order dealing with application of the modified July 8 1992 decree No. 92647 concerning the usability of construction products to bidets, washbasins and urinal published in the Official Journal of the French Republic April 6 2008 (text No. 5); June 6 2011 order dealing with application of the modified July 8 1992 decree No. 92647 to baths and shower trays for domestic use. published in the Official Journal of the French Republic September 4 2011 Notice about application of the modified July 8 1992 decree No. 92-647 and the March 6 2008 order applying this decree to bidets, washbasins and urinals published in the Official Journal of the French Republic April 6 2008 (text No. 112); Under no circumstances shall granting the right to use the NF mark be understood as substituting CSTB’s liability for that legally incumbent upon the applicant/holder. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 12 / 194 Additional standards and technical specifications 2.3.1 Standards Sanitary appliances concerned by these certification rules shall meet the requirements set out in the standards in the following table. Furthermore, any amendment or revision in force pertaining to the applicable standards shall be applied if necessary. In addition to the requirements set out in standards, products shall meet the additional technical specifications also referenced in the following table. BATHS Synthetic materials NF EN 145163 NF EN 1983: § 4.1; § 4.3; § 4.4; § 4.5;§4.6; § 4.7; § 4.8; § 4.10; § 4.11; § 4.13; § 4.14; § 4.15 Document 08 NF D11-121 NF EN 232 3 Document 10 Enamelled materials NF D11-112: § 4.1; § 4.2; § 4.3; § 5.1; § 5.2.1 (for enamelled steel only) NF D14-602 (for enamelled steel) NF D14-603 (for enamelled cast iron) WHIRLPOOL BATHS NF EN 1717 NF EN 12764 NF EN 55014-1 NF EN 55014-2 NF EN 60335-1 NF EN 60335-2-60 NF EN 60529 NF EN 61000-3-2 NF EN 61000-3-3 PR NF EN 62233 Document 11 SUPPORT FRAMES NF D12-2083 Document 17 BIDETS NF EN 35 Sanitary ceramic 3 NF EN 363 NF D11-107: § 4.1; § 4.2; § 4.3; § 5 NF D14-6013 NF EN 14528 WC PANS NF EN 33 4 NF EN 997 (class I) Sanitary ceramic NF D12-101 NF D14-6014 Document 12 3 4 See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 13 / 194 Document 13 (for child and baby pans) SINKS Stainless steels NF EN 695 4 NF EN 133104 Document 05 Synthetic materials Document 06 Enamelled materials NF D13-101 NF D14-6014 WASHBASINS 4 Sanitary ceramic NF EN 31 (for pedestal washbasins and for wall-hung washbasins) NF D11-101 NF EN 14688 Synthetic materials NF D11-201 (for handicapped persons) NF D12-210 NF D14-6014 COMMUNAL WASHING TROUGHS NF EN 14296 NF D11-130: § 3; § 4.1.1; § 5; § 6.1 (for washbasins longer than 1 m); § 6.2; § 6.3 NF D14-6014 WALL-HUNG HAND-RINSE BASINS NF EN 314 NF EN 14688 NF D11-101 NF D14-6014 WC PACKS NF EN 335 NF EN 997 (class I) NF D12-101: § 3; § 4; § 5.1.1; § 5.1.3; § 6; § 7.1; § 7.2 NF D12-203 NF D14-6015 Document 12 Document 14 Document 15 SHOWER ENCLOSURES NF EN 14428 Document 18 PRODUCTS MADE OF ENAMELLED MATERIALS FOR COMMUNITIES (other than communal washing troughs, urinals and communal wc pans) NF D11-130: § 3; §; §; §; § 4.1.2; § 5; § 6.1; § 6.2; § 6.3 NF D14-6015 5 See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 SHOWER TRAYS NF EN 251 5 NF EN 14527 5 Enamelled materials NF D11-1245: § 4; § 5; § 5.2.1 (for ceramic and enamelled steel shower trays longer than 1 m); § 5.2.2 (for ceramic and enamelled steel shower trays) NF D14-6015 Synthetic materials NF EN 249 Document 10 FLUSHING CISTERNS FOR WC PANS NF EN 14055 5 Sanitary ceramic NF D14-6015 NF D12-203 Document 14 WALL URINALS NF EN 80 NF EN 13407 NF D11-130: § 3;§; § 5; § 6.2 NF D14-6015 Document 16 Page 14 / 194 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 15 / 194 Product standards NF NF NF NF NF EN EN EN EN EN 316 336 35 36 80 NF EN 1986 NF EN 2326 NF EN 249 NF EN 2516 NF EN 6956 NF EN 997 NF EN 1717 NF EN 12764 NF EN 133106 NF EN 13407 NF EN 140556 NF EN 14124 NF EN 14296 NF EN 14428 NF EN 145166 NF EN 145276 NF EN 14528 NF EN 14688 NF D11-101 NF D11-107 NF D11-112 NF D11-121 NF D11-1246 NF D11-130 6 Oct. 2011 Oct. 2011 Jan. 2001 Oct. 1999 Sept. 2001 Oct. 2008 Pedestal washbasins - Connecting dimensions WC pans and WC suites - Connecting dimensions Pedestal bidets with over-rim supply - Connecting dimensions Wall-hung bidets with over-rim supply - Connecting dimensions Wall-hung urinals - Connecting dimensions Sanitary appliances – Baths made from crosslinked cast acrylic sheets – Requirements and test methods Oct. 2003 Baths - Connecting dimensions June Sanitary appliances - Shower trays made from crosslinked cast 2010 acrylic sheets - Requirements and test methods Oct. 2003 Shower trays - Connecting dimensions Dec. Kitchen sinks - Connecting dimensions 2005 April WC pans and WC suites with integral trap 2004 March Protection against pollution of potable water in water installations 2001 and general requirements of devices to prevent pollution by backflow May 2005 Sanitary appliances - Specification for whirlpool baths Sept. Kitchen sinks - Functional requirements and test methods 2003 Jan. 2007 Wall-hung urinals – Functional requirements and test methods April WC and urinal flushing cisterns 2011 Dec. Inlet valves for flushing cisterns with internal overflow 2004 Sept. Sanitary appliances – Communal washing troughs 2005 June Shower enclosures - Functional requirements and test methods 2005 June Baths for domestic purpose 2006 May 2008 Shower trays for domestic purposes May 2008 Bidets - Functional requirements and test methods May 2007 Sanitary appliances – Washbasins – Functional requirements and tests methods Sept. Sanitary appliances – Sanitary ceramic washbasins 2009 Sept. Sanitary appliances - Sanitary ceramic bidets 2009 Sept. Sanitary appliances - Vitreous enamelled material baths 2009 Dec. Baths for domestic purposes made of acrylic material - Additional 1988 specification for the mounting of taps on baths Sept. Sanitary appliances - Vitreous enamelled shower trays 2009 Jan. 2011 Sanitary appliances –Collectivities vitreous enamelled materials products See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 NF D12-101 NF D12-203 NF D12-2087 NF D12-210 NF D13-101 D60-020 NF P43-003 NF P43-007 Sept. 2009 Feb. 2012 Feb. 2012 Sept. 2009 Sept. 2006 Dec. 1988 June 1983 Sept. 1985 Page 16 / 194 Sanitary appliances - Sanitary ceramic WC pans Sanitary appliances - Equipped flushing cisterns for wc pans Sanitary appliances – Built-in frames Sanitary appliances – Synthetic material bowls and vanity tops Sanitary appliances - Vitreous enamelled sinks Furniture - Furniture in kit form – Technical specifications Valves for building – Ball float valves for flushing tanks – General technical specifications Valves and taps for water supply in buildings – Controllable check valves class A – General technical specifications Material standards NF EN 2637 May 2008 NF EN 13558 May 2004 NF EN 13559 May 2004 NF D14-6017 Sept. 1986 NF D14-602 Sept. 1986 NF D14-603 Sept. 1986 Sanitary appliances – Cross-linked cast acrylic sheets for baths and shower trays for domestic purposes Specifications for impact modified extruded acrylic sheets for shower trays for domestic purposes Specifications for modified coextruded ABS/Acrylic sheets for baths and shower trays for domestic purposes Sanitary appliances – Vitreous enamelled sanitary ceramic General specifications Sanitary appliances – Vitreous enamelled steel - General specifications Sanitary appliances – Vitreous enamelled cast iron - General specifications Test standards NF EN 12150-1 Dec. 2000 Dec. 1994 April 2007 August 1997 Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 1: definition and description NF EN 20105-A02 Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour NF EN 55014-1 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission NF EN 55014-2 Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Part 2: Immunity. Product family standard NF EN 60335-1 May 2003 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 1: general requirements NF EN 60335-2-60 Sept. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-60: 2005 Particular requirements for whirlpool baths NF EN 60529 Oct. 1992 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) NF EN 61000-3-2 August Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for 2006 harmonic current emissions (equipment input current up to and including 16 A per phase) NF EN 61000-3-3 Nov. 7 Electromagnetic See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2008 NF EN 61058-1 PR NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF Page 17 / 194 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current inferior or equal 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection Switches for appliances - Part 1: General requirements Dec. 2002 NF EN 62233 Jan. 2007 Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure EN ISO 62 May 2008 Plastic - Determination of water absorption EN ISO 4892-2 May 2006 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc sources EN ISO 9227 March Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests 2007 D14-501 Feb. 2012 Sanitary appliances - Resistance to abrasion of enamelled surfaces - Test method D14-502 June Sanitary appliances - Test for resistance to shock 1973 D14-5038 Feb. 2012 Sanitary appliances - Resistance to thermal shock of enamelled surfaces - Test method D14-505 Sept. Sanitary appliances - Aspect checking of enamelled surfaces 2009 Test method D14-506 Feb. 2012 Sanitary appliances - Resistance to acids at ambient temperature of enamelled surfaces - Conventional test method D14-507 Feb. 2012 Sanitary appliances - Resistance to hot alkaline products of enamelled surfaces - Conventional test method D14-508 Feb. 2012 Sanitary appliances - Resistance to domestic chemical agents and resistance to stains of the enamelled surfaces - Test method D14-510 Sept. Sanitary - Dimensional checking - Test method 2009 D14-512 Sept. Sanitary appliances - Control of watertightness and water weight 1986 absorbed by sanitary ceramic ware - Test methods 2.3.2 Complementary technical specifications Document Document Document Document Document Document 01 02 03 04 05 06 Document 08 Document 10 Document Document Document Document Document Document Document Document 2.4 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Waivers to standards General complementary specifications Connection dimension check gauges Preferred ranges of use for enamelled sanitary appliances Complementary specifications applicable to stainless steel sinks Complementary specifications applicable to sinks made of synthetic materials Complementary specifications applicable to baths Complementary specifications applicable to baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials Complementary specifications applicable to whirlpool baths Complementary specifications applicable to WC pans Operation of WC pans for children and babies Complementary specifications applicable to equipped flushing cisterns Definition of the WC pack Resistance of urinals to static loads Complementary specifications applicable to support frames Complementary specifications applicable to shower enclosures Quality management provisions See Part 2-Document 1: Waivers to standards Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 18 / 194 The applicants/holders and their distributors are each responsible with relation to the right to use the NF mark for the product concerned. The applicant/holder shall implement all the necessary ways and means to permanently guarantee the product’s conformity with these Certification Rules. This paragraph defines the minimum provisions that the applicant/holder shall implement in terms of quality management in order to ensure that the products which bear the NF mark are constantly manufactured in compliance with the present rules. This section comprises the terms of reference for audits. The system selected for this application of the NF mark is based on a systematic check by the applicant/holder of the conformity of delivered products with standards and complementary specifications if applicable. This system is described in sections 2.3.1 to 2.3.4. It requires: the applicant/holder to set up a system conforming with this article, methods of checking this system by third parties (described in parts 3 and 4 of these certification rules). 2.4.1 Quality plan The applicant/holder must demonstrate that all measures necessary for fabrication and delivery of products conforming to standards and complementary specifications are taken and applied. All of these measures combined form the quality plan. The quality plan must contain at least the following documented procedures: a procedure describing the fabrication process and inspections made from reception of raw materials to the final product; a procedure describing the treatment of nonconforming products. The applicant/holder must keep a record of all complaints related to the products concerned by NF certification and their treatment for at least 18 months. All inspection, measuring and test equipment used by the applicant/holder for final inspections and tests shall be calibrated or checked and set against equipment validly certified to nationally recognized standards. The applicant/holder shall always keep full records of the calibration or check of inspection, measuring and test equipment. The calibration frequency is produced as a function of the type of the appliance and its usage frequency. It is left to the initiative of the manufacturer. However, a minimum frequency may be imposed on him if the frequency is not suitable. Traceability: The applicant/holder shall have an organisation capable of: identifying product constituents and suppliers and subcontractors, identifying the product and its traceability. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 19 / 194 2.4.2 Conformity check Conformity with standards and complementary specifications if applicable, defined in these certifications rules, must be verified by making the tests and inspections described in tables 1 to 9. The applicant/holder shall have versions of certification rules and standards in force. 2.4.3 Check methods General A distinction shall be made particularly between the following, for checking fabrication: self-checking, that is done at all stages of production by the persons responsible for production themselves, internal checking, that is done at all stages of production under the responsibility of the Plant Management. These checks are compulsory and must be recorded (see article 2.4.4). They are regular and may comprise operations at time intervals. They are done by the applicant/holder himself, during and/or at the end of the fabrication, partly in a laboratory integrated into the plant. If some checks require expensive or high technicity equipment, it is acceptable if they are carried out by an external laboratory, with the agreement of the mandated organisation. Methods and instruments other than those described in the standards may be used provided that results are equivalent and provided that the mandated organisation agrees. The spirit of these checks is to assure that each applicant/holder retains full responsibility for his products. He is in the best position to evaluate the need for an inspection at a particular point that might be deficient or if a particular magnitude is more difficult to keep within specified limits, considering his fabrication tool. Checks of raw materials The applicant/holder shall: make a check of raw materials used in the fabrication of products concerned by this application of the NF mark. This check may be simplified if raw material suppliers provide analysis sheets with each package or if the products supplied are themselves NF marked. justify that purchased raw materials are conforming to the applicant/holder’s specification. The nature and frequency of these checks are left to the judgement of the applicant/holder. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 20 / 194 Checks during fabrication The applicant/holder organises checks at the different fabrication stages as he sees fit. Checks of finished products General The applicant/holder is responsible for organising these checks which can be carried out through random checks except for the appearance check where each product is checked individually. Products which do not comply with the standards and additional requirements shall be eliminated if necessary. Definitions of checks and frequencies depending on the product Checks to be made and the frequency of each are defined in the different tables: Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 for for for for for for for for for enamelled sanitary ceramic appliances. enamelled steel or enamelled cast iron appliances. stainless steel sinks. sinks made of synthetic materials. flushing cisterns made of synthetic materials. baths, shower trays, bowls and vanity tops made of synthetic materials. whirlpool baths. support frames. shower enclosures. Items to be tested shall be taken from the store from among products accepted after the sorting operation, or among items that have not been accepted for a reason that does not affect the characteristics to be checked. Test pieces for determination of surface characteristics shall be made using the same process as the appliances. Sampling shall be adapted to the production at the time. Rule of gradual decrease for the test frequency This gradual decrease rule is applicable independently for each family. The applied frequency changes are indicated with the decisions sent and must be applied when these decisions are received. The frequencies remain valid unless otherwise specified. Definition of the test frequencies: There are 2 frequency levels for checks on finished products: normal frequency and reduced frequency; they are defined by product type in tables 1 to 9 given below. The normal frequency is applicable for a period of 5 years when a new plant is admitted. All nonconformities detected by the auditor during this period shall be resolved by the applicant/holder’s target date. In this case, and if the Committee gives a favourable opinion, the applicant/holder will be authorised to change to reduced frequency at the end of this period. Otherwise, the normal frequency will be continued for another year. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 21 / 194 The Committee can propose a return to the normal frequency if the auditor detects a nonconformity for which the applicant/holder has not set up a corrective action within one year after notification. 2.4.4 Recording of checks The results of the checks performed by the applicant/holder are recorded. These records may come in any media such as hard-copy, digital. It is requested that a clear distinction be made between records regarding the results of checks made on raw materials and other supplies, and those performed during or at the end of manufacture. The certificates of conformity or analysis sheets provided by the suppliers shall be collected and made available to the auditor, accompanied by the corresponding specifications. The records of checks on the final product must include at least the dates on which the tests were performed, the results and the reference to inspection texts or methods and validation. All records must be kept for at least 18 months and must be available for the auditor at any time. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 22 / 194 TABLE 1: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC (1/3) TEST SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) • Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506; NF D14-507; NF D14508) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every quarter during the Once every six months during the year after admission of the year after admission of the colour colour to the NF mark and each to the NF mark and each time that time that the enamel is the enamel is modified modified MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS: • Determination of water absorption (NF EN 997 for WC pans and NF D14512 for other appliances) When the manufacturer produces several types of sanitary appliances in the same furnace, the water absorption determination test must be done on a pan. Once every month, for each type of material and for each baking furnace Twice a month, for each type of material and for each baking furnace Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items of each model each time Once every quarter and for each model, taking 3 items of each model each time Once every year and for each model Once every six months and for each model If a furnace is only used for baking a different type of appliance (for example a washbasin), the absorption test must be made on this type of appliance. RESISTANCE TO LOADS: • Resistance to static loads (NF EN 997 for WC pans; document 16 for urinals; NF EN 14296 for communal washing troughs; NF EN 14528 for bidets; NF EN 14688 for washbasins; NF EN 14527 for shower trays) Static loads are only applicable to wall-hung appliances and shower trays (bottom of vessel). RESISTANCE TO TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS: • Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) Thermal shocks are only applicable to shower trays, sinks and washbasins longer than 1 meter. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 23 / 194 TABLE 1: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC (2/3) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY DIMENSIONAL AND APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Presentation (NF D14-601) • No water retention on rims and/or bottoms (product standards) • Standard and specific dimensions for connection of some components (product standards and connection dimensions) • Planeness (NF D14-510 and product standards) • Other points specified in product standards • Overflow flow (product standards) Once every six months and for each model Once every quarter and for each model Once, when the product is designed OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF WC PANS OR WC SUITES: • Draining efficiency (NF EN 997) • Wall rinsing quality (NF EN 997) Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items for each model Once every quarter and for each model, taking 3 items for each model • Splashes outside the pan (NF EN 997) • Post-rinsing volume (NF EN 997 and document 12, § 1.5) • Renewal of water in the trap (document 12, §2) Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items for each model Once every quarter and for each model, taking 3 items for each model • Pan capacity (NF D12-101, § 6) Once, when the product is designed Once, when the product is designed • Check stability and horizontality (NF D12-101, § 7.1 and § 7.2) Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items for each model Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items for each model Once every year and for each model Once every six months and for each model EQUIPPED CISTERN TIGHTENING TEST: • Resistance to tightening (NF D12-203, § 4.4.1) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 24 / 194 TABLE 1: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC (3/3) TEST EQUIPPED FLUSHING CISTERN OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS: • Check hydraulic characteristics (NF D12-203) • Refilling of the cistern with water (NF D12-203) SANITARY SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS(PROTECTION OF THE DRINKING WATER NETWORK) FOR FLUSHING CISTERNS: • Air trap (NF D12-203, § 4.3.3) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every six months taking 3 cisterns each time Once every quarter using 3 cisterns each time Once every year and for each model Once every six months and for each model Once every six months and for each model, taking 3 items for each model Once every quarter and for each model, taking 3 items for each model URINAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS: • Rinsing (NF EN 13407) • Evacuation of balls (NF EN 13407) • Splashes (NF EN 13407) • Evacuation (NF EN 13407) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 25 / 194 TABLE 2: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF ENAMELLED STEEL OR ENAMELLED CAST IRON TEST SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) • Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506; NF D14-507; NF D14508) RESISTANCE TO LOADS: • Resistance to static loads (NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527) Static loads are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. RESISTANCE TO TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS: • Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) Thermal shocks are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. DIMENSIONAL AND APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Presentation (NF D14-602, § 4.1) • No water retention on rims and/or bottoms (product standards) • Standard and specific dimensions for connection of some components (product standards and connection dimensions) • Other points specified in product standards REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every quarter and for each colour range (number of ranges limited to 3) Once every month and for each colour range (number of ranges limited to 3) Once every six months and for each model, and every time that a model is changed Once every three months and for each model, and every time that a model is changed Once every year and for each model Once every six months and for each model Once every six months and for each model Once every quarter and for each model TESTS ON BATH HANDLES: • Tension tests on handles (NF EN 198, § 4.8) Once every year for each bath model fitted with handles • Resistance of handles to corrosion (NF EN ISO 9227) The manufacturer is free to choose either the 200h neutral salt spray (NSS) test, or the 24h acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test. • Resistance of handles to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263, § 3.7) Once every year or for each batch (if the batch is used over more than a year) and for each type of material from which handles are made, even if the handles are optional Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 26 / 194 TABLE 3: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR STAINLESS STEEL SINKS TEST SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310, § 4.6) Test pieces used to determine surface characteristics shall be taken from appliances (the bottom part should usually be used). RESISTANCE TO LOADS: • Resistance of the drain board (document 05, § 4.2) FREQUENCY Once every six months, for each steel grade and for each supplier Once every six months, for each model and each time that the model is changed DIMENSIONAL AND APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Material properties (document 05, § 3.1) • Design (document 05, § 3.2) • Manufacturing (document 05, § 3.3) • Connection dimensions (NF EN 695) • Dimensions (document 05, § 4.1.1) • Dimensional deviations (document 05, § 4.1.2) • Water evacuation (NF EN 13310) Once every year and for each model • Flow through overflow (NF EN 13310) Once, when the product is designed Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 27 / 194 TABLE 4: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR SINKS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS (1/2) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310) Once every six months for each type of material and for each colour range, and every time that the manufacturing process changes • Resistance to abrasion (NF EN 13310) • Resistance to scratching (NF EN 13310) Once every year for each type of material and every time that the manufacturing process changes MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS: • Determination of water absorption (NF EN ISO 62, method 1) Once every six months for each colour range and for each type of material • Determination of colour fastness under hot water (document 06) • Determination of colour fastness under light (document 06) Once every year for each colour range and for each type of material RESISTANCE TO LOADS: • Resistance of the drain board (document 06) Once every six months for each model and each time that the model is modified RESISTANCE TO MECHANICAL SHOCKS: • Resistance to mechanical shocks (document 06) Once every six months When the production rate is low, the test needs only be carried on one of every 200 items brought into the stores. RESISTANCE TO TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS: • Resistance to thermal shocks (NF EN 13310) Once every year and each time that the model is modified When the production rate is low, the test needs only be carried on one of every 200 items brought into the stores. Once every six months and each time that the model is modified When the production rate is low, the test needs only be carried on one of every 200 items brought into the stores. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 28 / 194 TABLE 4: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR SINKS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS (2/2) TEST RESISTANCE TO DRY HEAT (NF EN 13310) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every six months for each model DIMENSIONAL AND APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Lack of water retention (NF EN 13310 and document 06) • Dimensional characteristics (document 06) • Connection dimensions (NF EN 695) Once every year and for each model • Flow through overflow Once, when the product is designed Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 29 / 194 TABLE 5: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR FLUSHING CISTERNS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS TEST SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to chemicals and stains (including visible parts of built-in cisterns) (NF EN 263) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every six months, for Once every year, for each material each material type and for each type and for each colour range colour range MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS: • Compatibility with network disinfection products. (NF D12-203, § 4.1) Once every year and for each material type Once every six months and for each material type • Colour fastness under light (including visible parts of built-in cisterns) (NF EN ISO 4892-2, method B) Once every year and for each colour range Once every six months and for each colour range Once every year and for each model Once every six months and for each model Once every six months taking 3 cisterns per model each time Once every quarter taking 3 cisterns per model each time Once every year for each model Once every six months for each model ATTACHMENT DESIGN: • Resistance to tightening (document 14, § 2.2) OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF EQUIPPED FLUSHING CISTERNS: • Refilling of water in the cistern (NF D12-203, § 4.4) • Check hydraulic characteristics (NF EN 14055, § 5.3.3) HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS (PROTECTION OF THE DRINKING WATER NETWORK): • Air trap (NF D12-203, § 4.3.3) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 30 / 194 TABLE 6: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR BATHS, SHOWER TRAYS, BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS (1/3) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every six months, for each material type and for each colour range and every time that the manufacturing process is changed Once every quarter, for each material type and for each colour range and every time that the manufacturing process is changed Once every six months for each material Once every quarter for each material SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: • Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263) These tests are not done on baths, shower trays, bowls and vanity tops made of NF certified acrylic sheets. MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS: • Determination of water absorption (NF EN ISO 62, method 1) This test is applicable to baths and shower trays. • Determination of colour fastness under hot water (NF EN 263) • Determination of colour fastness under light (NF EN ISO 4892-2, method Once every year, for each colour B) range and for each material type These tests are applicable to baths, shower trays, bowls and vanity tops. These tests are not done on baths, shower trays, bowls and vanity tops made of NF certified acrylic sheets (these sheets having this certified characteristic). Once every six months, for each colour range and for each material type Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 31 / 194 TABLE 6: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR BATHS, SHOWER TRAYS, BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS (2/3) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY DIMENSIONAL AND APPEARANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Surface appearance • Lack of water retention • Overall dimensions and component connection dimensions (product standards and connection dimensions) • Planeness, square • Determination of capacity (for baths) • Determination of mass (for baths) • Measurement of the residual thickness of the upper layer (for cast acrylic baths). Once every six months for each model Once every quarter for each model • Resistance to static loads (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.12 for shower trays; NF D12-210 for bowls and vanity tops) Once every six months and for each model and every time that a model is changed Once every quarter for each model and every time that a model is changed • Resistance to mechanical shocks (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.11 for shower trays; NF D 12-210 § 6.2 for bowls and vanity tops) Once every six months and for each model When the production rate is low, the test needs only be carried out on one of every 200 items brought into the stores Once every quarter and for each model When the production rate is low, the test needs only be carried on one of every 200 items brought into the stores MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 32 / 194 TABLE 6: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR BATHS, SHOWER TRAYS, BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS (3/3) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY TESTS ON HANDLES (for baths): • Tension tests on handles (NF EN 198, § 4.8) Once every year for each bath model fitted with handles • Resistance of handles to corrosion (NF EN ISO 9227) The manufacturer is free to choose either the 200h neutral salt spray (NSS) test, Once every year or for each batch (if the batch is used over more than a year) and for each type of material from which handles or the 24h acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test. are made, even if the handles are optional • Resistance of handles to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263, § 3.7) RESISTANCE TO THERMAL SHOCKS: • Resistance to thermal shocks (NF EN 14516 § 4.3.4 for baths; NF EN 14527 5.3 for shower trays; NF EN 14688 § 5.4 for bowls and vanity tops) For baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials, the thermal shock test shall be carried in compliance with standard NF EN 14516 or NF EN 14527 (100 cycles) for validation of new products. A copy of the thermal shock test results shall be sent to CSTB with each extension request. The thermal shock test may be made at a reduced rate (only 10 cycles) for tests made as part of production self-checking. The frequencies defined in these rules shall be respected regardless of the number of fabricated products. However, when the production rate is very low, lower frequencies may be allowed by the mandated organisation. The manufacturer is only authorised to make groups by “design” (test done on the largest dimension). A study for each individual case shall be made for models with low production rate. No check is required for a product that is not produced during the year. Once every year for each range and every time that a model is changed Once every six months for each range and every time that a model is changed Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 33 / 194 TABLE 7: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR WHIRLPOOL BATHS (1/3) TEST REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY BATH CHARACTERISTICS: Whirlpool baths are NF whirlpool baths made of cast iron, steel, cast acrylic materials or other synthetic materials. In the case of a variable mixing speed system, the manufacturer shall search for the worst conditions for each test and shall keep the results available for auditors. See tables 1, 2 or 6 as a function of the type of bath material ELECTRICAL SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS: • Operating check • Check continuity of the earthing circuit (class I) (article 27 in standards NF EN 60335-1 and NF EN 60335-2-60) • Check the insulation resistance and the dielectric strength at ambient temperature (1.1 times the voltage mentioned in the standard may be applied for 5 seconds to the insulation for this test, instead of the indicated values) • Protection against electric shocks (NF EN 60335-1, article 8) • Absorbed power (NF EN 60335-1, article 10) • Temperature rise (NF EN 60335-1, article 11) • Dielectric strength at ambient temperature and insulation at ambient temperature and under operating conditions (NF EN 60335-1, article 13) • Abnormal operation (NF EN 60335-1, article 19) • Mechanical strength of screws and nuts (NF EN 60335-1, article 28) • Leakage lines and distance in air (NF EN 60335-1, article 29) These tests apply to the verification of some characteristics and do not imply that all test sequences have to be carried out on a single bath. Individual check Once every quarter and for each system Twice every quarter and for each system If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 34 / 194 TABLE 7: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR WHIRLPOOL BATHS (2/3) TEST OTHER SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS: • Check the attraction of hair (for hydraulic systems) (NF EN 12764) • Check the air temperature at the inlet to the bath intake (for aeraulic systems) (document 11) • Check the turbine protection if non-return valves do not comply with the specifications in the standards concerning them and with additional specifications defined in NF mark certification rules - Antipollution of water installations (NF045) (Document 11) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every year, for each bath type, associated with each whirlpool system Once every six months, for each bath type, associated with each whirlpool system If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). Once every year, for each bath type associated with each whirlpool system Once every six months, for each bath type associated with each whirlpool system If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS (NF EN 12764): • Check that there is no water retention • Check sanitary safety for baths permanently connected to the network There is no need to check the leak tightness and the endurance of water network protection devices, non-return valves shall necessarily by NF certified - Antipollution of water installations (NF045). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 35 / 194 TABLE 7: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR WHIRLPOOL BATHS (3/3) TEST • Resistance to temperature (NF EN 12764) • Resistance to pressure (NF EN 12764) • Resistance to leaks (NF EN 12764) REDUCED FREQUENCY NORMAL FREQUENCY Once every year, for each bath type associated with each whirlpool system Once every six months, for each bath type associated with each whirlpool system If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). If production is not regular, the frequency depends on the number of units manufactured and/or manufacturing campaigns. The test frequency to be carried out should then be submitted to the mandated organisation (CSTB). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 36 / 194 TABLE 8: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR SUPPORT FRAMES TEST NORMAL FREQUENCY ENDURANCE CHARACTERISTICS: • Durability (NF D12-208 § 5.1 and document 17 § 3) Twice every year, for each support frame with its accessories RESISTANCE TO STATIC LOADS: • Resistance to static loads (NF D12-208 and document 17 § 1) Twice every year and for each attachment type DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: • Dimensional (NF D12-208 § 4) • Adaptability to products to be supported or incorporated Twice every year and for each model • Connection • Conformity with the installation manual (NF D12-208 § 7.3 and document 17 § 2) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 37 / 194 TABLE 9: TESTS AND FREQUENCIES FOR SHOWER ENCLOSURES TEST NORMAL FREQUENCY EXTERNAL APPEARANCE (see § 100% of items MOVING PARTS (document 18, § 2) Once every year and for each model STABILITY (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model IMPACT STRENGTH (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model ENDURANCE (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model WATER TIGHTNESS (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model CLEANING (NF EN 14428) At the design stage INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (NF EN 14428) 100% of items USER INSTRUCTIONS (NF EN 14428) 100% of items RESISTANCE TO CHEMICALS AND STAINS (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model CORROSION (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model RESISTANCE TO HUMIDITY/DRYING CYCLE (NF EN 14428) Once every year and for each model CHECK GLASS THICKNESSES (document 18, § 1.3) Once every year and for each batch Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.5 Page 38 / 194 Marking Marking is an integral part of the certification of a product. It concerns all the holders (including applicants/holders and distributors that are covered by continued right of use). Marking a product with the NF logo not only identifies it as a certified product and makes it traceable but also makes the mark more defendable and facilitates tracking and prosecution for illegal copies. Moreover, the purpose of mentioning the primary certified characteristics is to make the technical characteristics the NF mark covers transparent for consumers and users. This promotes certification and its contents. The purpose of this article is to define the terms and conditions for reproducing the NF logo, references to the NF mark, marking certified products as well as information on the certified characteristics. They shall be respected as soon as the right to use the NF mark is granted. 2.5.1 The NF mark in general The NF logo shall make it possible to identify any certified product. The trade name of the certified product shall be reserved for the NF mark and the NF mark may be used for a certified product only under the trade name with which the product was certified. The holder is only entitled to use the NF logo to distinguish certified products and in such a way that there is no risk of confusion. The NF logo shall be reproduced in conformity with the NF graphic chart. The graphic tools for the logo are available from CSTB (see contact in paragraph 1.2 “What we are providing”). Holders are advised to submit all documents in which the NF mark is mentioned to CSTB beforehand. Furthermore, on the request of CSTB, the holder is obliged to supply any documents using the NF mark. 2.5.2 Reference documents Regulation: a desire for transparency The communication of information regarding product and service certification is governed by regulations. The goal of all such communications is to make the meaning of the labels, certification marks, etc. transparent for consumers and users. Thus, Article R 115-2 of the Consumer Code stipulates that: “Whenever reference is made to the certification in advertising, labelling or presentation of any product as well as on commercial documents of any kind pertaining thereto, the consumer’s or user’s attention shall be drawn to the following information: the name or corporate name of the certification body or the collective certification mark, the name of the reference documents used as the basis for certification, the terms and conditions under which the certification reference documents may be consulted or obtained.” The general rules of the NF mark Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 39 / 194 The purpose of the marking rules described hereafter is to guide the holder in accordance with regulatory requirements and NF certification requirements. The general rules of the NF mark specify the guidelines for usage, the guidelines for validity and the procedures for penalties for wrongful usage. The holder shall not use the NF mark in all documents except to single out certified products without there being any risk of confusion, whatsoever. Without prejudice to the sanctions set out in the general Rules of the NF Mark, any erroneous announcements expose the holder to the possibility of legal action for fraud and/or misleading advertising. 2.5.3 Marking arrangements This article describes both the terms for affixing the NF logo and for marking of certified features. A “certified feature” means any feature that is monitored under the NF mark. It deals with the following three aspects: 1. NF logo marking on an NF-certified product; 2. NF logo marking on the packaging of an NF-certified product, if applicable; 3. NF logo marking on documentation and in advertising. The NF logo shall be reproduced in accordance with the graphic charter available from CSTB. Any applicant/holder who becomes holder of the NF Sanitary appliances mark starting from application of this version of the rules shall use the NF “CERTIFIED BY CSTB” logo only. Use of the logo with the “BY CSTB” comment in English is not authorised under the terms of the NF - Sanitary appliances mark. - Marking on NF certified product Each certified product shall be permanently and indelibly marked with the following information: the logo with the “CERTIFIED BY CSTB” comment and the “Sanitary appliances” comment, or for technical reasons (for example moulded logo or marked by ink stamp), the logo without these comments (reproduction at an arbitrary scale but with a minimum width of 8 mm); a mark to identify the manufacturer; a mark to determine the manufacturing date to the nearest month; a mark of the production plant; the reference of the appliance model corresponding to the catalogue. NOTE 1 The manufacturer’s mark and the mark of the production plant may be the same. If this information is encoded, the code shall be deposited with the mandated organisation (CSTB) and shall comprise at least two characters. NOTE 2 The NF mark may be placed on a non-enamelled part for ceramic appliances. It shall remain visible at least until the appliance has been placed. NOTE 3 Concerning marking of whirlpool baths, the NF logo must be affixed such that there is no ambiguity with the mark of the bath itself. Double NF marking for Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 40 / 194 whirlpool baths (bath and whirlpool system) is not compulsory if the manufacturer manufactures the baths and installs the whirlpool system in the same plant, and does not sell them without the whirlpool system. In this case, the NF logo shall be at least and necessarily placed on the whirlpool system. If a whirlpool bath is not NF certified and if the “bare” bath is NF certified, the corresponding NF logo must be removed. NOTE 4 Product marking may be made with self-sticking labels after an opinion by the mandated organisation (CSTB). This type of marking is not encouraged. If marking is authorised by means of a label, marking will be considered to be permanent if the label cannot be completely removed by tearing. NOTE 5 Marking of accessories (pedestals, trap cache) is not authorised. NOTE 6 After the logo was changed in January 2011, manufacturers are allowed to use the old logo on their products certified before these rules came into application: - until January 31 2014 in the case of labels; - until the next time that the stamp pad is changed if the NF logo is applied using an ink stamp; - until the next change of the mould or the die; - Starting from January 31 2014, holders shall replace all “CERTIFIED BY AFNOR Certification” logos by “CERTIFIED BY CSTB”. - Reproduction of the NF logo on the NF certified product packaging It is recommended that the NF mark should be mentioned on the packaging. If packagings contain the NF mark, they shall necessarily contain the following information: the NF logo according to the graphic charter (reproduction at arbitrary scale but with minimum width of 8 mm); Nevertheless, in case of technical difficulty marking the packaging or when the logo measures less than 12 mm, the NF logo may be used alone . The NF logo must be reproduced in accordance with the graphic chart; the name, initials or mark identifying the manufacturer; the number of the appliance model corresponding to the catalogue; the colour and/or the appearance of the enamel. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 41 / 194 The NF logo cannot be placed on the packaging of a set of products unless all products forming this assembly are NF certified (if they have received an NF mark). Following the change to the logo in January 2011, holders are authorised to apply the old logo on the packaging of their certified products until January 1 2014. Starting from January 31 2014, holders shall replace all “CERTIFIED BY AFNOR Certification” logos by “CERTIFIED BY CSTB”. - Reproduction on documentation and in advertising Reproduction of the NF logo on the documentation and in advertising (technical and commercial documents, labels, posters, advertising, internet sites, etc.) shall be made in accordance with the graphic charter, at an arbitrary scale but with a minimum width of 8 mm. The NF mark may only be used in all documents in order to distinguish certified products, and only where there is no risk of confusion. For this reason, the trade name, the model name and the product reference under which it is NF certified shall be mentioned. Moreover, the catalogue shall contain a chapter that will explain the scope of the NF mark. Use of the NF mark in the header of stationery used for the holder’s correspondence is forbidden, unless the holder has been awarded the NF mark for everything it manufactures. In order to properly interpret the present paragraph, it is recommended for holders to submit to CSTB, before printing, all documents on which the NF mark appears. Following the logo change in January 2011, holders certified before these rules are put into application are authorised to use the old logo on the documentation and advertising concerning their certified products until January 1 2014. Starting from January 31 2014, holders shall replace all “CERTIFIED BY AFNOR Certification” logos by “CERTIFIED BY CSTB”. - Information concerning certified features The document presented below has been written in application of Article R 115-2 of the French Consumer Code (see § 2.4.2), showing advantages of NF. This document must be repeated in at least one document supplied to the user, such as catalogues, general tariffs or Internet sites. Concerning the “What is the benefit of the NF mark?” article in this document, the holder is not obliged to repeat paragraphs concerning products that he does not manufacture or does not resell, in his information about certified features. If a manufacturer holds the right to use the NF mark in several “sanitary” fields (for example valve fittings and appliances), the concerned paragraphs shall be covered in the documentation, given that information documents have the same structure. You are reminded that for the French market, information must be written in the French language (Law of 4th August 1994). If necessary, information can be written in one or several other languages. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 42 / 194 Furthermore, manufacturers holding the NF mark for one or several enamelled sanitary appliances shall include the information in document 04 – part 2 in these rules in their catalogues. What is the NF mark? The NF mark affixed to a product guarantees that it complies with the relevant standards and, where applicable, additional technical specifications requested by the market. The features set out by AFNOR Certification and checked by CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) are specified in the specifications referred to as the certification rules, drawn up in consultation with applicants/holders, distributors, consumer associations, laboratories and public authorities. The certification rules concerning sanitary appliances are identified by 017. They can be downloaded from the Internet site www.cstb.fr or www.marque-nf.com CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building), the SFC (Société Française de Céramique) and the LCIE (Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques) perform tests on products and audits of manufacturing units within the scope of this application. What products is the NF mark applied on? The NF-Sanitary appliances mark is placed on the following products: washbasins and hand-rinse basins (ceramic); bidets (ceramic); shower trays (ceramic, steel, cast iron, synthetic materials); sinks (ceramic, stainless steel, synthetic materials); baths (cast iron, steel, synthetic materials); whirlpool baths; bowls and vanity tops (ceramic, synthetic materials); WC pans or WC suites; equipped flushing cisterns; appliances for public use; support frames; WC packs; shower enclosures. What are the benefits of the NF mark? The NF mark-SANITARY APPLIANCES certifies conformity of sanitary appliances with NF017 certification rules approved by AFNOR Certification. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 43 / 194 This guarantees: ► that appliances are made from a material with qualities satisfactory for normal sanitary use, in other words: resistant to cleaning products reserved for this purpose; resistant to contact with non-prohibited chemical products (products to remove rust stains usually based on fluorine salts shall be entirely prohibited close to enamel-coated appliances); ► wall-hung appliances are sufficiently strong for the use for which they are intended; ► the dimensions of the appliances enable firstly their connection with the supply and the drain valve fittings and secondly replacement of these appliances; ► the shape of the bottom of the bowl (washbasins, bidet, shower tray, sink, bath, etc.) is designed such that water flows without stagnation when the plug is open; ► the pan – equipped cistern satisfies constraints about: protection of the drinking water network (no back flow); noise reduction (certified taps ); efficiency (drain, rinsing of the walls); hygiene (no splashing); water saving when the “economiser” mechanism is fitted; ► whirlpool baths are safe in terms of electrical and sanitation aspects; ► shower enclosures are certified conforming for the following characteristics: ease of cleaning: all volumes are accessible; leak tightness to water jet; can resist 30000 door opening and closing cycles; safety: no breakage and disengagement in case of a shock on the wall (safety glass). Therefore, products marked are suitable for performing the use for which they are intended. How to recognise an NF product? The symbol is placed adjacent to the item benefiting from the NF mark, to distinguish products accepted for the NF-SANITARY APPLIANCES mark from products that are not in this catalogue. Furthermore, the logo is applied on products themselves and if applicable on their packaging, to make them easily recognisable on the shelf and during installation. CSTB 84, avenue Jean Jaurès – Champs-sur-Marne – 77447 MARNE-LA-VALLEE cedex 2 – France - Conditions for withdrawing the mark Any suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark leads to prohibition on using the NF mark and making reference to it. Likewise, products which are accidentally non-compliant shall be declassified, destroyed or made conforming. Catalogues and other documentation must no longer carry the NF mark for those products for which the mark has been suspended or withdrawn (erratum and/or reprinting). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 44 / 194 Part 3 OBTAINING CERTIFICATION ____________________________________________ An application for usage rights (of admission application) may be: Initial admission application: This comes from an applicant who does not have the right to use the NF mark for the application concerned. It corresponds to one or more sanitary appliance families from a given manufacturing unit, defined by a brand name, a commercial reference specific to the products presented and technical features. Additional admission application: It comes from a holder that has the right to use the NF mark for the relevant application: It concerns a new product (or product range) for a type, previously certified or not, or a family, previously certified or not. Extension application: It comes from a holder and concerns a certified product which has been modified. Application for continued right of use: It comes from an applicant/holder or a distributor and pertains to an NF-certified product intended to be sold under another brand name and/or references specific to the product without modifying the certified features. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 3.1 Page 45 / 194 Process 3.1.1 Case of an initial admission application or an additional admission application for a new family or a new product type in a previously certified family APPLICANT CSTB SPECIFIC COMMITTEE Constitution of the certification application dossier (§3.2.1) Examining the administrative and technical eligibility of the certification application (§3.2.2) In-plant checks (§ - audit - sampling Tests in mark laboratory (§ Possible corrective actions Assessment of plant visit and test reports (§3.2.4) Inform the Specific Committee (§3.2.4) Decision and notification (§3.2.4) (certificate) Monitoring process (part 4) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 46 / 194 3.1.2 Case of an additional admission application for a new product (or product range) in a previously certified product type APPLICANT CSTB SPECIFIC COMMITTEE Constitution of the certification application dossier (§3.4.2) Examining the administrative and technical eligibility of the certification application (§3.4.3) Possible corrective actions Test report assessment (§3.4.4) Decision and notification (§3.4.4) (certificate) Monitoring process (part 4) Inform the Specific Committee (§3.4.4) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 3.2 Page 47 / 194 Case of an initial admission application 3.2.1 Submission of the certification application dossier Before applying, applicants shall ensure that, at the time the application is made, they meet the conditions stipulated in these certification rules and in particular part 2, pertaining to the product and site concerned. He shall undertake to comply with these same conditions throughout the period during which the NF mark is use. The application shall be submitted in conformity with the conditions and models given in Part 7. Upon receipt of the application, the following process begins: Certification application admissibility check, Conducting inspections and checks, Assessment and decision making. 3.2.2 Admissibility check Upon receipt of the application, CSTB checks that: All documents requested in the application are enclosed, The elements contained within the technical file comply with the requirements of the certification rules and standards concerned. CSTB may request additional information as required for the admissibility of the file whenever this file is incomplete. As soon as the application is admissible, CSTB team organises inspections and verifications and informs the applicant of the organisation arrangements (auditor, duration of the audit, the audited sites, laboratories, sampled products, etc.). 3.2.3 Checking methods Two types of checks are performed as part of the NF mark certification process: audits performed during visits to the manufacturing unit tests on products. Audits The purpose of the audits carried out by the auditor is to ensure that the measures defined and implemented by the applicant within the manufacturing unit meet the requirements in Part 2 of these certification rules. A visit usually lasts one day on each site but may vary depending on the number of products concerned, the organisation of the manufacturing unit or samples to be taken. If the applicant subcontracts part of its manufacturing activity, CSTB reserves the right to send an auditor to visit the subcontractor(s) on the basis of the same certification rules. All resources (premises, facilities, equipment) that allow the auditors to conduct the assignment incumbent upon them shall be made freely available, as well as the individuals competent to use them. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 48 / 194 The applicant/holder shall undertake to facilitate the task of the auditors in carrying out their missions, particularly by proposing the services of an interpreter, if necessary (the audits being carried out in French or English). Samples are marked with a distinguishing mark by the auditor and are sent by and under the responsibility of the applicant/holder to the mark laboratory(ies) in charge of conducting the tests, unless the auditor decides to be responsible for them. It is possible to take samples of products eliminated due to minor non-conformities in appearance for some destructive testing. A visit report is drawn up and given to the applicant/holder, either on the site, or within 15 days following the audit. This report may include deviation sheets. In this case, the applicant must suggest corrective actions to remedy the deviations identified within 1 month after the audit report has been handed over. If no answer is sent within the prescribed time, the applicant will be given notice of his failure by CSTB. During the examination of an initial application for the right to use the NF mark, CSTB carries out the audit visit. In the case of an admission request for whirlpool baths, two audit inspections are made: one by the LCIE for the “electrical part” and the other by CSTB for the “sanitary part”. During the visit, the auditor examines all points listed in section 2.4 and carries out complete product sampling for tests in the NF mark laboratory (defined in part 5). In the case of an additional admission application or an extension application, the audit can be adapted or integrated into a monitoring visit, or even cancelled. In the case of an application for continued right of use, there is no audit visit. Tests Examinations and tests are performed in accordance with the standards and additional specifications set out in part 2 and Appendices I to IX of these certification rules. The number and nature of sampled products and the tests to be carried out are defined in appendices I to IX. They are done under the responsibility of mark laboratories or in the laboratory of the plant during the plant visit if the laboratory has sufficient means. Samples taken during an audit shall be sent to the mark laboratory within 15 days after the audit day. If they are not received, the applicant/holder shall send proof of dispatch of these samples to the lab within 15 days. If these delays are not respected, he will receive a warning from CSTB with threat of suspension if the products are not shipped within one month. A test report is drawn up and sent to the applicant or the holder. When an application for the right to use the NF mark is examined (initial application, additional admission application, application for extension for a new product), all examinations and tests to assess conformity with standards and additional specifications, if necessary, are carried out under the conditions described in Appendices I to IX. In the case of an extension application for a modified certified product, the examinations and tests shall be defined according to the proposed modification. In the case of an application for continued right of use, no tests are to be performed. 3.2.4 Assessment and decision-making Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 49 / 194 CSTB assesses the reports communicated to the applicant in accordance with the procedures in force. Where appropriate, the reports are accompanied by a request for response within a period of time stipulated. After any deviation, the applicant must describe the actions put in place or planned, including the time it will take to enact them and the people responsible. CSTB analyses the relevance of the response and may request an additional check (audit, test, examining documents). CSTB anonymously submits all of the evaluation’s results to the Specific Committee for approval. Depending on the results of all the checks, CSTB makes one of the following decisions: * certification granted, with or without observations, * certification refused, with reasons for the refusal. In the event of a positive certification decision, AFNOR Certification grants the right to use the NF mark. The CSTB sends the certificate to the applicant, who becomes the holder of the right to use the NF “Sanitary Appliances” mark. This certificate includes: - the holder’s name the designation of the product(s) and the production facility, the certified characteristics, determined according to the abovementioned testing modalities in § XX A decision may be deferred with the aim of carrying out additional investigations for the application. The communication arrangements for certification are set down in section 2.4 of these certification rules. When the right to use the NF mark is granted, CSTB sends a certificate to the beneficiary now known as the “holder”. The applicant may appeal against the decision made by sending a request in accordance with the NF mark general rules. 3.3 Case of an additional admission application for a new product family or a new product type in a previously certified family The application shall be submitted in conformity with the conditions and models given in Part 7. The steps described in section 3.11 apply keeping the following specific consideration in mind: the audit can be adapted, accompanied by a surveillance audit. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 50 / 194 3.4 Case of an additional admission application for a new product (or product range) for a previously certified product type 3.4.1 General This procedure applies to a plant granted use of the NF mark for two years and for which there are no unresolved critical deviations. In other cases, the procedure described in § 3.3 should be used. 3.4.2 Submission of the certification application dossier Before applying, applicants shall ensure that, at the time the application is made, they meet the conditions stipulated in these certification rules and in particular part 2, pertaining to the product and site concerned. He shall undertake to comply with these same conditions throughout the period during which the NF mark is use. The application shall be submitted in conformity with the conditions and models given in Part 7. Upon receipt of the application, the following process begins: Certification application admissibility check, Assessment and decision-making. 3.4.3 Admissibility check Upon receipt of the application, CSTB checks that: All documents requested in the application are enclosed, The elements contained within the technical file comply with the requirements of the certification rules and standards concerned. CSTB may request additional information as required for the admissibility of the file whenever this file is incomplete. As soon as the application is admissible, CSTB shall begin assessing the file. 3.4.4 Assessment and decision-making CSTB shall assess the testing reports supplied by the applicant in accordance with the standards and additional specifications set forth in Part 2 and in Appendices I to IX hereof. After any deviation, the applicant must describe the actions put in place or planned, including the time it will take to enact them and the people responsible. CSTB shall analyse the response’s pertinence and may request additional testing. CSTB shall present the Specific Committee a summary of the products already subject to an additional admission request. On the basis of the test results presented, CSTB shall make one of the following decisions: * certification granted, with or without observations, * certification refused, with reasons for the refusal. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 51 / 194 In the event of a positive certification decision, AFNOR Certification grants the right to use the NF mark. The CSTB sends the certificate to the applicant, who becomes the holder of the right to use the NF “Sanitary Appliances” mark. This certificate includes: - the holder’s name the designation of the product(s) and the production facility, the certified characteristics, determined according to the abovementioned testing modalities in § XX a purely informative display of the existence or not of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for the certified product. This information shall be supplemented, when this declaration exists, by its status and the site where it may be consulted. The communication arrangements for certification are set down in section 2.4 of these certification rules. When the right to use the NF mark is granted, CSTB shall update the certificate and send it to the holder. The applicant may appeal against the decision made by sending a request in accordance with the NF mark general rules. 3.5 Case of an extension application The application shall be submitted in conformity with the conditions and models given in Part 7. The steps described in section 3.11 apply keeping the following specific consideration in mind: - in the case of an extension application for a modified certified product, the tests are defined depending upon the planned modification; - the audit can be adapted or accompanied by a surveillance audit. 3.6 Case of an application for continued right of use The application shall be submitted in conformity with the conditions and models given in Part 7. Within the framework of a distribution under other brand names, it is acceptable to provide the products concerned with certain presentation modifications that have no functional effect. The applicant/holder shall then specify in their application for continued right of use, the list of modifications made to the products in question. CSTB then makes sure that these modifications have no impact of a functional type. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 52 / 194 Part 4 MAINTAINING CERTIFICATION: monitoring terms and conditions ____________________________________________ Throughout the certification period, the holder shall: - comply with the defined requirements and the terms and conditions for marking described in part 2; update his certification file; keep CSTB systematically informed of any changes to any of the certified product features and/or organisation likely to have an impact on certification. CSTB follows up the certified products beginning with the agreement to the right to use the NF Mark. This follow-up comprises audits and tests on the products. It also includes the surveillance of the use of the mark and of the logo on the products, packing and on all communication media. The NF Mark is granted to a product coming from a specific manufacturing unit, defined by a brand name, a specific trade reference and technical characteristics. Consequently, any modification in the conditions for obtaining the NF Mark shall be communicated in writing to CSTB by the holder. Moreover, CSTB reserves the right to carry out or to have carried out any additional test or audit which they feel necessary following complaints, contestations, disputes about which they receive information and relative to the use of the NF Mark. Checks may be made on the shelf. In case of disputes with the users, the checks may include samplings or tests on the utilisation premises (in this case, the holder is invited to be represented so as to witness the operations). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 4.1 Page 53 / 194 Process HOLDER CSTB SPECIFIC COMMITTEE In-plant checks (§4.2.1): - inspection / audit - sampling Tests (§4.2.2) Possible corrective actions Assessment of plant audit visit and test reports (§4.3) Inform the Specific Committee (§4.3) Decision and notification (§4.3) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 4.2 Page 54 / 194 Monitoring control arrangements Monitoring of NF-certified products includes audit visits to the manufacturing unit and tests on the products. It also involves monitoring the use made of the mark and logo on products, packaging and any communication materials. The monitoring arrangements depend on the decisions taken following the previous inspections. 4.2.1 Audit of the manufacturing unit All holders of the NF mark will be audited in order to check that their organisation and products satisfy the requirements in part 2. The auditor has tests performed on site and, at the request of the mandated organisation, takes samples required for tests made by the mark laboratory(ies). The audit visit is made by CSTB or SFC under conditions specified in part 3, in § 3.3.1. For whirlpool baths, an audit visit is also made by LCIE. Two audit visits are organised during the first 12 months after admission, except for the LCIE that performs one inspection each year, starting the first year after admission. The normal frequency is then 1 inspection per year. However, in the event of breach of these certification rules, a heightened monitoring procedure can be initiated for a given period. This can be adjusted up to double the normal frequency of audits/ inspections, with or without heightened monitoring of the applicant/holder and sampling for test purposes. Furthermore, CSTB reserves the right to conduct or have conducted any audit visit or additional test that it deems necessary following disputes, claims, appeals, etc. of which it is aware in relation to the use of the NF mark. Checks may be made on the shelf. In the event of disputes with users, the checks may include sampling or testing at the location where products are used (in this case, the holder shall be asked to be represented in order to attend). Generally speaking, during all audits and in all locations, whatever the main aim of their assignment, the auditor takes note of the usage being made of the NF mark and all questions relating to the implementation of the General Rules of the NF Mark and these certification rules. A visit report is drawn up and given to the applicant/holder, either on the site, or within 15 days following the audit. This report may include deviation sheets. If comment sheets are issued, the holder shall propose corrective actions to fix deviations within one month after the audit report is issued. If the holder does not reply within the allocated times, he shall be notified about his omission by CSTB. 4.2.2 Tests on the NF-certified product Examinations and tests to check compliance of the certified product are performed in accordance with standards and complementary specifications defined in part 2, by the mark laboratory(ies), if applicable. The auditor has samples taken as required from the stock and plant for testing. Sampling rules and test methods are described in Appendices I to IX. Products subject to an additional admission application since the last surveillance audit (as per the process described in § 3.4) must be sampled for testing in a mark laboratory in accordance with Appendices I to IX. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 55 / 194 If not possible, sampling (at the applicant’s expense) shall be performed on the market. 4.3 Assessment and decision-making Methods of making assessments and the decision to renew the certification are identical to those for admission described in Part 3, § 3.2.4. Depending on the outcome of the surveillance, CSTB may decide to: - renew the certification, with or without observations; - impose a penalty in accordance with these certification rules and with the General Rules of the NF mark. If the decision is favourable, AFNOR Certification renews the right to use the NF mark. Additional checks or verification tests may be decided on following insufficiencies or anomalies detected by the current verifications. The decision is notified to the interested party. If sanctions are applied, explanatory reasons are provided and sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the company’s legal representative. The holder is informed of the conclusions and a renewal certificate is sent to him, where appropriate. There are 3 types of penalties, as follows: - warning, with or without increased verifications to be borne by the holder, - suspension of the right of use for a given period of time, - withdrawal of the right of use. The type of penalty imposed will depend on the seriousness of the deviation identified. Warning is a non-suspensive penalty, and the product remains NF-certified. Suspension results in a ban on affixing the NF mark on the products. Withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark is a penalty that cancels the holder’s right to use the NF mark for the product considered. 4.4 Declaration of modifications This section stipulates the information to be provided and the procedures to be followed in the event changes affecting: . . . . the the the the holder; manufacturing unit; quality organisation of the unit; product. In any scenario not described above, CSTB determines whether the changes question the certification and if any additional checks need to be carried out. Depending on the results of the investigation, the Technical Director of CSTB takes the appropriate decision. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 56 / 194 4.4.1 Modification concerning the holder The holder must notify CSTB in writing of any legal changes to its company or any changes to its corporate name. In the event of the holder’s merger, winding-up or absorption, any mark usage rights that the holder may have, automatically cease. A new application may be filed and its investigation may be streamlined depending on the changes made. 4.4.2 Modification concerning the manufacturing unit Should the production of an NF-certified product be transferred, totally or partially, to another production location, the holder shall immediately refrain from using the NF mark in any form whatsoever on the transferred products. The holder shall declare this transfer in writing to CSTB which will organise an audit of the new production site and, as the case may be, have tests carried out. The audit may be moderated, or even eliminated, if the new site has already been audited by CSTB within the framework of the NF017 mark by one of the inspection organisations defined in § 5.2 within a period not exceeding 18 months. The arrangements for assessing and deciding upon certification renewal are identical to those for admissibility described in Part 3. 4.4.3 Modification concerning the quality organisation of the manufacturing unit The holder shall declare in writing to CSTB any modification relative to his quality organisation which might affect the conformity of the production to the requirements of these certification rules (particularly any modification concerning the installations, the quality plans, etc.). In particular, he shall declare any modification in the certification of his quality management system. Any changes concerning the quality organisation of the manufacturing unit may result in a visit to this unit or be subjected to a specific inspection during the monitoring visit. Any temporary halt in the internal inspection of an NF certified product entails an immediate halt in the NF marking of it by the holder. CSTB then communicates a decision to suspend the right to use the NF mark for a specific duration, following which, if the right to use cannot be re-established, it will be withdrawn. 4.4.4 Modification concerning the NF-certified product Any modification in the NF certified product when compared with the application dossier, with the accepted model, with these certification rules that might affect the conformity of the product to the requirements of these certification rules shall be declared in writing to CSTB. CSTB will determine whether or not it is a certification extension application. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 57 / 194 4.4.5 Temporary or definitive halt in production Any permanent or temporary halt in the manufacture of an NF-certified product or any abandonment of a right to use the NF mark shall be declared in writing to CSTB, specifying the time necessary to deplete the stock of NF-marked products. At the end of this period, the suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark is communicated by CSTB. The usage right cannot be withdrawn as long as the holder has any remaining marked stocks in his premises, and CSTB reserves the right to check these products at the expense of the applicant/holder. Any temporary halt in the production of a range of NF certified products that CSTB considers to be excessively long may be the cause for suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the mark for these products, after consulting the Specific Committee and after making an investigation. 4.4.6 Modification concerning the distribution circuit The manufacturer shall commit himself to inform CSTB of any modification to the distribution as soon as he becomes aware of such modification and, in particular, whenever he stops supplying a distributor. The distributor shall commit himself to inform CSTB of any modification in his supplying which ipso facto causes the halt in the right to use the mark until the procedure described above is again carried out for the new supply source. 4.5 Conditions for removing the mark in the event of penalties, abandonment or critical deviations Any suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark leads to prohibition on using the NF mark and making reference to it. Likewise, products which are accidentally non-compliant shall not be marketed. Catalogues and other documentation must no longer carry the NF mark for those products for which the mark has been suspended or withdrawn (erratum and/or reprinting). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 58 / 194 Part 5 ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED ____________________________________________ The organizations that are involved in the procedure for granting the right to use the NF mark and for monitoring NF-certified products are specified below. The NF mark is the property of AFNOR which has granted AFNOR Certification an exclusive exploitation license. AFNOR Certification manages and coordinates the NF certification system which specifies in particular the governance rules and the operating conditions applicable to the NF mark. 5.1 Mandated body In conformity with the General Rules of the NF mark, AFNOR Certification assigns the performance of the various functions necessary for the management of the NF Mark to the following organisation, referred to as the Mandated Body: Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) 84 avenue Jean Jaurès CHAMPS SUR MARNE F-77447 MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 02 5.2 Audit bodies The audit functions for the manufacturing unit and, as the case may be, on the utilisation premises, are carried out by the following organisations, designated the audit bodies: * Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) 84, avenue Jean Jaurès BP 02 – Champs-sur-Marne F-77447 Marne La Vallée cedex 02 Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 68 82 84 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 68 84 44 * Société Française de Céramique (SFC) 6/8 rue de la Réunion Les Ulis F-91955 COURTABOEUF Cedex Tel.: +33 (0)1 56 56 70 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 20 28 * Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (LCIE) 33, Avenue du Général Leclerc F-92260 FONTENAY AUX ROSES Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 95 60 60 Fax: +33 (0)1 40 95 54 01 The auditors in charge of inspections and audits have the right to inspect the premises of any applicant or holder during the course of their assignment. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 5.3 Page 59 / 194 Test bodies When the checks9 include tests on products, these will be conducted at the request of the O.M. by the following mark laboratory(ies): * Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) 84, avenue Jean Jaurès BP 02 – Champs-sur-Marne F-77447 Marne La Vallée cedex 02 Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 68 82 84 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 68 84 44 * Société Française de Céramique (SFC) 6/8 rue de la Réunion Les Ulis F-91955 COURTABOEUF Cedex Tel.: +33 (0)1 56 56 70 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 20 28 * Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (LCIE) 33, Avenue du Général Leclerc F-92260 FONTENAY AUX ROSES Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 95 60 60 Fax: +33 (0)1 40 95 54 01 5.4 Subcontracting When necessary, after approval of the Specific Committee, the various functions described in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 shall be able to be carried out by other audit bodies or recognised laboratories with which CSTB will have signed a subcontract. 5.5 Specific Committee A consultative authority is established called the Specific Committee, for which CSTB provides Office Services. It is composed as shown below: A Chairman (member of one of the colleges specified below) A Vice-Chairman MANUFACTURERS (3 to 10) 3 to 10 representatives of manufacturers which hold the NF mark – Sanitary appliances USERS / SPECIFIERS (3 to 10) 3 to 10 representatives of users, consumers and specifiers TECHNICAL BODIES AND ADMINISTRATIONS (3 to 10) 1 representative of the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) 1 representative of Société Française de Céramique (SFC) 1 representative of Eau de Paris 1 representative of the Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (LCIE) 1 representative of AFNOR Certification 0 to 5 representatives from technical bodies and administrations 9 Check: verification of compliance with pre-established data followed by a decision Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 60 / 194 The term of each member and the Chairmanship is 3 years. The term is renewable by tacit approval. The Presidency is up for election every 3 years The Committee issues recommendations pertaining to: - the admission dossiers of manufacturers (applicants); - the monitoring dossiers of manufacturers (holders); - The alteration, revision and validation of the certification rules; - any difficulties or litigation when examining the certification dossiers (dispute, appeal, etc.); - technical evolutions and problems. Its members may not receive any compensation for the duties assigned to them. The Specific Committee meets at least once a year. In the periods between its sessions, the Specific Committee may assign some of its work to a workgroup, specifying its assignment and naming its members, who must be selected from among the members of the Specific Committee. The members of the Specific Committee undertake to maintain the confidentiality of information, particularly personal data, disclosed to them. CSTB takes specific measures to ensure the confidentiality of the applicant or holder files submitted to the committee (except in the event of a dispute or appeal). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 61 / 194 Part 6 FEES ____________________________________________ The purpose of this section is to set the prices for services relating to NF certification and describe the terms and conditions of payment. Services related to NF certification include the following services: 6.1 Registration fee Admission fee Audits Testing Administration fee Right to use the NF mark Additional checks Promotion Special costs SERVICES RELATED TO NF CERTIFICATION Type of service Registration fee Service description Participation in implementing the NF mark, including drawing up and revisions to certification rules. General provisions The registration fee is charged per production site, in a single instalment, generally when the first admission application or an additional admission application is deposited. The registration fee remains due even in the event that the right to use the NF mark is not granted by CSTB and if the applicant withdraws his file. Admission fee Services related to the set up and compilation of a certification file; the examination of the application file, relations with applicants, laboratories and inspectors/auditors; the evaluation of test results and their submission to the Specific Committee, etc. The admission fee is charged in a single instalment, generally when the application is lodged. The registration fee remains due even in the event that the right to use the NF mark is not granted or if the application is dropped during this stage. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Type of service Audits Service description Services including preparation for the visit, the visit itself, sampling, the visit report and any travel costs when the manufacturing unit is located in metropolitan France. Page 62 / 194 General provisions Payment for these services remains due even in the event that the right to use the NF mark is not granted or not renewed. The additional costs related to travel abroad (travel costs, deadline related costs, subsistence expenses) are added to the cost of these services. Tests Services concerning the measurements taken and tests performed in one of the NF mark laboratories. This amount is calculated by each laboratory as a function of the tariff in force and the number of tests to be done. Payment for these services remains due even in the event that the right to use the NF mark is not granted or not renewed. Test services imply samples delivered to the NF mark laboratories, with carriage and customs duty paid as appropriate. Administration fees Annual services for the general operation of the NF mark, managing certification files, establishing lists of certified products, evaluating the results of annual checks and submitting them to the Specific Committee, etc. Administration fees are charged annually, starting from the year following the year the interested party was first awarded the NF Mark. Payment of annual management costs remains due even if the right to use the NF mark is suspended or withdrawn from the holder during the year. If the right to use the NF mark is withdrawn, administration fees remain due as long as the holder continues to stock NFmarked products. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Type of service Right to use the NF mark Service description This usage fee received by AFNOR Certification, is intended to cover: - The general operation of the NF mark (bringing under quality assurance, follow-up of the NF network organizations, management of the NF mark Committee) - Defence of the NF mark: registration and protection of the mark, legal counsel, dealing with misuse, legal costs - the contribution to the generic promotion of the NF mark Page 63 / 194 General provisions The annual fee for using the NF Mark is invoiced to the holder after certification of a product. Whenever the NF Mark is granted during the year, the amount of the usage fee is calculated pro rata of the number of months following the decision to grant the right of use. Additional checks Services which result from additional checks or verification tests that may prove necessary following insufficiencies or anomalies detected by the current verifications. Services are done at the expense of the manufacturer. Promotion Sectorial actions to promote the NF mark. This fee remains due even in the event that the right to use the NF mark is not granted or renewed, or if the right to use the NF mark is suspended or withdrawn from the holder during the year. Special costs Services related to production of NTRs (CCA agreement) and application of CCA procedures if whirlpool bath manufacturers would like to benefit from international agreements applicable in the electrical field. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 6.2 Page 64 / 194 COLLECTION OF PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES Annual invoices are issued in the first half of the year, sometimes even if the tests and audits have not yet taken place. Payment is due during the first half of the current tax year, unless the agreement is terminated in the last three months preceding the new tax year. Yet, so long as there are NF-marked products on the market, checks continue to be conducted as well as payment for the corresponding services. The applicant/holder shall pay all these costs under the stipulated conditions: The total amount including tax given in the invoice shall be settled by the “due” date. Any shortcomings from the applicant/holder in fact prevent the different stakeholders concerned from carrying out the inspection duties incumbent upon them under these certification rules. In the event that a first official notice sent by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt does not bring about payment within one month of all sums owed, any of the sanctions provided for in the General Rules of the NF Mark may be taken for all the holder’s certified products. Furthermore, each stakeholder concerned shall, in this case, submit all unsettled invoices to the litigation department. 6.3 SERVICE RATES Rates are revised annually, in accordance with a rate scale issued by CSTB. This revision is communicated to the Specific Committee. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 65 / 194 Part 7 CERTIFICATION FILES ____________________________________________ One copy of the application for the right to use the NF mark shall be sent to CSTB. An additional copy of the application shall be sent to LCIE for whirlpool baths. It must be accompanied by the general information sheet about the applicant and the product(s) sheet(s), along with the technical file. In the event that the product comes from a manufacturing unit located outside the European Economic Area, the applicant shall designate an agent in the European Economic Area as a joint signatory to the application. An application concerning a product with a foreign conformity mark or a testing certificate from a foreign laboratory is dealt with taking into account existing recognition agreements, in accordance with the General Rules of the NF Mark. The applicant draws up an application, in French or English, the content of which is to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. NOTE: The electronic versions of the models of letters and information sheets can be obtained from CSTB. 7.1 The applicant’s commitments By submitting an application for the right to use the NF -Sanitary appliances mark, the applicant: - Accepts all conditions in the General Rules of the NF Mark and in these certification rules; - Agrees to notify CSTB, in writing, of any changes in the conditions for granting the right to use the NF mark, with regard to the manufacturer, the manufacturing unit, the quality system or the product; - Agrees to use the manufacturing trade name presented in the admission application only for those products that comply with the standards and the additional specifications laid down in Part 2; - Agrees to carry out the manufacturing checks that are required by these certification rules; - Accepts to facilitate the work of inspectors in the operations that are required of them under these certification rules. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 7.2 Page 66 / 194 Creating the application file and form models Case of an initial application or an additional admission application for: - a new product for a previously certified type Case of an extension application for a modified product or an application for continued right of use - or a new product in a previously certified family - or a new product type - or a new product family An application and commitment letter as per standard letter 1. An application and commitment letter as per standard letter 1, 2 or 3. A general information sheet on the applicant as per standard sheet FR-FAB (not requested for a new product in a previously certified family or type). An information sheet on the product /family of products conforming to the definition given in part 1 and drawn up as per standard sheet 005. An information sheet on the product /family of products (drawn up as per standard sheet 005) giving only the changes made in relation to the NF-certified product/family of NF certified products. The “Description of manufacturing and the quality system” sheet (not requested for a new product in a previously certified family or type). If the applicant is located outside the European Economic Area, a copy of the mandate in either French or English shall be attached to the co-signed application (see example mandate below). 7.3 Application for continued right of use The purpose of this note is to specify the conditions in which CSTB may extend the benefit of the right of use to products sold under a designation other than the one normally used by the manufacturer holding the right of use. The continued right of use is the authorisation given by CSTB to distribute, totally or partially, a product family admitted to the NF mark under another brand name while retaining the same right to refer to the NF mark insofar as the details of alterations possibly made to the products do not change their operating characteristics in any way. Terms and conditions: 1. To obtain the right to continue using the NF mark, the manufacturer and the distributor shall proceed as indicated hereafter: for each brand name, send a joint and co-signed application to CSTB to inform them about the proposed distribution (drawn up in accordance with standard M4 letter accompanied by the distributor’s commitment). In particular, this application must give: the distributor’s name and address; Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 67 / 194 the new brand name and the new specific references (range and reference) for each product concerned. 2. Extension of the continued right of use to new products: To extend the continued right of use of the NF mark to new products, the manufacturer and the distributor each send a written10 application to CSTB, and for each product specify: - the type of sanitary appliance concerned, - the NF decision No. for the manufacturer, - the continued right of use decision No. for the distributor, - the specific references of the product admitted to the NF mark (range and reference) - the specific references for the application. The continued right of use procedure will only be examined once the two applications are received. 3. Within the scope of distribution under other brand names, it is acceptable to make certain presentation adjustments to the appliances concerned, that have no functional impact. The manufacturer shall include a list of changes made to the appliances in question with the continued right of use application. The mandated organisation then makes sure that these adjustments have no functional impact. 4. If necessary, additional checks are carried out at the initiative of the bodies that manage the mark. Manufacturers and their distributors are each responsible, in their respective areas, for the right to use the NF mark regarding the product in question, and agree to apply the measures which result from the penalties imposed on them in accordance with certification Rules. The manufacturer shall agree to inform CSTB of any changes made in distribution as soon as it becomes aware of them, and in particular whenever it ceases to supply a distributor. The distributor shall agree to inform CSTB of any changes in its supplies that ipso facto bring an end to the right to use the mark, until the process described above is implemented again for the new source of supplies. 10 Continued right of use extension applications sent by email will be accepted. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 68 / 194 STANDARD LETTER 1 NF MARK – SANITARY APPLIANCES APPLICATION FOR THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK or ADDITIONAL ADMISSION APPLICATION* CSTB Direction HES/Division Robinetterie et Appareils Sanitaires For the attention of Mrs Martine TRUFFERT 84 avenue Jean Jaurès - CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE 77447 MARNE LA VALLÉE CEDEX 2 (France) Subject: NF MARK – SANITARY APPLIANCES Application for the right to use the NF mark or Additional admission for the right to use the NF mark for a new product (or product range)* and commitment Attachment(s): a technical dossier. Madam, It is my pleasure to apply for the right to use the NF Mark (detailed product list, may be on a separate page appended to the application) manufactured at the following production plant:(company name) (address) and for the following trade name:(trademark, trade reference, may be on a separate page appended to the application). For that purpose, I declare that I am familiar with and accept the General Rules of the NF Mark, the certification rules of the NF Mark – Sanitary Appliances and I commit myself to conform to them throughout the duration of the usage of the NF Mark for the abovementioned products and all products subject to a right-of-use extension. (1) Furthermore, I delegate to (company name) (company legal form), (registered office) represented by (Mr/Mrs/Miss)* (name of the legal representative) in that person’s capacity of (capacity) to represent me in France for all questions relative to the use of the NF Mark – Sanitary Appliances in accordance with the mandate appended hereto. I commit myself to immediately notify CSTB of any new appointment of the representative designated above. (1) For this purpose, I request that the expenses that are to be borne by me be invoiced directly thereto. It will make the payments for my account and in my name as soon as the invoices are received, to which it has committed itself by accepting the representation. I give you permission to display the full version of the certificates issued by CSTB regarding this application: YES NO Yours faithfully. Date and signature of the applicant’s legal representative (1) Date and signature of the applicant’s legal representative preceded by the handwritten endorsement “Valid for Representation” (1) Date and signature of the EEA representative preceded by the handwritten endorsement “Valid for representation acceptance” (*) Strike as appropriate (1) Only concerns holders located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). N.B.: The application must be presented on the company’s headed paper. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 69 / 194 STANDARD LETTER 2 NF - SANITARY APPLIANCES MARK EXTENSION APPLICATION FOR THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK FOR A MODIFIED PRODUCT OR A MODIFIED PRODUCT RANGE * CSTB Direction HES/Division Robinetterie et Appareils Sanitaires For the attention of Mrs. Martine TRUFFERT 84 avenue Jean Jaurès - CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE 77447 MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 2 (France) Subject:NF - SANITARY APPLIANCES MARK Extension application for the right to use the NF mark for a modified product or a modified product range* and commitment. Attachment(s): a technical dossier. Madam, As the holder of the right to use the NF - Sanitary appliances mark for the product(s) my company manufactures, identified under the following references: Designation of the product(s): Manufacturing unit (company name) (address) Commercial reference: Brand name: Right of usage granted on (date) with the number: I would like to apply for an extension to the right to use the NF-Sanitary appliances mark for the products manufactured by my company, based on the NF-certified products with the following changes (description of changes). These new sanitary appliances will replace the certified products: YES NO I declare that the products covered by the present application, with regard to the other characteristics, strictly comply with the products already NF-certified and manufactured under the same conditions. I give you permission to display the full version of the certificates issued by CSTB regarding this application: YES NO Yours faithfully. Date and signature of the applicant’s legal representative (*) (1) N.B.: Date and signature of EEA representative (1) Strike as appropriate Only concerns holders located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The application must be presented on the company’s headed paper. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 70 / 194 STANDARD LETTER 3 NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES APPLICATION TO MAINTAIN THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK CSTB Direction HES/Division Robinetterie et Appareils Sanitaires For the attention of Mrs. Martine TRUFFERT 84 avenue Jean Jaurès - CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE 77447 MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 2 (France) Subject:NF - SANITARY APPLIANCES MARK Application to maintain the right to use the NF mark Madam, I would like to apply to maintain the right to use the NF mark on products which are no different from those already accepted for the mark other than by their specific references (range and commercial reference) and brand name affixed thereto or design changes which do not alter their certified features in any way whatsoever. The company which will distribute these products under the following brand name: Brand name requested: ............................................................ has the following contact information: Company name: ...................................................................... Address: ................................................................................ Identification of the product admitted to the NF mark Brand name and/or specific reference(s) requested by the distributor Type of sanitary appliance Decision number Brand name Range Commercial reference Please find attached a copy of the commitment sheet signed by the Company named above to distribute under the brand name and the specific references requested only products that I have delivered to the Company. I agree to immediately inform CSTB of any changes made to the distribution of these products and in particular in the event of supply discontinuation to the company named above. I authorise AFNOR Certification and CSTB to inform the Company named above of any penalties applied in accordance with the reference documentation, pertaining to the products covered herein. I give you permission to display the full version of the certificates issued by CSTB regarding this application: YES NO Yours faithfully. Date and signature of the legal representative of the holder (continued right of use applicant). N.B.: The application must be presented on the company’s headed paper. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 71 / 194 STANDARD LETTER 4 NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES APPLICATION TO ABANDON THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK CSTB Direction HES/Division Robinetterie et Appareils Sanitaires For the attention of Mrs. Martine TRUFFERT 84 avenue Jean Jaurès - CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE 77447 MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 2 (France) Subject:NF - SANITARY APPLIANCES MARK Application to abandon the right to use the NF mark Madam, As holder of the NF – Sanitary Appliances mark, I am requesting to abandon the right to use the NF mark for the products subject of certificate no. ...................................... for the following reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… The expected stockout date for NF marked product is: .................. Yours faithfully. Date and signature of the applicant’s legal representative (1) N.B.: Date and signature of EEA representative(1) Only concerns holders located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The application must be presented on the company’s headed paper. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 72 / 194 DISTRIBUTOR’S COMMITMENT (To be filled in and attached if the company is different from the holder) I, the undersigned: ................................................................... acting in my capacity as: ......................................................................................... Give the legal representative’s capacity (MD, Chairman, CEO, etc.) of company: .......................................................................................................... with headquarters at: ............................................................................................. hereby undertake: to make no technical changes, in particular affecting the nature and/or operational features of the products named below: Identification of the product admitted to the NF mark Brand name and/or specific reference(s) requested by the distributor Type of sanitary appliance Decision number Brand name Range Commercial reference To make no alterations, and none making any change whatsoever to the certified features of the products as manufactured by the following Company (company name), other than the following (details of alterations). Any subsequent alterations shall be reported beforehand to CSTB. Such alterations must also be agreed with the holder; Not to change the above-mentioned brand names and/or specific references unless agreed with the manufacturer/holder of the right to use the NF mark; Not to make any change to the said brand names and/or specific references without having previously notified CSTB by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt; Not to make any changes to the product marking as carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions in the NF116 certification rules which I, the undersigned, attest that I have read and understood; To lend CSTB my assistance for any verifications pertaining to the products hereby covered and their marketing; To apply the measures resulting from penalties imposed in accordance with the NF Mark certification rules with which I, the undersigned, declare that I am familiar throughout the entire period of use of the NF mark; To pay the admission fees defined in the mark’s Financial Schedule and to make all subsequent payments demanded from me in accordance with the NF017 certification rules. Date and signature of the legal representative of the continued right of use beneficiary Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 73 / 194 MANUFACTURING SHEET APPLICANT/HOLDER GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES MANUFACTURING UNIT - Corporate name: ___________________________________________________________ - Address: _________________________________________________________________ - Country: ________________ - Internet site: ______________________________________________________________ - SIRET [establishment] number (1): _____ - VAT identifier (2): __________________________________________________________ - Name and capacity of legal representative (3): ___________________________________ - Name and capacity of contact person (if different): ________________________________ - Telephone: ________________________ - Email: ___________________________________________________________________ - Invoicing address (if not the same as the manufacturing unit address): ________________ - NAF code (1): _______________________ - Fax: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Applicant (if different from the manufacturing unit): - Corporate name: ___________________________________________________________ - Address: _________________________________________________________________ - Country: ________________ - SIRET [establishment] number (1): _____ - VAT identifier (2): __________________________________________________________ - Name and capacity of legal representative (3): ___________________________________ - Name and capacity of contact person (if different): ________________________________ - NAF code (1): _______________________ - Telephone: ________________________ - Email: ___________________________________________________________________ - Fax: ______________________________ - Invoicing address (if different from the applicant): ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ AGENT (for an applicant outside the European Economic Area): - Corporate name: ___________________________________________________________ - Address: _________________________________________________________________ - Country: ________________ - SIRET [establishment] number (1): _____ - VAT identifier (2): __________________________________________________________ - Name and capacity of legal representative (3): ___________________________________ - Name and capacity of contact person (if different): ________________________________ - Telephone: ________________________ - Email: ___________________________________________________________________ - NAF code (1): _______________________ - Fax: ______________________________ (1) For French companies only. (2) For European applicants. (3) The legal representative is the individual legally responsible for the company. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 74 / 194 EXAMPLE MANDATE AGENT in the European Economic Area (if requested): - Corporate name: ___________________________________________________________ - Address: _________________________________________________________________ - Country: ________________ - SIRET [establishment] number (1): _____ - VAT identifier (2): __________________________________________________________ - Name and capacity of legal representative (3): ___________________________________ - Name and capacity of contact person (if different): ________________________________ - Telephone: ________________________ - Email: ___________________________________________________________________ - NAF code (1): _______________________ - Fax: ______________________________ Description of the agent’s functions to be included in the mandate between the applicant/holder and the agent Applicant/Holder: .......................................................................................................................... Agent: ............................................................................................................................ ............ Minimum requirements that must appear in the mandate: ● assignments and related responsibilities ● financial aspects ● complaints ● contact at certifying body Date of the initial mandate: Modification dates: Scope of the modification 1– 2– 3– Cosignature (1) For French companies only. (2) For European applicants. (3) The legal representative is the individual legally responsible for the company. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 75 / 194 DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING AND THE QUALITY SYSTEM - Description of the various manufacturing stations. - Description of the inspection plan. - Description of the inspection laboratory. Specify whether the quality management system of the plant is certified. If so, a copy of the certificate in force should be attached. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 76 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. SINKS MADE OF ENAMELLED MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: Washing sink Sink with border Sink - basin Drain board Deep sink Single sink Sink top to be integrated Sink top to be installed Pantry sink Material: Earthware Fine earthware Steel Cast iron Width (in mm): ............................... Length (in mm): ..... Sink depth (in mm): ........................ Type (according to the standard): ............................................. Number of sinks: ............................. Drain board: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference................................................... - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 77 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: Washing sink Sink with border Sink - basin Drain board Deep sink Single sink Sink top to be integrated Sink top to be installed Pantry sink Steel grade: Sink:................................................................ Drain board:.......................................................... Steel plate thickness:............................................................ Length (in mm): ....................................................................... Width (in mm): .......................................................................... Sink depth (in mm): ........................ Sink type: Add on Cast Number of sinks: ............................. Drain board: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference................................................... - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 78 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. SYNTHETIC MATERIAL SINKS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: Washing sink Single sink Sink with border Sink top to be integrated Sink - basin Sink top to be installed Drain board Pantry sink Deep sink Material11 : ............................................................................................................. Gel coat: ................. Length (in mm): ..... Width (in mm): ............................... Sink depth (in mm): ........................ Reparable: Yes No Number of sinks: ............................. Drain board: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 11 State the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 79 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. WASHBASINS/ HAND-RINSE BASINS / BOWLS / VANITY TOPS MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: Angle washbasin Semi-integrated washbasin Integrated washbasin Special washbasin Large washbasin (1 bowl) Wall-hung washbasin Large washbasin (2 bowls) Bowl integrated from above Hand-rinse basin Bowl integrated from below Angle hand-rinse basin Semi-integrated bowl Hand-rinse basin on cabinet Washbasin installed on Bowl Washbasin installed on pedestal cabinet Material: Porcelain Earthware Fine earthware Width (in mm): ....................... Pedestal (references): ............................................................................................. Trap cache (references): ......................................................................................... Wall-hung: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 80 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: Vanity top with one bowl Vanity top with two bowls Bowl to be integrated from below (under the surface) Bowl to be integrated from below (under laminate) Bowl to be integrated from above Semi-integrated bowl Width (in mm): ....................... Material12 : .............................. Gel coat: ................................ Wall-hung: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 12 State the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 81 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. BIDETS MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Material: Porcelain Earthware Fine earthware Wall-hung: Yes No Length (in mm): ..... Width (in mm): ..... Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 82 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions SHOWER TRAYS MADE OF ENAMELLED MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Material: Earthware Fine earthware Steel Cast iron Width (in mm): ....................... Length (in mm): ...................... Shape: ................................... Type: to be installed to be integrated Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 83 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions SHOWER TRAYS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Shape (square, rectangular, pentagonal, etc.): .......................................................... Width (in mm): ....................... Length (in mm): ...................... Material13 : .............................. Gel coat: ................................ Type: to be installed to be integrated Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 13 State the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 84 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions BATHS MADE OF ENAMELLED MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Material: Enamelled cast iron Enamelled steel; steel sheet thickness: ……………….. Shape (rectangular, round, etc.): ............................................................................. Mass (in kg): ......................................................................................................... Length (in mm): ...................... Width (in mm): ....................... Capacity at overflow (in litres): ................. Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 85 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions BATHS MADE OF ACRYLIC MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Shape (rectangular, round, etc.): ............................................................................. Mass (in kg): .................................................. Length (in mm): .............................................. Width (in mm): ............................................... Capacity at overflow (in litres): ......................... Installation type (a, b, c, d or e, according to NF EN 198): ........... Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 86 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions BATHS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Shape (rectangular, round, pentagonal, etc.): ............................................................ Mass (in kg): .................................................. Length (in mm): .............................................. Width (in mm): ............................................... Material14 :....................................................... Gel coat: ......................................................... Capacity at overflow (in litres): .......................... Installation type (a, b, c, d or e, according to NF EN 198): ........... Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 14 State the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 87 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Manufacturer’s maintenance and installation instructions WHIRLPOOL BATHS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Material: Enamelled cast iron Enamelled steel Acrylic Synthetic (Specify which15) ............................ System: ................................................................................................................ Shape (rectangular, round, pentagonal, etc.): ............................................................ Length (in mm): .............................................. Width (in mm): ............................................... Mass (in kg): .................................................. Capacity at overflow (in litres): ......................... System type: hydraulic (number of nozzles) aeraulic (number of injectors) mixed (number of nozzles and injectors) Power (watts): ........................ Control type: ......................................................................................................... Lighting: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 15 State the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 88 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Materials. WC PAN MADE OF SANITARY CERAMIC Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Model: WC suite on pedestal with direct flushing cistern WC suite on pedestal with siphon flushing cistern WC pan on pedestal with independent direct flush WC pan on pedestal with independent siphon flush Single-piece with direct flush Single-piece with siphon flush Wall-hung WC suite with direct flushing cistern Wall-hung WC pan with direct flushing cistern Material: Porcelain Earthware Fine earthware Wall-hung: Yes No Equipped cistern reference: ..................................................................................... Outlet type: Horizontal Vertical Class according to EN 997: ....................................................... Type according to EN 997: ........................................................ Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 89 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. EQUIPPED FLUSHING CISTERNS Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Equipped cistern reference: 16 (code): ........................................................................ Empty cistern reference: ......................................................................................... Empty cistern production location: ............................................................................ Push plate reference: .............................................................................................. Materials17 (Porcelain, Synthetic): ............................................................................. Capacity (in litres): .................. Water supply: Bottom Side Back Double flush: Yes No Mechanism: Holder: ........................................................................................ Brand name: ................................................................................ Range and/or reference: ................................................................ CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate: ................................. Float valve: Holder: ........................................................................................ Brand name: ................................................................................ Range and/or reference: ................................................................ CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate: ................................. Associated WC pans (reference): .............................................................................. Model: Independent wall-hung Independent built-in: Reference of the push plate(s): ............................................................. Push plate installation type: vertical horizontal Adjacent or built-into the pan Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 16 The reference of an equipped flushing cistern must be modified when any of the equipment in it is modified. 17 For synthetic materials, state the number of suppliers for each material and attach material datasheets. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 90 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Pack assembly plant: ............................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... WC PACK Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Pan reference (code): ............................................................................................. Pan production location: .......................................................................................... Equipped cistern reference (code): ........................................................................... Empty cistern production location: ............................................................................ Equipped cistern production location: ........................................................................ Double flush: Yes No Water supply: Bottom Side Back WC toilet seat: Holder: .......................................................................................... Brand name: .................................................................................. Range and/or reference: .................................................................. CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate (Wxxx): ........................ Material: …………………………………………………………………………………… Stop valve18 : Holder: .......................................................................................... Brand name: .................................................................................. Range and/or reference: .................................................................. CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate: ................................... Type of outlet for pan: Horizontal Vertical Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference .................................................. - under which brand name: .............................................. 18 If it is supplied in the WC pack. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 91 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ................................................................................................................. Pack assembly plant: ....................................................................................................... Brand name:................................................................................................................... WALL-HUNG WC PACK Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Pan reference (code): ............................................................................................. Pan production location: .......................................................................................... Equipped cistern reference (code): ........................................................................... Empty cistern production location: ............................................................................ Equipped cistern production location: ........................................................................ Reference of the push plate(s): ................................................................................ Reference of the support frame (code): ..................................................................... Double flush: Yes No Water supply: Bottom Side Back WC toilet seat: Holder: .......................................................................................... Brand name: .................................................................................. Range and/or reference: .................................................................. CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate (Wxxx): ........................ Material: ........................................................................................ Stop valve19 : Holder: .......................................................................................... Brand name: .................................................................................. Range and/or reference: .................................................................. CSTB code of the corresponding NF certificate: ................................... Type of outlet for pan: Horizontal Vertical Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. 19 If it is supplied in the WC pack. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 92 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. ENAMELLED PRODUCTS FOR PUBLIC USE Range (name): ....................................................................................................... References (code): ................................................................................................. Model: Material: Pan for baby Public washbasin Pan for child Bib-cock Pan for hospital Squat toilet Special pan Individual urinal Water outlet Urinal Drinking fountain Hospital service sink Porcelain Earthware Fine earthware Length (in mm): ..................................................................................................... Width (in mm): ...................................................................................................... Accessories: .......................................................................................................... Wall-hung: Yes No Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 93 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... Product characterisation: Dimensioned drawings with tolerances and dates. Materials. SUPPORT FRAMES Range (name): ....................................................................................................... Reference (code): ................................................................................................... Associated fitting: WC pan Cistern reference: ........................................... - Water supply type: ......................................... Washbasin Bidet Urinal Push plate: - Reference: .......................................................................... - Material: ............................................................................ - Colour: .............................................................................. Frame type: wall-hung self supporting universal Surface coating type and thickness: .......................................................................... Reference of the connection pipe: ............................................................................. Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 94 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ......................................................................................................... Plant:..................................................................................................................... Brand name:........................................................................................................... SHOWER ENCLOSURES Model identification: Opening type: sliding hinged retractable folding Configuration: front access corner access Aesthetic: type of sections used nature and thickness of glass width/height number of panels Chosen characteristics and values: Dimension drawings of products with tolerances and dates. Material parts list. Description of the various manufacturing stations. Description of the inspection plan. Description of the inspection laboratory. Model already NF certified: Yes No If yes, - on which site: ............................................................. - under which reference: ................................................ - under which brand name: .............................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 95 / 194 DATASHEET TYPE 005 PRODUCT DATASHEET NF MARK - SANITARY APPLIANCES Manufacturer: ................................................................................................................. Plant:............................................................................................................................. Colour characterisation: Materials. COLOURS Name: .................................................................................................................. References (code): ................................................................................................. Appearance Matt Gloss Colour Light Medium Dark Y or L: ................................... PEI (enamelled products only): ................................................................................ Surface treatment: ................................................................................................. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 96 / 194 Part 8 GLOSSARY ____________________________________________ GLOSSARY RELATED TO CERTIFICATION Approval of the right to use the NF mark: Authorisation notified by CSTB for an applicant to place the NF mark on the product for which the application was made. Audit: Methodical, independent and documented process to obtain proofs of audits and to evaluate them objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are satisfied (see standard NF EN ISO 9000). Within the framework of the NF mark, the audit is the part of the inspection of the manufacturing unit dealing with evaluation of the manufacturer’s quality management. Warning: Decision about penalty notified by CSTB by which the holder is invited to correct any observed defects within a given time. Application: Letter by which an applicant requests the right to use the NF mark, declares that he is familiar with the General Rules and these certification rules, and agrees to respect them. Applicant: Any legal entity: manufacturing products used within the application field defined above and capable of respecting the technical requirements defined in part 2 of this document (also called the manufacturer); distributing products within the application field defined above, for which the manufacturer respects the technical requirements described in part 2 of this document (also called the distributor); can apply for the right to use the NF mark. This request will be called an “application”, the entity that makes the application being called the “applicant” Right to use the NF mark: Right notified by CSTB to an applicant to use the NF mark for his product in accordance with the General Rules and these certification rules. Critical deviation: Major non-fulfilment of a certification reference system requirement seriously calling into question the product’s / service’s performance or the quality management system’s effectiveness. Non-critical deviation: Minor non-fulfilment of a certification reference system requirement not seriously calling into question the product’s / service’s performance or the quality management system’s effectiveness. Extension: Decision notified by CSTB by which the right to use the NF mark is extended to a modified product. Continued right of use: Decision notified by CSTB by which the right to use the NF mark is granted for a product marketed under a different brand name and/or specific references (commercial range and/or reference) without any modification to the certified characteristics. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 97 / 194 Agent: person or legal entity located in the European Economic Area that represents the applicant/holder outside the EEA and with a written mandate from the applicant/holder, notifying him that he can act on behalf of the applicant/holder and specifying the framework (assignments and associated responsibilities and financial aspects, complaints, contact with the certifying organisation) within the certification process of the NF mark in accordance with the measures defined in the certification rules. The agent may be the distributor or the importer, but his different functions are clearly identified. Product: Finished product originating from a determined manufacturing unit, defined by a brand name, a trade reference specific to the product presented and technical characteristics Receivability: State of a file used to investigate the application; receivability applies to the administrative and technical parts of the file. Renewal: Decision notified by CSTB by which the holder’s right to use the NF mark is renewed. Note: Observation reporting a partial failure to satisfy a specified requirement but which, alone, does not introduce a major risk that the audited party’s customers may not be satisfied or about the aptitude of the system to achieve the required product quality. Withdrawal: Decision notified by CSTB that withdraws the right to use the NF mark. Withdrawal may be pronounced as a penalty or if the holder abandons the usage right. Suspension: Decision notified by CSTB that temporarily cancels authorisation of the right to use the NF mark for a given duration. Suspension may be pronounced as a penalty or following temporary abandonment by the holder. Holder: Legal entity who benefits from the right to use the NF mark. PRODUCT GLOSSARY Type: Clearly determined set of sanitary appliances made of a clearly determined material (e.g.: enamelled porcelain sinks, enamelled fine earthware sinks, cast acrylic baths, “x” synthetic material shower trays). Model: Clearly determined appliance, for which the colour and equipment are not determined. Range: Set of equipment with the same ‘design’. Colour range: see document 02 Item: Finished product corresponding to a single commercial reference (for which the colour and equipment are defined). Mechanical impact tests: Also called ‘Ball impact tests’. Tests done by dropping a steel ball. Mark laboratories: Set of independent laboratories acting within the framework of this application of the NF mark (see part 5 of these certification rules). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 98 / 194 APPENDICES ____________________________________________ SAMPLING RULES AND TEST METHODS USED BY THE NF MARK LABORATORY(IES) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 99 / 194 APPENDIX I Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR APPLIANCES MADE OF ENAMELLED SANITARY CERAMIC ____________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: 2 washbasins and hand rinse basins, bidets, shower trays, sinks, bowls, WC pans with cistern, WC suites, WC pans for children and babies, equipped cisterns, appliances for public use. Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 100 / 194 First admission If tests are done by the manufacturer, all results shall be provided with the admission file. Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory General characteristics (1/2): Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) for each colour range (limited to six: gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take nine 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or 9 controls plates made at the same time as the appliances (namely not more than 6 x 9 = 54 test pieces) NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506, NF for each colour range (limited to six: gloss/ dark, gloss D14-507, NF D14-508) /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take three 100 x 100 mm flat test Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310; pieces or three controls plates made at the same time as the NF EN 14527 et NF EN 14688) items (namely not more than 6 x 3 = 18 test pieces) Type test for conformity with the European standard. NF mark laboratory Determination of the leak tightness and water mass absorbed by the sanitary ceramic (NF EN 997 for WC pans; NF EN 13407 and part 2 – document 01 for urinals; NF D14-512 and part 2 – document 01 for other appliances) The leak tightness measurement method will be used only when surfaces in contact with water are enamelled. Otherwise, the porosity measurement method shall be used. This test is done mainly on W-C pans by taking samples at the flange. for each type of material used (earthware, sanitary porcelain, etc.); items necessary to cut the three test pieces requested for one of the methods NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 101 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory General characteristics (2/2): Strength test under static loads (NF EN 14688 for washbasins; NF EN 997 for WC pans; part 2 - document 16 for urinals; NF EN 14527 for shower trays) The test is only applicable to wall-hung appliances and shower trays. Urinals are subject to this test only at the time of admission. NF mark laboratory 1 appliance is sampled and tested for each wall-hung appliance model, regardless of the colour, and the test is repeated with another two appliances if the results are nonconforming Bottom stability test (NF EN 14527 for trays) Type test for conformity with the European standard. 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory for shower trays, washbasins and sinks 1 meter Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D14-505) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510) appliance connection dimensions (product standards and connection dimensions) planeness (NF D14-510 and product standards) other points specified in the product standards 1 item of each type of sampled appliance, taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale All tests on sampled products are made in the mark laboratory(ies) and other appliance types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the test bench is validated by the inspector / auditor. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 102 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory Functional characteristics of WC pans: Check drain efficiency (NF EN 997) Check rinsing of the walls (NF EN 997) Check splashes outside the pan (NF EN 997) 3 different pans at least one of which is less than 7 litres (if there is one in the manufactured range) are taken from the stock of finished products ready for sale Check the post-rinsing volume (NF EN 997 and document 12 - § 1.5) Check replacement of water in the trap (part 2 document 12) All tests on sampled products are made in the mark laboratory(ies) and other pan types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the test bench is validated by the inspector / auditor. Pan capacity (NF D12-101, § 6) Check stability and horizontality (NF D12-101 § 7) Check the water seal (NF EN 997) For the special case of child and baby pans, see part 2 – document 13 Functional characteristics of equipped flushing cisterns: Check replacement of water in the cistern (NF D12203) 3 different cisterns are taken from the stock of finished products ready for sale. Check hydraulic characteristics (NF D12-203) WC suites are tested with three different typical NF pans. All tests take place in the mark laboratory(ies). Other cistern types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the test bench is validated by the inspector / auditor. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 103 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory Safety characteristics for flush cisterns: Check materials (NF D12-203) Check the design (NF D12-203) 3 different cisterns are taken from the stock of finished products ready for sale. Check the air trap (NF D12-203) Check hygiene and usability (NF D12-203) Check presentation and technical documents Check tightening (NF D12-203 with specification fixed at 2 Nm) 2.2 All tests take place in the mark laboratory(ies). Other cistern types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the test bench is validated by the inspector / auditor. Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant sample taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (1/2): Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) for each colour range (gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take nine 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or 9 controls plates made at the same time as the appliances. NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506; NF D14-507; NF D14-508) for each colour range (gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take three 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or three controls plates made at the same time as the items. NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 104 / 194 Plant sample taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (2/2): Determination of the leak tightness and water mass absorbed by the sanitary ceramic (NF EN 997 for WC pans; NF EN 13407 and part 2 – document 01 for urinals; NF D14-512 and part 2 – document 01 for other appliances) for each type of material used (earthware, sanitary porcelain, etc.); items necessary to cut the three test pieces requested for one of the methods NF mark laboratory The leak tightness measurement method will be used only when surfaces in contact with water are enamelled. Otherwise, the porosity measurement method shall be used. This test is done mainly on W-C pans by taking samples at the flange. Strength test under static loads (NF EN 14688 for washbasins; NF EN 997 for WC pans; part 2 - document 16 for urinals) For each model of wall-hung appliance, regardless of the colour, one appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming The test is only applicable to wall-hung appliances and shower trays. (There are no monitoring tests for urinals) NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Urinals are subject to this test only at the time of admission. Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) for shower trays, washbasins and sinks 1 meter 1 item in a model NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 105 / 194 Plant sample taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D14-505) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 pan is taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale NF mark laboratory and manufacturer’s laboratory product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510) appliance connection dimensions (product standards and connection dimensions) planeness (NF D14-510 and product standards) other points specified in product standards Functional characteristics of WC pans: Check drain efficiency (NF EN 997) Check rinsing of the walls (NF EN 997) Check splashes outside the pan (NF EN 997) Check the post-rinsing volume (NF EN 997 and document 12 - § 1.5) Check replacement of water in the trap (part 2 document 12) Pan capacity (NF D12-101, § 6) Check stability and horizontality (NF D12-101 § 7.1 and § 7.2) Check the water seal (NF EN 997) For the special case of child and baby pans, see part 2 – document 13 All tests on sampled products are made in the mark laboratory(ies) and other pan types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the test bench is validated by the inspector / auditor. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 106 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory Functional characteristics of equipped flushing cisterns: Check replacement of water in the cistern (NF D12-203) 1 cistern is taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale NF mark laboratory and manufacturer’s laboratory Check hydraulic characteristics (NF D12-203) Safety characteristics for flush cisterns: Check materials (NF D12-203) Check the design (NF D12-203) Check the air trap (NF D12-203) Check hygiene and usability (NF D12-203) Check presentation and technical documents Check tightening (NF D12-203 with specification fixed at 2 Nm) 1 item in a model NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 107 / 194 Extension to new sanitary ceramic appliances 2.3.1 Nature of measures on appliances except for equipped flushing cisterns Appliance type Dimensional check Washbasin - sink bowl NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Washbasin and sink longer than 1 m NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Wall-hung washbasin and sink NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Bidet NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Wall-hung bidet W-C pan on pedestal (conventional, hospital or for baby) Wall-hung W-C pan (conventional, hospital or for baby) NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Static loads Pan operation Number of items per reference 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Thermal shock NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory 1 (3 references maximum) NF mark laboratory 1 (3 references maximum) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Appliance type Hand-rinse basins Dimensional check Static loads NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Appliances for public use NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Wall-hung appliances for public use NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Shower tray NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Shower tray 1 m NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Enamelled cast iron bath NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Enamelled steel bath NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Page 108 / 194 Thermal shock Bottom stability Number of items per reference 1 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 Copies of records of checks mentioned above that can be made by the manufacturer must be sent to the NF mark laboratory that deals with extensions, together with appliances that are to be checked by the laboratory. The mark laboratory that deals with extensions (from January 1 to December 31) is the laboratory that performs the monitoring inspection during the calendar year. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3.2 Page 109 / 194 Nature of measures on equipped flushing cisterns Water replacement Dimensional check Hydraulic characteristics Sanitary safety check NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory 2.3.3 Tightening check Operating tests of the associated pan Number of items per reference NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory 1 (maximum 3 pan references) Nature of measures on test pieces The following tests must be made: Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance to to to to to abrasion (NF D14-501), acids at ambient temperature (NF D14-506), hot alkalis (NF D14-507), domestic chemicals and stains (NF D14-508), chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310, NF EN 14688 and NF EN 14527). Two cases can arise depending on whether or not the mark laboratory knows the colour ranges: For an extension application for a new colour range, tests shall be made by the mark laboratory except for the last test that can be made by the manufacturer’s laboratory For an extension application for a new colour in a previously accepted range, tests may be made by the manufacturer’s laboratory. In this case, the results shall be attached to the extension application. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 110 / 194 APPENDIX II Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR ENAMELLED STEEL OR ENAMELLED CAST IRON APPLIANCES _____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: enamelled steel or enamelled cast iron baths, enamelled steel or enamelled cast iron shower trays. 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 111 / 194 First admission If tests are done by the manufacturer, all results shall be provided with the admission file. Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory General characteristics: Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) for each colour range (limited to six: gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take nine 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or 9 controls plates made at the same time as the appliances (namely not more than 6 x 9 = 54 test pieces) NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506; NF D14-507 ; NF D14-508) for each colour range (limited to six: gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take three 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or three controls plates made at the same time as the items (namely not more than 6 x 3 = 18 test pieces) NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527) NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Type test for conformity with the European standard. Resistance to static loads (NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527) Static loads are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. Bottom stability test (NF EN 14516 for baths; NF EN 14527 for shower trays) for each model of appliance, regardless of the colour, 1 appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming NF mark laboratory 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory Type test for conformity with the European standard. Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) Thermal shocks are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 112 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D14-505) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 232; NF EN 251) lack of appearance defects (NF D14-602) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 113 / 194 Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory for each colour range (gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take nine 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or nine controls plates made at the same time as the appliances. NF mark laboratory General characteristics: Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501) Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF D14-506, for each colour range (gloss/ dark, gloss /medium, gloss/light and NF D14-507, NF D14-508) matt/dark, matt/medium, matt/light); there are enough items to take three 100 x 100 mm flat test pieces or three controls plates made at the same time as the items. Resistance to static loads (NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527) Static loads are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. Resistance to thermal shocks (NF D14-503) NF mark laboratory for each model of appliance, regardless of the colour, 1 appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Thermal shocks are not applicable to cast iron baths and shower trays. Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D14-505) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 232; NF EN 251) lack of appearance defects (NF D14-602) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 114 / 194 Extension to new enamelled steel or enamelled cast iron appliances 2.3.1 Nature of measures on appliances Appliance type Dimensional check Static loads Shower tray NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Shower tray 1 m NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory For steel baths For steel baths NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Bath NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Thermal shocks Number of items per reference 1 1 1 Copies of records of checks mentioned above that can be made by the manufacturer must be sent to the NF mark laboratory that deals with extensions, together with appliances that are to be checked by the laboratory. The mark laboratory that deals with extensions (from January 1 to December 31) is the laboratory that performs the monitoring inspection during the calendar year. 2.3.2 Nature of measures on test pieces The following tests must be made: Resistance to abrasion (NF D14-501), Resistance to acids at ambient temperature (NF D14-506), Resistance to hot alkalis (NF D14-507), Resistance to domestic chemicals and stains (NF D14-508), Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527). Two cases can arise depending on whether or not the mark laboratory knows the colour ranges: For an extension application for a new colour range, tests shall be made by the mark laboratory except for the last test that can be made by the manufacturer’s laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 115 / 194 For an extension application for a new colour in a previously accepted range, tests may be made by the manufacturer’s laboratory. In this case, the results shall be attached to the extension application. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 116 / APPENDIX III Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR STAINLESS STEEL SINKS ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: Stainless steel sinks 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 117 / 194 First admission All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Nature of inspections and tests General characteristics: Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310) Five flat 200 x 200 mm test pieces, for each type of steel, or 5 control plates taken from products Thickness check (part 2 – document 05) 1 item for each thickness Flow check (NF EN 13310 and part 2 – document 05) 1 item Flow check through overflow (NF EN 13310) Drain board strength (part 2 – document 05) a sample of 1 appliance is taken for each appliance model, and another two will be taken if the results are nonconforming Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (part 2 – document 05) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (part 2 – document 05) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 695) dimensional deviations (part 2 – document 05) Check that there are no appearance defects (part 2 – document 05) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 118 / 194 Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics: Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310) Five flat 200 x 200 mm test pieces, for each type of steel, taken from products NF mark laboratory Thickness check (part 2 – document 05) 1 item for each thickness NF mark laboratory Flow check (NF EN 13310 and part 2 – document 05) 1 item NF mark laboratory for each model of appliance, one appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming NF mark laboratory 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Flow check through overflow (NF EN 13310) Drain board strength (part 2 – document 05) Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (part 2 – document 05) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (part 2 – document 05) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 695) dimensional deviations (part 2 – document 05) Check that there are no appearance defects (part 2 – document 05) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 119 / 194 Extension to new stainless steel sinks Tests Test laboratory Connection dimensions NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Dimensions NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Straightness NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Angularity NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Overflow NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Flow NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Chemicals and stains NF mark laboratory Static loads NF mark laboratory Marking NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 120 / APPENDIX IV Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR SINKS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: Sinks made of synthetic materials 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 121 / 194 First admission All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Nature of inspections and tests General characteristics: Determination of water absorption (NF EN ISO 62, method I) for each material, 3 flat 50 x 50 mm test pieces with ground edges taken from the products Surface resistance to high temperature (part 2 – document 06) 1 item for each model or range of appliances Colour fastness under hot water (part 2 – document 06) for each material and for each colour range (limited to three: one dark, one medium and one light) and for each appearance (gloss or matt), three 25 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products Colour fastness under light (part 2 – document 06) for each material and for each colour range (limited to three: one dark, one medium and one light) and for each appearance (gloss or matt), three 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from the products Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310) for each material, 5 flat 200 x 200 mm test pieces taken from the products Resistance to abrasion (NF EN 13310) for each material, 3 flat 100 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products Resistance to scratching (NF EN 13310) for each material, 3 flat 100 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products Drain board strength (part 2 – document 06) for each model of appliance, regardless of the colour, one appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming Resistance to thermal shocks (NF EN 13310) 1 item for each model Flow check (NF EN 13310) Flow check through overflow (NF EN 13310) 1 item Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 122 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF EN 13310 and part 2 – document 06) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (part 2 – document 06) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 695) dimensional deviations (part 2 – document 06) Check that there are no appearance defects (part 2 – document 06) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 123 / 194 Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics: Determination of water absorption (NF EN ISO 62, method I) for each material, 3 flat 50 x 50 mm test pieces with ground edges taken from the products Surface resistance to high temperature (part 2 – document 06) 1 item for each model or range of appliances Colour fastness under hot water (part 2 – document 06) for each material, for 1 colour range, 3 25 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under light (part 2 – document 06) for each material, for 1 colour range, 3 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from the products NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 13310) for each material, 5 flat 200 x 200 mm test pieces taken from the products NF mark laboratory Resistance to abrasion (NF EN 13310) for each material, 3 flat 100 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products NF mark laboratory Resistance to scratching (NF EN 13310) for each material, 3 flat 100 x 100 mm test pieces taken from the products NF mark laboratory for each model of appliance, regardless of the colour, one appliance is taken for testing and another two are taken if the results are nonconforming NF mark laboratory Drain board strength (part 2 – document 06) Resistance to thermal shocks (NF EN 13310) 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory Flow check (NF EN 13310) Flow check through overflow (NF EN 13310) 1 item NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 124 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF EN 13310 and part 2 – document 06) product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (part 2 – document 06) appliance connection dimensions (NF EN 695) dimensional deviations (part 2 – document 06) Check that there are no appearance defects (part 2 – document 06) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 125 / 194 Extension to new sinks made of synthetic materials Tests Test laboratory Connection dimensions NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Dimensions NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Planeness NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Straightness NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Angularity NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Overflow NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Flow NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Water absorption NF mark laboratory Thermal shocks NF mark laboratory Surface resistance to temperature NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under heat NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under light NF mark laboratory Chemicals and stains NF mark laboratory Abrasion NF mark laboratory Scratching NF mark laboratory Static loads NF mark laboratory Marking NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 126 / APPENDIX V Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR FLUSHING CISTERNS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: Flushing cisterns made of synthetic materials 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 127 / 194 First admission All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) General characteristics: Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263 and part 2 Five 200 x 200 mm flat test pieces for each type of material (body, lid and push plate for – document 14 - § 2.3) built-in cisterns) For each colour range (limited to three: one dark, one medium, one light) and for each Colour fastness under light (part 2 - document 14 - § 2.4) material, three 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from appliances. The push plate is sampled when the cistern is built-in. Check compatibility with network disinfection products 20 (NF D12-203) Cistern / pan resistance to tightening (NF D12-203) For WC suites 20 2 items for each material 3 items from stock If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 128 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D12203) appliance connection dimensions (NF D12-203) 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Verification of moulding quality (NF P43-003) Check that there are no appearance defects Operating characteristics21 : Check hydraulic characteristics (NF D12-203 § 5 and NF EN 14055, § 5.2.3) Check water replacement (NF D12-203 § 4.4) 3 different cisterns taken only from the stock of items intended for sale. All tests take place in the mark laboratory(ies). Other types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the inspector or the auditor has validated the test means Sanitary safety characteristics22 : Check materials (NF D12-203) Check the design (NF D12-203) Check the air trap (NF D12-203) Check the hygiene and usability (NF D12-203) 1 item for each model taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Check presentation and technical documents 21 If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). 22 If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 129 / 194 Monitoring All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes General characteristics: Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263 and part 2 Five 200 x 200 mm flat test pieces for each type of material (body, lid and push plate for – document 14 - § 2.3) built-in cisterns) For each colour range (limited to three: one dark, one medium, one light) and for each material, three 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from appliances. Colour fastness under light (part 2 – document 14 - § 2.4) Check compatibility with network disinfection products (NF D12-203 § 4.1) The push plate is sampled when the cistern is built-in. 23 Cistern / pan resistance to tightening (NF D12-203 § 4.4.1) 2 items for each material 1 item from stock Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance (NF D12203), appliance connection dimensions (NF D12-203). 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Verification of moulding quality (NF P43-003) Check that there are no appearance defects 23 If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Operating characteristics 24 Page 130 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes : Check hydraulic characteristics (NF D12-203 § 5 and NF EN 14055, § 5.2.3), Check water replacement (NF D12-203 § 4.4). 1 cistern taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale. All tests take place in the mark laboratory(ies). Other types are tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the inspector or the auditor has validated the test means Sanitary safety characteristics25 : Check materials (NF D12-203), Check the design (NF D12-203), Check the air trap (NF D12-203), 1 item for each model taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale Check the hygiene and usability (NF D12-203), Check presentation and technical documents 24 If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). 25 If the tests for built-in cisterns are done for the NF–Sanitary Components mark (NF076), then the results of these tests will be taken into account for the NFSanitary appliances mark (NF017). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 131 / 194 Extension to new flushing cisterns made of synthetic materials Tests Test laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under light NF mark laboratory Compatibility with network disinfection products NF mark laboratory Tightening NF mark laboratory Hygiene and appearance NF mark laboratory Appliance connection dimensions NF mark laboratory Moulding quality NF mark laboratory Hydraulic characteristics NF mark laboratory Water replacement NF mark laboratory Sanitary safety NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 132 / APPENDIX VI Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR BATHS, SHOWER TRAYS, BOWLS AND VANITY TOPS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: 2 baths made of synthetic materials, shower trays made of synthetic materials, bowls made of synthetic materials, vanity tops made of synthetic materials. Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 133 / 194 First admission If tests are done by the manufacturer, all results shall be provided with the admission file. Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory General characteristics (1/2): Determination of the absorbed water mass (except for Two 50 x 50 mm flat test pieces with ground edges, taken bowls, vanity tops and appliances based on NF certified from products acrylic) (NF EN ISO 62 method 1) NF mark laboratory Check colour fastness under hot water (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 263) For each material, three 25 X 100 mm test pieces taken from products, for one colour range NF mark laboratory Check colour fastness under light (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN ISO 4892-2 method B) For each material, three 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from products, for one colour range. NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 263) For each material, five 200 x 200 mm flat test pieces taken from products, for one colour range NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 14527) Type test for conformity with the European standard. For each material, five 200 x 200 mm flat test pieces taken from products, for one colour range NF mark laboratory Resistance to abrasion (taber) (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 14688) For each material, three 100 X 100 mm flat test pieces taken from products NF mark laboratory Resistance to scratching (except for NF certified acrylic For each material, three 100 X 100 mm flat test pieces based appliances) (NF EN 14688) taken from products NF mark laboratory Bottom stability test (NF EN 14516 for baths, NF EN 14527 for shower trays) Type test for conformity with the European standard. 1 item for each model NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 134 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory General characteristics (2/2): For each bath and shower tray model, regardless of the colour, one appliance is sampled and tested and the test is repeated with another two appliances if the results are nonconforming. Strength test under static loads (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.12 for shower trays made of synthetic materials; NF D12-210 for bowls and vanity tops) For wall-hung vanity tops, one item is sampled and tested for each material and the test is repeated with another two items if the results are nonconforming. Resistance to thermal shocks (Part 2 – document 10 § 1.7 for baths; Part 2 – document 10 § 2.3 for shower trays; NF EN 14688 for bowls and vanity tops) One item for each model. Résistance to mechanical shocks (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.11 for shower trays; NF D12-210 for bowls and vanity tops) One item for each model. NF mark laboratory For bottom supported bowls and vanity tops, one item is sampled and tested for each material and the test is repeated with another two items if the results are nonconforming (NF D12-210 § 6.1) One item for each material for bowls and for vanity tops. One item for each material for bowls and for vanity tops. NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check the application of tolerances on: defects concerning hygiene and appearance, product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.), appliance connection dimensions. Check that there are no appearance defects. 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 135 / 194 Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) Test laboratory Tests on bath handles: Tension tests on handles (NF EN 198, § 4.8) Resistance of handles to corrosion (NF EN ISO 9227) The manufacturer is free to choose either the 200h neutral salt spray (NSS) test, or the 24h acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test. 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Resistance of handles to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263, § 3.7) Tests on tap ledges: Tension test (NF D11-121) Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 136 / 194 Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant sample taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (1/2): Determination of the absorbed water mass (except for bowls, vanity tops and appliances based on NF certified acrylic) (NF EN ISO 62 method 1) Two 50 x 50 mm flat test pieces with ground edges, taken from products NF mark laboratory Check colour fastness under hot water (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 263) For each material, three 25 X 100 mm test pieces taken from products, for one colour range NF mark laboratory Check colour fastness under light (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN ISO 4892-2 method B) For each material, three 50 x 175 mm test pieces taken from products, for one colour range. NF mark laboratory Resistance to chemicals and stains (except for NF For each material, five 200 x 200 mm flat test pieces taken from certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 263) products, for one colour range NF mark laboratory Resistance to abrasion (taber) (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 14688) For each material, three 100 X 100 mm flat test pieces taken from products NF mark laboratory Resistance to scratching (except for NF certified acrylic based appliances) (NF EN 14688) For each material, three 100 X 100 mm flat test pieces taken from products NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 137 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (2/2): For each bath and shower tray model, regardless of the colour, one appliance is sampled and tested and the test is repeated with another two appliances if the results are nonconforming. Resistance to static loads (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.12 for shower trays made of synthetic materials; NF D12-210 for bowls and vanity tops) For wall-hung vanity tops, one item is sampled and tested for each material and the test is repeated with another two items if the results are nonconforming. NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory26 For bottom supported bowls and vanity tops, one item is sampled and tested for each material and the test is repeated with another two items if the results are nonconforming (NF D12-210 § 6.1) Resistance to thermal shocks (part 2 – document 10 - § 1.7 for baths; Part 2 – document 10 § 2.3 One item for each model. for shower trays; NF EN 14688 for bowls and One item for each material for bowls and for vanity tops. vanity tops) NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory27 Résistance to mechanical shocks (NF EN 198 for baths; NF EN 249 § 4.11 for shower trays; NF D12-210 for bowls and vanity tops) NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory28 26 27 28 One item for each model. One item for each material for bowls and for vanity tops. All tests for appliances made of synthetic materials other than acrylic are made by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Tests for appliances made of acrylic materials may be made in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the means used by the validated by the inspector / auditor. All tests for appliances made of synthetic materials other than acrylic are made by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Tests for appliances made of acrylic materials may be made in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the means used by the validated by the inspector / auditor. All tests for appliances made of synthetic materials other than acrylic are made by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Tests for appliances made of acrylic materials may be made in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the means used by the validated by the inspector / auditor. Part 5). manufacturer are recognised and Part 5). manufacturer are recognised and Part 5). manufacturer are recognised and Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 138 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory or manufacturer’s laboratory29 Appearance and dimensional characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: defects concerning hygiene and appearance, product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.), appliance connection dimensions. Check that there are no appearance defects. Tests on bath handles: Tension tests on handles (NF EN 198, § 4.8) Resistance of handles to corrosion (NF EN ISO 9227) The manufacturer is free to choose either the 200h neutral salt spray (NSS) test, or the 24h acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test. 1 item taken exclusively from the stock of items intended for sale NF mark laboratory Resistance of handles to chemicals and stains (NF EN 263, § 3.7) 29 All tests for appliances made of synthetic materials other than acrylic are made by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Tests for appliances made of acrylic materials may be made in the manufacturer’s laboratory if the means used by the manufacturer are recognised and validated by the inspector / auditor. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3 Page 139 / 194 Extension to new appliances made of synthetic materials 2.3.1 Nature of measures on baths and shower trays made of acrylic materials Tests Test laboratory Dimensions Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Static loads Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Thermal shocks Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Mechanical shocks Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory 2.3.2 Nature of measures on baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials other than acrylic Tests Dimensions Test laboratory Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Water absorption NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under hot water NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under light NF mark laboratory Chemicals and stains NF mark laboratory Abrasion NF mark laboratory Scratching NF mark laboratory Static loads Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Thermal shocks NF mark laboratory Mechanical shocks NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.3.3 Page 140 / 194 Nature of measures on bowls and vanity tops made of synthetic materials other than acrylic Tests Test laboratory Dimensions NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under hot water NF mark laboratory Colour fastness under light NF mark laboratory Chemicals and stains NF mark laboratory Abrasion NF mark laboratory Scratching NF mark laboratory Static loads Manufacturer’s laboratory or NF mark laboratory Thermal shocks NF mark laboratory Mechanical shocks NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 141 / APPENDIX VII Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR WHIRLPOOL BATHS ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: whirlpool baths 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 142 / 194 First admission All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) General characteristics (1/2): Check the right to use the NF mark for the bath 1 item for each bath model 2 items for each whirlpool system for 2 bath models (one with a capacity of less than 200 Check hygiene characteristics (water retention) (NF EN litres and the other with a capacity greater than or equal to 200 litres) taken from the stock 12764) of finished products intended for sale Check attraction of hair (Part 2 – document 11) 2 items for each whirlpool system for 2 bath models (one with a capacity of less than 200 litres and the other with a capacity greater than or equal to 200 litres) taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale 2 items for each whirlpool system for 2 bath models (one with a capacity of less than 200 Check the air inlet temperature at the bath intake (Part litres and the other with a capacity greater than or equal to 200 litres) taken from the stock 2 – document 11) of finished products intended for sale Check the turbine protection by non-return valves (NF EN 12764) Check electrical safety (NF EN 60335-1 and NF EN 60335-2-60) Either the non-return valves have the NF Antipollution for water installations Mark that guarantees conformity with standard NF P43-008 and specifications in rules for the mark NF045, and no other check is made; Or 2 items for each whirlpool system for 2 bath models (one with a capacity of less than 200 litres and the other with a capacity of more than or equal to 200 litres), are taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale. 1 item from each whirlpool system is taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) General characteristics (2/2): Check the non-return sanitary safety valve for baths connected to the network All bath models permanently connected to the network shall be fitted with non-return valves for which an NFAntipollution of water installations Mark has been granted to comply with standard NF P43-008 and with specifications in rules for the NF045 mark. No other check is made. Page 143 / 194 1 whirlpool bath. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 144 / 194 Monitoring Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (1/2): 1 item for each bath model Tests for appliances may be made on the manufacturer’s test bench if the means used by the manufacturer are recognised and validated by the inspector / auditor. 1 whirlpool bath taken from the stock of finished products intended for sale Tests for appliances may be made on the manufacturer’s test bench if the means used by the manufacturer are recognised and validated by the inspector / auditor. 1 whirlpool bath. Tests for appliances may be made on the manufacturer’s test bench if the means used by the manufacturer are recognised and validated by the inspector / auditor. Check the air inlet temperature at the bath intake 1 whirlpool bath. (Part 2 – document 11) Tests for appliances may be made on the manufacturer’s test bench if the means used by the manufacturer are recognised and validated by the inspector / auditor. Check the right to use the NF mark for the bath Check hygiene characteristics (water retention) (NF EN 12764) Check attraction of hair (Part 2 – document 11) Check the turbine protection by non-return valves (NF EN 12764) Either the non-return valves have the NF Antipollution for water installations Mark that guarantees conformity with standard NF P43-008 and specifications in rules for the mark NF045, and no other check is made; Or one bath for each whirlpool system is taken from the stock of NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Page 145 / 194 finished products intended for sale. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 Nature of inspections and tests Page 146 / 194 Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Test laboratory General characteristics (2/2): Check electrical safety (NF EN 60335-1 and NF EN 60335-2-60) 1 whirlpool bath. This test is done in the mark laboratory(ies). 1 whirlpool bath. NF mark laboratory Check the non-return sanitary safety valve for baths connected to the network All bath models permanently connected to the network shall be fitted with non-return valves for which an NF-Antipollution of water installations Mark has been granted to comply with standard NF P43-008 and with specifications in rules for the NF045 mark. No other check is made. 2.3 Extension to new whirlpool baths Tests Test laboratory Hygiene characteristics (water retention) NF mark laboratory Attraction of hair NF mark laboratory Air inlet temperature at the bath intake NF mark laboratory Water tightness and endurance of non-return valves NF mark laboratory Electrical safety NF mark laboratory Sanitary safety for baths connected to the network NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 147 / APPENDIX VIII Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR SUPPORT FRAMES ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: support frames. 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.1 Page 148 / 194 First admission All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken in first admission (initial application and additional admission application) General characteristics: Durability 1 item for each nature of material, for each type of finish and for each type of assembly. Resistance to static loads (Part 2 - document 17) 1 item per range with a maximum of 3 items Dimensional and appearance characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510); connection dimensions of appliances (standards for sanitary appliances); connections; conformity with the installation instructions. 1 item for each range with a maximum of 3 items Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 2.2 Page 149 / 194 Monitoring All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes General characteristics: Durability (NF D 12-208) 1 item Resistance to static loads (NF D 12-208) 1 item Dimensional and appearance characteristics: Check application of the tolerances related to: product dimensions (length, width, height, etc.) (NF D14-510); 1 item appliance connection dimensions (sanitary appliance standards). 2.3 Extension to new support frames Appliance type Dimensional check Static loads Durability Support frame NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory NF mark laboratory Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 150 / APPENDIX IX Sampling rules and test methods used by the NF mark laboratory(ies) FOR SHOWER ENCLOSURES ____________________________________________________________________ 1 Appliances concerned The different types of appliances to which this appendix is applicable are defined below: shower enclosures. 2 Nature of tests and sampling rules The following tables present examinations and tests to be made by NF organisations and samples to be taken in the plant by the inspector / auditor for carrying out these tests. 2.1 Admission/extension All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples in admission (initial application, additional admission application, extension) Glazing (NF EN 14428 and part 2 – document 18) 1 item for each model External appearance (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Moving parts (part 2 – document 18) 1 item for each model Stability (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Impact strength (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Endurance (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Water tightness (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Cleaning (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Resistance to chemicals and stains (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each appearance and for each glass supplier Humidity / drying (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each appearance and for each glass supplier Corrosion (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each type of section coating and for each type of assembly part Installation instructions (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model User’s instructions (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each model Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2.2 Page 151 / Monitoring All tests are done by NF mark laboratory(ies) (defined in Part 5). Nature of inspections and tests Plant samples taken for monitoring purposes Glazing (NF EN 14428 and part 2 – document 18) 1 item from 1 model External appearance (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Moving parts (part 2 – document 18) 1 item from 1 model Stability (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Impact strength (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Endurance (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Water tightness (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Cleaning (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Corrosion (NF EN 14428) 1 item for each type of section coating and for each type of assembly part Installation instructions (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model User’s instructions (NF EN 14428) 1 item from 1 model Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 152 / Document 01 Technical specifications additional to standards ____________________________________________ Waiver to standards NF EN 31, NF EN 35, NF EN 36, NF EN 232 and NF EN 251: Gauges in standards NF EN 31, NF EN 35, NF EN 36, NF EN 232 and NF EN 251 are replaced by gauges presented in document 03. Waivers to standard NF EN 31: Dimension h does not need to be checked. Dimension d5 must be greater than dimension d4=63 mm (no tolerance because reference diameter). Dimension e (distance between diameters d4 and d5) shall be ≥ 2mm. Add to § 3.3: “Plane surface for seal: this surface shall be perpendicular to the centre line of the upper cone on which the plug bears: a defect of less than 2 mm is allowed. Since the washbasin is installed level on a vertical support that is itself level, the planeness defect is measured relative to the horizontal using a shim (it must be impossible to insert a 2 mm shim) or any other appropriate means.” Since dimension d1 (diameter of outside holes in the case of a 3-hole valve fitting) is not easy to check if the valve fitting hole is pre-drilled, it is acceptable to check that the pre-drilling diameter is more than 32 mm which guarantees a 32 mm hole for the valve fitting hole. The width of the plane part of the valve fitting ledge between the centre line of the valve fitting hole and the back edge of the plane part (g4) shall be greater than or equal to 30 mm. The distance from the centre line of the central hole to the wall (g5) shall be greater than or equal to 45 mm. Dimension t specified in the standard does not have to be respected when the hand-rinse basin is not fitted with an overflow because in this case it is not concerned by this dimension. On the other hand, if the hand-rinse basin is fitted with an overflow, then the adaptability of the drains concerned have to be checked so that this specification can be waived (dimension t). Larger attachment holes than those recommended in standard EN 111 may be used to facilitate insertion of corner hand-rinse basins if the studs are prepositioned on the supporting wall. Waiver to standard NF EN 33: Dimension q1 (distance between vertical planes passing through the outlet orifice and through the point of the assembly closest to the wall) may be either 140 ± 25 mm, or 100 ± 25 mm. Waivers to standards NF EN 35 and NF EN 36: Dimension h does not need to be checked. Dimension d5 must be greater than dimension d4=63 mm (no tolerance because reference diameter). Dimension e (distance between diameters d4 and d5) shall be ≥ 2mm. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 153 / Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 154 / Waiver to standards NF EN 33: The orifice of the pan outlet from “baby” WC pans is 82 ± 4 mm. Waivers to standard NF EN 198: During static load tests, the dial gauge placed at the centre of the bath may be moved if the bath is fitted with a central stand. Thermal shock tests on baths made of synthetic materials: If the cold water temperature is higher than 15°C (test temperature in standard 12°C±3°C), the test is considered to be satisfactory if the difference between the temperature of the hot water and the cold water remains within the temperature difference given in the standard (75°C±2°C for test A and 60°C±2°C for test B). The test is nonconforming if the cold water temperature is below 9°C. Waiver to standard NF EN 232: If angle β (angle formed by the plane surface of D4 and by the plane of the plug hole) does not respect the specification in standard NF EN 232, then the holder’s technical documentation shall mention that the bath must be equipped with a flexible drain tube. Waivers to standard NF EN 251: Dimension h1 (distance between the floor and the plane of the plug hole) shall be: - ≥ 130 mm for shower trays with overflow; - ≥ 85 mm for shower trays without overflow. If the shower tray is extra-flat, the dimension e of the plug hole does not have to be conforming (in other words it may be less than 2mm) if the drain is NF certified (NF076 – Sanitary components), delivered with the shower tray and if no water retention is observed when the shower tray is installed. Waiver to standards NF EN 263, NF EN 13310, NF EN 14516 and NF EN 14527: The test on the determination of resistance to chemicals and stains described in these standards is extended as follows: “In the presence of a stain, check the sample once again after 48h and consider that the result is satisfactory if the stain has disappeared.” Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 155 / Waiver to standard NF EN 695: ● Diagram b) in § 4 (page 5 in the standard) is replaced by the following diagram. ● The value x (level difference between r and r1 for access of tools) given in table 2 in § 5.1 (page 6 in the standard) is not checked for the purposes of the NF mark. ● The value of dimension D1 (overflow hole diameter) specified in table 4 in § 6 (page 9 in the standard), should read 32 2 1 mm. Waiver to standard NF EN 14055: Equipped flushing cisterns certified before the approval date of this version of the rules may still comply with the old flow requirements given below until the end of 2012: Flushing cistern type Low independent wallhung cistern Test height (mm) 200 ± 5 a Flow for a complete flush (l/s) 2.3 ± 0.3 b Minimum flow for (double) water saving flush (l/s) 2.0 Built-in cistern Mid-height independent wall-hung cistern 565 ± 5 High independent wallhung cistern 1365 ± 5 Built-in single piece cistern — 1.8 1.8 0 , 4 0 ,1 b 1.6 0 , 4 0 ,1 1.7 not applicable c not applicable c WC suite Multi-pan adjacent cistern — 2.3 ± 0.3 2.0 a Cisterns with fixed flush tube and cisterns built into a prefabricated industrial support frame shall be tested as delivered by the manufacturer, independently of the test height. b Flow with an installed flow stabiliser. c Built-in single-piece cisterns and WC suites shall be tested in accordance with standard NF EN 997. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 156 / Waiver to standard NF EN 14527: The load to be applied for the test shall include the number of bags (see 5.1.1) necessary to obtain 200 kg. Waiver to § 4 in standard NF D11-124: In § 4.1.1 – Nature of materials is modified as follows: “The resistance of materials to abrasion shall satisfy specifications in standards NF D14601 for enamelled sanitary ceramic, NF D14-602 for enamelled steel and NF D14-603 for enamelled cast iron.” In § – Edges or rims are modified as follows: “Edges or rims of the shower tray are designed to: - retain cladding panels; - return water into the shower tray, both at the entry and the back or built-in part.” Waiver to standard NF D12-208: The static load test of the support frame may be made under installation conditions, in other words on the frame composed of two assembled parts consolidated by cladding provided that: - the frame is sold complete (cladding delivered with the two parts of the frame) with installation instructions that leave no ambiguity; - the durability test is carried out with the complete frame. Arrow A on 11, in § A.3.3 in the standard indicating the trestle placement height (480 mm) starts from the top and not the bottom of the trestle. Waiver to standard NF D14-503: A shower tray is deemed to be extra-flat if the internal step is ≤ 20 mm on the side(s) used at the shower tray entrance regardless of the height of this step on the other sides. Waiver to standard NF D14-509: The check on the continuity of the enamel layer after the test on the resistance of enamelled surfaces to thermal shocks may be made using a coloured solution (for example eosin). Waiver to standard NF D14-601: The specification for checking the mass of water absorbed by products other than WC pans, is corrected to 0.5% instead of 0.75% to be consistent with the specification in standard NF EN 997. Waiver to standard NF D12-203: § 4.3.3 “Air Trap” a) should read: see chapters 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 in the EN 14055 standard. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 157 / Document 02 Additional general specifications ____________________________________________ 1. If an equipped cistern is fitted with a connection hose, it must have received a favourable technical assessment and a CSTBat mark must appear on it. 2. When an NF product is delivered or recommended with equipment (drain plug, trap, etc.), this equipment shall necessarily have received the NF-Sanitary components (NF076), NF-Sanitary valve fittings (NF077), NF-WC Toilet seat (NF240) marks, etc. 3. When the valve fitting ledge is not conforming with the ‘connection dimensions’ standard for design reasons, and the manufacturer delivers the valve fittings associated with the appliance, the valve fittings do not necessarily have to be NF. However, they must respect regulations in force including the May 29 1997 Order dealing with materials in contact with water intended for human consumption. 4. Definition of appliance colour ranges: The following table gives the classification of colours as a function of brightness indexes, using the CIE system (Y) and the Hunter system (L): Brightness index Y L 37 60.8 7 and < 37 26.5 and < 60.8 <7 < 26.5 Colour Light Medium Dark Colour ranges were defined as a function of this classification of colours and appearance. Thus, 6 colour ranges were considered: Appearance Light Gloss Light Matt Colour Medium Gloss Medium matt Dark Gloss Dark Matt Standard NF T30-064 is applied if there is a dispute between the manufacturer and mark laboratories. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 158 / Document 03 Connection dimension check gauges ____________________________________________ Gauges in standards NF EN 232 and NF EN 251 are replaced by gauges presented in § 1, 2, 3 and 4 below. Connection dimension check gauges specified in standards NF EN 31, NF EN 35, NF EN 36 are presented in § 5 below. Tolerances applicable to dimensional check gauges for plug hole drillings are as follows: 0 0,1 mm for measuring a maximum value; 0,1 0 mm for measuring a minimum value. Furthermore, the tolerance of the gauge support diameter (check of the plug hole reference diameter) is ± 0.1 mm. The check gauge shall have at least one contact point with the plug hole and a maximum difference of less than 1 mm after balancing the clearances. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 1. Check gauge for 90 mm bath plug: Ø115±0,1 Ø105 Ø20 6+0,1 0 30 2+0,1 0 10 0 16-0,1 121° Ø87 Unité: mm NF EN 232 (oct. 2003) - Annexe A: Baignoires Cotes de raccordement Calibre de contrôle pour bonde de Baignoires Ø 90 mm Bai_90_Rév.01 du 20/02/08 Page 159 / Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 160 / 2. Check gauge for 62 mm shower tray plug: Ø85±0,1 Ø75 Ø20 6+0,1 0 30 2+0,1 0 0 25-0,1 19 121° Ø59 Unité: mm NF EN 251 (oct. 2003) - Annexe A: Receveurs de douche Cotes de raccordement Calibre de contrôle pour bonde de Receveurs Ø 62 mm Rec_62_Rév.01 du 20/02/08 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 161 / 3. Check gauge for 90 mm shower tray plug: Ø115±0,1 Ø105 Ø20 6+0,1 0 30 2+0,1 0 0 25-0,1 19 121° Ø87 Unité: mm NF EN 251 (oct. 2003) - Annexe A: Receveurs de douche Cotes de raccordement Calibre de contrôle pour bonde de Receveurs Ø 90 mm Rec_90_Rév.01 du 20/02/08 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 162 / 4. Check gauge for 52 mm bath and shower tray plugs: Ø70±0,1 Ø60 Ø20 6+0,1 0 2+0,1 0 30 0 16-0,1 10 121° Ø48,8 Unité: mm NF EN 251 (oct. 2003) - Annexe A: Receveurs de douche Cotes de raccordement NF EN 232 (oct. 2003) - Annexe A: Baignoires Cotes de raccordement Calibre de contrôle pour bonde de Baignoires et Receveurs Ø 52 mm Bai_Rec_52_Rév.01 du 20/02/08 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 163 / 5. Check gauge for connection dimensions for pedestal washbasins, wall-hung washbasins, pedestal bidets with over-rim supply, wall-hung bidets with over-rim supply, wall-hung hand-rinse basins: Ø63±0,1 Ø20 2,14 77 94° 2+0,1 0 8,66 101° 0 40+0,1 0 45-0,1 Ø42 Unité: mm NF EN 31 (oct.1999) : Lavabos sur pied - Cotes de raccordement NF EN 32 (oct.1999) : Lavabos suspendus - Cotes de raccordement NF EN 35 (jan.2001) : Bidets sur pied à alimentation par surverse - Cotes de raccordement NF EN 36 (oct.1999) : Bidets suspendus à alimentation par surverse - Cotes de raccordement NF EN 111(déc.2003): Lave-mains suspendus - Cotes de raccordment Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 164 / Document 04 Preferred ranges for use of enamelled sanitary appliances ____________________________________________ The following information shall appear in the manufacturer’s catalogue. For enamelled sanitary appliances, three wear classes have been defined as a function of the resistance to abrasion of their coating. This resistance is defined by a standard test (NF D14-501) commonly called the PEI abrasion test. According to this method, the enamelled surfaces are progressively worn by mechanical friction by steel balls and an abrasive. The degree of wear is evaluated in 3 classes by a visual examination: Class (N) – Number of cycles starting from which visible wear appears I 50, 100 and 150 II 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 III N > 600 This classification leads to the following recommended usage ranges that must be specified in the various documents: Usage severity Wear class - Light private use e.g.: Equipment in a private house or an apartment ..................................... I - II - III - Intensive private or light collective use e.g.: Hotels, public toilets, brasseries ...... II - III - Intensive collective use e.g.: Gymnasium, stadium, campsite ...... III (exclusively) The usage ranges mentioned do not form a limitative list. The examples given refer essentially to the use of sanitary appliances under normal usage conditions. Experience has shown that current wear class assignment criteria were not sufficient to guard against loss of brightness and dulling when the enamelled sanitary appliances are subjected to more severe usage conditions. It is recommended that the technical services of sanitary appliance manufacturers should be contacted for particular usages for which a doubt remains. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 165 / Document 05 Complementary specifications applicable to stainless steel sinks ____________________________________________ 1 PURPOSE Stainless steel sinks shall comply with standards NF EN 13310 and NF EN 695 and shall also satisfy the complementary specifications given below. The purpose of this document is to: describe the nature of the manufacturing material, the surface condition, design and manufacturing principles, fix characteristics: - dimensional (overall and valve fitting connection dimensions), - usability of stainless steel sinks. 2 SCOPE This document is applicable to all stainless steel sinks satisfying the definitions in article 4 in this document. It is not applicable to sinks made of enamelled or synthetic materials, except for valve fitting connection dimensions. 3 MATERIALS, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING 3.1 MATERIALS 3.1.1 Nature of materials Stainless steel used for manufacturing sinks may be chosen from among the following grades: For ferritic steels: Z8C17 (X 6 Cr 17) for sink tops, Z4CT17 (X 3 Cr Ti 17) for sinks. For austenitic steels: Z7CN18.9 (X 5 Cr Ni 18-10) for sink tops and sinks. 3.1.2 Thickness The thickness of the steel plate before stamping shall not be less than 0.56 mm, to assure that sinks are satisfactorily strong. 3.1.3 Surface appearance An inspection of visible surfaces after placement by the naked eye shall not find any appearance defects such as cracks, fissures or local planeness defects on the surfaces, local edge straightness defects. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 3.2 Page 166 / DESIGN A sink is composed essentially of one or more basins and drain board(s). It includes a space for installation of the valve fittings except for “basin” sinks, independent drain boards and special cases mentioned in article 3.2.2 in this document. Ready-to-install sinks shall include an attachment system or a wood frame for mounting on a furniture element and their corners shall have a mechanical connection made by welding or any other appropriate means. Sinks to be built in or integrated shall be delivered with at least 3 attachment lugs for a single round basin or a single drain board and 4 lugs for a rectangular basin and 8 attachment lugs in other cases. The drain does not necessarily have to be supplied. When the drain is provided inside the NF sink packaging, it shall be marked NF. All sinks shall have sound insulation pads under the drain board(s) and the basin(s). The minimum dimensions of the pads are (150 x 100 x 1 mm) or they may have other dimensions provided that the area is equivalent. 3.2.1 Basin Each basin comprises: a drain orifice, an add-on overflow or a similar device. For double or multiple basins: the overflow may be common to the basins, a sauce drain may be provided. 3.2.2 Tap ledge All ready-to-install sinks, and built in or integrated sinks with a width of 500 mm or more shall be provided with a ledge (perforated or not) for taps. 3.3 MANUFACTURING 3.3.1 Flow The bottom of basins and drain boards shall be designed to enable liquid flow to the drain orifice. In particular, the inclination of the drain board towards the basin shall be at least 0.6%. 3.3.2 Cleaning The sink shall be designed such that the user can access all visible parts of the sink for cleaning. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 4 CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Page 167 / Dimensional characteristics are checked using adapted measurement and check means appropriate for the dimensions to be measured (particularly concerning tolerances). 4.1.1 Overall dimensions Ready-to-install sinks (standard) - 800 900 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 X X X X X X X 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (1 basin - 1 drain board), (1 basin - 1 drain board), (1 basin - 1 drain board), (1 basin - 1 drain board), (2 basins - 1 drain board), (2 basins - 1 drain board), (2 basins - 2 drain boards or 2 basins + 1 drain board + 1 smooth rim or 2 basins + 2 smooth rims, one of the basins being designed to contain a removable drain). Sinks may be longer than 1400 mm in modules of 100 mm. The tolerance on these dimensions is ± 2 mm. Some ready-to-install sinks may have a raised rear rim. Sinks to be built-in or integrated The dimensions (length and width) are left to the initiative of the manufacturer. The tolerance on these dimensions is ± 2 mm. Depth of the main basin The depth of the main basin measured between the bottom of the basin (at the plug hole) and the top of the sink rim shall be at least 150 mm. 4.1.2 Dimensional deviations Angularity The deflection measured in accordance with section 4.2 in standard NF D14-510 shall remain less than 2% of the measured edge length. Straightness of placement edges (for example edge in contact with the countertop) The deflection measured in the two planes (vertical and horizontal) measured in accordance with chapter 4.4 in NF D 14-510 (sink fitted on the countertop) shall be less than 1% of the measured edge length. 4.2 USABILITY: STRENGTH OF THE DRAIN BOARD 4.2.1 Procedure Put the sink on an appropriate non deformable support. Fix the sink using the attachment lugs provided or any other equivalent means. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 168 / Put the dial gauges into position under the sink at the centre of each basin. Initialise the dial gauges. Apply the load by means of a piston or any other appropriate means, at the centre of the drain board on an assembly composed of a rigid surface, covering 200X200 mm or less and a piece of cardboard with the same dimensions and between 5 and 10 mm thick. The total applied load shall be 130 02 kg. Leave the load for 1 hour, then remove it and the rigid surface/cardboard assembly. After 1 hour, note the residual deformation indicated by the dial gauges. Make a water flow test on the drain board. 4.2.2 Specification The residual deformation under the basin at the end of the test shall be ≤ 1 mm and the appliance shall show no sign of deterioration or water stagnation on the drain board. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 169 / Document 06 Complementary specifications applicable to sinks made of synthetic materials ____________________________________________ Sinks made of synthetic materials shall comply with standards NF EN 13310 and NF EN 695. They shall also satisfy the following specifications: Water absorption NF EN ISO 62, Method 1, square test piece (50 ± 1) mm Specification: ≤ 40 mg Colour fastness under hot water Procedure: Cut out two 100x100 mm test pieces from the bottom of the sink to be tested. Keep one of the two test pieces as a control. Fix the other test piece onto an appropriate support and apply the following cycle to it: Immersion in water at 90 1°C for 15 minutes then, Immersion in water at 15 2°C for 10 minutes. Repeat this cycle 500 times. Allow the test piece to dry for 24 hours at ambient temperature (23 2°C) before comparing it with the control test piece. Note the colour fastness of the material using the grey scale to evaluate the colour degradation as specified in standard NF EN 20105-A02. Specification: Index ≥ 3 (colour degradation according to NF EN 20105-A02) Colour fastness under light NF EN ISO 4892-2 Method B – 50%RH Temperature with standard black thermometer 65°C. Lighting with energy 0.5GJ/m2, within the wavelength range between 290 nm and 800 nm. Specification: Index ≥ 3 (colour degradation according to NF EN 20105-A02) Strength of the drain board Test according to standard NF D14-504, § 5.1.1. Measure the residual deformation n after 1 hour under the basin (put the dial gauge under the sink at the centre of each basin). Specification: No visual change shall be observed. After 1 hour, the residual deformation under the basin shall be ≤ 1 mm and a water flow test shall be made to show that there is no water stagnation on the drain board. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 170 / Dimensional characteristics Check the overall dimensions announced by the manufacturer. The tolerance on these dimensions is ± 2 mm. Angularity: The deflection measured in accordance with section 4.2 in standard NF D14-510 shall remain less than 2% of the measured edge length. Straightness of placement edges (for example edge in contact with the countertop): The deflection measured in the two planes (vertical and horizontal), measured in accordance with chapter 4.4 in NF D14-510 (sink fitted on the countertop) shall be less than 1% of the measured edge length. Flow The basin bottom and drain boards shall be designed so that all liquids flow towards the drain orifice. The slope of the drain board shall be at least 0.6%. Mechanical shocks NF EN 198 No sign of deformation shall be observed. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 171 / Document 08 Complementary specifications applicable to baths ____________________________________________ 1 CHECK OF SLOPES OF BATH RIMS Bath rims shall have a sufficient slope so that water will return inside the bath. The allowable tolerance on the planeness or warp of rims makes it impossible to perform the test simply by placing a straight edge on the bath to check the slope of these rims. One of the following two methods may be used indifferently for this check: 1- Put a steel ball into position at several points of each rim in sequence and check that the ball rolls freely inwards into the bath. 2- Pour water at several points on each rim in sequence and make sure that water flows inwards into the bath. Water retained by the surface tension phenomenon is ignored. 2 WAIVER TO THE WATER FLOW TEST A waiver to the water flow test on the rim behind the headrest is allowed when the headrest occupies the entire width of the bath. 3 BATH DIMENSIONS “A” AND “H” If connection dimensions “a” and H” correspond to values necessary for a special drain, the manufacturer is not obliged to supply this type of drain with the bath. In this case, the manufacturer shall specify the drain type in his documentation. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 172 / Document 10 Complementary specifications applicable to baths and shower trays made of synthetic materials ____________________________________________ 1 SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO BATHS Baths made of synthetic materials shall comply with standards NF EN 14516, NF EN 232, document 08, sections 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14 and 4.15 in standard NF EN 198, and standard NF D11-121. They shall also satisfy the complementary specifications defined in this document. 1.1 EXTERNAL APPEARANCE The bath reinforcement shall not cause injury during handling. 1.2 ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONS Requirements in standard NF EN 198 related to allowable deviations are modified as follows: “The length and width dimensions shall not be different from those announced by the manufacturer by more than the following:” Dimension Allowable deviation 1m 0 5 mm >1m 1.3 DIMENSIONAL DEVIATIONS Straightness of sides Requirements in standard NF EN 198 dealing with edge straightness deviations are modified as follows: “Deviations in the straightness of straight edges of baths measured in accordance with A.2.3 shall not exceed: Dimension Allowable deviation 1m 3 mm >1m 4 mm in the concave or convex direction at any point whatsoever.” Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 1.4 Page 173 / DIMENSIONAL CHECK OF BATHS WITH A PROTECTIVE FILM It is acceptable for the dimensional check to be made without removing the plastic protective film, since the protective film is thin (1/10 mm). 1.5 MASS The variation of mass shall be less than 10% of the reference value indicated in the admission application file sent to CSTB (bare bath, without accessory or stand). 1.6 CAPACITY The variation in capacity shall be less than 10% of the value given in the catalogue and sent to CSTB in the admission application file. 1.7 TESTS ON THE RESISTANCE TO TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS The procedure specified in standard NF EN 14516 is modified as follows: “After the first cycle at 90°C/12°C, and after emptying the bath, put two gauges under the bottom of the bath, on each side of the plug hole, at 60 mm ±1mm from the centre line passing through the plug hole (see diagram below). Continue the test in accordance with § 5.3.2 in standard NF EN 14516. Note the maximum difference indicated by each gauge during the first cycle with hot water (75°C) and then remove the gauges. After the first ten 75°C/12°C cycles, perform a ball impact resistance test according to § A5 in standard NF EN 198 and then continue the test within 14 days. After the last cycle, use a sponge or a brush to dab the bath with a 100g/l eosin solution to which 1 cm3/l of liquid detergent has been added. Allow to stand for 5 minutes, and then use a damp cloth to wipe the eosin from the surface.” The specifications are modified as follows: “There shall be no visible defect in the bath after the test (all modifications shall be verified visually and by the presence of eosin traces) and there shall be no functional defect. Any change to operation shall be verified by checking that the bath satisfies § 4.2.2 in standard NF EN 14516, that there is no individual deformation value more than 4 mm and that there is no deformation or any other defect in the bath that would be prejudicial to its correct operation, at the shock impact points.” 60 mm 60 mm Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 1.8 Page 174 / HANDLES 1.8.1 Resistance to salt spray A salt spray resistance test is carried out in accordance with standard NF EN ISO 9227, on a handle coated with each type of finish (except for gold plating). The manufacturer is free to choose either the 200h neutral salt spray (NSS) test, or the 24h acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test. There shall be no defect on visible surfaces after the test. 1.8.2 Resistance to chemicals and stains A test on the resistance to chemicals and stains is carried out in accordance with standard NF EN 263 on a handle coated with each type of finish (except for gold plating). There shall be no visible permanent stain and no sign of deterioration on the handle after the test. 1.9 SERVICE The manufacturer shall include the contact data of his after sales service in accompanying documents (installation instructions, catalogue, etc.). 1.10 GUARANTEE The manufacturer shall offer a guarantee of not less than 2 years. 1.11 COMPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE TO CAST CROSS LINKED ACRYLIC BATHS Minimum bottom thickness The minimum thickness of the top layer of the bottom of the bath is measured as shown in the sketch below. It shall be 0.8-0 mm at 150 mm from the plug hole. 150 mm Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2 Page 175 / SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO SHOWER TRAYS Shower trays made of synthetic materials shall comply with standards NF EN 249, NF EN 251 and NF EN 14527. They shall also satisfy the complementary specifications defined in this document. 2.1 DIMENSIONAL DEVIATIONS The requirements in § 4.7 in standard NF EN 249 dealing with dimensional deviations are modified as follows: “The dimensions of shower trays shall not exceed the dimensions given by the manufacturer by more than 2.2 0 5 mm.” GEOMETRIC VARIATIONS 2.2.1 Straightness of sides Differences in the straightness of shower tray sides (§ 4.8.3 in standard NF EN 249) shall not exceed the values given in table 1 in the concave or convex direction at any point whatsoever. If the shower tray contains an integrated panel, the dimensions shall be measured at the bottom of the sides. Table 1 Dimension Allowable deviation 1m 3 mm >1m 4 mm 2.2.2 Straightness of the rim edge drop Deviations in the straightness of the rim edge drop (§ 4.8.4 in standard NF EN 249) shall not exceed the values given in table 2 in the concave or convex direction at any point whatsoever. Table 2 Dimension Allowable deviation 1m 3 mm >1m 4 mm Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2.3 Page 176 / RESISTANCE TO TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS The procedure in standard NF EN 14527 is modified as follows: Firstly, using the shower head held 1 m above the bottom of the shower tray and oriented such that the jet is directed towards the edge of the shower tray and sprays at least half of the bottom of the shower tray, pour (90±1) l of water at a temperature of (90±2)°C at a flow rate of (0.150±0.015)l/s, the drain orifice being open. Then immediately pour the same quantity of cold water at (12±3)°C at the same rate, the drain orifice being open. Put a dial gauge into position on the lower face of the shower tray, at 60 mm from the centre line of the plug hole, on either side of this hole, along a line perpendicular to the centre line of the internal part of the shower in the shower tray (see diagram below). Continue the test according to the standard NF EN 14527. Note the maximum deviation indicated by the dial gauge for the first 75°C/12°C cycle. Perform a ball impact test in accordance with §A4 in standard NF EN 249 then continue the test within 14 days. C1 60 mm The specifications are modified as follows: There shall be no visible defect in the shower tray after the test (all modifications will be verified visually and by the presence of eosin traces) and there shall be no functional defect. If operation is changed in any way, it shall be checked that the shower tray satisfies § 4.3.4 in standard NF EN 14527, that there is no individual deformation value more than 4 mm and that there is no deformation or any other defect in the shower tray that would be prejudicial to its correct operation, at the shock impact points. 3 SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO MATERIALS 3.1 Specifications applicable to baths and shower trays made of cast cross-linked acrylic Cast cross-linked acrylic sheets used in manufacturing of baths and shower trays shall have received an NF-Sheets Mark for sheets made of acrylic materials (NF116). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 3.2 Page 177 / Specifications applicable to synthetic materials other than cast cross linked acrylic The specifications selected for these tests are defined below. 3.2.1 Water absorption NF EN ISO 62, square test piece (50 ± 1) mm Specification: ≤ 40 mg 3.2.2 Colour fastness under hot water NF EN 263 Specification: Index ≥ 3 (colour degradation according to NF EN 20105-A02) 3.2.3 Colour fastness under light NF EN ISO 4892-2 Method B – 50%RH Temperature with standard black thermometer 65°C. Lighting with energy 0.5 GJ/m2, within the wavelength range from 290 nm to 800 nm. Specification: Index ≥ 3 (colour degradation according to NF EN 20105-A02) 3.2.4 Chemicals and stains NF EN 263 Specification: No deterioration. The test to determine the resistance to chemicals and stains described in standard NF EN 263 (§ 4.4), is extended as follows: “If the stain is not eliminated after the test described in the standard, then check the stain again after 48 hours. The test will be considered to be satisfactory if the stain has disappeared after 48 h.” 3.2.5 Abrasion (loss of mass) NF EN 14688 Specification: After the test done in accordance with § 5.7 in standard NF EN 14688, the surface layer of the test piece shall not be perforated (for multi-layer materials) or the mass loss of the test piece after 750 rotations shall be less than 0.8 g (for single layer materials). 3.2.6 Scratching NF EN 14688 Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 178 / Document 11 Complementary specifications applicable to whirlpool baths ____________________________________________ Bathtubs used for manufacturing whirlpool baths shall comply with standards concerning them and the manufacturer shall satisfy all specifications for the NF-Sanitary appliances mark (NF017). Non-return valves fitted on whirlpool baths designed to protect the drinking water network shall be conforming with standards concerning them and the manufacturer shall satisfy all specifications in NF045 certification rules (the NF-Antipollution of water installations mark assures conformity with these requirements). 0 0.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN It shall be possible to make the electrical connection of the whirlpool system to the main electrical power supply during the whirlpool bath installation. Devices shall be provided for damping vibrations, both on the whirlpool system and on the bath. The connection between the vibration element (pump or turbine) and the fixed element (bath) shall be made so as to reduce the propagation of vibrations, for example by means of a flexible connection. The turbine air intake orifice shall be designed to eliminate any risk of accidental blockage and it shall be protected by any appropriate means. The design of the whirlpool system shall not cause overflow or splashing of water at any time under normal conditions of use. Note: this is applicable for water not containing any additives, for example such as foam generating products, the use of which is not recommended in this type of bath. 0.2 CHARACTERISTICS Rinsing – Disinfection Rinsing of baths designed for collective use, when provided, shall be automatic and shall be triggered as soon as the bath is emptied. It may be done: - using water containing a disinfectant for hydraulic systems; - any disinfecting fluid for aeraulic systems; - all the means mentioned above for combined systems. The manufacturer is free to choose the design of the rinsing system; however, if it is to be efficient, rinsing must allow the passage of water (or a fluid) with a volume equal to about ten times the volume of the whirlpool system and the pump (or turbine); it must not create a risk of pollution to the drinking water distribution network. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 179 / Aeraulic systems Assemblies comprising heating of air circulating in the whirlpool system shall include a safety device to limit the air temperature at the inlet to the bath intake to a maximum of 70°C. This check is made using the test means described below: - Perform the test at ambient temperature (20/25°C), the bath being filled with water above the highest nozzle. - Install a thermocouple at the air inlet to the bath intake. - Operate the system for 5 min. - Make the temperature measurement. Stopping the whirlpool system must not cause any water backflow in the turbine. This is achieved by checking the non-return valve(s) by means of endurance and leak tightness tests, carried out in accordance with methods described in standards NF P43007 and NF EN 13959. Note: non-return valves benefiting from the NF-Antipollution of water installations mark (NF045) satisfy the required specifications and consequently are not subjected to the tests in this chapter. Ancillary non-return valves fitted on each air injection (called “comfort valves”) are not subjected to the above tests. However, it is checked that there is no water retention between the main valve and these non-return valves, this check being made after the circuit has been scavenged by an appropriate fluid, if applicable. 1 1.1 HAIR ATTRACTION TEST PURPOSE Standard NF EN 12764 (Specifications for whirlpool baths), indicates how safety characteristics other than electrical are checked. It also refers to standard NF EN 60335-2-60 for tests to check attraction of hair for hydraulic systems. The following specification is also applicable: when the bath is fitted with a plug that can be removed without a tool, the hair attraction test is done with and without the plug in order to test the worst case. 2 2.1 WHIRLPOOL BATHS – AIR INJECTION SYSTEM (TURBO SYSTEM) (PROTECTION AGAINST WATER BACKFLOW) PURPOSE Appliances in which air and water circuits may be connected must be built such that if the water flow reduces, water cannot enter the turbine and come into contact with active parts or short circuit the additional or reinforced isolation. This document defines check conditions and methods to assure satisfactory protection of the turbine. It was produced for use as a reference document for the NF mark and was approved by the Committee in the November 17 1998 session. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2.2 Page 180 / TEST CONDITIONS Protections are defined differently depending on the means used. Thus, For protection by non-return valves, the assembly must be composed of 2 distinct systems. For protection by other physical equipment (cross-fitting, double trap, etc.), the assembly is composed of a single system. If the protection systems are not NF certified, tests to check the leak tightness and endurance of non-return valves in standard NF EN 13959 (DN 50 threaded non-return valves) are done at CSTB for admission, and then once every year while being monitored. If comfort valves are NF certified, water retention tests are not done. An additional test shall be done on TURBO systems in accordance with the procedure below (article 2.3). 2.3 TEST PROCEDURE FOR TURBO SYSTEMS The protection is checked using the following two tests: The appliance is powered at rated voltage and operation is started under normal operating conditions. All air/water nozzles are then blocked progressively. Nonreturn valves are made inoperative one by one for this test. The test is repeated with the turbine stopped. With all air/water nozzles blocked, the appliance is powered at the rated voltage and its operation is started under normal operating conditions. Non-return valves are made inoperative one by one for this test. The test is repeated with the turbine stopped. After these tests, there shall be no trace of water on the insulation that could reduce leakage lines and distances in air to below values specified in article 29.1 in standard NF EN 60335-2-60. 3 WHIRLPOOL BATHS MADE (NF EN 198 / NF EN 12764) OF ACRYLIC MATERIALS If a holder/applicant only markets his baths with whirlpool equipment, the static load test shall be made with the stands normally provided but without the -vibration damping pads. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 181 / Document 12 Complementary specifications applicable to WC pans ____________________________________________ WC pans shall comply with standards NF EN 997 (class I), NF D12-101, NF EN 33, NF D14-601. They shall also satisfy the specifications described below. 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 DIMENSIONAL CHECK The check of the dimension q (distance from the plane passing through the outlet orifice to the face of the parallelepiped, enclosure facing the wall) shall be made once the seal has been installed. 1.2 PAN AND SEAT ASSEMBLY A waiver is accepted for the theoretical opening angle of the toilet seat (7° instead of 8°) if: it is delivered with short WC pans. it is stable after an opening angle of 4° (offset hinge pins). 1.3 DISTANCE L The distance L between the centre line of the toilet seat attachment holes and the front of the WC pan is fixed at 430 ± 10 mm. When this dimension does not respect these specifications, a special NF certified toilet seat (mark NF240) shall be provided or recommended with the pan. Note that the WC pan is said to be short if L<420 mm. 1.4 POROSITY TESTS For an enamelled flanged pan, the 3 test pieces shall be taken from any part comprising a non-enamelled face, so that large enough pieces can be obtained. If this is impossible, the test shall be made using pieces from another item made with an identical slip. For a non-enamelled flanged pan, the test shall be made by taking the 3 test pieces from the flange, in accordance with standard NF EN 997. 1.5 4L AND 5L PANS WC pans with a flush volume of less than 6 l are no longer allowed by standard NF DTU 60.1 P1-1-3 without a preliminary study of the installation, consequently they cannot be NF certified. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2 2.1 Page 182 / RENEWAL OF WATER IN WC PAN TRAPS TEST PRINCIPLE The test on renewal of water shall be made for WC pans alone or WC suites. The test for independent pans with a low flush volume shall be made at 3l or 2l depending on the pan type. The purpose of this test is to use a colouring material with the appliance defined in section 5.8.2 in standard NF EN 997, to check that after flushing, water in the WC trap has been renewed by at least: 2.1.1 99% for a complete flush volume; 2.1.2 94% for a reduced flush volume. 2.2 PROCEDURE 2.2.1 For a complete flush volume Make sure that the WC trap is perfectly clean and degreased. Activate the cistern drain mechanism once and make sure that the WC trap is full of clean water. Carefully pour a previously created mix composed of 1g of fluoresceine in 1000 cm3 water into the trap, taking care to prevent any splashing on the ceramic. Stir gently to make sure that the mix is uniformly distributed in the trap. Draw off 10 cm3 of water from the trap and pour these 10 cm3 into a large test tube and fill it up with clean water up to 1000 cm3. A few cubic centimetres of this new mix (dilution 1%) are poured into a test tube to form the control test tube. Activate the cistern drain mechanism once again. Draw off a few cm3 of water from the trap and pour it into a test tube identical to the control test tube. 2.2.2 For a reduced flush volume Make sure that the WC trap is perfectly clean and degreased. Activate the cistern drain mechanism once and make sure that the WC trap is full of clean water. Carefully pour a previously created mix composed of 1g of fluoresceine in 1000 cm 3 water into the trap, taking care to prevent any splashing on the ceramic. Stir gently to make sure that the mix is uniformly distributed in the trap. Preparation of the control test tube Draw off 60 cm3 of water from the trap and pour these 60 cm3 into a large test tube and fill it up with clean water up to 1000 cm 3. A few cubic centimetres of this new mix (dilution 6%) are poured into a test tube to form the control test tube. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 183 / Making the measurement Activate the cistern drain mechanism once (or more times if necessary) and make sure that the WC trap is full of clear water. Pour 100 cm3 of the previously created mix composed of 1g of fluoresceine in 1000 cm3 water into the trap, and stir gently to create a homogeneous mix in the trap. Activate the cistern drain mechanism again (small flush). Draw off a few cm3 of water from the trap and pour them into a test tube identical to the control test tube. 2.3 SPECIFICATIONS The result of the test is determined by observation of the colour of the content of the two test tubes. This result is considered satisfactory if the colour of the comparison test tube is the same as or lighter than the colour of the control test tube. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 184 / Document 13 Operation of WC pans for children and babies ____________________________________________ 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to define the test method for checking the operation of WC pans for children and babies for which article in standard NF EN 997 is not applicable. 2 2.1 DEFINITION (DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS) CHILD PAN This term covers pans for which the height at the overflow plane (flange) is greater than or equal to 300 mm and less than 380 mm. 2.2 BABY PAN This term covers pans for which the height at the overflow plane (flange) is less than or equal to 260 mm. 3 TEST METHODS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 EFFICIENCY OF EVACUATION OF THE TEST SUBSTANCES 3.1.1 Principle Determine the quantity of rinsing water flowing at the outlet from a WC pan using 5 litres of water after the evacuation of two test substances simulating faeces by flushing. 3.1.2 APPLIANCE Test device Conforming with that in standard NF EN 997. Calibration Calibration is done to cancel out any damping and electrical or hydraulic delays that might occur in the test device due to the nature of the equipment used. Any equipment and any method may be used provided that they can precisely demonstrate these different parameters. Therefore the measured magnitude will be corrected as a function of the calibration obtained. In fact, two calibrations are necessary: Adjustment of a chosen or recommended water volume (5 0.025 l) in the control cistern. This adjustment may be obtained by means of two electrical sensors, one at the high level and one at the low level in the control cistern. The water volume thus defined is checked by weighing. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 185 / Measurement of the volume of rinsing water flowing at the outlet from a WC pan after passage of the 2nd test substance. This measurement may be made by means of a pressure sensor placed at the bottom of the receptacle located under the connection sleeve. The rinsing water quantity flowing at the outlet from a WC pan is defined by the difference between the initial water volume and the volume measured after passage of the 2nd test substance. In this case, the time between when water passes the outlet from the sleeve and when it is taken into account by the pressure sensor has to be defined. 3.1.3 Test piece A child or baby type WC pan satisfying the dimensional specifications defined in article 2. 3.1.4 Procedure The pan to be tested is fixed onto the test device. The recommended water quantity that will be released either into the WC suite or directly into the WC pan (for an independent pan), is added into the control cistern. For checking deep water WC pans, the 2 test substances are released vertically from the height of the flange, one after the other, in the centre of the water surface in the trap. For checking flat-bottomed WC pans, the test substances are placed on the level part of the pan as indicated in figure 1. The cistern drain device is activated, evacuating the test substances to the trap. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 186 / After the 2nd test substance has passed, the quantity of rinsing water flowing at the outlet from the WC pan is determined. The manoeuvre is repeated 10 times. Figure 1 – Arrangement of test substances for testing flat-bottomed pans. 3.1.5 Specification - Expression of results It is considered that the test is satisfactory if: the 2 test substances are evacuated in at least 8 out of 10 manoeuvres. the rinsing water volume is: Vn 2.5 l for positive manoeuvres (evacuation of the 2 test substances), or when the arithmetic mean of the rinsing water volume for 10 manoeuvres is Vnm 2.8 l. Flush tests without evacuation or with incomplete evacuation of the 2 test substances are evaluated at zero for determination of the mean rinsing water. If these conditions are not satisfied, the same procedure shall be repeated for another 20 flush actions. In this case, it will be considered that the test is satisfactory if: the test substances are evacuated for at least 16 out of the 20 manoeuvres made. the rinsing water volume is: Vn 2.5 l for all positive manoeuvres. or when the arithmetic mean of the rinsing water volume for 20 manoeuvres Vnm 2.8 l. 3.2 EFFICIENCY OF EVACUATION OF TOILET PAPER Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 187 / The test is made in accordance with chapter 5.2.3 in standard NF EN 997, using 6 sheets of toilet paper instead of 12. The 6 sheets of toilet paper shall be completely evacuated out of the pan at least 4 times out of 5 tests. 3.3 RENEWAL OF WATER IN THE TRAP In accordance with section 2 in document 12. 3.4 WALL RINSING QUALITY In accordance with article 5.2.2 in standard NF EN 997. 3.5 PROJECTION OUTSIDE THE PAN In accordance with article 5.2.5 in standard NF EN 997. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 188 / Document 14 Complementary specifications applicable to equipped flushing cisterns ____________________________________________ 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 EQUIPMENT FOR FLUSHING CISTERN Equipment for flushing cisterns: • drain mechanisms for flushing cisterns, • filling valves for flushing cisterns, shall have the NF-Sanitary components mark (NF076); • and the stop valves for flushing cisterns, shall have the NF-Sanitary Valve fittings mark (NF077). The valve and the drain mechanism shall be fitted and adjusted in the plant. 1.2 FLUSH CISTERNS – SUPPLY HOLE A waiver request shall be made for cisterns so that a hole corresponding to a ½ supply can be drilled in them. 1.3 “UNIVERSAL CISTERN” DEFINITION The term “universal adjacent cistern” is replaced by “adjacent multi-pan cistern”. 1.4 RINSING VOLUME Nominal rinsing volumes shall comply with: - § 5.8.1 in standard NF EN 997 for ceramic cisterns; - § 5.2.1 in standard NF EN 14055 for cisterns made of synthetic material. Since equipped cisterns are installed and adjusted by the manufacturer in the plant, the user cannot make any adjustment to the rinsing volume except for synthetic cisterns that are certified for several volumes and provided that an operating procedure is provided. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2 2.1 Page 189 / PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE TO CISTERNS MADE OF SYNTHETIC MATERIALS BUILT-IN CISTERNS – SUPPORT FRAME (NF D12-208) – FLOW MEASUREMENT The flow measurement for built-in cisterns shall be made with the tube provided by the manufacturer cut as short as possible. When the frame height is adjustable, the connection tube from the frame to the pan shall be cut to the appropriate dimension. 2.2 RESISTANCE TESTS TO CHEMICALS AND STAINS The reference document applicable to push plates and equipped cistern assemblies is standard NF EN 263. Specification: no permanent stain. If there is a stain, check the sample once after 48h and consider the result to be satisfactory if the stain has disappeared. 2.3 COLOUR FASTNESS UNDER LIGHT The exposure method is defined in NF EN ISO 4892-2 with the following criteria: Method B – 50% RH; Temperature with standard black thermometer: 65°C; Lighting with energy 0.5 GJ/m², in the wavelength between 290 nm and 800 nm; Specification: index ≥ 3 (colour degradation according to NF EN 20105-A02). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 190 / Document 15 WC pack definition ____________________________________________ 1. Definition of a WC pack An NF certified WC pack is a set comprising at least one NF certified WC pan with its NF certified equipped cistern and an NF certified WC toilet seat, all in the same packaging. For independent pans, the NF pack can be limited to the NF pan and its NF toilet seat. If the pan is a wall-hung pan and the assembly also comprises a support frame under the same reference, the support frame shall be NF. If a stop valve is provided in the NF WC pack, installed or not, the stop valve shall be NF certified. Other terms such as “assemblies”, “box”, “sets”, etc., cannot be associated with the NF logo. 2. WC pack manufacturer The WC pack manufacturer is the pack assembler. However, he shall fabricate at least either the WC pan or the equipped cistern. If the pack is assembled on a site other than the manufacturing site of the pan or the equipped cistern, then the pack assembly site shall be systematically inspected/audited on admission and during monitoring as a function of the risk assessment, after receiving the opinion of the Specific Committee on the frequency of inspections. In particular, it shall be checked that an acceptance procedure is applied for products used in the composition of the pack (WC pan, equipped cistern, toilet seat, stop valve, support frame). This procedure shall include at least the following points when the supplier of a product is not part of the group to which the assembly site belongs: Check the appearance by statistical check of each batch, Check NF marking by statistical check of each batch, Check conformity with purchase specifications by statistical check of each batch (hinges for toilet seats, equipment and adjustment for equipped cisterns, accessories for the support frame, etc.). 3. Applicable standards and reference documents Standards applicable to WC packs are specified in section 2.2 in these certification rules. Furthermore, the toilet seat shall have received the NF–WC seats mark (NF240) and the stop valve shall have received the NF-Sanitary valve fittings mark (NF077). Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 191 / Document 16 Resistance of urinals to static loads ____________________________________________ 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to complete the strength test under static loads on urinals defined in standard NF EN 13407 and the specifications to be satisfied. 2 APPLICATION SCOPE This document is applicable to urinals for collective use. Its application scope could be revised if urinals are used for private purposes. 3 STRENGTH TEST UNDER STATIC LOADS Install the urinal under normal conditions of use, in accordance with the manufacturer’s technical datasheet. Load the urinal without any dynamic effect with an applied load of 130 kg, depending on the shape of the urinal, as follows: at the bottom of the pan, on the front edge, on the sides using means appropriate to the dimensions of the appliance. The 130 kg load may be composed of bags of shot, sand or any other appropriate means providing the same load. Leave the load in position for 1 hour and then remove it. Check the urinal before and after applying the load in accordance with articles 2.3 and 2.4 in standard NF D14-509 or by using a colouring agent such as eosin. Note any defects on all visible surfaces. Also check that there are no cracks in the porcelain and around the attachment points. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 192 / Document 17 Complementary specifications applicable to support frames ____________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The instructions provided shall either be specific to the NF certified frame and exclude any other type of installation, or shall unambiguously indicate NF certified installation types. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 Page 193 / Document 18 Complementary specifications applicable to shower enclosures ____________________________________________ Shower enclosures shall comply with standard NF EN 14428 and shall satisfy the following specifications. 1 MATERIALS - GLAZING Thickness specifications are given in the following sections. For decorative glazing, minimum values given correspond to the bottom of the decor. These specifications are nominal values. Tolerances indicated in standard NF EN 12150-1 shall be applied to them. These thicknesses are measured in accordance with the method described below (§ 1.3). Each individual measurement shall exceed the specification. 1.1 Unframed glazing (one vertical visible side not supported in an aluminium section) 1.1.1 Glass The thickness of safety glass shall be at least 4 mm for widths less than or equal to 40 cm, and 5 mm for widths greater than 40 cm. 1.1.2 Synthetic material The pane thickness shall be at least 4.75 mm. 1.2 Framed glazing 1.2.1 Glass The glass thickness shall be at least 3 mm. 1.2.2 Synthetic material The pane thickness shall be at least 2.8 mm. 1.3 Measuring glazing thickness Four measurements shall be made, each at the thinnest location (bottom of the decor if there is one) and closest to the middle of each side, at an edge distance of 20 mm. Measurements are made using a palmer gauge (feeler surface diameter 6.5 ± 0.2 mm) with a resolution of 0.01 mm. For an enclosure composed of several panels, the four measurements shall be made on each panel. Certification rules – NF Sanitary appliances (NF 017) - Revision 26 194 2 Page 194 / MOVING PARTS The design of shower enclosures shall be such that it does not include any shear zones or zones that could trap the user. The assessment will be made by an expert. 3 EVALUATION OF STABILITY The impact strength is evaluated by the lack of any crack of disengagement of the glass outside the sections. It will be accepted if a complete pane is separated, if the following conditions are satisfied: - 4 The pane is not damaged; the pane can be put back into place without any tools; the pane does not fall entirely on the floor; the separated pane does not have any dangerous part for the user or part that could block the user in the shower. ENDURANCE The endurance test described in § 5.5 in standard NF EN 14428 is made by applying 30000 open/close cycles on the door. 5 LEAK TIGHTNESS The test shall be carried out in accordance with § 5.7 in standard NF EN 14428 before and after the endurance test. 6 CLEANING Sections shall not include any water retention except at the bottom of the gutter. The assessment will be made by an expert. 7 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The installation instructions shall comply with the requirements in standard D60-020. 8 USER’S INSTRUCTIONS The user’s instructions shall include the manufacturer or the supplier’s after sales service.