corporate design manual
corporate design manual
CORPORATE DESIG N MANUAL CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL 002 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PAGE COMMUNICATING THE LUXURY BRAND ESCADA 07 T H E E S C A D A P O S I T I O NING 08 T H E E S C A D A B R A N D PROPOSITION 09 T H E E S C A D A TA R G E T GROUP 10 T H E E S C A D A P R O D U C T STRUCTURE 11 PRINCIPAL DESIGN ELEMENTS 13 the W O R D M A R K 14 H I G H L I G H T I N G T H E W ORDMARK 15 U S E O F T H E W O R D M A RK 16 U S E O F T H E W O R D M A RK AT PAR TNER COMPANIES A N D L I C E N S I N G PA R TNERS 17 P O S I T I O N I N G O F T H E WORDMARK – GENERAL RULES 18 P O S I T I O N I N G O F T H E WORDMARK IN ADVER TS 19 B R A N D C O L O R S 20 C O L O R O F T H E W O R DMARK – PRINTING INK 22 C O L O R O F T H E W O R DMARK – HOT-STAMPED FOIL 23 C O L O R O F T H E W O R DMARK – C ampaign 24 C O L O R O F T H E W O R DMARK – SPECIAL CASES 25 the E M B L E M 26 H I G H L I G H T I N G T H E E MBLEM 27 U S E O F T H E E M B L E M 28 P O S I T I O N I N G O F T H E EMBLEM 29 C O L O R O F T H E E M B L EM – PRINTING INK 30 C O L O R O F T H E E M B L EM – HOT-STAMPED FOIL 31 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 003 C ontents PAGE E M B L E M O N different BACKGROUNDS – SPECIAL CASES 32 T H E E M B L E M I N T H E ESCADA PATTERN 33 F O N T S 34 F O N T U S E D I N D I G I TA L APPLICATIONS 35 THE PRODUCT MARKINGS 37 T H E E S C A D A P R O D U C T MARKINGS 38 CLOTHES HANGERS 40 THE PACKAGING CULTURE 43 CARRIER BAGS 44 GIFT BOXES 45 G I F T R I B B O N S 46 U S E O F T H E G I F T R I B BONS 47 G I F T S T I C K E R S 48 G I F T W R A P / T I S S U E PA PER 49 Packaging A ccessories – BOXES 50 Packaging A ccessories – HAT BOX 51 Packaging A ccessories – BAGS 52 Travel B ags 53 S P E C I A L C A R R I E R B A GS FOR OUTLETS 54 004 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PAGE THE CORPORATE STATIONERY 57 E S C A D A S E L E T T E R H E AD 58 E S C A D A S E B O A R D O F MANAGEMENT LETTERHEAD 59 E S C A D A S E L E T T E R H E AD – SECOND PAGE 60 E S C A D A S E L E T T E R H E AD – TEXT 61 E S C A D A S tore L E T T E RHEAD 62 L E T T E R H E A D F O R E S CADA FRANCHISE PAR TNERS 63 L E T T E R H E A D F O R E S CADA LICENSING PAR TNERS 64 C ATA L O G C O V E R L E T TER AND S tore LIST 65 E S C A D A S E B U S I N E S S CARDS 66 B U S I N E S S C A R D S F O R ESCADA S tore S AND F R A N C H I S E PA R T N ERS 67 B U S I N E S S C A R D S F O R ESCADA LICENSING PAR TNERS 68 C O M P L I M E N T C A R D F OR ESCADA SE/S tore S 69 P E R S O N A L I Z E D C O M P LIMENT CARD 70 D I N L A N G E N V E L O P E 71 PA D D E D E N V E L O P E S 72 A D D R E S S L A B E L / A D D RESS STAMP 73 C U S T O M E R C A R D 74 T I L L R E C E I P T 75 A LT E R AT I O N C A R D 76 R E S E R VAT I O N C A R D 77 G I F T V O U C H E R E N V E L OPE 78 N O T E PA D 79 P R E S E N TAT I O N F O L D ER 80 BINDER LABELS 81 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 005 c ontents PAGE SER VICE ITEMS AND GIVE-AWAYS 83 I N V I TAT I O N S 84 G I V E - AWAY S 85 ONLINE COMMUNICATION AND TEMPLATES 87 O N L I N E P R E S E N C E 88 THE E-MAIL 89 FA X S H E E T 90 A G E N D A S H E E T 91 MINUTES SHEET 92 MEMO FORM 93 P O W E R P O I N T P R E S E N TATION 94 C D S L E E V E A N D L A B E LS 95 006 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 007 C O M M UN I C AT IN G T H E L U X U RY B R A N D ESC A D A T he evolution of ESCADA into a modern, global and successful luxury brand is due chiefly to the brand’s coher- ent perception worldwide. The ESCADA brand hallmarks elegance, glamour and color and its emotional and rational brand propositions can only be communicated if the central component of the corporate image – the corporate design concept – is implemented fully and consistently. From a marketing perspective, it is therefore vital that all ESCADA products share a common visual design. It is therefore crucial that all those indi- viduals whose work involves the formal presentation of the brand – company personnel, partners and licensees – carefully implement the principles set out in this Corporate Design Manual. The purpose of this publication is both to explain the objectives and logic underlying the brand’s formal communication and to provide practical advice on how to use the corporate design in day-to-day activities. The rules and guidelines determining the corporate design will be stipulated exclusively and in full by the global Marketing Department at ESCADA SE corporate headquarters. They apply to the product markings, the packaging culture, the corporate stationery, all catalog and campaign products and all advertising. 008 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L C OMMUN I C AT IN G T H E L U XU RY B R A N D ESC A D A POSITIONING OF THE LUXURY BRAND ESCADA PRICE DESIGNER (luxury segment) DIFFUSION (subline segment) BRIDGE (mid-priced segment) FEMININE STREAMLINED THE ESCADA POSITIONING The luxury brand ESCADA is positioned in the designer segment – the top segment of the fashion market. The fashion statement of the ESCADA collections is overtly feminine with a modern elegance. This positioning – which is central to the ESCADA brand identity – is inextricably linked with the unique brand proposition made to the ESCADA target group on the fashion market. MINIMALISTIC FASHION STATEMENT E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 009 ESCADA BRAND CONSTRUCT/BRAND PROPOSITION RATIONAL BRAND PROPOSITION supreme quality and workmanship color surprising details exclusive fit BRAND CORE modern elegance COLOR ELEGANCE GLAMOUR THE ESCADA BRAND PROPOSITION Color, elegance and glamour are the brand hallmarks. It is the sole source of the central propositions of the luxury brand that is ESCADA. ESCADA offers a unique way to celebrate femininity; the brand represents the quintessence of feminine luxury. EMOTIONAL BRAND PROPOSITION glamour dynamic, daring style feminine statement ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L 010 C OMMUN I C AT IN G T H E L U XU RY B R A N D ESC A D A THE ESCADA CUSTOMER THE ESCADA TARGET GROUP The ESCADA woman has a distinct sense of luxurious quality and lifestyle. She enjoys her social status and feels no need to conceal it. She wishes to express her uniqueness. She is naturally drawn to the limelight and the glamour of sparkling occasions, whatever the time of day. She is extroverted, positive and self-confident. The ESCADA woman loves exceptionally feminine collections. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 011 E S CA D A B R A N D COLLECTIONS ACCESSORIES LICENSES ESCADA ESCADA ESCADA FRAGRANCES E S C A D A S P O RT ESCADA SPORT ESCADA EYEWEAR THE ESCADA PRODUCT STRUCTURE At over 400 stores around the world, ESCADA offers its customers collections and products for every conceivable occasion. All of these products share the same brand core: “THE COLOR OF ELEGANCE.” In addition to the main brand ESCADA, which features daywear, eveningwear and couture, ESCADA SPORT focuses on satisfying the customer’s needs for luxury casualwear. The FRAGRANCES, EYEWEAR and KIDSWEAR product groups round out the world of luxury that is ESCADA. 012 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 013 P R INC I PA L DESI G N E L EM ENTS B asic rules defining the use of the brand’s wordmark, the ESCADA emblem and the corporate fonts and colors help to create and sustain a consistent brand identity. 014 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b c 16,36 % 100 % THE WORDMARK a) The ESCADA wordmark is the central element in the ESCADA corporate design. It is protected under trademark law and must not be modified in any way. b)The previous ESCADA wordmark has been superseded by a new and revised version. To illustrate the differences, the two versions have been superimposed over each other below. The former wordmark can be recognized by its more rounded letters. Please note that – with immediate effect – only the new version of the wordmark may be used. c) The proportions of the wordmark are 1 : 0.1636 (width : height). E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 015 HIGHLIGHTING THE WORDMARK a) To avoid reducing the impact of the wordmark, the area surrounding it must not contain any other graphical elements, e.g. images or lettering. This free area will extend around the wordmark by a distance equivalent to the height of the letter “E” in the wordmark. b)Titles and season designations (e.g. Fall / Winter 2010) are the only exceptions to this rule. For example, the season may be identified on the front covers of catalogs, with the top of the text a distance equivalent to half of the height of the letter “E” below the wordmark. INFORMATION: Instructions on the use of fonts can be found on pages 34 - 35. 016 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b USE OF THE WORDMARK a) When changing the size of the ESCADA wordmark, its exact proportions must always be preserved. b)The wordmark has been created specially and must not be modified or reproduced using other fonts. c) The ESCADA wordmark must not be distorted. Please only use the original files. d)The ESCADA wordmark and ESCADA emblem must not appear in unison, i.e. in direct proximity of one another. c E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 017 USE OF THE WORDMARK AT PARTNER COMPANIES AND LICENSING PARTNERS To preserve the high standards and exclusive character of the luxury brand ESCADA, guidelines have been drawn up to define the use of the ESCADA wordmark by licensing partners. Wherever the licensing partner’s logo is displayed, it must not appear in the direct proximity of the ESCADA wordmark. If the licensing partner’s logo appears, it must remain distinct from the ESCADA wordmark, e.g. by positioning it on the back of the licensing partner’s business card. INFORMATION: The business cards for licensing partners are described on page 74 and the letterhead for licensing partners on page 70. 018 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b b POSITIONING OF THE WORDMARK – GENERAL RULES Different options for positioning the wordmark are available, depending on the context. a) In core elements of the corporate image such as the corporate stationery, the wordmark is always centered at the top. b)In seasonal elements such as image catalogs, look books and seasonal invitations, the wordmark is positioned to the side. Special guidelines apply to packaging and product markings. Details are provided in the sections devoted to these items. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 019 POSITIONING OF THE WORDMARK IN ADVERTS The position of the wordmark in adverts depends on the seasonal campaign-concept and therefore can differ from other elements. 020 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS PANTONE 871 BRAND COLORS In line with the brand’s traditions, a glamorous, exclusive and sparkling gold has been selected as its core color. The secondary color in the ESCADA corporate design are an intense black. The color dark silver (PANTONE 8402) is used for the company’s official stationery. black E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 021 PANTONE 8402 (for stationery only) 022 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b c COLOR OF THE WORDMARK – PRINTING INK Where the wordmark cannot be created using hotstamped foil, combinations of printing ink can be used: a) The wordmark in gold PANTONE 871 on a black background for product markings. b)The wordmark in gold PANTONE 871 on a white background. c) The wordmark in black on a white background for the fax sheet and similar forms etc. INFORMATION: 4-color versions: PANTONE 871: 20% cyan, 36% magenta, 82% yellow, 8% black RGB colors (for digital applications): PANTONE 871: #BCAE89 or R 188 , G 174, B 137 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 023 a COLOR OF THE WORDMARK – HOT-STAMPED FOIL To underscore the brand’s luxury character, the wordmark should be hot-stamped in foil whenever possible. a) Gold foil on a black background INFORMATION: Hot-stamped (flat) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) 024 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS Corporate Campaign COLOR OF THE WORDMARK – CAMPAIGN For use in specific campaign motifs and on the front covers of catalogs, the global ESCADA Marketing Department may define a color for the wordmark which differs from the corporate colors and is keyed to the current collection themes. This color may only be used on a seasonal basis in campaign motifs and on the front covers of catalogs. On no account may it be used in any other element of the corporate design. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 025 a THE Look Book (WORDMARK HOT-STAMPED IN Gold FOIL) COLOR OF THE WORDMARK – SPECIAL CASES Thanks to the ongoing refinement of the creative campaign and catalog concept, the luxurious fashions from ESCADA are gaining an identity of contemporary luxury. In this context it is critical that a coherent concept is forged which combines the central principles of the corporate design with a creative statement. This concept, which is always in tune with the times, is being further refined from season to season. a) On the front covers of catalogues, the ESCADA wordmark should ideally be gold foil. 026 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b 70 % 100 % THE EMBLEM a) The ESCADA emblem, a stylized double-E, is the secondary element in the ESCADA corporate design. It is protected under trademark law and must not be modified in any way. B)The proportions of the emblem are 1 : 0.7 (width : height) The ESCADA emblem height is equivalent to the height of the “E” of the ESCADA wordmark. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 027 100% Höhe = 100% 100% 100% 100% HIGHLIGHTING THE EMBLEM To avoid reducing the impact of the emblem, the area surrounding it must not contain any other graphical elements, e.g. images or lettering. This free area will extend around the emblem by a distance equivalent to the emblem’s height. INFORMATION: The ESCADA pattern, which consists of multiple instances of the emblem, is the only exception. The ESCADA pattern is described on page 33. 028 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b USE OF THE EMBLEM a) When changing the size of the ESCADA emblem, its exact proportions must always be preserved. b)The ESCADA emblem must not be distorted. Please only use the original files. It is protected and must not be modified or reproduced using other means. c) The ESCADA wordmark and ESCADA emblem must not appear in unison, i.e. in direct proximity of one another. c E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 029 WWW.ESCADA.COM POSITIONING OF THE EMBLEM The emblem is always centered horizontally. For the most part, it appears on the backs of print products, e.g. catalogs. However it can also serve as a decorative element, e.g. on give-aways, as part of the Store concept, or on fragrances. On the majority of seasonal print products, the website address is displayed in addition to the emblem. In this event, the website address is centered at the bottom. 030 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a b COLOR OF THE EMBLEM – PRINTING INK Where the emblem cannot be created using hot-stamped foil, combinations of printing ink can be used: a) The emblem in PANTONE 871 on a black background b) The emblem in PANTONE 871 on a white background INFORMATION: 4-color versions: PANTONE 871: 20% cyan, 36% magenta, 82% yellow, 8% black RGB colors: (for digital applications): PANTONE 871: #BCAE89 oder R 188 , G 174, B 137 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 031 a COLOR OF THE EMBLEM – HOT-STAMPED FOIL To underscore the brand’s luxury character, the emblem should be hot-stamped in foil whenever possible. a) Gold foil on a black background for the back of the Image Book etc. INFORMATION: Hot-stamped (flat) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) 032 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS THE IMAGE BOOK, BACK (EMBLEM HOT-STAMPED IN GOLD FOIL) THE EMBLEM ON different BACKGROUNDS – SPECIAL CASES On different backgrounds, e.g. on the back covers of This color may only be used on a seasonal basis, e.g. on catalogs, the ESCADA emblem should ideally be hot- the front covers of catalogs. On no account may it be used stamped in gold foil. in any other element of the corporate design. For use in specific motifs, the global ESCADA Marketing Department may define a color for the emblem which differs from the corporate colors and is keyed to the current collection themes. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 033 a b THE EMBLEM IN THE ESCADA PATTERN As shown above, the ESCADA emblem may also be repeated for decorative purposes to form a recurrent pattern. The permitted distances between the individual emblems are shown above. The following color combinations can be used: a) emblems in white (tissue paper) or contoured (wall paneling in ESCADA Stores) b) e mblems in glossy black on a matte black background . 034 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L PRI N CIPAL DESI GN EL EM ENTS a FUTURA LIGHT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz b FUTURA BOOK ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz AVENIR LIGHT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz AVENIR BOOK ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz FONTS Two corporate fonts have been defined and approved. Short texts such as titles or established terms and designations must also appear completely in uppercase characters. a) FUTURA is used for collection descriptions, campaigns, catalogs and other seasonal publications, e.g. mailings. b)AVENIR is used on the company’s official stationery, Extended texts, such as body text and continuous text, should be written in accordance with normal grammatical conventions (i.e. a mixture of uppercase and lowercase labels and for corporate publications such as the Annual characters) to improve readability and legibility. Report. Only the two font styles used most frequently – Book and Light – are shown here. If reference is made in normal text to the brand or company ESCADA, the collections or to product groups, the Text written in capital letters need to typeset with a positive word “ESCADA” must always appear completely in letterspacing from 80 -150. uppercase letters. INFORMATION: Should you have any questions, please contact the global Marketing Department. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 035 c ARIAL REGULAR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ARIAL BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 1234567890äöü!§$%&/()=? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz FONT USED IN DIGITAL APPLICATIONS c) The font ARIAL is used on electronic media or templates, e.g. the corporate letterhead or PowerPoint presentations. The bolded style of ARIAL is used exclusively to emphasize individual words or passages of text. 036 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 037 T H E P ROD U C T M A R K I N G S T he ESCADA product markings are a central element of the brand image. They identify the brand and its collections to ESCADA customers. They are based on the same principles as the corporate design and provide reassurance to consumers that they have purchased original ESCADA items 038 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PR O D U CT M A R K IN GS 65 mm 45 mm a c b 13 mm 21 mm width 29 mm width 41 mm THE ESCADA PRODUCT MARKINGS To ensure that the product markings remain neutral in a context of changing collections and fashion statements, the color combination of gold on an intense black background was selected for the ESCADA wordmark. On woven labels and the lead seal, the wordmark is centered vertically and horizontally (a, b, c). E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 039 51 mm 51 mm d e 57 mm f 102 mm 102 mm 80 mm 34 mm 34 mm 27 mm 8 mm width 30 mm width 30 mm On the vertically-oriented (portrait format) hangtags, the product booklets and the button bags, the wordmark is centered in the bottom (d, e, f). Space is available for product-specific information on the blank, white areas inside the product booklet. The shape of the hangtags is determined by printing requirements. width 33.5 mm 040 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PR O D U CT M A R K IN GS a b CLOTHES HANGERS The ESCADA wordmark appears as an unobtrusive relief on the two clothes hangers (a, b). On the additional plastic hangers used for transport purposes, the wordmark is hot-stamped in gold metallic foil. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 041 042 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 043 T H E PA C K A G IN G C U LT U R E T he ESCADA packaging culture surrounds purchased garments with an aura of contemporary luxury. The feminine gold and the intense black conjure up joie de vivre and glamorous elegance. Together, the elements of the ESCADA packaging culture – the carrier bags, gift boxes, gift ribbons and tissue paper – celebrate the characteristic ESCADA spirit captured in the words “THE COLOR OF ELEGANCE.” 044 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE CARRIER BAGS The carrier bags are the central element in the brand’s packaging culture. Their high quality underscores the brand’s luxury character. The carrier bags are available in three different sizes and are therefore suitable for collection items of all sizes (see information section below). The color combination for the carrier bag is as follows: The wordmark enbossed hot-stamped in gold foil on a glossy black background. The interior of the bag has the repeating logo pattern. It is black-on-black with a matt surface. INFORMATION: Measurements for carrier bags: dimensions wordmark (width) (width) 70 mm 110 mm 165 mm 16.44 mm 25.73 mm 38.6 mm (width x height x depth) small 220 x 320 x 110 mm medium 400 x 350 x 150 mm large 600 x 480 x 150 mm emblem E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 045 GIFT BOXES The gift boxes also emulate the luxurious quality and coloring of the carrier bags. They are available in four different sizes and the wordmark is centered at the lid. The wordmark hot-stamped in gold foil on a glossy black background on the exterior, while the interior has the repeating black-on-black printed pattern. INFORMATION: Measurements for gift boxes: dimensions wordmark (width) (width) 53 mm 88 mm 110 mm 153 mm 12.4 mm 20.6 mm 25.73 mm 35.74 mm (width x height x depth) extra small 170 x 170 x 70 mm small 280 x 200 x 90 mm medium 350 x 300 x 130 mm large 550 x 430 x 140 mm emblem 046 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE GIFT RIBBONS The ribbon is two-tone in design. The ribbon is in black with the wordmarks and emblems printed in gold. INFORMATION: Measurements for gift ribbons: ribbon width wordmark (width) (width) 25 mm 36 mm E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 047 USE OF THE GIFT RIBBONS The combination of the satin-black gift ribbons and the black-gold gift boxes gives a high quality look and represents the exclusivity of the brand. 048 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE GIFT STICKERS There is one gift sticker of the ESCADA wordmark: Transparent with a centered wordmark hot-stamped in gold foil INFORMATION: Diameter: 37.5 mm wordmark: width 16 mm hot-stamped in gold foil E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 049 a b GIFTWRAP/TISSUE PAPER a) The ESCADA giftwrap is black on one side and the ESCADA pattern in black printing on the other. b)The ESCADA tissue paper displays the ESCADA pattern in white printing. INFORMATION: Giftwrap: Dimensions: 700 x 1000 mm Paper: 90 g/m2 Front: deep black, finished with UV varnish Back: 100% PANTONE 871, finished with UV varnish Tissue paper: Dimensions: 700 x 1000 mm Paper: white tissue paper, 20 g/m2 Pattern: emblem white UV varnish, width 25.73 mm The ESCADA pattern is described on page 33. 050 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE Packaging Accessories – BOXES On the exterior of accessory boxes, the wordmark is hotstamped in gold foil on a glossy black background. The interior features the repeating black-on-black printed pattern. INFORMATION: Measurements for accessory boxes: dimensions wordmark (width x height x depth) (width) Boxes for small leather goods and belts 145x130x 40 mm 150x150x50 mm 170x170x120 mm 170x170x60 mm 170x170x80 mm 200x200x110 mm 210x130x40 mm 260x160x70 mm 260x260x130 mm 47 mm 47 mm 54 mm 54 mm 54 mm 65 mm 65 mm 80 mm 80 mm emblem (width) 11 mm 11 mm 12.6 mm 12.6 mm 12.6 mm 15.2 mm 15.2 mm 18.7 mm 18.7 mm 295x240x100 mm 300x170x130 mm 94 mm 94 mm 22 mm 22 mm Boxes for shoes 285x130x100 mm 292x150x100 mm 290x180x100 mm 300x200x100 mm 300x220x95 mm 310x270x100 mm 370x290x100 mm 550x285x100 mm 540x340x100 mm 94 mm 94 mm 94 mm 94 mm 94 mm 94 mm 112 mm 172 mm 172 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 26.2 mm 40.2 mm 40.2 mm Boxes for jewellery 125x125x80 mm 200x200x60 mm 170x250x40 mm 250x70x40 mm 90x125x40 mm 40 mm 65 mm 54 mm 65 mm 33 mm 9.3 mm 15.2 mm 12.6 mm 15.2 mm 7.7 mm E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 051 Packaging Accessories – HAT BOX A hat box is also available. Its exterior design is similar to the gift box, with a wordmark embossed in gold foil on a glossy black background. For production reasons, the interior of the hat box is white. INFORMATION: dimensions wordmark (diameter x height) (width) 400 x 250 mm 110 mm 052 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE Packaging Accessories – BAGS The accessory bags are made of black material. The ESCADA wordmark is centered in gold on the front. INFORMATION: Measurements for accessory bags: dimensions wordmark (width x height x depth) (width) Pouches for bags & small leathergoods 230x230 mm 160x160 mm 110x60 mm 340x320 mm 700x600 mm 450x450 mm 650x500 mm 600x600 mm 550x450 mm 500x500 mm 70 mm 51 mm 35 mm 100 mm 210 mm 133 mm 210 mm 175 mm 175 mm 175 mm 420x350 mm 300x250 mm 600x700 mm 400x500 mm 133 mm 100 mm 175 mm 133 mm Pouches for shoes 200x350 mm 100x100 mm 70 mm 35 mm E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 053 Travel Bag The ESCADA travel bags have a black exterior. The ESCADA wordmark appears in gold positioned at breast height on the right – centered between the golden zipper and edge of the bag. INFORMATION: The ESCADA travel bags are available in the following sizes: dimensions wordmark (width x height x depth) (width) small 600 x 1200 mm 137 mm medium 600 x 1850 mm 137 mm large 600 x 1800 x 350 mm 137 mm 054 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE PACK A G ING C U LT U RE SPECIAL CARRIER BAGS FOR OUTLETS Carrier bags for special outlet stores are available in three different sizes. The wordmark appears in light white on a background in PANTONE Cool grey 2. INFORMATION: Measurements for carrier bags: dimensions (width x height x depth) small 350 x 300 x 150 mm medium 490 x 380 x 150 mm large 650 x 480 x 200 mm wordmark (width) 110 mm 124 mm 162.5 mm 056 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 057 T H E C OR POR ATE STATI ONE RY T he principles established in the corporate design also apply systematically to the items of corporate sta- tionery. The various letterheads, envelopes, compliment cards and address labels etc. all contribute significantly to establishing the images of both the company and the luxury brand ESCADA. For this reason, they must be used as specified everywhere. 058 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY ESCADA SE LETTERHEAD The ESCADA wordmark is always centered at the top of the letterhead. The body text, which is justified, is aligned with the bottom of the letterhead, i.e. the distance between the body text and the bottom edge of the paper remains constant, irrespective of the length of the text. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type: Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60 -100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 059 ESCADA SE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT LETTERHEAD The design of the Board of Management letterhead is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The name and function of the board member are positioned below the ESCADA wordmark. The design of the back of the letterhead is analogous to the design of the back of the ESCADA SE letterhead. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type: Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60-100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Function: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60-100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified 060 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY ESCADA SE LETTERHEAD – SECOND PAGE The ESCADA wordmark is the only element displayed on the second page of the ESCADA SE letterhead. It is centered at the top of the page. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 061 ESCADA SE LETTERHEAD – TEXT The letterhead helps to shape and communicate the brand image and identity. For this reason, mandatory guidelines have been laid down for the text on the letterhead. INFORMATION: The font used is ARIAL in the font size of 10 pt. The line spacing (in Microsoft Word) should be 13 pt. The text begins 22.5 mm from the left edge of the letterhead and ends 22.5 mm from the right edge. The body text, which is always aligned left and never justified, should extend 165 mm from left to right. The address begins 57 mm from the top and 22.5 mm from the left edge of the letterhead. The font and font size are the same as in the main body text. The subject line begins 97 mm from the top edge of the letterhead and is emphasized by the use of the bold style of the font ARIAL. Bold is also used for emphasis within the body text. The date is aligned horizontally with the subject line. Beneath these are two blank lines followed by the salutation. The salutation is followed by a single blank line, after which the body text begins. Paragraphs are divided by a single blank line. The indicator showing that the text continues on the following page follows a single blank line and is aligned with the right margin. The text should not extend more than 250 mm from the top edge of the letterhead. The page number on second and subsequent pages is positioned 60 mm from the top and 43 mm from the left edge of the letterhead. Three blank lines then follow, after which the body text resumes. The letter ends with a blank line followed by the complimentary close (e.g. “Sincerely yours”). Three blank lines then follow for the signature. After this come the first name and surname of the signatory followed by the signatory’s function in the line below. 062 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY ESCADA Store LETTERHEAD The design of the ESCADA Store letterhead is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The body text, which is justified, is aligned with the bottom of the letterhead, i.e. the distance between the body text and the bottom edge of the paper remains constant, irrespective of the length of the text. Information on the Store is provided in the footer only. No other logos may be displayed on the letterhead. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type: Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60 -100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 063 C ORPORATE STAT IONERY / F R AN C H ISE PA RTNE R S LETTERHEAD FOR ESCADA FRANCHISE PARTNERS The design of the ESCADA franchise letterhead is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The body text, which is justified, is aligned with the bottom of the letterhead, i.e. the distance between the body text and the bottom edge of the paper remains constant, irrespective of the length of the text. Information on the Store is provided in the footer only. No other logos may be displayed on the letterhead. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type: Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60 -100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified 064 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L C ORPORATE STAT IONERY / L I CENS I N G PA RTNE R S LETTERHEAD FOR ESCADA LICENSING PARTNERS The design of the letterhead for ESCADA licensing partners is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The body text, which is justified, is aligned with the bottom of the letterhead, i.e. the distance between the body text and the bottom edge of the paper remains constant, irrespective of the length of the text. Information on the Store is provided in the footer only. No other logos may be displayed on the letterhead. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type: Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60-100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 065 T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY CATALOG COVER LETTER AND Store LIST When dispatching catalogs, a personalized cover letter to Store lists are drawn up for each country and inserted in the customer is enclosed. the backs of catalogs. The design of the catalog cover letter is similar to the The design of the Store list is similar to the design of the d esign of the ESCADA SE letterhead with Logo in ESCADA SE letterhead with Logo in PANTONE 877. PANTONE 877. The text is centered vertically and horizontally in The text is centered in PANTONE 8402. The postal and PANTONE 877 C. The website address is displayed in the website addresses are displayed in the footer at the footer at the bottom. bottom. 066 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY ESCADA SE BUSINESS CARDS The ESCADA wordmark is always centered at the top of the ESCADA SE business card. All text appears in uppercase characters. The name and function are centered on the business card. The contact information is centered at the bottom of the card, starting from the bottom margin. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 350 g/m2 Dimensions: 90 x 48 mm Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Function: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 8.5 pt, uppercase, centered E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 067 BUSINESS CARDS FOR ESCADA StoreS AND FRANCHISE PARTNERS The design of the back of the ESCADA Store and franchise the ESCADA SE business card. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 350 g/m2 Dimensions: 90 x 48 mm Information on the franchise partner/Store is provided in Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. business cards is analogous to the design of the back of thefooter only. Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Function: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 8.5 pt, uppercase, centered 068 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY BUSINESS CARDS FOR ESCADA LICENSING PARTNERS a) The design of the front of the business card for licensing partners is analogous to the design of the front of the ESCADA SE business card. b)The design of the back of the business card for licensing partners may be analogous to the design of the back of the ESCADA SE business card without printing. c) Alternatively, the back of the business card for licensing partners may display the licensing partner’s logo. In this event, the logo must be centered. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 350 g/m2 Dimensions: 90 x 48 mm Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Function: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 8.5 pt, uppercase, centered Back: c) Logo of the licensing partner Color: 100% PANTONE 8402 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 069 COMPLIMENT CARD FOR ESCADA SE, StoreS The design of the ESCADA compliment card is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The ESCADA wordmark is centered at the top of the compliment card. The contact information is centered in a line at the bottom. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 320 g/m2 Dimensions: 210 x 105 mm Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60-100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified 070 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY PERSONALIZED COMPLIMENT CARD The design of the personalized ESCADA compliment card is analogous to the design of the ESCADA SE letterhead. The ESCADA wordmark is centered at the top of the personalized compliment card. The contact information is centered in a line at the bottom. The name and function are shown below the ESCADA wordmark. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 320 g/m2 Dimensions: 210 x 105 mm Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Function: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, kerning 60, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, centered Address: AVENIR 35 Light, 6 pt, optical kerning 60-100 with space characters adjusted, line spacing 9 pt, uppercase, justified E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 071 DL ENVELOPE The ESCADA DIN Lang envelope is available with and without an address window on the front. On the back of the envelope, the wordmark is centered on the flap. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 Wordmark: Hot-stamped (embossed) in metallic gold (Kurz Luxor 381) finshed with glossy clear hot-stamp-foil. 072 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY PADDED ENVELOPES On the padded envelopes, the ESCADA wordmark is centered vertically on the left to allow space for the address. The wordmark is hot-stamped in gold foi. The flap on the back usually runs along the longer side of the envelope. The padded envelopes are cellophaned with glossed foil. INFORMATION: Measurements for padded envelopes: Size: dimensions wordmark (width x height) (width) 232 x 139 229 x 162 324 x 229 50 mm 55 mm 76 mm 353 x 250 76 mm Special invitation format C5 C4 Special catalog format E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 073 a Bei Unzustellbarkeit Anschriftenberechtigungskarte ESCADA SE Marketing Einsteinring 14-18 85609 Aschheim/München b ADDRESS LABEL/ADDRESS STAMP a) The sender’s name and address are centered in a line at the bottom of the address label. b)The address stamp prints the ESCADA wordmark followed by the sender’s name and address which are aligned left. Black ink is used for the stamp. INFORMATION: ADDRESS LABEL: Dimensions: 105 x 75 mm Type: AVENIR 45 Book, 7.5 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered ADDRESS STAMP: Dimensions: 33.1 x 12.8 mm Type: Name: AVENIR 45 Book, 6.6 pt, kerning 20, uppercase, centered 074 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY a b I HEREBY AUTHORIZE ESCADA GROUP TO SEND INFORMATION TO ME AT THE MAILING TITLE ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) AS PROVIDED ON THIS CARD. I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY REVOKE THIS AUTHORIZATION AT ANY TIME. FIRST NAME LAST NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS THE INFORMATION YOU SO KINDLY PROVIDE WILL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR PRIVACY POLICY AS STATED BELOW. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. CITY/STATE POST CODE / ZIP BY AGREEING TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR DATABASE, YOU HEREBY AUTHORIZE ESCADA GROUP COUNTRY OF INFORMING YOU OF SPECIAL PROMOTIONS AND EVENTS, INCLUDING ESCADA GROUP´S TO MAINTAIN YOUR PERSONAL DATA (NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, E-MAIL) FOR THE PURPOSES PUBLICITY, NEW COLLECTIONS, TRUNK SHOWS AND SEASONAL CATALOGUES. TELEPHONE 1 (WORK, HOME, MOBILE) ALL YOUR DATA WILL BE ENTERED INTO OUR SECURED ELECTRONIC DATABASE AND WILL BE TELEPHONE 2 (WORK, HOME, MOBILE) USED, WITH THE HIGHEST RESPECT FOR YOUR PRIVACY, BY ESCADA GROUP AND BY COMPANIES ACTING ON OUR BEHALF WHO SPECIALIZE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PERSONAL DATA AND E-MAIL (PERSONAL/COMPANY) IN THE MAILING OF INFORMATION MATERIALS. PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT: MAIL PHONE E-MAIL E S C ADA G R O U P FO LL OW S IND U ST RY STA N DAR DS IN T H E P R O T E C T IO N OF P E R S ON AL CUSTOMER INFORMATION AGAINST UNAUTHORIZED USE AND DISCLOSURE. BIRTHDAY (MM/DD/YY) HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? WALK-IN EVENT INVITE MAGAZINE REFERRAL MAIL E-MAIL OTHER CUSTOMER CARD The customer card is printed on both sides. a) On the front, the ESCADA wordmark is centered at the top. The area below the wordmark is reserved for customer information. The text is left-aligned. b)The legal text appears on the back of the customer card. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 300 g/m2 The customer questionnaire is A5-sized Wordmark: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 075 a b TILL RECEIPT There are two different till receipts. On both, the wordmark is centered at the top in PANTONE 8402, and the INFORMATION: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 100 g/m2 text is centered at the bottom. Dimensions: 143 x 210 mm a) Till receipt for the franchise stores (including an Wordmark: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 automatic copy) b)Till receipt for ESCADA directly operated stores (corporate retail) 076 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY ALTERATION CARD The text on the alteration card is aligned left. There is a reinforced hole at the top of the alteration card, allowing it to be slipped onto the hook of the clothes hanger. The ESCADA wordmark is centered in PANTONE 8402 at the top of the stub retained by the customer. INFORMATION: Paper: CB, white, 90 g/m2 Dimensions: 115 x 130 mm Wordmark: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 077 RESERVATION CARD The text on the reservation card is aligned left. There is a reinforced hole at the top of the reservation card, allowing it to be slipped onto the hook of the clothes hanger. The ESCADA wordmark is centered in PANTONE 8402 at the top of the stub retained by the customer. INFORMATION: Paper: Conqueror CX 22, diamond white, 120 g/m2 Dimensions: 77 x 166 mm Wordmark: 100% PANTONE 8402 Type color: 100% PANTONE 8402 078 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY GIFT VOUCHER ENVELOPE The exterior of the gift voucher envelope is black. The ESCADA wordmark is hot-stamped in gold foil at the bottom right-hand corner on the front. On the back, the ESCADA emblem is centered vertically and horizontally and the website address centered at the bottom. Both are hot-stamped in gold foil. The gift voucher or computerized till receipt are placed inside the envelope. INFORMATION: Paper: Luxo Card gloss, 350 g/m2, cellophaned (gloss finish) Dimensions (closed): 148 x 105 mm Wordmark: hot-stamped in gold foil, width 50 mm Emblem: hot-stamped in gold foil, width 14.6 mm Website address: hot-stamped in gold foil, AVENIR 55 Roman, 8 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered The till receipt is described on page 77. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 079 NOTEPAD The size of the notepad is A5. On the front, the ESCADA wordmark is hot-stamped in gold in the bottom right hand corner. The front cover is in glossy black, the inside of the front cover in black. On the back of the notepad, the ESCADA emblem is centered horizontally and vertically and the website address centered at the bottom. Both are also hotstamped in gold. On the front of the paper, the ESCADA wordmark is centered at the top. INFORMATION: Paper: Envelope: Splendorlux, 350 g/m2, cellophaned (gloss finish) Content: SoporSet Premium Offset, 120 g/m2 Dimensions: A5 Envelope: Wordmark: hot-stamped in gold foil, width 47 mm Emblem: hot-stamped in gold foil, width 11 mm Website address: hot-stamped in gold foil, AVENIR 55 Roman, 8 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered Content: Wordmark: 100% ESCADA Gold (PANTONE 871), width 34 mm 080 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L T HE C ORP OR ATE STATI ONE RY PRESENTATION FOLDER The exterior of the presentation folder is glossy black. On the exterior, the ESCADA wordmark is hot-stamped in gold foil at the bottom right. On the back, the ESCADA emblem is centered vertically and horizontally. The ESCADA website address is centered at the bottom. INFORMATION: Paper: Invercote Creato, 350 g/m2, cellophaned (gloss finish) Size: Dimensions: 220 mm x 305 mm x 5 mm (for A4-sized content). Wordmark (on exterior): hot-stamped in gold foil, width 70 mm Back: Emblem: hot-stamped in gold foil, width 17 mm Website address: hot-stamped in gold foil, AVENIR 55 Roman, 8 pt, kerning 100, uppercase, centered E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 081 705 PROJECTS FALL/WINTER FY 05/06 2006 USA PROJECTS BINDER LABELS Binder labels are available for wide and narrow binders. The ESCADA wordmark is centered in the upper section. The font is ARIAL. The text is aligned left. 082 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 083 SERVICE ITEMS AND GIVE-AWAYS T he ESCADA give-aways are small presents which – representing “a touch of luxury” and something truly special – convey the glamour and elegance of the luxury brand ESCADA. They are given to customers as a way of expressing gratitude. 084 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L SERVICE ITEMS AND GIVE-AWAYS b a INVITIATIONS a) The neutral invitation is an A5-sized, folded card. The wordmark is hot-stamped in gold foil on a black background. b)The season invitations are also A5-sized, folded card. The color of the wordmark will be keyed to the motif (see page 24). The actual motif (sample only shown here) will vary from season to season. INFORMATION: Paper: Bindacoat, 300 g/m2 Size: A5 E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 085 GIVE-AWAYS The samples above illustrate the wordmark and emblem on a range of give-aways. Here too, the use of the wordmark and emblem complies with the corporate design principles. The give-aways shown above are samples only. INFORMATION: Responsibility for design and production lies exclusively with the global ESCADA Marketing Department. 086 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL 087 ON L INE CO M M UN I C ATI ON A N D TEM P L ATES V ia the new media, the luxury brand ESCADA can present itself and its full array products worldwide, allowing its entire brand world to be experienced. To achieve this, it is vital that the creative statement em- bodied in the corporate design and current advertising campaign are consistently sustained and reinforced. All the digital applications are geared towards these. 88 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L NEW ME D I A AND D I G ITA L A P P L I C AT I ONS THE ESCADA HOMEPAGE THE ESCADA EOIS ONLINE PRESENCE ESCADA is communicated on its corporate website and its intranet EOIS (ESCADA Online Information System) in a look and feel that reflects the corporate design. The alignment of the website offerings with the current advertising campaign must be coordinated with the global Marketing Department. The same also applies to any new modules or pages published online. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL a Dear Mr./Ms. Surname, b Equate modolor tionsenis esequis alisim vendreet lortis autat nullan heniam et lore consenibh euiscidunt utpat ad modiat lorer ad esequat, quat ullut wisim zzriuscidunt autpat. Ut ullaorero elit dolorpero odolum ipit lutpat. Elis er susto etueraestrud minim quat ad te ming elendrer in henim et lutat, consequ ipissim iril ea adiam accum quatummy nullam volore velenibh euguero etue molummy nostisit, consectem illa at ulput wismodo consed delesed tat nonsenis et ad dolore dionsequat la feugait utpat. Et praesequis dolorerostie miniamc onsectet eriusci et, cor alisim inci blamet c Sincerely, First Name Surname Manager Marketing d ESCADA SE Marketing Einsteinring 14-18 85609 Aschheim/Munich Germany Phone: +49 (0)89 9944-00 00 Fax: +49 (0)89 99 44-00 00 E-Mail: Sitz: Aschheim, München HRB 183000 Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bruno Sälzer, Harak Banthia, Michael Börnicke, Dr. Werner Lackas, Megha Mittal THE E-MAIL Electronic communications at ESCADA also comply with f) The legal line begins after a further blank line. the principles of the corporate design. When composing e-mails, please remember to take ac- The font used is ARIAL in the font size of 10 pt. count of any local conventions or etiquette. The e-mails are structured as follows: a) Salutation. b)Following a single blank line, the body text begins. c) The body text is followed by a blank line and the complimentary close. d) A fter two further blank lines, the first name and surname of the sender come, followed by the designation for the sender’s function on the line below. e) Following two further blank lines, the contact and company information come. INFORMATION: The signature and legal line is available to ESCADA SE as an automated template. 89 90 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L NEW ME D I A AND D I G ITA L A P P L I C AT I ONS FAX SHEET The fax sheet only exists as an electronic file. It is filled out on the computer and then printed. The design elements are all in black to simplify printing. The font ARIAL is used for all text. INFORMATION: Width of wordmark: 48 mm E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL AGENDA SHEET The agenda sheet only exists as an electronic file. It is filled out on the computer and then printed. The design elements are all in black to simplify printing. The font ARIAL is used for all text. INFORMATION: Width of wordmark: 48 mm 91 92 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L NEW ME D I A AND D I G ITA L A P P L I C AT I ONS MINUTES SHEET The minutes sheet only exists as an electronic file. It is filled out on the computer and then printed. The design elements are all in black to simplify printing. The font ARIAL is used for all text. INFORMATION: Width of wordmark: 48 mm E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL MEMO FORM The memo form only exists as an electronic file. It is filled out on the computer and then printed. The design elements are all in black to simplify printing. The font ARIAL is used for all text. INFORMATION: Width of wordmark: 48 mm 93 94 ESCADA CORPO R AT E D E S I G N M A N U A L NEW ME D I A AND D I G ITA L A P P L I C AT I ONS In this place a double headline can be written Between-Headline (Level 1) General text (Level 2) – Third text level – Fourth text level 2 06.08.2009 · Presentation Theme · Author POWERPOINT PRESENTATION The PowerPoint presentation only exists as an electronic file. It consists of a template containing a first slide (title page) and the remaining slides. The first slide shows a current motif from the ESCADA corporate campaign and the ESCADA wordmark. The subsequent slides are clearly structured: each has a heading, a sub-heading and body text. The ESCADA wordmark appears in the according campaign color at the bottom of these slides. The slide number, date, presentation topic and the author’s name are also shown on the left. INFORMATION: The template for PowerPoint presentations is produced centrally by the global ESCADA Marketing Department. E S C A D A C O R P O R AT E D ESIGN MANUAL CD SLEEVE AND LABELS The CD sleeves for internal and external share have the same design. On a white background, the ESCADA wordmark in gold is positioned in the bottom right-hand corner. The CD label is white with the wordmark in gold centered horizontally as shown. 95 This Corporate Design Manual is for internal use at ESCADA SE only. It may only be reproduced, in part or in its entirety, with the express permission of ESCADA SE of Aschheim/Munich, Germany. © 2010 ESCADA SE Should you have any questions, please contact: ESCADA SE Marketing Department/Global Branding Einsteinring 14-18 85609 Aschheim/Munich Germany Phone: +49 (0) 89 - 9944-1960 Fax: +49 (0) 89 - 9944-1513