Sideshadowing and Tempics
Sideshadowing and Tempics
Sideshadowing and Tempics Author(s): Gary Saul Morson Reviewed work(s): Source: New Literary History, Vol. 29, No. 4, Critics without Schools? (Autumn, 1998), pp. 599-624 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 26/04/2012 14:36 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact The Johns Hopkins University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to New Literary History. and Tempics Sideshadowing Gary Saul Morson and the Bias of the Artifact Tempics is of the Time into opening essence. an All of us directly uncertain We future. our experience no possess lives as that guarantee or will fit a lives will prove to be of significance But narrative successful art, unlike life, does pattern. meaningful one reason almost everyone ensure is which such significance, typically senses the artificiality of even the most realistic story. However precise the texture of daily life, the very fact of the author may be in recording a work's structure renders its temporality from that of radically different each event in our real life.1 In life, most people would regard it as futile to forecast one's future on the basis of what would make the most effective story. But in reading In lives is often justified. literature, this way of thinking about characters' novels there is a point when all loose threads must be tied together. But real time is an ongoing process without literary anything resembling closure. to represent time as open have therefore Writers who have wanted this for structure and sometimes narrative demand against struggled a work without closure. And yet for very good these twin reasons, insurers of unity is likely not to be effective at all. It appears that literary structure is not neutral with respect to philosophies of time. Lessing we may that say to predisposed closed isomorphic that art forms contended time. convey a sense It is relatively with?the carry inherent insofar narratives, same of easy shape as fatalism, to make as?closed they and predispositions,2 rely on or determinism, a narrative's time, but are structure, otherwise temporality many writers to create isomorphism have felt it almost with open time. impossible That was the task set by those two extreme devotees of realism, Tolstoy in order to represent and Dostoevsky?Tolstoy the radical contingency to represent of the world and Dostoevsky human freedom. They to resist the bias remarkably developed interesting ways of the artifact?to overcome curse. Their most I like to call Lessing's what interesting for doing so was a device I have named method sideshadowing. New Literary History, 1998, 29: 599-624 600 NEW LITERARY HISTORY Let me project beyond my own examples and my earlier work me that the want to seems I to in It the where future. go history to from Aristotle the present, has, for all the variety poetics, in narrative almost schools, interpretive always found meaning reading out its eventness. A poetic reading shows us how the unfolding a pattern, how the work, when incidents completes as a synchronie structure that has simply required is work so and spatialized, real exists eventfulness to of of by of is graspable finished, time to unfold. The only for the characters. in all its artfulness For the reader, the work becomes after graspable as a or is it when is reread. for whole over, Indeed, reading contemplated an experienced an anticipated reader, even a first reading constitutes so that events may be rereading. Time becomes symmetrical, explained not only by what precedes them but also by where lead to they must the structure complete the the and past, in the best possible moment present of way. The event any future as is is given, no possesses special meaning. in life, and for most novelistic time is asymmetrical. characters, as open and the the past is fixed, is experienced the future in which real the presentness, present possesses weight of chance and outcomes. different this sense of lead to many From choice may we for the and derive emotions other that regret presentness, capacity But While on depend an without future uncertain art, life is genuinely And closure. eventful yet, some and a momentous and set in open have artworks most Unlike present. loose ends time, with to overcome managed and the time. bias of the artifact and convey a sense of open and asymmetrical to have continued such works, critics, largely by default, Contemplating and force a structure where one is lacking. The signs of read poetically are apparent, but there is ill-fit between work and interpretive method to to choice has be either because the seemed else be done nothing or not finding meaning norms at all. to the of reading according poetics Of course, norms, the which application most works I do not of such may or may not should not be made by to structure alternative and what a future one are written norms should to according in any sense mean be a choice and structural to reject. But among I do poetic think that alternatives, It in any given circumstance. be appropriate of the sense that the only default, or because to outline, is chaos. What my last book begins a is just such an alternative, should develop, it I call "tempics" because subdivision of "prosaics" that for the moment is so concerned with temporality. Imean tempics to apply to works displaying open time, but I think the because we often apply poetic has much concept greater applicability our is so to because the real world?to models poetic temporality peril, a the deal I that of believe from open temporality. different history great from biology and physics to econom of thought in many areas?ranging which AND SIDESHADOWING 601 TEMPICS as well as literature and philoso and city planning, a continuing that various models between dialogue phy?manifests a real sense of to incorporate strive and that those resemble poetics is how to understand in each of these dialogues, process. The question, In literature and future. of the and the apparent openness contingency a as time and takes of that elsewhere, way contingency reading tempics, a poem of us to read experience without making seriously, should help in it. find and it, yet meaning ics, anthropology, and the Middle Sideshadowing, Foreshadowing, Realm a to foreshadowing, I coined the term "sideshadowing" by analogy use not we I examined with have sufficient often think, but, concept indicates backward causation. A spatial clarity. The term foreshadowing a it is a shadow cast in front of an for temporal phenomenon, metaphor an event that indicates is (is the "shadow" object; the temporal analog come. our to An event in of) another object path may cast a shadow so that we reach backward, casting it; and from experience, we encounter the by it, even foreshadow works is caused but temporal shadow. the object the shadow before reaching we may know to expect the object when The we though the same not does shadow cause encounter way. a When the the storm ahead, object shadow first. A foreshadows a the storm is there because the catastrophe follows; it is an catastrophe, effect of that future catastrophe visible in temporal advance much as the shadow of an object may be visible in spatial advance. Because the future is already substantial there?is enough to cause earlier events and to send ensures a temporality of inevitability. signs backwards?foreshadowing is possible because the work has structure and closure, Foreshadowing which allow for events to be shaped by later, as well as earlier events, that of the whole. It betrays the fact that in narrative, is, by the pattern not in time is life, symmetrical. though therefore Foreshadowing It lifts the veil inscribed. When futures, which as an on robs a present moment of its presentnesss. a future that has already been determined and sense is the of used, many foreshadowing possible at every present moment, in life we experience is revealed illusion. to be Whereas works by revealing apparent alternatives /oreshadowing mere illusions, ???/?shadowing conveys the sense that actual events might In an open universe, the illusion is just as well not have happened. itself. Alternatives always abound, and, more often than not, not have existed. else was possible, and Something to a sense is create used ofthat else." Instead sideshadowing "something of casting a shadow from the future, it casts a shadow "from the side," inevitability what exists need 602 NEW LITERARY HISTORY that is, from the other possibilities. Along with an event, we see its another possible Sideshadows with each present, alternatives; present. or In this of the might-bes. might-have-beens ghostly presence conjure so own the and achieves its the shows actual way, through hypothetical text. in the kind of existence shadowy the actual and the two or more alternative presents, In sideshadowing, not a simultaneity are in is visible. This made simultaneously possible, one but time but of times; we do not see contradictory actualities, that could have been but was and another that was actualized possibility not. Time itself acquires a double and, often, many doubles. A haze of surrounds each actuality. possibilities are is used, it seems that distinct When temporalities sideshadowing a moment of Like for each actuality. king continually competing with an equal claim to rule, the actual loses by a pretender challenged some temporal legitimacy. It can no longer be regarded as inevitable, as sense to consider so firmly ensconced that it does not even make as just another possibil The actual is therefore understood alternatives. was perhaps not entirely accidental but ity that somehow came to pass. It no was of its came annunciation it it without guarantees and by preceded us to inquire the other invites into possible coming. Sideshadowing course of that might have been and to imagine a quite different presents events. If only that chance incident had not happened, if only a different a events had not of favorable choice had been made, sequence if only a or moment later?what would been had been interrupted, interrupted of have happened then? Sideshadowing prompts questions constantly sort. this us to catch a glimpse but realizable of unrealized In permitting to trace our that demonstrates tendency sideshadowing possibilities, at to the ourselves present (usually leading straight lines of causality events, which moment) always allow for many possible oversimplifies stories. we are When usually a of sequence deceived by events our own seems presence so coherent at the as to be sequence's necessary, culmina but the necessity of the actual is not other possibilities tion. The mirage a kind of temporally based one. therefore induces Sideshadowing humility. Its most funda restores of possibility. the possibility Sideshadowing a to not moment is lesson is: To understand mental only what did happen grasp shadow histories but also what else might have happened. Hypothetical own events enjoy their kind of reality: the actual ones. Some nonactual but also not and actualities of world consists impossibilities just temporal of a third, in-between unactualized, real, possibilities. category: though invites us into this peculiar middle realm of possibility. Sideshadowing SIDESHADOWING AND Time In its inclusion of 603 TEMPICS as a Field contrary-to-fact and expressions tenses, our lan of potentialities in excess of actualities? guage displays an appreciation of the surplus of temporalities. Time ramifies, and the present we know is one of many possible presents. Once we are conscious of the lessons of sideshadowing, we may also to to wish the past. In general, past sideshadowing apply them suggests that we may well be mistaken about past actualities, and that the sequence leading to us differs from the one we imagine. And even ifwe are right about which events did in tracing happen, we may be mistaken them. If we had a more accurate picture of the straight lines between of present configurations look quite differ past, the significance might ent. The same facts may possess other vectors; the product of different to a different set of futures. pasts, they may be directed Sideshadowing and tempics that the suggest together every earlier present?and a but structured it mani whole. Rather, present?is anything perfectly as fests the vestigial, facts that are explicable the of only product not lines that do of cohere. contingent causality relies on a concept of time as a field of possibilities. Sideshadowing has a set of possible events Each moment every (though by no means that could take place in it. From this field a conceivable event) single event emerges?perhaps by chance, perhaps by choice, perhaps by some of both with combination the inertia of the past, and in any case The other contingently. possibilities usually appear invisible or distorted to later observers. Thus a field is to a point, and, reduced mistakenly over time, a succession is reduced to a line. of fields Sideshadowing restores the field and thereby recreates the fullness of time as it was. To a moment understand is to grasp its field of possibilities. The Number Extraordinary of Facts, If Only They Are Facts His mother ious N.B. to find There are anx (and several other persons) reason the principal for his return. is no principle reason, just an indis tinct attraction. Notebooks The chronicler or what happened Fyodor Dostoevsky, for The Possessed5 of The Possessed typically tells us what have might could have happened. In addition, the "actions" he 604 NEW are frequently does describe checked not indicate a possibility contemplated ties are themselves aborted possibilities LITERARY HISTORY or might impulses, which might but not actualized. Such actuali and they evoke the middle realm of things that could have happened. the who Remembered character by and these by witnesses, "performs" them, perceived possibilities acquire a substantiality novels are thick with events of their own. Dostoevsky's that might have happened. At about the midpoint of The Possessed, several characters take a trip to a Yakovlevich. the mad Having "prophet" Semyon completed lengthy announces of the that the chronicler description journey, unexpectedly none of these events is important: "At this point, however, there took incident, and Imust own, itwas place, I am told, an extremely enigmatic on so account I have described of it that this expedition chiefly the chronicler minutely."4 Here, as elsewhere, all sorts of apparently many facts," including We the expedition. Dostoevskian their recognize Too many narration. as presence facts, characteristic to central to seeks and another, construct the like reader, from stories many each expla intimate many after all, may be in characters many one. of clear or and possible no with presented an air of mystery, lead us to construct to one account, is irrelevant stories. What nation given us "too details about has evidently "irrelevant" the novel, if the facts may not be facts at all or if other also multiply the ostensible "facts" lie behind ones, with ever-receding layers of the has of chronicler himself and orders Although suspicion. possibility a great deal and has apparently with almost witnessed everyone spoken to be unable to he seems, for all his research, about almost everything, decide on a single version of events. Instead, he typically reports a range of rumors, doubts his own best sources, and obsessively offers alternative Stories "Some possibilities. at everyone in all tained each his of unresolvable incident"?if It appears I fancied "it affirm," with seriousness"?these the is absurd utmost accounts an enigmas. incident That is surely true of the "extremely it was?at Semyon Yakovlevich's. that they both but another, contrary, him to "now suppose," "it is main certainty," and countless similar give expressions an of and air alternatives of endless "others say," believed as aura was everyone and Stavrogin leaving, Liza and raised still stood Imay not for have seriously, quite to the her hand if he had not drawn back an seen that level instant, and, rightly Liza, of his looked, in the glancing and face, in time. Perhaps crowd. as each against it were, strangely on It is asserted, at Nikolai would enigmatic Nikolaevna, as mysterious, everyone jostled regarded in the doorway. Or, at least, "I am told" they did. other quickly club relations whose one the at the Vsevolodovich, certainly have she was displeased struck with the AND SIDESHADOWING of expression with episode his face, 605 TEMPICS or the Mavriky he smiled, Imust admit way Nikolaevich. after just particularly I saw nothing such an all the but myself, others declared they had, though they certainly could not all have seen it in such a crush, perhaps though home. some that however, remember, I did have. But may Vsevolodovich Nikolai not it at believe was rather I time. the all pale the way (P341) as quintessentially Dostoevskian. this rhetoric will identify . . . . . .however"; "I fancied"; "perhaps"; "it is asserted though "Though tentative piled on qualification, seriously": with qualification quite no sooner and perhaps made than withdrawn ambiguously judgments the narrator claims not to be sure what he himself has seen. reasserted, Readers even more unreliable, are probably and apparently not Frivolous necessarily people with though groundless. contradictory, a taste for scandal seriously say things that differ from what the narrator such a vague of course, he may have missed himself has seen, although, of others Reports event and trust not does own his eyes "in such a crush." He in the reported event?does saying that he did not believe that it might then giving evidence now??and just be action the Moreover, that may have taken place a was slap concludes by he accept it true anyway. not given, and an unrealized in any case to distinguish between possibility at all. and nothing and if it did, itmay have may or may not have happened, Something been one thing or another. Liza and Stavrogin may have simply stared to strangely at each other or, "on the contrary," she may have intended was it him. If have had various her that motivations, may purpose, slap here at all. others not mentioned including, presumably, stories. The real What we are given here is not one but many possible so one has is that whatever did happen, could have any of these incidents point not is of is the the one field What important possibilities, happened. version of undeniable actualized. By depriving any actuality, Dostoevsky itself. The sideshadows crowd out the actual event. reveals the field are in which case the sideshadows Indeed, nothing may have happened, all there are. Rumor With rumors facts uncertain, circulate countless rumors as Hero predominate. versions. Indeed, No matter rumors serve what happens, as one of the novels. Apparently, Pyotr prime movers of action in most of Dostoevsky's to of seeks his maximize the power Stepanovich revolutionary organiza tion by conveying exaggerated impressions of its size and power; or is he, 606 NEW on LITERARY HISTORY to hide the extent of its power by discrediting rumor? It is hard to know, and though we, like the matter is not suspect one thing or another, the contrary, accurate versions seeking as mere the townspeople, may aims. is just the effect at which Pyotr Stepanovich resolved, which or refutes he hints And so everywhere goes Pyotr Stepanovich drops a the method echoes what no one has imagined. that eerily Using too relies on providing chronicler who describes him, Pyotr Stepanovich many he facts: on, patters and digresses, intimate more recounts "irrelevancies," which, tells. In Bakhtin's together, we that draws the terms, say Pyotr Stepanovich unwittingly might chronicler into his speech zone. He is in this way a sort of co-chronicler, that the novel itself may be a kind of decoy. which raises the suspicion find themselves itself, the townspeople by intrigue sorting Intrigued countless clever and feeling when versions they arrive at an through is soon dislodged; the readers of the one, which, however, appealing at the townspeople's novel, simplicity, do the they may smile though ever as same thing. Nothing is it seems, and the novel ends with many a unresolved (Who killed Fedka? Was Pyotr Stepanovich mysteries double agent? Was Stepan Trofimovich really his father?). The plurality to singularity. The Possessed offers a haze of is unreduced of possibilities taken stories about a haze of stories than he actually stories. character of The is the main almost be said that rumor It might as the book progresses, that it becomes Possessed. Indeed, apparent rumors seem to spread on their own, even in situations where there was no one to spread them. They do so because they reflect and evoke the Clouds all actions and all nonactions. field of possibilities surrounding of story hover over the narrative landscape. We are used to thinking of from event A to event B to event C, but The Possessed stories as moving to events field of possible from one indistinct differently, proceeds to no less definite. not from point It moves another, point but from smudge to smudge. Pseudo-Foreshadowing and Backshadowing that at first create sideshadowing, also uses a device Dostoevsky to employ a form of seems to preclude it. At times he appears glance which, one might suppose, allows the future to dictate foreshadowing, to close down time. On closer to and therefore the present possibilities what might be called pseudo exhibit these however, passages inspection, the of they produce tropes foreshadowing, foreshadowing: though using To the opposite effect. SIDESHADOWING AND 607 TEMPICS are aware that his narrators often allude to a of Dostoevsky which them to tell the is, indeed, what has motivated catastrophe, in The to describe the first Possessed "In story place. begins, undertaking in our town, till lately wrapped the recent and strange incidents in I find to uneventful forced in absence of skill obscurity, myself literary Readers future begin my story rather far back, that is to say, with certain biographical that talented and highly esteemed details concerning gentleman, Stepan to the Trofimovich (P 3). We have here an allusion Verkhovensky" no as to which will contain statement but future, "strange incidents," we is promised, what those incidents will be. Something not but do know what. a sequence the novel, the chronicler often begins of Throughout events by saying that they contributed to a later catastrophe, but just what the nature of that catastrophe was?and how it affected the major this sort of rhetoric could easily characters?is left obscure. Although have its place in a novel based on foreshadowing, here it serves a different function. first thing to note about pseudo-foreshadowing is that it closes off virtually no options. To be sure, it tells us that there will be some sort of a strange event is not necessarily disastrous?but that disaster?although much is always a given in any Dostoevsky novel. This sort of vague warning has a double effect. First, it alerts the reader to the importance of forthcoming details that have the potential for catastrophe. it Second, that otherwise and unforeseen sensational will take promises something futures. The result is a sense that place. We focus keenly on possible is may anything happen?which just what Dostoevskian sideshadowing creates. Whereas limits options, severely foreshadowing pseudo-fore does Instead of anticipating the reverse. some shadowing specific The outcome or course of events, readers come to the expect radically unexpected. notebooks make clear that he used this device quite Dostoevsky's even on not he when had settled what would follow consciously precisely and when foreshadowing therefore could not have been his aim. Long before he had settled on a specific plot, for instance, he included the following fires and plan other for the strange opening developments passage just in our, cited: i.e., "N.B. S?a . . .Our province recent notwith I shall begin my narrative with T. N. Granovsky for [the model standing, . . . Timofei Nikolaevich not did Trofimovich]. Stepan [Granovsky] understand nihilism and used to argue about itwith Shatov. Yet these are of which many are needed; also, introduce as many particu digressions, . .. then all of a sudden lar events as required bring in a truly promising some Finish a it event with and lot of noise" (NP177). "Some plot. major 608 LITERARY NEW HISTORY event," "a truly promising virtually any major plot": apparently, or dramatic plot would accord with the initial vague prediction. events are precluded. for sensational And virtually no possibilities a of The Idiot, At the beginning truly remarkable example of pseudo major event occurs: foreshadowing "In one of the third-class two carriages, one gers had, from early dawn, been sitting facing window. Both were young men, not very well dressed little luggage; both were of rather striking appearance, passen another by the and traveling with and both showed a desire to enter into conversation. If they had both known what was at that moment, have been in one another remarkable they would so strangely brought them opposite at had the which chance surprised one another in a third-class carriage of the Warsaw train."5 Everything their future and Rogozhin of Myshkin this meeting suggests of events. The "both" clauses in sensational involvement sequence their life stories; and the comment intimates a vague parallel between in each other they that "if they had . . . known what was remarkable" at them chance the "would have been strange bringing surprised" a mysterious at seems of hand to intimate the or, least, destiny together, and who are the whole novel causal chain. For critics who know over the friends' fatal this Nastasya Fillipovna passage, rivalry rereading seems already contained here. Both Rogozhin's attempt on Myshkin's at the beginning, like a life and the novel's tragic end seem present events. future dictating subsequent is so vague that it does not specify On the other hand, this prediction the two may turn out to between the connection what or how important as if it in retrospect look be. Whatever might subsequently happened this passage could be an instance had been intimated here. In principle, or of pseudo-foreshadowing, is often the which either of foreshadowing about case. First Critics readers to attentive are potentials, virtually a experience rereaders always rereaders, that vague prediction see actualities future and so the very makes them present. of their already nature of to choose the interpretation them unawares activity predisposes we this from if ourselves But professional separate foreshadowing. is really more persuasive? which alternative predisposition, Despite a reluctance to rely on external evidence as a way of solving of this sort, I would note that if we have in mind Dostoevsky's problems the answer is clear. this passage, intention when he wrote and published that even after Dostoevsky to The Idiot reveal conclusively The notebooks no the first of the novel's four parts, he had essentially had published a of few To mention idea of how to continue. important questions just not know whether Nastasya Fillipovna would marry Rogozhin plot, he did or Myshkin; whether she would kill herself, be killed, or die naturally; or AND SIDESHADOWING 609 TEMPICS or saved. In one draft, Rogozhin would be damned whether Rogozhin was to take up with Aglaia, In and in another Myshkin with Adelaida! terms of the story, it would be hard to imagine much greater openness. no matter which of these options Dostoevsky And equally important, had chosen, critics could have found signs of "foreshadowing"; because with their plethora of possible paths, allow the devices of sideshadowing, If one simply looks for preparations for almost any continuation. for and ignores preparations what did happen, for what could have but did one will necessarily not happen, detect the result is foreshadowing; guaranteed. spuriously was about as uncertain After finishing Part I, Dostoevsky of future events as his readers. In fact, even toward the end of his notes for Part III (written between August and October 1868), Dostoevsky was still consid to marry Myshkin to Aglaia! The magnificent to ering whether ending one of the most memorable in world the novel?surely literature?did not appear in his notebooks until October 4. We sense the thrill of occurs to it when him: of the 4th Part. N. F. is half "2nd discovery . . .Goes to to the Prince. in (He murders.) engaged Rogozhin despair. Summons Finale. Not the Prince. Rogozhin and the Prince even after bad."6 And strangely enough, still around with other Dostoevsky played endings. fixed plan, constantly playing with countless possible and inventing characters for whom he had not sections, wrote Dostoevsky so that many the beside this October corpse. 4 note, a without Writing and shifting plots, in earlier prepared continuations could grow out of scene and so that we would be alert to His initial scene possibilities. does not close down time, as foreshadowing but alerts the reader does, to its openness while allowing the author to go in many directions. I have heard critics say in response: but however he came by the the does foreshadow it?look how the end ending, beginning perfectly can be found in the are I think that these readers commit beginning! each called the fallacy of retrospection and what Michael ting what Tolstoy Bernstein and I have called backshadowing.7 After the fact, one sees the to have emerged that happened and ascribes it to advance patterns In a men are a log and of group planning. Tolstoy's example, hauling a want to each haul it in different all and they way. They get up pull as turns out wish it to one and in chance of them the wished. they go way by We are likely to conclude his plan. Had the men they were following some in we other would someone have said followed gone way, they else's wanted, tion plan; we of and since have set advance Backshadowing?the up every our way is reasonably interpretive planning ascription is almost apparatus compelled of foreshadowing to what close so that to be after someone the assump confirmed. the fact?is an 610 NEW LITERARY HISTORY common habit, which filters out the contingency of the world extremely were earlier presents, with and blocks us from seeing that past moments so palpably displays. all the openness that our own present out If nothing had of and Myshkin's first grown significant Rogozhin's to scene? what would rereaders attribute this meeting, significance Instances in which foreshadowing could have been present but is not are we can not noticed. But look for them, look for loose ends, usually are present as strongly as in instances where the signs of foreshadowing the first scene but evidence lead nowhere. for foreshadowing where That is one we do find the good test of whether it is real or manufactured by retrospection. Part I of The Idiot contains much As it happens, stronger signs of a and Ganya?constant misunderstand future conflict between Myshkin seem to lay the a blow?all of which ings, insults, vague threats, and enemies. When three for them to be significant Ganya groundwork "an idiot," the full calls Myshkin times ominously (and eponymously) a dramatic clash. And he tells of the title seems to promise weight we believe him) that they will eventually be that he is sure (and Myshkin turns into a But in fact Ganya either great friends or great enemies. character, and nothing minor, significant or though frequently present, him and Myshkin. In Part I, Dostoevsky "fatal" takes place between than he for many future tragedies, more the potentials evidently planted to specific ones. In and without could possibly develop, limiting himself of Part I, he reminds himself written after the publication the notebooks to do something more with Ganya but never does. If the vague promises those about Ganya turn out to be justified, about Rogozhin (and some on both of Myshkin's other characters) do not. Reflecting early conflicts, we may If we suspect reflect that on neither Dostoevsky's outcome creative was inevitable. process, an intriguing possibility habit itself. Sideshadowing initially resulted from Dostoevsky's presents so a firm advance plan. But it worked in process, without of creating tenets he valued?freedom and to suggest the philosophical brilliantly open time?that he made a conscious practice of it as well. Dostoevsky of the creative process and learned to capture the palpable uncertainty to the text itself. By so doing, he found a new to transfer that excitement way to convey freedom. He also created a sort of work that poetics, with cannot of real processuality, of time and its elimination its spatialization more a work whose is lifelike In creating accommodate. temporality the limitations of poetics and all demonstrated than artlike, Dostoevsky interpretive models. synchronie AND SIDESHADOWING 611 TEMPICS Roulette Dostoevsky wrote The Idiot forward, not backward. He did not execute a structure planned in advance. And because he published the novel was not to not serially, knowing?really knowing?what going happen of correcting the text to make earlier there was no possibility next, states in events look forward to later ones. As this compulsive gambler one of his letters, "I took a chance, as at roulette: 'Maybe it will develop as I write it!'"8 the amazing thrill of experiences Everybody who reads Dostoevsky that could go either way, taken on the moment, of decisions suspense, the future is genuinely where open. We sense that the author was as as the characters and the readers about what would happen anxious than literary suspense: we next, and so we in fact have something more And it is therefore have genuine curious that the methods uncertainty. these find meaning of criticism, when scenes, they interpret by import and and foreshadowing, thereby read out just what ing inevitability them makes For any writer, them quintessentially Dostoevskian. thrilling, what makes I think, that should be a sign that something has gone badly wrong. in which a frustrated Consider the everyday circumstance storyteller are to have had We been there." often driven to say this when says: "you an event took place that was impressive because, surprisingly, things as in a story. That surprise is the worked out as if they had been planned, one wants to convey. But once one tells it very aspect of the experience as a story the listener knows that story-like is to be narrated, something and so the very act of telling makes it almost impossible for the surprise to be conveyed. The Idiot as a structure does just that to its Reading scenes. thrilling The very best critic of this novel, in any language, Robin Feuer Miller, first shows that, in terms of the creative process, could foreshadowing not be present and then finds it in the finished work nevertheless. I are to her most instincts here similar those of critics who imagine good to read the text as a spatializable have been trained structure. The difference between Miller and all other critics is that she is aware of the of this method to a work created processually, when applied problems and she She addresses wants to them. assert that Myshkin's stories of execution "foreshadow" in Part III, even though, as she has pointed out, the Ippolit's not idea of to had occurred wrote when he Part very Ippolit Dostoevsky to how Miller handles I. It is worth listening this problem, because I do not believe that poetics can produce essence that is in any explanation more than this one (though ones with a it can produce sophisticated confession 612 LITERARY NEW HISTORY "Of course we know from Miller writes: the vocabulary). that Dostoevsky had not even planned of notebooks the existence mean at wrote I not the the time of novel. But that does he Part Ippolit in this novel. As of construction that we cannot talk about unities a we its read after work, readers, inevitably gauge having impact upon us as a whole. Prophecies exist within a work; one cannot and fulfillments of his undertaking the writer at the beginning deny them simply because did not himself assume."9 know the exact shape that his work would all but what and fulfillments: about those that are promises Prophecies different not fulfilled, such as the overdetermined signs that there will be a are countless such loose conflict between Myshkin and Ganya? There not come true. Notice ends in The Idiot, apparent that do prophecies to rereading as opposed to also the priority given inMiller's formulation no was essence matter is of this argument how the work (1) reading. The it is a structure, because written, (2) that's all it read it that way. But is it inevitable? Or is this by the habits of poetics? produced In life, we often assess past events that led to that the past events were somehow put assuming We not have know that to be and so because events without to there to contribute that there is a unity of future assuming events many that do seem patternlike read the ones did and without of construction the unities construction. can be, we "inevitably" a critic's inevitability, not do differently are many not. a fit pattern, because precisely fact The we and that they someone's a actually came true does not turn it into we on it, because know most does not confer inevitability prophecy, we are so impressed when one not come true. is That do why predictions is surprised that Tieresias does in life, as we are not in literature. Nobody turns out to be right. But everyone remarks when an analyst accurately on one prediction the market. forecasts Let me a later upon and the earlier later whole, one typically It is one clarify: one of the whole; unless occasion quite one. The the second events draw to say that an earlier thing another first does on to say that the demands formulation not. and later In life, where resemble is no there in omens, believes imitate others or repeat ourselves, event one foreshadows echoes a structure, or draws a plan we have no plan of the earlier ones. Nevertheless, in life. We foreshadowing does not but such behavior imply foreshadowing. event echoes but is not formulation?one second The another, on not causation. it?relies foreshadowed backward, forward, only by differs from foreshadow and so this formulation Time is asymmetrical, between thematic connection is a strong there ing. Undoubtedly, in which but and anecdotes execution Ippolit's confession, Myshkin's an answer, but that is the causality flowing? Poetics presumes direction AND SIDESHADOWING 613 TEMPICS are possible, Two alternatives begs the question. presumption cannot decide the question by fiat. Poetics detects structure by taking the narrative with patterns visible; numerous contains the difference about causality explicit goes both ways. As the passages?among and we as a synchronie whole, it happens, The Idiot novel's most famous? between and process, and its characters product as process: "Oh, insist that life be understood (especially Ippolit himself) sure was not be that Columbus when he had discovered you may happy was he but when It's life that it... America, matters, nothing discovering of discovering, but life?the the everlasting and perpetual process not at the all" could that not be itself, (7 375). Why process, discovery true of The Idiot itself? Dostoevsky wrote a book that was not only about and designed process but was also itself processual?written processually to be read that way. No Pie In Great Expectations, Pip gives a pie to a convict, and the reader assumes event will that this apparently in fact be inconsequential or itwould not be there. The fact Itwill mean something, consequential. that novels have structure justifies this assumption. Events are shaped not only by incidents within the fictional world, which in the heroes could know, but also by the need for a symmetrical principle story and an effective aesthetic artifact, considerations they could not know. As Bakhtin would say, they testify to the author's "essential surplus" over his characters. This double causation of events distinguishes the temporality of even the most realistic novel from that of life. We do not expect our to be Dickensian daily donations pies. In novels, when bread is cast upon the waters, it comes back manifold, but in life it often just drifts away. In so many of Dickens's great novels, we marvel at the author's pie skill. Characters and incidents mentioned at ran baking apparently events and the currently dom?motivated only by previous unfolding out to be tied together in all sorts of action?turn complex ways. In Bleak life turns out to be the woman who first House, the lost love of Boythorn's raised Esther and who was Lady Dedlock's sister. And so on. Dickens's because is so artful?and so their design plots stand as masterpieces life. But The Idiot does not resemble palpable. They are utterly unlike Bleak House in this respect. Dickens rarely tells us that some apparently minor incident is a pie, although we usually know. does seem Dostoevsky to tell us unmistakably?and then: no pie. We live our lives reading experiences without prophecies, foreshadow or the we must that ing, assumption "gauge [each incident's] impact 614 NEW LITERARY HISTORY upon us as a whole." What whole? And if we don't read life that way, why is it inevitable that we must read every art work that way? A Creative Process Is Always Assumed read art as Miller wants us to read The Idiot because usually are designed, and we assume artworks that the author has typically a as we in the work with it and rewritten, written whole mind, written cannot plan and rewrite our lives as we live them. That is why the in understanding art. They of poetics are so often justified assumptions We assume a certain creative and process, that is usually assumption rewarded. or "foreshadowing"; when When readers detect they look for "pies" an see two causally of when and how closure; they signs approaching no even each other character lines unrelated reflect upon though plot the parallels; at such times, they are in either one could have planned necessarily assume assuming creative a some creative such that process has erased To process. its tracks be in sure, they producing a in which whatever false starts or artifact, a process designed perfectly loose ends there may have been have been eliminated?but that, too, is a specific kind of creating, different from others. That is, even though critics from numerous schools of poetics reject as a fallacy consideration of the creative process, this very rejection depends on a certain notion of the creative our and justifies leads to perfection planning process, one in which in design. confidence is often put, we do not choose whether to the way the question Despite If that is consider the creative process but which account of it to choose. on a the creative notion of so, if all schools of poetics implicitly rely process, we must then the when consider an one assumed alternative. But by we poetics none have is ostentatiously that offers untrue, a principled way of reading a text along with the process of its creation, a text that is For such works?a group that includes The Idiot, War truly processual. and Peace, Tristram Shandy, Eugene Onegin, and doubtless many others? we need a tempics. Across the Disciplines issues. As you may have guessed, tempics involves broad philosophical seem to me to be stance Iwill call Leibnizian Poetics and a philosophical and both raise troubling problems when applied intimately connected, indiscriminately. AND SIDESHADOWING 615 TEMPICS stated that literary criticism and theory, for all their manifold recent years, still cling to an essentially Aristotelian in in model changes structure. A novel may which the literary work is viewed as a synchronie as a in time, but (we assume) it exists and is best analyzed unfold we can a at in take Its whole exists glance. narrativity perfectly organized I have and it is only from the perspective of its within the world depicted, characters that time flows forward. For the critic, anything contingent, or does not fulfill a pattern, leads to nothing which indicates a flaw. the true artwork and the job of the critic, Perfection apparently marks is to show how the contingent, trained in whatever the unful school, are and the all Structure banishes filled, asymmetrical merely apparent. eventness. if by temporality we mean temporality, If anything, this poetics has grown stronger in recent years. Concepts as have methods have changed, for detecting it and of wholeness of the agency movements it. The variegated ascriptions producing known as cultural studies and the poetics of culture by and large extend of the text to nonliterary this poetic model is read "as a culture, which text." In this way, the literary-textual model of "reading culture" assumes a hidden unity in the world comparable to that of the literary text. The or else why would is a metaphysical world trained in poem; people to unavailable literary studies be able to offer revealing interpretations to see culture in this way, his others? Despite Freud's own reluctance ideas are easily adapted to the poetics of culture. One has only to assume that what he says of the internal world is also true of the external one. To be sure, cultural poetics often invokes the importance of "history"; but this history is typically purged a synchronie of eventness. It becomes and Tynyanov's famous observation system sliced sideways. Jakobson that the history of a system is in turn a system seems to cast its shadow on non theories.10 They subsequent typically envisage temporal processes as processually, rather remains a mere than as a genuine, a mere parameter, a unfolding, systematic unpredictable, not an and revelation eventful of a system, becoming. Time operator. one is tempted In the case of Russian Formalism, to discern in this to the influence of the in which sciences, approach temporality physical the concept of "law" so long implied a universe where time merely can unfolds and where nothing eventful for laws dictate all truly happen: that follows while revealing perfect order under apparent contingency. As Leibniz a insisted, there must be in the universe (as in the poem), "sufficient reason" for everything. In Leibniz's famous correspondence with Clarke, he insists that any model of the solar system?like Newton's? which demands that God occasionally intervene makes God an simply inferior watchmaker. must No, fit, perfectly. says Leibniz, everything to this view, but what we Newton and Clarke strongly objected eventually 616 NEW LITERARY HISTORY a Leibnizian and after?is of Newton's got?with Laplace perfecting think poetics, almost all of it, is Leibnizian. models.111 It aspires to find a sufficient reason for everything, shows the work, like the world of Leibniz's God, to be inevitably what it is, without a shred of accident or option. model also displays a number of other features that recur in that have influenced several disciplines. is First, the world a one to state reason in be of is That Leibniz presumed equilibrium. so strongly to Newton's idea that, without divine intervention, objects the solar system would not remain stable. It must be, by itself, in a state of perpetual equilibrium; anything else would mean invoking unneces A miracles. number of other economics and sary disciplines?notably Leibniz's theories social sciences that borrow from it?have often favored equilibrium a to in turn which lead static models, analysis or to various conceptions as a "dynamic equilibrium"?concepts of history conceived that may be as of the idea. Genuine regarded rough equivalents Jakobson-Tynyanov is ruled out. contingency state of the world the is optimal. For Leibniz, Second, optimality derives from the fact that God would choose only the best of all possible He goes so far as to state that there cannot be identical alternatives. else God would have no basis to prefer placing a particles?atoms?or given any given in one atom set of than another. rather place one alternatives, and only It follows one?the for him best?will that take In other disciplines, of some may be the product place. optimality as so take place under version of the invisible hand, long exchanges and other ideal conditions. when competition Especially perfect we wind up with a and equilibrium thinking are combined, optimality irrelevant. For the optimal equilibrium world in which history becomes acts point as an attractor, and wherever one starts, one will wind up a marble as (to use a common into a there?much analogy) dropped the bowl will, whatever bottom. The path taken is path it takes, reach In uninteresting. recent years, those economists and other social scien to this kind of thinking have formulated the tists who have objected to of "path dependency," which notion the point reached according on on the path in turn depend does depend taken, which may use events at earlier stages. To the standard example, that is contingent how we wound to several more up with efficient the suboptimal QWERTY keyboard, as opposed alternatives.12 at a given moment. For is wholly present what is meaningful and for the tradition known as natural theology, God's plan is in two books, Scripture and before us. He revealed himself everywhere nature, which can be read for signs of perfect wisdom. This is precisely Third, Leibniz, the notion that Darwin most wished to dispute. In anthropology, the AND SIDESHADOWING 617 TEMPICS the present in strong versions of functionalism. appears no "survivals" that culture contains argued explicitly can because survive into the that does not present (vestigials) nothing serve a sufficient function in the present.13 or per These assumptions?sufficient reason, equilibrium, optimality of sufficiency Malinowski all shared by poetics. Otherwise itwould fection, and synchronicity?are be hard to explain the "hermeneutic almost automatic imperative"?the with an impulse of literary critics from diverse schools, when confronted a in to a not it flaw show is if the flaw work is apparent why masterpiece, are refutations future For dissertations. interpreted correctly. Apparent there exists a sufficient the reason, which every apparent shortcoming critic will discern and thereby show that the work is in an optimal state as whole graspable at a moment. analyzable Leibniz also insists that philosophy works by deriving what must be the case axiomatically, from first principles. No vacuums can exist, he insists to Clarke, because only a plenum is consistent with the axioms of divine In the social sciences, envy has also led to the perfection. physics of models derivable is crucial about these What prestige mathematically. kinds of thinking is that the contingent is necessarily excluded. There is nor temporality neither contingency in Euclid. By and large, poetics has not been afflicted with physics envy, but at various the periods, especially have been to reasoning theorists drawn down from first present, about language or culture, while regarding a concern with principles facts as somehow untheoretical and naive. contingent In short, poetics can be taken, in a broader sense, to reflect a style of literature. This style of thinking tends to thinking that goes far beyond work best when the phenomena to be explained (or really are perfectly and where each fact can be explained structured, nearly perfectly) by others simultaneously this ideal, present. Great lyric poems do approach which iswhy, for most literary masterpieces, poetics works tolerably well. But not for all. And in the cultural world outside of literature, perfection rare. Thus literary poetics has suffered fewer is exceedingly challenges than about its analogues elsewhere. we Nevertheless, can a learn great deal our and about alternatives if we look at those assumptions from other disciplines. Then we would more analogues readily appreci ate the need for a tempics even within literary studies. Giraffe Tails and Mole In the work moment remarked, has a of poetics?the no special psychological meaning. term now "Now" illusion. Moreover, Eyes taken broadly?the becomes, as Einstein in such a world, present once there are 618 NEW LITERARY HISTORY no true agents. A comprehensive pattern governs all, and sideshadows are as much a mirage as presentness. The idea of the "death of the mere in the writer locus of converging which becomes the author," a a such is clear of view. forces, fairly expression Even the physical sciences no longer necessarily conceive of reality in never this way, and evolutionary As Ernst has. Mayr has observed, biology in evolutionary "the concept of law is far less helpful (and for biology in any science dealing with time-dominated that matter such processes as or oceanog cosmology, meteorology, paleontology, paleoclimatology, raphy) than the concept of historical narratives."14 By "time-dominated processes," Mayr means more than processes take that time, as all do. He means a predetermined outcome. evidently eventful processes without a matter Evolution is not of general laws specifying results, unique in advance. loose regulating Rather, predictable general, principles in the background in the foreground. and contingency governs operate As Stephen Jay Gould likes to say, run the tape over again, and the result evolution is genuinely The process of biological may well be different. processual.15 of this paper, but I think a take us far beyond the boundaries as to to of how think eventful, open processes genuine, superb guide no use for is had who, Darwin, by incidentally, meaningful provided to biology. The basic of causality when applied models physics-derived a or set of facts, which to of is The describe scene, trope Origin of Species we are tempted to grasp synchronically and get us to see it as discrete It would interacting processes, processes, moreover, which are not completed in high the loose ends have not been tied up. Although and in which we are told that every feature of an school renditions of Darwinism, organism must have a function put there by natural selection, Darwin us to think of all organisms in terms of imperfection. He encourages are not perfectly designed, and do not that organisms insists, repeatedly, the most of their ecological niches.16 That iswhy when animals or make are imported into New Zealand or small plants from Europe or America archipelagos, they almost always wipe out their native competitors, who clearly were not optimally designed. I wish I could go into detail here, but let me provide just a few a species of mole lives its entire life that Darwin describes examples. no has And for nevertheless them. It it but has need eyes, underground. no were see to even would do if of the this the mole eyes day, yet, light a thick membrane. are current No with because covered they good function can explain these eyes; they do not pay their way, and therefore as the historically, They must be explained represent imperfection. the mole had a use for eyes. The inheritance of an earlier stage when SIDESHADOWING AND 619 TEMPICS same reasoning to a species of inland geese that nevertheless applies feet. have webbed insists that no functional explana Why do giraffes have tails? Darwin the minimal the tail tion he can think of would work, because purpose a fly swatter?would serves?as to be insufficient for natural selection one not It its Of could there it. does insist that course, way. pay develop must be such a function, but that, for Darwin, would be allowing theory to think away history, and history iswhat Darwin is all about. In brief, his ancestors tails from remote is that giraffes inherited for explanation fishes they are needed for whom they surely did serve a function?for animals found new uses for tails in changed condi or or in aid others defense?but balance, gave tions?they flying, or them no or only a minimal function. If one is thinking synchronically, in terms of perfect design, one will miss what is going on. as agglomerations sees organisms from different Darwin periods, in their own way, but not entirely; which cohere they show signs of different evolved to times. Functions Structures change and disappear. swimming. Some may serve one function come to serve another, and then none at all. The in what it now is. It must be present organism we an in like understood the understand old way temporally, something owners in different that has passed social building through many contexts. We must imagine each earlier moment in much the same way, its own pressure with a present for enough to exerting functionality on. Nor survive in a given environment, but with various pasts hanging ever some sort of culmination. state of an organism is the present The not a to is in but in with interaction process, preset goal, organism for many contingency allowing paths. Darwin wants us to see the or He could not be farther from Leibniz vestigial and the potential. a an I and think of of Darwin, poetics, judicious reading exploration our synchronie, how he thinks, would help us overcome functionalist and help us develop the tempics we need. prejudices shows Poetics this history as a Limiting Case he has been appropriated when Especially by the social sciences, Darwin is often read, falsely I believe, as a perfectionist. Of the two key ideas in the Origin?the of and natural selection?the species historicity as a mechanism is read without the first, and interpreted second that In that case, any feature of an organism or insures optimality. analogous to serve a commensurate have a sufficient function?to entity is assumed reason for being there?or natural selection should have eliminated it. 620 NEW LITERARY HISTORY an argument Darwinism for a purely thereby becomes But to and functional is miss this Darwin's central synchronie approach. that is mole it proves historicity. A point, eyes?that imperfection?those at a divine being, have no need for would moment, creating species Like and strong func Leibniz, structuralism, vestigial organs. poetics, same to Darwinism the tradition of tionalism, perfectionist belongs as natural and creationism. thought theology someone or cultural entity is a Whenever that a biological proposes we was. To the poeticians of ask who the system, may perfect designer Perfectionist culture, who those assume that a culture is to a analogous well-wrought poem, we may query: who made culture that way? Who was the artist that so that causally unrelated events reflect on made all of culture cohere, a novel do? Who each other the way causally unrelated lines in plot that position time? The strong "outside" the world and beyond occupied view of the poetics of culture is creationism the transplanted. Typically, no mechanism of culture that how else provide explains poeticians has been attained or why it can be presumed. Economists perfection at least invoke a version of natural selection deal with optimality and the invisible hand; indeed, we may locate the appeal of all "invisible hand models" in their ability to do what Leibniz's God does without a invoking deity. who this way, but one often sometimes the world really works Perhaps reflect the predispositions of model wonders whether such descriptions the and The more the less less builders. contingency, predictability, an the of Thus derived instinct power theory possesses. axiomatically is usually to explain away contingency with eventful theoreticians and, it, Once temporality. yielding present tion of because we are to it. It would structure structure it contains really aware of this be worthwhile, is sufficient genuine in each or whether and history?history we instinct, that we may want to resist case, to ask whether need some is irreducible combina to structure contingency. a in Chekhov that the life we live were merely wishes character we could then live it over, the right way. Most of life draft and that rough literature because we live our rough drafts. Almost does not resemble or works with maximum is efficiency. nothing organized perfectly A that mess?imperfection, flaws, inefficiency, entropy?is (and its various ana generally, poetics Speaking most as applicable in certain cases, which special logues) may be seen are rare but of artistic masterpieces the majority distinctly represent or institutions in social life. It is applicable wherever artifacts elsewhere are perfectly designed. Perfection makes history irrelevant because one can always explain any part of the institution or artifact in terms of the to its history. But wherever there is imperfection, rest, with no reference Prosaics holds fundamental. AND SIDESHADOWING we have evidence wherever will be 621 TEMPICS of both design and of mere vestiges, poetics insufficient. in terms of the following notation: M = f(s + h), One may summarize and s + h = 1. So if the work is structurally perfect, where 1 is perfection = M is a function of structure and f(s). In plain language, meaning structure is out. if But We factors consider history history. perfect, are there of of from when the structure, what, history signs perspective is imperfection. The practitioners of poetics, focusing on the limiting case of perfect case for the whole. that take Faced with works that from a artifacts, are of structural view either invent imperfect, point they spurious to the extent that it is flawed. structures or declare the work meaningless But if we do not take the limiting case for the whole, we may consider another the meaningfulness of interpretive option, one that can explore as as structure. to That well process hope option?tempics?I explain in more detail. as Thought Novel Let me Experiment to The Idiot. Criticism of this novel has been briefly on one school, consisting divided its meaning. particularly Basically, almost entirely of non-Slavists, has identified the work's theme as what called "the curse of saintliness."17 According to these Murray Krieger showed that a truly Christian figure would bring not critics, Dostoevsky and salvation but catastrophe. to the continual happiness They point causes by his very goodness, harm Myshkin which in reply provokes and profoundly Dostoevskian, responses following profound, dynamics. No greater psychologist ever lived, and when we see the than Dostoevsky true Christian in such a psychologically world, we are compelling convinced that the wages of saintliness is death. In my opinion, the of The Idiot this confirms experience largely reading interpretation. Slavists return have, almost to a man and a woman, utterly rejected this view. that there is no way that shown, to my mind conclusively, could have intended this result. Before, and after Dostoevsky during, in the text and the notebooks, it is absolutely clear that the work writing, was not, and was not intended at any point to be, such a refutation of They have Christianity. These views contradict each other only because they share a hidden at some point can be taken as an atemporal at that moment. But what if one sees the something been suggesting we should, as eventful? As a process that the work assumption: whole signifying work, as I have a predetermined without (or postdetermined) outcome? 622 NEW LITERARY HISTORY This is what I think happened, and what readers (rereaders less so) sense: The Idiot is a thought experiment in process, which, like any real no had outcome. to wanted experiment, predetermined Dostoevsky create a true Christian, who would be portrayed with full psychological in a realism, and to see what would happen as a result of his presence had constraints: he could realistically described world. The experiment not just manipulate the events to get a given set of results, because the outcome would narrator then not be believable As the psychologically. comment and Myshkin themselves in a few places, realism is itself a very more severe test of plausibility?perhaps severe than reality itself, since we will not in a novel; for accept strange events in reality but might to not does it is. be have just reality plausible, this novel to testwhat would happen, And so Dostoevsky began writing without knowing or predetermining the outcome. The realistic imagin choose or do in given situations would ing of what characters might the result, and the author would determine setting up just keep situations where those situations would drive the action. As it turned out, the was result Question: experiment. Christianity experiment, what he that saintliness a curse. proved to conduct such an intention? Answer: what was Dostoevsky's Of course, Dostoevsky show that the outcome would hoped would lead to good results, but, as with any genuine the other outcome was always possible and in this case was got. In this we sense, may say that out turns there to be a curse to be a refutation and yet that the work was not intended to be an experiment. It was intended of Christianity. both sides of the But one can see the work this way, and recognize as partially correct, only if one can stop seeing the work as "an argument of saintliness whole" organized that happened because occasion, the experiment and on come this see to Dostoevsky over again, it instead to occasion, for produce understandable with somewhat as an a event, given reasons different an process open I say on this to run decided result. parameters?a so wrote sense of the true Christian?and different Idiot criticism is One mystery that has haunted even though it is clearly flawed to be so powerful it is easy to point out Frank keenly observes, difficult tencies to explain why and awkwardness The Brothers Karamazov. that the work turns out in structure. As Joseph the flaws, but "more over all the inconsis so effortlessly it triumphs of its structure and motivation" (D 340). This is answer to ask. Frank's is that we sense an just the right question in the work, and feel that is an amazingly incredible authenticity as creation," Dostoevsky subjected his own fondest beliefs, "courageous to his harshest as he had previously of his enemies, the beliefs subjected are true, but I would tests. I think all these reasons add another. Structural flaws are only flaws if one reads in terms of structure. But they AND SIDESHADOWING 623 TEMPICS if one reads a work as an event, significance acquire a wholly different reads it in terms of prosaics and tempics. Then like they may become, a the signs of eventness, the tail of a giraffe, of way requiring reading that will make prosaic sense of them. Northwestern University NOTES 1 The across 2 paper present of Time Shadows combines (New Haven, from my and my work ideas 1994) recent book in process, and Freedom: Narrative on tempics The and processuality the disciplines. Laoco?n: An Essay on the Limits of Poetry and Painting, tr. Lessing, Ephraim McCormick 1984), pp. 78-90. (Baltimore, The Notebooks for "The Possessed," tr. Victor ed. Edward Wasiolek, Dostoevsky, Gotthold Edward Allen 3 Fyodor Terras cited in text as NP. 1968), p. 196; hereafter (Chicago, tr. Constance 4 Fyodor The Possessed, Garnett Dostoevsky, hereafter cited in text as P. 5 tr. Constance Fyodor Dostoevsky, cited in text as /. The Idiot, 6 The Notebooks Dostoevsky, Fyodor Garnett "The Idiot, for " (New York, (New York, ed. Edward 1962), Wasiolek, 1963), p. 341; p. 3; hereafter tr. Katharine p. 242. 1967), Strelsky (Chicago, 7 See Michael Andr? Bernstein, Foregone Conclusions: Against Apocalyptic History (Berkeley, and Freedom, pp. 234?64. 1994). See also ch. 6 of my Narrative 8 From Dostoevsky's in Joseph The Miraculous letters, as cited Frank, Dostoevsky: Years, 1865-1871 cited in text as D. (Princeton, 1995), p. 271; hereafter 9 Robin Feuer Miller, Dostoevsky and "The Idiot": Author, Narrator, and Reader (Cambridge, Mass., 1981), p. 276, n. 8. 10 "The history of a system is in turn a system.... The opposition between and synchrony was an opposition between the concept of system and the concept of evolution; diachrony in principle as soon as we thus it loses its importance that every recognize system on the other hand, evolution exists as an evolution, is inescapably of whereas, necessarily a systemic nature." or could not the asystematic a Why inescapably? Why contingent play role in evolution? This formulation does away with historicity the notion of by extending the synchronie it accommodates system to the historical process; "diachrony" by reading out of history. the truly historical See Jurij Tynyanov and Roman in "Problems Jakobson, the Study Structuralist pp. 11 79-80. 12 See See of Literature and Views, ed. Ladislav in Readings in Russian Poetics: Language," and Krystyna Pomorska (Cambridge, Matejka Formalist Mass., and 1971), The Leibniz-Clarke ed. H. G. Alexander (Manchester, 1956). Correspondence, in Economic History and the Modem ed. William Parker Economist, the Economics of QWERTY: The (Oxford, 1986), esp. Paul A. David, "Understanding of History," pp. 30-49. Necessity 13 Bronislaw A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Malinowski, Essays (Chapel Hill, N.C., the essays 1944), pp. 28-30. 14 Ernst Mayr, (Cambridge, I allude 15 Nature The Growth Mass., 1982), here especially p. of Biological 130. to Stephen Thought: Jay Gould, (New York, 1989). The of History in my Narrative and Freedom. extensively Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the of Gould's ideas are discussed implications NEW LITERARY HISTORY 624 16 Ernst populational Mayr observes: "Up nature of natural to the present fail to understand authors the day many a superior It is a statistical selection. concept. Having a survival and abundant it only provides reproduction; not guarantee does genotype so many There and other are, however, accidents, catastrophes, higher probability. success Natural is not that reproductive is not automatic. selection stochastic perturbations . . .Darwin a number not absolutely advances of and therefore deterministic, predictive. of natural the essentialists and that the is arguments theologians showing interpretation not valid. There in all species" is room for improvement (Mayr, The Growth of Biological Thought, p. 490). Idiot': 17 Murray "Dostoevsky's Krieger, Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Ren? Wellek The Curse (Englewood of Cliffs, Saintliness," N.J., 1962), in Dostoevsky: pp. 39-52. A