ag draft for cab.exec-(2)b
Transcription ag draft for cab.exec-(2)b
DRAFT prepared for Cabinet and Campus Executive 3/10/2014 3:14 PM GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1500 North Verdugo Road Glendale, California 91208 (818) 240-1000 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING NO. 11 Garfield Campus Community Room, Mariposa Building 1122 East Garfield Avenue Glendale, CA 91205 Monday, March 17, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM PAGE CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE To accommodate the requirement of Government Code §54954.2, it is hereby declared that the agenda for the meeting was posted 72 hours prior to this meeting at the following locations: At three locations in the Administration Building at Glendale Community College; In the display case on the outside wall of the San Gabriel Building at Glendale Community College. On the window adjacent to the main office entrance on the top floor of the Tropico Building on the Garfield Campus; On display inside the glass doors at the front entrance of the Professional Development Center; At <>. In accordance with the Brown Act revisions, any writings relating to open session agenda items and distributed to all or a majority of all Board Members within 72 hours prior to a regular meeting, or within 24 hours prior to a special meeting, shall be made available for inspection by the public in the Office of the Superintendent/President, John A. Davitt Administration Building, AD 106, 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208 during regular business hours. When possible, such writings may also be posted on the District’s website: <>. Individuals who require disability related accommodations or modifications, including but not limited to an American sign language interpreter, accessible seating or documentation in accessible formats, should contact the Superintendent/President’s office by noon of the business day preceding the Board meeting. Please call (818) 551-5105. 1 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Meeting No. 11 March 17, 2014 PAGE REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION 1. February 24, 2014 Board of Trustees Meeting No. 10 – Closed Session No. 1 Public Employee Discipline pursuant to Government Code §54957 – one position SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. “What’s in Store for the 2014 Economy” – Mr. Don Nakamoto, Executive Director, Verdugo Workforce Investment Board COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - BOARD AGENDA ITEMS ONLY ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - An individual or group representative may address the Board of Trustees on any item on the agenda by completing a “Request to Speak” card. A speaker must state his or her name and address prior to speaking to the Board. Not more than a total of five (5) minutes may be allotted to each speaker per board meeting and no more than twenty (20) minutes will be allocated to public comment on any agenda item, except by unanimous consent of the Board. A speaker’s time may not be transferred to another speaker. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS 1. Accreditation Progress Report 6 This is an update on the college’s progress in addressing the accreditation recommendations. 2. Lab/College Services Building 7 This is an informational report to the Board of Trustees. 3. Enrollment Update 9 This is an informational report to the Board of Trustees. UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORTS – Second of Two Readings and Request for Approval 1. Administrative Services – Board Policy 3430: Prohibition of Harassment 10 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees conduct the second of two readings required before board action and approve Board Policy 3430. UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORTS – Second of Three Readings 1. Board Policy 2015: Student Member of the Board The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees conduct the second of three readings required before board action on Board Policy 2015. 2 13 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Meeting No. 11 March 17, 2014 CONSENT CALENDAR (All items under Consent Calendar are considered to be of a routine nature and are acted on with one motion. Any recommendation may be removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of any Board Member and placed under New Business Reports/Action.) 1. Approval of Minutes – Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2014 x Approval is recommended. 2. Warrants - District Funds – February 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014 16 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve warrants issued during the month of February 2014 totaling $14,383,334.54. 3. Contract Listing and Purchase Order Listing – February 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014 22 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve contracts and purchase orders issued during the month of February 2014 totaling $1,290,611.03. 4. Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers – General Fund Unrestricted (01) February 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014 63 Approval is recommended. 5. Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers – General Fund Restricted (03) February 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014 65 Approval is recommended. 6. Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers – General Fund Restricted (15) February 1, 2014 through February 28, 2014 68 Approval is recommended. 7. Renewal of License Support Agreements with Oracle 2013-2014 70 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the license support agreements with Oracle for fiscal year 2014-2015. The fiscal impact is $667,679.65. 8. Proposed New Course 71 MATH 144 – Algebra Basics The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the new course as presented in Consent Calendar No. X. 3 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Meeting No. 11 March 17, 2014 CONSENT CALENDAR - continued 9. Revised Courses 78 Child Development 133; Child Development 140; Child Development 141; and Child Development 180 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the revised courses as presented in Consent Calendar No. X. 10. Courses to be Deleted from Catalog and Curriculum 80 PSYCH 108; SOCIS 124; SOCIS 135 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve deletion of the courses from the catalog and curriculum as presented in Consent Calendar No. X. 11. Personnel Report No. 9 – Academic Report 82 Approval is recommended. 12. Personnel Report No. 9 - Classified Report 94 Approval is recommended. 13. Personnel Report No. 9 – Student Report 98 Approval is recommended. NEW BUSINESS REPORTS/ACTION 1. Academic Calendar for 2014-2015 (Placeholder) x The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the Academic Calendar for 2014-2015. 2. Ballot for California Community College Trustees Board Election -2014 100 The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees select nominees for the California Community College Trustees 2014 Board. 3. Sabbatical Requests for 2014-2015 Academic Year The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the sabbatical leave requests for Fall 2014 – Spring 2015 for Mr. David Attyah, Ms. Melissa Randel, Ms. Marian Rooney, and Mr. William Shamhart. 4 103 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Meeting No. 11 March 17, 2014 4. Ratification of Extension of Employment Agreement and Salary Increase for Superintendent/President 106 Contingent upon a satisfactory performance evaluation, it is recommended the Board of Trustees ratify the extension of the Contract of Employment of Superintendent/President David Viar to June 30, 2017, with a 2% increase in the annual salary effective July 1, 2014 and no other changes in terms. (See Closed Session No. 1.) REPORTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Academic Senate Representative to the Board Guild Representative to the Board CSEA Representative to the Board Vice Presidents Superintendent/President Board of Trustees BOARD OF TRUSTEES REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (This is an opportunity for the Board of Trustees to request information.) COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ANY SUBJECT ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - An individual or group representative may address the Board of Trustees on subjects within its jurisdiction by completing a “Request to Speak” card. A speaker must state his or her name and address prior to speaking to the Board. Not more than a total of five (5) minutes may be allotted to each speaker per board meeting and no more than twenty (20) minutes will be allocated to public comment on any agenda or non-agenda item, except by unanimous consent of the Board. A speaker’s time may not be transferred to another speaker. CLOSED SESSION 1. Public Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: Superintendent/President RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION (IF ANY) ADJOURNMENT FUTURE DATES 5 PLACEHOLDER For ACCREDITATION PROGRESS REPORT 6 Draft 1 of 1 - 3/5/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 INFORMATIONAL REPORT NO. r REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITIED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President PREPARED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services SUBJECT: LAB/COLLEGE SERVICES BUILDING DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY / BACKGROUND The ground water that was discovered in the drilling of the piles for the shoring wall was also encountered in the drilling tests for the foundation of the building. This will result in an additional cost to the project to pump out and properly dispose of the water before the concrete can be poured for the building foundation. The underground drainage system that was discovered when the tiebacks for the shoring wall were being drilled was determined to be operational. In lieu of additional excavation to repair the existing drainage system , an alternative option was developed that was much more cost effective. Backing was added to waterproof the system and a granular material is being added behind the shoring wall. Engineers have reviewed and feel that this will provide sufficient drainage. The presence of ground water and the discovery of the existing drainage system have resulted in additional work, including the dewatering of the area for the building foundation, waterproof backing, and the movement of the fire line. At the February 2014 board meeting, the second change order was approved in the amount of $203,760 for this work. Funding will come from the $2,122,000 contingency reserve. After the funding of this change order, $1 ,734 ,595 is remaining in this fund. 1 7 Following is a high level schedule for this project: Task Completion Date Excavation and Earthwork November 2013 Shoring System March 2014 Underground Utilities March 2014 Central Plant Tie-In March 2014 Building and Wall Foundation May 2014 Concrete on Grade July 2014 Concrete Structure and Exterior Finishes September 2014 Interior Walls December 2014 Interior Finishes June 2015 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment June 2015 Exterior Hardscape September 2015 Parking Lot Replacement and Landscape September 2015 Punch and Commission September 2015 Final Completion November 2015 COMMITTEE HISTORY Not applicable FISCAL IMPACT Total construction cost estimated at $39,035,000 of which $33,570,000 will be funded by the state and $5,465,000 from Measure G. RECOMMENDATION This report is being presented for informational purposes. 8 PLACEHOLDER for ENROLLMENT UPDATE 9 9 Draft 1 of 1 - 2/27/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17, 2014 UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORT No.1 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - BOARD POLICY 3430: PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY / BACKGROUND One of the services that the Community College League of California provides to its subscribing member districts are board policy and administrative procedure samples that are deemed legally required, legally advised or suggested as good practice for boards and districts. These samples are provided in partnership with Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore, a California law corporation. New Board Policy 3430 is in compliance with recommendations by the Community College League of California . COMMITTEE HISTORY May 14, 2013 (First Reading) November 12, 2013 (Second Reading) December 10, 2013 (Third Reading) January 21,2014 (First Reading) February 18, 2014 (Second Reading) February 24, 2014 (First Reading) March 17,2014 (Second Reading) Administrative Affairs Committee: Administrative Affairs Committee: Administrative Affairs Committee: Campus Executive Committee: Campus Executive Committee: Board of Trustees Meeting: Board of Trustees Meeting : FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees conduct the second of two readings required before board action and approve Board Policy 3430. /0 10 Glendale Community College District 3430 Board Policy PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT All forms of harassment are contrary to basic standards of conduct between individuals and are prohibited by state and federal law, as well as this policy, and will not be tolerated. The District is committed to providing an academic and work environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District shall be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation including acts of sexual violence. It shall also be free of other unlawful harassment, including that which is based on any of the following statuses: race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, or sexual orientation of any person, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics. The District seeks to foster an environment in which all employees and students feel free to report incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Therefore, the District also strictly prohibits retaliation against any indivIdual for filing a complaint of harassment or for participating in a harassment investigation. Such conduct is illegal and constitutes a violation of this policy. All allegations of retaliation will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated. If the District determines that retaliation has occurred, it will take all reasonable steps within its power to stop such conduct. Individuals who engage in retaliatory conduct are subJect to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion. Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in AR 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Investigations. Supervisors are mandated to report all incidents of harassment and retaliation that come to their attention. This policy applies to all aspects of the academic environment, including but not limited to classroom conditions, grades, academic standing, employment opportunities, scholarships, recommendations, disciplinary actions, and participation in any community college activity. In addition, this policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion, disciplinary action, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, training opportunities and compensation. To this end the Superintendent/President or designee shall ensure that the institution undertakes education and training activities to counter discrimination and to prevent, Page 1 of 2 1/ 11 Glendale Community College District 3430 Board Policy PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT - (CONTINUED) minimize and/or eliminate any hostile environment that impairs access to equal education opportunity or impacts the terms and conditions of employment. The Superintendent/President or designee shall establish administrative regulations that define harassment on campus. The Superintendent/President or designee shall further establish regulations for employees, students, and other members of the campus community that provide for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding harassment and discrimination, and procedures for students to resolve complaints of harassment and discrimination . All participants are protected from retaliatory acts by the District, its employees, students, and agents. This policy and related written regulations (including the regulation for making complaints) shall be widely published and publicized to administrators, faculty, staff, and students , particularly when they are new to the institution, as required in Education Code 66281.5. Employees who violate the policy and regulations may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Students who violate this policy and related regulations may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion. References: • Education Code Sections 212.5, 44100, 66252, and 66281.5; • Government Code Section 12950.1; • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S. Code Annotated Section 2000e Adopted: Page 2 of 2 12 DRAFT 1 OF 1 - 3/3/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17, 2014 UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORT NO.1 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President SUBJECT: BOARD POLICY 2015: STUDENT MEMBER OF THE BOARD DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY / BACKGROUND Board Policy 2015: Student Member was last updated on October 15, 2007. COMMITTEE HISTORY February 18, 2014 February 24, 2014 March 11,2014 Campus Executive Committee: Board of Trustees Meeting: Campus Executive Committee: FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees conduct the second of three readings required before board action on Board Policy 2015. /~13 Glendale Community College District 2015 Board Policy Student Member of the Board The Board of Trustees (Board) shall include one non-voting Student Member. The term of office shall be one year commencing on June 1. The President of the Associated Students of Glendale Community College (ASGCC) shall serve as the Student Member of the Board of Trustees. In the event that the ASGCC President cannot serve as student trustee, the position shall be filled by an eligible executive officer of the ASGCC according to the following order of succession: 1. ASGCC Vice President of Administration 2. ASGCC Vice President of Finance 3. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Activities 4. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Relations 5. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Organizations The Student Member shall be seated with the Board and shall be recognized as a full member of the Board at meetings. The Student Member may make and second motions, participate in discussion of issues, receive all materials presented to members of the Board (except for Closed Session), and attend closed sessions involving student expulsions. The Student Member shall, before a vote takes place, have the same rights as a Board Member would have to speak to a moved and seconded motion . The Student Member shall be afforded the privilege to cast an advisory vote, although the vote shall not be included in determining the vote required to carry any measure before the Board. The Student Member shall be entitled to any mileage allowance necessary to attend board meetinQ's to the same extent as publicly elected trustees and to receive compensation of $150/month. In accordance with state law, the Board shall, by May 15 of each year, review and act on this policy adopting the rules affecting the permissive rights of the non-voting Student Member of the governing board. Such action by the Board will require only two readings before action. Reference: • Education Code Section 72023.5 Adopted: 2/13179 Revised: 3/31/83; 8/30/83; 8/27/90; 1/22/96; 8/24/98; 1/23/06; 10/15/07 It/ 14 Glendale Community College District 2015 Board Policy Student Member of the Board The Board of Trustees (Board) shall include one non-voting Student Member. of office shall be one year commencing on June 1. The term The President of the Associated Students of Glendale Community College (ASGCC) shall serve as the Student Member of the Board of Trustees. In the event that the ASGCC President cannot serve as student trustee, the position shall be filled by an eligible executive officer of the ASGCC according to the following order of succession : 1. ASGCC Vice President of Administration 2. ASGCC Vice President of Finance 3. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Activities 4. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Relations 5. ASGCC Vice President of Campus Organizations The Student Member shall be seated with the Board and shall be recognized as a full member of the Board at meetings. The Student Member may make and second motions-:-.. The Student Member is entitled to participate in discussion of issues.. --af\d receive all materials presented to members of the Board (except for Closed Session)-:-, and attend closed sessions involving student expulsions. The Student Member shall, before a vote takes place, have the same rights as a Board Member would have to speak to a moved and seconded motion . The Student Member shaU be afforded the privilege to cast an advisory vote, although the vote shaU not be included in determining the vote required to carry any measure before the Board . The Student Member shall be entitled to any mileage allowance necessary to attend board meetings to the same extent as publicly elected trustees and to receive compensation of $150/month . In accordance with state law, the Board shall. by May 15 of each year, review and act on this policy adopting the rules affecting the permissive rights of the non-voting Student Member of the governing board. Such action by the Board wi ll req uire only two readings before action . Reference : • Education Code Section 72023.5 Adopted : 2/13179 Revised : 3/31/83 ; 8/30/83; 8/27/90 ; 1/22/96; 8/24/98; 1/23/06; 10/15/07 /5 15 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 2 FINANCE REPORT REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, SuperintendenUPresident REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone Executive Vice President, Administrative Services PREPARED BY: Angineh Baghoomian, District Accountant SUBJECT WARRANTS - DISTRICT FUNDS FEBRUARY 1, 2014 THROUGH FEBRUARY 28,2014 It is recommended that "A" form (Payroll Warrants) as shown below totaling : and "B" form (Other Than Payroll Warrants) NO.509273through 515734: be approved. REGISTER NUMBER C1G C C1G N 034 035 035 E4N N C N N 036 C3G C C C3G N 037 037 038 041 041 042 043 056 C2H C N N C N C C C C C2H N WARRANT NUMBER 7842657 1896230 7842873 1896847 7850166 7850356 7850364 7853452 1934410 7858977 7868899 1952654 7868910 1952658 7869929 7869930 7873353 7873486 7873499 7873897 7874149 7885462 7888015 2002637 2002846 $ $ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7842872 1896846 7842875 1896870 7850166 7850363 7850364 7853482 1934707 7858985 7868909 1952657 7869094 1952721 7869929 7869933 7873356 7873498 7873499 7873897 7874149 7885462 7888084 2002845 2002851 Certificated Certificated Classified Classified Classified Certificated Classified Classified Classified Certificated Certificated Certificated Classified Classified Certificated Classified Classified Certificated Classified Certificated Certificated Certificated Certificated Certificated Classified Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Monthly Hourly Hourly Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Monthly Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Expired warrant(s) 10 be reissued : 3/25/2013 7/18/2013 20440028 20684439 Kristene Mcclure Alice Bloomer $ $ /6 16 6,074,461.41 8,308,873.13 56 .95 370.50 3,358,831 .64 46,755 .06 2,581 .20 10,971 .87 960.66 1,726,891.66 13,821.95 10,403.43 117,292.20 2,594 .24 1,215 .00 1,332 .88 15,437.01 799.69 2,938.08 2,766.24 3,224 .52 743,734 .95 11,909.13 6,074,461.41 Summary of Commercial Warrants Amount GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED STUDENT FINANCIAL AID CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION SELF INSURANCE CAFETERIA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER GO BOND SERIES A PAYROLL CLEARING 1,740,135.23 388,226.40 5,362,585.38 315,950.69 88,050.06 19,734.43 100,526.37 23,911.00 269,753.57 $8,308,873.1 )117 Count 208 206 7 11 10 25 57 5 35 564 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Commercial Warrants Fund: 1 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED OBJECT CODE 3140 3509 3790 4300 4530 4540 4550 4560 4590 5110 5130 5210 5220 5300 5510 5520 5521 5540 5560 5610 5650 5655 5690 5730 5825 5850 5860 5885 5890 5892 6420 6520 8875 9530 9535 9552 9554 9555 OBJECT NAME SUPPL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLAN STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE RETIREE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS-BLDGS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS-GROUNDS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS-EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES & MATERIALS-CUSTODIAL OTHER SUPPLIES CONTRACT CONSULTANT CONTRACT DOCTORS & NURSES MILEAGE TRAVEL MEMBERSHIP AND DUES NATURAL GAS LIGHT AND POWER GLENDALE WATER/SEW/RUBBISH TELEPHONE TRASH DISPOSAL RENT & LEASES - REAL PROP VENDOR REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT VENDOR REPAIRS-VEHICLES ALL OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES PRINTING AND ADVERTISING POSTAGE OPER. COST-DIST VEHICLES STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OTHER EXPENSE CREDIT CARD SERVICE CHARGE NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT LEASE PURCHASE-PERSONAL PROP . LIBRARY FINES FB-SUBS-H&W FB SUBS-ARP USE TAX PAYABLE ACCOUNTSPAYABLE-ASGCC STUDENT REFUNDS NUMBER ., ENTRIES 4 1 5 3 15 3 5 4 45 3 2 1 14 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 43 3 2 5 1 2 5 1 7 4 1 6 -1 208 If 18 AMOUNT 13,638.50 8,013.60 43,624.12 1,591 .57 29,631 .17 901 .58 1,873.47 25,204.44 10,520.97 3,450 .00 350 .00 114.13 6,263 .10 145.00 36,806.47 117,341 .85 9,476.46 162.08 21,745.76 2,397 .50 8,193.52 4,232 .69 86,417.65 8,793.10 9,450 .00 455.26 5,170.83 2,943 .00 2,661 .66 34.92 14,426.93 929.32 31 .20 1,132,151.10 28,436 .28 -270 .00 97,567.50 5,258.50 $1,740,135.23 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Commercial Warrants Fund: 3 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED OBJECT CODE 4100 4200 4300 4400 4590 4710 5110 5210 5220 5540 5610 5615 5650 5655 5690 5825 5860 5890 6310 6410 6420 6520 8871 9530 9535 9552 OBJECT NAME TEXTBOOKS OTHER BOOKS INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES INSTRUCT. MEDIA SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES FOOD CONTRACT CONSULTANT MILEAGE TRAVEL TELEPHONE RENT & LEASES - REAL PROP RENTS & LEASE-PERSONAL PROPERT VENDOR REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT VENDOR REPAIRS-VEHICLES ALL OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES PRINTING AND ADVERTISING OPER. COST-DIST VEHICLES OTHER EXPENSE LIBRARY BOOKS INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT LEASEPURCHAS~PERSONALPROP . COMMUNITY SERVICE FB-SUBS-H&W FB SUBS-ARP USE TAX PAYABLE NUMBER . , ENTRIES 1 2 61 3 19 2 37 1 17 1 1 3 2 20 2 7 1 10 3 1 3 10 -4 206 Fund: 9 AMOUNT 280.13 6,295 .11 33,759.34 2,068.47 6,711 .39 115.10 19,698.47 161 .59 10,317.79 37.99 1,480.00 908.62 101 .19 4,715.38 64,910.72 7,475.22 3,936.21 5,327.93 461.36 31 ,622.41 4,036.44 12,496.56 1,935.00 168,719.98 979.15 -325.15 $388,226.40 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID OBJECT CODE 7500 OBJECT NAME STUDENT FINANCIAL AID /9 19 NUMBER " ENTRIES AMOUNT 7 5,362 ,585.38 7 $5,362,585.38 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Commercial Warrants Fund: 15 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION OBJECT CODE 6215 6220 6230 6240 6520 7190 OBJECT NAME NEW CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INSPECTION AND TESTING FEES LEASEPURCHAS&PERSONALPROP. DEBT REPAYMENT - OTHER NUMBER 0' ENTRIES 1 3 4 1 11 Fund: 18 158,728.90 30,744.04 30,000.00 72,564 .00 1,863.75 22,050.00 $315,950.69 SELF INSURANCE OBJECT CODE 3409 3790 4590 6420 Fund: 30 AMOUNT OBJECT NAME H & W, TEACHERS RETIREE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OTHER SUPPLIES NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER 0' ENTRIES AMOUNT 4 1 3 2 79,882 .53 4,425.89 2,969.13 772 .51 10 $88,050.06 CAFETERIA OBJECT CODE 4590 4710 5650 9530 OBJECT NAME OTHER SUPPLIES FOOD VENDOR REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT FB-SUBS-H&W NUMBER 0' ENTRIES 4 10 2 9 25 JiJ20 AMOUNT 640.84 5,718 .94 830.58 12,544.07 $19,734.43 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Commercial Warrants Fund: 59 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER OBJECT CODE 4300 5210 5300 5510 5520 5530 5540 5560 5590 5690 5825 5850 6215 6410 6420 9530 9552 Fund: 70 OBJECT NAME INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES MILEAGE MEMBERSHIP AND DUES NATURAL GAS LIGHT AND POWER WATER TELEPHONE TRASH DISPOSAL MISC. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES ALL OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES PRINTING AND ADVERTISING POSTAGE NEW CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FB-SUBS-H&W USE TAX PAYABLE AMOUNT 1 3 8 -1 3,947.46 2,593.27 99.00 107.34 1,620.07 119.51 707.53 115.64 2,380.00 58,710.25 1,080.41 361.79 850.00 16,408.92 467.23 10,964.70 -6.75 57 $100,526.37 8 2 1 1 1 3 23 2 GO BOND SER1ES A OBJECT CODE 5690 Fund: 76 NUMBER" ENTRIES OBJECT NAME ALL OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES NUMBER " ENTRIES AMOUNT 5 23,911.00 5 $23,911.00 PAYROLL CLEARING OBJECT CODE 9502 9518 9530 9575 9576 9577 9579 OBJECT NAME ALTERNATE RETIREMENT PLAN TAX SHELTER ANNUITY FB-SUBS-H&W VOLUNTARY CREDIT UNION DEDUCTIONS VOLUNTARY CHARITABLE DEDUCTIONS VOLUNTARY UNION DEDUCTIONS VOLUNTARY DISABILITY/LIFE INS DED - 12 NUMBER" ENTRIES 2 11 3 2 12 4 35 21 21 AMOUNT 29,415.43 13,210.00 79,224.71 61 ,539.99 329.55 54,205.06 31,828.83 $269,753.57 GLENIOALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing and Purchase Order Listing 02128/14 02/01/14 REPORT DATE: 17-MAR·14 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTED BY: DAVID VIAR, SUPERINTENDENT/PRESIDENT PREPARED BY: PURCHASING OFFICE SUBJECT: CONTRACT LISTING and PURCHASE ORDER LISTING IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE FOllOWING CONTRACTS ISSUED AS NEEDED TO MEET OPERATIONAL NEEDS BE AUTHORIZED: Summary of Contracts GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED STUDENT FINANCIAL AID CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION SELF INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER GO BOND SERIES A Grand Total: 22 22 284,939.67 289,957.13 13,927.08 594,004.20 1,883.61 87,273.33 18,626.00 308 666 1 8 3 28 4 $1,290,611.03 1018 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund : 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT-PERSONAL SERVICE 44187 SCOTT STALNAKER 44389 GREG PARKS 44511 SCOTT STALNAKER 44526 SCOTT STALNAKER Videotaping and Editing Board of Trustees Meeting 1/28/14 Baja Field Station Photography Inv GC02122014 Videotaping and Editing Board of Trustees Meeting 2/24/14 Videotaping the Baja Field Station Feb 3 to 7 2014 Inv 14-224 400.00 2,000.00 400.00 1,750.00 CONTRACT ·RENT/LEASE 44444 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE CAMPS Math Division Annual Retreat February 10-12 2014 2,220.00 Increase PO 41891 for SCMH by an additional $12 ,000 FY 13/14 BLANKET for Reign Electric supplies Increase Blanket for Regency Lighting (P042493) by an additional $1,500 Maintenance Agreement Fire Supression System Increase funds 12,000.00 CONTRACT ·SERVICE 41891 SCMH 42493 REGENCY LIGHTING 42493 REGENCY LIGHTING 42515 FACILITIES PROTECTION SYSTEM 43261 GEORGE YARDLEY COMPANY 43261 GEORGE YARDLEY COMPANY Repair Fume Hood 43261 GEORGE YARDLEY COMPANY 43286 INFINITI METALS LLC Service and/or Repair Arroyo Seco 201 Fume Hood Per Estimate Sales Tax 43286 INFINITI METALS LLC Shipping 43286 INFINITI METALS LLC Custom Built Steerable Turf Trailer Per SpeCifications Not to Exceed Per Quote 000223-00 Roofing Material Per Sales Quote JK-80099 44167 CFS 44168 44174 THE GARLAND COMPANY SKY-SKAN INC 44181 MOE PLUMBING SERVICE 44183 MOE PLUMBING SERVICE 44184 44185 MOE PLUMBING SERVICE MOE PLUMBING SERVICE 44208 44235 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,764 .00 2,943.87 2,943.87 600.00 270.00 185.00 3,000.00 14,650.00 White Knight Plus and Tuff Stuff Per Quote Planetarium Maintenance and Software Updates Repair of Backed Up Drain Piping Serving the Gym Repair Sewer Back-up from Manhole Near SN Bldg Cleared Debris from Vortex Clarifier 13,028.18 4,900.00 497.33 JOBELEPHANT.COM INC Installed Water Volume Control Valve and Water Connector Contract for Monster 10 Job Pack Inv 2093145 1,950.00 KMI SOLUTIONS LLC Replace Honeywell Controller Per Proposal 7,500.00 44270 GLENDALE FENCE CO 2,775.00 44283 VERTEX INC 44298 TOLLY LANDSCAPE INCORPORATED 44299 WESTERN MECHANICAL INC Repair Chain link Fencing on Roof AA Per Proposal Vertex GeoCoder Systerm Service Agreement 05/01/2014 - 04/30/15 Replace Existing Sprinkler Heads, Install 42 New Sprinkler Heads, Program Per Proposal Temp Control SM Second Floor 44332 NORTH STATE ENVIRONMENTAL Hazardous Waste Disposal 23 23 2,826.00 3,183.00 4,617.50 2,410.00 1,420.00 450.00 10,000.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT -SERVICE 44347 CAROL CAMBIANICA 44348 CITY LIFT BUILDING SERVICES INC 44349 CUMMINS PACIFIC LLC 44375 CINHC 44401 ARNELCOMPRESSORINC 44401 ARNELCOMPRESSORINC 44411 44439 GLENDALE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT HOLTON GROUP INC / WEBCO CONSTRUCTION THE LlGHTHART CORP 44440 TOLLY LANDSCAPE INCORPORATED 44441 STERICYCLE 44472 CANON USA 44477 WESTERN MECHANICAL INC 44425 44483 YALE/CHASE 44489 GLENDALE FENCE CO 44490 JONS AWNING SCREEN WINDOW AND BLIND INC 44500 CANYON COMPACTOR SERVICE INC 44500 CANYON COMPACTOR SERVICE INC 44510 PRO LINE GYMNASIUM FLOORS Veterans and International Students Drawings of Furniture and Pricing/Installation AD Elevator #73385 Remove and Reinstall Existing Rear Wall Handrail Per Prposal Troubleshoot Nonworking Generator (20 OMDL4) 2014 CCPS Renewallnv L201415 1,300.00 915.00 515.00 1,758.00 578 .00 Inspection 12/6/13 Repair and Replacement of Parts Inspection 12/9/13 Repair and Replacement of Parts Culinary Class GHS Spring 2014 1,580.00 Repair Leaks Library and AV 3,000.00 Perform Backflow Test and Provide 30 Devices at the Main Campus and 10 Devices at Garfield Remove and Re-pot Per Proposal 1,100.00 Annual Medical Waste Generator Fee Inv 3002538963 Student Services Copier Maintenance Agreement for Canon Copier IR1023, Ser.#T JE19700 Chiller #2 Brush and Eddy Current Test both Condenser and Chiller Tubes Per Proposal Pick Up Cart for Evaluation and Service 575.00 2,600.00 25.00 342 .79 5,225.00 3,719.75 Garfield Install Two Removable Bollards Per Proposal SM Bldg Furnish and Install New Head Rail Transmission W/Rt Side Controls Per Proposal 1925 REPLACE KEY SWTICH ON BALER SN#92342 Add Funds to Cover the Invoice for the Repair 1,150.00 VG: Wet Scrub Floor with Hilliard Shine with One coat Finish Application 2,950.00 152.46 500.00 74105 DEFAULT-DEFAULT 41714 ROBERT SKEELS & COMPANY SCMH Increase by an Additional $2,000 2,000.00 41891 Increase by an Additional $5,000. 5,000.00 42493 REGENCY LIGHTING Increase by an additional $5,000 5,000.00 44415 E B BRADLEY CO 1,000.00 44478 CH20lNCORPORATED Blanket po for Supplies valid till June 30 2014 authorized User Mike Nevieus Central Plant - Dye Chilled Water Loop 44494 EXXONMOBIL EXXON-MOBIL Usage of Gas on Different Cards in January 2014 STATEMENT CLOSING 2/6/14 551.36 986.46 EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER 43961 BUSINESS CARD single line channel Digital Receiver and Transmitter for HS Building 24 97 .68 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER 43997 GE CRB AMAZON Price Adj 10.50 43997 GE CRB AMAZON 79.49 44113 GE CRB AMAZON 44113 GE CRB AMAZON 44113 GE CRB AMAZON Gyration Wireless Air Mouse GO Plus GYM1100NA 2 On Stage MS7701 B Tripod Microphone Stands with 30" Boom - Black On-Q / Legrand AC1010-02 2-Gang Low Voltage Bracket, Retrofit Price Adjustment 44191 DELL MARKETING LP Sales Tax 44191 DELL MARKETING LP 44195 GE CRB AMAZON 44195 GE CRB AMAZON Dell 130-Watt 3-Prong AC Adapter with 6 ft Power Cord PowerGen Black 2.4-Amp (12 Watt) Dual USB Wall Charger Shipping 44211 GE CRB AMAZON Additional Shipping Charges 49.95 18.87 8.01 13.77 152.98 32.97 5.44 35.95 44211 GE CRB AMAZON Canopus 77010150100 ADVC 110 Converter 44211 GE CRB AMAZON Shipping 15.94 44211 GE CRB AMAZON 14.98 44211 GE CRB AMAZON AmazonBasics High-Speed HDMI Cable (9.8 Feetl3.0 Meters) tax 44416 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Shipping 20.00 44416 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Sales Tax 44416 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY 44513 DELL MARKETING LP 6 Dell P2314 LED Monitors Plus e-waste Fees Per Quote 122903 109020 OptiplexPer Quote 676724821 189.95 2.18 107.46 1,198.00 11 ,722.08 EQUIPMENT-FACILITIES 41710 GRAINGER 41710 GRAINGER 41891 SCMH 12,500.00 44371 TORO'S LAWNMOWER CENTER Facilities blanket PO for supplies orders between 7/1/13 - 6/30/14. Authorized signatures: Alan Waterman , Mike Nevieus, Fred Mojares, Vince Peoples, Dan Padilla, Patrick Shah nazarian, Paul Venhuizen , Ramin Ahaus, Bill Easley . P0#41710 (Grainger Blanket) Please Increase by an Additional $5,000 . SCMH: P0#41891 (BLANKET) increase by an additional $5,000. STBR430 Blower 44371 TORO'S LAWNMOWER CENTER Sales Tax 74.63 44372 TORO'S LAWNMOWER CENTER Sales Tax 47.16 44372 TORO'S LAWNMOWER CENTER TMKPW3650 Stringtrimmer 5,000.00 5,000.00 829.20 523.99 EQUIPMENT -INSTRUCTIONAL 44241 BUSINESS CARD 60.80 44241 BUSINESS CARD On-Q/Legrand Low Voltage Bracket, Retrofit, 2-Gang Shipping 44241 BUSINESS CARD Sales Tax 44368 INDOFF INCORPORATED Shipping 95.00 44368 INDOFF INCORPORATED Sales Tax 37.89 25 11.41 5.47 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT -INSTRUCTIONAL 44368 INDOFF INCORPORATED Storage Cabinet 44497 GE CRB AMAZON Tax 16.33 44497 GE CRB AMAZON 47.94 44497 GE CRB AMAZON 44497 GE CRB AMAZON 44497 GE CRB AMAZON TRENDnet 2-Port USB KVM Switch Kit with Audio Seismic Audio SA-PLATE9 Stainless Steel Blank 1 Gang Wall Plate with For Cable Installation Seismic Audio SA-PLA TE15 Stainless Steel Blank Gang Wall Plate 7 Port Compact Black USB 2.0 Hub 421.00 15.96 29.24 67.88 EQUIPMENT -OFFICE 43909 CARD INTEGRATORS 44132 GE CRB AMAZON 44132 GE CRB AMAZON 44132 GE CRB AMAZON 44398 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 44461 GRAINGER Quote GCC 101 Card Printer for CI Badge Card SystemlTransCam Flash Camera OtterBox Defender Series Case with Screen Protector and Stand for iPad 4th Generation, iPad 2 and 3 - Black by OtterBox Shipping and tax and Price Adjustment 3 Pack of Universal Touch Screen Stylus Pen (Red + Black + Silver) Base Annual Service Fee 44461 GRAINGER SURGE PROTECTOR , 15A, 8 OUTLET, 15FT, YELLOW ITEM # 6PYG3 Sales Tax 44476 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. Shipping 44476 OCEAN INTERFACE CO. , INC. 44476 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. Brother Intellifax 4100e Laser Fax Machine based on Quote # E021902 Dated 2/19/14 Sales Tax 1,844.83 160.35 14.92 1.58 180.00 133.35 12.00 15.00 289.00 26.01 EQUIPMENT -VEHICLE 41891 SCMH 44529 NORTH STAR ELECTRONICS LLC Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Carts and Equipment Per Agreement Fiscal Year 2013 2014 Police Vehicle Equipment Inv 1401 20 ,000.00 2,296.20 FURNITURE-FURNITURE 43366 IN DOFF INCORPORATED 44197 INDOFF INCORPORATED Accoustical Tile Panel Fabric Parids Per Proposal Conference Room Chairs Per Quote 7239818 319.54 7,098.12 MAINT AGREEMENT-COPIER 44276 CANON USA SN#KJY02383 Assesment Center Copier Maintenance Agreement Renewal 12,000 Copies 2/4/14-2/6/15 meter read 337.12 Membership Dues Fiscal Year 13114 Campus Police 100.00 MEMBERSHIPS-MEMBERSHIPS 44357 CCUPCA OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE 26 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02128/14 02101/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED PO# DESCRIPTION VENDOR NAME AMOUNT OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE Medical - Physical Exams and X-rays as Necessary FY 2014 Restriping Parking Lots Per Proposal 3,500.00 DSM RESOURCES Network Services Assistance Jan 2014 2,973.32 BMI Annual License 2013-1014 3,066.92 44300 BUSINESS CARD 44352 BUSINESS CARD 133.72 350.00 42030 GLENDALE ADVENTIST OCC MED 44220 ACCU-L1NE STRIPING 44239 44290 1,166.55 76.87 44410 SIERRA SIGN IMAGES Additional Expenses for Finance Charge on Credit card 3 Year Renewal of Service contract for the Dryer in Chemistry Dept Sales Tax 44410 SIERRA SIGN IMAGES Magnetic Logo Signs for Vehicles 44515 ACCREDITING COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITY AND JUNIOR COLLEGES Fee for Substantive Change Report Submittal Distance Educ and Associate in Arts/Sciences Transfer Degrees 1,500.00 Janitorial Supplies Including Trash Container, Waste Basket, Brute Dolly, Jumbo Roll Bath Tissue 5,393.57 31.50 PAPER-JANITORIAL 44520 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY POSTAGE-POSTAGE PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC Sales Tax and Shipping 44051 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC HJ950C MACH 5 Ink Tank Yellow 216.00 44051 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC HJ950C MACH Ink Tank Magenta 216.00 156.00 44051 53.05 44212 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC WJR30 Rolled Tape 44212 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC Part 4122419L Cleaning Pen 44212 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC Sales Tax and Shipping 44212 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC 220lNKR Ink In Tank Reservoir 306.00 44212 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC INKHD WJ220 293.00 44216 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Permit 1 Renewal Rate Increase 2/26/2014 2/25/2015 GRAPHIC MARKETING PARTNERS INC Sales Tax 11 .20 80.00 20.00 PRINTING-MISC 44516 44516 GRAPHIC MARKETING PARTNERS INC Pre encumbrance for 2014-15 GCC Catalog 44525 PRINTEFEX GCC Scholarship Banner Inv 70060 636.77 6,884.00 86.11 REPAIRS-BUILDING 43773 INDOFF INCORPORATED Special Inspection Services AU Cell Tower Upgrade Provide and Install Whiteboard 43928 INDOFF INCORPORATED Provide and Install Furniture Per Quote 43928 INDOFF INCORPORATED Sales Tax 114.59 Piano tuning for pianos in AU4, AU211, and AU215 ID Machine Repair Labor Cost for 3 Hours 400.00 43653 HEIDER ENGINEERING SERVICES INC 892.50 1,844.73 1,498.25 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 44230 MARK SCHMIDT 44308 CARD INTEGRATORS 27 375.00 GLENDALE COMMUNJTY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02101114 02128114 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND· UNRESTR;ICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 44422 ARS ENTERPRISES Preventative Maintenance Agreement (for autoclave) No. Q3138-15 , effective 2/1/2014 to 1/31/2015 1,396.50 SOFTWARE·SINGLE USER 44417 FILEMAKER FileMaker Renewal Contract 40756838 44417 FILEMAKER Sales Tax 44427 FILEMAKER FileMaker Renewal Contract 40799404 44427 FILEMAKER Sales Tax 281 .00 25.29 281 .00 25.29 STUDENT TRANSPORTA TION-TRANSPORT ATION 42352 44448 HORIZON COACH LINES LOS ANGELES Football team transportation to LAPierce College 11-16-2013 Invoices for Student Transportation from and to SOUTHWINDS TRANSPORTATION High Schools 976.86 2,278.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS-SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES 44496 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW Higher Education Law in America and Legal Alert Subscription In 06858295 241 .00 Subscription Renewal Mar 20 2014 to Mar 19 2015 Inv 22218310 Health Sciences Annual professional subscription to SurveyMonkey service for conducting and analyzing web-based surveys 299 .00 SUBSCRIPTIONS-SUBSCRIPTIONS 44209 SURVEYMONKEY.COM 44501 SURVEYMONKEY.COM 200.00 SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 41809 TOOL SHACK INC 44237 44237 44237 44246 FHEG STORE 1283 FHEG STORE 1283 FHEG STORE 1283 CATHERINE CRAWFORD 44247 AM FAST FOODS 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 44340 BLANKET P.O. FOR TOOL SUPPLIES, 7/1/30 - 6/30/14, AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: GUIDO GIRARDI , MARCO NAVARRO, DINA DOMINGUEZ Portfolio 2 packer Folders Dry Erase Marker 3 Pack 1,000.00 Sales Tax Reimburse Supplies for Social Sciences Division Winter Retreat 1/31/14 Supplies for Social Sciences Division Retreat 1/31/14 Item # 544458 Post-it Notes 3" x 3" pack of 12 1.83 128.69 14.70 5.67 347 .98 11 .29 25.20 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 259251 EXPO Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Black, Pack Of 12 Item # 328649 EXPO Low-Odor Dry-Erase Marker, Green , (pack of 12) Item # 259271 EXPO Dry-Erase Markers, Blue , pack of 12 Item # 259633 Scotch Magic Tape In Dispensers, 3/4" x 650", Pack Of 6 Item # 307512 EXPO Dry-Erase Eraser OFFICE DEPOT Item # 343483 Quartet Standard Laser Pointer 24.99 zf 28 15.40 16.80 13.99 5.60 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44340 OFFICE DEPOT 44346 SCANTRON CORPORATION Item # 258231 EXPO Vis-A-Vis Fine-Tip Markers, Red , box of 12 Item # 256861 EXPO Dry-Erase Markers, Red , pack of 12 Item # 680959 EXPO Vis-A-Vis Fine-Tip Markers, Black, box of 12 Sales Tax 15.99 8.40 15.86 18.03 31.98 44346 SCANTRON CORPORATION Item # 258271 EXPO Vis-A-Vis Fine-Tip Markers, Green, box of 12 Item # 262271 EXPO Vis-A-Vis Wet-Erase Fine-Tip Markers, Blue, box of 12 Form # 9702 ITEM ANALYSIS 50QUS 2/S RED (75/PKG) Shipping Charges 44346 SCANTRON CORPORATION Sales Tax 44346 SCANTRON CORPORATION Form # 9700 ITEM ANALYSIS S 2/SGREEN (75/PKG) 13.95 OFFICE DEPOT 39.99 14.84 23.90 9.89 3.41 SUPPLIES-LAB 44022 44022 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 470796 Logitechy Wireless Desktop MK320 Keyboard/Mouse Combo, Black Price Difference for light bulbs 44022 OFFICE DEPOT ltem#909598 Rubberband 15.50 44022 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 358530 GE Reveal� Crystal Clear Bulbs , 60 Watts, Pack Of 2 Sales Tax 17.96 44022 OFFICE DEPOT 44022 OFFICE DEPOT 44022 OFFICE DEPOT 44022 OFFICE DEPOT 44022 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 770160 PilotY Precisey V5 Liquid Ink Rollerball Pens, 0.5 mm , Extra Fine Point, Assorted Barrel , Assorted Ink, Pack Of 7 Item # 821808 Clorox� ;Disinfecting Wipes , Fresh Scent, Pack Of 75 Wipes Item # 750690 Chalk Item # 922853 WD My Passport Ultra 2TB External Portable Hard Drive, Black 9.99 22 .05 12.36 18.88 2.80 139.99 SUPPLlES·OFFICE 41714 ROBERT SKEELS & COMPANY 43888 OFFICE DEPOT Facilities blanket po for orders between 7/1/13 - 6/30/14 . Authorized signatures: Vince Peoples , Dan Padilla, Mike Nevieus. Supplies for President's Office 43888 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 4,250.00 332 .63 29.79 43904 OFFICE DEPOT HP ink cartridges #904392 black 43904 OFFICE DEPOT Additional HP 143450 Black Toner 260.58 43904 OFFICE DEPOT HP ink cartridges #143455 (Q6001A, Q6002A, Q6003A) Sales Tax 426.90 #801120 Smead Clear Hanging Tabs, pack of 25 #314435 Smead Hanging Folders Green , pack of25 Sales Tax 5.32 43904 OFFICE DEPOT 43959 OFFICE DEPOT 43959 OFFICE DEPOT 43959 OFFICE DEPOT 29 0.00 51 .87 27.58 4.25 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - U.NRESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE 43959 OFFICE DEPOT #974032 11 x17 legal size copy paper 44022 OFFICE DEPOT 14.31 4.00 44087 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 429431 Office Depot� Brand Binder Clips, Medium, 1 1/4" Wide, 5/8" Capacity, Black, Box Of 12 Office Supplies for District Accountant 44114 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 44114 OFFICE DEPOT #402370 ream white 8 1/2" x 14" copy paper 20.98 42.91 88.41 1.89 44144 OFFICE MAX Supplies for Controller's Office 44159 OFFICE DEPOT OD Tape in Dispenser pk of 4 #220735 4.19 44159 OFFICE DEPOT 00 Staples #344279 3.00 44159 OFFICE DEPOT PaperMate Pens Blue pk of 12 #706279 3.99 44159 OFFICE DEPOT OD Overlay Desk Pad 20x31 #527422 44159 OFFICE DEPOT 44159 OFFICE DEPOT Expo Low odor Dry Erase Marker pk of 12 #259251 Memorex CD-R pk of 100 #620650 10.92 44159 OFFICE DEPOT Cambridge Rec Notebook 80 sheet #422515 23.04 44159 OFFICE DEPOT Expo Whiteboard Eraser #307512 44159 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 13.36 44159 OFFICE DEPOT AA Batteries pk of 16 #210106 10.04 44159 OFFICE DEPOT BIC Correction Tape #429638 2.64 44159 OFFICE DEPOT See Jane Letter Sorter #116399 7.99 44159 OFFICE DEPOT 8.40 44159 OFFICE DEPOT 44159 OFFICE DEPOT Expo Low odor Dry Erase Marker pk of 12 Red #256861 Ready Index Dividers 10 tabs pack of 6 sets #653477 PaperMate Pens Red pk of 12 #706297 44159 OFFICE DEPOT 44193 BUSINESS CARD 44193 BUSINESS CARD 44193 BUSINESS CARD 44193 BUSINESS CARD 44198 SALLY E HOLMES Ready Index Dividers 5 tabs pack of 6 sets #653469 Shipping SKU Number: 1724: USI Opti ClearY Roll Film - 3Mil 250' 25" Wide 2-1/4" Core Gloss Tax 35.99 8.40 8.40 10.13 3.99 5.28 21 .15 110.00 17.03 79 .20 44224 OFFICE MAX SKU Number: 1723 USI Opti Clear� Roll Film - 3Mil 250' 18" Wide 2-1/4" Core Gloss Reimburse Supplies for Board Meeting 11/18/13 and 1/28/14 Supplies for Duplicating 44225 SCRIP-SAFE SECURITY PROD INC Transcript Paper Scrip-Safe 44225 SCRIP-SAFE SECURITY PROD INC Sales Tax 135.44 44225 SCRIP-SAFE SECURITY PROD INC 125.00 44231 OFFICE DEPOT Additional Funds for Emergency Stock Shipment Sales Tax 44231 OFFICE DEPOT Office Depot HP (CE505A) Item 763182 634.90 20.36 271 .15 1,565 .96 57.14 13.94 44232 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 44232 OFFICE DEPOT HP 122A (Q3964A) LaserJet Imaging Drum 154.93 44242 OFFICE MAX Supplies for Instructional Services- Jill Lewis 237.30 JO 30 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE 44254 OFFICE DEPOT 44254 OFFICE DEPOT 44254 OFFICE DEPOT Xerox Multi-purpose colored paper - pink Item #345652 Xerox Multi-purpose colored paper - baby blue - Item #345637 Sales Tax 44255 OFFICE DEPOT HP 05A black toner 44255 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 18.58 18.58 3.34 181.98 16.38 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Avery Black Ink Pen Item # 255420 12.79 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Heavy-Duty 2-Hole Punch Item # 427281 19.99 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Energizer AA Batteries Item # 416545 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Color File Folders Letter Size 1/3 Cut Green Box Of 100 Item # 207951 Pen 1.0 Black Ballpoint Blue Metallic Barrel Item # 752501 Pen Medium Point Black Barrel Item # 914485 44256 OFFICE DEPOT File Folders 1/3 Cut Letter Size Item # 810838 14.58 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Sales TAx 60.73 8.99 27 .98 11.99 22.59 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Cleaning Duster Item # 110284 27.99 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 31.58 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Expanding File Pockets Letter Size Assorted Colors Item #172784 Grip Ballpoint Stick Pens 0.8 mm Fine Point Black Barrel Black Ink Pack Of 12 Item # 863227 HP 647A Black Toner Item # 487404 44256 OFFICE DEPOT EXPO Spray Bottle Item # 775660 8.99 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Highlighters Item # 469919 6.29 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 2.99 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 44256 OFFICE DEPOT 44256 OFFICE DEPOT Pencil Pouch With Clear Window, 7" x 9 3/4", Assorted Colors Item # 276059 Expanding File Pockets 3 1/2" Expansion 9 1/2" x 11 3/4" Item # 917272 Instant Hand Sanitizer With Aloe Item # 185432 Color File Folders Letter Size 1/3 Cut Orange Box Of 100 Item # 208009 Pens 44294 GE CRB AMAZON 44311 44311 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT 44311 OFFICE DEPOT 44311 OFFICE DEPOT 44311 OFFICE DEPOT 44337 OFFICE DEPOT 11.16 319 .98 122.97 9.98 13.99 8.80 Sales Tax 4.09 Wall Calendar, 12" x 171/8", January December 2014 Item # 440062 Post-it durable filing tabs, 2� Item # 810360 Delivery fee 6.00 Office Depoty Brand Metro Mesh Stacking Sorter, Black Item # 737851 Item 154414 Hp 12A Cartridge 44337 OFFICE DEPOT Item 636645 Hp 35A Cartridge 44337 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 44337 OFFICE DEPOT Item 878270 Hp 05A Cartridge 44343 TERESA A DAVIS Reimburse Supplies for Student Services Retreat JI31 18.00 5.95 21.49 63.42 172.02 55.58 382.15 81.88 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17,2014 Fund: 01 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE 44344 MARIAH RIBEIRO 44345 JEANETTE STIRDIVANT 407.50 44362 OFFICE MAX Reimburse Supplies for Student Services Retreat Reimburse Supplies for Student Services Retreat Ivory Paper 44362 OFFICE MAX Cherry Paper 44362 OFFICE MAX Sales Tax 12.16 44362 OFFICE MAX Pink Paper 18.70 44362 OFFICE MAX Green Paper 19.00 44362 OFFICE MAX Salmon Paper 19.00 44362 OFFICE MAX Golden Rod Paper I 19.00 44362 OFFICE MAX Yellow Paper 19.00 44363 OFFICE DEPOT 44363 OFFICE DEPOT 27X Remanufactured High-Yield Black Toner Cartridge Tax 44364 RICHARD CORTES Reimburse Supplies for Counselor Retreat 44397 OFFICE MAX 44397 OFFICE MAX 44397 OFFICE MAX CANON CU-8 INKJET CARTIDGES, BLACK, TRI-COLOR, 8 PACK, ITEM # 21253849 CORRECTION FLUID PEN , ITEM # a 95624415 Sales Tax 167.01 24 .00 15.04 128.37 11.55 12.58 122.99 11.83 12.13 98.00 44412 OFFICE DEPOT Office Supplies for President's Office 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 44433 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44433 OFFICE DEPOT 44467 PATRICIA DJAMBAZIAN 44469 CARD INTEGRATORS 44480 44482 OFFICE DEPOT OIC Small Binder Clips, 3/4" Wide, 3/8" Capacity, Black, Box Of 12 Item # 808857 OIC Large Binder Clips, 2" Wide, 1" Capacity, Black, Box Of 12 Item # 963439 BIC Mechanical Pencils, 0.7 mm, Black Barrel , Pack Of 12 Item # 811943 HP 304A, Black Original Toner Cartridge (CC530A), Pack Of 2 Item # 899445 Sales Tax HP 304A, Yellow Original Toner Cartridge (CC532A) Item # 287860 HP 61X, Black Original Toner Cartridge (C8061X) Item # 727351 HP 304A, Cyan Original Toner Cartridge (CC531A) Item # 287855 Office Depot Brand Economy File Folders, 1/3 Cut, Letter Size, Manila, Pack Of 150 Item # 172816 HP 304A, Magenta Original Toner Cartridge (CC533A) Item # 28786560 Paper Mate Liquid Paper� DryLine� Grip Correction Tape, Single Line, 335", White, Pack Of 2 Item # 254089 Reimburse Supplies for Student Services Retreat Inv #0077776-IN for 2 Ribbons of 10 Printing Machine Supplies for Accounting Office 315.00 GE CRB AMAZON CONFERENCE STATION MICROPHONE 928.97 32 3'L 1.80 2.61 4.99 157.29 55.60 83.28 174.08 83.28 10.19 83.28 17.00 58.68 210.30 GL'ENDAlE COMMUN'lTY COLLEGE DISTRII:CT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02128114 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND· UNRESTRICTED 01 PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE AND POWER SPLITTER SUPPLIES-PRINTING 41813 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Blanket for Duplicating Supplies Fiscal Year 2014 5,000.00 TRAVEL-CONFERENCE 43399 RICHARD McCOLL 44012 ANORA VERSTRAETE 44158 RUBENS DURVAL 44196 PETER GREEN 44199 BILL ELBETTAR 44244 JAYNE CAMPBELL 44280 44296 NAPA VALLEY COLLEGE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING CENTER PAUL VERA 44327 JING JOHNSON 44331 JING JOHNSON 44360 SANDI SHEFFEY 44488 DAVID VIAR 44491 BRENDA JONES 44492 TERESA CORTEY 44493 LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 44498 COMMUNITY COLLEGE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA 44509 KEVIN MCHAN 44517 ROBERT S TAYLOR National Council on Education for Ceramic Arts Conference March 19 to 23 2014 Milwaukee WI Community College League of CA Conference January 25 to 27 2014 Sacramento CA Repairs and Maintenance Baja Field Station 1/30/14 to 2/2/14 American Choral Directors Conference Feb 19 to 22 2014 Santa Barbara CA Chief Informational Systems Officer Assoc Conference Feb 24 to 252014 Anaheim CA American Choral Directors Assoc Convention Feb 19 to 212014 Santa Barbara CA Class for Campus Law Enforcement 8/11/14 Napa CA Western States Communication Association February 14 to 182014 Anaheim CA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course November 9 and 102014 Pasadena CA Annual Evidence Based Nursing Forum Feb 14 2014 CSULA Cengage Publishing Computing Conference March 11 to 142014 Hashville TN CCLC Legislative Conference January 25 to 27 2014 Sacramento CA Council of Chief Librarians Directors Meeting Marh 6 to 8 2014 Sacramento CA Reimburse Supplies for Language Arts Division Retreat 3nt14 Registration for Dr. David Viar to attend the 9th Annual LACOE Superintendents' Professional Collaborative Conference July 24 & 25 2014 Pasadena CA Registration Fees for 2014 Annual Legislative Conference Jan 25 to 27 2014 for Ms. Ann Ransford, Dr. David Viar, and Ms. Andra Verstraete Oracle Use Conference Feb 21 2014 LAX Associated Writing Programs Conference Feb 26 to Mar 1 2014 Seattle WA 446.00 741 .18 138.26 753.23 460.64 331.00 226.00 172.00 166.50 43.30 1,229.53 256.59 197.00 166.52 100.00 1,275.00 10.00 800.00 $284,939.67 Fund : 03 GENERALFUND·RESTruCTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 33 33 AMOUNT GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE D,ISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BOOKS-INSTRUCTIONAL 44021 PEARSON EDUCATION Shipping and Handling 44021 PEARSON EDUCATION #9780132366281 Voices of Freedom 44021 PEARSON EDUCATION Sales Tax 44115 FHEG STORE 1283 Sales tax 44115 FHEG STORE 1283 2,664 .75 44115 FHEG STORE 1283 44116 FHEG STORE 1283 44116 FHEG STORE 1283 Books for Assessor's - Ticket no. 4340 Essentials of Physical Anthropology, 8th Edition, Juramain , R., Kilgore, L., Trevathan Price Adjustment for the Newest- 9TH Edition Relpacement Books for Assessor's Office - Pol S 101 #4341 "The Struggle for Democracy" 2012 Edition Difference of Req. No. 21422 (P044116)Donna Capka returne/exchanged 15 books delivered to correct version ISBN9280205909049. The new version is $109 vs. $61.25 from previous version. Sales Tax 1,293.60 50.43 1,554 .00 139.86 239.83 357.25 1,041 .25 647.19 44116 FHEG STORE 1283 44228 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 44228 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS #9780521186131 Ventures Transitions Student Book Sales Tax 44228 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ShiPING 116.42 44271 PEARSON EDUCATION 748.50 44271 PEARSON EDUCATION 44271 PEARSON EDUCATION 44271 PEARSON EDUCATION Item##9780135087237 Side By Side PlusLevell Student Bk?W Audio CD Activity Test Prep WKBK Item##9780135087619 Side By Side PlusLevel 2 Student BkIW Audio CD Activity Test Prep WKBK ltem##9780135087602 Side By Side PlusLevel 3 Student Bk IW Audio CD Activity Test Prep WKBK Shipping 44271 44273 PEARSON EDUCATION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 44273 44273 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 44319 BUSINESS CARD Sales Tax ITEM#9780521721165 VENTURES BASIC LITERACY VALUE PACK Shipping Sales Tax 93 .71 116.42 374 .25 249.50 200.00 148.50 180.00 200.00 16.20 Shipping and handling for P.O. 44319 (Req. No. 21480) DNA Kits for Anthro 101, Ticket no. 4340 for LA Assessor's 233.85 Software Mentoring and Consulting Robotic Academy Capstone Project 1/1/14 TO 6/30/14 Mentoring and Consulting Robotics Academy Capstone Project 1/1/14 to 6/30/14 Class 14WBU165-A Medical Billing Orientation 1/21/14 Class 14WFB010 Wardrobe 101 Styling From the Inside Out 2/1/14 Class 14WBU013A Adobe Photoshop for Beginners 1/25/14 13,600.00 CONTRACT-PERSONAL SERVICE 44182 SEVADAISAYAN 44186 TORKOM PAILEVANIAN 44204 SHOUSHIK MARDIROSIAN 44206 EVA SIPPEL 44207 PHILLIP WARNECKE 34 4.250.00 70.00 90.00 528.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/28/14 02/01/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RIESTRICTED 03 PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT -PERSONAL SERVICE 44267 JOY HINCKLEY 44268 JUDITH HARTMAN 44269 SANDRA MIMS 44284 CHARLES EASTMAN 44293 LUCIAN BADICA Scheduling School Visits Preparing Materials and Supplies K Thru 12 January 2014 Give Presentations K thru 12 Students Science Center January 7 to 31 2014 Science Center Scheduling and Activity Guide for Visiting Schools January 2 to 23 2014 Design and Develop Marketing Materials and Newsletter for CTE Projects 12/19/13 to 2/16/14 Class 14WSI028A Infant and Child CPR 2/3/14 44293 LUCIAN BADICA Class 14WSI027A Adult CPR 1/27/14 44303 QUAYUM ABDUL 44334 BOB COHEN 44334 BOB COHEN 44335 CONNIE SPARKS 44353 CAROLINE RAKNESS 44365 PETER HAN 44377 PETER HAN 44378 DEBORAH HARPER 44379 ROGER BURGRAFF 44379 ROGER BURGRAFF 44403 MIKE ROUNDS 44403 MIKE ROUNDS 44404 NANCY MILLER 44404 NANCY MILLER 44405 SHOUSHIK MARDIROSIAN 44414 CAMERON MCGEE 44418 REUBEN ALLEN 44437 SCOTT STALNAKER Class 14WCA049 Make Your Own Candles 2/8/14 Class 14WBU212 Facebook Twitter and Social Networking for Beginners 1/29/14 Class 14WBU210 Marketing Your Business on Facebook and Social Media 2/5/14 Class 14WBU201 The Fundamentals of Starting a Business 2/1/14 Class 14WFI042 Smart Money Fundamentals 2/4/14 Class 14WF1013-SA Retirement Planning Today 1/25/14 Class 14WF1013-TH Retirement Planning Today 1/30/14 Class 14WPD024 The Brain Class A Blueprint for Brain Fitness 2/1/14 Class 14WBU023 How to Deal with Disagreements Conflict & Confrontation 2/22/14 Class 14WBU024 Dealing With Difficult People How to Communicate With Tact and Skill 2/22/14 Class 14WBU091 Build Your Own Business Website for $5 a Month 2/15/14 Class 14WBU092 Six Figure Speaking How to Give Seminars & Workshops for Profit 2115/14 Class 14WBU099 Using Your Computer to Make Money 2/15/14 Class 14WBU095 How to Become a Professional Organizer 2115/14 Class 14WBU165 Medical Terminology 1 & 2 2/4/14 Provide OJ Services for Robotics Competition GCC 2/22/14 Class 14WC0002-C Go Vegan for a Zesty & Healthy Life 2/6/14 Produce Videotape and Edit Gateways to Glendale College TV Show January 2014 Emcee for Robotics Competition 2/22/14 44442 SPIRO PSAL TIS 44445 JASON SANFORD 44449 WENDY POMA 44450 CONNIE SPARKS Develop Writing Exercises for Contextualized Teaching and Learning Phase II Gateway Grant Class 14WCA006-36 Handmade Books Wooden Dowel Bound Book 2/22/14 Class 14WBU202 How to Write an Effective 35 3:) 875.00 600.00 800.00 1,500.00 140.00 140.00 90.00 255.90 302.70 266.00 188.65 177.00 295.00 196.00 87.50 140.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 600.00 400 .00 160.00 4,000.00 471.68 412.72 570.00 154.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT-PERSONAL SERVICE Business Plan 2/22/14 44451 CHARLOTTE CHEN 44452 PHILLIP WARNECKE 44453 ROGER YANG 44454 LINDA HINTZMAN 44455 CARRIE STARBIRD 44503 CARON ORY 44504 ROGER BURGRAFF 44504 ROGER BURGRAFF Class 14WCA033 Landscape Design and Construction 2/5/14 Class 14WBU009A Intro to Windows 2007 Computer Basics 2/22/14 Presenter at Math Collaborative Winter 2014 Workshop 1/27/14 Presenter at Math Collaborative Winter 2014 Workshop 1/27/14 Presenter at Math Collaborative Winter 2014 Workshop 1/27/14 Class 14WBU205 Start up a Homemade Food Business 2/8/14 Class 14WBU020 How to Develop Successful Leadership Skills 2/15/14 Class 14WBU021 Essential Elements of Masterful Communication 2/15/14 315.00 264.00 250.00 50.00 250.00 1,514.70 122.50 175.00 CONTRACT-SERVICE 12,750.00 43945 KLEIN CONSULTING GROUP Non Credit New Application Per Proposal 44169 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Trip Cachuma Lake Cruise 1/25/14Inv 12514 44219 MARY V DeGEORGE 44243 VOICES FOR ALL LLC 44250 S & S PORTABLE SERVICES 44251 MARY V DeGEORGE 44285 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Class 14WBU039A Accounting for Non Accountants 1/28/14 Inv 2014-001 Class 14WPA009 Am Introduction to Voiceovers Get Started in Voice Acting 1/30/14 Portable Toilets for January 2014 Swap Meet Inv RI258658 Class 14WBU038A Apartment Management 1/25/14 Inv 2014-002 Trip Palm Spring Follies 2/1/14 Inv GCC020114 3,685 .00 3,082 .00 44286 EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE GED Testing Annual Fees Inv 640014668 44407 MARY V DeGEORGE 44430 EDUCATION TO GO 44431 EDUCATION TO GO 44457 S & S PORTABLE SERVICES 44458 AMERICAN FOOTHILL PUBLISHING CO 44459 SOUTHLAND DISPOSAL COMPANY 44460 EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE Class 14WBU040A Intro to Quickbooks 2/8/14 Inv 2014-003 Community Services Education Online Classes for Oct 2013 I nv 1102414 & 1103764 Community Services Education Online Classes Jan 2013 Inv 1075272 & 1076649 Portable Toilets for February Swap Meet Inv R1264184 Community Services Education Spring 2014 Catalog Inv 37538 Trash Bin Rental February Swap Meet Inv 42HOOO01 GED Essay Testing Inv 640014828 44462 EDUCATION TO GO Community Services Education Online Classes 01/14 Inv 1111219 2,310.00 427.50 249.60 278 .81 712.50 665.00 1,647.25 2,182.50 278.81 15,416.56 312 .50 196.00 2,198.00 CONTRACT-SITE LICENSE 44354 ACTT Combined English Language Skills Assessment ATB Test Site License 4/15/20143/14/2015 EQUIPMENT-COMPUTER 36 210.60 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER 43949 DELL MARKETING LP 44063 GE CRB AMAZON Optiplex 9020 Plus Monitor Per Quote 673092733 Sales Tax 44063 GE CRB AMAZON Samsung Chromebook (Wi-Fi, 11.6-lnch) 1,118.43 62.10 689.97 165.42 44330 APPLE INC Sales Tax 44330 APPLE INC 44359 APPLE INC 44359 APPLE INC 21 .5 inch IMac 065-C286 Plus AppleCare USB SuperDrive and e-Waste fee of $4 Per Proposal 2201318752 21.5 inch iMac 065-C286 Plus AppleCare USB SuperDrive and e-Waste fee of $4 Per Proposal 2201318752 Sales Tax 44391 APPLE INC 1,961.00 1,961 .00 165.42 17,654.72 44409 DELL MARKETING LP Sync Cart - iPads - AppleCare and e-Waste Fee Per Quote 2201298129 Optiplex 9020 Per Quote 675482044 44423 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Snag It software - SNAGAV09U-11 E 44423 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Sales Tax 44423 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY TechSmith Camtasia CSBNAV01-8/11 E 390.00 44502 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. HP Chromebook 11 Laptops 558.00 44502 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. Sales tax 44502 OCEAN INTERFACE CO. , INC. Extended 3 year warranty 1,118.54 84.00 7.56 50.22 138.00 EQUIPMENT -INSTRUCTIONAL 41909 MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Equipment Machine Shop 41909 MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Sales Tax 0.00 350.60 3,896.52 41909 MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Misc Supplies per Quote 13215320 43922 NCS PEARSON INC Sales Tax 43922 NCS PEARSON INC Webcam C615 and Ancillary 450.00 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC 550.00 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC HM25 PRACTICE VOLLEYBALL NET -NETS WILL BE XL TO WORK WITH PRACTICE COURTS-SHIPPING 252.45 BALANCE DUE $3309.61 HM50-XL TECHNORA VOLLEYBALL NET (EXTRA LONG CABLE) TNT TOP NET TAPE - CUSTOMIZED 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC 44090 SPORTS IMPORTS INC 44260 44263 MORTON REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MAY 172001 CFM INTERNATIONAL LLC 44263 CFM INTERNATIONAL LLC 44263 CFM INTERNATIONAL LLC 44324 THOMAS SCIENTIFIC 44324 THOMAS SCIENTIFIC 40.50 = = AL7 ALUMINUM VOLLEYBALL UPRIGHT (PIN-STOP) TAX $252.46 = Machining System Lease Purchse Payment MYZONE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY BELTS 252.45 365.00 320.00 1,570.00 252.46 12,496.56 1,650.00 =$30 BALANCE 30.00 Rubbermaid Heavy Duty Lab Cart HD 2-Shelf Utility Cart w/Lipped Shelf - Black 39" x 177/8" x 33-1/4" Sales Tax 491.20 SHIPPING AND HANDLING DUE $1680 Sales Tax = 37 el7 151.20 44.38 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT -INSTRUCTIONAL 44324 THOMAS SCIENTIFIC Shipping 44325 FLINN SCIENTIFIC Shipping Charges 48.00 377.50 44325 FLINN SCIENTIFIC Sales Tax 44325 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 1,055.00 44326 CREST OFFICE FURNITURE SE5445 Flammable Cabinet 45 Gal. Metal 2 Door 2 Shelves Per Quote #107677 Sales Tax 94.95 44326 CREST OFFICE FURNITURE 2,847.60 44328 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. Chemistry lab Stools Part# 12230 122 Series 30" Height for Masonite Seat Per Quote Dated 1/27/14 Sales Tax 44328 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. Shipping 44328 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. CE958A -Printer Per Quote # E021702 447.00 44328 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC . 425.00 44329 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. 44329 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. 256.28 78.48 10.00 44329 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. Toners for CE958A Printer Per Quote # E021703 CF285AO HP Laser Jet Pro 400 Per Quote# E020032 Toners for CF285A Printer Per Quote # E020303 Sales Tax 44329 OCEAN INTERFACE CO. , INC. Shipping 44333 FLINN SCIENTIFIC Shipping Charges 87.50 44333 FLINN SCIENTIFIC Sales Tax 40.05 44333 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 445.00 44336 ALLIED ELECTRONICS CORP 44336 ALLIED ELECTRONICS CORP SE8063 Flinn Bench Top Acid Cabinet based on Quote #108116 Pomona electronics 24" BNC to BNC cable (5697-24) ; item #:70198393 Sales Tax and expedite Shipping 44336 ALLIED ELECTRONICS CORP 115.50 44356 VS ATHLETICS Pomona electronics Femalr BNC to Banana plug cable (3073); item #:70197980 STYLE # 2476 Adjustable Training Handle 44356 44356 VS ATHLETICS VS ATHLETICS 44443 MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Sales Tax Shipping and Handling Equipment Machine Shop 44443 MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Misc Supplies per Quote Sales Tax HP Laser jet Pro 400 m 401dw Printer CF285A per Quote # E020302 Shipping 44487 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. 44487 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. 44487 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. 342.00 162.00 46.36 10.00 91.00 40.00 528.00 47.52 106.00 3,201 .15 1,400.00 30.78 342 .00 10.00 EQUIPMENT -OFFICE 43909 CARD INTEGRATORS 44398 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Quote GCC 101 Card Printer for CI Badge Card SystemlTransCam Flash Camera Sales Tax 44398 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Xerox Desktop 3635X MFP 44499 SECURA COIN LOCKER Sales Tax 44499 SECURA COIN LOCKER 3 Secura Coin Lockers, 12" wide, 18" front to back, 60"high. EQUIPMENT -VEHICLE 38 3f 1,844.83 2,763.00 248.67 148.77 1,653 .00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT -VEHICLE 44528 STAR FORD Wheel Nut for Patrol Car Inv 476469 76.52 62.95 MAINT AGREEMENT-COPIER 44148 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Shipping and Handling Cost for Free Toners 44148 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Tax 44148 SO CAL OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Job Placement Annual maintenance Contract 180.00 increase EOPS blanket po for water supplies ACCt # 24984204352784 EOPS blanket po for water supplies ACCt # 24984204352784 Increase of Funds for Services 600.00 5.67 OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE 42194 SPARKLETTS 42194 SPARKLETTS 42194 SPARKLETTS 44192 FREY FAMILY ENTERPRISES 44278 DELL MARKETING LP 44350 CATHY DURHAM 44402 THE FLAME BROILER 44521 PACIFIC CLINICS Supplies for HS Math Collaborative Workshop Participants January 25 2014 Invoice XJBWXFJ51 Onsite License and Support for Library Server Reimbursement for Supplies Supplies for Counselor Day on 2/12 and 2/13/14 Food Services Provided for PDC in October 2013 Inv 003 400.00 1,000.00 654.00 1,529.18 214.10 750.00 4,302.61 PAPER-COLORED 44495 KELLY PAPER Fuel Surcharge 44495 KELLY PAPER Sales Tax 44495 KELLY PAPER 30111 M Blue 671b , 11 x 17" Spring Hill Digital 6.25 24.68 274 .25 PRINTING-CATALOG/SCHEDULE 44205 CHROMATIC INC Sales tax 44205 CHROMATIC INC GCC Architectural Flyers for marketing and advertising to HS feeders. 850.00 44179 CHROMATIC INC 354 .25 44179 CHROMATIC INC Additional quote for 600 books fr Req. No. 21461 (difference in the amount) "From Backpack to Briefcase" Student Workbook - 32 page self saddle stitch for High School and College students' CTE Outreach. Sales Tax 76.50 PRINTING-MISC 44179 CHROMATIC INC 44429 AMERICAN FOOTHILL PUBLISHING CO 44463 AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS GUSD Summer Enrichment Brochure Inv 37537 INV#01688471 For Parking Citation Booklets 4,895.00 440.55 1,785.42 1,962.37 SOFTWARE-MULTI USER 44279 BUSINESS CARD QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll 44279 BUSINESS CARD Sales Tax SUPPLIES-CLEANING 3; 39 279.20 25.13 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-CLEANING 44312 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 44312 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY Item 88EID6100145 ECOLAB WATER TREATMENT MC DM Sales Tax 170.99 15.39 SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 41690 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Increase of Funds 400.00 41690 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Renewal for FY 13-14 Acct #2074980 600.00 550.00 41698 CHATSWORTH GLOVES INC Increase of Funds 41698 CHATSWORTH GLOVES INC Increase po#41698 for $238 238.00 41698 CHATSWORTH GLOVES INC 500 .00 41699 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC Chemistry Dept blanket purchase order for the year 13-14. Valid till 6/30/2014 authorized. Yelena Zakarian Increase of funds 41699 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC 41809 TOOL SHACK INC 41809 TOOL SHACK INC 42462 INDUSTRIAL METAL SUPPLY CO 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 500.00 Chemistry Dept blanket purchase order for the year 13-14. Valid till 6/30/2014 authorized . Yelena Zakarian acct #49486432 pin 496839 PLEASE INCREASE EXISTING BLANKET PO.# 41809 TO TOOL SHACK BY $200 TO COVER OUTSTANDING INVOICE. Increase of Blanket po# 41809 1,000.00 Blanket Purchase Order to. Industrial Metal Supply Co., 8300 San Fernando Rd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.818-729-3333 . Authorized Buyers. John Kray and Mark Dieny. WIN ARTST VINE CHRCUHARD BX12 ITEM # 22989-1104 From VOUCHER ACCT. 030100-0-100200-4300 STRTHMR 300 SRS PAD/18X24 NTRL WHT TAPE ITEM # 10312-1379 From VOUCHER ACCT. 03-0100-0-100200-4300 LlQUITX SFT BODY ACRICAD YLW LT HUE 20Z ITEM # 00616-4133 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GALERIA ACRYLIC/CAD RED HUE 60ML ITEM # 00604-3543 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 WIN ARTGRD BARRIER CR/250ML JAR ITEM # 00491-1004 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 KLAY GUNIW/DISC ITEM # 30319-0100 From VOUCHER ACCT. 03-0100-0-100200-4300 DESIGN W/P BLACK INKlBLK 320Z ITEM # 21115-2007 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 DESIGN W/P BLACK INKlBLK 10Z ITEM # 21115-2003 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 XACTO UTILITY BLADES/15PK ITEM # 57498-1005 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 GALERIA ACRYLIC/ULTRA BLU 60ML ITEM # 00604-5233 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 5,500.00 1() 40 200.00 300.00 7.34 15.89 23.01 307 10.91 20.58 31.38 15.78 14.20 3.07 GLENDALE COMMUNI,TY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED 03 PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY C-THRU RULER/18IN BEVEL 8THS ITEM # 55618-1018 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 VALUE PACK BRUSH SET/9174 WHT TKLN 5/SET ITEM # 06223-9174 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 SNNLR ARTSTS EGG TP/BOX SET OF 5 ITEM # 00028-0059 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GALERIA ACRYLIC/MARS BLK 60ML ITEM # 00604-2043 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 DERWENT COMPRESSED/DARK ITEM # 22209-1003 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 STRATHMORE BRIST PADIWHT 14X17 SMOOTH ITEM # 13307-1017 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GOLDEN ACRYLIC MED/REG GEL GLOSS QT ITEM # 00628-1087 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 BLENDING STUMP/ASSORT 5PK ITEM # 22866-1059 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 Tax on Blick Order From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-1 00200-4300 SHARPIE FINE PT MRKR/BLK CD/5 ITEM # 21316-2005 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 FOUNDATN DPOS PALETE/12X16 ITEM # 03011-1006 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 DERWENT COMPRESSED/MEDIUM ITEM # 22209-1002 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 CLEAR-LAY ACETATE/9X12 PAD .005 ITEM # 55519-1023 From VOUCHER ACCT: 0301 00-0-1 00200-4300 CANSON NEWSPRINT PAD/18X24 100SHT ITEM# 10309-1109 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 BLACK CAT INDA INKlBLK QUART ITEM # 21101-2007 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 LlQUITX SFT BODY ACR/CAD RD MD HU/LAQ 20Z ITEM # 00616-3553 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 BAMBOO SKETCH PEN/MEDIUM ITEM # 20826-0200 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 PIGMA MICRON PEN/BLK SET3 ITEM # 20702-2009 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 GALERIA ACRYLIC/CBL T BLU HUE 60ML ITEM # 00604-5193 From VOUCHER ACCl: 41 '/1 27.00 10.78 45.43 3.07 15.84 83.12 26.88 11 .97 240.06 8.58 6.25 15.84 31 .05 35.52 25.98 37.02 24.78 13.00 3.07 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17,2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNt SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 03-0100-0-100200-4300 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK SLICK COMPANY CARAN D ACHE SUPRACLRlSUPRACOLOR SET 30 ITEM # 20542-1309 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 PLASTIC TRAY/10 WELL RND EACH ITEM # 03041-1010 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 L1QUITX SFT SODY ACRICAD RED LT HUE 20Z ITEM # 00616-3184 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 DISPOSASLE GLOVES/POWDER FREE LG 100SX ITEM # 35200-1110 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 DERWENT COMPRESSED/LIGHT ITEM # 22209-1001 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 LlQTX SPRAY NOZZLES/ASRTD SET ITEM # 04705-1009 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 Additional Funds for Price changes HIGGINS CLR DRAW INKlWHT 10Z WP ITEM # 21137-1021 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 PRISMA SKETCHNG PNCUMEDIUM ITEM # 20466-2041 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 SLICK PASTEUSET24 ITEM # 20016-1109 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-1002004300 FADELESS ART PAPERIWHT 241NX12FT ITEM # 12915-1023 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 CHINA MARKING PENCIUSLK PENCIL ITEM # 22923-2001 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 POTTERY TOOLS/SET OF 7 STUDENT ITEM # 30361-1009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 FADELESS ART PAPER/SLK 241NX12FT ITEM # 12915-2012 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 NATURAL KRAFT PAPER/SRN 40LS 1000FT ZZ ITEM # 11503-8009 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 PURE WOODLESS GRAPHT/SET OF 4 ITEM # 20461-1009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 CHARCOAL PAPER PAD/18X24 SPIRAL ITEM # 10207-0009 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 SHARPIE FINE PT MRKR/12 COLOR POUCH ITEM # 21316-0129 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 KRYLON COATINGS/!H WORKSL MATTE 110Z ITEM # 21703-1003 From VOUCHER 42 67.20 16.00 37.02 9.90 15.84 4 .17 110.00 7.56 12.84 5.49 5.00 8.52 10.00 5.00 103.90 12.70 12.79 21 .00 32.94 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02101/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY FOUNDATION TRACING PAD/50SH 14X17 ITEM # 10614-1117 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 CONTI= CRAYON/SET12 (2342) ITEM # 20201-1019 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 COLOR WHEEUGRAY SCLE VALUE FNDR ITEM # 04947-2500 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GALERIIA ACRYLIC/CRIM 60ML ITEM # 00604-3163 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 DESIGNERS GOUACHE/SET10 14ML ITEM # 00801-1029 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 ALEENES TACKY GLUE/40Z SQZ ITEM # 23884-1004 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 WIN ARTST VINE CHRCUEXTRA SOFT BX12 ITEM # 22989-1112 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GALERIA ACRYLICITITNM WHT 60ML ITEM # 00604-1013 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 GALE RIA ACRYLIC/CAD YLW PLE HU 60ML ITEM # 00604-4253 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 PENTEL OIL PASTELS/36CT ASSORTED ITEM # 20020-0369 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 FHENCH CURVES/SET8 ITEM # 554521009 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0- 14.14 15.75 11.55 3.07 58.68 4.50 14.68 3.07 3.07 9.50 19.90 100200~ 300 STRATHMORE BRIST PADIWHT 19X24 SMOOTH ITEM # 13307-1011 From VOUCHER ACCl: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 LlQUITX SFT BODY ACRlCBL T BLU HUE 20Z ITEM # 00616-6083 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 HIGGINS CLR DRAW INKIRED 10Z WP ITEM # 21137-3011 From VOUCHER ACCl: 0301 00-0-1 00200-4300 HIGGINS CLR DRAW INKIBLU 1OZ WP ITEM # 21137-5011 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 C-THRU TEMPLATES/SET5ITEM # 554921009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0100200-4300 ALPHACOLOR PASTELS/ASST SET24 ITEM # 20024-2429 From VOUCHER ACCl: 030100-0-100200-4300 WIN ARTST VINE CHRCUMEDIUM BX12 ITEM # 22989-1103 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 43 86.60 14.37 15.12 15.12 20.28 20.30 22.02 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17,2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BUCK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY SPEEDBALL NO 5 SET/ARTIST PEN NIBS ITEM # 20905-1005 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 CANSON VIDALON PAD/50SH 9X12 ITEM # 10612-0023 From VOUCHER ACCl 030100-0-100200-4300 SAF REL FAUX/DEC PNTR TAPE/1INX60YD ITEM # 23082-1036 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 MONTVAL W C BLOCKl12X16 CP 140LB 15SHT ITEM # 10021-1006 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 KRYLON COATINGSI!H CRYSTAL CLEAR 110Z ITEM # 21703-1001 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GOLDEN ACRYLIC MED/REG GEL MATTE 320Z ITEM # 00628-1077 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 CHAR-KOLE STICKS/BLK 12 STK ITEM # 20003-2009 From VOUCHER ACCl 030100-0-100200-4300 CONTE CRAYON/BLK B BOX12 (2460-B) ITEM # 20201-2010 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 C-THRU RULER/12IN BEVEL 8TH GRAPH ITEM# 55618-1012 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 ARTAGAIN PAPER/BLACK 9X12 PAD/24SHT ITEM # 10344-2003 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 WIN ARTIST OIL VRNSH/IH RETOUCH VARNSH 250ML ITEM # 00488-3002 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 TRACING PAPER ROLLlWHT 36X50YD ITEM # 10505-1036 From VOUCHER ACCl 030100-0-100200-4300 PROPORTIONAL SCALE/5IN ITEM # 554731005 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0100200-4300 NEOCOLOR IIIASST SET15 ITEM # 200421509 From VOUCH ER ACCl 03-0100-0100200-4300 HELIX BTS $.99 ITEMS/BALL BEARING COMPASS ITEM # 55737-1008 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GOLDEN ACRYLIC MED/MATIE 320Z ITEM # 00628-1127 From VOUCHER ACCl 030100-0-100200-4300 XACTO KNIFE/PLSTC RTRCTBL UTILTY ITEM # 57497-1010 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 SHARP OIL PAINT MRKR/FASH ASRT MED 5/CT ITEM # 22100-1059 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GOLDEN ACRYLIC MED/MOLDING PASTE l,I!/ 44 25.30 16.47 23.56 31.46 32 .34 26 .88 18.90 15.99 15.42 48.51 16.30 41 .94 8.30 27 .61 17.16 51 .66 16.50 12.75 17.71 GL'ENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED 03 PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPA~Y 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY PINT ITEM # 00628-1166 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 DISPOSABLE GLOVES/POWDR FREE MED 100BX ITEM # 35200-1100 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 LlQUITX SFT BODY ACR/NPTHL CRIM 20Z ITEM # 00616-3223 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 DESIGN KNEADED ERASR/GRAY LRG ITEM # 21502-2820 From VOUCHER ACCT: 0301 00-0-1 00200-4300 WEBER TURPNOIDI!H 2 LITER 67 .6280Z ITEM # 00442-2002 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 PRISMA SKETCHNG PNCU4 CARDED ITEM # 20466-2004 From VOUCHER ACCl 030100-0-100200-4300 PRISMA COMPRS CHARCUASSORT 4/PK ITEM # 20467-1054 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-01 00-0-1 00200-4300 LT DUTY STAPLE GUN/STAPLES 5/161N ITEM # 57219-1031 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 INTERTAPE ARTST TAPEIWHT 11NX60YD ITEM # 24124-1001 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 FOUNDATION TRACING PAD/50SH 19X24 ITEM # 10614-1009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 HIGGINS CLR DRAW INKlYLW 1OZ WP ITEM # 21137-4011 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 WIN OIL BAR ORIGINAUO/BAR 6/CLR SET ITEM # 01528-2069 From VOUCHER ACCl 03-0100-0-100200-4300 FREDRIX CANVAS PAD/12X16 SHT10 ITEM # 08908-1006 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 CANSN MI TEINTES PAP/GRYS 9X12 24/SHT ITEM # 10710-2013 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 FRISK FLM LOWTK CLRl9X12 6PK ITEM # 25206-1033 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 ALPHACOLOR PASTELS/ASST SET12 ITEM # 20024-1229 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 PENTEL OIL PASTELS/ASST SET16 ITEM # 20020-1609 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 GRAPHITE STICKS/BLK 2B BOX12 ZZ ITEM # 20414-2092 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 WEBER TURPNOID NATRUQUART CAN ITEM # 00443-1007 From VOUCHER ACCT: is 45 19.80 37.02 7.32 41.96 12.15 21 .69 5.73 35.20 38.28 15.12 58.19 52 .80 22.20 7.72 12.80 8.80 6.99 16.99 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund : 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 03-0100-0-100200-4300 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY NEOCOLOR II/ASST SET30 ITEM # 200423009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0100200-4300 SHARPIE ULTRA FINE/12CLR POUCH ASSORT ITEM # 21315-0129 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 TORTILLONS CLASS PCKl36PC ITEM # 22855-1036 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 MONTVAL WC PAD/18X24 12SHT ITEM # 10111 - 1009 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 SPEEDBALL PEN HOLDERl6.5IN STANDARD ITEM # 20914-1065 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 CRAFTERS CHOICE GDE/POCKT CLR WHEEL5 1/8 ITEM # 04951-0000 From VOUCHER ACCT : 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GENERAL CHARCOAUBLK JUMBO RECT PKl31TEM # 22921-0000 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 LlQUITX SFT BODY ACRITITNM WHT 20Z ITEM # 00616-1013 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 GAMBLIN OIL MEDIUM/'H 80Z GALKYD LT 2 ITEM # 00456-1005 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-1 00200-4300 CRAYPAS EXPRESSIONST/ASST SET25 ITEM # 20012-0259 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 VARSITY FOUNTAIN PEN/BLK ITEM # 21853-2020 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 RUBBER CEMENTI!H BEST TEST 40Z ITEM # 23902-1004 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 KNIFE/KNIFE #1 W/CAP ITEM # 574451101 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0100200-4300 CRAYPAS EXPRESSIONST/ASST 12 ITEM # 20012-0129 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 WN ARTIST PAINT MED/BLENDNG/GLAZING 75ML ITEM # 00415-2104 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0-100200-4300 SHARPIE ULTRA FINE/BLK 0.3MM ITEM # 21315-2003 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0- 100200-4300 GRAPHITINT PENCILS/24 SET ITEM # 22039-0249 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 GRAPHITE STICKS/BLK 4B BOX12 ZZ ITEM # 20414-2094 From VOUCHER ACCT: 030100-0-100200-4300 46 55 .21 23.90 2.99 17.39 16.08 24 .21 8.37 14.37 12.33 21 .30 17.52 12.45 29.04 9.30 14.70 12.48 38.99 6.99 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED 03 POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 42969 DICK BLICK COMPANY 43672 SO CAL TEAM SPORTS VALUE PACK BRUSH SET/9184 GLDN TKLN 5/SET ITEM # 06223-9184 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 BAMBOO BRUSH/SET 3 ITEM # 054129003 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0100200-4300 WIN ARTST VINE CHRCUSOFT BX12 ITEM # 22989-1012 From VOUCHER ACCT 030100-0-100200-4300 PREM ARTST WLLW CHRUMED 25 STICK ITEM # 20072-1000 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0-100200-4300 C-THRU COMBO SET/12IN ITEM # 554671012 From VOUCHER ACCT 03-0100-0100200-4300 DB CLR PENCILS/48 CLR TIN ITEM # 220630489 From VOUCHER ACCT: 03-0100-0100200-4300 Women's Softball Supplies Estimate 1015 43678 DICK BLICK COMPANY Sales Tax 43678 DICK BLICK COMPANY Cosmos Blot Paper/24X38 Item 10422-1005 43678 DICK BLICK COMPANY Shipping 43910 OFFICE DEPOT 43910 OFFICE DEPOT Item# 403022, black on white tape, 12 mm, 1/2" for Brother P-Touch III; 2 per pack Sales Tax 17.97 17.25 14.68 12.36 13.56 67.98 4,809.84 4.64 51.50 8.95 32.00 2.88 118.50 43998 GE CRB AMAZON 9781882483761 Cathy's Job Interview Cards 43998 GE CRB AMAZON Sales Tax 43998 GE CRB AMAZON Shipping and Handling 44070 OFFICE DEPOT 13.99 44070 OFFICE DEPOT Neenah FSC Certified Cover Stock, 8 1/2" x 11 ", 65 Lb, Gamma Green, Pack Of 250 Item # 198758 Sharpie Accent Highlighters, Fluorescent Yellow, Pack Of 12 Item # 203174 Sales Tax Item # 470510 Pendaflex� Actionframe Hanging Folder Frames, LetterSize, 9 3/4"H x 11 3/4"W x 14"-18"D, Pack Of 2 Item # 259271 EXPO� Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Chisel Point, Blue, Pack Of 12 EXPO Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Chisel Point, Assorted Colors, Pack Of 12 Sales Tax 13.89 44070 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44073 OFFICE DEPOT 44088 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 259251 EXPOy Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Black, Pack Of 12 Item # 203174 Sharpie� Accent� Highlighters, Fluorescent Yellow, Pack Of 12 119719 Eimers Glue-All Pourable Glue, 1 Gal. 44095 OFFICE DEPOT Supplies for Baja Office 44175 CALUMET PHOTO Epson #96 Yellow UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096420 '/1 47 7.11 7.11 4.54 1.67 25.20 42.00 10.38 25.20 9.08 97.74 80.00 129.50 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02128114 March 17,2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED 03 POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLlES·INSTRUCTIONAL Calumet Item #IM53494 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO Epson #96 Vivid Light Magenta UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096620/Calumet Item# IM53496 Epson #96 Cyan UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096220 Calumet Item #IM53492 Epson #96 Photo Black UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096120 Calumet Item #IM53491 Epson Premium Luster Paper 13 x 19", 50 Sheets/Mfr# S041407/Calumet# IM5152 Sales Tax 44175 CALUMET PHOTO Delivery 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44175 CALUMET PHOTO 44176 FHEG STORE 1283 44176 FHEG STORE 1283 Epson #96 Light Cyan UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096520 Calumet Item #IM53495 Epson #96 Vivid Magenta UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096320 Calumet Item #IM53493 Epson #96 Light Light Black UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096920 Calumet Item #IM53498 Epson #96 Light Black UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge for R2880 Mfr Item #T096720 Calumet Item #IM53497 Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper 8.5 x 11" 250 Sheets Mfr Item #S041913 Calumet Item #IM5149 Scantrons for Pol. Science 101, Ticket No. 4341, 4 per student of 17 Sales Tax 44180 44180 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT 388 .50 129.50 388.50 251.97 382.95 50 .00 129.50 129.50 388.50 129.50 2,180.00 37.59 3.38 Item # 790801 Pilot pens blue 19.44 Item # 790841 Pilot pens red Item # 806411 Dry-Erase Board , 38.88 67.30 34 .98 44180 OFFICE DEPOT 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 702819 Pilot pens navy 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 666529 masking tape 44180 44180 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT Item # 806414 uni-ball pens green Item # 703995 pilot mechanical pencils 33.58 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 257351 uni-ball pens purple 29.00 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 24 .83 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 650457 packing tape 14.48 44180 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 790761 Pilot pens black 19.44 44194 OFFICE DEPOT 44194 OFFICE DEPOT Energizer Max Alkaline AA Batteries, Pack of 12. #751383 Office Depot dry-erase markers, black #128772 pack of a dozen Expo dry erase Erasers #307512 44194 OFFICE DEPOT 44194 OFFICE DEPOT Smead Color hanging folders , Blue #315036 Pkg of 25 48 1.98 16.80 6,23 13,10 7.00 14.14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLI ES-I NSTRUCTIONAL 44194 OFFICE DEPOT 44194 OFFICE DEPOT 44201 JOSE A MERCADE 44214 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY 44214 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Office Depot dry-erase markers, blue #456628 pack of a dozen Tax Reimburse Station and Trip Expenses Baja Field Station October 7 to December 27 2013 Shipping 44214 COMPUTERLAND - SILICON VALLEY Quickbooks Accountant 2014 Education Lab 50 Pack Per Quote 122893 Sales Tax 44226 GE CRB AMAZON Last Chance to See (2010) DVD 13.10 4.82 3,105.62 10.00 675.00 60.75 22.96 44226 GE CRB AMAZON Estimated Shipping and Handling 3.98 44226 GE CRB AMAZON Sales Tax @ 9% 2.43 44227 PEARSON EDUCATION 44227 PEARSON EDUCATION # 9780131931725 Workplace Plus Classroom Audio CDs (3) Level 3 Sales Tax 44227 PEARSON EDUCATION Shipping 44236 LEGO EDUCATION 3,633.97 44240 THOMAS VODEN 44245 YELENA ZAKARYAN Mindstorms Education set 10-pack & LEGO Mindstorms Education NXT Software 2.1 and Site License for CSUNIAIM Program for Students mentoringltutoring to Elementary & Middle schools Robotic Instructional class activities. Encumbrance For Reimbursement for the purchase of supplies For Workshop on 1/8/14 ("Examine why we do what we do - what is a culture of inquiry?' Reimburse for Chemistry Department Supplies 44257 DAVID D MARTIN 21.80 44261 CODE-3 DECALS Reimburse for Blueprint Paper for Architecture Class Code 3 Decals Quote 499.77 44262 PITSCO EDUCATION Mousetrap Vechicles Pitsco Quote AAAQ3505 391.11 44281 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax Item 154414 HP 12A 44281 OFFICE DEPOT 44288 US FOODS INC 44289 YELENA ZAKARYAN 44304 GE CRB AMAZON Food Expenses for Culinary Arts 112 Spring 2014 Inv 3211354 Reimburse Supplies For Chemistry Department HP 1536 dn mfp toner 119.40 10.75 5.35 500.00 181.84 4.82 53.55 148.43 111.83 104.30 1,164.24 44307 A RUNNER'S CIRCLE Quote Women's Track Uniforms 44313 DIGI KEY Shipping Charges 21.79 44313 DIG I KEY Sales Tax 48.78 44313 DIGI KEY 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC Miscellaneous supplies (see attached spreadsheet) for Robotics Capstone project. Shipping Charge 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC High Strength Gear Kit, PIN : 276-2250 541.95 18.04 89.97 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC Sales Tax 37.79 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC 49.96 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC 2-Wire Motor 393 wlMotor Controller 29, PIN : 276-1668 Metal & Hardware Kit, P/N:276-2161 49 159.98 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED po# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC Mecanum Wheel 4' (4-pack) , PIN: 276-1447 59.99 44314 VEX ROBOTICS INC Wheel Kit, PIN 276-2164 59.98 44315 MOUSER ELECTRONICS Sales Tax 1.94 44315 MOUSER ELECTRONICS Shipping Charges 8.01 44315 MOUSER ELECTRONICS 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR General Purpose Relays PowerPCBRelay 2mmGap PCB SPST-NO 24VDC , part #653G8P-1 A4P-BG-DC24 Aluminum Inch T-Slotted Framing System Four-Slot Single, 1" Solid Extrusion, 2' Length , product#47065T101 Linear Bearing for T-Slotted Framing for 1" Width Rail, Side-Mount, 1-7/8" Length, product #60585K18 Aluminum Inch T-Slotted Framing System 90 Degree Bracket, Single, 2-Hole, for 1" Extrusion, product #47065T223 One-Piece Clamp-on Rigid Shaft Coupling wlo Keyway for 6mm X 6mm Dia Shaft, Steel, product #2469K1 Shipping Charges 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR 44316 MCMASTER CARR Steel 14-1/2 Deg Pressure Angle Gear Rack 32 Pitch, 3/16" Face Width , 3/16" H O'all, 2' Length , product #6295K11 Steel Plain Bore 14-1/2 Deg Spur Gear 32 Pitch, 16 Teeth , 0.5" Pitch Dia, 3/16" Bore, product #6325K89 Sales Tax 44317 GE CRB AMAZON Sales Tax 44317 GE CRB AMAZON 44318 23andMe INC Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920, 1080p Widescreen Video Calling and Recording DNA Kits for Anthro 101 with Ticket No. 4340 44319 BUSINESS CARD 44319 BUSINESS CARD OFFICE DEPOT 44338 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT DNA Kits for Anthro 101, Ticket nO. 4340 for LA City Assessor's Sales Tax 528712 Expo dry erase marker assorted 12 259251 Expo dry erase marker black 12 per box 877540 Papermate gel-ink pens, medium point red 12 per box 592237 Expo dry-erase felt eraser precision point 405472 Apollo plain paper copier transparency film black on clear 100 per box 797190 Sharpie marker ultra-fine green 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 911245 Office Depot cleaning duster 10-oz. pack of 3 687301 4 color pen set Vis-a-Vis 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 259271 Expo marker chisel tip blue 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 127731 Expo dry-erase surface cleaner 1 gallon Sales tax 50 21 .55 8.35 43.51 7.96 27.97 5.35 20.41 30.60 12.49 6.75 74.95 1,857.35 4,378.00 39402 8.40 25.20 14.40 17.34 40.92 1.69 7.85 10.56 8.40 13.40 47.68 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO. VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 811158 pencil #2, Ticonderoga , 12 per pack 1.46 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 699459 correction tape 6 per pack 5.74 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 403022 Brother TC-20 black-on-white tapes pack of 2 256861 Expo dry erase marker red 12 per box 64.00 16.80 1.12 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 750690 white chalk, dustless 12 per box 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 23.10 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 328649 Expo dry erase marker green 12 per box 371674 Stanley Bostich B8 Powercrown staples 1/4" 5,000 per box 598123 gluestick 6 per pack 825190 Office Depot binder clips, medium, 1 1/4" wide pack of 14412 boxes of 12 clips 451872 Sharpie ultra-fine marker, red, 12 per box 221051 staple 1/4" 5,000/box 8.64 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 14.88 4.33 13.16 3.60 825182 Office Depot binder clips, small , 3/4" wide pack of 144 (12 boxes of 12 clips) 592255 Expo dry-erase felt replacement pad 15.84 5.40 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 259271 Expo dry erase marker blue 12 per box 25.20 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 12.96 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 451898 Sharpie ultra-fine marker, black, 12 per box 692123 WD-40 lubricant 12 oz. can 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 522206 OIC Adjustable 3-hole punch black 9.59 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 408344 Correction Fluid 3 per pack 2.16 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 44338 OFFICE DEPOT 1,858.98 9.95 9.95 7.29 31.68 44339 ALEXANDER PUBLICATIONS 309443 Quartet Zenith chalkboard eraser 5" felt 636645 HP 35A black original toner cartridge (CB435A) Alexander Publications Quote # 1039. 44355 44355 BUSINESS CARD BUSINESS CARD Enclosure for Beagle Bone Black, part #1555 Beagle Bone Black PSU, part #276 44355 44355 44358 BUSINESS CARD Beagle Bone Black, part #1278 BUSINESS CARD JON GOLD Sales Tax Reimburse Purchase Tennis Balls for Athletics 44376 EDUCATIONAL MUSIC SERVICES 44381 GE CRB AMAZON 44381 GE CRB AMAZON Please create a Blanket Valid till 6/30/14 Authorized User Beth Pflueger The Career Fitness Program: Exercising Your Options (10th Edition) Paper back for Career Counseling Office. Shipping and Handling 44381 GE CRB AMAZON Sales Tax 77.38 44383 OFFICE MAX HP Brochure and Flyer Paper 31.34 114.68 45.00 5.84 653.78 776.00 859.76 93.71 44383 OFFICE MAX Sales Tax 10.42 44383 OFFICE MAX 84.41 44384 GE CRB AMAZON Epson Inkjet Cartridges for Epson Stylus� Photo C88, CX3810, CX4200 Sales Tax 44384 GE CRB AMAZON School Smart Overhead Projector Film Rolls 1 1/2 inch x 50 foot 50.34 51 51 4.53 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02101/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED 03 PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 44387 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 10.22 4.55 44387 OFFICE DEPOT Paper Mate Ballpoint Stick Pens Item # 181636 44387 OFFICE DEPOT Wire bond Notebook Item # 588349 47 .25 44387 OFFICE DEPOT 61.75 44388 OFFICE DEPOT 44388 OFFICE DEPOT Wilson Jones Basic Round-Ring View Binder 2" Rings Item # 729624 Brand Economy File Folders, 1/3 Cut, Letter Size, Manila, Pack Of 150 Sales Tax 44388 OFFICE DEPOT 44.98 44396 OFFICE DEPOT Glossy Photo Paper 8 1/2" x 11" Pack Of 50 Sheets Sales Tax 44396 OFFICE DEPOT 20.99 44396 OFFICE DEPOT 44396 OFFICE DEPOT 44426 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 44432 SCANTRON CORPORATION 44432 SCANTRON CORPORATION 44432 SCANTRON CORPORATION 44432 SCANTRON CORPORATION # 987304 Folding Cart With Lid , 16"H x 18"W x 15"0, Black # 108393 Folding Cart With Lid, 16"H x 18"W x 15"0, Blue # 551763 Sparco Compact Luggage Cart, 150 Lb Capacity, Chrome Chemistry Lab Supplies based on Quote # 108159 Scantron Item Analysis Form Item Number 9700 Scantron 100Q Answer Sheet 500/pk Item Number 882-E Tax Shipping Charge Adjustment 44432 SCANTRON CORPORATION Shipping 44447 RICHARD CORTES 10.19 4.97 7.23 24.99 34.39 2,771.73 27.90 59.95 7.91 3.56 8.78 44466 CMS MAGNETICS Reimburse for AIMS Students Educational Field Trip to Golden Road Brewery 2/13/14 MBS-500 500-piece magnetic building set 44466 CMS MAGNETICS Shipping 18.04 44466 CMS MAGNETICS Sales tax 11.60 44468 44468 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT 18.34 8.20 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax ITEM # 744489, AURORA GB EARTHVIEW 3 RING BINDER, 1 1/2", WHITE ITEM # 744687, AURORA GB EARTHVIEW 3 RING BINDER 2", BLACK ITEM # 497735, EXPO DRY-ERASE MARKERS, ASSORTED COLORS, PACK OF 4 ITEM # 308239, JUMBO PAPER CLIPS, PACK OF 10 BOXES ITEM # 744507, AURORA GB EARTHVIEW 3-RING BINDER, 2" WHITE ITEM # 169771, HP 45 BLACK ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE ITEM # 744669, AURORA GB EARTHVIEW 3-RING BINDER 1 1/2", BLACK ITEM # 142756, HP 78 TRICOLOR INK CARTRIDGE ITEM # 808865, MEDIUM BINDER CLIPS , BOX OF 12 52 318.17 128.98 10.99 28.40 2.22 10.20 28.23 8.99 60.99 170 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POI DESCRIPTION VENDOR NAME AMOUNT SUPPUES~NSTRucnONAL 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44468 OFFICE DEPOT 44471 ALBERT RAMSEYER 44505 PSLA 44506 US FOODS INC 44522 OUTBACK FOOTWEAR 44523 ACTION SALES ITEM # 331000, OPEN-END KRAFT ENVELOPES, 9" x 12", BROWN PACK OF 250 ITEM # 544458, POST-IT 3" x 3" SUPER STICKY NOTES, JEWEL POP COLLECTION, PACK OF 12 PADS ITEM # 381172, MEMOREX SLIM CD JEWEL CASES, ASSORTED COLORS, PACK OF 30 Reimburse Scantrons Used for Business Admin 120 ticket 1594 at LA Assessor's Office Food Expenses for Culinary Arts Classes Inv 2515180 Food Expenses for Culinary Arts Classes Inv 3704162 Outback Footwear Quote dated 2/14/14 for 15 pair of Climimbing Shoes for Power Academy 12 tabl- CTX2622 Oval Platters and 12 tablCTX12R serving trays for Culinary Arts cooking classes Quote #434520 12.29 22.58 802 20.85 143.75 692.25 4,434 .37 366.39 SUPPUES-LAB 43679 DENVILLE SCIENTIFIC INC M5300 Dish Petri 100 X 15MM 20 Per Sleeve PKl500 Sales Tax 79.95 T1025 Untreated 24 Well Cell Culture Plate 50/CS Additional Sales Tax 73.95 C2170 Tube Posi-Click 1.7ML Natural Grad PKl500 499602 Canon PGI-5BK Chroma life 100 Black Ink Cartridges, pack of 2 451205 Canon CLI-8 Tricolor Ink Cartridges, Pack of 3 Sales Tax 265078 Sharpie Chisel-tip Permanent Markers, assorted, Pack of 8 963808 Canon CLI-8BK Chroma Life 100 Black ink Cartridge eWaste Fee/Recycling fee 21.90 43679 DENVILLE SCIENTIFIC INC 43679 DENVILLE SCIENTIFIC INC 43679 DENVILLE SCIENTIFIC INC 43679 DENVILLE SCIENTIFIC INC 44088 OFFICE DEPOT 44088 OFFICE DEPOT 44088 44088 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT 44088 OFFICE DEPOT 44217 APPLE INC 44217 APPLE INC 44217 APPLE INC 44217 APPLE INC AppleCare Protection Plan for iMac-AutoEnroll iMac 21.5-inch 065-C285 2.9 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz Apple Quote: 2201292488 Sales Tax 15.82 9.17 67.98 64.38 23 .55 8.48 23.08 128.00 3,636.48 21,376.64 3,847.80 44266 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC C-2488, citrate buffer 0.09m , 500 ml 44266 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC Shipping (FedEx Ground) 15.69 44266 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC P3627, phosphatase acid, 1g 81 .60 44266 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC Sales Tax, 9% 44266 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC P-4744, phosphatase substrate, 5g 247.00 44274 YELENA ZAKARYAN Reimbursement to Yelena Zakaryan 108.09 53 53 254.00 52.43 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-LAB 44400 MEDIAWORKS PRO GROUP 44400 MEDIAWORKS PRO GROUP 44507 JAVIER GAGO Boxlight LCD projector - Boston Series - 1280 x 800 WXGA native resolution - 3000 Lumens - includes "Lamp for Life" Program. Quote# 20514BS Sales Tax 1,098.00 Reimburse for the Repair and Maintenance of Lab Marine Tanks 201 .12 98 .82 SUPPLIES-MEDICAL 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 08657 Surpass Facial Tissue 47.60 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 21.68 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 82466 MooreBrand Triple Antibiotic Ointment 1.0gm box/144 98006 MooreBrand Cough Suppressant Drops boxl300 64100 Medi-First Non Aspirin 250 pkg/2 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 33073 Durapore Surgical Tape 2" x 10 yds . Boxl6 taxlshipping 18.80 26.08 17.81 40.00 12.90 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 74491 Sodium Chloride 0.9% Irrigation solution 250mL 88008 Guaicon DMS InstyDose box/20 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 58166 Chlorpen 250 pkg/1 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 55366 Elastic Bandage Latex Free 4" x 4 .5 yds Boxl10 63880 Oval Eye Pads boxl50 10.52 09685 MooreBrand Adhesive Bandages Sheer Plastic Strips, 1" x 3" Case/1500 74396 MooreBrand Powder-Free Nitrile Exam Gloves Blue 03 - Medium Boxl100 55364 Elastic Bandage Latex Free 2" x 4.5 yds Box/10 88684 Benadryl Liqui Gels boxl24 12203 Cepastat Lozenge boxl18 55365 Elastic Bandage Latex Free 3" x 4.5 yds Boxl10 TAX 37 .97 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44380 44380 44380 MOORE MEDICAL CORP MOORE MEDICAL CORP MOORE MEDICAL CORP 44473 GE CRB AMAZON 44473 GE CRB AMAZON Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 Paperback 13.22 9.44 9.44 112.40 5.93 5.84 17.76 8.18 5.00 54.39 SUPPLIES-OFFICE 201 .82 43984 OFFICE DEPOT 44157 OFFICE DEPOT Item # 217984 Self-Adhesive Name Badges 14.97 44157 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 43.43 44157 OFFICE DEPOT Item#729525 Wilson JOnes Binder 242.00 44157 OFFICE DEPOT Item #315705 Office Depot Tab Dividers 228.00 44178 AMERICAN THERMOFORM 129.75 44178 AMERICAN THERMOFORM C1/0-0022 Braille Paper -11 x 11.5" -19 Hole (1000 continuous sheets) Sales Tax 44218 BUSINESS CARD Shipping Supplies for EOPS 54 11.68 12.77 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17,2014 Fund : GENERAL FUND· RESTRICTED 03 POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE 44218 BUSINESS CARD 44229 OFFICE DEPOT 44229 OFFICE DEPOT 60 AAA 1000mAh high capacity NiMH Rechargeable batteries Sales Tax 49 .80 184.32 44292 BUSINESS CARD # 450405 HP 60XL, Black Original Ink Cartridge (CC641WN) 50 Orange Cones Vertical GCCPD 44305 GE CRB AMAZON Sales Tax 44305 GE CRB AMAZON HP 1536 dn mfp 44306 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 44306 OFFICE DEPOT Copy paper for Veteran's Office 16.59 1,388.39 7.80 104.30 9.53 105.96 44310 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 15.17 44310 OFFICE DEPOT 62.97 44310 OFFICE DEPOT 44310 OFFICE DEPOT 44310 OFFICE DEPOT 44341 OFFICE DEPOT Three (3) TDK CD-R Recordable Media Spindle , 700MB/80 Minutes , Pack of 100; Item # 650725. Five (5) Lexar JumpDrive TwistTurn USB Flash Drive; 8GB Assorted Colors Item #591964 Three (3) Master Caster Big Foot Door Stops , Beige; Item 681331 Four rolls of Scotch Magic 810 Tape. 1/2inch x 2592". Item # 173021 Sales Tax 44341 OFFICE DEPOT 44341 OFFICE DEPOT 44341 OFFICE DEPOT 44341 OFFICE DEPOT 44385 OFFICE DEPOT 44385 OFFICE DEPOT 44385 OFFICE DEPOT 44386 OFFICE DEPOT 306902 - Office Depot Brand Perforated Writing Pads, 5" x 8", Narrow Ruled, 50 Sheets, White , Pack Of 12 Pads 617209 - Post-it 4" x 6" Lined Notes, Canary Yellow, 100 Sheets Per Pad , Pack Of 5 Pads 824487 - Maxell EB-95 Stereo Earphone 530238 - Post-it 4" x 6" Lined Notes, Pastel Collection , 100 Sheets Per Pad , Pack Of 5 Pads Sales Tax Item Number 949339, Chalk 29.95 11 .88 11 .96 4.67 5.40 8.02 29.94 8.49 3.05 17.04 16.80 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 259271 ,EXPOy Low-Odor DryErase Markers, Chisel Point, Blue, Pack Of 12 Item Number 592018, Lexar usb flash drive 32gb Item Number 644060, post it 3x3 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 259251 expo black 16.80 44386 OFFICE DEPOT 26.25 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 708304, Lexmark 34/35 ink cartridge Item Number 530238, post it 4x6 lined 15.08 10.00 5.70 4.25 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 256861 , expo red 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 679166 , pentelleads 0.9mm 1.41 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 810838 , manila 1/3 cut folders 2.64 44386 OFFICE DEPOT 5.00 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 591964 , Lexar usb flash drive 8 gb Item Number 554463 , HP55A toner cartridge 55 8.40 70.86 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLlES·OFFICE Item Number 493403, 1 inch ring binder 1.82 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 452409, post it flags 1 inch 2.95 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 328649, expo green 3.85 44386 OFFICE DEPOT 2.44 44386 OFFICE DEPOT Item Number 551119, cardinal hold it binder label holders Item Number 494146, Wilson 3 inch ring binder 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44386 OFFICE DEPOT 44386 44386 Post-it� Flags, 1/2" x 1 1/2", Assorted Colors, 35 Flags Per Pad, Pack Of 8 Pads + 2 Additional Arrow Flag Pads Lexar� JumpDrive� TwistTurn USB Flash Drive, 8GB, Assorted Colors (No Color Choice), Pack Of 2 Hammermill� Laser Paper, 8 1/2" x 14",24 Lb, Pack Of 500 Shee Maxell16GB 360� 503203 USB 2.0 Flash Drive Deflect-O� 4-Compartment Desktop Business Card Holder Office Depot� Brand Clasp Envelopes , 6" x 9", Brown, Box Of 100 HP 78A, Black Original Toner Cartridge (CE278A) (for Ed) Tombow� WideTrac Correction Tape, Pack Of 3 Brother� TZe-231 Black-On-White Tapes, 0.5" x 26.2' , Pack Of 2 Scotch� Multi-Use Duct Tape, Silver HP 304A, Yellow Original Toner Cartridge (CC532A) Quality Park� Gray Clasp Envelopes, 10" x 13", Box Of 100 Office Depot� Brand Economy File Folders, 1/3 Cut, Letter Size, Manila, Pack Of 150 Office Depot� Brand Mobile Folding Cart With Lid, 16"H x 18"Wx 15"D, Black Sharpie� King-Size� Permanent Markers, Black, Pack Of 12 Office Depot� Brand Stackable File Tote Box, Letter/Legal Size, 10 13/16"H x 14 1/8"Wx 18"0, Blue/Clear TOPS� Steno Books, 6" x 9", Gregg Ruled, 80 Sheets, White, Pack Of 4 Office Depot� Brand Clasp Envelopes, 10" x 13", Brown , Box Of 100 (2 For Ed) Post-it� 4" x 6" Lined Notes, Canary Yellow, 100 Sheets Per Pad, Pack Of 5 Pads Office Depot� Brand Wire File And Binder Organizer, Chrome Sales Tax Scotch� Super Glue Liquid In Precision Applicator, 0.14 Oz. Post-it� ; 3" x 3" Pop-up Notes, Jewel Pop Collection, 100 Sheets Per Pad , Pack Of a, 56 5.19 11.62 35.98 13.99 17.95 5.19 4.55 136.22 10.98 15.61 5.36 83.28 19.69 20.38 20.99 11.18 27.98 22.04 19.56 16.04 10.49 60.94 3.40 19.89 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17,2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED 03 POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE 18 Pads 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44390 OFFICE DEPOT 44408 OCEAN INTERFACE CO ., INC. Office Depot� Brand Invisible Tape , 3/4" x 1296", Pack Of 16 Post-it� 3" x 3" Super Sticky Pop-up Notes, Electric Glow Collection , 90 Sheets Per Pad, Pack Of 10 Pads HP 304A, Cyan Original Toner Cartridge (CC531A) HP 304A, Magenta Original Toner Cartridge (CC533A) Post-it� Pop-Up Note Dispenser For 3" x 3" Notes, Clear Shipping 28.99 9.86 83.28 83.28 18.06 10.00 44408 OCEAN INTERFACE CO., INC. Sales Tax 44408 OCEAN INTERFACE CO. , INC. 44413 OFFICE DEPOT Fujitsu Scan Snap 1300 scanner Deluxe Bundle #PA03643-B015 #345660 Xerox Yellow copy paper 44413 OFFICE DEPOT #254089 Paper Mate Correction Tape, pk of 2 17.00 44413 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 12.94 44413 OFFICE DEPOT #415779 3M PF21 .5 Privacy Screen 44413 OFFICE DEPOT #345645 Green Xerox copy paper, 8 1/2 x 11 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Chisel-Tip Markers Black, Item 754871 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Paper, Glossy, 8 1/2" x 11", Item # 394925 26.01 289.00 9.14 103.95 13.71 6.48 13.69 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Erasers Item # 120451 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Paper, Glossy, 8 1/2" x 11 "Item # 244369 15.99 3.84 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Mechanical Pencils Item # 253139 24.95 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Sales Tax 16.20 20.00 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Ruler, 18", Item # 724549 44434 OFFICE DEPOT Chalk, White Item # 949339 10.65 44434 44434 44464 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT USB Flash Drive Item # 913036 Fine-Point Markers, Black, Item # 203349 OFFICE DEPOT 44464 OFFICE DEPOT 44464 OFFICE DEPOT Energizer Max Alkaline AAA Batteries, Pack Of 4 - for Martha Cuevas Maxell16GB 360503203 USB 2.0 Flash Drive - for Martha Cuevas EXPO Dry-Erase Soft-Pile Eraser - for Martha C. Sales Tax 78.00 6.48 6.12 44464 OFFICE DEPOT 44464 OFFICE DEPOT 44464 OFFICE DEPOT 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 44470 35.90 1.40 12.19 79.98 OFFICE MAX Logitech R400 2.4GHz Wireless Presenter-for Antonio OReal Rolodex Explorer Personal Business Card Case, 36 Card Capacity , Brown-for Antonio OReal Scotch Tape refills, 3/4 x 1000", 3/pack - Item A8810K3 Bic Round Stic Value Pack Pens - 60/box Item N1GSM609BE Sales Tax 44.44 OFFICE MAX Liquid Paper Wideline Correction Tape Item # 38.56 57 11.99 61 .15 25.44 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listi,ng & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 03 GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED PO# VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-OFFICE A968620 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44470 OFFICE MAX 44475 OFFICE DEPOT 44475 OFFICE DEPOT Post-it Notes 3" x 3", 24 pack, yellow. Item # A2F330-12SSY GBC Fusion UltraClear Laminating Pouches letter size, 5 mil, Item# L23747324 Sharpie Fine Tip Permanent Markers - 5-Pack Item # N230665PP Post-It Note Pads, Yellow, 1-1/2 x 2", Item A2653-YW Tombow Mono Correction Tape Item # A968707 Bic Round Stic Value Pack Pens - Black FineItem N1GSF11-BK HP 53A Black Original Toner Cartridge (Q7553A) Sales tax 28.65 35.62 11.40 59.70 32.92 14.76 123.02 12.00 SUPPLIES-PRINTING 44322 GE CRB AMAZON 44322 GE CRB AMAZON 44342 TECHNOFIX OFFICE PRODUCTS 44474 OFFICE MAX 44474 OFFICE MAX 44474 OFFICE MAX Compatible HP CC364X (NT-C0364X) Toner Cartridge for SR Lab. Shipping Charges 384 .95 Brother printer toner - TN-750 Inv # 15110 1/27/14 Brother TN 350 Toner for Brother Intellifax 2820, ,Item # SHN350 TN 350 Compatible Toner for Brother Intellifax 2820, Guy Brown product , Item # S1GB350 Sales Tax 393.96 American Chamber of Commerce Executives Conference February 5 to 7 2014 San Francisco CA National Assoc of Music Merchants Convention January 23 to 26 2014 Anaheim CA AeroDef Joint Sponsorship to Display Materials for Event Feb 25 to 27 2014 Long Beach Convention Center Carnegie Foundation Summit Conference March 10 to 142014 San Francisco CA Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators Conference March 16 to 19 2014 La Verne CA CA Community College Assoc for Occupational Education Conference March 12 to 142014 Sacramento CA CA Child Development Administration Meeting 2/28/14 Long Beach CA Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Conference February 20 to 22 2014 Napa CA Class 14WFI002 Living Trusts Wills and Probates What You Must Know 1/28/14 974.80 40.99 72.26 48.06 10.83 TRA VEL-CONFERENCE 44093 ALICE MECOM 44126 BYRON DELTO 44188 LAEDC 44200 JAN YOUNG 44238 RICHARD CORTES 44248 MIRNA NAJERA 44295 JEANETTE TASHIRO 44297 YERANUIBARSEGYAN 44302 JAMES MILLER 58 188.65 1,06667 2,405.90 538.88 1,087.00 64.20 1,176.56 192.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: GENERAL FUND - RESTRICTED 03 POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRA VE L-CONFERENC E 44320 GLENDALE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 44361 DEBORAH VIRGINIA ROBIGLIO 44428 AHSIE 44436 TONI REYES 44446 CIWEA 44456 ANDRA VERSTRAETE 44508 DENISE LEONG-BRATTAIN 44518 ANTONIO DEL REAL 44519 JEANETTE TASHIRO Business Builder Lunch Andra Verstraete 1/21/14 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference Mar 26 to 29 2014 Portland OR Registration for Leticia Estrada, Cathy Durham, Yeranui Barsegyan, and Tom Voden 6th Annual Title V Best Practices Conference Mar 16 to 192014 Health Services Assoc Annual Conference Feb 25 to 28 2014 Sacramento CA Registration for The California Internship & Work Experience Assoc April 2 to 4 2014 Andra Verstrate CA Internship & Work Experience Assoc Conference April 2 and 3 2014 Long Beach CA CA Internship & Work Experience Assoc Conference April 3 and 4 2014 Long Beach CA American Educational Research Assoc Conference April 2 to 5 2013 Philadelphia PA CA Assoc for the Education of the Young Conference April 4 and 5 2014 Pasadena CA 20.00 2,393.42 450.00 875.00 150.00 150.00 266.00 1,587 .00 145.00 $289,957.13 Fund: 09 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BOOKS-INSTRUCTIONAL 44249 FHEG STORE 1283 Winter 2014 Book Vouchers EOPS 13,927.08 $13,927.08 Fund: 15 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT -CONSTRUCTION 44282 MALLCRAFT INC 44514 MALLCRAFT INC Lab College Services Building Construction Change Order 001 Less Retention Lab College Services Building Construction February 2014 158,728.90 302 ,194.99 CONTRACT -SERVICE 44189 GLUMAC Enhanced Commissioning LCS Bldg 44291 NTD ARCHITECTURE Invoice 48234 LCS Project January 2014 23,088.28 44382 TRIICON ENGINEERING INC 38 ,041.00 44393 RIGDON LAND SURVEYORS Special Inspection Services LCS Project Construction Oversight January 2014 Site Monitoring - Survey Services 59 40,000.00 4,075.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 15 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT-FACILITIES 44395 YALE/CHASE 44479 YALE/CHASE 2014 Taylor Dunn B2 48 AC Electric Quantity 2 Plus Sales Tax Per Quote 007621 MPB040 Electric Pallets Jack Per Proposal Includes Sales Tax 24 ,216.62 3,659.41 $594,004.20 Fund: 18 SELF INSURANCE POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SUPPLIES-MEDICAL 44210 BOUND TREE MEDICAL ATM3863A Replacement battery for AED 44210 BOUND TREE MEDICAL 44210 BOUND TREE MEDICAL 2742-ATM3713A Adult Multifunction Electrode Pads for AED Tax & Freight 1,435.00 288.00 160.61 $1,883.61 Fund: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER 59 POt VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BOOKS-INSTRUCTIONAL 44172 TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS INC 44173 JAMES D MEADOWS & ASSOC INC 44222 SDC PUBLICATIONS 44223 BARNES & NOBLE INC GeoTol Pro Fundamentals Workbook 2009 Inv 8871 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Workbook Inv 2015010 Beginners Guide to SolidWorks 2013 Inv 66681 Blueprint Reading Books Inv 2730251 84.00 44366 BARNES & NOBLE INC Blueprint Reading for Machining Inv 2736774 44373 LABYRINTH LEARNING Microsoft Excel 2010 Books PDC Inv 77567 1,739.43 44484 BARNES & NOBLE INC Project Management Textbooks for PDC Inv 2744062 831 .69 75.40 542.00 109.09 828.62 CONTRACT-PERSONAL SERVICE 44170 CAREER STRATEGIES TEMPORARY INC Temporary Services for PDC Week Ending 1/19/14 Inv 175870 4,534.18 Temporary Services 1/26/14 Inv 176362 Temporary Services 2/2/14 Inv 176864 Temporary Services Inv 177371 Temporary Services 2/16/14Inv 177876 for PDC Week Ending 3,650 .60 for PDC Week Ending 5,087.60 for Week Ending 2/9/2014 5,087.60 for PDC Week Ending 3,733.98 CONTRACT-SERVICE 44221 44367 44424 44486 CAREER INC CAREER INC CAREER INC CAREER INC STRATEGIES TEMPORARY STRATEGIES TEMPORARY STRATEGIES TEMPORARY STRATEGIES TEMPORARY 60 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract Listing & Purchase Order Listing 02101/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 59 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT MEMBERSHIPS-MEMBERSHIPS 44370 CRESCENTA VALLEY CHAMBER Membership for PDC Fiscal Year 13/14 99.00 31 ,500.00 OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE 41725 APIC-SFV Training Services for Fiscal Year 13-14 41725 APIC-SFV Increase PO for Fiscal Year 13-14 4,500.00 41725 APIC-SFV Increase Purchase Order for Fiscal Year 13-14 6,000 .00 44153 CANON USA 44202 44272 GE CAPITAL CIO RICOH USA PROGRAM CLOWNY BEAR INC DBA THE SPOT GOURMET HAAS FACTORY OUTLET 44301 CITY OF GLENDALE 44420 GOENGINEER INC 44421 T & T IMPROVEMENTS INC PDC Copier SN CJK02691 Maintenance Contract CONFIRMING Invoice No. 1043943501 copier repair Refreshments for Client Training Meeting 12/18/13 Inv 8656 Shipping And Install of Haas Entrustment Equipment Per Proposal 06UJ9AOOOCAI-3-3 Special Business Assessment Return PDC 2013 Annual Subscription for SolidWorks Educational Network License Per Quote # 74721 Eectrical Re-duct and Redistribution GLENDALE PRINTING CENTER Padded Notes for PDC 50,000 Inv 16574 703.05 Plumbing Repairs at PDC Inv 9499 850.00 44253 465.75 184.20 187.37 1,700.00 3,805.00 2,612.50 7,200 .00 PRINTING-MISC 44485 REPAIRS-BUILDING 44252 T & T IMPROVEMENTS INC SUPPLIES-INSTRUCTIONAL 44171 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Classroom Supplies Inv 8028447362 136.14 44369 STAPLES ADVANTAGE PDC Class Supplies Inv 8028611501 432.78 Employment Training Panel Meeting 1/24/14 Sacramento CA 593 .35 TRAVEL·CONFERENCE 44042 KIM HOLLAND $87,273.33 Fund: 70 GO BOND SERIES A POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CONTRACT-SERVICE 44321 NEWCOMB ANDERSON McCORMICK INC Energy Savings Project Support and Calculations Per Proposal 2,970.00 OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE 44190 A-1 ELECTRIC 44394 TILLER CONSTRUCTORS INC Construction Re-route Data and Electric Tie In - LCS Bldg Culinary Arts Labor for Moving 6/61 11,299.00 3,510.00 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FINANCE REPORT NO.3 Contract listing & Purchase Order listing 02/01/14 02/28/14 March 17, 2014 Fund: 70 GO BOND SERIES A POI VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OTHER SERVICES-OTHER SERVICE 44394 TILLER CONSTRUCTORS INC Door Change Culinary Arts 847.00 $18,626.00 62 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR NO.4 BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO.1 March 17,2014 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITIED BY: David Viar, SuperintendenU President REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services Budget Committee, February 13, 2014 PREPARED BY: Angineh Baghoomian, District Accountant SUBJECT: BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND UNRESTRICTED (01) FEBRUARY 1, 2014 THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 2014 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers, under the provisions of Education Code Section 85200 through 85202. Approved Budget EXPENDITURE CHANGES 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7900 Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books/Supplies Contract Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Reserve for Contingencies Total Budget Revisions $ 34,665,007 18,177,563 16,256,697 615,090 5,795,687 184,103 3,347,118 4,400,000 $ 352,552 182,417 $ 83,441,265 $ 410,000 $ (110,000) 350,000 170,000 410,000 $ 33,000 (238,000~ 86,000 (1 ,400~ 113,652 1,200 27,031 (146,452~ NEW INCOME 8610 8872 8981 Appropriation Transfers State Apportionment Non-Resident Tuition Interfund Transfer In Note: See attached for significant transfers. 03 63 $ Revised Budget $35,017,559 18,392,980 16,018,697 613,690 5,995,339 185,303 3,347,118 4,280,579 $ 83,851 ,265 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO. March 17,2014 Page 2 Significant Transfers: 1. $ 33,000 113,452 146,452 $ 2360 - Non-Cert, Student Assistant 5690 - All Other Contract Services 7900 - Reserve for Contingencies To provide funds for All Contract Services and Non-Cert, Student Assistant for Facility, Child Development Center, Physical Education and Placement Office. New Income: 1. $ $ 385,732 134,268 520,000 1000 - Certificated Salaries 2000 - Classified Salaries To update budget for 0 75%pay raise and other collective bargaining agreements. 2. $ $ (24,351) (13,622) (4,413) 9,206 (4,845) 23,802 29,192 (238,000) 72,000 14,000 27,031 (110,000) 1110 1210 1250 1395 2110 2120 2210 3409 5650 5885 7900 - Teachers Administrators Counselors Stipends Non-Instructional Salary Clerical Non-Instructional Salary Other Instructional Aide H&W, Teachers Vendor Repairs-Equipment Student Transportation Reserve for Conti ngencies To update budget for adjustment approved by Budget Committee. 64 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR NO.5 BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO . 2 March 17,2014 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO : Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, SuperintendenU President REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services Budget Committee, February 13, 2014 PREPARED BY: Angineh Baghoomian, District Accountant SUBJECT: BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND RESTRICTED (03) FEBRUARY 1,2014 THROUGH FEBRUARY 28,2014 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers, under the provisions of Education Code Section 85200 through 85202. Approved Budget EXPENDITURE CHANGES 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7900 Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books/Supplies Contract Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Reserve for Contingencies Total Budget Revisions $ 3,931,460 5,059,463 1,953,654 1,447,396 2,395,079 1,505,641 171,495 3,060,118 $ $19,524,306 $ 493,411 $ 18,948 192,340 265,000 17,123 493,411 11 ,627 80,000 26,163 10,000 25,123 243,340 $ National Science Foundation Instructional Equipment Matriculation-Credit Foundation Contributions $ Note: See attached for significant transfers. /.- IL' 65 {41 , 564~ 1,564 6,578 3,951 30,346 {875~ 97,158 NEW INCOME 8192 8620 8698 8822 Appropriation Transfers $ Revised Budget $ 3,901 ,523 5,141 ,027 1,986,395 1,461 ,347 2,450,548 1,748,106 171,495 3,157,276 $20,017,717 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO.2 March 17,2014 Page 2 Significant Transfers: 1. $ $ 2,500 15,000 17,500 2350 - Non-Instructional Classified Overtime 5110 - Contract Consultant 1110 - Teachers To provide funds for Non-Instructional Classified Overtime and Contract Consultant for Title V- GAUSS. 2. $ $ 5,000 5,000 10,000 4100 - Textbooks 4300 - Instructional Supplies 1460 - Other Non-Instructional Hourly To provide funds for Textbooks and Contract Consultant for AEFLA 3. $ 10,282 $ 7,500 2,220 500 62 10,282 $ 3000 - Employee Benefits 4300 4400 5210 5220 - Instructional Supplies Instructional Media Supplies Mileage Travel To provide funds for Employee Benefits for Calworks. 4 $ $ 171 3,500 33 3,704 4200 - Other Books 4590 - Other Supplies 5210 - Mileage 3000 - Employee Benefits To provide funds for Books, Supplies and Mileage for TANF. 5. $ $ 383 10,000 15,000 25,383 1326 - Teachers, Hourly Sub 2210 - Instructional Aide 5690 - All Other Contract Services 1316 - Teachers, Hourly Winter To provide funds for Teachers, Instructional Aide and All Other Contract Services for Adult Basic Education. 6. $ $ 10,000 936 10,936 1110 - Teachers 1466 - Other Non-Instructional, Hourly 2410 - Instructional Aide, Hourly To provide funds for Teachers, Other Non-Instructional, Hourly for AEFLA 66 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO.2 March 17,2014 Page 3 New Income: 1. $ 830 5690 - All Other Contract Services To establish budget for Foundation Contributions to Academic Administration. 2. $ $ 11,627 1,163 3,000 3,158 18,948 1395 3000 5220 7900 - Stipends Employee Benefits Travel Reserve for ConUngencies To establish budged for National Science Foundation to NSF-Rapid Prototyping. 3 $ 4,000 6420 - Non-Instructional Equipment To establish budget for Foundation Contributions to Engineering. 4 $ $ 2,500 2,500 5,000 4300 - Instructional Supplies 4590 - Other Supplies To establish budget for Foundation Contributions to Nursing. 5. =$===1=9",,2,=34=0,= 6410 - Instructional Equipment To update budget for 2013-14 Instructional Equipment. 6. $ 5,293 5110 - Contract Consultant To establish budget for Foundation Contributions to Physical Science Exhibit Center. 7. $ 2,000 6420 - Non-Instructional Equipment To establish budget for Foundation Contributions to Chemistry. 8. $ $ 50,000 30,000 25,000 5,000 8,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 30,000 94,000 265,000 2110 2390 3000 4590 5220 5300 5650 5825 6410 6420 7900 - Non-Instructional Salary Clerical Professional Expert Employee Benefits Other Supplies Travel Membership and Dues Vendor Repairs-Equipment Printing and Advertising Instructional Equipment Non-Instructional Equipment Reserve for Contingencies To establish budget for Matriculation augmentation 67 67 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR NO.6 BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO.3 March 17, 2014 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITIED BY: David Viar, Superintendent! President REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services Budget Committee, February 13, 2014 PREPARED BY: Angineh Baghoomian, District Accountant SUBJECT: BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (15) FEBRUARY 1,2014 THROUGH FEBRUARY 28,2014 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following Budget Revisions and Appropriation Transfers, under the provisions of Education Code Section 85200 through 85202. Approved Budget 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7900 Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books/Supplies Contract Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Reserve for Contingencies Total Budget Revisions $ $ 245,925 41 ,334,463 799,566 2,333 $ 42,382,287 $ 192,343 $ 192,343 $ 192,343 NEW INCOME 8653 Deferred Maintenance 68 {,f Revised Budget Appropriation Transfers $ 438,268 41,334,463 799,566 2,333 $ $42 ,574 ,630 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BUDGET REVISIONS AND APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS REPORT NO.3 March 17,2014 Page 2 New Income: $ 192,343 5690 - All contract Services To update budget for 2013-14 Scheduled Maintenance /c.. 69 I Draft 2 of 2 - 3/5/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. \ REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President REVIEWED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services PREPARED BY: Susan Courtey, Director, Business Services SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF LICENSE SUPPORT AGREEMENTS WITH ORACLE 2014 - 2015 DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY/BACKGROUND The college seeks approval for the renewal of the license support agreements with Oracle for fiscal year 2014-2015. This includes the Oracle Database Enterprise License, E-Business Suite and all PeopleSoft licenses. The total support cost will increase from $606,077.84 to $667,679.65. This increase is partially due to the fact that the college is on extended support for the E-Business Suite as well as the typical annual increase. COMMITTEE HISTORY Campus Executive Committee March 11, 2014 FISCAL IMPACT $667,679 .65. Funds will be available in the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Information Technology budget. RECOMMEN DATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the license support agreements with Oracle for fiscal year 20142015. 70 10 Draft 2 of 2 - 3/6/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. ~ REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President PREPARED BY: Mary Mirch, Vice President, Instructional Services SUBJECT: PROPOSED NEW COURSE DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY 1 BACKGROUND MATH 144 - Algebra Basics Mathematics 144 is a basic skills course designed to prepare students for their first course in algebra. It includes the fundamental processes of arithmetic, prealgebra, and fundamental operations of algebra normally included in the first semester of a year course ta~ght in secondary school. It is designed to develop skill in computation using whole numbers, signed numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and properties of the decimal number system. Rules of exponents, first-degree equations, fundamental facts about geometry, solutions to linear equations, algebraic manipulations, exponents, polynomials, graphing linear equations, and solving linear systems are also included. This course is designed for students who have studied algebra for less than one year or have not studied algebra recently. COMMITTEE HISTORY October 23, 2013 (First Reading) December 11, 2013 (Second Reading) March 5, 2014 March 11, 2014 Curriculum & Instruction Committee Curriculum & Instruction Committee Academic Affairs Committee Campus Executive Committee FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the new course as presented in Consent Calendar No. 1171 Non-Degree Applicable Glendale Community College October, 2013 COURSE OUTLINE Mathematics 144 Algebra Basics I. Catalog Statement Mathematics 144 is a basic skills course designed to prepare students for their first course in algebra. It includes the fundamental processes of arithmetic, pre-algebra, and fundamental operations of algebra normally included in the first semester of a year course taught in secondary school. It is designed to develop skill in computation using whole numbers, signed numbers, fractions , decimals, percents, and properties of the decimal number system . Rules of exponents, first-degree equations, fundamental facts about geometry, solutions to linear equations, algebraic manipulations, exponents, polynomials, graphing linear equations, and solving linear systems are also included. This course is designed for students who have studied algebra for less than one year or have not studied algebra recently. Total Lecture Un,its: 6.0 Total Course Units: 6.0 Total Lecture Hours: 128.0 (8 hours per week) Total Faculty Contact Hours: 128.0 (8 hours per week) Prerequisite: Placement is based on a composite of test scores and academic background. Note: This course may not be taken for credit by students who have completed Mathematics 141,145 , or 245. A maximum of6 units will be granted for Math 144 and any of the following courses: Math 155, Math 255, or Math 245. II. Course Entry Expectations Skills Level Ranges: Reading 4; Writing 3; Listening-Speaking 3; Math 1 III. Course Exit Standards Upon successful completion of the coursework, the student will be able to : ] . add, subtract, multiply and divide real numbers; 2. convert between percents, decimals and fractions ; 3. solve linear equations and inequalities; 4. solve absolute value equations and inequalities; 5. simplify exponential expressions; 6. add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials; 7. graph linear equations and inequalities; 8. find the equation of the line passing through 2 points; 9. solve linear systems using 3 different methods; 7l 72 Mathematics 144 Page 2 J O. use algebra to solve applied problems; II. use function notation; 12. demonstrate knowledge of test-taking strategies and study skills. IV. Total Faculty Contact Hours = 128 Course Content A. Whole Numbers I. Reading numerals and place value 2. Addition 3. Subtraction 4. Multiplication 5. Division 6. Factors and prime factorization 7. Exponents and order of operations 8. Rounding and Estimating 8 hours B. Signed Numbers 1. Greater than and less than 2. Absolute value 3. Addition of signed numbers 4. Subtraction of signed numbers 5. Mu Iti pi ication of signed numbers 6. Division of signed numbers 7. Order of operations 12 hours C. Fractions I. Reducing to lowest terms 2. Changing improper fractions to mixed numbers 3. Changing mixed numbers to improper fractions 4. Finding common denominators and least common denominators 5. Addition and subtraction of fractions 6. Addition and subtraction of mixed numbers 7. Comparing fractions 8. Multiplication of fractions, mixed numbers 9. Division of fractions, mixed numbers 10. Exponents and order of operations 12 hours D. Decimals I. Reading and writing decimals 2. Rounding decimals 3. Comparing decimals 4. Addition and subtraction of decimals 5. Multiplication of decimals 6. Division of decimals 7. Multiplying and dividing by powers often 8. Changing fractions to decimals 9. Changing decimals to fractions 10. Operations with both fractions and decimals 12 hours 73 Jj Mathematics 144 Page 3 11. Order of operations 12. The Pythagorean Theorem E. Ratio I. 2. 3. 4. and Proportions Ratio and ratio applications Solving proportions Applications of proportions Similar triangles 8 hours 8 hours F. Percent 1. Meaning of percent 2. Changing percent to decimals 3. Changing decimals to percents 4. Changing percents to fractions 5. Changing fractions to percents 6. Solving percent problems 7. Applications of percents G. Strategies for the mathematics student 1. Learning styles and thought processes 2. Recognizing and combating negative thoughts 3. Effective studying and problem solving techniques 4. Effective test preparation 5. Test taking strategies 12 hours H. Linear Equations and Inequalities I. Simplifying expressions 2. Addition property of equality 3. Multiplication property of equality 4. Solving linear equations 5. Formulas 6. Applications 7. Linear and compound inequalities 8. Absolute value equations and inequalities 9. Perimeter of plane geometric figures 16 hours 1. Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables 1. Graphing ordered pairs 2. Solutions to linear equations in two variables 3. Graphing linear equations in two variables 4. Graphing using intercepts 5. The slope of a line 6. Finding the equation of a line 7. Linear inequalities in two variables 8. Area of geometric figures 12 hours J. Systems of Linear Equations 13 hours I. Solving systems of equations by graphing 7'1 74 Mathematics 144 Page 4 2. 3. 4. 5. Solving systems of equations by elimination Solving systems of equations by substitution Applications of systems of equations Solving systems of three equations in three variables K. Exponents and Polynomials 1. Multiplication with exponents 2. Division with exponents 3. Operations with monomials 4. Addition and subtractions of polynomials 5. Multiplication with polynomials 6. Binomial squares and other special products 7. Dividing polynomials 8. Functions and function notation 9. Volume of geometric solids V. 15 hours Methods of Instruction The following methods of instruction may be used in the course: 1. lecture/discussion; 2. small group work/discussion; 3. online. VI. Out of Class Assignments The following out of class assignments may be used in the course: 1. homework; 2. lab assignments and projects (e.g. Design a matte frame for a photo using mixed numbers). VII. Methods of Evaluation The following methods of evaluation may be used in the course: 1. five to eight regularly scheduled examinations; 2. one two-and-one half hour comprehensive final examination; 3. quizzes; 4. group work (e.g. Find areas and volumes of shapes involving objects that can be brought into the classroom such as cans and boxes). VIII. Textbook McKeague, C. P., Elementary Algebra. Custom Edition for GCC, 9 th Edition. Mason: Cengage Learning, 2011. lih Grade Textbook Reading Level. ISBN: 1-1117-5203-6. McKeague, c.P., PreAlgebra: A Text/ Workbook i h ed. Mason: Cengage Learning, 2012. th 10 Grade Textbook Reading Level. ISBN: 111198686X. 75 Mathematics 144 Page 5 IX. Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the required coursework, the student will be able to: 1. perfonn arithmetic operations (whole numbers, fractions, decimals, signed numbers); 2. calculate area and perimeter of polygons and circles, volumes of solids and solve similar triangle problems; 3. simplify polynomial expressions; 4. solve equations and inequalities (ratio, proportion, linear, absolute value, systems); 5. graph linear functions; 6. use mathematical models to solve application problems (linear, systems of equations). 7J, 76 COURSE FACT SHEET Proposed Course: Mathematics 144 Name Number Instructor Proposing: William Shamhart, Jeremy Talmoc Semester & Year course will befirst offered: Fall2014 Course will be offered: Both day and evening CreditlNo Credit: No Open Entry/Open Exit: No Credit by Examination: No May this course be used to satisfy a specific GCC graduation requirement? No Does this course meet an occupational need? No Will this course be required for a Certificate of Completion? No Has this course been reviewed by the appropriate Advisory Committee? NIA Will this course be designated as transferable to the California State University (CSU)? No If transferable to CSU, will this course be submitted to satisfy CSU Breadth Requirements? No Will this course be proposed for transfer credit to the University of California (UC)? No What is the anticipated enrollment? _ _-----.!.4""'"O-"s"'tu::..>d"-"e'-'-'nco:ts~pe=r---'c"-'-l=as=s'-----How often will this course be offered? _---'A'--""'-s~n'_"'e.!:Ced""e=d::.....-_ _ _ _ _ __ Coordination required for instructional resources Library _ Learning Center _ Instructional Computer Center _ Other: 7'7 77 Draft 1 of 1 - 3/4/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. q REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITIED BY: David Viar, SuperintendenUPresident PREPARED BY: Mary Mirch , Vice President, Instructional Services SUBJECT: REVISED COURSES DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY 1 BACKGROUND The attached document contains the changes to courses that have been vetted by the divisions and approved by the Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) , Academic Affairs, and Campus Executive Committees. COMMITTEE HISTORY See the dates listed on the attached document. FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The SuperintendenUPresident recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the revised courses presented in Consent Calendar No. Jf 78 Draft 1 of 1 - 3/4/14 Course Prefix and Catalog Number Type of Change Child Development 133 Title change, content change Child Development 140 Change in requisite skill Child Development 141 Change in requisite skill Child Development 180 Title change Curriculum and Instruction Committee Approval November, 27 2013 (First Reading) December 11 , 2013 (Second Reading) November, 27 2013 (First Reading) December 11 , 2013 (Second Reading) November, 27 2013 (First Reading) December 11 , 2013 (Second Reading) November, 27 2013 (First Reading) December 11 , 2013 (Second Reading 77 79 Academic Affairs Committee Approval Campus Executive Committee Approval March 5, 2014 March 11 , 2014 March 5, 2014 March 11 , 2014 March 5, 2014 March 11 , 2014 March 5, 2014 March 11 , 2014 Draft 1 of 1 - 3/5/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. lb REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President PREPARED BY: Mary Mirch, Vice President, Instructional Services SUBJECT: COURSES TO BE DELETED FROM CATALOG AND CURRICULUM DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY / BACKGROUND PSYCH 108 - The Psychology of Loss Experience There has been a steady decrease in interest from students for the course, and it has not been taught in several years. Often, the class has had low enrollment and was at risk for being cancelled . In addition, the study of Psychology is moving more towards science and research and the Psychology faculty agrees that this course is not the best fit. SOCIS 124 - International/Intercultural Studies This course has not been scheduled for several years, and it is being supplanted with other more timely and focused courses offered across the Social Sciences Division. The practice of deleting courses after new courses are developed is the most effective way to manage college resources. SOCIS 136 - War: History, Causes, Solutions This course is now offered through our History Department as HIST 136, War: History, Causes, Solutions. It has not been scheduled as SOCS 136 in many years, and it should have been deleted from the catalog when it was moved to the History Department. COMMITTEE HISTORY Curriculum & Instruction Committee Curriculum & Instruction Committee Academic Affairs Committee Campus Executive Committee November 27,2013 (First Reading) December 11, 2013 (Second Reading) March 5, 2014 March 11, 2014 FISCAL IMPACT None 80 RECOMMENDATION superinten~president The recommends that the Board of Trustees approve deletion of th~~~~rses from the catalog and curriculum as presented in Consent Calendar No. 81 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MARCH 17, 2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO . II PERSONNEL REPORT NO . 9 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTED: David Viar, Superintendent/President REVIEWED BY: Teyanna Williams, Associate Vice President, Human Resources PREPARED BY: Rima Tarverdian, Sr. Human Resources Generalist SUBJECT: ACADEMIC REPORT - Action order The Superintendent/President recommends that the various entries on the following reports be approved as presented : fL 82 Glendale Community College March 17,2014 Personnel Report No.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name DRAFT ~ Position Location Barsegyan, Ms. Office of VP Yeranui Services Bakhit, Dr. Khetam K Office of VP Services Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Office of VP Kattlryn Services Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Office of VP Kathryn Services Ataian , Ms. Shakeh EOPS Instructional Account No Dates Hours Instructional 03 3772 0 630002 1110 .20 Instructional Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 150800 1110 .80 EOPS Counselor 02/18/14 - 06111114 03 1500 0 643000 1250 Instructional 40 hrs M41-3 C 11-6 + Ratio 1.04 CII-6 + Ratio 1.04 C 111-1 EOPS Counselor 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1500 0 643000 1250 Dudley, Miss Catherine Mary Dudley, Miss Catherine Mary Kraetzel, Mrs. Sheilah Maureen Kraetzel, Mrs. Sheilah Maureen Telliyan, Ms. Armenui M Telliyan, Ms. Armenui M Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 05/31/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 05/31/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C 111-4 Health Sciences Division Nursing 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 10.5 hrs/wk C 111-4 Health Sciences Division NurSing 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C 111-4 Business Computers NursinQ Clinical NursinQ Clinical Fire Academy 02/18/14 02/18/14 02/18/14 01/02/14 01 0300 0 070001 1310 01 0100 0 120300 1310 15 hrs/wk 01 0100 0 120300 1311 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C C C C Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 Fire Academy Bateman, Mr. Kenneth L. Bateman, Mr. Kenneth L. Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation IDivision Technology and Aviation Division Bhattacharyya, Gargi Mathematics Division Bagan, Mr. Anthony Business Division Technology and Aviation Division DiGiovanna, Mr. Sam Technology and Aviation Division R DiGiovanna , Mr. Sam Technology and Aviation Division R Cardona, Rafael Conrad, Mr. Neil A 01 = Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit - 05/17/14 - 04/05/14 - 04/05/14 - 02/16/14 1.000 100 Board Action Administrative Contract Change - End Night Differential EOPS Acc% 03 3772 0 630002 1210 Ataian, Ms. Shakeh Amirian , Annette Amirian , Mrs._Siroun Amirian , Mrs. Siroun Bagan, Mr. Anthony Fte Rate Program Manager III , Title V 11/01/13 - 09/30/16 Grant Coordinator Associate Dean, Curriculum 02/18/14 Management 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 Credit ESL 12 hrs/wk 1.000 90 I 10 1,00 C 111-1 12 hrs/wk C 111-4 IV-6 IV-1 IV-1 11-6 Change Account number and percentages Change Account number and percentages Election Contract Hire SprinQ 2014 Election Contract Hire Spring 2014 Election Flat Rate Assignment Election Flat Rate Assignment 100 Election Flat Rate Assignment Election Flat Rate Assignment 100 Election Flat Rate Assignment Election Flat Rate Assignment 100 100 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Election Hour~ Election Hourly C 11-6 100 Election Hourly 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly Mathematics 04/21/14 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1700001310 C IV-1 Business Administration Fire Academy 04/21/14 - 06/11/14 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 o 0501001310 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C IV-1 CII-4 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 83 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1, Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17 , 2014 Personnel Report No.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name 2 DRAFT Location Position Account No Dates Hours Rate Fte Board Action Acc% Fleming , Mrs. Pamela Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 04/06/14 - 05/04/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 Fleming , Mrs. Pamela Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 04/06/14 - 05/04/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C IV-2 Frawley, Mr. James Technology and Aviation Division Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C IV-4 100 Election Hourly Fuhrmann , John Garcia, Mrs. Abigail M. Garcia, Mrs. Abigail M. Mathematics Division Health Sciences Division Mathematics Nursing Clinical 03/10/14 - 06/11/14 03/11/14 - 06/03/14 01 0100 o 1700001310 01 0100 0 120300 1310 12 hrs/wk C IV-1 C IV-1 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 03/11/14 - 06/03/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C IV-1 Ghahramanyan , Alia Mathematics Division Guerrero Dudley, Health Sciences Division Miss Adriana Carmen Mathematics Nursing Clinical 03/10/14 - 06/11/14 04/10/14 - 05/31/14 01 0100 0 1700001310 01 0100 0 120300 1310 9 hrslwk C 11-1 Guerrero Dudley, Health Sciences Division Miss Adriana Carmen Nursing Clinical 04/10/14 - 05/31/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C 11-1 Johnson, Mr. Martin Technology and Aviation Division Health Sciences Division Fire Technology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly Nursing Clinical 04/09/14 - 05/08/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 C IV-1 100 Election Hourly Health Sciences Division Nursing Clinical 04/09/14 - 05/08/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 Nursing Clinical Nursing Clinical Nursing Clinical Nursing Clinical Fire Academy 02/19/14 02/19/14 04/09/14 04/09/14 01102/14 01 01 01 01 01 Fire Technology Fire Academy 03/17/14 - 06/11/14 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 2135001310 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 11-1 C 11-6 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 11-4 100 Election Hourly Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 CII-4 100 Election Hourly Nursing Clinical Nursing Clinical Nursing Clinical 02/20/14 - 04/05/14 02/20/14 - 04/05/14 02/18/14 - 04/23/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 01 0100 0 120300 1311 01 0100 0 120300 1310 C IV-4 C IV-4 C IV-1 100 100 Election Hourly Election Houri}' Election Hourly Applied Music 02/18/14 - 06/23/14 01 0100 0 100400 1310 C IV-1 100 Election Hourly Kalenderian, Ms. Arous Kalenderian , Ms. Arous Klein , Ms. Deborah J Klein , Ms. Deborah J Kost, Ms. Nickie D Kost, Ms. Nickie D Maas , Mr. Michael ~ C IV-2 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly 1 Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Marchant, Thomas Division McGee, Mr. Benjamin Technology and Aviation Division Technolog,y and Aviation Miller, Mr. James Division Technology and Aviation Miller, Mr. James Division Mittelberg , Mr. Gary Health Sciences Division Mittelberg, Mr. Gary Health Sciences Division Mykhaylov, Mr. Health Sciences Division Vadym Visual and Performing Arts Nagatani, Mr. Ken Division 01 = Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit 15 hrs/wk - 05/29/14 - 05/29/14 - 05/30/14 - 05/30/14 - 02/16/14 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0 0 0 0 0 120300 120300 120300 120300 213500 1310 1311 1310 1311 1316 15 hrs/wk Election Hourly C 111-6 100 Election Hourly C IV-1 15 hrs/wk 15 hrs/wk 9 hrs/wk 12 hrs/wk C 111-3 C 111'-3 C 11-2 C 11-2 CII-4 Election Hourly Election Hourly Election Hourly 100 100 100 Election Election Election . Election . Election Hourlv Hourlv Hourly Hourly Hourly Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 84 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO . 9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Pedroza , Mr. Gilbert Pedroza, Mr. Gilbert Pedroza, Mr. Gilbert Philibosian , Dr. Richard Philibosian , Dr. Richard Ranchez , Mr. Prudencio C Ranchez, Mr. Prudencio C Rickman, Mr. Tracy E ~ \ 3 DRAFT Position Location Dates Account No Rate Hours Fte Acc% Board Action Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Division Health Sciences Division Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 11-3 100 Election Hourly Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 11-3 100 Election Hourly Fire Technology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 11-3 100 Election Hourly EMT Adjunct Instructor 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 1310 C IV-4 100 Election Hourly Health Sciences Division EMT Adjunct Instructor 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 1311 Health Sciences Division Nursing 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 Health Sciences Division Nursing 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 Fire Technology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 Technology and Aviation Division Sepulveda Jr. , Mr. Technology and Aviation Robert D Division Sepulveda Jr. , Mr. Technology and Aviation Robert D Division Souza, Mr. Randolph Technology and Aviation Division W Souza, Mr. Randolph Technology and Aviation W Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Sternau , Patricia Jean Business Division Health Sciences Division Terrones , Mrs. Christine Terrones, Mrs. Health Sciences Division Christine Tokatlian, Ms. Houry Health Sciences Division Stephany Tokatlian, Ms. Houry Health Sciences Division 6 hrs/wk Election Hourly C IV-4 5 hrslwk : C IV-6 i 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly C IV-6 C 111-4 100 Election Hourly C 1-4 100 Election Hourly I Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 I 01 0100 0 213500 1310 I Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 1-4 100 Election Hourly Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C IV-6 100 Election Hourly Fire Technology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C IV-6 100 Election Hourly Business Computers Nursing Clinical 03/10/14 - 06/07/14 02/19/14 - 04/05/14 01 0300 o 051401 1310 01 0100 0 120300 1310 15 hrs/wk CII-6 C IV-1 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Nursing Clinical 02/19/14 - 04/05/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C IV-1 Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 06/03/14 01 0100 0 120300 1310 Nursing Clinical 02/18/14 - 06/03/14 01 0100 0 120300 1311 C 11-6 Political Science Fire Technology 04/21/14 - 05/31/14 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 220700 1310 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 111-3 CII-4 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Fire Academy 01/02/14 - 02/16/14 01 0100 0 213500 1316 C 1-1 100 Election Hourly Fire Academy 02/18/14 - 06/22/14 01 0100 0 213500 1310 C 1-2 100 Election Hourly Nursing_ Clinical Nursin~ Clinical 05/07/14 - 05/28/14 05107/14 - 05/28/14 10104/13 - 12/18/13 01 0100 0 120300 1310 01 0100 0 120300 1311 03 4240 4 150802 1460 C 11-2 C 11-2 C 111-4 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Election Non Instructional Hourly 15 hrs/wk C 11-6 Election Hourly 100 Election Hourly Election Hourly Ste~hany Verstraete , Andra Wallace , Mr. Gerald White, Mr. Travont Deon Winkler, Mr. David Zamora , Ms. Delia Zamora, Ms. Delia Ingels, Mrs. Clairette E Social Sciences Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Division Technology and Aviation Division Health Sciences Division Health Sciences Division Continuing and Community Ed Center Non-Credit ESL 01 = Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit 15 hrs/wk 3 hrs 100 Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 85 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name 4 DRAFT Location Mansour. Dr. Margaret Depiro , Ms. Caroline M Continuing and Community Ed Center Continuing and Community Ed Center Gamberg, Ms. Julie English Division Haraldson, Ms. Emily Visual and Performing Arts D. Division Position Dates Account No Hours 02/21/14 - 06/11/14 03 1070 4 490001 1460 5 hrsiwk 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 1000 0 661500 1460 Non-Credit ESL English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1460 Visual & Performing Arts 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1460 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1460 3 hrsiwk NTE18 hrs/wk 6 hrs/wk NTE18 hrs/wk 3 hrsiwk NTE18 hrs/wk 3 hrs/wk NTE 18 hrs/wk 3 hrs/wk NTE 18 hrs/wk Counselor Johnson , Ms. Cheryl Non-Credit ESL Division Kronbeck. Mrs. Elizabeth I Social Sciences Division Non-Credit ESL Social Science 02118/14 - 06111/14 01 1000 0 661500 1460 Reff, Mr. Brian C Culinary Arts Culinary Arts 10/16/13 - 10/16/13 03 3830 0 300200 1460 Rate C 111-4 Fte Acc% 100 100 C 111-3 100 C 111-4 100 C 111-4 100 C 111-4 100 C 111-3 100 2.00 ~ Amirian, Annette Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 1310 8.00 C IV-6 100 Baldiwala, Fatema English Division Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001310 3.00 C IV-l 100 Basalla , Melissa Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001310 8.00 C IV-4 Benvenuto, Adriana Language Arts Division Foreign Language 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1100001310 5.00 C IV-l Bhattacharyya. Gargi Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0100 o 170000 1310 4.00 C IV-l Boyajyan, Izabela Mathematics Division Technology and Aviation Division Architecture 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 00201001310 6.00 C IV-l Brockmann, Erika Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 0400001310 9.00 C 111-1 Budaghyan , Eduard Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 050200 1310 3.00 C IV-l Bunnell, Andrew Non-Credit ESL Division Non-Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 493001 1310 14.00 C IV-2 Cardona. Rafael Business Division Health and Physical Education Division Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 0509001310 3.00 C IV-l Physical Education 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 083500 1310 3.00 C 11-1 Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001310 7.00 C IV-l Coote. Laurel English Division Technology and Aviation Division Hospitality & Tourism Mgnt 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 1306001310 C IV-3 Corrie, Carolyn Non-Credit ESL Division Non-Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0300 o 493001 Carrera, Victor Cohen , Samantha 01 = Day 02 =Evening 03 = Non-Credit o 050201 3.00 1310 14.00 C IV-l Board Action Election Non Instructional Hourly Election Non Instructional Hourly - Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Election Non Instructional Hourly - Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Election Non Instructional Hourly - Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Election Non Instructional Hourly - Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Election Non Instructional Hourly - Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Election Non-instructional Hourly Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment I Rate Legend C 86 =Class in Salary Schedule Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17. 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Academic Personnel Report 03104114 8:00 AM Full Name Account No Dates Hours Rate Credit ESL 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 4930001310 4.00 C IV-1 Physical Education 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 0835001310 3.00 C 111-1 Business Computers 02118114 - 06111114 01 0300 0 0514011310 4.00 C 111-2 Economics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 2204001310 3.00 C 111-1 Dewar. John Social Sciences Division Technology and Aviation Division Administration of Justice 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 2105001310 3.00 C IV-1 EI Gamal . Zohaa Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 493000 131 0 6.00 C 111-6 Elraghy. Omaima Biology Division Biology 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 o 0400001310 9.00 C IV-1 Epstein. Jacob Estacio-Hiroms . Kemelli Mathematics Division Mathematics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1700001310 4.00 C 111-1 Mathematics Division Mathematics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1700001310 7 .00 C IV-1 Evinyan . Zarik Mathematics Division Mathematics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 170000 1310 4.00 C IV-4 Composition English 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1501001310 9.00 C 111-6 Welding 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 0956001310 6.00 C 11-2 Business Computers 02118114 - 06111114 01 0300 0 050201 1310 4.00 C 111-6 Davis. Murphy Davoodi . Sharis Day. Michael Falcon . Michael ~ Position Location Credit ESL Division Health and Physical Education Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Crosby. Jeffery 0.,",\ 5 DRAFT English Division Technology and Aviation Francis. John Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Freudenberg . Mary S Business Division Fuhrmann . John Mathematics Division Mathematics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1700001310 12.00 C IV-1 Ghahramanyan. Alia Mathematics Division Mathematics 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 1700001310 15.00 C 111-6 Gharibian . Karineh Business Division Accounting 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 0502001310 5.00 C 111-1 Ghazarian . Annashe Social Sciences Division Sociology 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 0 2208001310 6.00 C IV-1 Non-Credit ESL 02118114 - 06111114 01 0300 04930011310 14.00 C IV-6 Business Computers 02118114 - 06111114 01 0300 0 0514011310 16.00 C 111-4 Business Computers 02118114 - 06111114 01 0300 0 120401 1310 C 111-4 Lifelong Learning 02124114 - 06111114 01 0300 o 200001 C 111-4 Composition English 02118114 - 06111114 01 0100 o 1501001310 Business Computers 02118114 - 0611 !.I.14_ 01 Grammer. Katherine J Non-Credit ESL Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Grigorian. Ani Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Grigorian. Ani Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Grimes. Amity H. Hall. Joanne Hamond . Alexandre 01 = Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit English Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division 1310 6.00 0300 0051401 1310 4.00 - - - C IV-1 C 11-1 Fte Acc% Board Action Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment "Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assi.9.nment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Etection of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate ASSignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Rate Legend 87 C = Class in Salary Schedule Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17,2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Location Position Dates Account No Hours Rate Harvey, Mark Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Hayne , Richard A Health Sciences Division Art Emergency Medical Tech Ambulance or Nonambulance Hillquist, Richard Business Division Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0100 3.00 C IV-6 Ingle, Tiffany Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001310 9.00 C 111-4 John, Karoon Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001310 9.00 C 111-1 Jong , May Mathematics Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Art 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001310 8.00 C 111-2 Kocol , Aleksander Social Sciences Division History 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2205001310 3.00 C 111-2 Kram, Karin Biology Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0400001310 9.00 C IV-1 Photography 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1011001310 2.00 C IV-1 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 051401 1310 8.00 C 111-6 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 120401 1310 8.00 C 111-6 Art 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001310 8.00 C IV-1 Martirosyan , Susanna Non-Credit ESL Division Non-Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 493001 1310 14.00 C 111-1 Mashhour, Andrew Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001310 5.00 C 111-1 McLaughlin, Jeanne Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0502001310 5.00 C IV-1 McLean, Stephen Physical Science Division 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1905001310 7.00 C IV-1 Mendoza , Patricia Business Division Health and Physical Education Division Chemistry Medical Office Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 0514001310 C 11-1 Health 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0837001310 3.00 C IV-3 Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001310 4.00 C IV-1 Myers, Albert English Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Photography 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1011001310 6 .00 C IV-1 Nahabedian , Nayiri Social Sciences Division Sociology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2208001310 3.00 _ C IV-1 Hanford, Marcia C IHanifin, Mary ~ 6 DRAFT Lee, Sam Lytle , Judith Lytle, Judith Mann, Anna Maria Miller, Carrie Mungen , Donna 01 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 0514011310 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 050201 1310 4.00 C 11-4 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 101300 1310 4.00 C IV-1 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1250001310 12.00 C 111-6 o 050100 1310 =Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit 16.00 4.00 C IV-6 Fte Acc% Board Action Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment ·Election of Flat Rate 'Assignment :Election of Flat Rate !Assignment Election-of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment I Election of Flat Rate I Assignment : Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate ASSignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 88 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO . 9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Nepomuceno , Rosario Location Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Position Account No Dates o 050201 Hours 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0300 Photography 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 01011001310 2.00 eIV-1 Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 1700001310 C IV-1 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 051401 1310 8.00 IC 11-6 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/14/14 :01 0300 0 070001 1310 8.00 Ie11-6 Preciado-Garcia , Saul Business Division Visual and Performing Arts Protich, Anita Division Ramirez Javier, Odilon Mathematics Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 01100 0 0502001310 1110.00 IC IV-1 Music 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1004001310 12.00 C 111-1 Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 1700001310 C 111-1 Rockwell , Cassie Business Division Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0501001,310 4 .00 C 111-1 Romulo , Alfred Non-Credit ESL Division Health and Physical Education Division Technology and Aviation Division Non-Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 493001 1310 14.00 C 111-3 Physical Education 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0835001310 5.00 C IV-2 Aviation and Transportation 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 095000 1310 3.00 C 11-1 Non-Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 493001 1310 14.00 C IV-2 Shan , Clarissa Non-Credit ESL Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Music 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1004001310 2.00 C IV-1 Singhaseni , Par Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 040000 1310 9.00 C 111-1 Smith, Justin Social Sciences Division History 02118/14 - 06/11 /14 01 0100 o 2205001310 9.00 C 111-1 Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 493000 1310 7.00 C 111-1 Media Arts 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001310 3.00 C IV-1 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 051401 1310 8.00 C 11 -6 Business Computers Parent Education NonCredit 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 o 130501 1310 2.00 C 11-6 02/24/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 o 130501 1310 3.00 C 111-6 Art 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001310 4.00 C IV-1 Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06 /11/14 01 0300 0 050201 1310 8.00 C 111-6 Ruedaflores , Steven Sahakian , Edwin Mathematics Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division 1310 12.00 Rate Business Computers Nilsson, Steven Obrenovic Gilmour, Kristina Panganiban , Janette Leigh Panganiban, Janette Leigh ~ 7 DRAFT 9.00 13.00 C IV-6 -.....0 Sargsyan , Arusyak Credit ESL Division Visual and Performing Arts Steiner, Carley Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Sternau , Patricia Jean Business Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Sternau , Patricia Jean Business Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Stockly, Jane Business Division Visual and Performing Arts Tanaka , Bonita Division Life Skills - Non-Credit Thoke, Claire B Business Division Sopher-Bagg , Judith 01 = Day 02 = Even ing 03 = Non-Credit Fte I : Acc% Board Action Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate ASSignment Election of Flat Rate ASSignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 89 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1 . Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17. 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name 8 DRAFT Location Position Dates Account No Hours Rate Fte Acc% Board Action Thoke. Claire B Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division Business Computers 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0300 0 0514011310 8.00 C 111-6 Thuente . Terri Language Arts Division Journalism 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0100 0 0602001310 8.00 C 11-3 Turner. Monica Social Sciences Division Social Science 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2203001310 3.00 C IV-1 Utash . Sigrun Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001310 10.00 C IV-2 Williams . Brian Social Sciences Division Political Science 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2207001310 6 .00 C IV-1 Zander , Jessica Language Arts Division Foreign Language 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1100001310 5.00 C IV-1 I Baldiwala , Fatema English Division Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 15010013111 0.67 C IV-1 ,100 Basalla, Melissa Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18114-06/11/14 101 0100 0 4930001311 1.33 C IV-4 Election of Office Hours Benvenuto, Adriana Language Arts Division Foreign Language 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1100001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Bhattacharyya , Gargi Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Boyajyan. Izabela Mathematics Division Technology and Aviation Division Architecture 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0201001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Brockmann, Erika Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0400001311 2.00 C 111-1 Electio n of Office H 0 u rs Budaghyan , Eduard Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0502001311 0 .67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Cardona. Rafael Business Division Health and Physical Education Division Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0509001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Ph~sical 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 083500 1311 0.67 C 11-1 Election of Office Hours English Division Technology and Aviation Division Composition EnQ,lish 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Hospitality & Tourism Mgnt 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 130600 1311 0.67 C IV-3 Election of Office Hours Credit ESL Division Health and Physical Education Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Physical Education 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0835001311 0.67 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Economics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2204001311 0.67 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Dewar, John Social Sciences Division Technology and Aviation Division Administration of Justice 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2105001311 0 .67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours EI Gamal, Zohaa Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001311 1.33 C 111-6 Election of Office Hours Elraghy, Omaima Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 040000 1311 2.00 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate ASSignment Election of Flat Rate Asslg_nment Eleclion of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment Election of Flat Rate Assignment I '') C Carrera , Victor Cohen, Samantha Coote, Laurel Crosby, Jeffery Davis, Murphy Day. Michael Education 01 = Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit Election of Office Hours Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 90 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name ~ 9 DRAFT Position Location Dates Account No Rate Hours Fte Acc% Board Action Epstein , Jacob Estacio-Hiroms , Kemelli Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 0.67 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Evinyan , Zarik Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 0.67 C IV-4 Election of Office Hours Falcon , Michael Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001311 2.00 C 111-6 Election of Office Hours Francis, John English Division Technology and Aviation Division Welding 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 010000956001311 1.33 C 11-2 Election of Office Hours Fuhrmann , John Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 170000 1311 2.00 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Ghahramanyan , Alia Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 2.00 C 111-6 Election of Office Hours Gharibian, Karineh Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0502001311 0.67 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Ghazarian, Annashe Social Sciences Division Sociology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2208001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Hall, Joanne Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Harvey, Mark English Division Visual and Performing Arts Division 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 1013001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Hayne , Richard A Health Sciences Division Art Emergency Medical Tech Ambulance or Nonambulance 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1250001311 2.00 C 111-6 Election of Office Hours Hillquist, Richard Business Division Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0506001311 1.33 C IV-6 Election of Office Hours Ingle, Tiffany Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 010004930001311 2.00 C 111-4 Election of Office Hours John, Karoon Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 2.00 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Art 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001311 1.33 C 111-2 Election of Office Hours Kocol, Aleksander Mathematics Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Health and Physical Education Division History 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0835001311 1.33 C 111-2 Election of Office Hours Kram , Karin Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 040000 1311 2.00 CIV-1 Election of Office Hours Mashhour, Andrew Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 0.67 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours McLaughlin , Jeanne Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 050200 1311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours McLean, Stephen Physical Science Division 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0100 0 1905001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Mendoza , Patricia Business Division Health and Physical Education Division Chemistry Medical Office Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0514001311 0.67 C 11-1 Election of Office Hours Health 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0835001311 2.00 C IV-3 Election of Office Hours Jong , May Miller, Carrie 01 =Day Rate Legend 02 = Evening 03 =Non-Credit C = Class in Salary Schedule 91 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Step 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO. 9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Mungen, Donna Position Location Dates Account No Hours Rate Fte Acc% Board Action English Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Composition English 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1501001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Photography 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1011001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Social Sciences Division Sociology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2208001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1700001311 2.00 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Preciado-Garcia, Saul Business Division Accounting 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 010000502001311 2.00 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Rockwell , Cassie Business Administration 02/18/14 - 06/11114 01 0100 0 050100 1311 0.67 C 111-1 Physical Education 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0835001311 0.67 C IV-2 Election of Office Hours Sahakian, Edwin Business Division Health and Physical Education Division Technology and Aviation Division Aviation and Transportation 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 o 095000 13111 0.67 C 11-1 Election of Office Hours Singhaseni , Par Biology Division Biology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 040000 1311 2.00 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Smith, Justin Social Sciences Division History 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2205001311 2.00 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Sopher-Bagg, Judith Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 010004930001311 1.33 C 111-1 Election of Office Hours Media Arts 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Tanaka, Bonita Credit ESL Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Visual and Performing Arts Division Art 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1002001311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Thuente , Terri Language Arts Division Journalism 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 0602001311 1.33 C 11-3 Election of Office Hours Turner, Monica Social Sciences Division Social Science 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 220300 1311 0.67 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Utash, Sigrun Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 4930001311 2.00 C IV-2 Election of Office Hours Williams, Brian Social Sciences Division Political Science 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 2207001311 1.33 C IV-1 Election of Office Hours Zander, Jessica Ovsepyan, Ms. Sara S Pal, Dr. Poorna Language Arts Division Continuing and Community Ed Center Physical Science Division Foreign Language Life Skills Non Credit Business Sub Geology 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 1100001311 0.67 01 0300 0 051401 1320 C IV-1 C 11-3 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 100 Hitterdale, Dr. Laurence Business Division Computer Science 09/01/14 - 06/30/19 0.660 100 Serra, Ms. Linda J Business Division Business 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 0.930 100 Myers, Albert Nahabedian, Nayiri Obrenovic Gilmour, Kristina Ruedaflores, Steven ~ 10 DRAFT Steiner, Carley 01 =Day 02 = Evening 03 = Non-Credit Election of Office Hours I 100 Election of Office Hours Election Sub for Student Success Center Leave of Absence Medical Leave Leave of Absence PreRetirement Reduced Workload Moody Plan) Leave of Absence PreRetirement Reduced WorkLoad I(MoodyPlan) Rate Leaend C = Class in Salary Schedule 92 Example C 1 - 1 = Class 1. Slep 1 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report No. 9 Academic Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Nikodem , Ms. Marianne Barsegyan. Ms. Yeranui Cicuto, Mr. John M 11 DRAFT Location Position Dates Account No Business Division Business Office of VP Instructional Services Physical Education Program Manager III , Title V 11/01/13 - 09/30/16 Grant Coordinator Men's & Women's Athletic 01/01/14 - 06/30/14 Director Fire Academy 01/01/14 - 06/30/14 03 3772 0 630002 1210 Fire Academy Bagan, Mr. Anthony Technology and Aviation Division DiGiovanna , Mr. Sam Technology and Aviation R Division Paxton, Ms. Carol Office of VP Instructional Services Kalantar-Ohanian , Mr. Office of VP Instructional Richard Services Oganesyan, Mrs . Office of VP Instructional Asmik Services Perkins , Mr. Gregory Student Services Hours Rate Fte Acc% 100 12/19/13 - 02/18/14 40 hrs M41-3 1.000 100 Board Action Leave of Absence Unpaid Medical Leave Promotion 100 Stipend Additional responsibility 01 0100 0 213500 1395 $7 ,766.79/ semester $3,773.40/mo 100 Stipend Fire Academy Director 01/01/14 - 06/30/14 01 0100 0 213500 1395 $3,325.20/mo 100 Stipend Fire Academy Director Mathematics 10/05/13 - 01/11/14 03 3772 0 630002 1395 $2 ,594.24 100 Engineering 01/10/14 - 01/29/14 03 3771 0 630002 1395 $766.48 100 Chemistry 01/06/14 - 02/10/14 03 3771 0 630002 1395 $7 ,075.20 100 Counselor 02118/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1395 C 111-4 100 Stipend For work in the Gateway grant Stipend For work in the GAUSS igrant Stipend For work in the GAUSS [grant Stipend Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 C 111-4 100 C 111-4 100 C 111-4 100 Stipend Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 01 1000 0 696000 1395 3 hrs/wk NTE18 hrs/wk 3 hrs NTE 18hrslwk 3 hrs/wk NTE18 hrs/wk 3 hrs/wk NTE18 hrs/wk Saber, Ms. Isabelle Mathematics Division Mathematics 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1395 Taghdis, Mr. Mohammad Continuing and Community Ed Center Non Credit Counselor 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1395 Credit ESL Division Credit ESL 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 1395 Student Services Librarian 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 2495 $1,250.00 100 Visual and Performing Arts Division Business Division Music 01/06/14 - 04/13/14 01 1000 0 100000 1395 $1,186 .84 100 Business 02/19/14 - 100 Stipend Guild Reimbursed Lump Sum Pay Stipend Winter '14 Choreaography Stipend Termination Deceased Life Skills - Non Credit Business 02/24/14 - 100 Termination Deceased '-!) \..).) Vera , Mr. Paul Ross Kaye, Ms. Zohara G Poe, Ms. Ma~orie Nikodem. Ms. Marianne Wright , Mr. Ronald V. Life Skills - Non-Credit Business Division 01 =Day =Non-Credit Stipend Guild District Funded Released Time SprinQ 2014 Stipend Guild District Funded Released Time Spring 2014 Rate Legend C = Class in Salary Schedule 02 = Evening 03 i 93 Example C 1 - 1 = Cla ss 1, Step 1 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MARCH 17, 2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. I'V PERSONNEL REPORT NO.9 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTED: David Viar, Superintendent/President REVIEWED BY: Teyanna Williams, Associate Vice President, Human Resources PREPARED BY: Rima Tarverdian, Sr. Human Resources Generalist SUBJECT: CLASSIFIED REPORT - Action order The Superintendent/President recommends that the various entries on the following reports be approved as presented: 94 9 Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Classified Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name DRAFT Location Position Garcia, Mr. Luis Health Sciences Division Irvin, Ms. Marcia Visual and Performing Arts Custodian Division Custodian Facilities Irvin, Ms. Marcia Nurse Associate Hourly ~ Hours NTE19 hrs/wk 01104/14 - 01104114 03 1000 0 100800 2380 6hrs total 01/04/14 - 01/04/14 01 1000 0 651000 2120 1.5 hrs Khudaverdyan, Mrs. Naira Biology Division Sr Instruct Lab Tech 01/01/14 - Hernandez, Mrs . Lorena Language Arts Division Admin Assistant 01/20/14 - 04/17114 Hernandez, Mrs. Lorena Language Arts Division Admin Assistant ' Salas, Ms. I,sman Rivas Account No Dates 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 03 3853 0 120300 2380 Rate Fte Acc% 100 Additional Assignment Extra Help in NRL 100 Est rate of Ipay 100 Additional Assignment F or work done for Theatre Arts Dept Additional Hours I - 01/07/14 Admin Assistant II Office of Instructional Services Zargarian, Ms. Tatiana Child Development Center Master Early Childhood Educator Roman, Mr. Erric Gardener Facilities Admin Assistant Hernandez, Mrs. Lorena . Language Arts Division Ataian, Ms , Shakeh EOPS Sr Student Services Tech 03/01/14 - 06/20/1'4 Zargarian , Ms. Tatiana Master Early Childhood Educator Admin Assistant II 03/01/14 - Admin Assistant 01/01/14 - 01 0100 0 150800 2110 $120.00/mo 100 Police Officer 03/01/14 - 01 1000 0 677000 2110 $60 .00/mo. 100 Child Development Center Salas, Ms. Isman Rivas Office of Instructional Services Aguilar-Salazar, Ms. Luisa Credit ESL Division Esperanza Campus Police Carthew, Mr. Neil C. 03/01/14 - 0 .770 03 8400 0 130502 2210 02/18/14 01 1000 0 652000 2120 40 hrs 01/08/14 - 01/19/14 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 03 8400 0 130502 2210 01/01/14 - 02/28/14 40 hrs/wk No carry over R18-2 R 26-4 + Lonqevity_ 40 hrs 1.000 100 1.000 100 1.000 Campus Police Police Officer 02/01/14 - 01 1000 0 677000 2110 $40.00/mo. 100 Collazo, Miss Blanca Yvette Cortes, Mrs. Amelita Latorre Franco, Mr. Oliver Campus Police 02/01114 - 01 1000 0 677000 2110 $100.00/mo 100 Controller Police Comm & Records Specialist Payroll Tech 03/01/14 - 01 1000 0 672000 2110 $20.00/mo. 100 Health Services Health Clerk II 03/01114 - 03 3100 0 644000 2110 $120 .00/mo 100 Horejsi , Ms. Sharon C Health Services Nurse Associate 02/01/14 - 03 3100 0 644000 2120 $20.00/mo. 100 McLees, Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Mcneely, Mrs. Maureen Information and Technology Services Health Services Programmer Analyst 03/01114 - 01 1000 0 678300 2110 $80.00/mo, 100 Nurse Associate 02/01114 - 03 3100 0 644000 2120 $80.00/mo. 100 = Example: R - 1 = Range 1 of the Salary Schedule 95 Change Increase from 10 months to 11 months Correction to the Board : 11/18/13Leave of Absence - CFRA Correction to the Board: 11/18/13 Leave of Absence FMLAlPDL End Date Decrease of Assignment 23% Reduced Workload Discontinue CPGU stipend due to Ipromotion Election New Hire Leave of Absence POL Leave of Absence Unpaid Promotion Return to Regular Assignment Carthew, Mr. Neil C. Rate Legend MH =Management Hourly Rate R = Regular Classified Range/Row UH Unclassified Range/Rate ND = Night Differential Board Action Est Rate of Pay + NO as needed $23 .70/hr Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Stipend Growth Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Classified Professional Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report No. 9 Classified Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name Location Mirzoyan, Ms. Karmen DSPS Naso, Ms. Joann Sketeris, Mr. Jeffrey Strong, Ms. Franklina L. Strong, Ms. Franklina L. 2 DRAFT Position Dates Account No Hours Rate Fte Acc% 01 2200 0 642000 2110 $80.00/mo. 100 Admissions and Records Student Services 02/01/14 Technician Enrollment Services Asst. 03/01114 - 01 1000 0 620000 2110 $40.00/mo . 100 Continuing and Community Ed Center Office of Superintendent President Office of Superintendent President Student Services Technician Governance Office Coordinator Governance Officer Coordinator 02101/14 - 03 4820 3 647001 2110 $140.00/mo 100 03/01/14 - 01 1000 0 661500 2110 $180.00/mo 100 $500 100 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 1000 0 661500 2495 Board Action Stipend Classified Professional Growth Stipend Classified Professional Growth Stipend Classified Professional Growth Stipend Classified Professional Growth Stipend Guild Reimbursed Lump Sum Pay Board Reporting Hourlies From time to time the District may employ short-term hourly employees to replace an employee who is on leave , or to perform work that is of a short-term or seasonal nature. Short-term hourly employees may be assigned up to 280 hours and 45 days per assignment, not to exceed a total of 170 days and 800 hours per fiscal year. Short-term hourly employees hired to replace an employee on leave may be employed for up to 60 calendar days subject to the provisions of the current CSEA collective bargaining agreement. The following short-term hourly employees will not exceed 170 working days and 800 hours during the fiscal year without additional Board of Trustees approval. ~" Aleksandryan, Ms. Anet Continuing and Community Clerical Assistant Ed Center 10/26/13 - 12/18/13 03 1070 4 490001 2380 NTE 19 hrs/wk Balajadia, Ms. Thelma S Health Sciences Division Nursing Resource Lab Asst Hourly 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 03 3853 0 120300 2380 NTE 19 hrs/wk Carver, Miss Memory Health Sciences Division EMT Hourly 02118114 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 2380 NTE 11 hrs/wk Dudley, Miss Catherine Mary Health Sciences Division Nursing Resource Lab Asst Hourly 02118114 - 06/11/14 03 3853 0 120300 2380 NTE 19 hrslwk Eganyan, Mr. Erik EOPS Clerical Assistant 02/10/14 - 06/30/14 03 1500 0 643000 2380 Lelikyan, Ms . Syuzanna Continuing and Community Ass!. Instructional Ed Center Computer Lab Tech Hourly General Worker Cafeteria NTE 20 hrs/wk NTE 19 hrs/wk 02/10/14 - 06/30/14 30 0100 0 694000 2350 Health Sciences Division 02118/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 2380 Melkomyans, Mrs. Roobina Myers , Mr. Kenneth Eugene EMT Hourly 10/26/13 - 12/18/13 03 4240 4 150802 2380 Rate Legend MH =Management Hourly Rate R = Regular Classified RangelRow UH =Unclassified RangelRate NO Night Differential = Example: R - 1 = Range 1 of the Salary Schedule 96 NTE 20 hrs/wk NTE 11 hrs/wk $12.91 + ND as needed $21.56/hr + ND as needed $20.01/hr + ND as needed $21.56/hr + ND as needed $12.911hr 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment I R23-1 + ND as needed 100 Hourly Assignment I $12.61/hr 100 Hourly Assignment $20.01/hr + ND as needed 100 Hourly Assignment , I -- Glendale Community College March 17, 2014 Personnel Report NO.9 Classified Personnel Report 03/04/14 8:00 AM Full Name 3 DRAFT Location Position Dates Account No Hours Pedroza, Mr. Carl J. Health Sciences Division EMT Hourly 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 2380 NTE 11 hrs/wk Philibosian, Dr. Richard Health Sciences Division EMT Hourly 02/18/14 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 2380 NTE 11 hrs/wk Tolentino, Mr. Angelo L Health Sciences Division Nursing Resource Lab Asst Hourly 02118/14 - 06/11/14 03 3853 0 120300 2380 NTE 19 hrs/wk Williams , Mr. Steven W . Health Sciences Division EMT Hourly 02118114 - 06/11/14 01 0100 0 125000 2380 NTE 11 hrs/wk Caines, Mr. Ryan Joseph Technology and Aviation Division Fire Academy Lab Tech 02118114 - 06/30/14 01 01,00 0 213500 2410 As needed Gleason. Mr. Mark L. Verdugo Power Academy 02118/14 - 06/30/14 03 4520 0 093800 2410 Lab Tech As needed Technology and Aviation Division Gullessarian, Mrs. Tamar Child Development Center Child Development Relief 02/11/14 - 06/30/14 03 8400 0 130502 2380 Worker '-(" "' Hayrapian , Mrs. Arsineh Meza, Mr. Marcus M. Pagliuso . Mr. Justin J. NTE40 hrs/wk as needed Child Development Center Child Development Relief 02105/14 - 06/30/14 03 8400 0 130502 2380 NTE 40 Worker hrs/wk as needed Technology and Aviation Fire Academy Lab Tech 02/18114 - 06/30/14 01 0100 0 213500 2410 As needed Division Technology and Aviation Division Fire Academy Lab Tech 02/18/14 - 06/30/14 01 0100 0 213500 2410 As needed Rate Legend MH =Management Hourly Rate R = Regular Classified RangelRow UH = Unclassified RangelRate ND = Night Differential Example: R - 1 = Range 1 of the Salary Schedule 97 Rate $20.01/hr + NO as needed $20.01/hr + NO as needed $21.56/hr + NO as needed $20.01/hr + NO as needed $38.38/hr + NDas . needed $38.38/hr + NO as [leeded $12.611hr + NO as needed $12 .61/hr + NO as needed $38.38/hr + NO as needed $38.38/hr + NO as needed Fte Acc% Board Action 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment 100 Hourly Assignment New 100 Hourly Assignment New 100 Hourly Assignment New 100 Hourly ASSignment New 100 Hourly Assignment New 100 Hourly Assignment New I I I GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MARCH 17, 2014 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. (1 PERSONNEL REPORT NO. 9 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTED: David Viar, Superintendent/President REVIEWED BY: Teyanna Williams, Associate Vice President, Human Resources PREPARED BY: Rima Tarverdian, Sr. Human Resources Generalist SUBJECT: STUDENT REPORT The Superintendent/President recommends that the various entries on the following reports be approved as presented: 98 Glendale Community College March 17,2014 Student Report No.9 Job Title Full Name Asg Start Date Asg End Date Rate SUM Costing STU. STU. 'STU. STU. jSTU. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. I I I I I Ando, Mari Calhoun, Christopher Eganyan., Victoria Eqanyan, Victoria Espanta, Ma. Lourdes Viel 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 30-J un-20 14 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 01 01 01 03 03 STU. STU. STU. STU. STU. STU. STU. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. I I I I I I I Garibian, Lucine Gasparyan, Anna Gomtsyan, Armenui Gomtsyan, Armenui Greqorian, Anahid Greqorian, Anahid Grespan-Solancho, Camila 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 101-Feb-2014 '01-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-201'4 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 01 100006010032360 01 1000 0632000 2360 01211001100002360 03211001100002360 01 1800 0 130500 2360 03 1800 0 130500 2360 01 100006010032360 STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. ISTU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. STU. ASSIST. I I I I I I I I I I I Hacopian, Lynette Hacopian, Lynette Hayrapetyan, Anahit Kasparian, Nairy Ma-iel, Rima Nazarian, Reny Nazarian, Reny Newberry, Vincent Nguyen, Linda Nguyen, Linda Nofsinger-Smith, Jackelyn 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01'-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 130-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 01 03 01 03 01 03 01 01 03 01 01 Pashapour, Arlet Pashapour, Arlet Sadatian, Seyedehelham Saleebyan, Bliss Shares, Steven Shares, Steven Stuart, Jonathan 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 '01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 130-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 '30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $11.00 STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST. I STU. ASSIST.v, STU. ASSIST.v, STU. ASSIST.V, STU. ASSIST.v, STU. ASSIST.v, STU. ASSIST.v, STU. ASSIST.v, Stuart~nathan STP 1 STP 1 STP 1 STP 1 STP 1 STP 1 STP 4 Zarouqian, Adrineh Aquilar, Francisco Cuadra, Alei.andra Karapetian, Andrew Karapetian, Andrew Khachatrian~ Shake Pappas, Nicholas Stuart, Jonathan 99 100006010032360 010001905002360 1800 0 696500 2360 1800 0 696500 2360 2200 0 642000 2360 1800 0 100400 2360 1800 0 100400 2360 1000 0677300 2360 2200 0 642000 2360 0100 0 079900 2360 1800 0 100200 2360 1800 0 100200 2360 1000 0 601003 2360 1800 0 694000 2360 1800 0 694000 2360 100006010032360 03 2110 0 130500 2360 01 21100 1305002360 01 1000 0 601003 2360 01 100006010032360 01 1800 0 620000 2360 03 1800 0 620000 2360 01 1800 0 100400 2360 03 1800 0 100400 2360 01 0100 0 079900 2360 03 3771 0 630002 2360 033771 06300022360 03 1800 0 096000 2360 01 1800 0 096000 2360 033771 06300022360 01 01000 1701002360 03 4550 0 093400 2360 Draft 1 of 1 - 3/4/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 NEW BUSINESS REPORT NO.1 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President PREPARED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President SUB ..IECT: BALLOT FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEES BOARD ELECTION - 2014 DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY / BACKGROUND The election of members of the CCCT Board of the Community College League of California will take place between March 10 and April 25. This year there are seven (7) three-year vacancies on the board and one (1) one-year vacancy. Each member community college district board of the League shall have one vote for each of the eight vacancies on the CCCT Board. Only one vote may be cast for any nominee or write-in candidate. The seven candidates who receive the most votes will serve three-year terms. The eighth top vote-getter will complete the term that was vacated by a CCCT member who did not seek reelection in her district last November. That term expires in 2015 and the candidate elected to complete that term will be eligible to run for re-election as an incumbent in 2015. In the event of a tie vote for the last position to be filled, the CCCT Board will vote to break the tie. The fourteen trustees who have been nominated for election to the board are listed on the attached "CCCT 2014 Board Official Ballot" in the Secretary of State's random drawing order of February 3, 2014. Official ballots must be signed by the board secretary and board president or vice-president and ballot return envelopes must have no identifying information or signatures. Official ballots must be returned to the League office, postmarked no later than April 25. Faxed ballots will not be accepted. The ballots will be opened and counted by three tellers appointed by the CCCT board president and the results announced at the CCCT Annual Conference, May 1-2 in Newport Beach. 100 COMMITTEE HISTORY Campus Executive Committee March 11,2014 FISCAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees select nominees for the California Community College Trustees 2014 Board. 101 NOMINATED CM'DIDATES WRITE-IN CANDIDATES Type each qualified trustee 's name and district on the lines provided below. List order based on Secretary of State's Februury 3,2014 random drawing. I:l I:l Richard Watters, Ohlone CCD *Paul Gomez, Chaffey CCD Valley~Mission 0 Adrienne Grey, West 1:1 Jeffrey Lease, San Jose-Evergreen CCD 0 Brent Hastey, Yuba CCD 1:1 Pam Haynes, Los Rios CCD 1:1 Nathan Miller, Riverside CCD 0 CCD *Jim Moreno, Coast CCD 0 Donna Ziel, Cabrillo CCD 0 Lorrie A. Denson, Victor Valley CCD 0 Stephen P. Blum, Ventura CCD 0 If< I Laura Casas, Foothill-DeAnza CCD 0 *Stephan Castellanos, San Joaquin Delta CCD I:l +Nancy C. Chadwick, Palomar CCD * Incumbent Board Secretary and Board President or Board Vice President must sign below: This ballot reflects the action of the board of trustees cast in accordance with local board policy. Secretary of the Board President or Vice President ofthe Board /oz 102 Draft 5 of 5 - 3/6/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17,2014 NEW BUSINESS REPORT NO. t REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: David Viar, Superintendent/President PREPARED BY: Mary Mirch, Vice President, Instructional Services SUB.JECT: SABBATICAL REQUESTS FOR 2014 - 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY 1 BACKGROUND: Every fall and spring the Sabbatical Committee meets to review and determine support for faculty sabbatical leaves. According to the Guild contract, the Sabbatical Committee makes recommendations through the Superintendent 1 President to the Board of Trustees. The Board has the right to approve up to the equivalent of six full-time sabbatical leaves per year (4.5 FTEF sabbatical reimbursements.) Faculty sabbatical requests are submitted during both the fall and spring semesters of the year prior to the sabbatical leave request. Attached is a summary of the sabbatical leave requests recommended for approval. COMMITTEE HISTORY The Sabbatical Committee met in Fall 2013 to review sabbatical requests for the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. The Campus Executive Committee met on March 11, 2014 and reviewed this Report of Recommendation . FISCAL IMPACT Faculty on sabbatical leaves receive 75% of their base salary with a savings to the District of 25% of the base salary minus the cost of backfilling classes. RECOMMENDATION The Superintendent/President recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the sabbatical leave requests for: David Attyah Melissa Randel Marian Rooney William Shamhart 103 /OJ David Attyah - Visual & Performing Arts Mr. Attyah will conduct a year of advanced study of green and nontoxic studio art techniques, especially printmaking . He will also work on his third book, focusing on "hybrid processes" - visual art that combines traditional and digital techniques. His book will include new original artworks of his own, and bring together works of other contemporary artists working with hybrid processes. His volume will have an instructional/textbook component that compiles his twenty years of teaching traditional and digital art. Upon his return to GCC, Mr. Attyah plans to use his study to develop curriculum soundly based in green processes, and to reduce toxics to near zero in the Studio Art area at GCC. He hopes to further develop Studio Art curriculum that teaches students to combine digital and traditional approaches. And finally, he hopes to build bridges with the Science Division - involving students in the science of art making and vice versa, as an aspect of STEAM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) . Melissa Randel - Visual & Performing Arts Ms. Randal would like to propose a sabbatical leave for fall 2014 - spring 2015, under the category of "Creative work or original contribution to the faculty's educational field." The creative work she intends to complete during sabbatical is a trilogy of Devised Theatre pieces dealing with the subject of mental health in women through the ages, from the controversial early methods of treatment in asylums, through present day application of prescription drugs. Devised theatre is an innovative and cutting edge approach to theatre making that embraces collaboration with other artists (musicians , visual artists, dancers, etc.) and non-artists who are specialists in a particular field related to the subject matter of the project. Upon return from sabbatical in fall 2015, she will begin construction and rehearsal of a campus wide collaboration to generate an original, Devised Theatre piece at Glendale Community College. The subject matter and participants of this collaboration would be determined prior to sabbatical departure, and the Devised Theatre piece would be presented during the spring 2016 semester, as part of the GCC Theatre Department's season. Marian Rooney - English Ms. Rooney would like to apply for a sabbatical for fall 2014 and spring 2015 in order to complete her research and dissertation for the degree of Doctorate in Education in the Educational Leadership Program at UCLA. Her research focuses on academic literacy and the role that community colleges play in enabling underrepresented minority students to acquire the skills and the social capital associated with fluency in this very particular compositional language. Her Action Research project will take place on three community college campuses in the Los Angeles area, one of which is Glendale. Students will co-construct the 104 lOY semester-long curricular focus on multiple literacies and code-switching , and will take part in interviews as well as complete surveys , to reveal their knowledge and responses to overt recognition of "college writing" as an assumed voice. Their written work will also be evaluated for signs of self-determined code-switching. She believes that this intervention will provide valuable methods of instruction by which we at GCC can engage our students more fully in the construction of their own academic fluency. William Shamhart - Mathematics Mr. Sham hart would like to apply for a sabbatical leave to write Study Skills Modules for Success in Math consisting of 8 to 10 units totaling 50 pages or more. He will develop accompanying media to enhance delivery options, including text, audio and video for each module. He will also provide questions/worksheets for each chapter plus Moodie lessons suitable for class use. Math students and instructors will have access to the study skills modules in multiple formats including audio, text and video . Materials will be posted on the Mathematics Division or Math Discovery Center website(s) . Mr. Shamhart believes that completing this sabbatical proposal will enhance his technology skills and his ability to be a resource for others at Glendale Community College and beyond. 105 /O~ Draft 1 of 1 – 3/7/14 GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT March 17, 2014 NEW BUSINESS REPORT NO. 3 REPORT OF RECOMMENDATION TO: Board of Trustees SUBMITTED BY: Ron Nakasone, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services SUBJECT: RATIFICATION OF EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AND SALARY INCREASE FOR SUPERINTENDENT/PRESIDENT ______________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF HISTORY/BACKGROUND At the regular meeting on March 17, 2014, in closed session, the Board of Trustees will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent/President in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the position and progress on goals established. Pursuant to the terms of the Contract of Employment of the Superintendent/President, contingent upon a satisfactory performance evaluation by the Board of Trustees, the annual salary of the Superintendent/President shall be increased by 2% effective July 1, 2014 and the contract for employment extended to June 30, 2017. COMMITTEE HISTORY Campus Executive Committee March 11, 2014 FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the annual increase is $4,837. RECOMMENDATION Contingent upon a satisfactory performance evaluation, it is recommended the Board of Trustees ratify the extension of the Contract of Employment of Superintendent/President David Viar to June 30, 2017, with a 2% increase in the annual salary effective July 1, 2014 and no other changes in terms. 106
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