February 2013 - Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
February 2013 - Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
OFAH ZONE J FEBRUARY 2013 NEWSLETTER Special Points of Interest: Attend the OFAH Zone J Annual General Meeting and Election Inside this issue: We Need Your Help compiling memories for the 25th Annual Youth Campout Zone Contacts 2 Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club 3 Deer Hunt Survey 3 From The Chair 4 Election Time 4 History of the Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club OFAH ZONE J VISITS THE RONDEAU ROD & GUN CLUB The January 2013 OFAH Zone J meeting was hosted by the members of the Rondeau Rod & Gun Club. Rondeau Rod & Gun Club President Jim Jackson and his dedicated volunteers welcomed Sunday morning. We had an excellent chili lunch. During the meeting we were educated by Dr. Scott Petrie on the work being done by Long Point Waterfowl. After the meeting, we were invited to shoot skeet and handguns. Many thanks to Wayne for working with us in the handgun range. Thank you Rondeau Rod & Gun Club for a fantastic Day! Jim Greenwood presents Thank You to Jim Jackson Brian McRae, Club Liaison from OFAH Peterborough discussed member benefits and Club insurance. As I See It by F. Barbetti 5 25th Annual Youth Campout 6 Upcoming Club Events By Law Letter By Law Changes 6 7 8-12 Follow us on Twitter @ofahzonej Charlene Vantyghem presented MNR’s 5 year Revenue Strategy program and had everyone complete an 80 question survey. Not often do we get homework to do at a Zone meeting. OFAH ZONE J MAKES A DONATION www.longpointwaterfowl.org OFAH Zone J Chair presents Dr. Scott Petrie with a cheque for $1,000.00 to assist Long Point Waterfowl with their Lake St. Clair project. Did you catch a big one! Get your entry in! ontarioanglerawards.com Page 2 OFAH ZONE J OFAH ZONE J EXECUTIVE 2012-2013 CONTACT INFO Chair, Jim Greenwood Simcoe area jgreenwood340@gmail.com 519-426-2590 1st Vice, Brian Moore Watford area brianmoore@live.ca 519-919-1520 2nd Vice, Cassandra Holtby Chatham area cassandrazonej@gmail.com 519-351-8348 Secretary/Treasurer, Kathy Moore Brantford area kfm00@rogers.com 519-756-9386 Alt. Director, Randy MacPherson Fergus area mrmac1954@hotmail.ca 519-843-6310 Past Chair, Tony Jackson Stratford area tjsfinsnfeathers@sympatico.ca 519-273-4193 Past Chair, Felix Barbetti Fonthill area fbarbetti@congeco.ca 905-892-4381 To have something added to the OFAH Zone J website, please send an email request to websitezonej@gmail.com February 16-18, 2013 Visit ontariofamilyfishing.com to find a “license-free” fishing event in your neighbourhood. To receive this Newsletter electronically, please send an email request to teamofah@live.ca OFAH Zone J www.shopofah.org Tune in to the 20th Season of Angler and Hunter TV on the Outdoor Life Network (OLN) Every Sunday at 8am. www.ahtv.com Page 3 OFAH ZONE J WELLINGTON STREET SP ORTSMEN’S CLUB—A LONG , PROUD HISTORY George Winder - Original Founder - 1929 Purpose of the club was Jack Rabbit drives - 20 members & friends participated. Meeting place was Hill and Wellington Street above a store. Hence the origination of Wellington Street Sportsmen's club George had one brother Harry, who was also a member. George and Mrs. Winder, in the past have entertained members at Christmas parties, playing the piano and caroll singing. Last function George and Mrs. Winder attended was our Christmas party at the Ivanhoe in 1971. George was 90 years old and was the oldest living member. William Rodriguez - Man of Action Joined the club in January 1941 Chairman - Trap Committee 1969 - 1974 Chairman- Kitchen Committee - 1971 - 1974 Vice President - 1973 - 1974President - 1975 - 1976 Bill was a member of the First Hussars Corps. 1940 - 1950 Lapse of time he rejoined 1956 - 1963 Awarded the C.D. Medal in 1969 for being the only man they couldn't catch. Bill was a member of the Beaver Mountain Fisherman Assoc. Was President of the Borden's Social Club Accomplishments - Our club crest is due to Bills perseverance in following it though to conclusion. Founder of our annual Turkey Shoot. Won the club trophy for the biggest pike in 1972 & 1974. Sportsmen of the year 1971 & 1974 Bill's hobbies include trap & skeet, fishing. He likes to reload his own shotgun shells. Dabbles in history and is the club historian. Bill is still a active member in 2013 and attended the January meet- A successful hunting trip was enjoyed by the members of the Wellington Sportsmen's CLub Saturday when they bagged 25 rabbits and two foxes in drives north of the city. Above are shown some of those taking part. Front, left to right, John Reichold, Douglas Mourant, Fred Eggett, Tom Cheloner, Billy Boyd and Jack Boyd, and George Cake. Standing, rear, left to. Arnold Kemp, Tom Mourant, Wayne Stewart, Art Edwards, Fred Smith, Bill Mitchel and S. R. Edwards. OFAH ZONE J WOULD LI KE YOUR OPINION What is your opinion on the Controlled Deer Hunts? Are they effective? Do you see a way they can be improved? Should the Controlled Deer hunt system continue? Does your WMU have 1, 2 or 3 Controlled Hunt seasons? Should there be more or fewer seasons? Would you support bow hunting during Controlled Hunts? Send your comments: by email to teamofah@live.ca contact any of the Zone Executive, post a comment on facebook post a comment ofah.org/zonej website Visit www.wellingtonstreetsportsmensclub.com for more information and Upcoming events such as: Monthly Trap Shoots: February 16 and March 16 Wild Game Dinner: April 20 OFAH Zone J 25th Annual Youth Campout: June 7, 8 & 9 Family Fishing Day: June 23 The Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club is proud to be a 100% OFAH affiliated Club Page 4 OFAH ZONE J From The Chair by Jim Greenwood Our local prognosticator, Willie didn’t see his shadow and has forecast an early spring. Evidently he wasn’t aware of the recent snowfall that hit our zone from one end to the other. the Grand River Conservation Authority. Persons hunting on parts of the St. Williams Conservation Reserve in Norfolk County were confronted by other trail users during the Controlled Deer Hunt in December and advised that It would be nice to see this moisture hunting would be discontinued there in soak into the ground and not run off, but the future. with rain coming we could easily see flooding in surrounding areas. Increased Essex Region Conservation Authority is runoff however would help our local looking at reducing waterfowl hunting Great Lakes that are experiencing low opportunities at Holiday Beach. Our levels not seen in years. executive has been active in speaking up on these and other issues and will conIce fishing that just began on Long Point tinue to advocate for hunters interests Bay now will have to endure another and rights. round of warm weather and rain that effectively could end the season as Coyote hunters are reporting good numquickly as it started. For the fishing bers of healthy animals, although some enthusiasts, be careful when venturing mange has been showing up. Populaout on any ice. Check with the locals, tions seem to be maintained through and the hut operators first. It is not worth increased litters in the spring. With reputting yourself and others at risk. duced habitat especially pasture and hay fields being used for grain production, Our winter hunts are nearly over, and these animals along with fox are being issues have been brought to our attention seen more often in urban settings as they that impact hunting opportunities in the search for food. Predation is still of confuture. Use of a public trail along the cern to livestock farmers, with escalating Grand River between Cambridge and compensation being paid by municipaliParis by hunters carrying unloaded and ties. encased firearms has been prohibited by The Randall Reef toxic waste containment project is moving forward in an effort to delist Hamilton Harbour as an area of concern. The project will in time reduce the toxin loading in fish and improve habitat conditions in the harbour. A First Nation hunt in 2 provincial parks this winter have prompted the OFAH to discuss the rationale for these with the Ministry of Natural Resources. There is widespread concern among our membership that this may be just the beginning of more hunts in provincial parks where there has been no discussion or consultation with the non native community. As I have stated before, we have a very active zone. Our executive does a great job. If you have an interest in being part of this dynamic team, please contact Past Chairs Felix Barbetti or Tony Jackson or any of the other executive for more information. Only 11 weeks till turkey season!! It’s Election Time for OFAH Zone J Executive. As OFAH Zone J Executives we invite members in good standing (at least one full year) to step up to the plate and bat for our South Western Ontario hunting and fishing interests. Your contributions to making our Zone what it could and should be regarding increased opportunities and standing up for our collective interests will be appreciated. To stand for one of the Zone 5 annually elected executive positions, after determining your personal time and travel availability you simply need to declare your intend to stand by advising us ( Tony Jackson or Felix Barbetti --nominating committee) by e-mail or phone or by advising any of our current executive. Time &Travel Commitments There are 3 quarterly general meetings at which delegated reports and updates are presented to our membership at large. Between these get togethers are teleconferences scheduled as required. Other discussions and commitments should also be expected commensurate with your dedication and interests to our core directions. In appreciation Executive and their spouses are also invited to our OFAH annual conference and wildlife dinner. Travel and costs incurred while conducting Zone business are reimbursed. It's essential to the health and progress of our Zone J to refresh the team and network by encouraging new energetic and dedicated members to stand for election for Chair, 1st vice, Secretary/Treasurer, (these positions are also full OFAH Board participants with additional commitments), 2nd Vice Chair (alternate to the OFAH BOD) meaning they step up if/when one of the afore-mentioned 3 can't complete their obligations) and Alternate. After the elections a new year commences with the newly elected team announced. The chair then assigns or confirms the areas of interest that each member is expected to be attentive to and or report on. The Zone J and OFAH policies are also discussed early in each year. Our past 2 chairs are also members of the current executive for Zone continuity and their proven expertise. So please join us and continue to make your Zone a great place to hunt and fish Page 5 OFAH ZONE J As I see it by Felix Barbetti Travelling from Norfolk to Fonthill yesterday, we noticed a profusion of new gravel roads going well back over farmers clay fields (crop and pasture lands). Piping and conduits being bored under all roads and rural laneways in this area east of the mothballed Nanticoke G.S. Along several side concession roads high tension transmission towers being readied to stand up with assorted cables on spools. It's a huge even impressive (if you like development) construction undertaking. In the middle of the checkerboard of these construction sites over plowed fields were the foundations and lower sections of wind generators just beginning to pop up. We drove to the site where a large crane was towering above the trees and saw the Fisherville fingerboard. That's where an eagle's nest was recently permitted by MNR to be removed. Later some construction materials were burned perhaps in retaliation. So as with Norfolk west to Essex now Haldimand is receiving the full affect of the GEEA subsidies and with the pace it's moving at these things will be blowing in the wind this year. From what I'm told by MNR the 2 expropriated young eagles are looking on. Some homes also have for sale signs. Quite a difference on what was once quiet countryside especially in winter This is also the area that was assembled (expropriated) by Ontario including some of the woodlots for urban industrial development in the 70's . It's also the general location for much of the Samsung wind and solar power deals cut by the current Provincial Government Senior officials. We see the exodus of some of those who were most involved in this scheme. Regardless of alleged adverse impacts on health and our natural environment these industrial wind turbines (IWT) are being completed. In the background are law suits as Government attempts to cap the payouts to these companies when excessive electricity is not needed. Then there are lawsuits and settlements for starting and stopping some of these projects like the 2 oil-fired generating stations A new OFAH edition Fish-O-flauge style Plano Softsider tackle bag with three (3) stowaway tackle containers A Shimano Sienna 2500 reel A Berkley Flicker Shad crank bait A Coast LED Emergency Area Light A FOX 40 Classic Whistle Berkley PowerBait, and Berkley Trilene Three (3) packages of Fish Crisp Original 30g A world famous Eppinger Dardevle An OFAH 85th Anniversary edition folding BUCK Knife! 10 issues of Ontario OUT OF DOORS Magazine; $3,000,000 hunting & fishing public liability Insurance; PLUS all of the other benefits of OFAH membership. A $275.00 for $76.95 Adult Single Membership (plus $10 S&H) closer to Toronto. So while some of us question and oppose the slamming of these IWT's across our landscapes (with reason) others fearing global warming seems to be pressing for them (as long as they are not in their backyards). What it'll mean for our shrinking opportunities to hunt in SW Ontario is more than speculation when factoring in the adverse affects on natural and habitats and even farm fields. A full accounting of costs to taxpayers, ratepayers and wildlife will likely never be properly undertaken as the folks responsible for initiating this mess cut and run. That part of the official opposition that could have nipped this in the bud by supporting a PC vote after our last provincial election didn't Whether we support or feel badly about IWT's spreading across our landscapes it's a topic that'll be debated for years to come as Ontario's promise of competitive efficient energy becomes just another " back in the good old days" memory. The Ultimate Fishing Membership Package OFAH Zone J 25th Annual Youth Campout Back in 1987/88, there was a vision, a vision of “Involving today’s youth, building tomorrows conservationist”. This vision also included, providing a weekend camp at NO cost to the participants, moving it’s location every two years, this allowing other youth to attend that otherwise could not travel to us. From this vision, the annual OFAH Zone J Youth Camp was created. The inaugural camp was held in the early summer of 1988 at the Wellington Street Sportsman’s Club in Dorchester, just East of London. Since the 1st annual OFAH Zone J camp in 1988, we have seen almost every corner of our Zone and hosted hundreds of eager youth. Our camp is slightly different than others, as we require the parents or guardians to attend all aspects of the camp with the youth as a mentor. This allows the parent’s to become engaged and learn with the youth. Every year, we kick things off Friday evening with Opening Ceremonies, a presentation and also a community camp fire. Saturday kicks off early in the morning when everyone gathers at the club house for a welcoming from the host club President and further instructions on the day’s activities. The activities are the host clubs decision; this allows the club to work in areas of expertise. In the past, activities have included, but not limited to; Archery, Air rifles, Bird house building, Bat house building, Canoeing, Detecting invasive species, Fishing, Lure making, 22. Rifle range, Map/Compass reading, Flora/Fauna ID, etc. The list and ideas are almost endless. This is why we leave the activities to the host club as they can capitalize in an area that they are familiar with. Saturday wraps up with a community camp fire. Sunday morning, we generally have a guest speaker or an activity that will engage the minds of our youth and their mentors. As I write this, we are diligently working on creating the largest and best OFAH Zone J Youth Camp to-date as, this year, 2013, marks our 25th Anniversary!! We are very much looking forward to June 7,8 and 9th as we have a few surprises in the works for this Silver Anniversary. You will find details and the itinerary printed in the 2013 Camp Flyer. If you are interested in attending, I would recommend singing up early as space is limited. We need YOUR Help! As mentioned above, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2013. We are trying very hard to compile as much history of the camp as possible to create a timeline of the past 25 years. If you or your club were involved in any way with any of our past camps (attended, hosted, or participated), we would like you to pass on, dates, locations, clubs, photos, memories, etc. We encourage you to share a memory of a past camp as a testimonial that we can share with others. This will help us paint a picture of our history for future camps and generations to reflect on. Looking forward: We are looking for a Club to host our 26 th and 27th (2014-2015) annual Youth Camps. The OFAH Zone J Youth Camp historically has been held on Father’s Day weekend in June. If you or your club are interested in learning more, please contact Brian Moore. A few upcoming OFAH affiliated Club events February 22 thru 24 at the Western Fairgrounds in London—London Boat, Fishing and Leisure Show www.boatcottagefishingshow.com March 2—1st Annual Eco Conference—An environment and Conservation Awareness Day. 9am to 3pm at the Brant Rod & Gun Club For more info visit www.brantrodandgunclub.org or brgcecoconference@gmail.com March 16 & 17—Open House at the Bluewater Anglers in Point Edward. 10am to 4pm. For more info visit www.bluewateranglers.com or email bluewateranglers@hotmail.com April 6 at the Tilbury Arena is the Southwest Outdoors Club Big Buck & Bull Day www.swoutdoorsclub.com for more info April 6 at St Johns Parish Hall in Woodslee is the Annual Wild Game by Gosfield North Sportsmen Association. Advance tickets ONLY by calling Ron & Beth Reitsma at 519– 839-4980 April 13th—Brant Rod & Gun Club annual Wild Game dinner Visit brantrodandgunclub.org for details April 20—Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club annual Wild Game dinner. Email sandy at wsscsec@hotmail.com for more info. April 27 at the Greens of Renton, Simcoe is the Long Point Waterfowl 2nd Annual Fund Raising Dinner Tickets $100.00 per person. Email Rob Smith at rec@longpointwaterfowl.org for tickets and details. OFAH ZONE J OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD This award is to recognize an individual’s outstanding effort towards Stewardship, Conservation, and/or the promotion of angling or hunting in Southwestern Ontario as selected by the OFAH Zone J membership. The members attending the January OFAH Zone J meeting were presented with two Nominees and the vote by secret ballot was held. I would like to thank everyone who submitted a name. It was a tough decision for our members. The Winner of the 2012 OFAH Zone J Outstanding Achievement Award will be announced at the April 6th AGM in Dorchester. OFAH ZONE J ANNUAL EXECUTIVE ELECTION APRIL 6TH, 2013 Once again it’s time to get your Nomination in if you’d like to stand for a position on the OFAH Zone J Executive. The positions are: Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Alternate Director If you are interested and are an OFAH member (Zone J) in good standing for the past 12 months, please call one of our Nominations Committee: Past Chair Tony Jackson or Past Chair Felix Barbetti for details. The Annual Election will be held April 6th at 3pm. DETAILS FOR ZONE J A NNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION APRIL 6 Location: Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club 2290 Slo-Pitch Road, Dorchester From Highway 401 take exit 203—Elgin Road/Hwy 73 Go north on Elgin Rd/Hwy 73 about 1/2 Km. Turn left onto Slo-Pitch Road – watch for signs Doors open at 8:30am with the meeting being called to order at 9am sharp. Lunch will be served noon to 1pm for a nominal fee. MARK YOUR 2013 CALENDARS March 14—17—OFAH Annual General Meeting and Wildlife Conference at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel and Conference Centre, Mississauga Zone J By Law review and vote will occur at 1pm. Elections will be held at 3pm with the meeting adjourning at 4pm. PLEASE BRING YOUR CURRENT OFAH MEMBERSHIP CARD TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE Guest speakers and Sunday activities have not been finalized at the time of publication. OFAH Zone J Annual General Meeting and Election—April 6 & 7— Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club, Dorchester 25th Annual OFAH Zone J Youth Campout— June 7, 8 & 9—Wellington Street Sportsmen’s Club, Dorchester, ON Registration starts April 1st. For updated agenda, please visit www.ofah.org/zonej Or call a member of the Zone J Executive OFAH Zone J General Membership Meeting— September 15—Dunnville Hunter and Angler Club, Dunnville, ON