A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and


A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and
8 September  Week 8 Term 3  2016
St Matthew’s Primary
School is a school of
the Archdiocese of
Canberra Goulburn
Notes sent home this
 Come and Play Ball with
Family Bingo Evening
Fete News
Fete Volunteer Note
Tombola Stall Note
“What’s On” - Fete Note
St Matthew’s Term 3
Learning Journeys
 St Matthew’s Day
Cupcake Request
Not all of us
can do great
things., but
we can all do
small things
with great
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to see so many families (about 90%) take the opportunity to engage in the provided
Learning Journey time on Tuesday this week. It really is inspiring and heart-warming to witness
the children proudly leading their families around our learning environments and showing off their
school. Thank you, parents, grandparents and friends, for taking the time to allow your child/ren
to share their excitement for learning.
We look forward to seeing many families at the free Family Bingo Night
tomorrow night from 6.00 pm—7.30 pm in our school hall. This will be an
opportunity for St Matthew’s families to share in a fun evening – and for the
lucky winners even a few prizes! Children of all ages are welcome to attend.
This year families are asked to bring their own picnic/basket dinner to have
during the Bingo evening. Tea, coffee and some delicious slices will also be
available for purchase on the night. For further information, please call
Natasha Greagg (mum of Jared Year 2) on 0404 010 836.
I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding during our recent spate of
Day Away occasions. At this time of year illness is widespread through the school, and we are
sometimes in the position of being unable to find a suitable relief teacher when class teachers are
absent due to illness. This is becoming increasingly frequent as the pool of suitably qualified relief
teachers is decreasing. On these occasions, the children spend time in their designated ‘Day Away’
classrooms completing independent work which has been prepared in advance by the teacher. We
only do this as a last resort when we have no alternative.
I enjoyed watching coverage on the weekend of the canonisation of Saint Teresa of Calcutta and
marvelled at the level of secular interest in this blessed event. I think we can all learn from the
life and actions of Teresa, who put the needs of the marginalised as her priority. There was a
piece of inspirational writing handwritten on Saint Teresa’s bedroom wall which is a beautiful
exhortation to be the best version of ourselves.
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centred. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.
I ask God, who knows how great we can be, to be in your hearts and homes this week.
St Teresa of
Brenda Foley
A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised,
unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in society.
Billy Graham
Happy Fathers’ Day to all our dads, grandads and uncles for Sunday.
You are a blessing to your children—and our school—beyond measure.
P +61 2 6254 2653
F +61 2 6254 9009
E office.stmattps@cg.catholic.edu.au
In Truth and Love we Listen Learn Lead
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Good News
Mission Week Report
A very big thanks for all the very kind and
generous donations made this week to help
sock it to poverty in our Mission Week 2016!
We greatly appreciate all the support and the
very generous donations of socks, scarves,
beanies and canned food for the Saint
Vincent De Paul Night Patrol Van. Each grade
was able to hear about the service provided
by Saint Vincent DePaul volunteers each
night in Canberra and give their donations to
the SVDP winter appeal. It was a real life
example of living out our school focus of
‘Love In Action’ and doing something to help
someone who is in need to feel more comforted
and loved. We are truly blessed to be so
fortunate and sharing with those in need
really brings that home to us all.
We also raised $340 on our Crazy Sock Day
where we collected fundraising for Catholic
Missions! What an amazing amount donated!
The students really enjoyed the Rock Your
Socks Off disco at lunchtime and great
company. A big thanks to Mrs. Powell for
helping and being the Disco Queen! .
First Holy Communion
The First Holy Communion Retreat Day will
be held tomorrow on Friday 9 September.
This day is for all children in Year 3 and for all
children who will be receiving their First Holy
Communion in 2016. As part of the day, the
children will be having a Sausage Sizzle and a
fruit juice drink for lunch.
The children are able to wear casual clothes
on the day. They will also need to bring their
fruit break, recess, and a water bottle. Please
ensure that you have contacted your child’s
class teacher if your child has any food
allergies and cannot eat the lunch supplied to
make other arrangements.
I will be sending home the white robes over the next few days with instructions for
care and return. A note will be also sent home to confirm the First Holy Communion
Sacramental mass time that has been chosen and a few housekeeping reminders for
that mass.
Yours in Truth and Love,
Sylvia Campbell
Religious Education Coordinator
Grace and Bella are off to HK!
Congratulations and good luck to
Grace Hanley (Year 6) and Bella Fraser
(Year 2) who are travelling to Hong Kong
later this month as part of the
Pointe2Pointe Performance Company.
They are performing at Disneyland,
Ocean World and some other
engagements around Hong Kong.
Well done, Grace and Bella.
What an exciting way
to spend your holidays!
First Holy Communion
If your child is receiving their First Holy
Communion this year, parents were
reminded to take their child to the
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). If
children are going to Reconciliation on
Saturday, please be aware that the
Sacrament of Reconciliation at St Matthew’s
on Saturdays between 11.00am—12.00pm is
the Rite of Individual Confession. It is held
privately in the confessional room at the
back of the church on the right hand side.
Please contact the parish if you need more
information to support you and your child for
this sacrament.
Meetings: Scout hall in Burkitt Street, Page
When: Monday nights during school terms
We have limited places in the Scout Section
ages 10½ to 15 years.
If you enjoy camping, hiking, games, sitting
around the campfire and many other
activities please contact us anytime.
Mark Stockall 6258 5261 / 0409 243 528 or
Please bring a friend along!
Free while trying out.
The next Australian Jamboree will be held in
South Australia in 2019.
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Congratulations to Cooper Wilkinson (Year 3) who has
graduated from Kings ‘Swim Like a Fish’ program. What
a valuable life skill.
Congratulations to Breana O’Toole
(Year 6) who competed in and won
the State Championships for Irish
Dancing a few weeks ago. She was
a wonderful competitor against a
very skilled group of dancers.
Breana won all three sections to be
the State Champion – hard, soft
shoe and set dance.
Congratulations Breana—what an
Boorowa Carnival
Catholic Schools
The Boorowa Touch and Netball Carnival will be held
on Friday 21 October. During Week Ten, a note will be
sent home detailing teams and draw information. If
any coaches would like to run training session during
lunch time, please email Mr Stevens to arrange a day
and time. Mr Stevens and Mrs Powell will also attend
on the day.
The Catholic School’s Netball Carnival will be held on
Sunday 30 October at Calwell Playing Fields. A note
reminding students and parents of teams and also
draw information will also go out in Week Ten.
Mrs Powell will be attending the event. If you have any
queries please email her directly.
Our annual Intensive Swimming Program will
begin in Week One of Term Four. If you have not
already returned your child’s permission note
and Swim School Form to your child’s class
teacher, please do so asap. A timetable will go
out in Week Ten, detailing your child’s
swimming time.
Healthy Active Kids
Help for parents
Being fit an active is essential to growing
healthy, happy children. Once kids are
moving around and being active, they'll
probably love it. It's just a case of
encouraging them to move more. Making
physical activity part of their daily routine is
not only fun, but healthy.
A healthy habit
Being active for an hour or more a day is
important for children's growth and
development. Plus it's a great way for them
to make friends and learn new physical and
social skills. Encouraging them to take part
in physical activity when they're young helps
to establish healthy habits that are likely to
stay with them for life.
Two key points to remember:
 Children need at least 60 minutes (and
up to several hours) of moderate to
vigorous physical activity every day.
 Children should not spend more than 2
hours a day using electronic media for
entertainment (e.g. computer games, TV,
Internet), particularly during daylight
For more information on physical activity for children
check out the Australia's Physical Activity
Recommendations for Children and Young People.
Matty’s Matters - Page 5
Day for Daniel 2016
On Wednesday 26 October (Week 3 Term 4)
St Matthew’s will participate in and support
the Daniel Morcombe Foundation
by having a ‘Day for Daniel’.
All children at St Matthew’s are invited to
WEAR RED on Wednesday 26 October
in support of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.
The Foundation's key role in the
community is the education of all children
about their personal safety. By directly assisting
educators and parents through the funding and
development of child safety educational resources
as well as assisting young victims of crime,
the Foundation continues to empower all
Australians to make their local communities
safer places for all children.
A very big thank you to all of the
families for your thoughtful
contributions to the Fathers Day
Stall and to all of the staff for your
work in making it successful.
I believe we had the best selection of gifts so far!!
The ‘Day for Daniel’ is a day
to raise awareness about child safety
and protection. The aims are:
To raise awareness about child safety and
protection and to promote a safer community
for children.
To educate children regarding their personal
safety and empower them to
To provide FREE safety and educational
To honour the memory of Daniel Morcombe.
Fundraising merchandise will be available
at the front office from Week 1 Term 4.
Cash is required for payment.
The merchandise available will be:
Keep saving to discover the Prize Lights
Simply make three or more School Banking deposits during Term
3 for a chance to win one of the Star Saver prizes,
including camping kits, instant cameras and magazine packs.
What’s more, if you complete the fun Stargazing online activity,
along with making three or more deposits during Term 3, you’ll
also have a chance to win one of 50 Supernova prizes –
PlayStation 4 packs.
To complete your Stargazing online activity,
or to find out more, visit
Badges $4 each
Pens $2 each
Wrist bands $2 each
For more information please go to:
Matty’s Matters - Page 6
Canteen Roster for Weeks 9 and 10 Term 3
Week 10
Melinda Keir
Week 9
Volunteers needed for our Canteen
Thursdays and/or Fridays
10 am - 12 pm or 12 pm—2 pm
Come in once in a while or as often as you like!
Find a friend and volunteer together.
We can make anything work on a roster!
Please contact office.stmatts@cg.catholic.edu.au
with your details.
Mark Xuereb &
Anne Maree Smith
Happy birthday wishes to
James Voysey, Tivani Xuereb, Ethan Ernst, Lilly Rae
Cowley, Archie Marshall, Geordan Whitton,
Kayla Kefford, Arabella Coghlan, Isabella Boniwell,
Harry Blumenfeld, Elijah Logan, Finn Poretti and
Aaron Way
who celebrated birthdays recently.
St Matthew’s ACT Election BBQ and
Cake Stall
Saturday 15 October 2016
We are seeking volunteers to:
help cook on the day
serve food
handle money
provide baked goods for us to sell
on a disposable plate
wrapped in plastic or cello (with ingredients list)
All donations can be dropped off at
the front office (Boardroom) on Friday 14 October
early on the morning of election day.
All monies raised go back into our amazing school
Please contact Nijole Szabo on
nijole.szabo@hotmail.com or 0421 459 435
Key Dates Coming Up!
Tuesday 20 September
Tombola Donation Day
Children wear non-uniform in exchange
for Tombola donations
Thursday 27 October
Gift Basket Donation Day
Children wear non-uniform in exchange
for gift basket donations
Saturday 29 October
Environment Clean Up Day
Working Bee to tidy up the school for the Fete
from 10.00 am
Saturday 5 November
Fete Set Up Day
from 10.00 am—2.00 pm
Sunday 6 November
The fete!
Donation Drop Off Days
Drop off your Trash n Treasure, books, clothing,
toys and more (no electrical items please!)
Friday 9 September 2.30—3.30 pm
Sunday 16 October 9.00—10.00 am
Tuesday 1 November 2.30—3.30 pm
Friday 4 November 2.30—3.30 pm
Saturday 5 November 10.00 am—2.00 pm
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Parent Help Needed
The Lunchtime Robotics Club was established in 2011. Jeremy Stevens and Joe Winter (parent of Oliver who
completed Yr. 6 at St Matt’s last year) have been running the Club at St Matt’s once a week for 30 minutes
during lunchtime, providing an opportunity for kids to create, program, build and play with Lego and robots!
A typical 30 minute lunchtime session involves helping the children plug in their robots, resolve issues like flat
batteries, cables plugged into the wrong sockets and basic configuration issues with the Lego software etc. The
role of the parent and teacher during these sessions is really to be a mentor and guide when helping the children
solve problems. There is no expectation or requirement for you to be a 'gun' at programming. What little you
need to know about programming can be taught to you in a short morning workshop.
The most important thing you need is a sense of adventure!
The first half of each year is spent helping the children to get their teams and their robots ready for the annual
RoboCup competition. At RoboCup, they either have to dance with their robots, or program them to rescue a can
of soft drink by following a black line on the floor. There are lots of YouTube clips on the web if you want to get
a better feel for the contest.
The Club is in need of a parent or two who are interested in running this club once a week (on a day that is convenient for you and Jeremy). Joe is available to assist in the handover during term 4 and has assured us that no
programming experience is necessary – Joe will run a short, 1-2 hour workshop for any interested parents. We
typically have between 20-30 children in the club, so ideally it would be great to have a few parents to help out
Mr. Stephens.
If you are interested and would like to know some more about what’s involved – please contact either
Jeremy Stevens jeremy.stevens@cg.catholic.edu.au or
Joe Winter joseph.winter@ausport.gov.au
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Come and enjoy a season of cricket with the Ginninderra Tigers!!!
Boys and Girls ages 5-18 are invited to join our club for the new season!!!
We have three exciting formats of the game that cater to all levels, from absolute beginner to budding young pro!!
Ginninderra's MILO in2CRICKET program will be located at Kippax Oval. The program aims to develop skills
and an enthusiasm for the game for 5-8 year olds. It has been running for over 20 years and is a brilliant program for
young boys and girls that introduces fundamental cricket skills.
MILO T20 Blast is a super fun, social, safe, cricket program for boys and girls. The program is much shorter
than traditional cricket, with a maximum of 90 minutes playing time. All the equipment is supplied. Ginninderra teams
will play in the Western Districts league, played at Kaleen Enclosed, Turon Place.
Junior Comp is for players U/11 through to U/18.
These teams are graded, Division 1 being the highest grade in each age group.
In 2016 / 2017, our club is aiming to field as many girl’s teams as we can. Come on girls……. let’s show the boys just
how good you are!!
Cricket ACT will be running a FREE development program for girls to assist new players to prepare and
integrate into club teams for the upcoming season: September Program: 27 & 28 September 8-12 years: 9am to 11am
13-16 years: 11am to 1pm You could be the next Women’s Big Bash League Superstar!
How do I register to play for Ginninderra Tigers?
All registrations are completed on line, and it is quick and easy! Copy the below URL directly to your internet browser
to go our registration page: http://bit.ly/2bavC2o
Alternatively, visit www.playcricket.com.au and search Ginninderra Cricket Club Juniors
Our season begins in early October, details will be provided by the club after you
have registered.
To be added to our newsletter distribution list please email your request to
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Class communiqué for families
Kinder Blue
Parent Reps: Lisa Fairlamb
Contact: 0403791038
Kinder Maroon
Parent Rep: Natalee Withers
Contact: 0452221929/ nataleewithers@gmail.com
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary school - class of
Kindy Family Picnic – Sunday 11th September, 1-3pm,
BYO chairs, lunch etc and a plate to share. Contact Lisa
or Natalee for more details.
1 Blue
Parent Rep: Alissa Pearson
Contact: 0411589900/ pughalissa@yahoo.com.au
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary school - class of 2022
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Class of 2021’
Family Night – Friday 23rd September from 6pm. Contact
Alissa and Jenny for full details and to RSVP
2 Blue
Parent Rep: Stephanie Vizzari
Contact: svizzari@ruralfunds.com.au
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Class of 2021’
Family Night – Friday 23rd September from 6pm. Contact
Alissa and Jenny for full details and to RSVP
Facebook group: ‘St Matts - Graduating Class of 2020’
Facebook group: ‘St Matts - Graduating Class of 2020’
3 Blue
Parent Rep: Alison Dyer
Contact: 0432534375/Dyer.alison@hotmail.com
3 Maroon
Parent Rep: Kym Wilkinson
Contact: tenniscoach@iinet.net.au
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews year 6 – 2019’
This Saturday!! Welcome to Spring Family picnic in the
park! Saturday 10th September 2pm. BYO chairs/rugs,
snacks/drinks, a plate to share and sports equip if you
like! Please contact Ali or Kym for more details.
4 Blue
Parent Rep: Gillian Logan
Contact: 0408 555 014/loganx6@grapevine.com.au
Facebook group: St Matthews year 6 – 2019’
This Saturday!! Welcome to Spring Family picnic in the
park! Saturday 10th September 2pm. BYO chairs/rugs,
snacks/drinks, a plate to share and sports equip if you
like! Please contact Ali or Kym for more details.
4 Maroon
Parent Rep: Jade Nguyen
Contact: 0402781680\ jade.ngoc.coghlan@gmail.com
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Primary School - Class of
Kindy Family Picnic – Sunday 11th September, 1-3pm,
BYO chairs, lunch etc and a plate to share. Contact Lisa
or Natalee for more details.
1 Maroon
Parent Rep: Jenny Davenport
Contact: jenny.davenport@bigpond.com
2 Maroon
Parent Rep: Kylie McNamara
Contact: 0425235177/ kyliemcnamara@hotmail.com.au
5 Blue
Parent Rep: Leanne Sutherland
Contact: 0423770111/ leannelolapop@aapt.net.au
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Primary School - Class of
5 Maroon
Parent Rep: Leanne Sutherland
Contact: 0423770111/ leannelolapop@aapt.net.au
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary School – Class of
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary School – Class of
Next Friday!! ****Year 5 parent dinner Friday 16th September. Contact Leanne for more info and to RSVP***
6 Blue
Parent Rep: Kate Hayne
Contact: 0400272107/ kate.hayne@bigpond.com
Next Friday!! ****Year 5 parent dinner Friday 16th September. Contact Leanne for more info and to RSVP***
6 Maroon
Parent Rep: Stephanie Vizzari/Sarah Kelly
Contact: 0412 963 124
svizzari@ruralfunds.com.au or 0417131173
Facebook group:
Facebook group: