October 2011 - San Bernardino County Bar Association
October 2011 - San Bernardino County Bar Association
•BULLETIN• of the San Bernardino County Bar Association Vol. 39, No. 12 Our 136th Year San Bernardino County Bar Association Annual Installation Dinner in conjunction with Wine & Food Under the Stars National Orange Show Grounds The San Bernardino County Bar Association requests the pleasure of your company at the Installation of 2011-2012 Officers & Directors and Celebration of our 137th Year Thursday, October 13, 2011 National Orange Show Grounds 689 South “E” Street -- San Bernardino Wine & Food Under the Stars: 6:00 p.m. Installation Program at 7:15 p.m. Installation of Officers Officiating: Hon. Christopher J. Warner (Ret.) 2011-2012 Officers: President: Jennifer M. Guenther President-Elect: Khymberli S. Apaloo Vice President: Bradley R. White Secretary-Treasurer: Kevin B. Bevins Immed. Past President: John S. Lowenthal 2011-2012 Directors-at-Large: Hon. Diane I. Anderson Victor J. Herrera Barbara A. Keough Jack B. Osborn John W. Short M. Wayne Tucker Sandy L. Turner John R. Zitny Please call 909/885-1986 to RSVP. October 2011 Checking the Loss Of Balance In Our Court System By Jennifer Guenther I n 1787, the leaders of the newly formed United States gathered to write a set of principals by which to govern the Country-the Constitution of the United States. So as to ensure a strong and fair government, the Founding Fathers created the three branches of government-the Legislative, Executive and Judicial-and implemented a system of checks and balances that allows one branch to limit another, without breaching the independence of each. The Founding Fathers never counted on the current budgetary crisis that now jeopardizes not only the careful balance of the three branches, but threatens to obstruct the delivery of justice within our Court system. The budget approved in June by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor cut $350 million from the State’s court system. Statewide, this means an average 6.8 percent reduction of funds to the trial courts and a 9.7 percent reduction to the California Supreme Court and the six regional appeals courts. For the San Bernardino County Court system, however, the cuts go even deeper and could mean as much as 10 percent of the San Bernardino Court’s already tight budget. The County of San Bernardino is the largest County in area in the contiguous United States, with a population of more than 2.03 million- nearly a million people more than who lived in San Bernardino County only 20 years ago. As a result, the San Bernardino Superior Court system has a larger area to serve than any other County in California. At the same time, the San Bernardino Superior Court system has the highest per-judge case load in the State. With continued budget cuts, however, it becomes more and more difficult to provide a system of justice to the far reaches of the County. In past years, in order to conserve limited funds, the Courts have been mandated to close one day a month, while court services in the outlying County areas, such as Needles and Big Bear, were cut back. The courthouse in Twin Peaks was closed. While the San Bernardino County Courts have found a way to make justice accessible to those it serves within the County, the Court has been operating in a structural deficit for more than three years and using reserve funds to continue operations. With the State Legislature’s most recent budget cuts, it can be expected that services will be cut back even more. (continued on page 2) San Bernardino County Bar Association 2 21st ANNUAL RED MASS Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY CATHEDRAL 2525 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino T he entire legal community and persons of all faiths are invited to attend the 21st Annual Red Mass on Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. The mass will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, which is located at 2525 North Arrowhead Avenue in the City of San Bernardino. The chief celebrant will be the Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes, Bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino. A dinner reception in the parish hall hosted by the Red Mass Steering Committee will follow the mass. The Red Mass is a religious celebration in which members of the legal community of all faiths invoke God’s blessing and guidance in the administration of justice. All who are involved in the judicial system, including lawyers, judges, legal assistants, court personnel, court reporters, court security officers, and peace officers, are encouraged to attend the Red Mass. Wilfrid C. Lemann Will Be Honored with the Saint Thomas More Award Wilfrid C. Lemann, Esq. will be honored with the Saint Thomas More Award for his extraordinary service and devotion to church, community, and justice. The Saint Thomas More Award is given to attorneys or judges in the community whose professional life is a reflection of their faith, who give hope to those in need, who are kind and generous in spirit, and who are exemplary human beings overall. The Honorable John M. Pacheco will present this award at a complimentary dinner reception in the parish hall following the mass. Checking the Loss of Balance... October 2011 (from page 1) The Founding Father’s ideal of the separation of powers, with checks and balances to ensure that each branch maintains its effectiveness, does not work when one of the branches is slowly choked off and made ineffective - not in a purposeful attempt to grab power by another branch as fear by those drafting the Constitution - but by the lack of the funding that allows the Judicial system to serve justice to all those within its jurisdiction. As it stands, the County’s case load is unlikely to lessen but increase as the County population grows. Without proper funding, not only will access to the Court be extremely limited for those who live outside the major metropolitan area, but there will also be less access for those who have been defrauded, or who are trying to enforce a contract, or protect their belongings or persons. Without additional judges, and without access for all of the County’s population to the Court system, the already heavy case load of the judges will continue to grow and the time frame to resolve disputes will get longer and longer. While budget cuts can help eliminate the chaff in an overly bureaucratic system, where the chaff has already been eliminated and the system is running at its leanest, those losses hurt. Not only are the judges, clerks and court administrators who work hard everyday to keep the system functioning hurt, but the people of the County and the State are hurt as well in their ability to resolve legal disputes in a timely manner. The San Bernardino County Bar Association’s The San Bernardino County Bar Association’s Fee Arbitration Program Lawyer Referral Service needs arbitrators! needs panel members! We have a need for fee arbitrators practicing in the following fields of law: We have a need for panel members practicing in the following fields of law: Family Law, Criminal Law, Loan Modifications, and Employment Law Social Security, Workers’ Compensation, Employment Law Please call Claire at (909)885-1986 or send an email to claire@sbcba.org. Please call Tina at (909)884-0273 or send an email to tina@sbcba.org. The Tradition of the Red Mass The Red Mass is celebrated each year in Washington, D.C., where Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, and the President attend at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Since 1991, the Red Mass has been offered in the Diocese of San Bernardino, which covers both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. For further information about this event, please contact Jacqueline Carey-Wilson at (909) 387-4334 or Mitchell Norton at (909) 387-5444. October 2011 “The oldest continuously active bar association in California” 3 4 San Bernardino County Bar Association October 2011 October 2011 www.sbcba.org Life Lessons I Have Learned From The Law by Commissioner Diane I. Anderson I worked full time and attended law school part time. Three evenings a week for four years, including three summers. My law school graduation will always remain a landmark event in my life. It seemed as though the world was waiting for me, all I had to do was pass the bar exam. But I did not pass the bar exam the first time, nor the second time, nor the third time. By the time I had received my third “We regret to inform you” letter from the committee of bar examiners, I had begun to question every decision I had ever made that led me to want to go to law school. At the time I was working as a law clerk for the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, where I met Denise Dvorak. Denise was just embarking on her prestigious career with the District Attorney’s Office. She gave me a copy of President Theodore Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech. I laminated it and carried it in my calendar for years. Denise also recommended a particular book that ultimately helped me maintain my perspective. For me it turned out the fourth time was the charm and I finally passed the bar exam. Apparently, the world was still waiting for me, just a little delayed. The law had already taught me two important lessons, humility and perseverance and I had not even begun practicing yet. It had also shown me that attorneys will give freely of themselves when they see a colleague struggling. I was fortunate to begin my legal career with a mentor. This was at a time when there were no formalized mentoring programs or resources. Attorney MaryAnn Murphy took me under her wing and I accompanied her to Court where she introduced me to other attorneys and where appropriate to judicial officers. I observed her make appearances and argue matters in a number of courtrooms and in various areas of the law. I even sat with her at counsel table during a jury trial. MaryAnn was the consummate mentor and through her mentoring I found my niche in the law that set the course for my career. In retrospect I have come to realize that the law had provided me with the invaluable guidance of a caring and gifted mentor. Eventually I came to work for the firm of Howard, Friedman and Gebbie in San Bernardino. The named partners John Howard, Robert Friedman and Gloria Gebbie were the defense contract firm for the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court. Through these partners I learned the practical applications of integrity and ethics. It is one thing to read statutes, decisional law, analyze fact patterns and take the professional responsibility exam. But what these resources do not demonstrate is the level of respect associated with an attorney of integrity and ethics. The degree of respect shown these attorneys by their colleagues and judicial officers alike was immeasurable. The respect was so obvious because they had in turn earned it through their own professionalism, integrity and ethics. John, Bob and Gloria showed me that in the practice of law, the one quality you take with you into every courtroom is your own integrity and you protect that integrity by adhering to your code of ethics. At Juvenile Court I had the honor of appearing before Judge A. Rex Victor. Judge Victor quietly directed my career towards the bench and I know that I have him and Judge Michael 5 Welch to thank for my position with the San Bernardino County Superior Court as a Commissioner. I cannot speak to other professions but in the law your career can be guided in an obvious fashion, such as by a mentor and in a less obvious fashion, such as by someone taking an interest in your career without you even knowing it. Four months after I was appointed to the Juvenile Court bench my husband, Daniel Dong, was diagnosed terminally ill. We had nine months together and nothing was left unsaid. After his passing I returned to work, in retrospect too quickly, and with a level of anger so foreign to me that I attended grief counseling to address my new found anger. In grief counseling I learned that anger is not an uncommon response to the loss of a loved one. Dan’s passing and my subsequent grief issues have been the darkest days of my life. In facing this challenge, I will always be grateful for the support of Judge Donna Garza, who was the Presiding Judge at Juvenile Court at the time and for the compassion of attorney Nicole Anderson, who seemed to understand that when tragedy strikes in your personal life it is not always possible to leave the accompanying emotions at home. The law is a time honored profession and if you are lucky enough to find yourself in a career in the law, it will also afford you the opportunity to meet some of the finest people you will ever know in your lifetime. And that is the true lesson I have learned from the law. San Bernardino County Bar Association 6 October 2011 2nd Annual District 9 Reception -- Long Beach, CA I n an effort to bring our District 9 Counties together, the San Bernardino County Bar Association has sponsored a reception at the last two Annual Meetings of the California State Bar. The gatherings have both been well-attended and welcomed by our members and the bar leaders from the other areas in the new district. This year’s reception was held on Friday, September 16, 2011 at the Long Beach Hyatt. Our new District 9 Governor, Heather Linn Rosing from San Diego, took time out of her very busy day to join us for a few minutes. San Diego County Bar Association Executive Director Ellen Miller was also there. Thank you to Tom and Deborah Dominick for their gracious hosting of this event for the last two years. This year an extra special thanks to Deborah, who, in spite of a rocky start on Friday (through no fault of her own), maintained her usual grace and composure and put on a wonderful party. September 16, 2011 Long Beach Hyatt Counter-clockwise from top left: Hosts Tom & Deborah Dominick prepare the room for guests; Deborah D. and Janet LaTourette; SBCBA Board members John Short and Khym Apaloo with guests; Digging in (the food was delicious); Donnasue Ortiz & Karin Horspool (upper photo); Joann Nelms, Bryan Hartnell & Tom D.; Bryan & Jaonn; Tom with Carrie & Michelle Schaefer; Soheila Azizi, Lynn Glickstein and Ms. Azizi’z husband, Dr. Farameer Azizi; Kathleen Osborn and John Short; Finishing up the reception (as well as the leftovers). October 2011 7 “The oldest continuously active bar association in California” ELWOOD M. RICH JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (RET.) JUDGE FOR 28 YEARS MEDIATIONS ARBITRATIONS INDEPENDENT ADR (951) 683-6762 CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN LAW SCHOOL 3775 ELIZABETH ST. RIVERSIDE CA 92506 ���� ������������ �������� ����� ��������� ���������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������� ������������������ ����������� ���������������������������� ������������������������� ������������� ����������������� ��������������� ������������ ���������������������� ������������������ ���������� ��������������������� ������������� ��������������������� ������������������������������ ��������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������� 8 San Bernardino County Bar Association Route 66 Meet & Greet! These are scenes taken at our first Annual Meet & Greet, held on Thursday, September 15th at the Law Offices of Fullerton, Lemann, Schaefer & Dominick. This event, held on the first day of Route 66, was designed primarily to introduce our new admittees to the San Bernardino Bench. October 2011 October 2011 9 www.sbcba.org F or those of you unfamiliar you Know It When You See From The Desk of The President Do with The American It?” Inn of Court program, The Campbell Inn also hosts a of the Joseph B. Campbell it is a professional legal “field trip” in December for our organization designed to Inn members which gives the Inn Of Court mentor young lawyers (as membership an opportunity to well as students), by having gain insight into a related legal Hon. Barbara A. Buchholz them serve on various teams field. In the past we have visited with more experienced the Sheriff’s Crime Lab, the lawyers and bench officers. Inn participation is meant to Coroner’s Office, the 911 Call Center, Sheriff Aviation, the educate members in the various areas and aspects of the law Court of Appeal, the Federal court, the Juvenile Dependency through programs designed to address the needs of members of court, and that is just a few of the locations. This year we are the Inn. The Campbell Inn, like the American Inn, is dedicated working on an equally exciting and informative field trip to this concept and to the perpetuation of Professionalism, which will be announced to our members in the fall. This year Civility and Ethics in the practice of law. the Campbell Inn will also host the Joint Dinner Meeting with The Joseph B. Campbell Inn was founded in 1992, and has the Slaughter and Deegan Inns which will occur in February continued in its endeavors to provide significant educational 2012. experiences designed to improve and enhance the abilities of Membership dues for the Campbell Inn for the 2011/2012 lawyers, educators, law students and judges, and to facilitate year are $275 for attorneys practicing more than 5 years; and promote interaction and collegiality among all legal $225 for those practicing less than 5 years; $200 for members professionals. from the bench; and, Pupil (law students) dues will be $50 for Our 2011/2012 Inn year starts in October. We usually meet at membership. the Arrowhead Country Club in San Bernardino on the second All membership questions should be directed to our Wednesday of each month. We will be accepting applications membership chairman, Donna Connally. She can be reached from all those interested in becoming involved and promoting at: (909) 758-5136 or you can e-mail her at: donna@noquitde the objective of the Campbell Inn. fense.com The Board members of the Campbell Inn are very excited We invite you to come join us at the Campbell Inn to about this year’s theme for the upcoming Campbell Inn year participate in the exchange of ideas, principals and practices in presentations, which will be: “Professionalism, Civility, our ever changing legal profession; engage in the collegiality and Ethics in the Legal Trenches.” Our goal is to make the that attendance at our monthly meetings will bring with other presentations demonstrative and applicable to all fields of attorneys, judges, educators, and law students; and, of course, practice. The October presentation topic is “Discrimination: obtain those much needed MCLE credits. Superior Court of San Bernardino County Needs Volunteer Mediators! The California Superior Court, County of San Bernardino is seeking volunteer mediators, on a temporary basis, to assist the court’s mediation program during the month of October, beginning this Thursday! Volunteers should have some mediation experience and be willing to conduct mediations during the following days and times: Court Location Civil Law Family Law Barstow 1st and 3rd Thursdays 8:30 a.m. -- Central Fridays Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. Rancho Mondays 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Victorville Fridays Fridays If you are able and willing to assist in this project for the month of October, 2011, please send an email to mediators@sbcba.org with your name, state bar no., mediation qualifications, preferred court location(s), preference for type(s) of mediation, and complete contact information. Please include an email and cellphone number, if possible. (Thank you to all of you who have already responded!) Please call Claire at the SBCBA (909/885-1986) if you have any questions. 10 October 2011 San Bernardino County Bar Association Alternative Fee Arrangements: Their Popularity Soars By Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. and John W. Simek © Sensei Enterprises, Inc. T here was a time when many lawyers, settled in their ways, thought that they could ignore alternative fee arrangements. That day is clearly gone. The 2010 Fulbright Litigation Trends Survey (http://www.fulbright.com/inde x.cfm?fuseaction=news.detail&article_ id=9222&site_id=286) announced that 51% of the corporate counsel responding to the survey were using some form of alternative fee arrangements. Why? They cite lower costs first, then predictability, and then risk sharing. So what kind of AFAs do they favor? It’s a very mixed bag with fixed fees, conditional or contingent fees, blended rates, capped fees and performance/ reward-based fees. Clearly, there is a lot of exploration going on and a lot of innovative thinking about the kinds of AFAs that may work in particular situations. Mind you, there is still a way to go for AFAs - while they are now mainstream, the billable hour still rules, with only one quarter of respondents estimating that AFAs exceed 30% of their total litigation budget. What strikes us is how new AFAs are, relatively, and yet how quickly they have gained a foothold even in major law firms when they were once the province of solos and small firms seeking to counter a bad economy. Why the fast track? We think there are several reasons: • There has been intense pressure from in-house counsel to lower litigation budgets, especially in a fairly uncertain economy • The smart folks in law firms began to see that they would be more competitive if they adopted AFAs and promoted that adoption • They make sense, often when the billable hour does not. Why be more efficient when inefficiency pays so handsomely? Why invest in technology which will only contract the amount of time billed? With hourly billing, the client bears the risk of higher fees, complications and delay. Under an AFA, the law firm bears those risks. No wonder companies are starting, in earnest, to move away from hourly billing. The Orick law firm now handles all of Levi Strauss’ legal work worldwide for an annual fee. United Technologies requires fixed-fee arrangements with its law firms. And Cisco Systems now buys all of its legal work via AFAs. The list could go on and on. Lawyers often ask us if they should go “all AFA.” This is usually not a good idea. Our experience is that most lawyers really don’t know how long most tasks take, so they may inadvertently enter into an agreement and then find themselves working for $20 an hour. Take the tasks that you know the best, where you are almost certain to earn the equivalent of your hourly rate (or more). See how it works out and measure the results. One way of implementing AFAs is to bundle services. Perhaps you agree to form a corporation, act as a registered agent for a year and provide four hours of phone or in-person consultation for a fixed price. This can be attractive (and very predictable) to a client. To be successful, you need to keep refining the process. And it is very important to institute a way to do a “change order” if the scope of work is modified. Make sure you have the client’s agreement in writing - even a modest change should be approved via e-mail by the client - and large changes should require that both parties sign a modification agreement. It should go without saying that you’ll have to be very careful to define the scope of work lest there be a misunderstanding. There are many of what author/visionary Richard Susskind would call “disruptive technologies” in the legal world. We can work today from anywhere at any time. We are always connected, unless we choose not to be. We have hardware and software that can get our legal work done in a fraction of the time it used to take. There are online legal resources - think LegalZoom - that pull in clients who would otherwise seek an attorney. The days when clients would pay 500% of value vanish when they have the option, in small matters and large, to pay far less by finding a lawyer or firm which has done everything it can to promote efficiency in tendering legal services. This means that software for billing/accounting, practice management software, document automation software and document management software become the fundamentals of your AFA toolkit. Those who have adopted AFAs very consistently report success in attracting clients, especially when they aggressively market their alternative fee arrangements. Is it easy moving to these new models? Of course not, and you’ll trip yourself up now and again and really may work for $20 an hour on a case. But you’ll learn, perfect the system, and hopefully enhance your bottom line. Authors Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. and John W. Simek are the President and Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc. a computer forensics, information security and legal technology firm in Fairfax, Virginia. The authors thank colleague Paul Unger for sharing some of his research on this topic. ! " # " $%& ' () * *' (* " +,-. / .0 1'#"23*4+# +* October 2011 11 “The oldest continuously active bar association in California” High Desert Bar Association News by Jennifer Medieros, President T he High Desert Bar Association is hosting a general membership party and Judges’ Appreciation Night on Friday, October 21, 2011 from 5-9 p.m. Please note the date previously set for October 14th has been rescheduled to October 21st. Please join us for a fiesta to include a taco bar, margaritas and music. Please RSVP to Medeiros & Associates at (760) 241-1234 by October 10th. The address and directions will be given at the time of your RSVP. Join the High Desert Bar Association for Judges’ Appreciation Night and a General Membership Party! BULLETIN The San Bernardino Bar Bulle�n is published 11 �mes a year. We encourage our members to contribute items and ar�cles of interest to the membership, which includes state and federal judges, state & local bar leaders, legislators, media, and businesses interested in the advancement of our mission. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Promotional Hourly Rate $180 Tort Mediation Cases Save time, Costs, and Get Results. B. Kent Warner, JD | Mediator 38 Years of Trial and Settlement Experience with Exceptional Results AV Rated Martindale’s Member of the American Board of Trial Advocates Visit WarnerDisputeResolution.com for more information 1200 California Street, Suite 270 | Redlands, CA 92374 909.255.7107 | BKW@WarnerDisputeResolution.com 12 San Bernardino County Bar Association 2011 Bench-Bar Golf Tournament Sponsors Exclusive Hole Sponsors: Advanced Imaging Strategies Law Office of Steven A. Becker Bond Services of California Caldwell, Kennedy & Porter Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden, PC Horspool & Parker McCuneWright Painter, Smith & Gorian October 2011 Scenes from the 2011 Bench Bar Tournament SBCBA golf teams warm up for the game. Shared Hole Sponsors: F.E. Schnetz Commercial Brokerage Friedman, Gebbie, Cazares & Gilleece, LLP Fullerton, Lemann, Schaefer & Dominick Granowitz, White & Weber Gresham, Savage, Nolan & Tilden Grover L. Porter, Attorney at Law Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court Legal Nurse Betty Sandtrap Sponsors: Commissioner Diane I. Anderson Inland Counties Association of Paralegals Inland Valleys Justice Center Middlebrook, Kaiser, Hengesbach & Dawson McPeters McAlearney Shimoff & Hatt Hon. Wilfred J. Schneider, Jr. Raffle Prizes were donated by: Alfredo’s Pizza & Pasta Barbara A. Keough Black Angus Bradford Portraits Five Star Golf Fullerton, Lemann, Schaefer & Dominick Granowitz, White & Weber Hilton San Bernardino Ice House Comedy Club In-N-Out Burger Kevin B. Bevins Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith Ontario Improv Rowley Portraiture SBCBA & LRS Super Burrit0 William D. Shapiro Ladies from JAMS. Apparently you had to be named John to be included in this shot... ...So we gave Clark his own spot. Additional Sponsorships: Dinner: Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith Tote Bags: J.A.M.S. Koozies: J.A.M.S. Towels: Robinson/Calcagnie/Robinson/Shapiro/Davis Hats: Law Office of Michael Scafiddi Auction: BC Auctions Thanks to all for your continued support of the SBCBA! BC Auctions brought some great memorabilia... ...Including a guitar signed by Yardbirds’ greats Beck, Clapton and Page; and a helmet signed by last year’s Superbowl champs from Green Bay. October 2011 13 www.sbcba.org 2011 Bench-Bar Golf Tournament By: Thomas W. Dominick, Golf Committee Chair Our youngest tourney player kept Tina company during the ticket sales. Trophies by Gallagher’s. The Annual Bench-Bar Golf Tournament... Our most fun and relaxing event of the year! Many thanks to my committee co-chair, Brad White, and to Bar staff members Tina Harris and Christine Warner (and, of course, Claire Furness and Director Kevin Bevins, who assisted the staff this year) for putting on another terrific event. O Tom D. and Judge Allen join the winning team for a photo. Great raffle prizes donated by members. Loyal attendee and Raffle winner extraordinaire. Trophy envy. Team Scafiddi members proudly display their horses’ arses. 3rd place team: Chang, McCune, Wright & Boren. John Wlkerson & Judges Will Schneider and Chris Marshall close the event. J-Dude & the 3 Old Guys: Winners of the “Golfing Is Its Own Reward” Award. n Friday, September 23, 2011, nearly 60 members of the Bar, including bench officers and special guests, participated in the San Bernardino County Bar Association’s 11th Annual Bench-Bar Golf Tournament at Sierra Lakes Golf Course in Fontana. The weather was hot and humid and, despite a late start, everyone had a great time and was able to finish before dark. We were treated to a box lunch and a fabulous buffet dinner provided by Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith at the “19th hole.” There was a raffle of many donated items. BC Auctions put on both live and silent auctions of sports & rock memorabilia - thanks to Bruce Hall and Grace for their efforts. The women’s longest drive and closest to the pin awards went to Sarah Powell and Cheryl Kersey, respectively. Dennis Stout was awarded the men’s longest drive award and closest to the pin award went to Jeff Bullard of Team Scafiddi. The first place trophy went to Team Ewaniszyk consisting of Jim Heiting, Dennis Stout, Rick Ewaniszyk and Rollin Rauschel with a score of 57. Great shooting guys! The team of Richard Granowitz, Brad White, David Colella and Darren White took second place with a score of 59 following a “card off” with the team of Richard McCune, Daniel Chang, Jack Boren and David Wright, who took third. Honorable mention goes to the 4th place team “Tommy Knockers & Associates, LLP” consisting of Mike Welch, Tom Garza, Matt Stewart and Tom Dominick, who carded a 60. The coveted “Horse’s Arse Award” for the highest gross score (“the grossest of the gross”) went to “Team Scafiddi” consisting of Mike Scafiddi, Jeff Bullard, Scott Neudorf and Sarah Powell. (This team also went home with most of the raffle prizes!) The Honorable Doug Fettel won the NOT-coveted “Head Divot Award” for taking a rogue ball in the head. Our best wishes to him for a quick and full recovery. A very special thank you goes to our many generous sponsors (see list on facing page), who make this tournament possible year after year. We look forward to seeing you all out there again next year. 14 San Bernardino County Bar Association October 2011 Sawyer Cook Insurance offers clients competitive rates on all of their insurance needs. We have highly skilled insurance agents that deal directly with you, the insured. Our hands-on approach to your needs are what put Sawyer Cook above the rest. If you don’t know insurance, know your agent! Call us today! Discounts are available! (909) 435-0230 v Toll-free 800-655-2814 www.sawyercook.com License #0F97708 1200 California St., Suite 260, Redlands CA, 92374 Ask for your SBCBA Member discount! http://depositiontestimony.com/ October 2011 CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT CIVIL APPEALS, WRITS, MOTIONS: Crisp, cogent, and thoroughly edited by 17-year civil practitioner. Published California Supreme Court opinion; appellate and trial court briefs (pre- and post-trial motions); many successful summary judgment motions and oppositions. Am. Jur. Award Advanced Legal Research and Writing. Superlawyers’ Rising Star. Member, U.S. Supreme Court. Law Offices of A. Gina Hogtanian. (818) 244-7030. Website: hogtanianlaw.com. Email: gina@hogtanianlaw.com. THE ELDER AND DISABILITY LAW FIRM, a leader in estate planning and government benefit legal planning serving the elderly and disabled, is seeking a highly motivated part-time estate planning paralegal. This will lead to a full-time position in the future. You must have the following qualifications to apply: 1. A Bachelors degree in accounting, business, computer, or any legal studies; or a high school diploma with at least 4 years of experience working as an estate planning paralegal or estate planning assistant; 2. Be patient and able to work with the elderly and disabled; 3. Be pleasant on the phone; 4. Experience in Medi-Cal benefit planning and VA benefit planning preferred, but not required. Please send your resume and salary requirement to estherwang@san-bernardino-elder-law.com, or to Esther C. Wang, The Elder and Disability Law Firm, 104 E. Olive Avenue, Suite 103, Redlands, CA 92373. No phone calls please. CALIFORNIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE ATTORNEY James M. Crawford, a well experienced criminal defense lawyer, has a 16+ year California career investigating and preparing federal and state appeals and petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus. Defense attorneys statewide rely on his expertise in appeals and Habeas Corpus. Mr. Crawford’s ability to accurately assess your specific appeals and determine the best procedural track, combined with his excellent oratory and writing skills, will bring the best results in your appeals. Mr. Crawford can be contacted at 714/809-5922. COVENANT APPRAISAL SERVICE: Need valuation of property for divorce, bankruptcy or probate settlements. 18 years experience in single family residence, 2-4 units, condominiums and more. Please email me at onvie@covenantas.com or call Onvie Stockdale at 909-821-6151 CONFERENCE ROOM AVAILABLE for rent in Victorville. $100 to $150 per day. Call Shirley at Medeiros & Associates (760) 2454034. 14390 Park Avenue in Victorville. www.medeiroslaw.com. LEGAL DOCUMENT PREPARATION SERVICE, DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS INC. 3877 12th St., Riverside, www.yourdocsolutions.c om. - Contract Attorney Services: Family law, Immigration, Medical Summaries, Trial Notebooks - Assistance at trial, Transcription and E-filing Assistance and much more - Process Service (Riverside & San Bernardino Counties) - Notary Services. Licensed and bonded. Rush Service available (Same/Next day) (951) 684-8440 GARRY GROTEWOLD PI Licensed PI (Lic. No. 25957) & Reg’d Process Server (Lic. No. 1126) Crim. Def. Investigations, Civil Lit. Cases, Witness Locates, Interviews & Statements, Workplace/EEO Investigations, Skip Tracing, Prof’l Service of Process – Done right the first time! 35 years exp.– Retired Crim. Investigator (US Dept of Justice). Providing prof. assistance to attys, assisting with complex cases & logistics. (909) 9797305 direct 909/570-9191 fax website: www.GrotewoldPI.com SEEKING ESTATE PLANNING/PROBATE PARALEGAL. Palm Desert law firm seeks an experienced estate planning/probate paralegal. Must be organized, conscientious, and detail-oriented, with excellent writing skills. Compensation commensurate with experience. Please submit resume to Jeremy Ofseyer, Nethery & Ofseyer LLP, by email (jofseyer@nollp.com) or fax (760-346-7057). EXPERIENCED ESTATE PLANNING PARALEGAL needed to assist with preparation of Trust and other Estate Planning documents. Must be familiar with the CAPS program. Please fax resume to 951-369-9310. SEEKING ESTATE PLANNING AND CORPORATE PARALEGAL. Redlands Law Office seeks a part time estate planning & corporate paralegal w/ minimum of two-years’ experience in drafting estate planning documents, deeds & preparing all transactional documents related to corporations, partnerships, LLCs & annual documents. Must be organized, have excellent writing & verbal skills. Compensation commensurate w/ experience. Please submit resume to Betty Auton-Beck, A Professional Law Corp., Attn. Office Manager, 300 E. State Street, Suite 200, Redlands, CA 92373, Email: lisa.stinson@verizon.net Fax: (909) 792-5150. MITCHELL W. COX INVESTIGATIONS: Criminal Def. Personal Injury, Accident Investigation, Evidence Photography. Retired CHP. Intellectual Property Attorney / Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights: Available for advising, preparation and prosecution of patent and trademark applications, and copyright registrations. Call the Law Offices of Colin D. Rasmussen: 909/653-6607 (phone); 909/824-6319 (fax); email - ascusiplaw@sbcglobal.net. OFFICE SUITES AVAILABLE: Riverside County Bar Association Building, 4129 Main Street, Riverside Downtown Justice Center. Contact Sue Burns at (951)682-1015. DOWNTOWN RIVERSIDE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Office space available in historic house in downtown Riverside within walking distance from the Riverside court houses. Asphalted parking available in the back. Perfect for the new attorney or someone looking to start out. Reasonable monthly rates and no long term lease agreement required. Call (951) 686-1010 or email to FamilyLawCalifornia@yahoo.com. ATTORNEY. Well established Apple Valley Law Firm seeks attorney to share office space. Opportunity to expand your area of practice and possible overflow work. Fax resume to 760-240-8865. DOWNTOWN REDLANDS OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Office w/view & receptionist/waiting rm area avail. Shared conf. rm. Fully maintained bldg located in the Citibank Building downtown Redlands. $1,500 per month. Great for atty, accountant, insurance, or professional. Attn. Office Manager, Betty Auton-Beck, APLC, 300 E. State Street, Suite 200, Redlands, CA 92373, E-mail: bauton.beck@verizon.net or lisa.stinson@verizon.net, Tel. (909) 792-5882; Fax: (909) 792-5150. SAN BERNARDINO OFFICE SPACE 2055 sq ft with 4 private offices on the 2nd floor of downtown bldg. Across the street from the County Courthouse. $1,900 mo. Disc. rates for long term lease. Also 1 individual office on 1st floor avail. for $300/mo. Contact RC Chavez at 909/224-4926 or rc@rcchavez.com. OFFICE OF CHRISTIAN ANYIAM: Full service law practice ������ LAW handling civil, family, real estate, labor/emp., PI, immigration, and contract �������� law. We also make special court appearances. Call 909/383-9500. �������LEGAL NURSE BETTY REVIEWS MEDICAL RECORDS. Our team takes boxes (or boxcars) full of Medical Records, turning them into ��������� effective, unbiased, attorney-friendly work products. Legal Nurse ���� Betty, Inc., a Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Firm, is dedicated quality work and long-term business relationships in the San ��������to Bernardino County area. Call 951-551-4722 or LegalNurseBetty@ ��� roadrunner.com COLTON PROF’L OFFICE BLDG. Exec. Suites avail. for lease on a full services gross basis. Lease inc. min. recept. duties. Great space for atty., accountant, ins., escrow, or prof’l user. 595 N. La Cadena Dr., Colton, CA. Roger Thompson, Wallender Com’l Real Est. 909/ 792-3550 x2. NOTICES CONFIDENTIAL HELP Judges & Attys in trouble w/alcohol, drugs. 800/222-0767; 909/683-4030, 24 hours - 7 days a week. SBCBA Members: Advertise FREE for 6 mo. in Classifieds. Continue ad for $10 per month in advance. Non-members $10 a month in advance. 909/885-1986 or email bulletin@sbcba.org. JUDGMENT COLLECTION California courts have inherent and statutory power to compel obedience to their judgments, orders & process. CCP 128(a)(4), 177; Professional judgment enforcement �������since 1999. Steve Alldis, JD 760-946-5259. ����������������������������� ������������������ DOWNTOWN REDLANDS OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Office with view and receptionist/waiting room area available. Shared conference room. Fully maintained building located in the Citibank Building downtown Redlands. $850 per month. Great space for attorney, accountant, insurance, or commuting professional. Attn. Office Manager, E-mail: lisa.stinson@verizon.net, Tel. (909) 7925882; Fax: (909) 792-5150. FOR SALE: Redlands Office Building, 1174 Nevada Street (off Orange Tree Lane). 8,344 Square feet, with 5,100 sq. ft available on ground floor for owner/usesr occupancy. Asking $1,175,000. Will review all offers. Roger Thompson, Wallendar Commercial RE. 909/792-3550 X 2. HI-CALIBER PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS: A State licensed & insured private investigations firm. Now located in historical downtown Redlands. National Board Certified in Crim. Defense. We do family & civil law.(Ca Lic 23442.) 18 E. State St., #208, Redlands, CA 92373. Phone: 909/792-0999; www.hi-caliber.org EXP’D FAMILY LAW PARALEGAL / Legal Secretary available on a contract basis. For immediate assistance, call (951)734-6524 or e-mail Slopez7267@aol.com. REDLANDS OFFICE SUITES FOR LEASE / 1980 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands. Lease rate: $1.65 FSG. Suites available from: 1,492 sq. ft. to 12,305 sq. ft. Call Roger @ (909) 518-0343. /// Roger Thompson \ CA. DRE 01310608. RANCHO CUCAMONGA OFFICE SPACE available. Walking distance to the Ranch Cucamonga Superior Court House. The lease can be the first floor of approx. 3,500 sq. ft. or can be subdivided into 2 offices of approx. 1,200 sq. ft. and 2,300 sq. ft. CONTACT Brit Barker at 909/980-1996. ALAN R. SIMS APPRAISING-Comml, Residential, Estates, Litigation, Divorce, Ins., M&E. 909/584-8820. Appraiser@alansims.com CIVIL AND CRIMINAL APPEALS & WRITS. Stanley W. Hodge, Attorney at Law. 15490 Civic Dr. #204 Victorville, CA 92392 760/951-8773. OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE. 5200 sq ft, deluxe furnishings, 11 offices, 2 large conference rooms, spacious kitchen, beautiful reception area, large open waiting area, storage, free parking. Lease whole or fraction of space. Some furnishings may be included. As low as $1.50/ sq ft. Utilities included. 1710A Plum Lane, Redlands. 951-544-0708 OFFICE FOR RENT- FURNISHED. Spacious Redlands office, furniture included, kitchen/conference room privileges, internet access, fax/copier use available. Secretarial space also available. Contact 909/798-7911. CPA FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT, Howard E. Friedman. Business Valuations, Cash Flow, Separate vs. Community Property Tracing. Court-Appointed Expert, Receiver, Special Master. Call 909/889-8819 Fax 909-889-2409 454 N. Arrowhead Ave., San Bdno, CA 92401. ����� ATTORNEY w/more than 10 years exp. in Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Business Litigation and Appeals. avail. for research/writing ��������� projects, law & motion, depos, discovery, and appearances. Glenn A. ���� Williams - 951/817-7829. ��������FAMILY LAW - CIVIL LIT. ATTORNEY avail. for contract work: court hearings, research, trial assist., prep of motions, mediations. Ugo��������� Harris Ejike: 909/890-9082. �������� LEGAL SECRETARY, Ellie’s Legal Secretarial Service, 350 W ���������� 5th St., #202, S.B. CA, 35 years exp. Prep of most court forms, ����� Guardianships, Fam Law, Evictions, Grant Deeds, Restraining Orders, Notary Public. 909/885-1725. ������ OFFICE SPACE BANKRUPTCY, CIVIL OR CRIMINAL ATTORNEYS: Need a place to meet your high desert clients, but don’t need a full office? Single designated office avail. in small family law firm - reasonable monthly rate.One block from V.V. Crthse. Secretarial services not inc. Call Jenine at 760-245-3220. THE LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN J. HANSEN, in Chino, handles Family Law, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and DUI defense. I am available for special appearances at reasonable rates. My phone is 909/ 393-1876, Fax 951-270-1935. �������� PI License #24367. 909/387-0077. www.coxpi.com � 15 “The oldest continuously active bar association in California” Rates start at $25 for SBCBA Members! CONFERENCE ROOM AVAILABLE for depos, etc. at SBCBA office. 1 block from courthouse. $100 day; $50 half day. Discount rates to SBCBA members: 50% off day rate; free for conferences 1 hour or less. Call 909/885-1986. NOTICE: INLAND COUNTIES ASSOCIATION OF PARALEGALS. BAR MEMBERS! We want to notify you of a service that ICAP provides to attorneys. If you are looking for a paralegal/legal assistant or secretary you can contact ICAP and they will send out a blast to their membership advising of the opening and will also post it on their job board. You will need to provide them with the job posting information, either just in an email or any prepared job advertisement flyer, including contact information for the person to whom résumés and cover letters should be sent. An email alert will then be sent to ICAP members to notify them of the opportunity. The information will be placed on their member’s job board. ICAP’s members appreciate being notified of such opportunities. Should you have any questions, contact Director/Vice President Connie S. Johnson at programs@icaponline.org. 16 San Bernardino County Bar Association BULLETIN of the October 2011 Workers’ Compensation/Social Security Disability Issue? MAYBE WE CAN HELP! San Bernardino County Bar Association “California’s Oldest Continuously Active Bar Association” Organized December 11, 1875 In Affiliation with the High Desert Bar Association 2010-2011 Board of Directors Donald F. Cash, Donna V. Siofele, Francisco T. Silva, Darla A. Cunningham, Scott M. Rubel OFFICERS We have over 70 years of experience in representing injured and disabled workers before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and Social Security Administration. If you have clients who need help with Workers’ Compensation or Social Security problems, please have them call our office for a free consultation. We pay referral fees in accordance with State Bar Rule 2-200(A). John S. Lowenthal President Jennifer M. Guenther President-Elect Khymberli S. Apaloo Vice-President Bradley R. White Secretary-Treasurer Thomas W. Dominick Immediate Past President DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE Hon. Diane I. Anderson Kevin B. Bevins Victor J. Herrera Barbara A. Keough Jack B. Osborn M. Wayne Tucker Sandy L. Turner John R. Zitny Executive Director Claire E. Furness “The mission of the San Bernardino County Bar Association is to serve its members and the community and improve the system of justice.” 555 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92401-1201 (909) 885-1986 Fax: (909) 889-0400 E-mail: bulletin@sbcba.org Web: www.sbcba.org T he Bulletin of the San Bernardino County Bar Association is published 11 times a year. Our circulation is approximately 1,100, including: our bar membership of 900, 95 state and federal judges, state &local bar leaders, legislators, media, and businesses interested in the advancement of our mission. Articles, advertisements and notices should be received by the bar office no later than the fifteenth of the month prior to the month of publication. For current advertising rates, please call the number listed above. Please direct all correspondence to the above address. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LAW CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA / BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel Ph: 909/ 889-1131• Fax: 909/884-5326 141 North Arrowhead Avenue, Suite 1 San Bernardino, California 92408-1024 www.injuryatwork.com