Norges Statsbaner AS - NSB
Norges Statsbaner AS - NSB
CORPORATES ISSUER COMMENT 11 February 2016 The publication of tenders for some railway services increases credit risk for NSB RATINGS Norges Statsbaner AS Issuer Rating Aa2 Senior unsecured Aa2 ST Issuer Rating Outlook Norges Statsbaner AS P-1 Stable Source: Moody's Investors Service Contacts Lorenzo Re 39-02-9148-1123 VP-Senior Analyst Marina Albo +44 20 7772 5365 MD-Corporate Finance Moody's Investor Service has today said that the publication of two competitive tenders for a number of passengers rail services, announced by the Norwegian Government, increases risks for Norges Statsbaner (NSB) (Aa2 stable) and could be credit negative, although the challenges coming from a gradual market opening are already factored in the current rating. On February the 4th, the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communication published two public competitive tenders for passengers services, with the aim of starting a prequalification process. The publication of the tenders is part of the ongoing reform of the railways sector approved last year, entailing the liberalisation of the sector and the opening to competition. However, in order to allow for a gradual introduction of the competition and to smooth the process, the Government also announced that the passenger service contracts for the Gjovik line, that were awarded to NSB in 2004 following a competitive bid and will expire in December 2017, will be directly awarded to NSB. Out of the two published tenders, tender number one consists of a number of railways routes serving the Southern part of the country, while tender number two consists of a total of seven lines in central and north Norway. The Government expects to complete the tender process by August 2017 and December 2017 respectively for the two tenders. The new operators are expected to start services by December 2018. This timing is in line with what we expected at the time of the introduction of the railways system reform and, together with the direct award to NSB of the Gjovic line contracts, supports Moody's view that the market opening process will be gradual. The lines that will be put up for tender account for approximately 25%-30% of NSB's revenue in the passenger railway segment (and approximately 15% of consolidated revenue). The lost of the tenders would therefore be credit negative for NSB. However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that NSB will participate to both the tenders and, in our view, will retain a solid competitive advantage over new entrants, owing to its knowledge of the national network. We therefore expect that NSB will have good chances to win at least one of the two tenders. In addition to market opening, the railway reform entails the reorganisation of the sector, with the creation of one or more 100% state-owned companies for the infrastructure management, the ownership and the maintenance of the rolling stock, and the transformation of NSB in a pure transport service operator. As a consequence, NSB will transfer a large part of its assets, including the ownership of its rolling stock and its real estate properties, to these new companies. CORPORATES MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE The transfer of the rolling stock should be completed before the completion of the tenders. This should be credit positive, in our view, assuming that the financial debt associated with these assets will be also transferred. NSB leverage will therefore likely reduce, although at this stage we can not quantify the exact impact on its financial ratios. The company's future cash requirement for capex, most of which has been historically related to rolling stock, will materially reduce. The transfer all NSB's real estate activities (grouped under the subsidiary ROM Eiendom AS) to the new infrastructure manager is, in our view, credit negative as the real estate activity has been and was expected to continue to be an important contributor to the company's EBITDA. Overall, we believe that the risks coming from the railways reform outweight the potential benefits for NSB in the long term. However, we do not see immediate rating implications from the reform process, based on the assumptions that the changes for NSB will be gradual and that the State support will remain high at least until the market liberalisation has been fully implemented, a process that could take up to ten years to complete. This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history. 2 11 February 2016 Norges Statsbaner AS: The publication of tenders for some railway services increases credit risk for NSB CORPORATES MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE © 2016 Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC. AND ITS RATINGS AFFILIATES ("MIS") ARE MOODY'S CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES, AND CREDIT RATINGS AND RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED BY MOODY'S ("MOODY'S PUBLICATIONS") MAY INCLUDE MOODY'S CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES. 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REPORT NUMBER 1015943 3 11 February 2016 Norges Statsbaner AS: The publication of tenders for some railway services increases credit risk for NSB
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