Change of Signature, Name and Religion
Change of Signature, Name and Religion
6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Abja, P., VARA-437, Padiyarakalayil, Vattiyoorkavu P. O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin -695 013, holder of S.S.L.C.-C. No. 448797 with Register No.109576 of March 2002, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 0424567 with Register No. 1289841 of March 2004, issued by the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, Bachelor of Technology Degree Certificate with Register No. 41603805/41603607/04413006 of May 2009, issued from the University of Kerala, Electoral Identity Card No. ARA0020735, dated 11-7-2011, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vattiyoorkavu LA Constituency, Certificate of Marriage with Registration No. 5346/2011, date of Registration 2-12-2011, issued from the Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram, Ration Card No. 1102085911 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the City Rationing Officer, North Thiruvananthapuram, have changed my name as Abja Rajesh consequent on my marriage. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vattiyoorkavu, 9-2-2012. ABJA, P. NOTIFICATION I, Gnanadasan, S., Nakshthra Bhavan, Vallippara, Poovachal P. O., Nedumangad Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 575, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Vipin Das, G., whose Community is wrongly entered in his S. S. L. C. No. L 081480 with Register No. 103489 of March 2011 as Christian-LC Nadar is corrected as Christian-SIUC Nadar vide Certificate No. B2-/19057/11, dated 27-8-2011, issued by the Tahsildar, Nedumangad. This correction will come into effect in all records related to him. Poovachal, 28-1-2012. GNANADASAN, S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sobhi, N., Sofiya Cottage, Maruthinakom, Azhicode P. O., Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of S.S.L.C Book No. F 412232 with Register No. 182371 of March 1993, also known as Sofiya in the Ration Card No. 1105037538 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Nedumangad, Electoral Identity Card No. MMS1780899, dated 24-9-2003, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Nedumangad LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Sofiya, S. N. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Azhicode, 24-1-2012. SOBHI, N. 352 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and public that I, Unnikrishnan, C., House No. 143B, Malayil Kunnumpuram, K.K. Konam P. O., Chirayinkeezhu Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 604, holder of SSLC Book No. E 203920 with Register Number 51955 of 1992 March, as Unnikrishnan in Discharge Certificate No. 3473 dated 1-2-2012 issued by Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Calicut and known as Saleem in the Ration Card No. 1104161231 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Chirayinkeezhu is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu Velaan Community as per the Discharge Certificate No. 3473 dated 1-2-2012 issued from Theerbiyathul Islam Sabha, Calicut with a new name Saleem. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Saleem, C. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all the records related to me. Pallickal, 10-2-2012. UNNIKRISHNAN, C. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Arun, C. S., Vijaya Bhavan, Prasanthi Nagar-33, Vadakkevila P. O., Kollam, Pin-691 010 presently working as Assistant Engineer, Kerala State Transport Project, Project Management Team, Public Works Department Thiruvananthapuram, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. B 357906 with Register No. 338556 of March 1989, Civil Engineering Diploma Certificate No. D. C. A 48855 with Register No. 613896 of October 1995 issued from State Board of Technical Education and Training, Department of Technical Education, Tamilnadu, also known as Arun in the Electoral Identity Card No. KCW1674993 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Eravipuram LA Constituency, known as C. S. Arun in the Driving Licence No. Q5182/95 issued on 1-7-1995 by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Kollam in the PAN Card No. BATPS6166D issued from Income Tax Department, Government of India is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as C. S. Arun Karma. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 7-2-2012. ARUN, C. S. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sajil Thomas, Kollurazhikathu House, Puthanambalam P.O., Iverkala W/N, Kunnathur Village, Kollam District, Pin- 691 553, holder of Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Certificate No. TV 8059698 with Index No. T/1186/119 of March 2007 issued from Chairman, Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, in the Ration Card No. 1211042644, dated 5-3-2010 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kunnathur, Election Identity Card No. NRN 0168393, dated 17-8-2010 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kunnathur LA Constituency, also known as Kevin Thomas in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1294/91, date of Registration 23-7-1991 issued from Secretary, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Adichanalloor Grama Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sajil Thomas only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 7-2-2012. SAJIL THOMAS. NOTIFICATION I, Marykutty Markose, Thundil II, Manakkara, Sasthamcotta P. O., Kollam District, Sasthamcotta Village, Kunnathoor Taluk, Pin-690 521, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the SSLC Book No. 965156 with Register No. 380234 of March 1981, as Christian, Bharatha Christian is corrected as Christian Latin Catholic vide Community Certificate No. A3/19392/11, dated 31-12-2011 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Sasthamcotta. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Sasthamcotta, 17-1-2012. MARYKUTTY MARKOSE. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sunil, S., Pulinchi Cheruvila Puthenveedu, Kuravanthari, Karukone P.O., Pathanapuram Taluk, Kollam District, Pin-691 306, holder of Extract of Admission Register with 353 Admission No. 6953, date of Admission 9-10-1986 issued by the Headmistress, Government H. S. S., Karukone, School Certificate with Admission No. 958 date of Admission 19-5-2011 issued by the Principal, Lourdes Matha Public School, Meenkulam, Channapetta of my son Snehith, S., also known as Sunil in the Ration Card No. 1209059516 (S1. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Pathanapuram, known as Sunil Sisupalan in the Passport No. G4701326 issued on 9-10-2007 by the Passport Officer, Thiruvananthapuram and known as Sunil Kumar in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3744/2004 date of Registration 8-12-2004 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottarakara Grama Panchayat, of my son Rahul Raj, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sunil, S. only. It is further notified that my minor son Rahul Raj, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3744/2004, date of Registration 8-12-2004 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottarakara Grama Panchayat, also known as Snehith, S. in the School Certificate with Admission No. 958, date of Admission 19-5-2011 issued by the Principal, Lourdes Matha Public School, Meenkulam, Channapetta is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Snehith, S. only. The above changes will come into effect in all records related to us. Karukone, 19-12-2011. SUNIL, S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sateesh, G. S., Thadathel House, Thottamon, Ranny P. O., Pathanamthitta District, Pin- 689 672, holder of S. S. L. C. No. G 254136 with Register No. 186499 of March 2007, Ration Card No. 1315009751 (Sl. No. 5), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ranny, Electoral Identity Card No. TFV0157511, dated 19-8-2011 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Ranni LA Constituency, also known as Sathesh Kumar in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1265/1991, date of Registration 16-8-1991 issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Anchal Grama Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sateesh, G. S. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Ranni, 6-2-2012. SATEESH, G. S. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that Kunjamma Thomas, Purackel chira, Kunnankary P.O., Kuttanad, Alleppy District, Kerala, Pin Code-686 102, holder of SSLC Book No. E 778726 with Register No. 159460 of 1986 March, in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1818/1998, date of Registration 11-8-1998 issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Pathanamthitta Municipality of my minor son Joyal P. Joseph also known as Kunjamma in the Marriage Certificate dated 3-10-2010 issued by the Vicar, St. Gregorios Church, Kidangara and as Sheela Joseph in the Election Identity Card No. KMJ 1267160 dated 7-3-2006 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kuttanadu LA Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1419051772 (Sl. No. 1) dated 17-5-2011 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kuttanad, in the Passport No. J 7439831, date of issue 19-8-2011 by the Passport Officer, Cochin is one and same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sheela Joseph only and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kuttanad, 8-2-2012. KUNJAMMA THOMAS. NOTIFICATION I, Thrivikraman Nair, K., Krishnatheertham House, Poonjar P. O., Kottayam District, Pin - 686 581, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son V. T. Yeswanth Krishnan, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2327/96, date of Registration 19-12-1996, issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Panchayat of Ettumanoor, as Yaswanth Krishnan, V. T. in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 11923, date of Admission 31-5-2010 issued by the Headmaster, S. M.V. H. S. S., Poonjar and also known as Yeswanth Krishnan in the Ration Card No. 1527023846 (Sl. No. 6) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Meenachil is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Amith Krishna, T. K. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Kottayam, 4-2-2012. THRIVIKRAMAN NAIR, K. NOTIFICATION I, Thrivikraman Nair, K., Krishnatheertham House, Poonjar P. O., Kottayam District, Pin - 686 581, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son V. T. Yadav Krishnan, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2326/96, date of Registration 19-12-1996, issued by the Registrar of 354 Births & Deaths, Panchayat of Ettumanoor, as Yadav Krishnan, V. T., in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 11922, date of Admission 31-5-2010 issued by the Headmaster, S.M.V.H.S.S., Poonjar and also known as Yadav Krishnan in the Ration Card No. 1527023846 (Sl. No. 5) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Meenachil is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Amil Krishna, T. K. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Kottayam, 4-2-2012. THRIVIKRAMAN NAIR, K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mobin Cheriyan, Mavelil, Chellarcovil P. O., Udumbanchola, Idukki-685 509, holder of SSLC No. I-538344 with Register No. 248040 of March 2009, also known as Mobin Philip in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 61/ 1993, date of Registraton 17-4-1993 issued by the Asst. Registrar, Births, Deaths & Marriage, Vandanmedu Gramapanchayat and as Mobin in the Ration Card No. 1630085257 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Udumbanchola is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mobin Philip only . This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kottayam, 2-2-2012. MOBIN CHERIYAN. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sujatha, P. T., Thengumkudiyil, Mukkudil P.O., Udumbanchola Taluk, Idukki Dist. , Pin - 685 566, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 911, date of Admission 22-5-1967 issued from the Government L.P.S., Arivilamchal also known as Philomina in the Ration Card No. 1630060550 dated 24-12-2008, S1. No. 2 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Udumbanchola, Electoral Identity Card No. KL/14/085/123616, dated 27-11-1998, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Udumbanchola Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per the Suddi Certificate No. C.C. 5156/2011 dated 27-8-2011 issued from Akhila Bharatha Ayyappa Seva Sangham, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Mukkudil, 19-12-2011. SUJATHA, P. T. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE 355 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION This change will come into effect in all records related to me. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Vigeesh, K. R., Thaivalappil (H), House No. V/345 A, Kaipamangalam P.O., Kodungallur, Thrissur District, Pin – 680 681, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. F 074417 with Register No. 280202 of March 1994, also known as Vigeesh in the Discharge Certificate No. 4715, dated 25-11-2011, issued from Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Kozhikode, known as Vijeesh in the Electoral Identity Card No. LJG 1166180, dated 16-10-2000, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kodungallur LA Constituency, known as Vigeesh Kattukandathil Ramakrishnan in the Passport No. G 6707643, dated 4-1-2008, issued by the Regional Passport Officer, Cochin, is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu - Thiyya Community as per above Discharge Certificate with a new name Muhammed Rafeeque. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Muhammed Rafeeque. Veluthur, 4-2-2012. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Annie Paul, Kanjirathingal House, Veluthur P.O., Kunnathangadi, Thrissur Taluk, Thrissur District, now working as Part-time-sweeper, Kerala State Land Use Board and holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 6409, date of Admission 18-5-1971 issued by the Headmistress, St. Joseph’s C. G. H. S. S., Thrissur also known as Annie in the Election Identity Card No. GYD1172568 issued on 20-4-2001 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Manalur LA Constituency and as Annie, N. P. in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate No. G 084291, of my son Tinto Antony with Register Number 329838 of March 2007, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Annie, M. P. only. ANNIE PAUL. Kaipamangalam, 25-1-2012. VIGEESH, K. R. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sanitha, K. R., Kannamparambil House, No. 61, Kattoor P. O., Ponjanam, Mukunthapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 702, holder of S. S. L. C. No. H 236860 with Register No. 349136 of March 2008, Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 179641 with Register No. 6186973 of March 2010, issued from the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, Certificate of Marriage dated 10-10-2011 issued by the Marriage Officer, Thriprayar Sub District, also known as Sanitha in the Ration Card No. 1843026644 (S1. No. 5), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mukunthapuram, is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu - Gowda Saraswatha Brahmin Community vide Discharge Certificate No. 474/11 dated 12-11-2011 issued from Mounathul Islam Association, Ponnani, Kerala with a new name Aysha Parvin. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Aysha Parvin and will sign accordingly. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public is that Yasar, P. A., Palliparambil House, House No. 29, Kothaparambu P. O., Kodungallur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 668, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. K 277850 with Register Number 281890 of March 1998 and with Register Number 271895 of March 1999 also known as Mohammed Yasir in the Election Identity Card No. LJG1417732 issued on 20-4-2002 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kodungallur LA Constituency as Mohammed Yasar in the Ration Card No. 1845053452 (at Serial No. 3) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kodungallur and as Yasar in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2660/1981, date of Registration 27-11-1981 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kodungallur Municipality, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Muhammed Yasir, P. A. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kattoor, 6-2-2012. Kothaparambu, 22-12-2011. SANITHA, K. R. NOTIFICATION YASAR, P. A. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Suresh Kumar, T., Thunnarukandi House, Thrangali, Mannannur P.O., Ottappalam Taluk, Palakkad-679 523, now working as Printer in Printing Department, Govt. Press, Shoranur, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 212690 with Register No. 465028, of March 1984. In the Diploma in Printing Technology, (Lithography) Certificate No. 28921 with Register No. 14405 of April 1990, issued from the State Board of Technical Education, Govt of Kerala, in the Driving Licence No. 1626/97/PO dated 22-8-1997 issued by the Assistant LA, Ottappalam, known as Suresh kumar in the Election Identity Card No. KI/08/045/075660, dated 27-11-1998 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Ottappalam Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1948188644 (Sl. No. 1) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ottappalam, also known as Thunnarukandi Suresh Kumar in the PAN Card No. AJTPK 3251F issued from the Income Tax Department, Government of India, in the Passport No. E 4021367, dated 17-12-2002 issued by the Assistant Passport Office, Kozhikode is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Suresh Kumar, T. A. This change will come into effect in all records related to me Mannanur, 7-1-2012. I, Kunhimohamed, P. K., Paramban Kodiyatt House, Irumbuzhi Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son All Shan, P. K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 257/98, date of Registration 28-9-1998, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Anakkayam Panchayat, also known as Alshan in the Ration Card No. 2051165791, (SI. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, and Alishan, P. K. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 431, date of Admission 18-4-2005, of MA’DIN Public School, Melmuri, Malappuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Alishan, P. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Irumbuzhi, 24-1-2012. date of Admission 21-4-2008 of Ma’din Public School, Melmuri, Malappuram, also known as Fathima Hiba in the Ration Card No. 2051162202, (SI. No. 5), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Fathima Hiba Mankarathodi. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Anakkayam, 25-1-2012. RAHEENA, K. NOTIFICATION I, Hafsath, M., Thattayil House, Anakkayam Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Fathima, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 55/99, date of Registration 28-5-1999, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Koottilangadi Grama Panchayat, also known as Fathima Noora, T. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 915, date of Admission 17-5-2007 of Khadeeja English School, Pappinippara, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Fathima Noora, T. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Anakkayam, 24-1-2012. HAFSATH, M. SURESH KUMAR, T. NOTIFICATION KUNHIMOHAMED, P. K. NOTIFICATION I, Raheena, K., Mankarathodi House, Anakkayam Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that, my minor daughter Fathima, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 6873/2001, date of Registration 12-12-2001, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Malappuram Municipality and School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 1453, 356 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Kunhi Mohammed, K. K., ‘Meenoo Mahal’, Kondotty Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. D 112883 with Register No. 106575 of March 1982 and Driving Licence No. 10/1651/1985, dated 3-2-2011, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Malappuram, also known as Kunhimuhammed in the Electoral Identity Card No. JCW1382936, dated 20-4-2001, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kondotty LA Constituency, as Kunnummal Kooleeri Kunhi Mohammed in the Discharge Certificate with Service No. 705927-B, dated 29th November 2005, issued by Commandant, A.F.A., Hyderabad, as Mohammed, K. K. in the M.A. Degree (Public Administration) Certificate with Register No. 83N04S02136 of May 1999, dated 10th January 2000 of Annamalai University, and in the P.G. Diploma in Yoga Certificate No. 399M0553F00360 of May 2005, dated 25-10-2005 of Annamalai University, as K. K. Kunhimohammed in the All India Secondary School Examination, 2008 Certificate S. No. SSE/2008/295753 with Roll No. 4150274, dated 27-5-2008 of CBSE of my son Sahir, K. K. and as K. K. Kunhi Mohammed in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 5218/2006, date of Registration 16-10-2006, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Malappuram Municipality of my minor daughter Meenoo Fathima, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mohammed, K. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kondotty, 31-1-2012. KUNHI MOHAMMED, K. K. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Jayfarali Puthalath, Puthalath House, Patterkulam, Narukara Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. C 054913, with Register No. 219471 of March 1990, also known as Jafaralali, P. in the Driving Licence No. 628/93W, date of issue 7-9-1993, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Malappuram, as Jayfar Ali in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3200/2009, date of Registration 23-4-2009, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Manjeri Municipality of my minor son Muhammed Roshan, P., as Jaffar in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/05/033/012372, dated 21-4-1998, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer for Manjeri Constituency, as Jafar in the Ration Card No. 2051098748 (Sl. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, as Jafar, P., in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2048, date of Registration 3-4-2001, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Manjeri Municipality of my minor daughter Henna Mirsa, P., as Jaffar Ali in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 7724, date of Registration 8-12-1999, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Manjeri Municipality, of my another minor daughter Sili Farha, P. and as Puthalath Jayfarali in the Passport No. G 8516042, date of issue 6-5-2008, issued from the Passport Office, Malappuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Jafar Ali, P. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Narukara, 29-11-2011. JAYFARALI PUTHALATH. NOTIFICATION I, Mohamed Koya Parayil Thengat, Payattin Kalayil House, Pulikkal Post, Siyamkandam, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that, my minor son Mohammed Shahrukh Khan, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No.1008/99, date of Registration 23-6-1999, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Cherukavu Panchayat, also known as Hashir, P. T. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 21809, date of Admission 29-5-2009 of A.M.M. High School, Pulikkal and as Sharukh Khan in the Ration Card No. 2051040008 (Sl. No. 8), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Hashir, P. T. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Pulikkal, 23-11-2011. MOHAMED KOYA PARAYIL THENGAT. 357 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that, I, Pathumma Chelat Ayakot, Thekkayil House, Muthuvalloor Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No.G.008484, with Register No.139694 of March 1994, Vocational Higher Secondary Examinations Certificate Serial VE.No. 41106 with Register No. 20534, of September 1996 of State Board of Vocational Higher Secondary Examinations, Kerala, B.Com. Degree Certificate No. 2980, with Register No. 849281, dated 1-7-2002, of University of Calicut, and Computer Word Processing Certificate No. C. No. 31725 with Register No. 70690 of February 2008, of Government of Kerala, also known as Pathumma in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/05/033/288135, dated 30-4-1998, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Manjeri Constituency, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Fathima Chelat Ayakot. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Muthuvalloor, 30-11-2011. PATHUMMA CHELAT AYAKOT. NOTIFICATION I, Zeenath, N., Nalakath Andilakunnummal House, Karakunnu Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Jasla, K.V., holder of S.S.L.C. No. L 398885, with Register No. 400689 of March 2011, also known as Sejeena in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 97/1996, date of Registration 2-4-1996, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Edavanna Grama Panchayat and as Jasla in the Ration Card No. 2051006753 (SI. No. 9), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Jasla, K.V. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Karakunnu, 30-11-2011. ZEENATH, N. NOTIFICATION I, Gafoor Kozhisseri, Faizal Nivas, Court Road, Manjeri Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Danish, K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 5926, date of Registration 29-11-1996, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Manjeri Municipality, also known as Danish in the Ration Card No. 2051100275, (Sl. No. 16), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri and as Mohammed Danish, K. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 375/2001, date of Admission 1-6-2001 of Khadeeja English School, Pappinippara, is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Mohammed Danish, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Manjeri, 24-10-2011. GAFOOR KOZHISSERI. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION I, Abdurahiman Perumpalli, Perumballi House, Malappuram Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Shifana, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 160, date of Registration 15-1-1997, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Malappuram Municipality, also known as Anshida Shifana in the Ration Card No. 2051078423, (SI. No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri and as Anshida , Shifana, P. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 9542, date of Admission 27-5-2003, of St. Gemmas Girls H.S.S., Malappuram is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Anshida Shifana, P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Malappuram, 14-10-2011. ABDURAHIMAN PERUMPALLI. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Manikandan, A., Vattaparambil House, Irumbuzhi Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. C 161918, with Register No. 524977, of March 2002 and in the Electoral Identity Card No. ZUO 0271031, dated 23-3-2011, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Palakkad LA Constituency, is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu–Moothan Community vide Discharge Certificate No. C 21/10, dated 21-1-2010, issued from the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponani with a new name Saleem. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Saleem only. Registration Officer, Malappuram LA Constituency and as Sreenath, T. V. in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 655, date of Registration 19-2-1990, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perintalmanna Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sreenath, A. K., only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Munduparamba, 25-11-2011. MANIKANDAN, A. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that 1, Sreenath, A. K., Palliyalil House, Munduparamba Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. E 192537, with Register No. 104191, of March 2005, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 076537, with Register No. 3273478, of March 2007, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, and Driving Licence No. 10/10424/2008, dated 15-9-2008, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Malappuram also known as Sreenath in the Ration Card No. 2053039884, (Sl.No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna and in the Electoral Identity Card No. RYR0078295 dated 13-2-2009, issued by the Electoral SREENATH, A. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Bobina Rose Abraham, Vayalil House, Irumbuzhi Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District. holder of S.S.L.C. C No. 538930, with Register No. 551645, of March 2004. Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 480364, with Register No. 2299042, of March 2006, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, Driving Licence No. 10/11660/2011, dated 14-7-2011, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Malappuram, and in the Ration Card No. 2051099257, (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, also known as Rose Mary in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 333/1989, date of Registration 20-3-1989, issued by the Sub-Registrar of Births and Deaths, Wandoor Panchayat, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Bobina Rose Abraham only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Irumbuzhi, 28-11-2011. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Irumbuzhi, 31-10-2011. 358 BOBINA ROSE ABRAHAM. NOTIFICATION I, Ayishabi Ambat, Kannachamthodi House, Vazhayoor, Vazhayoor East P. O., Ramanattukara Via, Pin-673 633, Malappuram District do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Mohammed Sharaf Ashir holder of Birth Certificate with Registration Number 94/1995, date of Registration 31-3-1995, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Pallikkal Grama Panchayath and Muhammed Sharaf Ashir, K. P., in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 10410, date of Admission 31-5-2006 of P.M.S.A.P.T.H.S.S., Kakkove, also known as Sarafaras in the Ration Card No. 2051029528 (Sl. No. 3) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad Taluk, Manjeri is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Sarafras, K. P. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Vazhayoor, 29-11-2011. AYISHABI AMBAT. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Afsalmon, V. P., Vattapparambil House, Amarambalam South Post, Nilambur Taluk, Malappuram District holder of S.S.L.C. No. C. 166548, with Register No. 396800, of March 2003, Now Studying M.B.B.S., T.D. Medical College, Alappuzha-5 (Govt. of Kerala), and in the Driving Licence No. 10/14980/2008, dated 20-12-2008, issued by the Asst. LA, Malapuram, also known as Afsal Mon, V. P. in the Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 0131153, with Register No. 1748091, of March 2005, of Govt. of Kerala and as Afsal in the Ration Card No. 2052042933 (Sl. No. 7), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Nilambur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Afsal Ameen, V. P. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Amarambalam South, 28-11-2011. AFSALMON, V. P. NOTIFICATION I, Vahida, K., Valiyaparambil House, Puthupalli Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Fathima, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1216/2000, date of Registration 1-3-2000, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths and Health Inspector Gr. I, Tirur Municipality, also known as Suheela, V. P. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 2963, date of Admission 18-5-2009, of Sastha A.U.P. School, Chamravattom, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Suheela, V. P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Puthupalli, 10-11-2011. VAHIDA, K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Abdu Maramkulambil, Maramkulambil House, Kuttippuram Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 487, date of Admission 1-6-1965 of AMLP School, Kuttippuram, also known as Abdu in the Ration Card No. 2054076985 (Sl. No.1), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur, Birth Certificate with Registration No. 720/91, date of Registration 4-7-1991, issued by the Sub-Registrar of Births and Deaths, Athavanad Panchayat, of my daughter Lubina and in the Birth Certificate With Registration No. 327/2000, date of Registration 13-4-2000, issued by 359 the Sub-Registrar of Births and Deaths, Athavanad Grama Panchayat, of my minor son Mohammed Aslam, and as Abdu, M. in the S.S.L.C. No. G. 319373, with Register No. 408924 of March 2007, of my daughter Lubna, M., is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name Maramkulambil Abdutty. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kuttippuram, 2-2-2012. ABDU MARAMKULAMBIL. NOTIFICATION I, Bushra Narayanthodi, Thekkumkattil House, Tirur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Ummer, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. MZ. 339, date of Registration 10-9-2002, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perintalmanna Municipality, also known as Ummer, T. K. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 10576, date of Admission 5-6-2007 of Kott A. M. U. P. School, Tirur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Ummer Ansar, T. K. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Tirur, 25-10-2011. BUSHRA NARAYANTHODI. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rishana, P., Pallimalil House, Karingappara, Omachapuzha Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. F 622975, with Register No. 253210 of March 2006, and Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 482754, with Register No. 4327361 of March 2008 of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala also known as Rishana in the Ration Card No. 2054038301 (SI. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur, in the Electoral Identity Card No. IAK0224840, dated 10-1-2011, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Tanur LA Constituency and in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1436/91, date of Registration 9-7-1991, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottakkal Panchayat and as Pallimalil Rishana in the Passport No. G 4263149, date of issue 30-7-2007, issued from the Passport Office, Malappuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Fahimah, P. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Omachapuzha, 9-2-2012. RISHANA, P. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION I, Abdul Majeed, V. M., Valappil Mepparambath House, Mangalam P. O., Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Mubashir, V. M., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4664/1995, date of Registration 26-8-1995, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirur Municipality also known as Mufeed, V. M. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 24434, date of Admission 16-5-2008, of K. H. M. H. S. S., Alathiyur and as Mufeed in the Ration Card No. 2054138160, (Sl. No. 3) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Mufeed, V. M. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Mangalam, 30-11-2011. ABDUL MAJEED, V. M. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sachin, K. P., Kannancheri Parambil House, Kalpakancheri Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of All India Secondary School Examination 2007 Certificate S. No. SSE/2007/086259 with Roll No. 4146085 dated 28-5-2007, of CBSE, and Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE A 443692, with Register No. 5309072 of March 2009, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, also known as Sachin in the Electoral Identity Card No. ZVT0066159, dated 4-2-2009 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Tirur LA Constituency, and in the Ration Card No. 2054035518, (Sl. No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur and as Shijith in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4872, date of Registration 4-10-1990 issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirur Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sachin, K. P. only. This change will come in to effect in all records related to me. Kalpakancheri, 25-11-2011. SACHIN, K. P. 360 NOTIFICATION I, Sidheeque Thottiyil, Thottiyil House, Tanalur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Sadha Nargees, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4771/03, date of Registration 15-7-2003, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirur Municipality also known as Fathima Nehrin in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 704, date of Admission 9-5-2009, of Islahi U. P. School, Tanalur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Fathima Nehrin, T. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Tanalur, 29-11-2011. SIDHEEQUE THOTTIYIL. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Muhammed Faisal Mangalath, Mangalath House, Kadampuzha Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. I-431754, with Register No. 336109, of March 2009, also known as Muhammed Faisal in the Ration Card No. 2054064809, (Sl No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur and as Faizal Babu in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 376/93, date of Registration 17-11-1993 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Marakkara Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Muhammed Faisal Mangalath only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kadampuzha, 26-11-2011. MUHAMMED FAISAL MANGALATH. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Aboobacker Sidhiq, E., Erinhikath House, Alathiyur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District holder of S. S. L.C No. D 035977, with Register No. 639985, of March 2004 and Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 360287, with Register No. 2270200 of March 2006, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, also known as Aboobacker Sidheeque in the Ration Card No. 2054114833, (Sl. No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur as Aboobakkar Sidheek in the Electoral Identity Card No. FMJ2209153, dated 20-2-2008, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Tirur LA Constituency, and as Aboobacker in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1888, date of Registration 6-5-1989, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirur Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Aboobacker Sidhiq, E. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Alathiyur, 29-11-2011. ABOOBACKER SIDHIQ, E. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE 361 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sameerali Kannattil, Kannattil House, Veliyode, Mattathur Post, Tirurangadi Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S. S. L. C. No. H 172690, with Register No. 227054, of March 2008, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE B 538945, with Register No. 6323145 of March 2009, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala and Electoral Identity Card No. WLM 0129379, dated 3-9-2010, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vengara LA Constituency also known as Sameerali in the Ration Card No. 2055088615, (Sl. No.8), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirurangadi, and as Chekku in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 37/91, date of Registration 8-2-1991, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Othukkungal Panchayat, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sameerali Kannattil only. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Ramshida Beegam, P., Parottil House, Kadungapuram Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. G. No. 388660, with Register No. 428231 of March 2007, Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE A-141745, with Register No. 5308635 of March 2009, of Government of Kerala and in the Trained Teachers Certificate No. 127583, with Register No. 1031634 dated 4-6-2011 of Government of Kerala also known as Ramshida in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3455, date of Registration 5-7-1991 issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality and in the Ration Card No. 2053068956 (Sl. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Ramshida Beegam, P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Mattathur, 31-10-2011. Kadungapuram, 29-11-2011. SAMEERALI KANNATTIL. NOTIFICATION RAMSHIDA BEEGAM, P. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Mohammed Salman, O. T., Onathookkil House, Puthuparamba Post, Tirurangadi Taluk, Malappuram District holder of S. S. L. C. No. G. No. 226070, with Register No. 408732, of March 2007, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE A 244422, with Register No. 5327329 of March 2009, of Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala and Driving Licence No. 55/1315/2010, dated 22-1-2010, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Thirur, also known as Mohammed Salman in the Electoral Identity Card No. SXN1215953, dated 20-8-2011, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Tirurangadi L. A. Constituency as Salman in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2318/91, date of Registration 11-11-1991, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottakkal Panchayat, in the Ration Card No. 2055100435, (Sl. No.3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirurangadi and as Onathookkil Mohammed Salman in the Passport No. H 7916109, date of issue 17-2-2010, issued from the Passport Office, Malappuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mohammed Salman, O. T. only. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mohammed Niyas, K., Kizhisseri House, Cherukara Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District holder of All India Secondary School Examination, 2005 Certificate No. S. No. 2005 160555, with Roll No. 4139551, dated 24-5-2005, of Central Board of Secondary Education. All India Senior School Certificate Examination, 2007 Certificate. No. S. No. SSCE /2007/046347 with Roll No. 4223746, dated 6-8-2007 of Central Board of Secondary Education and Driving Licence No. 53/4284/2010, dated 20-7-2010, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Perinthalmanna, also known as Mohammed Niyas in the Electoral Identity Card No. FQJ3661215, dated 22-2-2008, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Perintalmanna LA Constituency and as Niyas in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2262, date of Registration 31-5-1989, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perintalmanna Municipality, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mohammed Niyas, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come to effect in all records related to me. Puthuparamba, 30-11-2011. Cherukara, 26-11-2011. MOHAMMED SALMAN, O. T. MOHAMMED NIYAS, K. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION I, Indira, V., Koloth House, Jubilee Road, Perinthalmanna Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Vishitha, K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 796, date of Registration 5-2-1998, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality also known as Vishitha in the Ration Card No. 2053008677 (Sl. No. 7) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna and as Varsha, K., in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 4736, date of Admission 27-5-2010 of G.G.H.S., Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Varsha, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Perinthalmanna, 26-11-2011. INDIRA, V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Kunhathutti, P., Areekkal House, Chemmalasseri Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 4559, date of Admission 3-6-1980 of A.U.P. School, Chemmala, also known as Fathima in the Ration Card No. 2053006689 (Sl. No. 2) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna and in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4126, date of Registration 2-6-1997, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality, of my minor daughter Faseeha, A., and as Fathima, A. in the S.S.L.C. No. G. No. 386295, with Register No. 422661 of March 2007, of my daughter Fasila, A., and in the S.S.L.C. No. L 149090 with Register No. 339358 of March 2011 of my minor son Mohammed Farsin, A., is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Fathima, A. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chemmalasseri, 26-11-2011. KUNHATHUTTI, P. NOTIFICATION I, Alavikutty, C. M., Cholamughath House, Thazhekode West Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Mohamed Veeran, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 45/2001 date of Registration 3-2-2001, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thazhekode Grama Panchayat, also known as Mohammed Veeran, C. M. in the School Admission 362 Register Extract with Admission No. 408/2007 date of Admission 1-6-2007 of Aliya E.M.U.P. School, Amminikkad and as Mohammed Veeran in the Ration Card No.2053054844 (Sl. No. 7) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Mohammed Nisam, C. M. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thazhekode West, 24-1-2012. ALAVIKUTTY, C. M. NOTIFICATION I, Rasia, K., Pulakkal House, Thirurkkad Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Abdul Khader, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4336/95 date of Registration 4-7-1995, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality also known as Mohammed Fayis, P. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 23480 date of Admission 19-5-2005 of A. M. High School, Thirurkkad and as Muhammed Fayis in the Ration Card No. 2053112679 (Sl. No. 3) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Mohammed Fayis, P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thirurkkad, 28-10-2011. RASIA, K. NOTIFICATION I, Fousiya, F. M., Ravarichi Kandi House, Thiruvallur P. O., Vatakara (Via), Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 541, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Fasna Musleen, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 68/97, date of Registration 14-2-1997 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths & Secretary, Villiapally Grama Panchayath, also known as Nada Fathima, R. K., in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 0240, date of Admission 17-5-2003, issued by the Principal, Evergreen Public School, P. O. Muyippoth and known as Nadafathima in the Ration Card No. 2161047872 (Serial No. 4) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Vatakara is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Nada Fathima, R. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Thiruvallur, 29-11-2011. FOUSIYA, F. M. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE 363 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nani Chethil, Rayaroth House, Chemmarathur P. O., Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 104, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No.1957 date of Admission 5-6-1981, issued by the Headmistress, Thirumana L. P. School, P. O. Villiapally, also known as Nani, in the Election ID Card No. KL/03/017/471519 issued on 5-1-1999 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vatakara Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Moli, R. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chemmarathur, 12-12-2011. NANI CHETHIL. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Anshasmon, E. K., Ettiyattu Kizhakke Thayyil House, Chungam, Feroke P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 631, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. H 139767 with Register No. 395879 of March 1995, also known as Anshas, in the Ration Card No. 2159137962 (Sl. No.5) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kozhikode and in the Election ID Card No. HPN 2064590 issued on 27-5-2003 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Beypore LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Anshas, E. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nalini, K. M., Chalikunnummal House, Villiappally P. O., Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 542, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. D 246986 with Register No. 411870 of March 1991 and also known as Babina in the Election Identity Card No. CCZ 1584572 issued on 15-5-2002 by Electoral Registration Officer, Vadakara L. A. Constituency and known as Nalini in the Ration Card No. 2161068688 (Sl. No.5) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Vatakara is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Babina, C. K. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Villiappally, 21-1-2012. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Feroke, 3-12-2011. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Lal Abraham, House No.1/169, West Hill P. O., Chungam, Kannore Road, Near Kelvino Electronics, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 005, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. C 400260 with Register No. 35055 of March 1990 and Ration Card No. 1524030552 (Sl. No.4) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Changanasseri, have changed my name as Sajien Abraham and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. West Hill, 6-12-2011. LAL ABRAHAM. NALINI, K. M. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Musthafa, K., Kottakkunnummal House, M. M. Paramba P. O., Unnikulam Via., Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District-673 574, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. D 391067 with Register No. 341469 of March 1987, also known as Musthafa in the Election Identity Card No. MQY 1924406 issued on 3-3-2003 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Koduvally L. A. Constituency and known as Muhammed Musthafa in the Ration Card No. 2160092190 (Sl. No.4) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Koyilandy is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Musthafa Kilayil and will sign accordingly. This change will take effect in all records related to me. M. M. Paramba, 3-1-2012. MUSTHAFA, K. ANSHASMON, E. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Lalu, C., Thazhethottasseri House, Makkada P. O., Kakkodi (Via.), Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 617, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. D 351061 with Register No. 434242 of March 1992, also known as Lalu, in the Election ID Card No. DSL 1758309, issued on 14-3-2003 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kozhikode-2 L. A. Constituency and known as Priya, in the Birth Certificate of her minor son Karthik, T. T. (Registration No. XII/15881/2001, date of Registration 21-8-2001 issued by the Health Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut) is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Priya, C. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Makkada, 9-12-2011. LALU, C. 6th MARCH 2012] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Muhammad, A., Arappoyil House, Chelavoor P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 571, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 12260, date of Admission 22-5-1982, issued by the Headmaster, JDT Islam High School, P. O. Marikunnu, also known as Muhammad Arapoyil, in the Passport No. J 1038756, issued on 20-5-2010, by the Superintendent, Passport Office, Kozhikode, also known as Muhajir, in the Ration Card No. 2157035579 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the City Rationing Officer, (North) Kozhikode and in the Election ID Card No. KL/04/025/345557, issued on 14-7-1998, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kozhikode (2) Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Muhammad, A. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chelavoor, 30-11-2011. MUHAMMAD, A. NOTIFICATION I, Sabastian, T. T., Thadathil House, Thovarimala Post, Sulthan Bathery Taluk, Wayanad District, Pin-673 592, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Sandra Sebastian, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 81/99, date of Registration 13-1-1999 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kalpetta Municipality, also known as Ann Sandra Sebastian in the Abstract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 600, date of Admission 17-4-2006 issued by the Principal, The Green Hills Public School, Sulthan Bathery, Moolankave and in the Ration Card No. 2263060284 (Serial No.3) dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Sulthan Bathery, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Ann Sandra Sebastian only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Sulthan Bathery, 15-2-2012. SABASTIAN, T. T. NOTIFICATION I, Benny Mathew, Kuzhippimalil House, Sasimala Post, Pulpally, Sulthan Bathery Taluk, Wayanad District, Pin-673 579, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Aleena Benny, holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 806, date of 364 Admission 14-5-2004 issued by the Principal, St. Mary’s English Medium School, Pulpally, also known as Mary in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2717/97, date of Registration 24-11-1997, issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Kalpetta Municipality and known as Aleena in the Ration Card No. 2263030418 (Serial No. 4) dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Sulthan Bathery is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Aleena Benny only. This change will come in to effect in all records related to her. Pulpally, 16-12-2011. BENNY MATHEW. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Kumaran, Puthussery House, No. I-351, Keezhara P. O., Kannapuram, Kannur Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 301, holder of Ration Card No. 2366158264, dated 13-4-2011 issued by Taluk Supply Officer, Kannur also known as Ramkumar Puthussery Valappil in the Passport No. F 9262839, dated 13-9-2007 issued by the Assistant Consular Officer, Embassy of India, Bahrain is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Ramkumar Puthussery Valappil and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kannapuram, 25-12-2011. KUMARAN. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Muhammad Aseeb, A. K., Rayaroth House, P. O. Munderi, Kannur Taluk, Kannur District, holder of School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 6842, date of Admission 12-5-2005 issued by the Headmaster, C.H.M. High School, Elayavoor, P.O. Varam, Kannur, also known as Aseeb in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 24/92, date of Registration 27-7-1992, issued by the Executive Officer, Registrar of Births and Deaths, ,Munderi Panchayat, in the Ration Card No. 2366069970 dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kannur is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name as Muhammad Aseeb, A. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kannur, 15-12-2011. MUHAMMAD ASEEB, A. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Vyshna, K., Thazheperanandiyil House, Eruvatty P. O., Thalassery Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 647, holder of SSLC No. HO 76383 with Register No. 150732 of March 2008, Election Identity Card No. WJO 0182899 dated 20-1-2011 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, 12 Dharmadom LA Constituency also known as K. Priyanga in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3784/92/I dated 14-9-1992 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Health Inspector Gr.I, Thalassery Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Vyshna, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Eruvatty, 12-9-2011. VYSHNA, K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Muhammad Fayis, K. C., Madathila Valappil, P. O. Cheleri, Kannadipparamba Via., Taliparamba Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 604, holder of SSLC No. H 063880 with Register No. 134061 of March 2008, in the Election Identity Card No. REE 0215889 dated 13-1-2011 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Taliparamba LA Constituency, also known as K. C. Fayis in the Birth Certificate with Registraion No. 3033/1992, date of Registration 3-11-1992, issued by the Health Inspector Gr. I and Registrar of Births & Deaths, Kannur Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Muhammad Fayis, K. C. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Cheleri, 31-10-2011. MUHAMMAD FAYIS, K. C. NOTIFICATION I, Remesan, P. V., Narayaniyam, Mythri Nagar, Trichambaram, Taliparamba, Kannur District, Pin- 670 141, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I have changed the name of my minor son P. K. Karthik, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3801/2000 date of Registration 23-9-2000 issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths & Health Inspector Grade I, Taliparamba Municipality and in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 2904 date of Admission 12-5-2011 issued by the Principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Taliparamaba as Karthik Remesan. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Taliparamba, 28-11-2011. REMESAN, P. V.
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