VSRA News - Virginia State Reading Association
VSRA News - Virginia State Reading Association
VSRA News Virginia State Reading Association Winter 2016 Dates to Board of Directors 2015-2016 Remember President January 4 Honor Council applications are due to the International Literacy Association at councils@reading.org January 15 Teacher research grant applications are due to Katie Hilden at kclouse@radford.edu and Michelle Picard at michelle.picard@apsva.us Information on proposal format Tiffany Brocious President-Elect, 2016 Conference Chair Chynita Turner-Pryor Vice President Charles Richards Past President Kim Lancaster Treasurer Diane Tsioutsias Recording Secretary Connie Herman Corresponding Secretary Stephanie Fidler State Coordinator Judith A. Dierker Membership Development Anne Perdue February 1 Julie Gray VSRA Twitter Chat: Virginia Readers’ Choice Selections, 4-6 PM March 2 Board of Directors Meeting, Norfolk March 3-5 Annual Conference in Norfolk, Virginia Conference Registration Scan the QR code to access conference registration information March 5 Leadership Meeting or click on the link below Registra on Informa on but ct or A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT Happy New Year, VSRA! We had such a busy Fall 2015! Many local councils offered awesome confer-‐ ences for their members! Some councils held workshops and provided communi-‐ ty service to their local communi es. All councils worked hard to spread the word about the good work they do and, as a re-‐ sult, our VSRA membership has remained strong! Our Leadership Team spent the fall months revisi ng policies and upda ng charges for each of the Leadership Team posi ons. Our VSRA Board of Directors worked closely with groups of Commi ee Chairs to brain-‐ storm ideas for a suc-‐ cessful year. TIFFANY BROCIOUS VSRA PRESIDENT As we move into the new year, you may want to consider also becoming a member of the Interna onal Literacy Associa on (ILA). Please find membership informa on about ILA within this newsle er and you may visit h p://www.literacyworldwide.org/. Your membership with your lo-‐ cal council and VSRA is separate from your ILA membership. Continued next page but ct or President’s Message, Continued In November, we had a wonderful Statewide Ini a ve Leadership Mee ng where Chuck English, Director of Playful Learning and the Sci-‐ ence Museum of Vir-‐ ginia, Dr. Ka e Hilden from Radford Universi-‐ ty, Meredith Jones from Lakeshore Learn-‐ ing Materials, and Becky McKenzie and Maureen Jenson, CoPresidents of Second-‐ ary Reading Coun-‐ cil, provided out-‐ standing profes-‐ sional develop-‐ ment on our new statewide ini a-‐ ve, Got IT? Dur-‐ ing our mee ng, we collaborated in groups by quadrants compiling lists of nonfic on resources we have across Vir-‐ ginia. That list will be available online in the coming weeks. Our next big ac vity will be our 2016 Annual Conference in Norfolk, Virginia on March 3-5, 2016. Chynita TurnerPryor, our 2016 Conference Chair, has planned exci ng events and booked fabulous speakers. Please see more in-‐ forma on about this exci ng event in this newsle er and on our website, www.vsra.org We look forward to a produc ve 2016 together! Sincerely, Dr. Tiffany Brocious, NBCT 2015-16 Virginia State Reading Association Meet ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT GROUP When we were asked to provide management services to VSRA, we were very excited about the prospect of working with an association dedicated to promoting literacy as many of our staff have family members who are educators – not to mention that most of us are avid readers! Organization Management Group is an association management company who provides a wide range of services to associations, including conferences, membership recruitment and retention, member relations, communications and graphics, financial management, and government affairs. OMG is one of only 11 association management companies in the world to hold the prestigious Charter Accreditation through the AMC Institute. With OMG, associations have access to 40 staff members with deep expertise in every important area of association management. For VSRA, OMG is providing conference services for the upcoming 2016 Annual Conference, as well as providing website maintenance and developing a new logo and identity package. Since September, OMG’s team has been collaborating with VSRA in planning, communications, logistics, and marketing for the conference. The conference services we provide enables VSRA leaders to focus on their mission and their strategy. VSRA sets the direction, and we get them where they say they want to go. Aside from the love of reading, OMG’s team has extensive expertise in all areas of conference planning. We are proud to help VSRA accomplish the ultimate mission of leading in the advancement of literacy in Virginia. We are excited to partner with VSRA in creating a successful conference in Norfolk! For more information on OMG go to their website at www.ManageGroup.com or call 757-473-8701 Scan or click the QR code to see OMG’s VSRA conference video! You don’t have to travel outside of Virginia to experience face-to -face literacy education sessions that will address all audience levels from Preschool to Adult Learners. Whether your goal is to gain further knowledge on foundational skills or taking the next step in your professional development, VSRA’s Annual Conference will have just what you need! So join us and dive right in as we explore the depths of learning! Unlock the Treasures at the 49th Annual VSRA Conference This year’s conference will feature over 150 of today’s most important and engaging authors, educators, poets, and speakers. Pre-Conference Literacy Institute Featured Speakers Such a treasure trove of activities at VSRA’s Annual Conference! At a VSRA conference, you don’t just sit, you will be engaged in hands-on activities at the DIY Lab; you will cheer on your peers at the Awards Ceremony; you will partake of sweets while participating in the workshop during Afternoon Delights; you will obtain useful knowledge about the latest products and services at the Exhibitor Reception that will directly enhance your day-to-day teaching; you will network with the newest members as well as the VSRA leaders; and you will sing at the Lyrics, Literacy, and Loungewear –Oh MY! Bring a colleague and talk to your administrator about the benefits of the conference! Dive right in and register today! Conference Registration VIRGINIA READERS’ CHOICE Current Nonfiction VIRGINIA READERS’ CHOICE COMMITTEE Selections The Virginia Readers’ Choice Committee met in October at Piedmont Virginia Community College to choose the books for next year’s lists. The Boy on the Wooden Box By Leon Leyson Leon Leyson, "An unlikely survivor of the Holocaust", recounts his Jewish childhood in this powerful mem- oir. One of the youngest members on Schindler's List, Leyson passes on his will to live and his tale of survival while imprisoned in the ghetto and concentration camps by the Germans in World War II. VRC INFORMATION The President Has Been Shot By James L. Swanson A narrative nonfiction thriller, The President Has Been Shot is the sus- penseful account of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. It depicts the days leading up to the assassina- tion with the premeditated actions of Lee Harvey Oswald, as well as a dra- matic description of the assassination and the hours afterward. Scan or click the QR code for more information about Virginia Reader’s Choice, including: Purpose and history Eligibility and voting How to apply to be a VRC Committee member These are statements for the candidates of the 2016 Board of Directors teachers, but these future leaders and teachers also share valuable insight with me. Students are con nuously providing feedback about As the VSRA webmaster, I have focused on increasing the capabili es instruc onal prac ces that meet their needs. This is vital informa on of the VSRA website as a tool for educators. If chosen for the member for an organiza on such as VSRA; we need these teachers to become -at-large posi on on the board of directors, I could help facilitate interested in this organiza on, threfore, we need to meet their VSRA’s growing use of technology through the explora on of needs. opportuni es that encourage the use of technology to support VSRA’s goals. For example, a tool such as Periscope would allow us to Technology has always been an interest or “pet” for me; staying connected and up-to-date is always important in the educa onal share live broadcasts of state and local council events. In addi on, I field. I have taken classes involving technology in the classroom and would like to help support and develop the use of webinars to con nue to search for new and exci ng techniques to keep my provide addi onal opportuni es for professional development students engaged. I would take pleasure in working with VSRA to throughout the year. The webinars could be housed on the VSRA website for member access. I would also like to explore opportuni es ensure that we con nue to stay on the “cu ng-edge” of educa on. Jennifer Floyd: At-Large Board Member Candidate to use Skype with both professional and children’s authors throughout the year. Furthermore, I would like to help VSRA ac vely promo ng a variety of professional development opportuni es via technology throughout the year. Twi er chats, Facebook groups, Padlet, and todaysmeet.com are just a few of the tools that I would like for us to u lize. Stephanie Fidler: At-Large Board Member Candidate If elected, I will support the mission of the Board of Directors to lead the advancement of literacy across the state of Virginia. I will a end board mee ngs and leadership mee ngs as an ac ve par cipant to help lead the organiza on in crea ng and maintaining partnerships to further share exemplary literacy prac ces. I will also support the mission of the local councils in spreading the word about literacy in their districts. I will help facilitate opportuni es that will empower educators, encourage leaders, and inspire students. My experience as Secretary of the Loudoun County Fair Commi ee, President of the Greater Washington Reading Council, and Corresponding Secretary of the Virginia State Reading Associa on has prepared me as a community leader that will work together to fulfill the goals and mission of this non-profit organiza on. Through the course of my teaching career, I have worked with students covering a wide-range of ages and represen ng many varying socioeconomic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Each piece of my journey has provided me with more understanding, awareness, and wisdom. Looking forward, I am anxious to share all that I have learned; however, I am more eager to con nue learning and growing. Sherry Edbauer: At-Large Board Member Candidate By being elected Member-At-Large, I hope to help the Board in any area they may need help in. By being President of my local council for five years, I became aware of the vast amount of literacy promo on the VSRA does in the state. I would like to be a part of this movement and work toward making it even be er! I am saddened to see how membership has dropped with the new genera on of teachers. I am hoping by being on the Board, I can help this membership drop become less. Promo ng VSRA, in all aspects, would be my contribu on! Karen Queen: Treasurer Candidate If elected as the VSRA Treasurer, it would be my honor to perform the du es and assume the responsibili es of the posi on as defined Leigh Leslie: At-Large Board Member Candidate by the VSRA Bylaws and VSRA Policy to the best of my ability, including having custody of the funds, deposit funds in the name of My educa onal career has provided me with many opportuni es and VSRA, approve checks wri en against funds of VSRA in accordance experiences that I am eager to share with VSRA. I have served on with the budget, and maintain an accurate record of the money Virginia Department of Educa on Item Analysis Commi ees. My received and money disbursed. I would follow the Board par cipa on in these commi ees has given me insight into commitment, a endance and ethics policies. I would serve for two standardized tes ng crea on and processes and has resulted in new years as a member of the Leadership Team and Board of Directors. lessons and strategies in the classroom. My posi on as Adjunct Professor at Radford University allows me the opportunity to learn and grow with paraprofessionals and future teachers. This is a posi on that I truly value. Not only do I have the opportunity to share strategies and techniques with upcoming Joan Rhodes: Vice President Candidate I have been an ac ve member of VSRA through my membership and leadership ac vi es in the Richmond Area Reading Council since 1989. I have served as a local council President, commi ee chair, and leadership team member over the past 13 years. If elected to the office of Vice President, I believe these past experiences will provide a founda on for my contribu ons to the organiza on. My love of technology and research into media and digital literacy will be used to enhance the VSRA digital footprint as well as to increase the accessibility of literacy instruc onal informa on to our members and the broader community. As a commi ed early/elementary educator, I will advocate for early interven on of reading difficul es and the con nued support of students with needs for remedial services. I plan to use my work and experiences as a director of mul ple study abroad programs, to enhance and broaden VSRA’s commitment to interna onal literacy educa on. HAPPY HOLIDAYS The VSRA wishes you a happy holiday season. Thank you to the Chesapeake Reading Council for this cheerful holiday picture. CURRENT MEMBERSHIP COMPARISONS Council Apple Valley Chesapeake Greater Washington Isle of Wight Monticello Newport News New River Valley Norfolk Piedmont Rappahannock Richmond Area Roanoke Valley Secondary Shenandoah Valley Southwest Virginia Suffolk Virginia Beach VCRE Williamsburg Area 2012 31 647 2013 174 465 2014 142 449 2015 130 491 350 46 11 178 163 51 8 16 175 132 24 210 16 13 119 150 33 25 24 197 106 16 148 11 42 113 184 15 24 15 183 98 14 238 16 55 86 154 10 27 39 159 134 14 346 100 1 591 24 49 173 113 39 788 35 153 124 113 33 724 34 91 103 98 61 644 30 97 2012 2013 2014 2015 Totals 2943 2849 2557 2586 Unique VSRA Members 2761 2787 2439 2517 Thank you to all VSRA members! These numbers are OUTSTANDING! VSRA CONFERENCE 2016 Confirmed Speakers Kelly Gallagher Lester Laminak Nell Duke Laura Robb Ruth Culham Dinah Zike Vicki Gibson Kwame Alexander Kathy Ganske Twitter Chat Coming Soon! Coming Soon! VSRA Twitter Chat: Virginia Reader’s Choice Selections. Let’s talk about how you use them with your students and which books are emerging as favorites. Monday, February 1, 2016 4:00-6:00 PM News from Monticello ILA COORDINATOR Reading Council POSITION It is time to have a new ILA Coordinator. Anyone interested needs to check out the responsibilities involved. On October 15th, the MRC hosted a mini conference on vocabulary called "Getting to the Root of it: Learning ABOUT Words." Our keynote speaker was Marcia Invernizzi of UVA; her talk (see attached photo!) was followed by breakout sessions on topics such as finding the word knowledge zone for primary grades, using word play to increase vocabulary in writing, and building vocabulary for adolescents in content areas. We had nearly 100 teachers, administrators, and other literacy leaders register for the conference, and we are looking forward to our next mini conference, "A Map for the Writer's Journey: Making Assessment Matter," in January. The application is on the ILA website. There is also a Coordinator's guide that details more of the Coordinator responsibilities. The Coordinator application and 2 letters of recommendation must be forwarded to VSRA president, Tiffany Brocious, Tiffanyvsra@gmail.com before Jan. 22, 2016. The VSRA Board will review the applications and forward all of them to ILA by March 1, 2016 for a selection before May 1, 2016. Judy Dierker jaadierker@yahoo.com Got IT? Statewide Initiative on Informational Text Virginia State Reading Association’s statewide initiative focuses on supporting educators as they integrate various types of informational texts with the subject areas beginning in kindergarten and continuing throughout their school years. We seek to improve students’ ability to navigate and compose informational texts by improving their comprehension of how text features, graphics, and text structures work. The statewide initiative will serve both parents and teachers by providing resources for parents and communities as they help grow Virginia’s next generation of readers who are motivated to read a broad range of information in an everchanging world of information. We will provide teachers with professional development support and resources including book lists and lesson plans (aligned with K -5 science and social studies SOLs) that support the integration of nonfiction literacy and the content areas. SECONDARY COUNCIL Secondary Council is steadily Long-Range Plans: working to spread its wings throughout the state! Earlier this school year we held two meetings via conference calls, and used that time to develop ideas about how we could begin to strengthen our council and built membership. By September 2018, Secondary Council of VSRA will be recognized in the state of Virginia as an expert resource regarding literacy issues for middle and high school students. One result of that was our first regional meeting on Saturday, December 5, at Roanoke College in Salem. Even though our number was small, we had great conversations about a number of things, the most important being the VSRA nonfiction reading initiative and the Virginia Reader’s Choice program. 1. Secondary will provide intellectual support by: communicating our presence and our expertise to all school districts in the state of Virginia promoting best practices and emerging literacy issues on current and evolving social media 2. Secondary will provide advo- We also approved the proposed vision, vision, and long-range plans. cacy by: having an identified Secondary representative on all active VSRA local councils and the Virginia College Reading Educators Council Vision: b. remaining informed of state The goal of the Secondary Reading Council of the Virginia State Reading Organization is that all Virginia secondary students have the literacy skills they need to be successful in their professional and personal lives. Mission: The mission of the Secondary Reading Council of the Virginia State Reading Association is to address the literacy needs of middle and high school students throughout the Commonwealth by providing intellectual support, advocacy, and literacy development opportunities to both students and professionals. and federal education policy issues regarding secondary literacy and communicating that information to Secondary members and others involved with middle and high school literacy Secondary Council Leadership Team Becky McKinzie (Co-President) beckymckenzie128 @gmail.com Maureen Jensen (Co-President) maureenjensen1@g mail.com Elisabeth Davidson (Secretary) elisabethuva@gmail .com Linda Greaver (Treasurer & Membership Chair) lgreaver@gmail.co m c. Secondary will provide literacy development opportunities by: offering at least three statewide meetings annually addressing secondary literacy concerns d. offering a strand of at least ten sessions geared toward secondary concerns at the annual VSRA conference e. having an identified Secondary representative on the Virginia Reader’s Choice committee for selecting and promoting middle and high school books sponsoring at least one writing contest geared toward secondary students WEBSITE Visit the website of the Virginia Council of Secondary Reading Teachers Secondary Website WEBMASTER NEWS Helpful Hints for Informational Text in the Classroom Submitted by Jen Floyd I would love to include photographs of local council events on the VSRA website. Please send any photographs (and a short caption) to jaf9d@virginia.edu and I will share them on the website. Please let me know if your council has planned activities to support the VSRA statewide initiative so we can highlight that information, as well. Again, pictures would be great to share. I am also working on building the page devoted to the statewide initiative. In particular, I would like to start by developing a curated list of informational texts as a reference for educators visiting vsra.org. If you have suggestions for titles that should be included, please e-mail me the list of titles and I’ll compile those titles into a master list. Any information regarding levels would be helpful, too. When this link goes “live,” we can let you know via social media. Jennifer Floyd jaf9d@virginia.edu You can use your computer and tablet to support the statewide initiative for nonfiction! Check out these applications and websites for access to a variety of materials to enhance your use of nonfiction in the classroom! These resources can be used across multiple levels and provide one more way to get nonfiction texts into students’ hands! The Epic app offers a wide variety of books, including informational texts, that can enhance the use of nonfiction in the classroom. In addition, the Epic library is also available online (www.getepic.com) and access is free of charge for educators! The Smithsonian Tween Tribune application is a tool that provides informational text focused on current events. Tween Tribune is available online as well and can be used across multiple grade levels. Signing up for an account is free and easy! Visit www.tweentribune.com for more information. Newsela.com is a fantastic resource that also provides current events articles targeted for school audiences. Articles adapted from actual news stories explore topics related to science, law, health, sports, and much more! Access to Newsela.com is free to educators (although upgrades are available) and the articles cover multiple reading levels, making differentiation easy! VSRA's 49th Annual Conference Get up close to the recipient of The National Book Award, The Poetry Foundation’s Young People’s Poet Laureate, The Caldecott Medal, Margaret A. Edwards Award for Lifetime Achievement, Newbery Honor Medal and Coretta Scott King Award to name a few! Join us at the Virginia State Reading Association’s 2016 Annual Conference in March to hear Fea- tured Speaker: (View bio) What: Featured Speaker Session at the VSRA Annual Banquet When: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 7:30 – 9:30 pm Fee: $50 (includes dinner) Session Title: Behind the Books Session Description: Jacqueline Woodson discusses her lifelong journey as a writer with humor and poise, revealing her own writing process and where she finds inspiration. As she reads passages from her diverse body of work, this rousing interactive talk motivates Woodson’s audiences – from students to educators to book lovers – to read, write, revise, and read some more. (All levels) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION NOW! (Must be received or postmarked by 1/15/16 for Early Bird rate.) REGISTER TODAY! LOCAL COUNCIL NEWS Chesapeake Reading Council The almost 500 member strong Chesapeake Reading Council continues to promote literacy throughout Chesapeake. In October, ILA Board Member Cathy Collier emceed the CRC Family “Dive Deeper into Literacy” Night where she read the book Shadow of the Shark, and CRC members led sharkthemed literacy centers. All members of the family had fun at this event! Then, in December, the CRC hosted a Book Fair at Barnes and Noble where members kept the children engaged in literacy activities and by reading The Polar Express every 30 minutes in the children’s section (which gave parents the opportunity to shop for books). Students who attended had the opportunity to win a gift card and CRC members had the chance to win a CRC T-shirt or gift card. Those who gave the gift of literacy were the true winners that night! In addition to fostering literacy in the community, the Chesapeake Reading Council focuses on its members. In December, the CRC celebrated Reading Teachers of the Years and Building Representatives along with honoring our CityWide Reading Teacher of the Year, Laurie Lees, and our nominee for the James D. Mullins Leadership Award, Mrs. Sonya Beasley, principal of Southwestern Elementary. During the CRC Reception, RTOYs and Building Representatives contributed to our “Idea Exchange” and members left with tips from some of the best teachers in Chesapeake! Then, members had the opportunity to talk with local author, Jen Milius and attend a free seminar about brain development by Tom Shenk of Brain Balance. Besides celebrating our members and giving them opportunities for professional development, the CRC is committed to ensuring members have the chance to attend the VSRA Conference and is offering two scholarships to help off-set conference costs. In Chesapeake, it pays to be a member of the VSRA and the Chesapeake Reading Council! Tom Shenk from Brain Balance gave a free seminar on brain development and local author Jan Milius talked with CRC members. The Chesapeake Reading Council hosted an idea exchange at their fall conference. LOCAL COUNCIL NEWS New River Valley Reading Council The New River Valley Reading Council held a Literacy-Based Pinterest and Pizza Party on November 19, 2015 at Riverlawn Elementary School in Pulaski County. Twentyfive members enjoyed pizza and a make-and-take workshop focusing on word study. We had a great evening chatting, working, eating pizza, and even indulged in some yummy desserts! All participants had a fun, engaging evening and were able to walk away with lots of valu- able activities to bring back to their classrooms. We are looking forward to the VSRA conference in Norfolk in March, and are busy planning a Spring Meeting with a focus on non-fiction. Roanoke Valley Reading Council The Roanoke Valley Reading Council is again enjoying working with the Tanglewood Mall Barnes and Noble for a Holiday Book Drive. The associates at Barnes and Noble Booksellers ask patrons at checkout if they would like to donate a book to RVRC. The RVRC uses those collected books for various programs in our council as well as distribute them to other agencies that support literacy. We hope to collect 1,000 books this season. The council members wrap books for patrons at the bookstore. We also hosted a soup luncheon for the sellers on the Saturday before Christmas. Soups, cookies, breads and such are set up in the employee area for the booksellers to much on throughout the day. RVRC is so honored to work with Barnes and Noble. shelter at the Roanoke Mission Center each month. Members read with the children. Children complete a craft, have snack, and choose a book or two to take with them. Our Books for Babies program is one of the areas that benefits from our book drive. Books are placed in the Roanoke Memorial Hospital Prenatal Care Unit for parents to read with their child on their visits to the NICU. A winter movie night is planned in February and a spring Pinterest Party, too. Open Books, Open Doors also receives books for their program. RVRC members visit the family Our council is also planning to begin working with teachers of ESL and GED programs in our area to provide books to support these adult areas of literacy. Our Fall Pinterest Party was a fun success with many folks making materials to use in their classrooms. We are planning a small Winter Conference for primary teachers January 29th to encourage writing across the curriculum especially in the area of math. We are busy looking ahead toward spring and many opportunities to work to support and encourage literacy in our valley. LOCAL COUNCIL NEWS Virginia Beach Reading Council Virginia Beach Reading Council is excited to announce our Reading Teacher of the Year and our Administrator of the Year. Both have been amazing representatives for promoting literacy in our school division. Mrs. Heather Thomas, Library Media Specialist from Alanton Elementary School, was selected as the Reading Teacher of the Year. Cristina Alsop, Coordinator of Title One for Virginia Beach City Public Schools, was selected as the Administrator of the Year for VBRC. Saturday November 7th. Senior Executive Director of Virginia Beach Elementary Schools, Ms. Shirann Lewis, opened up the conference after a breakfast that was prepared by culinary students at Salem High School. The keynote speaker, Dr. Vicki Gibson, spoke to participants about Differentiated Instruction. In addition to the breakfast speaker and keynote speaker, participants were able to learn from teachers and specialists from around the district. There were approximately 20 sessions for participants to choose from, with topics ranging from integrating technology effectively into the classroom to specific strategies to promote reading. Upcoming events Lester Laminick -January 14th Virginia Beach Reading Council held its annual Fall Conference at Salem Middle School on Winter Blues Series TBD Annual Spring Banquet - May Joint Conference: New River Valley Reading Council and Roanoke Valley Reading Council The New River Valley and the Roanoke Valley Reading Councils joined together to host a spectacular Fall Conference. Professional author, Kevin Flanigan and master teacher, Beth Estill were featured key note speakers at the event held on September 25th. Margaret Humphries and her staff hosted the councils at the new South Salem Elementary School in honor of their longtime friend and co-worker, Linda Rowe. Thirty six breakout sessions were offered between the two keynote addresses. A dozen vendors were present to sell educational and personal life enhancement merchandize. Delious refreshments were available throughout the day. Dr. Kate Hilden and her committee provided a grand offering for the valley teachers. It was well planned, fun, and beneficial. VSRA's 49th Annual Conference Dine, listen and prepare to be inspired! Join us at the Virginia State Reading Association’s 2016 Annual Conference in March to hear Featured Speaker: (View bio) What: Featured Speaker Session at the Literacy Lunch When: Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 11:45am – 1:00pm Fee: $35 (includes lunch) Session Title: Writing as a Pursuit of Passion Session Description: Have you ever considered the role of passion and focus, imagination and wonder in a writing life? As the author of several articles, professional books, book reviews, monthly columns, poetry and children's books, Lester recognizes the importance of noticing and noting, wonder and play, observing and reading and tuning in to the sensual details of the world around us. Come explore what we can do to feed the writing lives of our students. (Primary K-3, Upper Elementary 4-6) Lester Laminack is ALSO presenting with Ruth Culham at the Pre-Conference Literacy Institutes on Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 9:45 am – 11:15 am Pre-Conference Literacy Institutes REGISTER TODAY! THE 49TH ANNUAL VSRA CONFERENCE March 3-5, 2016 in Norfolk, Virginia Join us for the Virginia State Reading Association’s 49th Annual Conference: Exploring the Depths of Literacy in Norfolk—also known as Mermaid City! Be inspired, gain knowledge, and interact with many of your favorite authors, local and national literacy professionals, and colleagues to share the latest trends, ideas and research with you. The Exhibit Hall will feature an opportunity to meet with local and national vendors who provide products and services that can enhance your work. There are plenty of opportunities for socializing, networking, exploring Norfolk and having fun! Conference Overview and Registration Information Submissions for upcoming VSRA newsletters may be sent to Julie Allen at VSRAnews@gmail.com