FANTASTIC MAN 2015: T EN Y E ARS OF T HE ORIGIN AL MEN’S ST Y LE J OURN AL MEDIA KIT T HE M AG A ZINE FANTASTIC MAN is the original gentleman’s journal, obsessed with personal style, intelligent writing and eloquent photography. Charming in tone and inquisitive by nature, FANTASTIC MAN continues to break new ground in 21st century magazine publishing. T HE RE ADERS FANTASTIC MAN has a loyal, international audience of intelligent and educated men, who consider themselves contemporaries both of the magazine and the celebrated men profiled within. FA N TA S T I C M A N R E A D E R S H I P Median age .................................................... 34 years 13% ......................................... between 18 – 27 years 74% ........................................ between 28 – 46 years 9% ........................................... between 47 – 55 years 4% ........................................................................... 56+ DIST RIBU TION FANTASTIC MAN is recognized from an outstanding newsstand position with its confident worldwide circulation of 85.000 copies. Each issue is released with a smart and selective promotional program spanning across UK and other key fashion cities in Europe, US and Asia. World wide circulation 85,0 0 0 copies DIFFUSION PL AN UK 43% U S 19 % Fr a n c e 12 % O t h e r s 4% B e n e l u x 13 % It a l y 9% – 1– Mr. Moroder, photographed by Volker Corell, AW 2012 Mr. McGregor, photographed by Alasdair McLellan, AW 2009 Mr. Jonze, photographed by Collier Schorr, AW 2013 Mr. Ferry, photographed by Juergen Teller, AW 2012 Mr. Deller, photographed by Alasdair McLellan, SS 2013 Grey, photographed by Paul Whetherell, AW 2011 Mr. Dolan, photographed by Benjamin Alexander Huseby, SS 2014 Mr. Slotover, photographed by Alasdair McLellan, SS 2012 – 2– CALENDAR 2015: ten years of FANTASTIC MAN, three special issues: Spring issue Artwork Deadline: 12 February 2015 On Sale: 27 March 2014 Summer issue Limited advertising, by enquiry only Artwork Deadline: TBC On Sale: TBC Autumn issue Artwork Deadline: TBC On Sale: TBC A DV ERTISING R AT ES 1st Double Page Spread ..................................................... £17,500 Double Page Spread Specified Position............................£15,000 Double Page Spread ..........................................................£13,500 Page Facing TOC/Masthead .............................................£10,000 Page Run of Magazine ....................................................... £8,500 Outside Back Cover...........................................................£21,500 T ERMS AND C ONDITIONS All advertisement rates are subject to VAT. Agency discount 10%. Payment terms for advertising 30 days. Booked advertising is only cancelable up to 6 weeks prior to closing date or are payable in full. Covers are non-cancelable. C ON TACT Advertising Director: Elizabeth Sims elizabeth@fantasticman.com T: +44 (0)20 7242 8802 • M: +44 (0)79 2222 0074 Sales representatives: Italy: Fabio Montobbio at Rock Media S.R.L. Largo Cairoli, 2 20121 Milano • Italy fabio@rockmedia.it T: +39 0278 2608 USA: Michael Bullock 59 Canal Street • 3rd floor NY 10002 • USA michael@fantasticman.com T: +1 917 349 0417 London Office 1 Tavistock Chambers • 40 Bloomsbury Way WC1A 2SE • London • United Kingdom T: +44 207 2428802 Amsterdam Office Recht Boomssloot 7 1011 CR • Amsterdam • The Netherlands T: +31 20 320 9032 –3–