cicero - Cook County Department of Public Health
cicero - Cook County Department of Public Health
ALL OUR KIDS: EARLY CHILDHOOD NETWORK – CICERO C I C E R O Community Resource Directory For Children & Families 2008-2009 “Helping Families Receive the Best Start in Life” All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network-Cicero To access the Online English and Spanish versions of the Cicero Community Directory for Children & Families 2008-2009 Log on to:, (Publications & Reports) Or, link to Cook County Department of Public Health maintains updated printable materials on a variety of health topics. These materials can be downloaded, copied and distributed to parents throughout the year. 9/08 Table of Contents Alphabetical Index of AOK Network Agencies --------------------- 1 & 2 Advocacy Organizations ------------------------------------------ 3 Benefits for Families ----------------------------------------- 3 & 4 Childcare ------------------------------------------------------ 4 Cook County Childcare Resource & Referral --------------------------- 5 Cook County Department of Public Health ---------------------------- 5 Domestic Violence ------------------------------------------- 5 & 6 Early Intervention Services ------------------------------------ 6 & 7 Education Services ------------------------------------------- 7 & 8 Faith Organizations --------------------------------------------- 8 Family Support ------------------------------------------------- 9 Food Pantries -------------------------------------------------- 9 Medical Services ------------------------------------------- 9 & 10 Mental Health Providers ----------------------------------------- 11 Municipal ------------------------------------------------ 11 & 12 Oral Health Providers ------------------------------------------ 12 Recreation ---------------------------------------------------- 12 Social Service Providers ----------------------------------------- 13 State Agencies ------------------------------------------------ 13 State Government ---------------------------------------------- 13 Teen Programs ------------------------------------------------ 14 Alphabetical Index of AOK Providers Access to Care ----------------------------------------------------- 3 Alivio Medical Center------------------------------------------------- 9 AllKids / FamilyCare ------------------------------------------------- 3 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network-Cicero ---------------------------- 5 Aspire Children’s Services --------------------------------------------- 6 Automated Health Systems Inc. ---------------------------------------- 3 Carol Robertson Center for Learning ------------------------------------ 5 Catholic Charities West Suburban Regional Services ------------------- 9 & 13 CEDA Near West ----------------------------------------------- 3 & 13 CEDA Teen Parent Services ------------------------------------------ 14 Child & Family Connections #7 (CFC #7) ------------------------------- 3 & 6 Cicero/Berwyn/Stickney Anti-Hunger Foundation (CSB) ---------------------- 9 Cicero Fire Department --------------------------------------------- 11 Cicero Health Center of Cook County ------------------------------------ 9 Cicero Police Department -------------------------------------------- 11 Cicero Public Library -------------------------------------------- 11 & 12 Cicero Public Schools / Elementary Schools (District #99) ---------------------- 7 Clínica San Lázaro/MacNeal Health Services ------------------------------ 9 Clyde Park District ------------------------------------------------- 12 Community Support Services Inc. --------------------------------------- 6 Cook County Ambulatory Community Health Network (Morton East School Based Clinic) ------9 Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) --------------------------- 5 Cook County Department of Public Health TB Control Clinic ------------------ 9 Corazon Community Services ------------------------------------------ 14 Early Childhood / Pre-K Programs ----------------------------------- 3 & 7 El Valor ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 Faith Organizations -------------------------------------------------- 8 Family Focus – Nuestra Familia ---------------------------------------- 9 Family Resource Center on Disabilities ----------------------------------- 9 Family Service & Mental Health Center of Cicero (FSMHC) ------------------- 11 Family Service & Mental Health Service OPRF ---------------------------- 14 Foundations for Early Learning ----------------------------------------- 8 Hartgrove Hospital ------------------------------------------------- 11 Hawthorne Family Medical Center--------------------------------------- 9 Hawthorne Park District --------------------------------------------- 12 Healthy Childcare Illinois --------------------------------------------- 5 Healthy Families Illinois (CCDPH)----------------------------------------- 5 ICG Rehabilitation Services ------------------------------------------- 6 Illinois Action for Children ------------------------------------- 3, 5 & 9 Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) ------------------ 13 Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services ----------------- 4 & 13 Illinois Department of Human Services --------------------------------- 13 1 Index Continued… Illinois Facilities Fund ------------------------------------------------ 3 Institute for Latino Studies -------------------------------------------- 7 Interfaith Leadership Project of Cicero, Berwyn and Stickney (ILP) ------------- 8 J. Sterling Morton High School (District # 201) --------------------------- 7 & 8 John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County ---------------------------- 10 Loyola University Medical Center -------------------------------------- 10 MacNeal Hospital --------------------------------------------------- 10 Morton College ------------------------------------------------------ 8 Mujeres Latinas en Acción --------------------------------------------- 5 Oak Leyden Developmental Services Early Intervention Program --------------- 6 Oral Health Providers ----------------------------------------------- 12 Ounce of Prevention Fund --------------------------------------------- 3 Parenthesis -------------------------------------------------------- 14 PAV YMCA -------------------------------------------------------- 12 PCC Community Wellness Center --------------------------------------- 10 Pillars (CCO-Fillmore Center / The C.A.R.E. Center) --------------------------------- 11 Pilsen-Little Village Community Health Center Inc. ------------------------ 11 Prevent Child Abuse Illinois -------------------------------------------- 3 Primary Healthcare Specialists, S.C. ----------------------------------- 10 Private Medical Practitioners ------------------------------------------ 10 Resurrection Behavioral Health ---------------------------------------- 11 Riveredge Hospital -------------------------------------------------- 11 Saint Anthony Hospital ---------------------------------------------- 10 Salvation Army ------------------------------------------------------ 9 Sarah’s Inn --------------------------------------------------------- 6 Social Security Administration Office ------------------------------------ 4 State Representative Lisa Hernandez (24th District) -------------------------- 13 State Senator Martin A. Sandoval ------------------------------------- 13 Su Salud Medical Center --------------------------------------------- 10 Suburban Access, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ 6 The Children’s Center of Cicero/Berwyn----------------------------------- 4 The Children’s Clinic (Formerly Known as: Infant Welfare Clinic)----------------------- 10 The Town of Cicero (TOC) --------------------------------------------- 12 Through A Child’s Eyes ----------------------------------------------- 8 Town of Cicero Health Department -------------------------------- 10 & 12 UIC-Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) ------------------------ 4 University of Illinois Extension ----------------------------------------- 8 Voices for Illinois Children -------------------------------------------- 3 West Suburban Special Recreation Association (WSSRA) ---------------------- 7 Women Infants & Children Program (WIC) --------------------------------- 5 Wonder Works ----------------------------------------------------- 12 Youth Crossroads, Inc. ----------------------------------------------- 14 Youth Outreach Services, Inc.----------------------------------------- 14 2 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS BENEFITS FOR FAMILIES ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN ACCESS TO CARE Public Policy and Advocacy 4753 N. Broadway, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60640 Ph: 312-823-1100 Fax: 773-564-2256 Website: Sessy Nyman, VP of Public Policy & Government Relations Email: Christine Wilson, Director of Public Policy Email: Services: Primary health care for all low-income, uninsured residents of suburban Cook County and northwest Chicago. Services: Illinois Action for Children’s Public Policy and Advocacy program collaborates with parents, providers and advocates to increase and deepen their level of understanding and activism as they work on behalf of children, families and the early care and education system. Assist families in finding childcare programs. ILLINOIS FACILITIES FUND One North LaSalle Street, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60602 Website: Heather Heaviland, Senior Project Manager Ph: 312-596-5118 Fax: 312-596-5148 Email: OUNCE OF PREVENTION FUND 33 West Monroe, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60603-5400 Ph: 312-922-3863 Fax: 312-922-3337 Website: Nancy Shier, Division Director, Kids PEPP, Ext. 3371 Karen Yarbrough, Senior Manager, Ext. 3505 Email: Deanna Durica, Senior Policy Associate, Ext. 3358 Email: PREVENT CHILD ABUSE ILLINOIS 3518 W. Division, Chicago, IL 60651 Ph: 773-636-1070 Fax: call for convenient number Website: Michele N. Chalifoux, Cook Central PRD Email: Services: Literature, Community Presentations, Professional Training and Technical Assistance on Issues Related to Child Abuse and Neglect. VOICES FOR ILLINOIS CHILDREN 208 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1490, Chicago, IL 60604-1120 Ph: 312-456-0600 Fax: 312-456-0088 Website: Joan Vitale, Director of Community Engagement Ph: 312-516-5555 Fax: 312-456-0088 Email: 2225 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2507, Westchester, IL 60154 Ph: 708-531-0680 Fax: 708-531-0686 Website: Victoria Bigelow, MA, President Kate D. Barnickel, Public Relations Manager Email: ALLKIDS / FAMILY CARE All Kids Hotline: 1-866-ALL-KIDS (1-866-255-5437) Website: Services: Health care coverage for uninsured children of Illinois. Eligibility: No income eligibility required. AllKids or FamilyCare health benefits will not affect your immigration status unless you receive services in a nursing home or mental health facility. AUTOMATED HEALTH SYSTEMS INC. Medical Card Enrollment Broker 1375 East Woodfield Road, Suite 650, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Ph: 847-610-8400 Website: Nancy Martinez, Outreach & Education Specialist, Ext. 3205 Email: Services: Enrollment broker, assign and/or reassign medical card providers. CEDA NEAR WEST (LIHEAP) 6141 W. Roosevelt Road, Cicero IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-3824 Fax: 708-222-0026 Website: Services: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Housing Counseling, Weatherization, Rent and Mortgage Assistance, First-Time Homebuyers Seminars, Family and Community Development, Access to Care, AllKids Applications, Circuit Breaker Program, bi-lingual staff. CHILD & FAMILY CONNECTIONS #7 (CFC #7) Ph: 708-449-0625 Fax: 708-449-7071 Services: Evaluation of child development for children 0-3, linkage to early intervention services, transition services to SD #99. EARLY CHILDHOOD / PRE-K PROGRAMS Foundations for Early Learning Morton College School District #99 The Children’s Center (Cicero/Berwyn) Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph: 708-222-1077 708-656-8000 708-863-4856 708-222-4503 3 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHCARE AND FAMILY SERVICES Family Community Resource Center (Local Office) 2701 W. Lake Street, Melrose Park, IL 60160 Ph: 708-338-7600 Fax: 708-338-7638 Website: Child Support Customer Service Call Center Toll Free: 1-800-447-4278 Website: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Midcity Bank Building 7222 W. Cermak Road, Room 600, North Riverside, IL 60546 Toll Free: 1-800-772-1213 Website: UIC-DIVISION OF SPECIALIZED CARE FOR CHILDREN (DSCC)/Chicago North Regional Office (M/C 618) 722 W. Maxwell Street, Suite 350, Chicago, IL 60607 Ph: 312-433-4114 Fax: 312-433-4121 Website: Sharla Luken, Program Services Manager Email: Toll Free: 1-800-425-1068 Services: Care coordination, cost-supported diagnosis and treatment for children with chronic health impairments, bi-lingual staff. Eligibility: Must meet citizenship & income requirements. CHILDCARE THE CHILDREN’S CENTER OF CICERO/BERWYN 5341 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-4503 Fax: 708-222-9984 Patricia Makris, Executive Director Email: CEDA Head Start Home Visiting, (children ages 3-5) 6223 W. Ogden Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-222-4519 Fax: 708-484-7693 Email: Beverly Dawson, B.S. / Maria Bousies , LSW Services: Weekly home visits, developmental and social/emotional screenings; health and social services, referrals/resources; monthly socializations; parent trainings and workshops. Grant Works Site 1447 S. 50th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-1202 Fax: 708-652-1215 Margaret Gastier, Site Director Email: Services: ISBE A.M. pre-K, and childcare for school age children. PTII (H.A.C.E. Program, Home Action for Child Educators) 5341 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-4503 Fax: 708-222-9984 Email: Deborah Diaz, B.S., Program Supervisor Rosalba Diaz De Leon, Program Leader Services: Home visits to Cicero, Berwyn, home daycare providers. Provide child growth & developmental education, model-teaching, lesson planning and support services on a need basis. Eligibility: Must be a DCFS licensed home daycare provider in Cicero or Berwyn. Regular attendance to certified trainings and workshops required. Hawthorne Site (CEDA Head Start) 2831 S. 49th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-1284 Fax: 708-863-6515 Email: Deborah Diaz, B.S., Site Director Charron Garcia, CEDA Head Start Program Director Services: ISBE Pre-K/DHS daycare, CEDA Head Start AM and PM sessions. School age summer recreational programs. Toddler day care (15-35 mos.) Morton East High School Site 2423 S. Austin Boulevard, Room 140, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-1220 Fax: 708-222-4502 Email: John McDonnell, LCSW, Early Head Start Coordinator Beatrice Rodriguez, Day Care Coordinator Services: Daycare for enrolled high school students, with children ages 0-3; Early Head Start home visiting. P.A.C.O. #99 (Parent And Child Organization) 5341 W. Cermak Road, Room 102, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-516-6222 Fax: 708-222-9984 Maria Galvez, Coordinator Kiki Panos, MA, Consultant Services: Parent-child activities, and parent workshops call for locations. P.A.C.T Center (Parent And Child Together) 6223 W. Ogden Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-795-7228 Fax: 708-795-7228 Georgia Milosovic, B.A. Project Coordinator Services: Parent-child activities, and parent workshops. Red Feather Site 5341 W. Cermak Road, Room 101, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-1201 Fax: 708-780-9681 Services: ISBE Pre-K/DHS daycare. Riverside Drive 7022 Riverside Drive, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-4548 Fax: 708-788-5622 Email: Services: Daycare and Head Start Programs 4 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero COOK COUNTY CHILDCARE RESOURCE & REFERRAL CAROLE ROBERTSON CENTER FOR LEARNING 2929 W. 19th Street, Chicago, IL 60623 Ph: 773-521-1600 Fax: 773-521-3617 Website: Caregiver Connections Emily Rivera, MS, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, Ext. 175 Email: Ph: 773-522-1600 Fax: 773-521-6317 Community Resources & Support Ana Sanchez, Training Coordinator, Ext. 144 Email: Ph: 773-522-5477 Fax: 773-521-6317 ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN Provider Resources Department 4753 N. Broadway, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60640 Ph: 312-823-1100 Fax: 773-564-2256 Renee DeBerry, Director of Provider Resources Email: Services: Professional Development Trainings and Funding, Quality Counts Grant, Accreditation, Quality Rating Scale, Making the Most out of School Time, Community Outreach, Early Learning, Early Reading First, Literacy Development, Referrals, Nurse Consultation, Mental Health Consultation, Conferences. COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH West District Office (WDO) Maywood Office 1701 South First Avenue, Suite 102, Maywood IL 60153 Ph: 708-450-5300 Fax: 708-450-5301 CCDPH / BIRTH TO FIVE PROGRAMS All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network (AOK) 1010 Lake Street, Suite 300, Oak Park, IL 60301 Rosalind Larsen, AOK Network Coordinator Ph: 708-492-2095 Fax: 708-492-2900 Email: Services: AOK is a community-based collaboration that is committed to developing a high-quality, well-coordinated, easily accessible system of care that will promote positive growth and development for children 0-5 and their families. Healthy Childcare Illinois (HCI) Sandra Martell, RN, MS, Director of Integrated Health Support Services Ph: 708-836-8669 Fax: 708-836-8638 Services: Training and technical assistance to childcare providers on medically related topics. Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) Barbra Fisli, RN, Ph.D, Program Manager Ph: 708-450-2019 Fax: 708-450-5301 Services: Intensive child abuse & neglect prevention program for teens. Teen parents are screened for assessment criteria. Woman Infant & Children Program (WIC) All WIC visits are made on an appointment-only basis. For an appointment, call your local district office. District Office numbers are listed above. Services: Nutrition classes, breastfeeding support and counseling for financially eligible pregnant & breastfeeding women, infants &children up to five years of age. COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Administrative Office 1010 Lake Street, Suite 300, Oak Park, IL 60301 Ph: 708-492-2000 Fax: 708-492-2900 Website: Stephen A. Martin Jr., Ph.D. M.P.H., Chief Operating Officer North District Office (NDO) Rolling Meadows Office 2121 Euclid Avenue, Room 250, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Ph: 847-818-2860 Fax: 847-818-2664 South District Office (SDO) Markham Office 16501 S. Kedzie Parkway, Markham, IL 60426 Ph: 708-210-4500 Fax: 708-210-4742 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MUJERES LATINAS EN ACCIÓN 2138 S. 61st Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-1675 Fax: 708-222-1739 Website: Isidra Moreno, Domestic Violence Case Manager Email: Services: Open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM 24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline: 312-738-5358 Southwest District Office (SWDO) Bridgeview Office 10220 S. 76th Avenue, Room 260, Bridgeview, IL 60455 Ph: 708-974-6160 Fax: 708-974-6132 5 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero SARAH’S INN EL VALOR Administration Office 101 Madison Street, Ste. 300, Oak Park, IL 60302 GUADALUPE REYES CHILDREN & FAMILY CENTER 1951 W. 19th Street, Chicago, IL 60608 Ph: 312-997-2021 Fax: 312-432-9849 Website: Email: Elva Salinas, Site Director, Ext. 245 Program Office 5846 W Madison Street, Chicago, IL 60644 Ph: 708-386-3305 Fax: 773-386-3275 Website: Liz Figueroa-Serrano, Women’s Program Coordinator Email: 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 708-261-0755 Services: Domestic violence support & education groups, and individual advocacy & counseling sessions for women, children and teens, legal advocacy program, teen dating violence prevention workshops, community outreach and education, batterer intervention, bilingual staff available. EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES ASPIRE CHILDREN’S SERVICES 1815 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162 Ph: 708-236-0979 Fax: 708-236-5161 Website: James P. Kales, President-CEO Email: Kathy Ruffulo, Director of Children’s Services Email: Services: Occupational, physical, speech, and developmental therapy, family support, developmental therapy groups, Respite Program, vision, hearing, nutrition, orthopedic clinic, and nursing. COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES, INC. 9021 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513-2040 Ph: 708-354-4547 Fax: 708-354-7412 Website: Gaye E. Preston, MA, Exexutive Director Email: Rocio Perez, MSW, Intake/CM Program Manager, Ext. 142 Email: Tonya White, Family Support Specialist, Ext. 189 Email: Services: Respite/Case Management, assistance and support for parents of children and adults with developmental disabilities. Personalized services to help families live, learn, recreate and work within their community. Eligibility: Developmental disability and live within service area. 6 Services: Home visiting program with comprehensive services (health, social services, etc.), provide monthly educational workshops for families. State funded Prevention Initiative Program. ICG REHABILITATION SERVICES 1620 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60614 Ph: 312-943-3600 Fax: 866-410-9189 Website: Kate Armstrong, President, Ext. 313 Bob Cammarata, Director of Early Intervention, Ext. 319 Email: Services: Therapy services provided in the home and other natural environments as determined by the child’s service plan, nursing services, and assistive technology. OAK LEYDEN DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 411 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-524-1050 Fax: 708-524-2469 Website: Robert W. Atkinson, Executive Director Early Intervention Program Chris Davis, Program Administrator, Ext. 136 Email: Services: Developmental, occupational, physical, and speech therapy, developmental screenings, parent liaison services, lending library, family support activities, and evaluations. SUBURBAN ACCESS, INC. 925 W. 175th Street, Homewood, IL 60430 Ph: 708-799-6123 Fax: 708-799-2314 Child & Family Connections #7 (CFC #7) 4415 W. Harrison, Suite 201, Hillside, IL 60162 Ph: 708-449-0625 Fax: 708-449-7071 LaVerne Whitaker, Program Manager, Ext. 222 Joann Alferink, LIC Coordinator, Ext. 236 Margo Young, Social-Emotional Specialist, Ext. 225 Cendy Alvarez, Service Coordinator, Ext. 247 Jacqueline Arevalo, Service Coordinator, Ext. 243 Judith Herrera, Service Coordinator, Ext. 230 Annette Diaz, Service Coordinator, Ext. 231 Marisol Padilla, Service Coordinator, Ext. 228 Maribel Serrato, Service Coordinator, Ext. 244 Services: Evaluation of child development for children 0-3, linkage to early intervention services, transition services to SD99 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero WEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION (WSSRA) 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Ph: 847-455-2100 Fax: 847-455-2157 Website: Sandy Gbur, Executive Director, Ext. 236, Email: Laurie Kibler, Lekotek Leader, Ext. 224 Services: Year-round recreation programs and Lekotek toy lending with play sessions for children with special needs; bi-lingual staff. EDUCATION SERVICES CICERO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Administration Building (School District #99) 5110 W. 24th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-4856 Fax: 708-652-8105 Website: Donna Adamic, Superintendent of Schools Email: Karen Mulattieri, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Email: Peter DiFrancesca, Director of Special Education Email: Early Childhood Pre-K / At-Risk Program 5631 W. 16th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-1144 Fax: 708-656-0027 Kim Karlinski, Pre-K Supervisor, Email: Isabel Ramirez, Parent Involvement & PEP Coordinator, Ext. 120 Email: Ph: 708-863-4856 Elementary Schools (SD#99) Burnham (K-5)-1630 S. 59th Ave. 708-652-9577 Principal: Carol H. Anderson Fax: 708-780-4441 Email: Cicero East (4-6)-2324 S. 49th Ave. 708-652-9440 Principal: Linda Budrik Fax: 708-780-4444 Email: Cicero West (K-3)-4937 W. 23rd St. 708-780-4487 Principal: Kimberly Pros Fax: 708-656-2937 Email: Columbus East (5-6)-3100 S. 54th Ave. 708-652-6085 Principal: Joyce Hodan Fax: 708-780-4446 Email: Columbus West (K-6)-5425 W. 31st St. 708-780-4482 Principal: Suzanne Frost Fax: 708-780-0735 Email: Drexel (K-6)-5407 W. 36th St. 708-652-5532 Principal: Nancy Cummings Fax: 708-780-4449 Email: Goodwin (K-6)-2625 S. Austin Blvd. Principal: Mary Catherine Wygonik Email: Liberty (K-3)-4946 W. 13th St. Principal: Sheila Harris Email: Lincoln (K-6)-3545 S. 61st Ave. Principal: Susan Kleinmeyer Email: McKinley (K-3)-5900 W. 14th St. Principal: Debbie Harris Email: Roosevelt (3-6)-1500 S. 50th Ave. Principal: Claudia Jimenez Email: Sherlock (K-3)-5347 W. 22nd Pl. Principal: Mirjana Dukic Email: Unity Jr. High School Principal: Donata Heppner Email: Warren Park (K-3)-1225 S. 60th Ct. Principal: Mary Ellen Patterson Email: Wilson (K-6)-2310 S. 57th Ave. Principal: Gloria Lopez Email: Woodbine (K-3)-3003 S. 50th Ct. Principal: Ruth Grunewald Email: 708-652-5500 Fax: 708-780-4452 708-780-4475 Fax: 708-780-7062 708-652-8889 Fax: 708-780-4454 708-652-8890 Fax: 708-780-4458 708-652-7833 Fax: 708-780-4461 708-652-8885 Fax: 708-780-4463 708-863-8229 Fax: 708-656-5425 708-863-2220 Fax: 708-780-4466 708-652-2552 Fax: 708-780-4468 708-652-8884 Fax: 708-780-4470 INSTITUTE FOR LATINO STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Metropolitan Chicago Initiative (MCI) 3322 S. Oak Park Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-6109 Fax: 708-788-6106 Sylvia Puente, Director Email: J. STERLING MORTON HIGH SCHOOL District #201 Website: Alternative School 1874 South 54th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-3080 Principal: Rudolfo Hernandez East Campus 2423 S. Austin Boulevard, Cicero, IL 60804 Principal: Frank S. Zarate, Jr. Email: Ph: 708-222-5751 Fax: 708-222-3090 To Report Absences please call: English: 708-222-5764 Spanish: 708-222-5765 7 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero Morton Freshman Center 1801 S. 55th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-2200 to report absences Ext. 2007 Principal: Joe Gunty, Ext. 3002 West Campus 2400 S. Home Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Principal: John Lucas Ph: 708-222-5901 To Report Absences please call: English: 708-222-5927 Spanish: 708-222-5928 MORTON COLLEGE 3801 S. Central Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-8000 Fax: 708-656-2526 Website: Cheryl Bulat, Early Childhood Education Coordinator, Ext. 452 Email: INTERFAITH LEADERSHIP PROJECT OF CICERO, BERWYN AND STICKNEY (ILP) 1510 S. 49th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-7711 Fax: 708-652-7733 MARY, QUEEN OF HEAVEN 5300 W. 24th Street, Cicero , IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-6608 Fax: 708-863-2349 Website: Pastor: Fr. Esequiel Sanchez Email: OUR LADY OF CHARITY Church 3600 S. 57th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-1207 THROUGH A CHILD’S EYES 1620 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60614 Ph: 312-943-3600 Fax: 866-410-9189 Website: Bob Cammarata, Executive Director, Ext. 319 Email: Foundations For Early Learning 5310 W. 24th Place, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-1077 Fax: 708-222-1862 Website: Iris Corral, Program DirectorEmail: Services: Pre-Kindergarten ½ day program for 3-5 year olds. Eligibility: Cicero resident, at risk 3-5 year old children UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION Cook County Unit, District 2, Enterprise Center 2205 Enterprise Drive, Suite 501, Westchester, IL 60154 Ph: 708-449-4320 Fax: 708-492-1805 Tammi A. Reynolds, Extension Unit Educator, Community Health, Email: Kanitha Whitten, Family Nutrition Program Coordinator, Email: Services: Health Education Programs Free of charge. FAITH ORGANIZATIONS GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1937 S. 50th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-5382 Rev. Diane C. Johnson, Pastor 8 School 3620 S. 57th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 652-0262 Fax: 652-0601 Principal: Linda Brusky ST. ANTHONY CHURCH 1510 S. 49th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-0231 Fax: 708-652-0228 ST. FRANCIS OF ROME Church 1428 S. 59th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-2140 Fax: 708-652-6513 School 1401 S. Austin Boulevard, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 652-2277 Fax: 780-6360 Website: Principal: Clement V. Martin ST. MARY OF CELLE CHURCH 1428 S. Wesley, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-0876 Fax: 708-788-0242 Website: Rev. W. James Clavey ST. MARY OF CZESTOCHOWA SCHOOL Website: Church School 3010 S. 48th Court, 3001 S. 49th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-0948 Ph: 708-656-5010 Fax: 656-4043 Fax: 708-652-0646 Principal: Al Theis Email: All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero FAMILY SUPPORT FAMILY FOCUS – NUESTRA FAMILIA 4145 W. Armitage, Chicago, IL 60639 Ph: 773-276-0940 Fax: 773-276-0980 Website: Mariana Osoria, MA, Director Email: Services: Parenting Classes, English Classes, Health and Nutrition classes. Developmental screening, Parent Child Interaction, Baby Talk Curriculum, Family Support Resources and Referrals, Case Management, Home Visits, Developmental Newsletters, Parent Warmline, After School Program, Foster Family Support Program, Field trips and Family Nights. Bi-lingual staff. Cicero Center: 1500 S. 59th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-0900 Fax: 708-652-0100 Site Coordinator: Patricia Del Toro Chicago Center: 4145 W. Armitage, Chicago, IL 60639 Ph: 773-276-0940 Fax: 773-276-0980 Site Coordinator: Adriana Pashazadeh FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER ON DISABILITIES 20 E. Jackson Boulevard, Room 300, Chicago IL 60604 Ph: 312-939-3513 Fax: 312-939-7297 Website: Email: ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN Family Resources Department 1340 S. Damen, 3rd Floor, Chicago, IL 60608 Ph: 312-823-1100 Fax: 773-823-1200 Website: Services: Child Care Referrals, Child Care Assistance Program, Head Start & Teen Parent Assistance. FOOD PANTRIES CATHOLIC CHARITIES WEST SUBURBAN REGIONAL SERVICES 1400 S. Austin Boulevard, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-1491 Fax: 708-222-1495 Food Pantry: Mondays, Tuesdays, 9AM–12PM & 1PM–2PM Thursdays, 2:30PM – 7:30PM Mother and Child (MAC) Supplemental Food Program: Fridays, 9AM–12PM Clothing Room: Wednesdays, 10AM–2PM CICERO/BERWYN/STICKNEY ANTI-HUNGER FOUNDATION 1937 S. 50th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 (mailing address) Diane Hurstak-Eddy, Coordinator Ph: 708-863-4913 Services: Food pantry on Tuesdays from 2 PM–5:30 PM SALVATION ARMY 2337 Laramie Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-0177 Fax: 708-222-0020 Food Pantry: Mondays -Thursdays, from 1PM-3PM. Bring picture ID. MEDICAL SERVICES CLINICS & HEALTH CENTERS l ALIVIO MEDICAL CENTER 4842 W Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-4910 Fax: 708-656-0349 CICERO HEALTH CENTER OF COOK COUNTY 5912 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-783-9800 Fax: 708-783-9810 Erlinda Cabana, MD, Medical Director Services: Maternal and child health services CLÍNICA SAN LAZARO / MacNeal Health Services 5712 W. 35th Street, Cicero IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-5485 Fax: 708-656-5657 COOK COUNTY AMBULATORY COMMUNITY HEALTH NETWORK School Based Health Center (SBHC) 2423 S. Austin Boulevard, Room 213, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-1130 Fax: 708-656-1129 Celes Leonard, PA-C, Administrator Nike Mourikes, MD, Medical Director Maria Castillo, LCSW, Social Worker COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEATH TB Control Clinic 7556 W. Jackson Boulevard, Forest Park, IL 60130 Ph: 708-836-8600 Fax: 836-8663 Services: Free TB tests by appointment only HAWTHORNE FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER Access Community Health Network 2307-09 S. Cicero Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-780-9777 Fax: 708-780-9787 Website: 9 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero THE CHILDREN’S CLINIC (Formerly known as INFANT WELFARE CLINIC) 320 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-848-0528 Fax: 708-848-5855 Website: Mary Anderson, President Elizabeth Lippitt, Executive Director, Ext. 226 Email: Sandra St. Pierre, LCSW, Ext. 225 Email: Services: Medical, dental and social service for children ages 0–19. Sliding fee for low-income families, medical card accepted. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 2160 S. First Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153 Ph: 708-216-9000 Pediatrics Ph: 877-216-5437 Illinois Poison Center Pat McGleam, RN, BSN, Outreach Educator Ph: 708-327-2550 Fax: 708-327-2548 PCC COMMUNITY WELLNESS CENTER South Family Health Center 6030 W. Roosevelt Road, Oak Park, IL 60304 Ph: 708-386-0845 Fax: 708-386-8472 Website: Services: Complete family practice, midwives, water births, prenatal classes, social worker, nutrition counseling, free exercise classes, school physicals, sliding fee scale for patients without insurance, bilingual staff available. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9AM - 5PM Wednesday 12PM – 5PM, Saturday 9AM - 12PM PRIMARY HEALTHCARE SPECIALIST, S.C. 5857 W. 35th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-780-1464 Fax: 708-780-1468 Services: Pediatric care, immunizations, WIC form completion & school physicals. SU SALUD MEDICAL CENTER 6001 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-5230 Fax: 708-656-6610 TOWN OF CICERO HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2250 S. 49th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-477-6308 Elizabeth Dominick, Executive Director Kristin Collazo, RN, Email: Services: Immunizations, TB testing, dental, podiatry and disease state management seminars. Walk-ins welcomed for School physicals on Monday evenings from 4PM- 8PM, blood pressure, glucose, & cholesterol testing every Wednesday from 8:30AM – 12PM. 10 HOSPITALS l JOHN H. STROGER, JR. HOSPITAL OF COOK COUNTY 1901 W. Harrison Street, Chicago, IL 60612 Ph: 312-864-6000 Website: Services: Emergency Room Medical Care. MACNEAL HOSPITAL 3249 S. Oak Park Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-783-9100 Fax: 708-783-3220 Website: Joan Rucker, Perinatal Educator Email: Ph: 708-783-3759 Fax: 708-783-2053 Fabiola Zavala, Community Health Coordinator Ph: 708-783-3003 Fax: 708-783-3963 SAINT ANTHONY HOSPITAL 2875 W. 19th Street, Chicago, IL 60623 Ph: 773-484-1000 PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS: EDWIN PASCUAL, MD 4941 W. 14th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-780-7400 Fax: 708-780-7423 LUIS F. SANTIAGO, MD 5533 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-780-7612 Fax: 708-780-9122 Email: NANCY MARTINEZ-AMINI, MD 5535 W. Cermak Road, Cicero IL 60804 Ph: 708-780-6030 Fax: 708-780-6068 Email: OSCAR LINARES, MD 6545 West Cermak Road, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-0077 Fax: 708-788-5620 RAMA SUNDAR, MD 3340 S. Oak Park Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-7300 Fax: 708-788-7301 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF CICERO (FSMHCC) 5341 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-6430 Fax: 708-656-6591 Website: John Morgan, Executive Director Email: Barbara Such, Psy. D, Program Director Jennfier Froemel, LCPC, Program Director Email: Services: Individual and family therapy, parent education classes, support groups, and adult and child psychiatric services, bi-lingual staff. HARTGROVE HOSPITAL 5730 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60644 Ph: 773-413-1700 Fax: 773-413-1805 Website: Steven Airhart, CEO Alma R. Tempel, LPN, CADC, Marketing Representative Ph: 773-413-1807 Fax: 773-413-1805 Services: In-patient program for children, adolescents and adults. Partial hospital program for children ages 5 - 17. Specialty Programs: Evaluation for Sexually Aggressive behavior and traumatic brain injury. Eligibility: Adults must have insurance or Medicare. PILLARS 333 N. La Grange Road, Suite 1, La Grange, IL 60526 Ph: 708-698-5500 Fax: 708-698-5090 John Shustitzky, PHD President & Chief Executive Officer, Ext 211 Email: THE C.A.R.E. CENTER 6918 W. Cermak Road, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-788-6759 Fax: 708-788-6761 Services: counseling and advocacy (medical and legal) for sexual assault, ages 2- adult, bi-lingual staff. Sexual assault hotline: 1-708-482-9600 THE FILLMORE CENTER Child & Adolescent Program 6918 Windsor Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-795-4800 Fax: 708-795-4834 Helen Stewart, Vice President Email: Safe From The Start Ph: 708-788-6759 Fax: 708-795-4834 Margarita Paredes, Psy.D., Program Coordinator, Ext. 3131 Email: PILSEN-LITTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 1407 S. 49th Court, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-683-5500 Fax: 708-683-5505 Services: Counseling, therapy, support groups for youth and families. RESURRECTION BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Proviso Children’s Advocacy Center 1820 S. 25th Avenue, Broadview, IL 60155 Ph: 708-338-3806 Fax: 708-681-9496 Services: Forensic interviews, victim advocacy services for victims of sexual abuse, bi-lingual staff. RIVEREDGE HOSPITAL 8311 W. Roosevelt Road, Forest Park, IL 60130 Ph: 708-771-7000, Fax: 708-209-2280 Website: Michael Rudolph, Business Dev. Manager Email: MUNICIPAL CICERO FIRE DEPARTMENT 5303 W. 25th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-0174 Fax: 708-652-2150 Fire Marshall George Gregory Cicero Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau Chief Ronald Opaleckey, Ext. 107 Lieutenant Ted Peszynski, Ext. 108 CICERO POLICE DEPARTMENT 4932 W. 26th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-2130 Fax: 708-652-2163 Anthony Iniquez, Chief of Police Email: CICERO PUBLIC LIBRARY (MAIN BRANCH) 5225 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-8084 Fax: 708-652-8095 Website: Jane Schoen, Administrative Director, Ext. 11 Email: Patricia Conroy, Reference Librarian/Outreach Coordinator, Ext. 19 Email: Colleen Gnat, Head of Youth Services Email: Winter hours: Monday- Friday 9AM-9PM Saturday 9AM-4PM Sunday 12PM-5PM Summer hours: Monday - Friday 9AM-7PM Saturday 9AM-4PM Sunday – CLOSED 11 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero CICERO PUBLIC LIBRARY (SOUTH BRANCH) 5444 34th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-8440 Fax: 708-863-8455 Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 2PM-7PM Saturdays: 10AM-3PM Wednesdays & Sundays: CLOSED THE TOWN OF CICERO (TOC) For New Location, Refer to the website Website: Larry Dominick, Town President Email: Community Affairs & Special Projects Francis J. Aguilar, Director Email: SILVA DENTAL CENTER 5919 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-6600 Fax: 708-222-1636 THE CHILREN’S CLINIC 320 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-848-0528 Fax: 708-848-5855 THE DENTAL EXPERTS 2240 S. Cicero Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-2222 Fax: 708-652-3990 WEBSTER DENTAL CARE OF CICERO Community Center The Town of Cicero Health Department 2250 S. 49th Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-477-6308 Elizabeth Dominick, Executive Director Kristin Collazo, RN Email: 6130 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, 60804 Ph: 708-652-2468 Fax: 708-652-0141 Public Safety Office Building 5410 W. 34th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-3600 Fax: 708-222-3821 Kathy Ordman, Executive Director, Ext. 537 Email: CLYDE PARK DISTRICT Cicero Community Mental Health Board 5410 W. 34th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-3600 Fax: 708-222-8360 Maureen Carroll, Executive Director, Ext. 542 Email: Break the Silence Foundation ORAL HEALTH PROVIDERS RECREATION 1909 S. Laramie Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-3545 Fax: 708-652-3549 Website: Tony Martinussi, Assistant Executive Director Maria Punzo-Arias, Director of Personnel, Mark Kraft, Recreation Director Merrie Neal, Tiny Tots HAWTHORNE PARK DISTRICT 5202 W. 29th Place, Cicero IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-6511 Fax: 708-863-6446 Dennis Raleigh, Director PAV YMCA (YMCA of Berwyn – Cicero, Inc.) APPLE DENTAL CARE 2947 S. Oak Park Avenue, Berwyn IL 60402 Ph: 708-749-0606 Fax: 708-749-7793 Website: 5950 W. Park Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-652-3540 Fax: 708-652-3541 WONDER WORKS (A Children’s Museum in Oak Park) CERMAK DENTAL CENTER 5533 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-863-6366 Fax: 708-863-6551 SALAZAR DENTAL CARE 5008 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-1841 Fax: 708-656-1869 12 6445 West North Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-383-4815 Fax: 708-383-5730 Website: Mary Bodlak, Director Email: All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero SOCIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS CATHOLIC CHARITIES WEST SUBURBAN REGIONAL SERVICES 1400 S. Austin Boulevard, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-1491 Fax: 708-222-1495 Dalia B. Rocotello, West Suburban Regional Service Rep. Email: Information and Referral Program Dora Hernandez, Intake Specialist Florinda Compean, Intake Specialist Monday-Friday, 9AM – 3PM Immigration/Naturalization Services Melissa Arce, Immigration Specialist Ph: 708-329-4031 Fax: 708-222-1495 Services: Assist/consult on Immigration/Naturalization process. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 2PM - 4PM, by appointment only. St. Mary of Celle Family Center Child Development Program (Child Care) 1448 S. Wesley, Berwyn, IL 60804 Ph: 708- 303-3650 Fax: 708 303-3655 Esmeralda Zepeda, Site Director Services: child care program for children ages 2 to 5 years, parent education. CEDA NEAR WEST 6141 W. Roosevelt Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-3824 Fax: 708-222-0026 Website: Magda Favale, Executive Director Email: Vicky Acosta, Social Service Coordinator, Ext. 223 Services: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Housing Counseling, Weatherization, Rent and Mortgage Assistance, First-Time Homebuyers Seminars, Family and Community Development, Access to Care, AllKids Applications, Circuit Breaker Program, bi-lingual staff. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHCARE AND FAMILY SERVICES Family Community Resource Center (Local Office) 2701 W. Lake Street, Melrose Park, IL 60160 Ph: 708-338-7600 Fax: 708-338-7638 Website: Services: Receives applications for Cash, Food Stamps, and Medical Assistance by fax, mail or in person. Child Support Customer Service Call Center Toll Free: 1-800-447-4278 Website: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Division of Community Health and Prevention 1112 S. Wabash, 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60605 Xochitl Martirosyan, AOK State Coordinator Ph: 312-793-8293 Fax: 312-814-3073 Email: Renee Mills, DHS Community Services Support Consultant Email: STATE GOVERNMENT STATE REPRESENTATIVE ELIZABETH (LISA) HERNANDEZ 24th District Office 2135 S. Lombard, Suite 205, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-222-5240 Fax: 708-222-5241 Email: STATE SENATOR MARTIN A. SANDOVAL 12th District Office 4843 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-2002 Fax: 708-656-7608 STATE AGENCIES ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES (DCFS) 1701 S. First Avenue, 10th Floor, Maywood, IL 60153 Ph: 708-338-6600 Fax: 708-338-6671 13 All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero TEEN PROGRAMS CEDA TEEN PARENT SERVICES 6141 W. Roosevelt Rd., Cicero, IL 60804 Website: Linda Vargas, Supervisor Ph: 773-459-1911 Fax: 312-795-8833 Email: Services: Assist pregnant & parenting teens in finishing their high school education, GED or ESL (also monitor attendance). Provide transportation (gas, bus or CTA Passes). Advocate for DHS, WIC, FCM, Childcare and assistance with social service applications. Eligibility: Low income pregnant teens or new mothers ages 19 and under. TPS is a mandatory program for pregnant and parenting teens that receive TANF and have not completed high school. Program referrals accepted. CORAZON COMMUNITY SERVICES 1323 S. Austin Boulevard, Cicero, IL 60804 Ph: 708-656-1400 Fax: 708-656-1411 Website: Adam Alonso, MSW, Executive Director Email: FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE OPRF 120 S. Marion Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-383-7500 Fax: 708-383-7780 Ivette Franco, Bilingual Prevention Specialist, Ext. 315 Email: PARENTHESIS Parenting for Teen Parents & their children (0-6) 405 S. Euclid Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302 Ph: 708-848-2227 Fax: 708-848-2269 Website: Mary Stizak, Program Director Email: YOUTH CROSSROADS, INC. 6412 W. 27th Street, Berwyn, IL 60402 Ph: 708-484-7400 Fax: 708-484-7492 Website: David Terrazino, Executive Director Email: Counseling Services Michelle Disideri, Director of Clinical Programs Email: Services: Individual and family counseling to youth ages 10-17 and their families. 14 Mentoring Program Amy Barth, Director of Community Programs Email: Services: Youth ages 10-14 are individually matched with a caring adult volunteer who provides youth with positive role modeling and experience in new and fun activities. Youth Leadership Program Maria Perez, Youth Development Specialist Email: Services: Engages young people ages 12-16 in leadership training and development in order to create a better, safer community YOUTH OUTREACH SERVICES, INC. 6117 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60402 Ph: 708-652-5370 Fax: 708-652-5379 Website: Rick Velasquez, Executive Director Services: Individual, group and family counseling serving adolescents who are using drugs/alcohol or impacted by other’s use. Summer & After-school programs. (No services to children ages 0-5) Cicero Treatment and Prevention Araceli Ramirez, Program Manager Email: Notes: All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network– Cicero 1010 Lake Street, Ste. 300, Oak Park, IL 60301 Rosalind Larsen, Network Coordinator Email: Tel: 708-492-2095 Fax: 708-492-2900 AOK Network Meeting Schedule September 2008 through May 2009 Gethsemane Lutheran Church 1937 S. 50th Avenue Cicero, IL 60804 1:00 – 2:30 PM (3rd Wednesday of the Month) Wednesday, September 17, 2008, (This day only: Public Safety Building, 5410 W. 34th Street, Cicero) Wednesday, October 15, 2008 4 Wednesday, November 19, 2008 AOK Kickoff September 17, 2008 December – No meeting Scheduled 1 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1 Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Week A Celebration of the of the Young Child Young Child April 23, 2009 April 19 – 25, 2009 Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Wednesday, May 20, 2009 The mission of AOK is to develop a high quality, well coordinated, and accessible system of care that will promote positive growth and development for very young children. Cook County Department of Public Health All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network – Cicero Community Resource Directory for Families Area Code (708) (unless otherwise noted) Advocacy Organizations All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network- Cicero (AOK) Ounce of Prevention Fund Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Voices for Illinois Children 492-2095 312-922-3863 773-636-1070 312-456-0600 Early Care & Education Services Administration Building (School District #99) 8634856 Early Childhood Center SD # 99 652-1144 Family Focus 652-0900 Foundations for Early Learning 222-1077 Healthy Childcare Illinois 836-8669 Illinois Action for Children (to locate childcare) 312-823-1100 Morton College 656-8000 The Children’s Center of Cicero / Berwyn 222-4503 652-1202 Grant Works Day Care Hawthorne (CEDA Head Start) 652-1284 CEDA Head Start 3-5 Home Visiting 222-4519 Morton East (Early Head Start/IDHS Child Care) 652-1220 P.A.C.O. #99 516-6222 P.A.C.T. Center 795-7228 Mental Health Family Services & Mental Health Center of Cicero 656-6430 Hartgrove Hospital 773-413-1700 Pillars / Fillmore Center 795-4800 Pilsen-Little Village Community Health Center 683-5500 Resurrection Behavioral Health 338-3806 Riveredge Hospital 771-7000 Municipal Cicero Fire Department Cicero Police Department Cicero Public Library Cicero Town Hall (Information and Referral) Emergency 652-0174 652-2130 652-8084 656-3600 911 Recreation Clyde Park District Hawthorne Park District PAV YMCA Wonder Works 652-3545 863-6511 749-0606 383-4815 Services to Children with Disabilities / E.I. Domestic Violence DCFS Child Abuse Hotline 800-252-2873 Mujeres Latinas en Acción 222-1675 Sarah’s Inn (Crisis Hotline) 261-0755 The C.A.R.E. Center (Sexual Assault Services) 788-6759 Sexual Assault Hotline 482-9600 Food Pantries Catholic Charities Cicero/Berwyn/Stickney Anti-Hunger Foundation Food Pantry CBS I Salvation Army 222-1491 863-4913 222-0177 Medical Services Access Community Health Network (Hawthorne) 780-9777 Access to Care 531-0680 Alivio Medical Center 652-4910 All KIDS / Family Care 866-255-5437 CCDPH TB Control Clinic 836-8600 Cicero Health Center of Cook County 783-9800 656-5485 Clínica San Lázaro / MacNeal Healthcare Services Loyola University Medical Center 216-9000 MacNeal Hospital 783-9100 Morton East School Based Clinic 656-1130 PCC Community Wellness Center 386-0845 Primary Health Care Specialist, S.C. 780-1464 St. Anthony Hospital 773-484-1000 Su Salud Medical Center 656-5230 848-0528 The Children’s Clinic (formerly Infant Welfare Clinc) Town of Cicero Health Department 477-6308 Aspire Children’s Services 236-0979 Chicago Hearing Society 773-248-9121 Child & Family Connections (CFC #7) 449-0625 Community Support Services 354-4547 El Valor 312-997-2021 Family Resource Center on Disabilities 312-939-3513 ICG Rehabilitation Services 312-943-3600 Oak Leyden Developmental Services 524-1050 656-3600 Office for People with Disabilities (Town of Cicero) UIC-Division of Specialized Care for Children 312-433-4114 West Suburban Special Recreation Association 847-455-2100 Social Services Catholic Charities 222-1491 CEDA Near West 222-3824 Consumer Credit Counseling 800-815-2227 Health and Human Services Help Line 800-323-4769 IDHFS Child Support 800-447-4278 IDHFS TANF (Cicero Local Public Aid Office) 338-7600 IL Employment Training Center 222-3100 Illinois Poison Center 800-222-1222 Legal Assistance Foundation 312-341-1070 Post Office 800-275-8777 Social Security 800-772-1213 Teen Programs CEDA Teen Parent Services Corazon Community Services Parenthesis Youth Crossroads, Inc. Youth Outreach 773-459-1911 656-1400 848-2227 484-7400 652-5370 Notes: Cook County Department of Public Health 09/08