Albi discovery guide - Office de Tourisme d`Albi
Albi discovery guide - Office de Tourisme d`Albi
2010 Discovery Guide Contents Albi Label vie Discover Albi ...........p. 02 Visits .........................p. 08 Strolling ................... p. 16 Activities ................. p. 18 Going out ................. p. 20 Around Albi ............. p. 22 Albi Pass .................. p. 28 Destination Albi .... p. 29 Opening hours of the tourist office • From 01/09 to 30/06 : 9am/12.30am – 2pm/6pm* (*6.30 pm in May,June and September) Sunday and public holidays :10am/12.30am – 2.30pm/5pm (closed the Sundays on January,the 7th of February,November, December) • From 01/07 to 31/08 : 9am/7pm Sunday and public holidays :10am/12.30am – 2.30pm/6.30pm • Closing days : 01/01 – 01/05 – 01/11 – 25/12 OFFICE DE TOURISME Palais de la Berbie - Place Sainte-Cécile 81 000 ALBI Tél : 33 (0)5 63 36 36 00 Fax : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 98 Discover Albi 1 Sainte-Cécile Cathedral June to September: 9.00 am to 6 pm October to May: 9.00 am to 12 am - 2 to 6 pm CHANCEL SALLES DU TRÉSOR (TREASURE) +12 years: €2 +12 years: €2 audio guide included The treasure is closed during the European Heritage Days School rate: €8 * 5 pm end of audio guide rental CHANCEL + TREASURE : €3 5, boulevard Sibille - 81 000 Albi - Tel. 33 (0)5 63 43 23 43 Fax : 33 (0)5 63 43 23 44 - 2 Toulouse-LautrecMuseum/PalaisdelaBerbie November to February: 10 am to 12 am - 2 to 5 pm (closed on Tuesday) March and October: 10 am to 12 am - 2 to 5.30 pm (closed on Tuesday) April and May: 10 am to 12 am - 2 to 6 pm June and September: 9 am to 12 am - 2 to 6 pm July and August: 9 am to 6 pm Closed 01/01 - 01/05 - 01/11 - 25/12 Adults: €5,50 Students/groups: €2,50 Family: €13,50 -14 years: free Audio guide : €3 Palais de la Berbie gardens 01/10>31/03 :8 am>6pm* (*7pm 01/04>30/09) Palais de la Berbie - BP 100 - 81 003 Albi cedex - Tel. 33 (0)5 63 49 48 70 Fax : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 88 - 3 Maison du Vieil Alby April to October : 10.30 am to12.30 pm / 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm November to March : 2.30 pm to 6 pm Closed : Monday morning, Sunday and bank holidays. Annual closure : 3 weeks on January Adults: €2 -12 years: free 1, rue de la Croix Blanche - 81 000 Albi - Tél. 33 (0)5 63 54 96 38 4 Lapérouse Museum March to June - September - October: 9 am to 12 am / 2 to 6 p.m (closed on Monday) July and August:9 am to 12 am / 2 to 6 pm (from Monday to Friday) 10 am to 12 am / 2 to 7 pm (weekends) NovembertoFebruary:10amto12am/2to5pm (closedonMonday) Closed:01/01-01/05-01/11-25/12 - 12 years:free Adults: €3 Students/groups/job seekers: €2 41, rue Porta - Square Botany Bay - 81 000 Albi - Tel. 33 (0)5 63 46 01 87 - 02 5 Saint-Salvi Collegiate Church Closed for works until March 2010 September to June: 9 am to 12 am / 2 to 5 pm (9amto10.30a.m ./ 2 to 5 pm on Sunday,8.30 am to 6 pm onTuesday) July and August:9 am to 12 am / 2 to 6 pm (9 am to 10.30 pm / 2 to 6 pm on Sunday) January - February - March:closed on Sunday afternoon Saint-Salvi cloister 7:00 am / 8:00 pm Rue Mariès - 81 000 Albi 6 Gabarre (barge) rides From 15 June to 15 September: 11 am to 6 pm City-centre cruises Adults: €6 3 to 12 years old: €4 Midi croisières Adults: €12 Albi/Aiguelèze Adults: €15 3 to 12 years old: €8 The "Berges du Tarn" landing stage – access via the Choiseul Quay 7 LAIT, (modern art centre/museum) International Artistic Laboratory of the Tarn Fromthe27thofMarchtothe31rdofOctober: fromWednesdaytoSunday2to7pm (closedonbankholidays) Adults: €2 Entry free in the evenings -18 years / students / job seekers: free Exhibition – Les Moulins – 41, rue Porta – 81 000 ALBI Tel. 33 (0)5 63 38 35 91 - 8 Little Tourist Train strolls From January to March - November – December : week-ends bank holidays – holiday period April – May – October : every day excepted on Monday in April From June to September : every day Departure : Sainte-Cécile square Information / reservation : Office de tourisme place Sainte-Cécile 81 000 ALBI – tél : 33 (0)5 63 36 36 00 Albi Pass - €6,50 The smart visitor's passport to discovering Albi Provides entry to theToulouse-Lautrec Museum and the cathedral chancel (including audio guide rental),as well as numerous reductions (museums,restaurants,shops,etc.). On sale at the tourist office. 03 Discover Albi Albi: the city of red bricks Palais de la Berbie Sainte-Cécile Cathedral The episcopal City 04 Inhabited since prehistoric times on a promontory overlooking the Tarn River and one of its tributaries, Albi became an important city with the establishment of a diocese in the 4th century. The oldest neighbourhoods (Castelviel, Bourg Saint-Salvi, Combes-Berges du Tarn and Castelnau) slowly developed around the seats of power, namely the cathedral and the bishop's palace. The construction of the Pont-vieux ("Old Bridge") in the 11th century allowed the city to rapidly develop its economy and extend its suburbs onto the right bank.Other neighbourhoods later developed to the south and east (Verdusse,Vigan).Finally, battlements were built in the 12th century,completely encircling the expanded city. The 13th century: an important century for Albi Inthe13th century,adissidentreligiousmovementknown asCatharismshookthesouthofFrance.SaintBernard,following his poor welcome to Albi where he had come to preach, branded the city's inhabitants heretics. All of EuropebegancallingtheCathars"Albigensians"andbaptizedSimondeMonfort'sexpeditionagainstthecityfrom 1208 to 1229 the Albigensian Crusade.Nevertheless,Albi remained loyal to the Catholic Church and rallied to the crusaders' cause, thereby preserving the city during this campaign. Immediately following their successful crusade, the bishops, who now ruled the city, erected the Palace de la Berbie,a fortified bishop's palace,as well as an austere cathedral to stand as symbols of their power and their victory over the Cathar heresy. Two hypotheses concerning the origin of the city's name Alp is a Celtic prefix meaning "steep site". Albius was the name of a Roman noble. They were born in Albi: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), painter Starting in the 15th century,Albi flourishedthankstothetradeinsafran and, especially,pastel:theOccitanname for a plant producing a blue dye. With its new-found wealth,the city grew in size and its inhabitants built themselves beautiful Renaissance-style town houses. In the XVIIIth century, Albi changed faces Beginning in the 18th century, Albi entered a phase of extensive urban planning, characterized by the demolition of its fortifications, the development of the Choiseul Quay, and the breach through to the Rue Mariès,preserving the original appearance of the Episcopal City. The engineer Mariès, Haussmann's precursor, designed a town plan that would eventually be implemented during the second half of the 19th century. During this period, the Place duVigan became the centre of city life and a popular place for strolling. Albi's prefecture,theatre and post office,as well as numerous cafés can all be found in the vicinity of the square... Pierre Benoît (1886-1962), writer Henri Paschal de Rochegude (1741-1834), naval captain under King Louis XVI The Albi Pass card The smart visitor's passport to discovering Albi Price:€6,50 providing entry to the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum and the cathedral chancel (with audio guide),as well as numerous discounts (museums, restaurants, shops, etc.). On sale at the tourist office. Destination: Albi The best price for your stay 2-day/1-night package, hotel or Bed and breackfast + visits, starting at €61 for two. Cf. p. 28.29 Fontaine du Vigan The Renaissance: the golden age of pastel Jean-François Galaup de Lapérouse (1741-1788), Pacific explorer 05 Discover Albi Industrialization and the modern era During the 19th and 20th centuries,Albi industrialized its economy (flourmilling,vermicelli-making,metallurgy, hat-making).TheAlbiminingcompany was an especially important player during this period, processing and exporting coal from Cagnac-Carmaux. Also, the city's worker-owned glassworks were built in 1895 by striking glass-makers supportedbyJeanJaurès. With its major advantages, Albi demonstrates its capacity to innovate. The historian Jean Roques describes his native Albi: "An administrative and tertiary-based city that remains in step with the times, without abandoning its soul along the way." Albi tourism 650,000 visitors 1,800 shops and services 530,000 visitors to the cathedral 135,000 visitors to the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum More than 120 restaurants and brasseries Southern Albi Delicious cuisine Gaillac wines A mild climate Remarkable landscapes Walking and riding along the Tarn 06 Pont neuf VOA Verrerie d’Albi (Albi's worker-owned glassworks) In the footsteps of a guide or on your own, set off to discover Albi's rich historical heritage. Hôtel de Gorsse Albi: Label Vie* recipient! Albi is one of the most important tourist sites in the Midi-Pyrénées region.Famous around the world for its architectural and cultural treasures,Albi,with a population of 82,181 inhabitants,happily marries an exceptional living environment,a southern-style art de vivre and modernity. Place Sainte-Cécile Covered market No one is impervious to the charm of Albi, a UNESCO World Heritage candidate city. Fontaine du Vigan You'll probably come for the city's rich cultural and historical heritage. You'll leave enchanted by its culturalandathleticevents,theeleganceofitsgardens, and the quality of its layout and amenities.You're sure to be seduced as much by the warm welcome of the Albigensians, tourist professionals and shopkeepers, as by Albi's special savoir faire appreciated by more than half a million visitors each year. 07 Visits Historical Albi Sainte-Cécile Cathedral (13 -16 th th centuries) This one-of-a-kind monument, the world's largest brick cathedral, was built by Bishop Bernard de Castanet. Sainte-Cécile is a masterpiece of southern-French Gothic art,amilitant-styleofarchitecturemeanttounderlinethe strength of the Catholic Church against the Cathar heresy. The interior, entirely painted, boasts an exceptional décor, the legacy of the city's Renaissance bishops: Louis I and Louis II of Amboise. 08 The nave Judgment Day (1474-1484) The largest medieval representation of Judgment Day, this painting is stylistically similar to Flemish works of the same period.The painting consists of three levels: thesky,theearthandHell,wherethedamnedarepunishedfortheircrimesaccordingtothesevendeadlysins. The chancel screen (1477-1484) Thislarge,flamboyantroodscreenincorporatesstatuary of astonishing quality and abundance. In addition to numerous polychromatic statues, it includes countless carved motifs making up a veritable stone filigree. The chancel screen Céc ile Judgment Day A detail of the vault TheSalleduTrésor ("TreasureRooms") Located in the high chapel, those rooms house sacred works of art of great quality, dating from the 13th to 19th centuries (the legend of Saint Ursula, a 14th century polyptych from Siena,cult objects,and more). The chancel interior The organs (18th century) Designed by the organ-maker Christophe Moucherel, the cathedral's organs are famous for both the quality of their case's décor and their excellent sonority. Sainte-Cécile Cathedral te Sain The vault frescoes (1509-1512) Set on an azure-blue background, passages from the Old and New Testaments intermingle among the foliage,putti and other Renaissancestyle motifs,making up France's largest grouping of Italian paintings. The organ case 09 10 Palais de la Berbie (the "Ambroise Wing") Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Jardin de la Berbie Visits Palais de la Berbie Toulouse-Lautrec Museum The name of the former bishop's palace, built during the 13th and 14th centuries,is derived from the Occitan word for bishop, "bisbia". Its militaristic layout is based upon a passive defence via its extraordinarily high and thick walls.The Palais de la Berbie symbolized the power of the bishops during a tense period with the Albigensians. It was reorganized for the first time during the Renaissance by Bishop Louis d'Amboise,before being turned into a comfortable palace by the following centuries' prelates. The many ogival-vaulted rooms,drawing rooms,terraces and classical gardens today serve as a majestic backdrop for works by the Albigensian painter, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Toulouse-Lautrec Henri deToulouse-Lautrec was born at Albi's Hôtel du Bosc in 1864, into a family of the high nobility. A congenital bone disease prevented him from living out the life of a provincial squire,instead pushing him towards drawing.Set up in the Montmartre neighbourhood of Paris, he painted local dances, prostitutes and cabaret artists. But he was first and foremost a remarkably gifted portraitist and a keen, faithful recorder of human nature.A few years after his death in 1901,his mother bequeathed the works of her son to the city of Albi - after they had been refused by the Louvre! The museum Boasting a remarkable collection of works by Henri de ToulouseLautrec,as well as a modern art collection with works from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries, the Albi art museum is currently undergoing an ambitious restructuration and extension. Divan japonais Salon de la rue des moulins The Toulouse-Lautrec collections are redisplayed as the various stages of the museum's restructuration are completed. In that part of the collection housed in the recently reconverted medieval rooms with their ogival vaults will be open to visitors you can discover Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec through portraits of the artist painted by his friends (Vuillard, Anquetin, and others), as well as early works and studies and a thematic approach to the artist's oeuvre in two rooms dedicated to portraits of his friends and family and to his brothel paintings. Newly created areas will eventually house the museum's temporary exhibitions. In the meantime, however, they will be used to exhibit an exceptional collection of major works by the artist:brilliant, incisive portraits of important Parisian personalities of the late 19th century, such as Yvette Guilbert and Jane Avril, Montmartre's musical cafés and Paris's street theatres, as well as the poster art that made Lautrec famous. 11 The Saint-Salvi chevet The bell tower of the collegiate church Visits Saint-Salvi collegiate church and its cloister Dedicated to Saint-Salvi, the city's first bishop (574584), the collegiate church (presided over by a college of canons and their abbot,second in power to the bishop) has a complex architecture, whose different styles betray a construction in stages.The oldest part of the church was built in stone in the earliest Romanesque style, while two centuries later, bricks were used during the Gothic period. The different materials used can be seen in the bell tower, which has a Romanesque base (11th century) surmounted by a level of Gothic, stone arches (13th century),which in turn supports the top level consisting of red bricks. The adjoining watchtower, or gachole, was the city's highest edifice before the completion of the cathedral. Inside the church,visitors can admire the chapels' interesting furnishings,as well as a remarkable collection of late-medieval statuary:six persons in polychromatic wood surrounding a bound Christ. 12 Hôtel de Gorsse tower The cloister Begun in 1270,the southern gallery,which survived thedestructionsoftheFrenchRevolution,alsocombines Romanesque forms (cambered arches) and Gothic elements (the capitals and décor of the pillars).The Saint-Salvi cloister and its white garden offer a cool haven of peace and quiet. The historic city centre The right bank of the Tarn affords a magnificent view of Albi overlookingtheriver.TheepiscopalCityhasmanagedtopreserveitsoriginal, age-old layout, marked by the Pont-Vieux, the riverfront fortifications, the palace keep, the flowered terraces and the imposing cathedral. The episcopal edifices fit snugly into the various picturesque neighbourhoodswiththeirmansionsandmoremodesthomes,theirchurches and other old buildings, from which emerge, as in the villages of Tuscany,towers,steeples and spires.The exclusive use of baked brick renders these old neighbourhoods particularly warm and inviting for strollers. The medieval districts of Castelviel,Vieil Alby, Combes, the banks of the Tarn and Bourg Saint-Salvi are explored via a maze of alleyways bordered by half-timbered, often corbelled houses which often boast open lofts, or soleilhous. La Maison du Vieil Alby AtthecornerofRuedelaCroixBlancheandRue Puech Bérenguier, La Maison du Vieil Alby ("Old Alby House") is a renovated medieval residence. It today serves as the offices for the association for the preservation of Old Alby,and houses exhibitions and slide shows on the local heritage. Maison du Vieil Alby Only a stone's throw away,beautiful Renaissance-era mansions with interior courtyards testify to the city's pastel history. Admire their subtle blend of brick and stone,reserved for the framing of windows and doors, a regional particularity. 13 Visits The Lapérouse Museum Lapérouse explaining his voyage to King Louis XVI Lapérouse 14 Jean-François de Galaup de Lapérouse Jean-François de Galaup de Lapérouse was born in Albi on 23 August 1741. Admitted into the navy at the age of 15, he foughtontheFrenchcoastsandstayedawhileonÎledeFrance (today's Mauritius), before winning considerable fame during the American War of Independence. King Louis XVI, who appreciated Lapérouse's qualities as both a sailor and a humanist, sent the newly-promoted captain on a great circumnavigation, by way of Cape Horn, Chile, Easter Island, Alaska, California, Far East Coasts, Kamchatka and Australia. Theimmensescientific-researchprojectcarriedoutunderthe aegis of Lapérouse came to an end after three years in 1788, with the wrecking of the expedition's two frigates, La Boussole and L'Astrolabe, on reefs off the Vanikoro Islands in the Salomon Islands. Over the past two centuries,the two wrecks - which remained lost until 1827 - have been periodically explored : to discover the Astrolabeandin1962theBoussole,andstudiedandthesurvivors' camp excavated, to discover any trace of what amounted to one of the most important expeditions of the 18th century.Indeed,theSalomonAssociation(Nouméa,N-C) - with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, the French Navy and the City of Albi - has carried out archaeological missions for over thirty years in order to try to answer the many questions which remain regarding Lapérouse's disappearance. The Lapérouse Museum The museum presents the great expeditions of the late 18th century and plunges visitors into the heart of Lapérouse's family and sea life, describes his voyage, and exhibits numerous objects found at the site of the shipwreck. It also describes the various expeditions carried out over the years to unravel the Lapérouse mystery. Le LAIT ("International Artistic Laboratory of the Tarn") Located in a former 17th-century watermill, the LAIT is Albi's modern art centre and museum.A laboratory of ideas, productions, exchanges and experiments, it also serves as a research centre on the forms,trends and themes of art and society. Le Crépuscule du Jaguar, Claude Levêque The Ac.C Modern Art Cluster, in the Bellevue school complex, welcomes each year a residential artistandorganizes various exhibits. Albi's heritage in figures 78m: the height of the cathedral's bell tower 1900m2: the vault surface 300m2: surface area of the Judgment Day mural 37 x 22 x 5,5cm: dimensions of the Albigensian or "carnival" brick More than 1,000 works of art exhibited at theToulouse-Lautrec Museum 1 035: construction date of the Pont-vieux,one of the oldest bridges in France Works by a dozen artists, on permanent exhibition and scattered about Albi (Toutain, Casimir Ferrer, Jean-Marc, Abel Reïss, Marie-Madeleine Gauthier, Martha Solsonna Bellera, Louis Derbré, Jean-Paul Moscovino, Dominique Coutelle) The Petit Albigeois Guide to Albi for children and families. A fun, original way to discover the city's treasures. Available at the tourist office 15 Strolling Albi Daydreaming and walking in Albi Albi: "town in bloom" Ahh, Albi:its natural and semi-natural areas, its river and landscaped parks, its fountains and small squares... During your strolls, discover the beautiful,natural universe that has obtained for Albi a "4-flower" rating in the national urban-landscaping competition since 2002.The classical garden of the Palais de la Berbie, the English garden of Rochegude Park, the white garden of Saint-Salvi... Enjoy a sweet digression in any one of the city's serene green spaces, which together add even more splendour to this one-of-a-kind city. Albi on the Tarn Take advantage of summer,learn the river's history,and enjoy magnificent, panoramic views on board a gabarre, a flat-bottomed barge once used for transporting merchandise. An easy, unique way to discover the majestic Tarn River, during a 30-minute outing beneath the fortifications of the Palais de la Berbie, or a 2-hour cruise to Aiguelèze. After your scenic boat ride, set off from the riverbank this time to discover the authentic, preserved nature in the very heart of the city, via the four-kilometre-long "Echappée Verte" hiking trail. 16 Albi: urban pleasures While away your time on a café terrace,savour a fine Gaillac wine, enjoy our traditional terroir cuisine,stroll about the market and among the antique stalls... It's all part of southern France's very special art de vivre! Relax and recharge your batteries, while discovering at your own easy pace the city's arts and crafts, its shops and restaurants. Gourmet Albi You'llbeseducedbytheAlbigensians' warm welcome and probably surprised by the variety of the city's urban pleasures:lounge cafés and wine cellars, local shops and large chain stores, tearooms and specialized restaurants... In the centre of town,you'll also find an organic market and two open-air markets,for a complete immersion in the local gastronomy. From wine bars to Michelinstarred restaurants: 60 restaurants welcome you to their tables Covered market Albi's markets Built in 1905,the Baltard-style covered market reopened its doors in October 2007 following its extensive renovation.The market is now host almost 30 shopkeepers, an open-air market on Saturdays, a restaurant and a 250-space car park. Discover the local producers and admire their colourful stalls, share their passion for quality terroir products,and enjoy their sense of hospitality. Go on a veritable gourmet treasure hunt and unearth our specialities, wines, cheeses and charcuterie. Foie gras, duck breast, radishes with salted pork liver, and tripe with saffron: more Albigensian specialities Discover The Echappée Verte: its bamboo grove, river ford, and more. "AlbiShopWindows":135shops and a Pleisure Card… to make yourwelcomeaswarmaspossible. Rochegude Park Janots, gimblettes and navettes: the ancestral specialities of Albi's pastry chefs 17 Albi: the other discovery package 18 The Atlantis water park Swimming against the tide,"breaker shower",hydro massage, water cannon, waterslide, diving pool, and more.Atlantis is the perfect place for the entire family. Here, summer means sunbathing, beach volleyball,watersliding and swimming.With its fitness centre and balneotherapy,this 18 000m2 aquatic centre is a veritable passport to well-being. Albi golf course Practice your swing at Lasbordes,one of France's ten most beautiful golf courses.This famously-technical, 18-hole course covers 60 hectares in a lovely setting on the Tarn River below Sainte-Cécile Cathedral. Only a few minutes from the city centre,remarkable Château de Lasbordes boasts a driving range,a proshop,a clubhouse,a restaurant and a shady terrace. Hiking and biking around Albi Albi, Rouffiac, Saliès, Fréjairolles, Cunac, SaintJuéry... By bike or by foot, set off to discover the natural and cultural treasures of the Albigeois district. Farms, woods, undergrowth, deep valleys, panoramic plateaus, sloping vineyards..... The Atlantis water park Activities The Lasbordes golf course Athletic Albi AttheAlbistadium,sharethepassion of the southern French supporters. Rugby, athletics, football... this sports complex welcomes up to 10,000 spectators, in particular for TOP 14 matches, which pit the Sporting Club Albigeois against the elite of French rugby. Head to the Albi race course to enjoy a spectacular grand prix or French motorcycle championship event. By attending a local athletic competition during your stay, you'll immerse yourself in a truly unique atmosphere. Albi is also... a skate park, a riding school, a parachuting school, a bowling alley, tennis courts, rock climbing, go-karting, rowing on the Tarn... Each year, 30,000 spectators attend Albi's grand prix events (Formule Renault, GT, Carrera Cup, Diester Racing Cup, Clio Cup, 206 CC, Atygo Celebrity Tour) and the French motorcycle championship races (superbike, super-sport, side-car). The Albi Grand Prix Follow marked trails and discover the superb landscapes that are the pride of our département.The city's "Balades en Albigeois" ("Outings in Albigeois") guide provides hikers and bikers with all the information theyneedtoexplorethesurrounding countryside. 19 Going out Albi: fun and emotion all year long Thrill-seekers, art, music, theatre and dance lovers,sports buffs,urban-culture enthusiasts: there’s a lot to see and do in Albi, all year long! February June • Carnival • Funfair • Gabarre rides • "Fête de la Musique" March • "Feu de la Saint-Jean" (French music festival) • Horse show • Big trade and secondhands sales April • Acthéa: European student theatre • The Albi Marathon May • "Albi fleuri, Albi gourmand" - for flower and food lovers (bonfires to celebrate the summer solstice) • Giant flea market July • "Pause Guitare" music festival • Bastille Day (14 July) • Bastille Day flea market • Summer street market • French motorcycleracing championships • National Athletics Championships • French Cycling Schools Championship July/August • Gabarre rides • Organ-music concerts • Street festivities 20 The "Pause Guitare" festival August/September • Urban Festival • Gabarre rides September • The Albi Grand Prix • European Heritage Days October • Antique show and flea market • EKIDEN relay race • "Habitarn" home show November • "Les Œillades" film festival • Saint Cecilia Festival • Art and crafts show December • Christmas fair • Christmas market • Christmas concert Four days of exceptional, open-air concerts performed by more than 40 artists. Theatre, concerts, live shows... A passion shared by 110,000 spectators each year. Rugby,cycling,motor racing,motorcycling... more than 200,000 persons are thrilled each year by the city's sporting events. Looking for something to read? Visit the Pierre Amalric multimedia library! For complete, up-to-theminute information, visit 21 Albi at the heart of your stay Popular sites Millau (110 km) The Millau Viaduct: the tallest cable-stayed road bridge in the world. The Gorges du Tarn ("Tarn Gorges") Toulouse (76 km) Airbus: visit the production line for the new A380. La Cité de l'Espace: the space-adventure theme park The Canal du Midi: a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Around Albi An urban area consisting of 17 districts Lisle-sur-Tarn boasting an exceptional cultural and natural heritage. To see and do: water mills, pigeon houses, wash houses, medieval towers, churches, the "Balades en Albigeois" network of hiking trails, bike paths... For more information, visit: Along the Tarn River Notre-Dame de la Drêche (4 km towards Cagnac-les-Mines) Vignoble 12th-centuryshrineandpilgrimagesite,reworkedduring the 19th century. To see: the interior paintings dating from 1894, the bells... Lescure (3 km towards Rodez) Medieval village. To see: the Saint-Michel church and its sculpted, Romanesque gate (12th century), the bell tower... 22 Viaduc de Millau Around Albi Cité de l’espace Saut-du-Tarn Natural waterfalls on the Tarn; 19th-century industrial site. Tosee:the place known as the Saut-duSabo, the Saut du Tarn cultural centre, the water and steel museum... Romanesque priory overlooking an isthmus of the Tarn. To see: the panoramic view of the meandering Tarn, the priory and the "Chemin de Croix"... Gaillac (25 km towards Toulouse) Capital of a thousand-year-oldwineregion. To see: the Saint-Michel abbey (10th to 15th centuries),the museum of fine arts, nearby Château de Mauriac.... Lisle-sur-Tarn (30kmtothewest,towardsToulouse) 13th-century fortified town surrounding a central, covered square. To see: the half-timbered houses, the Raymond Lafage Museum, the Art du Chocolat ("Art of Chocolate") museum... Rabastens (39 km towards Toulouse) Stop along the Saint Jame's Way, listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To see: the Notre-Dame-du-Bourg church, the local museum... La Drêche Saint-Michel de Lescure Ambialet (25 km towards the Valley of the Tarn) Gaillac Ambialet (3 km towards Saint-Juéry) 23 Castelnau de Montmiral Cordes-sur-ciel Around Albi The fortified towns and villages Cordes-sur-Ciel (25 km to the north) Discover a rich cultural and natural heritage. To see: the fortifications; the Saint-Michel church; the sculpted, Gothic, 13th and 14th-century façades ("Great Horseman's House", "Great Huntsman's House","Great Falconer's House",etc.);the Jardin des Paradis ("Heavenly Garden"); the numerous museums: Charles Portal,Yves Brayer, Modern Art Museum, Art and History Museum, Yves Thuriès Sugar Museum,La Gaudane (embroidery),and more. Castelnau-de-Montmiral (30 km towards Gaillac) 13th-century fortified village, listed one of "France's Most Beautiful Villages". To see: the fortified gate, the square with its arcades,the reliquary cross decorated with precious stones... Penne (60 km towards Gaillac) Castle ruins atop a rocky spur. To see: the castle ruins, the church, the medieval village... Puycelsi (45 km towards Gaillac) Important medieval village,listed one of "France's Most Beautiful Villages". Tosee:the 14th and 15th-century houses,the Gothic church, the fortifications... Bruniquel (56 km towards Gaillac) Medieval castle on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Aveyron Gorges. To see: the castles, the Payrol House... Castelnau-de-Lévis (3 km towards Cordes-sur-Ciel) 13th-century fortified village dominated by the ruins of a feudal castle. To see: the panoramic view, the castle tower... The land of plenty Dénat (8 km towards Castres) Old,fortifiedvillage.Tosee:theRomanesquechurchanditsfurnishings... 24 Penne Bastide Réalmont (10 km towards Castres) Old,fortifiedvillage.To see: the central square,the church,Fréjaire Fountain... Graulhet (21 km towards Castres) Hide-tawing and leather-working capital. To see: the leather-working house... Lautrec (30 km towards Castres) Monestiés Medieval village listed one of "France's Most Beautiful Villages". To see: the windmill, the clog-maker's workshop,the view,the alleyways... The Ségala Tarnais Cagnac-les-Mines 6 km towards Carmaux) Carmaux (18 km towards Rodez) Old working-class,mining town.To see: the glass museum at the Château de la Verrerie... Monestiés (20 km towards Carmaux) Medieval village listed one of "France's Most Beautiful Villages". To see: the church and the famous "entombment", the permanent BajènVega exhibitions... Tanus (35 km towards Rodez) Former lookout with an eagle's eye view of the Viaur Gorges. To see: the Viaur Viaduct, the Romanesque church of Las Planques, the Viaur Gorges... Puycelsi Castelnau-de-Lévis Lautrec Former coal mine. To see: the mine museum, Cap Découverte (leisure-activity centre)... 25 26 Practical information Altitude: 174 metres Surface area: 4,527 hectares Population: 51,199 residents Average temperatures Low: - 6,1° C High: 38,4° C Average yearly temperature: 13,5° C Hours of sunshine: 2,125 per year Rainfall: 101 days (67.8 cm) Better-than-average air quality 27 A GOOD DEAL A great city pass ALBI CITY PASS 6,50€ Entrance fee for Sainte-Cécile Cathedral and Toulouse-Lautrec Museum + 1 bouquet de réductions LEISURE EXCURSIONS VISITS Ste-Cécile Cathedral - Choir and audio-guide Musée Toulouse-Lautrec Ste-Cécile Cathedral - Treasury Lapérouse Museum LAIT Centre for Contempory Art Old Alby House Guided Heritage Tour : Cathedral +Toulouse-Lautrec Museum+Old Town Centre Centre of Albi - 30mn Cruises in Gabarre barges Midday cruise - 1h45 Albi / Aiguelèze - 2h Little tourist train stroll •GaillacWines - BaronThomières Covered market hall Wine and Fine Delicacies - Prince de Food Tasting • Duck Cocagne - Covered market hall • Chocolates and other treats Michel Belin Atlantis Fitness Club Atlantis water sports centre Spa Centre (1h30) Cinema SPECTACLES Bowling 28 Go-Karting Horse-riding - Horse Show Superbike - Albi Motorbike Circuit Arpeggios and Tremolos - Annual programming Guitare Festival 68th Grand Prix Scène Nationale - Annual programming Normal fee €2 €5,50 ALBI PASS Included Included €2 €3 €2 €2 €1 €2 €1 €1,50 - €10 €6 €12 €15 €6 €5 €10 €12 €5 Free Free Free €8 Special rate -10% €6,20 - Bowling shoes provided free of charge €13 Full rate Full rate Full rate Full rate Full rate Full rate €11 Reduced rate Reduced rate Reduced rate Reduced rate Reduced rate Reduced rate Partners are indicated by this logo 1 Albi Pass / adult FOR VISITING ALBI A great package for stay of week-end all year round! « Destination Albi » all-inclusive package deals to visit, enjoy, and stay… at preferential prices. » of the 2nd night s a s te ra d ce u d e «R • « Discovery Formula » A free visit of Albi From €61 for 2 people accommodation + breakfast + an“Albi City Pass” + a welcome gift • « Greedy flavours Formula » Mix patrimony and flavours From €146 for 2 people accommodation + breakfast an“Albi City Pass”+ a gourmet dinner + fine food tasting in the Covered Marketplace + a welcome gift But also… • Relax and romanticism formula: Spa in the heart of Old Alby (lasts approximately 1h), a dinner of local produce, and fine food tasting in the Covered Marketplace • Culture and Heritage formula: a visit to Sainte-Cécile cathedral and the Toulouse-Lautrec museum with audio-guides, the "Albi, City of Art" guidebook and a meal of local produce and products. • Golf formula: appreciate the green on one of the most technical courses in the Midi-Pyrenees region. Resist the temptation, the Tourist office deal with all! INFORMATION / RESERVATION All in package service Tel : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 97 ou Offer a special gift « Destination Albi » the city break, in relation with pleasures, celebration, events… Tell us your ideas we’ll compose a personal package. Reservation required - Free quotation Non contractual document subject to availability upon reservation Partners are indicated by this logo 1 Albi Pass / adult 29 Un imprimeur passionné et engagé Imprimerie à GRAULHET Tél. 05 63 42 84 00 Fax 05 63 34 58 81 Bureaux à PARIS Tél. 01 44 85 37 77 Fax 01 44 85 75 26 Office de tourisme Mairie d'Albi Palais de la Berbie Place Sainte-Cécile 81 000 Albi - France Tél : 33 (0) 5 63 36 36 00 Fax : 33 (0) 5 63 49 48 98 16, rue de l'Hôtel de Ville 81 023 Albi cedex 9 - France Créditphoto:Verreried’Albi,collectionmuséeToulouse-Lautrec-AlbiTarnFrance,P.Bertrand-ApaPoux, CRT Midi-Pyrénées,Ph.Prieur -VOA,D.Viet,M.Escourbiac,C.Rivière - CDT 81,Albi Croisière,D.Rousseau Conseil général du Tarn, Cité de l’espace, J. Ph. Mialhe, Alain Nort, F. Guibilato/Gilabert/M. Fabre/ L.Casagrande-Villed’Albi.Photo page 2 :© Pierre Béhar - Balloïde et Christophe Bouthé - Photos pages 8,20 :René © Gilabert - Albi,de briques et de lumière - Ed.Un autre regard - 2007. Label attributed to Albi by the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, in recognition of the city's commitment to economic and social development and the efficient use of its natural resources. Conception/Réalisation © Mairie d’Albi Crédit photos : M. et Ph. Escourbiac