l.aspegren@swipnet.se - Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human


l.aspegren@swipnet.se - Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human
A Bibliography
With English, French and Scandinavian references
“In Honour of Ralph Lemkin “
Drafted by
Lennart Aspegren, LL.D. h.c.,
Judge, UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), 1995-2000
"Rwanda after 1994"
Photograph: Julia Crawford, Fondation Hirondelle
1 Books, Reports . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………… page
2 Articles (in Books or Journals), Media, Websites,Acts . . . . . . ……………….. page
3 Films, Stage Plays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………..... page 101
1 Books, Reports
Abdulai, Napoleon (ed.), Genocide in Rwanda, Africa Research & Information Centre, 1994.
Abtahi, Hirad, & Boas, Gideon (eds.), The Dynamics of International Criminal Justice - Essays in
Honour of Sir Richard May, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2005.
Ackerman, J. E., & O’Sullivan , E., Practice and procedure of the International Criminal Tribunal
for the Former Yugoslavia; with selected material from the International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda, Kluwer International Law, The Hague, 2000.
Adamola, Abass, Complete International Law, Oxford University Press, 2012, 737 pp.
Adelman, Howard, & Suhrke, Astri (eds.), The path of a genocide: The Rwanda Crisis, from
Uganda to Zaire (including articles by Otunnu, Gachhuruzi, Kakwenzire & Kamukama,
Chalk, Jones, Callamard, Adelman, Livingston & Eachus, Laegreid, Suhkre, Castonguay,
Prunier, Halvorsen, Gnamo ; and an extensive bibliography), Transaction Publishers, New
Brunswick, NJ, 1999.
Aegis Review on Genocide, Genocide Prevention, vol. 1, no. 2, Retford, Notts (UK), 2003-2004
(including articles by Rosenblatt, Huttenbach, Heidenrich, Silverman, Bonwick, Cross, Smith,
Stanton, Roth, Maudsley & Colijn).
African Rights, Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance, London, 1995;
- -, Rwanda: Killing the evidence, murder, attacks and intimidation of survivors and witnesses,
London, 1996.
Aksar, Yusuf, Implementing humanitarian law: From the ad hoc tribunals to a permanent
International Criminal Court, Frank Cass Publishers/Routledge, New York, 2004.
Albright, Madeleine, Madam Secretary: A memoir, Talk Miramax, New York, 2003.
van Alebeek, Rosanne, The immunities of states and their officials in international criminal and
international human rights law, Oxford University Press, 2008: 496 pp.
Alston & Steiner (eds.), International human rights in context, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Alston, Philip, & Mégret, Frédéric (eds.), The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical
Appraisal, Oxford University Press, 2010.
van Althuis, Paul, & van der Wolf, Willem, The Rwanda Tribunal: The cases, vol. 1C, Global
Law Association, Nijmegen, 2000.
Altman, Andrew, & Wellman, Chistopher Heath, A liberal theory of international justice,
Oxford University Press, 2011.
Ambos, Kai, Der allgemeine Teil der Völkerstrafrechts: Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung, Berlin 2002;
- - , Treatise on International Criminal Law, vol. 1: Foundations and General Part, OUP, 2013.
Amnesty International, Rwanda: Crying our for justice, London, April 1995;
- -, Rwanda: Arming the perpetrators of the genocide, London, June 1995;
- -, Rwanda: Alarming resurgence of killings, London, August 1996;
- -, United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Trials and tribulations, AI Index
IOR 40/03/98, London, 1998;
- - , Rwanda: The troubled course of justice, AI Index AFR 47/10/00, London, 2000.
Amnéus, Diana, Responsibility to protect by military means: Emerging norms on humanitarian
intervention?, academic dissertation, Stockholm University, 2008 (589 pp.);
- - , A right to humanitarian intervention? – Responsibility to protect and the prevention of genocide,
The Living History Forum, Stockholm, 2009 (44 pp.), available at www.levandehistoria.se ;
Swedish version: Ansvar att skydda: Förebyggande av folkmord – en rätt till humanitär
intervention? (96 pp.), Forum för levande historia, Stockholm, skriftserie # 7:2009.
Amnéus, Diana, & Svanberg-Torpman, Katinka, Peace and security: Current challenges in
international law, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2004.
Andreassen, Bård-Anders, & Skaar, Elin (eds.), Forsoning eller rettferdighet? Om beskyttelse av
menneskerettighetene gjennom sannhetskommisjoner og rettstribunaler, Cappelen, Oslo, 1998
(including an article by Anette Frøyland, Ann-Charlotte Nilsson & Astri Suhrke, headed
’Rwanda: Verken rettferdighet eller fred’, pp. 274-313).
Anyidoho, Henry Kwami, Guns over Kigali, Woeli Publishing Services, Accra, 1997; Kampala,
Arendt , Hannah, Eichmann in Israel: A Report on the Banality of Evil, Penguin Modern Classics,
1994; Swedish translation: Den banala ondskan: Eichman i Jerusalem, Daidalos, 1996..
Arnold, Pascal, ‘UNO-Sicherheitsrat und die strafrechrliche Verfolgung von Individuen : Die
ad hoc Tribunale zur Verfolgung von Kriegsverbrechen im ehemaligen Jugoslawien und in
Ruanda […]’, Helbing Lichtenstein, München, 1999.
Article XIX, Broadcasting genocide: Censorship, propaganda and state-sponsored violence in Rwanda
1990-1994, London, 1996.
Ascencio, H., & Decaux, E, & Pellet, A., Droit international pénal, Éditions A. Pedone, Paris,
Askin, Kelly Dawn, War crimes against women: Prosecution in international war crimes tribunals,
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1997 (455 pp).
Assemblée nationale de France, Enquête sur la tragédie rwandaise (1990-1994), Paris, 1998.
Association internationale de droit pénal / International Association of Penal Law,
International criminal justice: Historic and contemporary perspectives, Toulouse, 1996;
-- , Recueil / Compendium), Nouvelles Études Pénales, Erès, 1999.
Arnold, Pascal, Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat und die strafrechtliche Verfolgung von Individen […],
Helbing Lichtenhahn, 1999.
Baines, Erin K., Body politics and the Rwandan crisis, 2003.
Ball, H., Prosecuting war crimes and genocide: The twentieth-century experience, University Press
of Kansas, 1999.
Bantekas, I., & Nash, S., International Criminal Law, London, Cavendish Publishing Ltd.
Barnett, Michael N., Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda, Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, New York, 2002.
Bärfuss, Lukas, Hundert Tage, a novel on the Rwanda blood-bath, 2008 (Swedish translation:
Hundra dagar, Norstedts, Stockholm).
Bartleman, James (Canadian Prime Minister's diplomatic advisor 1994-1998), Rollercoaster,
McClelland & Stewart Ltd., The Canadian Publishers, 2007.
Bass, G. J., Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton
University Press, 2000.
Bassiouni, M. Cherif, International criminal law, Vol. I: Crimes, Transnational Publishers, New
York, 1985;
- - , International criminal law, Vol. II: Procedural and enforcement mechanisms, Transnational
Publishers, New York, 1999;
- - , International criminal law, Vol. III: Enforcement, Transnational Publishers, New York, 1999;
- - , Crimes against humanity in international criminal law, 2nd revised ed., Martinus Nijhoff,
Kluwer, 1999;
- - , International criminal law, Ardsley, New York, 1999;
- - , International criminal law mechanisms, 2nd ed., Transnational, New York, 1999;
- - , Introduction to International Criminal Law, Martinus Nijhoff, 2003;
- - , Projet de code pénal international : Le droit pénal international, son objet, son contenu, Erés
(Criminologie et sciences de l'homme);
- - (ed.) International Criminal Law, Martinus Nijhoff, 2008; vol. 3, including ‘The International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’.
Bassiouni, M. Cherif, & Wise, E. M, ‘Aut dedere, aut judicare’: The duty to extradite or prosecute
in international law, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1995.
Bazelaire, J.-P., & Cretin, T., La justice pénale internationale: Son évolution, son avenir de
Nuremberg à La Haye, Criminalité internationale, Presses universitaires de France (PUF), 2000.
Behrens, Paul, & Henham, Ralph, The criminal law of genocide, Ashgate, 2007.
Ben-Naftali, Oma, International Human Rights and Inernational Humanitarian Law, Oxford
University Press, 2011.
Beigbeder, Yves, Judging war criminals: The politics of international justice, MacMillan Press,
2000 (230 pp.);
- -, International justice against impunity, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2005 (254 pp.);
- - , Judging war crimes and torture: French justice and international criminal tribunals and
commissions (1940-2005), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2007 (380 pp.).
Belgian Senate, Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry concerning Rwanda / Commission d’enquête
parlementaire concernant les événements du Rwanda, Report / Rapport, Brussels / Bruxelles,
Ben-Naftali, Orna, International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Oxford
University Press, 2011.
Bergsmo, Morten (ed.), Human Rights and Criminal Justice for the Downtrodden: Essays in
Honour of Asbjörn Eide, Martinus Nijhoff, 2003.
Berry, John A., & Berry, Carol Pott (eds.), Genocide in Rwanda, Howard University Press,
Washington DC, 1999.
Bertrand, J., Le Rwanda, le piège de l'histoire. L'échec de l'opposition démocratique, Karthala, Paris,
Biggar, Nigel, Burying the past: Making peace and doing justice after civil conflict, Georgetown
University Press, Washington DC, 2001.
Bizimana, Jean Damascène, La contribution du TPIR à l’édification de la justice pénale
internationale, 2004.
Bloomfield, D., & Barnes, T., & al. (eds.), Reconciliation after violent conflict - a handbook,
International IDEA, Stockholm, 2003.
Bloxham. Donald, Genocide on trial: War crime trials and the formation of Holocaust history and
memory, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Boas, Gideon, & Schabas, William A. (eds.), International Criminal Law: Developments in the
Case Law of the ICTY, Martinus Nijhoff, International Humanitarian Law Series no. 6, 2003.
Böhm, Tomas, & Kaplan, Suzanne, Hämnd eller upprättelse: Hämndspiralens psykologi, 2009.
Booh Booh, Jacques-Roger, Le patron de Dallaire parle (in English: Dallaire’s boss speaks), 2005.
Bornkamm, Paul Christoph, Rwanda’s gacaca courts : Between retribution and reparation, Oxford
University Press, 2012.
Boucher-Saulnier, F., Dictionnaire pratique du droit humanitaire, Éditions La Découverte, 1998.
Boustany, K., & Daniel, D. (eds.), Génocide(s), Collection de droit international, Réseau
Vitoria, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1999.
Bottigliero, Ilaria, Redress for victims of crimes under international law, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden,
Boister, Neil, & Cryer, Robert, The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A reappraisal, Oxford
University Press, 2008, 376 pp.
Bornkamm, Paul Christoph, Rwanda’s Gaçaça Courts: Between Retribution and Reparation,
Oxford University Press, 2012.
Braeckman, Colette, Rwanda : Histoire d'un génocide, Fayard, Paris, 1994 ;
- - , Terreur africaine - Burundi, Rwanda, Zaïre : Les racines de la violence, Fayard, Paris, 1996.
Breton Le Goff, Gaelle, Coalition for women’s human rights in conflict situations: Analysis of
trends in sexual violence prosecutions in indictments by the ICTR from November 1995 to November
2002, Montreal, 2002.
Breton Le Goff, Gaelle, & Saris, Anne, Comment accéder au TPIR / Accessing ICTR, Droits et
démocratie, Montréal, 2000.
Bring, Ove, FN-stadgans folkrätt, Stockholm, 1992;
- - , FN-stadgan och världspolitiken, Norstedts juridik, Stockholm, 2002;
- - , International criminal law in historical perspective: Comments and materials, Stockholm
University, Faculty of Law, ’Skriftserien’ no. 66, Stockholm, 2nd ed. , 2002 (157 pages,
including a bibliography);
- - , De mänskliga rättigheternas väg – genom historien och litteraturen, Atlantis, Stockholm, 2011;
720 pp.
Bring, Ove, & Mahmoudi, Saïd, & Wrange, Pål, Sverige och folkrätten, 4 uppl., Norstedts
juridik, Stockholm, 2011 (333 s.).
Broomhall, Bruce, International Justice and the International Criminal Court: Between Sovereignty
and the Rule of Law, Oxford University Press, 2003, 226 pp.
Brounéus, Karen, Reconciliation - theory and practice for development co-operation, Sida (eds. J.
Schaar & L. Nordström), Stockholm, 2003;
- -, Rethinking Reconciliation: Concepts, Methods, and an Empirical Study of Truth Telling and
Psychological Health in Rwanda, Dissertation/Report no. 18, Uppsala University, Department
of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala, 2008.
[de ] Brouwer, Anne-Marie, Supranational criminal prosecution of sexual violence: The ICC and
the practice of the ICTY and the ICTR, Intersentia, The Hague, 2005.
Browning, Christopher, The path to genocide: Essays on launching the final solution, Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
Brownlie, Ian, The rule of law in international affairs: International law at the fiftieth anniversary of
the United Nations, Martinus Nijhoff, 1998;
- -, Principles of public international law, 7th ed., 780 pp., Oxford University Press, 2008;
- - , Basic documents in international law, 6th ed., 440 pp., Oxford University Press, 2008.
Burgorgue-Larsen, Laurence (ed.), La répression internationale du génocide rwandais, Universités
de Paris-Sud et Rouen, Collection du CREDHO, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003.
Burghardt, Boris, Die vorgesetzten Verantwortlichkeit im völkerrechtlichen Straftatsystem: Eine
Untersuchung zur Rechtsprechung der Strafgerichtshöfe für das ehemalige Jugoslavien und Ruanda
… [ICTY und ICTR], Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2008.
Calvo-Goller, Karin N., The Trial Proceedings of the International Criminal Court; ICTY and ICTR
Precedents, Martin Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2005, 564 pp.
Cameron, Iain, National Security and International Law, 1991;
- - , The Protective Principle of International Criminal Jurisdiction, 1994.
Caplan, Gerald, see below: Organization of African States (OAU), Rwanda - The preventable
genocide, Report of IPEP.
Carey, John, & Dunlap, William V., & Pritchard, R. John (eds.), International Humanitarian
Law: Origins, Challenges and Prospects, Martinus Nijhoff, 2003.
Carlson, Scott, & Gisvold, Gregory, Practical Guide to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, Martinus Nijhoff, 2003.
Carlsson Report 1999: see 'United Nations' below.
Cassese, Antonio, Violence and law in the modern age, Princeton University Press, 1988;
- - , International law in a divided world, Oxford University Press, 1989;
- - , International Law, Oxford University Press, 2001;
- - (ed.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford University
Press, 2002; 2,255 pp.;
- - (with Paola Gaeta), International Criminal Law, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. (paper
back), 2013, including select bibliographies and a table of cases; also cf. this book's
companion website: www.oup.com/uk/best.textbooks/law/cassese_internationalcriminallaw;
- -, The Human Dimension of International Law: Selected Papers, Oxford University Press, 2008,
622 pp.;
- - (ed.-in-chief), The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford University
Press, 2009; 1100 pp.
Cassese, Antonio, & Delmas Marty, M. (eds.), Crimes internationaux et jurisdictions
internationales, PUF, Paris, 2002.
Cassese, Antonio, & Gaeta, Paola, & Jones, J. (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court, Clarendon Press, 2000.
Cassese, Antonio, & Acquaviva, Guido, & Fan, Mary, & Whiting, Alex, International Criminal
Law: Cases and Commentary, Oxford University Press, 648 pp., 2011.
Castonguay, Jacques, Les Casques Bleus au Rwanda, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1998.
Cesarani, David, Eichmann: His life and crimes.
Charney, Israel W. (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Genocide, vol. I & II, ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara,
Denver & Oxford, 1999.
Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, Le Défi de l’ethnisme : Rwanda et Burundi, 1990 - 1996, Karthala, Paris,
- - , The Great Lakes of Africa: Two thousand years of history, Zone Books, 2003; 503 pages.
Cayton, Richard, & Tomlinson, Hugh, The Law of Human Rights, Oxford University Press,
second edition, 2008.
Cohen, Hermann J., Intervening in Africa: Superpower peacemaking in a troubled continent,
Macmillan, 2000.
Colvin, Madeleine, & Cooper, Jonathan, Human Rights in the investigation and prosecution of
crime, Oxford University Press, 700 pp., 2009.
Coquio, Catherine, Rwanda : Le réel et les récits, 2004, Amazon.fr.
Courtemanche, Gil, Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali, Boréal, Montréal, 2000 (English
translation: A Sunday at the pool in Kigali, Knopf Canada, 2003); cf. below the film by R.
Criminal Law Forum, A critical study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia, (including articles by Cotic, Tomuschat, Deschênes, Bassiouni, Burns, Kolodkin,
Forsythe, Schutte, Dolenc, Cleiren & Tijssen, Nsereko), Gallant, vol. 5, nos. 2 & 3 , Rutgers
University School of Law, Camden, NJ, 1995 (826 pp.).
Cruvellier, Thierry, Le tribunal des vaincus : Un Nuremberg pour le Rwanda ?, Calmann- Lévy,
Paris, 2006.
Cryer, Robert, The Development of International Humanitarian Law by the International Criminal
Tribunals, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Cryer, Robert, & Friman, Håkan, & Robinson, Darryl, & Wilmshurst, Elizabeth, An
Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed.,
Dahlbäck, Vincent, Känslor gräver inga gravar (reports from four tragedies: Rwanda, Aceh,
Uganda, Sudan), Carlsson, Stockholm, 2010.
Dallaire, Roméo (with Brent Beardley), Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in
Rwanda, Random House Canada, Toronto, & Arrow Books, London, 2003 (562 pp.); cf. below
the French version of this book; in addition: the films by P. Raymont and by R.
- -, J'ai serré la main du diable : La faillite de l'humanité au Rwanda, Outremont (Québec,
Canada), Libre expression, 2004.
Dallaire, Roméo, They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children (on child soldiers of Rwanda),
Random House Canada, Toronto, 2010.
Danelius, Hans, Mänskliga rättigheter, Norstedts juridik, Stockholm, 1993;
- - , Mänskliga rättigheter i europeisk praxis, Norstedts juridik, Stockholm, 2002.
Darcy, Shane, & Powderly, Joseph, Judicial Creativity at the International Criminal Tribunals,
“Comprehensive overview of the ways in which the judges of the Rwanda and Yugoslav
Tribunals have contributed to the development of international criminal law”, Oxford
University Press, 432 pp., 2010.
Decaux, Emmanuel, & Dieng, Adama, & Sow, Malick (eds.), From Human Rights to
International Criminal Law: Studies in Honour of an African Jurist, the Late Judge Laïty Kama / Des
droits de l'homme au droit international pénal: Études en l'honneur d'un juriste africain, feu le juge
Laïty Kama, (including an article by Lennart Aspegren & Jamie A. Williamson, headed ’The
Rwanda Tribunal and Genocide’), Martinus Nijhoff, Brill, Leiden, 2007; 774 pp.
Deigh, John, & Dolinko, David (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law,
Oxford University Press, 2011.
Des Forges, Alison,”Leave none to tell the story”: Genocide in Rwanda / ”Aucun témoin ne doit
survivre” : Le génocide au Rwanda, Human Rights Watch & Fédération internationale des
ligues des droits de l’homme, New York / Karthala, Paris, 1999 (789/931 pp.).
Destexhe, Alain, Rwanda: Essai sur le génocide, Éditions Complexe, 1994;
- - , Rwanda and genocide in the twentieth century, New York University Press, New York, 1995;
- - , Qui a tué nos paras ?, Éditions Luc Piré, Bruxelles, 1996.
Destexhe, Alain, & Foret, Michel, Justice internationale : de Nuremberg à La Haye et Arusha,
Actes du Sénat no. 144, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1997.
Dinstein, Yoram, & Tabory, Mala, War crimes in international law, Martinus Nijhoff, The
Hague 1996.
Dinstein, Yoram, The Defence of ‘Obedience to Superior Orders’ in International Law, OUP, 2012.
Dixon, M., Textbook on International Law, 4th ed., Blackstone, 2000.
Dixon, R., & Khan, K., International criminal courts: Practice, procedure and evidence, Sweet &
Maxwell, London, 2003.
Dugard, J., & van den Wyangaert , C. (eds.), International Criminal Law and Procedure,
Dartmouth, Aldershot, 1996.
Dupaquier, Jean-François, & Zurhoff, Efraim, La justice internationale face au drame rwandais,
Karthala, Paris 1996.
Eboe-Osuji, Chile (ed.), Protecting humanity: Essays in international law and policy, in honour of
Navanethem Pillay, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2010; including Peter Robinson, ‘Trial in absentia
at the ICTR’ (pp. 643-659).
Eltringham, Nigel P., Accounting for horror: Post-genocide debates in Rwanda, Pluto Press,
London, 2004.
Espelund. Görrel, & Karlsson, Andreas, Till mänsklighetens försvar: Iakttagelser av krigsbrott,
tribunaler och försoning (including an Introduction by Lennart Aspegren), Juridisk
reportagebyrå, eddy.se ab, Visby (Sweden), 2006, www.tillmansklighetensforsvar.se .
European Law Students' Association (ELSA), Handbook on the InternationalCriminal Court,
Brussels, 1997.
Falcón y Tella, María José, & Falcón y Tella, Fernando, Punishment and Culture: A Right
to Punish?, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2006; 268 pp.
Familles des paras, Rwanda : Lettre ouverte aux parlementaires, Rapport du Groupe ”Rwanda”
du Sénat, Éditions Luc Pire, Bruxelles, 1997.
Faust, Jordan J., Bassiouni, M. Cherif, & Scharf, Michael P., International criminal law: Cases
and materials, Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2000.
Feil, Scott, Preventing genocide: How the early use of force might have succeeded in Rwanda,
Carnegie Commission, New York, 1998.
Fernandez-Sánchez, Pablo Antonio (ed.), The New Challenges of Humanitarian Law in Armed
Conflicts - In Honour of Professor Juan Antonio Carrillo-Salcedo, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2005.
Fischer, H. et al. (eds.), International & national prosecutions of crimes under international law:
Current developments, Berlin Verlag, 2001.
Fisk, Robert, The great war for civilisation, Fourth Estate, GB, 2005; Swedish translation: Det
stora kriget för mänskligheten: Kampen om Mellanöstern, Norstedts, Stockholm, 2007 (1176 pp.).
Fleck, Dieter (ed.), The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford University Press,
3rd ed., 2013.
Floyd, John, International injustice - Rwanda, genocide and cover-up: the UN media trial, Kabuki
Press, 2005.
Foakes, Joanne, The Position of Heads of State and Senior Officials in International Law, Oxford
International Law Library, 2013 (414 pp.).
Fofe Djofia Malewa, Jean-Pierre, La question de la preuve devant le TPIR : Le cas Cyangugu,
L’Harmattan, Paris, 2006.
Fonden för mänskliga rättigheter, Rättssamhällets betydelse för fred och säkerhet: En tematisk
skrift om tillgång till rättvisa, fred och säkerhet samt internationell straffrätt, Stockholm, 2007;
Franche, Dominique, Généalogie du génocide rwandais, 2004.
Franck, Hans Göran (revised, completed & edited by Willian A. Schabas; including
contributions by Lennart Aspegren), The Barbaric Penalty: Abolishing the Death Penalty, The
Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library, vol. no. 12, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,
The Hague, 2003 (original Swedish version: Det barbariska straffet, Brottsförebyggande rådet,
BRÅ no. 3, Stockholm, 1997).
French, Howard W., A continent for the taking: The tragedy and hope of Africa, Knopf, New York,
2004, 280 pp.
Fujii, Lee Ann, Killing neighbours: Webs of violence in Rwanda, 2009.
Gaeta, Paola, The UN Genocide Convention: A commentary, Oxford University Press, 616 pp.,
Garzon, Baltasar, Auto de procesamento a militares argentinos, Madrid, 2.11.1999;
Gasser, H.-P., International humanitarian law: An introduction, 92 pp. (separate print from H.
Haug, ’Humanity for all’), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Haupt, 1993.
, The Churches and Ethnic Ideology in the Rwandan Crisis (1900-1994), PhD Thesis, University of
Edinburgh, 1998.
Gatwa, T. , - - -
Genser, Jared, & Cotler, Irwin, The responsibility to protect: The promise of stopping mass
atrocities in our time (preface by Desmond Tutu & Vaclav Havel), Oxford University Press,
Gerner, Kristian, & Karlsson, Klas-Göran, Folkmordens historia: Perspektiv på det moderna
samhällets skuggsida, Atlantis, Stockholm, 2005, 446 pp. (including references to literature on
Ginbar, Yuval, Why not torture terrorists? – Moral, practical and legal aspects of the ‘ticking bomb’
justification for torture, Oxford Monographs in International Law, OUP, 2009.
Ginburgs, G., & Kudriavtsev, V. N., The Nuremberg Trial and international law, Martinus
Nijhoff, 1990.
Glaser, S., Introduction à l'étude du droit international pénal, Sirey, 1954.
Goldhagen, Daniel J., Worse than war: Genocide, eliminationism and the ongoing assault on
humanity, Public Affairs, 658 pp., 2009.
Gourevitch, Philip, ’We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families’ Stories from Rwanda, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, 1998; paperback: Picador, London,
2000; French translation: Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que, demain, nous serons tués avec
nos familles, 2002, amazon.fr ; Swedish translation: Vi vill upplysa er om att vi kommer att dödas i
morgon tillsammans med våra familjer, Atlas, Stockholm, 2009.
Gouteux, Jean-Paul, Un génocide secret d’État : La France et le Rwanda 1990-1997, Éditions
sociales, Paris, 1998.
Grimheden, Jonas, & Ring, Rolf (eds.), Human Rights Law: From Dissemination to Application Essays in Honour of Göran Melander, (including an article by Lennart Aspegren, entitled
’Never Again? Rwanda and the World’), The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights
Library no. 26; Brill, Martinus Nijhoff , Leiden; 2006, 382 pp.
Grünfeld, Fred, & Huijboom, Anke, The Failure to Prevent Genocide in Rwanda: The Role of
Bystanders, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2007; 250 pp.
Guichaoua, André (éd.), Les crises politiques au Burundi et au Rwanda (1993-1994) : Analyses,
faits et documents, Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, Karthala, Paris, 1995.
Guichaoua, André, & Ruzibiza, Abdul Joshua, Rwanda : L'histoire secrète, <amazon.fr>, 2005.
Hartley, Aidan, The Zanzibar Chest: A memoir of love and war, Harper-Collins, London, 2003, &
Harper Perennial, London, 2004 (on Rwanda, see ’Lazarus’, pp.351-412).
Hartmann, Florence, Paix et châtiment: Les guerres secrètes de la politique et de la justice
internationale, Flammarion, 2007.
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- -, International and Internationalized Criminal Courts: The New Face of International Peace and
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- -, An introduction to the law of international criminal tribunals, Transnational Publishers,
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- -, Totally Unofficial, an unfinished autobiography, ed. by Donna-Lee Frieze (from drafts
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- - , Nu dog du: Bombernas århundrade, Bonniers, Stockholm, 1999 (including a bibliography on
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- - , Conspiracy to murder: The Rwandan genocide, Verso, London & New York, 2004, 358 pp.
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3 Films, Stage Plays
Acquaro, Kimberlee, & Sherman, Stacy, God sleeps in Rwanda, a short documentary, Oscar
nominee 2006.
Assur, Jens, Den sista hunden i Rwanda, a 30 minutes TV film, with Jonas Karlsson & Reine
Brynolfsson, firstly broadcast by Swedish Television (SVT 2 ) on 31.5.2006.
Axén, Patrick, Världens händelser: “Folkmordet i Rwanda”, a Swedish 30 minutes documentary
on the Rwanda genocide, broadcast by Swedish Television (SVT 2) on 16.11.2011.
Baker, Greg, Ghosts of Rwanda, a 154 minutes documentary, produced by PBS Frontline, 2004,
reporting on the role of UN, USA & ICRC during the 1994 genocide; interviews with UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former UN Secretary
General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, former National Security Advisor
Anthony Lake, et al. Broadcast in 2004 on PBS, Canada; available on DVD, and on www.pbs.org , video clip
on www.tinyurl.com/2c43fy .
Barna, Laszlo (producer), Shake Hands with the Devil; see R. Spottiswoode below.
Caton-Jones, Michael, Shooting Dogs, a 115 mins. film with John Hurt & Hugh Daucy,
premiere in Kigali, Rwanda, 2006 [about an ethically torn Catholic priest caught in the
middle of the 1994 genocide].
Christoffersen, Michael, Genocide: The Judgement (English version, BBC), Domare i folkmord
(Swedish version, SVT 1 & SVT 2), Dommer i folkemord (Danish version, DR); a 45 mins.
documentary on Lennart Aspegren's work as an ICTR Judge at the 1998 Akayesu trial in
Arusha; Team Productions Aps, Copenhagen, first televised in 1998; available on VHS
and DVD.
Christoffersen, Michael, & Heide, Mette, Milosevic on Trial, a documentary on the ICTY
trial in The Hague, Team Productions Aps, Copenhagen, 2007.
Favreau, Robert, Un dimanche à Kigali / A Sunday in Kigali, un film avec Luc Picard et
Fatou N'Diaye, basé sur le roman Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali par Gil Courtemanche
(cf. supra), produit au Rwanda par Equinoxe Productions (Danielle Champoux),
Montréal, Canada, 2005.
Gargot, Cristophe, D’Arusha à Arusha, un documentaire sur le Tribunal Pénal
International pour le Rwanda (TPIR) [a French documentary on the ICTR], 2009.
George, Terry, Hotel Rwanda, a fictionalized 122 mins. film with Don Cheadle, Sophie
Okonedo and Nick Nolte (playing the rôle of a UN general, loosely based on Roméo
Dallaire), produced by LGF & United Artists, Oscar-nominated 2004.
Glucksmann, Raphaël, Tuez-les tous ! - Rwanda: l'histoire d'un génocide, a 100 mins.
French documentary film (five acts: Les causes du génocide, La bascule, L'extermination,
Une histoire franaise, Après). Including live pictures from the 1994 mass killings and
statements by Rwandan survivors and perpetrators. With (in the order they appear):
Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Jean Hatzfeld, Alison Des Forges, Roméo Dallaire, Luc Marchal,
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Paul Kagamé, Patrick de Saint-Exupéry, Gérard Prunier, Franois
Léotard, Bernard Kouchner, Franois Mitterand, Hubert Védrine, Christian Quesnot,
Bernard Debré, Jean Hervé Bradol, Bill Clinton, & Alain Juppé. Produced by Télé
Images, Dam Dam Films, France, 2004.
Hughes, Nick, Iseta: Behind the roadblock, a documentary video from the 1994 Rwanda
genocide, available at www.thestar.com
Klotz, Jean-Christophe, Kigali: des images contre un massacre, 2006.
N.N., Le jour où Dieu est parti en voyage (SVT version : Dagen då Gud gav sig av - Från
idyll till folkmord; Rwanda 1994), French-Belgian drama, with Ruth Nirere and Laëtitia
Reva, 2009.
Peck, Raoul, Sometimes in April, a drama with Debra Winger, partly filmed in Rwanda, 140
mins., HBO Television, 2006.
Raymont, Peter, Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire, a 90 minutes
documentary, produced by White Pine Pictures & the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation, Toronto, Canada, 2004; available on DVD (cf. Dallaire’s book supra).
Rinaldo, Maria, Mothers of war, a documentary from the Documentary Group, broadcast
on Swedish Television SVT, 30.8.2009.
Rogers, J.T., The Overwhelming, a play examining the mounting tensions in 1994 Rwanda,
produced by Studio 180 Theatre in association with the Canadian Stage Company,
director Joel Greenberg, starring David Storch, Nigel Shawn Williams, 2007, Toronto
Spottiswoode, Roger, Shake Hands with the Devil, a 111 minutes feature film drama,
written by Roméo Dallaire & Michael Donovan, based on Dallaire’s book ’Shake Hands
with the Devil’ (cf. supra), produced by Laszlo Barna, Toronto, Canada, 2007, with Roy
Dupuis; premiere on 9.9.2009 at the Toronto International Film Festival; comments
10.8.2007 on <thestar.com>, probably available on DVD.
von Trotta, Margarethe, Hannah Arendt, drama with Barbara Sukowa, including
documentary parts of the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial in Jerusalem; produced in Germany,
YouTube, 'Ghosts of Rwanda', web site including documentary films:
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqX1ta8hdqQ&feature=related> or
"Ghosts of Rwanda”; transcript and further information at Ghosts of Rwanda
Other films:
A killer’s homecoming (2004, 50 mins.);
Chronicle of a genocide foretold (3 parts, 1996, 141 mins.);
Frontline: Ghosts of Rwanda, documentary (2004, 120 mins.);
Hand of God, Hand of the Devil (1996, 50 mins.);
Hiding from death, documentary (2006, 13 mins.);
In Rwanda we say... The family that does ...nor speak (2004, 54 mins.);
Keepers of memory (2004, 50 mins.);
Kisangani diary (1999, 50 mins.);
Rwanda: In search for hope (1999, 53 mins.);
The last just man (2001, 50 mins.);
100 days (2001, 96 mins.).
At the ICTR,
Arusha, Tanzania