Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27
Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27
Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA Welcome Exhibitors! DUNMAR EXHIBIT SERVICES (DES) is pleased to serve as the Official Service Contractor for the Vacation Rental Managers Association. TABLE PACKAGE: One (1) 6’ Covered and Skirted Table (blue) Two (2) Chairs One (1) Wastebasket One (1) 7”x44” Booth ID Sign The above items are provided by Show Management and will be placed in your booth prior to your arrival. THE EXHIBIT HALL IS CARPETED Exhibitor Move-In: Monday, April 27, 2015 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Show Hours: Monday, April 27, 2015 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Exhibitor Move-Out: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Freight Handling: Due to space restrictions, the convention facility may not be able to receive advance freight. Please ship any advance freight to our Norfolk location by April 17, 2015. A form is enclosed. Your freight will be placed in your booth prior to your arrival for exhibitor set-up. To have your freight forwarded at the close of the show, you will need to complete an outbound shipping bill of lading and return shipping labels. A Dunmar representative will be on site to assist you and collect your completed bill of lading. You will incur additional costs if you abandon your freight or exhibit. DES will have priority on loading docks at all times. Electrical & Phone: Electrical, Phone, & Internet service is provided by Norfolk Waterside Marriott and will be charged separately. For your convenience, their form(s) have been provided in our show kit. You must return these orders directly to the Norfolk Waterside Marriott for processing. Safety: Standing on chairs, tables or other rental furniture is prohibited. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. DES cannot be responsible for injuries from falls caused by the improper use of this furniture. Please call Kathy Starnes at 757-461-8888 ext 114 or Direct Line 757-932-8399 if you have any questions. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA PAYMENT POLICY PLEASE FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THIS POLICY BEFORE ORDERING ANY SERVICES. DES requires payment in full at the time services are ordered. DES requires that you provide a credit card authorization with your initial order. For your convenience, we will use this authorization to charge your account for services, which may include labor and freight handling, not covered by your initial payment. DISCOUNT PRICES: To qualify for discount pricing, orders and FULL PAYMENT by a check drawn on U.S. Funds or a credit card must accompany your order and be received by the discount price deadline. SHOW SITE ORDERS: Services ordered at the show site will not be processed without full payment at the time the order is placed. THIRD PARTY ORDERS: If you contract work to a display or exhibit house and require services from DES the payment policy stated above applies. Payment must be received from the Third party prior to the contract date or such charges become the responsibility of the exhibiting firm. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Dunmar Exhibit Services accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, check and bank wire transfer. A convenience fee of $10.00 will be charged to the credit card. Credit Card authorization is still required even if you pay by check. Purchase orders are not considered payment. All payments must be made in U.S. Funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Exhibitors will be charged a $29.00 fee for returned NSF checks. SALES/RENTAL TAX: Sales & rental taxes (7%) will be added to all rentals and materials. ONLY the 6% sales tax is exempt. The 1% rental tax is MANDATORY regardless of your organization. TAX EXEMPT: If you are tax exempt, a copy of your Tax Exempt Certificate for Virginia must accompany your order CANCELLATIONS: Items cancelled will be charged at 50% of original price after move-in begins and 100% of original price after installation. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION EXHIBITOR ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE STATE ZIP AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT DATE All orders are governed by the DES Payment Policy EMAIL ADDRESS CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION (Please provide CVC Code and Expiration date) MASTERCARD ACCOUNT NUMBER VISA DISCOVER CVC 3 (or) 4 DIGIT CODE : CARDHOLDER’S SIGNATURE AMERICAN EXPRESS (A convenience fee of $10.00 will be charged on the credit card) EXPIRATION DATE: Month________/Year________ CORPORATE PERSONAL CARDHOLDER’S NAME - PRINT CARDHOLDER’S BILLING ADDRESS – IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE CITY STATE ZIP Please complete the information requested and return payment in full with this form and your orders. You may choose to pay by credit card or check however, we require your credit card authorization to be on file with DES. For your convenience, we will use this authorization to charge your credit card for any additional amounts incurred as a result of show site orders placed by your representative for this event CALCULATION OF ORDERS TOTAL FROM EACH FORM OFFICE USE ONLY Freight Handling - In Freight Handling - Out Installation – Dismantle Labor Standard Furnishings Booth Cleaning Audio Visual Equipment Plants Other Items (Specify) SUBTOTAL 6% SALES TAX 1% RENTAL TAX $10.00 CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE To simplify payments, send one check payable to Dunmar Exhibit Services for the entire amount or note the amount to be charged to your credit card. Charge My Credit Card in the Amount of $ Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA DRAYAGE SERVICE AND FREIGHT HANDLING ORDER FORM ALL SHIPMENTS MUST BE PREPAID - COLLECT SHIPMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (Weight is based on incoming weight only – no allowance will be made for attrition during the show) SERVICE A -Shipments received at advance warehouse: Unloaded, stored up to 30 days, delivered to the unloading area of the exhibit facility; taken to the exhibitor’s booth, empty packing cases removed to storage and returned to booth, shipments picked up at exhibitor’s booth at close of the show, moved to a loading area, reloaded on exhibitor vehicles, van lines, or common carrier at the show facility. SERVICE B – Direct Shipment to Show Site: Unloaded from exhibitor or common carrier vehicles, delivered to the exhibitor’s booth, empty packing cases removed to storage and returned to booth, shipments picked up at exhibitor’s booth at close of the show, moved to a loading area, reloaded on exhibitor vehicles, van lines or common carrier at the show facility. Storage: In the event that only storage services is needed for empty crates or cartons rates are $15.00 per small crate (up to 10 cubic feet), $35.00 per large crate (over 10 cubic feet) and $6.00 per carton with a $25.00 minimum. Banding: Charged as labor (1hour minimum) $58.00 per hour S.T. and $87.00 per hour O.T. Shrinkwrap: $50.00 per pallet. Overtime Surcharges apply if shipments are handled before 8:00 AM or after 4:30 PM Monday through Friday, all day on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays or if shipments are handled during overtime hours due to scheduling conflicts beyond Dunmar’s control. This surcharge will also apply to shipments that are received past the Advance Shipment Deadline unless late shipping is cleared with a Dunmar representative. Incoming Weight Only Rounded Up to next 100 lbs. Shipment Weight x Rate/100 LBS SERVICE A ADVANCE SHIPMENTS TO WAREHOUSE Crated, Cases, Cartons – Skidded ONLY Small Packages-Under 25 lbs.-rate per each pkg. lbs. pkgs. 200 lb Minimum per Shipment 57.50 30.00 each 115.00 55.00 20.00 each 110.00 25.00 35.00 per hr S.T. 78.00 per hr S.T. 50.00 Estimated Charges SERVICE B DIRECT SHIPMENT TO SHOW SITE (Rec’d during installation period only!) Crated, Cases, Cartons – Skidded ONLY Small Packages-Under 25 lbs.-rate per each pkg. SPECIAL SERVICES Shipment returned to warehouse for forwarding Pallet Jack with Operator - 1 hr min. Forklift with Operator (5000 lbs capacity) 1 hr min Forklift over 5000 lbs quoted upon request lbs. pkgs. . lbs hr. hr. hr. 60.00 per hr O.T. 115.00 per hr O.T Truck and driver rates for special pickup and deliver/late warehouse deliveries Cargo Van plus .90 cents per mile 22’ Straight Truck w/lift gate plus $1.35 per mile Tractor and Trailer plus $1.75 per mile 65 .00 per hr S.T. 80.00 per hr.S.T. 100.00 per hrS.T. S.T 80.00 per hr O.T. 95.00 per hr. O.T. 115.00 per hr O.T. TOTAL ESTIMATED CHARGES WAREHOUSE SHIPPING ADDRESS: To: For: C/o: Freight must arrive by 4/17/15 Exhibitor’s Firm Name Tradeshow Name Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk,VA 23502 Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 $ Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA FREIGHT HANDLING INFORMATION & POLICY EXHIBITOR ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE STATE AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT ZIP DATE Advance Shipment DEADLINE 4/17/15 All orders are governed by the DES Freight Handling & Payment Polices INBOUND SHIPMENT INFORMATION (Attach a separate sheet for multiple shipment) Shipper (Name) _______________________________ Shipped From (City) ____________________________ Shipped Via (Truck Line, Airline Name) _________________________________ Pro No. __________________ Total No. of Shipments ______________ Total No. of Pieces ____________Total Weight _______________lbs. Inbound and Outbound traffic schedules are the responsibility of the Official Drayage Contractor. To ensure prompt handling of exhibit material in and out of the exhibit hall, it is suggested that exhibitors, including local companies, clear all movement of exhibit material through the Drayage Contractor. IT IS THE EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS, unless you elect to use the show Preferred Carrier. If electing to use the Preferred Carrier, please leave that space blank on the bill of lading. DES will forward all shipments to the carriers specified on the Bill of Lading you prepare, or by our preferred carrier within two business days. Outbound Shipping Instructions: Information should be given to DES prior to, during the show or immediately after its close. All bills of lading and shipping instructions covering outbound shipments will be checked at the time of actual loading and corrections made where discrepancies exist. Do not abandon your exhibit until a bill of lading has been prepared and turned into the Dunmar representative. The materials must have shipping labels on them. Freight remaining on the exhibit floor without proper instructions for disposition will be removed by DES and shipped with the information available at the time. Under no circumstances will DES be liable for shipping errors or costs subsequent to the show. Outbound Shipment Information: Ship From: Show Site if applicable (Exhibitor must make shipping arrangements) Warehouse No. Pcs. _____ Weight _________lbs. Ship to: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________ City: __________________ State: _____ Zip Code:_______ Ship By: Dunmar Preferred Carrier (YRC) Other _________________Account No. _________________ Shipments being handled by UPS and Federal Express, inbound and outbound, must have shipping arrangements made in advance. DES can not make these arrangements. Liability DES will not be responsible for damage to uncrated or improperly packed materials, or concealed damage, loss or theft after items are placed in exhibitor’s booth, or before we have removed items from the exhibit hall. DES will not be responsible for any loss, damage or delay resulting from acts of God, fire, strikes, lockouts, or work stoppages of any kind. Liability for any damage caused by Dunmar will be limited to 0.30 per pound, per article, not to exceed $50.00 per article, and a maximum of $1,000.00 per shipment. Please be sure all your exhibit equipment is properly insured against all hazards, including fire and theft, while in transit to and from the show and while at the show. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA EXHIBIT INSTALLATION & DISMANTLE ORDER FORM EXHIBITOR ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX STATE AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE ZIP DATE All orders are governed by the DES Payment Policy SUPERVISION SERVICES DES SUPERVISED (OK to Proceed) Set Up Instructions should be included in shipment DES will supervise labor to: Unpack and install display before exhibitor arrival at show site. Dismantle, pack, and arrange to ship display after show closing. A 25% ($50.00 minimum) surcharge will be added to the labor rates below for this professional supervision EXHIBITOR SUPERVISED (Do not Proceed) Exhibitor will supervise: Installation Exhibitor needs workers on (date) ___________ at (time) ______ AM PM for (hours) _________ Dismantle Exhibitor needs workers on (date) ___________ at (time) ______ AM PM for (hours) _________ Starting time can be guaranteed only when labor is requested for the start of the working day at 8 AM. All exhibit labor for 8 AM starting times will be dispatched to booth space. Please confirm other starting times prior to the beginning of the show. Labor cancelled without 24 hours notice will be charged a one (1) hour cancellation fee per worker. If the exhibitor fails to use the workers at the time confirmed, a one (1) hour “No-Show” charge per worker will apply. EXHIBIT LABOR RATES Straight Time Overtime Times Hourly Rates Between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Weekdays Before 8:00 AM and after 4:30 PM Weekdays and all day Saturday, Sunday & Holidays $58.00 $87.00 A minimum of one (1) hour will be charged for each worker ordered. Labor will then be charged in one-half (1/2) hour increments. Gratuities in any form are prohibited. Please estimate the number of workers and hours per worker needed below. Final charges will be calculated according to actual hours worked. No. Workers x Hours/Worker = Total Worker Hours @ Rate Total Installation Dismantle Total Services Ordered Add 25% DES Supervision Total Payment Enclosed Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 $ Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA FURINTURE & ACCESSORIES ORDER FORM EXHIBITOR ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE STATE Discount Price Deadline ZIP FAX 4/17/15 EMAIL ADDRESS QUANITY REGULAR Skirted Display Tables- 24”W x 30”H 4’ Long Table $88.00 6’ Long Table $100.00 8’ Long Table $115.00 DISCOUNT TOTAL QUANITY REGULAR DISCOUNT TOTAL Table Top Risers & Draping $70.00 $81.00 $91.00 Skirted Display Tables- 24”W x 42”H 4’ Long Table $115.00 $91.00 6’ Long Table $130.00 $103.00 8’ Long Table $141.00 $114.00 Table Skirt Color (circle one) Beige Black Blue Burgundy Hunter Green Silver Red White Gold Furniture (and Round Tables with Linens) 30” or 36” Round Table $60.00 $55.00 30” Cocktail Table 42”H $70.00 $65.00 Padded Counter Stool $50.00 $45.00 Black Folding Chair $32.00 $27.00 Easel $45.00 $35.00 Bag Holders $55.00 $45.00 Wastebasket $21.00 $15.00 Stanchions & Chain $40.00 $25.00 Table Linen Color (circle one) Red White Blue Black Display Panels 4’x8’ Velcro Boards $105.00 $90.00 4’x8’ Peg Boards w/ Pegs $160.00 $135.00 Peg Boards Circle One: Horizontal or Vertical Table Top Displays $150.00 $125.00 Pop Ups Available – Call for Quote 4’ x 12” x 12” Riser 4’ x 12” x 12” Draped Riser 6’ x 12” x 12” Riser 6’ x 12” x 12” Draped Riser $27.00 $49.00 $39.00 $62.00 $19.00 $40.00 $32.00 $49.00 Special Draping 3’H Linear ft. $3.50 $3.00 8’H Linear ft. $4.50 $4.00 12’H Linear ft. $6.50 $6.00 Special Drape / Riser Color (Circle One) Beige Black Blue Burgundy Hunter Green Silver Red White Gold Carpet 10’ x 10’ $150.00 $110.00 10’ x 20’ $300.00 $220.00 10’ x 30’ $450.00 $330.00 Custom Cut Carpet _____ft x _______ft =___________sq. ft ______sq.ft @ $2.70 per sq. ft. installed = Carpet Padding _____ft x _______ft =___________sq. ft ______sq.ft @ $.95 per sq. ft. installed = Carpet Color (circle one) Blue Grey Red Black SUBTOTAL 6% SALES TAX 1%RENTAL TAX TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS ORDERED WITH PAYMENT ENCLOSED $ PRICE INCLUDES INSTALLATION, RENTAL AND REMOVAL Cancellation Policy: Items cancelled will be charged at 50% of the original price after move-in begins and 100% of the original price after installation. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA CLEANING ORDER FORM EXHIBITOR ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX STATE ZIP AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE DATE All orders are governed by the DES Payment Policy To ensure your booth is show-ready, specify your requirements below. Please call us if you have a special need. Cost of vacuuming will be invoiced on the total area of your booth based on 100 square foot minimum. Please Note – DES reserves the right to retract this service in the event there are less than five (5) orders. Exhibiting companies requesting this service will be notified if this occurs. BOOTH CLEANING SERVICES PLEASE MARK YOUR SELECTIONS Vacuum, Dust and Empty Wastebasket Regular (No Discounts) Daily* cost per square foot per day $.25 One Time (Prior to Show) cost per square foot $.21 Other – Please Specify (Rates available upon request) __________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION OF ORDER * Calculate days when ordering daily service Booth Dimensions: ______ x _____ = _______ sq. ft. SQ. FT. x RATE x NO. DAYS TOTAL Vacuuming Total All Lines Total Payment Enclosed Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 $ $ Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA PLANT & FLORAL ORDER FORM EXHIBITOR ORDER DEADLINE ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE STATE 4/17/15 ZIP AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT DATE All orders are governed by the DES Freight Handling & Payment Polices All plants are for rent only and must be ordered in advance. Rates are based on a standard 3-day show or less. To avoid substitutions, large orders should be placed as soon as possible. Dunmar Exhibit Services reserves the right to retract this service in the event there are less than 5 Exhibitors requesting this service. If this occurs, Exhibitors will be notified prior to show set-up. Quantity Item Price 2’ Green Plant $45.00 3’ Green Plant $55.00 4’ Green Plant $65.00 5’ Green Plant $75.00 Large Fern $55.00 Mums (or Similar Flowering Plant) $45.00 Custom Floral Arrangement (SALE ONLY) Total $125.00 SUBTOTAL 6% Sales Tax $ 1% Rental Tax $ Total $ Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Vacation Rental Managers Association April 27-28, 2015 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA AUDIO VISUAL & SOUND EQUIPMENT EXHIBITOR ORDER DEADLINE ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE FAX AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE STATE AUTHORIZED CONTACT – PRINT 4/17/15 ZIP DATE All orders are governed by the DES Freight Handling & Payment Polices Audio Visual and Sound Equipment is available on an as needed basis. Equipment will be procured from local vendors at the best available rates and the vendor will install the equipment in your booth space. Damage to or loss of the equipment will be the responsibility of the exhibitor. AV Equipment (Special Order) Description 19” LCD Computer Monitor – includes table stand DAILY RATE Qty. Price per Day No. of Days Total $155.00 / input for computer video display only 22” LED Computer Monitor – includes table stand/ 225.00 input for computer video display only 27” LED Computer Monitor – includes table stand $295.00 / adaptable for any video source 42” LCD Computer Monitor - includes table stand/ $370.00 adaptable for any video source 50” Plasma Video Monitor –includes table stand/ $455.00 adaptable for any video source 52” LCD Computer Monitor – includes table stand/ $525.00 Adaptable for any video source 2000 Lumen LCD Projector 8’ x 8’ “Roll-Up” Tripod Screen 3’ x 4’ “Pop-Up” Screen $300.00 $110.00 $90.00 DVD Player Other: $115.00 SUBTOTAL 6% Sales Tax 1% Rental Tax Total Please circle: If Video i.e. TV/Projector – what is the source (Laptop DVD Player or Other) What is the output of source i.e. (VGA HDMI DVI RCA or Other) Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 $ $ $ Dunmar Exhibit Services Deliver by 4/17/15 To: _______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Hwy Norfolk, VA 23502 WAREHOUSE Event: Vacation Rental Managers Association Booth# _________ No________of ___________Pieces Dunmar Exhibit Services Deliver by 4/17/15 To: _______________________________ C/O: Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Hwy Norfolk, VA 23502 EXHIBITOR NAME WAREHOUSE Event: Vacation Rental Managers Association Booth# _________ No________of ___________Pieces The above labels are provided for your convenience. Please place one on each piece shipped to ensure proper delivery. If you do not have your booth number you may leave that line blank. If more labels are needed copies are acceptable. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Dunmar Exhibit Services Do Not Deliver Before 4/27/15 To: _______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: Dunmar Exhibit Services 235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510 SHOW SITE Event: Vacation Rental Managers Association Booth# _________ No________of ___________Pieces Dunmar Exhibit Services Do Not Deliver Before 4/27/15 To: _______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: Dunmar Exhibit Services 235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510 SHOW SITE Event: Vacation Rental Managers Association Booth# _________ No________of ___________Pieces The above labels are provided for your convenience. Please place one on each piece shipped to ensure proper delivery. If you do not have your booth number you may leave that line blank. If more labels are needed copies are acceptable. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 Dear Exhibitor, Dunmar Exhibitor Services and The Norfolk Waterside Marriott are both proud members of Virginia Green, the Commonwealth’s campaign to encourage environmentally-friendly practices in all aspects of Virginia’s tourism industry. We ask that you support our efforts by using the blue Recycling Containers throughout the exhibit hall. THANK YOU. Dunmar Exhibit Services 130 S. Military Highway Norfolk, VA 23502 Tel (757) 461-8888 ext. 114 - Direct Line (757) 932-8399 - Fax (757) 461-5192 2015 VRMA Vendor Showcase Guidelines April 27 - 28, 2015; Marriott Norfolk Waterside, Norfolk, Virginia 1. Eligible Exhibits Exhibitors are limited to companies whose products and services are of specific interest to attendees. VRMA has the right to determine eligibility of a company or product for inclusion and may reject any or all applications. VRMA may prohibit, move, close, correct, remove or eliminate an exhibit or any part of an exhibit that it determines is not suitable to, or in keeping with, the Show’s character. 2. Space Assignment: Initial tabletop assignments will be made for vendors registered by March 5, with priority given first to corporate sponsors (Gold, Silver, Bronze), then to conference sponsors, and then according to registration date. Vendors registering after March 5 will be assigned booth space on a first-come, first-served basis and are confirmed based on availability. 3. Installation and Dismantling: Exhibitors will have reasonable time to erect and dismantle their table top displays which will be specified in the Exhibitor Service Manual. Move in: April 27, 2015 Show: April 27 - 28, 2015 Move out: April 28, 2015 4. Showcase Hours: As a courtesy to attendees and your fellow exhibitors, ensure that your tabletop is open during official showcase hours. Exhibitors may not dismantle any portion of their tabletop prior to the official dismantle period. 5. Exhibitor Services Manual: The Exhibitor Services Manual will be emailed to the contact name provided on the Showcase information form by The Dunmar Companies, the general services contractor for the 2015 Vendor Showcase. The Exhibitor Services Manual will contain all appropriate forms to order furniture, cleaning, electrical, etc. For insurance, safety, and security purposes, electrical, cleaning, catering, sign hanging, drayage, and other special services needed by individual exhibitors are provided only when the exhibitor orders and agrees to pay for them from the exclusive suppliers authorized to provide such services as listed in the exhibitor services manual. 6. Tabletop and Use of Space: All tabletops will be 6’ x 2.5’. Each table will have 1’ of space on each side. There will be 4’ of space from the back of the table to the back of your space. Any backdrop or materials must be no higher than 8’. The following items will be included in each booth: ID sign, 6’ draped table (3 sides), 2 chairs, and 1 wastebasket. All vendor materials must remain inside this space. 7. Cancellation: Refunds, less a $100 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations prior to March 19, 2015; refunds will be processed after the Conference. No refunds will be granted after March 19, 2015. Registrations are transferable between individuals from the same company. 8. “In Conjunction With” Events: VRMA recognizes the need and importance for suppliers to host events during the VRMA Eastern Seminar. VRMA encourages suppliers to host these events at the host hotel(s) during times not conflicting with the official conference schedule. All of these events must be approved by VRMA in advance of the Seminar. Contact VRMA (see below) if you would like to host an event, or would like more information. 9. Showcase Prizes: All exhibitors are encouraged to provide a prize worth a minimum value of $25 to encourage attendees to visit the showcase and, specifically, your company. Vendors are responsible for collecting participant information, selecting prize winners (however they choose), and distributing prizes. VRMA will collect winners’ names and assist with winner notification. If you include your booth prize on your Showcase information form, VRMA will promote it to Seminar attendees through the Showcase Guide, signage, and advance promotion. 10. Booth Representatives: Booth representatives must wear name badges provided by VRMA at all times and booths must be staffed during the published hours. All Exhibitors’ staff other than those working in the booth must register as attendees to attend the showcase. VRMA does not allow children under the age of 18 in the Exhibit Hall at any time, including setup. Because of the professional nature of the program and limited seating, children are not allowed in the conference sessions at any time. 11. General Conduct of Exhibitors: The following practices are prohibited: • Noisy electrical or other mechanical apparatus or music interfering with other exhibitors. • Canvassing or distributing any other material outside the exhibitor’s own space. • Subleasing of exhibit space. • Publicizing and/or maintaining any extracurricular activities, inducements, demonstrations, or displays away from the exhibit area that take place during official Seminar and exhibit hours. • The wearing of buttons, unofficial badges, company nameplates, etc. placed over the official badge thereby obscuring the person’s name and affiliation. 12. Retail Sales Sales at retail, for delivery to purchaser on showcase premises, are prohibited. 13. Insurance: VRMA and the contracted facility, and their respective agents and employees, shall not be responsible for the safety of the property or the exhibitor, its agents or employees, from theft, damage by fire, accident, or any other cause. It shall be the exhibitor’s responsibility to maintain such insurance against personal injury and property damage liability in such amount the exhibitor deems appropriate. 14. Liability: Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and agrees to protect, defend, and save the Vacation Rental Managers Association, the Exhibit Management, and employees of the above entities against all claims, losses, and damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines, and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, or use of the exhibition premises or part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by negligence of the Marriott Norfolk Waterside, its employees and agents. In addition, exhibitor acknowledges that the Vacation Rental Managers Association and the Marriott Norfolk Waterside do not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s property, and that it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by the exhibitor. 15. Unforeseen Situations: If for any reason beyond the Vacation Rental Managers Association’s control, the VRMA 2015 Vendor Showcase must be cancelled, shortened, delayed or otherwise changed including, but not limited to, acts of God, shortage of commodities or supplies to be furnished by the hotel, governmental authority, or war in the United States that makes it illegal or impossible for the hotel to hold the event, Exhibitor understands and agrees that all losses and damages which it may suffer as a consequence thereof are its responsibility and not that of the Association, its directors, officers, employees or agents. Exhibitor understands that it may lose all monies it has paid to the Association for space in the Showcase, as well as other costs and expenses it has incurred, including travel to the show, setup, lodge, freight, employee wages, etc. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any and all loss, which exhibitor may suffer as a result of changes to Showcase caused in whole or in part by any reason outside the Association’s control and releases the Association, its directors, officers and employees and/or agents from any and all claims, including but not limited to lost profits, out of pocket costs and consequential damages. Please direct questions to: Sheila King, CMP Director of Meetings & Education P (317) 454-8315 Norfolk Waterside Marriott ELECTRICAL/ UTILITY/ TELEPHONE / INTERNET SERVICES ORDER FORM Group Name:Vacation Rental Managers Association Connect Date:April 26, 2015 Disconnect Date: April 28, 2015 Please indicate the type of service(s) needed. All requests for service must be received at least 10 days prior to the event. All requests received after this will include a $25.00 late fee. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse and requests for service that is deemed unsafe or ill advised. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: Name of Company: Company Address: Name of Person Requesting Service: On-Site Contact (if different from requestor): Telephone Number: E-Mail Address: Fax Number: Booth #: ELECTRICAL/UTILITY: The City of Norfolk requires that no electrical equipment or apparatus be connected unless it conforms to the Norfolk electrical code. All electrical apparatus and splices must be installed in a metal enclosure to prevent the emission of sparks. All metal raceways, metal lighting fixtures, and metal housings of electrically powered equipment must be grounded. Flexible cords and cables less than #14 gauge are not permitted # of Circuits Price per Day/Per Outlet $40.00 $120.00 $250.00 7amps-110/120Volts 20 Amps Dedicated – 110/120 Volts 60 Amps-220 Volts Single Phase ** # of Days Cost = = = **Guest must supply rated cable and rated male and female plugs. Booths requiring 60 amps service must be located against the service aisle wall in Norfolk I, III, IVor Norfolk VI. If power requirements exceed the above listed please contact the on-site AV Department for pricing and availability within a minimum 14 days prior to the event. Hotel AV Dept: (757) 628-6482 AUDIO VISUAL REQUEST: Item 32" Widescreen LCD 61” Widescreen LCD w/ Rolling Stand Laptop or PC Computer Tripod Screen 5’, 6’ or 8’ DVD Player Quantity Price per Day $215.00 $680.00 $230.00 $80.00 $85.00 # of Days Cost = = = = = TELEPHONE: Important Notice: Telephone lines cannot be ordered without the necessary pre-payment. Request must be received a minimum of 10 days prior to installation to ensure availability! The Hotel/Convention Center reserves the rights to refuse any requests for service that are deemed unsafe or ill advised. Type $100 Per Line Per Day Quantity Access House Line # of Days In Cost Out Phone Line Credit Card Swipe Fax Line = = = INTERNET: Please note you must bring hubs, routers, cables. (Only one Cat 5 connection cable will be provided by the hotel) and any additional equipment if you are connecting numerous computers. Wired or Wireless # of Lines Needed Price per Day # of Days Cost Booth to Booth (Cat5) = $50 per connection Booth to Demo (Cat 5) $50 per connection Wireless or Wired $50 per connection Internet Connection Cancellation Policy: If you wish to cancel, cancellation notice must be received at least 48 hours in advance. If you cancel upon less than 48 hours notice, you will be obliged to pay 50% of the fees. Total Services = $_______ Plus Tax (6%) = $____ Total Amount Due with Tax: $_____ Note: Credit Cards will be charged before service is provided. Must provide Front & Back Copy of the CC. Type of Payment: ____Check _____Visa ______MasterCard ____ American Express ____ Discover Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: Print Cardholder Name ___ ______________________________Signature _____________________________________ Company Requesting Service (if different from above): ____________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________ Fax: _____________ Email: __________________________________________________ Please return form with payment via fax to: Norfolk Waterside Marriott 235 East Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Fax: (757) 628-6498 ATTN: Accounting Department Vacation Rental Managers Association 1 EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM 4 ORDER INFORMATION Marriott Norfolk Waterside April 27-28, 2015 EQUIPMENT Show Rate BOOTH #s Qty Total MONITORS & PROJECTORS COMPANY NAME 65" 16x9 LCD Monitor with Stand $500.00 = Address 52" 16x9 LCD Monitor with Stand $450.00 = City 42" 16x9 LCD Monitor with Stand $200.00 = 32" 16x9 LCD Monitor with 4' Cart $150.00 = 21" Flat Screen LCD PC Monitor $70.00 = LCD Projector with Skirted Stand $150.00 = State Zip Phone: Fax #: Email: VIDEO PLAYERS Ordered By: DVD Player with Auto Repeat $35.00 = Blu Ray DVD Player $60.00 = Contact On-Site: = Contact Phone #: AUDIO Delivery Date: 100 Watt Powered Speaker $50.00 = Delivery Time: please circle one of the delivery time frames Wireless Lavalier or Handheld Mic* $95.00 = Microphone with Floor Stand * $20.00 = CD Player * $35.00 = 4-Channel Microphone Mixer $35.00 = 8am-12pm 1pm-4pm Any between 8am-4pm Pickup Date: * Time: Someone must be present at your booth to accept delivery. *speaker required for this item. Delivery will be delayed two hours if no one is present. 2 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENT OPTIONS A confirmation will be sent back to you with an order number. Tripod Screen - 70" to 8' wide $50.00 = 48" Skirted Monitor Cart $75.00 = = COMPANY CHECK (no personal checks please.) *Make check payable to Markey's Audio Visual COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS We rent the latest models of many computers and Data Solutions. CREDIT CARD (please circle card type) Please call for our current pricing. AmEx # Visa # Other Mastercard Don't see something you need? Markey's carries one of the midwests largest and most diverse inventories Name on Card Please call your consultant for soultions to your presentation needs Expiration Date Security # Signature of Cardholder (please sign on line below) Mail Form and Payment To: Markey's Rental & Staging 509 Ley Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 or attn: Erik Shipley Fax Form and Payment To: 3 Fax: (260) 484 - 4679 Attn: Erik Shipley QUESTIONS?????? Call 800 - 886 - 0528 and ask for Erik TERMS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT 5 1 Payment is due upon ordering of equipment. 2 Orders received without payment will be returned. 3 100% cancellation fee for less than 24 hours notice from delivery. 4 All cancellations and changes must go through Erik. Delivery, Pickup, 30-Minute Setup 5 Someone must be present at your booth to accept delivery. EQUIPMENT & LABOR SUBTOTAL 6 20% After Deadline Fee for orders received after the date listed below. ORDER DEADLINE Friday April 20th, 2015 CALCULATION OF YOUR ORDER EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL 20% AFTER DEADLINE FEE (if applicable) TOTAL COST FOR YOUR ORDER OTHER LABOR (if applicable) $50/hr. PLEASE SIGN AND DATE ON LINE BELOW GRAND TOTAL We understand and agree to the terms listed above. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN THE FORM. $100.00