Custom Kits Catalog
Custom Kits Catalog Custom Kits Catalog Servicing Cummins®, Caterpillar®, Detroit Diesel®, and Navistar®/International® Engine Applications Interstate-McBee, LLC 5300 Lakeside Avenue • Cleveland, Ohio 44114 U.S.A. 216-881-0015 • 800-321-4234 • Fax: 216-881-0805 • ®Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc ®Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. ®Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. ®Navistar/International are registered trademarks of International Truck and Engine Co. Serving the Diesel and Natural Gas Industries for over 65 years All manufacturer’s names, symbols and descriptions are for reference use only and is not implied that any part or item is the product of said manufacturer. Contents Cummins® Accessory Drive Seal/Repair Kits…………. Aftercooler Gasket Sets……………………. Camshaft Bushing Kits……………………… Camshaft Follower Repair Kit……………… Camshaft Installation Kit…………………… Crankshaft Seal Kit - Rear…………………. Cylinder Head/Block Plug Kits…………….. Engine Overhaul Gasket Sets……………… Exhaust Manifold Installation Kits………….. Front Cover Gasket Sets…………………… Fuel Components Rebuild Kits……………. Fuel Injector Hardware Kits………………… Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits…………………… Fuel Injector Repair Kits……………………. Fuel Pump Gasket Sets……………………. -AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set…… Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits…………………… - AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits………….. - PTG Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits………….. - PT-MVS Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits……… Fuel Pump Repair Kits……………………… Gear Cover Gasket Sets…………………… Jake Brake Gasket Sets……………………. Oil Cooler Gasket Sets…………………….. Oil Manifold Kit………………………………. Oil Pan Gasket Kits………………………… Re-Ring Engine Kits……………….……….. Turbocharger Installation Kits……………… Valve Cover Kits………………...………….. Water Pump Repair Kits…………………… Caterpillar® 21 19-20 4 4 5 6 5-6 23 20-21 22 14 16 16 15 14 12 7-12 9-12 7-8 8-9 13 23 22 17-18 18 18 4 20 6 19 Air/Fuel Ratio Repair Kit……………...…….. Bearing Roll In Gasket Sets………………… Camshaft Follower Pin and Roller Kits…… Cylinder Head Bolt Kits…………………….. Exhaust Hardware Kits…………………….. Exhaust Sleeve Repair Kit…………………. Exhaust Stud Kits…………………………… Fuel Injector Repair Kits……………………. Fuel Injector Seal Kits………………………. Fuel Pump Intallation/Mounting Kits……….. Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Sets………… Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits…………………… Fuel Pump Thrust Needle Bearing Kit…….. Fuel Pump Weight Kit……………………… Governor Repair Kits……………………….. Heat Exchanger Seal Kit…………………… Oil Pump Installation Gasket Set………….. Oil Pump Repair Kit………………………… Re-Ring Inframe Engine Kits………………. Re-Ring Overhaul Engine Kits…………….. Thermostat Gasket Set…………………….. Thermostat Installation Kits………………… Universal Cylinder Head Gasket Sets…….. Water Pump Installation Gasket Set………. Water Pump Repair Kits…………………… Navistar® Crankcase Gasket Set……………………… 51 Engine Kit Gasket Sets…………………….. 51 Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits…………………… 50 Fuel Injector/Pump Installation Kits………… 49-50 Re-Ring Engine Kits………………………… 49 Detroit Diesel® Camshaft Follower Pin and Roller Kits…… Cylinder Block Plug Kit……………………… Cylinder Head Bolt Kits…………………….. Cylinder Head Parts Kits…………………… Cylinder Shims……………………………… Engine Overhaul Gasket Sets……………… Front Cover Gasket Set……………………. Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits…………………… Fuel Pump Repair Kits……………………… Governor Repair Kits……………………….. Miscellaneous Kits………………………….. Oil Cooler Installation Kit…………………… Re-Ring Inframe Engine Kits………………. Re-Ring Overhaul Engine Kits…………….. 35 27 27 26 25-26 26 25 37 37 36 28-31 32-35 36 36 37 40 38 38 24 24 41 40-41 41 38-39 39-40 43 44 44 43 43 48 48 45 46 47 44 48 42 42 Warranty……………………………………. 52-53 ®Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. ®Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. ®Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. ®Navistar is a registered trademark of International Truck and Engine Co. 3 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Re-Ring Engine Kits *Re-Ring Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Upper Gasket Set or Overhaul Gasket Set - No Pistons PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS MCOHISM-S MCIFM11E M11/ISM M11 ESN required to determine usage MCIFN14E MCIFN14E-S N14E ESN required to determine usage MCB4025214 MCB4955635 MCB4955683 ISX/QSX ESN required to determine usage **DOES NOT Include the Piston Pin COMMENTS O/H Kit - Contains M-4070653 Skirt Contains Piston Skirt Used for 2Pc Piston Used for 1Pc Piston - EGR Used for 1Pc Piston - Non EGR Camshaft Bushing Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY ISX 4 3 7 4 3 7 MCB7107 MCB7108 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-3680580 M-3680581 M-4026423 MCB7105 MCB7106 MCB7114 Injector Bushing Injector Bushing Valve Bushing Injector Bushing Injector Bushing Valve Bushing COMMENTS Standard 1.00mm OS Camshaft Follower Repair Kit PART NUMBER MCB3013000 ENGINE MODEL QTY 855 2 4 4 2 6 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-3013330 M-3013331 M-3036933 M-3036934 M-118939 Pin - Cam Follower Roller Pin - Cam Follower Roller Roller Roller Pin - Roll COMMENTS Big Cam We are adding new products regularly..... Join our website and become a member for updates ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 4 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Camshaft Installation Kit PART NUMBER MCB205 ENGINE MODEL 855 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-3069101 M-67946 M-157551 M-3029847 M-3034986 M-3099083 M-65259A M-65259B M-65259C M-185573 M-215705 M-132770 M-190397 M-193736 M-215233 M-3046200 M-3074400 M-3074401 M-3074402 M-3074404 M-3004316 M-3103015 M-3008947 M-3020183 M-3021704 M-3067613 M-4026171 M-3069102 COMMENTS Gasket Gasket Gasket - Oil Pan Tube Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Oil Pan Shim - Liner - .010 Shim - Liner - .005 Shim - Liner - .002 Shim - Camshaft - .025 Seal Bushing Sleeve - Acc Drive Pulley Seal - O-Ring - Injector Bearing - Thrust Spider Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket - Cam Follower Seal Seal - Grommet Seal - Air Compressor Seal - Crankshaft - Front Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket Cylinder Head/Block Plug Kits PART NUMBER MCB6BEXPK ENGINE MODEL QTY 6-B Series 1 6 4 3 1 2 1 2 ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-3027646 M-3922072 M-3007635 M-3900956 M-3900687 M-3900955 M-3900958 M-3902343 COMMENTS Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Ring - Dowel - Cyl Block 5 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Cylinder Head/Block Plug Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER MCB6BEXPKS MCB6CEXPK MCB855HPK ENGINE MODEL QTY 6-B Series 5 4 3 1 2 3 1 M-3922072 M-3007635 M-3900956 M-3900687 M-3920706 M-3900955 M-3900958 Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion 6-C Series 1 4 2 5 1 2 2 M-143066 M-3004258 M-3027646 M-3905401 M-3901969 M-156075 M-3922072 Plug - Expansion Plug Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion 855 4 12 3 18 6 M-S965E M-S911B M-213394 M-213395 M-216524 Plug - Pipe Plug - Pipe Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion Plug - Expansion CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N COMMENTS S.T.O.R.M. Block Cylinder Head Cranckshaft Seal Kit - Rear PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY MCB1014 855 1 2 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-3006737 M-3067616 COMMENTS Seal - Crankshaft - Rear Gasket Valve Cover Kits PART NUMBER M-3902604KT MCB202 ENGINE MODEL QTY 6-B Series 1 1 1 1 M-3902604 M-3930906 M-3907049 M-3910824 Cover - Valve Gasket - Valve Cover Screw - Hex Flange Seal - Valve Cover O-Ring 855 3 3 6 M-3054841 M-3017750 M-3000521 Gasket - Rocker Cover Gasket Seal - O-Ring ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N 6 COMMENTS 6BT Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® PTG Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB10020 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 M-43696A M-114791 M-129888 M-139988 M-151900 M-154087 M-154088 M-160514 M-163945 M-210218 M-3002481 M-70415 M-3003156 M-3046201 M-3066914 M-3080837 M-4026171 M-3062676 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Square Cut Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Seal - O-Ring Washer - Fuel Pump Damper Ring - Retaining Washer - Felt Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Wire Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Gasket - Frt Cover Fuel Pmp Gasket - Fuel Pump Seal 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-S1650 M-S2286 M-68174 M-70723 M-70705 M-100192 M-104087 M-105375 M-146483 M-148977 M-162426 M-3030970 M-70732 M-70809 M-100099 M-100478 M-100764 M-110855 Bearing Screw Key Bushing Gasket Shaft - Main Shaft - Tach Nameplate Screen Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Gasket Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-70723 M-146483 M-3030970 M-43696A M-70415 M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-114791 M-210218 Bushing Screen Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt MCB1002OH QTY P/N 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 M-S2286 M-148977 M-162426 M-3040817 M-3046201 M-3062676 Overhaul Kit 855 DESCRIPTION Screw Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits M-100192 Shaft - Main M-104087 Shaft - Tach M-S1650 Bearing M-68174 Key MCB1002OHT Contains M-104038TCR "Thick" Seal Overhaul Kit - "Thick" 855 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-100192 M-104038TCR M-104087 M-114791 M-146483 M-148977 M-162426 M-210218 M-3030970 M-3040817 M-3046201 Shaft - Main Seal - Thick Shaft - Tach Seal - O-Ring Screen Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Washer - Felt Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 M-43696A M-68174 M-70415 M-70723 M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 Seal - O-Ring Key Seal - O-Ring Bushing Gasket Seal Seal Gasket/O-Ring Kits Bearing Screw ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 7 M-GASKET-ORING M-S1650 M-S2286 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® PTG Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB1002OH-S 855 "Super" Overhaul Kit *=Not included in MCB1002OH Overhaul Kit QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits Super Kit* Shaft - Main Shaft - Tach Bearing Key Bushing Screen Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-114791 M-210218 M-3062676 M-S2286 M-148977 M-162426 M-3040817 M-3046201 Gasket Seal Seal Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt Seal Screw Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring M-SUPER KIT M-100192 M-104087 M-S1650 M-68174 M-70723 M-146483 M-3030970 M-43696A M-70415 MCB1002OH-ST "Super" Overhaul Kit - "Thick" 855 Contains M-104038TCR "Thick" Seal QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 M-70415 M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-114791 M-210218 M-104038TCR Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt Seal - Thick Gasket/O-Ring Kits Super Kit Shaft - Main Shaft - Tach 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 M-S1650 M-68174 M-70723 M-146483 M-3030970 M-S2286 M-148977 M-162426 M-3040817 M-3046201 M-43696A Bearing Key Bushing Screen Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Screw Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring M-GASKET-ORING M-SUPER KIT M-100192 M-104087 PT-MVS Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB10025 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-70705 M-100764 M-105375 M-110855 M-160514 M-100099 M-100478 M-129888 M-139988 M-151900 M-154087 Gasket Gasket Nameplate Gasket Washer - Fuel Pump Damper Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Square Cut Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 M-154088 M-190876 M-213079 M-43696A M-70415 M-70732 M-70809 M-114791 M-210218 M-3062676 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Shutdown Vlv Ring - Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt Seal ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. ***Continued on next page 8 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® PT-MVS Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB10025 (cont.) 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-BM98776 M-S1650 M-68174 M-70723 M-70813 M-100192 M-104087 M-137808 M-148977 M-149767 Kit - Gasket - Mvs Bearing Key Bushing Screw Shaft - Main Shaft - Tach Screen Cover Screen 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 M-162426 M-193734 M-3010942 M-3030970 M-S2286 M-4026171 M-3080837 M-70815 M-3010941 Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Seal - O-Ring - Fuel Pump Shaft Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Screw Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket - Frt Cover Fuel Pmp Seal Bushing AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB10030 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 M-43696A M-129888 M-139988 M-151900 M-154087 M-154088 M-160514 M-163945 M-3046201 M-212603 M-213079 M-68061A M-213768 M-3002481 M-3003156 M-3067897 M-3023870 M-3042542 M-3044942 M-3045986 M-3066914 M-3080837 M-70415 Seal - O-Ring Seal - Square Cut Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Seal - O-Ring Washer - Fuel Pump Damper Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Seal Ring - Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Wire Capscrew Gasket O-Ring - Stop - EUI Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Gasket - Frt Cover Fuel Pmp Seal - O-Ring 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-4026171 M-3062676 M-S2286 M-S16052 M-105375 M-146483 M-162426 M-212601 M-212607 M-212609 M-70705 M-212668 M-213769 M-3000446 M-3013811 M-3030970 M-3040817 M-DECALS M-100099 M-100478 M-100764 M-110855 M-114791 Gasket - Fuel Pump Seal Screw Bearing Nameplate Screen Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Shaft - Main AFC Shaft - Tach Bushing Gasket Key - Main Shaft Ball Cover Bellow - Black Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 9 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB1003OH 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits Add On For Afc Overhaul Kits Gasket - Ptg/Vs Front Cvr Shaft - Main AFC Shaft - Tach Gasket Wire - Lead Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Bellow - Black Cover Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Screw Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 M-43696A M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-3042542 M-210218 M-212603 M-213768 M-3023870 M-3045986 M-68061A M-70415 M-145504 M-3062676 Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer - Felt Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Seal M-3ADDON M-200998 M-212601 M-212607 M-3063052 M-S1943 M-3046201 M-3040817 M-3013811 M-3000446 M-162426 M-S2286 M-DECALS MCB1003OH-1 Overhaul Kit 855 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-S2286 M-212668 M-3046200 M-3000446 M-3010242 M-3013811S M-3067897 M-3030970 M-3040817 M-3046201 Screw Key - Main Shaft Spider Cover Set - Gasket Bellow - Orange Capscrew Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3063052 M-S16052 M-DECALS M-68061A M-146483 M-163945 M-162426 M-212601 M-212607 M-212609 Gasket Bearing Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover Seal - O-Ring Screen Ring - Retaining Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Shaft - Main AFC Shaft - Tach Bushing MCB1003OH-S *=Not included in MCB1003OH Overhaul Kit "Super" Overhaul Kit 855 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-145504 M-162426 M-200998 M-210218 M-212601 M-212603 M-212607 M-213768 M-3000446 M-3003156 M-3013811S* M-3023870* M-3040817 M-3042542 M-3045986 M-3046201 Ring - Seal Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Gasket - Front Cvr Washer - Felt Shaft - Main AFC Seal Shaft - Tach Seal - O-Ring Cover Seal - Wire Bellow - Orange Gasket Seal - O-Ring O-Ring - Stop - EUI Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 M-3062676 M-3063052 M-3ADDON M-43696A M-68061A M-70415 M-70705* M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-DECALS ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 10 DESCRIPTION Seal Gasket Add On For AFC Overhaul Kits Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal Seal Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits M-S1943 Wire - Lead Seal M-S2286 Screw M-SUPER KIT* Super Kit Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB1003OH-SS 855 "Super" Overhaul Kit DOES NOT include M-3003156 or M-70705 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-145504 M-162426 M-200998 M-210218 M-212601 M-212603 M-212607 M-213768 M-3000446 M-3013811S* M-3023870* M-3040817 M-3042542 M-3045986 M-3046201 Ring - Seal Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Gasket - Front Cvr Washer - Felt Shaft - Main AFC Seal Shaft - Tach Seal - O-Ring Cover Bellow - Orange Gasket Seal - O-Ring O-Ring - Stop - EUI Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 M-3062676 M-3063052 M-3ADDON M-43696A M-68061A M-70415* M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-DECALS MCB1003OH-SSW Seal Gasket Add On For AFC Overhaul Kits Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits M-S1943 Wire - Lead Seal M-S2286 Screw M-SUPER KIT Super Kit "Super" Overhaul Kit w/ White Spider 855 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-212607 M-3063052 Shaft - Tach Gasket Kit - Repair 3010242 Wire - Lead Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer - Felt Seal Seal - O-Ring 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 M-3023870 M-3045986 M-68061A M-70415 M-145504 M-3062676 M-3010242-OBW* M-S1943 M-43696A M-70732 M-70809 M-70815 M-3042542 M-210218 M-212603 M-213768 MCB89006 DESCRIPTION *=Not included in MCB1003OH-SS Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Seal Gasket/O-Ring Kits M-GASKET-ORING M-SUPER KIT Super Kit M-3ADDON Add On For AFC Overhaul Kits Gasket - PTG/VS Front Cvr M-200998 Shaft - Main AFC M-212601 Overhaul Kit 855 QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 M-S2286 M-139988 M-154087 M-213768 M-3003156 M-114791 M-3067897 M-3045986 M-70415 M-3023870 Screw Seal Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Seal - O-Ring Seal - Wire Seal - O-Ring Capscrew Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-129888 M-151900 M-160514 M-212603 M-3080837 M-100764 M-154088 M-3042542 M-43696 Seal - Square Cut Seal - O-Ring Washer - Fuel Pump Damper Seal Gasket - Frt Cover Fuel Pmp Gasket Seal - O-Ring O-Ring - Stop - EUI Seal - O-Ring ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. ***Continued on next page 11 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB89006 (cont.) 855 Overhaul Kit COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-70815 M-163945 M-S16052 M-146483 M-212601 M-3000446 M-S1098 M-105375 M-100099 M-162426 Seal Ring - Retaining Bearing Screen Shaft - Main AFC Cover Seal - Grommet Nameplate Seal - O-Ring Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 M-213769N M-3044942 M-4026171 M-3046201 M-100478 M-3062676 M-3066914 M-70705 M-110855 M-3002481 Ball - Nylon Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Pump Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Ring - Seal Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring AFC Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB10035S 855 Overhaul Gasket Set QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 P/N M-43696A M-129888 M-139988 M-151900 M-154087 M-154088 M-160514 M-163945 M-3046201 M-212603 M-213079 M-68061A M-213768 M-3002481 M-3003156 M-3067897 M-3023870 M-3042542 M-3044942 M-3045986 M-3066914 M-3080837 M-70415 M-4026171 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - Square Cut Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Seal - O-Ring Washer - Fuel Pump Damper Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Seal Ring - Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Wire Capscrew Gasket O-Ring - Stop - EUI Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Gasket - Frt Cover Fuel Pmp Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Pump ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. QTY 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 COMMENTS P/N M-3062676 M-S2286 M-S16052 M-70690 M-105375 M-144302 M-146483 M-162426 M-212601 M-70705 M-212607 M-212609 M-212668 M-213769 M-3000446 M-3013811S M-3027633 M-3030970 M-3040817 M-100099 M-100478 M-100764 M-110855 M-114791 DESCRIPTION Seal Screw Bearing Driver Nameplate Spacer Screen Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black Shaft - Main AFC Gasket Shaft - Tach Bushing Key - Main Shaft Ball Cover Bellow - Orange Bearing - Thrust Disc - Valve - Shutdown Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Fuel Pump Repair Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION M-3010242RT 855 AFC Repair Kit DESCRIPTION QTY P/N QTY 1 M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits 1 Gasket - Front Cvr 1 M-200998 1 Gasket 1 M-3063052 1 Wire - Lead Seal 2 M-S1943 1 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3046201 1 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3040817 1 Bellow - Black 1 M-3013811 1 Cover 1 M-3000446 1 Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black 1 M-162426 2 Screw 4 M-S2286 2 Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover 1 M-DECALS 2 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-43696A 2 Gasket 1 M-70732 M-3010242RT-SC 855 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-3803477 M-2872195 M-4954473 M-4954474 M-3867481 M-4088799 ISX DESCRIPTION Seal Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer - Felt Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Seal Orange Bellows P/N M-70809 M-70815 M-3042542 M-210218 M-212603 M-213768 M-3023870 M-3045986 M-68061A M-70415 M-145504 M-3062676 DESCRIPTION Seal Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer - Felt Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Seal P/N 7991280 M-3678912 M-3627695 M-3678786 M-3348618 7991276 DESCRIPTION Drive Shaft w/o Gear Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Diamond Ring Seal - Diamond Ring Repair Kit DESCRIPTION Kit - Seal - Fr Drive Shaft Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Shaft - Hex Drive ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. P/N M-70809 M-70815 M-3042542 M-210218 M-212603 M-213768 M-3023870 M-3045986 M-68061A M-70415 M-145504 M-3062676 AFC Repair Kit - "Orange" DESCRIPTION QTY P/N QTY 1 M-GASKET-ORING Gasket/O-Ring Kits 1 Gasket - Front Cvr 1 M-200998 1 Gasket 1 M-3063052 1 Wire - Lead Seal 2 M-S1943 1 Decal - Throttle Shaft Cover 1 M-DECALS 1 Screw 4 M-S2286 1 Spider - Jaw Coupling - Black 1 M-162426 1 Cover 1 M-3000446 1 Bellow - Orange 1 M-3013811S 2 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3040817 2 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3046201 2 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-43696A 2 Gasket 1 M-70732 M-4089431RK COMMENTS QTY 1 1 1 1 2 2 13 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Fuel Pump Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION M-3004122GR 855 AFC Gasket Set - Green QTY P/N 1 M-GASKET-ORING 1 M-68061A 1 M-212603 1 M-3067897 1 M-163945 1 M-3063052 1 M-70732 M-3010242G QTY P/N 1 M-GASKET-ORING 1 M-AO3010242G 1 M-200998 DESCRIPTION Gasket/O-Ring Kits Seal - O-Ring Seal Capscrew Ring - Retaining Gasket Gasket 855 QTY 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 COMMENTS P/N M-S1943 M-3042542 M-3023870 M-3062676 M-3045986 M-213768 M-145504 AFC Gasket Set - Green DESCRIPTION Gasket/O-Ring Kits Add On 3010242 Gasket - PTG/VS Front Cvr QTY 1 2 P/N M-3063052 M-S1943 Contains M-3062676 Green Seals DESCRIPTION Wire - Lead Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Gasket Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Ring - Seal Contains M-3062676 Green Seals DESCRIPTION Gasket Wire - Lead Seal Fuel Components Rebuild Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB1004 855 Air Fuel Control Valve Repair Kit QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-145504 M-3042542 M-214150 M-3013810 M-3013811 M-3015520 M-3018655 M-3021068 M-3021676 M-3023088 MCB1004-DC QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-145504 M-3042542 M-214150 M-3013810 M-3013811S M-3015520 M-3018655 M-3021068 M-3021676 M-3023088 DESCRIPTION Ring - Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer Piston Bellow - Black Cover Spring Barrel Plunger Spacer 855 P/N M-3023171 M-3023870 M-S213A M-S251 M-S631 M-S16240 M-68061A M-70772C M-3045986 Air Fuel Control Valve Repair Kit DESCRIPTION Ring - Seal O-Ring - Stop - EUI Washer Piston Bellow - Orange Cover Spring Barrel Plunger Spacer ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMENTS QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 P/N M-3023171 M-3023870 M-S213A M-S251 M-S631 M-S16240 M-68061A M-70772C M-3045986 DESCRIPTION Insert - AFC Gasket Nut Nut Washer Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Capscrew Seal - O-Ring Orange Bellows DESCRIPTION Insert - AFC Gasket Nut Nut Washer Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Capscrew Seal - O-Ring Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Fuel Injector Repair Kits PART NUMBER MCB26105 MCB26129 MCB3060001 MCB26104 ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS QTY P/N N14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 M-3080421 M-3075613 M-3068959 M-3075658 M-3034408 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm Washer Screw Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Celect Injectors N14 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3075613 M-3080811 M-3068959 M-3066738 M-3081388 M-3081371 M-3080421 M-3075658 M-3034408 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 M-3071967 M-3076068 Screw Screw - Socket Head Cap Seal - O-Ring Spring Spring - Injector Spring Washer Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm Screen - Filter Ball - Check Celect Injectors 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3075658 M-3080421 M-3075613 M-3068959 M-3034408 M-3071967 M-3076068 M-3081371 7991137 M-3067426 M-3081388 M-3066738 M-3076256 M-3070138 M-3070137 M-3070136 Seal - O-Ring Washer Screw Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Screen - Filter Ball - Check Spring Seal - O-Ring - Solenoid Retainer - Injector Spring - Injector Spring Harness - Wiring Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 M-3075613 M-3080421 M-3068959 M-3034408 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm Screw Washer Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring STC N14 ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 15 Celect Injectors Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS QTY P/N N14 1 1 1 1 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 M-3071967 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm Screen - Filter Celect Injectors M-MCB59000 B&C Series 6 6 6 6 6 M-154087 M-3906659 M-3903380 M-3923261 M-3930324 Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Seal - Injector Seal - Banjo Seal Seal - Injector Services QTY-6 Injectors M-MCB83000 6-C Series 6 6 6 M-3903380 M-3906659 M-3909886 Seal - Banjo Seal - Injector Seal - Injector Services QTY-6 Injectors MCBM11INJ M11 1 1 1 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm MCBN14INJ N14 1 1 1 M-3070136 M-3070137 M-3070138 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Top Seal - O-Ring - Injector Mid Seal - O-Ring - Injector Btm MCBISXINJ-2 ISX 1 1 M-3347939 M-2872717 Seal - O-Ring - Injector Seal - Injector MCB26124 Fuel Injector Hardware Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY P/N ISX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3087316 M-4009692 4025063SEAL M-3348515 M-4025062 M-3087316 M-4009692 ISX 1 1 1 1 M-3680873 M-3678536 MCBISXINJ-1 M-4025063-OH MCB3680873 MCB7141 M-3678536 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Screen, Filter Screen - Filter Seal Pin - Spiral Kit - Injector O-Ring Screen, Filter Screen - Filter Sleeve - Injector Seal - O-Ring Sleeve - Injector Seal - O-Ring Copper We are adding new products regularly..... Join our website and become a member for updates ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 16 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Oil Cooler Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB1010 ENGINE MODEL Small V MCB1007 855 MCB1008 855 MCB1009 855 MCB1011 855 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION QTY P/N 1 2 1 2 M-68210 M-110827 M-3008017 M-3019116 Gasket Retainer - Cooler & Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Oil Cooler Hsg 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 M-3007713 M-212161 M-3008017 M-9221 M-43463A M-100328 M-146309 M-203922 M-3006745 M-3007713 M-3008017 M-3024228 M-3024229 M-9221 M-43463A M-100328 M-146309 M-203922 M-212161 M-3006745 M-212161 M-218245 M-3006745 M-3007713 M-3008017 M-3010030 M-3010030 M-210861 M-211052 M-212161 M-3006745 M-3007713 M-3008017 Seal - O-Ring Seal Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Water Bypass Ring - Seal Gasket Gasket Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Water Bypass Ring - Seal Gasket Gasket Seal Ring - Retaining Seal Gasket Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal Ring - Retaining Seal - O-Ring Gasket ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 17 COMMENTS Services M-110848 Oil Cooler Services M-142608 Oil Cooler Services M-142608 Oil Cooler Services M-302158 Oil Cooler FFC & Non FFC Mount Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Oil Cooler Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB1401 N14 MCB1402 QTY P/N 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 M-3069678 M-3072341 M-3072375 M-109080 M-3066298 M-109080 M-3037537 M-3069678 M-3070477 M-3070478 M-3072341 M-3072375 M-3046943 QTY P/N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-67946 M-157551 M-3029847 M-3034986 M-3032861 M-67946 M-157551 M-3029847 M-3034986 M-157551 M-3029847 M-3034986 QTY P/N 6 6 6 M-3001340 M-3050867 M-3052587 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket Gasket - Oil Connection Gasket - Rectangular Seal - O-Ring - Therm Outlet Gasket - Oil Cooler Support Seal - O-Ring - Therm Outlet Seal - O-Ring - Turbo Oil Inlt Gasket Gasket Gasket - Filter Head Gasket - Oil Connection Gasket - Rectangular Seal - O-Ring COMMENTS Oil Cooler Install Oil Cooler Assy O/H Oil Pan Gasket Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB855GS MCB855SC 855 MCB855AO CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket Gasket - Oil Pan Suction Tube Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Pan - Silicone Gasket Gasket - Oil Pan Suction Tube Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Oil Pan Suction Tube Seal Seal - O-Ring COMMENTS Silicon Gasket Set Add On Kit Oil Manifold Kit PART NUMBER MCB14100 ENGINE MODEL N14 ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Seal Grommet Seal - O-Ring - Oil Connection 18 COMMENTS Use for models w/STC Fuel System Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Water Pump Repair Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB102 855 MCB104 855 MCB101 855 QTY P/N 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-201766 M-AR12732 M-S16073 M-S16255 M-112302 M-130240 M-196844 M-199410 M-S965E M-S16255 M-3050396 M-208120 M-3010150 M-3038998 M-43463A M-196844 M-3038998 M-S16073 M-3000888 M-3002385 M-3024960 M-3050394 M-AR12732 M-S16255 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Impeller Seal - Unitized Bearing - Shaft Ring - Retaining Ring - Snap Gasket - Mouting Spacer Shaft Plug - Pipe Ring - Retaining Shaft - Idler Spacer Bearing Seal Seal - O-Ring - Water Bypass Spacer Seal Bearing - Shaft Impeller Gasket - Mounting Gasket Shaft Seal - Unitized Ring - Retaining COMMENTS Idler Big Cam Aftercooler Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB1012 ENGINE MODEL 855 QTY P/N 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 M-3032348 M-3077201 M-109080 M-195950 M-195952 M-215044 M-215045 M-216487 M-3008591 ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket - Water Transfer Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Therm Outlet Gasket - Water Outlet Conn Seal - O-Ring - Aftercooler Gasket - Turbocharger Gasket - Turbocharger Gasket Gasket - Manifold 19 COMMENTS Services M-214836 Aftercooler Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Aftercooler Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB1013 855 MCBKT38LTA KTA8 QTY P/N 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 24 8 4 4 3 1 M-3032348 M-109080 M-195952 M-215044 M-3077201 M-216487 M-217037 M-3008591 M-3047665 M-68910 M-3063294 M-3865994 M-3011580 M-3009324 M-3009323 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket - Water Transfer Seal - O-Ring - Therm Outlet Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Turbocharger Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Manifold Gasket - Manifold Seal - O-Ring -Water Bypass Seal - Grommet Seal - Rectangular Strip Gasket Gasket Gasket COMMENTS Services M-3028997 Aftercooler Low Temp Turbocharger Installation Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCBTI 855 MCBTIC QTY P/N 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 1 1 M-3069177 M-202994 M-219138 M-208326 M-202994 M-208326 M-219138 M-3069177 M-186917 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket Hose Nut Clamp Hose Clamp Nut Gasket Clamp - Exhaust COMMENTS Includes Clamp Exhaust Manifold Installation Kits PART NUMBER MCB10502 ENGINE MODEL 855 QTY P/N 1 4 4 6 12 1 M-202994 M-219138 M-3010915 M-3020943 M-3043647 M-3069177 ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Hose Nut Stud Gasket Bolt - Pulse Manifold Mount Gasket 20 COMMENTS Pulse Maninfold nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Does Not include Seal Ring Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Exhaust Manifold Installation Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER MCBPM-2 ENGINE MODEL 855 QTY P/N 1 12 4 4 6 2 M-3069177 M-3043647 M-219138 M-3010915 M-3020943 M-3027653 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket Bolt - Pulse Manifold Mount Nut - Turbocharger Stud - Turbo Gasket Kit - Seal COMMENTS Pulse Maninfold Accessory Drive Seal/Repair Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB105 855 MCB105-2 855 MCB105-3 855 MCB105-4 855 QTY P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3069101 M-3069102 M-132770 M-3004316 M-3008947 M-190397 M-3026557 M-3026556 M-3014103 M-116391 M-132770 M-190397 M-3004316 M-3008947 M-3069101 M-3069102 M-4026171 M-3069101 M-3069102 M-70550 M-116391 M-132770 M-190397 M-3008947 M-3026556 M-3026557 M-3069101 M-3069102 M-3004316 M-132770 Gasket Gasket Bushing Seal Seal - Air Compressor Sleeve - Pulley Washer - Thrust Washer - Thrust Washer Bushing Bushing Sleeve - Pulley Seal Seal - Air Compressor Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket Gasket Dowel Bushing Bushing Sleeve - Pulley Seal - Air Compressor Washer - Thrust Washer - Thrust Gasket Gasket Seal Bushing ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 21 COMMENTS Seal Kit Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Jake Brake Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCBJK MCB1005J 855 MCB1006J MCB1009J QTY P/N 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 M-3045533 M-JB10180 M-216487 M-3054841 M-JB10180 M-JB2610 M-JB10180 M-3012972 M-216487 M-3054841 M-3045533 M-JB14848 M-3058532 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket - Rocker To Brake Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Gasket Gasket - Rocker Cover Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Square Cut Gasket - Aftercooler Gasket Gasket - Rocker Cover Gasket - Rocker To Brake Gasket - Brake Housing Gasket - Rocker Cover COMMENTS Includes Metal Gasket Front Cover Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB175 MCBISX0007 ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS DESCRIPTION QTY P/N 855 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3067613 M-4026171 M-3069102 M-190397 M-3069101 M-215705 M-3004316 M-3008947 M-3020183 M-3021704 Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket Sleeve - Acc Drive Pulley Gasket Seal Seal Seal - Air Compressor Seal - Crankshaft - Front Gasket ISX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3679932 M-3679931 M-4955383 M-4962722 M-4962721 M-4299124 M-4299125 Gasket - Camshaft Cover Gasket - Camshaft Cover Kit - Seal - Front Crankshaft Gasket - Strip Seal - Rectangular Strip Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring COMMENTS Stay up to date with new product announcements, promotions and company information, "Like" us on Facebook at ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 22 Updated 7/1/16 Cummins® Gear Cover Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB215 N14 MCB225 N14 MCB225TD N14 QTY P/N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-3069101 M-190397 M-215705 M-3004316 M-3008947 M-3020183 M-4058949 M-3067613 M-4026171 M-3069102 M-3076225 M-215705 M-3800616 M-3008947 M-3020183 M-4058949 M-3067613 M-4026171 M-3076226 M-3076225 M-3020183 M-3800617 M-215705 M-3008947 M-4058949 M-3067613 M-4026171 M-3076226 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket Sleeve - Acc Drive Pulley Seal Seal Seal - Air Compressor Seal - Crankshaft - Front Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket Gasket - Acc Drive Support Seal Kit - Seal - Accessory Drv Seal - Air Compressor Seal - Crankshaft - Front Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket - Air Compressor Gasket - Acc Drive Support Seal - Crankshaft - Front Seal - Accessory Drive Seal Seal - Air Compressor Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket - Air Compressor COMMENTS 91N14 91N14-Up 91N14-Up nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Does Not Include Acc Drive Seal Kit Engine Overhaul Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB4B01OH MCB6B01OH MCB6C01OH MCB743HS MCB3802077 MCB3801466 ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS B Series All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals for an overhaul engine service including the cylinder head C Series gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, upper and lower structures, as well as all gaskets G/GTA12 and seals necessary for component installation COMMENTS 4B 6B 5.9L 6C 8.3L Single Cylinder Head Upper Gasket Set Lower Gasket Set ***Please note: For a complete listing of ESN specific Interstate-McBee Cummins ® Custom Gasket Sets, please see our gasket catalog or the engine specific catalog which can both be downloaded from our website at ® Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. 23 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Re-Ring Inframe Engine Kits *Re-Ring Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, In-Chassis Gasket Set - No Pistons/Crowns PART NUMBER MCIF7791-6 MCIF2726 MCIFC12E MCIFC13E MCIF3406E MCIF3406E2 MCIF3406E-S MCIFC15E1 MCIFC15E-S MCIFC18E ENGINE MODEL 3114/3116 3126/C7 C12 C13 3406E 3406E/C15 C15 C18 CONTENTS COMMENTS Contains M-2382716 Skirt Contains M-2382726 Skirt Contains M-RSC12E Ring Set Contains M-RSC13E Ring Set Contains M-1W8922 Ring Set Contains M-RS3406E2 Ring Set Contains M-1300241 Skirt ESN required to determine usage Contains M-1326663 Skirt ESN required to determine usage ESN required to determine usage Re-Ring Overhaul Engine Kits *Re-Ring Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Overhaul Gasket Set - No Pistons/Crowns PART NUMBER MCOH7791-6 MCOH2726 MCOHC13E MCOH3406E MCOH3406E2 MCOH3406E-S MCOHC15E1 MCOHC18E ENGINE MODEL 3114/3116 3126/C7 C13 3406E C15 C18 CONTENTS COMMENTS Contains M-2382716 Skirt Contains M-2382726 Skirt Contains M-RSC13E Ring Set Contains M-1W8922 Ring Set Contains M-RS3406E2 Ring Set Contains M-1300241 Skirt ESN required to determine usage ESN required to determine usage ESN required to determine usage ***Please note: For a complete listing of ESN specific Interstate-McBee Caterpillar ® Custom Engine Kits, please see our model specific catalogs which can be downloaded from our website at ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 24 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Exhaust Stud Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION 3306 10 2 12 M-7S6719 M-2M2488 M-2N2766 Stud - Taperlock Stud Lock - Nut MCBC9ESK C9 12 6 12 12 M-1163715 M-4P4369 M-6V5839 M-3E8017 Stud - Taperlock Spacer Washer Lock - Nut MCBC12ESK C10 C12 C13 12 12 12 M-4P4369 M-1163715 M-3E8017 Spacer Stud - Taperlock Lock - Nut MCB3406SK 3406 A/B 1 11 12 1 M-7L520 M-4S6137 M-2N2766 M-1061793 Stud - Taperlock - CYL Head Stud - Cylinder Head Lock - Nut Stud - Taperlock MCB3406ESK 3406 C/E 12 11 1 M-2N2766 M-1061792 M-1061793 Lock - Nut Stud Stud - Taperlock C15 12 11 1 11 1 12 M-2N2766 M-1061792 M-1064159 M-1083612 M-1061793 M-5M2894 Lock - Nut Stud Spacer Spacer Stud - Taperlock Washer C16 12 12 12 1 12 1 M-2N2766 M-1061792 M-5M2894 M-1064159 M-1083612 M-1061793 Lock - Nut Stud Washer Spacer Spacer Stud - Taperlock MCB3306SK MCBC15ESK MCBC16ESK COMMENTS C13 w/ Standard Manifold ACERT and Non-ACERT Engines Exhaust Hardware Kits PART NUMBER MCB3406CHKT ENGINE MODEL QTY 3406C 12 6 11 1 11 1 16 4 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-5M2894 M-1948124 M-1061792 M-1064159 M-1083612 M-1061793 M-2N2766 M-2N2765 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. Washer Sleeve Assy Stud Spacer Spacer Stud - Taperlock Lock - Nut Bolt - Turbocharger 25 COMMENTS 3406C ONLY Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Exhaust Hardware Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER MCB3406EHKT MCBC15HKT ENGINE MODEL QTY CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 3406E C15 11 1 11 1 16 4 6 6 12 M-1061792 M-1064159 M-1083612 M-1061793 M-2N2766 M-2N2765 M-2818261 M-8S9191 M-5M2894 Stud Spacer Spacer Stud - Taperlock Lock - Nut Bolt - Turbocharger Sleeve Assy Bolt Washer Non-ACERT Engines C15 ACERT 4 6 6 12 4 4 11 1 11 1 16 4 M-1687800 M-2818261 M-8S9191 M-5M2894 M-2N9288 M-3139550 M-1061792 M-1064159 M-1083612 M-1061793 M-2N2766 M-2N2765 Locknut Sleeve Assy Bolt Washer Stud - Taperlock Stud - Taperlock Stud Spacer Spacer Stud - Taperlock Lock - Nut Bolt - Turbocharger ACERT Engines Cylinder Head Bolt Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCBC12HBK C10 C12 7 26 26 M-6V9607 M-1750454 M-2S5658 Bolt - Hex Head Bolt Washer - Hard MCBC13HBK C13 26 26 8 M-2421811 M-2S5658 M-2104460 Bolt Washer - Hard Bolt MCBC15HBK 3406E C15 10 16 26 M-1241854 M-1241855 M-5H1504 Bolt Bolt Washer - Hard ACERT and Non-ACERT CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Mounting Rivits Exhaust Sleeve Gasket For repair of the M-2818261 Exh Sleeve Exhaust Sleeve Repair Kit PART NUMBER M-2818261RK ENGINE MODEL QTY 3406E C15 2 2 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. P/N 26 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Camshaft Follower Pin and Roller Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-7E6011RK 3400 1 1 MCB7045 MCB7044 Roller Pin - Roller M-4P9832RK 3406 1 1 M-4P9832P M-4P9832R Pin - Roller Roller M-9L6931-PR 3406 1 1 M-4W3816 M-9N6187 Roller Pin - Roller 3406E 1 1 1 1 M-1627601 M-6I4431 M-1627601 M-6I4431 Pin - Roller Roller Pin - Roller Roller Pin - Roller Roller M-2038822PR M-2075248PR M-1329439RK 3500 1 1 M-1329439P M-2W3255 M-3467515RK 3500 1 1 M-1329439P Pin - Roller M-2W3255CR Roller COMMENTS Injector Bearing Roll In Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY MCB3406019 3406 MCB3406029 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 P/N M-4N1151-6 M-1090072 M-1090078 M-2A3398 M-4N1151-6 M-1090072 M-1090078 M-2A3398 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket - Oil Pan - One Piece Seal - O-Ring - Oil Line Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Oil Pan - One Piece Seal - O-Ring - Oil Line Seal - O-Ring Gasket COMMENTS Non-Baffle Plated Pan Baffle Plated Pan We are adding new products regularly..... Join our website and become a member for updates ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 27 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB3300SC 3300 Scroll Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 4 2 8 3 1 5 2 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 M-6F6672 M-7F8607 M-8F3469 M-1H8171 M-2H3934 M-3H442 M-6H9691 M-8H2778 M-8H9204 M-1J9671 M-2J157 M-3J1907 M-3J7354 M-4J2506 M-4J7533 M-4J8997 M-6J2419 M-7J204 M-8J8343 M-2D6392 M-3K360 M-3K9738 M-5L4758 M-2M9780 M-4M8303 M-6M5062 M-8M5248 M-8M5253 M-8M8515 M-8M8997 M-3D2824 M-5D6543 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Filter Washer - Felt Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 M-2W5447 M-4N260 M-1503724 M-1503725 M-7N6806 M-7N6825 M-1503726 M-1503728 M-4P9608 M-7N9520 M-3D2898 M-1503727 M-1503730 M-8N5763 M-1P436 M-5P6620 M-5P8215 M-5P9757 M-5S7611 M-3D2992 M-8T2604 M-6V6921 M-6V894 M-6V895 M-9Y8389 M-0038137 M-6I2003 M-4D2297 M-6I2004 M-1660368 M-5D6539 Gasket - Gov Housing Seal Gasket Gasket Seal Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal Gasket - Fuel Priming Pmp Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Lock - Shaft Seal - O-Ring Seal - Lip Type Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Governor Group Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Governor Group Gasket Seal - O-Ring MCB3300SCE QTY P/N 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 M-3B8453 M-4B5647 M-9F4522 M-4H2494 M-5H9942 M-3J1907 M-5L8991 M-6L1597 M-6L5766 M-6L5773 M-7L7364 M-7L7368 M-8L3873 M-8L4156 M-8L4159 M-2M2489 M-2P8763 M-1S7336 M-4S7458 M-4S7756 3300 Early Model Scroll Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set DESCRIPTION QTY P/N Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Sleeve Seal Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Gasket - Cover Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - Oil Gasket Lock Diaphragm Seal ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 1 1 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 28 Identified by the M-9H5797 Plunger and Barrel DESCRIPTION M-4F7391 M-7F8607 M-8F3469 M-2H3932 M-3D2992 M-2F4159 M-1H1023 M-2H3504 M-8H9180 M-8H9788 M-2J157 M-6J2419 M-9M6292 M-9M6293 M-5P9294 M-8H9220 M-7M6955 M-8H9364 M-9H2770 ***Continued on next page Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Lock Seal - O-Ring Lock Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Lock Lock Seal - Lip Type Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB3300SCE (cont.) 3300 DESCRIPTION COMMENTS QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 M-9H4557 M-7L552 M-4M8303 M-7S2374 M-8S5575 M-9S4671 M-6V8977 M-2A1913 M-1C159 M-2D9797 M-4D9986 M-2F6156 M-1J9671 M-1M825 M-7M9763 M-8M4445 M-8M5253 Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Seal - Oil Seal - Fuel Transfer Pump Gasket Lock - Nut Gasket Seal - O-Ring Lock - Nut Seal - O-Ring Gasket Lock - Nut Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-8M4987 M-8M5248 M-8M5260 M-8M8997 M-9M3866 M-9M7660 M-4N7465 M-2P8722 M-5P9757 M-4S8513 M-5S9020 M-5S9060 M-5S7611 M-5S9611 M-9S2308 M-1660368 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Lock - Shaft Gasket Gasket Gasket MCB3300SCL Late Model Scroll Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set 3300 Identified by the M-1W6541 Plunger and Barrel QTY P/N DESCRIPTION QTY P/N DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 M-0038137 M-4D2297 M-5D6543 M-5F9144 M-5F7054 M-2H3932 M-2H3934 M-6H9691 M-8H2778 M-2J157 M-3J7354 M-4J7533 M-4J2506 M-4J8997 M-5L4758 M-2M9780 M-6M5062 M-4N260 M-1503724 M-7N6806 M-1503726 M-1503728 M-7N9520 M-1503730 M-6I2003 M-6I2004 M-5P9757 M-8T2604 M-6V894 M-6V895 M-1660368 M-2D6392 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Filter Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Gasket Seal Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket - Governor Group Gasket - Governor Group Seal - O-Ring Seal - Lip Type Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring 1 6 4 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 1 3 M-8N5763 M-3D2992 M-1J9671 M-3H442 M-7J204 M-1P436 M-1503727 M-4P9608 M-6V6921 M-7N6825 M-8M5248 M-8M5253 M-8M8997 M-5S7611 M-3D2824 M-3D2898 M-8H9204 M-6J2419 M-8J8343 M-4M8303 M-8M8515 M-5P6620 M-2W5447 M-5D6539 M-1503725 M-5P8215 M-3K9738 M-1H8171 M-8F3469 M-3J1907 M-7F8607 M-3K360 Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Priming Pmp Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Lock - Shaft Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt Fuel Pump Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Gov Housing Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 29 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB3300SL 3300 QTY 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 P/N M-2W5447 M-9F5940 M-5N2487 M-1H8128 M-4N4431 M-2W1626 M-4N260 M-4M8303 M-8M5248 M-8M5253 M-4N402 M-4N159 M-6H9691 M-7H9899 M-4N9337 M-4N4509 M-4N9056 M-4N49 M-6N2843 M-6F6672 M-2H3934 M-4N508 M-2M9780 MCB3406A QTY 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-2P8669 M-2P8697 M-3D2992 M-4J2506 M-4M8303 M-4N5230 M-4N5434 M-4N7465 M-4N813 M-5H7370 M-5L8991 M-5P796 M-5P9294 M-6J2419 M-6L5773 M-6N9339 M-7F8036 M-7J204 DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Later Model Sleeve Metering Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Set DESCRIPTION QTY P/N Gasket - Gov Housing 4 M-3J1907 Gasket 1 M-4N636 Diaphragm 1 M-4N9057 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3H442 Gasket 1 M-5F9144 Gasket 1 M-1P436 Seal 1 M-4N594 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-6L5773 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-5M6509 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-6L5766 Gasket 4 M-2D6392 Gasket 2 M-4N403 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-4N1553 Gasket 1 M-4N1584 Gasket 1 M-3D4004 Gasket 1 M-3N2813 Gasket 1 M-4N1551 Gasket 1 M-7F8607 Gasket 1 M-1660368 Seal - O-Ring 3 M-2W4037 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-5S7611 Gasket 1 M-4S7756 Seal - O-Ring 7 M-1J9671 3406A Overhaul Gasket Set DESCRIPTION Gasket - Governor Gasket - Governor Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Cover Seal Seal - Lip Type Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Lock Seal - O-Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. QTY 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 30 P/N M-7M8485 M-8F3469 M-8H9204 M-8M8997 M-8S5388 M-8T2604 M-9L9678 M-9M6292 M-9M6293 M-9M9647 M-6L5766 M-8H9788 M-1J9671 M-1S4 M-1S7336 M-2P8234 M-2P8643 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Priming Pmp Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal - Lip Type Seal Seal Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal Lock - Shaft Seal Seal - O-Ring 3406A Models Only DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Washer - Felt Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Governor Group Seal - Lip Type Nut - Lock Lock Lock Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Lock Seal Gasket Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB3406B 3406B Overhaul Gasket Set All 3406B and some 3406C QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-3D2898 M-5P9757 M-5P6620 M-3L6768 M-4M8303 M-6F6672 M-335879 M-1J9671 M-3J7354 M-7J204 M-8J8343 M-1H9696 M-2D6392 M-4J7533 M-3H442 M-6H9691 M-3J1907 M-5F9144 M-4N260 M-4P9608 M-6I2003 M-8N5763 MCB3406C QTY 1 1 1 2 3 6 2 2 1 1 7 1 1 6 1 6 6 4 3 P/N M-6V7681 M-5P5846 M-1099685 M-5P7813 M-1093206 M-8M4437 M-2H3931 M-1H9696 M-3D2898 M-5P8215 M-6J2419 M-4W436 M-4J8997 M-6V5393 M-3D2824 M-3H442 M-1H1023 M-3J7354 M-7F8607 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal Gasket Gasket - Governor Group Seal 3406C P/N M-6J2419 M-8T2604 M-8N3761 M-8N3776 M-1440482 M-1440479 M-1440478 M-1440480 M-1440481 M-9X7735 M-4W4616 M-5P8215 M-6V5029 M-6I1564 M-7E2464 M-6I2002 M-1313719 M-5P5601 M-4J8997 M-3D2824 M-8M8515 M-7E3667 Overhaul Gasket Set DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QTY 1 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 31 P/N M-6F6672 M-4M8303 M-1P436 M-9X7715 M-6V5029 M-8H9204 M-4W2488 M-4W2489 M-7W7290 M-8N4524 M-1440482 M-2W459 M-1443505 M-4W2754 M-9X7735 M-5P9757 M-6V1903 M-2N3350 M-617540 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - Lip Type Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket - Idler Gasket - Governor Group Gasket - Governor Group Gasket Seal - O-Ring External Inj Seal - Quad Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Diaphragm Valve Assy Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Spacer 3406C Models Only DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Priming Pmp Seal - Lobed Seal Washer - Felt Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket - Fuel Pump Gasket - Timing Adv Cover Gasket Seal Seal - O-Ring External Inj Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB3208-OH 3208 Overhaul Kit *=Not included in MCB3208A Overhaul Gasket Set QTY 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-5P547 M-7W6335 M-2D6392 M-5M6509 M-8M5260 M-8M5661 M-8M8157 M-9M9729 M-4N505 M-4N508 M-4N532 M-4N556 M-6F6672 M-1277139 M-4N636 M-4N975 M-4N1584 M-4N1767 M-4N3088 MCB3208-OHS QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 P/N M-4N1723 M-4N605 M-4N2954 M-4N3779 M-6N1716 M-9N2064 M-7E5346 M-5P547 M-5M6509 M-8M5260 M-8M5661 M-8M8157 M-9M9729 M-4N505 M-4N508 M-4N532 M-4N556 M-6F6672 M-1277139 M-4N636 M-4N975 M-4N1584 DESCRIPTION Seal - Oil* Bearing - Sleeve* Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring* Seal - O-Ring* Seal - O-Ring Seal - O - Ring* Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Top Cover Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - Lip Type Valve Gasket 3208 P/N M-4N605 M-4N3713 M-9N2435 M-1P436 M-3H442 M-2W4037 M-2W5447 M-1J9671 M-3J1907 M-3J7354 M-4J7533 M-4N2954 M-6L5773 M-9L7630 M-4N3779 M-6N1716 M-9N2064 M-7E5346 "Super" Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION Shield - Governor Weight* Spring Sleeve Pin Valve - Assembly Tube Assy Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp Seal - Oil Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O - Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Top Cover Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - Lip Type ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 32 P/N M-4N1767 M-4N3088 M-4N3713 M-9N2435 M-1P436 M-3H442 M-2W4037 M-7M7219 M-2W5447 M-1J9671 M-3J1907 M-3J7354 M-4J7533 M-6L5773 M-9L7630 M-4N2927 M-2D6392 M-7W6335 M-6L3921 M-4N2953 M-8N628 M-9N5822 DESCRIPTION Spring* Seal* Gasket* Gasket - Fuel Priming Pump Seal - O-Ring Seal Gasket - Governor Housing Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Sleeve* Gasket Gasket - Air Inlet* Pin Valve - Assembly* Tube Assy* Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp* *=Not included in the MCB3208-OH Fuel Pump O/H Kit DESCRIPTION Valve Gasket Seal Gasket Gasket - Fuel Priming Pump Seal - O-Ring Seal Bearing - Thrust Needle* Gasket - Governor Housing Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Air Inlet Washer - Thrust* Seal - O-Ring Bearing - Sleeve Washer Ring - Lock* Bushing* Washer - Thrust* Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB3723 3208 Overhaul Kit Single Lip Seal Pumps QTY 5 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-2D6392 M-6F6672 M-3H442 M-1J9671 M-3J1907 M-4J7533 M-6L5773 M-9L7630 M-5M6509 M-8M5260 M-8M5661 M-8M8157 M-9M9729 M-4N505 M-4N508 M-4N532 MCB3723D QTY 1 1 P/N M-6N3723D M-4N3779 MCB3300SLOH QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-7W6335 M-2M9780 M-7F8607 M-5S7611 M-4S7756 M-9F5940 M-5N2487 M-1H8128 M-6N7887 M-9N2064-60 M-4N4431 M-2W1626 M-4N260 M-4M8303 M-4N402 M-6H9691 M-7H9899 M-4N9337 M-4N4509 M-4N9056 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Air Inlet Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O - Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket 3208 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 P/N M-4N556 M-1277139 M-4N636 M-4N975 M-4N1584 M-4N1767 M-4N3088 M-4N3713 M-9N2435 M-1P436 M-2W4037 M-2W5447 M-3J7354 M-4N3779 M-7E5346 Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION Gasket Set - Fuel System Pin QTY 1 DESCRIPTION Gasket Gasket - Top Cover Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - Lip Type Valve Gasket Seal Gasket Gasket - Fuel Priming Pump Seal Gasket - Governor Housing Seal - O-Ring Pin Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp Double Lip Seal Pumps P/N M-7E5346 Sleeve Metering Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION QTY P/N Bearing - Sleeve 1 M-4N636 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-4N9057 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3H442 Lock - Shaft 1 M-5F9144 Seal 1 M-1P436 Gasket 1 M-4N594 Diaphragm 1 M-6L5773 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-4N605 Gasket - Cover 1 M-5M6509 Tube 1 M-6L5766 Gasket 2 M-4N403 Gasket 1 M-4N1553 Seal 1 M-4N1584 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-3D4004 Gasket 1 M-3N2813 Seal - O-Ring 1 M-4N1551 Gasket 1 M-4N2954 Gasket 3 M-2W5447 Gasket 2 M-4N159 Gasket 2 M-8M5248 DESCRIPTION Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp 3300 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 33 DESCRIPTION Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Priming Pump Gasket Gasket Spring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - Lip Type Seal Seal Gasket Sleeve Gasket - Governor Housing Gasket Seal - O-Ring Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER MCB3300SLOH (cont.) QTY 1 1 12 1 1 4 P/N M-4N49 M-6N2843 M-6F6672 M-7E5346 M-4N508 M-3J1907 MCB3300SLOHS QTY 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 7 1 P/N M-4N260 M-4M8303 M-4N159 M-2M9780 M-8M5248 M-8M5253 M-4N402 M-2D6392 M-6H9691 M-7F8607 M-2W4037 M-7H9899 M-4N9337 M-4N4509 M-4N9056 M-4N2954 M-4N49 M-4N605 M-6N2843 M-6F6672 M-2H3934 M-4N508 M-5S7611 M-3J1907 M-4S7756 M-4N636 M-4N9057 M-1J9671 M-3H442 ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION Sleeve Metering Style Fuel Pump Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION QTY P/N Gasket 2 M-8M5253 Gasket 4 M-2D6392 Seal - O-Ring 3 M-2W4037 Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp 2 M-2H3934 Gasket 1 M-4N3779 Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line 1 M-6D238 COMMENTS 3300 3300 Sleeve Metering Style Fuel Pump "Super" Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Sleeve Gasket Spring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Lock - Shaft Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal Seal - Lip Type Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 34 P/N M-5F9144 M-1P436 M-4N594 M-7E5346 M-4N3779 M-6L5773 M-6N7887 M-5M6509 M-6L5766 M-6D238 M-4N403 M-4N1553 M-8N628 M-9F5940 M-4N1584 M-7W6335 M-3D4004 M-3N2813 M-5N2487 M-1H8128 M-9N2064-60 M-4N1551 MCB7219 M-4N1767 M-4N2953 M-4N1723 M-4N4431 M-2W1626 M-2W5447 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Pin Valve Assy *=Not included in MCB3300SLOH Fuel Pump Overhaul Kit DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Fuel Priming Pump Gasket Valve - Fuel Trans Pmp Pin Gasket Gasket - Cover Seal - O-Ring Gasket Valve Assy Gasket Gasket Bushing* Gasket Seal - Lip Type Bearing - Sleeve Seal Seal Diaphragm Seal - O-Ring Tube Gasket Kit - Thrust Needle Bearing* Valve* Ring - Lock* Shield - Governor Weight* Gasket Gasket Gasket - Governor Housing Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS MCB22240 3400 Overhaul Kit Fuel Transfer Pump QTY 1 1 3 1 2 1 P/N M-3K9738 M-4J8997 M-7E2464 M-5P8215 M-3J1907 M-6F6672 DESCRIPTION Seal Seal - O-Ring Valve Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring QTY 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-3D2824 M-2H3932 M-6J2419 M-3D2898 M-7E3667 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Spacer Air/Fuel Ratio Repair Kit PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL DESCRIPTION MCB34062 3406 Air/Fuel Ratio Repair Kit QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-5P6620 M-3L6768 M-5P5601 M-2D6392 M-6I1564 M-7J204 DESCRIPTION Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Diaphragm Seal - O-Ring QTY 1 1 1 1 1 COMMENTS P/N M-8N5763 M-4P9608 M-8J8343 M-8M8515 M-335879 DESCRIPTION Seal Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 35 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Fuel Pump Weight Kit PART NUMBER MCB3208WK ENGINE MODEL 3208 QTY 3 3 1 P/N M-4N511 M-8N2662 M-8N2663 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Dowel Capscrew Carrier COMMENTS All items included in Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits Fuel Pump Thrust Needle Bearing Kit PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB7219 3400 QTY 1 2 P/N M-7M7219 M-4N2927 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Bearing Washer - Thrust COMMENTS Fuel Transfer Pump Fuel Pump Installation/Mounting Kits PART NUMBER MCB3208PM MCB3300SLPM MCB399009 MCB3406BPM ENGINE MODEL QTY P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION 3208 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-2W4037 M-9M9729 M-9L7630 M-9N2064 M-2W5447 M-8M5260 M-8M5661 M-8M8157 M-4N532 Seal Seal - O - Ring Gasket - Air Inlet Tube Assy Gasket - Governor Housing Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket 3300 1 1 8 1 1 1 M-1660368 M-6N7887 M-9N2064-60 M-8M5248 M-8M5253 M-2H3934 Gasket Gasket - Cover Tube Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 3400 1 1 1 M-7L7735 M-6J2419 M-4L7923 Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket 3406B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-Q-329 M-2W459 M-6F4718 M-4W436 M-2N3350 M-9M9647 M-4W435 M-4W4616 Seal,Quad Ring Gasket - Auto Timing Adv Cover Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - Quad Ring ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 36 COMMENTS All items included in Fuel Pump Overhaul Kits Sleeve Metering Style Fuel Pumps nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Included in the 3300 Overhaul Kits Fuel Transfer Pump Updated 7/1/16 Fuel Injector Repair Kits PART NUMBER MCBKT7000 MCB73406B ENGINE MODEL Caterpillar® CONTENTS QTY 3200 3400 P/N DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-7W4487 M-1143364 M-1S8947 M-6M5062 M-9L9098 M-2W1230 M-1W3987 Washer Washer - Stat-O-Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Injector Screw Spring 7000 Series Injectors ONLY 6 6 6 6 6 6 M-7W4482 M-1143364 M-9L9098 M-2W1230 M-1S8947 M-6M5062 Washer Washer - Stat-O-Seal Seal - Injector Screw Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring 7000 Series Injectors ONLY Fuel Injector Seal Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS QTY M-1080219ORK DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 MCBS0007-1 Ring - Seal MCBS0530-1 Seal Ring MCBS0530-3 Seal Ring - Small - Blue 3406E 2 1 M-1662904 M-9X7430 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Inj Tube 3400 1 1 2 1 M-0618561 M-6V5266 M-1079570 M-2N7174 Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Spark Plug Adapter MCBS0007 M-2274239ORK P/N COMMENTS HEUI Injector Sleeve O-Ring Kit Use w/ M-1080219 Injector Sleeve Governor Repair Kit PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB3116GA 3116 CONTENTS QTY 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N M-1N3887 M-7X4805 M-7W7383 M-1151192 M-2S4078 M-8T6702 M-S1943 M-3J1907 M-3J7354 M-4D9986 M-4K1388 M-5M2057 M-5P9757 M-6V5100 M-7C6204 M-7L3386 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Setscrew Seal - O-Ring Valve Assy Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Screw Wire - Lead Seal Seal - O-Ring - Fuel Line Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Plug Seal - O-Ring - Oil Line 37 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Oil Pump Installation Gasket Set PART NUMBER MCBC12016 ENGINE MODEL C12 QTY 1 2 1 2 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-8J4351 M-6V5134 M-0618561 M-5P8068 M-6V3834 COMMENTS Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Oil Pump Repair Kit PART NUMBER MCB3400RK ENGINE MODEL 3400 QTY 2 2 1 1 1 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-8S6511 M-7N2156 M-6N1931 M-2S2760 M-1W7238 M-1W7239 COMMENTS Bearing Bearing - Sleeve Plunger - Relief Valve Spring Shaft - Drive Shaft - Idler Water Pump Installation Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB398008 ENGINE MODEL D379 D398 D399 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 5 6 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-1H8278 M-4L8120 M-4L8121 M-4L8606 M-4L9965 M-5H6012 M-6L6487 M-6N4744 M-6N9313 M-7F7510 M-8J6775 M-2N2560 M-8L5197 M-3F2771 M-4F7387 M-4L3437 M-4L3759 M-4L5832 M-4L6706 M-4L8097 COMMENTS Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Oil Cooler Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - Lip Type Gasket Adapter Seal Lock - Nut Seal Seal Gasket Pin - Cotter Seal - O-Ring - Oil Clr Gasket Nut - Lock Gasket Gasket Gasket 38 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Water Pump Installation Gasket Sets (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB399008 D379 D398 D399 MCB399018 QTY 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-1S7408 M-4L3437 M-4L5832 M-4L8121 M-5H6012 M-5L8043 M-4L3437 M-4L5832 M-4L8121 M-4L8606 M-5H6012 Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - Lip Type Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Seal - Lip Type COMMENTS Raw Water Fresh Water Water Pump Repair Kits PART NUMBER MCB6289B ENGINE MODEL 3400 QTY 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-1L8212 M-4N2199 M-4S5898 M-1313815 M-5F149 M-5H5672 M-5K5959 M-5L5032 M-7C307 M-7F2122 M-8C3100 M-2H3927 M-8N4734 M-9F4446 M-9F7450 M-9M9647 M-0S1591 M-2L5271 M-1354928 M-1A1135 M-9M6527 M-1B3867 M-2N931 M-2P3696 M-4F7387 M-4F8824 M-4F9653 M-4N864 M-4N1156 M-4N1946 COMMENTS Gasket Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal Group Seal - O-Ring - Black Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Seal Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Gasket Seal - O-Ring Capscrew Bearing - Ball Shaft Capscrew Washer Bearing Gasket Retainer Seal - O-Ring - Oil Clr Seal - O-Ring - Black Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Regulator Housing Gasket 39 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Water Pump Repair Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER MCB6289A ENGINE MODEL 3406 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-1W2636 M-4W4014 M-5K5959 M-7C307 M-7W7071 M-8C3100 M-9M3786 M-9M5894 M-9Y2588 M-0S1591 M-2L5271 M-1048585 M-1354928 M-1A1135 M-9M6527 M-1B3867 M-2P3696 M-3S9643 M-4N933 M-4F7387 M-4K6804 M-4N641 M-4N1156 M-1313815 COMMENTS Gasket Gasket - Lines Group Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Oil Cooler Seal Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Regulator Housing Capscrew Bearing - Ball Gasket - Regulator Shaft Capscrew Washer Bearing Retainer Seal - Thermostat Gasket Seal - O-Ring - Oil Clr Seal - O-Ring W/P Mnt Gasket Gasket - Regulator Housing Seal Group Heat Exchanger Seal Kit PART NUMBER MCBC9088 ENGINE MODEL C9 QTY 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-0990187 M-2D8009 M-2H3931 M-3S9643 M-5B4399 M-3D2824 M-3J7354 COMMENTS Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - Thermostat Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Thermostat Installation Kits PART NUMBER M-2477133KT ENGINE MODEL 3406 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-2477133 M-5K5959 M-7C307 M-4N1156 M-4W4014 M-3S9643 M-9Y2588 COMMENTS Regulator - Temperature Seal - O-Ring Gasket Gasket - Regulator Housing Gasket - Lines Group - Water Seal - Thermostat Gasket - Regulator Housing 40 Updated 7/1/16 Caterpillar® Thermostat Installation Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER M-4W4794KT ENGINE MODEL QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3406 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-3S9643 M-7C307 M-3S9643 M-5K5959 M-4N1156 M-4W4014 M-9Y2588 COMMENTS Seal - Thermostat Gasket Seal - Thermostat Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Regulator Housing Gasket - Lines Group - Water Gasket - Regulator Housing Thermostat Gasket Set PART NUMBER MCB3406BTHERM ENGINE MODEL 3406B QTY 1 1 1 1 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-5K5959 M-4N1156 M-4W4014 M-9Y2588 M-7C307 COMMENTS Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Regulator Housing Gasket - Lines Group - Water Gasket - Regulator Housing Gasket Universal Cylinder Head Gasket Sets PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS MCBC15993 3406E C15 All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, seal stock for jake brake equiped engines, regulator gaskets and seals. Non-ACERT C15 All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, seal stock for jake brake equiped engines, regulator gaskets and seals. ACERT MCBC15213 MCB3500NG All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals single cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, G3500 space plate gasket, water seals, flame arrester gasket, and exhaust manifold seals Natural Gas nnnnnnnnn Single Cylinder Head MCB3600NG All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals single cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, G3600 space plate gasket, water seals, flame arrester gasket, and exhaust manifold seals Natural Gas nnnnnnnnnn Single Cylinder Head ***Please note: For a complete listing of ESN specific Interstate-McBee Caterpillar ® Custom Gasket Sets, please see our catalog which can be downloaded from our website at ® Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. 41 Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Re-Ring Inframe Engine Kits Re-Ring Inframe Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Cylinder Head Gasket Set,Injector O-Ring Kits, and Oil Pan Gasket PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS Series 50 Crosshead Iron Piston 15:1CR w/Wide Bearings Articulated Steel Piston 16.5:1CR Articulated Steel Piston 16.5:1CR w/Piston Skirt ESN required to determine Ring Set A-MCIFS50 A-MCIFS50-4 A-MCIFS50-4S A-MCIFS60 A-MCIFS60Q A-MCIFS60-4 A-MCIFS60-4S Wide Bearings Crosshead Iron Piston 15:1CR 2.5mm Fire Ring ** Articulated Steel Piston ESN required to determine Ring Set Articulated Steel Piston w/ Piston Skirt Series 60 Articulated Steel Piston 16:1CR Use w/ 23533282 Pistons ONLY A-MCIFS60-5 w/o Pistons AND Pins A-MCIFS60-5M 12.7L DDEC V ESN required to determine Ring Set A-MCIFS60-5B 14L - 1pc Steele Piston Type Use w/ 23537126 Pistons ONLY **Kits with the "Q" suffix also include a Head Bolt Kit and Camshaft Bearings Re-Ring Overhaul Engine Kits Re-Ring Inframe Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, and Overhaul Gasket Set. ENGINE CONTENTS COMMENTS PART NUMBER MODEL A-MCOHS50 A-MCOHS50-4 A-MCOHS50-4S Series 50 Crosshead Iron Piston 15:1CR w/Wide Bearings Articulated Steel Piston 16.5:1CR Articulated Steel Piston 16.5:1CR w/Piston Skirt ESN required to determine Ring Set A-MCOHS60 A-MCOHS60Q A-MCOHS60-4S Wide Bearings Crosshead Iron Piston 15:1CR 2.5mm Fire Ring ** Articulated Steel Piston w/ Piston Skirt ESN required to determine Ring Set Series 60 Articulated Steel Piston 16:1CR Use w/ 23533282 Pistons ONLY w/o Pistons AND Pins A-MCOHS60-5 A-MCOHS60-5M 12.7L DDEC V ESN required to determine Ring Set **Kits with the "Q" suffix also include a Head Bolt Kit and Camshaft Bearings ***Please note: For a complete listing of ESN/Engine Model specific Interstate-McBee Detroit Diesel ® custom engine kits, please see our catalogs which can be downloaded from our website at ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. 42 Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Cylinder Head Parts Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL A-MCB4-71 4-71 A-MCB6-71 6-71 CHPKS60 Series 60 QTY P/N 4 1 6 1 3 6 1 1 3 10 6 24 24 48 A-5103659 A-5183305 A-5186579 A-5119973 A-5186577 A-5103659 A-5119974 A-5183305 A-5186577 A-5186579 A-23501580 A-23533552 A-23523930 A-8929573 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Gasket - Cyl Head Compression Gasket - Water & Oil Head Seal Ring - Water Holes Seal Ring - Cylinder Head Seal Ring - End Water Hole Gasket - Cyl Head Compression Seal Ring - Cylinder Head Gasket - Water & Oil Head Seal Ring - End Water Hole Seal Ring - Water Holes Kit - Tube - Inj Hole w/Seal Guide - Intake & Exhaust Seal - Valve Stem Lock - Valve COMMENTS Seal Kit Seal Kit Hardware Kit Camshaft Follower Pin and Roller Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL A-23532937PR A-23538247PR Series 60 A-23513939PR QTY P/N 1 1 1 1 1 1 A-23509812 4991580 A-23509811 4991608 A-23509811 4991608 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Roller Pin - Roller Roller Pin - Roller Roller Pin - Roller COMMENTS Intake Rocker Arm Exhaust Rocker Arm Injector Arm Cylinder Shims PART NUMBER A-S60-31 SHIM A-S60-62 SHIM ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS Series 60 Shim -.031 Liner Shim -.062 Liner Brass Stay up to date with new product announcements, promotions and company information, "Like" us on Facebook at ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. 43 Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Miscellaneous Kits PART NUMBER MCB23519723 A-23531502KT A-8929087KT A-23525168KT ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS Slipper & Ear Bearings Kit Cylinder Liner Seal Kit Series 60 Piston Pin Kit Contains Piston Pin and Retainers Cylinder Block Plug Kits PART NUMBER A-6-71 PLUG KIT ENGINE MODEL 6-71 QTY 12 7 4 10 4 3 4 2 1 P/N A-8927270 A-8925804 A-5142549 A-8923847 A-5154453 A-8924517 A-5178976 A-5117186 A-8924195 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Stud - Water Manifold Stud - Exh Manifold To Head Plug - Pipe Plug Plug Plug - Socket Head Plug Plug - Cup Connector - 5/16 COMMENTS For use on 5102770 Cylinder Head ONLY Cylinder Head Bolt Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB149HBK 149 Series MCB50HBK Series 50 MCB60HBK Series 60 QTY P/N 7 7 26 26 38 38 A-23524684 A-5139850 A-23530768 A-8929328 A-23530768 A-8929328 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Bolt Washer Bolt Washer Bolt Washer ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. 44 Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits PART NUMBER MCBS60INJ MCB26210 MCB26210-25 MCB26209 MCB26209-25 A-5234699K MCB262312 MCB-DDEC-92K A-EOK9649 ENGINE MODEL QTY 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 50 25 25 1 2 1 25 50 25 2 Series 60 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 100 100 200 MUI 100 50 50 P/N A-5234699 A-5234702 A-23511870 A-5104701 A-5234699 A-5234702 A-5104701 A-5234699 A-5234702 A-5104701 4991539 A-5234224 A-5234701 4991539 A-5234224 A-5234701 A-5234224 4991539 A-23511870 A-5104701 A-5234699 A-5234702 A-5234701 A-5104701 A-5234224 4991539 A-5234699 A-5234701 A-5234702 A-5234281 A-5234224 M-131026 A-5234368 M-3045986 A-5228587 A-5234281 A-5226186 A-5226414G A-5226414R A-5226414B ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION O-Ring O-Ring Gasket - Lower Aux Seal Seal - O-Ring - Injector Tube O-Ring O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Injector Tube O-Ring O-Ring Seal - O-Ring - Injector Tube O-Ring Spacer Seal - EUI O-Ring O-Ring Spacer Seal - EUI O-Ring Spacer Seal - EUI O-Ring Gasket - Lower Aux Seal Seal - O-Ring - Injector Tube O-Ring - External O-Ring - External O-Ring - Internal Seal - O-Ring - Injector Tube Spacer Seal - EUI O-Ring O-Ring - External O-Ring - Internal O-Ring - External Ring - Seal Spacer Seal - EUI Seal - O-Ring - Fuel Crossover O-Ring Seal - O-Ring Element - Filter Ring - Seal Gasket - Filter Cap Cap - Shipping (Green) Cap - Shipping (Red) Cap - Shipping (Blue) 45 COMMENTS External Injector Seals External Injector Seals External Injector Seals Bulk Internal Injector Seals Internal Injector Seals Bulk 92 DDEC Injector Economy Service O/H Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Fuel Pump Repair Kits PART NUMBER A-23517845RK ENGINE MODEL Series 60 A-23517845RK-S Series 60 A-23517845RK-SG Series 60 QTY P/N 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 A-8923526 A-23516118 4991613 A-8923521 A-8923522 A-23516117 A-23505249 A-23512243 A-23505248 A-23506557 A-8923526 A-23516118 4991613 A-8923521 A-8923522 A-23516117 A-23505249 A-23512243 A-23505248 A-23506557 4992018 A-23532977 A-8923526 A-23516118 4991613 A-8923521 A-8923522 A-23516117 A-23505249 A-23512243 A-23505248 A-23506557 A-23532977 4991816 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Bearing Gasket Gasket - Green Pin - Gear Drive Ring - Gear Retaining Gasket Coupling - Shock Seal - Oil Gasket Spring - Relief Valve Bearing Gasket Gasket - Green Pin - Gear Drive Ring - Gear Retaining Gasket Coupling - Shock Seal - Oil Gasket Spring - Relief Valve Key - Drive Gear Shaft & Hub - Assy Bearing Gasket Gasket - Green Pin - Gear Drive Ring - Gear Retaining Gasket Coupling - Shock Seal - Oil Gasket Spring - Relief Valve Shaft & Hub - Assy Gear - Drive - .375 COMMENTS Includes Shaft Assembly and Key Includes Shaft Assembly and Gear We are adding new products regularly..... Join our website and become a member for updates ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. 46 Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Governor Repair Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL A-IDS29397 V71 A-IDS02825 V71 QTY 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 2 1 8 1 1 P/N A-447196 A-5101691 A-5117693 A-8924266 A-5143866 A-5144177 A-5144178 A-5147866 A-5151487 A-5153060 A-5165221 A-5174286 A-5174429 A-5176557 A-5178581 A-5185153 A-8922593 A-8924869 A-9424121 A-9431896 A-9437108 A-9436682 A-5127375 A-116337 A-148402 A-5117693 A-5174286 A-5174429 A-5176557 A-5178581 A-8922593 A-8924869 A-9424121 A-9431896 A-8924266 A-9436682 A-5127375 A-116337 A-148402 A-447196 A-5143866 A-9438907 A-5185154 A-5144177 A-5151487 A-5153060 A-5165221 ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Bearing - Lever Seal Ring - Shaft Pin - Link Gasket - Blower End Plate Pin Retainer - Throttle Retainer - Shutdown Bushing - Weight Washer Retainer - Housing Cover Gasket - Weight Housing Nut Retainer - Throttle Shaft Seal Ring Retainer - Shutdown Pin - Weight Gasket - Spring Cover Gasket - Cover Bearing - Weight Shaft Bearing - Operating Shaft Bearing - Weight Riser Bearing - Operating Shaft Pin - Control Plug - Expansion Housing Bearing - Operating Shaft Pin - Link Nut Retainer - Throttle Shaft Seal Ring Retainer - Shutdown Gasket - Spring Cover Gasket - Cover Bearing - Weight Shaft Bearing - Operating Shaft Gasket - Blower End Plate Bearing - Operating Shaft Pin - Control Plug - Expansion Housing Bearing - Operating Shaft Bearing - Lever Pin Bearing - Weight Riser Shaft - Weight Pin Retainer - Throttle Washer Retainer - Housing Cover Gasket - Weight Housing 47 COMMENTS Double Weighted Mechanical Limiting Units Single Weighted Mechanical Limiting Units Updated 7/1/16 Detroit Diesel® Front Cover Gasket Set PART NUMBER MCBS60007 ENGINE MODEL Series 60 QTY P/N 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A-23518355 A-23528491 A-23521894 A-23521935 A-8929740 A-23522975 A-5141452 A-8929253 A-23520377 A-8929299 A-8929130 A-23515145 A-23516100 A-23505248 A-23505249 A-23526038 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Seal - Crankshaft - Front Seal Ring - Cam Thrust Plate Seal - Camshaft Thrust Plate Seal - Camshaft Seal - Block To Gear Case Seal Seal Ring - Blower Ring - Seal Fuel Pump Drive Seal - Water Pump Gasket - Air Compres Drive Hsg Gasket - Tach Drive Cover Gasket - Flywheel Hsg - Lg Hole Gasket - Power Steering Pump Gasket - Fuel Pump Coupling - Shock Seal Ring - Water Pump Oil Cooler Installation Kit PART NUMBER MCBS0060 ENGINE MODEL Series 60 QTY P/N 1 1 1 3 A-23506247 A-8929289 A-23505902 A-23508392 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Gasket - Oil Cooler Housing Ring - Seal - Oil Cooler Housing Seal - By Pass Oil Filter Seal - Oil Cooler Filter Adapter Engine Overhaul Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB23512691 MCB471011 ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, Does Not Include Series 60 injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, seal stock for jake Rocker Cover Gaskets brake equiped engines, regulator gaskets and seals. 4-71 All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the cylinder head including the cylinder head gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, seal stock for jake brake equiped engines, regulator gaskets and seals. ® Detroit Diesel is a registered trademark of Detroit Diesel Inc. 48 4-71 - Ts 14 Scraper Updated 7/1/16 Navistar® Re-Ring Engine Kits *Re-Ring Kits include; Cylinder Liner, Piston Ring Set, Piston Pin & Retainers, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Upper Gasket Set - No Pistons PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS MCIF466E 466E ESN required to determine usage ESN 1194039 To My2004 ESN required to determine usage 300Hp 300Hp 250-275Hp I530 250-275Hp MCB1894140C92 MCB7083126C91 MCB1836012C94 MCB1830718C98 I530 Fuel Injector/Pump Installation Kits PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL MCB46600 DT466/360 MCB46610 DT466/360 MCB46620 DT466/360 MCB69100 QTY 1 6 1 1 4 1 13 6 1 4 1 6 1 1 13 6 6 1 18 1 16 8 2 1 1 3 1 P/N CONTENTS DESCRIPTION M-675816C2 M-682810C1 M-680246C1-48 M-675609C2 M-915500R1 M-1802452C1 M-1802453C1 M-675477C1 M-675816C2 M-915500R1 M-675609C2 M-265204R1 M-680246C1-48 M-1802452C1 M-1802453C1 M-675477C1 M-682810C1 M-680246C1-73.5 M-1802453C1 MCB69133 M-355966R1 M-489256C1 M-134630H1 M-265204R1 M-369384R1 M-28549R1 M-382781R1 ® Navistar is a registered trademark of International Truck Inc. 49 Gasket - Pump Grommet - Cover Hose - Return Gasket - Pump 1/4" Fuel Line Sleeve Cap - Injector Return Clip - Return Hose Gasket - Injector Nozzle Gasket 1/4" Fuel Line Sleeve Gasket Line - Tube Sleeve 3/8 Hose - Return Cap - Return Clip - Return Hose Gasket - Nozzle Grommet - Cover Hose - Injector Return Clip - Return Hose Kit - Return Hose Adapter O-Ring - Return Gasket - Copper Line - Tube Sleeve Line - Tube Sleeve 3/8 O-Ring - Fuel Inlet Bolt - Pump Mounting O-Ring - Pump Mounting COMMENTS Pump and Injector Pump Only Injector Only Pump and Injector Updated 7/1/16 Navistar® Injector/Pump Installation Kits (cont.) PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N 1 MCB69133 Kit - Return Hose Adapter 1 M-680246C1-73.5 Hose - Return 18 M-1802453C1 Clip - Return Hose 16 M-355966R1 O-Ring - Return 8 M-489256C1 Gasket - Copper 3 M-28549R1 Bolt - Pump Mounting 1 M-382781R1 O-Ring - Pump Mounting 18 M-1811226C1 Clamp - Return Hose 6 M-1811230C2 Adapter - Fuel Pump 4 M-1811231C2 Adaptor - Fuel Pump 16 M-355966R1 O-Ring - Return 8 M-489256C1 Gasket - Copper 2 M-134630H1 Line - Tube Sleeve 1 M-265204R1 Line - Tube Sleeve 3/8 1 M-369384R1 O-Ring - Fuel Inlet 16 M-1802453C1 Clip - Return Hose 16 M-355966R1 O-Ring - Return 8 M-489256C1 Gasket - Copper 16 M-355966R1 O-Ring - Return 1 M-1813259C1 Hose - Injector Return 8 M-489256C1 Gasket - Copper 6 M-1811230C2 Adapter - Fuel Pump 4 M-1811231C2 Adaptor - Fuel Pump 18 M-1811226C1 Clamp - Return Hose 16 M-1811226C1 Clamp - Return Hose 16 M-355966R1 O-Ring - Return 8 M-489256C1 Gasket - Copper MCB69120 MCB73100 MCB69130 MCB73120 MCB73130 COMMENTS Injector Only 7.3L Late nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Pump and Injector Injector Only Pump and Injector Injector Only Fuel Injector O-Ring Kits PART NUMBER MCBS0008 MCBS0530 ENGINE MODEL QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-F5TZ-9229-B1 M-F5TZ-9229-B2 M-F5TZ-9229-B3 M-F5TZ-9229-B6 M-F5TZ-9229-B7 M-F5TZ-9229-B8 MCBS0530-1 MCBS0530-2 MCBS0530-3 MCBS0530-4 ® Navistar is a registered trademark of International Truck Inc. 50 Ring - Back-Up Ring - Cushion O Ring Seal - Lower Seal - Copper Seal Ring Seal Ring Seal Ring - Green Seal Ring - Small - Blue Seal Ring COMMENTS Ford HEUI For use with Injector Codes BD,BF,BG,BI,BJ Updated 7/1/16 Navistar® Crankcase Gasket Set PART NUMBER ENGINE MODEL QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 MCB1815668 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION P/N M-59658D M-1813933C96 M-1809964C92 M-675398C1 M-690437C95 M-261624R1 M-675609C2 M-673185C1 M-675513C1 M-677711C2 M-682444C1 M-682945C3 COMMENTS Gasket - Oil Pan Drain Plug Gasket Set - Front Cover Kit - Crankshaft Seal Rear Gasket - Oil Filter Base Kit - Crankshaft Seal Front Cover - Oil Filter Case Gasket - Injection Pump Seal - O-Ring Gasket - Oil Cooler Gasket - Breather Baffle Seal - Camshaft Gasket - Flywheel Housing Package Crankcase Engine Kit Gasket Sets PART NUMBER MCB466C ENGINE MODEL CONTENTS COMMENTS DT466 All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals for an overhaul engine service including the cylinder head gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals,as well as all gaskets and seals necessary for component installation Overhaul Gasket Set DT360 All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the cylinder head including, but not limited to the cylinder head gasket, injector o-rings, rocker cover seals, thermostat and oil pan gaskets. Inframe Gasket Set All parts necessary to replace the gaskets and seals of the lower portion of the engine including, but not limited to the front cover gasket, oil pump gaskets, oil seals front and rear crank seals and oil pan gasket. Lower Structure MCB360IF MCB466IF MCB1874865C91 MCB674399 DT466E DT466 ® Navistar is a registered trademark of International Truck Inc. 51 Updated 7/1/16 Warranty Interstate-McBee, LLC LlMITED General Products Warranty • All Fuel Injection. New & Remanufactured • Engine Management Systems & Components COVERAGE The parts furnished by Interstate-McBee are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twelve (12) months (unlimited miles and hours), from date of first installation in an engine. This warranty applies to all owners in the chain of distribution, i.e. distributor, dealer, original owner, until the end of the respective periods of coverage and shall not apply to subsequent owners. This warranty does not apply to parts provided by Interstate Interstate-McBee on a no-charge basis. In no event shall this warranty extend beyond twenty four (24) months from date of sale or manufacture INTERSTATE-MCBEE RESPONSIBILITIES The obligation of Interstate-McBee under this warranty, statutory or otherwise, is limited to the replacement or repair of Interstate-McBee parts, which our inspection discloses to our satisfaction to have been defective. Repair will be performed at our factory in Cleveland, Ohio or other Interstate-McBee approved facility. Proof of purchase is required. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES Owner is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the engine as specified in the APPLICABLE O.E.M.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. Owner must give notice within (30) days of any suspected failure and before expiration of applicable warranty to be considered warrantable. Owner will provide all alleged defective and associated parts for examination by Interstate-McBee and, if requested, return same FO.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Interstate-McBee further reserves the right to examine any engine subject to a claim under this warranty. Owner is responsible for all costs, including, but not limited to, repairs made to items other than the engine in which the parts are installed, "downtime" expenses and all business costs and losses resulting from a warrantable failure Copies of all work orders and invoices for repairs to the engine must accompany the claim Additionally, on electronically controlled engines a complete Electronic Control Module (ECM) report (Extraction, Download) must also accompany the claim. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE FILED ONLINE AT WWW.INTERSTATE-MCBEE.COM. WARRANTY LIMITATIONS Interstate-McBee is not responsible for failure resulting from owner or operator abuse or neglect, such as, but not limited to: operation without adequate coolant, fuel or lubricants; over-speeding; lack of maintenance of lubricating system, coolant or air intake systems; improper storage, or starting. Interstate-McBee is not responsible for failures resulting from improper repair or installation, for parts that have been altered or for parts not approved by Interstate-McBee. This warranty does not apply to parts furnished on a no charge basis Interstate-McBee does not warrant parts supplied by Interstate-McBee which bear the name and or trademark of another company. These parts are warranted by their manufacturers and not by Interstate-McBee. In no event shall this warranty extend beyond (twenty four (24) months from the date of sale THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, FOR THE PARTS NAMED HEREIN BEFORE, MADE BY INTERSTATE-MCBEE OTHER THAN SET FORTH HEREIN. We neither assume nor authorize any other per sons to assume for us any other liability in connection with our product. INTERSTATE-MCBEE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR CONTINGENT LIABILITIES. Further, in no event shall Intestate-McBee bear any responsibility for any damages, which exceed the then available aggregate coverage provided under the terms and conditions of its product liability policy. This warranty shall be interpreted, governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, U.S.A. (for products not covered herein, see Interstate-McBee's Extended Warranty). Any actions or proceedings relating to this warranty must be filed or commenced within three (3) months of the alleged breach. If any of these warranty provisions or portions thereof is prohibited by law or by any court of competent jurisdiction, in any locality, its invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or the enforceability of any other warranty provisions or portions thereof. INTERSTATE-McBEE, LLC 4901 LAKESIDE AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-3996 Rev: C Date 3/13/14 Policy No.: Q-POL-75-0211 52 Warranty Interstate-McBee, LLC LIMITED Extended Warranty • Engine Parts COVERAGE Diesel Engine New engine parts furnished by Interstate-McBee are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of installation, without mileage or hour limitation. This warranty applies to all owners in the chain of distribution, i.e. distributor, dealer, original owner, until the end of the respective periods of coverage and shall not apply to subsequent owners. Natural Gas or Methane Engine and Prime Power Generation New engine parts furnished by Interstate-McBee are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, for a period of twenty four (24) months from the date of installation with the exception of valve train components which are warranted for twelve (12) months from the date of installation. This warranty applies to all owners in the chain of distribution, i.e. distributor, dealer, original owner, until the end of the respective periods of coverage and shall not apply to subsequent owners. INTERSTATE-MCBEE RESPONSIBILITIES Interstate-McBee will pay only for parts, labor and fluids needed to repair damages directly resulting from an above defined warranty failure to the functional condition existing immediately prior to the failure, including progressive damage to the engine in which the warrantable part was installed, provided Interstate-McBee's inspection of said failed part or parts discloses to our satisfaction to have been defective. Labor cost will be paid but not to exceed published flat rates times at Interstate-McBee's standard hourly rate. No overtime or holiday rates will be allowed. Only new or rebuilt Interstate-McBee or Interstate-McBee approved parts will be used in making the repair. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES Owner is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the engine as specified in the APPLICABLE O.E.M. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. Owner must give notice within (30) days of any suspected failure and before expiration of applicable warranty to be considered warrantable. Owner will provide alleged defective and associated parts for examination by Interstate-McBee and, if requested, return same F.O.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Additionally, a complete Electronic Control Module report must accompany the claim. Interstate-McBee further reserves the right to examine any engine subject to a claim under this warranty. Approved warranty work is to be performed by an authorized Interstate-McBee Distributor or Dealer or other Interstate-McBee approved facility. Copies of all work orders and invoices for repairs to the engine must accompany the claim. Owner is responsible for all costs, including, but not limited to, repairs made to items other than the engine in which the parts are installed, "downtime" expenses and all business costs and losses resulting from a warrantable failure. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE FILED ONLINE AT WWW.INTERSTATE-MCBEE.COM WARRANTY LIMITATIONS Interstate-McBee is not responsible for failure resulting from owner or operator abuse or neglect, such as, but not limited to: operation without adequate coolant, fuel or lubricants: over fueling: over speeding: lack of maintenance of lubricating, coolant or air intake systems: improper storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or shut down practices. Interstate-McBee is not responsible for failures resulting from improper repair or installation, for parts that have been altered or for parts not approved by Interstate-McBee. This warranty does not apply to parts furnished on a no charge basis. Interstate-McBee does not warrant parts supplied by Interstate-McBee which bear the name and trademark of another company. These parts are warranted by their manufacturers and not Interstate-McBee. In no event shall this warranty extend beyond (36) months from the date of sale. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, FOR THE PARTS NAMED HEREIN BEFORE, MADE BY INTERSTATE-MCBEE OTHER THAN SET FORTH HEREIN. We neither assume nor authorize any other persons to assume for us any other liability in connection with our products INTERSTATE-MCBEE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR CONTINGENT LIABILITIES. Further, in no event shall Intestate-McBee bear any responsibility for any damages, which exceed the then available aggregate coverage provided under the terms and conditions of its product This warranty shall be interpreted, governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, U.S.A. (for products not covered herein, see Interstate-MeBee's General Product Warranty.) Any actions or proceedings relating to this warranty must be filed or commenced within three (3) months of the alleged breach. If any of these warranty provisions or portions thereof prohibited by law or by any court of competent jurisdiction, in any locality, its invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other warranty provisions or portions thereof. INTERSTATE-MCBEE L.L.C, 4901 LAKESIDE AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-3996 Rev: G Date 3/13/14 Policy No.: Q-POL-82-0159 53 U.S.A Presidential Award For Excellence in Export World Headquarters 5300 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 PH: 216-881-0015 FAX: 216-881-0805 E-mail: California 13137 Arctic Circle Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 PH: 562-356-5414 FAX: 562-926-2452 Florida th 9955 NW 58 St. Doral, FL 33178 PH: 305-863-6650 FAX: 305-863-6272 Texas 1755 Transcentral Ct. Suite 200 Houston, TX 77032 PH: 281-645-7168 FAX: 281-443-0202 Serving the Diesel and Natural Gas Industries for over 65 years “Quality Without Compromise”
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