Spring 2006 - Communications Association of Hong Kong


Spring 2006 - Communications Association of Hong Kong
May 2006
Spring Issue
Inside this issue:
PEOPLES – renamed as China
Mobile Peoples Telephone Co
PEOPLES joined the China Mobile’s family and renamed as
China Mobile Peoples Telephone Company Limited
By China Mobile Peoples Telephone Company Limited
Siemens – Mobile TV kicks off 2
CSL-Hong Kong’s First “3G
Mobile TV”
WiseSpot-Introduces OneStop “WiseWatch”…
CSL– Microsoft Direct Push
Email Service…
3 Hong Kong – Completes
HSDPA Trial and… ..
HGC-Ethernet Service…
HKBN-bb100… ..
CSL 1010 & One2Free – HK
First “BubbleTalk Service”
Huawei-Broader Access Bandwidth Coming True
HTHK – Forms Alliance for
Global Roaming… ..
New World – “ Search n’
PEOPLES-Stored Value SIM
card Exclusive Offer at 7-
Siemens-Integrated security
CSL-One-Stop “
Watch Service”
On 28 March 2006, PEOPLES became a wholly
leverage the strong presence of our parent
owned subsidiary of China Mobile (Hong Kong)
company in the Mainland China to boost our
Limited (CMHK) and on 10 April 2006, it was
competitiveness and deliver outstanding serv-
officially renamed as “China Mobile Peoples
ices to our customers.”
Telephone Company Limited”. The brand name
of the mobile services provided by the Company remains “PEOPLES”.
The name change reflects the successful acquisition of PEOPLES by CMHK and marks an
important milestone for CMHK through an expansion of geographical coverage. Commenting
on the benefits of the acquisition in a press
conference held on 30 March 2006, Mr. Wang
Jianzhou, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CMHK, said, “With the integration of
Chairman Wang Jiangzhou spoke
at the press conference.
our operations, we will be in a better position
To celebrate the successful acquisition, a gala
to serve both customers in Mainland China and
dinner was held on 30 March 2006 at The
Hong Kong.”
Grand Hyatt. Mr M. H. Au, Director-General
of OFTA was invited as officiating guest to un-
“Combining the Group’s and PEOPLES’ experi-
veil the new company name.
ences, the new Company will improve its business and services, and cost reduction will be
achieved by integrating network equipment and
support systems and implementing centralized
3 Hong Kong-Strengthens
Mobile News Platform Mobilke
Key Telecom Statistics
ITAHK Corner
procurement and unified management,” Mr
Wang continued.
Mr Charles Henshaw, Director & Chief Executive Officer of PEOPLES, said, “By adopting
the new identity as well as being a member of
the Group bring us a lot of benefits, we can
Mr Wang & Mr Au unveiled the new company name for
Page 1
Mobile TV kicks off
By Siemens Limited
The Soccer World Cup will see the first larger-
There is one special feature for Germany. In
scale pilot experiments in Germany with mobile
this country, radio is a matter for the federal
television. This is about having the right tech-
states, and they will first of all have to reach
nology for mobile broadcasting, i.e. the trans-
agreement on the allocation of frequency bands.
mission of TV programs suitable for the mobile
But mobile phone TV should also be widely avail-
p h o n e . A b o v e a l l , “s u i t a b l e f o r t h e m o b i l e p h o n e ”
able in Germany no later than the Olympic Games
m e a n s t h a t t h e p i c t u r e s a p p e a r n e e d l e- s h a r p o n
in the summer of 2008. Commenting on this point,
t h e p h o n e ’s d i s p l a y , a n d t h a t t h e r e s t r i c t e d
Stefan Schneiders, Mobile TV Product Manager
screen size is taken into account. When soccer
a t S i e m e n s C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , s a y s : “Olympia live
matches are transmitted, for instance, the live
on the mobile phone – the summer games of 2008
pictures have to be processed so that the ball is
will bring the breakthrough onto the mass mar-
not just seen as a tiny dot on the pitch in the
ket, and not just in Germany. Up to 100 million
overall picture. To achieve this, the picture is
zoomed in on, and the enlarged section then
watching mobile television.”
t r a n s m i t t e d “near live” – w i t h a s h o r t d e l a y d u e
to the extra processing involved.
The Siemens Communications Group – and with it
the entire mobile communications sector – show
Mobile broadcasting is not to be confused with
a c l e a r p r e f e r e n c e f o r D V B- H . T h i s t e c h n o l o g y
streaming by means of the Unicast method, i.e.
allows TV broadcasts to be received without
unilaterally calling up videos via broadband mo-
difficulty on mobile equipment – including inside
bile technologies such as UMTS. The major mo-
buildings and on underground trains – and a
bile providers in Germany have been offering
larger variety of programs to be provided. In-
t h i s t e c h n o l o g y f o r q u i t e s o m e t i m e n o w . B u t un -
stead of just the four to eight programs that
til the same can be said for mobile phone TV,
are possible with DMB, up to thirty mobile phone
the matter of which standard is to be used first
T V p r o g r a m s c a n b e p r o v i d e d w i t h D V B- H . I n ad -
needs to be settled. As is so often the case with
dition, interactive services are easier to imple-
completely new technologies, a variety of tech-
m e n t w i t h D V B- H – w i t h m o b i l e p h o n e c o n n e c -
nologies are also competing for predominance in
tions serving as the return channel. This makes
mobile broadcasting. So, the soccer tournament
c o m p l e t e l y n e w s e r v i c e s p o s s i b l e – s u c h a s b et -
w i l l b e u s e d a s t h e t e s t- p i e c e f o r d e c i d i n g w h i c h
t i n g , v o t i n g f o r t h e “s u p e r s t a r ” or the “goal of
technology is the best. Competing in the final
t h e m o n t h ”, i n t e r a c t i v e a d v e r t i s i n g f o r m a t s a n d
w i l l b e D M B a n d D V B- H : D M B ( D i g i t a l M u l t i m e d i a
m o b i l e- p h o n e T V s h o p p i n g c h a n n e l s .
Broadcast) is based on the standard used for
digital radio, i.e. DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast).
I n c o n t r a s t , D V B- H ( D i g i t a l V i d e o B r o a d c a s t i n g - H a n d h e l d ) i s b a s e d o n D V B- T , t h e t e c h n o l ogy used for terrestrial transmission of digital
television (DVB - Terrestrial).
Page 2
CSL One2Free Launches Hong Kong’s First “3G Mobile TV”
Turning handset into TV set with a brand-new TV interface
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
One2Free, the lifestyle mobile brand of CSL, introduced
tions include “Real-time News”, “Real-time Entertainment
Hong Kong’s first “3G Mobile TV” in February 2006, offer-
News”, “Real-time Finance”,
ing non-stop infotainment programmes on 3G mobile phones.
“Movies”, “EPL Highlights”, “Hit TV Drama Highlights”,
Since then, One2Free continues to enhance its content and
“Leisure”, “Entertainment News Highlights”, “Animation”,
exclusively offers “Our Story”, a new music drama starring
“Funny Videos”, “Fortune Telling”, “BBC World”, “Bloomberg
Denise Ho, on the Mobile Drama Station.
Television”, “Horse Racing”, “Fashion TV”, “Bikin.com Channel”,
Carol Wan, General Manager, Brand Marketing at CSL, said,
“Mobile Drama”,
“Soundtrack Channel” and “Traffic”.
“As a trend-setting brand, One2Free is dedicated to bringing the youth market the latest trends and entertainment on
The newly designed TV interface is easy to use. Customers
the move. Our pioneering ‘3G Mobile TV’ provides over 20
can access “3G Mobile TV” by simply pressing *888 via a
infotainment stations via a brand-new user-friendly TV in-
video call, and press the number on the keypad to select the
terface on 3G phones. With 3G Mobile TV, customers can
station, press “*” or “#” to switch between stations, and
now enjoy the ease and fun of watching TV anytime and any-
“**” or “##” to skip episodes – just like a TV remote con-
where, further enhancing their mobile experience on 3G.”
trol. Customers can now enjoy “3G Mobile TV” service with
Hong Kong’s first “3G Mobile TV” has non-stop broadcasts of a variety of programmes
a special offer of HK$30/100 minutes or
$1 per minute
with no pre-registration required.
One2Free’s “3G Mobile TV” turns a 3G phone into a TV set
To find out more, please call the One2Free Enquiry Hotline
with over 20 exciting news and entertainment stations, ena-
at (852) 2512 3123, or visit our homepage http://www.
bling One2Free customers to “Be ahead! Look ahead!”. Sta-
Page 3
MPLS VPN: compelling savings – performance and productivity
By CPCNet Hong Kong Limited
MPLS VPN is the abbreviated form for Multi-Protocol Label
Security = Decreases the forwarding overheads on core
Switching, a technology that simplifies and improves IP-
routers, since routers simply forward packets based on fixed
packet exchange. The latest technology solves the chal-
labels. It also provides the appropriate level of security while
lenges associated with meeting IT security standards. This
reducing the need for encryption on public IP networks. An ISP
packet-forwarding technology uses labels to make data for-
with MPLS VPN services can also provide bandwidth on demand
warding decisions, by putting a unique 'label' on each IP
for customers who have high bandwidth requirements periodi-
packet, the network switches these packets according to
cally for a short duration.
labels, not IP address.
MPLS VPN has since become the fastest growing and most
In traditional networks, IP-packet forwarding uses the IP
popular of all IP VPN technologies. According to the IDC re-
destination address in the packet's header to make an inde-
search entitled, "Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Telecommuni-
pendent forwarding decision at each router in the network.
cations Network Services 2004-2009 Forecast and Analysis" 1 ,
These hop-by-hop decisions are based on network layer
leased lines, Frame Relay, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode
routing protocols that are designed to find the shortest
(ATM) still have roles to play throughout the region but the
path through the network, without considering other fac-
trend is clearly moving towards IP VPN services - typically on a
tors, such as latency or traffic congestion.
MPLS backbone.
With MPLS VPN, the Layer 3 header analysis is done just
once, when the packet enters the MPLS VPN domain. The
Mainland China
label that gets inserted at this point, decides subsequent
The adaptation of MPLS VPN technology by company’s from
packet forwarding, eliminating the decision-making necessary at every hop on the way to the destination in traditional networks.
It provides secure VPN connectivity to
different industries, to better streamline their business operation is a trend fast catching on.
corporate clients, as they migrate to converged IP Services.
For instance, Charmant, established in 1992, Charmant (HK) one
MPLS VPN technology delivers new services, also allowing
of the sales companies of the Charmant Group (http://www.
migration from old to new networks and reducing the con-
charmant.com), a company specializes in selling and distributing
figuration and management requirements at the customer
eyewear products in Hong Kong. Charmant operations spanning
end. Solutions providers can derive great benefits for their
across Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and a factory in Dongguan,
customers, riding on this technology.
the company had been looking for a suitable solution to interlink
its offices across Hong Kong and the Mainland.
MPLS VPN provides a variety of benefits
Service Quality = Supports the delivery of services with
According to Mr. Dickson Ho, System Supervisor of Charmant
Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Packets can be
Group, their Hong Kong office hosts the IT infrastructure for
marked for high quality, enabling solution providers to main-
handling operations in the Greater China region. Also, beyond
tain a specified low end-to-end latency for voice and video.
China, it is critical for Charmant group to connect its Mainland’s
offices with headquarters in Japan.
Flexibility = Gives a great deal of flexibility to divert and
route traffic around link failures, congestion and bottle-
IT infrastructure issues
necks. ISPs are better able to manage different kinds of
Complex, reliable and cost efficient are the most important cri-
data streams based on priority and service plans. MPLS is
teria that Charmant needed to evaluate when selecting a com-
currently the best approach for simplified implementation
munications and networking solutions provider for an advance
of very large IP infrastructures.
MPLS VPN technology.
1 http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=pr2005_03_14_143908
Page 4
Continued by CPCNet Hong Kong Ltd
For some years Charmant had been using leased lines to conduct
its business operation. But, the company found that the cost of
International Private Leased Circuit’s (IPLC) point-to-point connection was getting very expensive.
Also, the costs would in-
crease proportionally to the number of access points.
evaluating few alternatives, the company decided to go for MPLS
VPN technology, which offered a much lower cost and higher scalability of operation, that best fits Charmant’s requirement. In addition, Charmant realized that more connection points a company
has, more cost efficency can be achieved while deploying MPLS
VPN technology.
In addition to cost saving, customer services and technical expertise are the key considerations for selecting a reliable networking
service provider. Armed with these facts, Charmant decided to
go with TrueCONNECT™ , MPLS VPN solution offered by CPCNet
(http://www.cpcnet.com). Charmant evaluated that CPCNet’s solution was a cost-efficency alternative to the traditional VPN-based
on leased lines, ATM, and Frame Relay networks, as well as its security needs could be addressed using a MPLS VPN network when
compared to other technologies.
Service provider’s best quality wins the trust of Japanese
Japanese companies always strive for the best quality of service
and Charmant is no exception. When choosing a solution provider,
Charmant not only required reliable services, but also insisted
that the provider's network coverage should be able to support
the Group's development plans in Mainland China.
"We have considered using a Japanese service provider, but were
deterred by the limitation of their China network coverage. We
were also doubtful about the quality and stability of their technologies," said Mr. Ho. The Charmant Group operates an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to manage its entire business. It requires the best network stability, and so CPCNet was
obviously the prime choice for Charment, Mr. Ho added.
"High stability of network is the main reason for us to choose
CPCNet instead of other leading Japanese service providers. Coupled with its network coverage, maintenance service and support
across all major cities in Mainland China, TrueCONNECT™ can
help us develop our business in the country," said Mr. Tomomi
Takedani, IT Manager of the Charmant Group.
Criteria in selecting a reliable networking service provider
Benefits accrued after switching over to IP-VPN services
“It is important to be forward-looking when making IT-purchase
By using CPCNet’s solutions for data and voice transmission, the
decisions”, says Mr. Ho. From his viewpoint, centralized IT serv-
company can now save costs as much as 40-50% when compared
ices may greatly improve the operation efficiency and productivity
with IPLC services. Using VoIP applications over MPLS VPN alone
for the company.
has saved Charmant 80% on IDD. According to Mr. Ho, CPCNet’s
network maintenance and technical support allowed him to focus
Charmant has existing branch offices in Guangzhou, Dongguan,
Shanghai and Beijing, which are managed by Hong Kong head office. The company was trying to minimize the IT services run by
individual locations and improving server management efficiency.
Based on this infrastructure blueprint, Charmant’s China branch
offices have been linked through CPCNet's TrueConnect™ MPLS
on a stress-free installation of the group’s IT system. MPLS VPN
solution is greatly compelling the company performance and productivity. Today, Charmant is now in a position to leverage MPLS
VPN technology for global connection. In the future, the company
plans to use MPLS VPN to connect Hong Kong with Japan and the
US, forming a global intranet for the group.
VPN service. Through day-to-day operation, the company needed
to connect with Hong Kong office for running critical data applications such as ERP system, E-mail, file-sharing, VoIP phone system
and video conferencing.
Charmant looked for a service provider who had staying power in
the market. “We wanted a service provider who could offer us
networking flexibility and server management efficiency. Since we
are rapidly expanding in China, we hoped that CPCNet could help
us realize time efficiency when connecting with our PRC
branches,” Mr. Ho explained.
Page 5
One-Stop "WiseWatch" Mobile Surveillance Service
By WiseSpot (Hong Kong) Limited
"WiseWatch", a fixed-mobile convergent solution, is a secured
2.75G and 2.5G handsets with video streaming feature already
remote surveillance application that enables its users to watch
in the market, including Nokia N6680, N70, N90, Sony Ericsson
live and full motion video of their preferred location on both
W900i, Z800i, K600i, W810i, W800i and K750i etc.
mobile phone and PC.
With today's hectic lifestyles where
people are always on the go, WiseWatch offers a novel
To view multiple locations, customers can connect multiple
functionality to consumers by taking full advantage of the high
WiseWatch Cameras so that they can monitor different
market penetration of broadband and the uniquely Edge- & 3G-
important places. Once a Camera is successfully installed, the
only mobile video capabilities. The result: By adopting Edge or
user will receive a unique link via SMS to access live monitoring
3G service, users can conveniently care for and "keep an eye"
with the click of a button. In addition, the service supports
on their children or pets at home, their office environment,
multiple viewers who can concurrently access a Camera upon
customer flow at retail outlets, or even monitor their overseas
authorisation by the master user. To do so, a WAP interface is
properties anytime and from anywhere.
available for the master user to add and delete the other
This service is poised
to be a catalyst in attracting die-hard 2G and voice-only users
viewers on the list at his or her discretion.
For true peace of
to migrate to higher bandwidth mobile data services.
mind, only mobile phone numbers previously mapped to the
Camera will be allowed access, thus providing unsurpassed
As such, to cater for the different segments of users with
convenience and security not available with other existing
varying levels of technical dexterity, WiseWatch is designed
market varieties.
from day one to be as simple and user-friendly as possible. It
essentially involves the installation of a WiseWatch Camera
Designed, developed and managed by WiseSpot (Hong Kong)
plugged into broadband either through a fixed or Wi-Fi
Limited as the application service provider (ASP), this service
connection. To make it even more hassle free, WiseWatch also
made its debut on CSL's integrated network (3G/EDGE/GPRS)
provides on-site installation as an option. Viewing is supported
on April 11, 2006 under their service brand "Instant Watch".
by the some of the most popular 3G handsets and selected
Page 6
CSL Pioneers the Launch of Microsoft Direct Push Email Service
on the Enhanced Dopod 838
CSL business customers first to enjoy sophisticated mobile email solution based on
Microsoft® Exchange and Windows Mobile® 5.0 with Direct Push technology
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
CSL and Microsoft® Hong Kong Limited introduced the Direct
friendly Direct Push Email Service on the Dopod 838 to our
Push Email Service on the enhanced Dopod 838 PDA phone,
corporate customers. This new mobile email solution provides
based on the Microsoft Exchange messaging platform. Firstly
an additional choice for customers to stay competitive,
available to CSL customers in March 2006, the new email solu-
responsive and organised when out of office,” said Tony Seeto,
tion runs on Microsoft Windows Mobile® 5.0 and incorporates
Director of Business Development of CSL.
the Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) and Exchange
Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This ensures a better Mi-
“The integration between Direct Push technology in Microsoft
crosoft Office Outlook® Mobile experience with the Direct
Windows Mobile 5.0 and Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Push technology and enhanced security features.
makes it simple for businesses to transform their people into
mobile information workers on a unified infrastructure, without
The enhanced Dopod 838 is a Windows Mobile 5.0-based device
the need for additional and costly e-mail servers. Companies
that supports EDGE / GPRS / GSM networks.
With CSL’s
can leverage their existing investment in Exchange Server and
unique ‘Integrated Network’ with EDGE, customers can view
benefit from lower costs, greater productivity, and efficient
and edit Microsoft Office Excel Mobile and Word Mobile at-
messaging management and security, while staying connected to
tachments, reply to emails and play video clips on the move with
the people and information they need,” said Adam Anger, Sen-
a better user experience.
ior Director, Business and Marketing Organization at Microsoft
Hong Kong Limited.
Enhances user experience with Direct Push technology
CSL’s Direct Push Email Service offers a comprehensive and
Mr. Terry Chung, General Manager of Dopod International (H.
user-friendly mobile email solution for corporate customers
K.) Corp. Ltd., said, “Dopod 838 is the first in Asia to support
and enterprises. Direct Push, by its nature, is a more efficient
MSFP which, again, reassures our position as technology leader
synchronization method, and when combined with new GZIP
in the region. With Microsoft Direct Email Push technology,
data compression, data can be transmitted in a faster mode.
Dopod users can instantly receive and send emails with enhanced security. This genuinely enables all Dopod users to en-
Providing a common email experience across the desktop and
joy mobility with the state-of-the-art technology anytime and
the Dopod 838, the Direct Push Email Service enables emails,
schedules, contacts and tasks to be synchronized directly from
Microsoft Outlook® to the Dopod 838.
World's smallest slide PDA phone that supports Windows
Mobile 5.0
Easy to set up with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
The Dopod 838 is the world's smallest slide PDA phone with
CSL’s Direct Push Email Service integrates with customers’ built-in Wi-Fi on a Windows Mobile 5.0 platform. It is directly
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
This makes it easier for
integrated with Exchange Server 2003 through the Exchange
customers to set up, and the service is highly cost-effective,
ActiveSync protocol. Specially designed for executives on the
scalable and security-enhanced to deliver the benefits of email
move as well as anyone with a penchant for seamless mobility,
on the move without additional investment on servers or
the Dopod 838 supports EDGE and GSM (850/900/1800/1900)
mobile communication standards which enables seamless communications wherever the user is.
“CSL serves the largest number of business customers and we
understand their diverse needs at work.
To date, business
To learn more about the Microsoft Direct Push Email service
professionals always look for secured email solutions that help
and the Dopod 838, please call the 1O1O Sales Hotline on (852)
them stay ahead of the market. We are pleased to be the first
2888 1010; visit our homepage: http://www.csl1010.com for de-
to team up with Microsoft to offer this simple and user-
Page 7
3 Hong Kong Completes HSDPA Trial and NEC Commissioned to Start HSDPA Roll-out
By 3 Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong has become the first 3G operator in Hong Kong
global experience in deploying 3G and HSDPA technology."
to announce the completion of a field trial of High Speed
Toshiyuki Mineno, Senior General Manager of NEC's Carrier
Downlink Packet Access ("HSDPA") on UMTS ("3G") network.
Solutions Business Unit, said: "NEC has been working closely
The Company announced in early April that it had commis-
with Hutchison on a wide range of business projects world-
sioned its trial partner and existing 3G network supplier NEC
wide, including the launch of 3 Hong Kong's advanced 3G net-
to immediately commence HSDPA rollout in Hong Kong. This
work. We are pleased to see this fruitful collaboration being
initiative once again reinforces the Company’s commitment to
extended into the deployment of NEC's HSDPA technology
ensuring that its 500,000 plus 3G customers will be ready to
on 3 Hong Kong's 3G network. We are ready to deliver our
enjoy even better video quality and a broader range of multi-
HSDPA to 3 Hong Kong’s commercial network and are confi-
media mobile communications, as soon as the HSDPA com-
dent that its customers will enjoy enriched and high speed
patible mobile devices are available.
mobile services."
3 Hong Kong's HSDPA-enabled 3G network will be able to
At a press conference held in early April, 3 Hong Kong per-
reach the data transferred rates of up to 14.4Mbps. This
formed a live HSDPA demonstration over its 3G network.
means that ultimately subscribers can download a typical
The configuration for this live demonstration was the same
movie clip or an interactive game with approximately 38
as the one used for the live field trials conducted by 3 Hong
times the speed of current 3G speeds.
Kong and NEC over the past few months. Based on NEC's
HSDPA infrastructure and with a 1.8Mbps HSDPA enabled
Amy Lung, Commercial Director - Consumer Market of 3
data-card, 3 Hong Kong demonstrated a successful HSDPA
Hong Kong, said: "3 Hong Kong is once again charting the
download of an animation-embedded file and high quality
course of development for 3G in Hong Kong. With the suc-
video clip streaming through a laptop computer. About five-
cessful trial and imminent network rollout, we are well posi-
time speed improvement was shown when compared with the
tioned to be the first to provide 3 Hong Kong's supporters
current 3G speeds, as well as enhanced video image quality.
with a highly enhanced mobile communications experience,
once the HSDPA compatible devices become available. In this
3 Hong Kong's HSDPA enabled network will be ready in the
significant stage of development, we are pleased to be part-
third quarter of 2006. The Company intends to launch
nering our existing 3G network supplier NEC, who is recog-
HSDPA commercially, once the HSDPA-enabled handsets and
nised throughout the industry for its proven expertise and
devices are available in the market.
Page 8
Hutchison Global Communications Launches Ethernet Service
to Connect Hong Kong with Beijing and Guangdong Province
By Hutchison Global Communications
Hutchison Global Communications Limited (“HGC”) launched in
Meanwhile, this new Ethernet service allows small and me-
April 2006 the first Ethernet service in Hong Kong to connect
dium-sized enterprises to construct their own networks in a
Beijing and Guangdong Province, providing highly cost-
hassle-free way to meet the growing communications demand
and raise operational efficiency, without having to acquire
Ethernet connectivity for enterprises of all sizes in these
WAN technologies and knowledge all over again.
three places.
HGC provides complete customer support with its 24-hour
HGC partners with China Telecom to offer this novel service
monitoring and management as well as one-stop-shop services.
connecting Hong Kong with Beijing and Guangdong Province,
which adopts an Inter-Autonomous System and is built on Vir-
Besides harnessing its status in the international telecom
tual Private LAN service (VPLS). Riding on an extremely scal-
arena, the official roll-out of this Ethernet service which con-
able Internet Protocol (IP)/ Multi-Protocol Label Switching
nects the Mainland and Hong Kong symbolises another step
(MPLS) network, its service quality is considerably enhanced.
forward by HGC towards being a network leader in the AsiaPacific region. HGC and China Telecom fostered a strong part-
Ethernet, which replaces cross-area Wide Area Network
nership relationship over the past few years. In December
(WAN) with a Local Area Network (LAN) to LAN network ar-
2002, HGC became the first overseas telecom operator to
chitecture, provides stable and easy-to-operate network serv-
build a single 10Gbit/s SDH transmission system with China
ices of low operating costs. In recent years, there has been a
Telecom to increase interconnection capacity by 10Gbit/s to
growing interest among enterprises in Ethernet as a telecom
Andrew Kwok, Vice President – International Business of HGC,
The easy-to-manage Ethernet, which supports excellent net-
said, “HGC is always devoted to providing customers with di-
work operation performance, allows user-enterprises to “plug
verse and advanced telecom services which can facilitate their
and play” without the need to reconfigure their system or in-
business and product development. This Hong Kong-Beijing-
stall new and customised equipment, saving substantial invest-
Guangdong Metro Ethernet service not only fulfills the press-
ment in hardware. In addition, Ethernet is extremely flexible
ing demand for telecom and connectivity services in these
in terms of network connection. Enterprises can expand or ad-
places but also demonstrates HGC’s accomplishments in ex-
just network connection scale and bandwidth at any time when
panding into the international network market.”
needs arise by using Ethernet, Fast Ethernet or Gigabit
Ethernet interface. Also, they can utilise Layer 2 Ethernet
HGC has successively teamed up with three leading interna-
for complete control of network operation.
tional telecom operators to launch international Ethernet
service. In March 2004, HGC joined hands with KT Corpora-
Demand for cross-border communication services between en-
tion of South Korea to construct the world’s first interna-
terprises in the Mainland and Hong Kong is on the rise follow-
tional Ethernet, followed by the launch of another Ethernet
ing the accession of China to the World Trade Organisation
service linking Hong Kong and Taiwan in collaboration with Tai-
(WTO) and the implementation of the Closer Economic Part-
wan Fixed Network Co Ltd in October of the same year. In
nership Arrangement (CEPA). In light of this, HGC launched
January 2006, HGC and Broadwing Communications, LLC jointly
this new product which will help enterprises to run their busi-
established a trans-Pacific Ethernet network connecting Hong
nesses more smoothly and offer quality services to their cus-
Kong and the USA to further broaden HGC’s scope of interna-
tomers. To multinational and cross-border large enterprises,
tional Ethernet services and to harness its leadership in the
this Ethernet service allows them to choose the bandwidth as
regional telecom market.
needed at a transmission speed from 2M to 45M or even
higher. This is the most cost-effective way to realise seamless cross-geographic area network connectivity.
Page 9
HKBN bb100 – brings you the “real” broadband experience
By Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited
HKBN launched the fastest residential broadband service
In addition, HKBN’s success is also accredited by one of the
bb100 in 2004. bb100 is a symmetric 100M broadband, its
local professional PC Magazines – PC Weekly. HKBN is the win-
downstream is up to 16 times faster and its upstream is 160
ner of 2005 Brand Award in Broadband Services Category.
times faster than the advertised bandwidth by the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) deployment in Hong Kong.
The plentiful upload and download bandwidth provided by
bb100 enables users to enjoy a variety of online activities at
one time without hassle.
The First ISP in the World with Cisco Powered Network
The broadband promotional TV commer-
QoS Certified Status
cial (Liu Xiang: Always ahead of Our-
To make the provisions of stable and speedy broadband serv-
selves) was also well received by the
ice bb100 possible, the architecture of HKBN is based on
general public and has won an award at
Cisco’s IP Next-Generation Network (IP NGN), a Cisco initia-
The 12th Annual Most Popular TV Com-
tive to enable service provide migration to all-Internet Proto-
mercials Awards from ATV on 22nd April
col (IP) networks. On October 27, 2005, Cisco Systems, the
worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, announced
that HKBN is the first service provider in the world to
HKBN x Sony Joint Promotion
achieve the Cisco Powered Network Metro Ethernet QoS Cer-
With the speedy symmetric upload and download speed of
tified status. This certificate indicates that HKBN has dem-
bb100, HKBN partnered with Sony to introduce a new online
onstrated, through a third-party assessment, that its Metro
sharing platform for HDV 1080i video. Sharing high quality
Ethernet service meets Cisco best practices and standards of
audio and video via online is foreseeing to be the trend in the
delivering quality of service (QoS). In June 2002, HKBN suc-
near future. The revolutionary Sony HDV high resolution re-
cessfully established the largest Metro Ethernet IP network
cording brings consumers 1,440 x 1,080 pixels high definition
in the world, which now serves 1.2 million homes, about 60 per-
image, and combining with HKBN bb100 and the 10GB
cent of the population in Hong Kong.
bbDRIVE online storage, sharing becomes easy and convenience. In order to let customers experience the power of
World Class Broadband Service with Recognitions
bb100, a demo corner is set up in HKBN Customer Service
HKBN’s advanced Metro Ethernet network not only won us the
Centre and Sony Style Hong Kong.
recognition from Cisco Systems, it also made us the winner of
the Global Entrepolis@Singapore 2005 (GES) Award for its
Besides, free Sony HDV demo videos are available for down-
mass market 100Mbps residential broadband service.
load at http://www.hkbn.net/bb100_sony.
The GES Award is presented by The Asian Wall Street Journal in association with the Economic Development Board of
Singapore and it honors Asia’s emerging Technopreneur of the
Page 10
Continued Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd
77seconds to Download a Movie
How long do you expect to complete downloading a movie
from the Internet? With bb100, it will take you 77seconds
only. HKBN has launched the first-of-its-kind free legal
movie download platform freemovie.hkbn.net for all movie
lovers. This service allows Internet users in Hong Kong, irrespective of their Internet Service Provider, legally download five exciting movies for free. The only condition is the
download has to be completed in 18 minutes.
The symmetric nature of the 100M service enables bb100
users to upload files at a speed of 100 mega bits per second too. Unfortunately, other ISP subscribers on legacy
asymmetric ADSL with 640K upload bottlenecks are likely
to take more than 3hours to upload a movie.
Appendix: Legal Free Movie Download Information
Time Needed to Complete
Movie Download*
Movie Title
My Wife is 18
Heat Team
Ekin Cheng,
Charlene Choi
Aaron Kwok,
Eason Chan,
Yumiko Cheng
Karena Lam,
Nicolas Tse
Ka Fai Cheung
Anthena Chu
Candy Lo, Race,
Endy Chow,
Bobo Chan
bb 100 user
Time Needed to Complete
Movie Upload*
bb 100 user
3.70 GB (DVD)
6 min. 19sec.
1 hr. 45 min. 15 sec.
6 min. 19sec.
16 hr. 50 min. 21 sec.
812 MB (MPEG4)
77 sec. (Actual
tested speed)
22 min. 32sec.
77 sec. (Actual
tested speed)
3 hr. 36 min. 32 sec.
3.92 GB (DVD)
6 min. 41sec.
1 hr. 51 min. 30 sec.
6 min. 41sec.
17 hr. 50 min. 25 sec.
3.93 GB (DVD)
6 min. 42sec.
1 hr. 51 min. 47 sec.
6 min. 42sec.
17 hr. 53 min. 9 sec.
3.66 GB (DVD)
6 min. 15sec.
1 hr. 44 min. 6 sec.
6 min. 15sec.
16 hr. 39 min. 25 sec.
File Size
Note: *Timings stated above are calculated based on the theoretical delivery speeds of 80Mbps and 4.8Mbps for your reference only. The actual download or forward duration may vary due to computer configuration, software limitation, and other external factors.
# stated maximum download / upload bandwidth.
A New Member in the HKBN Broadband Family – bb25
bb25 is introduced to the market in late April 2006, and it offers
a symmetric 25M to Internet user. Together with HKBN’s premium broadband product bb1000 (symmetric 1G), a mass product
bb100 (symmetric 100M) and a basic product bb10 (symmetric
10M), the four family members form a series to suit different
needs of people.
Page 11
Hong Kong’s First “BubbleTalk Service”
1O1O and One2Free customers can now enjoy more lively and
vivid communications by sending messages in their own voice
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
CSL launched Hong Kong’s first “BubbleTalk Service” in
To find out more, please call One2Free Sales Hotline at
January 2006, enabling 1O1O and One2Free customers to
(852) 2972 2123, or visit our homepage http://www.
record messages in their own voice via their handset locally
or overseas. These recorded messages can be sent to any
local mobile users for a lively, fast and convenient communications experience.
New “BubbleTalk Service” greatly enhances communications efficiency
Instead of inputting a text message, CSL’s new “BubbleTalk
Service” enables customers to record what they want to express in their own voice directly via messaging service, no
matter if it is a joke, a love message or a complicated instruction. The service also enables recipients to listen to
BubbleTalk messages any time at their convenience.
“BubbleTalk Service” i s Easy to Use
To enjoy CSL’s “BubbleTalk Service”, 1O1O and One2Free
customers can simply press [*] [Recipient’s mobile number]
[CALL] via their handsets and record a voice message after
the “beep” sound. The recipient will receive a SMS alert
and can listen to the BubbleTalk message following simple
instructions. 1O1O and One2Free customers can also reply
with a BubbleTalk message immediately.
“BubbleTalk Service” Charges
Monthly Package
Monthly Fee
BubbleTalk messages
Send Intra-network
BubbleTalk message
Send Inter-network
BubbleTalk message
Thereafter charge
(Per BubbleTalk message)
Deduct 1 BubbleTalk
Deduct 1 BubbleTalk
message + $0.5
Send Intra-network: $0.5
Send Inter-network : $1
Pay As You Go
Send Intra-network BubbleTalk message
$1 / BubbleTalk message
Send Inter-network BubbleTalk message
$1.5 / BubbleTalk message
No voice minute will be charged for recording and listening to a BubbleTalk message in Hong Kong. HomeCall charges apply
when sending or listening to a “BubbleTalk” message in overseas countries.
The maximum length of each BubbleTalk message is 30 seconds.
Page 12
Broader Access Bandwidth Coming True
— — What Huawei's FTTx Solution Brings
By Huawei Technologies Co. Limited
Broader bandwidth is increasingly in demand given the emer-
The CO node combines IP DSLAM, MSAN and GPON OLT fea-
gence of new telecom services, and with this in mind, Huawei’s
tures, increasing its flexibility to support different sub-
FTTx solution is designed to fully meet customers’needs… …
scriber interfaces and to deliver any mix of VoIP, data and
IPTV services.
Why FTTx?
The long-term future presents bandwidth as fundamental to
The FTTN node requires a remote small or medium DSLAM or
developing broadband value-added services, especially serv-
GPON MDU to be deployed due to different capacity require-
ices requiring high-bandwidth such as high definition video
ments, and this facilitates broad bandwidth access for users.
services. The access network is the bottom layer of a network
Remote DSLAM equipment shares the same service cards with
that directly accesses subscribers, and must therefore be ca-
CO equipment, and Huawei can provide both indoor and out-
pable of delivering sufficient bandwidth for broadband serv-
door equipment for FTTN application. Additionally, optional
remote power supply and automatic MDF (AMDF) can be installed to further reduce OPEX.
There are two ways to increase access speed: (1) Replace
twisted copper lines with optical fibers. In fact, fiber to the
For home use, Huawei provides ADSL2+ modems, VDSL2 mo-
home/premises (FTTH/P) is the optimal means of tackling
dems or fiber ONT’s to facilitate ADSL2+, VDSL2 or FTTH
bandwidth limitation. (2) Tradeoff cost and bandwidth by de-
access. Huawei’s unified broadband network management sys-
ploying the latest DSL technologies over the existing short-
tem provides integrated network management functions for all
ened copper lines.
FTTx elements including CO and a variety of FTTN equipment,
DSL home gateway and ONT.
FTTx is the premier solution for decreasing the length of copper lines. FTTx technology mainly centers on fiber to the node
What Huawei Brings
(FTTN) and FTTH/P methods. FTTN technologies applicable
to subscriber access are VDSL2 and, to a less significant ex-
Huawei’s FTTx CO node consists of IP DSLAM, MSAN and
tent, ADSL2+. VDSL2 and ADSL2+ reduce CAPEX by providing
GPON OLT modules coupled with a rich service interface. The
broader access bandwidth using existing copper lines. FTTH
broadband service interface includes ADSL/ADSL2+, SHDSL,
employs GPON as its base technology.
VDSL, VDSL2, GPON and WiMAX. The narrowband service in-
Full Access, Any Service Mix
terface includes E1, POTS and ISDN. Furthermore, the CO
What is Huawei’s Solution?
node can cascade mini DSLAM through the FT/GE subtending
Based on a unified, superior infrastructure, Huawei has intro-
interface, or access the GPON MDU through GPON.
duced a FTTx solution that: allows carriers to extend optical
networks closer to end users, eliminates the bandwidth bot-
The GPON port can deliver as much as a 2.5/1.5Gbit/s up-
tleneck in the last mile, and provides various subscriber inter-
stream/downstream rate with a 1:64 split ratio over distances
faces over a single network, including voice, video and data.
of up to 20 km. DBA algorithms are in place to facilitate the
This lowers both OPEX and CAPEX.
dynamic allocation of bandwidth to ONTs according to users'
requirements. Each ONT can receive a minimum 40Mbps band-
This FTTx solution allows carriers to offer any service mix
width (full configuration with 64 split ratio per GPON inter-
with suitable access bandwidth at a highly competitive price.
face), which exceeds the current DSL speed of a few megabits per second or less many times over. The ONT can deliver
Huawei’s FTTx solution consists of three parts: the CO
services such as voice calls, video conferencing, high-
(Central Office) node, the FTTN node and the Home ONT.
definition TV and video.
Page 13
Continued Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Huawei’s FTTx solution offers high capacity, high data rates
The high efficiency and reliability of Huawei’s FTTx are
and excellent QoS in order to meet the growing demand for
guaranteed via its pure IP-core, full GE infrastructure and
integrated data, video, voice and multimedia services. As an
refined QoS solution, which readily supports IPTV applica-
IP-based system, it supports up to 72Gpbs non-blocking Gi-
gabit Ethernet (GE) switching fabric to satisfy the high demands of the broadband telecom network.
An Optimum Path for OPEX Reduction
A power module can be optionally installed within the FTTN
For residential users, Huawei’s FTTx equipment can be con-
equipment to actualize remote power supply to a remote
figured to offer web surfing, Internet gaming, IPTV and
DSLAM/MDU over twisted pairs. The remote power supply
VOD. Commercial users can receive a wide variety of serv-
solution makes use of twisted pairs to transmit power from
ices with guaranteed QoS, such as video conferencing, en-
the CO DSLAM/OLT to the remote DSLAM/MUD. The re-
terprise Intranet, VPN and packeted voice transmission.
mote DSLAM/MUD also supports local power supplies, and
facilitates the seamless switch from local power to remote
power and vice versa.
Powerful Multicast Performance
IPTV presents a mass-market opportunity with excellent
revenue potential. The key to the successful deployment of
Huawei’s FTTx products support VDSL2 PSD control func-
tionality and this can prevent the ‘cross-talk’ of the remote
broadband access network.
DSLAM-based VDSL2 and the CO-based ADSL/ADSL2+.
Thanks to Huawei’s lengthy research and level of experience
Huawei’s FTTx is able to support carrier-class multicast
with DSL, it is simple for carriers to configure PSD parame-
functions to meet IPTV service requirements. It supports
ters. According to the distance between the CO and the re-
1,000 multicast channels, network-based conditional access,
mote DSLAM, the PSD parameter can be automatically con-
channel preview and viewer statistics. This assists carriers
to manage and provision IPTV services.
Page 14
Continued Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
FTTN xDSL port supports L0 and L2 lower consumption
ideal solution being adopted by more and more carriers.
management, which can effectively improve power usage ef-
Huawei also takes care of customers at each stage. For ex-
ficiency and reduce heat dissipation in the remote DSLAM.
ample, Huawei is helping China Telecom build a FTTH net-
Huawei provides a powerful AMDF mechanism in its FTTx
work in Shanghai with Triple-Play services such as VoIP,
solution, allowing any cross-connection of copper lines be-
HIS and HDTV, and is in turn initiating a new broadband
tween the distribution and exchange sides through software
business model for the carrier.
configuration. AMDF allows carriers to easily apply zero
touch maintenance, provides N+1 DSL ports and create cop-
Since 1995 Huawei has devoted considerable time and re-
per twisted pair unbundling.
sources into researching fiber access, including TDM PON,
APON/BPON and EPON/GPON. With its abundant experi-
And There’s More…
ence, the company will continue its FTTx research program,
Competition has never been fiercer in the telecom field,
which currently focuses on OPEX reducing integrated man-
most notably in terms of increasing access bandwidth to
agement/maintenance systems, diversified services applica-
achieve more value-added services, improve ARPU and re-
tion, series products and increasing flexibility for compli-
duce OPEX. In the network infrastructure layer, FTTx is an
cated surrounding installation.
Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong Forms Alliance for Global Roaming and
Corporate Mobile Services with Six Leading Asian Mobile Operators
By 3 Hong Kong
Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited, together
The alliance will promote voice, video and data roaming via
with Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (“FET,” Tai-
members' GSM/GPRS and/or W-CDMA networks, with an in-
wan), KT Freetel Co., Ltd. (“KTF,” Rep. of Korea), NTT Do-
tention to launch roaming via HSDPA networks once the mar-
CoMo, Inc. (“DoCoMo”, Japan), PT Indosat Tbk (“Indosat,”
ket is ready. These initiatives are targeted for launch in the
Indonesia) and StarHub Ltd. (“StarHub,” Singapore) an-
latter half of 2006.
nounced in late April that they had formed an alliance to enhance members’ competitiveness in international roaming and
One of the other aims of this alliance is to create a Virtual
corporate mobile services in their own countries/regions and
Home Environment amongst customers of member operators,
across Asia-Pacific. It is expected that through this alliance,
so that they are able to experience seamless, convenient mo-
multinationals as well as business and leisure travelers will be
bile-related services when they roam. Customers can expect
able to enjoy greater convenience, ease of use and value-
a caller ID display service, as well as a short-code service to
added mobile features when they roam onto other members’ allow travellers quick and easy connection to their home
mobile networks.
country/region operator’s voice mail and customer-support
center, etc. The alliance is also planning to enhance cross-
The alliance, tentatively called the “Asia-Pacific Mobile Alli-
border customer support for multinational corporations.
ance,” boasts a combined customer base of about 100 million
mobile subscribers over eight countries and regions. The alliance plans to expand its members over time.
Page 15
“Search n’ Click” – New World Telecom’s Cost Effective Marketing Solution for SMEs
By New World Telecommunication Limited
A yoga centre’s marketing headache
target for NWT’s search marketing initiative.
Suppose you own a new, medium-sized yoga centre. You offer
good facilities and service. But the problem is – not too many
Companies that register online for the “Search n’Click” service
people know about it, and you know that to make your presence
will automatically enjoy 100 free clicks.
known to yoga enthusiasts would be expensive if you launch a
conventional marketing campaign involving print advertising and
the like.
Your yoga centre has a website you are proud of. But you know
Promising prospects; great benefits
Online search is the number two most popular activity on the
web, after email. Research shows that 81% of all web users use
search engines as they navigate the web.
that if people make a search on the web using a search engine,
your website might appear as, say, the 6th item on the 7th page,
“While large enterprises can spend millions of dollars on adver-
and you know perfectly well that very few people who search
tising and marketing campaigns, SMEs with limited budgets are
for a good yoga centre would have the patience to scroll this
in great need of a cost-effective yet powerful tool to make
their presence known, not only locally, but also globally,” said
Mr Kwan
You wonder if there is any way your website could appear in the
most prominent position on the first page.
“We are offering SMEs a total of one million clicks – or an
equivalent of one million business opportunities – so that they
It seems too good to be true, but now it CAN be done, and at a
can experience for themselves the power of this tool,” he said.
very economical rate.
“There is a wide range of service plans to choose from, to suit
“Search n’Click” – launched by New World Telecom (NWT) – is
each company’s strategic direction and budget. The best thing
the solution.
about Search n’ Click is that customers pay only when their
Just a click away
website is clicked by their potential clients,” he continued.
Search n’Click is NWT’s latest online promotion solution. When
a company subscribes to this service, its website will appear in
the most prominent position when potential customers enter
related key words as they make their search on major global
search engines, including Yahoo!, Google, MSN and Baidu
Search n’ Click was launched a year ago, and NWT now has clients from a wide range of industries, including a yoga centre,
which was rewarded with an immediate 50% to 60% increase in
customers after subscribing to the service.
“With around 300,000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in
Hong Kong, we are optimistic that our clientele will grow significantly in the near future,” said William Kwan, Chief Operating Officer at NWT.
Free lunch for SMEs
In fact, NWT has just announced that in conjunction with Ya-
William Kwan (left), COO of NWT, and Alfred Tsoi, Managing Director
of Yahoo! Hong Kong, announcing the offer of 1 million free clicks for
SMEs in Hong Kong.
hoo! Hong Kong, its Gold Partner, it will give out one million
clicks on their “Search n’Click” service to SMEs, which are the
Page 16
PEOPLES Stored Value SIM Card Exclusive Offer at 7-Eleven
By China Resources Peoples Telephone Co Limited
7-Eleven and PEOPLES launched an exclusive offer on
PEOPLES IDD Talk Stored Value SIM – Innovative Roaming
Stored Value SIM Card.
P E O P L E S IDD Talk Stored Value SIM C a r d o f f e r s c u s -
Buy PEOPLES $48 Local Talk Stored Value SIM Card at
tomers free IDD calls to China and 22 countries/
7-Eleven and Enjoy $5 off instantly
From now until 16 May, any purchase on PEOPLES
Taiwan and Australia.
$ 4 8 L o c a l T a l k S t o r e d V a l u e S I M C a r d a t 7- E l e v e n
will come with an instant $5 discount. In addition,
Save up to 76% roaming rate when making call abroad with the
customers who activate the card between now and
PEOPLES Stored Value IDD Talk Stored Value SIM.
30 June 2006 will be able to enjoy extra $52
newly launched roaming tariff organizes charges into 6 world
f i r s t- t i m e b o n u s s t o r e d v a l u e a n d p a y a s l o w a s
zones with flat rates for receiving calls, making calls to HK/
$0.13 per minute. (Original Price: $0.3 per minute).
China zone, making calls to the visiting zone and calling other
zones. Making calls to China while roaming will be charged the
Buy PEOPLES $78 Local/$98 IDD Talk Stored Value SIM
same rate as to Hong Kong.
Card at 7-Eleven and Get a FREE $30 Refill Voucher
During the same period, any purchase on PEOPLES $78 Lo-
To meet the communication needs of the customers, the card
cal Talk Stored Value SIM Card or $98 IDD Talk Stored
also comes with a variety of value-added services, including
Value SIM Card starter pack at 7-Eleven will be able to
call number display (free), missed call alert service (free),
get a free $30 refill voucher.
SMS service, call forwarding service, voice & fax mailbox, 24hour infotainment service, download service and international
Customers who activate the $78 Local Talk Stored Value
call forward service. Besides, customers can also enjoy up to
SIM Card between now and 30 June 2006 will also enjoy
33% of extra stored value for refill.
extra $84 first-time bonus stored value, topping up the
total value to $192 and increasing the local airtime to 640
minutes, i.e. per minute charge at only $0.12 (original
charge: $0.3 per minute).
Page 17
Integrated security functions for the HiPath WLAN system from Siemens
By Siemens Limited
“Integrated, ‘wireless IDS/IPS security’is quickly becoming
expanding its HiPath WLAN portfolio with the HiPath
a central security requirement for IT implementation for
Wireless Manager Advanced. The
businesses”, says Joel Conover, chief analyst for Enterprise
new management
Infrastructure at Current Analysis. “The integration of
features for wireless intrusion detection, prevention
Siemens technology and best-of-breed security technology
from AirTight gives Siemens a significant market ad-
protection from all attempts to access their networks.
In addition, the platform provides integrated functions
Users can access the new security and location services via
surveillance. HiPath Wireless Manager Advanced has a
the usual user interface for network management of the
modular structure and can be seamlessly integrated into
HiPath WLAN system. The user interface offers visual
the WLAN product portfolio from Siemens.
system operation with great ease of use.
The new Siemens solution combines performance features
“Integrated, ‘wireless IDS/IPS security’is quickly becoming
from the fields of Intrusion Detection (IDS) and Intrusion
a central security requirement for IT implementation for
Prevention (ISP) as well as Location Services into one
businesses”, says Joel Conover, chief analyst for Enterprise
complete solution. With IDS, network attacks can be
Infrastructure at Current Analysis. “The integration of
detected at an early stage, and via IPS, countermeasures
Siemens technology and best-of-breed security technology
from AirTight gives Siemens a significant market ad-
detects WLAN devices in the frequency field – its own as
well as outside devices. Unauthorized devices or access
points can then be located and removed. The result is an
Users can access the new security and location services via
integrated solution with all essential security functions for
the usual user interface for network management of the
the WLAN network. This means enhanced efficiency for
HiPath WLAN system. The user interface offers visual
customers, because the WLAN system is easier to manage
system operation with great ease of use.
and problems with the network or security can be avoided
or resolved faster and more effectively.
configured to support new functions in security technology:
For instance, the HiPath wireless access points are set up
as IDS/IPS sensors and specially equipped HiPath wireless
controllers provide network information to the IDS/IPS
security module. Likewise, the HiPath Wireless Manager
Advanced utilizes security technology from AirTight
Networks, a Siemens Venture Capital associated company.
AirTight is a recognized leader in wireless perimeter
Page 18
One-Stop “Instant Watch Service”
Keep an Eye on the Important Things Anytime Anywhere via CSL’s “Integrated Network”
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
CSL launched the one-stop “Instant Watch Service” in April
“Instant Watch Service” is user-friendly. Each user will re-
2006. Together with CSL’s “Integrated Network” (3G/EDGE/
ceive an unique link for instant and real-time monitoring, which
GPRS) and a WiseWatch Camera, customers can monitor se-
can be accessed at a click of a button.
lected locations via video streaming service with a 3G or video
phone anytime on the move. The service not only offers an en-
Launches “Instant Watch Service” Package
hanced user experience but also provides true peace of mind.
To allow customers to enjoy the “Instant Watch Service”, CSL
is also launching “Instant Watch Service” monthly packages at
CSL’s “Instant Watch Service” provides a one-stop solution
as low as $28.
In addition, customers can purchase the cam-
CSL’s “Instant Watch Service” offers a direct and simple one-
era with a 12-month interest-free instalment plan and enjoy
stop solution, including hardware and installation service. By
free basic on-site installation service during the promotional
setting up a WiseWatch Camera connecting to the broadband
Internet either through a fixed or Wi-Fi connection at selected locations, customers can view real-time streaming video
To find out more, call the 1O1O service hotline on (852) 2988
of their children or pets at home, their office environment,
1010; the One2Free service hotline on (852) 2512 3123; or visit
customer flow at retail outlets, or even monitor their overseas
Works on Multiple network platforms
Riding on CSL’s
“Integrated Network”, the “Instant Watch
Service” is supported by the most popular 3G handsets and selected 2.75G and 2.5G handsets with video streaming feature.
Supporting handsets include Nokia N6680, N70, N90, Sony Ericsson W900i, Z800i, K600i, W810i, W800i and K750i etc.
Supports multiple cameras and multiple users
The “Instant Watch Service” enables customers to connect to
multiple WiseWatch cameras so that they can monitor different important places via the same user-friendly interface. In
addition, the service supports multiple users who can concurrently access a camera, while the master user can add and delete the other users on the list at his or her discretion.
“Instant Watch Service” Package
Monthly Fee
Free Local “Instant
(per user)
Watch Service” Minutes
Thereafter Charge
$1 per “Instant Watch
Service” Minute
WiseWatch Camera
1. Basic on-site installation service fee is $488; total on-site installation fee with router bundle is $888. From now on till 30 June,
2006, customers apply for the service for 12 months can enjoy free basic on-site installation service.
2. Customer has to pay an extra $20 per month with access to an additional camera. They can enjoy a 10% discount on any additional
3. Customers using “Instant Watch” service overseas will be charged with GPRS roaming charges.
Page 19
3 Hong Kong Strengthens Mobile News Platform
By 3 Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong repackaged its mobile news platform by adding
Hong Kong stands for the widest 24-hour coverage of live
three live streaming Cantonese news channels, namely Cable
streaming of local, international, finance and entertainment news
News, Cable Finance and Cable Entertainment News provided by
in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.
In addition to live streaming news broadcast, 3 Hong Kong also
Demand for Mobile Live News on the Rise
provides round-the-clock global video news clips, which allow cus-
News access over mobile phones is gaining increasing popularity in
tomers to watch the news on demand according to their prefer-
Hong Kong, especially on breaking incidents. 3 Hong Kong's "WTO
ence. 3 Hong Kong has also been providing local news content in
News" channel recorded approximately three times of growth in
various formats, thanks to the support from the strongest pool
news streaming and downloading during the conference period in
of local news partners including i-CABLE, TVB, Orisun and Metro
December 2005 as compared with the same period in November.
Radio. On the international front, 3 Hong Kong is also backed by
The WTO example underscores the trend of growing demand for
leading news suppliers, namely Bloomberg, Phoenix, Reuters,
first-hand mobile
CNN, and sina.com. By simply tapping the Triangle key on the 3G
local news.
phone and enter "News" channel via 3Grid, 3 Hong Kong customAgainst this backdrop, 3 Hong Kong's newly added Cantonese
ers can choose the access of news and information in a number of
channels over its best-in-class mobile network and seamless live
formats, including:
streaming platform are poised to satisfy customer needs. The
newly added Cable News channel provides non-stop instant local
- The strongest Cantonese video news & weather clips on demand
news, while Cable Entertainment News channel broadcasts 24-
from two leading local TV station partners – TVB and i-CABLE
hour show-biz' hot gossip in town. Cable Finance Live News chan-
- New text news from two major local newspapers – Oriental
nel, delivering live financial news on trading days, enables cus-
Daily News and The Sun
tomers to strategise their investment even they are on the move.
- Radio news and daily financial market updates from Metro Radio
- International video news and news updates from Reuters and
Amy Lung, Commercial Director – Consumer Market of 3 Hong
Kong, said: "There is an increasing trend that mobile phone users
- Mainland China news updates from sina.com
want to stay ahead of what is happening in Hong Kong and around
- Live traffic via 3 Hong Kong exclusive live cameras at 25 major
the world via their handsets, which is absolutely convenient,
traffic hot spots
time-saving and trendy to do so. Long aware of this, we enrich our
- Mark Six results and Weather Warning
news content especially with an expanded scope of local news
- News alert push service via Daily Express and Info Alert serv-
categories and the widest choices of local news suppliers.”
“We are proud to be the only operator in Hong Kong to provide
For details, customers should call the 24-hour Customer Service
both TVB and i-CABLE news content. Our latest move represents
Hotline on (852) 3156 2222.
our continuous commitment to searching for value-added services
to meet the fast-changing needs of today's customers. With 3
Hong Kong's upgraded News Channel, customers can instantly
stay on top of any major local and international news as it happens."
Complete News Media Coverage on your 3G Phone
Not only is 3 Hong Kong the first in town to add Cantonese channels to its mobile news platform, it is also the first mobile operator in Hong Kong to work with Bloomberg TV and Phoenix Info
News to deliver live English financial news and live Putonghua
news respectively in 2004. With the live local news channels, 3
Page 20
Key Telecommunications Statistics
Telecommunications Services
Mobile network operators (Apr 2006)
Wireline-based local fixed telecommunications network services (FTNS) operators (Apr 2006)
Wireless-based local FTNS operators (Apr 2006)
FTNS operators for distribution of domestic free TV programme service (Apr 2006)
Satellite-based external FTNS operators (Apr 2006)
Cable-based external FTNS operators (Apr 2006)
External telecommunications services operators (Apr 2006)
Household fixed line penetration rate (Feb 2006)
Mobile subscriber penetration rate (Feb 2006)
Mobile subscribers (Feb 2006)
2.5G and 3G mobile subscribers (Feb 2006)
Internet Services
Internet service providers (Apr 2006)
Registered customer accounts with dial-up access (estimated) (Feb 2006)
Registered customer accounts with broadband access (estimated) (Feb 2006)
Household broadband penetration rate (Feb 2006)
Data Source: OFTA, HKSAR (15/5/2006)
Page 21
What’s Up
ITAHK Spring Dinner 2006
This meaningful and joyful dinner was held successfully at The
Election of ITAHK Executive Committee 2006-2008
The election of ITAHK Executive Committee 2006-2008 has already started. It is now at the voting stage and the result will be
announced at the 23rd ITAHK Annual General Meeting to be held
on 9 June 2006 at Regal Hong Kong Hotel.
IT for Youth Campaign organized by the Office of
HK Jockey Club on 28 February 2006. There were cute children lion dance show, excited games, funny talk show and,
fabulous prizes and lucky draw.
At the theme game, License Action Game, all participants were
very enthusiastic to bid the ‘Broadband Wireless Access’ licenses. After the excited auction, HKC International Holdings
Ltd. won the game by getting the most valuable license.
Mr. Sin Chung Kai
Our Vice Chairman, Mr. Hubert Chan, was invited to the "IT for
Youth Campaign" organized by the Office of Mr. Sin Chung Kai,
Legislative Councilor (IT), to share at SKH Lam Woo Memorial
Secondary School on 20 Jan 2006. The purpose of this campaign
was to promote the public awareness of the full range of opportunities and rewards available through studying IT-related subjects.
Hubert introduced the current development of Telecommunica-
Children drum show and lion dance
tion industry and shared his views on how youngsters should equip
themselves for their career. Around 100 Form 6 and 7 students
attended the sharing on that morning.
Theme game: License Auction Game
Lunch with Mr. Wong Wing Ping
ITAHK held a welcome luncheon to congratulate Mr. Wong
Wong Ping, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology,
for his new appointment at The Dynasty Club on 21 March
This informal luncheon provided an opportunity for the Executive Committee Members and some of our members who are the
service operators to share their views on the telecom industry
with Mr. Wong.
Page 22
Continued ITAHK Corner
ITAHK Golf Challenge Spring 2006
The ITAHK Golf Challenge Spring 2006 was held on 7 April,
2006 at Xili Golf and Country Club, Shenzhen. There were 8
flights on that day and the winners of the different prizes were:
Longest Drive and Closest to Pin – Ms. Marisa Kwok
Best Gross Score – Mr. T.K. Yim from BT Radianz
Best Net Score – Mr. Dan Ren Fei from China Unicom International Ltd.
Upcoming Supporting/Endorsed Events
For details, please visit our web site, http://www.itahk.org.hk/
activities/whatnew.html for the details.
Endorsed Event: 3G World Congress 2006
Organized by: Beacon Events
Date: 4-7 December 2006
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, H. K.
Special Offer to ITAHK Members: less 15% on registration fee
Endorsed Course: TRPC Telecom Training Course
A Hong Kong course for senior and middle managers in or involved with telecommunications
Organized by: TPR Corporate, the training and services arm of
the TRP of the University of Hong Kong
Endorsed by: OFTA, ITAHK and WTIA
Dates for the course: weekends of 27/28 May, 3/4 June and
Mr. Dai (right) presented the trophy to Mr. Yim (left)
10/11 June, 2006
Venue: Pacific Place Conference Centre
Course Fee: HKD27,500, additional discounts of 4% are available if 3 or 4 staff from the same company enroll; 6% if 5 or
more staff from the same company enroll.
Enquiry: Ms. Jenny Wan of TRPC by email to course@trpc.com.
hk or at Tel: (852) 28591919.
Endorsed Event: CommunicAsia2006 & EnterpriseIT2006Free
Organized by: Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd.
Date: 20-23 June 2006 (Tuesday - Friday)
Group Photo
Dinner with China Telecom delegates
The dinner with the Senior Managers from China Telecom was
held on 12 April 2006 at the China Garden at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Our members met over 40 representatives coming from China
Telecom to exchange their views and insights in the future development in telecom industry.
Venue: Singapore Expo, Singapore
Calling for Entries for Hong Kong ICT Awards 2006: Wireless
Submission Deadline: 16 Jun 2006
Award Streams: Enterprise Solutions, Innovative Technology,
Mobile Game & Mobile Infotainment
Capacity Asia 2006
Organized by: Telcap Ltd.
Date: 16-17 Oct 2006
Venue: Excelsior Hotel
16th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS2006)
Hosted by: China Institute of Communications (CIC), Beijing
University of Posts & Telecommunications (BUPT)
Mr. Franky Lai, President of Internet Service &
Content Provider Group, ITAHK, was delivering
the welcome speech.
Date: 12-16 June 2006
Venue: Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China
Page 23
Continued ITAHK Corner
Welcome New Member
Welcome the following member who has already joined ITAHK
as Full Member:
- Telekom Malaysia (Hong Kong) Ltd
Call for Paper
Next Submission Date
Tentative Circulation Date
11 August 2006
18 August 2006
The New Services & Products Bulletin offers excellent opportunities for its members to exchange new information. Paper
should not be more than 1000 words and no Commercial Advertisement is allowed. You are highly encouraged to submit more
photos or graphics in jpeg format to attract viewing. Please
submit your paper by email to info@itahk.org.hk. ITAHK has
the sole right to decide whether to publish the article.
For any enquiry, please contact ITAHK.
Tel: (852) 2504 2732
Fax: (852) 2504 2752
Email: info@itahk.org.hk
Website: www.itahk.org.hk
Manager: Elky Chan
Admin Assistant: Cookie Ko
While every care is taken in compiling this newsletter, ITAHK
makes no warranty or accepts no responsibilities for the accuracy or completeness in relation to the information contained
in this newsletter or accepts no liability, direct or indirect,
for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever suffered or
incurred by any party. With the use of the information in this
newsletter, the customer or any party irrevocably and unconditionally accepts and agrees to be bound by this disclaimer.
Page 24