Juneau Humpback Whale Catalog
Juneau Humpback Whale Catalog
Juneau Humpback Whale Catalog University of Alaska Fairbanks, Version 2, Last Updated: 2013 Photo by Megan Peterson Catalog and information compiled by Julia Francis and Suzie Teerlink Photos are property of NOAA, Auke Bay Laboratories and University of Alaska Fairbanks were taken under scientific research permit. Page 01 0183 1410 1480 1538 2220 GGC-20120718-2698 1297 0177 1443 Page 02 GGC-20120719-2731 1434 0455 2353 2175 0276 1435 0329 2070_calf_2009 Page 03 1919 GGC-20120604-0257 0513 1879 1758 2297 KH200904-001 2173 0518 Page 04 1160 1441 1821 0517 0954 1709 1073 1707 NMFS 170 Temp Page 05 1776 0933 0996 0453 2006 GGC-20110803-0062 0266 0525 1124 Page 06 UASE_ID_7825_Temp GGC-20110806-0302 GGC-20110804-0023 2171 2144 2258 1082 1167 2071 Page 07 2147 1465 1075_calf_2009 1946 2260 1234 2172 0536 1820 Page 08 1445 1783 0545 0237 1973 GGC-20120813-3239 1907 2354 2256 Page 09 0481 2146 0924 1211 0263 GGC-20120706-1763 0557 1514 1770 Page 10 1817 NMFS 171 Temp 1063 1391 580 0547 0217 GGC-20110606-089 NMFS_190_Temp Page 11 0572 0154 1968 0225 0569 1671 1247 2070 2118 Page 12 0567 1478 2093 0193 KH20090610-001 2111 2264 2267 1605 Page 13 1306 0224 2119 1703 1475 1336 1044 1447 GGC-20110727-0154 Page 14 0556 JRM20091103-165 LS20090726-6189 GGC-20110606-0080 1429 0219 2259 1075 0204 Page 15 GGC-20120727-3496 1645 2174 0229 1753 1967 1594 1593 0590 Page 16 0441 1628 0898 2355 1533 0252 1818 2148 1052 Page 17 0181 UASE 394 Temp Juneau Humpback Whale Catalog - Additional Information Version 2 - Last updated: 2013 ID 0154 0177 0181 0183 Page # 11 1 17 1 Date First Cataloged 2011 June-09 July-09 October-06 0193 0204 0217 12 14 10 January-07 June-05 August-08 0219 14 September-07 0224 0225 13 11 May-04 0229 0237 15 8 August-08 August-04 0252 0263 0266 0276 0329 0441 0453 0455 0481 0513 0517 0518 16 9 5 2 2 16 5 2 9 3 4 3 June-04 April-08 August-07 August-04 October-07 September-07 August-07 April-08 September-06 August-04 April-08 0525 0536 5 7 December-04 June-08 Nickname Dutchy Stamp Darktanion Dike Notcho Libre Viking Photographer Notes Gastineau Guiding Co Liz Stahl John Moran Jan Straley Often seen in the fall months in the Juneau area. Regularly seen in Icy Strait. Known female John Moran Sightings as late as January in the Juneau area. John Moran John Moran Nicknamed by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. John Moran Regularly seen at Point Adolphus/Icy Strait. Known female Jan Straley Janet Neilson Occasionally seen in Glacier Bay National Park. Known female John Moran Janet Neilson Regularly seen in Glacier Bay National Park. Known male. Nicknamed by Chuck Jurasz Heather Riley Jan Straley Fletcher Sewell John Moran Janet Neilson John Moran John Moran John Moran Occasionally seen in Icy Strait. Known female John Moran Flip Nicklin Janet Neilson John Moran Nicknamed by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. Jim Nahmens Suzie Teerlink 0545 8 June-04 Friendly Fred or Rubberlips Heather Riley 0547 10 August-08 Cimmerian John Moran 0556 0557 0567 0569 14 9 12 11 June-05 April-08 June-05 Rake Jay Beedle Jan Straley Jan Straley Jennifer Cedarleaf 0572 0580 0590 11 10 15 2011 2012 September-07 Batman 0898 0924 16 9 October-06 Crater 0933 0954 0996 1044 1052 1063 1073 1075 1082 5 4 5 13 16 10 4 14 6 July-09 September-06 June-09 May-08 June-05 October-08 April-05 April-07 December-07 1124 1160 5 4 July-03 October-06 1167 1211 6 9 2012 July-04 1234 1247 1297 1306 1336 1391 1410 1429 7 11 1 13 13 10 1 14 July-09 July-09 April-07 August-07 September-07 June-05 September-07 June-08 Buzz First Humpback to ever be tagged in the 1970s. Nicknamed "Rubberlips" by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. Nicknamed by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. Nicknamed by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Heather Riley Nicknamed by the Alaska Whale Foundation. Member of core bubble netting group. Jan Straley John Moran Known female. Scar at fluke base present for at least 20 years. Sightings as late as March in the Juneau area Liz Stahl Flip Nicklin John Moran Suzie Teerlink Known female. Jennifer Cedarleaf Jan Straley Regularly seen in Glacier Bay National Park/Icy Strait Steve Lewis JJ Vollenweider Known female. Had a calf in 2009. Suzie Teerlink Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Regularly seen in Glacier Bay National Park John Moran John Moran Known female. Seen with her calf regularly in Auke Bay in summer 2007. Gastineau Guiding Co Steve Lewis Was frequently seen in the Juneau area until it died July 2007 from trauma and washed ashore. John Moran Liz Stahl JJ Vollenweider Occasionally seen in Icy Strait John Moran Regularly seen in Icy Strait John Moran Sightings as late as January in the Juneau area. Jennifer Cedarleaf John Moran Suzie Teerlink Sightings in Southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound. 1434 2 September-06 1435 1441 1443 1445 1447 1465 1475 1478 1480 1514 1533 1538 1593 2 4 1 8 13 7 13 12 1 9 16 1 15 July-07 August-04 May-08 October-06 November-06 August-04 September-07 September-06 September-07 December-07 October-06 September-07 October-07 1594 1605 1628 1645 1671 1703 1707 1709 1753 1758 1770 1776 1783 1817 15 12 16 15 11 13 4 4 15 3 9 5 8 10 June-04 October-06 June-09 November-09 September-06 September-06 July-09 September-06 November-05 April-08 2012 April-08 November-06 September-07 1818 1820 1821 1879 16 7 4 October-07 April-07 July-09 September-06 1907 8 September-06 1919 1946 1967 3 7 15 2012 June-05 May-07 Spot or Curious George Pinto Juneauite Scuff Smudge Suzie Teerlink John Moran Janet Neilson Flip Nicklin John Moran John Moran Janet Neilson John Moran Gastineau Guiding Co John Moran Suzie Teerlink John Moran Mandy Lindeberg Jan Straley Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Known female. Regularly seen in Icy Strait Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Occasionally seen in Glacier Bay National Park Sightings as late as January in the Juneau area. Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Regularly seen at Point Adolphus/Icy Strait. Known female Heather Riley JJ Vollenweider Sightings as early as April in the Juneau area. John Moran John Moran Jan Straley Bullet hole John Moran Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Gastineau Guiding Co Jan Straley Steve Lewis Fletcher Sewell Gastineau Guiding Co Jan Straley John Moran Often seen in the fall months in the Juneau area. Flip Nicklin Occasionally seen in Glacier Bay National Park/ Icy Strait Roulette Jan Straley Nibblet John Moran Sightings as early as April in the Juneau area. John Moran AK or Alaska John Moran The letters "A" and "K" on the left fluke. Known Female. Whale Sightings as late as December in Juneau area. Jan Straley Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Regularly seen in Icy Strait. Known female Gastineau Guiding Co Jennifer Cedarleaf John Moran Ruffles 1968 1973 2006 11 8 5 July-08 April-08 September-06 Magma 2070 11 June-07 Barnacles Flip Nicklin John Moran Gastineau Guiding Co Known female. Nickname comes from being seen with "Crater". Sightings as late as February in the Juneau area. female. Had a calf in 2009. Sightings as late as John Moran Known December in the Juneau area. 2071 2093 2111 2118 2119 2144 2146 2147 2148 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 6 12 12 11 13 6 9 7 16 6 7 3 15 2 2011 April-08 September-07 June-05 November-05 April-07 September-07 September-07 December-07 August-07 April-08 September-07 August-07 June-07 2220 2256 2258 2259 2260 2264 2267 2297 2353 2354 2355 1075_Calf_2009 2070_Calf_2009 GGC-20110606-0080 GGC-20110606-089 GGC-20110727-0154 GGC-20110803-0062 GGC-20110804-0023 GGC-20110806-0302 GGC-20120604-0257 1 8 6 14 7 12 12 3 2 8 16 7 2 14 10 13 5 6 6 3 2011 September-07 September-07 May-08 October-08 November-09 June-04 2010 July-08 July-08 May-08 July-09 June-09 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 Gastineau Guiding Co Fletcher Sewell John Moran Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Jennifer Cedarleaf Steve Lewis John Moran John Moran Jay Beedle John Moran Sightings as late as December in the Juneau area. Jan Straley Jan Straley John Moran Jay Beedle Jay Beedle Regularly seen as a calf with its mother in Auke Bay during the summer of 2007. Born in winter 2007. Gastineau Guiding Co John Moran John Moran Carley Lowe John Moran John Moran Heather Riley Scott Ranger Flip Nicklin Also seen in Prince William Sound. Flip Nicklin Flip Nicklin John Moran Born in winter 2009. Calf of 1075. Suzie Teerlink Born in winter 2009. Calf of 2070. Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co Gastineau Guiding Co GGC-20120706-1763 GGC-20120718-2698 GGC-20120719-2731 GGC-20120727-3496 GGC-20120813-3239 JRM20091103-165 KH200904-001 KH20090610-001 LS20090726-6189 NMFS ID 170 Temp NMFS ID 171 Temp NMFS ID 190 Temp UASE ID 394 Temp UASE_ID_7825_Temp 9 1 2 15 8 14 3 12 14 4 10 10 17 6 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 November-09 April-09 June-09 July-09 April-08 May-08 October-08 June-04 May-09 Gastineau Guiding Gastineau Guiding Gastineau Guiding Gastineau Guiding Gastineau Guiding John Moran Jamie King Jamie King Liz Stahl John Moran Suzie Teerlink Jan Straley Heather Riley Scott Ranger Co Co Co Co Co
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