Hassan El Subki Khalid - Faculty of Pharmacy
Hassan El Subki Khalid - Faculty of Pharmacy
CURRICULUM VITAE Pharmacist Professor Dr. Hassan El Subki Khalid Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Faculty of Pharmacy – Department of Pharmacognosy 249+ 0155 19 30 56 E-mail hskhalid2014@gmail.com, hsubki@hotmail.com and hskhalidmo@yahoo.com P.O. Box 11496 Khartoum Sudan Name Hassan El Subki Khalid. Date of birth 29 / 10 / 1952. Place of birth Kasalla – Sudan. Nationality Sudanese. Passport No. P00106968 Issued at Omdurman 15/ March /2010 valid till 14\ March \2015 Address P.O.Box 11496 Khartoum email hsubki@gmail.com or hsubki@hotmail.com or hskhalidmo@yahoo.com Marital status Married Languages Arabic (mother tongue) & English. “five children”. Education: 1968 - 1972 Khartoum Secondary School. 1963 - 1967 Omdurman Intermediate School. 1959 - 1963 el Mourda Primary School. Academic qualifications: Institution and Location Degree Year Conferred Field of Study Cairo University Egypt B. Pharm. & Pharm. Sic. “Good” 1978 Pharmacy Ph. D. 1992 Pharmacognosy University of Khartoum Sudan Research Activities Phytochemical and biological evaluation of plant constituents (Trypansoidal, Anti Thellaria Anticancer , anti - malarial; ) investigations including the isolation characterization, and structure elucidation analysis and Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Herbal Drugs.. Research Visits: 1- Visiting Researcher -University of London, School of Pharmacy Prof. J .D. Philipson, Receptor. Sept. 1988 - Aug. 1989 2- Visiting Professor University of Mainz – Germany Department of Pharmaceutical Biology Receptor Professor Dr. Thomas Efferth 1-24 September 2010. Positions Held: 1- Professor of Pharmacognosy Department of Pharmacognosy – Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Khartoum August 2014 - 2- 3- Professor of Pharmacognosy& Head of Department Khartoum College for Medical Sciences. Since November 2012 up to now. Director Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research Institute National Research Institute June 2010 to November 2012 4- Research Professor since -July 2007 5- Head of Phytochemistry and Taxonomy Department Associated Research Professor Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Institute -National Centre for Research (Dec .1992 - March 1997 then december1997 up to July 2007. 6- Assistant Research Professor Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Institute -National Centre for Research (MAPRI) Feb. 1992 Dec. 1992 7- Research Assistant Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Institute -National Centre for Research (MAPRI) Oct. 1985 - 1991 8- 9- Medical Representative Merrell international USA Jan. 1980- Sep.1984 united chemicals drug agents Retail Pharmacist Private Pharmacy Oct.1978 - Dec.1979. C ONFERENCES SEMINARS : AND 1- H.S. Khalid, A..K.Bashir, Y.M .Elkheir S.E. Adam and S. A. Khalid Anticestodal and Amoebicidal activity of Albizzia anthelmintica the 1st. Scientific Conference National Centre for Research Khartoum Sudan January 1993. 2- H.S. Khalid , A. K. Bashir, Y. M .El Kheir, S. E. Adam and S. A. Khalid in vivo Anthelmintic activity of some Sudanese plants the First International Middle East Conference on pharmaceutical Science Jordan University of Science and Technology. Irbid - Jordan May 1993. 3- M .S .El Tohami and H. S. Khalid The role of medicinal plants in eradication of Schistosomiasis Seminar on Control of Schistosomiasis. 4- H. S. Khalid Sudanese medicinal plants as a raw material for pharmaceutical Industry Conference of drug industry in the Arab world – union of Arab Councils for Scientific Research - Amman - Jordan -25 -27 August 1997. 5- H.S. Khalid the role of Medicinal plants in pharmaceutical industry. medicinal & aromatic herbs in the Arab world - union of Arab Councils for Scientific Research - Khartoum 25 -27 November 1997. 6- A / Bagi Elfadil, A / Monem Elshafi, Samia A. Gumma and H.S. Khalid A Sudanese Plant for treatment of Madura Medicinal & Aromatic Herbs in the Arab world - Union of Arab Councils for Scientific Research - Khartoum 25 -27 November 1997. 7- M.M. El Hassan, A.M. Abd EL Gadir and H.S. Khalid quality assurance and its role in medicinal plants medicinal & aromatic herbs in the Arab world –union of Arab councils for scientific research - Khartoum 25 -27 November 1997. 8- The 29th International Symposium on Essential Oils. Frankfurt/ Main Germany / Sept. 9/1998. 9- H.S. Khalid, A.K. Bashir, Y.M. El Kheir and S.A. Khalid Molluscicidal, larvicidal and wormicidal saponin from bark of Albizzia anthelmintica Poster international organic chemistry Symposium (IOCD2 ND) 28 – Feb. - 3 Mar. 1999 Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. 10- M.Galal, A.H. Mohamed, H.S. Khalid , A.Z. Magaboul and Algazali G.B. The 4th Conference of Medicinal Plants in Arab Countries, University of Ziaar – YEMEN- 15 –17 May 1999. The role of scientific research in the development of medicinal plant in Sudan. 11- International Congress on Traditional Medicine China – Beijing 24-26 April 2000. 12- H.H. Elkamali, H.S. Khalid , B. Fadalla, M.A.Hassan an H.H.Elkamali Constituents of the Essential oil of Cymbopogon nervatus Inflorescence from Sudan. "Oral". The 32ND TH International Symposium on Essential Oils 9-12 September. Wroclaw – Poland 13- The 33th International Symposium on Essential Oils 4-7 September 2002 Lisbone – Portugal. H. S. Khalid, H. H. El Kamali, A.M. A. Atta El Manan. Medicinal plants & Wildlife Trade. The 3rd World Congress on Medicinal & Aromatic plants for Human welfare Bangkok Thailand H.S. Khalid, Samia M. A. Badawi and Kheir Alla M.Saeed Haematinic activity of Grewia tenax (FORSSK.) in Rats “Poster”.51th annual congress of the Society for Medicinal Plants Research GA August 31-4th September 2003 Kiel – Germany 14 The 34TH international symposium on essential oils 7-10 September 2004 Wurzburg – Germany. A- Hatil Hashim EL Kamali and H.S.Khalid Antibacterial activity of the Essential oil of C. schoenanthus ssp. proximus. B- M.A. Gadour, A.H.Mohamed and H.S.Khalid. Adrengenic activity of essential oil of C. schoenanthus ssp. Proximus. 15- Hassan El Subki Khalid Medicinal plants and their role in Human Health Care 2nd annual Congress African Pharmaceutical Students Federation Khartoum – Sudan 18 – 22 October 2003. 18- Hatil Hashim Ahmed Elkamali & H.S.Khalid Sudanese Cassia senna: quality control determinations”. “oral” 2nd international conference on chemistry and its December 6- 9, 2003 Doha – Qatar application 19. Future prospects of sustainable utilization of essential oils industry in Sudan. – T HE S IX S CIENTIFIC C ONFERENCE – N ATIONAL R ESEARCH C ENTRE 20- Hassan. S. Khalid, W. El Sadig and Hatil .H.A.Elkamaili. Biodiversity and Conservation of Medicinal plants in Sudan The 26th IBS conference – Jamia Hamdard “ Hamdrad University ”New – Delhi 29 –31 December 3002-23-00 21- Arab Pharmacists Union Scientific meetings "Tunisia" Dec. 2005. 22- Hassan EL Subki Khalid & Hatil Hashim El Kamali “Quality control determination of some Sudanese medicinal plants “oral” international conference on chemistry & industry future trends for the third millennium Riyadh – SAUDIA ARABIA 23- Hassan EL Subki Khalid Invited speaker “plenary lecture” Needs for research & development for Sudanese medicinal plants and their utilization International Conference on Health Mysore – Karnataka- INDIA 25 –26 February 2005 24- Hatil Hashim El Kamali, Hassan El Subki Khalid & Mohamed EL Amin El Hassan Determination of Trace Elements in Selected Sudanese Medicinal Plants by XRF Spectrometry. Tran Mediterranean Symposium on Organometalic Chemistry and catalysis University of cadi Ayyad , Faculty of Science 4-7 May Semlalia Marrakech - 25- Hassan El Subki Khalid (Invited Speaker) 2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Technology and Practice & Indo – Canadian Symposium on Natural Health Products JSS College of Pharmacy – OOTY India-Feb 2007 26- R. A. Hassouna , Amna S. Khalid & H.S. Khalid, Screening of Sudanese Plants against Mycobacterium tuberculoses “Poster”.55th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plants RESEARCH 2-6 SEPTEMBER 2007 GRAZ – Austria 27- MUNA F. Abushama H. Abdelgadir and Hassan EL Subki Khalid Antifungal Activity of Sudanese Essential OILS "ORAL Presentation" The 38th International Symposium on Essential Oils 9-12 September 2007 Graz Austria. 28- MUNA F. Abushama , H. Abdelgadir Ali Sidique and Hassan EL Subki Khalid antifungal & Anti ticks activity of Sudanese essential oils "ORAL 11th International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry (ISNPC11) November 2008 Karachi Pakistan. 29- H. S. Khalid & W. Abdulla Diversity of Sudanese Medicinal Plants and the most common traded Species ORAL The IV World Congress of Medicinal Plants –South Africa Cape Town 10-14 November 2008. 30 Medni, Amna B. ; Elbadwi , Samia M.A. and Khalid, Hassan A. Toxicity of Cymbopogon proximus (Maharaib) oil extract to Newzeland Rabbits. SETAC Kampala Uganda th 34- 6 Annual International Scientific Conference Pharmaceutical Care : “Putting the Patient First” Friend Ship Hall21-23 February 2010 35- H.S. Khalid, W.S. Koko, Haiderabdekgadir.M.A. Abdalla W.S. Medicinal used in Sudanese Traditional Medicine Oral Presentation Plants used for Inflammation Innsbruck Austria April 2010 36- 58 TH I NTERNATIONAL C ONGRESS & A NNUAL M EETINGS OF M EDICINAL P LANT AND N ATURAL P RODUCTS T ANNIN B ERLIN G ERMANY A UGUST /2010 OF THE S OCIETY R ESEARCH AND THE 7 TH 37- International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB) Ship Hall December Khartoum –Sudan 0202 38- T HE F IRST I NTERNATIONAL C ONFERENCE FOR H EALTH S CIENCES K HARTOUM C OLLEGE FOR M EDICAL S CIENCES S UDAN Friend المؤتمر العالمي األول للعلوم الصجية كلية الخرطوم للعلوم الطبية 39- T HE F IRST P HARMACY E DUCATIONAL – EL R AZI C OLLEGE المؤتمر التعليمي الصيدلي األول – كلية الرازي للعلوم الطبية 40- Khalid H. Haider Abdelgadie, M.A.. Abdalla W.S. & G.B.Elgazali Ethnobotanical survey of traditional Medicine in the Ingasana area – Sudan th Indigenous Plant Use Forum 16 Annual Conference 2013 With Participation by the Association of African Plant Standards South Africa- Nelspruit 1-4 th July 2013 41- Khalid H. Haematinic activity of Grewia tenax (FORSSK.) in Rats “Oral”. 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 42- Afra ABD-EL GADIR1 , Hassan E. Khalid and Abd Allh Elkhazeen ANIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF SOME Sudanese plants “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 43- Samia H. Abdelrahman 1, Hassan E. Khalid and Khitma Hassan Almalik Trypansoidal Activity of Some Sudanese medicinal Plants Against Experimental Trypanosoma evansi infection “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 44- Salwa Gilani Babekr1, Naseem Charoo, Hassan Khalid, and Haider Abdelgadir Optimization of the Sudanese Senna alexandrina extrct , the Brine Shrimp toxicity and production of effervescent granules of Senna extract “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 45 Mohamed Saeed, Hassan Khalid and Thomas Eferth Pharmacogenomics of Sudanese Medicinl Plants in cancer cells “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 46- Amina Ahmed, Magdi Awadalla Hassan Khalid and Haider Abdelgadir Cytotoxicity using Brine SHRIM Lethality Bioassay of some Anti tumors plants used in Sudanese Traditional Medicines “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 47 Mona S. M, Hassan Khalid, A.K. Mudthir, Kamal E.H.El Tahir Nasir, Siddiiqui, Hayder Abdelgadir and Wadah J.A. Osman Effect of Some plants Extracts used in Sudanese Folkloric Medicine on Carragneenan Induced inflammation “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 48 Haidar Abdelgadir, Hassan Khalid, Wail Elsadig and Salwa Mansour An Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Jebel el Dair national reserve, Northern KORDOFAN “Oral” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 49- Amina I. Ahmed, Hassan Khalid, Hayder Abdelgadir Monograph of selected Sudanese Plant (Ambrosia martima L ) Used in Traditional Medicine An Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Jebel el Dair national reserve, Northern KORDOFAN “Poster ” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 50- Salwa Gilani Babekr1, Hassan Khalid, and Haider Abdelgadir Monograph of Senna alexandrina “Poster” 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 51 Salwa Gilani Babekr1, Hassan Khalid, and Haider Abdelgadir Antimicrobial Antioxidant and the toxicity of Camel Urine 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 52- Muna F. Abushama, Yasmin I.Hilmi, Haider M. Abdelgadir, Eltayeb Fadul. Hassan E. Khalid Lethality and antioxidant Activity of some Sudanese medicinal plants Fixed Oil 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 53- Yasmin I.Hilmi, Muna F. Abushama, Haider M. Abdelgadir, Assad Khalid . Hassan E. Khalid Antioxidant Activity, Enzymatic inhibition and Brine Shrimp Lethality of essential oils of common species used in Sudan 15th Symposia of The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Khartoum Sudan 7 10 December 2013 54- Hassan Khalid Invited Speaker Herbal Drugs in Sudan- Regulatory Aspects Regulatory and Quality Aspects of Herbal Drugs and Botanicals New Delhi – India 1st of February 2014. WORKSHOPS:1- WHO -Workshop on the feasibility of implementation of pharmaceutical care concept in pharmacy practice in Sudan. 17 - 19 Jan. 1998. Khartoum – Sudan. 2- Project Design & Proposal Writing –Near East foundation – Eastern Mediterranean Region. House of learning health & development. 5th–12th Dec. 1998 Khartoum- Sudan. 34- House of learning Health & Development. Project/ Resource Capacity Management in Contract R& D 6-10 May 2000 Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. 5Workshop in Policies and Legalization Biodiversity. – 6- 7- – House of Learning: Capacity Building Course in A better Facilitator “The Approach\ is folk Development Education” 28 Jan. – 8 Feb. 2001 Modernization of Pharmaceutical service conference – medicinal & aromatic plants training. Grand holiday villa 2931 May 2001. 8- H.S. Khalid Medicinal Plants Regulatory System WHO – directorate of medicinal plants & traditional medicine – federal ministry of health. Khartoum 10 – 14 June 2001 requirements for quality assurance of medicinal plants. 9- H.S. Khalid Investment Project Identification, Preparation, Evaluation, appraisal and promotion apart of the “NC/SUD/00/021. “ integration of research institutes, as generators of potential projects identification, with SIA (The case of Medicinal plants Institute). . 10- في السودان – جامعة زالنجي بالتعاون معJatropha crucasتطوير نبات الجاتروفا ا ـيناير/6 منظمة األمم المتحدة للتنمية الصناعية – قاعة اجتماعات وزارة الطاقة والتعدين Workshop. .3003 11- H. S. Khalid. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Local Manufacturing & Production Workshop – Khartoum 7-8 Jan.2002. Suggested Formulations for Sudanese medicinal plants. 12- H.S. Khalid INDO –Sudanese Workshop on Medicinal & Aromatic plants January Khartoum Sudan theme of the Work shop by Current Scenario & Suggested areas of Collaboration.. 13- Workshop on Development of Production and Marketing of karkadeh. Hibiscus Intermediate Technology Khartoum Holiday Villa 10-11 May 2003 14- Workshop on “Assessment of National Capacities in implantation of general measures for in- situ Conservation & ex- situ Conservation and Sustainable use including, National plans, Strategies and Legislation”. Agricultural Bank – conference – hall 17-18 June 2003. المنتدى الفكري األول عن قضايا الملكية الفكرية تحت عنوان “الملكية الفكرية أداة "للتنمية IPS for Sustainable Development. House of Justice – Khartoum Sudan دار القضاء –الخرطوم2003.– أغسطس23-22 16- New Millennium Strategies for Quality, Safety and Good Manufacturing Practices of Herbal Drug Products November 11- 13 2003 national botanical institute India 17Indo –Sudanese work shop on medicinal & aromatic plants Luck now 9-15 November- 2003 15- 1- Quality Assurance of HMPS. H.S. Khalid and EL Hadi Mohamed Ahmed. Certification of non – wood forest products NWFPS as raw material for medicinal H.S. Khalid. 17 WTO regional workshop on certain public health issues in regard to Intellectual Property for English speaking countries organized by WTO in Sanadon (Johannesburg) South Africa from 2-4 JUNE 2004. 18- "Forests Non Wood Products" منتجات الغابات الغير خشبية ودورها في الصناعة حسن السبكي خالد و االستاذ وائل الصادق.د ورشة عمل المشاريع الرائدة – وزارة الزراعة والغابات – الهئية القومية للغابات 2- 0222/1 م01- 01 – الخرطوم 19- Training on Negotiations Skills in Preparation for the Bilateral Market Access Negotiations – WTO - Khartoum Sudan August 2006 Resource Person Thomas Mathew – Trade Negotiations T Commercial Diplomacy Branch, Division on International trade in Goods & Services & Commodities UNCTAD. 20( على الدواء والصحة العامةTRIPS)( ورشة عمل أنعكاسات اتفاقية التجارة الدولية Impacts of TRIPs on Public Health & Pharmaceuticals The Ministry of Health Pharmacy Directorate. يوليو22 الى20 – ادارة الصيدلة االتحادية – وزارة الصحة – قاعة الصداقة . 0222 WTO REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON CERTAIN PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES IN 21 REGARD TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES ORGANIZED BY WTO IN MAURITIUS FROM 25-27 MAY - 2006 22- WTO REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENT AND TRADE FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES ORGANIZED BY WTO IN BOTSWANA FROM 12-15 DECEMBER 2006. 23- WHO Workshop in Traditional Medicine Khartoum Sudan Hassan S. Khalid Legalization of Herbal Medicine 23- PHARMACEUTICAL HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTATION TOWARDS STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT FRAME WORK PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) NATIONAL MINISTRY OF HEALTH 24- PHARMACEUTICAL HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTATION TOWARDS STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT FRAME WORK PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) NATIONAL MINISTRY OF HEALTH 25- WORKSHOP ON TRYPANOCIDES “PRESENT CHANGES & FUTURE PROSPECTS” TRYPANOCIDAL ACTIVITIES OF SOME SUDANESE PLANTS EXTRACTS SAMIA H. ABDELRAHMAN , KHITMA H. ELMALIK EL SUBKI KHALID AND HASSAN 26- بالسودان الينسكو و وزارة العلوم و8002 ورشة مؤشرات العلوم والتكنولوجيا التقانة قاعة الشهيد الزبير للمؤتمرات 27- 29- Mid-term Review Meeting of the UNEP-China-Africa Cooperation Program on the Environment, 25-29, September Beijing, China 30- Quality Control of Medicinal Plants – National Council for Medicines and Poisons – 4-5 Sept. 2013 National Health Laboratory Hall Resource Person Prof. Tilal Aburajae Jordan Facilitator Prof. Hassan Khalid 31- ARSO Technical Committee Chairs, Secretary and Expert Workshop in Nairobi Kenya February 17th -19th 1- Medicinal & Aromatic Plants of Sudan Potential Assessment & Small- Scale Community Base Agro – Industrial Proposal Report by H.S. K HALID . Prepared for International Technology Khartoum –Sudan. 2- Case Studies on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Dr. Mahgoub Sherief Eltohami Co-author “prepared by MAPRI” Prepared for the FAO 1995. Review of Trade in Wildlife Medicinal in Khartoum Sudan MAPRI (February 1997) Co- author. “Prepared by MAPRI” Reports: - 3- 4- Unlocking the industrial development potential of Sudan using information technology UNIDO essay Compton for Africa industrialization day by H.S. Khalid rewarded 2002. 5- Member of the working group for assessment of capacity Building needs & Country Specific Priorities in Bio-diversity Management & Conservation in Sudan/2003. Sudanese medicinal and aromatic plants “Sudan Potential” A Report submitted to the FAO Office “May 2004”. Hassan El Subki Khalid. 6- 7- Negative impacts of trips on public health and access to medicines, ministry of health assignment WHO Khartoum August 2007 member of team. 8- Consultancy report To ARINEX group. Scientific Societies “National & International”: 1- Member of Sudanese Pharmaceutical Society. 2- Member of The Sudanese Society For Tropical Medicine. 3- Member of (NAPRECA) natural products research network for central and East Africa. 4- Member of editorial board of the Sudan journal of veterinary research. 5- Member of the International Symposium of Essential oils (ISEO). 6- Member of the International Council for Medicinal aromatic plants. 7- Member of Society for medicinal Plants Research GA Germany. 8- 8-Member of ؛harmacy programme - college of science & technology – Omdurman 1999. 9- Member of scientific council - Khartoum college of medical Sciences. 10- Member of the Indian society of Pharmacognosy 2003. Other Activities:1- Head of the scientific group involved in surveying collection and documentation of herbs used in traditional medicine. Agasana 1992. 2- Main investigator in plant molluscicides & Schistosomiasis project “NCR”. 3- Main investigator for Sudanese herbal Pharmacopoeia NCR. 4- Head of Committee for Revision of Pharmacy Circular of Pharmacy Assistants institute MOH Ministry of Health. Committees: 1- Member of the National Committee for promotion of Traditional medicine and herbal remedies 1991 (Ministry of Health). 2- Member of the national projects committee 1994. National Centre for Research. 3- Member of the committee for re- habitation of Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Khartoum and encouragement for enrolling in education Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sudan (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research) 4- Member of Technical Committee for registration of Herbal remedies. Ministry of Health. 5- Member of the Steering Committee of the 3RD scientific conferences commenced April 1997. 6- Member of the Steering committee of medicinal & aromatic herbs in Arab countries organized by the union of the Arab research councils November. 1997. 7- Member of the Steering committee & Scientific Committee of the 4th Scientific conference commenced February 1999. 8- Member of drug supply committee for the health and medical service university of Khartoum 6/1999 9- Member of Pharmacy Programme - College of Science & technology Omdurman.(2000) 11- Member of the Sudanese Standards & Metrological Organization for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants. January 2002. 12Member of the high committee for pharmaceutical strategic planning. Ministry of health. 13- Member of faculty board – faculty of medical laboratory sciences – el Neelain university 14Chair Academic & Scientific Affairs Sudanese Pharmacists Union. 2005-2009 15- Member of Faculty Board of the Medical laboratory journal – el Neelain University – Faculty of Laboratory Sciences 61 Member of the Editorial Board of Albuhuth Sudanese journal of scientific research – national centre for research 17M EMBER OF THE HIGHER COMMITTEE FOR NATIONAL DRUG POLICY 18MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE FOR INSPECTION OF PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORIES 19MEMBER OF THE HIGHER FOR PHARMACY STRATEGY 20Member -Accreditation Faculties of Pharmacy Committee Sudan Medical Council. . 21- TBT & SPS 2007. 22Head OF THE PROMOTION OF TECHNICIANS NATIONAL CENTRE OF RESEARCH 23MEMBER OF THE PHARMACY BOARD SUDAN MEDICAL COUNCIL 24- .9009 عضو لجنة تسجيل أألدوية النباتية ال م جلس اإلتحادي للصيدلة Member of the Committee for Registration of Phytomedicine National Medicines and Poisons Board 25Member of Technical Committee for Dietary Supplements Ministry of Health 2011 26- . 2008. Member of Pharmacy Permanent Examination Board Sudan Medical Council 27Promotion of Researchers working at National Board for Medicines & Poisons 28- أكاديمية العلوم الصحية- منسق برنامج مساعدي طب صيدلة Pharmacist Assistants – Health Academy of Sciences 29 أكاديمية العلوم- رئيس لجنة مراجعة مناهج مساعدي طب الصيدلة الصحية Head of Curricula Revision Committee Health Academy of Sciences 30- اللجنة القومية لإلحتفال العام الدولي للكيمياء National Committee for Chemistry International Year (2011) 31- رئيس اللجنة الفنية للتصنيف – المجلس القومي لألدوية و السموم Head Classification Committee of Pharmaceuticals and Dietary Supplements National Medicines and Poisons Board رئيس لجنة األدوية و مستحضرات التجميل بالهئية السودانية للمواصفات و المقاييس Chair of Medicines and Cosmetics - Sudanese Standards & Metrological Organization 2008 up to now . 33- Member OF Sudan Medical Specialization Board (SMSB) 20142018 34- African Standards AFROS Expert Technical Committee for Harmonization African of Traditional Medicine (TCH 13). 32 - Publications: 1. Mohamed Saeeda, Onat Kadioglua, Hassan Khalid Yoshikazu Sugimotoc, Thomas Effertha,⁎ Activity of the dietary flavonoid, apigenin, against multidrug-resistant tumor cells as determined by pharmacogenomics and molecular docking aDepartment of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany bDepartment of Pharmacognosy, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan cDivision of Chemotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Received 21 June 2014; received in revised form 23 August 2014; accepted 10 September 2014 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 26 (2015) 44–56 2. Intisar E. mohamed1, Hassan E. Khalid, Salah A. Mohamed3, Elbadri E. Osman4,Waleed Sayed Koko5, Kamal K. Taha6 , Mahmoud M. Dahab7, Noor Rain Bt. Abdullah8Zakiah Bt. Ismail8Antimalarial Activity of Some Medicinal Sudanese Plants JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2014, 3(6), 236-240 ISSN:2325–4513(PRINT) ISSN 2325 - 453X ( 3. Victor Kuete Mohamed E.M. Saeed Onat Kadigolu , Jonas Bortzelr, Hassan Khalid, Henry Johannes Greten , Thomas Efferth. Pharmacogenomic and molecular docking studies on the cytoxicity of the natural steroid wortmannin against multidrug- resistant tumor cells.Phytomedicine 22(2014)120-127 4. Amina I. Dirar, Magdi A. Mohamed, Wadah J. A. Osman, Haidar Abdalgadir, Hassan S. Khalid A Phytopharmacological Review on Four Antitumor Medicinal Plants Grown in Sudan International Journal of PharmTech Research 01/2014; 4(5):27-41 5. Y Hilmi, MF Abushama, H Abdalgadir, A Khalid, H Khalid A study of antioxidant activity, enzymatic inhibition and in vitro toxicity of selected traditional sudanese plants with anti-diabetic potential 6. BMC Complement Altern Med. 01/2014; 14(1):1472 - 6882. Amina I. Dirar, Magdi A. Mohamed, Hassan S. Khalid, Bashier Osman, Eltyeb Fadul, Asaad Khalid In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Profile of Three Antitumor Medicinal Plants Grown in Sudan 7. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 10/2014; · 5.05 Impact Factor; Amina I. Dirar, Magdi A. Mohamed, Wadah J. A. Osman, Mona S. Mohammed, Hassan S. Khalid, Elrashied A. E. Garelnabi I solation and Characterization of potential Cytotoxic Leads from Ambrosia maritima L. (Asteraceae) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 01/2014; 3(4):38-41. 8. Amina I. Dirar, Magdi A. Mohamed, Bashier Osman, Hassan S. Khalid, Esraa M. O. Ismail, Malik S. MohamedPharm acological Studies on Four AntiTumor Medicinal Plants Grown in Sudan International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry 01/2014 9. Mohamed Saeed, Onat Kadioglu, Hassan Khalid, Yoshikazu Sugimoto, Thomas Efferth Activity of the dietary flavonoid, apigenin, against multidrugresistant tumor cells as determined by pharmacogenomics and molecular docking The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 10/2014; · 4.55 Impact Factor 10. Mohamed Saeeda, Victor Kuetea,b, Onat Kadioglua, Jonas Börtzlera, Hassan Khalidc, Henry Johannes Gretend,e, Thomas Effertha,∗ Cytotoxicity of the bisphenolic honokiol from Magnolia officinalisagainst multiple drug-resistant tumor cells as determined bypharmacogenomics and molecular docking Phytomedicine: international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology 10/2014; 21(12):1525–1533. · 2.97 Impact Factor 11. Mona S. Mohammed1, Wadah J.A. Osman1, Elrashied A.E. Garelnabi2, Zuheir Osman3, Bashier Osman, Hassan S. Khalid , Magdi A. Mohamed "Secondary metabolites as anti-inflammatory agents The Journal of Phytopharmacology Volume 3, Issue 4 (July-August) 2014 12. Mona S. Mohammed1, Hassan S. Khalid2 , Wadah J.A. Osman1 and A. K. Muddathir A Review on Phytochemical Profile and Biological Activites of Three Anti-Inflammatory Plants used in Sudanese Folkloric Medicine American J. Pharm Tech Res.(2014) 4 (4) 13. Mona S. Mohammed, Hassan S. Khalid, A. K. Muddathir, Kamal .E.H. 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