The Uterine Handbook


The Uterine Handbook
The Uterine Handbook
Written by Barbara and Margo the Wandering Womb
Because uteri are pretty cool when you get to know them.
Barbara Loomis, LMT, RES
Nurturance, LLC
ph. 503.341.0663
Copyright all rights reserved
Please Read Before Proceeding
1. This is an informational ebook about the human body and function and is not intended to be medical advice.
2. If you have, or feel you might have, a medical condition, you should talk to your doctor.
3. This ebook contains affiliate links. I only list programs and products I have used myself and truly believe in.
4. All material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced.
Table of Contents
2 Read Before Proceeding
3 Table of Contents
4 Welcome! Meet the Author
5 My approach to healing
6-7 Meet Margo The Wandering Womb
8 My pissed off uterus
9 Painful periods
10 The uterus in the pelvis
11 Uterine ligaments
12 Uterine strength
13 External genitalia
14 Uterine mobility
15-17 Uterine positions
18-20 Symptoms of a displaced uterus
21-25 Causes of a displaced uterus
26-28 Movement practices
29-30 Castor oil packs
31-33 Abdominal massage
34-35 Action steps
36 Closing and recommended books
I’m Barbara Loomis founder of Nurturance, LLC and the Alignment Monkey
blog. Thank you for signing up on my email list! You will now be the first to
know about special deals, upcoming classes, and free educational material.
Because you signed up on my email list, I know that you are interested in improving your reproductive and digestive health. My goal is to support you
in that interest through anatomy education and by sharing self-care tools that have worked for myself and my clients. There are many pillars to
supporting health, this ebook focuses on the movement and manual therapies. Other important aspects for reproductive health include diet, lifestyle,
emotional contentment and possibly herbal support. I have included links on the resource page to help you balance out what you learn here. In future
emails, I will expand on manual therapy, movement, herbal support and other supportive essentials. If you found this ebook without signing up on my
email list you may want to sign up now, so that you don’t miss this valuable information. Visit my Blog to sign up.
I started on the my own healing path by accident. I originally began my wellness education back in 1995 with the intent to build skills to help others.
What I found was that I needed to heal myself first. Every single technique teach, I teach because it has helped me heal on so many levels. That’s why I
am confident to share these self-care gems with you.
Looking back I was such a mess. I suffered from chronic yeast infections, painful periods, a retroverted uterus, menstrual back pain,
PMS, fibrocystic breasts and constipation. When I started my very first period I was confronted by ignorant and negative (sometimes cruel) men and
women. Read more about that HERE. I felt shame and embarrassment at a time when I should have celebrated the sacredness and power of being a
woman. The shame and victim mentality I embodied started me on a cycle of low self-esteem, poor decision making and emotional and physical abuse.
I didn’t realize the sacredness of my cycle (or body) until I was in my mid twenties and that is when the healing began. I knew then that I wanted to
dedicate my work to helping others heal and learn to embrace the sacredness and power within.
It breaks my heart to see the negativity women direct toward their own bodies because they’re in pain or feel broken. Our bodies are trying to maintain
balance by communicating trillions of biochemical messages every second of the day! It’s time to have an appreciation for how remarkable our bodies
are and start working with that innate wisdom.
Principles behind my approach to healing:
•The body has an inherent wisdom. When we listen and let the body guide us, we get to the root of the “problem” more quickly.
•Healing is an opportunity for psychological, spiritual and physical transformation.
•Pain and dysfunction are healthy responses to unhealthy situations.
•Compassion and appreciation for your body instead of anger and frustration are the first steps to self awareness and healing.
•Individuals should be seen from a holistic perspective rather than being seen as a set of symptoms.
•Self-care is a way of taking responsibility in your health.
•The whole is greater than its parts.
•Listen to your body with an open nonjudgmental heart.
•Receive professional help when needed with a practitioner that doesn’t take away your power, but approaches your health in partnership
with you.
•You are a dynamic individual. There isn’t just one protocol that works for everyone.
•The body is a microcosm of nature.
•Sometimes pain and illness are portals to transformation.
•The body knows what to do, sometimes it just needs a little nudge. Perhaps that nudge comes through dietary changes, changes in
movement habits, receiving herbal support, getting additional support from qualified health practitioners in Visceral Manipulation™,
Maya or Chinese abdominal therapy to reduce internal organ, sacral and pelvic restrictions, correct uterine position and improve organ
•The body is a complex web.
Sometimes massaging the belly not only improves digestive and reproductive health, but also relieves neck
or back pain. Sometimes long held resentments are released through using abdominal massage.
•Our alignment tells a story of where we have been and where we are going.
Flying to SLC, Utah to teach a class
Oh, before we move on, you should meet my
Margo The Wandering Womb.
She wanders around with me to teach uterine selfcare classes. Life is so much more fun if you have a
happy uterus!
Margo in Downtown Portland, OR
Lunch and a cervical
Northrup, author of
Women’s Bodies,
Women’s Wisdom
Aligning with Katy Bowman, biomechanist
Talking herbs and uterine alignment
with Dr Rosita Arvigo
Pictures of
Margo with Dr
Chatting hormones with
Aviva Romm,
Nicole Jardim, creator of
Oprah and Kid
the Fix Your Period course.
When she’s not teaching and hanging out with amazing women she likes to.....
rock climb in Bend, Oregon.
read a good book.
eat tacos at ¿Por Que No?
get a trim at Bishops Barbershop
build forest shelters and
practice her primitive skills.
....and hang out with the boys.
play Astroids.
My uterus wasn’t always fun to hangout with.
When I was 16 years old I had no idea what a uterus
looked like. Heck, I don’t think I knew what a uterus looked like until I was 30! All I knew was that something was waging war in my
lower belly once a month and I imagined it looked something like this... well that would explains all the blood!
Contrary to popular belief, your uterus does not carry a sword or a hot poker.
Your periods are NOT supposed to be painful.
There may be some mild cramping on the first day of the menstrual cycle, but it’s not natural to have cramps so severe that they interfere with
your daily activities.
You may say, “My menstrual cramps aren’t a problem because I take four Midol three times a day.” Many people think that because nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can be purchased over the counter it’s safe to take more than the recommended dosage and there
are no adverse effects. Not so. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded that simultaneous use of two or
more NSAIDs was associated with an excess risk of adverse effects, such as hepatic (liver) injury, acute renal (kidney) failure and
gastrointestinal bleeding. Not to mention, that regular recommended doses of NSAIDS s can negatively affect the gut lining and lead to gut
permeability, also known as a leaky gut! Leaky gut can cause many problems including thyroid imbalances and a decline in brain function.
Taking pain killers is like disconnecting the wires to the engine warning light on your car; you may not see the annoying light anymore, but the
problem didn’t go away. I’m not saying pain medicine doesn’t have its place, I’m just saying it isn’t the cure. What happens when you ignore
the engine warning light? ...the underlying problem gets worse and may cause serious damage.
If you are having menstrual pain, it’s worth it to find the root cause. It may be as simple as a malpositioned uterus. We will explore this in a bit,
but for now, lets get to know your uterus.
Self-Care starts with body literacy.
Here’s the uterus inside the pelvis. The uterus sits in
front of the rectum (the poop shoot) and behind the bladder and can affect and be affected by the
surrounding organs.
Small intestines
Uterine Tube (Fallopian Tube)
Anatomy tidbit:
The rectum is
behind the uterus
The Fundus is the
top of the uterus.
The stomach and
gallbladder also
have a fundus. A
fundus is the
opposite end from
the organ opening.
I really wish they would have taught me this stuff in middle school!
The uterus doesn’t float freely around the pelvis without support. It’s actually suspended by specialized ligaments that consist of a blend of
skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, hormonal receptors and collagen. These ligaments allow the uterus to move in response to mechanical
stimulus (filling of the bladder or rectum, walking, sex, a growing baby, abdominal massage and even breathing) and hormonal signals. The
ligaments also provide pathways for blood, lymph and nerve vessels leading to and from the reproductive organs.
Tidbit:The belief that the uterus
could move around freely dates back
to Hippocrates. It was believed that
the uterus could wander through the
body like an animal within an animal
and cause difficulty sleeping, choking
and even death!
Above is a photo of students who attended one of my self-care classes. They’re demonstrating the complex web of the uterine
ligaments. The woman dressed as a uterus in the middle is demonstrating a right leaning uterus. The woman in the front is a
bladder and the woman in yellow in the back is a good sport representing the rectum (notice how those two aren’t smiling).
The other women are holding the round ligaments, suspensory ligaments of the ovaries, the cardinal ligaments, uterosacral
ligaments and broad ligament (notice the mischievous looks on the two gals in the front holding the round ligaments as they
represent the labia majora).
Interested in hosting a class near you? Send me a message at Margo and I love to travel!
Cross Section Of A Uterus
In this diagram, the
stages of follicle
contains the egg)
Check out that muscle!
development are
It needs to be strong
Cervix: The cervix is a
enough to hold and
cylinder-shaped neck of
expel a baby...and
tissue that connects the
strong enough to rock
vagina and to the uterus.
climb without a
Vagina:The vagina extends from
the external genitalia to the cervix.
Margo the Wandering Womb rock
climbing in Bend, Oregon.
External Genitalia
I wanted to include this drawing because so many women mistakenly call their external genitalia a vagina. Nothing you see on this page is a vagina. As you saw on the
last page your vagina is the inner cavity that leads to the cervix. The more you know about your anatomy the better you will be able to research information as needed or
communicate with you physician if you think anything is amiss. I knew a young woman who had thought her cervix was cancer, she was a wreck thinking she had
cancer! Imagine the stress (and doctor visit) that could have been spared if someone taught her anatomy.
Every woman’s genitalia is unique in it’s appearance. Especially when it comes to the labia. The labia vary significantly in size, shape and color. Most of the women who
undergo labia plastic surgery do so because they think their labia is abnormal looking! Even this drawing isn’t a clear representation. Check out the Labia Library for a
photo gallery of various labias.
pubic hair
The clitoris actually extends
internally and is full of nerve
endings- 15,000 of them- and
the tip of the clitoris is
usually the most sensitive
area on the vulva
urethra (Where the pee comes out.)
labia minora
vaginal opening
Tidbit about your bits:the
labia majora
labia minora have a very
important function. They
protect the vagina and are full
of nerve endings that provide
sensation and lubrication
during intercourse.
A uterus should have
mobility (within reason, of course) for proper physiological function.
If it’s stuck in one position,
blood, lymph and energy flow are compromised and pain and dis-ease may result. When the uterus is fixed in one position,
fibroses of the ligaments may result and impair local circulation. When circulation is impaired, the cells won’t receive proper
nutrients (oxygen), and acidity, pain and cell death may follow.When the surrounding structures are restricted, they bind
down on the tissues affecting cellular activity (function and structure). The organs are the sum total of cells, so what is
happening on the cellular level influences the state of the organ.
the many mechanisms by
which cells convert
mechanical stimulus
(compression, shear,
tension, torsion) into
chemical activity.
Examples of malpositioned
Can you guess by looking at the pictures what symptoms may result
from a malpositioned uterus?
Lost on the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland! This is
a serious case of a wandering womb!
Is Your Uterus Pissing off Your Bladder?
The uterus weighs about 4 ounces, but can double in size to 8 ounces right before and during your period. Congested uteri can
be even heavier! That’s a lot of extra weight on the bladder, rectum, or surrounding blood and lymph vessels, depending on
which way the uterus is tipped.
“The bladder, uterus, and rectum are physically and functionally related. Incontinence, cystitis, or cystalgia are often due to
uterine malpositioning of three types:
anteversion and anteflextion: the body and to a lesser extent the cervix press hard against the bladder,
increasing bladder pressure at the expense of sphincter pressure;
•uterine retroversion with anteflexion: irritates the trigonal/bladder neck region and impairs continence;
•uterine prolapse: this can lead to prolapse of the bladder neck region.
A simple uterine verticalization modifies bladder pressure and mobility.”- Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O. Excerpt from the text book
titled Urogenital Manipulation
Retroflexed Uteri can press against the rectum causing thin stools or constipation, painful periods, back ache and
pregnancy complications.
Squashing the poo!
Uterine prolapse is when the womb (uterus) slides from its normal position into the vaginal area.
There are four
stages of uterine prolapse. First degree uterine prolapse is when the cervix drops into the vagina. Second degree is when the
cervix sticks out of the opening of the vagina. Third degree is when the cervix is outside of the vagina and fourth degree is
when the entire uterus is outside the vagina.
Symptoms of a displaced uterus
Painful Periods
Irregular periods
Dark thick blood at onset and end of menses
headache or migraine with period
Side note: Periods shouldn’t be this painful (maybe it’s
dizziness with period
failure to ovulate regularly
her push-up bra that’s causing her so much agony-that
would make sense).
Anyway, if your periods are this
painful, it’s best to
see a physician to find out the
source of your pain.
painful ovulation
varicose veins of the legs or hemorrhoids
tired or weak legs
chronic miscarriages
Yep, there’s more....
numb legs and feet, especially when standing still for a while
sore heels when walking
low back ache
uterine fibroids
uterine polyps
uterine infection
frequent urination
and even more symptoms of a malpositioned uterus....
premature deliveries
weak newborn, infants
difficult pregnancy/ incompetent cervix
painful intercourse
Wow, crazy isn’t it? We could spend $$$ on
laxatives, pain killers, mood enhancers and
fertility treatments or we could first correct the
position of the womb to remove obstructions to
our bodies internal regulating system.
Uterine incarceration (seriously) is a complication whereby a growing retroverted uterus becomes wedged into the pelvis
after the first trimester of pregnancy causing serious complications.
Common causes of a displaced uterus
may include: wearing positive heeled shoes, falls on the sacrum,
chronic straining during bowel movements, difficult deliveries, motor vehicle accidents or surgical procedures, and having
poor pelvic alignment.
Image: copyright Restorative Exercise™, Inc.
Notice how wearing positive heeled shoes throws off pelvic alignment. You can’t maintain a neutral pelvis if you wear a shoe
with a positive heel. For every degree of tilt the shoe creates, the body has to create a counter tilt in order to stay upright.
I feel pretty, but
my cervix is killing
me and I have
severe cramps!
I know, I know it’s hard to give up your heels because you feel beautiful and powerful in them. Guess what you’re already
beautiful and powerful! Honestly, I don’t know where the powerful thing came from because high heeled shoes make us
vulnerable. The other day while out walking, I almost collided with a woman wearing four inch heels. I of course, had my
barefoot ninja shoes on and was able to get out of her way with the agility of a cheetah. She on the other hand, teetered on her
stilettos and almost fell on her face.
Not only do elevated heels make us vulnerable to an attack or a fall, but also to
osteoporosis (how we load our bones is important), prolapsed organs, tilted uteri, foot, knee, hip, back, neck and pelvic floor
pain and dysfunction. There’s nothing sexy about wearing adult diapers!
Action Plan: Give all your high
heeled shoes away to people you don’t
like. ;-)
When you buy new shoes, look for
shoes that are flat, flexible and have a
wide toe box. Transition slowly to flat
shoes to give your tissues time to
adapt to the new position. Even
wearing a 1 inch heel will shorten your
This is
calf muscle. Every Woman’s Guide to
Foot Pain Relief by Katy Bowman is a
wonderful book to guide you through
the transition.
Don’t worry, Margo lives with someone who specializes in
uterine positioning. She will be aligned in no time!
The uterus is attached to the inside of the pelvis, sacrum and surrounding fascia, so if you sit with a posteriorly tilted pelvis (on
your sacrum) the bulk of the day, your uterus will end up being out of alignment as well. For instance, if the pelvis is
posteriorly tilted (think tucked tailbone), the uterus may be pushed back against the rectum and/or down toward the vaginal
opening (prolapse).
Your skeletal body should be able to arrange itself in an array of positions without permanently shifting organs. The uterus
may still be in alignment relative to the pelvis, but overtime it will shift due to improper loading of the ligaments, sacral
restrictions and pressure changes.
It’s best to vary
your position throughout the day but if you must sit at a desk for work, sit with your ASIS and pubic
symphysis in vertical alignment. The point is to stop sitting on your sacrum all day, but sitting in neutral all day isn’t good
either, so get up and move around when you can.
Tip Raising your pelvis slightly
higher than your knees by sitting
on a wedge or rolled up towel will
help keep your pelvis in neutral
and open up the angle at your
Side view of the uterus.
If you feel like you’re forcing yourself into a neutral position (which you do NOT want to do), you may need to lengthen the
muscles that are pulling you out of alignment . (See me for a SKYPE appointment and/or do the exercises on the “Down
There” for Women DVD)
Vary your position throughout the day. Create a standing workstation.
And a...
Squatting Workstation
To take a video tour of my dynamic workstation click HERE.
Take your uterus on frequent walks!
Tip Instead of sitting at a
meeting or in a cafe with
friends, go on a “walk and
talk”.You will feel
invigorated and more
productive at work if you
get more movement and
fresh air throughout the
Self-Care Using Castor Oil Packs
Traditionally used to treat:
liver and intestinal disorders
Castor oil- I like the roll on castor
oil, it’s less messy.
cysts, ovarian cysts, breasts
unbleached flannel cloth
congestion of the abdomen
hot water bottle
two towels
adhesions from surgeries
old sweats
relax in your
pour (or roll) on a little
sweat pants
castor oil on your belly
clockwise direction
place saturated
place hot water bottle
place towel over
flannel cloth on belly
on flannel cloth
hot water bottle
For full directions,uses and contraindications click HERE
Self care belly
massage decreases pelvic congestion and releases stress held within the belly.
Pelvic Congestion can lead to varicosities within the uterine ligaments, fallopian tubes, or veins of the prostate and scrotum.
Pelvic congestion is often found in both sexes when no other pathologic cause of pelvic pain can be found. In one study 91% of
women with chronic pelvic pain had no other pathology on laparoscopy had dilated veins and vascular congestion in the broad
ligaments and ovarian plexus. Varicosities of the thigh were an indication of this pelvic congestion. (from Chronic Pelvic Pain
by Steege, Metzger and Levy).
Self-Care Belly Massage
Before you read the belly massage instructions, please read this page thoroughly.
There are times when you should NOT preform lower belly massage. Those times that are contraindicated are:
1. if you may be pregnant. At 20 weeks pregnant, your Arvigo practitioner will show you the self-care massage for
2. if you are on your period or five days before your period.
3. if you have an IUD or other implanted device.
4. if you have an active infection or cancer.
5. post surgery (usually 6-8 weeks depending on the surgery or physicians approval).
6. if you have an inguinal hernia.
Self care massage doesn’t replace massage from a certified professional. The self-care massage is a general but powerful
and loving self treatment. The techniques that I apply while working one to one with a client are based on a collection
of techniques I learned over many years and are difficult to apply to oneself. A treatment from me may include very
specific manipulations to reduce restrictions in all the internal organs including the colon, fallopian tubes, ovaries,
uterus, sacrum and tailbone.
The uterine alignment techniques are not included in this ebook, as they should be learned directly from a certified
practitioner in a one to one session or in a self care class. Even though the instructions in this ebook are not focused
on uterine alignment, your uterus, ovaries, intestines and abdomen in general will benefit greatly from the increased
blood, lymph and energy flow. My hope is that you will also gain a positive connection with your belly. Emotions may
come up during or after your belly massage. Read my Belly Love article to understand the emotional tension held in
the body and how to approach it with loving attention.
Self-Care Belly Massage Instructions
Find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes.
Lie on your back with a pillow under your knees and your hands on your abdomen. If you have a prolapsed uterus place
a pillow or bolster under your pelvis so that your pelvis tilts back toward you.
Breath in, expanding your ribcage in a circumference. Take several deep breaths until you feel totally present in your
Starting at your navel apply little spirals with your index and middle fingers working the tension around your navel.
Hang out where it feels tight and breathe into the area to massage it from the inside.
Keep the spirals tiny, but expand out in a larger clockwise spiral until you cover your entire abdomen. Listen to your
body, sometimes it feels good to massage deeper and sometimes your body will respond better to a lighter touch or
vibration. If tight areas don’t soften under your touch, work the area surrounding the tightness. Experiment with what
works best for you. Don’t force anything, work WITH your body.
After you massage your entire abdomen with the spirals, knead your belly with the heels of your hands back and forth
like cat paws from side to side.
Rest with one hand on your uterus (lowest part of your belly just above your pubic bone) and one hand on your heart.
Feel the loving warmth radiate from your hands as you smile into your heart. Smile down gratitude, kindness and
compassion. Let your smiling energy warm and soften your jaw, neck, chest, upper back, and heart. If you have trouble
smiling into your heart, call in all the loving energy from those who have ever loved or cared for you, friends, family, pets,
spirit guides or angels. Just those who feel safe. Let the loving vibration of love fill and soften your heart, flow over into
your chest and into your pelvis connecting the heart and uterine energy. Let the high vibration of the energy flow
through the fallopian tubes, around the ovaries and in and around the uterus.
Place your thumb tips together at the navel. Your index fingers should meet in a V formation. Your ovaries should be
just beneath the layers under your pinkies. Tune into your ovaries. How do they feel? Does the left feel different than
the right? Do they feel soft, hard, fluffy, warm, or cold? Scan your ovaries and uterus with your “minds eye”. How do
they look? Is there a color or shape that you see? Don’t judge, just be present and allow the energy to transform as
needed. You don’t have to figure anything out, just listen as you would listen to a good friend. Where your
attention goes, your energy flows. Your body knows what it needs, you just need to learn to listen to it’s
messages. Take the thinking mind out of the process. When you feel finished give thanks to your body for working so
hard for you and write down any insights you may have had.
Action Steps
Well, that was a lot of information to get you started. I would like to summarize with some action steps and give you some links on the next page so that you can further your
understanding and self-care.
•Ditch the high heels (slowly to allow tissues to adapt) My favorite shoes are the Lems Primal 2.
•Vary your position throughout the day. Create a dynamic workstation. Avoid sitting on your sacrum!
•Walk outside. Walking will benefit every system of your body and increase blood and lymph flow around the reproductive organs.
•Do these five exercises on the “Down There”, for Women DVD
•Massage your belly.
•Wear a belly warmer when it’s cold and drafty outside.
• Apply castor oil packs.
•Take a Self-Care class, receive a one to one session from me in Portland, Oregon or via SKYPE.
•Take a moment every day to be grateful for how absolutely amazing your body is.
• Take Nicole Jardim’s Fix Your Period course (see next page for details).
•Above all, listen to your uterus! She has some wise words for you....oh and take her out for tacos once in a while!
Nicole Jardim’s Fix Your Period Courses
I’ve completed Nicole’s eight week Fix Your Period PMS course. The course exceeded my expectations in so many ways! I’m blown away by Nicole’s knowledge and ability to
present the complex endocrine system in a way that is easy to understand. What Nicole teaches EMPOWERS women with the knowledge of how the body works and tools to use
to reclaim a healthy vibrant life. I wholeheartedly believe the Fix Your Period course should be required material for every woman! Read the summaries below to decide which
course is right for you. You may also click on the banners below to get a more detailed overview.
The Kickstart program is a 28-day introductory course that is perfect for you if one
or more of the following applies:
1. You're a "newbie" at this whole hormonal health thing.
2. You've spent a lot of time on google but you're still not sure what to actually do.
3. You have tried the doctor's way (birth control pills, drugs, surgery) but now you want to
take a more natural route.
4. You want to understand the right foods, supplements, herbal remedies and basic
stress management practices to help get your hormones back on track.
The PMS/Painful Periods program is an 8-week comprehensive course that is
perfect for you if one or more of the following applies:
1. You are struggling each month with physical and emotional PMS symptoms that
disrupt your life.
2. You have moderate to severe cramps, and/or ovulatory pain each month.
3. You feel irritated, angry, depressed and bitchy for 1-2 weeks every month.
4. You want an in-depth, comprehensive program to address your symptoms that covers
food, supplements, herbal remedies, gut and liver cleansing, stress management
techniques, period tracking, natural birth control, sexuality and femininity.
My Top 6 Book Recommendations on Women’s Health
These books influenced me on my path of healing and learning.
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. This is the book that changed my life so many years ago and set me on a healing path.
The Path of Practice: A Woman’s Book of Ayurvedic Healing by BRI. Maya Tiwari Diagnosed with ovarian cancer at twenty-three, Bri. Maya was given two months to live. Read
and learn from her remarkable story.
The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep and Sex Drive; Lose Weight; Feel Focused, Vital, and Energized Naturally with the Gottfried ProtocolDr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvardeducated physician and nationally recognized, board-certified gynecologist, refuses to accept that being a woman means feeling overwhelmed or that popping pills is the new
normal Move Your DNA
WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source Excellent book about balancing your hormones naturally.
Priceless for anyone with PCOS, fibroids, PMS, etc.
Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement. This one isn’t specific to women’s health, but it is applicable to what you have learned in this book. Move
Your DNA explains the science behind our need for natural movement – right down to the cellular level. This book will blow you away!
Taking Charge of Your Fertility:Whether you are trying to achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy naturally, or trying to gain better control of your health this is a great book to
have, filled with helpful charts and images. Ever wonder what normal cervical fluid should look like throughout the month? It’s in this book. Knowledge is power-know your
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If you haven’t subscribed yet, please visit my blog and click on the email subscribe button in the
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Author Bio: Barbara Loomis is Restorative Exercise™ Specialist and certified practitioner and
educator of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, certified Chi Nei Tsang
therapist and a Visceral Manipulation™ practitioner. She combines abdominal therapies with
Restorative Exercise™ for reproductive and digestive health. You may learn more on the
Nurturance, LLC website or her Alignment Monkey blog.