2013 OPS Manual - The Albuquerque International Balloon
2013 OPS Manual - The Albuquerque International Balloon
2013 Operations Manual Approved 6 August 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. INTRODUCTION .............................................. 3 II. AREA OF OPERATIONS ................................. 3 III. DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS ........................... 4 IV. REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION .. 6 V. FLIGHT OPERATIONS ................................... 7 VI. FIELD OPERATIONS ....................................... 7 VII. RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................... 8 VIII. APPENDIX: A. MAP OF BALLOON FIESTA PARK AREA .................................................. 11 B. WAVE CHART ............................................... 12 2 I. INTRODUCTION The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (AIBF) is in its 42nd year as a major hot air ballooning event. More than 500 balloons and 700 pilots are expected to participate in this year's events which are scheduled for October 4 through October 13, 2013. The Hours waiver is in effect: October 4, 2013 0530 - 1200 October 5, 2013 0530 - 1200 and 1600 - 2000 October 6, 2013 0530 - 1200 and 1600 - 2000 October 7, 2013 0530 - 1200 October 8, 2013 0530 - 1200 October 9, 2013 0530 - 1200 October 10, 2013 0530 - 1200 and 1600 - 2000 October 11, 2013 0530 - 1200 and 1600 - 2000 October 12, 2013 0530 - 1200 and 1600 - 2000 October 13, 2013 0530 - 1200 II. AREA OF OPERATIONS A. Balloon Fiesta Park: The primary location for the manned free balloon events during the AIBF is Balloon Fiesta Park. Balloon Fiesta Park is located between Paseo del Norte on the south, Roy (Tramway) Road on the north, Washington Street (South of Alameda), Jefferson Street (North of Alameda) on the east and by the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority channel on the west. This location is as indicated on the attached map (Appendix A). B. AIBF Waiver: In the interest of increasing the safety and pleasure of ballooning during AIBF events, compliance with Federal Aviation Regulation(s) (FAR) Section 91.119 (b) and (c), Minimum safe altitudes and Section 91.209, Aircraft Lights, have been waived for this event. Section 91.209, Aircraft Lights has not been waived for Dawn Patrol. Additionally, Air Traffic Control has authorized operations in the Albuquerque Sunport Class C airspace without the required communication with the Air Traffic Control Tower (FAR Section 91.130(c)(1) & (d)) and transponder equipment (FAR Section 91.215(b)(1)). This Waiver, and Authorization, has been issued for aircraft and pilots that are officially registered in the AIBF and participating in any AIBF events. The waiver and authorization does not apply to the 18th America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Race. The Waiver’s provisions are as follows: Minimum Altitudes: 1. 500 ft. AGL over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, and over any open air assembly of persons; 2. 200 ft. AGL within the boundary area indicated on the official AIBF map; 3. 150 ft. AGL over the buildings between Alameda Blvd. and Balloon Fiesta Park North as indicated on map; 4. 75 ft. AGL within the shaded area marked “Balloon Fiesta Park” on the map including buildings and hospitality tents. See Appendix A: 3 5. To the surface within the flagged target area at Balloon Fiesta Park and to the surface within 1,000 ft. laterally of the designated off-field targets. 6. The waiver to the surface is only applicable within the target areas during competition events. C. FAA NOTAM: A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) will be issued during the hours the waiver is in effect as a Temporary Restricted Area for the airspace within a four (4) nautical mile radius of Balloon Fiesta Park-North, from the surface to 8,000 MSL, in accordance with FAR 91.145. This Temporary Restricted Area is applicable to all aircraft (including balloons) that are not participating in that particular AIBF event, unless given specific permission by the AIBF Event Director. III. DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS A. Mass Ascensions: Events where officially registered balloons launch from Balloon Fiesta Park-North (north of Alameda). Balloons are launched in waves beginning with the downwind rows, with approximately 250 balloons assigned per wave. Weekend mass ascensions are not competitive events. Mass ascensions conducted during the week may be competitive events with the pilots competing in a Multiple Judge Declared Goal event, see Section III. C. below. Special Shapes mass ascensions may be conducted where only Special Shape balloons, non-competing balloons and official ride concessionaire balloons, or others with special permission from the Event Director, launch from the Launch Field. A Multiple Judge Declared Goal task may also be conducted in conjunction with these events. B. Twilight Twinkle, Balloon Glow and Night Magic Glow: Events where up to 350 balloons are inflated shortly before sunset and tethered (balloons are not allowed to leave the ground). After sunset, designated balloons may operate their burners on command to form different patterns or designs. Like the other AIBF flying events, guests are allowed access to the Balloon Fiesta Park-North during the event. C. Multiple Judge Declared Goal (MJDG): Competitions are events where pilots launch from Balloon Fiesta Park and fly to any one of the designated off-field targets, where they drop a marker as close as possible to a target located within the target area. The targets are located at least one statute mile from the center of Balloon Fiesta Park-North. These events may either be conducted in conjunction with a mass ascension, or in conjunction with a Fly-In-Task, where the portion of the pilots not designated to compete in the MJDG, competes in a Fly-In-Task, see Section III. D. below. D. Fly-In-Task (FIT): Competitions are events where pilots launch from a site of their own choice, excluding Prohibited Zones (PZs) and Sensitive Areas (SAs) and no closer than one statute mile from the center of Balloon Fiesta Park-North. They will fly to the designated target area at Balloon Fiesta Park-North where they will drop a marker on a target located within the target area. E. Fiesta Declared Goal: (Refer to D) If conducted, this task will be announced at the pilot briefing. A description of the scoring area(s) as well as the position of the goal/target will be announced at that time. 4 F. Sid Cutter Memorial Task: The Sid Cutter Memorial, if conducted, will be announced at the Pilot Briefing. Competitors will attempt to drop their marker within a designated scoring area close as possible to the center of a set target. Scores will be measured from the center of the target. Any marker outside of the announced scoring area will not be scored. Shortest distance scored is best. G. Prize Ring Toss Competitions: Are events where pilots launch from a site of their choice, excluding PZs and SAs, and no closer than one statute mile from the center of Balloon Fiesta Park-North. They will fly to the target area at Balloon Fiesta Park-North and attempt to place rings over the top of poles approximately 30 ft. high. H. Special Shape Rodeos: Are events where approximately 90 Special Shape balloons tether and/or launch from Balloon Fiesta Park-North. Only balloons officially registered with Balloon Fiesta (or other aircraft with specific permission from the Event Director) will be allowed to launch from Balloon Fiesta Park-North. During the afternoon events, balloons not registered in this specific event may not operate within the restricted airspace described in Section II.C. above. Like the other AIBF events, guests are allowed access to Balloon Fiesta Park-North during these events. I. Dawn Patrols: Take place every morning during the AIBF. Approximately ten to twenty registered AIBF balloons launch from an area at or near Balloon Fiesta ParkNorth thirty to sixty minutes prior to sunrise. The balloons fly for one to one and one half-hours and land after sunrise. Participants in these flights must adhere to all applicable AIBF rules, FARs, and the FAA waiver. Section 91.209 (Aircraft Lights) has not been waived for Dawn Patrol. J. Balloon Fiesta Golf: Competition may take place on the mornings of October 10 and/or 11. The objective of the competition is for the pilot to drop his/her marker(s) on designated golf greens nearest to the pin (flag). This competition will count toward the overall score. This competition may be flown in conjunction with the Ring Toss Competition. K. Minimum Distance Double Drop competition may take place on the mornings of October 10 or 11. This competition will not be conducted during a Balloon Fiesta Golf competition. Balloon Fiesta Golf or Minimum Double Drop competition will be announced at the Pilot Briefing. Competitors will drop their markers as close together as possible in different but associated scoring areas (only those markers inside the scoring areas will be scored). This competition may be flown in conjunction with the Ring Toss Competitions. L. Albuquerque Aloft is primarily an “off site” event that takes place on Friday, October 4, 2013 in which the balloons will launch or tether primarily from various elementary schools throughout Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. Balloons and pilots must be registered for this event. Participants are expected to abide by AIBF rules, FARs and the FAA waiver. Weather and pilot briefing will be announced on KKOB 770 AM radio and VHF radio. M. Pilots are not required to compete in the designated flying events. However, if they choose to compete they must launch with their designated flight unless given specific permission to do otherwise. Pilots not flying in their designated event will not be allowed to compete in another event. 5 IV. REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION A. Pilots: 1. Must be officially registered with the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (AIBF). 2. Must hold a private or commercial balloon pilot certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or an equivalent rating issued by the country of the aircraft’s registry, and meet all currency requirements as outlined in the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), or the country of issuance of the airman certificate, as appropriate. Must be supported with original documents upon request. 3. Must view the videotaped, event operations briefing and the pilot briefing applicable to the particular flight that is held on the Balloon Fiesta Park prior to operating as Pilot-In-Command (PIC). 4. Must agree to abide by all FARs, AIBF rules and regulations, including any rules that are added or modified during the event and announced during any official pilot briefing. B. Balloons: 1. Must be registered with the AIBF for the events in which they are participating. 2. Must display the official 2013 AIBF gondola banner during all flight operations while participating in AIBF events. 3. Must meet certificate/airworthiness standards as follows. a. The aircraft may be certificated in any category, including experimental, provided the requirements of FAR Sections 91.7, 91.203, and 91.715 are met. FAA personnel may perform spot or ramp inspections. Prior to registration, pilots must assure AIBF that all required inspections are current. b. Foreign registered balloons that do not possess an airworthiness certificate issued by the country of registration, (as required by FAR Section 91.203) must have a Special Flight Authorization issued by the FAA prior to registration at Balloon Fiesta. c. While operating, the balloon must have within it all documents required by the applicable regulations. C. No balloon or pilot may participate in any AIBF event while carrying passengers for hire or compensation, unless they are contracted to the Official AIBF Balloon Ride Concessionaire and operating on its behalf. D. AIBF shall maintain a roster containing the name, address, certificate number, and date of last flight review of each registered pilot and the registration number, manufacturer, model, and date of aircraft annual inspection of each aircraft participating in the AIBF. A copy of each list will be provided to the Albuquerque FSDO prior to the event. E. AIBF will provide facilities for FAA personnel to monitor operations during registration and all scheduled events. 6 V. FLIGHT OPERATIONS A. Launch operations for hot air balloons under the waiver shall be under Visual Flight Rules with the following weather conditions: 1. Surface winds at Balloon Fiesta Park not in excess of 10 knots; visibility at least 3 statute miles; 2. Ceiling of at least 1,500 feet AGL; and no other known conditions contrary to the safety of flight operations at the time of launch. Competitive events already underway may be canceled if weather conditions become less favorable than the limits outlined above. B. A Public Address (PA) system installed at Balloon Fiesta Park-North, KKOB Radio 770 AM and AIBF’s VHF official weather frequency 120.65 will provide advisories for pilots, crews, and the public. These systems and AIBF Officials will be used to inform pilots of the status of their flight and updated weather information. The radio frequency of the Albuquerque International Sunport and Double Eagle II Airport will be supplied to all pilots. Each pilot and crew will also be supplied with appropriate emergency phone numbers. C. Pilot briefings will be conducted as follows: 1. Each pilot flying in Balloon Fiesta must view the video event operations briefing and the applicable pilot briefing as a condition of registration. The video briefing of Balloon Fiesta information will be available for reviewing on line. All pilots may view the safety video briefing from September 9 through September 29. All pilots that view the video briefing online and successfully complete the short test at its conclusion, will not be required to review again during Pilot Registration and may proceed direct to the Registration processing line. The video will also be shown on Wednesday evening October 2 at 1800, October 3 at 1000, 1100, 1400 and 1500 for a total of four viewings and October 4 at 1000, 1100, 1400, 1500 and 1700 for a total of five viewings during registration at a designated area. It will also be available for viewing Saturday, October 5, 2013. Special Shape Rodeo participants only will be able to view the video at the above times and Wednesday, October 9 at 1130 hours and Thursday, October 10 at 0530 hours. This presentation will review the waiver and other pertinent information to help ensure safe conduct during Balloon Fiesta. 2. Daily pilot briefings will be held at 0615 hours at Balloon Fiesta Park-North and at additional times as necessary. Evening briefings will be held at 1730 hours. Current weather information, flight schedules, event rules, and other information necessary for safe operations will be presented. VI. FIELD OPERATIONS A. An organized system for emergency life, safety, and crowd control is coordinated through the central command center through the use of an Incident Command System. This system, under the control of a single designated person, will marshal police, fire, 7 medical, security, field officials, and others as appropriate for the condition that exists. The central command center receives information on VHF radio and telephone and can transmit on VHF radio, telephone, and the public address system. B. Guests will have free access to the launch field during inflation and launch procedures. Each Pilot-In-Command shall be responsible for crowd control around their balloon during their inflation and launch. Launch Assistants and other AIBF Officials will assist in crowd control during the launch if an emergency should occur. During competitive events normal crowd control around the target areas will be the responsibility of the AIBF Officials and the Scoring Officials, following the procedures outlined above. C. Fire protection, emergency medical, and law enforcement services on Balloon Fiesta Park-North will be provided. Two fire trucks and two rescue units with Emergency Medical Technicians are available on the Balloon Fiesta Park-North during launches, one stationed at each corner of the field. An additional fire truck will be stationed at the propane area during refueling operations. Also available are medical personnel from Lovelace Health System at the first aid area in the Public Safety building. City police, county sheriff’s deputies, and private security personnel will be stationed at Balloon Fiesta Park-North during all AIBF events. D. Restricted areas will be managed as follows: 1. For the Fly-In-Task events, a target area will be flagged to restrict guest access. Only AIBF Officials and other authorized personnel will be allowed in this area. 2. For the Ring Toss events, a target area with a minimum distance of 200 ft. from the center of the Ring Toss poles will be flagged to restrict guest access. Only AIBF Officials and other authorized personnel will be allowed in this area. 3. Tether operations, if conducted, will be in a designated area and flagged to restrict vehicle access. Safety Officials and/or Chase Crews will control and monitor guests access. VII. RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Pilot-In-Command (PIC) is responsible for compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations and AIBF rules. The PIC will brief all designated crewmembers prior to their flight and ensure that they understand their duties and the provisions of the waiver. The PIC will ensure the waiver acknowledgment is signed prior to the first flight of each crewmember. No flight or event is mandatory and all flights are made at the discretion of the PIC. B. The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Balloon Fiesta coordinates field preparation and activities, approves the selection of the Balloonmeister and other key officials, and also approves information furnished to pilots and the rules governing competitive events. C. The following is a list of the Event Officials and their responsibilities: 8 1. Event Director, (Don Edwards): Is in overall operational charge of the AIBF flight operations and is responsible for good management and the smooth and safe running of all flying Events, coordinates all flight activities, coordinates with the FAA concerning flight activity during the event, works directly with the Executive Director, and President to determine any need for cancellation, prepares the waiver, rules and pilot information for approval by the AIBF Board of Directors. 2. Balloonmeister, (Sam Parks): is responsible for implementing and carrying out the operational decisions of the Event Director, coordinates all flight activities, coordinates with the Event Director during the event; briefs pilots on conditions for the day's flight, including restrictions that may apply; recommends to close the Balloon Fiesta Park for launches if unfavorable conditions for flight exist, is responsible for and directs all officials, point of contact for pilots and officials regarding problems, safety concerns, or competition related protests. 4. Assistant Balloonmeister, (Chuck Raskob): Coordinates with and assists the Balloonmeister on all activities mentioned above. Serves as the Balloonmeister for the Balloon Glow, Twilight Twinkle and Special Shape Glowdeos, or in the absence of the Balloonmeister. Advises the Balloonmeister of all matters pertaining to flight safety. Point of contact with Albuquerque Tower regarding implementation and release of airspace restrictions. 4. Chief Safety Official, (Dan Rose): Supervises Safety Officials, advises Balloonmeister of all matters pertaining to flight safety, monitor flight operations from a safety aspect, detect and correct potentially unsafe operations and counsels pilots who have violated safety and/or AIBF procedures and rules. Serves as Balloonmeister during Night Magic and Assistant Balloonmeister during other glows. 5. Safety Officials: Coordinate with and assist the Chief Safety Official on all activities mentioned above. Maintain an on-field presence during all AIBF flight operations. Coordinate with on-field law enforcement and emergency personnel in situations requiring their assistance. 6. Chief Launch Official, (Nancy Wertz): Provides an interface for communications during launches to the Launch Team via direct communication with the Event Director, Balloonmiester, and Section Leaders. Selects, trains, and supervises Launch Officials and assistants in appropriate launching procedures, emphasizing safe operations; coordinates all launch activities; and under the direction of the Balloonmeister and Chief Safety Official. 7. Assistant Chief Launch Official, (Bill Brennan): Assists the Chief Launch Official in the safe conduct of the launch and provides communication, collection and dissemination of critical information necessary during flight Operations to Launch Officials in their respective sections. 8. Section Leaders: Assist Chief Launch Official in the safe conduct of the launch. Provide communication, collection and dissemination of critical information necessary during flight Operations to Launch Assistants in their respective sections. 9. Launch Assistants (Launch Directors or Zebras): Communicate with pilots prior to and during launch via verbal or accepted visual signals for preparation and direct 9 launch activity. Clear balloons for take-off from Balloon Fiesta Park; direct crowd control during launches and special events; and advise Safety Officials of matters pertaining to balloon safety, including airworthiness and airmanship. 10. Chief Scoring Official, (Isaac Valdez): Responsible for all measurements and the scoring of competitive events and insures the competition rules are carried out as written and approved by the Event Director and the AIBF Board of Directors. Selects, trains, and supervises scoring personnel with safety being the prime concern. 11. Assistant Chief Scoring Official, (Tammy Luna): Assists the Chief Scoring Official in assuring all measured results are correct and that rules are followed by the competitors; serves as the senior AIBF Official at off-field targets; and provides crowd control around target areas as required. 12. Measurer: Collects and records results of the official markers; provides crowd control around the target areas as required and helps monitor rules infractions. 13. Weather Team, (Dan Pagliaro, John Elrick, Rosemary Williams and Rick Chadwick): Acquire latest and most accurate weather information from the National Weather Service and a variety of other sources; makes on field weather observations; interpret data as it relates to balloon flight; advise on weather issues as they relate to flight safety. Provide current continuous weather conditions to pilots and officials prior to, during flights and static displays (Glows). Brief officials and pilots on current and forecast weather conditions prior to and throughout each event. Note: Appendix A on page 11 is an excerpt of the 2013 Competition Map. All participating Balloon Fiesta Pilots should carry the actual Competition Map on board their aircraft. 10 APPENDIX A. 11 2013 ALBUQUERQUE INTERNATIONAL BALLOON FIESTA LAUNCH SCHEDULE MASS ASCENSION COMPETITION DAYS BANNER # SAT OCT. 5 SUN. OCT. 6 ODD #S 1ST WAVE 2ND WAVE 1ST WAVE EVEN #S 2ND WAVE 1ST WAVE 2ND WAVE NON COMPETITORS MON. OCT. 7 MASS ASCENSION 1ST WAVE FIT, TBA TUE. OCT. 8 WED. OCT.9** 1ST WAVE FIT, TBA SPECIAL SHAPE RODEO/ COMPETITION DAYS THUR. FRI. OCT. 10 OCT.11 SPECIAL SHAPE RODEO SPECIAL SHAPE RODEO 1ST WAVE FIT, TBA SPECIAL SHAPE RODEO SPECIAL SHAPE RODEO 1ST WAVE FIT, TBA 2ND WAVE 2ND WAVE MASS ASCENSION SAT. OCT. 12 2ND WAVE SUN. OCT. 13 1ST WAVE 1ST WAVE 2ND WAVE COMPETITORS SPECIAL SHAPES Odd and Even numbers are determined by the last digit of the banner number (001 ODD) (002 EVEN) Please note your daily scheduled flight may change due to weather and/or wind direction. 12
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