ST PIUS X COLLEGE MAGHERAFELT ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2012/2013 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 The Board of Governors 3 Mission Statement and Aims 4 Staffing 5 The Curriculum 5.1 5.2 5.3 Curricular Planning and Development Special Educational Needs Curriculum Organisation Key Stage 3 Curriculum Organisation Key Stage 4/Post 16 6 Review of the Year: 6.1 Departmental Activities 6.2 Careers Education Information and Guidance 6.3 Sports Review 6.4 Extra Curricular Activities and Initiatives 6.5 Learning Opportunities to Enhance our Collaborative Ethos 6.6 Pastoral Care 7 College Performance 8 Financial Statement 9 Premises and Resources 10 Conclusion 1 1 INTRODUCTION Dear Parents/Guardians This is the annual report of the Board of Governors of St Pius X College based on the college's performance for the year 2012/2013 as required by the Education Reform Order (1989). The Board of Governors is happy to report that the 2012/2013 college year was successful and that the requirements of the legislation were carried out in full. The Board would like to pay tribute to the Principal and all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, for their dedication to the college and for their commitment to the pupils. If the aims of the college are to be achieved then the co-operation of staff, pupils, parents and the Board of Governors in all aspects of college life is very important. The goodwill and support of parents for the work of the college over many years is appreciated. I am pleased, on behalf of the Board of Governors, to present this annual report. Monsignor Christopher O'Byrne Chairman of the Board of Governors Should you wish to discuss this report please contact the Principal: Tel: 028 7963 2186 Fax: 028 7963 2573 E-Mail: Web Address: 2 2 THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2012/2013 (1) TRUSTEE REPRESENTATIVES Rt Rev Mgr C O'Byrne (Chairman) Very Rev Fr J Gates PP Mrs U O’Kane Mr J Keenan (2) PARENTS' ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE Mr E Lynch (3) TEACHERS' ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE Mrs E Toner (4) NEELB REPRESENTATIVES Mr G Logue (Vice-Chairman) Mrs W McNicholl (5) DENI REPRESENTATIVE Mr B McErlain (6) PRINCIPAL Ms J Bartley (Secretary) MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES The Governors' main responsibilities include: (i) establishing aims and objectives for the college and the drawing up of policy statements for those areas of management where a written policy is required (ii) ensuring the Northern Ireland Curriculum is implemented and keeping the learning and teaching opportunities under review (ii) managing staff to include INSET and PRSD (iv) drawing up an admissions policy and applying it to prospective pupils (v) managing the college’s finances (vi) ensuring that the premises are properly maintained (vii) providing parents with information about the college by the issue of a prospectus and an annual report. There were 9 meetings of the Board of Governors during the year including those relating to appointments and various sub-committee meetings. 3 3 MISSION STATEMENT AND GENERAL AIMS OF ST PIUS X COLLEGE In this report, and particularly at this time of major change, the Board of Governors considers it important to state clearly through the college's Mission Statement and General Aims the college’s beliefs its aims for your children the values it wants to foster in pupils. MISSION STATEMENT ‘To promote partnership, develop talents and encourage participation’. THE COLLEGE AIMS (i) to enable all pupils to discover and develop their talents in relation to knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes in an environment where learning is an enjoyable experience (ii) to give all pupils the experience of a Catholic education (iii) to further the working partnership between the college and the community (iv) to enable pupils to realise the importance of active participation in all relevant aspects of life and to encourage them to become responsible adults. We are happy to report that the Principal and staff made every effort through planning and delivery of the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities to achieve these aims in 2012/2013. We wish to put on record our gratitude and congratulations to the Principal and staff for their hard work and success during the past year. 4 STAFFING Teaching Staff Full-time Clerical Staff Full-time Technical Staff Librarian Classroom Assistants College Chaplain Building Supervisor Cleaning Staff Supervisory Assistants 4.1 54 4 3 1 24 1 1 15 part-time 3 part-time Part- time Part-time 9 1 ENROLMENT: Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 - 147 154 154 155 161 80 89 TOTAL - 940 4 5 THE CURRICULUM It is the responsibility of the Governors to ensure that a broad and balanced learning experience is provided for all pupils through high quality teaching and learning. Our curriculum provision allows all our pupils to have the opportunities to raise standards in literacy and numeracy and develop their knowledge and skills (including cross-curricular and other skills) in all areas of learning. 5.1 CURRICULAR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT The Principal and staff made every effort to implement the aims and objectives of the Curriculum and Learning and Teaching Policies to ensure that the curriculum was delivered to all pupils throughout the college. Copies of all policies are available on request or can be viewed on the college website. On training days and during their weekly meetings teachers worked hard to develop policies, schemes of work and assessment arrangements for their subject departments. In-service courses provided through the Regional Training Unit, the North-Eastern Education and Library Board and the Examination Awarding Bodies were availed of by teachers to enhance skills and understanding. The main focus of staff development during 2012/2013 was: • Ongoing work on school improvement developing a whole college approach to Pastoral Policy and Procedures. Development, sharing and implementation of the three year CDP. • Existing provision audited and outcomes used to promote school vision and aims Evaluations of Safeguarding Pupils and PIRCH • The use of ICT in teaching and learning. Introduction to MS Pathfinders by T Jackson (Microsoft) • Demonstration of PIL site using Google Chrome • Effective use of SIMS Data for assessment to track, support and manage pupil needs and support learning • N I Curriculum and Assessment Requirements. Reporting levels of progression in the CCS. Communication/Using Number • GCE/GCSE Specifications – Ensuring a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum is provided for all pupils. • Further development of STEM across the curriculum. • SENCO – Autism / IEP’s • Effective use of self evaluation to promote Improvement Strategies across Departments • Issues relating to the health and welfare of staff and pupils- Staff WelfareEvac Chair training, Fire Safety training • Non teaching staff training- Epipen Training, Dsylexia, Sign Language training 5.2 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS There are currently 125 pupils on the Special Needs Register: Stage 1 22 pupils Stage 2 28 pupils Stage 3 20 pupils Stage 4 2 pupils Stage 5 53 pupils 5 During the year pupils were supported by a team of 24 Learning Support Assistants, 18 of whom worked with pupils who are statemented because of learning difficulties, MLD, pupils who have a diagnosis of Asbergers Syndrome, or on the ASD Spectrum, have a diagnosis of ADHD or a combination of some of the aforementioned. One member of this group also acted as a First Aider. Five of the team worked with pupils who are statemented because of a physical disability. LTSS support was offered to 8 pupils. Throughout Key Stage 3, pupils who were identified as having difficulty in Literacy and Numeracy were provided with special support. They were placed in classes where numbers were kept smaller to allow for a greater degree of individual attention. Subject areas were supported through the availability of advice from the SENCO when required. Pupils’ progress was continually monitored. In Key Stage 4, pupils studied exam courses within their chosen bands (GCSE, Essential Skills and Occupational Studies). With regard to pupils who hold statements, the advice given in the statements was made known to and followed by all teachers. Reviews and transition arrangements were carried out as required. Additional Support Key Stage 3 pupils engaged with the Learning Support Assistants in Literacy and Numeracy programmes which included Lexia, Toe by Toe and Reading Partnership. Some of our KS3 pupils also engaged with LTSS Support from NEELB. The SENCO made use of MidYIS data as a baseline for Year 8 pupils to track progress. Communication with and involvement of parents in Learning Programmes were important aspects of the provision for pupils with learning difficulties. Individual Education Plans were drawn up for pupils at Stages 3 and 4. Target-setting and reviews were carried out periodically. Individual Education Plans were completed electronically which allow the Learning Support assistants a greater input to help set and reach targets for the pupils to whom they are assigned. Staff briefings and meetings were provided for opportunities for raising staff awareness regarding the Code of Practice and the implementation and monitoring of IEP’s. Daily briefings enabled the SENCO to communicate relevant information regarding SEN pupils to the team of Learning Support Assistants. 5.3 CURRICULUM ORGANISATION KEY STAGE 3 The Northern Ireland Curriculum is in place for all year groups. General Learning Areas • • • • • • • • • The Arts; including Art and Design and Music and Drama English and Irish Environment and Society; including History, Geography and Business Studies Modern Languages (Pupils choose between French and Irish at the end of Year 9) Mathematics (including Financial Capability) Science, Technology and Design, ICT, Digital Technology Physical Education Religious Education Learning for Life and Work including Education for Employability, Local and Global Citizenship, Personal Development and Home Economics. 6 Through these Learning Areas the cross-curricular skills, Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, Assessment for Learning and Connected Learning, are delivered. KEY STAGE 4 Art and Design Occupational Studies- Design and Creativity Business and Communication Systems Occupational Studies - Business Services Careers Education Child Development Construction Occupational Studies- Carpentry and Joinery Single Award Science Double Award science Drama English Language Essential Skills (Communication) Employability Skills English Literature French Geography Health and Social Care History Home Economics Hospitality Information Technology ICT BTec Irish Learning for Life and Work Mathematics Essential Skills (Application of Number) Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies Music Physical Education Physical Education (GCSE) PSHE Religious Education Religious Education – Entry Level Qualification Technology and Design SIXTH FORM Academic Subjects Art & Design Biology Chemistry Citizenship English Literature Geography Government and Politics History Mathematics Music French Physics Religious Studies Vocational Subjects Applied Business Moving Image Health & Social Care (Single Award) Health & Social Care (Double Award) Applied ICT Performing Arts BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Sport BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Construction BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering Personal, Social and Health Education Careers Education General Religious Education GCSE English GCSE Mathematics ACETS Qualifications Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Key Skills in ICT Extended Project The Magherafelt Learning Partnership provided extended curricular opportunities for Sixth Form pupils. Through collaboration we were able to extend our Sixth Form curriculum offer to 24 courses, 11 of which were vocational. 7 6 REVIEW OF THE YEAR 6.1 DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We introduce our pupils to the experience of a Catholic education by fostering their growth in and understanding of the Faith. Our Oratory is used extensively to celebrate various liturgical ceremonies throughout the school year. Throughout the year, pupils from all year groups were provided with opportunities for extending their learning experiences beyond the classroom. Awards The Pope John Paul 11 and Muiredach Cross Awards were strengthened with a number of our senior pupils taking part. This allowed our pupils the opportunity to link college with community and parish. Through the Pope John Paul II Award the department has made a number of links with Brooklands Nursing Home, Good Morning Project, Age Concern, Hospice Shop and Age Well. A number of Year 10 and 11 pupils received a Solidarity Award from Trócaire for outstanding fundraising. Collaboration with other schools A number of year 13 pupils attended Holy Family Primary School to help out with preparation for Confirmation. College Retreats Retreat work is provided during General RE classes. It provides our pupils with time for reflecting, sharing, singing and praying. It proved to be a very successful way of sharing and enlightening spiritual experiences for the pupils involved. Penitential Services During Advent and Lent pupils had the opportunity to take part in penitential services in the school oratory. This was an important and significant time, enabling the pupils to receive and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for Christmas and the Easter ceremonies. Meditation Fr Mc Anerney has carried out meditation with all Key Stage 3 classes in the school Oratory throughout the year. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity and have gained a lot from this spiritual activity. College Masses At the beginning of the year, Mass was celebrated for the incoming Year 8 pupils and their parents. Mass was also celebrated to mark the beginning of the new academic year for each Key Stage. Leaving Masses for Year 12 and 14 proved to be a fitting end to each year group’s time with us. Masses were celebrated during Advent and Lent for staff and pupils. 8 Events September – Year 11 and Year 13 Armagh Faith Awards launch September – Talk by Holy Family – Sr Margaret about the Sri Lanka Appeal October – Gideon’s Bible presentation to Year 8 pupils October – Year 13 Talk by Maghaberry Prison on ‘Prison! Me! No Way! November – Year 13 talk by Children in Crossfire November – Month of the Holy Souls Liturgies in Oratory December – Year 12 Bag Packing at Iceland Supermarket for Cash for Kids December – Pupils helped out with Magherafelt SVDP Christmas Dinner December – Christmas Carol Service February – St Brigid’s Cross making March – St. Patrick’s Day Mass March – Trócaire Fast and talk from Trócaire Representative March – Year 13 Talk by Sr Consilio April – Armagh Youth Faith Awards Ceremony, Armagh Cathedral April – Year 12 bag pack for Kiddie Winkles Nursery Castledawson April – Year 14 pupils attended a conference with the Dalai Lama in Derry May – Prayer Service for all pupils sitting exams June – A number of Year 11 pupils attended a Pilgrimage to Knock June – Year 8, 9, and 10 – Love for Life Workshop Charity Work We were involved in two successful campaigns within the department, Children in Crossfire Advent Campaign raised £100, the Trócaire Lenten Campaign raised £2109.94. Achievements Three Year 12 pupils received their Muiredach Crosses having completed the Muiredach Cross Award. Twelve Year 14 pupils received their Pope John Paul II Award Medals having completed their Pope John Paul II Award. Kieran McNamee brought up a gift at the Armagh Pope John Paul II Award Ceremony. We thank our Chaplain Fr McAnerney for his contribution to the Spiritual Life of the college and his support both at an individual and collective level during the year. Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Two year 11 pupils travelled to Lourdes in May 2013 as youth helpers to the assisted pilgrims. Many fundraising activities took place in the college to assist them with payment of their fare. ART AND DESIGN Educational Trips To support GCSE and ‘A’ Level Year 11, 12, 13 and 14 pupils visited the CCEA “True Colours” Exhibition in The Ulster Museum Belfast in November 2012. We were lucky to have a pupil from St Pius X showcasing her work in this exhibition. Year 11, 12, 13 and 14 took part in an Educational Art Trip to Barcelona. They visited work by Piccaso, Dali and Gaudi. 9 Year 13 and 14 ‘A’ Level pupils took part in a selection of research trips to various galleries including the Ulster Museum and Naughton Galley Belfast, Horner Gallery, Castledawson Year 13 and 14 attended the Ulster Museum to visit the RUA Exhibition and completed a portrait drawing workshop. Year 11 GCSE students visited the RUA Exhibition in the Ulster Museum. Competitions Our pupils entered a number of competitions including: • Christmas Card Competition – Winner: Emma McKernan – Year 14 • Lions Club Peace Poster – Winner: Caomhe Quinn – Year 14 *True Colours Exhibition = A selection of work from GCSE, AS and A2 students from all the schools in Northern Ireland showcasing the best work at the various levels. Achievements The Art and Design Department are delighted to maintain its high standards achieving 100% pass rate at ‘A’ Level and maintaining a high standard of pass rate at GCSE. Niamh Cassidy’s (A2) work was selected for the True Colours Exhibition. CCEA selected Niamh’s work for the Exhibition which showcases the top candidates in Northern Ireland. This Exhibition took place in the Ulster Museum in November 2012. Events/Community Links Year 12 and 13 pupils painted a Christmas Scene on the windows of Magherafelt Parish Centre and St Patrick’s Primary School, Loup. BUSINESS STUDIES The Business Studies department enjoyed another successful year in which pupils were afforded many opportunities to link with the local business community. Year 10 Pupils • • • In October 2012 - Project Business hosted by Young Enterprise. This event promotes cross curricular skills such as team working and improving communication skills through group presentations. This event is planned to coincide with the Option programme in the school. During Enterprise Week – 12 to 16 October 2012 all KS3 students were given the opportunity to take part in an Enterprise quiz. A selection of Year 10 students took part in the Invest NI – Step ‘n’ Zone challenge at the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick. One of the teams won their heat and became regional winners, representing the school in the final at Invest NI head quarters on 12 December 2012. 10 Year 11 pupils • • Occupational Studies group – ongoing throughout the year educational visits to the various administration sections of the school including the office, reprographics room etc. This involved students learning practical skills through observation and actual participation in the use of equipment such as photocopiers etc. This group were successfully moderated in this unit and all students achieved the highest level – Level 2. During Enterprise Week 12 – 16 November 2012 – Nadine Donnelly from U-form spoke to Year 11 GCSE Business Studies class. GCSE Revision Classes • Both Year 11 and Year 12 revision classes took place after school during Term Two. Year 13 pupils • • • • October 2012 – Year 13 Business Studies students mentored at the Year 10 Young Enterprise days outlined above. October 2012 – Guest Speaker – Mr Paul Stewart – JC Stewarts. This talk was focused on Unit 2 of GCE Applied Business and was a compulsory element of this unit. The valuable information gained on this day allowed the students to access the relevant details required to write their assignment. November 2012 - Guest Speaker – Mr Damien McErlain – Genesis Bakery. This talk was focused on Unit 1 of GCE Applied Business and was a compulsory element of this unit. The valuable information gained on this day allowed the students to access the relevant details required to write their assignment. April 2013– the department hosted a collaborative meeting which included Business Studies teachers from Sperrin Integrated College, Rainey Endowed School and Magherafelt High School. The focus of this meeting was to prepare examination stimulus for students based on the prereleased case study for Unit 3. Year 14 pupils • • As part of Unit 9 – Enterprise in Practice – both class groups formed a minienterprise. One group was responsible for producing and selling Santa Letters whilst the other group sold cupcakes. The money raised was donated to CLIC Sargent and Pretty in Pink charities in September 2013. Money was also used to purchase resources for the department and to fund prizes for Year 10 competitions. Mr Brian McErlain – Genesis Bakery – hosted a Marketing talk to the Year 14 students on 1 February 2013. SEP Programme – Term One • Mrs McCormack delivered SAGE Accounting to 12 students from the MLP over a period of 10 weeks. All students successfully completed and passed their online examination and received their certificates. 11 DRAMA Performance related events during the year included: • • • • • • Year 13 Performing Arts pupils were involved in European Languages day celebrations for Primary School pupils, singing and dancing. At Halloween, during the Year 8 Library workshop day, Year 13 Performing Arts pupils performed an extract from Macbeth and choreographed a dance to be showcased at the event. For Open Day, Year 8 pupils and one Year 13 pupil performed an extract from the Sound of Music. One of the main aims of this was to encourage involvement from as many Year 8 pupils as possible. There was a range of singing, dancing and acting involved and it allowed for a large number of pupils to showcase their talents. As part of their studies, the Year 11 GCSE Drama class performed two pieces of devised educational theatre. They had an audience of Year 11 pupils and staff. In March 2013 the Year 13 Performing Arts class invited all junior pupils and any senior pupils who wished to attend, to an event which they planned and organised as a production team. The event was entitled ‘Strictly Come Dance Off’. The event was a huge success and was attended by two audiences of approximately three hundred pupils. The event was a great success, partly due to the fact that it showcased a range of talents and allowed for a range of age groups to become involved. The event was testimony to the hard work and talent of the pupils involved. The Year 13 Performing Arts class also performed a devised piece, which was the final unit of their Performing Arts course. The performance was centred on the theme of cultural traditions and more specifically how women are affected by cultural traditions. The pupils used a range of performance techniques, showcased a range of performing talents and produced an emotive piece worthy of high praise. Pastoral Activities: • • • • PIRCH – a group of Year 10 and 11 pupils were offered the opportunity to take part in the Drama element of the PIRCH project. Through this, pupils explored themes such as prejudice and stereotypes. They also experienced live theatre (Mixed Marriage) at the Lyric Theatre and Translations by Brian Friel at the Forum Theatre. Drama workshops were also used to facilitate the forging of relationships and the dispelling of misconceptions between Magherafelt High School and St Pius X College. Educational Trips • Year 13 Performing Arts pupils visited the MAC Theatre for a viewing of (The Man Who). This opportunity allowed pupils to experience live 12 • theatre and to develop their knowledge of performance styles and techniques. Year 11 and Year 13 pupils attended a ‘Creative Choices’ workshop in the Playhouse Theatre. The workshop was focused on Drama related careers and provided the pupils with opportunities to develop their knowedge of a range of career paths. Speakers & Workshops • Kirsty McNeill attended the college on a weekly basis, over eight weeks, to facilitate a hip-hop class for Year 8 and 9 pupils. The classes were popular and were accessible to a range of pupils. • Throughout the year, Year 13 pupils were offered extra classes at lunchtime, after school and during study periods. Approaching examination/ assessment periods all examination classes were offered extra revision/support classes. Achievements • Four pupils attended Speech and Drama lessons which were taken within the college by Amelia Deehan. All pupils involved achieved a further grade in their awards. Amelia is keen to return to the school in September to begin classes again with these pupils, or any others who are interested in beginning Speech and Drama lessons. Links with other Schools • European Languages Day – Year 13 Performing Arts pupils. • Dance and Drama performances at the Year 8 Library Workshop day. • Two x six week sessions of Drama classes for Primary Six pupils involved in the SEP programme. • PIRCH – a joint project between Magherafelt High School and St Pius X College. ENGLISH Raising Standards in Literacy The English Department, History Dept and H. E. Dept created tasks/honed existing tasks in all three strands of communication: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. • The ratification process provided by the NEELB was used to ensure that the tasks were accredited and assessed with precision. • The exemplar tasks already available (and the Speaking & Learning officer assigned to the college) were used to guide the creation/assessment of tasks for all three strands. • Internal Standardisation occurred to ensure quality and accuracy of assessment. • Lunchtime sessions were put in place to assist pupils in MB English and BB Essential skills to complete (‘to a C’ standard’) their portfolios. This was a continuation and expansion on the lunchtime literacy interventionist programmes at KS3 already in place. 13 • The recently introduced ‘pro-forma’ for the newcomers and the Common European Framework of reference was used to inform all departments/individuals what level each ‘newcomer’ is assessed at and what that level means the newcomer pupil is capable of via the college intranet. Departments/Individual teachers liaised with our assigned ‘Inclusion and Diversity’ officer, Ms Lesley Millar, and Mr Quinn to differentiate schemes, units, worksheets (where applicable) that were pitched at the level of the respective newcomer(s). Use of Library to promote Literacy • Year 8 cinema visit – National Schools Film Week – 6 Sept 2012. • Year 13 Library Induction Programme – Sept 2012. • Halloween Workshop – Armagh Rhymers & SPX Drama Group, MLP schools invited. • Open Days for Staff and pupils – 26 and 27 November 2012. • National Libraries Day – 5 February 2013 – Open Day with refreshments. • Valentine’s Day Poetry Competition – Years 8 and 9. • World Book Day – 7 March 2013 – Sponsored Readathon for Year 9, raising funds for NICFC. • Year 8 visit to Magherafelt Public Library – June 2013. Events • 6 November 2012 – Year 11 GCSE Literature visit – Lyric Theatre to see Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. • 25 January 2013 – Year 10 students took part in Cool FM Bus, ‘Road Safety’ event to produce radio advertisement about road safety. • 15 February 2013 – Year 9 student Aoife Brown (9G) won the Magherafelt District Council Environmental Youth Speak, public speaking competition (20 of our Year 9 students took part). Aoife went on to win the regional heat a month later at Limavady District Council Offices. • Easter Revision School – Year 12 students took part in GCSE English Revision Workshops with other schools in MLP. Some also took the opportunity to qualify for Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication. • 21 March 2013 – AS and A2 students visit Dublin’s Abbey Theatre to see Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’. • 3 June 2013 – All Year 12 GCSE English students invited in for final revision session with their English teacher, the day before their examination. • 21 June 2013 – CCEA film a selection of our Year 8 students being assessed for Communication (speaking and listening – group discussion) in History class. 14 Essential Skills 2012-2013 COMMUNICATION & LITERACY OUTCOMES Year 11 (14 pupils entered) Year 12 (45 pupils entered) Year 13 (1 pupil entered) Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 7% 93% 0% 0% 16% 53% 0% 0% 100% APPLICATION OF NUMBER & NUMERACY OUTCOMES Year 11 (32 pupils entered) Year 12 (35 pupils entered) Entry Level 3% Level 1 97% Level 2 0% 0% 40% 57% General The Essential Skills co-ordinator continued to provide support to the local EOTAS programme and also to a Home Tutor for one pupil. GEOGRAPHY Fieldwork in Geography Pupils had an opportunity throughout the year to participate in a variety of fieldwork activities: • • 4 October 2012 Our Year 10 pupils had a guided interactive visit of the New Giant’s Causeway Centre and stones and completed a tourism impact evaluation of the settlement of Portrush. 23 and 24 October 2012 Our Year 13 Geography class held a toffee apple sale to raise funds ahead of their field trip to Italy next year. They raised a total of £165.00 . 15 • • • • 13 February 2013 Our Year 11 GCSE pupils visited Magilligan Field Studies Centre to collate data on a river study as part of their GCSE Controlled Assessment. February 2013 Year 8 completed their College Micro-Climate study within the college grounds. 20 March 2013 Year 13 pupils had a field study day. They first visited the upper River Roe to participate in fieldwork as part of their AS Fluvial Studies. During the second part of the day they were invited to the Geography department of the University of Ulster Coleraine to take part in a geographical information systems/remote sensing mapping workshop, where they were praised for their participation. 25 & 26 April 2013 All Year 9 pupils went to Glenshane Forest to take part in an Eco-Orienteering Challenge. Certificates and prizes were awarded for best teams per class. • Collaboration with other Schools On 14 February 2013 four Year 9 Geography pupils attended a Climate Change Summit at Stormont, hosted by Frank Mitchell. On behalf of the College ECO Schools Team the pupils accepted an award for the exceptional efforts made by the college during the Airtricity Power Down Day earlier in the year. • On 13 April 2013 the Geography Department, in collaboration with the Science Department hosted our annual competition with Feeder Primary Schools. The focus for the 2013 event was the International Year of Water Conservation. The department and AS Geography mentors facilitated primary schools in the development and presentation of their work. A very successful event was hosted in the college. Competitions • KS3 Geography Competition We ran our annual Key Stage 3 Fair Trade competition during Fair Trade Fortnight beginning 25 February 2013. This year saw pupils design their own unique Fair Trade Chocolate bar wrappers on this year’s theme ‘Take a Step’. Prizes were awarded to Years 8-10 winners. • Awards Our Year 9 Junior European Studies club continued as a lunchtime club. Pupils attended regularly and communicated via an ICT communication platform with their partner schools around Europe. On 22 October 2012 students were presented with their certificates for their participation in Junior European Studies, from the Northern Ireland Co-ordinator for European Studies, Mrs Dolores Stinson. 16 HISTORY Educational Visits In June of last year a group of Year 10 pupils visited Dublin. This trip was of huge benefit in bringing the topic on the “Partition of Ireland” to life. Pupils visited Kilmainham Gaol, went to the GPO and did a tour of Croke Park. HOME ECONOMICS Achievements The Home Economics department was delighted to maintain its high standards. This year CCEA achievements were:GCSE Hospitality: Second Place: Aisling O’Neill GCSE Health & Social Care: Third Place: Katrina Quinn A Level (DA) Health & Social Care: Second Place: Aisling McNicholl Collaboration with Other Schools In 2012/2103 we continued to make a valuable contribution to the MLP with our second cohort of pupils completing their A2 level in Single Award Health and Social Care. These included pupils from Magherafelt High School, Sperrin Integrated College, Rainey Endowed Grammar and St Pius X College. In the course of their study our ‘A’ Level pupils visited a range of local primary schools including New Row PS, St Patrick’s PS, Loup, St Patrick’s PS, Moneymore, Holy Trinity PS and Holy Family PS. Links with Health Care Settings We have also been privileged to maintain our links with local businesses including Happy Days Nursery, Magherafelt to assist with the completion of tasks within Unit 1 ‘Promoting Positive Care’. The pupils also visited a number of residential homes in the local area to complete Unit 2 ‘Communication in Care-Settings’. These included:- 17 • • • • • • • • Cover Manor, Ardboe Moneymore Nursing Home Castlehill Nursing Home, Castledawson Milesian Manor, Magherafelt Marriott House, Magherafelt Marina Private Nursing Home, Ballyronan Drapersfield Nursing Home, Cookstown Brooklands Nursing Home, Magherafelt Pupils in Year 13 Health and Social Care also visited Coco and Rose to develop an understanding of the purpose of holistic therapies including reflexology, aromatherapy and back massage. Speakers and Workshops Mrs Wenda Bristow, Home Economist with the Livestock and Meat Commission, came to demonstrate to Year 10 a range of recipes using local produce, including Farm Quality Assured meat. Pupils enjoyed a very informative demonstration which focused on the nutritional value of meat, healthy ways of cooking it and how to incorporate it into a balanced diet. Breastfeeding and Parent Craft Co-ordinator Mrs Rosie Kerr spoke to the Year 12 GCSE Child Development class as part of their Controlled Assessment on breastfeeding. Cancer Choice in Dungannon work to advance education about cancer from the point of view of people with cancer in Co Tyrone and other areas in Northern Ireland. A representative from the organisation visited the school and provided invaluable information to Year 13 pupils completing Unit 6 Holistic Therapies. In order to prepare Year 14 for Unit 9 Providing Services, Maurice Corrigan Social Worker (Learning Disability) and Joe Mulholland (Ardragh Children’s Home) visited pupils to discuss their role in relation to the needs of the child. Educational Trips Year 11 GCSE Hospitality class went to the Belfast Cookery School at the Mourne Seafood Bar. This is located in the heart of the city centre, in a purpose built bright airy building equipped with state of the art equipment. This was a unique experience as the restaurant source all their shellfish from their very own shellfish beds, and have a vast culinary knowledge. Pupils got to practise these skills in specially designed individual workstations, and then sample the fare that they had made. Year 11 pupils also visited Simplicity Restaurant, Magherafelt where they observed the importance of food presentation and service roles within the hospitality industry. 18 E-LEARNING and ICT EVENTS September 2012 Microsoft Pathfinder Programme St Pius X College was selected as one of the 64 new global Pathfinder Schools by Microsoft Partners in Learning. The college joined an elite number of leading-edge schools from around the world. These schools must demonstrate a commitment to innovation and the ability to overcome obstacles in preparing their students to be 21st century learners, and must have developed Programmes that can serve as models for other schools. To be selected to the Pathfinder programme, schools must demonstrate scalable and repeatable models that can help other schools work toward their vision for transformation. Selection begins with a rigorous application process focused on educational leadership, learning vision, and the roles of students, educators, curriculum and technology in their school community. The Microsoft Innovative Schools Programme is an educational Programme that is part of Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Programme, a 10-year, nearly $500 million commitment to help transform education systems around the world by connecting teachers and school leaders in a community of professional development. As part of Microsoft’s commitment to providing real impact toward improving education and supporting a holistic transformation of learning, the Microsoft Innovative Schools Programme helps school leaders transform their school communities into environments that foster innovative teaching practices and 21st century learning by providing the tools and resources needed for greater impact on educational transformation and student preparation. Through the programme, school leaders become part of a global learning community and gain access to expert advice and mentoring. An invitation was extended for two staff members to travel to the Partners in Learning Global Forum in Prague to attend Microsoft’s premier global event for educators. Additional benefits of the one year project include: Expert coaching: The college will participate in a mentorship team coached by education experts and Mentor School leaders from a range of global educators. How-to training for educators on Microsoft technology: Detailed training from education experts who are implementing solutions in the classroom today. Virtual University workshops: These workshops are hosted by leading education experts and Mentor School leaders relating to topics on innovation and school transformation. Partners in Learning School Research tool: These surveys and reports are a complimentary research tool that help schools measure how their own innovative teaching practices develop student skills. 19 Case Studies profiles: St Pius X College will be used as global case study designed to highlight the great innovations occurring in the college and wider community, including feeder primary schools. October 2012 Katie Quinn, Year 11, successfully designed an EU poster with the aim of informing other students to be careful and safe online. Katie’s winning entry joins an elite forum of winning entries from countries including Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Austria. November 2012 Video Conferencing Video conferencing was once again used effectively in the college. On this occasion, our state of the art Tandberg equipment was used to video conference with Carrickfergus College. The college website was also updated with the latest e-safety resources. The ICT department ensured all pupils were actively involved in Safer Internet Day through display work and competitions. The online tool, Google Docs was used to facilitate an online competition based on e-safety within the college website. December 2012 Microsoft Global Forum – Prague, Czech Republic The Microsoft Global Forum took place in Prague, Czech Republic from November 28 – December 1, 2012. The Global Forum – with the theme, “Your ideas matter” brought together more than 500 of the most innovative teachers, school leaders, education leaders and government officials from 75 countries. Mrs E McStocker (ICT co-ordinator) and Mr G Duffy (e-learning co-ordinator) represented the college in Prague. Microsoft Innovative Pathfinder Schools are selected through a rigorous application process that includes written and video documentation. Year 14 students in the college led the application process with their unique view of how and why ICT is innovative at St Pius X College. January 2013 Naace Third Millennium Learning Award St Pius X College received the prestigious Third Millennium Learning Award from Naace (The professional association for those interested in advancing education through ICT). Ms J Bartley (College Principal) was presented with the Award in front of a large and enthusiastic audience at the Bett Conference, London on Wednesday 30 January 2013. St Pius X College was the first post-primary school in Northern Ireland to have received the Award and is now one of over 70 schools in the UK and abroad. The Award focuses on learning; technology is there, but now it is assumed and 20 ubiquitous; learning is now developing in new and exciting ways and the Third Millennium Learning Award aims to showcase them to the school community. Schools who undertake the Award have some interesting things going on when it comes to learning. For a start, schools are likely to be taking a more independent stand, more focused on the needs of their community; their pupils are likely to be more self-directed, their learning more personalised. Schools will have closer relationships with their communities and their pupils will be pushing the boundaries in the depth and scope of their learning. Schools engaged in the Award are capturing and sharing their good practice through the creation of a short public video aimed at parents and the school community. The video is a core part of the Award and it is supported by additional commentary that explains to educators how and why they have developed their practice in the way they have. This Award is not the preserve of school managers or consultants but reaches deeply into a school, the teachers, the pupils, the parents – everyone with a stake in a vibrant learning community. The Award video was storyboarded, directed and edited by St Pius X College A2 ICT students, under the supervision of the college’s ICT department. University of Ulster Placement For the fourth successive year The School of Computing and Intelligent Systems (Faculty of Computing and Engineering) at the University of Ulster, Magee Campus ran a 2 day Computing Insight event on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January 2013 for 30 students. The project replaced the old work experience programme with this Department. School Employer Connections (SEC) sought such a programme to make up for the lack of opportunity available in this sector. This was an excellent opportunity for students to gain insight into the work of the Computing and Intelligent Systems Department and sample life at the University. It was also an opportunity for students to explore possible career path engaging in discussions with key staff at the University of Ulster. Year 13 student, Daniel Fox represented the college. February 2013 Cool FM Workshop Mrs McStocker and a group of Year 8 participated in a Cool FM workshop. The group produced e-safety podcasts which were exhibited on the college website. Leading Educators – New Orleans, United States As part of his PQH project, Mr Duffy visited New Orleans with four other trainee head teachers. The trip was supported by British Council. Mr Duffy attended a ‘Leading Educators Spring intensive course and also visited four schools in New Orleans will take place. 21 March 2013 Momentum / Bring IT on Mrs McStocker organised a Mid-Ulster ‘Bring IT On’ event. Students from Magherafelt High School, St Mary’s Grammar School, St Colm’s High School and St Pius X College attended the Bring IT on road show. The event was supported by Momentum, the Voice of the Digital Sector in Northern Ireland, in collaboration with e-skills UK, the Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology and supported by the Department for Employment and Learning. Information was provided about the skills requirements and career opportunities with the IT sector in Northern Ireland which continues to create new jobs despite the current economic climate. It also demonstrated the variety and attractiveness of a career in IT and offered guidance on the selection of appropriate subjects. Momentum put together and presented a lively session that included videos and interactive ICT related activities which encouraged the pupils and students to work in teams to compete for prizes. DENI Visit – Minister John O’Dowd On Wednesday 7 March 2012 John O’Dowd, the Education Minister of Northern Ireland visited St Pius X College in recognition of the recent ICT accolades attained by the college. The visitors had the opportunity to meet with staff and students to celebrate success in: • Naace ICT Mark (renewal) • Naace Third Millennium Learning Award • Microsoft Pathfinder Award The minister was welcomed to the college by Ms J Bartley, (College Principal), Ciaran McKay (Head Boy) and Maggie Hagan (Head Girl). The Minister toured the college before meeting the governors and staff at a reception in the library. An informative presentation of St Pius X College’s ICT legacy and future vision was given by Mrs E McStocker (Head of ICT). The minister met with students and viewed their ICT portfolios, which included a range of websites, gaming and digital technology projects. April 2013 E-Assessment The assessment of GCSE ICT coursework/controlled assessment was supported by the use of e-candidate record sheets. All coursework/controlled assessment was submitted electronically via a secure web link to CCEA and also using DVD technology. This process eliminated the need for students to print their work and all marking was completed online. May 2013 DENI Visit On Thursday 9 May 2013, Ms Sharon Lawlor (DENI), and Brian McAuley (C2k North Eastern Team Manager) visited St Pius X College, Magherafelt in a celebration of ICT as a tool for effective learning. 22 The visitors were welcomed to the college by Ms J Bartley (College Principal) and Year 12 ICT students. An informative presentation of St Pius X College’s ICT legacy and future vision was given to Ms Lawlor and Mr McAuley, with particular emphasis on the Microsoft Pathfinder Status. Apps for Good Mrs McStocker and Mr Duffy attended an INSET course in Ballyclare High School. The ‘Apps for Good’ course focused upon effective app design and will be used throughout the ICT department next year. The mission of the organisation is to transform the way technology is taught in schools; to empower students from all backgrounds to seize the opportunities of our digital age and create solutions to the problems they care about, using technology. MATHEMATICS To help raise Numeracy standards across the college we hosted a number of events: • On Thursday 20 June 2013 Year 8 had a collapsed timetable and took part in a Using Maths Day within the college. The students were encouraged to apply mathematical knowledge they had gained throughout the year in a variety of subjects across the curriculum. They enjoyed pond-dipping to classify and record data before presenting their findings and participated in numerous experiments to calculate weights, area and volume in Science. In Technology and Home Economics they got insight into real life measurements and there were little treats to motivate them all along the way. Students mastered their techniques of scale drawing in Art and Design. History was a new addition to the day, where students got the opportunity to work with angles and measuring lengths in using a mini Trebuchet to try to destroy a castle. The day was a great success and students thoroughly enjoyed applying Mathematics to many different tasks. • KS4 and KS5 pupils got the opportunity to avail of a number of revision workshops. Easter school classes, lunch time revision and after school sessions were offered to help facilitate GCSE and A-Level examinations. In addition, GCSE pupils also received an intense two day revision session in June before their final modules. All sessions proved very beneficial to those involved. • Pupils from Year 8 – 11 were offered additional personalised support at lunchtime in the library. Activities aimed at helping the development of mental mathematics and essential life skills were organised with pupils enjoying elements of a virtual shopping street – supermarket, mobile phone shop, butchers, post office and many more. 23 • A Friday Drop-In club was established in Ma7. All pupils were invited to call in during lunch time to receive extra support and tuition on any topics they were unsure of or were finding difficult. • Essential Skills Numeracy level 2 was offered as an Easter school option to Year 13 and 14 pupils to help gain UCAS points. • In term 2 Mrs McAuley was involved in the STEM Teacher into Industry programme. She enjoyed a week’s work placement with Genesis bakery and was able to relay her experience back to the pupils. This gave everyone a valuable insight into how much Maths and Numeracy are actually featured in the world of work. Essential Skills Mr James Heagney (CCEA) visited the college to monitor quality assurance in the provision of essential skills Application of Number. The successful outcome was recognised by pupils and staff. Results achieved by pupils were: 9 pupils achieved Level 1 8 pupils achieved Level 2 and 1 pupil achieved Entry Level 3 MODERN LANGUAGES On Friday 21 September 2012 pupils celebrated ’European Day of Languages’ in the college with Year 8 pupils having a French breakfast and Year 10 pupils participating in a quiz. P7 pupils from Holy Family Primary School were involved in Drama/ Language workshops. This was hosted by St Pius X College. Competitions Pupils took part in various competitions to help further their language skills: • • • • Year 10 participated in Gael Linn Irish Language quiz in Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown on 16 October 2012 along with 91 teams from other schools. One of our teams came in 2nd place. On 6 February 2013, Year 11 pupils represented the college in the Gael Linn Irish Language Senior quiz and one of our teams came in 1st place out of 60 participating teams. In April 2013 pupils from Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 participated in the verse speaking section of Feis Dhún Geanainn and enjoyed tremendous success. St Pius X College was presented with ‘The Cardinal Ó Fiaich Cup’ which was awarded to the best post-primary school for participation and success in the feis. A scholarship to summer colleges in the Gaeltacht was also awarded from the feis committee. Pupils from Key Stage 3 participated in ‘The Fr Murray Shield’ for spoken Irish in May 2013 and two scholarships were awarded to the college as a result of our success in the competition. 24 • Pupils participated in competitions in ‘Feis Charn Tochair’ on 15 June 2012 and were very successful and were presented with 5 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 4 bronze medals. Pupils received scholarships to attend courses in an Ghaeltacht and some pupils were awarded ‘Tá’ badges, ‘Cúpla focal’ badges and silver fáinní. An Ghaeltacht 34 pupils have received places on the courses in Teileann, Co Donegal during the summer of 2013. This year, the pupils have received much funding through various competitions and schemes: • • • • Feis Dhún Geanainn Feis Charn Tóchair Comhaltas Uladh DCAL Bursaries (£100) (£160) (£320) (£2200) An information evening was held on 24 June 2013 for pupils attending the summer college of Teileann during the summer. French Club A very successful French Club met one day a week during lunch-time. The Year 9 pupils had who were involved had the opportunity to explore the French culture, DVDs and French food tasting. Revision Classes GCSE Revision Classes for Year 12 pupils ran during Terms 2 and 3. Pupils availed of these classes after school. Primary School Links Further links between St Pius X College Modern Languages Department and primary schools were developed during the year. On 14 January 2013, the P7 class from St Patrick’s Primary School, Loup spent the full day involved in French, Spanish and Irish language activities during the languages Taster Day. The Home Economics Department provided the pupils with the opportunity to prepare and eat a French breakfast. Primary 7 pupils from St Mary’s Primary School, Bellaghy were taught Irish in St Pius X College on a Monday morning between 10.00 am and 11.00 am. This session lasted for 6 weeks. GCSE Polish 3 pupils from Year 10 and one pupil from Year 11 sat the AQA GCSE Polish exams in May and June 2013. 25 MUSIC Educational Trips On 12 March 2013 a group of 30 pupils from years 10, 11, 12 and 13 visited the Nerve Centre, Derry for a Creative Choices workshop. This workshop provided pupils with an insight into careers within the Music Industry and they also had the opportunity to meet and interview songwriters and performers. Events within school • • • • The Ensemble group performed at Prizegiving on Tuesday 11 September 2012 and also at the College Open Day on Saturday 19 September 2012. The College Choir and Ensemble Group performed at the Carol Service on Tuesday 18 December 2012. The Drama and Music Departments staged a short extract from “The Sound of Music” for primary 7 pupils and their parents at the College Open Day on Saturday 19 September. Pupils from Year 8 and Year 13 took part in the performance. The College choir sang at various liturgical events throughout the year organised by the Religious Education Department. Extra-Curricular Events • • • On Saturday 23 March, pupils across a range of year groups took part in The Kilronan Concert in Magherafelt High School to celebrate 50 years of special education. Our pupils joined with the other Post-Primary schools in the area along with children from Kilronan. They participated in choir, orchestra and dance having met over a number of weeks prior to the event to rehearse with members of the Ulster Orchestra. The Traditional Group performed at St Patrick’s Day Celebrations hosted by Holy Family Primary School. Pupils from across a range of year groups successfully gained certificates in graded violin and singing exams. SCIENCE 10 October 2012 – Mrs C Hassan organised the W5 Stem Cell Debate involving Year 13 AS Biology and 4 Year 12 Double Award students. This was followed up by a debate in W5 on 1 February 2013. 10 October 2012 – Mr Hassan organised a STEM event ‘Construction and Chemical Engineering Talk’ for all the Year 12 Double Award Science students. 15 November 2012 – Mr Tohill visited W5 with the AS Physics pupils for the workshop activity ‘Future Career in Aerospace Engineering’. 27 November 2012 – Mr Hassan and Mrs O’Connor visited the University of Ulster with 50 Year 10 students for the ‘Christmas Chemistry Workshop’. 8 January 2013 – Dr Terence Henry delivered a talk and workshop on ‘Biodiversity’ with the A2 Biology students. 26 30 January 2013 – Mr Hassan attended an MLP meeting re STEM Coordinators. The following activities occurred to celebrate ‘National Science Week’:• • • • • • • • • • 13 March 2013 – Miss Hanson and Mrs Diamond hosted the Annual Environmental Science Competition for feeder primary schools (St Mary’s Bellaghy, St Trea’s Ballymaguigan, New Row Castledawson, Holy Family Magherafelt, Spires Integrated Magherafelt, St Patrick’s Loup and Derrychrin). 13 March 2013 – Mrs Hassan hosted the ‘Mid Ulster Biodiversity Project’ which involved Ciaran Burns (St Pius X College), D Rainey and S Thompson with their teacher Mr R Kirkpatrick (Rainey Endowed). In attendance was the Minister of Agriculture Michelle O’Neill. 15 March 2013 – Mr Hassan organised a ‘Year 8 STEM Day’ in the college with SENTINUS representative Mr F McCann. Mrs Hassan and 20 Year 8 pupils were involved in ‘The Dissolving Boundaries Project’ with Archbishop Machale College, Galway. Pupils from both colleges communicated with each other through the use of ‘Moodle’ and ‘Videoconferencing’. In addition the pupils made online web pages together called ‘Wikis’. Both colleges met for a day in Bundoran on 13 May 2013. 6 June 2013 – Miss Hanson met with Dr Ruth Jarman (Education Lecturer in QUB) to implement pupil awareness of ‘Science in the News Project’ in Key Stage 3 for September 2013. 7 June 2013 – Mr Hassan and Mrs O’Connor attended the ASE STEM event in St Mary’s University College Belfast. 7 June 2013 – Miss Hanson hosted Primary 2 pupils from Derrychrin on a visit to the college’s Conservation Area to extend their study of Minibeasts. 12 June 2013 – Mr Hassan attended the ‘STEM Club Initiatives’ in W5 as preparation for the launch of a science STEM club across the curriculum for 2013/2014. 14 June 2013 – Mrs Hassan and 6 Key Stage 3 students were involved in the evaluation of six science library books from the Royal Society of Science. 20 June 2013 – Science provided a range of science activities for all Year 8 pupils as part of ‘Year 8 Measurement Day’. During the year: • Mrs McElroy completed a 3-day course on ‘Self-Evaluation in Science’. • Mrs O’Connor completed a 3-day course on ‘Creating Suspense and Surprise in Science – Both of these courses were funded by ENTHUSE. Mrs Hassan and Mr Hassan both moderate coursework for Double Award and Triple Award Science for CCEA. Mrs Hassan and Mrs O’Connor mark Double Award Biology papers for CCEA. Mrs McElroy marks Single Award Science papers for CCEA. Mr Hassan marks Double Award Chemistry papers for CCEA. The experience and good practice gained by these teachers is shared within the department which is then integrated within the teaching and learning for GCSE classes. Award Caitlin McElhone obtained 1st place from 4502 candidates in CCEA GCSE Single Award Science. 27 TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN KS3 A Year 9 Technology Club has been set up one lunch time a week. Competition Time for Year 10 Technology and Design Year 10 pupils have been working as teams of Product Designs. Their brief was to design a STEM based product to help remind people to take their medication. To help and enourage pupils, the Technology & Design Department invited a local shoe designer, Anita Flavin, into the college, to explain the techniques and strategies she uses as a product designer. Ms Bartley selected the winning team and presented the prizes. KS4 A successful after school GCSE revision class, which ran for six weeks, helped the students achieve excellent results. WHOLE SCHOOL QUIZ On Tuesday 20 November 2012 all pupils in the school were involved in a table quiz. Four venues were used to facilitate this large number and each team was made up of a representative from Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 and Post16. The aim of this event was to encourage pupils from various year groups to mix and work with each other. Money raised from this quiz was used to supplement school funds. 6.2 CAREERS EDUCATION INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE (CEIAG) The aim of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in the college is to help pupils develop their knowledge, understanding, skills and experience of opportunities, to manage their career development, and make relevant informed choices, ensuring successful transition into education, training or employment and to become lifelong learners. The overall objective of effective CEIAG provision within the college is to enable pupils to become effective career decision makers, empowered to manage their own career development successfully and with due respect and care for their own needs, those of others and of their wider communities. There are 3 main aims needed to realise this objective. Aim 1: Self-Awareness and Development - identifying, assessing and developing the skills and qualities necessary to choose and implement an appropriate career plan. 28 Aim 2: Career Exploration - acquiring and evaluating information, and reviewing experiences to identify and investigate appropriate career pathways and learning opportunities in education, training and employment, locally, nationally and internationally. Aim 3: Career Management - developing skills in career planning, and employing effective career decision-making strategies to manage transition and make suitable career development choices, with the appropriate support, advice and guidance. Formal careers guidance begins in Year 10 when pupils select their subjects for GCSE. The careers teacher, parents, subject and form teachers are all involved in assisting the pupils to assess their ability in particular subjects and to see the implications of subject choices for subsequent career opportunities. In Year 11 all pupils undergo preparation for work experience. This takes place in term 1 of Year 12. This is a very beneficial programme as pupils return to school highly motivated to succeed in their GCSE examinations. In Year 12 all pupils complete mock interviews in order to improve interview skills and enhance career prospects. Pupils are also actively involved in decision making either in the context of A/AS Level subject choices or in selecting Further Education courses. In Years 13 and 14 pupils undertake a programme which focuses on selfdevelopment, career exploration and career management. Throughout the programme pupils are involved in careers guidance interviews, work placements, mock interviews, university visits and talks from visiting speakers. Extensive use is made of Computer Assisted Learning through Computer Information programmes and World Wide Web, which gives up-to-date information on careers, courses and universities. In Year 13 a more focused work placement is organised. At this stage pupils have a clearer idea of their vocational pathway. In Year 14 particular attention is paid to both the online UCAS “Apply” System and direct entry for university applications with all pupils receiving detailed instructions and assistance. Pupils are also informed of up-to-date information regarding student finance, bursaries and scholarships which are available to them. Post ‘A’ level counselling is available in the school following the pupils receiving their results in August. Careers Advisers from the Careers Service for Northern Ireland come to the college on a regular basis and participate in the delivery of the programme throughout all Key Stages. 29 Career Events 2012/2013 Careers teachers drew up a Collaborative Information Booklet for entry to Post 16. Key Stage 3 Year 8/9/ 10 Talk by QUB – Choosing GCSE’s Wisely – November 2012 Head of Department – Subject Option Talk – November 2012 Year 10 – Subjects Options Night – November 2012 Careers Service for NI – Subject Option Talk – December 2012 Year 10 – Form Teacher Interviews – Subject Options – December 2012 Year 10 – Young Enterprise – “Earn to Learn” – January 2013 Creative Choices Design Event – February 2013 MLP – Career Convention “Creative Industries & Globalisation” at Sperrin Integrated College – March 2013 STEM – Year 8 – Alternative Energy – Sentinus – March 2013 • • • • • • • • • Key Stage 4 Years 11 & 12 Application for Careers Guidance Programme – Careers Service for NI September 2012 Year 12 Work Experience – October 2012 Talk – Moving Image Art by Nerve Centre – December 2012 Young Enterprise “Success Skills” Workshop – January 2013 Year 12 – Interview Skills Day – January 2013 ‘Bring IT on’ Workshop – Rainey Endowed School – January 2012 NRC Open Day Visit – March 2012 Talk by CAFRE (Loughry/Greenmount/Enniskillen) – Feb 2013 Post 16 – Options/Information Night – Fenruary 2013 Year 12 – Talk by Rutledge – March 2013 Momentum ‘Bring IT on’ Workshop – St Pius X College – March 2013 Talk by Wrightbus Apprenticeship – March 2013 Creative Choices Music Workshop Derry – March 2013 NRC Open Day Visit March 2013 Talk by Northern Regional College (NRC) – March 2013 Talk by South West College – March 2013 Year 12 Leavers Talk Careers Service for NI – April/May 2013 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Post 16 Year 13 • • • • • • • • • • • Induction – September 2012 Henry Group – Work Inspiration Programme – October 2012 Pre-arranged work placement – Midwifery – October 2012 Investigating Science in the Workplace at W5 – November 2012 Insight into Optometry – Braid Valley Ballymena – November 2012 NI Music Therapy Information Session – November 2012 Queen’s – Management School Taster Day – January 2013 University of Ulster – School of Computing & Intelligent Systems Workshop – January 2013 Clinical Psychology Open Day – Knockbracken Healthcare Park – February 2013 Talk by CAFRE – February 2013 Work Experience (4 days) – February 2013 30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scottish 7 University Talk – February 2013 Talk by Liverpool John Moores University – March 2013 STEM talk by QUB “Maths” at Rainey Endowed School – March 2013 Talk by Scottish Universities – Queen Margaret/Abertay/Dundee & Napier – March 2013 Talk by Limerick & Dublin Institute of Technology / CAO system – March 2013 UCAS Higher Education Event – King’s Hall Belfast – March 2013 Talk by University of Ulster – March 2013 Talk by Queen’s University – April 2013 Open Morning – Speech and Language Therapy – Mid Ulster Hospital – April 2013 Open Day – Physiotherapy at Robinson Hospital Ballymoney – April 2013 Talk by Galway University – April 2013 Talk by Northern Regional College (NRC) – April 2013 Information Session for Mid Ulster Summer Scheme – April 2013 Stranmillis University College Open Day – May 2013 Pre-arranged work placements – Prosthetics Department Craigavon Hospital – June 2013 Year 14 • Parents’ Information Evening – UCAS and Finance – August 2012 • University of Ulster – Open Day – September 2012 • Queen’s University Belfast – Open Day – September 2012 • St Mary’s University College – Open Day – September 2012 • Talk by Liverpool John Moores University – “Importance of Personal Statement” – September 2012 • Queen’s University Belfast – Management school Parent Evening – Oct 2012 • UU – Faculty of Art, Design & Built Environment Information Evening – October 2012 • University of Ulster – talk by Built Environment & Civil Engineering October 2012 • Dietetics Open Day – Antrim Hospital – November 2012 • Talk by CAFRE – November 2011 • Mechatronic/Mechanic Engineering Insight Day – University of Ulster – November 2011 • School of Health Sciences – Open Evening – University of Ulster – Nov 2012 • Pre-arranged work placement – Health Professions (Radiography) – Nov 2012 • Humanities Open Evening – Queen’s University Belfast – November 2012 • Talk by CAFRE – November 2012 • Pre-arranged work placement – Kilronan School – December 2012 • HPAT training event – January 2013 • Interview Skills Day – January 2013 • Pre-arranged work placement – Craigavon Hospital (Nursing) – Feb 2013 • St Mary’s University College Belfast – Interviews – February 2013 • Talk by Belfast Metropolitan College – March 2013 • Nursing Workshop Evening with Roisin McSwiggan – March 2013 • NEELB Student Finance Workshop for pupils & parents – March 2013 • Workshop by local Social Worker – April 2013 • Talk by Northern Regional College (NRC) – April 2013 • Talk by Bank of Ireland / GAA Academy – “Budgeting at University” – April 2013 • CBI – Motivational Talk by Kirsty McManus – April 2013 31 6.3 SPORTS REVIEW The aim of physical education and sport is to promote the physical, health, social and psychological development of all pupils. The PE curriculum and programmes for sport, games and competitions aim to: • make pupils aware of the benefits for them in terms of healthy life-styles and physical well-being. • develop sports skills. • develop an awareness of team work. • develop self-discipline. The sports facilities of the college were fully used throughout the year. We also made use of the facilities offered by the local council in particular Meadowbank Sports arena, golf course and allweather pitches. We made use of various football pitches in the local community. We were delighted to share our excellent facilities during the year Magherafelt Rossa’s use our Sports Hall and pitches for under age training and the Titans Basketball Club also availed of our Sports Hall. In addition to the compulsory physical education curriculum a wide range of games, competitions and sporting activities for both boys and girls was provided during 2012/2013. The range of sports activities and experiences included aerobics, athletics, basketball, camogie, cross-country, circuit training, Gaelic football, golf, gymnastics, health-related fitness, netball, rugby, soccer, swimming, tennis, unihoc, volleyball and hand ball. Throughout the year pupils enjoyed and benefited from additional support for a range of activities. The Rugby Development Officer, Peter Stewart brought the skills of rugby to many of our pupils. We are developing Table Tennis as part of our Healthy Schools Initiative with Table Tennis Coach, Amanda Mogery who participated in the Commonwealth games. We took part in a wide range of in-college competitions which provided opportunity for all pupils to take part. These included: • • • • • Athletics – track & field/sports day Basketball tournaments Camogie tournaments Gaelic football tournaments Swimming competitions Throughout the year individual pupils and teams were entered for Area Board, Regional and Provincial competitions. These included: 32 Sports Hall Athletics • • Year 11 GCSE pupils assisted with Holy Family KS1 Year 11 pupils assisted with KS2 Swimming • • Ulster – Oran Bradley, Peter Brown GCSE PE pupils received Bronze Medallion / Life Saving Award Cross Country • • • • Minor Boys Minor Girls Junior Boys Junior Girls Ulster Schools Camogie • • • • • Year 8 – 14 Teams Year 8 Ulster Blitz Semi-Finalists (1st time) U14 Ulster Blitz Finalists – Corn an Athair O’Daibhis Cup. Junior Team – ¼ Finalists Corn Eimhear Cup (A) U19 Team Finalists Corn an Athair O’Daibhis Cup (B) – 1st time Derry Schools Camogie • • Year 8 Co Derry Blitz - Finalists U-14 Co Derry Blitz - Finalists Ulster All Stars • • • • Maggie Hagan Aimee Devlin Caoimhe Glass Inter Provincial Competition for our All-Star Winners Ulster Colleges Football (Boys) • • • • • • • • • • Ulster Colleges Football Year 8-14 Teams Ulster Year 8 Blitz D’Alton Cup – Year 9 Corn na nÓg Cup – Year 10 Brock Shield – Year 11 Champions Rannafast Cup – Year 12 MacLarnon Cup – Year 13 & 14 O’Doherty Cup – Year 13 & 14 – ¼ finalists Derry Minor Fitness Programme – Monday lunch time Anthony Begley Gaelic All-Star Trials 33 • • • Elite Athlete University of Ulster – Lee Martin Ryan McFall Tournament – Year 8 / 9 Bosco O’Neill Tournament – Year 10/11 Derry Development Officer took Year 8 Gaelic on a Monday – Emmett Stewart Ulster Ladies Gaelic Football • • • • • • Ulster Ladies Football Year 8 – 14 Teams Year 8 Blitz Under 14 Team Under 16 Team Under 20 Team All-Star Trials Soccer • • • Year 10 – Coleraine District Cup Year 11 – Irish Society Shield Champions Year 12 – Northern Ireland Shield Finalists Rugby • • Coaching for Year 8/9 boys by Peter Stewart – Ulster Primary Development Officer Ulster Rugby Match – Ravenhill (PIRCH programme) Handball • • • • Early Bird Handball Breaktime/Lunchtime Handball Beat the Teacher – Year 13/14 Handball Coaching – Year 10 boys/girls Basketball • • • • • • • • Year 9 girls coached by Mr Fintan Colgan – Active Community Coach Early Bird Basketball Breaktime Basketball Lunchtime Basketball NEBSSA Year 8 Basketball Blitz – Runners Up Holy Family PS (2 x 6 week block after school) with outreach student Basketball Tournament for Year 8 Intake x 2 days Cool FM Rip & Run Road Show - Year 13 B.Tec - Year 8 boys/girls - Year 9 boys/girls - Year 10 boys/girls - Year 11 boys/girls Won by Mr Peter Young on Cool FM Quiz 34 Golf • Mr D O’Neill & Mr N Hassan took responsibility for after school golf Table tennis • • • • • • • Coach – Amanda Mogery – Ulster Development Officer. U15 Boys Ulster Cup Champions U14 Girls Ulster Cup Finalists U15 Boys All Ireland Club Table-Tennis Competitions. Earlybird, breaktime, lunchtime Table Tennis Table Tennis Tournaments Year 8/9/10 boys and girls Magherafelt Learning Partnership • 6.4 Link with Kilronan School Swimming Programme (September – March) Year 13 and Year 14 boys and girls EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND INITIATIVES St Pius X College aims to provide for its pupils physical, social and personal development through the provision of a wide range of activities, both time-tabled and extra-curricular. The academic curriculum of the college is, therefore, enriched by a varied programme of sports and activities designed to allow pupils to pursue and develop individual interests as well as to inculcate a sense of community and team work. Our extra-curricular activities were greatly enhanced during the year to help extend learning opportunities for our pupils. These were scheduled before school, during break and lunchtime. Many pupils participated in a wide range of activities and clubs. These include: Before school: Early Bird Basketball, Handball, Table Tennis and Library Clubs. Break and Lunchtime: Basketball, Soccer, Maths Fun Club, Staff Welfare Health Club, Traditional Music Club, Cross Country Club, Futsal Club, Greenfingers Club, Boot Camp, Mini-soccer Club, Junior Debating Club, Paired Reading Programme, Student Council Meetings, Choir, Ensemble Group, Rock Group, Instrumental Tutors, Voice Tutors, Ski Training, Computer Club, Pope John Paul 11 Award, Handball, Table Tennis, French Club, Walkie Talkie’s Club, Irish Dancing, History, Art and Junior European Studies Club After School: Art and Craft Club, Soccer, Ski-Trip, Drama Groups, Gaelic football – Boys and Girls, Rugby Training, Multi-sport Fun 35 Sessions, Coursework Club, Aeorbics Club, Hip- Hop Dance Club, Speech and Drama Club, Camogie Training, Homework club, Handball and Table Tennis.. Summer Scheme: St Pius X College in partnership with The Living and Learning Together project has offered a summer scheme to children from feeder primary schools. The school was inundated with applications and had 150 children taking part each week. A range of activities took place, from dance, football, orienteering to games. The objectives of the sessions are to encourage the young people to be more active and to enjoy sampling new sports/activities. Teachers in St Pius X College Peter Young and Padraig O’Kane have co-ordinated the range of activities on offer and their enthusiasm has really made the summer scheme a fun activity for the kids. The summer scheme ran from 1 July until 13 July. ECO SCHOOLS St. Pius X College has an active Eco-School committee. They have been involved in a number of projects in meeting the Green Flag targets. A number of duplex, double sided printers have been purchased to help reduce the quantity of paper and general waste consumed within the college. The college also participates in the annual Magherafelt Spring Clean which is run by Magherafelt District Council. Energy consumption is carefully managed by pupil energy monitors, whilst technology permits auto-sensing lighting. Biodiversity in the college is supported by an active conservation area, complete with a pond, and gardening club. Links with feeder primary schools have been formed through Virtual Learning Environments within the community. Additionally, bird boxes have been designed by pupils and sited in appropriate areas. Pupils take the responsibility of completing ‘blue bin’ recycling each week in the college. Senior management in the college took the unique step in March 2010 of transferring the ‘black bin’ waste contract to Recyco Waste, an environmentally safe company that recycles waste into solid recovered fuel. The actual flag pole was kindly sponsored by Recyco Waste. Printer ink cartridges, mobile phones and even clothing are recycled in the college. Camara, a charitable organisation also assisted in the transport of redundant computers to developing educational communities in Africa. ICT opportunities are fully exploited as pupils take responsibility for maintaining the Eco-Schools notice-board and website. Pupils have also developed the College Eco-Code, which is embedded into action through inclusion in the homework diary and it is prominently displayed in all classrooms. In June 2013 the Green Flag was renewed. Judges were highly impressed with the enthusiastic commitment to environmental issues by the eco committee in the college. 36 HEALTHY SCHOOLS As a health promoting school we provided stimulating challenges for all our pupils through a wide range of physical, academic, social and community activities. We actively promoted pupils’ self-esteem and self confidence through the provision of opportunities to contribute widely to the life of the school. This enabled pupils to take initiatives, make choices and exercise responsibly for their own health and that of others Heartstart Programme One of the main focuses this year was to re-launch the Heartstart Programme to all Year 9 pupils. Heartstart UK is an initiative co-ordinated by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to teach members of the public what to do in a life-threatening emergency. It focuses on emergency life support (ELS) skills that can help to keep someone alive until professional help arrives. The Heartstart UK Schools Programme delivers ELS training for pupils so they learn when and how to act in a life-threatening emergency. The programme allows maximum time for practice and hands-on learning using resuscitation training mannequins. This was successfully achieved and delivered by Mr P O’Kane, Mr S Doyle, Mrs A Mulholland and Mrs E McNeill. Developing links with Outside Agencies This year also saw a new partnership develop with Sky Sports Living for Sport. Sky Sports Living for Sport is a free secondary schools initiative that uses sport starts and sport skills to: • Boost confidence • Change behaviours • Increase attainment • Improve life skills This year saw Sensei Joe Hagan from Cookstown Kickboxing Dojo working with a group of Year 11 and 12 pupils in the ‘Introduction to Kickboxing’ programme. It also involved Sky’s international athlete mentors Charlotte Hartley (ex England Hockey player) and Anthony Clarke (ex England Badminton player) visit the college and help develop the pupils through the ‘six steps to success’ programme. 37 Health Action Awards The college also gained recognition in Healthy Schools this year by winning the Gold Award for Action Cancers Health Action Awards. Within the curriculum Action Cancer also visited the college to speak to our sixth form pupils in a workshop raising awareness on the dangers of alcohol, smoking, diet and drug abuse. TRAVEL Ski Trip In March our pupils travelled to France for the annual Ski Trip. 63 Year 10 pupils and 6 members of staff travelled to Montgenerve. Preparation for the trip was thorough as all members of the trip participated in a rigorous fitness programme and attended Craigavon Dry Ski Slop for lessons during the months leading up to the trip. Staff and pupils had the opportunity to ski during the day, and in the evening the group took part in a variety of evening activities including attending Mass celebrated in French, Town Trail, Bum Boarding, Disco, Monty Express and Quiz Night and an unforgettable Pizza and Karaoke night in Italy. The relationships formed and developed by our pupils within their own year group, with their teachers and instructors were excellent throughout the week. All pupils bonded excellently and returned home with exciting memories. Every student from complete beginner to the more advanced learned many new skills on the slopes. Teachers were extremely proud of the pupils who represented our college and were thankful all arrived home safe and sound and more mature and responsible. 6.5 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE OUR COLLABORATIVE ETHOS We continued to show our commitment to local, national and global charities. Various year groups worked with charitable organisations throughout the year including: • • • • • • • St Vincent de Paul Trocaire Hope Christmas Shoe Box Appeal Lourdes Fund Concern’s Christmas Appeal Action MS MacMillan Cancer COLLABORATION WITH OTHER SCHOOLS This year saw the continuation of the Extended Schools Programme with Derrychrin PS, Mullinahoe and St Peter’s Moortown. The school is attracting more students from these feeder primaries as a result of increased links. This year 40 primary seven students attended classes in term 1 and then 40 primary six students 38 in term 2 for 8 weeks. programme. Again SEP students assisted in the delivery of the The Modern Language Department continued with their outreach programme to our feeder primary schools. This included hosting the European Day of Languages activities for Holy Family PS as well as delivering a series of Irish Language lessons to Loup and Bellaghy primary six and seven students On 12 December the feeder primary schools principals were invited to meet the new principal of St Pius X College and reacquaint themselves with the many opportunities to develop more links with our school. A presentation was given to this effect and accompanying booklet provided. Mr Ciaran Quinn, as Literacy Co-ordinator piloted a ‘Creative Writing’ programme with Anahorish. This was very successful and will be rolled out to other schools next academic year. Holy Family PS enabled 4 Year 14 St Pius X students to gain invaluable teaching experience in physical education over a period of 10 weeks when our students assisted the teaching staff there. Sharing Education Programme Magherafelt Learning Partnership is now in its third and final year of the Sharing Education Programme. The core project offers an extended timetable of enhanced qualifications and an enrichment programme to Year 13 students. Students are offered a menu of up to 30 classes which range from ECDL to Emergency First Aid. The classes are scheduled during one shared timetable block and between 4 and 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes are delivered in two blocks ranging from 8 – 10 weeks. All Year 13 students from the college participated in the project. St Pius X College also hosted a very successful Easter Revision School which hosted 660 GCSE and A Level students from across the MLP in intensive revision classes. This year we supported the Kilronan School’s 50th Year Special Needs Commemoration – ‘Let’s Celebrate’/ This was a huge collaborative project involving the MLP, the Rural Partnership and RicMusic. The largest contribution of students came from St Pius X College who lent their services to music, dance and stage management. Principal, SEP co-ordinators, teaching staff, governors and students attended a very enjoyable celebration event marking the close of the project. This was hosted in Magherafelt District Council. Magherafelt Learning Partnership Our partnership with other schools was a focus of our College Development Plan. The development of the Magherafelt Learning Community continued through: • Regular Principals’ Meetings • Pastoral Vice-Principals drawing up a common Anti-Bullying; Educational trips and Public Transport Use Policy • Curriculum Vice-Principals promoting collaboration at Post 16 level by scheduling a Collaborative Block for option choice at AS and A2 level 39 • • • • • 6.6 ICT Co-ordinators drawing up an e-Safety policy for use within the partnership. Individual department members meeting and sharing resources SENCO’s from each school planning a successful Autism Awareness Day in which MLP schools, their feeder primary schools, NEELB personnel and parents of Autistic children attended. Careers teachers continuing working towards quality provision of careers advice and guidance for collaborative subjects Link teachers developing monitoring systems to track performance and attendance of collaborative pupils. PASTORAL CARE The pastoral care programme in St Pius X College is dedicated to the religious, social, moral and personal development of the child. It permeates every aspect of college life so that all members of the college community feel valued as they grow together through their experiences and relationships. Such relationships are at the core of the pastoral programme in the college. Child Protection We are fully committed to the principles of Child Protection outlined in Pastoral Care in School: Child Protection DENI 1999. ‘As well as their statutory responsibilities in relation to pupils’ learning, schools have a pastoral responsibility towards their pupils and should recognise that the children and young people in their charge have a fundamental right to be protected from harm. In particular, schools are expected to do whatever is reasonable, in all circumstances of the case, to safeguard or promote their pupils’ safety and ‘wellbeing’. The Designated Teachers for Child Protection are: Ms J Bartley Mrs E Toner Mr J Mulholland The Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection are Key Stage 3 - Mrs I Mc Cann Key Stage 4 - Mrs C Bell Sixth Form - Mr P Kerr A detailed Child Protection Policy document is available on request from the college office or can be downloaded from our website Key Stage 3 Year 8 Induction Programme • Young Enterprise (Your School Your Business programme for all pupils and mentors • Year 8 parents joined their children for the celebration of Mass and introduction to Form Teachers • Year 8 went to the Cinema at Junction One at Halloween 40 • • • • Year 8 took part in Road of Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal Year 8 representatives made a presentation to primary schools in January Bank of Ireland representatives made a presentation to pupils to support the Financial Capability curriculum Year 8 pupils took part in an Action MS assembly to prepare for the Action MS walk which successfully raised £3,400. YEAR 9 / 10 Year 9 • • • • • Cinemagic – in partnership with Sharing Education Programme 9F and 9G participated in 4 days of workshops with MLP schools. The focus was reconciliation through the medium of film. Two students from each school were successful in securing a place on the Cinemagic summer camp - a week long event. Winners from Year 9 were Courtney McKerr 9G and Shauna McAtamney 9F. November- Anti Bullying Week Competition – we subscribed to the Northern Ireland Anti Bullying forum using their resources to teach related lessons in PSHE class. A special assembly was held as well as an anti-bullying poster competition Christmas trip – Jet Centre Year 9 pupils in St Pius X College participated in Phase One of STAMPP – government funded “Misuse of Alcohol” programme during 6 weeks of PSHE lessons. Get Set Inspire – Aspire Olympics Competition – students all completed the entry for competition – 9 winners were forwarded to UK finals. Five students were short listed in the Northern Ireland finals to attend a reception in Stormont on 20 June. Gold Award Orla Murray – 9I Aoife McSwiggan – 9G Silver Award Aoife Farren – 9G Bronze Award Nicole Scullion – 9F • • Environmental Youth Speak Competition – Aoife Brown – 9G was the winner of the North West Junior Regional Finals and spoke at Magherafelt District Council Four 9I pupils represented the college at Climate Change Summit at Stormont Year 10 Options Programme Term 1 • • • • 6 November 2012 – Option Introduction Talk 13 November 2012 – HOD Options Talks 15 November 2012 – Information Evening & Parent/Teacher Meeting 27 November 2012 – QUB – Choosing GCSE Wisely 41 • • • • • • • • 4 December 2012 – Careers Service Presentation 25 January 2013 – Thirty Students had the brilliant experience of creating their own jingle on the Cool FM Bus. The focus was Road Safety and was in partnership with the DOE. Four students were then invited to the Cool FM station for a day Trocaire Fundraising – Year 10 students participated in Trocaire’s Blue Event Fundraising Campaign during Lent. On 8 March students gave up their mobile phones for 24 hours managing to raise £1075.72 in the process All Year 10 students participated in Magherafelt Learning Partnership’s Careers Convention hosted in Sperrin Integrate College on 21 March April 2013 – Year 10 students took part in the MLP’s Anti Social Behaviour Project delivered in partnership with the PSNI and Agewell. Students were given a talk followed up by a poster competition. The winners of this visited the Cool FM Bus 13 June 2013 – Fifty Year 10 students went to see ‘The Lion King’ in the Bord Gais Theatre in Dublin June 2013 – A series of workshops on alcohol and drug misuse was facilitated by TIPSA. All students participated 11 June 2013 – All Year 10 students attend Live is for Life Workshop Key Stage 4 Year 11 • September 2012 – Year 11 pupils attended a talk given by The Armagh Diocesan Youth Council • December 2012 – Year 11 pupils enjoyed a Film afternoon • February 2013 – Aware Defeat Depression (Mood Matters programme delivered to all Year 11 classes) • April 2013 – Bun sales were held to raise money for two Year 11 pupils travelling to Lourdes on the Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage • June 2013 - Year 11 pupils enjoyed a summer outing to Antrim Omniplex and Junction One. Year 12 • 25 September 2012 - Tree of Knowledge • 9 October 2012 – Breakfast celebration and awarding of certificates to successful Essential Skills Literacy & Numeracy students • 25 and 26 October 2012- Work Experience • 6 November 2012 – Cancer Awareness Talks • 11 December 2012 – The Nerve Centre Derry (Careers Talk) • 19 December 2012 – Post-16 Taster Day • 8 January 2013 – Success Skills • 17 January 2013 – Mock Interviews • 25 February 2013 – CAFRE Talk • 5 March 2013 – Wrightbus Talk • 5 March 2013 – NRC Talk • 50 Year 12 pupils attended NRC Open Day and talk by South Western College - Dungannon • 23 April 2013 – Year 12 End of Year Mass • All pupils participated in Love Is For Life workshop. • Year 12 Core Subject Revision Programme • Presentation of Progress Files and Rewards 42 Sixth Form Enrichment Programme Through the Sharing Education Programme, pupils undertook courses in: Emergency First Aid and sports Injury / Introduction to Reflexology / Food Life Skills / Motor Vehicle Studies / Referee Laws of the Game / A Level Clay and Paint / Aromatheraphy & Massage / Solidworks / Introduction to Ethics / A Level Biology Support / Using AutoCAD / OLA Spanish / Ecommerce Entrepreneurs / Introduction to Manicure / Grade 5 Music Theory / Video Capture and Editing / ECDL / Foundation Level (Football) GAA Coaching / Introduction to Law / GCSE Journalism / Young Applicants in Schools and Colleges Schemes (YASS) / Extended Project Qualification / Sage @ School Student Training Course / GCSE English Language Repeat / Survival Cookery / Junior Golf Leaders’ Award / Sports Leaders’ Award / Teaching Assistant / Developing Computer Gaming / Photoshop / Creative Writing / Creative Crafts The Governors acknowledge the work of all teachers concerned in these activities and projects and also the co-operation and support of parents. They also appreciate the goodwill and spirit shown by other schools. 43 COLLEGE PERFORMANCE 2012/2013 KEY STAGE 3 – Year 10 - LEVELS OF PROGRESSION: SUBJECT ENGLISH / Communication • • RESULTS 2010 (current Year 13) RESULTS 2011 (current Year 12) RESULTS 2012 (current Year 11) RESULTS 2013 (current Year 10) 67.8% 73.4% 66.1% 72% Level 5 and above 30.2% Level 6 and above Using MATHEMATICS • • 25.3% 67.1% Level 5 and above 67.3% 35.2% Key Stage 4 Assessment Outcomes 19% (TA levels) 71% 27.5% Level 6 and above 15.1% 70% 51% 38% Results of GCSE by subject (% Grade Analysis) Subject Art & Design Business Studies Child Development Construction Design and Tech English Language English Literature French Geography Health & Social Care History Hospitality & Catering Information Tech Irish Mathematics Motor Vehicle Studies Music Personal & Social Educ Religious Studies Science Single Award Sport/PE Studies Entries 26 11 17 39 16 124 44 11 16 21 47 28 80 19 124 16 2 156 139 75 22 Science Double Award 68 A* 15.4 0 0 0 0 0.8 2.3 0 12.5 4.8 0 0 3.8 10.5 0 0 0 1.3 3.6 5.3 13.6 A*A 7.4 A 38.5 9.1 0 28.2 6.3 0.8 27.3 9.1 25 14.3 21.3 28.6 32.5 31.6 10.5 0 0 25 18.7 21.3 22.7 AA 16.2 U = Pass grade not achieved X = Absent from B C 15.4 27.3 17.6 41 31.3 19.4 50 9.1 43.8 38.1 23.4 25 38.8 21.1 25 0 100 32.1 24.5 34.7 18.2 AB D 30.8 27.3 35.3 25.6 56.3 43.5 20.5 54.5 18.8 33.3 34 21.4 18.8 5.3 35.5 0 0 23.7 20.1 22.7 13.6 BB 20.6 Examination E 0 18.2 29.4 5.1 6.3 32.3 0 18.2 0 9.5 12.8 25 5 21.1 15.3 62.5 0 11.5 17.3 13.3 22.7 BC 23.5 19.1 0 9.1 11.8 0 0 3.2 0 9.1 0 0 6.4 0 1.3 10.5 11.3 31.3 0 3.8 7.2 1.3 9.1 CC 2.9 F G 0 9.1 5.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 6.3 0 1.9 5.8 1.3 0 CD 4.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0.6 1.4 0 0 DD 5.9 U X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 A*-C 100 63.6 52.9 94.9 93.8 65 100 72.7 100 90.5 78.7 75 93.8 68.4 71 0 100 82.1 66.9 84 68.2 A*-C 91.9 A*-G 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98.6 100 100 A*-G 100 Pupils in Year 12 Number of Pupils in Year 12 161 Pupils with Statements 8 Entries for GCSE Examinations Number of Subjects 22 % Entered for 5 or more Subjects 100% % Entered for 1- 4 Subjects 0% Results of GCSE Examinations GRADES A* - C Achieving Achieving 5+ A*- C 1 - 4 A*- C 77% 21% Achieving 5+ A*- G 97% GRADES A*- G Achieving Achieving no grades A*-G 1 + A*-G incl. those not entered 100% 2% 44 Sixth Form Assessment Outcomes Pupils in Year 14 Number of Pupils - Year 14 87 Number with Statements 0 Results of GCE Examinations No. of Subjects 21 % of those pupils achieving 3 or more passes at Grades A - C 2 or more passes at Grades A - E 56% 100% Results of GCE by subject (% Grade Analysis) Subject Art & Design Biology Business Studies (Voc) Chemistry Citizenship English Literature Geography Health & Social Care (SA) History Home Economics Information Technology (Voc) Mathematics Moving Images Music Physics Psychology Religious Studies Entries 8 22 25 2 9 4 19 21 12 1 19 10 1 2 10 1 19 A* A 12.5 0 12 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A*A Health & Social Care (DA) Engineering (BTEC) Construction (BTEC) Sport (BTEC) AA 19 5.3 3 9 13 DIST* 66.6 66.6 0 U = Pass grade not achieved B 50 13.6 28 100 11.1 0 5.3 4.8 0 0 73.7 40 0 0 10 0 10.5 10.5 DIST 0 22.2 77 C 25 18.2 44 0 22.2 25 26.3 71.4 16.7 0 15.8 10 100 0 40 100 31.6 D 12.5 22.7 12 0 55.6 25 36.8 23.8 33.3 100 10.5 10 0 50 40 0 42.1 AB BB 26.3 MERIT 33.4 0 15.4 31.6 PASS 0 11.2 7.6 E 0 18.2 4 0 11.1 0 26.3 0 16.7 0 0 20 0 50 0 0 15.8 BC U 0 27.3 0 0 0 0 5.3 0 33.3 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 CC 10.5 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 CD 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5.3 0 X = Absent from Examination 45 DESTINATIONS OF COLLEGE LEAVERS (Year 12 and 14) Number of Leavers 2012/2013 65 (Year 12) Higher Education % 68% Further Education % N/A Other School % 10% Job Skills Employment % 14% % 1% Other/ Unknown % 7% 87 (Year 14) 77% 15% N/A N/A 1% 7% ATTENDANCE RATE 2012/2013 Total No of Possible Attendance Sessions 346751 Total No of Sessions Attended 327292 % Attendance 94.4% Total number of pupils with full attendance = 36 ADMISSIONS and ENROLMENT – September 2013 Number of Applications 157 8 Number of Admissions 154 (inc 13 Statemented) Total Enrolment 933 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR YEAR = April 2012 – March 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL DELEGATED COLLEGE BUDGET Teaching Staff Costs Non-Teaching Staff Costs Fuel & Electricity Water Cleaning & Toilet Requisites Waste Disposal Building Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Furniture, Fittings, Equipment Books and Practice Materials Examination Fees Supplies and Services (Link courses, Contractual cleaning etc) Transport Establishment Expenses (Office supplies etc) Gross Expenditure: Less Income Net expenditure £3,977,771 £2,948,326 £253,640 £131,632 £8,859 £9,951 £3,236 £9,620 £7,895 £2,146 £116,422 £59,616 £195,552 £10,928 £33,400 £3,791,223 £14,747 £3,776,476 46 9 PREMISES and RESOURCES The Governors are pleased to note their appreciation of all staff members for the provision of such excellent working conditions. In endeavouring to maintain standards of safety, security and environment the following work was carried out during the year: • Health and Safety Audit • Inspection of portable electrical appliances and repair or scrapping of equipment as necessary • Upgrade and renewal of computer equipment (ongoing, funded from budget balance) • Development of play facilities/equipment for break and lunch activities • Various minor maintenance works carried out internally and externally • The effectiveness of all existing security measures is continually monitored and upgraded as necessary • Roofing issues highlighted, work completed • Painting work completed on main corridors within college • Refurbishment of resources in order to accommodate pupil population (i) Development of Music / ICT provision (ii) Development of Music Room (iii) Carpeting of Business Studies Rooms (BS1 and BS2) and Music Room 10 CONCLUSION The Board of Governors wishes to acknowledge the work and commitment of the Principal and teaching, secretarial and technical, caretaking and cleaning staff, staff of the dining hall and lunchtime supervisors all of whom make an important contribution to the efficient running of the college. Finally, parents, we trust you have found this report on your College interesting and informative. We appreciate the co-operation between parents and the college and we thank you. 47 GLOSSARY: INSET PRSD CDP PIRCH ICT MS PIL SIMS CCS STEM SENCO IEP’S MLD ADHD ASD LTSS NEELB KS3 MidYIS SEN CCEA RUA CLIC MLP NICFC EOTAS PQH DENI UCAS AQA QUB ASE CEIAG NRC CAFRE CAO HPAT CBI NEBSSA ECDL SEP STAMPP PSHE TIPSA In-service Education and Training Performance Related Staff Development College Development Plan Partnership, Inclusion, Reconciliation, Citizenship, History Information Communication Technology Micro Soft Partners in Learning Schools Information Management System Cross Curricular Skills Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Individual Education Plan’s Moderate Learning Difficulties Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autistic Spectrum Disorder Literary Teaching Support Service North Eastern Education & Library Board Key Stage 3 Middle Years Information System Special Educational Needs Council for Curriculum Examinations & Assessment Royal Ulster Academy Children with Cancer Magherafelt Learning Partnership Northern Ireland Children’s Fund for Cancer Educated Other Than At School Professional Qualification for Headship Department of Education for Nothern Ireland University & College’s Admission Service Assessment and Qualifications Alliance Queen’s University Belfast Association of Science Education Careers Education Advice Information and Guidance Northern Regional College College of Agriculture Food & Rural Enterprise Central Applications Office Health Professions Admission Test Confederation of British Industry North Eastern Board Secondary Schools Association European Computer Driving Licence Shared Education Practice Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme Personal & Social Health Education Teenagers Involved in Protecting Selves around Alcohol 48