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NACURH, Inc. Speakers List
Please note that NACURH, Inc. does not endorse any one or team of particular speakers over others.
This list appears in alphabetical order, by speakers’ last names.
John (JM) Alatis | (303) 871-0901 or (202) 265-7500 |
Topics: Peer Educator Certification Course | Diversity and Social Justice | Alcohol and Other Drugs |
Bystander Intervention | Listening Skills | Translating RA Work to Resume | Custom-Built Topics
Biography: JM Alatis serves as a professional Training Coordinator for NASPA – Student Affairs
Administrators in Higher Education. With over 1,500 institutional members and nearly 15,000 individual
members, NASPA is “the leading voice for the student affairs profession worldwide,” and strives to
support our college and university staff and students who spend time working on their campuses.
NASPA offers a Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Program, a 12-hour, nine-module course, which leads to a
certification focusing on skills that student leaders find vital in their day-to-day work. In addition, JM and
NASPA are able to provide training and consulting on a number of topics based on a campus’ individual
needs. Past topics include: diversity, inclusive excellence, and social justice; alcohol and other drugs;
bystander intervention; listening skills; and, translating RA work to resume. JM has a long history of work
within housing and residence life, serving for three years as a Resident Assistant at this alma mater,
Georgetown University, before attending the University of Denver and serving as a Graduate Residence
Director for two years. As someone who has always wanted to “find a job where he could do
icebreakers for a living,” he is excited to be able to work with students and student affairs leaders on
Educational Experience: M.A. Student Affairs, University of Denver | B.A. Sociology,
Georgetown University
Accolades: Certified Peer Educator | NUFP Fellow | OPE Attendee | Former Hall Council Member
and Advisor
Shannon Arnett | (928) 606-7293 |
Topics: Stress Management | Mindfulness | Increasing Peace Series (Multiple Topics Including Peace
in Relationships, Finances, Work and Student Self, and Body Image) | Conflict Resolution and Mediation |
Group Dynamics and Positive Change | Student Development and Engagement | Empowering Leaders |
Train the Trainer Facilitator Series Including: Establishing Presence, Compassionate Engagement, Power
of Listening, Diverse Service Delivery, Reducing Anxiety and Low Mood for College Students, Increasing
Overall Emotional Balance, SMART Goal Setting and Team Building/Group Cohesion
Biography: Shannon Arnett, Director of Inner Peace Facilitation and Training, LLC, has been
inspiring and working closely with many groups in Student Affairs for 18 years. Her passion for
connecting college students, community members, and groups to their best potential began in 1997,
when she was a Resident Assistant. Since that experience, she has worked in mental and community
health organizations, multiple roles training Resident Assistants and Student Affairs staff members in
Community and Staff Development, Advising, and leading workshops through her business both locally
and nationally. Her experience in Student Affairs and Holistic Health lead her to create Inner Peace in
2009, to serve as a platform for what she saw such need in students and professionals with whom she
worked; ways to cultivate peace, calm, and strength in the face of serving others. Since then, she has
presented over 300 workshops, retreats, classes, and sessions for clients and students toward this end.
When individuals and groups have support in harnessing their greatest potential, resources, and true
gifts, incredible things happen! Shannon Arnett revels in the opportunity to reflect this truth back to her
audiences, empowering them with tools to use that benefit their organizational goals and personal
dreams. Bringing Shannon, her experience, and education to your group is an opportunity to discover
the absolute best within each person in your team, be that a team of one or 300. She has lead training
for the Housing and Residence Life entire staff of 300 for Texas Tech University, The Housing
Professional Staff of Arizona State University, and multiple student leadership and community groups.
She can be reached with questions at She invites you to witness her
greater experience, training, information about her facilitator certification program, and testimonials at
Educational Experience: M.A. Counseling Psychology, University of San Francisco | B.A.,
Psychology, Northern Arizona University | Certified Energy Health Practitioner, Associate for
Comprehensive Energy Psychology | Registered Yoga Teacher | Intercultural Language Spanish
Immersion Program in Costa Rica | Other Professional Trainings---Complete List May Be Found on
Accolades: Selected as National Speaker for Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CE
Unit Provider) 2015 | Top 10 Speaker Award, NACURH 2011 | NACURH Bronze Pin Recipient.
Corey Ciocchetti | (303) 522-7110 |
Topics: Character Development | Integrity | Ethics | Values | Stress Reduction | Values-Based
Leadership | Character is Residence Life
Biography: An Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies in the Daniels College of
Business at the University of Denver, Corey Ciocchetti is one of the University’s most popular and
highest-rated professors. Corey joined DU after graduating with a law degree from Duke University
School of Law, a Masters degree in Religious Studies, and two Bachelors degrees in Finance and
Economics---Summa Cum Laude---from the University of Denver. In August 2006, Corey won the
Charles Hewitt Master Teacher competition at the national meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in
Business, and, in March 2007, he was awarded the Outstanding Professor of the Year Award by the
University of Denver Alumni Association. Recently, the Daniels College of Business awarded him with
the Scholarship of Teaching Award and the Scholarship of Discovery Award. Corey currently teaches
classes on Business Ethics, Business Law, Employment Law, and Constitutional Law in a department
ranked by the Wall Street Journal as seventh in the world for producing students with high ethical
standards. Corey also speaks to tens of thousands of individuals each year about “authentic success”
and living an ethical life and is the author of the book Real Rabbits: Chasing An Authentic Life. A
Colorado native, Corey resides in Westminster, Colorado with his wife, Jillian, and daughter, Sophia.
Educational Experience: J.D., Duke University | M.A., University of Denver | B.S.BA and B.A.,
University of Denver
Accolades: Spoken in 40 states and over 125 cities on the topic of authentic success, chasing an
authentic life, and stress.
Thomas Frank | (515) 480-7044 |
Topics: Study Skills | Habits and Productivity | Internships and Careers
Biography: Thomas Frank is an author, speaker, and all-around geek who is passionate about
helping students hack their learning, becoming amazing job candidates, and pay off their loans. During
his sophomore year of college, he founded College Info Geek---a blog, podcast, and YouTube channel
that now reaches over 250,000 students every month. As a student, he also paid off $14,431 in student
debt before graduating, worked as an RA and an orientation leader for new students, consulted for
Adobe, and traveled to Japan. Thomas has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, FOX
Business, LifeHacker, and more. He’s spoken at major universities, including Iowa State University and
Simpson College, conferences, and student organizations.
Educational Experience: B.S. Management Systems, Iowa State University
Joshua Fredenburg | (310) 562-2998 | |
Topics: Leadership | Diversity | Motivation | Orientation | Healthy Relationships
Biography: Joshua Fredenburg is a nationally acclaimed speaker, media commentator, leadership/diversity consultant, relationship expert, and author of five books. He has served as a keynote speaker for different lectures, conferences, retreats, and trainings at various colleges, non-­‐profit organizations, and corporate events in forty-­‐
four different states. He is also a dynamic speaker who is known for delivering an inspirational message with expert advice that leads to immediate, life changing and transformational results! Educational Experience: Ed.D. Organizational Leadership | M.A. Organizational Leadership |
B.A. Communication Studies
Accolades: 2015 Award Winning Leadership Conference | Young Professional Community Service
Karin Hurt | (443) 750-1249 |
Topics: Making the Most of Your College Leadership Experience | Building Your Social Media Brand |
How to Get the Job You Want | How to Get the Job You Want | Communicating With Impact | Building
Trusted Partnerships
Biography: Karin Hurt is a keynote speaker, leadership consultant, and MBA professor. A former
Verizon Wireless executive, she has over two decades of experience in sales, customer service, and HR
which she leverages to help clients turn around results through deeper engagement. She was recently
named on Inc’s list of 100 Great Leadership Speakers, AMA’s 50 Leaders to Watch in 2015, and a Top
100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business. Her book, Overcoming an Imperfect Boss, is available on
Amazon. She knows the stillness of a yogi, the reflection of a marathoner, and the joy of being a mom
raising emerging leaders.
Educational Experience: M.A., University of Maryland | MBA and M.S. Programs
Accolades: Inc’s 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference | American Management
Association’s 2015 50 Leaders to Watch | Trust Across America Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trusted
Business Behavior
Adam C. James | (412) 779-5977 | |
Topics: Leadership | Mentoring | Overcoming Adversity | Time Management | Conflict/Resolution |
Diversity Inclusion | Teamwork | Risk/Reward | Comfort Zone
Biography: Adam James grew up in a small steel-mill town outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He
didn’t begin speaking until age 4 and when he did talk, he had a speech impediment that required he
go to a speech therapist up until his high school years. Upon graduating high school, Adam decided
he’s move to Florida for a new beginning and to attend Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). After
graduating from FGCU, he spent a year teaching school before setting out to begin his own motivational
speaking business. In the beginning months, Adam found himself unable to make ends meet and left
having to sleep from his car. Fast forward a few years later and Adam has spread his message of hope
and inspiration to varying corporations, colleges, and conferences around the country. When not
speaking, he can be found officiating NCAA Division 1 men’s basketball games. He credits many of the
lessons he’s learned on the floor as a basis through which he’s built his business and continues to inspire
Educational Experience: B.A. Education, Florida Gulf Coast University
Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos | (862) 215-6026 |
Topics: Safety | Overcoming Adversity | Fire Safety | Friendship | Leadership | Motivational and
Inspirational Speaking
Biography: Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos were both inner city kids from New Jersey, who
despite violence, drugs, and bad influences in their neighborhoods, made education a tool to finally get
out of those conditions. Both first generation college students, they attended Seton Hall University in
South Orange, NJ in the fall of 1999. Meeting for the first time after being assigned to room together in
the freshmen residence hall, Boland Hall, they hit it off and found they had many things in common.
Though Alvaro was very shy and reserved and Shawn was very outgoing and the life of the party, they
found an equilibrium that complemented each other. Shawn and Alvaro did well in their classes their
first semester, but little did they know their biggest test would come on the morning of January 19,
2000. While the two roommates slept, two classmates, as a drunken fraternity prank, set a banner on a
bulletin board on fire in the 3rd floor lounge and ran off without pulling any alarms or alerting any of the
residents. As a result of prior months of false fire alarms in the freshmen residence hall, many students,
including Shawn and Alvaro, took their time getting out of the building when the alarm was finally
pulled. Three students perished and 58 others were injured due to the arson. Shawn and Alvaro were
amongst the most severely burned and injured. Their journey of recovery and the investigation into the
criminal acts of the arsonists are documented in the New York Times Bestsellers book “After the Fire: A
True Story of Friendship and Survival” and later turned into an award-winning documentary “After the
Fire: A True Story of Heroes and Cowards.” Shawn and Alvaro travel the country speaking to college
and high school students and administrators about the most difficult time of their lives and the
importance of fire safety and prevention on and off campus. Their story is one of overcoming adversity
despite the challenges, becoming comfortable in their burned skin, and how their bond with each other,
as well as their families, friends, and campus community, helped them get their lives back.
Educational Experience: B.A. Business Management
Accolades: Presented at over 100 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada. Been in and on
several local newspapers and news programming. Keynote speaker at several college safety-related
conferences across the country.