Rusty Nail Set Up Directions
Rusty Nail Set Up Directions
RUSTY NAIL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS - RACE DAY Rusty Nail Access - 7:00am until 5:00pm Setup Jobs/Areas: 8:00am - Identify and stake out sponsor tent spaces 8:30am - MVP Fun Run Registration 8:30am - CTA Store 10:00am - Stage/finisher podium/backdrop/awards/raffle setup 10:30am - BBQ Area(work with Black Diamond BBQ) 10:30am - MVP Fun Run Course Anytime - Decorate Venue With Provided Sponsor Banners, CTA Banners, ETC... The sponsor tent spaces, MVP registration and CTA store need to be setup first thing. Sponsor Tent Spaces Sponsors have been encouraged to arrive between 10-11am to setup and we need their spaces staked out before they arrive. There will be a list of sponsors that need tent space and signs and stakes that should be used to identify tent locations. The typical tent size is 10x10 unless otherwise noted. Please see the attached sheet which contains additional directions and photos of the setup area. Higher level sponsors should receive more visible space... look at the included sponsor list for sponsor rankings. CTA Store / MVP Registration / Tech Shirt Swap/Buy Areas These areas are also high priority and should be setup as early as possible. The CTA store typically serves as an informational resource and the earlier that can be setup the better. The MVP Registration and check-in area should also be setup and ready to go as early as possible. Parents will may begin to show up as early as 9:30 to check their youngsters in or register. MVP registration will run until 11:45am... after which this area will be converted and used for our Tech Shirt Swap/Purchase Area. BBQ Area The post race BBQ will be located out on the left-hand patio if looking at the Rusty Nail from the Stowe Rec Path. We will need to work with Black Diamond BBQ to set it up in a way that works well for them. We also need to make sure there is only one way in and one way out so that we can control access. BD BBQ will provide all of their own tables... so the first thing that will need to be done is to clear out the BBQ area. When BD BBQ arrives we will then help them get everything setup... or leave them to setup on their own. Stage/Podium/Backdrop/Awards/Raffle Setup This is a lower priority... but we will need to put out our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place podiums, setup our sponsor backdrop behind the podiums and then lay out and organize all of our awards and raffle prizes so they are ready when the awards/raffle ceremony begins. MVP Fun Run Course Greg should be arriving at the Rusty Nail around 10:30 after the MTB start. All that needs to be setup is the starting line area and the turn around zone down the rec path in the grassy field in front of the Phoenix Table & Bar. Greg should be around for this... and it only needs to be setup before the MVP Fun Run begins at 12pm. Venue Decoration... Sponsor Banners, CTA Banners, Etc... All of the sponsor banners should get hung up inside the Rusty Nail on and around the main stage where the awards and raffle will be taking place. Hang them up wherever they will fit. Give higher level sponsors priority to better and more visible locations. Please reference the attached sponsor sheet to see how the sponsors rank. RUSTY NAIL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS - RACE DAY Sponsor Tent Space Setup When staking out the sponsor tent spaces please use the space on either side of the Stowe Rec path that runs past the Rusty Nail. Please be sure not to block the entrance to the Rusty Nail Patio and give the more visible and flatter spaces to our bigger sponsors. The three sponsors identified in the photos below should receive the spaces indicated. Please put the North Face next to the pine tree that is on the outside of the Rec Path and place Hoka One One right next door. On the other side I would like to see Sterling College setup in the front spot. At this time beyond these three just prioritize space based on sponsorship level... with higher level sponsors closer to the North Face...and lower sponsors down the path. Not all sponsors will be present. A list of sponsors that have RSVP’d will be provided. TITLE SPONSOR The North Face Store @ KLSPORT GOLD SPONSORS Sojourn Bike Tours MVP Health Care SILVER SPONSORS Merchants Bank Sterling College BRONZE SPONSORS Darn Tough Dinse Knapp McAndrew Nedde Real Estate Northeast Delta Dental City Sports Burlington Hoka One One Outdoor Gear Exchange Concept 2 Morgan Stanley Nathan Peformance Gear National Life Group Pepsi Beverages Company Redstone Stowe Today Vermont Pain Relief Vermont Smoke & Cure OTHER SPONSORS Fleet Feet Essex Onion River Sports Outdoor Research Vermont Peanut Butter Company Essex Agency Jamieson Insurance Julbo USA Salomon Squirrel Nut Stash RUSTY NAIL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS - RACE DAY CTA Store / MVP Registration / Tech Shirt Swap/Buy Areas The CTA Store, MVP Fun Run Check-in & Registration, and Tech Shirt area should be setup in the back left-hand corner of the Rusty Nail in front of the VIP booth. Please use the VIP booth to layout and organize the Tech shirts, and setup the store and MVP Areas in front of the VIP Booth with the store on the left hand side and the MVP booth on the right. There should be enough space... but if there is not please feel free to use your own judgement and make adjustments as necessary. During registration for the MVP Fun Run all of the kids that sign-up get one of the old race shirts for free if they are available and if the correct size is available. Shirts are not guaranteed to all of the participants. After registration and check-in for the MVP Fun Run closes at 11:45am... that table will be converted to our Tech Shirt Sales and Swap area. Participants will be able to purchase old tech shirts for $5... and this year’s tech shirts for $15. Participants can also exchange their current size for another size... or a different year if they would prefer. VIP Stage MVP Registration CTA Store (tech shirts) VIP Dance Floor Bar Sound System Bar To Patio Entrance RUSTY NAIL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS - RACE DAY BBQ Setup This should be pretty easy. Expect to work from 10:30 until 11:30. Black Diamond BBQ should be providing most of their own equipment, including tables. The first thing that will need to happen is clearing out the BBQ area and/or repurposing any of the tables to create serving lines. Work with BD BBQ to set this up in a way that is efficient for them. MVP Fun Run Setup Greg will be around for this and will help... but all that needs to be done is setting up the CTA, Race, and TNF flags to create a starting gauntlet... and setting up the turn around point in the grassy field in front of the Phoenix Table and Bar.