Retain this handbook - Anaheim Union High School District
Retain this handbook - Anaheim Union High School District
Retain this handbook. You will receive additional registration information by mail from the school relating to topics discussed in this publication. ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SAVANNA HIGH SCHOOL 301 N. Gilbert Anaheim, CA 92801 714-220-4262 2014-2015 PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK Principal’s Message: Dear Savanna High School Families, Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! We are looking forward to a wonderful school year. Our experienced staff is available to assist you with any need you may have. We especially want to give a warm Rebel welcome to our new Savanna families. Our goal is to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for college or a career. Our academic program is comprehensive, preparing students to succeed in a global society. We offer a variety of advanced courses and career pathways, as well as intervention courses that assist students who are struggling academically. We focus on one student at a time and nurture their talents, while preparing them for their future. We believe that by working together (students, parents, school staff and community) all our students will succeed! Our expectation is that students are engaged in school by attending school regularly and participate in extra-curricular activities; parents are engaged by attending parent meetings and staying on top of their child’s academic progress; and the entire community is engaged by supporting our activities (sports, visual and performing arts, and talent shows) on a regular basis. Registration STUDENTS MAY NOT REGISTER IF ALL FORMS AND SIGNATURES ARE NOT COMPLETED. Students are to report to school on the assigned date/time with all of their forms signed and completed. 12th Grade Registration 12 11th Grade Registration 10th Grade Registration 9th Grade Registration Wednesday, August 13, 2014 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Friday, August 15, 2014 Monday, August 18, 2014 and Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9th Grade LINK CREW (students) Wednesday, August 20, 2014 MAKE-UP REGISTRATION DATE AND TIMES: Wednesday, August 20th – 8:00 am to 11:30 am Students will get their schedules on the first day of school, AUGUST 25, 2014 1. California law requires a minimum of the following immunizations: 4 polio doses 5 doses of tetanus and diphtheria toxoid (the last dose must have been given after age 2) 2 measles, mumps and rubella vaccines(MMR)(both given after the first birthday) 3 Hepatitis B doses 1 - 2 Varicella (or proof from physician of having chicken pox) 3. Form Completion Requirements: We are ONE, Savanna Rebels! Manuel Colón NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO REGISTER WITHOUT PROOF OF IMMUNIZATIONS. 2. Financial Obligations (all grades): All obligations (lost books, fines, etc.) must be taken care of before students may enroll. 8:00 am to 11:30 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 8:00 am to 12:00 noon All forms in the registration envelope must be signed, in some cases both sides of the form. If you are missing any form or signature at registration, your registration process will be delayed or you will be asked to return when your paperwork is complete. ALL 7TH-12TH GRADERS ARE NOW REQUIRED TO (immunization) BEFORE STARTING THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR SHOW PROOF OF RECEIVING A Tdap All students MUST present a copy of your shot/immunization records when you register. Please be sure all of the above requirements are met. We will not be able to go through files from elementary schools for shot records. Please be sure that the emergency card is signed by both parents. List home, work and cell phone numbers. Include anyone over the age of 18 that you trust to assist in the event parents cannot be reached Back to School Night Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Open House Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Regular School Day: Late Start Day: 7:55 am – 2:37 pm 8:40 am – 2:37 pm School Contact Information: Main Office: 714-220-4262 Phone Ext. Principal: Administrative Asst.: Assistant Principals: Mr. Colón Mrs. Cruz Ms. Cary (A-G) Dr. Slim (H-O) Mr. Griffin (P-Z) 202 207 203 217 Student Center: Counselors: Mrs. Dalke Mrs. Ruiz-Flores (A-C) Mrs. Bean (D-Go) Mrs. Hatzis (Gr-O) Mrs. Rockwell (P-Z) 213 210 211 212 209 Attendance: Mrs. Encinas (A-L) Mrs. Judge (M-Z) 714-220-4283 714-220-4284 Community Liaison: Mrs. Trujillo 214 Health Office: Mrs. Gladsyz 221 Registrar: Mrs. Douglas 208 STUDENT ATTENDANCE Your student’s attendance in school is critical for their success! Studies show that students who miss class fall behind and often do not graduate from school. Attendance is mandatory for all students between the ages of 6 and 18. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to call the school to report the student absent. If a student is absent from school, the parent/guardian will be notified by an automated telephone call each day. If the parent/guardian did not call in the absence, a note must be sent with the student to school the day the student returns with the reason for the absence. All absences MUST be cleared within 48 hours or an unexcused absence will be marked. If your student does not clear an absence within three days, they may be assigned a detention. Parent/guardian or adult emergency contacts are required to show photo ID and sign the student out on the “Parent Pickup Log” located in the Attendance Office when picking up a student from school. Any adult picking up a student MUST be listed on the emergency card; otherwise, student will not be released. Students MUST check out through the Attendance Office to leave school during school hours. HEALTH OFFICE If medicine must be administered at school a Request for Medication form must be completed and returned to the Health Office. Medication MUST be in its ORIGINAL CONTAINER with the pharmacy information and student name on the label. Students ARE NOT permitted to carry any type of medication, including over the counter medication (with the exception of inhalers and epi-pens which may be carried by students with physician authorization). Any student who is ill BEFORE SCHOOL should be kept home. Injuries sustained away from school should be cared for at home BEFORE coming to school. Any student feeling ill must report to the Health Office and the Health Technician will call the parent/guardian or emergency contact listed on the Emergency Card. Students should NOT use their cell phones to call home if they feel ill. Doing so will result in a consequence. AERIES PARENT CONNECTION Parents: If you need to use a computer in order to access your student’s information, please contact the School Community Liaison at Savanna to schedule an appointment. You can check your student’s attendance (absences, tardies, etc.), and their behavior record. STUDENT PLANNERS All Savanna students are expected to have a Student Planner. This planner contains a daily calendar of the school year, divided by periods. Students are asked to write down their class work and homework assignments as well as any other important information that the teacher requests. The planner also contains a variety of important information, such as school policies, important dates and schedules, as well as an assortment of other things like homework help and resources. Please help your child by checking the Student Planner nightly. This is one of the best ways for parents to be kept informed of what is happening in the classroom daily. SCHEDULE CHANGES Schedule change requests are discussed with the counselor by appointment only. There will be “Request to See Counselor” slips in the Student Center for the student to fill out and leave for the counselor. The counselor will send for the student to discuss their schedule. Schedule requests are reviewed after the second week of each semester. BIKES, SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS Students that ride a bicycle, skateboard or scooter to school must secure them in the bike rack. The student should always be sure to lock his or her item using a secure lock. Savanna High School will take reasonable care in securing and supervising the bike rack during the school day, however, the school is not responsible for lost, stolen of damaged property. Vandalism and theft should be reported to the office and a police report made. Items left after hours are not the responsibility of the school. Students are not to ride their bikes, skateboards, or scooters on campus. School. Detentions are assigned for 45 minutes (before & after school). CELL PHONE POLICY Cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, I-Pods and other electronic devices can be a major disruption during school. These items are stolen, loaned to other students, may be lost or broken and have exacerbated crisis situations. Electronic devices are restricted by the Education Code set forth by the State Department of Education. 2. On-Campus Suspension – This is a form of “inhouse suspension” and is offered as an alternative to regular suspension from school. This program provides complete isolation, including lunch, from the other students at school and an opportunity for students to complete their school work. Because these items are not allowed on campus, Savanna High School will not assume responsibility for them if they are lost, stolen, or broken. The Anaheim Union High School District will NOT reimburse for lost or stolen items even if they are confiscated. We will not investigate the theft of these items for students who violate this policy. 3. Off-Campus Suspension – The most severe form of disciplinary action is Off-Campus Suspension. This can result from all Class I, II, or III Infractions or from habitual insubordination and defiance. The period of Off-Campus Suspension can vary between one and five days, depending on the severity of the incident. 4. Intervention/Probation Contract with assistant principal. All cell phones must be turned off and kept in backpacks or in a pocket. They must not be visible. Students may not use their cell phones between the hours of 7:55 a.m. and the final bell at the end of the day. Using a cell phone as a clock or saying that it “fell out of my pocket” is not an excuse to have a cell phone out and/or visible. We realize that having to pick up a student’s phone may be inconvenient and therefore, we recommend you discuss this policy with your student in order to avoid this problem. We also ask you to keep in mind that the use of cell phones are not only disruptive in class, they are an inconvenience to teachers and staff who must stop what they are doing to correct the problem, label the phone and be responsible for their safe keeping. The use of cell phones during school hours jeopardizes the integrity of instruction. Discipline Regarding Electronic Devices (cell phone, MP3, CD player, video gaming device, etc.) Savanna High School and its personnel are NOT responsible, nor financially liable for any confiscated or lost electronic device. 1st Offense: Cell phone and other electronic devices Confiscation with verbal warning to student Parent pick-up (Parent/Guardian ONLY) Verbal and written warning/reminder issued to parent and student Referral issued into student’s discipline record Multiple Offenses: Same as above PLUS Cell phone and other electronic devices Cell Phone: Parent pick-up anytime Other devices (iPod/MP3, CD player, video gaming device, etc.): Parent pick up in JUNE rd th [REMOVED 3 and 4 offenses] DISCIPLINE Consequences Assigned to Discipline: 1. Detention – A detention may be assigned by staff members for disobeying the rules at Savanna High 5. Local School Parent Conference Meeting (L.S.P.C.) – L.S.P.C. meetings may be held if a student is a continuous disciplinary problem or after a student commits a serious infraction. During the meeting, the student’s academic, attendance and behavioral history will be discussed and a decision about student placement will be made. DISCIPLINARY STANDARDS The following is a list of infractions which are subject to disciplinary action, (i.e. detention, suspension or intervention plan). A copy of these District Disciplinary Procedures and the local policies of Savanna High School are available from the school principal. Class I Infractions: District-Wide Standards: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Arson Assault Chemical Abuse Extortion Fireworks/Explosives Obscene Act/Habitual Profanity Robbery h. i. j. k. l. m. n. Sexual Harassment Student Disruptions Theft Tobacco Vandalism Weapons Abuse of Teacher&/or Child Class II Infractions: Local School Disciplinary Standards: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Closed Campus Infraction Defiance/Insubordination Fighting Profanity/Vulgarity Theft/Extortion Vandalism Malicious Mischief h. i. j. k. l. m. n. Pornography Failure to Serve Detention Vicious Habits Truancy/Cuts Forgery/Plagiarism Fire Alarm Gambling Class III Infractions: a. Bicycle Violation b. Dress Code Violation c. Littering d. Food/Drink in Classroom e. Bus Violation f. Running on Campus g. Loitering h. Classroom Disruption i. Tardies j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. Gum Sharpies/Permanent Markers Aerosol Cans Electric Devices Throwing Objects Nuisance Disruptions Bottles/Glass Lasers DRESS CODE 2014-2015 Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that reflects cleanliness, good taste and decency. Clothing should not detract from or interfere with the educational process, environment, instructional program, general morale or the image of the school. Clothing and other items that students wear to school must not disrupt the education process, create any form of school disturbance or pose a safety concern. CLOTHES MUST FIT: Clothes cannot be excessively tight or baggy. Pants must fit at the waist. If pants will not stay up without a belt, they will be considered oversized. Shoes MUST be worn at all times. SHIRT TAILS and T-Shirt length must not extend below the hands. Pants/Shorts: Must fit at the waist and be worn at the waist. They must not drag on the ground, have frayed or cut bottoms, or any holes. Leg cuffs CANNOT be rubber banded or otherwise tied at the ankle. Sagging or oversized pants are not allowed. Pants must be the proper size and fit securely at the waist above the hipbone. The inseam of the pant should not hang below the area of properly fitting pants. Shorts must be to at least the bottom of student’s fingertips. If student wears shorts below the knee, socks may NOT be pulled up toward shorts (within 2-3 inches). Outerwear: Must be appropriately sized. Sleeveless/Tank Tops, Etc.: Sleeveless/tank top/etc. shirts should not be worn unless under another piece of appropriate clothing. Shirts must fit appropriately, and shoulders must be covered at all times. Shorts/Skirts/Skorts/Capris: Shorts/Skirts/Skorts/Capris must fit at the waist and be worn at the waist. Length must be between mid-thigh and knees (must at least be to students’ fingertips). Hats/Headgear: Hoods are not to be worn. Only Savanna High School caps (baseball style) are allowed. They may be worn outside, but are never to be worn in classrooms. Beanies/knit hats are allowed to be worn outside. They may be worn outside, but are never to be worn in classrooms. UNACCEPTABLE Items and Practice: Sleeveless shirts, tube tops, spaghetti, and bra straps, and clothes that expose the midsection when standing, sitting or reaching. Shoulders must be covered. Skin at the waist may not be exposed at any time. Shorts or skirts that expose the buttocks. Low cut apparel that has a plunging neckline and/or reveals excessive areas of the chest. Under garments and/or underwear may not be visible. Dress, grooming or accessories which are unsafe, dangerous, or a health hazard Display offensive or obscene symbols, signs, slogans or words, degrading any cultural, religious or ethnic values Non-Savanna caps (baseball style hats) Blankets and pillows Any items symbolic of gang or jail attire or with gang logos. Any items containing logos or words promoting alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Any items containing slogans or logos representing vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, suicide, death or those with double meanings. Spiked or studded (flat or pointed) accessories, including safety pins and staples. Chains including those attached to wallets, belt loops, worn as necklaces or necklaces that reflect sub-cultures. (Necklaces must be easily broken if caught or grabbed). Clothing with holes, cuts, tears, or frayed edges. Bandanas, hoods on sweatshirts, or other headwear may not be worn. Gloves, initial belts, or tied cuffs on pants. Athletic jerseys or “star” insignia apparel. Belts must be worn through all belt loops and are not allowed to hang below the waist. Pajama bottoms or boxer shorts worn as pants. Slippers worn as shoes. Rolled waistbands on pants. Long socks worn with shorts are not to be pulled within 2-3 inches of long shorts. *****When fashion trends come about that compromise the learning environment or safety of our students, the Savanna Administration reserves the right to adjust the dress code accordingly. Consequences may include detention, on campus suspension (OCS) or suspension at the discretion of the administrator. Any student who must change clothing due to dress code infractions may have their clothing confiscated and loaner clothing will be issued. Items not retrieved in a timely manner will be donated to an appropriate organization. TEXTBOOK/LIBRARY/COMPUTERS California Education Code 48904 All students are to be issued instructional materials at no cost, unless they are damaged or lost; in which case students will be charged a fee. All students must have a school ID to check out library books. Students using computers in any way that is harmful, destructive or inappropriate will be restricted from further use. Students may only print pictures in the library for class assignment projects if they have a teacher’s note. Text, reports, and news articles are perfectly fine to print. Academic Integrity Policy should be adhered to. FACTS AND TIPS FOR PARENTS Adolescent students need a lot of direction, guidance, and support from their parents. The following are suggestions to help your child succeed. Provide school supplies and a place to study. Help set academic goals. Insist on daily attendance. Attend all parent programs. See all reports and completion of assignments. Use rewards and consequences to encourage change. Encourage a healthy life style. Help improve organizational skills. Encourage involvement in school activities . Monthly Parent Meetings at Savanna High School Working Together for Success! Working Together for Success! Join us: Find out about the important issues affecting Savanna High School Learn how to better prepare your son or daughter for the future Meet faculty and staff Sept. 3, 2014 Feb. 1, 2015 9th grade: Academic Success/ Capstone 9th grade: Semester grades and Aeries/ Transcript analysis and GPA Sept. 10, 2014 10th grade: GEAR UP and A-G requirements Mar. 4, 2015 10th grade: CTE: Options/ Registration/ Pathway selection/ CAHSEE Sept. 30, 2014 11th grade: academic success Mar. 11, 2015 11th grade: SAT/ College Plans/Post Grad (after high school) options These topics were chosen by the Savanna parents who attended our first parent meeting, in collaboration with Savanna staff members. Sept. 23, 2014 12th grade: Graduation/ academic success Jan. 28, 2015 12th grade: Financial Aid/ College Calendar/ Post grad (after high school) options All meetings will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Free childcare will be provided at each parent meeting. Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year! Please join the PTSA!! You can also send us an e-mail at: Or check us out on Facebook: Please join us the first Tuesday of every month, at 6:30 p.m. in the Teacher’s Lounge for our PTSA meetings. Our first meeting will be September 2nd. PTSA needs Parents to become involved in our School! Parents / Teachers / Students working together to make Savanna GREAT! Volunteers Needed: PTSA runs the Home Game Football Snack bar. Please volunteer to help out at the snack bar and please support the snack bar during the games. Monies made are used for School Beautification, Senior Scholarships and School Programs. Savanna High School IMPORTANT DATES 2014-15 *Late Starts occur EVERY TUESDAY (except January 20th and June 9th), and school will begin at 8:40 a.m. on these days.* August 13 August 14 August 15 August 18-19 August 20 August 20 August 21-22 August 25 September 1 September 2 September 10 September 17 October 7 October 8 October 13 October 24 November 4 November 10-11 November 12 November 24-28 December 2 December 10 Dec. 22 – Jan. 2 January 6 January 14 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 February 3 February 9 February 11 February 16 March 11 March 17-18 March 18 March 26 March 27 March 30-April 3 April 7 April 15 May 4-15 May 5 May 13 May 25 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 11 June 12 12th grade Registration 11th grade Registration 10th grade Registration 9th grade Registration 9th graders attend LINK CREW (gym) Make-up Registration Staff ONLY – Professional Development Days 7:30 a.m.-2:37 p.m. st 1 Day of School (No School) Labor Day Holiday PTSA Meeting School Site Council Back to School Night ELAC and PTSA Meetings School Site Council Staff Development (Non-Student Day) (Minimum Day) End of 1st Quarter ELAC and PTSA (No School) Veteran’s Day Holiday School Site Council (No School) Thanksgiving Holiday ELAC and PTSA School Site Council (No School) Winter Recess ELAC and PTSA Meetings School Site Council (No School) Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday NO LATE START (Minimum Day) 1st Semester Finals (periods 0 – 1 – 3 – 5) (Minimum Day) 1st Semester Finals (periods 0 – 2 – 4 – 6) / Last Day of Semester (No School) Non-Student Day; Staff Development ELAC and PTSA Meetings (No School) Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Holiday School Site Council (No School) George Washington’s Birthday Holiday School Site Council CAHSEE for 10th graders Open House PTSA Meeting at Student Recognition Night (Cook Auditorium) (Minimum Day) End of Third Quarter (No School) Spring Break ELAC and PTSA School Site Council AP Testing Window ELAC and PTSA School Site Council (No School) Memorial Day Holiday NO LATE START (Minimum Day) 2nd Semester Finals (periods 0 – 1 – 3 – 5) (Minimum Day) 2nd Semester Finals (periods 0 – 2 – 4 – 6) / Last Day of Semester Graduation Teacher Only SAVANNA HIGH SCHOOL 301 North Gilbert Street Anaheim, California 92801 Regular Bell Schedule Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 Period 6 6:50 7:55 8:48 9:41 10:39 11:35 12:21 12:56 1:49 – – – – – – – – – 7:50 8:43 9:36 10:34 11:30 12:21 12:51 1:44 2:37 7:10 7:55 9:19 10:38 10:53 – – – – – UPDATED for 2014-2015 school year 7:50 8:52 9:54 11:01 12:03 12:33 1:35 2:37 Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 Period 6 6:50 - 7:25 8:40 - 9:30 9:35 - 10:25 10:30 - 11:20 11:25 - 12:17 12:17 - 12:47 12:52 - 1:42 1:47 - 2:37 Minimum Day Bell Schedule Finals Bell Schedule Period 0 (both days) Period 1/2 Period 3/4 Nutrition Period 5/6 – – – – – – – – Late Start Bell Schedule Assembly Bell Schedule Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4/Assembly 1 Period 4/ Assembly 2 Lunch Period 5 Period 6 6:50 7:55 8:57 9:59 11:06 12:03 12:38 1:40 7:50 9:14 10:38 10:48 12:12 Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Nutrition Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 7:10 7:55 8:36 9:17 9:59 10:14 10:55 11:36 – – – – – – – – 7:50 8:31 9:12 9:59 10:09 10:50 11:31 12:12 SAVANNA HIGH SCHOOL