Announcements NONCLASSICAL PHYSICS Beyond Newton’s View •! Today: Chapter.2 *** Course Web Page ** Lecture Notes, HW Assignments, Schedule for thePhysics Colloquium, etc.. No ncl ass ica l Ph y si cs Small => e.g. atomic size How Small Fast => v~c is “Small”? c= the velocity of light How Fast is “Fast”? Lecture 2 – Chapter. 2 Special Relativity !"#$%&'() Our First Topic !!"Basic Ideas •! Consequences of Einstein’s Postulates •! The Lorenz Transformation Equations •! The Twin Paradox •! The Doppler Effect •! Velocity Transformation •! Momentum & Energy •! General Relativity & a 1st Look at Cosmology Galileany Transformation Galilean-Newtonian Relativity ´ K´ y •! Galilean-Newtonian relativity is known as a “classical” theory. K •! Einstein’s special theory of relativity is known as a “modern” theory. O v O ´ x x ´ x´ = x – vt z z ´ y´ = y z´ = z Time is absolute 9 Galilean Transformation y K´ ´ v y K vt O x x O ´ x ´ •! Light is a wave. •! Waves require a medium through which to propagate. •! Medium as called the “ether.” (from the Greek , meaning upper air) •! Maxwell’s equations assume that light obeys the Newtonian-Galilean transformation. EVENT x ´ x´ = x – vt z´ = z t´ = t 10 Historical Perspective y´ = y Time is absolute t´ = t 11 12 The Michelson-Morley Experiment •! Experiment designed to measure small changes in the speed of light was performed by Albert A. Michelson (1852 – 1931, Nobel ) and Edward W. Morley (1838 – 1923). •! Used an optical instrument called an interferometer that Michelson invented. •! Device was to detect the presence of the ether. •! Outcome of the experiment was negative, thus contradicting the ether hypothesis. •! A.A. Michelson and E.W. Morley, American Journal of Science, 134 – 333, 1887) Einstein’s Postulates Big problem at the turn of the century: 1.! Michelson-Morley showed that the Galilean transformation did not hold for Maxwell’s equation. 2.! Maxwell’s equations could not be wrong. 3.! Galilean transformation did hold for the laws of mechanics. 4.! Einstein proposed a solution. 13 14 Inertial Reference Frame Principle of Simultaneity An inertial reference frame is one –!in which no accelerations are observed in the absence of external forces. –!that is not accelerating. –!Newton’s laws hold in all inertial reference frames. Two events that are simultaneous in one reference frame (K) are not necessarily simultaneous in another reference frame (K´) moving with respect to the first frame. 15 Recall that in the Galilean transformation time is considered absolute regardless of the relative motion of the reference inertial reference frames. 16 Einstein’s Postulates The Principle of Relativity All the laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems.* There is no way to detect absolute motion, and no preferred inertial system exists. 1.! The Principle of Relativity 2.! The constancy of the speed of light. *Particular quantities (velocity, momentum, kinetic energy, …) have different values in different inertial reference frames, but the laws of physics (conservation of energy and momentum, …) are the same. 17 18 The Ultimate Speed The Constancy of the Speed of Light •! The speed of light has been defined to be exactly: c = 299 792 458 m/s Observers in all inertial systems measure the same value for the speed of light in a vacuum. (c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s) •! Light travels at this ultimate speed, as do any massless particles. •! No entity that carries energy or information can exceed this speed limit. •! No particle that does have a mass, can actually reach c. •! Electrons have been accelerated to at least 0.999 999 999 95 times the speed of light—still less than c. 19 20 Einstein’s Postulates of Relativity: (Albert Einstein, 1905) Postulated in an attempt to explain the laws of Classical Electromagnetism (Maxwell’s Equations, constancy of the speed of light) 1st Postulate: The form of each physical law is the same in all inertial frames of reference INERTIAL FRAME = ? Einstein’s Postulates of Relativity: • • • Light Souce, Medium and Michelson- Morley Experiment (Discussion sessions, see Appendix A) Definition of an “Event” Consequences of Einstein’s Postulates: 1. Relative Simultaneity 2. Time Dilation 3. Length Contraction 2nd Postulate: Light moves with the same speed (c) relative to all observers Anna measures: Speed of light = c The reference frame in which an object experiencing zero net force – a “free” object – moves at constant velocity v = constant ? Bob measures: Speed of light = c and not v+c Michelson-Morley Experiment Proves that There is no Medium that light travels in (Hypothetical Aether) Will be discussed at Discussion Sessions Einstein’s Postulates of Relativity: Consequence 1: Relative Simultaneity, or The absence of absolute simultaneity Simultaneous Flash • • Light Souce, Medium and Michelson- Morley Experiment (Discussion sessions, see Appendix A) Definition of an “Event” • Consequences of Einstein’s Postulates: 1. Relative Simultaneity 2. Time Dilation 3. Length Contraction Simultaneous Arrival => AN EVENT 2nd Postulate THEN: Simultaneous Arrival Simultaneous Arrival !The same EVENT For Bob as well! !AN EVENT For Bob as well! Simultaneous Emission is impossible for Bob 2nd Postulate Both emission and arrival are simultaneous BUT THEN: Simultaneous Arrival !AN EVENT For Bob as well! Simultaneous Emission is impossible for Bob Arrival is simultaneous But Emission is not simultaneous
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