N5990A User Guide for USB
N5990A User Guide for USB
Keysight N5990A Test Automation Software Platform for USB User Guide Notices Copyright Notice © Keysight Technologies 2015-2016 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws. Manual Part Number N5990-91030 Edition Edition 5.0, July 2016 Published by: Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Str. 130, 71034 Böblingen, Germany Technology Licenses The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. U.S. Government Rights The Software is “commercial computer software,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR 12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FAR Supplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S. government acquires commercial computer software under the same terms by which the software is customarily provided to the public. Accordingly, Keysight provides the Software to U.S. government customers under its standard commercial license, which is embodied in its End User License Agreement (EULA), a copy of which can be found at http://www.keysight.com/find/sweula The license set forth in the EULA represents the exclusive authority by which the U.S. government may use, modify, distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULA and the license set forth therein, does not require or permit, among other things, that Keysight: (1) Furnish technical information related to commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation that is not customarily provided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to, or otherwise provide, the government rights in excess of these rights customarily provided to the public to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation. No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply, except to the extent that those terms, rights, or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to the FAR and the DFARS and are set forth specifically in writing elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shall be under no obligation to update, revise or otherwise modify the Software. With respect to any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, the U.S. government acquires no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in any technical data. Warranty THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,” AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN FUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. KEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD KEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY TERMS IN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENT SHALL CONTROL. Safety Information CAUTION A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. WARNING A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met Contents Contents Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 What’s in This Chapter 1.1.1 1.2 2 Document History 7 Test Automation Software Platform 9 Test Station Configuration 11 3.1.1 3.2 3.3 Using Keysight IO VISA Connection Expert Starting Test Station 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 15 17 Configuring DUT 17 Selecting, Modifying & Running Tests 19 Results 23 Oscilloscope Transmitter Test Integration 3.3.1 3.3.2 27 Using the Software 27 Troubleshooting 28 USB Computer Bus Test Application 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Supported Hardware Configurations 31 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 ValiFrame USB Station Configuration 31 Starting ValiFrame USB 37 Configuring the USB DUT 39 Calibration Receiver 56 51 Super Speed Module Procedure Description 67 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 31 High Speed Procedure Description 51 4.3.1 4.3.2 Calibration Receiver 93 67 Super Speed Plus Module Procedure Description 4.5.1 4.5.2 5 7 Using Software 3.1 4 Overview of This Guide N5990A Overview 2.1 3 7 Calibration Receiver 214 191 191 Troubleshooting and Support 5.1 N5990A User Guide for USB Log List and File 244 5 Contents 6 Appendix 6.1 Data Structure and Backup 247 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 247 Remote Interface 249 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 ValiFrame Data Structure ValiFrame Backup 249 Introduction 249 Interface Description 250 Using the Remote Interface 252 Results Format 254 Controlling Loop Parameters and Looping Over Selected Tests 256 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.4 IBerReader 6.4.1 6.5 6 Connect() 258 SetToDefault() 258 Init() 258 GetParameterList() and GetParameterValues() 258 SetNextValue() 258 Disconnect() 259 260 IBerReader Interface 261 Main Power Switch Control 263 N5990A User Guide for USB Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 1.1 What’s in This Chapter What’s in This Chapter This chapter provides an introduction to this user guide. 1.1.1 Overview of This Guide This guide provides a detailed description of the N5990A Test Automation Software Platfom. 1.2 Document History First Edition (September, 2014) The first edition of this user guide describes functionality of software version N5990A ValiFrame_2.23_USB3_1.40. Second Edition (October, 2014) The second edition of this user guide describes functionality of software version N5990A ValiFrame_2.23_USB3_1.40. Third Edition (January, 2015) The third edition of this user guide describes functionality of software version N5990A ValiFrame_2.23_USB3_1.50. Fourth Edition (September, 2015) The fourth edition of this user guide describes functionality of software version N5990A ValiFrame_2.23_USB3_1.53. Fifth Edition (July, 2016) The fifth edition of this user guide describes functionality of software version N5990A_ValiFrame_2.23_USB_2.00. N5990A User Guide for USB 7 N5990A Overview 2 N5990A Overview 2.1 2.1 Test Automation Software Platform Test Automation Software Platform The Keysight Technologies N5990A Test Automation Software Platform “ValiFrame” is an open and flexible framework for automating electrical compliance tests for digital buses such as USB and PCI Express. The product runs on a standard PC that controls a wide range of test hardware. Typically, the hardware comprises of instruments for stimulus and response tests, such as pattern generators, bit error ratio testers (BERTs), and oscilloscopes. Key elements of the software platform are a test sequencer, receiver test libraries, and interfaces to oscilloscope applications for transmitter tests. Additional options are available, e.g. User Programming. N5990A is impemented in C# within the Microsoft .NET Framework. The software platform is specified in the data sheet 5989-5483EN, including the PC requirements. N5990A User Guide for USB 9 Using Software 3 3.1 Using Software 3.1 Test Station Configuration 3.2 Starting Test Station 3.3 Oscilloscope Transmitter Test Integration Test Station Configuration Test Station Selection The set of test instruments used for a specific application is referred to in the following as "Test Station" or in short "Station". The test station is controlled by a suitable PC and the N5990A Test Automation Software Platform. At first, ValiFrame Station Configuration (Start > All Programs > BitifEye> USB >ValiFrame USB Station Configuration) must be started prior to “ValiFrame USB” (see Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-6). Figure 3-1: ValiFrame station configuration icon When the ValiFrame Station Configuration is started, a window is displayed as shown in Figure 3-2. The available Test Stations are listed in a drop-down menu. Multiple entries can be generated by User Programming (N5990A opt. 500) and the required station can be selected. N5990A User Guide for USB 11 3 Using Software Figure 3-2: N5990A station selection window The N5990A opt. 001 is an interface to SQL databases (and web browsers). In case this option was purchased, the connection to the database application server is established by unchecking the default "Database Offline" selection and entering the IP address of the server. You can select how the results of the calibrations and tests will be presented: as an MS Excel workbook or as an HTML document. You can receive an audio notification when a sequence of tests completes, when a Connection diagram is displayed, or when there is a Dialog prompt. Select the specific sound for each of these (see Figure 3-2). Following are the available options: o None o Car brake o Feep Feep o Ringing o TaDa o Tut You can also hear the selected sound by clicking “Play” before you set the sound of your choice. Proceed with “Next” or quit with “Cancel”. Clicking “Next” opens a ValiFrame Station Configuration window as given in Figure 3-3. 12 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software Figure 3-3: N5990A station configuration window Test Station Configuration Depending on the selected station in Figure 3-2. ,the ValiFrame Station Configuration window shows the instruments or instrument combinations that are required. All the required instruments can be selected using the drop-down menus. Click “Next” to continue. The user must ensure that all the selected instruments for the test station are connected to the test station PC controller by the remote control interfaces such as LAN or USB. After the required instruments have been selected, they are listed in the ValiFrame Instrument Configuration Window (see Figure 3-4). In order to control instruments for use with the test station, connections to the instruments need to be established by using specific hardware addresses as described in the following section. The "Mode" check box must be checked to set a specific instrument status from "Offline" to "Online". N5990A User Guide for USB 13 3 Using Software Figure 3-4: N5990A instrument configuration window When starting a specific test station configuration for the first time, all instruments are set to the “Offline” mode. In this mode the test automation software does not connect to any instrument. This mode can be used for demonstrations or checks. 14 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software 3.1.1 Using Keysight IO VISA Connection Expert Introduction The Keysight Connection Expert is recommended to setup new connections or verify existing connections. Start the Connection Expert by right-clicking on the Keysight IO Libraries Suite icon in the task bar and selecting “Connection Expert”. A window similar to the one shown in Figure 3-5 is displayed. Figure 3-5: Keysight Connection Expert Under “Instruments”, click “Rescan”. N5990A User Guide for USB 15 3 Using Software For each instrument that is required, verify that an entry exists in the list for the instrument and that before the VISA Address there is a green checkmark. Once all the instruments to be used are listed properly, their address strings can be entered in the ValiFrame Instrument Configuration Window (Figure 3-4). The recommended way of doing this is by copying and pasting instrument addresses as follows: Click the “VISA Address” field next to an instrument in the Connection Expert. Copy the address, highlight the same instrument in the Test Station Connection window, paste the address in the “Instrument Address” text field and click “Apply Address”. Repeat this procedure for all the instruments being used, except standard specific applications running on the oscilloscope. The applications running on the oscilloscope use a different technology to provide remote access to ValiFrame, called .NET Remoting. Communication. The remote access is only possible using a LAN connection to the oscilloscope and for this reason the IP address needs to be used with this type of instrument. Once all the instruments are set with the appropriate addresses, select the instruments that will be used by the Test Automation Software by selecting the check boxes. This will set the instrument mode to “Online”. Click “Check Connections” to verify that the instrument addresses are valid. Click “Finish” to save the changes and close the ValiFrame Station Configuration. 16 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software 3.2 Starting Test Station Start the ValiFrame test station by double-clicking the icon on the desktop (example for USB test station given in Figure 3-6). Alternatively, start the ValiFrame station by clicking “Start > All Programs > BitifEye > USB > ValiFrame USB”. Figure 3-6: ValiFrame USB test station icon The ValiFrame N5990A connects automatically to the instruments which are set to “Online” mode in the ValiFrame Station Configuration (see Figure 3-4). The application is ready for use once all the connections have been initialized successfully and the main menu is displayed as shown in Figure 3-7. 3.2.1 Configuring DUT Once the N5990A main menu is displayed, the DUT needs to be configured in order to proceed with testing. Click the “Configure DUT” icon on the toolbar or select the “Configure DUT” option from the File menu (see Figure 3-7). A window is displayed as shown in Figure 3-8. Figure 3-7: ValiFrame main window N5990A User Guide for USB 17 3 Using Software Figure 3-8: Configure DUT panel The parameters available on the “Configure DUT” panel depend on the specific application. Enter all the information which is relevant for a USB DUT, such as DUT identification, type (Device or Host), specification version and connector type. The selected DUT parameters and the information entered by the user will be shown in the measurement reports. It is also stored with the measurement data in case a connection to an SQL database exists. As this information will be used to retrieve data from the database, select unique identifiers and descriptions. Additional calibration and test parameters can be set in a separate dialog which is displayed by clicking “Show Parameters”. In USB applications, either Compliance or Expert Mode must be selected. In compliance mode, the tests run according to the specific test specification. In expert mode, the DUT can be characterized to determine performance margins. It is provided for advanced users and includes additional tests as well as additional parameters to run tests differently than in compliance mode. 18 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software 3.2.2 Selecting, Modifying & Running Tests After the DUT has been configured, click “OK” in the Configure DUT Panel. The ValiFrame main window is displayed with the procedure tree as shown in Figure 3-9. It contains the list of calibration and test procedures, typically in the following groups: 1. Calibration 2. Receiver tests 3. Transmitter tests Figure 3-9: N5990A main window with the procedures Click the “Properties” and “Log List” buttons of the main toolbar (highlighted in Figure 3-9) to display or hide procedure parameters on the right side and log messages at the bottom of the ValiFrame main window, respectively. The parameter grid on the right side of the window shows the parameters which are related to the selected calibration or test procedure subgroups or to individual procedures.These parameters can only be set before the execution of the procedure subgroup or procedure is started. The log list at the bottom of the window shows calibration and test status messages (regular progress updates as well as warnings and error messages). N5990A User Guide for USB 19 3 Using Software System Calibration It is necessary to calibrate the test system before running the first test, in order to ensure that the test results are consistent from run to run. Provided the equipment has achieved thermal stability before the calibration is started (typically after 30 min of warm-up), and no system elements have been exchanged, the calibration is stable and may only have to be repeated once a week or even less frequently. The calibration interval depends on the degree of accuracy desired. If the station is not calibrated prior to a DUT test, the results of the previous calibration will be used for the current tests. Selecting Procedures The calibration, receiver, and transmitter test procedure groups can be selected globally by selecting the check box at the top of the group. Alternatively, an individual test procedure can be selected by selecting the specific check box next to it. Only the procedures that are selected will be executed. Modifying Parameters Most calibration and test procedures, as well as the groups containing them, have parameters that control the details of how the procedures are run. In compliance mode, most of these parameters are read-only. In expert mode, almost all the parameters can be modified. First, select a specific calibration or test procedure or one of the groups containing them in the ValiFrame procedure tree. The parameters should be displayed in a property list on the right side of the screen. If they are not displayed, click the “Properties” icon on the toolbar. Depending on the user selection in the Properties pane, the properties are ordered either alphabetically or in categories. The test parameters available can be changed individually (see Figure 3-10). The test parameters selected are listed in the results viewer, see Figure 3-11. Figure 3-10: Editing the test parameters 20 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software Figure 3-11: An example of test results Running Procedures To run the selected procedures, click the “Start” icon on the toolbar (see Figure 3-9). The procedures are run sequentially in the order shown in the procedure tree. Some procedures may require user interaction, such as changing cable connections or entering DUT parameters. The required action is prompted in pop-up dialog boxes prior to the execution as shown in Figure 3-12. N5990A User Guide for USB 21 3 Using Software Figure 3-12: Connection diagram pop-up window 22 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software 3.2.3 Results Runtime Data Display Most procedures generate data output. While the procedure is running, the data is displayed in a temporary MS Excel worksheet or HTML document, which opens automatically for each individual procedure. An example is given in Figure 3-13. See the Appendix for more details about the file directories. Figure 3-13: Example of test results The MS-Excel worksheet or HTML document is opened during the procedure run and closes once the specific procedure is finished. As long as the N5990A Software is running, each result file can be reopened with a double-click on the respective procedure. However, the individual files are lost when the N5990A main window is closed, unless individual files or a collection of them were saved by the user. If a test or calibration procedure was run more than once, the list of results is visible below the particular procedure after expanding the tree below the procedure (see Figure 3-14). N5990A User Guide for USB 23 3 Using Software Figure 3-14: Selecting the repeated procedure and show test results Results Workbook For user convenience, all individual results are combined in a summary MS Excel workbook or HTML document at the end of the test run. The workbook must be saved explicitly (File > Save Results as Workbook...) as shown in Figure 3-15, otherwise it will be lost! After all tests have been run, a test report document can be generated additionally for easy documentation and printing with the standard Print function of the File menu (see Figure 3-15). An example test report for USB is shown in Figure 3-16. Figure 3-15: Save results as workbook 24 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software Figure 3-16: Test report example N5990A User Guide for USB 25 3 Using Software Smiley's Representation Once the selected procedures are run successfully, the smiley at the individual procedure indicates the result (Pass / Fail / Incomplete) by displaying its face in specific ways as given below (see Table 1). Table 1: Smiley's result description table Smiley Description It indicates that the procedure passed successfully at the previous run and the results are available. It indicates that the procedure passed successfully at the present run. It indicates that the procedure was aborted/disturbed somehow and failed at the previous run. It indicates that the procedure was aborted/disturbed somehow and failed at the present run. It indicates that the procedure failed at the previous run. It indicates that the procedure failed at the present run. Generally this kind of smiley displays two results such as the first half indicates that the result of the present run and the second half shows the result of the previous run. In this example, the first half indicates that the procedure passed successfully at the present run and the second half means that it was not completely run at the previous run. 26 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software 3.3 Oscilloscope Transmitter Test Integration Keysight Technologies provides a range of transmitter test applications for highspeed digital interfaces. The transmitter test applications run on real-time oscilloscopes of the Keysight 90000 series such as a Digital Sampling Oscilloscope (DSO). The transmitter test applications can be used standalone, without the N5990A Test Automation Software Platform. For this use model, please refer to the user documentation of the specific application. The transmitter test applications however can be run through the N5990A Test Automation Software Platform too. A remote interface is used to execute the transmitter test procedures. For this model, a test controller PC with the N5990A software must be connected to the oscilloscope via Ethernet, e.g. through a LAN switch. The remote interface of the transmitter test applications does not support USB connections. 3.3.1 Using the Software In the N5990A Test Station Configuration, the available transmitter test applications are listed as instruments (see Figure 3-17). The IP address of the oscilloscope has to be used as the instrument address. After entering the address, the transmitter test application instrument needs to be set to “Online” by selecting the check box. Click “Check Connections” to verify that the connection works properly. If the transmitter test application is not already running on the oscilloscope, the N5990A Test Automation Software automatically starts it via the oscilloscope firmware. Figure 3-17: Setting the TX scope application online N5990A User Guide for USB 27 3 Using Software The N5990A Main Window lists the transmitter tests in the procedure tree under the “Transmitter” group. During the test run, the oscilloscope transmitter test application sends its connection diagrams and pop-up dialog windows to the controller PC on which the N5990A Test Automation Software is running. Once the oscilloscope application finishes the test run, the N5990A software saves the test results including screenshots, data graphs, data tables and specification limits similar to a calibration or receiver test report. 3.3.2 Troubleshooting This section provides solutions for the following problems: • Wrong version of the transmitter test application • Error message at startup and connection failures • Transmitter test application and oscilloscope seem to hang Wrong version of the transmitter test application When starting the transmitter tests, the N5990A software compares the version of the transmitter test application which is currently installed on the oscilloscope with the version which was tested with N5990A. In case the versions do not match, an error message is displayed in the N5990A log file and a warning dialog shows the details about the latest tested version. The appropriate version of the transmitter test application must be installed on the oscilloscope to avoid problems. Even if the versions do not match, the N5990A Test Automation Software can try to run the transmitter tests. This may work if the changes between the transmitter test application versions are small, but installing the officially supported version is always strongly recommended. Error message at startup and connection fails The connection to the transmitter test application must be established through Ethernet (LAN); however, the firewall settings might not be set properly on the oscilloscope or the controller PC. This might result in error messages when the N5990A Test Automation Software tries to start the oscilloscope transmitter test application. In this case, check whether the following applications are added to the firewall exception list: 1. Transmitter test application on the oscilloscope 2. N5990A Test Automation Software and N5990A Station Configuration on the controller PC In case the controller PC has more than one LAN adapter, the .Net remoting back channel, which displays the dialogs may not work and the oscilloscope application may try to open the remoting back channel to an invalid address. To recover from this, the LAN adapter which is connected to the oscilloscope should be set to be the primary adapter. This might require help from a network administrator as the specific setting depends on the Windows version. If the connection and information dialogs from the oscilloscope are not displayed properly, check the firewall settings first and then make sure that the LAN adapter connected to the oscilloscope network is set to the primary one. 28 N5990A User Guide for USB Using Software Transmitter test application and oscilloscope seem to hang In general, the transmitter test application expects a valid signal that can be used as a trigger for the sampling but sometimes the signal is missing or too small, i.e., below the threshold. In this case, the oscilloscope may appear to be frozen. This is expected oscilloscope behavior because the oscilloscope trigger hardware stops the execution of oscilloscope firmware as long as the trigger signal is missing. To exit from this state, apply a valid signal or reboot the oscilloscope and restart the N5990A software to check the signals before starting transmitter tests if the required trigger signal is unknown. Please report the test and test conditions to your Keysight support contact. N5990A User Guide for USB 29 USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4 4.1 USB Computer Bus Test Application 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Supported Hardware Configurations 4.3 USB2 Module Procedure Description 4.4 USB3 Module Procedure Description Introduction This chapter describes the calibrations and test procedures conducted by N5990A ValiFrame for Universal Serial Bus (USB) in detail. The N5990A software implements the Electrical Compliance Test Specification and also offers some custom characterization tests to provide more details on DUT behavior beyond the limits. The electrical compliance tests are conducted to verify that the receiver can handle maximum stress signals according to the specification. 4.2 Supported Hardware Configurations ValiFrame N5990A supports the following instruments for receiver testing 1. USB 2.0: Keysight J-BERT N4903B and Keysight J-BERT M8020A 2. USB 3.0: Keysight J-BERT N4903B and Keysight J-BERT M8020A 3. USB 3.1: Keysight J-BERT N4903B and Keysight J-BERT M8020A 4.2.1 ValiFrame USB Station Configuration After the software has been installed, an icon is added to the desktop as shown in Figure 4-1. Start the software with a double-click of the left mouse button or, alternatively, start the application from "Start > All Programs > BitifEye > USB > ValiFrame USB Station Configuration". N5990A User Guide for USB 31 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-1: USB station configuration icon When the software is started, a window as shown in Figure 4-2 is displayed. It allows the “USB station” to be selected. Figure 4-2: USB Station Selection Window 32 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB Station Configuration Window Options Data Generator The data generator is used to create patterns with specified stress parameters. The following instruments can be selected as data generator: • JBERT- N4903B (Keysight N4903B High Perfomance Serial BERT) • JBERT- M8020A (Keysight J-BERT M8020A High Perfomance Serial BERT) The error detector of the selected data generator (BERT system) will be used to check if the data looped back from the DUT contains errors. Figure 4-3: Configuration with JBERT N4903B N5990A User Guide for USB 33 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-4: Configuration with JBERT M8020A 34 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 De-Emphasis Generation When the data generator is the JBERT N4903B, the de-emphasis source can be selected as: • N4916 (Keysight N4916 De-Emphasis Signal Converter) • AUX_DATA (requires JBERT second data channel option 002) • None (only for debugging purposes) M8020A will generate the de-emphasis internally. Therefore this selection is not visible when M8020A is selected as Data Generator. Power Supply for Auto Loopback Training It contains the following options: • None • E3631A (Keysight Triple Output DC Power Supply) • E363xA (Keysight E363xA Series Programmable DC Power Supplies) • E364xA (Keysight E364xA Single Output DC Power Supplies) • N67xx (Keysight N67xx Modular Power Supply from MATLAB) When any power supply is selected, the DUT is power-cycled automatically. Power Switch for Auto Loopback Training It can be selected as: • None • NetIo 230 B (a power distribution unit with one 230 V input and four 230 V outlets) • ALL4076 • SynaccessNP When any power switch is selected, the DUT is power-cycled automatically. To use the Power Switch, the ValiFrame opt. 008: Remote Power Management Support is required. • For more details, refer to the Appendix section Main Power Switch Control. N5990A User Guide for USB 35 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Tx Scope Application Depending on the selection of “Tx Scope Application” (for USB2 or USB3), the respective tests in the “Transmitter” group are available. It contains the following options: • N5416A_Usb2: Required for Tx USB2.0 compliance test software. • N5416B_Usb2: Required for Tx USB2.0 compliance test software. • U7243A_Usb3: Required for Tx USB3.0 compliance test software. • U7243B_Usb3: Required for Tx USB3.1 compliance test software. SigTest Configuration The SigTest software is used in several calibration procedures in order to calculate the eye height, eye width, and jitter parameters of the generated signal. The calculations are done in parallel instead of sequentially to reduce the calibration time, using two levels of performance (“Full” or “Economic”), i.e. the amount of processing power that will be used for this purpose. It is possible to use the SigTest binaries provided by the N5990A or use a custom SigTest installation. Figure 4-5: Signal Test Configuartion Window 36 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-6: USB instrument configuration window After the installation process, all instruments are configured by default in “Offline” mode. In this simulation mode, hardware does not need to be physically connected to the test controller PC. ValiFrame cannot connect to any instrument in this mode. In order to control the instruments that are connected to the PC, the instrument address must be entered in the text box shown in Figure 4-6. The address depends on the bus type that is used for the connection, for example, General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) or Local Area Network (LAN). Most of the instruments used in the USB station use a Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) connection. To determine the VISA address, run the “Keysight Connection Expert” (right-click on the IO Libraries Suite icon in the taskbar and then select the first entry “Keysight Connection Expert”). Enter the instrument addresses in the “Station Configuration Wizard”, for example, by copying and pasting the address strings from the Connection Expert entries. After the address strings have been entered, remove the “Offline” flag of all the required instruments and click “Check Connections” to verify that the connections for the instruments have been established properly. 4.2.2 Starting ValiFrame USB Start ValiFrame USB by double-clicking the “ValiFrame USB” icon that is displayed on the desktop, as shown in Figure 4-7. Alternatively, start the ValiFrame USB Station from “Start > All Programs > BitifEye > USB > ValiFrame USB”. Starting ValiFrame USB opens the window shown in Figure 4-8. Figure 4-7: ValiFrame USB icon N5990A User Guide for USB 37 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-8: ValiFrame USB user interface 38 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4.2.3 Configuring the USB DUT Clicking the “Configure DUT” icon on the toolbar of the ValiFrame USB user interface window to display the Configure DUT window. See Figure 4-9, Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11 for Spec Version 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 respectively. Figure 4-9 Configure DUT window with Spec Version 2.0 selected N5990A User Guide for USB 39 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-10: Configure DUT window with Spec Version 3.0 selected 40 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-11: Configure DUT window with Spec Version 3.1 selected N5990A User Guide for USB 41 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Product Parameters DUT Type: The DUT type can be chosen as: • Device • Host Spec Version: The available specific versions are: • 2.0 • 3.0 • 3.1 Connector: When DUT type Device is selected: • With Spec Version 2.0 o StandardB • With Spec Version 3.0 o Standard-B o Micro-B o Tethered Std-A • With Spec Version 3.1 o Micro-B o Type-C o Tethered Std-A o Tethered Type-C When DUT type Host is selected: • With Spec Version 2.0 o Standard-A • With Spec Version 3.0 o Standard-A • With Spec Version 3.1 o Standard-A o Type-C 42 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Test Parameters As for all the applications, a description, a user name, and a comment can be entered. Compliance/Expert Mode: In Compliance mode only the plain compliance tests are shown with very little customization parameters. In Expert mode additional debugging tests are added and the compliance tests can be run with customized settings. Speed Class: • When Spec Version 2.0 is selected: The available USB Speed class is HighSpeed. • When Spec Version 3.0 is selected: The available USB Speed class is Super Speed. • When Spec Version 3.1 is selected: The available USB Speed classes are Super Speed and Super Speed Plus. Show Parameters: Clicking “Show Parameters” displays a dialog that enables you to configure some additional test parameters, which are available for Spec Version 3.0 and 3.1. Depending on the speed classes selected, individual tabs are displayed (see Figure 4-12). Figure 4-12: Test Parameters Window N5990A User Guide for USB 43 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application In station Configuration window if you have selected ‘None’ in ‘Power Supply for auto loopback training’, then Power Supply Mode will not appear in PowerAutomation (see Figure 4-13). Similarly if in station Configuration window, you have selected ‘None’ in ‘Power Switch for auto loopback training’, then Power Switch Mode will not appear in PowerAutomation (see Figure 4-14). Figure 4-13: Station Configuration Window showing the available options for Power Supply for auto loopback training Figure 4-14: Station Configuration Window showing the available options for Power Switch for auto loopback training 44 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 J-BERT N4903B and J-BERT M8020A have the same Test Parameters under the Rx Super Speed tab execpt for the Error Detector parameters as shown below. Figure 4-15: Test parameters window showing the parameter of RxSuper Speed with J-BERT M8020A N5990A User Guide for USB 45 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-15: Test parameters window showing the parameter of RxSuper Speed with J-BERT N4903B Please note that the DUT transmits with SSC and Deviation parameters are available only when JBERT N4903B is the selected Data Generator in the N5990A Station Configuration. 46 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-16: Test parameters window showing the parameter of RxSuper Speed with J-BERT M8020A The Equalization and Sensitivity parameters are available only when J-BERT M8020A is the selected Data Generator in the N5990A Station Configuration. Please note that the Equalization requires M8070A option 0A3 and that the available presets depend on the factory calibration of the J-BERT M8020A. J-BERT N4903B and J-BERT M8020A have same Test Parameters for Rx Super Speed Plus as shown in Figure 4-17 and Figure 4-18. N5990A User Guide for USB 47 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-17: Test parameters window showing the parameter of RxSuper Speed Plus with J-BERT N4903B 48 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-18: Test parameters window showing the parameter of RxSuper Speed Plus with J-BERT M8020A N5990A User Guide for USB 49 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-19: Test parameters window showing the parameter of Transmitter For more detail about these parameters see Receiver. Rx Super Speed Plus tab is not available with Spec Version 2.0 and 3.0. 50 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4.3 High Speed Procedure Description This section describes the High Speed calibration and test procedures of the USB2 module based on version 1.40. These procedures are available for Spec Version 2.0. The following configurations are included: • J-BERT N4903B • J-BERT M8020A 4.3.1 Calibration Common Calibration Parameters Repetitions: The number of times to repeat a test or a test sequence. Direct SMA scope connection: Direct SMA connections to the oscilloscope can be either to channels 1 and 3 or to channels 2 and 4. Differential scope connection: Differential connections to the oscilloscope can be to any channel (1, 2, 3, or 4). USB2 Random Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: In the Rx tests, the input signal will be stressed with a combination of jitter sources to simulate the possible impairments expected at the Rx input when operating in a target system. Random jitter is added to simulate the effects of thermal noise. Due to system intrinsic jitter, the effective jitter level is different from the value set in the data generator, so the jitter amplitude is calibrated. The test automation calibrates six equally spaced RJ values (from 0 to 220 ps). The data generator sends a clock pattern during this calibration procedure. The actual jitter is measured on a DSO using the RJ/DJ-separation software EzJIT. The set and measured random jitter values are stored in a cal table file. Connection Diagram: N5990A User Guide for USB 51 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-20: Connection setup for USB 2 random jitter calibration for M8020A and N4903B, respectively 52 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Parameters in Expert Mode: The following Sequencer parameters are available for all the tests: Procedure Error Case Behavior: Specifies the action to be taken when an error occurs during the execution of a test in a test sequence. The available options include: Proceed with Next Procedure and Abort Sequence. Procedure Failed Case Beavior: Specifies the action to be taken when the execution of a test fails in a test sequence. The available options include: Proceed with Next Procedure and Abort Sequence. Repetitions: Specifies the number of times to repeat the execution of a test. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: Figure 4-21: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 53 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • Column 1: o Set Random Jitter: The jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2: o Measured Random Jitter: The measured jitter amplitude. USB2 Differential Voltage Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the differential voltage. The test automation uses the data generator to send the IN packet pattern to the DUT. It measures the differential amplitude of the received IN packets with a real time oscilloscope. The voltage is calibrated from 0 to 600mV with 25 mV steps. This calibration depends on the DUT, so it is necessary to do it every time the user configures a new DUT. It is not saved. Connection Diagram Figure 4-22: Connection setup for USB 2 differential voltage calibration for M8020A 54 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Parameters in Expert Mode: Sequencer parameters as described in the Random Jitter Calibration. Additionally: Keep Caldata: When set to True, calibration data is saved and reloaded when configuring the DUT. Since the differential voltage calibration data is DUT dependent, this option must be used if the calibrated DUT is identical to the DUT currently used. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: Figure 4-23: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 55 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • Column 1: o Set Differential Voltage [mV]: The differential voltage set in the instrument. Column 2: o Measured Vdiff [mV]: The differential voltage of the IN packet in the DUT. 4.3.2 Receiver Common Calibration Parameters Repetitions: The number of times to repeat tests in a test sequence. Scope connection: For Rx tests a differential connection to the oscilloscope is used. The connection can be to any oscilloscope channel (1, 2, 3 or 4). Force DUT re-initialization at each step 56 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB2 Rx Sensitivity Compliance Test, EL_11, EL_13, EL_15, EL_17 Purpose and Method: This test verifies that the DUT meets the high speed compliance electrical criteria EL_11, EL_13 ,EL_15, and EL_17. According to EL_11 and EL_15, the DUT must be able to receive at 480Mb/s ±0.05% and should be able to reliably receive in the presence of a common mode voltage component over the range of -50 mV to 500 mV. So the DUT is tested at the four corner points: (480-0.05%, -50 mV), (480+0.05%, -50 mV), (480-0.05%, 500 mV) and (480+0.05%, 500 mV). According to EL_13, a USB 2.0 upstream facing port on a device must tolerate 300 mU of jitter. The automated test adds 80 mU of random jitter and 220 mU of sinusoidal jitter for all the four points. The procedure sends an IN packet pattern to the DUT and checks if in these four points the DUT answers with NAK packets. Connection Diagram: Same as for Differential Voltage Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: • Vdiff: Differential Voltage used for this test. • Vcm: Common mode voltage used for this test. • Random Jitter: Random jitter (peak-peak) used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter: Sinusoidal jitter used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency : Sinusoidal jitter frequency used for this test. • Num In Packets: The number of IN packets that the scope observes to check if they have NAK answer. • Max missing NAK: The maximum number of allowed missing NAK packets. Used Calibrations: • Differential Voltage Calibration • Random Jitter Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 57 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-24: Result description • • • • 58 Column 1: o Result: Pass if the number of missing NAK is below or equal of the max number of missing NAK packets. Column 2: o Common Mode Voltage [mV]: CM voltage applied during the test. Column 3: o Data Rate [Mbit/s]: Effective data rate applied during the test. Column 4: o Number of missing NAK packets. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB2 Squelch Detection Compliance Test EL_16 Purpose and Method: This test verifies that the DUT meets the high speed compliance electrical criterion EL_16. According to EL_16 “a high speed capable device must implement a transmission envelope detector that indicates squelch (i.e., never receives packets) when a receivers input falls below 100 mV differential amplitude”. The procedure begins with setting 50 mV differential amplitude and increases it until the DUT starts sending NAK packets. The last voltage with which the DUT does not send any NAK packet is the squelch level. To pass the test the squelch level has to be above 100 mV. Connection Diagram: Same as for Differential Voltage Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: • Vcm: Common mode voltage used for this test. • Random Jitter: Random jitter (peak-peak) used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter Amplitude: Sinusoidal jitter amplitude used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency : Sinusoidal jitter frequency used for this test. • Start Differential Voltage: The differential amplitude where the test starts looking for the squelch level. • Differential Voltage Step Size: Step size used to increase the differential amplitude. • Num In Packets: The number of IN packets that the scope observes to check if they have NAK answer. Used Calibrations: • Differential Voltage Calibration • Random Jitter Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-25: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 59 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • 60 Column 1: o Result: Pass if the squelch detection voltage is more than 100 mV. Column 2: o Squelch Detection Voltage [mV]: Differential voltage below which the DUT does not respond. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB2 Minimum SYNC Field Compliance EL_18 Purpose and Method: The purpose of this test is to check the high speed electrical criterion EL_18: “A high speed capable device’s transmission envelope detector must be fast enough to allow the HS receiver to detect data transmission, archive DLL lock, and detect end of the SYNC field within 12 bit times”. The procedure sends the IN Token with the Minimum SYNC of 12 bits and checks if the DUT answers with NAKs. Connection Diagram: Same as for Differential Voltage Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: • Vdiff: Differential voltage used for this test. • Vcm: Common mode voltage used for this test. • Random Jitter: Random jitter (peak-peak) used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter Amplitude: Sinusoidal Jitter amplitude used for this test. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: Sinusoidal Jitter frequency used for this test. • Num In Packets: The number of IN packets that the scope observes to check if they have NAK answer. • Max missing NAK Packets: The maximum number of allowed missing NAK packets. Used Calibrations: • Differential Voltage Calibration • Random Jitter Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-26: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 61 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • 62 Column 1: o Result: Pass if the number of missing NAK is below or equal to the maximum number of missing NAK packets. Column 2: o Missing NAK packets [ ]: Number of IN packets that are not answered with a NAK packet. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB2 Sensitivity Characterization EL_13, EL_16, EL_17 Purpose and Method: This test characterizes the answer of the DUT depending on the differential voltage amplitude. According to EL_13 and EL_16 the device should not send any NAK packets below 100 mV and should always answer with NAK packets above 150 mV. The procedure sends IN packets to the DUT and analyses the response using a real time oscilloscope. It detects every IN packet and checks if there is a NAK packet after each one. The test stops if the DUT responds to all NAK packets at any point above 150 mV. If that does not happen it stops at the voltage defined in “Max Differential Voltage”. Connection Diagram: Same as for Differential Voltage Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: • Min Differential Voltage: Start amplitude used for this test. • Max Differential Voltage: The maximum tested voltage. • Differential Voltage Step Size: Step size to increase the voltage amplitude. • Common Mode Voltage: Common mode voltage added to the input signal. • Data Rate Deviation: Variation on the data rate. • Random Jitter: Random jitter added to the signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter: Sinusoidal jitter amplitude added to the signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: Frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. • Num In Packets: The number of IN packets that the scope observes to check if they have NAK answer. • Max missing NAK Packets. The maximum number of allowed missing NAK packets. Used Calibrations: • Differential Voltage Calibration • Random Jitter Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 63 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-27: Result description • • • • • 64 Column 1: o Result: Pass if DUT does not respond with NAK packets below 100 mV and responds to all NAK packets above 150 mV. Column 2: o Actual Differential Voltage [mV]: Voltage of the IN packets. Column 3: o Squelch Detection Spec [mV]: Level below which NAK packets should not be sent. Column 4: o Min Differential Voltage Spec [mV]: Level above which all IN packets should be responded to with a NAK packet. Column 5: o Missing NAK packets [ ]: Number of IN packets that are not answered with a NAK packet. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 USB2 Constant Parameter Stress EL_13, EL_16 Purpose and Method: This test analyses the DUT answer for specific values of the signal parameters that can be modified in the user interface. As in all the other tests, the IN packet pattern is sent with the data generator and the number of missing NAK packets is measured with the scope. The test passes if the answer meets the specification EL_13 and EL_16 (no NAK packets below 100 mV and always a NAK packet for each IN packet above 150 mV). Connection Diagram: Same as for Differential Voltage Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: • Vdiff: Differential voltage of the IN packet. • Common Mode Voltage: Common mode voltage added to the input signal. • Data Rate Deviation: Variation on the data rate. • Random Jitter: Random jitter added to the signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter: Sinusoidal jitter amplitude added to the signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: Frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. • Num In Packets: The number of IN packets that the scope observes to check if they have NAK answer. • Max missing NAK Packets. The maximum number of allowed missing NAK packets. Used Calibrations: • Differential Voltage Calibration • Random Jitter Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-28: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 65 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • 66 Column 1: o Result: Pass if DUT does not respond with NAK packets below 100 mV and responds to all NAK packets above 150 mV. Column 2: o Differential Voltage [mV]: Voltage of the IN packets. Column 3: o Squelch Detection Spec [mV]: Level below which NAK packets should not be sent. Column 4: o Min Differential Voltage Spec [mV]: Level above which all IN packets should be responded to with a NAK packet. Column 5: o Missing NAK packets [ ]: Number of IN packets that are not answered with a NAK packet. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4.4 Super Speed Module Procedure Description This section describes the Super Speed calibration and test procedures for Specification Versions 3.0 and 3.1. 4.4.1 Calibration Common Calibration Parameters: Repetitions: The number of times to repeat tests in a test sequence. Scope Cal Connection: Connection to the scope used for calibrations. The available choices include Chan 1 3 Direct Connect and Chan 2 4 Direct Connect. Amplitude Imbalance Check: Enables or disables the amplitude imbalance check during calibration.You can also access the following parameter from the Test Parameters window that can be invoked from the Configure DUT screen: Scope Connection: It allows you to select Chan 1 3 Direct Connect or Chan 2 4 Direct Connect. Calibration with Specification Version 3.0 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the differential voltage for low frequency periodic signaling. The data generator sends an LFPS pattern. The test automation sets nine equally spaced differential voltages from 600 mV to 1400 mV in the data generator. The differential amplitude is measured with the scope. Connection Diagram: N5990A User Guide for USB 67 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-29: Connection Setup for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration (J-BERT M8020A) Figure 4-30 : Connection Setup for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA) 68 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 69 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-31: Result description • • 70 Column 1 o Set Differential Voltage [mV]: The differential voltage amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2 o Measured Differential Voltage [mV]: The measured voltage amplitude. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G De-Emphasis Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the de-emphasis. The pattern generator sends the CP0 pattern to the oscilloscope. The calibration is done in several differential voltage points. For every point, de-emphasis is set from 70 % to 0 % with 10 % steps. The de-emphasis is measured with a scope doing eye height measuements with eye mask folding for transition and non-transition bits. Connection diagram: • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA and J-BERT M8020A: Same as for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration. • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator: Figure 4-32. Figure 4-32: Connection setup for 5G De-Emphasis Calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) N5990A User Guide for USB 71 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Parameters in Expert Mode: Differential Voltage Points: Set of voltage points where the de-emphasis is calibrated. Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: Figure 4-33: Result description 72 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Set De-Emphasis [%]: The de-emphasis set in the instrument. Column 2: o Actual De-Emphasis (x mV) [%]: The measured de-emphasis for each voltage point. 73 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Generator Output Voltage Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the differential voltage. The data generator sends the compliance pattern CP0 and does a sweep of the signal voltage amplitude. For each value, the oscilloscope measures the peak to peak differential voltage. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G De- Emphasis Calibration Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: 74 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-34: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Column 2 o Set Differential Voltage [mv]: Shows the diiferential value, set in the instrument. Measured differential Voltage [mv]: Shows the measured voltage. 75 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Long Channel 5G Random Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the random jitter (RJ). The pattern generator sends a clock pattern and adds random jitter to the signal. It sets eleven equally spaced RJ values (from 0 to 250 mUI). The jitter is measured with a real time oscilloscope using SigTest. Connection Diagram: Figure 4-35: Connection setup for LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B, Device) 76 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-36: Connection setup for LF sinusoidal jitter calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA, Device) N5990A User Guide for USB 77 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-37: Connection Setup for LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration (J-BERT M8020A) In the host case the instruments connections are the same but with the following fixtures: 78 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-38: Host case fixtures of connection setup for LF sinusoidal jitter calibration Parameters in Expert Mode: BER: The target BER used for the random jitter measurements. Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 79 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-39: Result description • • 80 Column 1 o Set Jitter [mUI]: The jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2 o Actual Random Jitter [mUI]: The measured jitter amplitude. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the sinusoidal jitter for low frequencies (from 100 KHz to 2 MHz). The data generator sends a Clock pattern during this calibration. The procedure makes a sinusoidal jitter sweep in five different frequencies. It checks that the measured jitter amplitude values are consistent across jitter frequencies. Deviations bigger than 2.5 % between the measured jitter amplitudes for the same set jitter amplitude with different frequencies are not allowed. In case of a bigger deviation, the point is re-measured up to three times. The sinusoidal jitter is measured with the oscilloscope using the SigTest software. SigTest is the standard method to measure Eye Height and Jitter. It is the only valid option for compliance testing. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Random Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 81 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-40: Result description • • 82 Column 1: o Set Jitter [UI]: The jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2: o Sinusoidal Jitter (x jitter frequency) [UI]: The measured jitter amplitude for each jitter frequency. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G HF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the sinusoidal jitter for high frequencies (from 4.9 MHz to 50 MHz). The method is the same as for 5G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration but in this case the maximum allowed deviation is 5%. As in the LF calibration, the data generator sends a Clock pattern during this calibration. The procedure makes a sinusoidal jitter sweep in five different frequencies. It checks that the measured jitter amplitude values are consistent across jitter frequencies. Deviations bigger than 5 % between the measured jitter amplitudes for the same set jitter amplitude with different frequencies are not allowed. In case of a bigger deviation, the point is re-measured up to three times. The sinusoidal jitter is measured with the oscilloscope using the SigTest software. SigTest is the standard method to measure Eye Height and Jitter. It is the only valid option for compliance testing. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Random Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: None Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 83 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-41: Result description • • 84 Column 1: o Set Jitter: The jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2: o Sinusoidal Jitter (x jitter frequency): The measured jitter amplitude for each jitter frequency. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Eye Height Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the eye height. The data generator sends the CP0 pattern. The test automation sets several differential voltage amplitudes and measures the corresponding eye height amplitude for each one. The measurements are done on the scope using the SigTest software. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Random Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Use CTLE: Enable CTLE in the scope. Used Calibrations: All the previous calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: Figure 4-42: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 85 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • 86 Column 1: o Input Diff Voltage [mV]: The differential voltage amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2: o Measured Eye Height [mV]: The measured eye height amplitude. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Total Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the total jitter. The data generator sends the “CPO_2SKP_RD-” pattern. Random jitter and sinusoidal jitter with the values specified in the USB Compliance Test Specification are added to the signal. Total jitter is measured on the oscilloscope using the SigTest software. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: SJ Frequency: The frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. Used Calibrations: All the previous calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: Figure 4-43: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column1: o Pass/Fail Result Column2: o Total Jitter (mUI): The measured total jitter. 87 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Eye Height Verification Purpose and Method: This test checks if it is possible to meet the eye height specification with the current calibration data and setup. The pattern generator sends the CP0 pattern to the oscilloscope and random jitter and sinusoidal jitter are set to the values specified in the USB Compliance Test Specification. The differential output voltage amplitude is set to the specified value plus a small margin defined with the “Eye Height Margin” parameter. The eye height is measured with the oscilloscope using SigTest. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Random Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Eye Height Margin: Differential voltage added to the value specified in the CTS. Used Calibrations: All the previous calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: Figure 4-44: Result description 88 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • Column 1: o Result: Specifies whether the eye height specifications have been met. Column 2: o Set Eye Height [mV]: The eye height set in the instrument. Column 3: o Measured Eye Height [mV]: The measured eye height. Column 4: o Upper Spec [mV]: The upper spec limit. Column 5: o Lower Spec [mV]: The lower spec limit. 5G Total Jitter Verification Purpose and Method: This test checks if it is possible to meet the total jitter specification with the current calibration data and setup. The pattern generator sends the CP0 pattern to the oscilloscope. The differential output voltage amplitude is set to the value specified in the USB Compliance Test Spec. Random jitter and sinusoidal jitter are set to the specified values plus a small margin defined with the “Random Jitter Margin” and “Sinusoidal Jitter Margin” parameters. The total jitter is measured with the oscilloscope using SigTest. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Random Jitter Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Specification • Random Jitter Margin: Percentage added to the specified RJ amplitude value. • Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage added to the specified SJ amplitude value. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency Used Calibrations: All the previous calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 89 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-45: Result description • • • • 90 Column 1: o Result. Column 2: o Measured Total Jitter. Column 3: o Min TJ at IE-12 [mUI]. Column 4: o Max TJ at IE-12 [mUI]. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Calibration with Specification Version 3.1 The calibration procedures defined for specification version 3.0 hold true for specification version 3.1. The difference with regard to specification version 3.0 is the addition of the connectors Type-C and Tethered Type-C. The following are the calibration procedures for the specification version 3.1: • 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration • 5G De-Emphasis Calibration • 5G Generator Output Voltage Calibration • 5G Random Jitter Calibration • 5G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration • 5G HF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibrations The above calibration procedures are available for all the following configurations, except the 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration, which is not available for the first configuration: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A For the following information, please refer to the descriptions in the Calibration section for specification version 3.0: • Purpose and Method • Parameters in Expert Mode • Used Calibrations • Procedure Report The connection diagrams for all the calibration procedures are the same. An exception is the 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration, which does not support DeGeneration = N4916. Figure 4-46: Connection Setup for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration (M8020A) N5990A User Guide for USB 91 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-47: Connection Setup for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) Figure 4-48: Connection Setup for 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA) 92 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4.4.2 Receiver You can see the Receiver parameters by clicking Show Parameters in the Configure Dut window, which is shown in Figure 4-49. Figure 4-49: Configure DUT Window Please select Spec Version 3.0 for Super Speed Module procedure. N5990A User Guide for USB 93 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-50: Test Parameters Window 94 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 For Super Speed Module description you have three tabs for classifying the Test parameters; Common, Rx Super Speed and Transmitter. The receiver-related parameters are confined to the Common and Rx Super Speed tabs. Following is a description of these tabs. • Common: This tab includes the Power Automation and BER Reader sections. o Power Automation: There are three available modes: Manual, Power Supply, and Power Switch: Manual: The user will be responsible for supplying power to the DUT and power-cycling it. Power Switch: It is only available when a power switch was selected in the Station Configurator. Following are the additional parameters: • Component: The component which is used to power up the DUT or enable the DUT’s USB bus. This can be MainPower or Vbus (see figure). • Channel: This indicates the channel of the power switch that will be used to power-cycle the DUT. The number of channels available depends on the power switch model selected. • Off On Duration: The duration between turning off the DUT off and turning it on. • Settling Time: The timespan after the DUT is turned on and before the test continues with loopback training. • Max Power Cycle Retries: The maximum number of loopback training retries. After all retries, the following SER test will be considered as failed. o Power Supply: It is only available when a power supply was selected in the Station Configurator. All of the additional parameters are the same as those for Power Switch, except for: • Vdd(5.0 V): The DC output voltage of the power supply connected to the DUT DC power input. BER Reader: It has two available options: External Analyzer and Offline BER Reader. For External Analyzer, there is no address but for Offline BER Reader you need to specify the address. Figure 4-51: Power Automations : Mode & Component Types N5990A User Guide for USB 95 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Rx Super Speed Calibration : o Scope Connection: It allows you to select Chan 1 3 Direct Connect or Chan 2 4 Direct Connect Loopback Training o Loopback Training Method: Determines how the loopback training is performed. o LFPS Idle: The signal applied between the LFPS bursts. o LFPS Trigger Threshold: Detection level for LFPS signals sent by the DUT. This parameter is available only if Loopback Training Method “PowerOnReset” is selected. o Use Link Training Suite: If False, you can configure the link training directly in ValiFrame: Delay After Reset: Time span between the Reset state and Configure.LFPS used during loopback training. LFPS count: Number of bursts that are sent to the DUT. TS1 count: Number of TS1 Ordered Sets which are sent to the DUT. TS2 count: Number of TS2 Ordered Sets which are sent to the DUT. TSEQ count: Number of TSEQ Ordered Sets which are sent to the DUT. If True, the user can specify the Link Training Suite script file which will be loaded, depending on the loopback training method selected: Warm Reset Link Training Suite Settings File Power On Reset Link Training Suite Settings File o For PowerOn Reset: All the parameters are same except that in this training method you can set the value of LFPS trigger threshold. Vendor Specific Link Training Suite Settings File o For VendorSpecific: Just select the sequence file. This file should only contain the loopback pattern for the generator and the analyzer. When Vendor Specific is selected, the user is responsible for setting the DUT in loopback mode. 96 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 N5990A User Guide for USB o Differential voltage for loopback training: It has the following parameters: o Long Channel o Short Channel o Use voltage setting from Rx tests o Error Detector: It sets the following CDR settings: o Loop bandwidth: It sets the loop bandwidth in MHz. o Transition density: It sets the Transition density in %. o Peaking: It sets the peaking in dB. o DUT transmits with SSC: Indicate if DUT transmits with SCC to configure the error detector. It is available only for J-BERT N4903B. o Expected SSC Deviation: In case DUT transmits with SCC, specify the expected deviation. Only for J-BERT N4903B o Equalization: Only for J-BERT M8020A o Sensitivity: Only for J-BERT M8020A 97 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Rx Specification Version 3.0 Long Channel Tests These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 5G Receiver Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection Diagram: 98 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-52: Connection diagram for 5G Rx Compliance for JBERT N4903B, degenerator = N4916B (Device) N5990A User Guide for USB 99 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-53: Connection diagram for 5G Rx Compliance for JBERT N4903B, degenerator = AUX DATA (Device) 100 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-54: Connection diagram for 5G Rx Compliance for M8020A, warm reset (Device) N5990A User Guide for USB 101 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-55: Connection diagram for 5G Rx Compliance for M8020A, Power On Reset (Device) Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If false, the DUT is trained into loopback only at the beginning. If true, it is trained into loopback for each sinusoidal jitter frequency. • Train with Jitter: If true, random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Specification • • • • • 102 SSC Deviation: Spread spectrum clock deviation (downspread). SSC Frequency: Frequency of SSC. Eye Height: The eye height of the generator signal. Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. HF Sinusoidal Jitter: The sinusoidal jitter amplitude. That only applies for jitter frequencies above or equal to the 4.9 MHz corner frequency. For all frequencies below 4.9 MHz, the compliance SJ levels are used. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • Eye Height Margin: The amount of voltage added to the specified value of the eye height. Random Jitter Margin: Percentage of random jitter added to the base value. Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage of sinusoidal jitter added to the base value. BER Setup • • • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. Allowed Errors: The number of allowed symbol errors for one measurement. Relax Time: The time between the jitter is changed at the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: • All 5G calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 103 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-56: Result description 104 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column1: o Result: Pass if the number of symbol errors is smaller than or equal to the Allowed Errors, failed otherwise. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [MHz]: The tested sinusoidal jitter frequency point. Column 3: o Failed Jitter [UI]: The sinusoidal jitter amplitude if the tested point fails. Column 4: o Passed Jitter [UI]: The sinusoidal jitter amplitude if the tested point passes. Column 5: o Min Spec [UI]: Minimum sinusoidal jitter amplitude that the DUT must tolerate. Column 6: o Symbol Errors: Number of errors during the test. 105 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. The procedure is similar to the receiver compliance test but it measures the number of symbol errors at a single sinusoidal jitter frequency, by default 4.9 MHz. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Train with Jitter: Jitter is turned on or off for loopback training. Specification • • • • • • • • • SSC Deviation: Spread spectrum clock deviation (downspread). SSC Frequency Eye Height: The eye height of the generator signal. Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (rms) added to the test signal. Sinusoidal Jitter: The amplitude of the sinusoidal jitter component. Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: The frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. Eye Height Margin: The amount of voltage added to the specified value of the eye height. Random Jitter Margin: Percentage of random jitter added to the base value. Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage of sinusoidal jitter added to the base value. BER Setup • • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. Allowed Errors: The number of allowed errors for one measurement. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 106 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-57: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column1: o Result: Pass if the number of errors is less than or equal to the number of allowed errors, fail otherwise. Column 2: o Bit Errors: Number of errors during the test. 107 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. For each sinusoidal jitter frequency, the jitter amplitude is increased in equally-spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. Please note that this receiver test is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Force LB Training at Initialization: If true, loopback training is always done at the initialization of this test procedure without checking if the DUT is already in loopback. • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If true, the DUT is re-trained into loopback mode for each SJ frequency. • Train with Jitter: Jitter is turned on or off for loopback training. Sinusoidal Jitter Variation • Frequency Mode: Specifies the distribution of the frequency points to test. It can be: o Compliance Frequencies: Only the jitter frequencies from the compliance test. o Equally Spaced Frequencies. Between a minimum and a maximum frequency the frequency points are distributed equally (linear or logarithmic). o User Defined Frequencies: The user can define a list of frequencies. o Single Frequency: Only one frequency is tested. • Number of Jitter Steps: Number of jitter values tested to search the “Max passed jitter” at one frequency. • Show Min Failed Points: The results graph can show the minimum failed jitter amplitude in addition to the maximum passed jitter amplitude for each tested frequency. Specification: • SSC Deviation: Spread spectrum clock deviation (downspread). • SSC Frequency • Eye Height: The eye height of the generator signal. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak-peak) added to the test signal. • Eye Height Margin: The amount of voltage added to the specified value of the eye height. • Random Jitter Margin: Percentage of random jitter added to the base value. • Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage of sinusoidal jitter added to the base value. 108 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 BER Setup • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. • Allowed Errors: Number of allowed errors for one measurement. • Relax Time: Time between when the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 109 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-58: Result description 110 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Results: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2 : o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors. Column 4: o Max Passed Jitter [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors. Column 5: o Jitter Capability Test Setup [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup. Column 6: o Min Spec [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7: o Margin [%]:Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 111 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This test searches the minimum eye height a DUT can tolerate. The procedure starts with an eye height value of “Start Eye Height” and decreases it with steps of “Step Size”. The minimum passed value is the last test point that did not return more errors than specified in the Allowed Errors parameter. For DUTs which do not support disconnect it is necessary to train the DUT in every step. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Force LB Training at Initialization: If true, loopback training is always done at the initialization of this test procedure without checking if the DUT is already in loopback. Eye Height Variation • Start Eye Height: The eye height that is used when the test starts. • Eye Height Step Size: The amount the eye height is decreased by in one step to locate the “Min passed Eye Height”. Specification • SSC Deviation: Spread spectrum clock deviation (down spread). • SSC Frequency: Frequency of SSC. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak-peak) added to the test signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter: The amount of sinusoidal jitter (peak-peak) added to the test signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: The frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. • Random Jitter Margin: Percentage of random jitter added to the base value. • Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage of sinusoidal jitter added to the base value. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 112 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-59: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The Minimum Passed Differential Voltage should be smaller than the Minimum Spec. Column 2: o Min Passed Differential Voltage [mV]: The smallest eye height at which the DUT passes the test. Column 3: o Min Spec [mV]: The smallest eye height at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications. Column 4: o Margin [%]: Margin between the Minimum Passed Differential Voltage and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. 113 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver Data Rate Deviation Test Purpose and Method: This test checks the range of data rate deviation in which the DUT works properly. The method sets the specified values for eye height, jitter and SSC and measures the number of symbol errors for every tested deviation. The test is successful when all deviations between -300 ppm and 300 ppm pass the error test. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Data Rate Variation • Deviation Mode: Specifies the distribution of the deviation points to test. It can be: o Pre-Defined Deviations: The tested points in this mode are: min spec (-300 ppm), nominal spec (0 ppm), max spec (300 ppm), -600 ppm, +600 ppm and +2500 ppm. The last three of those do not affect the overall test result because they are out of the specification range. o Equally Spaced Deviations. o User Defined Deviations. o Single Deviation. Specification • • • • • • • • • SSC Deviation: Spread spectrum clock (down spread) deviation. SSC Frequency: Frequency of the SSC. Eye Height: The eye height of the generator signal. Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (rms) added to the test signal. Sinusoidal Jitter: The amplitude of the sinusoidal jitter component. Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: The frequency of the sinusoidal jitter component. Eye Height Margin: The amount of voltage added to the specified value of the eye height. Random Jitter Margin: Percentage of random jitter added to the base value. Sinusoidal Jitter Margin: Percentage of sinusoidal jitter added to the base value. BER Setup • • • 114 Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. Allowed Errors: The number of allowed errors for one measurement. Relax Time: Time between when the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-60: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 115 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • Column1: o Result: The deviations inside the range -300 ppm to 300 ppm have to pass for the the overall test result to pass. The other deviations are informative only. Column 2: o Deviation [ppm]: Deviation added to the nominal data rate. Column 3: o Data Rate [GBit/s]: Data rate after adding the deviation. Column 4: o Errors [ ]: Number of errors during the test. Column 5: o Comment: Additional remarks. Short Channel Tests These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 5G Receiver Short Channel Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection Diagram: 116 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-61: Connection diagram for JBERT N4903B, degenerator = N4916B (Device) N5990A User Guide for USB 117 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-62: Connection diagram for JBERT N4903B, degenerator = AUX DATA (Device) 118 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-63: Connection diagram for M8020A, warm reset (Device) N5990A User Guide for USB 119 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-64: Connection diagram for M8020A, Power On Reset (Device) Parameters in Expert Mode: The method and the parameters in Expert mode are the same as for the 5G Receiver Compliance Test. There are two differences, however: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the maximum differential voltage is set to test the short channel scenario. • Instead of the USB 3.0 Device/Host fixtures the Keysight U7242-66501 fixture is used. It has less insertion loss. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 120 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-65: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 121 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • • 122 Column1: o Result: The number of errors should be less than the number of allowed errors. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [UI]: Sinusoidal jitter frequency. Column 3: o Failed Jitter[UI]: The amplitude of the jitter that fails the test. Column 4: o Passed Jitter[UI]: The amplitude of the jitter that passes the test. Column 5: o Min Spec[UI] Column 6: o Symbol Errors: Number of errors during the test. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver Short Channel Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. The procedure is similar to the receiver compliance test but it measures the number of symbol errors at a single sinusoidal jitter frequency, by default 4.9 MHz. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Short Channel Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: All the parameters are the same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test (Long Channel Test), but with the following difference: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the maximum Differential Voltage is set to test the short channel scenario. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 123 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-66: Result description • • 124 Column1: o Result: The number of errors should be less than the number of allowed errors. Column 2: o Bit Errors: Number of errors during the test. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver Short Channel Jitter Tolerance Test Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. For each sinusoidal jitter frequency, the jitter amplitude is increased in equally-spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. Please note that this receiver test is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test (Short Channel Test). Parameters in Expert Mode: All the parameter are same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test (Long Channel Test), but with the following difference: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height the maximum differential voltage is set to test the short channel scenario. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 125 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-67: Result description 126 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • Column 1: o Result: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors.Shows the number of failed jitter. Column 4: o Max Passed Jitter [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors.number of passed jitter. Column 5: o Jitter Capability Test Setup [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup. Column 6: o Min Spec [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7: o Margin [%]: Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 5G Receiver Short Channel Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method This test is similar to the 5G Receiver (Long Channel) Sensitivity Test. The difference is that instead of using a signal with the Eye height variation, it has differential voltage variation set to test the short channel scenario. This test searches the minimum differential voltage a DUT can tolerate. The procedure starts with a differential voltage value of “Start Differential Voltage” and decreases it with steps of “Differential Voltage Step Size”. The minimum passed value is the last test point that did not return more errors than specified in the Allowed Errors parameter. For DUTs which do not support disconnect it is necessary to train the DUT in every step. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test (Short Channel Test). Parameters in Expert Mode: All the parameter are same as for 5G Receiver Sensitivity Test (Long Channel Test), but with the following difference: • Differential Voltage Variation • Start Differential Voltage: The differential Voltage where the test starts. • Differential Voltage Step Size: Span between two consecutive differential voltage steps. N5990A User Guide for USB 127 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-68: Result description 128 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The Min Passed Differential Voltage should be smaller than the Min Spec. Column 2: o Min Passed Differntial Voltage [mV]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT passes the test. Column 3: o Min Spec [mV]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications. Column 4: o Margin [%]: Ratio between the Min Passed Jitter and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. 129 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver Short Channel Data Rate Deviation Test Purpose and Method: This test checks the range of data rate deviation in which the DUT works properly. The method sets the specified values for differential voltage, jitter, and SSC, and measures the number of symbol errors for every tested deviation. The test is successful when all the deviations between -300 ppm and 300 ppm pass the error test. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test (Short Channel Test). Parameters in Expert Mode: All the parameter are same as for 5G Receiver Data Rate Deviation Test (Long Channel Test), but with the following difference: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height the maximum differential voltage is set to test the short channel scenario. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations except 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 130 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-69: Result Description N5990A User Guide for USB 131 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • Column 1: o Result: The deviations inside the range -300 ppm to 300 ppm have to pass for the overall test result to pass. The other deviations are informative only. Column 2: o Deviation [ppm]: Deviation added to the nominal data rate. Column 3: o Data Rate [GBit/s]: Data rate after adding the deviation. Column 4: o Errors [ ]: Number of errors during the test. Column 5: o Comments: Additional remarks. LFPS Tests The LFPS tests contain the following common parameters: Repetitions: The number of times to repeat the test sequence. Send TSEQ after LFPS: Set to True, in case of crystal-less devices, which require TSEQ pattern after LFPS for their CDR. Trigger Delay after LFPS: Sets the time between the last LFPS burst sent out by the pattern generator and the oscilloscope start with acquisition to detect TSEQ sent by the DUT. These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test verifies that the DUT recognizes LFPS signaling at the limit of what the spec allows. The procedure generates a sequence consisting of an LFPS pattern looped 16 times. The sequence is downloaded to the J-BERT and sent to the DUT. The procedure checks if the DUT responds with TSEQ using a real time oscilloscope. This is repeated for a set of differential voltage and duty cycle compliance combinations. Connection Diagram: 132 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-70: Connection setup for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test N5990A User Guide for USB 133 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Parameters in Expert Mode: Specification • tPeriod: The period of a single LFPS cycle. • tBurst: The period of time LFPS cycles are continuously sent to form a single LFPS burst. • tRepeat: The time between the start of two adjacent LFPS bursts. The following figure illustrates the concept of tPeriod, tBurst, and tRepeat. Figure 4-71: LFPS definitions Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 134 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-72: Result description • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The test passes if the DUT answers with TSEQ. Column 2: o Diff Volt pp [mV]: Differential voltage of the LFPS. Column 3: o Duty Cycle [%]: Duty cycle of the LFPS. 135 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver LFPS Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This procedure characterizes the minimum differential LFPS amplitude at which the DUT still answers to the LFPS signal. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Differential Voltage Variation • Start Differential Voltage: The start differential voltage (peak-peak) of the LFPS bursts. • Differential Voltage Step Size: The amount the differential voltage is decreased by, at each step. Specification • tPeriod: The period of a single LFPS cycle. • tBurst: The period of time LFPS cycles are sent continuously to form a single LFPS burst. • tRepeat: The time between the start of two adjacent LFPS bursts. • Duty Cycle: The duty cycle of the LFPS burst. Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 136 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-73: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The test passes if the minimum passed differential voltage is smaller than or equal to the spec limit. Column 2: o Min Passed Diff Volt pp [mV]: Minimum Differential voltage of the LFPS at which DUT answer with a TSEQ. Column 3: o Min Spec [mV]: The minimum spec levels. Column 4: o Margin [%]: The margin between the minimum passed differential voltage and the spec level, expressed as a percentage. 137 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver LFPS Duty Cycle Test Purpose and Method: This procedure characterizes the LFPS duty cycle range that the DUT detects. The data generator sends LFPS signals varying the duty cycle in each test step. Each step is passed if the DUT sends the TSEQ pattern upon detecting the LFPS signal. The test passes if the DUT could respond to LFPS signals with a duty cycle between 40 and 60%. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Duty Cycle Variation • Start Duty Cycle: The duty cycle value for the first step. • Stop Duty Cycle: The duty cycle value for the last step. • Duty Cycle Step Size: After every step, the duty cycle is increased by this value. Specification • tPeriod: The period of a single LFPS cycle. • tBurst: The period of time LFPS cycles are continuously sent to form a single LFPS burst. • tRepeat: The time between the start of two adjacent LFPS bursts. • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the LFPS signal. Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 138 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-74: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column1: o Result Column 2: o Duty Cycle [%] Column 3: o Min Spec Column 4: o Max Spec 139 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver LFPS tRepeat Test Purpose and Method: This procedure determines whether the DUT responds to LFPS signals with different tRepeat values. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Specification • tPeriod: The period of a single LFPS cycle. • tBurst: The period of time LFPS cycles are continuously sent to form a single LFPS burst. • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage peak-peak of the LFPS burst. • Duty Cycle: The duty cycle within tPeriod. tRepeat Variation • Start tRepeat • Stop tRepeat • tRepeat Step Size Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 140 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-75: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 141 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • Column 1: o Result Column 2: o tRepeat [us] Column 3: o Min Spec [us] Column 4: o Max Spec [us] Power Connections This section illustrates the power connections and use of test fixtures in the procedures compliant with the Receiver Specification Version 3.0. On the Configure DUT window, click "Show Parameters" to display the Test Parameters window. On the "Test Parameters" window, the "Common" tab enables you to select a Power Mode. You can select Manual, PowerSwitch, or PowerSupply. This section describes the required power connections for each of these modes. Manual In the Manual mode, the user is responsible for supplying power to the DUT and power-cycling it. The following two diagrams illustrate the connections between the DUT and test fixtures for the Device and Host cases. Device Figure 4-76 Device test fixtures Host 142 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-77: Host Test Fixtures Power Switch, Vbus In the PowerSwitch Mode, you can use either the Vbus or Main Power component to power up the DUT or enable the DUT's USB bus. The following diagrams illustrate the power connections for the Device and Host cases. Device Figure 4-78: Device test fixtures Power Switch, Main Power Device N5990A User Guide for USB 143 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-79: Device test fixtures Host Figure 4-80: Host test fixtures Power Supply, Vbus In the PowerSupply mode, by default, any of these power supply instruments can be used for auto loopback training: E3631A, E363xA, E364xA, or N67xx. The following diagrams illustrate the power connections for the Device and Host cases. Device 144 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-81: Device test fixtures Power Supply, Main Power Device Figure 4-82: Device test fixtures Host N5990A User Guide for USB 145 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-83: Host test fixtures Rx Specification Version 3.1 Common Receiver Parameters: Same as for USB Spec Version 3.0. But the following differences exist: • On Common Test parameter tab there is a new parameter Type –C-Fixture (only available if the connector type selected is Type-C). It allows to select: o USB IF fixture. or o N7015A: By selecting N7015A fixture , a new parameter, ISI Channel is displayed. • On the Rx Super Speed Plus tab, there is a more parameter “Use Link Training Suite script”, which is the same as available on the Rx super speed tab but with the difference that it is selected, by default, and cannot be disabled. This is because in case of Super Speed Plus, it is mandatory to use a Link Training Suite script file. Long Channel Tests These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 146 5G Receiver Compliance Test N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection Diagram: Figure 4-84: Connection setup for 5G Receiver1 Comp Test for Super Speed with Long Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) N5990A User Guide for USB 147 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-85: Connection setup for 5G Receiver1 Comp Test for Super Speed with Long Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA) 148 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-86: Connection setup for 5G Receiver Comp Test for Super Speed with Long Channel Test (M8020A) N5990A User Guide for USB 149 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-87: Connection setup for 5G Receiver Comp Test for Super Speed with Long Channel Test (M8020A) using Keysight N7015A Test Fixture Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for the 5G Receiver Compliance Test for Spec Version 3.0 with the following are the differences: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the differential voltage is set to test the channel scenario. • There are no margin parameters, i.e., Eye Height Margin, Random Jitter Margin, and Sinusoidal Jitter Margin. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: 150 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-88: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 151 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • Column 1: o Column 2: o Column 3: o Column 4: o 152 SJ Frequency [MHz]: The tested sinusoidal jitter frequency point. Failed Jitter [UI]: The amplitude of the jitter that causes the test to fail. Passed Jitter [UI]: The amplitude of the jitter that causes the test to pass. Column : o • Result: Pass if the number of symbol errors is smaller than or equal to the Allowed Errors, failed otherwise. Column 4 : o Min Spec [UI]: Minimum sinusoidal jitter amplitude that the DUT must tolerate. Symbol Errors: Shows the number of symbol errors. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. The procedure is similar to the receiver compliance test but it only measures the number of symbol errors once, by default at 4.9 MHz sinusoidal jitter. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: The parameters in the Expert mode are the same as for 5G Receiver Constant Parameter Stress Test for spec version 3.0, but thefollowing are the differences: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the differential voltage is set to test the channel scenario. • There are no margin parameters, i.e., Eye Height Margin, Random Jitter Margin, and Sinusoidal Jitter Margin. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 153 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-89: Result description • • 154 Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2 : o Bit Errors: Shows the number of Bit errors. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. Starting with the “Min Frequency” the jitter amplitude is increased with equally spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. The test is then repeated for all the remaining SJ frequencies. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: The parameters in Expert mode are the same as for 5G Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test for spec version 3.0 but the following are the differences: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the differential voltage is set to test the channel scenario. • There are no margin parameters, i.e. Eye Height Margin, Random Jitter Margin, and Sinusoidal Jitter Margin. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 155 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-90: Result description 156 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • Column 1: o Result: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2 : o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors. Column 4 : o Max Passed Jitter [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors.number of passed jitter. Column 5 : o Jitter Capability Test Setup [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup. Column 6: o Min Spec[UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7: o Margin [%]: Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 5G Receiver Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This test determines the minimum differential voltage at which DUT does not generate errors. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: The parameters in the Expert mode are the same as for 5G Receiver Sensitivity Test for spec version 3.0, but the following are some of the differences: • Instead of using an eye height variation, it uses the Differential Voltage Variation as following: o Start Differential Voltage: The differential amplitude where the test starts looking for the squelch level. o Differential Voltage Step Size: Step size used to increase the differential amplitude. • There are no margin parameters, i.e., Eye Height Margin, Random Jitter Margin, and Sinusoidal Jitter Margin. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 157 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-91: Result description • • • • 158 Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2 : o Min Passed Differential Voltage [mV]: Shows the smallest value of differential voltage at which the DUT passes the test. Column 3 : o Min Spec[UI]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications.. Column 4 : o Magin: Margin between the Minimum Passed Differential Voltage and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Data Rate Deviation Test Purpose and Method: This test checks the range of data rate deviation in which the DUT works properly. The method sets the specified values for differential voltage, jitter, and SSC and measures the number of symbol errors for every tested deviation. The test is successful when all deviations between -300 ppm and 300 ppm pass the error test. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: The parameters in the Expert mode are the same as for 5G Receiver Data Rate Deviation Test for spec version 3.0, but the following are some differences: • Instead of using a signal with the minimum eye height, the differential voltage is set to test the channel scenario. • There are no margin parameters, i.e., Eye Height Margin, Random Jitter Margin, and Sinusoidal Jitter Margin. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 159 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-92: Result description • • • • • 160 Column 1: o Result: The deviations inside the range -300 ppm to 300 ppm have to pass for the the overall test result to pass. The other deviations are informative only. Column 2 : o Deviation [ppm]: Deviation added to the nominal data rate. Column 3: o Data Rate [GBit/s]: Data rate after adding the deviation. Column 4 : o Errors: Shows the number of errors during the test. Column 5: Comments: Shows additional remarks. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Short Channel Tests These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 5G Receiver Short Channel Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection Diagram: N5990A User Guide for USB 161 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-93: Connection setup for 5G Receiver 1 Short Channel Comp Test for Super Speed with Short Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) 162 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-94: Connection setup for5G Receiver 1 Short Channel Comp Test for Super Speed with Short Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA) N5990A User Guide for USB 163 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-95: Connection setup for5G Receiver 1 Short Channel Comp Test for Super Speed with Short Channel (M8020A) 164 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-96: Connection setup for 5G Receiver 1 Short Channel Comp Test for Super Speed with Short Channel (M8020A) using Keysight N7015A Test Fixture Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 165 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-97: Result description 166 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • Column 1: o Result: The number of errors should be less than the number of allowed errors. Column 2 : o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the Sinusoidal Jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Failed Jitter: The amplitude of the jitter that fails the test. Column 4 : o Passed Jitter: The amplitude of the jitter that passes the test. Column 5: o Min Spec[UI]: Minimum sinusoidal jitter amplitude that the DUT must tolerate. Column 6: o Symbol Errors: The number of errors during the test. 5G Receiver Short Channel Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. The procedure is similar to the receiver compliance test but it only measures the number of symbol errors once, by default at 4.9 MHz sinusoidal jitter. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver Constant Parameter Stress Test. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 167 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-98: Result description • • 168 Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2 : o Bitl Errors: Shows the number of Bit errors. 5G Receiver Short Channel Jitter Tolerance Test N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. Starting with the “Min Frequency” the jitter amplitude is increased with equally spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. The test is then repeated for all the remaining SJ frequencies. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 169 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-99: Result description 170 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • Column 1: o Result: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors.Shows the number of failed jitter. Column 4: o Max Passed Jitter: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors.number of passed jitter. Column 5: o Jitter Capability Test Setup [UI]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup. Column 6: o Min Spec [UI]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7: o Margin [%]: Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 5G Receiver Short Channel Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This test determines the minimum differential voltage at which DUT does not generate errors. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver Channel Sensiivity Test. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 171 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-100: Result description • • • • 172 Column 1: o Result: The Min Passed Differential Voltage should be smaller than the Min Spec. Column 2: o Min Passed Differential Voltage [mV]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT passes the test. Column 3: o Min Spec [UI]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications. Column 4: o Margin [%]: Ratio between the Min Passed Jitter and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver Short Channel Data Rate Deviation Test Purpose and Method: This test checks the range of data rate deviation in which the DUT works properly. The method sets the specified values for differential voltage, jitter, and SSC, and measures the number of symbol errors for every tested deviation. The test is successful when all the deviations between -300 ppm and 300 ppm pass the error test. This method is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver Data Rate Deviation Test. Used Calibrations: All 5G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 173 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-101: Result description 174 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The deviations inside the range -300 ppm to 300 ppm have to pass for the the overall test result to pass. The other deviations are informative only. Column 2: o Deviation [ppm]: Deviation added to the nominal data rate. Column 3: o Data Rate [GBit/s]: Data rate after adding the deviation. Column 4: o Errors [ ]: Number of errors during the test. Column 5: o Comments: Additional remarks. 175 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application LFPS Tests The LFPS tests contain the following common parameters: Repetitions: The number of times to repeat the test sequence. Send TSEQ after LFPS: Set to True, in case of crystal-less devices, which require TSEQ pattern after LFPS for their CDR. Trigger Delay after LFPS: Sets the time between the last LFPS burst sent out by the pattern generator and the oscilloscope start with acquisition to detect TSEQ sent by the DUT. These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with AUX_DATA • J-BERT M8020A 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This procedure verifies that the DUT recognizes LFPS signling at the limit of what the spec allows. The procedure generates a sequence consisting of an LFPS pattern looped 16 times. The sequence is downloaded to the J-BERT and sent to the DUT. The procedure checks if the DUT responds with TSEQ using a real time oscilloscope. This is repeated for a set of differential voltage and duty cycle compliance combinations. Connection Diagram: 176 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-102: Connection setup for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA) N5990A User Guide for USB 177 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-103: Connection setup for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test (M8020A) 178 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-104: Connection setup for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test (M8020A) using Keysight N7015A Test Fixture N5990A User Guide for USB 179 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test for Spec Version 3.0. Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-105: Result description • • • 180 Column 1: o Result: The test passes if the DUT answers with TSEQ. Column 2 : o Diff Volt pp [mV]: Differential voltage of the LFPS. Column 3: o Duty Cycle [%]: Duty cycle of the LFPS. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 5G Receiver LFPS Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This procedure determines the minimum differential voltage of LFPS burst that the DUT can recognize. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Sensitivity Test for Spec Version 3.0. Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: Figure 4-106: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 181 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • Column 1: o Result: The test passes if the minimum passed differential voltage is smaller than or equal to the spec limit. Column 2: o Min Passed Diff Volt pp [mV]: Minimum Differential voltage of the LFPS at which DUT answer with a TSEQ. Column 3: o Min Spec [mV]: The minimum spec levels. Column 4: o Margin [%]: The margin between the minimum passed differential voltage and the spec level, expressed as a percentage. 5G Receiver LFPS Duty Cycle Test Purpose and Method: This procedure determines the minimum and maximum duty cycle of the LFPS burst that the DUT can recognize. The data generator sends LFPS signals varying the duty cycle in each test step. Each step is passed if the DUT sends the TSEQ pattern upon detecting the LFPS signal. The test passes if the DUT could respond to LFPS signals with a duty cycle between 40 and 60%. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Duty Cycle Test for Spec Version 3.0 Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 182 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-107: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result Column 2: o Duty Cycle [%] Column 3: o Min Spec [%] Column 4: o Max Spec [%] 183 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 5G Receiver LFPS tRepeat Test Purpose and Method: This procedure determines whether the DUT responds to LFPS signals with different tRepeat values. Connection Diagram: Same as for 5G Receiver LFPS Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode: Specification • tPeriod: The period of a single LFPS cycle. • tBurst: The period of time LFPS cycles are continuously sent to form a single LFPS burst. • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage peak-peak of the LFPS burst. • Duty Cycle: The duty cycle within tPeriod. tRepeat Variation • Start tRepeat • Stop tRepeat • tRepeat Step Size Used Calibrations: 5G LFPS Voltage Calibration Procedure Report: 184 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-108: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 185 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • Column 1: o Result Column 2: o tRepeat [us] Column 3: o Min Spec [us] Column 4: o Max Spec [us] Power Connections This section illustrates the power connections and use of test fixtures in the procedures compliant with the Receiver Specification Version 3.1. On the Configure DUT window, click "Show Parameters" to display the Test Parameters window. On the "Test Parameters" window, the "Common" tab enables you to select a Power Mode. You can select Manual, PowerSwitch, or PowerSupply. This section describes the required power connections for each of these modes. Manual In the Manual mode, the user is responsible for supplying power to the DUT and power-cycling it. The following two diagrams illustrate the connections between the DUT and test fixtures for the Device and Host cases. Device Figure 4-109 Device test fixtures Host 186 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-110: Host test fixtures Power Switch, Vbus In the PowerSwitch Mode, you can use either the Vbus or Main Power component to power up the DUT or enable the DUT's USB bus. The following diagrams illustrate the power connections for the Device and Host cases. Device N5990A User Guide for USB 187 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-111: Device test fixtures Power Switch, Main Power In the PowerSupply mode, by default, any of these power supply instruments can be used for auto loopback training: E3631A, E363xA, E364xA, or N67xx. The following diagrams illustrate the power connections for the Device and Host cases. Device Figure 4-112: Device test fixtures Host 188 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-113: Host test fixtures Power Supply, Vbus Device Figure 4-114: Device test fixtures Power Supply, Main Power Device N5990A User Guide for USB 189 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-115: Device test fixtures Host Figure 4-116: Host test fixtures 190 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 4.5 Super Speed Plus Module Procedure Description These tests are available for the following configurations: • J-BERT N4903B with N4916 De-Emphasis Generator • J-BERT M8020A 4.5.1 Calibration 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the pre-shoot by performing a sweep of several pre-shoot settings. The pattern generator first sends the equalization pattern to the oscilloscope. The pre-shoot is set from 0 to 6 dB with 1 dB steps. The real values are measured with the oscilloscope. Connection Diagram: Figure 4-117: Connection setup for pre-shoot calibration (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916) N5990A User Guide for USB 191 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-118: Connection setup for pre-shoot calibration (M8020A) Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: 192 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-119: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Column 2 o Set Pre-Shoot [dB]: Shows the Pre-Shoot value, set in the instrument. Measured Pre-Shoot [dB]: Shows the measured Pre-Shoot. 193 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G De-Emphasis Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the de-emphasis by performing a sweep of several deemphasis settings. The pattern generator first sends the equalization pattern to the oscilloscope. The de-emphasis is set from -6 to 0 dB with 1 dB steps. The real values are measured with the oscilloscope. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration Procedure Report: 194 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-120: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Column 2: o Set De-Emphasis [dB]: Shows the de-emphasis value, set in the instrument. Measurd De-Emphasis [dB]: Shows the measured deemphasis for each voltage point. 195 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Generator Output Voltage Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the differential voltage. In this procedure, the pre-shoot is first set to 2.2 dB using the pre-shoot calibration. Next, three different de-emphasis levels, 0 dB, -3dB, and -6 dB are set using the de-emphasis calibration. The generator output voltage levels are set to 900 mV and 700 mV, respectively. Finally, the two different voltage levels are measured with the oscillosope. Connection Diagram: Same as 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration Parameters in Expert Mode: No additional parameters. Used Calibrations: 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration 10G De-Emphasis Calibration Procedure Report: 196 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-121 Result Description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Set Generator Voltage: Shows the generator voltage value, set in the instrument. Column 2, 3, & 4: o Voltage x[dB] de-emphasis [mv]: Shows the measured voltage. 197 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Random Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the random jitter (RJ) directly at the generator output. The data generator sends the CP10 compliance pattern. It sets a total of 10 RJ values from 0 to 5 ps. These values are in the steps of 0.25 ps from 0 to 1 ps, and then from 1 to 2 ps with 1.5 ps as the intermediate step, and finally from 2 to 5 ps, in the steps of 1 ps (values set as 2 ps, 3 ps, 4 ps, and 5 ps). The jitter is measured with a real time oscilloscope using SigTest. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Number of Averages: Number of waveforms that will be acquired for SigTest calculations. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: 198 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-122: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Column 2,: o Set Random Jitter: Shows the random jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Measured RJ [ps]: Shows the measured random jitter amplitude. 199 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the low frequency sinusoidal jitter directly at the generator output. This procedure calibrates the sinusoidal jitter for low frequencies (from 200 KHz to 4 MHz). The data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern during this calibration. The procedure makes a sinusoidal jitter sweep in five different frequencies. It checks that the measured jitter amplitude values are consistent across jitter frequencies. Deviations bigger than 2.5 % between the measured jitter amplitudes for the same set jitter amplitude with different frequencies are not allowed. In case of a bigger deviation, the point is re-measured up to three times. The sinusoidal jitter is measured with the oscilloscope using the SigTest software. SigTest is the standard method to measure Eye Height and Jitter. It is the only valid option for compliance testing. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G Random Jitter Calibration. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: 200 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-123: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Set Jitter: Shows the jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 : o SJ (x MHz) [ps]: Shows the measured jitter. 201 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G HF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration Purpose and Method: This procedure calibrates the low frequency sinusoidal jitter directly at the generator output. This procedure calibrates the sinusoidal jitter for low frequencies (from 10 MHz to 100 MHz). The data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern during this calibration. The procedure makes a sinusoidal jitter sweep in three different frequencies. It checks that the measured jitter amplitude values are consistent across jitter frequencies. Deviations bigger than 5 % between the measured jitter amplitudes for the same set jitter amplitude with different frequencies are not allowed. In case of a bigger deviation, the point is re-measured up to three times. The sinusoidal jitter is measured with the oscilloscope using the SigTest software. SigTest is the standard method to measure Eye Height and Jitter. It is the only valid option for compliance testing. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Pre-Shoot Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G LF Sinusoidal Jitter Calibration. Used Calibrations: None Procedure Report: 202 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-124: Result description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Set Sinusoidal Jitter [ps]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter amplitude set in the instrument. Column 2, 3, & 4,: o SJ (x MHz) [ps]: Shows the measured sinusoidal jitter amplitude. 203 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Long Channel All the calibrations in this section are performed using a calibration channel. 10G Compliance Load Board Selection Purpose and Method: In this procedure, the data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern. The procedure measures the eye height with nominal stress settings (refer to the noneditable parameters for this test) of all three CLBs to determine the right CLB that will be used for further calibrations and Rx tests. The software selects the CLB with which the measured eye height is closest to 70 mV. Connection diagram: 204 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-125: Connection Setup for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) N5990A User Guide for USB 205 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-126: Connection Setup for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection (M8020A) 206 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Parameters in Expert Mode: Non-editable • SSC Deviation • Pre- Shoot • De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the signal. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. • Sinusoidal Jitter: Sinusoidal jitter used for this test. Editable: Number of Averages: Number of waveforms that will be acquired for SigTest calculations. Used Calibrations: All previous calibrations Procedure Report: Figure 4-127: Result Description • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Column 2,: o CLB Length (inch): Shows the CLB length set in the instrument. Measured Eye Height [mV]: Shows the measured eye height for each corresponding CLB length. 207 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Eye Width Pre Calibration Purpose and Method: In this procedure, the data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern. The procedure calibrates the eye-width by sweeping over several de-emphasis settings to discover the de-emphasis setting which makes the eye-width closest to the target specification value. Connection diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection. Used Calibrations: All previous calibrations Procedure Report: Figure 4-128: Result description • • 208 Column 1: o Column 2: o Set De-Emphasis: Shows the de-emphasis value, set in the instrument. Measured Eye Width [ps]: Shows the measured Eye Width for each voltage point. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • Column 1: o Column 2: o Set De-Emphasis: Shows the de-emphasis value, set in the instrument. Measured Eye Height [mV]: Shows the measured Eye Height for each voltage point. 10G Eye Height and Width Calibration Purpose and Method: In this procedure, the data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern. The procedure measures the eye height and eye width with respect to diiferential voltage and sinusoidal jitter. The calibration data is used to generate a stress Rx eye with a defined eye height and width. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Eye Width Pre Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection. Used Calibrations: All previous calibrations Procedure Report: Figure 4-129: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 209 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Eye Height Calibration • • 10G Eye Width Calibration • • 210 Column 1: o Set SJ {ps}: Shows the de-emphasis value, set in the instrument. Column 2 & 3: o Eye Height [x ps] [mV]: Shows the measured Eye Height for each voltage point Column 1: o Set SJ {ps}: Shows the de-emphasis value, set in the instrument. Column 2 & 3: o Eye Width [x ps]: Shows the measured Eye Width for each voltage point. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 10G Compliance Eye Calibration Purpose and Method: In this procedure, the data generator sends the CP9 compliance pattern. The procedure calibrates eye height and eye width according to the test specification, using sinusoidal jitter to adjust the eye width. The measurements are done on the scope using the SigTest software. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Eye Width Pre Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G Eye Height and Width Calibration and • Max Number of Search Steps: The maximum number of steps after the search for optimum Vdiff and SJ values is aborted. Used Calibrations: All previous calibrations Procedure Report: Figure 4-130: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 211 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • Column 1: o Vdiff [mV] Column 2: o SJ [ps]: Sinusoidal jitter. Column 3: o Eye-Height [mV]: Shows the measured Eye Height. Column 4: o Eye-Width [mV]: Shows the measured Eye Width. 10G Compliance Eye Verification Purpose and Method: This test checks if it is possible to meet the eye height specification with the current calibration data and setup. The pattern generator sends the CP9 pattern to the oscilloscope and random jitter and sinusoidal jitter are set to the values specified in the USB Compliance Test Specification. The differential output voltage amplitude is set to the specified value plus a small margin defined with the “Eye Height Margin” parameter. The eye height is measured with the oscilloscope using SigTest. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Eye Width Pre Calibration. Parameters in Expert Mode: Same as for 10G Compliance Load Board Selection and • CLB Trace Length: The specified Compliance Load Board (CLB) trace length causes the receiver eye height to be closest to the target eye height specified. Used Calibrations: All previous calibrations Procedure Report: 212 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-131: Result description • • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2: o Measured Eye Height [mV]. Column 3: o Min Eye Height [mV]. Column 4: o Max Eye Height [mV].. Column 5: o Measured Eye Width [mV]. Column 6: o Min Eye Width [mV]. Column 7: o Max Eye Width [mV]. 213 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 4.5.2 Receiver Long Channel Tests In the following section, for connectors Type-C and Tethered Type-C, the receiver tests are duplicated for each lane. The abbreviations “Rx1” and “Rx2” are added to each procedure name in the software, meaning lane 1 and lane 2, respectively. Please note that both lanes must be tested for a valid compliance test. 10G Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection diagram: 214 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-132: Connection setup for 10GReceiver1 Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) Super Speed Plus is not available with (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = AUX DATA N5990A User Guide for USB 215 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-133: Connection setup for 10GReceiver1 Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (M8020A) 216 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-134: Connection setup for 10G Receiver Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (M8020A) using Keysight N7015A Test Fixture N5990A User Guide for USB 217 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If false, the DUT is trained into loopback only at the beginning of the test. If true, it is trained into loopback for each sinusoidal jitter frequency. • Train with Jitter: If true, random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Specification (Non-editable parameters) • Target Eye Height • Target Eye Width • Eye Height: The differential voltage amplitude of the data signal. • Eye Width • Pre-Shoot: Pre-shoot used for calibrations and receiver tests. • De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal. • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the signal. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. • SJ Reduction for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at the frequency specified that is subtracted for eye-width adjustment. • Second Tone SJ for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at 87 MHz that is added for eye width adjustment. • SSC Deviation BER Setup • • • BER Test Duration: Duration of the BER test for one SJ point. Allowed Errors: The number of allowed symbol errors for one measurement. Relax Time: The time between the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: 218 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-135: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 219 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • • • 220 Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2 : o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the Sinusoidal Jitter set in the instrument. Column 3: o Failed Adjusted SJ[ps]: Shows the number of failed jitter. Column 4 : o Passed Adjusted SJ[ps]: Shows the number of passed jitter. Column 5: o Min Spec[UI]: Shows the min Spec required. Column 6: o Nominal SJ[ps] Column 7: o Errors: Shows the number of errors. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 10G Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. The procedure is similar to the receiver compliance test but it only measures the number of symbol errors once, by default at 4.9 MHz sinusoidal jitter. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode Loopback Training • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If false the DUT is trained into loopback only at the beginning. If true it is trained into loopback for each sinusoidal jitter frequency. • Train with Jitter: If true random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Specification • Pre-Shoot. • De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal • Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the signal. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. • Nominl SJ. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency. • SJ Reduction for Eye-Width Adjusment. • Second Tone SJ for Eye-Width Adjusment. • SSC Deviation • Adjusted SJ (Non-editable) BER Setup • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. • Allowed Errors: The number of allowed errors for one measurement. • Relax time for BER Measurement: Time span between when the jitter is enabled and the start of the BER test. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 221 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-136: Result description 222 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result Column 2 : o Pre-Shoot [dB] Column 3: o De-Emphasis [dB] Column 4 : o Differential Voltage [mV] Column 5: o Random Jitter [ps] Column 6: o Nominal SJ [ps] Column 7: o SJ Frequency [MHz] Column 8: o Adjusted SJ [ps] Column 9: o Second Tone SJ [ps] Column 10: o Errors 223 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Jitter Tolerance Test Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. For each sinusoidal jitter frequency, the jitter amplitude is increased in equally-spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. Please note that this receiver test is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode Loopback Training • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If false the DUT is trained into loopback only at the beginning. If true it is trained into loopback for each sinusoidal jitter frequency. • Train with Jitter: If true random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Sinusoidal Jitter Variation • Number of Jitter Steps • Frequency Mode: Specifies the distribution of the frequency points to test. It can be: o Compliance Frequencies: Only the jitter frequencies from the compliance test. o Equally Spaced Frequencies. Between a minimum and a maximum frequency the frequency points are distributed equally (linear or logarithmic). o User Defined Frequencies: The user can define a list of frequencies. o Single Frequency: Only one frequency is tested • 224 Show Min. Failed Points: If True, the minimum sinusoidal jitter amplitude at which the BER test failed is included in the results graph. N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Specification • • • • • • • • • • • Target Eye Height: The calibration is performed to achieve this target eye height. Target Eye Width: The calibration is performed to achieve this target eye width. Eye Height: The differential voltage amplitude of the data signal. Eye Width: Eye width that is obtained after the calibration. Pre-Shoot: Pre-shoot used for calibration and receiver tests. De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal. Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the signal. Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. SJ Reduction for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at the frequency specified that is subtracted for eye width adjustment. Second Tone SJ for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at 87 MHz that is added for eye width adjustment. SSC Deviation. BER Setup • • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. Relax Time: The time between the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 225 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-137 Result description 226 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2 : o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter [ps]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors.Shows the number of failed jitter. Column 4 : o Max Passed Jitter [ps]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors.number of passed jitter. Column 5 : Jitter Capability Test Setup [ps]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup.Column 6 : o Min Spec[ps]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7 : o Margin [%]:Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 227 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This test searches the minimum eye height a DUT can tolerate. The procedure starts with an eye height value of “Start Eye Height” and decreases it with steps of “Step Size”. The minimum passed value is the last test point that did not return more errors than specified in the Allowed Errors parameter. For DUTs which do not support disconnect it is necessary to train the DUT in every step. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode Loopback Training • Train with Jitter: If true random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Eye Height Variation • Start Eye Height: The eye height (transitions bits) where the test starts. • Eye Height Step Size: The amount the eye height is decreased by one step to search the Min passed Eye Height. Specification (Non-editable parameters) • Pre-Shoot: Pre-shoot used for calibrations and receiver tests. • De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal. • Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. • Nominal SJ: Sinusoidal jitter amplitude at the frequency specified that will be set to achieve the target eye-width. • Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency: Sinusoidal jitter frequency that will be set to achieve the target eye-width. • SJ Reduction for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at the frequency specified that is subtracted for eye width adjustment. • Second Tone SJ for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at 87 MHz that is added for eye width adjustment. SSC Deviation • Adjusted SJ BER Setup • • Target BER: The Target BER for the measurements used in the test. Relax Time for BER Measurement: The time between the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: 228 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-138: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The Minimum Passed Eye Height should be smaller than the Minimum Spec. Column 2 : o Min Passed Eye Height [mV]: The smallest eye height at which the DUT passes the test. Column 3 : o Min Spec[mV]: The smallest eye height at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications. Column 4 : o Margin [%]:Margin between the Minimum Passed Eye Height and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. 229 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Short Channel Test The Short Channel tests are similar to the Long Channel tests. The difference between them lies in the test channel that is used. 10G Short Channel Compliance Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver Compliance Test Specification. The procedure measures the number of symbol errors when all jitter types and the eye height are set to their specification limit values (maximum for jitter, minimum for eye height). This is done for several predefined jitter frequencies. For this measurement, it is necessary to train the DUT into loopback mode. For that, the data generator sends a training sequence to the DUT. The training sequence is generated based on the Loopback Training parameter settings (e.g. PowerOnReset or WarmReset). The loopback training should be done with the same physical stress parameters as the measurements. This gives the DUT receiver the chance to optimize its equalizer for the test signal during loopback training. Connection diagram 230 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-139: Connection setup for 10GReceiver1 Short Channel Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (J-BERT N4903B, DeGeneration = N4916B) N5990A User Guide for USB 231 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-140: Connection setup for 10GReceiver1 Short Channel Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (M8020A) 232 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-141: Connection setup for 10G Receiver1 Short Channel Comp. Test for Super Speed plus with Long Channel (M8020A) using Keysight N7015A Test Fixture N5990A User Guide for USB 233 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Parameters in Expert Mode: Loopback Training • Retrain at each Jitter Frequency: If false the DUT is trained into loopback only at the beginning. If true it is trained into loopback for each sinusoidal jitter frequency. • Train with Jitter: If true random and sinusoidal jitter are added to the signal during loopback training. Specification • • • • • • • Pre-Shoot: Pre-shoot used for calibrations and receiver tests. De-Emphasis: The de-emphasis of the data signal. Differential Voltage: The differential voltage (peak - peak) for the signal. Random Jitter: The amount of random jitter (peak peak) added to the test signal. SJ Reduction for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at the frequency specified that is subtracted for eye-width adjustment. Second Tone SJ for Eye-Width Adjusment: Amount of sinusoidal jitter at 87 MHz that is added for eye width adjustment. SSC Deviation BER Setup • • • BER Test Duration: Duration of the BER test for one SJ point. Allowed Errors: The number of allowed symbol errors for one measurement. Relax Time: The time between the jitter is changed and the beginning of the measurement. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: 234 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-142: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 235 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • • • Column 1: o Result: Shows the test result. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the Sinusoidal Jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Failed Adjusted SJ [ps]: Shows the jitter amplitude which caused the DUT to introduce errors. Column 4 : o Passed Adjusted SJ [ps]: Shows the jitter amplitude at which the DUT still worked without introducing errors. Column 5: o Min Spec [ps]: Shows the min Spec required. Column 6: o Nominal SJ [ps]: Nominal sinusoidal jitter that is used in the test. Column 7: o Errors: Shows the number of errors. 10G Short Channel Constant Parameter Stress Test Purpose and Method: This test determines if the DUT meets the receiver specifications for a particular jitter frequency. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode Same as for 10G Long Channel Constant Parameter Stress Test. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: 236 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-143: Result description N5990A User Guide for USB 237 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application • • • • • • • • • • 238 Column 1: o Result Column 2 : o Pre-Shoot [dB] Column 3: o De-Emphasis [dB] Column 4 : o Differntial Voltage [mV] Column 5: o Random Jitter [ps] Column 6 : o Nominal SJ [ps]: Column 7 : o SJ Frequency [MHz] Column 8 : o Adjusted SJ [ps] Column 9: o Second Tone SJ [ps] Column 10 : o Errors N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 10G Short Channel Jitter Tolerance Test Purpose and Method: This test characterizes how much jitter a DUT can tolerate at different sinusoidal jitter frequencies. For each sinusoidal jitter frequency, the jitter amplitude is increased in equally-spaced steps until the number of measured symbol errors is bigger than “Allowed Errors”. Please note that this receiver test is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test Parameters in Expert Mode Same as for 10G Long Channel Jitter Tolerance Test except for the following parameters that are not included: • Target Eye-Height • Target Eye-Width • Eye-Height • Eye-Width Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: N5990A User Guide for USB 239 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application Figure 4-144: Result description 240 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 • • • • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: Shows whether the test has passed or failed. Column 2: o SJ Frequency [MHz]: Shows the sinusoidal jitter frequency set in the instrument. Column 3: o Min Failed Jitter [ps]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces errors. Column 4: o Max Passed Jitter [ps]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude at which the DUT introduces no errors. Column 5: o Jitter Capability Test Setup [ps]: Shows the maximum jitter amplitude that can be set depending on the current hardware setup. Column 6: o Min Spec [ps]: Shows the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification at which the DUT is not allowed to introduce any error. Column 7: o Margin [%]: Shows the ratio between the minimum jitter amplitude defined by the specification and the maximum jitter amplitude passed. 241 4 USB Computer Bus Test Application 10G Short Channel Sensitivity Test Purpose and Method: This test searches the minimum eye height a DUT can tolerate. The procedure starts with an eye height value of “Start Eye Height” and decreases it with steps of “Step Size”. The minimum passed value is the last test point that did not return more errors than specified in the Allowed Errors parameter. For DUTs which do not support disconnect it is necessary to train the DUT in every step. This procedure is not a compliance test. Connection Diagram: Same as for 10G Compliance Test. Parameters in Expert Mode All the parameter are same as for 5G Receiver Sensitivity Test (Long Channel Test), but with the following difference: • Instead of using a signal with the Eye height variation, it has differential voltage variation set to test the short channel scenario. • Differential Voltage Variation • Start Differential Voltage: The differential Voltage where the test starts. • Differential Voltage Step Size: Span between two consecutive differential voltage steps. Used Calibrations: All 10G Calibrations Procedure Report: 242 N5990A User Guide for USB USB Computer Bus Test Application 4 Figure 4-145: Result description • • • • N5990A User Guide for USB Column 1: o Result: The Min Passed Differential Voltage should be smaller than the Min Spec. Column 2 : Min Passed Differntial Voltage [mV]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT passes the test.Column 3 : o Min Spec [mV]: The smallest differential voltage at which the DUT has to pass the test to meet the specifications. Column 4 : o Margin [%]: Ratio between the Min Passed Jitter and the Min Spec, expressed as a percentage. 243 4 Troubleshooting and Support 5 Troubleshooting and Support 5.1 5.1 Log List and File Log List and File In case of problems, the Log List can often help in identifying the root cause. To display the Log List, click the Log List icon on the toolbar. The log file can be accessed by right-clicking within the Log List section as shown in Figure 5-1. Note that all log information is lost when the N5990A application is terminated unless the log file is saved. Figure 5-1: ValiFrame N5990A log list and file 244 N5990A User Guide for USB Troubleshooting and Support 4 • N5990A User Guide for USB In case of persisting problems with an application, send the Log File with the problem description to csg.support@keysight.com. 245 Appendix 6 6.1 6 Appendix 6.1 Data Structure and Backup 6.2 Remote Interface 6.3 Controlling Loop Parameters and Looping Over Selected Tests 6.4 IBerReader Data Structure and Backup 6.1.1 ValiFrame Data Structure All ValiFrame internal data is saved in the application data folder: "Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BitifEye \ValiFrame" for Windows XP or "ProgramData\BitifEye\ValiFrame" for Windows 7. Windows hides the system folders, by default. To make the application data folder visible, the "Hidden Files and Folders" setting needs to be set to "Show hidden files and folders" in the Windows File Explorer > View Settings. The ValiFrame application data folder contains the following folders: • • • • • • Images Settings Pattern Properties Calibrations Tmp Images The "Images" folder contains the connection diagram images. N5990A User Guide for USB 247 6 Appendix Settings The “Settings” folder contains the default settings file for the instrument and .vset file which contains the changes to the default registry entries. For each application, a sub folder is created and a ValiFrame.vset file is created in this sub folder as soon as any ValiFrame setting is changed from its default. The settings files contain, for example, the instrument connection setup. Pattern The Pattern folder contains the test pattern files. These are text files which contain the pattern in hexadecimal format. Calibrations The calibration data is stored in the “Calibrations” folder. For each calibration procedure at least one calibration file is stored. These files are text files and can be imported into MS Excel or displayed with the HTML viewer. Tmp All temporary files are created in the Tmp folder. The sub folder "Results" contains the final result of each calibration and test procedure. This is a safety feature and these files are used for recovery in case the user forgot to save them. 248 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 6.1.2 ValiFrame Backup Use the ValiFrame application data folder to save calibration data, modified test pattern or settings for backup or transfer to another PC. The files in the folders, “Images” and “Pattern” will be generated or if they already exist, be overwritten during a ValiFrame installation. In the “Settings” folder, all instrument settings are overwritten by the installation except the .vset files. In the “Calibration” folder, all files are generated by the calibration procedures and will not be overwritten by the installation. To compare or archive the calibration data, backup the “Calibration” folder. 6.2 Remote Interface 6.2.1 Introduction The N5990A ValiFrame remote interface allows ValiFrame functionality (such as test setup information, calibration, and test procedures, and results) to be accessed from external programming environments, for example MS.NET/C#, VEE, LabView, TestExec SL, or TestStand. The remote interface can thus be used to control N5990A by external software. In typical use, a top-level external test sequencer takes advantage of ValiFrame functionality. If ValiFrame is to be used as a top-level test sequencer, the control of external software is achieved with N5990A opt. 500, User Programming. N5990A User Guide for USB 249 6 Appendix 6.2.2 Interface Description The ValiFrame functionality is accessible via ValiFrameRemote.dll. It contains a class ValiFrameRemote in the BitifEye.ValiFrame.ValiFrameRemote namespace (see Figure 6-1). Its use is illustrated by the ValiFrameRemoteTester application. The source code and the Visual Studio solution of this example are available on the BitifEye support webpage. Using this interface requires that the ValiFrame dlls are either in the same folder or the Windows Path variable contains the folder in which these dlls are located. 250 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 Figure 6-1: Members of the ValiFrameRemote class N5990A User Guide for USB 251 6 Appendix 6.2.3 Using the Remote Interface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Add the ValiFrameRemote.dll as a reference to the project. Create an instance of the ValiFrameRemote class. Call SetConfigurationFile(string filename), if it is needed. It is required only when the station configuration file generated by the station configurator is not to be used. This file format is same as the files generated by the station configurator, which can be found in the Valiframe Application data folder (Windows XP: C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\bitifeye\valiframe\settings\<application name>\ValiFrame.vset, or Windows 7: c:\programdata\bitifeye\valiframe\settings\<application name>\ValiFrame.vset). The station configuration files contain just the differences to the registry. Refer to Figure 6-2 for more details. By calling InitApplication(string applicationName), the instruments of the selected Test Station (see section 3.1) are connected and initialized. Call either ConfigureApplication() or LoadProject(string filename) to initialize the DUT properties and test procedures. The project file can be generated with the ValiFrame User Interface and it contains the DUT properties, the selected test procedures and the properties of each test procedure. Calling Configure Application() prompts a dialog for setting the DUT properties. The number and type of available test procedures can depend on the DUT properties. 7. Get the list of available procedures with GetProcedures(out int[] procedureIds, out string[] procedureNames[]). 8. Select procedures individually with SelectProcedures(int[] procedureIds) or combined with Run(int[] procedureIds, out stringxmlResult). 9. Execute selected procedures by calling any of the Run functions given below: 10. The Run(out string[]xmlResults) executes all selected procedures. The results of all procedures executed are returned at the end of the execution of all selected procedures. The RunProcedure(int id, out string xmlResult) executes a single procedure and returns the result in an xml formatted string. The RunProcedures(int[] procedureIds, out string[] xmlResults) executes the list of procedures given in the procedureIds array. The StartRun() function returns immediately. It is mainly used for event-driven programming. In this case the events StatusChanged() and ProcedureCompleted() can be used to determine the actual status of ProcedureCompleted() event the ValiFrame sequencer and read the results. The provides the ID and the xmlResult of the procedure completed. After the run the xmlResults are also available via the Result property. ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <Folder name="ValiFrame"> <Folder name="Stations"> <Folder name="USB Station"> <Folder name="Instruments"> <Folder name="Instrument6"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> 252 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 <Property name="Address">TCPIP0::</Property> <Property name="Timeout">00:01:00</Property> <Property name="Description">M8020A J-BERT with integrated jitter sources for SER tests</Property> <Property name="Dll">VFAgM8000.dll</Property> </Folder> <Folder name="Instrument7"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> <Property name="Address"></Property> <Property name="Timeout">00:05:00</Property> <Property name="Description">USB 3.0 Tx application running on realtimescope</Property> <Property name="Dll">VFAgU7243A.dll</Property> </Folder> <Folder name="Instrument8"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> <Property name="Address"></Property> <Property name="Timeout">00:05:00</Property> <Property name="Description">USB 2.0 Tx application running on realtimescope</Property> <Property name="Dll">VFAgN5416A.dll</Property> </Folder> <Folder name="Instrument9"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> <Property name="Address">GPIB0::13::INSTR</Property> <Property name="Timeout">00:01:00</Property> <Property name="Description">Powersupply for automated loopback training</Property> <Property name="Dll">VFAgE363xA.dll</Property> </Folder> <Folder name="Instrument10"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> <Property name="Address">;username;password</Property> <Property name="Timeout">00:01:00</Property> <Property name="Description">Main power switch</Property> <Property name="Dll">VFSynaccessNP.dll</Property> </Folder> </Folder> <Folder name="Properties"> <Property name="Station Name">USB Station</Property> <Property name="User Name">Unknown User</Property> <Property name="User Label"> </Property> <Property name="Use Graphics">True</Property> <Property name="Asynchronous Graphics">False</Property> <Property name="Show All Instruments">False</Property> <Property name="System Configuration">Unknown</Property> <Property name="De Emphasis Generation">N4916</Property> <Property name="Generator Type">JBERT B</Property> <Property name="Power Supply Type">None</Property> <Property name="Power Switch Type">SynaccessNP</Property> <Property name="Tx Usb Application">U7243A Usb</Property> <Property name="Use Serial Bus Switch">False</Property> </Folder> <Folder name="Children" /> <Property name="Software Version">ValiFrame 1.0</Property> </Folder> </Folder> <Folder name="Database"> <Folder name="Properties"> <Property name="Offline">True</Property> <Property name="ApplicationServerHostname"></Property> </Folder> </Folder> </Folder> Figure 6-2: Example of a station configuration file N5990A User Guide for USB 253 6 Appendix If the ValiFrame sequencer is called via a .NET GUI (System.Windows.Forms.Form), the current status, the available procedures, and the procedure selection can be shown and modified by passing a TreeView control via the ProductPreTreeView property to the ValiFrame sequencer prior to the InitApplication() call. In this case, the TreeView control directly shows which procedures were selected as well as the procedure currently being processed during the run. At the end of each run, the pass/fail result is given. Refer to the ValiFrameRemoteTester source code for more details. The log entries generated by the ValiFrame sequencer can be accessed via the LogChanged() event. Each time the sequencer generates a log entry this event will be broadcast. It is recommended that the user monitors this event and tracks the log changes to identify problems during execution. The procedures requiring interaction with the user will pop up dialog panels. For example, each time a new connection between an instrument and the DUT is necessary, the procedure will start to display pop-up windows with the required connections. The dialog can be suppressed by attaching to the ConnectionChangeRequired() event. In some cases, internal dialogs or message boxes are also shown. For full automation without any user interaction, events must be defined and implemented such that the controlling environment can react to all dialog and message boxes without user input. Currently, how to handle these dialogs has to be decided case by case. 6.2.4 Results Format Each Procedure Run will produce an xml-formatted result string, which can be accessed via the out parameters of the Run() functions or the Results property of the ValiFrameRemote class. The result string starts with a summary, which contains the procedure name, ID, result, and the time stamp of the procedure run (Figure 6-3): 254 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Test Results> <Summary> <ProcedureName>Jitter Tolerance Test 2 MHz SJ RBR Lane 0</ProcedureName> <ProcedureID>400008</ProcedureID> <Result>Passed</Result> <DateTime>4/30/2009 11:29:14 AM</DateTime> </Summary> <DocumentElement> <Parameters> <Name>Number of Lanes</Name> <Value>1</Value> </Parameters> <Parameters> <Name>Spec. Version</Name> <Value>1.1</Value> </Parameters> <Parameters> <Name>ISI Amplitude</Name> <Value>570 mUI</Value> </Parameters> <Parameters> <Name>Step Mode</Name> <Value>False</Value> </Parameters> <Parameters> <Name>Parade DP621 Device</Name> <Value>False</Value> </Parameters> </DocumentElement> <Data> <ColumnHeader>|Result|Jitter Freq.|Sin.-Jitter Amp.|Number of Errors|Min Spec|Max Spec|Details|</ColumnHeader> <Values>|pass|2000000|0.981|2|0|1000||</Values> </Data> </Test Results> Figure 6-3: Result string format The following part contains the list of parameters. These parameters may be changed via the project file or the remote interface. The last part contains the test data. It starts with the column header, followed by one or more data rows. The format is similar to what is obtained in the Excel output if the same procedure is run via the ValiFrame user interface. Each column name/value is separated by the pipe symbol '|'. N5990A User Guide for USB 255 6 Appendix 6.3 Controlling Loop Parameters and Looping Over Selected Tests Often parameters such as temperatures or supply voltages need to be varied systematically. A simple example would be repeating tests over a temperature range from –10 to 30 °C to verify an operating temperature range. In this case, after the tests have been run at –10 °C, the temperature of the climate chamber is increased by the selected temperature step width, for example, 1°C. The tests are then repeated at –9 °C. After the test execution, the temperature is incremented again and the tests are rerun repeatedly until they are finally run at 30 °C. This repetitive process is called looping. In this example, the temperature within a climate chamber is the loop parameter. While the loop is executed, the test results have to be documented for each loop parameter value. In practice, multiple loop levels might be required, as shown in Figure 6-4. Figure 6-4: Temperature and voltage sweeps using N5990A sequencer As the loop parameters are typically customer-specific, N5990A permits a list of loop parameters to be specified. N5990A supports: 1. Looping over user-specified parameters or run tests with a single parameter value. 2. Defining a set of loop parameters and for each parameter a range of test points. 3. Using custom drivers to control instruments that are not part of the ValiFrame Test Station (see section 3.1, Test Station Selection and Configuration), e.g. climate chambers, ovens, and power supplies. 4. Saving the results of each test together with the actual loop parameter value independently of the results from the other runs. 5. An overview of each run after the end of the test execution. These features are provided by an interface called IVFEnvironmentalControl. The definition of this interface is: 256 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 namespace BitifEye.ValiFrame.Instruments { public interface IVFEnvironmentalControl { string UserLabel { get; } void Connect(); void Disconnect(); string[] GetParameterList(); string[] GetParameterValues(); void Init(); bool SetNextValue(); void SetToDefault(); } } The interface has to be implemented by a class EnvironmentalControl in a .NET dll named EnvironmentalControl.dll, which then needs to be copied into the ValiFrame Program Files Folder. ValiFrame will load this dll and call the function of the Interface in the following order: N5990A User Guide for USB 257 6 Appendix 6.3.1 Connect() At startup of ValiFrame allows the implementation to load the instrument drivers and connect to them. 6.3.2 SetToDefault() After the Connect() call, the implementation should set all instruments with initial values to set default values. It is recommended that the sequence is stated with nominal values to ensure that the test setup is done properly. With this setting, the first run will be done and the Init() call will not overwrite the values. 6.3.3 Init() The function is used to initialize the instruments with start values at the beginning of test sequence. 6.3.4 GetParameterList() and GetParameterValues() These functions are used to get the parameter names and values lists and put them into the result output of each test procedure. 6.3.5 SetNextValue() If this function returns true at the end of each run over the selected test procedures, ValiFrame will run the selected tests again. This function should get the next parameter set, set the controlling instruments, and return true if a new set of parameters is available. Example For a sweep over temperature starts at 20 °C, increasing the temperature by 2 °C at each run, and ending at 40 °C, the function should increase the temperature of the chamber and return true if 40 °C is not reached. If the next step is greater than 40 °C, this function should return false. ValiFrame will end the test sequence in this case. 258 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 6.3.6 Disconnect() It is called at the closing of ValiFrame. The driver should set the instruments to default values and disconnect from the instruments. An example project is available on the BitifEye webpage. N5990A User Guide for USB 259 6 Appendix 6.4 IBerReader ValiFrame cannot integrate all possible instruments and custom interfaces to communicate with the DUT. To overcome this problem, the customer can provide a .NET DLL which implements the IBerReader interface. This DLL is used by ValiFrame, and invoked during the test; the DLL then takes care of the instrument or DUT communication. To use this feature in ValiFrame USB, go to Configure DUT > Show Parameters dialog and change the property BER Reader to "Custom BER Reader." This option will only be available if the dll with the name UsbCustomBerReader.dll is there in its installation folder. USB-specific calling conventions: • Connect(string) The string parameter is an empty string by default. It can be changed by setting the "Address" property in the Confugure DUT > Show Parameters dialog. This is used to do general initialization or start external programs if it is required. • Disconnect() This method will be called every time a test run is finished (after all selected tests are done, not after each individual test). It is used to clean up or shut down external programs if applicable. • Init(string) This will be called when the DUT needs to be put into a specific state. In the USB case, the unique option is "5Gb/s". 260 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 6.4.1 IBerReader Interface using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace BerReader { public interface IberReader { /// <summary> /// This method is called to connect to your error reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address string can be used by your implementation /// to configure the connection to the BerReader interface</param> void Connect(string address); /// <summary> /// This method is called to close the connection /// </summary> void Disconnect(); /// <summary> /// This method will be called prior the individual tests to tell the device /// what mode is tested. This can be used to load appropriate /// setups. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">configuration mode in which the DUT will be tested. The mode must be “5Gb/s” or “10Gb/s”</param> void Init(string mode); /// <summary> /// Is called at the beginning of the error measurement and allows /// a reset for the DUT to be implemented. /// </summary> void ResetDut(); /// <summary> /// Starts the counters. This method MUST reset all counters! /// </summary> void Start(); /// <summary> /// Stop the DUT to read out the counters (see /// GetReadCounterWithoutStopSupported()). /// </summary> void Stop(); /// <summary> /// This method returns counters, the 1st counting the bits/frames/lines /// or bursts and the 2nd one counting the errors detected by the N5990A User Guide for USB 261 6 Appendix BerReader. /// The automation software will compute the BER using the following /// equation BER=errorCounter/bitCounter. In the case bitCounter = 0 even when /// the stimulus is sending data, this is also interpreted as fail. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitCounter"> Contains the number of bits which are received /// by the DUT. If it is not possible to count bits the value can also contain /// frames, or bursts. It is just a matter of the value defined as target BER. /// If it is not possible to get the number of bits/frames/bursts then the /// method can return a value of -1 and the automation software can compute /// the number of bits from the data rate and the runtime.</param> /// <param name="errorCounter"> Total number of errors since the last start. /// </param> void GetCounter(out double bitCounter, out double errorCounter); /// <summary> /// This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the device /// supports reading the counters while it is running. If this method /// returns false, the device needs to be stopped to read the counters. /// In this case the automation software will stop data transmission /// before calling the GetCounter() function, and re-start data transmission /// again after reading the counter values. /// </summary> /// <returns> false if device needs to be stopped before reading the counters, /// true if the counters can be read on the fly.</returns> bool GetReadCounterWithoutStopSupported(); /// <summary> /// This property returns a number to multiply the value delivered by the /// bitCounter in the GetCounter() function. /// </summary> Double NumberOfBitsPerFrame {set; get;}; /// This property returns the number of payload /// bits in a frame used for the detection of the BER. /// If i.e. the errorCounter in the GetCounter() function is just the /// checksum error then this parameter is the number of the payload. /// </summary> double NumberOfCountedBitsPerFrame {set; get;}; } } 262 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6.5 6 Main Power Switch Control Intended to power on/off automatically the DUT and run the loopback training without user interaction. The Main Power Switch Control can be selected as: • Manual • Netlo 230B. It is a PDU (Power Distribution Unit) that integrates one 230 V input and four 230 V outlets which allow to connect virtually any 230 V powered device) • SynaccessNP If it is selected as Manual, the DUT has to be power cycle manually. A dialog asking for power cycling the DUT, pops-up in the initialisation of each receiver test procedure (See Figure 6-5). Figure 6-5: Manual Power Cycle Dialog The number of user interactions for Manual option is equal to the number of times that the DUT need to be trained into loopback. When it is selected as Netlo230B or SynaccsessNP, the DUT is power cycle automatically. A dialog asking to check the connection between the power supply and the power switch, pops-up in the first receiver test procedure executed (See Figure 6-6). Figure 6-6: Automatic Power Cycle Dialog In this case, the number of user interactions (related with the power cycle) is one, independently of the number of Rx tests and the number of times that a retraining is required. N5990A User Guide for USB 263 6 Appendix Some properties related with the remote controllable power switch can be selected in the Parameters Dialog (See Figure 6-7). Figure 6-7: Power Switch Parameters (I) 264 N5990A User Guide for USB Appendix 6 The same properties can be selected in the Parameters Panel of the Main Windows (See Figure 6-7). Figure 6-8: Power Switch Parameters (II) These configurable properties are: • Channel: This sets the channel number of the power switch channel which is connected to the DUT. • On-Off Duration: This is the duration between turning the DUT off and then turning it on again. • Setting Time: This is the wait time after the DUT is turned on and before the test continues with loopback training. Max Retries for LB Training: Maximum number of times that ValiFrame will try to train the DUT into loopback mode. If it is not possible within these tries the test will be aborted automatically. When Power Switch Automation is unselected, ValiFrame asks the user to retry every time loopback fails. • N5990A User Guide for USB 265 This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies 2015 Edition 5.0, July 2016 www.keysight.com