Point Pleasant - The Jim Henson Foundation
Point Pleasant - The Jim Henson Foundation
The Unitards P-24 CONTACT Daniel Fay 402 Graham Ave. PMB 234 Brooklyn NY 11211 631.796.7568 fay.daniel@gmail.com danielpatrickfay.com Project Budget $13,511 Grant Request $5,000 501 (c)(3): ThingNY PAST GRANTS AWARDED 2014 Seed - Point Pleasant Point Pleasant Point Pleasant is a musical/puppetry experience based on the legend of the Mothman. The piece uses live feed miniature, shadow, bunranku puppetry and sound to tell an eerie tale from American Folklore. The show uses movement and sound as opposed to dialogue to convey the overall sentiment of the tale. VIDEO SAMPLE Title: Point Pleasant highlight Artists: Daniel Patrick Fay: writer, director and designer; Puppeteers: Amy Rush, Justin Perkins, Charlie Del Risco, Sarah Jane Mumford, Jessica Simon; Shadow Puppetry: Jessica Lorence; Music and Sound Direction: Andrew Livingston Description: March 31, 2014 This is an edited video used as a "trailer." The video was taken from The St. Ann's presentation as well as the workshop we completed in March. PROJECT P-24 Point Pleasant WestVirginia On November15,1966,two youngcouplesfrom PointPleasant, encounterediwhat they describedas a largewinged manwith glowingred eyes.This would be the first ofmany sightingsofthe creaturethat would be dubbedthe "Mothman"by localpapers,and usheredin a year of terror for the smalltown. A year that would not oDIybe markedby severalsightingsofthe creature,but a rashofother strangenoises, bizarrephonecalls, ofaerialphenomena, strangesightings "menin black"on the communiq./. andthe convergence ofthe so-called disappearances, A localreporter namedMary Hire prints the eye-witnessaccountsofthe Mothman,and other strangereports. While Mary strugglesto keepup with the strange events,PointPleasant seemsin thegrip of panic,andhysteria.As the sightings intensif, and strangereports grow evenstrangerstill, all activity comesto a screeching halt,when on a cold Decembereveningthe town suffereda greattragedy. For seemingly no reasonat all, The SilverBridge,the main artery connectingtwo towns separatedby collapsed sendingdozensofpeopleintothe the OhioRiversuddenly, andunexpectedly icy depthsofthe river, which would be,the climatic,and tellible end to the supernatural eventsthat hauntedthe town for just over a year. Wasthe Mothmana messengertrying to warn the town? An arbiter of destruction?Or a monster bent on the destructionof the town and its people. it is sucha strangeand We focusa greatdealon the Mothmanitselfbecause beautifulimageand what originallypeakedour interest. Howeverthe pieceis meantto conveythe overallsentimentof this time, in this specificplace:the fear,sadness,and the we usedpuppetry, lackof comprehension. Duringthe PuppetLab2013performance, and the terror, and confusion and soundto dramatizethe reports ftom eyewitnesses, they must haveexperienced.We'veusedour seedgrant to further developthe piece further.We'vework-shopped new scenesin orderto fill in someof the "gaps"in the pieceleft by the time limitations in our lab presentation.The new scenesfurther convey thesecomplexemotions.The Mothmanis depictedseveraldifferentways,and used differentpuppetrydisciplines depending on individualaccounts.Somedescribethe Mothmanasa spiritor ghost,whileothersoffera morecorporealaccount.With the variety ofways we depictedthe Mothmanwe createdan overall"vibe" to the town and t h eh y s r e r i a th a te n su e dw h i chw a slhethr u lineof l.hepiece. Point PleasantProiectedBudqet: Based on a week run and rehearsalperiod Puppeteerscompensationfor rehearsalsand pedormance: $500.00eachx 6 $3,000.00 Musician fees: $500.00eachx 3 $1,500.00 Directorsfee: $3,000.00 Theater Rental: $2,400.00 Board operator (for week run 5 shows) $300.00 Lightingdesignerfee: $350.00 Sounddesigner:$350.00 Animator: $350.00 Further Puppet building materialscosts: Materials: 6 EthafoamSheets:$654.00 Styrene:$57.60 4 rollsof 50lb Dacron:$53.00 PVCpipe:$150.00 MachineScrews:$7.90 Lockbolts:$6.95 carvingfoamfor molds:$'140.00 Silicone moldkits:$209.00 Latex:$240.00 Brushes: $35.00 4 N.lixing buckets:$72.45 Shipping costs:$137.00 Lumber:$124.00 Eye screws:$'17.00 Woodenballs:$18.75 Teflontubing:$74.58 Fabrics: $164.00 Total cost for Materials:$2,160.63 Contingencies:400.00 TotalBudget: $13,510.63 Bios puppeteer,designer,director and artist. He has Daniel Patrick Fay is a NYC-based puppeteeredwith MabouMines,The SwedishCottage,The PuppetKitchen,The l,one 0pera.Hehas TandemOtterandTheMetropolitan WolfTribe,The CosmicBicycle, performedon illustriousstagessuchasthe BerkeleyRep,ThePublicTheaterandLincoln Center.He is currently the artistic director at StandardToykraft,a studioand performance spacehe co-founded. Andrew Livingston is a bassist,cellistand composer/soundartist in Brooklyn.He while earninghis mastersin andmusicians studiedwith a bunchofawesomecomposers musicand He playsin rockbands,composes from CUNY. musictheoryandcomposition doessounddesigl for theatricalperformances.He hasperformedinternationallyand has toured and recordedwith Mike Doughty,Toni Childs,ChrisStewa$,Clint Michiganand variousother bandsand artists. Andrew works frequentlywith localodd ball Piad music Andrewis alsoa foundingandfull-timememberofthe experimental Guyvessant. group ThingNY. Unitards is the weird synergytirat happenswhen DanieiPatrickFayand Andrew Livingstoncollaborate.Overthe last 7 yearsUnitardshaveproducedsomedelightfully strangeshowsin which puppetryand musicaim to be on equalfooting. Both artists bring to the table their uniquevoicesin their respectivefields.The resultsrangefiom , strange,siily, hauntirigand beautiful.Theyhaveproducedand performedshowsand TheirshowLandofShadowhastraveledand puppetinstallations from hereto Kalamazoo! donewell both here and below the mythicalMasonDixon Line They are unstoppableand yet very lovable. Aboye: Photostakenfrom theSt.Ann'sPuppetLab 2013 Below: Photosfrom our mostrecentworkshopMarch2014Seed GrantFunded