Graphic Standards - Virginia Wesleyan College
Graphic Standards - Virginia Wesleyan College
VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE QUICK GUIDE TO GRAPHIC STANDARDS All design projects relating to the College such as brochures, posters, photographs, web content, and advertisements, intended T for an external audience (general public, prospective students, media etc.) should be created through or approved by the Office of College Communications before publication or distribution. Design projects meant for prominent display or frequent usage within the campus community should also be approved. Please contact College Communications with any questions. screen of solid color used for the right V of W T VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE LOGO The logo is the primary element of our visual identity system and should appear on all College communications. Our logo consists of two components: The graphic “W” and flame, and the “Virginia Wesleyan College” wordmark. These two components are always placed in a fixed relationship and should never be altered or modified. COLORS The primary colors screen of solid color used for the rightfor V the of WVirginia Wesleyan College logo are 1. The graphic stylization of the combined letters V and W is always used T Dark Blue and Grey with Red being used as an accent color. together with the red flame, symbolizing our affiliation with the United Methodist Church. 2. The Virginia Wesleyan wordmark is composed of two typefaces: Adobe Garamond Bold and Gill Sans Medium. 4. Clear space To ensure its integrity and visibility, the logo should be kept clear of A competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by adequate clear space. 3. Proportion When using the wordmark/logo, always use an approved logo file. Do not recreate the logo. If you need to re-size the logo, always constrain T proportions by locking the aspect ratio, so the height and width are scaled together. VWC PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE VWC BLUE PMS 295 (spot color) CMYK 100-60-0-40 RGB 0-66-122 VWC GREY PMS 423 (spot color) CMYK 40-32-29-1 RGB 157-159-164 VWC RED – Accent Color PMS 187 (spot color) CMYK 0-100-75-25 RGB 186-14-49 LOGO and BACKGROUND COLORS The three-color logo should appear only on a light or neutral color background. The logo must not be altered in any way. Only use the electronic files provided by the College. Do not recreate or modify any part of the signature or wordmark. When the logo is not able to be reproduced in full color and is reversed out of a solid background color, the right “V” is a 30% screen of the background color. The logo can be adapted to print in one or two-color (as shown below). In this instance the right “V” of the W is a 45% screen of solid color used for the left “V” of W. Logo reversed out of solid background in two-colors: Grey and Red (Fig. I) The logo may be reversed out of a dark solid background color in the following ways: Alternate two-color version: Logo reversed out of solid background in two-color, with wording Virginia+College remaining white (Fig. II) Logo reversed out in one-color white with the right “V” a 30% screen of solid background color (Fig. III) When the printing method does not allow for a screen of solid color, the logo may be printed in one solid color with a fine line separating the right and left V of the W (Fig. IV) Fig. I Fig. II Fig. III Fig. IV VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE TAGLINE Our tagline for the College is “Bring a spark. Light a fire.” It should be used whenever possible, in print or online materials. The tagline font is Adobe Garamond. It is typeset in italic, which is our preference but it is also permissible to capitalize (see below). There are two ways to include the tagline into your material: As a graphic element of the Virginia Wesleyan logo Bring a spark. Light a fire. Bring a spark. Light a fire. BRING A SPARK. LIGHT A FIRE. Or as a separated statement with placement usually centered in a colored bar at base of front cover or mailing: Bring a spark. Light a fire. FONTS Primary Virginia Wesleyan’s logo incorporates two distinct typefaces, Adobe Garamond and Gill Sans. Consistent use of these typefaces throughout all College publications strengthens the College’s visual brand. Secondary Although Adobe Garamond is the primary font used by the College, we also use the following fonts for publications and advertising as deemed appropriate: ADOBE GARAMOND (bold) – classic serif font UNIVERS - including Univers Light Ultra Condensed Univers 47 Condensed Light Univers 47 Condensed Light Oblique Univers 57 Condensed Univers 67 Condensed Bold This typeface is also used for headings and body copy. Adobe Garamond Adobe Garamond Adobe Garamond Semibold Adobe Garamond Semibold Italic Adobe Garamond Bold Adobe Garamond Bold Italic GILL SANS (medium) – sans-serif typeface that complements the shape and weight of Adobe Garamond. This font is also used for headers, footnotes and sidebar text. Gill Sans Light Gill Sans Light Italic Gill Sans Gill Sans Italic Gill Sans Bold Gill Sans Bold Italic Virginia Wesleyan MARLIN Graphic Quick Guide PMS 295 PMS 423 CMYK Match Blue: C 100, M 60, Y 0, K 40 Gray: C 40, M 32, Y 29, K 1 Wherever possible Marlin faces to the left MARLIN on Dark Background: Always use stroked version of Marlin. DO NOT invert colors of marlin logo when printing on dark background Correct WRONG The Marlin Logo is available in various file formats. Please contact: Christine Hall 757-455-3218/