3rd quarter 2007 - Great Dane Club of America
3rd quarter 2007 - Great Dane Club of America
The Great Dane Club of America, Inc. 3rd Quarter 2007 EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! CHECK OUT WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND THE GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE JUDGES NOMINATED TO JUDGE THE NATIONAL SPECIALTY AND FUTURITY IN 2009. Inside this issue: Editor’s Page President’s Message Officers & Directors Club Business 2007 National Specialty Membership Junior Showmanship Charitable Trust Final Judge’s Listing For 2009 National Specialty And Futurity Futurity Top Twenty Committee Chairs Treasurer Rescue Honored To Help Judges’ Education Affiliate Club Rep 2 3 4 4 THE LIST OF NOMINEES IS ON PAGE 17 IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR INDIVIDUAL BALLOT IN THE MAIL PLEASE CONTACT LYNN BROWN QUICK IMMEDIATELY, AS THE DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 21, 2007! 8 The Northeast Division invites you to the 10 12 14 2007 Great Dane Club of America National Specialty Show and Futurity October 20-27, 2007 Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17 18 Please check the GDCA website at www.gdca.org For all the information you need. 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 National Specialty Coordinator 26 Change of Address Affiliates’ Corner Members’ Corner (NEW) 26 27 28 MARY ANNE ZANETOS GDCA HEALTH SURVEY Anyone, individual or Affiliate Club, interested in information about presentations about the survey should contact me directly at: (614) 451-2297 or MAZ850@aol.com P AGE 2 THE EDITOR’S PAGE CHERYL GODWIN ☼ EDITOR 1424 Jethrow Way, El Cajon, CA, 92019 Phone: 619-588-5293 Fax: 619-588-7207 Email: godwin2@cox.net Dear Members; If you haven’t received your individual ballot to vote for the Judges for the 2009 GDCA National Specialty and Futurity, being hosted by the Southeast Division, please contact Lynn immediately. A list of the finalists and Lynn’s contact information is on page 17. Don’t miss the deadline of September 21, 2007. For the third quarter in a row please pay attention the your President’s Message. There is new information regarding proposed changes to the Standard and you need to be knowledgeable about those changes when you cast your ballot. Kudos to the Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City… ...go to the Affiliates’ Corner on page 27 to see what they have done and then give them a congratulatory tail wag! Kudos also to Denny & Mary Ann Land… ...check out the new “Members’ Corner” on page 28 to see what they have done and give them a wag, as well! As you can see, we have added a “Members’ Corner” to the bulletin. Have you done something special for our beloved Great Danes...do you know someone who has? If so, please get that info to me so we can recognize those folks! The next board meeting will be held on Sunday, October 21, 2007, in conjunction with the National Specialty in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. See you there! Until next quarter; Cheryl PAGE 3 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE LINDA RIDDER ☼ PRESIDENT 2933 Archer Lane, Springfield, OH 45503 Phone: 937-342-1535 Email: LindaRidder@sbcglobal.net Dear Members, As requested, the Standard Chairman Bob Edison and committee members, Paul Hardiman, Judy Harrington, David Miller, Dr. Neil O’Sullivan and Mary Anne Zanetos completed the standard revision. After many discussions the committee came to a unanimous accord on the wording of the standard and submitted it to the Board for the July 28th meeting. Kudos to the committee for accomplishing this difficult task in a limited time frame, they took into consideration all of the e-mails and letters that you had sent to the Board and authored an excellent revision that should be a benefit to breeders and judges alike. Thank you again for your input on this important revision. It was very valuable and much appreciated. The Board reviewed the standard revision and unanimously voted to approve it as submitted. The next step is to send it to AKC for their approval. That has just been done and will hopefully be on their September Agenda. If the standard is approved it will then be published in the Gazette. Then the GDCA Corresponding Secretary will mail a ballot to the membership to vote for or against the standard revision. The favorable vote of two thirds (2/3) of the membership in good standing who return valid ballots within the time limit of 30 days shall be required to effect any such amendments. The new standard revision reads as follows: -Under forequarters- eliminate sentence #6: The elbow should be one-half the distance from the withers to the ground. (Sentence is deleted with no replacement). -Under Mantle- change existing language to: The color shall be black and white with a solid black blanket over the body. The skull is black with a white muzzle. A white blaze extending from the muzzle to between the eyes is optional. White extends from the neck, over the front of the chest, between the front legs and may include the underside of the abdomen. White is required either in whole or in part of the forelegs and hind legs. The tail is black with a white tip. A whole white collar is preferred, but a break in the collar is acceptable. Small black markings (ticking or freckles) in the white area of the coat or skin may be present and are acceptable. Change commentary beginning with “ Any variance in color” … to read: When judging the Great Dane it is important to remember that this breed has color disqualifications and not marking disqualifications. Any color other than that set forth above would result in disqualification. Any deviation of color or markings other than what is described in the standard would be penalized to the degree of deviation. -Under Fawn – change to: The color shall be yellow gold. A black mask is preferred. Thanks again to the standard committee for all their hard work on the standard revision. See you at the National, Linda PAGE 4 The President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: AKC Delegate: Affiliate Club Rep: Directors: Great Dane Club of America, Inc. ~ Officers and Directors Linda Ridder, 2933 Archer Lane, Springfield, OH, 45503 ~ 937-342-1535 Lourdes Carvajal, 6800 E. Pony Creek Road, Freeman. MO, 64746 ~ 816-250-2574 David Miller, P.O. Box 219, Sharpsburg, GA, 30227 ~ 770-253-5350 Lynda Moriarty, P.O. Box 410, Wayne, IL, 60184 ~ 630-587-5633 Jean Highlands, 10196 Belmeadow Drive, Twinsburg, OH, 44087 ~ 330-425-4880 Tom Sandenaw, 5900 North Jornada, Las Cruces, N.M. ~ 505-522-7500 Dianne Powers, P.O. Box 216, West Tisbury, MA, 02575 ~ 508-693-1402 Warren Benoit, P.O. Box 640488, Kenner, LA, 70064-0488 ~ 985-764-8371 Chuck Crawford, 122 Deerwood Trail, Sharpsburg, GA, 30227 ~ 770-253-7277 Dale Desjardins, 23 Burrit Hill Road, Bethlehem, CT, 06751 ~ 203-266-5187 Paul Hardiman, 17990 Pesante Road, Salinas, CA, 93907 ~ 831-663-0453 Lucinda Harwin, 15423 Francis Oaks Way, Los Gatos, CA, 95032 ~ 408-356-7087 Pookie Kostuk, P.O. Box 2015, Cheshire, CT, 06410 ~ 203-272-8292 Joe Longo, 8651 Mentor Road, Mentor, OH, 44060 ~ 440-974-0221 Sue Shaw, 52 East Street, Hanover, MA, 025339 ~ 781-8256-3686 Jane Treiber, P.O. Box 15, Curtis, WA, 98538-0015 ~ 360-245-3481 CLUB BUSINESS RECORDING SECRETARY SUE SHAW Board members and Committee Chairs submitting reports for the Board Meetings should send a copy to the Recording Secretary at 52 East Street, Hanover, MA, 02239 or davisdane@worldnet.att.net at least two weeks prior to the next Board meeting. GDCA Board Meeting July 28, 2007 Chattanooga, Tennessee Members Present: Linda Ridder, Lourdes Carvajal, Dave Miller, Lynda Moriarty, Sue Davis Shaw, Warren Benoit, Jane Trieber, Lucinda Harwin, Jean Highlands, Pookie Kostuk, Paul Hardiman, Dianne Powers, Chuck Crawford, Joe Longo, and Tom Sandenaw. Dale Desjardins was absent. Guests: Willie Crawford, Margaret Shappard, Nancy Franklin, Patty Thomas All motions are unanimous unless otherwise stated. MOTION To excuse the absence of Dale Desjardins. Moved: Warren Benoit 2nd: Pookie Kostuk MOTION To approve the minutes of the April 28, 2007, meeting as submitted. Moved: Lourdes Carvajal 2nd: Pookie Kostuk PAGE 5 MOTION To support the Eukanuba Invitational as we have done in the past. Moved: Cindy Harwin 2nd: Dianne Powers MOTION To go back to mailing the quarterly bulletin and to look into ways of economizing. Moved: Lourdes Carvajal 2nd: Chuck Crawford MOTION To not reprint the membership roster until next year. Moved: Jane Trieber 2nd: Tom Sandenaw MOTION To accept the Treasurer's Report as submitted. Moved: Joe Longo 2nd: Paul Hardiman MOTION To not accept the Illini bylaws as presented because they are not line with the GDCA constitution and to hold an electronic vote at such time that they make the suggested changes. Moved: Jane Trieber 2nd: Paul Hardiman MOTION To recommend to the Charitable Trust that they fund an Educational Grant in the amount of $1000. to the Great Dane Club of Northern California. Moved: Sue Shaw 2nd: Pookie Kostuk MOTION To recommend to the Charitable Trust that they fund Educational Grants for $750. each to the Great Dane Club of Met. Washington and to the Great Dane Club of Lehigh Valley. Moved: Tom Sandenaw 2nd: Joe Longo MOTION To recommend to the Charitable Trust that they fund an Educational Grant for $500. to the Great Dane Club of Central Pennsylvania. Moved: Lourdes Carvajal 2nd: Pookie Kostuk MOTION To recommend to the Charitable Trust that they fund an Educational Grant for $500. to the Great Dane Club of Western New York. Moved: Dianne Powers 2nd: Cindy Harwin MOTION To accept the Chattanooga site for the 2009 National Specialty. Moved: Jane Trieber 2nd: Tom Sandenaw MOTION To approve the Educational Grant Application Form as revised. Moved: Tom Sandenaw 2nd: Cindy Harwin PAGE 6 MOTION To approve the scholarship proposal submitted by Jessie Gerszewski as amended. Moved: Lynda Moriarty 2nd: Tom Sandenaw MOTION To reinstate the membership of Annette Gauthier upon receipt of dues. Moved: Jean Highlands 2nd: Tom Sandenaw MOTION To vote the following into membership: Jan Parrish Hendon Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Joe Longo L. Brett Cipriotti Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Dave Miller Valerie Ryan-Wagner Moved: Dave Miller 2nd: Paul Hardiman Allison Fisher-Matthews Moved: Chuck Crawford 2nd: Joe Longo Judy Gilmore Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Chuck Crawford Margo Knof Moved: Pookie Kostuk 2nd: Dianne Powers MOTION To reimburse reasonable expenses for Jane Trieber to attend the JEAW in Seattle, Washington. Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Lourdes Carajal MOTION To allocate up to $1,600 for a laptop and overhead projector for Jane Trieber's educational program. Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Sue Shaw MOTION To extend seed money to Joe Longo for the 2008 National Specialty in the event that he needs it. Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Warren Benoit MOTION To recommend to the Charitable Trust that they fund the following rescue grants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City Willamette Great Dane Club Rescue Willamette Great Dane Club Rescue Great Dane Club of Western Washington Great Dane Club of Western Washington Great Dane Rescue of NE Great Dane Club of Louisiana Moved: Warren Benoit (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) 2nd: Paul Hardiman 500 500 500 500 314.12 500 500 PAGE 7 MOTION To not approve the grant for South Carolina until additional information is received. Moved: Warren Benoit 2nd: Paul Hardiman MOTION To give Mary Barnett Reed the right to spend money up to $5,000 per emergency rescue incident. Moved: Pookie Kostuk 2nd: Lourdes Carvajal MOTION To approve the standard revisions as submitted. Moved: Dianne Powers 2nd: Sue Shaw MOTION To send forward to the OFA the following five nominations for Champion for Health: Daneridge's Penelope Steele NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, OJP, CGC, TDI, TT BISS CH Avanti's All For One Elan UAg2, UCD, SP, HIT Liberty's Keeper Of My Heart VCD2, CDX, OA, OAJ, TD, RAE, CGC, TT CH Kappadane's Mystik Blue Smoke CD RE NA NAJ CGC TDI CH Lagrada's Aspen Gold, ROM Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Dianne Powers MOTION To proceed with Great Dane University and authorize the purchasing of books, up to $4,000. Moved: Paul Hardiman 2nd: Cindy Harwin MOTION To vote the following on the AKC Lifetime Achievement ballot: Peter Greene Moved: Joe Longo 2nd: Lynda Moriarty Richard Mullen Moved: Joe Longo 2nd: Lynda Moriarty Dr. Warren Moved: Joe Longo 2nd: Jane Trieber MOTION That we do not accept the request of Jan Parish to backdate her membership. Moved: Lynda Moriarty 2nd: Paul Hardiman PAGE 8 Saturday, October 20, 2007 Obedience, Rally Obedience, Rally Demonstration & Seminar, Free Night Sunday, October 21, 200 Agility * Puppy Walk-In/Run Thru’s * GDCA Board Meeting * Welcome Party ~ "Homecoming" Monday, October 22, 2007 Futurity (Day 1) * Education * General Membership Meeting * Talent Show, Beauty Contest & Dinner Tuesday, October 23, 2007 Futurity (Day 2) * Education * ACR Meeting * Top 20 Dinner * Top 20 Event Wednesday, October 24, 2007 Conformation Judging (Dogs & Bitches) - Day #1* Education * Judges Education Division Chair Meeting * Rescue Meeting * Sock Hop (Dinner & Dancing) Thursday, October 25, 2007 Conformation Judging (Dogs & Bitches) - Day #2 * Education * Judges Education Cardio Clinic (All Day) * GDCA Board Meeting #2 * Auction Dinner * Auction Friday, October 26, 2007 Conformation Judging (Dogs & Bitches) - Final Day * Winners Dog & Winners Bitch * Veterans Education * Judges Education (Classroom) * Juniors Party * Evening Parades Saturday, October 27, 2007 Junior Showmanship Judging * Intersex Judging * Judges Education Best Puppy * Best Bred By * Stud Dog * Brood Bitch * Brace & Teams * Awards Dinner & Banquet PAGE 9 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS DIVISION CHAIR SHOW CHAIR Louis Bond Rita Suddarth 508-865-2828 540-439-2907 LUBond8206@aol.com danewrld@crosslink.net Agility and Obedience: Auction: Awards Night Coordination: Booth Space: Catalog Ads and Sales: Chief Ring Steward: Collegiate Blanket Orders: Decorations: Echocardiogram Reservations: Education: Futurity: Golf Cart Rentals: Grounds Maintenance: Hospitality Room: International Guests: Judges’ Education: Judges’ Hospitality: Junior Showmanship Party: Meal Deal Purchase: Meal Plan Coordinator: Meeting Coordinator: Meet with Animal Communicator: Parades: Photographer: Premium List: Raffle: Room Reservations: RV Parking Reservations: Security (Hotel Liaison): Special Scholarship Raffle: Talent Show/Beauty Contest: Talent Show Entry Form: Theme Party (Sock Hop): Top Twenty: Trophy Donations: T-Shirts and Sweat Shirts: Videography: Welcome Booth and Bags: Welcome Party: Teresa LaBrie Eddie Lyons Louis Bond Judi Parr Eve Williams Diane Taylor Karen Desjardins Bill & Donna Urban Stephanie Gallups Stephanie Gallups Mary Ellen Thomas Carmella Jichetti Ray & Betty Streeter Helene Glaze Barbara Yavorski-Warfluft Jane Treiber Barbara Yavorski-Warfluft Sarah Blakeslee Cheryl Cline Louis Bond Pat Haltmeier Stephanie Gallups Carmella Jichetti Jennifer Suddarth Diane Taylor Diane Husar Jennifer Suddarth Carmella Jichetti Mary Ellen Thomas Karen Desjardins Corinne Witt Corinne Witt BrianWitmier Mary Ellen Thomas Debbi Jones Karen Desjardins Domino Video Company Cyndy Simon Pat Ciampa 607-336-9226 860-763-0397 508-865-2828 717-308-2820 603-448-7033 203-938-3152 203-266-5187 610-287-7754 540-338-6250 540-338-6250 215-639-5789 718-273-4055 860-742-8226 410-377-9679 610-923-7105 413-267-5236 610-923-7105 716-433-7304 301-430-7141 508-865-2828 908-236-0401 540-338-6250 718-273-4055 540-219-6338 203-938-3152 908-996-0606 540-219-6338 718-273-4055 215-639-5789 203-266-5187 301-472-4333 301-472-4333 507-366-1889 215-639-5789 5803-994-4405 203-266-5187 516-826-0199 610-488-1072 603-465-3368 wysiwygdanes@hotmail.com lyonspride14@cox.net LUBond8206@aol.com ironcloudkennel@suscom.net eve@wil-tor.com Dianetaylor14@aol.com danebridge@aol.com springmtdanes@comcast.net Stephanie.gallups@bt.com Stephanie.gallups@bt.com chaseme1092@cs.com MICADANE@aol.com brf10@sbcglobal.net jsun65@aol.com barbandbrian@rcn.com jetreiber@centurytel.net barbandbrian@rcn.com serabean@adelphia.net Caccline@aol.com LUBond8206@aol.com hdanes@rcn.com Stephanie.gallups@bt.com MICADANE@aol.com jenash1@mailstation.com Dianetaylor14@aol.com ub2b3@aol.com jenash1@mailstation.com MICADANE@aol.com chaseme1092@cs.com danebridge@aol.com wittsend01@peoplepc.com wittsend01@peoplepc.com brinlann@uplink.net chaseme1092@cs.com tljonesco2@aol.com danebridge@aol.com http://www.dvc.us cyndane@comcast.net Maitaudanes@aol.com ~ Airports Within 3 Hours of Show Site ~ Harrisburg International (45 minutes) * Baltimore Washington International (1-1/2 hours) Philadelphia International (2 hours) * Newark International (2-1/2 hours) PAGE 10 LYNDA MORIARTY GDCA MEMBERS MEMBERSHIP Letters concerning the approval or disapproval of applicants should be directed, in writing, to: Mrs. Lynda Moriarty, P.O. Box 410, Wayne, IL, 60184 The following applicants for membership have been approved by the Membership Committee for publication in the GDCA Bulletin. Comments concerning these applicants must be received by the Membership Chairman during the forty-five (45) day period following publication. Any comments received after October 15, 2007 will not be accepted. Michael & Joanna Anne Logan Rees 4815 S. Mail Street Hemlock, NY 14466 585.367.9377 manne@rochester.rr.com Sponsors: Kenneth Bayne and Peter Blakeslee 1586 Thomas Barksdale Way Mt Pleasant SC 29466 843.597.3599 Lwrees72@hotmail.com Sponsors: Nichole Conneen and Patricia Thurow Melissa Bennett Johanne Elmholt 4964 Empire Ave Jacksonville, FL 32207 904.465.2801 ailerongreatdanes@yahoo.com Sponsors: Jackie Dilworth and Jack Watts Kagerupvej 15, DK-3400 Hilleroed Denmark 45 48284248 gd@houseofapollon.dk Sponsors: Laura Munro and Arana Greenberg Lisa Garrison 21332 Silvertree Trabvco Canyon, CA 92679 949.285.5611 info@inkspotsgreatdanes.com Sponsors: Arana Greenberg and Suzzane Kelleher-Duckett Liselotte Schjerbeck Kagerupvej 15, DK-3400 Hilleroed Denmark 45 48284248 gd@houseofapollon.dk Sponsors: Laura Munro and Arana Greenberg Bonnie Knight Brinda Snively th 10111 14 Ave South Seattle, WA 98168 206.767.7237 Bonnie.knight@earthlink.net Sponsors: Lisa DeRoulet and Barbara Lorenz 825 E Troy-Urbana Road Casstown, OH 45312 937.875.0562 bbdanes@earthlink.net Sponsors: Linda Ridder & Susan Yotive PAGE 11 Please note that all of these applications fall under the new By-Laws requiring the sponsor personally knows the applicant for two years at the time the application is signed and at least one of the sponsors of each applicant has visited the applicant’s home WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST GDCA MEMBERS! The following applicants were approved as new members of the Great Dane Club of America at the recent Board meeting. We welcome them and looking forward to meeting them and working with them in the future. Allison Fisher-Matthews 163 Edstone Lane Ridgeville, SC 29472 843-688-6069 enydan@homexpressway.net Sponsors: Sandra Mann and Jose Ribo Jan Parrish Hendon PO Box 1148 Brentwood, TN 37024 615-781-3820 Jan@bigdogtape.com Sponsors: Jay Miller and Willie Crawford Judy Gilmore 6597 Great Dane Court Marshall, VA 20115 540-364-6380 Sponsors: Kathleen Shea and Debra Rahl Valerie Ryan-Wagner 2281 Alton Rd. Deltona, FL 32738 386-789-2793 terry wagner@earthlink.net Sponsors: Terry Goldman and Annmarie Gatto Margo Knopf 2141 Baas Rd. Batavia, Ohio 45103 513-625-1708 mknopf@cinci.rr.com Sponsors: Connie Kennedy and Kathleen Fontana L. Brett Cipriotti 7508 Tahoe Ct. Manasssas VA 20112 703-509-1494 Brittany@ellennidanes.com Sponsors: Barbara Waldrich and Louise Fox PAGE 12 . JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION The GDCA Board of Directors is pleased to provide this application for a Junior Showmanship Scholarship. The amount of the award is $1,000 per year, per student. The criteria for awarding scholarships include the following: 1. Applicant’s need 2. Applicant’s academic achievement and potential 3. Applicant and/or Applicant’s family must be a member of the GDCA or an Affiliate Club 4. Applicant’s involvement in the fancy - includes those Juniors whose family owns Great Danes but choose to show another breed - includes those Juniors who are involved in 4H, rescue, therapy, obedience, etc. Use additional pages as needed APPLICATION DEADLINE: NONE: EACH APPLICATION WILL BE REVIEWED AT THE BOARD MEETING FOLLOWING ITS RECEIPT _____________________________________________________________________________ Please Print or Type 1. NAME ________________________________________AGE ___BIRTH DATE_________ 2. ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________ (street) (city) (state) (zip code) 3. PHONE____________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #_______________________ 4. High School or Institution currently attending_______________________________________ 5. Anticipated Date of Graduation_______________ 6. Grade Point Average_______________________ Please attach copies of transcripts. 7. Have you ever been suspended, on probation, or dismissed from school? Yes____No_______ If yes, explain__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. List significant academic achievements and/or accomplishments in the sport of dogs:________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. List extra curricular contributions:________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PAGE 13 10. Which college(s) or school(s) have you been accepted or submitted applications to?_________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. On a separate sheet, write a brief essay including a description of your experiences and interests in pure bred dogs, also include what you perceive as your future role in the fancy. 12. List the following for the upcoming academic year: EXPENSES Tuition & Fees Books, instructional equipment/material Room & Board Other (specify) ____________ ____________ ____________ INCOME ________________ Aid from Parents ________________ Aid from relatives ________________ ________________ Personal income ________________ ________________ Scholarships or Grants________________ ________________ Loans (describe) ________________ ________________ _____________ ________________ ________________ Other (specify) ________________ ________________ _____________ ________________ Total: ________________ Total: ________________ I certify that I have truthfully and accurately answered the above questions to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand any false information will be grounds for rejection of my application or subsequent termination of my scholarship, furthermore, I hereby authorize the Junior Showmanship Committee of the Great Dane Club of America to communicate with the financial aid officer or guidance counselor, if necessary, with regard to my application. If additional information or documentation is required of me, I shall be pleased to furnish it. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the Institution of Higher Education. Signature ______________________________ Date _______________ APPLICATION DEADLINE: NONE: EACH APPLICATION WILL BE REVIEWED AT THE BOARD MEETING FOLLOWING ITS RECEIPT Return to: Junior Showmanship Committee: Jessie Gerszewski 5818 Hwy KP Mazomanie, Wi 53560 PAGE 14 GDCA CHARITABLE TRUST Lourdes Carvajal, Administrator roch4d@earthlink.net As always, very happy to report that each quarter the Charitable Trust continues to grow thanks to your support The Affiliate Clubs have become more involved with donations as judges' gifts, memorials, fund raising activities and even profit sharing. Our dedicated membership is a continued source of success with donations for every imaginable reason and most recently (and a first) a wedding present. Don't you all just love it? There is always a reason to commit to this beloved Breed of ours. Grady Harp and Paul Hardiman hosted a fundraiser at their home in Monterey County, CA in support of the Great Dane Club of America Charitable Trust. The event which was held following the Monterey Bay Great Dane Club Specialty, was a great success and they wish to thank all who were generous in their contributions. This dinner has been an annual event and they are looking forward to and planning next year's. At the last GDCA Board meeting on July 28th and after the vote of the Charitable Trust Trustees, grants for Rescue were approved totaling $3314.12 and Education grants totaling $3500.00. As always, you can stay informed and get specific details at: www.gdca.org/charitable.htm. Many of the Education grants, including a cardio clinic, will be shared and enjoyed by all attending the 2007 National in Lancaster, PA. Below, a quote from Dr. Keith Murphy on the progress of the Harlequin Gene Project received on 8/19/07. "We have a single gene that we believe is our best candidate for Harl. We are sequencing that gene but technical problems have slowed us considerably. Having stated that we are more than half way finished. So far, no change since the gene can be associated with the Harl trait. Remember, however, that we still have a bit to go. My guess is that we should have this completed by the end of Sept. Sorry this is taking longer that expected but that is science sometimes!" Jay Miller continues her fund raising efforts, but in order to have a successful eBay store, she needs donations of Great Dane items. Anything goes! Contact her at jjm64@bellsouth.net THANKS FOR HONORING OUR BELOVED BREED!!!!! PAGE 15 PAGE 16 GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA CHARITABLE TRUST FINANCIAL REPORT November 2006 through June 2007 November 2006 through June 2007 INCOME Cardiac Clinic Cardiac Research General Donations $ 15,388.28 Harlequin Gene Project Interest $ $ 500.00 331.22 National Raffle (1 items) $ 767.00 $ $ $ 571.00 1,969.05 475.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 20,001.55 DISBURSEMENTS Accountant Cardiac Clinic Chairman Expenses Education Grants Banking $ $ $ $ $ 500.00 913.39 36.91 1,526.58 128.59 $ $ $ $ $ 12,500.00 591.24 7,943.13 3,000.00 1,205.35 $ 28,345.19 Disbursements o/u income $ (8,343.64) Balance Beginning of Period $ 129,882.78 Balance End of Period $ 121,539.14 National Silent Auction Items) Research Donations Rescue Donations (3 Harlequin Gene Project Printing/Postage Rescue Grants Scholarships Ways & Means TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS PAGE 17 LYNN BROWN QUICK ~ JUDGES’ SELECTION The first round of balloting for the 2009 National Specialty judges has concluded! Congratulations to the following finalists: Conformation Futurity Warren Benoit Lisa DeRoulet Karen Desjardins Terry Goldman Sharon Hennessey Connie Hunter Colette Jacobsen Clare Lincoln Margaret Shappard Susan Yotive Linda Cain Jane Chopson Tiffany Cross Dale Desjardins Kathy Frederick Fran Lass Lorraine Matherly Jose Ribo Mary Anne Zanetos Note that there are ten finalists to judge the specialty but only nine to judge the futurity. The reason is that there was a five-way tie for tenth place among the futurity candidates. In all, 188 ballots were cast (four fewer than last year) for the slate above. Of the 158 member ballots, three were voided. Of the 30 club ballots, two were voided. Here are some reasons why our CPAs have voided ballots: ●Multiple votes for the same person. Each line must have a different name. ●Multiple votes on the same line. Each line must have just one name. ●Affiliate ballot signed by someone other than the club secretary on record with the GDCA. (The CPAs use the most recent list provided by the GDCA.) ●Ballot received after the deadline. Make your ballot count—don’t make the above mistakes! IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR INDIVIDUAL BALLOT IN THE MAIL, PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY AT 520-742-6905. If there are two or more voting members at your address, you will each receive a ballot. Be sure to vote on your own ballot, and mail/fax your ballot well before the deadline of SEPTEMBER 21, 2007! If your affiliate club has not reported your current secretary and his/her address to Dianne Powers, Affiliate Representative, do so now. Club ballots will be mailed to the secretary of record. Clubs wanting proof their ballot was delivered can request confirmation from the CPA or by the U.S. Mail. The results of this final vote will be posted on the GDCA Website. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BALLOT. YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED YOUR BALLOT IN THE MAIL. PAGE 18 FUTURITY ~ DAVID MILLER Litters Nominated (as of 07/22/07): 198 Puppy Dogs: 180 Puppy Bitches: 205 Total Puppies: 385 If you need information or Futurity Nomination Forms, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can now download the forms from the website at www.gdca.org 770-460-1273 or DRM6961@bellsouth.net GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. FUTURITY DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS You must complete the included Futurity form and return the form to the GDCA Futurity Statistician. Failure to do so may invalidate your nominations. Your litter nomination will be entered and the same form returned to you. You will use that same form to nominate your puppies. Return it to the Futurity statistician before your puppies are 3 months old. This completed form will serve as your entry in the futurity and you will be sent the final entry forms by the third week in July. The final entry form allows you to choose the exact number of puppies you will be nominating from your litter (s) and to provide your puppy’s new owner’s information to us. PURINA PRO-PLAN FUTURITY ALLIANCE The GDCA has entered into an alliance with Purina, wherein they are donating sums of monies to the GDCA, as described on the following sheet. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Send completed forms to: 2007 GDCA Futurity Statistician David R. Miller P.O. Box 219 Sharpsburg, GA 30277 DRM6961@bellsouth.net PAGE 19 Dear Futurity Nominee: The Great Dane Club of America, Inc. recently joined with Purina® to participate in the newly formed Pro Plan® Futurity Alliance. This program is designed to recognize the very best of the Great Dane breed and provide financial support to enhance our club’s efforts in advancing the excellence of the Great Dane by promoting quality breeding, care and health programs. Purina is the first pet food manufacturer to financially support the Futurity programs of National Parent Breed Clubs. We’re looking to you to help us make this Futurity Alliance successful. By taking advantage of this opportunity with Purina, we can generate needed funds for our breed’s important programs. How does the Pro Plan® Futurity Alliance work? The Great Dane Club of America, Inc. can earn funds to support the important health and education projects our club has targeted to advance the Great Dane breed. This can happen two ways: 1. Receive one-time donations based on the participation of breeders and puppy owners in the club’s Futurity program. Purina will donate $10 for each Futurity-nominated litter, $2 for each Futurity- nominated puppy and $25 for each Futurity-nominated puppy that earns its AKC Conformation Championship title. Our breed club members are not required to feed Purina products, or belong to Purina Pro Club to receive these donations. 2. Receive donations based on the participation of breeders and owners of nominated litters and/or puppies in the Purina Pro Club loyalty program. When our club’s Futurity participants are members of Pro Club, they will earn valuable Purina Points for every purchased pound of participating Purina® brand dog foods. Our club can also earn 10% of the value of all points from valid weight circles credited to our Futurity participants’ Pro Club accounts. For example, for every $100 worth of qualifying weight circle points earned by our Futurity participants, Purina will donate $10 to the health and education projects targeted by our National Parent Breed Club (up to $20,000 annually). As you can see, the more Futurity participants feed Purina products and participate in Pro Club, the greater the earnings potential for our club. In addition, Purina will award the Pro Plan Futurity Trophy to the Breeder of our annual Futurity competition, and will provide recognition awards for all Futurity-nominated puppies achieving their AKC Conformation Championship title. For those of you who are Futurity participants and are not current Pro Club members, we would encourage you to consider joining to support the Futurity Alliance. Pro Club is dedicated to supporting breeders and enthusiasts with exceptional nutrition, great savings and valuable services. To enroll in Purina Pro Club, call 1-877-PRO-CLUB (1-877-776-2582), 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri., or watch for the special Futurity mailing you’ll receive from Purina after you nominate a litter and/or puppy. We hope that the members of the Great Dane Club of America will enthusiastically support the Pro Plan Futurity Alliance. Purina looks forward to working with us in promoting and advancing the excellence of the Great Dane by supporting quality breeding, care and nutrition programs on behalf of our club’s members PAGE 20 Great Dane Club of America ANNUAL FUTURITY Official Entry Blank YEAR 2007 (Please use ballpoint pen and print or type) bbb BITCHES MUST BE NOMINATED WHILE IN WHELP BREEDER: Name:__________________________________________________ Telephone:__________________ Address:_ ___Email:_____ ____________________________________________________________ BITCH: Name:___________________________________ Color:___________________________________ AKC No._________________________________ Date Bred:_______________________________ Date Due:________________________________ Date Whelped:____________________________ STUD DOG: Name:____________________________________ Color:____________________________________ AKC No.:_________________________________ Name of Great Dane Club to which Breeders belong (specify Breeder and Club). Breeder:__________________________________ Club:____________________________________ Breeder:__________________________________ Club:____________________________________ NOMINATING FEE AND DATE: $10.00 fee with nomination of Bitch. Entry MUST be postmarked BEFORE THE LITTER is whelped. I wish to enter the following puppies from the litter. Be sure you entered the date of whelping. The entry fee of $7.50 is enclosed for each entry. Please make checks payable to GDCA Futurity. 1. Color 2. Color____________ 3. Color____________ 4. Color____________ 5. Color Sex: 6. Color Sex:________________ 7. Color____________ Sex:________________ 8. Color____________ Sex:________________ 9. Color____________ Sex: 10. Color Sex:________________ Sex:________________ Sex:________________ Sex:________________ Sex:________________ Final Nomination Forms will be sent for each of the above entries. All identifying data will be required on these forms, with an additional fee of $10.00 per dog. ELIGIBILTY AND DATES: Bitches will be eligible if nominated while in whelp. Individual puppies nominations must be made BEFORE the litter is three months old. Final nominations of individual puppies are due on or before the third Friday in August, each year. ELIGIBILTY AND INFORMATION: Entries are eligible when one of the breeder(s) of the litter are members of the Great Dane Club of America, Inc. or one of its affiliated Clubs at the time the bitch was nominated, made and received before whelping and on an official entry blank which has been furnished by the Futurity Committee. Owners of the Get need not be members of The Great Dane Club of America or an affiliated Club. No refunds are made for ineligible litters. Classes will range from three months to eighteen months. Return all original copies – fax or photocopies are NOT acceptable. ** NOTE ** When bitches being nominated will whelp puppies who will be eligible for the 3 month and under 5 month class in one year or the 15 month and under 18 month the following year, the Breeder must declare while the bitch is in whelp on the official nominating form which year the puppies will be shown. Do not write below: 1st NOMINATION 2nd NOMINATION Check#_____________________________________ Check#_____________________________________ Amount:____________________________________ Amount:____________________________________ Date Rcvd:__________________________________ Date Rcvd:__________________________________ PAGE 21 Top Twenty Breed System 2008 Top 20 Invitational Current Standings For Events Processed from January 1, 2007 thru July 21, 2007. (Results were obtained from the American Kennel Club "TopDogssm" Electronic Online Awards System. Any inconsistency between your personal record of Breed Points and those listed below should be reported to the Statistician listed below for verification through the AKC Gazette Awards Books.) Ranking Name of Dog Sex Breed Wins Points #1 Ch. Maitau’s Eye Candy V MJM B 65 1,654 #2 Ch. Longo’s Starry Studded V Miller B 35 1,049 #3 Ch. Alpine’s Summit At Rochford D 43 952 #4 Ch. Shady Creeks Sister Golden Hair B 24 801 #5 Ch. De Joie Midsummer Nights Dream B 21 632 #6 Ch. Lamar’s Sun Of Dreamaker D 42 610 #7 Ch. Harley D. Hardt’s A Fire D 25 547 #8 Ch. Shill Rest Sure-Fire One N Only D 12 508 #9 Ch. Daynakin’s Nat’Rly In The Money D 22 439 #10 Ch. M & M’s Kevlar’s Guardian Angel D 26 423 #11 Ch. PBJS Foreign Currency B 9 387 #12 Ch. KC Danes Gone With The Wind B 11 377 #13 Ch. Lore’s Invaluable Asset RN D 14 330 #14 Ch. Alpine’s Slightly Dangerous V Hawthorne B 12 274 #15 Ch. Orion’s E Z Cash B 11 271 #16 Ch. Owlwatch U Light Up My Life U Savy B 13 252 #17 Ch. Roserun’s Circle Of Life B 12 240 #18 Ch. Jerdans Star Private Jade D 18 225 #19 Ch. EIO Danes Wild Blue Yonder D 12 221 #20 Ch. Rainmaster’s Cash Explosion D 12 217 PAGE 22 GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA ~ COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Advisory Board: Awards: Breeder Education Budget & Finance: By-Laws: Championship Awards: Companion Events: Corporate Sponsorship: Fundraising: Futurity Statistician: GDCA Website: Historical Committee: Health & Research: Health Survey: Judges’ Education Judges’ Selection: Junior Showmanship: Legislation: Membership: National Specialty Coordinator: Newsletter: Pedigree Bank: Rescue: Standards Committee: Top 20 Statistician: Yearbook: Have a question... Jane Chopson Lisa deRoulet Dr. Ralph Graff Lisa Foltz Lourdes Carvajal Dale Desjardins Sandra Schneider Joe Longo Jay Miller David Miller Nancy Lerch Norvel Benoit Neil O’Sullivan Mary Anne Zanetos Jane Treiber Lynn Brown Quick Jessie Gerszewski Tom Sandenaw Lynda Moriarty Carol Grossman Cheryl Godwin Kathy Varian Mary Barnett Bob Edison Rita Suddarth Lora Thill 510-787-3259 425-742-7369 314-993-4812 708-645-1216 816-250-2574 203-266-5187 209-748-5632 440-974-0221 770-253-5350 770-460-1273 512-259-9607 504-764-8371 515-677-2122 614-451-2297 360-245-3481 520-742-6905 608-798-3749 505-522-7500 630-587-5633 702-260-7577 619-588-5293 661-269-5988 765-362-3239 520-749-8734 540-439-9737 760-434-2452 Please feel free to contact any one of us with questions or concerns you may have regarding Club business, the duties of a particular Committee and its members, what role they play in the betterment of our Great Danes, or to volunteer to serve. PAGE 23 TREASURER JEAN HIGHLANDS As of June 30, 2007, the balances in the GDCA accounts are as follows: General Futurity #1 Futurity #2 Yearbook GRAND TOTAL: $103,518.21 2,537.39 9,846.04 2,071.35 $117,972.99 Remember that you can now pay your membership dues and purchase GDCA pins and yearbooks at the GDCA store on the website at www.gdca.org Jean Highlands 10196 Belmeadow Drive Twinsburg, OH, 44087 330-425-4880 ~ 216-383-6804 (fax) ~ highlands24@netzero.com MARY BARNETT ♥ GDCA RESCUE Don't forget to save your Purina weight circles, Rescue can use them so don't throw them away. If you either feed or know of someone who feeds Purina and is not part of this program don't let those weight circles go to waste. The Charitable Trust will fund the following Rescue Grants from the July Board meeting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City Willamette Great Dane Club Rescue Willamette Great Dane Club Rescue Great Dane Club of Western Washington Great Dane Club of Western Washington Great Dane Rescue of NE Great Dane Club of Louisiana (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) 500 500 500 500 314.12 500 500 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 765-362-3239 or Mbarnettreed@aol.com PAGE 24 FUNDRAISING ~ JAY MILLER HONORED TO HELP You can make a donation in your pets name to the Great Dane Club of America Charitable Trust to help dogs who may be less fortunate than your own. The Trust supports Rescue activities, education and health research for the Great Dane. So you and your friends and family members can contribute to “HONOR” your Dane. Your Dane will then be recognized on our website as “Honored to Help”. If your affiliate club is looking for a way to help our breed the club can also make a donation and be listed as a club that is “Honored to Help”. Reward all the love that our dogs give us through the year by “Honoring” them all year. On the GDCA Home Page, click on “Honored To Help” link which will take you to the GDCA Web Store. Click on the Charitable Trust link. Then, designate which of the following areas your donation is to be sent to: Rescue -Education-Health Research - General Fund Finally, be sure to add your pet’s name and your name to the list of donors. Also...the GDCA Charitable Trust will be running auctions on eBay with many terrific Great Dane Collectibles. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Trust. Go to Collectibles - Animals Great Danes to see the items. The seller name is gdcatrust. Please contact me at jjm64@bellsouth.net if you wish to donate to this cause. The Judges’ Education Committee will be presenting “JUDGING THE GREAT DANE” at the National Specialty on October 26, 2007. The program will be presented by Jane Treiber and is open to licensed judges, those in the process of applying and those who will apply within the year. Please contact Jane directly to sign up: Jane Treiber PO. Box 15, Curtis, WA, 98538 360-245-3481 jetreiber@crnturytel.net PAGE 25 DIANNE POWERS ~ AFFILIATE CLUB REPRESENTATIVE At the July 28th meeting the Board recommended that the following education grants be funded by the GDCA Charitable Trust: GDC Northern CA $1000. for Dr. Carmen Battaglia Seminar GDC of Met. Washington $750. to subsidize echocardiograms at the 2007 National GDC of Lehigh Valley $750. to subsidize echocardiograms at the 2007 National GDC of Western NY $500. Lydia Hiby workshop on Animal Communication at the 2007 National GDC Central Pennsylvania $500. Pat Miller workshop entitled “Body Talk & Managing/Solving Behavioral Problems” at the 2007 National Also discussed at this meeting was the approval of constitution and by-laws by affiliate clubs with the focus on requirements set by clubs relative to requirements set by the GDCA. This discussion prompted me to contact the AKC for guidance. The result of that contact was that if the parent club has a document in place and the constitution or by-laws references that document, an affiliate club may not impose requirements that are stricter than those of the parent club. Once again, I have to thank the affiliate clubs for my continuing education in the processes involved in club management. It has and hopefully will continue to be an exciting journey. I recently had the privilege of attending the AKC Parent Club conference. There was a phenomenal amount of pertinent information available and I will review much of it at our meeting at the National. One very important topic was changes in eligibility requirements to hold future shows. Beginning in 2009 all specialty clubs will need to meet certain requirements prior to AKC show approval. I will send these to the clubs prior to the National and we will discuss it at our meeting. We are scheduled to meet on Tuesday October 23. I will post meeting time closer to the date as it is a busy day between the Futurity, Top Twenty and education offerings. If you have additional requests for discussion at that meeting please contact me. According to the By-Laws, Affiliate Clubs are required to keep their current Officer and Membership listings on file with the GDCA. Any time there is a change in your Officers, Directors and/or Members you must immediately notify: Dianne Powers Affiliate Delegate Representative AND P.O. Box 216 West Tisbury, MA, 02575 Lynda Moriarty Corresponding Secretary P.O. Box 410 Wayne, IL, 60184 The Affiliates’ Corner was originally meant to be used by the Affiliate Clubs to let the rest of the Dane community know what was going on in their little corners of the world. In the beginning, there were some Clubs who responded with articles about their Club, Membership, Specialties, etc. I encourage Clubs to send articles to Cheryl Godwin, Editor, for publication in the quarterly GDCA bulletin. I encourage you to have your Club Delegates keep me informed of issues of interest or concern that you would like brought to the attention of the Board of Directors. I am your Representative and your voice to the Board. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. PAGE 26 CAROL GROSSMAN NATIONAL SPECIALTY COORDINATOR 2007 - The Northeast Division is already working hard towards putting on a great event for us. It is being held at the Lancaster Resort and Conference Center, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. SPECIALTY: 2008 - Lowell Davis Gina Jaeblon Lourdes Carvajal Futurity: Marie Somershoe Doug Toomey Central Division, headed by Joe Longo, has chosen The Executive Inn in Owensboro, Kentucky, and the site has been approved by the Board. SPECIALTY: 2009 - Intersex: Dogs: Bitches: Intersex: Dogs: Bitches: Dale Tarbox Don Carmody Dana Cline Futurity: Georgia Hymmen Sue Mahany The 2009 National will be hosted by the Southeast Division. The nominations for the Judges are in and you should have already received your individual ballot to vote for your favorite. If not, please contact Lynn Brown Quick at 520-742-6905 immediately. The deadline is midnight September 21, 2007.You can see the list of finalists on page 17. Please address all inquiries to me at: cgrossman@purina.com or 702-260-7577. CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Please copy and use this form as needed to keep the GDCA’s records current. If we do not have your correct mailing address on file you could miss out on important mailings such as Ballots for Judges’ Selection and other important ballot issues. Complete the form and forward it to: Lynda Moriarty ~ P.O. Box 410, Wayne, IL, 60184-0410 ~ mor427@sbcglobal.net Name(s): _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ AFFILIATES’ CORNER AFFILIATES’ CORNER PAGE 27 Club to donate oxygen masks for pets to KCK firefighters By Benita Y. Williams The Kansas City Star When pets are overcome by smoke during a fire, rescuers often try to revive them with ill-fitting oxygen masks designed for humans. Much of the life-giving air escapes around the sides. But soon, masks designed for the snouts of cats and dogs will be standard equipment in Kansas City, Kan., the latest area city to acquire the devices. Next week, the Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City will donate six sets of animal oxygen masks to the Kansas City, Kansas., Fire Department. Each will contain three masks: one for large dogs, one for smaller ones and one designed for cats that can be used on tiny dogs and other small animals. The devices will be placed in the command and safety cars sent to all structure fires. Although the priority will remain the life and safety of people, department officials said, the pet oxygen masks are a nice tool to have. “It’s a great idea,” said Battalion Chief Kevin Shirley. “People are very much attached to their animals, and if we can go in and save one, that’s a great benefit for the family.” About two months ago a Kansas City, Kan., firefighter saved a dog during a house fire by giving it oxygen from a mask designed for people. During a subsequent interview, Shirley said that because of budget constraints, he doubted that the department could purchase masks designed for animals. About that time, Great Dane Club members were chatting online with pet groups around the country that had donated animal oxygen masks to fire departments. For years the club members held dog shows at the fairgrounds in Wyandotte County, so they chose Kansas City, Kansas., to receive their donation. “We’re all animal lovers,” said club board member Sandy Dickens. “We had some extra money and thought this would be a good thing to do” Across the state line, the Kansas City Fire Department received 10 animal oxygen masks from a feline group about a month ago but has not started using them. “Before we throw them out to the companies, we want them to know it’s among their gear and how to use them and when to use them,” department spokesman Joe Vitale said. Olathe fire officials would like to acquire animal masks, said battalion chief Bill Parker, but the department has spent quite a bit recently upgrading equipment used on people. “I definitely could see doing it (getting animal oxygen masks) in the future,” Parker said. MEMBERS’ CORNER MEMBERS’ CORNER Denny, Mary Ann and Gabby Land with Maple Grove Fire Department Chief Scott Anderson Hi everyone, Denny and Gabby and I went over to the Maple Grove, Minnesota, Fire Department to present them with the masks that we got like the ones that were donated to the Kansas City Fire Department from the Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City. Here is where we got the masks. www.helpanimalsinc.org/index.php Thanks to Sandy Dickens and the Great Dane Club of Greater Kansas City for turning this on to everyone. I challenge Dane folks all around the country to make a donation like this to their own Fire Stations to help make a small difference in our pets lives. PAGE 28