ogulApril 2010 - Bogus Basin Ski Club


ogulApril 2010 - Bogus Basin Ski Club
April 2010
A publication of the Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
2010 Annual Meeting
by Rosie Rosco and Fred Uranga
Inside this Issue
2 Message from the
Gone are the days when we could only scrape together 20-30 members
to attend the Annual Business Meeting for the club. This year, over 100
people showed up. And I mean showed up! For some reason, members
of this club have historically RSVP’d for events at the last minute or not
RSVP’d at all and just showed up. The more the merrier I always say, but
it sure makes it difficult to make sure we have the right amount of food
and drink. But the staff at the Reef threw on some more pizzas and the
drinks were free flowing. Although the Reef has a fun atmosphere, we
may be outgrowing it. There were a lot of new people attending, some
for their first event with the club. Many expressed that they were anxious
to help with future events.
2 A Belated Thank You
Each time a club member volunteers to work on an event, their name is
submitted by that event chairperson into an annual lottery pool and the
drawing is held at the annual meeting. This year, the lottery pool had
over 250 names. This year’s winner is John Greenwood. John worked
the entire three days of the Warren Miller movie event. The prize is a
2010-2011 Bogus Basin ski pass donated by Bogus Basin. A surprise prize
was drawn and presented to Liz McWhorter. That prize included tickets,
meals, drinks and parking space while attending the Steelheads game.
That prize was donated by Michael Bouton. Thanks!
6 Give Life…Give Blood
Outgoing club president Alicia Culbertson welcomed our past-presidents
2010 Annual Meeting, continued on page 4.
3 BBSC Board of Directors
4 BBSC Club Awards:
How are the Winners
5 Life Flight Membership
5 Around the BBSC
5 BBSC Scholar Dollar
7 Spring Road Cleanup
7 BBSC Golf Scramble
8 Utah Ski Trip
10 Ullr Fest 2010
11 Bogus Basin Closing Day
11 Ode to a Rite of Winter
12 Random Thoughts
13 Thanks for a Great Season!
Established 1938 – A Social Organization for Adults Based on Recreation
Message from
the President
This is my last message. My year as president comes to an end
April 6. At the annual meeting, 5 new board members were
elected. They will join the 6 remaining members and from
that group, a new president will take over. It has been an
event packed year and I have enjoyed meeting so many new
friends. I plan to continue being involved and will volunteer
when I can.
This year, our club made great strides to serve the community.
Because of contributions from BBSC, many young skiers are
on the slopes.
Thank you for your support. Continue to enjoy all the club
has to offer and see you on the slopes.
Alicia Culbertson
A Belated Thank You
by Fred Uranga, Historian
The following volunteers were essential in the success of this
year’s Crab Crack. Our apologies for not including your names
in the previous issue of The Mogul. To former chairpersons,
Terri Simpson(2009) and Wanda Shear (of many years). To
Ann Sabala, Helen Haynes and Nancy Cenall for making
the flower/table arrangements that were raffled off. Note:
Hazel Haynes is a new member and won the drawing for the
2010/2011 season ski pass that was donated by Bogus Basin.
Thank you Bogus Basin!
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
BBSC Board
of Directors
Alicia Culbertson, President
Daryl New, Vice President
Ann Sabala, Secretary
Natalie Angell, Treasurer
Bonnie Hill, Membership Director
Patrick Rice, Communications Director
Clyde McNeal, Purchasing Director
Paul Markowitz, Trip Coordinator
Bob Running, Marketing
Kerry Banyard, Board Member
Ruby Andridge, Web Communications
Fred Uranga, Historian
Michael Bouton, Past President
The Mogul • April 2010
2010 Annual Meeting, continued from page 1.
and other special guests. Mike Shirley, Gretchen Anderson
and JJ McLeod presented a slide show of Bogus Basin.
They also made mention of the possibility of obtaining a
high powered quad lift from Tamarack to replace Bogus’
Superior lift. YAY!
Alicia handled the business and thanked her outgoing
board members. Five new members were elected to the
Board for the next 2 years. They are Bob Running, Nancy
Cenell, Michael Bouton, Barbara Spangla and Rosie
Rosco. Many thanks to Tyler Wymond for collecting and
counting the ballots. Continuing from the previous board
are Daryl New, Natalie Angell, Ann Sabala, Clyde McNeal,
Paul Markowitz, and Kerry Banyard. Ruby Andridge will
continue as Web Master and Fred Uranga as Historian.
Going off the board this year are Alicia Culbertson, Bonnie
Hill and Pat Rice.
Awards: How
are the Winners
by Fred Uranga, Historian
The Old Boot Award, aka the Legacy Award, is “presented
to the skier who’s after skiing efforts have done the most to
further the sport”. Meaning-club members who exemplifies
volunteerism by their continuing efforts to assist and be
involved with club activities. The award was started in 1965
and is determined by a vote on names submitted to the club’s
board of directors.
Trip surveys were collected for possible trips next year. The Spirit Award was established in 2004. It is for the newer
Results to follow next month.
members. Its requirements are -“They typified the ‘Spirit’ of
the club.” The first winner was Richard Porter.
BBSC Club Awards were presented. The Spirit Award
went to Roger Becker and Jeff Day. The Old Boot Award The Sally Rutledge Inspirational award was created for the
went to Rosie Rosco (that was cool.) The Inspirational annual membership meeting in 2009. It is awarded to the club
Award went to Mary Naylor who passed away this year.
member, (past or present) that has the courage and tenacity to
overcome severe challenges in their life. This year the award
Besides all the business conducted, a great deal of fun was goes to Mary Naylor, who died 12/26/2009. Her story is in
had by all.
the February 2010 issue of The Mogul.
Members of the 2009-2010 board of directors. Thank you for your
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
Roger Becker and Jeff Day, this year’s winners of the Spirit Award.
Life Flight
by Bonnie Hill, Past Membership Director
BBSC Scholar
As winter turns into spring and the ski season starts to wind
down, does this mean you slow down? NO WAY! You start by Tyler Wymond
thinking about summer activities you enjoy, the activities and
events the club offers too. That’s what’s great about our club. Bogus Basin was presented a check for $4,000 for the
We host various events throughout the entire year, so there is Scholar Dollar program at the annual meeting on March 21,
something for everyone, skier or non-skier… all year round. 2010. This represents the $2,000 raised from the members
who contributed and a matching amount of $2,000 from
This means you will still want to consider joining Life Flight. the funds of the club. This is the second year the club has
I currently have 22 applications I am holding to send to St. volunteered to raise funds for the program to benefit the
Al’s. We must have 25 applications to maintain the annual fee youth of our community. Last year we gave $2,800 to the
of $35 per household, so we are almost there. This is a great program.
savings for our membership, and the peace of mind is a great
thing too. So, please consider renewing your membership, This is a neat way for us as skiers to help kids get a chance
or joining for the first time. No time like the present to sign to ski. For $25 kids can come to the ski mountain with
up. Applications are available on the website. Please mail their school class and get a lift ticket, transportation, rental
your completed application and your check for $35 made out equipment and a lesson. The money we raise is to provide
to Life Flight Network to: Bonnie Hill, 6017 S. Rising Sun an opportunity for those kids who cannot afford $25. As a
Way, Boise, ID 83709
result of our efforts 160 youngsters will get a chance to ski
or snowboard.
As a side note, this is my last article as your Membership
Director, my term has ended and it’s time to let our newly The following members made contributions and 160 kids
elected Board members take up the reigns and continue will be thankful.
moving the club forward in new and exciting directions, and
Ann & Lyn Sabala
there is always something exciting to look forward too.
Nancy Butler
Rick Stolz
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Membership
Director and meet so many wonderful folks. (However, I will Jeff Reid
Mary Hamerly
still be around) Have a safe and wonderful summer!
& Sheldon Bluestein
Around the BBSC
by Fred Uranga, Historian
We saw at the general membership meeting-Ed Cardoza
recuperating from surgery to his left shoulder. The injury
occurred at the loading station on Superior. Kerry Banyard
had scheduled surgery to her right shoulder. She is supporting
a neat arm sling with a green tennis ball. Unfortunately, Mike
Larson suffered a stroke March 2, 2010 and is recuperating
at Saint Alphonsus hospital, room 3441. He is expected to
remain there for about 45 days.
Debi Ziegler
Clyde McNeal
Nancy Cenell
Bob & Dottie Greenwood
Herb & Donna Manley
Vicki Keubler
Bill Hall
Mary & Don Pribble
Mike McClay
Roma Montoya
Doug Harrison
Dick & Dottie Gerber
Joe & Amy Bourland
Natalie Angell
Ron & Ruby Andridge
Fred Bernier
Alicia Culbertson
Linda Rawlins
Michael Bouton
& Julie Thomason
Nan Pelletier
Liz McWhorter
Fred Uranga
Tyler & Kristy Wymond
The Mogul • April 2010
Give Life…Give Blood
Bogus Basin Ski Club and American Red Cross
Partners in Saving Lives
We are asking for your
support in donating life
giving blood for those in
need. It is a very easy and
Week of April 19-24
American Red Cross Boise Donor Center
If you can’t donate, perhaps you could recruit a friend or
5380 Franklin Rd.
family member
(Behind Orchard Fred Meyer on corner of Phillippi and
• Must be at least 17 and in general good health
• Eligibility questions 1-866-236-3276
For every donor the Bogus Basin Ski Club will contribute • Please bring photo ID (driver’s license)
$10 to the Scholar Dollar Program!
Thank you for your support of this important community
Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE for an appointment.
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
Spring Road
Saturday, May 15
Since we have not had a heavy snow winter and judging from
the remaining snow along the road and the rising temperatures,
I think we will be safe to schedule the road cleanup for Saturday,
May 15. We will meet in the street in front of Highlands Hollow
at 12 noon and take it from there. Remember to dress for the
weather and don’t forget sunglasses, water, gloves and a hat if
you wish.
When we are done we will go to the Sun Ray Cafe for their
delicious pizza and beer. Look forward to seeing you then and if
you have any questions call Jane Gabbert at 362-3627.
Club members at the 2009 spring road cleanup.
Saturday, June 5
Terrace Lakes Resort
Save June 5 for the club’s best golf outing. We will have prizes
for the winning team, lunch before, and a barbeque after we
finish. To sign up, fill out the form on page 14 and mail to
Marlene Cloud (her address is on the form).
You will not want to miss this. There will be surprises, so be
sure to read May’s issue of The Mogul for more details.
The Mogul • April 2010
Utah Ski Trip
Snowbasin & Powder Mountains
by Cherry Woodbury
Forty-four skiers of all
abilities recently returned
from skiing the mountains
in the Ogden area. The first
ski day, Friday, was spent at
Snowbasin, the site of the
2002 Olympics. There were
mountain hosts to greet our
group. All of us who skied
with the hosts certainly did
appreciate this service. The
weather was fierce. With
twelve inches of new snow,
and still snowing, and high
winds, they still were able
to show us parts of the
mountain. The “groomer
group” survived. The “powder
hounds” loved it. The lodges at Snowbasin are
5 star, so after braving the mountain hosts and guides to show the various groups
stormy weather, it was delightful to have a nice place to parts of the mountain – groomed runs, off trail, glades, and
recoup with a hot drink or bowl of tasty soup.
cat skiing at Lightning Ridge. Ski day two was spent at Powder Mountain, a smaller resort The bus would return to the hotel mid day for those
with a lot of terrain.
who wanted to just ski half day. The hotel provided first
rate service. The after ski party catered by the hotel was
Once again, it was a “powder hound” day. It was still delicious – teriyaki chicken, fresh shrimp, meatballs,
snowing, but the winds had decreased. Again, there were sandwiches, veggies, etc. Many made this their dinner
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
meal and some also filled up “to go” boxes to stash in the of course, there were plenty of drinks and snacks on the bus
room refrigerator.
for all to enjoy. Ski day three was back at Snowbasin. This time the sun
came out on the lower half of the mountains. So this was
a “groomer group” day with good visibility and great snow. The “powder hounds” were left in the clouds but I really
don’t think it mattered to them. They were loving the fresh
powder from the night before.
A big “thank you” to my trip partner – John Williams –
for all his help in taking reservations, keeping track of
payments, and dealing with changes such as cancellations
and wait list. Also a thank you to all of those who helped on
the trip with loading luggage (and boy did we have luggage
– even had to put some inside the bus – thank goodness
for the bigger bus), doing bus “trash patrol”, and playing
After changing at the hotel, the group headed back to Boise. “host / hostess”. And, thanks to all of you who went on this
There was a planned stop to pick up Blimpie dinners. And, adventure and made it such fun. The Mogul • April 2010
Ullr Fest 2010
by Michael Bouton
It was a bright sunny day the
morning of March 6. All of the
Ullrs had been hidden on the
mountain with care. When out
of the lodge jumps the King and
Queen themselves, one in a cape
the both with horns of sorts.
Behold, it’s Jeff and Brandy the
royalty of the festival.
Brad Rowen, our D.J. supreme,
was rocking out and keeping the
masses excited. Ryan, from Hood
River Distillers was there to hand
out all the prizes of T-shirts, ski
hats, and shot glasses.
Right: 2010 Ullr King Jeff Day and
Ullr Queen Brandy Murdock.
The Ullr chant was recited and the BBQ was
smoking. Roger, Pam, Don, Kevin, and the
crew fed the hungry flock (all 250 of them.)
By the time all the Ullrs were found and
brought in, there were several excited people
waiting to see who would win the Ullr snow
board that would go for a mile. Low and
behold, it was number 102349. Who was
the lucky person holding that ticket? It was
none other than Janice L. Walker with a big
beautiful smile.
The shot ski got tipped and everyone followed,
especially Rosie and Pam. Kevin came to the
rescue but we all stayed tight lipped about
the escapade.
At the end of the day all were tucked in
their beds except Drew and Daryl who were
performing a serenade.
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
Bogus Basin
Closing Day
April 11, 2010
PBR Ribbon Hunt •
Scavenger hunt – a search for 50 big Pabst Blue
Ribbons (they will be hidden all over the mountain)
No registration -- FREE
Open to skiers and riders age 21+ yrs
9:00 am start -- begin hunting as soon as the lifts
start running. No check-in required.
Ode to a Rite
of Winter
by Gretchen Anderson
On a late winter morn all sunny and blue,
It will catch the attention of a skier or two.
It’s not the great conditions or the six feet of snow,
It’s what dangles from a conifer…just over and below.
“Ornaments of accomplishments” according to beliefs,
Sturdy pines dripping in bloomers…brassiere…thongs
and briefs.
Along with strands of beads, the skivvies billow in the breeze,
2:30 pm finish -- bring collected ribbons to the flats It’s its own Mardi Gras party in the branches of those trees.
in front of the JR Simplot Lodge for give-a-ways and
No granny panties here! Satin and lace one must assume.
awards Electric Pink…Leopard Print…all right who tossed in the
• Grand Prize = Custom PBR skis manufactured by
Fruit of the Loom?
Folklore has it that you fling your item into that tree
Spring Kids Scavenger Hunt
after completing an acrobatic maneuver on Chair 6 or
Chair 3.
• Scavenger hunt -- 50 big flowers will be hidden all
over the mountain
No registration -- FREE
Open to kids
9:00 am start -- begin hunting as soon as the lifts
start running. No check-in required.
2:30 pm finish -- bring collected flowers to the flats
in front of the JR Simplot Lodge for give-a-ways and
awards •
Grand Prize = TBD
So, who is responsible for these adornments in such locals?
Maybe a Backside Basher, a Primetimer or the VertiGals?
No…this honor is bestowed to the keepers of the story
the Bogus Basin Ski Club deserves all the glory!
Bogus Basin Web Cam
View of front side from Pioneer Lodge as of March 24, 2010
Other Activities
Bogus Basin Food & Beverage will be roasting a pig
-- BBQ style -- on the deck of JR Simplot Lodge
Snow Bar in the flats -- conditions permitting
Music from DJ One/One (Brad Rowen)
The Mogul • April 2010
Random Thoughts
by Gretchen Anderson
My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. The
woman said it so matter-of-factly. I especially couldn’t believe
she said it in front of our two young daughters. Mr. Man and I
had just finished an awesome powder day at Bogus Basin. The
kids had a great time too. We were stowing our gear in the
lockers when one of the nice Bogus Basin ticket clerks, who I’ve
known for years, stopped at the lockers. I thought she was going
to say hello. But instead, she said, “someone called the ticket
office the other night and said to me, ‘did you hear Gretchen
Anderson died?’”
What was I supposed to say to that?
from the comforts of a home office. I awaken at 5:30 and talk to
the snow cat drivers over the 2-way radios, I consult the national
weather service forecast and review website information. All
this in an effort to get accurate information to pass along to
the skiing and snowboarding public. I strive for accuracy. But
naysayers have given me a nickname, as they do for all snow
reporters. My predecessor was “Lying Lew”. He didn’t like that.
I’ve been dubbed “Stretchin’ Gretchen.” I don’t like that either.
After 11 seasons, I tell it like it is. But it took me a long time
to use the “R” word. R-r-r….rain. Rain is absolutely the worst
thing for a ski area, unless it’s summer.
We had a particularly wet season in 2004-05. However, I
couldn’t bring myself to say the “R” word—opting rather,
for the ambiguous “precipitation.” I got called on it—from
what seemed like hundreds of skiers and riders. THEY JUST
MOUNTAIN! That’s when I stopped putting a marketing spin
on it and told it like it was!
I quickly looked for some wood upon which to knock, smiled
and said, “Must have been the wrong Gretchen Anderson.” My
sweet husband, Mr. Man could tell I was rattled. He also knew
it affected our girls. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “She
needs to clean out her ears. The dude probably said, ‘Did you
hear Gretchen Anderson lied?’” Yep. That makes more sense. I knew I’d gone a little too far when I was interviewed by one
According to a lot of people, I’ve been lying for years.
TV station and my sister called after seeing the story. She was
laughing…her rhetorical question was “You really did not just
This is my 12 season working as the spokeswoman and media say to the reporter… ‘if you like it WARM and WET, you’ll like
coordinator for Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area. It’s my it at Bogus.’ Really?”
job to tell everyone about conditions on the mountain. I love
this job. I grew up in the ski business and have an extensive I didn’t even get to answer the question. All I heard is her
media background, so it’s a perfect fit! I get paid to SKI and howling with laughter on the other end of the phone line. At
least I didn’t lie.
While many people think I drive to Bogus Basin daily to get my But thinking about it, I’d rather have someone call and say I
information, the truth is, I don’t. Thanks to technology, I do it lied—rather than the ticket clerk’s alternative!
f Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
Thanks for a
Great Season!
by Greenwood’s Ski Haus
Can you believe it’s April already? It seems like just a few days ago
we were receiving all the new gear at the Ski Haus and putting
it out for all to see. The new Bogus Basin book was released and
enjoyed by all. Snow was falling in October. “Girl’s Ski Night
Out” at Greenwood’s in November was more fun than ever and
the annual Warren Miller movie got everyone excited and ready
to ski. Skiing in Sun Valley over Thanksgiving was fun and fast.
After lots of snow dancing, mid December arrived with much
anticipated snow and Bogus opened. Christmas and New Years
came and went with plenty of great ski days and the skiing and
riding continued. January brought some good storms that covered
the mountain in a new coat of white. It seems we barely started
skiing and it was time for us to start the buying process for next
season’s gear. Early February brought ski testing, more snow, and
some spring-like days on the hill. The demo days we held at Bogus
Basin in February and March were some of the best attended
demos we have ever had.
How time flies! Now here we are in April. This time of year we take
both our hard snow skis AND fat skis to the mountain. Adjusting
the tune on the fat skis from powder to spring structure and warm
weather wax will bring on some big, tanned smiles! An afternoon
barbecue, laughter, t-shirts, shorts---it is all part of our spring ritual
on the mountain. Carving in the morning and then sliding all
over the hill when the snow softens makes for a great day!
We’ve had a great season on the slopes and we hope you have too.
The days are longer, the snow is good, and the sun is bright so get
out on the hill for the last days of season 09-10 and make some
memorable turns. Go skiing! Enjoy skiing!
Visit the Bogus Basin Ski Club online!
The Mogul • April 2010
2010 BBSC Golf Scramble
Terrace Lakes Golf Course
Saturday, June 5
Schedule of Events
1:00 pm
Lunch in the Pavilion, open to anyone ($11 each)
(Includes sandwich, chips, cookie, pop /or water)
Bar available in the clubhouse.
2:30 pm
Shotgun Start ($55 includes cart)
7:00 pm
Barbecue and prizes at the Mountain Escape Cabin ($5) (directions will be given)
This is for golfers & guest only. Side dishes are appreciated.
Visit www.idahocabinkeepers.com
Please make reservations soon. Also, if you want to stay at the Mountain Escape Cabin, please e-mail Michael
Bouton at mbouton0559@msn.com or call 352-0278 ASAP to reserve your spot.
Directions to Terrace Lakes Golf Course
About 70 minutes from State Street and Hwy 55. Go North on Hwy 55 , turn right at Banks onto Banks/Lowman
Road for about 15 minutes, turn left to go to Crouch, turn left on Middle Fork Rd, turn left on Warm Springs Rd
to Terrace Lakes Golf Course. Golf Course number is 462-3314.
Please send this portion to Marlene Cloud, P.O. Box 444, Garden Valley, ID 83622
Make checks out to BBSC. Questions to Marlene at 869-2266.
Name ________________________________ Phone Number _________________
Name ________________________________
No. Attending
Phone Number _________________
x $11 per person =
x $55 per person =
x $5 per person =
Check total
The Mogul • April 2010
Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
P.O. Box 973
Boise, ID 83701
Upcoming Events
• End of Year Tailgate Party
April 11
• BBSC Blood Drive
April 19-24
• Spring Road Cleanup
May 15
• Annual Golf Scramble
June 5
Bogus Basin Ski Club Inc.
2009-2010 Membership Application
$20 per member annually
Club membership is effective November 1, 2009 - October 31, 2010
o New o Renewal Amount Enclosed $_______
o Cash o Check o Online Date:___________________
Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
City, State, Zip
Occupation/Work Expertise (optional)
How did you hear about the BBSC?
Would you be interested in helping with planning or assisting at our events? o Yes o No
As a member of the Bogus Basin Ski Club, I hereby waive, covenant not to sue and to hold harmless the Bogus Basin Ski Club and its members from any
liability or damage to the undersigned, and to any person or property in connection with any outing or activity in which I might participate. I understand and
am aware that the Bogus Basin Ski Club trips are not led by professional guides. At the sole discretion of the event leader/coordinator if my behavior is
deemed to be dangerous to myself or others, I may be asked to leave the event and I understand any cost incurred will be my responsibility. This Release
and Hold Harmless shall be binding upon my heirs and representatives.
Signature (s)
(both signatures required on joint memberships)
To save trees & BBSC funds, we recommend you register online. Register online at www.bogusbasinskiclub.com or mail this form
with your check made payable BBSC to: Membership Director, P.O. Box 973, Boise, ID 83701