What’s On Wanaka & Beyond Vol. 3, Issue 5 , Spring 2012 What’s On 12 ter 20 eyond 4, Win aka & B Issue an Vol. 3, On W t’s Wha nd PLAYING WITH FIRE WA ki 101 ApresNS D U E O F ON’T FOND E On at’s Wh EK GEHIC S A C RR A TA NAK G TIN DS WA A SK RBIR WA EPIC WINTER Music! Fashion! Art! The little magazine with a big heart EV Lounge Bar ON Magazine Issue 5.2.indd 1 12 20/5/ 2 /2/1 e gazin ON Ma ON dd .in e3 su e Is zin ga Ma ndd 16 1 Vol. 3. Is sue 1, W inte r 20 11 REFLECTING ON AN PIP HALOFLUTION 4.i Issue 8I BUµT o 8JO n JO UFS 8BOB LB Upcycle Style to ’s Guide N Insider I TER WIN NAKA 12 eyo 20 &B mn utu aka ,A e 3 Wan Issu in Wan aka an d Haw ea Summ Vol. 3, Iss er 20 ue 2 11/201 2 BIKES The , l. 3 Vo FROCKS ON 2 PM 6:54:3 ON Ma 24/8/12 7:31:17 PM gazin e Iss ue 2.i ndd 1 ON M 4P 7:5 8:5 Ma ga zin eB rid ge t.in dd 1 21/11 /11 1:20:4 6 PM 1 22 /6/1 1 6:5 6:3 2P M On magazine media kit The little magazine with a big heart Wanaka’s all in one seasonal gig guide. What’s on, where its on, when it’s on. On magazine is a quarterly publication that taps into the cultural heartbeat of our community: events, profiles, stories, photos, art, sport, food, wine, travel and local knowledge, all wrapped up in one stylish and eco-friendly street zine. And best of all it’s free. four issues - four seasons of great reading ON the water down on the lake ON track Mountain biking ON foot What’s ON Centrefold pullout gig guide. Sports events, music, arts and theatre ON the rocks Cocktail recipe Walking tracks and day hikes directiONs ON location ON snow Profiles of Wanaka locals at work and play Wanaka and Hawea Map mountain life ON the road International travel innovatiONs Design de jour little ONes For kids destinatiONs Day trips ON the beat ON form degustatiON Food, reviews and recommedations Reviews, gigs everything music fashiON fictiON ON the page creatiONs aviatiON recessiON arts ON/off ON screen inspiratiON fitness and health Style guide Art and creative projects What’s cool, what’s not local writing airplanes and helicopters Film Book reviews Cheal and cheerfull activities Poetry key facts Circulation: Distribution: Online: Target Market: ON MAGAZINE IS PRINTED ON FSC APPROVED PAPER Print run 3000+ copies, available each seaon for three months. Every discerning café, restaurant, hotel, bar and shop in the Wanaka area as well as airport and i-Site. Web and social media. www.onmag.co.nz, Facebook and Twitter Locals and visitors, 18+ years. advertise What you get:: Synergy: Longevity: Community: Quality: What’s ON: Match your advertisement with specific, relevant content. Your brand placement is read and re-read all season long. Be part of the one-of -a-kind, collective voice of Wanaka. Align your company with a magazine that is stylish, fresh and top-quality. We look good and so will you! Listings in the What’s ON Event Guide are free of charge and include web/social media updates ad dimensions and information On magazine is printed in full colour in handy A6 size (105 x 148mm) - big enough to catch your eye, small enough to stash in your pocket. Please provide ads as high resolution (300dpi) pdf, tif or jpeg files in CMYK colour. Make sure all images used are 300dpi and fonts are embedded. All text should be at least 5mm inside the trimmed size. BOOK YOUR AD FOR 4 ISSUES AND GET YOUR 15% discount $599 $249 from $349 Your Ad will include a listing in our ‘On the Map’ Section plus a link on our website and regular social media shoutouts. $249 $179 publishing schedule Vol. 4, Issue 6 , Summer 2012-2013 Vol. 4, Issue 7 , Autumn 2013 Vol. 4, Issue 8 , Winter 2013 Vol. 4, Issue 9 , Spring 2013 Booking and Artwork Deadline 19th October 2012 31st January 2013 30th April 2013 31st July 2013 marketing services The On girls offer full graphic design, writing and PR services at competitive rates: From brochures to logos, copy writing to proofreading, social media to events... Just ask! Launch Date 1st December 2012 1st March 2013 1st June 2013 1st September 2013 WE CAN DESIGN YOUR AD FOR YOU! ONLY $60 FLAT RATE on the team GI Juliane Bray Publicity Juliane moved to Wanaka from Wellington in 1992. Since then she spent 15 years snowboarding on professional competition circuits and competed at the 2006 and 2010 Winter Olympics. She loves the Wanaka lifestyle and believes On Magazine is a wonderful platform for locals to express themselves and provide information for each other and visitors alike. juliane@onmag.co.nz Bridget Hall Design Bridget is a graphic designer from Wanaka. She has been Art Director for a number of magazines including NZ Snowboarder, NZ Skier, NZ Skateboarder and currently NZ Triathlon and NZ Bike magazines. She loves being part of On Magazine because it’s a fun creative outlet and an opportunity to show what a great community we have. bridget@onmag.co.nz Laura Williamson Deputy Editor Laura is a Canadian writer and editor based in Wanaka. She’s been publishing everything from political commentary to feature articles to poetry to off-colour humour here and abroad since the early nineties. That’s very early, like before parabolic skis and the Internet. She reckons Wanaka is fairly special and hopes On Magazine reflects this. www.laurawilliamson.co.nz laura@onmag.co.nz Annabel Wilson Editor S Annabel Wilson is a writer from Wanaka. She has had her work published in NZ Skier, the Wanaka Sun and The Otago Daily Times. Her current obsessions are hot pineapple, finding the perfect snowflake and escapades out of the Upper Clutha basin in search of the horizon. www. inpursuitofthepoeticline. blogspot.co.nz annabel@onmag.co.nz contact For further information or contributions please contact: Annabel Wilson annabel@onmag.co.nz Laura Williamson laura@onmag.co.nz Juliane Bray juliane@onmag.co.nz RL Phone: 022 0188 314 Online: www.onmag.co.nz, Facebook, Twitter For ad design enquiries contact: Bridget Hall bridget@onmag.co.nz
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