Winter 2011 - Seton Williamson Foundation


Winter 2011 - Seton Williamson Foundation
pgs .
Kids Are
New Pediatric
Unit Meets Growing
Need for Growing Kids
Meet Our Child
Life Specialist
pg .
Seton Circle
pg .
Mock Trauma Event
Centenarian Leaves
$350,000 to Seton
pg .
Seton in the
Heart of Texas
pg .
Kids Are Different
New Pediatric Unit Meets Growing Need for Growing Kids
On a typical day you might find Sophia Pelache, a friendly third grader with an
endearing grin, swimming, playing in her playhouse, or happily tackling her
homework. But on the morning of Tuesday, November 15, she was on her way to
Seton Medical Center Williamson, where she would later be admitted as one of the
first patients in the medical center’s new Pediatric Unit. Sophia had a severe case
of gastroenteritis. When her symptoms became worse, her mom Jessica Pelache, a
member of the Seton Women’s Development Board, brought Sophia to the Emergency
Department. The eight-year-old had become severely dehydrated after persistent
vomiting and was experiencing rigors or “shakes and shivers.”
Read more on page 2
A newsletter for friends of the Seton Williamson Foundation
Supporting Seton Medical Center Williamson, a member of the Seton Healthcare Family
Kids are Different (Continued from cover)
“When I first saw Sophia’s lab results, I was really concerned,” said Dr. Franchesca Estrada, a
pediatric hospitalist who now divides her time between Dell Children’s Medical Center and Seton
Medical Center Williamson’s Pediatric Unit, an affiliation with Dell Children’s. “She was a very
sick little girl. Dehydration had caused disturbing electrolyte levels and her kidneys were showing
signs of stress due to a loss of fluids.” Dr. Estrada explained to Sophia and her mom that she
would need to stay and receive IV fluids to treat her severe dehydration.
“It didn’t really occur to me that she would need to stay overnight in the hospital,” said Jessica.
“Rather than going to Dell Children’s, which truly is an amazing place, it was a relief for all of
us that she could stay close to home and receive the level of care she needed. It’s scary to see
your child so sick, but everyone here has been wonderful, from the emergency physicians to the
pediatricians and nurses. The dietician even brought Sophia a stuffed animal.”
What Types of Conditions Are Treated in the Pediatric Unit?
Eight-year-old Sophia Pelache was one
of the first patients treated in the new
pediatric unit.
Illnesses and injuries which are considered low acuity, or less complex, such as gastroenteritis,
croup, asthma, allergic reactions, pneumonia, fractures, fever and others, could typically be
treated at the Seton WIlliamson Pediatric Unit. While the Pediatric Unit is affiliated with Dell
Children’s, it does not provide the high level of pediatric care for complex conditions available at
The Pelache family is
especially grateful that Seton
Medical Center Williamson
has opened the Pediatric Unit
where Sophia could receive
the care she needed close to
home. As a supporter of Seton
Williamson Foundation, you
have played an important
role in the growth and
success of the medical center,
and we thank you for your
generosity. It’s because of
you that children have a new
home for pediatric inpatient
care in Williamson County.
Please continue your support
- find out how by turning to
the back cover.
that facility.
Who is on the Pediatric Care Team?
In affiliation with the experienced leaders of Dell Children’s, the Pediatric Unit is supported by
pediatric hospitalists -- pediatricians who care for hospitalized children, coordinate input from
the care team and share information with the family’s primary care physician. Pediatric hospitalist
Dr. Mark Shen serves as the new Medical Director of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Experienced
pediatric acute care nurses and respiratory therapists, who also treat patients at Dell Children’s,
work in the unit. Children also have the support of a Dell Children’s Child Life Specialist (see
article page 3), an expert in child development who helps enhance children’s skills for coping in
the hospital environment. Dietitians, case managers, social workers, chaplains and others round
out the team.
How Does the Pediatric Unit Cater to Kids?
The Seton Williamson Pediatric Unit is a space designed for families, offering a safe healing
environment where kids can be kids. The unit includes eight private rooms on the fifth floor
with comfortable sleeping options for parents, a playroom for patients to experience the healing
power of play, and cheerful colors and age-appropriate artwork which make the space feel kid
“Pediatricians often say, ‘Children are not small adults,’” explained Dr. Estrada. “They, and their
families, need different types of support and services, and they can find that here. Like Sophia,
the Pediatric Unit at Seton Williamson is a place where children can recover beautifully.”
By the Numbers
The Seton Williamson Pediatric Unit helps to fill a community need for pediatric hospital care
close to home.
• Inthepasttwoyears,about25%ofpatientstreatedinSetonWilliamson’semergency
department were children. This represents over 4,500 children.
• ThegrowingrateofchildrenarrivingatSetonWilliamson’semergencydepartmentisa
reflection of Williamson County’s growing and evolving population. The pediatric population
next decade.
• About28%ofWilliamsonCountyresidentsareunder18yearsofage.
Pediatric nurse Kara Moellenberg is
one of many nurses from Dell Children's
Medical Center who staff the unit.
Meet Our
Laura Wilson
Laura Wilson always knew she wanted to work with kids. Her eyes
were opened to an exciting career path when a child life specialist
and how the
spoke during one of her college courses. The work of a child life
equipment will be used -- all on a level that the child understands.
specialist brought together her love of children and interest in health
care in a very personal way.
Child Life Specialists can also offer diversions designed to help children
manage, such as bubbles, music, toys or a favorite video. Laura also
“I had two open heart surgeries as a child, so I know firsthand what it
helps facilitate common coping techniques, including deep breathing,
feels like to be sick and in the hospital,” said Laura. “There can be a lot
counting, or squeezing a stress ball. Reducing stress and anxiety during
of fear and anxiety.”
medical procedures not only helps children cope but also contributes to
the healing process.
A trip to the hospital can be upsetting for anyone, but children are
particularly vulnerable. To support the unique needs of children during
Child Life Services is a key part of
stressful situations, Seton Medical Center Williamson has hired Laura as
the complement of pediatric care
its new Child Life Specialist.
now available with the opening
of the new Seton Medical Center
An experienced Emergency Room Child Life Specialist with Dell
Williamson Pediatric Unit. Laura
Children’s Medical Center, Laura is an expert in child development and
will provide services to patients
uses her knowledge to help enhance children’s coping skills through
in the Emergency Department
play, preparation, education and self-expression.
and those who are admitted. The
She graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of
with a Wii game system, art easel,
Science in Human Ecology and majored in Child and Family Studies. She
completed a 480-hour internship at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
and passed the Child Life Council Certification Exam in November 2009.
“When I work with children, one of my goals is to help them
understand and cope with the hospital environment on a
developmental level appropriate for each child,” said Laura. “Each
child is unique in how he or she responds to hospitalization, and it is
my job to assess the child’s specific needs and coping styles.
For example, if a child arrives at the Emergency Department and needs
an IV or stitches, Laura helps prepare him or her step by step for the
hospital’s new playroom, equipped
infant play area and toys and
games, will be an area where
children can feel safe to express
their emotions.
“As a core team
member, Laura
allows us to provide
care that minimizes
the stresses of
the illness and
maximizes the
strength of the
children and family.”
-- Dr. Mark Shen,
Medical Director of
Pediatric Hospital
Medicine at SMCW
“My Child Life philosophy is
centered around play as a healing and expressive outlet for children in
the hospital. Opportunities for children to direct their own play helps
them deal with difficult hospital experiences,” said Laura. “It’s a setting
where they are in control.” 3
Seton Circle Members Raise $10,250
for Breast Cancer Initiative
“We are thrilled to support our hospital
with this gift which goes toward
specialized medical equipment that will
help provide us–mothers, daughters,
sisters, friends and neighbors–with the
best possible care through advanced,
early cancer detection techniques,” said
Seton Circle Co-Chair Nancy Crouse.
Jim Schwer
tner, Chairm
an, Seton W
of Trustees;
illiamson Fo
Nancy Crou
undation B
se, Seton C
Michelle R
ircle Co-Ch
obertson, C
On May 24, the Seton Circle granted $10,250 to Seton Medical Center Williamson
for the purchase of a stereotactic breast biopsy table to support the hospital’s new
Breast Cancer Initiative. Seton Circle members celebrated their second successful
fundraising year with a check presentation and baseball-themed event.
Seton Circle Co-Chairs Craig McCurdy and
Nancy Crouse
Festivities included live entertainment by Roland Waits, a Chicago-style build-yourown hotdog bar with Vienna Beef hotdogs, and a shaved ice station from The
Chocolate Cup. The evening ended with three lucky winners leaving with Round
Rock Express tickets courtesy of Gregg Miller, vice president, business development
with Round Rock Express.
Join Us!
The Seton Circle is a networking group for those who share an interest in
Seton Medical Center Williamson and want to provide philanthropic support
for its mission in Williamson County. With an annual membership gift of
$250 per person or $500 per couple, members meet quarterly to socialize
and learn more about innovative programs and the power of collective
philanthropy at Seton Williamson. Upcoming events include the Seton Circle
Christmas Party on December 18, and the Seton Northshore Circle Meeting
on January 11. Contact Taylor Fry at or 512-324-4061 to
Dr. Brian Aldred, wife Laura, and
daughters Emma and Chloe
learn how you can become part of this fun and dedicated group.
Mock Trauma Event
Showcases Life-Saving
Clinical Expertise
from Temple
Leaves $350,000 to
Seton Williamson
This summer, a 25-year-old male who suffered a brain injury as a result of a
When 99-year-old Dr. Lillian Marak Herbelin
motorcycle crash arrived at Seton Medical Center Williamson via helicopter. He
McKibben set out to learn more about the Seton
was met by a six-member trauma team and a group of captivated onlookers.
Healthcare Family, she went straight to the top and
In this case, the trauma patient was actually a mannequin, and the onlookers
contacted Charles Barnett, Seton president and CEO.
were elected officials, media representatives and hospital supporters invited to
That conversation led to Lillian’s first meeting with
witness a mock trauma response. The event provided guests with a rare, behind-
Donna Budak, executive director, Seton Williamson
the-scenes look at the newly designated Level II trauma center and the trauma
Foundation. Donna was intrigued by Lillian’s stories.
team in action.
This self-proclaimed “Yellow Dog Democrat” had
shaken the hands of every Democratic president from
Seton Medical Center Williamson was certified as a Level II trauma center in June
Roosevelt to Clinton and had worked in civil service
by the American College of Surgeons and the State of Texas. It is the first and
for more than 30 years.
only hospital in the region designated for this advanced level of care. As part of
the designation process, Seton Williamson has been delivering Level II trauma
As a devout Catholic, Lillian had always felt a strong
care since last year by enhancing its medical technology and bringing in expertly
connection to Seton even though she resided
trained staff.
in Temple. She wanted to learn more about St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Daughters of Charity and
“This achievement means that Seton
their work in Central Texas. Donna visited Lillian
Williamson has all of the facilities and
again and corresponded with her until she passed
resources for handling trauma needs
away a few months after her 100th birthday.
around the clock,” said Dr. Neel Ware,
medical director for the trauma center.
Lillian was honored throughout her life for her
“Time is of the essence, so having
contributions to the community and philanthropic
comprehensive trauma services close
endeavors focused on health care and education.
to home is of critical importance for
In her death, she honored the Seton Williamson
patient care.”
The Level II designation was made
possible because of significant
responde ma team members
together demonstrate how and EMS
during th
e mock tr they work
auma eve
Foundation with an amazing gift of $350,000.
Lillian’s thoughtful gift reflects her desire for Seton’s
mission to continue. If you would like to learn more
investments to enhance trauma
about including the Seton Williamson Foundation
care. As a supporter
in your will, contact the foundation office at
of Seton Williamson
(512) 324-4090 or online
Foundation, you have
played a key role in
bringing the best in trauma
care to the people of
Williamson County. Thank
you for all you do – our
patients and their families are
counting on your continued
ertson, SM he event received
ia. T
from med
questions ews coverage in W
s countie
and Travi 5
Seton in the Heart of Texas
Seton Women’s Development Board Celebrates Successful Event
The Seton Women’s Development Board hosted its fifth
fundraising event, Seton in the Heart of Texas, on November
12, and collected more than $388,000 in sponsorships and
contributions to support building and equipment needs at
Seton Medical Center Williamson. Nearly 375 guests spent a
fun-filled evening at the beautiful and historic Schwertner
Ranch Event Center where they enjoyed a gourmet spread,
lively auctions and musical entertainment by People’s
Choice. Seton Williamson
Foundation extends its sincere
appreciation to Event Co-Chairs
Martha Grand
in, Nancy Max
well, Kellie Sc
Holly Coe an
d Jennifer Fo
Laura Aldred and Jill Marshall,
President Mary Rodriguez and
the event committee for their
boundless creativity, enthusiasm
and hard work which made the
event such a smashing success.
Event Chairs Laura Aldred and
Jill Marshall
Heartfelt Thanks to Our Event Sponsors
Mary & Troy Rodriguez
Aero Centex
Barho / Hays / Kiltz / Krenek
Mary and
Troy Rodri
guez and
BBVA Compass Bank
Janet Hew
Champion Site Prep / Ramming Paving Company
Melissa & Mark Dietz / Betty Lord
Extraco Banks
Marsha & Bryan Farney
Seton Supporter
Fenter / Sherman / Stewart / Warrington
Abbott Vascular
First Texas Bank Georgetown
Acadian Ambulance Service
First Texas Bank Round Rock / Leffingwell & Associates, P.C.
Crave Catering
Gantt / Schmitt / Steger / Stephens
Nancy Crouse & Craig McCurdy
Shana & Dan Gattis
Lillibridge, Inc.
J.P. Concrete / Jill & Paul Marshall
Mercedes Benz of Georgetown
Karen Kahan & MariBen Ramsey
Quenan’s Jewelers
Independent Bank – Round Rock / Georgetown
Round Rock Premium Outlets
Little River Healthcare System / Standards Home Health
Sodexo Healthcare Services
Lone Star Circle of Care
Schwertner Ranch Event Center
Nyle Maxwell Family of Dealerships
Plains Capital Bank
Posey Law Firm, P.C.
Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union
Suzy & Jeff Rusk
Dr. Belinda Schwertner & Representative Dr. Charles Schwertner
Craig Staebel, M.D., P.A.
University Federal Credit Union
Wells Fargo
Mason Health, LLC
Ranch Hand
Alpha Painting & Decorating Co., Ltd.
Debbie & Mick Brethower
Capitol Anesthesiology Association
Schwertner Farms / Schwertner State Bank
Emergency Service Partners, L.P.
Austin Radiological Association
Austin Regional Clinic
Capital Surgeons Group / Southwest Bariatric
Surgeons Group
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons, P.A
Harden’s Family of Companies
ReitPath Pathology
Sierra Microwave Technology
Texas A&M Health Science Center Foundation
In 2008, Seton Medical Center Williamson opened to serve residents
in Williamson County and surrounding areas. Three years later – and
thanks to your generous philanthropic support – the medical center
continues to grow and expand its healthcare programs and services.
Seton Williamson offers advanced healthcare services and has recruited
highly trained medical professionals who are using the most advanced
technology, all to better serve patients. In the Seton tradition, every
patient who walks thought the doors of Seton Medical Center
Williamson, regardless of their ability to pay for services, will be
treated with the highest quality, person-centered care.
d Patti
Jim an
Your donations are making a huge impact on the lives of people who
live in and around Williamson County. We ask that you please continue
your support to help ensure future success.
Please use the form below to send in your donation or turn to the back
of this newsletter for more ways you can show your support. Thanks
for all you do!
eth Th
ara and
olley, Tam attis
Mandy H
a an
niel, Shan
Bryan Da
Cut here.
I want to support building and equipment needs at Seton Medical Center Williamson.
 $1,500
 $1,000
 $500
 $250
 $100
 Other $____________
 Please make checks payable to Seton Williamson Foundation.
 Credit Card:
Organization (if applicable)
Card Number
You may also give online at
Signature 7
Board of Trustees
Jim Schwertner, Chairman
Charles Avery, III, Vice Chairman
David Hays, Secretary
Ty Barho
Nancy Crouse
Bryan Farney
Dan Gattis, Jr.
Keith Hickman
Randy Howry
John Kiltz
Frank Krenek
Frank Leffingwell
Betty Lord
Don Martin
Steve Peña
Laura Robinson
Troy Rodriguez
Jeff Rusk
Bonnie Sells
David Singleton
201 Seton Parkway
Round Rock, TX 78665
P 512.324.4090 F 512.324.4657
PERMIT #2525
Change Service Requested
Ex-Officio Members
Charles J. Barnett, FACHE
Donna Budak, FAHP, CFRE
Chad Dieterichs, MD
Kenneth L. Gladish, PhD
Mark Hazelwood
Community Volunteer Leadership
Mary Rodriguez
Seton Women’s Development Board
Nancy Crouse
Craig McCurdy
Seton Circle
Seton Medical Center Williamson
(512) 324-4000
Philanthropy makes the difference between a good hospital and a great one.
We need you!
The Beacon is also available
on our website at
ENJOY fun events while supporting Seton Medical Center Williamson.
All events take place at the hospital.
On the cover: Sophia Pelache
Beacon is published twice each year for
donors and friends of Seton Medical Center
Williamson. It is a publication of the Seton
Williamson Foundation, Donna Budak,
executive director.
The newsletter is compiled by the production
team of Bianca Bellavia, Adrienne Leyva, Melissa
Gable, Alison Plueckhahn and various staff
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome
at For more
information about support provided by
the Seton Williamson Foundation, visit
GIVE a safe online donation at or mail a donation in the attached envelope.
PLAN for the future and make a lasting gift by including Seton Williamson Foundation in your
will. For more information, call Tim Aronson at (512) 324-4093 or visit
VOLUNTEER your time – our patients and staff need you and appreciate your help!
Call (512) 324-4298.
You can ensure good health for your friends and neighbors in Williamson County! For more information
about how you can support the good work at Seton Medical Center Williamson, call (512) 324-4090 or