CASE - A EUROPEAN-CHINESE PROJECT: CAMPING IN CHINA - An invitation to all camping associations, organizations, related companies, and industries to take part in the exciting development and building up of the future leisure life activities for Chinese citizens and foreign tourists. Introduction CASE – EU-China Matchmaking for Camping Facilities and Services is a project with the aims of: - establishing a basis for a future business co-operation between European and Chinese camping organizations, - introducing European camping related technologies and standards to China. Europe has a long-term experience in developing camping facilities, services, and camping industry. Through CASE, Chinese camping community will adopt European knowhow for the establishment of a new dimension in Chinese leisure life: Camping. In this sense CASE will open a new business sector and a new market in China for European industry and Chinese investors, and strengthen mutual trade and investment flows between Europe and China in all camping related sectors. This brochure is an introduction to this great project that surely in a rather short time will give inexperienced leisure time opportunities for Chinese families - and for foreigners who want to explore the great Chinese country. The project is also an opening to a new world of wide range possibilities for both European and Chinese business life, and the brochure is an invitation to any related industrial or commercial company to take an active part in the project. The CASE partner group The CASE partnership involves 4 associations: - BVCD: The German Federal Association of Camping Economy - BPV: Consulting and Planning of Transport in Germany - BAMSA: Beijing Automotive & Motor Sports Association - DCB: The Danish Camping Board Germany is in any aspect the biggest camping country in Europe, and BVCD, representing a great part of German campsites, has originally taken the initiative of this EUfunded project together with the BPV that has already been involved in Chinese road constructing projects. The Chinese partner, BAMSA, was asked by the Municipal Government to start planning for developing camping services in Beijing, first of all to support the organization of the Olympic Games, but secondly to meet the future demand for camping services. China has a fast developing economy that without any doubt will cause an increasing demand for transport and leisure life, and as auto travellers really are a fundamental base for the camping market, it seems quite obvious why BAMSA is a natural participant in the project of establishing a model for future camping services in the whole country as well as forming a market strategy for camping related business. The DCB – the long term experienced “umbrella organisation” representing all campsites and camping associations in Denmark– has accepted the invitation from BVCD to join the CASE programme. DCB is responsible for innovation and development of the unique 5-star Camping Classification System in Denmark and Scandinavia. These 4 associations have decided to carry out the CASE project in accordance with Chinese tourism policy and stra tegy for establishing camping services in China. In order to fulfil the obligations of CASE the best European experience, technologies and standards will be at the disposal of the project. The aim is that in the long run the project will support the creation of a wide spectrum of business opportunities, especially in camping related production and trade. Development of camping capacity Preparations have already been made by the Chinese Federation of Camping and Caravan (CFCC) for the development of camping in the whole nation over a period of 5 years, and this includes a so called “3-circle route” and a ”2- route” with several large scale and fully equipped campsites: The “3-circle”: Beijing - Yangtze River Delta – Pearl River Delta, The “2-routes”: 1. Beijing – Shenzhen, 2. Xian – Urumchi The campsites will be built along the routes following the best international standards, and due to the needs of the 2008 Olympic Games the first official Chinese campsites will be established in the Beijing area. – So the above mentioned model for future campsite services will be built here. Target Groups Though camping is at a very early stage there are already well-defined interest groups – in the CASE project referred to as “Target Groups”. There are in all 10 Target Groups, the first 4 being directly “involved” in the campsite: - Car owners (potential camping tourists) - Architects, land use planners, and construction companies - Potential Chinese camping operators - Camping and outdoor clubs The other six are either manufacturers or traders of caravans/camping equipment, car travel or leasing companies, IT commerce groups, and people living around the possible campsite areas. The last Target Group: “People living around - -“ will feel the influence of a campsite in a quite different way: The commercial life in the surroundings is going to flourish because camping guests will appear in the shops and at the markets. CASE Forum A Camping Co-operation Forum will be established to coordinate the works during and beyond the 2 year period of CASE. The forum will involve about 60 European and 60 Chinese organisations that are already active in the camping related fields. This forum shall also secure a long-term EU-China co-operation around the camping project. For the exchange of experience and discussions of potential co-operation the members must be interested in taking part in the work in China and/or Europe (e.g. authorities, camping service operators, architects, land use planners, construction companies, camp equipment providers, caravan and mobile home providers/ manufacturers etc.). Matchmaking events and activities 2 matchmaking seminars are planned for the members of the so called Target Groups. A. Seminar I - in Europe, Nov. 27th – Dec. 03rd 2006 The major activities for about 60 European and 24 Chinese participating companies will be “face-to-face” meetings with European partners, visits to camping related industries, visits to German and Danish campsites, and a number of important ad hoc discussions among the delegates. The Chinese companies will be offered technical visits to selected European camping business companies. The Chinese delegation will also get a presentation of European practices (experience, techno-logies, standards on location) concerning planning, establishing, and operating of camping services. The European experts connected to the programme will be present and available during the whole seminar. B. Seminar II - China, Oct. 15th – 21st 2007 The 2nd seminar is going to take place in Beijing. This time more than 60 Chinese and about 40 European companies are supposed to be present. Like Seminar I: A new round of “face-to-face” meetings and technical visits will be arranged. According to the modern European standards for campsite establishment a complete preparation for the model campsite in Beijing will be introduced to the group. At this stage partnership agreements among the participating companies should be organized and arranged. This is also the stage where future marketing procedure for the Chinese camping should be discussed and prepared concerning both domestic and foreign tourism. Capacity building: A. Camping Training Courses The CASE programme includes training courses to take place after Seminar 2. During Seminar I different needs for training courses will be defined and determined, and Chinese officials and professionals – about 60 persons – will be selected for a varied training programme. Major criteria for participation in training courses: - Working personnel in China in camping related fields (staff of municipal sports departments, architects, land use planners, potential service operators, personnel in construction companies etc.) - Interest in learning European good practices and operating camping infrastructure. Possible topics: The camp warden’s daily routines and responsibility fields, service to the guests, cleaning of area and facilities, administrative responsibility, personnel management. Training courses for planning and establishing campsites will be set up ad hoc to meet the necessities and wishes of architects, land use planners, engineers, or contractors. B. Planning and advising of model campsite The basis for projecting and designing of a campsite will be the highest and well-experienced European classification standards – reasonably adapted to Chinese conditions and requirements. Camping is still at the initiating stage, and the future camper family will possess no camping equipment of their own. For some time a rental capacity for staying overnight is required, but a change into mobile camper families with their own tents, caravans, or motor homes must be expected within less than 10 years – a development to be foreseen at the planning stage! The main task is to advise the planners how to establish the model campsite for which certain facts and specifications about the camping field must be available. A first step will be the capacity building report containing proposals of the main infrastructure: This report is a complete campsite plan including explanations of single elements and details. General comments China is at the beginning of new leisure life style in which Nature will get a high priority especially among people living in the cities; - they will choose fresh, unpolluted air, woods, mountains – far away from working life and industrial areas and pollution. Others (mostly families with children) will enjoy their holidays in activity-/holiday centres or amusement parks where parents can relax together with their children. Camping must meet with different expectations from the camping guests: Some people want luxury, others will go for simple sites and quietness, and this should be remembered by the all campsite planners: Camping has to show a great variety to the guests and offer something for every taste! And it is to be remembered, too that camping life creates a new equal and social life among people that makes titles or employment status quite unimportant! CASE Website Since June 20th 2006 CASE website has been operating in an English version, and a Chinese version is due to start in July 2006: This site will continuously be updated with the latest information about the CASE project. Contact Person in Europe Dr. Gunter Riechey BVCD Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 86, 10589 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 33778320, Fax: +49 30 33778321 E-mail: or Contact Person in China Mr. Wen Zhang Beijing Auto & Motor Sport Association 1 Laoshan Road, Beijing, China Phone: +86 10 88912374, Fax: +86 10 68874519 E-mail: